, W amy t.ilrwnl to Uu sown (tie America FUf, ttnoot hlta on tot a.uot Pi Otn. Dix. (EljcCDrcgottrgua. W. T. Adams, Editor. OBxaow cxxv: S AT U RPAY, JANUARY '23, 1Si52. Rklkask of Masos and Si.ipki.i.. Whila the liciirt of erery true American beats quicker at the thought that the re linquishment of these traitors U duo in scaio part to the representations of Eng land,, backed bjr the opinion nnd advice- of France, with ether great European powers, as reasonable nieu we can only remember that we os a notion have always declared, and have been ready to maintain by force of arms, the integrity of a neutral (lag on the high seas. And the French Emperor seems to havo based his advice to the American Government, on the propriety of her niaintaiuiug consistency in theory and practice on this point. The fact that Rritain took counsel with oilier nations, whose declarations on the subject had been more liberal than her own, makes it in point of fact, when we consider that her action or decision was based on their ad vice, a recognition of a principle which may truly be called an American idea. So that while we may still applaud Com. Wilkes, as a patriot and a hero, the re lease of his two captives, on considerations of governmental policy, and with states manlike views of future rights and inter ests, to be regulated partly at least by this precedent, and to be gnardid by our pres ent observance of the principles of inter national law and justice, is after all, d. Ili cult though it be to realize it in our pr s cut excited state of filling, wise and proper. The principle nloue is at stake, and this is probably settled forever by the really man ly course of our Government, despite the lusty conclusions of some of its menders, in making final dicisiou on the rpnst oit of the rights of neutrals. Another question which we regard as more important, as well as more mibarr.is-1 injr, is the armed invasion ol Mex can soil ! by a forrgu force. Despite our intinie-! cine war. with all its possible and unliable ! .. .. .. . , evils, the Monroe Doctr.ne I es bevond m il i ' i above our domestic iJ.liieiiitics, a? a so ,itne ! of policy which we have not, and which we ! will nor, utiles our presfge as a n ition i ccmpletely destroyed, aban ton. At pres ent, our energies and t sources ere fully taxed in an tffort to overcome nn insurrec tion and rebellion, more terrible than ever threatened the exist' nee of a gr. at nation. When this work is accomplished, we may safely promise that neither disposition nor ability will be l icking to pay off any f r- ctL'ii debts that may deiu.ind sett clie nt, in order that our honor may be maintained. ! 1 I Mr. Lewis Day, formerly of this place, c-.iific.-v3 iiii.--.i, iiz'. 1 tut inn i 111111 iu. nil 1 ' " 1 !... I I .. I Tl II . . . I . . er for Tniev anil Co. on u.e 1 urui.nu ami jjiks rouie, inane a inp ; ovr his beat on foot durinj the coldest ! weather of the s-tison. II; made his way -lave, ainl b. -m-.v 1,'ni nn the n..ii.-l.i;.-bo! someti.n.jon the ice. and sometimes on the ' fT if ? lr 1!'M,",V' , , . ,. , , , Do to litem in I:,. V Would do to Mill shore, beting his way through Miotr four ; ,,art, ,,,,.,;.( ,,,. feet in depth. At the Dalhs snnw was I .P!,t -!:i v.-li.!l r" Di-tr n t lie ir -..iitii. I three feet deep and still falling. Great an I, if tl i' shuiihl t."t be snlli i;t. t . k- suffering Olid loss of slo.k. through the up. per country. The theruuui.t tr at tin Dalles Mood 12 degrees below z -ro, mid nt Desthutis 27 beluw. When Day h ft the Dulles, the snow wns four fat nnd .ix fat . . 1 (t 1 1 . ai u.e LaKaues on ins mum. I tl(. ,,.,, .r. v j ., v., Mr. Day r.o-ts the n-gro (had wl,.,',,, , ,;k 'IJ,.' r- l,llt f,"w made the assault njon Mr. Gil.:t ond i .,,,11 i).mi. that Gibson was able lo walk uhout hi room w hen lie h ft the Dalles. The ti.