, ,j. hk OIIHUON A IMiliS. II V W. 'H.llti. T Kit Xt'HXCIill'I'lOX , mill In- IhiiiimIihI ill Tntr Ihillnrt .... ... ,1... lunaru ii Hill Mill ill ilthmitr. 'mi; II m a " 7 . I),Um '" iJr" ') I"1"' i" "' "'"'"''. ,,"ii' '""' ' ""' "' 7V i''M I"" ' '"''V!"' '' "'lill'i' - j tl,m riitliin " ' '". Vd "iw "''"'""' miininf.i.1 i r wi'f', " ',r """" ".' ("' '"''' i i'lBJ,''""""'"''"''' ' ""' ttitlua.it IMil. Tim people of these Suites need Muml in i, ci tor of a national debt, This i nt navssarily a step towards nulmiiiil bunk- (J1,u.j, A country onuci. v.t.t resource n, our mm rnnnol easily lie plunged i.ilt. jn.kilitoluess, upon "'.mi i . v .r.i i niiel buoyant prosperity H ill not lloat ii like a cork. Winn wn inn. oi u mi i.iio uuh ol h:.n country h.s ihmo for. rtitt from eiteh enorcioif f;.fH.-m!l(niV4. i, il,fl infeiT.it of ilni ,i,..i in, 1. i .! r." - - - ! - ufluedi'Ll iHcll, could niver he paii'.-- cttliomlore.t 8,i,mieii.i nul as tlw vearn caiue rouun, Ain 10, ti,e country, .... ...1.r.i,.ilfv.....i.il n. ..... ........ ...... . t.u,. ... , -n-"" .....iu i.ro'prroui! than ier. fct.il the dtbt wcjiI nn iii'-wi. in; Iroin f-irly luilltour. to 11 liun- ilre.1 tnllhoui: from a hundred tuUli.u. , to! tuo hundi'ld; nnd I 'upland kept ';'ov'np-, liihemnd rirhrr all the while; v tlm Illicit Iho debt, Ilic m.ro raHv tile ailCU- td interest M it n paid I 'mil now it rearliit) the inemKcitiibtc uir.ount of in. unni. of i idil lumr1r. fi lu.Hioii. or forty huiii'icil niill'ciij of dot im.l- 'ih ' liiHioiii.! 1'lie result h. thnl the I uilnl hin;;.i.).u I'. Milb wealthier today limn rxer ht!.1; Tlw fmi'J'il dJ'l ha.i cuii.e to lie con .i.k., J 11. nit indi. p. m.tiblc imlioiml iiL.'.ijulieil. Ii it a H'i'iiianiil m t omuidali.m to ciii.'.'n t.lio would ut.l ktiov, what el.e to do w ,' ilwir money. It o'l' r a m'e and p, nn ,i id r.inue Inr Im .':.iiii.ii!,. ,:itl lioi , by lul.liu,; aim . l t iu; ml it b .'oic h.::i ud 'piilalinn ililclclit! i'i i'. pcr.iinaliy U'ld li iiaiiirily, it furni .hen the Mron;;e.-:( . r. u I'ty for the permanence of lh.- J'OV. r.mirlii , lor, as lung 111 that last ., Iho ;,n..a,d inter i t on the d. bt will be pt!d. 1 1 1 1 Hi!., 1 1 In .t 1 in,.-, t .ample '' foie .1 wo i tcdliiiu norcar.il it ih lit u ii., ii mi. it-iiil ei iiiinini; the I iiil.'d iil.ilc; v ,' :n I'lolitibilily net -., 11 j'.ildeli il -ill litoi'o cio elt tiK;i tl.,'i'. I aie. Ij hind 5iiJ" A lml wiio rccei r, a, it. I:.. I ILI-, : follow-' A., and cult, had Inuoi'e fmlil K ii hiiu ltd, ii Lit in,; im id' ul : l 'ul '..y 110, 1 ' 1 n- ninny years :t Itirud o! tlm . .I' d u rt l.ictanl udiiili.t'i'.'ii (!,' i'i 011 iu' u nit of lii.. prc.min;,' all i::)ne)v..'ii!c tie i.iiniiial.'iii not to 11. .. 11 the :-;a :, and :;'tiMS. No brill, s, or t'iivr.1 , or ll,,i liiles could .-linko bin:; he had the N.t- jlu'rill.il' tl lllM't;illH tit, ' i.i.o It bllhk of t.aiilile, w, cr wli.' li tiie thumli-r . b,.!; ;;;i,ic 1 nl'iii leaving im iitipr, a.ein. ' .K lii isoit I'atistnid nil tho iliMiluoi -.lied In; It 0.' It ... ki'i'.'.loin visited the el l tit 1 11 and suu,;lit to tea on I'm out of his f.-iill ,, but 111 vni.i, mid even u hidy to wluiii Iu ua, una1 tit ',.i;;ed wuh toiiiiuissioned to u,,p o.cr iiini, hut the old inun'.i her: t icj'hyd, if hi. hp did not, ' " 1 . 0,..; 11, a i il.it , il,-. . ! tan !i, livi't I not tiOii... in". " Filially, the do;; nhoni'd hi., ticth; nirip ti'i iN'.oiijjitif,' to him to tic mil, mill o 0,000 or i.o, wuu tin eale nd "l.rlil e,n,'' wid the aeil Aoldhr, At la:t:.l ou KCitatioitK, litis planet, overaw n,; llie nilit o( s-cc.-.iioii, w n.t nut in oluviiral.w.1. ; lima ot r at Ni.ur. TIk: practlie id ulleuinjr boys to spend ih-j.r ociiui,:-. 111 . tlm i.ticcbt is one of the uot 1 uiuoii, dan