-gro lived four davs after he !ml hiinv lf. Co,.. B.iKn.I"so,c of the disunion and .rn .1,1,1,,. ,.riB tnakincr ,1, crra.,. ' ' - - " " , ' . but unarailing 1 Hurts 10 uaiiuiai.i .re ca.i tal out ol the life and death of our gull int. Senator While sueli ntts' ks arc in lie to -fclves disgraceful, the position which Ore gon's (lead Senator holds in public estima tion not only here, but wherever loyul Americans nre found, forbids the idea Hint any one should rumm'-ml him-. If by a 11 nt tempt to cast imputations on the integrity or ability of a mint who stood more than head and houhh-rs above his detractors, and who left behind him a reputation fur boneiity and ability which his intiniis can uevcr hope to rivul or obscure. Wmiiikk. After passing through mi unusually long spell of hard w.uth.r, it began to rnnngc on .vuujay, met during the wei k since, the snow has been . tiling and thawing gradually, while the rise of water und iiuT'-usiiiif rottenness of the in- Caused it to givo way on Thursday, when it broke vp opporile Oregon City, nnd was nwrpt nwi.y. Some of the bergs were sey erul feet above the water, find niii't Imye been submerged at kaU 20 or 30 feet, nnd 1 they strnnded md rolled their white shi ning sides up, or came in collision, icuttcr Ing cryitnl frsgments fur and wide, il wn rather fino light, purticuhirly ui promis ing a resumption of nuvigution. ajr A late telegraphic dispatch from the East says that the banks of New York, Philadelphia, and Bo-ton Imre siipend"d fpreie paymetils J'o'l Tin: Union- Cut. T';e platform is ue cess.tr ly brief, nnd that statement of the relative positions of the ot.lv tn parties in the present contest, made by the National American, published at Bel Air, Maryland, is no Kss true than to the point: "There are two parlies in the country only two One goes for crushing out rebellion by the Government; the other is for crushing out the Government by rebellion." Let no man be deluded by sympathizing political editors who have preached th.it Democracy meant disunion and secession, ever since the great secession from the Charleston Convention, where a minority, finding they could not rule, resolved to ruin; a resolu tion to which they have religiously adhered so far; but let every man in whose mind is u lingering particle of donlit us to pirsoual duty in the present cris's, review the curse of the Breckinridge nnd I.ane wing, nnd sec if anywhere he can find either ntnong the lenders or their consistent followers the manifestation of anything but a resolution, stubborn ns death, to destroy where they could not govern. Now, in point of real importance, it makes no difference what a man has been calhd, or what measures he may have favored, so that in this crisis he is for the Union nnd gaint rebellion. Democracy does not mean disunionism, nor do. a lv puMicaiilMi) mean abolitionism; but these terms, either of which di lines our free institutions, are almost synonymous, and indicate n rule of the people, where their will is fairly expressed and faithfully carried out. Old platforms" and declarations ore thrown aside, and the people should r, juice that party shackles are for once broken, nnd that loyalty, ability, horn sty, and per sonal popularity are only to lo consulted ill the choice of public servants, so that il the bct material ;s not u-ul, the fault rests on no party, but on the j-enple tli.m- si lvis. I he loyal element in tins Mate as throughout the entire North, unlindies (In best, if not all the t ih nt in the country, and in a si lection, if old intriumrs are i,nt al lowed to dictate too much, l.o !. 111. allies need be tipprtheiidi'd. 0;;-ti;w:;. War s non-U f John t m-hunr. The Hon John Cochrane, m ' Culoin I of a New Ymk Regiment at Wa-hirgtou city, lately made a speech tin re at a Si !'.- n.u'.e, on the subject of the war and A ivcty The pit'l is in the fi.lnn lug pur.igriph, which is cpiotnl rn-!t,m: "Tins is a w.ir which mows toward the protection of our honn s, the ty o! oi.r s- -' "f '" " t ir and the protect;, , . ' In sueli a wr we in nt our lir- s d- s are ju-t li. il. and are Ihmiih! to r nirl to evi-rv fnp-e within our power. Shall we imt v-ize tie- cntinn i.t B'-au'ort, tl." ii-.niiit ons of w.u: A-.. I if von would s.-r.'.e their prop' ny. nun t ei ports, niid evi ii ! it my tin ir l.v.s, I n.v you w hether yen wo-ihl imt u-e tin ir -I ;vi wle th'-r yi.ii wi.-ild n"t nun tlo-.r 1 v s, 'great apphoi--, ! .-m l carry l!.-i.i ;n bat tali.n.s ui- ilti-t th' ir m-utT-? Tuuiiiliu mil appl oi"" ' 1 1 1 1 - i r y to iae tl.ii Oiiv-rtmi'i't, I wiiuld phi':.'.' tl,,-r whole eouii'rv, bhu k and white, in nae in ! serin iimte i"-a of Idniid. so lint we l.nul l, in the etnl, liave n 1 1 on riilin M wii.eti ii , m I "'' " Y have ru. in v.e.ir f iiels, pho-i d th'-re Inr the pur- ti'i.e of t-xti nninat;:ig nn . ie mv nnle-s li" submit In law, nnb r, in d C p. -I in . vi rv- fle to i" the ,. tf ;ii . , 1 . t-on. I f Ie- n i,l nut 11' r i.p. thi:i " t h:it eon;' 1 in Vu:;r w i ; -it ihe cotton-i xiilud" the r-..rton- 1 the slave dv tit- liaml, pl.ee a mu-kel II. If, and ill j"l s lianie lid I1111 itr.k'- tnr the l,b( rly nf the human rare."' f Iuiiie i.-e !iijihiu-e. J John Cochrane ii a h-adii.g D .tnnrr.it of N. w Yoik, nnd I, is p 'lllnti i-l uwi hmv States b.gin " pe.11 .;" m li lmi- Hrfnrt I nnjrrii. A writer sitting in the Report. M (;..! ,h' 1 l:M f'U " f V to the N. V TtM "These t on..-' iitr;.: or- of grive nnd seein'iigly nppP )'.! I.r.v-glii rs, f.n.in this Ib-porler'n (Lilhry tiny grJ thrm.gli with n form now. Bui how evi. hid it is to nil behold'.rs ihi.t tl.i-re is n stormy d. bate brewing I.t re, and llint the r.-'olv-s wh rh 'live nat oi.-, ns I'riinec was -itv. ,1 by ,,yeH III, I noes g,v..li ill sesiiona ihnt w, ie solemn ly mled to be permanent, hp-silently I ik ing shape in the hearts of Ih- p upl.-'n r-- , resMitativi. If liiiMtruiy of Ihe IVnrnar be inar.-hed, and n great nnd d.ri ive l,at-j) He be won, tin. vs-ion of Congress Will j gratefully nnd lierr-vanly b" a shorl one. It will be long nnd pai- omile, if the I'ps-id.-lit 111 Co'iilliatider ill Chief nn ,r the Constitution, docs not tie to il that the volunteers, who volunteered to light und not to lyb.'rnitle, nre brought fare lo fare with the enemy. " Clu-e ipiurtrrs," and not " winter quartern,'' ii the cry in the ramps. This cry will find full eehu ill j the popular House, fuller eh(j in the con vrviitive Semite. A speedy battle, and tin An-lei)itiie tory, will save 114 from tuu.-h in 11 11 cuily iidjouriiin.-nt of the days of piirt,,br of de bate (hut good tempered men rife (Iml V forego. Otherwise, there is imtiiediniely upon us discussion of rmoliitioiii lo 11111111- ipitte the (iliv-(i in rebel States to en eip.ite l tic tiiuv. s in itic i;.siriri 01 Colum bia lo unit the slaves of r. bels to hire the slaves in rebel States (0 cultivate (lie nnd ;;ntlnr crops of rolfon, rice, sii'jtir and tobacco on I'ld.lal net mini discus- . on ot hills to cciitisciitc the !au, I in tin rebel Stales of bills to give bounty lands to the soldiers ami locate warrant for them exclusively south of the Potomac to colonize the rank and tile of the army throughout the slave States, nnd to hold the theatre of the rebellion under sueli pit lilical regeneration as Cromwell's English men held Ireland to confiscate rebel per sonal property throughout the North dis cussions about revenue, taxation, expendi ture, and thereout, before the end, n sav nge demand for n trcnchmeiit and econ omy." lliOM f .owiconvr. The buttle took place at Camp Wildcat, Ky. The tippioaeh ot Zollicoll'.-r with li.(KH) infantry. l.ol'O cavalry, and U piece j of artillery, was known for several days by I Col. Garr ard, who had si nt repeated and i urgent dispatches for aid for his devoted j band, reduced by sickness to little over i ft 00 men. The rebels came expecting an j easy victory, and talking confidently on the way of marching on to Louisville. ; In the nu-uutiuie, reinforcements were 1 hurrying forward the l"th Ohio, Col. 1 Wolhird's cavalry, the '22l Indiana, the j 11 th Ohio, with a battery of artillery, nnd j the 1st and 'Jd East Tennessee .Monday I moriiini Oct. "Jl.it, jul three mouths alter ' Hull Run, the battle commenced. The t lirst, nnd apparently the moit determined attack, was an attempt to seize the " Wind i ing Blades road. After being repulsed lit that point, they attempted to approach by the direct Loudon road. But tiny were met with such resolution that they soon abandoned the i ll'ort. A u'liill t lit-v rallied to carry the conical li II. By this time our ri-wforcmei.ts were nil up except the two Tennessee rci'inents that had lelt Camp link Rob.iiMin the morning pre vious, mill by loiTed inarches arrived on the ground about 0 o'clock Monday night. The i;-ht nt the hill wus severe mid bloodv. Tin" rel" Is i.ttetnpted the stratagem of pre- tendim" to be L', 1:011 fureei, nnd Were per i. lilted to u.-liew they were siiiTes.-ful till tl.ey In:. I app'oailieil witli, n twenty paces, uIkii at tic ciiiuiiiid "(live 'i m the lead," a ten ble mid destructive lire was opein d iij on tin m It was too much for tin in, a d they tied, pan c lr;ck. n, throw- n.g awi.y i;: wai: in to iii 1 n ii now eon i-kets it. II louh-,1, without vt tie Ir lire. Our ietory h t -. An nttuk at night w i I tile mure tiiaii a skinii i'i with tlnir rear guar ! to cover th.-ir preivpltate llight .lie : It w 111. t" ii a II e i g. r nlitl.ne nf the conflict.--s fu'l o! ii. cldi n', w hich mu-t be le't I u: t I the hi; pri 1-inii ,.. ..r. ,f It,.. r..l,..t. III II li. I. .1- r itior nve given linth writer ninPrea- Ii sil l-, tiur mortal ty is ten than lo a l c ii kllll-AII tD Lave hear! It u iltii s h si than oO. Tln irs ave bei II Very severe. I slniiitid at Itli.O. The VKH'ds tire .trewn with their d -a., many nf w lui'u in, r tiii-ii buried ; others are si ll f.'iitel, a'nl -':ii'-, in ull I kehhoo.l, will be i;i. the i i p i ninohg tin sc , t'lillH until -lirreetion ihall Wake the b-i-ilie; Tie V II--w tow ards Cliluberhind i'e el (in nig ', .-.,vi.ig nun-, ni coutP mi nts, t-lotli a:iil camp furiiiture in their fl'ght. Many nr" guns, mi ri i Ipiphii s e.'.h.b.te.l, Mirh ns il-'nls, knaps n ks, Id.lliket-, and , r i. .Igtcn nf war No'liing but the eh i-i-tliiii of our men (ruin the forced mrirrh by u !.-": tin y caiue up prevented a pur- i t nnd a rapture. The bretit nf every Ki i.liiekian will glow w 'h I I "ie :n l,e In-iirs reenuiit'.'il the .1. -p. r it- v dor w i t li whieli the m 11 of Col. Gnrrat d and Col. Wnl nrd's ruminalid met the intadi r- n tie ir li'ihlc old State, while iho-" nr i'.e iiii-m, with the generosity of ti u: ml I er-i, nre pmaipt to nmiru you 1 1. n but fur th- timely arrival mid indom. itable P -n'nt on of Ihe Iujiami and Oil 0 Irnop- lia y mu-t have been (iverpowen d. , The T- tun i-e. uii 4 biw-ii.l the late which 1 k"pt th' lil lan k until too lain for the fight. G.-li Shnei.f. ("Sin ft". 1 the t-ha f in rout- ,.! ,.M ,, ,;, t.1,;,;,l,M(.(. U(l.:r. tlou nf nil Hr i, Ilungarii.n I his pmn,,,. i , dm.. .1, the inllueiire of Mr. Hull, who dl... o-. iT' d his 111. ills while u iiiliopl.uate in the P,it--i,t (IIU, -e, when he was ( 'ui.iini- inn. r of Potent. Tie re ii no language lo d'-pirt the htif 'eiing of tl c p.nple who for Uie la.il two tli'i;,ti, hive bun Mibjulnl Id tin; ruvio'es ' of Zolil. bitndiis. The men iy men had j,,,,,,. , ,,,,,, I5,,),;,,-,,,, , l.o.viig lo, ,,,,.1 ey.-n to Fr.ilikfnlt, nnd they were ,.ft unprot. rl. d. Ai.dlor the n.-xt two g,.,,, rat 0',s the in.ii.e of ullirnfl', r for ;..,,,,,,,,..,,,' ,,,, Kcturkitins cull lll; wjj . n-nnriiited in the ininds of then; fciuipl'-'hearted tuoiintiiiueers with nil lage nnd rapine, nnd terror and llight, sep inning women nnd children. Not nil the li'innr-i In n tofore eotifei p t on him or which the future may have in store for him ! us 11 ileC. aleil (ii lu ral, would eotiipensiilt! tue for the tnaledirlimn upon him that will form tle-lr fin-side traditions for long years to I II. iN'II.I.Nr At mm' Fl.VIIIAI.. A thiill ng bifid, nt occurred nt the houso of (.'ol. Webb, just us the remains of (,'o. Ba ker were being removed lo the grave, His brother, Surgeon linker, ciituo for ward, and, choking with tears, requested that ihe body might bu borne out by a number of young soldiers, who hud rescued il, nt (he peril or their lives, from the hands of the 1 emy. When Baker fell, it was found (Iml nfler be, had been pierced in front by nix nflo bullem, (ho barbarous enemy bud thrmt wo Imyonels into the . . .. .. ....i. . mm i liacK 01 Hie uiuiiii.iieii cinpie. iw tempt was then made to ."any him off is n I.v ,L these, vi.nutr heroes Mil ir to' ..... ...J ,r.ll tlmt r....n.ii...t to tli. in of tl,.,ir.,,,nu,uder. They fonuht hand to hand with rebels, face In face in close and .I.mi.IIv oui.ter. until the body was recovered nnd borne off in triumph to Ihe Union camp. It wis well that such u guard of braves should be the lust to bear the shrouded remains of such n man as Bil ker to his final resting place. They march ed by his side in the procession, and when the prayer of Mr. Deiuiis.in was concluded nt Ihe cemetery, they enme forward nnd irentlv bore il to the dark and silent vault. The volleys followed, the troops formed in platoons, the music changed from a funeral to a martial air, and the obs. qui.-s of this rlvr to Union and Liberty were nt an lit it r cm: GAitum Davis. The Kentucky Legit- i :,. ..i i',,;i..,l s;i,,i,y s:, ii,,inr III III l , III l li iiuu (. v l,ii il " - - - - ' " , , 10 U.KO U.e pn.ee oi me .rau-r ,. .... ridge, were cosily divided between Hon.! r ' James iiu line, or u-r jsecreiary o. mr ' ' I retiMii v, nun viiiiii-ii i 'in ik. i in' linn i , was chosen ill caucus of the I moil mem- bers by only one v.ite over the former.-- ' J ii.. :.. i..... .... r . ...... I .. .;i.i. .....1 i..,. lit- ei il ill I in hi i ui Ltwiiii iiwiiiii, nun ,'i,. h ,h ' , , r. i. .. r......e.i.. ..i ii... w .ir 1 1 ,.. il'l III, I l 1 II lllll'llll l'l 111' 11 lilt." l,,i ll,i u tin ..i.t linn rii.iit.'i V to i nil. 1 .' ' . gress .several years ago, his service In thai body ending wiih the Congress of IS I j I. He was afterwards a ineiuln r of the Stale Cointitutioiuil Convention which met in lSI'.l, and (pposed vehemently the poli cy of electing Judges, Clerks, Sheriff-., Ac, by the popular vote, mid iidvo.-aled the old plan of having nil State ofliciuls i .i e i :.. - . it ... . . . ..v. i appointed by the Governor, nnd for life. J When the Convention drafted a new Con stitution, providing lor the election by pop- j nl. ir vote of neatly all Mate olhccrs, he re- fused In sign il. lie has thus 1 u ulirn coiin rvative during his w hole political en- p er. and an " old fogy ;'' but ree.iitlv h- has been one of the most active ol Union men. and il wusntliis instance mid lliroituh his i-.M-rt.ons that 1'ed. inl urins were brought and ii I-'ederiil camp foriued in the State. He is prepared I. COjiliy lengths for the Union eunse-even thul Mt-'gntid: ill rreiiiont's proelamatioii n few luoi.thi iil'o. nf 1 inaiic-nntiiii' the slaves of ri b. 1 nutrrs. .1. - S11 i urnN, Jan. S, I "-r, j En. Ari.IS: I cl -cover that editors mid corr. ipondeiils of several Union newipa iers are thus early bringing to our lmt.ee the importance of the t inning general flec tion. While tin y seem to agree that tin re should bo a unity of 1 ction on snuie jui Ui n I fair principles, jet there npprali to be 11 tiivi tiitv of opiiiinti liotv that 1 lid should be accotiipl ih. il. There eei tuii.ly should be 11 unity of action in 11 proper wav, nnd I 1 11 1 11 K 1 in i .111011 men w.ii :niiii s"ii;o i fair measures, ihut w ill ! siitisfuetoir to I la, th parties No one shuuld be trilil. .1 in I ..(V,.... .. I... ;., ....1 1 I-..; I "',11, ' 11 tt.'l. ,1 :-. ,111 v III,, I III. Ill A ml in xt in course he should In- '"'"I"- tent in every way In disehurge the Jut es ; nf an nfliee, and not only competent, but Willing lo carry oul the w iihin of the ntu-1 pie, as exprened before the . l.-cti,.... ' ,. . , , ... : Lvpenenee has taught us thut m '" , p.i-t too Mile interest has been lluin.r. ited ' both by the people mid the Legislature in P gard to inak.iig a good code of laws lor ' Oregon. Time are many laws, t II1V ' . , , . . , , j in. ml. Unit load lillieiulilig or repealing, 1 and otlii rs made lo lake their place And ', the Coii-titutioii, if it em. Hits w ith the in- In. -Is of the p. ople, should be amended. I I hold thai u mini competent to din j charge his duties in 1.11 office is al.-o rompi- tent to propo-e to the pi ople sin huietiiuri s for h giilat on as will prove 11 hru. lit to .... ., I majority of our people, ,( practically car- nedout. Hence, a Calidid.it.. for Slate ! Senate or llnilsu of Itepreseiilnlives, shmild j 1 be reipiired n hlale to the people whom he off n to serve, whether he favors all of the existing laws of our Slute, und what lawn hedois not approve or what new laws ought lo I.e tntide or what laws or parts of laws ought to be repculcd. If the yiewn enlertuilied mid L 1 1 lis ex pressed by the can didate, urc approved by the people, ho in the right muii for the office but if ilitnp. proved by tin in, he is not the mini ncedud nnd should not be supported. Lvcry can dula'.e for either of the iibove-linliied oflici s ought to Sieuk out pluinly, in order that Ihe people may know what I. gal sentunetits they nre called on to support in the candi date; mid Ihe people would do just right in refusing lo vote for any candidate who re-fu.-eil or declined lo give the people his le gal selilitnenls. In order, therefore, to dhow Ihe nccess.i. ty und thu jiiitiee of conforming lo Ihe foregoing suggestions, I will instance the following; There oughl, or there ought not, to be tin interest hiw, specifying what interest should bo received on money loaned, and no more. The people of Oregon ought, or tiny ought not, lo be allowed to uctns attorneys lor tiieinseives on their own business in the circuit or any other courls in this Sliilo. The geiieml election of Oregon oughl, or it ought not, o lulco place about thu first of November, in order to Nave thu addi tional expense of the Presidenliiil election every four yearn. The srHMion of (ha LegiHlulure ought, ut it ought, not, to take place about thitfrst of December, nt each regular hvmJ, in or der (Imt runners, inerhniilcN, undollier la boring men, cult then best leavo their bunl- nesn, and serre the peopln. Ihe people of Oregon ought, or ibey! ..l,i i. .it in be al owed to vote ny lia lot nt all elect Ions. The regllhit-on of Hie fees Mid sal... of nil the olli.eu in Oregon infill, or ought not. lobe placed ill reach of tin people; mi ihut limy may be cluing,. I by their l.c-iiduture, at any tesnon llieivol, . if thought pra. tin. The judiciary system of Oregon ought or it ought not, to be repealed ; nnd a new svstein orgni.lied 10 take ilS place; in wh cll it should provide that all the Judge., both high and low, la the persons that employ them, sufficient to remunerate them for their services; nnd that the civil nnd law- abiding eitiz. ns be not taxi d to pay the cost ol suits of the vicious and lawhss per muis, who generally employ those courts j And further, that the jurisdiction of Jus tice of the Peace ought, or it ought not In be extruded to a sum of one IIioiimiiu dollars; the parlies in suit, in said court, to j be allowed a trial by Jury, the same m -. ..! .1 circuit court. 0Ui( r ()f ( ir . . , . . . be iiained; lull enoilgll lias li. eii .ilalnl . . , . . . . coin nice any unbiased mind that our laws . . i .. .- r.i I need the specuil nllenlioii hi the people, '. ... ,, . ,. , ,, . 1 he lender will hn.l nolliing in tnls nr . . , tiele llint stands in Ihe wnv of liny mhll I i , i i t .'. .i . .i i . icalpurlv. Audi insist that the liMiiet . 1 1,1 ' III In al t o! all parlies slioliM eii;--ige In I these, or .lilliilar llieinnies, in old r lo am -nd our I tw s. It is ii No th-ilrcd tint, in the future, n of our fibers be judgid, and riw.irdu according lo their conduct in office m.d not as In relofnrc, when in. u were ju ami I'etviirih'd, iiccoi'iliug to Ihe sin nelli of ,i . , , . ,! i ; . ,i. .. . I 1,1 I Ml I 1 1 1, I! I, II I II' f , l . 1 . . . .. iiig'd I!' spcetfnllv mil s, 1!) nj. Cm oi ii. ".. V I Pniniaiil to notice the eitleiiH mi nnd , nroiiud the Upper Clin kauinH tin t ul the ' r.Mili nee of li. nj nn.n Snnlh fi.r the pur pon- of nigaiii. iig u jmut sin. k compniiv I" bmld and k. i p u toll bride -rum tin- Cl uk iinas nt or In nr the ;n,ii.t win re M bridge stuml, on the ruid h -iiiling bum ! .lames Brow n's farm lo the I'pper Mnhi i W N W tm: w as t h cli d chuii uinii, and 1 .Iml All 1 1 OUN r It eci el i.ry Uu lnot.1,11 nf Jm Blown, t ieni'ii'ng proce. did with the organial on of tin cninp-iiiv snid enmiiiitiy to I r ki nwuii- - . . I lie I pp.T t III' k II'IIIS liralge I oii jimiiV I In tin 1 1 11 n ol S11I1111. I I, It' ll, 11 coin llittieiu I hree w 111 nppo nti-d to dr. ill 1: eun-t I nt ion nnd b biiii for the fin 11 11 inelit of iniil CompaliV S imin l I, B- II Willnim Strii kliu, and II B I.ihcIIih were nppo nd il The Inline then tiM'lv a pros tint I the ci'ii.uiitli e shinilil pri pme its r, port The liieitlng was ngiiin cnlh d to nnh r. w hi-n the eoiuiiiltti c Itnnle a repot I, w h 1 h nihil,', i 1 "a uiotn'ii th. Mil,.. 1 il" rs, iiiiiueli I'll.-nil B Lert' ll, 11, Lew i- . J, " V Sain 111 I I, lull. ,N I, MM k W null. 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 Strh kbit. J.lenb Kiind'e, l W 'I'm lo r ,,,,n I'n'.nin Cli.ld. Hugh (.'in (i Hongs. .1 . 1 ii B I'urtiii, I x ,l"liii.oii ' ' en. Curri-n, Win N Peirce. Jii-iph Blown, Wade. I'.iOihlo. .o,.,, 1 1 .in, r ' .ii'tm vi r.iiin iii 1 r, iii r. in er, 11 m l ,1,1 Id. CI, , V v." !,. C ,rl. I I'.'m , ,,.,r - il.r .1 11 Clia'e. .I nn St, at I, W.llmu.l ll"whlt, nnd S.imin I II11.I1, , uu,l mti . " " '",'r" , w I111I1 p sillt' d us In! nw s in N inle pr,.i(. , : S,n,.. I I. P.. II. S .-'; S I I..1,( , Trun ; Jn,e, I, Young, und Lewis A Lacy. u" motion. Ihe Dlpetur- w.-r. i,,-'i m ti ,1 '" ' : " f"r ''ii.hl.ng the l.i a'.-e, and lo let Ihe contract for so do ng n--non (, ir..,,.,(, The meeting tin I, iidjnurn. d Atle.it: S'iitt L Bin, S'r 'J I'"'"1 ' f'irnt.u, ''...I,! til. fair L.st ol ( llln n of llowill I'mlru Diiiou .n li.'i, S nf '' ,1.W,M'' 1 " ,U' ' : M W.....lw..r.. H . A ; L C (I lie, P. S ; - Cnide , ,. s . s ,,,. T , w .-ilTi ,, ,, S ; J M. Stewart, C ; P. Dav-.l-nn,' A C ; P. Piiptitiii k. ('Imp ; D Tm lor, I S ; , ft t 1 . , . A t'. Swmls, (i. S ; 1". J. lmoinl P W. P. Lady Officers Mis Mary ('line, Ml-i Olive ( ri'i'tiwood, Mi-s biry Wuo lnnrtli This Diviiinn is pro-pi ring lim lv. XVXAXIXIXBS: Jan I'l, nl Allniiy. by lli It. v. W S I r Mr. A I, .Snsms la ,Mi-i ,s.Ai,.,n M vrta, f , II iiny. nil t tin- t ntn Mm uf lii-nion I omit). Tlie (a.ililii-il iiiirrn nl llennni , ,.ni,n, , I kin in f4inr nl llm Mi,iri m uii of Uie in, mmt meU- 1 1 ...1...11 i,-t-ii,,f,i ,, vi),ir"iifl ,iiiireiilinu l Httl' 1,0 Inllg in nrrrnl-iiv lu II llrlluli' nil lielirui'K nl tirniril li.iilot--Him mn t,,,p, In m,y ,p,n n nllirr llnoi I hi' linimiiiliV i,nn riiih Inimni' hIii-ii P li'-lii nnil llnir uiiirlni.N iiIiiiii In llir run -ililnlinliiilly 1 lrcli.,1 uml ijiiiililinl Hiilliniilim 11 lei li-K-illy (-iiiielr.l limi ul tli I.iiv-miiiipiiI - I n III 11k iiioin nl eminlry 1I1.111 of e,ny ,rojinl in mi l inilivi'ln il irefrri in - wliii ion in latm nf mij,. nirlui; llm (ii inT.il (niirrinnriil in ita 1 n li-ni uia lo ilrfi'inl id.. Ciintliliitiiiii, rieeiiif llm Inn., mi'l ilfii llm I'linin, -ml H l,n ion Hilling In mule nil 11 ticket iikiii mu ll 11 l,i.i 11 1 It,,, a- inn; rlee- I mn," 11 rn ri-,iti.iiif, 1,1 111, rt nl ibe (nn ml 1f,i Mrrhnii lit In. brlil nl llie eonil Iiuiimi iii Ci.ivulli. 1111 -niliiiil'iy lln. Milt ul Miiii Ii, Ihil.', ni n, . ,.k f M , fur llm iurn . uf iinnniiuiiiig 11 t'uimi 'nun It) Tirkrl, uml lo nrlrrt (iiu ,lel, g,in. In l,e " C1111111 Slain Ciiiivriitiiiu" Iii Im belli nt l.wjntn Cny mi WfiliiiNlny ih,. lull nf Aiol, Ihli;, in nniiiiii.tlR 11 (Ilium In Iml Inr Sliilu nllieuin ainl ineinlwr of 'tiurrnH.' J.i. II. IUvi.kv, A (I. Ilm-rv, .).. KlMNKV, W II M. l l.SII, IIUKUNII I'lMllllf.im, .1 1I.IIIM 1N,IS, .Neon hiuif, , Ncwrnv, Drmiirialir t'.u. Cum. Hrpiililtrmi (,'. ('win, J'llmver, V.AAWtvy, Win ,,ng,i, JiwIiihi .Miiihiii, V WilbBm., J W .Vmillier, A A Ibinnii, lit; .S'liiiiimua, A ,M Mllliiini, I II Hi.lin, A II.1I1I' r, I) lli,lille, II W WiUmi, I' lick ii(ir, On Mi im r, II II N clii.:, Ji.lni f l,uk. Imi. II. Ililn, V II llcfinuil, , t; Klim bliiiiiii, A I'linly, Ilnij rimfc, A I) lliirtmril, .1 (' M'on'il. ( Vuun 1 .. I... 1 1 1 uiai ill f 1 -1. ii W'lldlllA.V my yid; r.Uiior V. II lull my bril uml luiunl,'1 iye. , hits ilntKril I'ASSiiT, Jr. Aalo lieil, llieffl Willi bill mill, mi'l Ihut IV nn Intra, and aim took Ihut wild her, innl na In Imuril. tlietuwiis nun lull, Slid u liinrailit, Im nnvrr Innl any. WAIlldt I- s. .li.liuary "Ot, lli-J tat Ctivotit!,... 'I'll.. .ii.l.iie. viiirt. f Kl 1 hll It nn luvur c.rtl.tt a ..-1... . -"'"Lioa Wl, keil an It 'lit' 1 in anna mil. r Hi .'.'.-..irv I., lu.. J , iif,. ... i-'""" niiuu ,,r. " Hi 1 . , wr ' 1III.1,,;1 , , "iiiu-mn' am- 1 , ' fvt i.l.ela mnl lh.li a)iii,ai,. , l, " ly.i-e.iti,',,,,! .,.,.,7.,,, " i ,to leenlly I,, lW 0r',,B ' '"""IM lliuik limn' y limn ..r,,.iy.' I eel, ,11,1 nn r,.n, I 1.. .. ""'"-Willi. ilnln ul HI llm 1I.I1 inl l anrvo tin. I'liio,.. .! "' '"-I. lhJ I . -r Hip eleeili'iiofmn k,, h, 'T ,0 '""I. gi'll tul rlrellnti ,,, M. 1 llll-.l Il-Mli'llt .3 It flif. e.iimng liter I ."I lit ...ee., ,l ,,1.,,.,., , Vt,,llMt- tela III I lie I .. " " " Mtl I'lr.-lll viniiiaa of I n ti, , " ireai.iv. . iik li-.. ,, . N A l i ! ",""-"' I K-i'U.it '..iinly ,.;"' l.l III I Item ,v, ou, ,1 '""U In In 1,1 111 rnutiiv or ,M .nen. A.l. iMi-J , ,. . ' .r li'leuilli-alu 11 ,Sl,i rum..,. ..... . ' ,,l'l- illK 1 1 I "e- Tin. litaf I liiTta Cu: .!; .e Cut. I, ui,.' I u ., , w ... "Mi it a.niiwoK vi-hii. tM,,:il;rK('Av, I I l.l t , 11 LT U l'... 'I'. I ... ' Mil. nu I uieiiilina of I'uiira. n, f,,1"' ,r III H. ksun, .1 osi'iiliiue. 10 iilas, II s I I i H s Id h i H i I I I 4 'if IVclaat kl ( ( 'liny, 'nnse, 'it'piplil, 1 I .line, It II i I'll, llll, I. I' Y 11 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 . M ai'ion, iiekniiiiis, 11 1 1 1 iinii ii 1 1 . CI M Wll-bine.lnil, ( 'ullllllll.il, Cl.ltMip, 'fill. llll. ml., V a sen, -.iinni'-ii.l llm ,l , ain't inrMtnea 1 nl It. 1 lii'ill uf 1,11a a'r ta-L . - ,1 ll.p mr. t 'I ll.a ." alrt uinniia,!, ilr tin li ek , "I I lit- .luy 11 ,11 all II W. C I I TT. I li D Sinni 1 1, W C .,.itssi,i,i ' .Vui'iVnn Stuff ((,, Cvm.ii,,( .-uii. 11 n t( 11 th-mm a tie ,l,,i, I'nJiml CtmmHii A ( (iilil I'1 Iij SillipiOll, Il ('(Inr, .1.1. Ci', A I . I .' liil d, II Mi I'lakill, W S I. add, A M Marr, It .1 l.n.l.l. S (i U.e.l. A C U Sli-iw. Dlt.d I'l, Hill, A !'. II .11... k. I is II L"i. 11-, II .1 (i'.i. ; .1 !l Cntlir. k, I. l.uVi li'V. A I' Wulli-r, I II MiKirit I. . C.h,U, A C 1 1., in, Ii, II M 'I'liatilirr, li Will; inn, .1 W MeCiiHr, David .M. Cully. 'I'i i'Iii i. Slruiij, I. li IVitt, II Jn.l.!.,r II Ill.k.V ' T I! lln in y, .1 mn i S1 mr. W. I. .I'll (ir.llrl, .li Maeiinr, li .1 I', until, J mti i iii.lli I' Tin. 11. 1 S I. mat- , I' Cait'-i , I T Ib.ae. N T.-r-v. an en 1 1 . n li 1 II ir.l.n .1 I'. M Imle. .olict' lo Tjix-pavcrs. inw ri:i;si !,,. . .irimi'Lu riiu I . .1 mi), r,ll' Ihr li.ir-a .Ri. r it) i", r lie 1. 1. .. , tlr 't 1: i,r, H . 1 1 1 Ml' riwta. I- i I II, I la:,. iimi.Ui ol !'. I. t- r r.i I I r,, l In lT.. ,,'.,,J faf lai 111 ', 11 I 1 I, In ilr it lit in . -a'a .i mrnl I t.ar ,1 , ,;t 11 1 'I'i .1 .,1 is, i-. M.n, r ("uikmintr. s in: inn m.i: XI lli:i:l. V- ' " I." b .n iterr-1 ti. in. , .a-,, r.i iin.lrr Id. a al ol Ilr cartl -..ul .film M.rr 1 I 1 1. .(;. in f. I ll.a i-.mli I lo'iuii . C.l'r-I J1111.UV l.-.'., I't'7. in... il 1 J III- I" r! I ,r I"'.. Ml ,'i.lW I'll 1.1 r ; i i.f a. a l,i ,11.. i. II.. a., il r,H-nti aiti M 1 , 1 vi 1 1 . Hi .ii n; ul n i 1 t "ii It a a.. liar m .V.iii.ii.-I ,V Mini,'. In .1 rlunn S..lifal! ,t I .1 i 1,1 I..11 1, I, li I Ii i.f re;a (I! tl'il ! r nl in 1 lie Mel .: uii, a ,.- 1,1,11,1 al Halt t'' .r ti.i.il.w , .1 r'.iii.r. f . t iei. Il.rai-a a, ltl.a:'B 1 m.iu' ha utttrrti Leu, .l.,r. lato buhii'rd li! Il, .1. Inr 1 ..'a, 1! r, r , a'lu in! 1 al I M "t " Ii. n.llr l ..nil a I ) I. ,1. 'I, ll.a f a-lfl 11 il llir ,iil ri.iin, ilirnir mi, l,l,:i; I I ...ii, luiy l . I It .1 mil lllllt l'i' !' tie nei. w 1 .1 .1 .ir.llv al I i'l, I a 1 flat el,f hirt I '.l" l.i Inr . ,11 n 1 1 l.r 1. 11 1 (. naitiiaii'l l. Ii n.il.r I 111.1t ih r li.riier. .. I ilia MM r I. -., Ii..r;l,rr 111 II a I ll.a leilil.rf.. la'l '' lit- II , II. ..ll'll.ill I a. Ar. II rlrillft I" l"'f '( ! r llir ,",..r i.f 11 riiij; 11 ilmrn I war a- 1,1., ,f t, ,.f.y.Hf ll.lnle In a l.l 1 "l.ll aa ina nt I.t, .I M, il, l.i.l 111 l.,uif J I.t '( l:""" nu t i,L-n ml .l"lin i I'i-i "ill CinHna l'tl ll.r an, n i'l nn. llm imllil !" IliinditJ ! l"'I l.. !u aniel nilrir.l nt ll- i nr ef ! ' III. 11' b. In. Ilief nub f'linl'tii il"llariad":,' 1 el, la e.'.l. nf anil -leilua la liarrlil iiflll'"7 V tl .f ani.l r. .-111,1111 I Mill I'll'' 'I" "' ilr.i-ol,r, nii.ia rly f,n aiil, al ai.rliot It ll kf' rai bl,l.r liil rii.l Ut,li,rli,v. f'tuMT- ICIi'J nl 'J.,Vli k ax l Itie rmirl-h W tm Of. Kim Citv. In tal.fy mn) ' oil ui c"tt mnl a. ciiiuie rin'. j Jllll llin i. v- .1.01 v:.. si;.'. .Mn l (T -.. k -in- " Notice nn: niujmy city senium II AS Ihi.II irlilrd by Ul l"' . 't ... - .11. a (ttJ J. Lilian, lur llir illl"aT i'i a- N. III". I inn i , a. '. , . , , . . 1 .... l,lr, J III" .-seiliail M III III' U"-ll"l 1 " ' . III V Villi. Ill llll re ilri'illillirina ill II," ih.lt el Mill U mliuilliil Will Ml B 1 i rn,. i tiik ci riiriTa . ,,..,.tl iiiU.Nrlliiirf, rmnir. MriililinJ " ,k iiii,l.e,t;riii;ia,lili'ii " lint A ntli IntV nf I ,n 'ner.l Slalaa. .1 .1 .l.i. t milt "i-' -" 11 v In Ihrie (illVllr. a, prr I'lIM ' y'L Q) in rvaty riltnalu ly " llm . Im'a.' U , I I-nf llm ('liiwim. " " ,. Tim l,il,.-r.lu,lira lull mil be 'I"" " iy III" limn .In" til the rlriiteiitury' A I'liirliil li-ijiatrr mil I" rn " iilier of ri-rry 1111111I. i.i.i Nunn - II l.u n.ln.ilU f"t l" '"" "," sm, Mmiiiuiliirv T.-l lb'k - ""'"T"., '.,,; Kriiilma Nial .Vilkrai Ibivma .Me.Niilly'ii (irnxrniih r. 'rriieheia, lit leiui - . . Itr-v 0 II ,Thi-s, 1'ria.iHl N. W lUnli.l.l., Ai'''a,l:ff'L,l iu,Hm ll.ei.. , Huii't f il.. cny Uii"1'' Ori'K'in (,'ily, Jan lH, 1"- - iNsiurcTioN in Ml"' M'M , 111. ,11 i.i) in 1. him Tiii'iri:'"''''1" w Hull aim i .rn,.i,rr.l '"f'l o('Al' uciihIi In I.V.sKJ.MKMAf;' fur iinlru. yi.MI ! nn llm Piiiiin Mrle. j K .., In leiiehiliK, o '" " ,, li,1Iyf,,v.1rht,...lMHa"" J,,!Y t. wmilil rrmr m I'rm. H. M'J pint mill 'jt,.ai, wl V ftliat I 1 tie Unit ily, l-.r.-i (im". "ra" Jll No-nun City. Aiii'ti" 1 ' '"' - OllKllDV I-'loiir, tli,lmn; (mis ter, JI'lii V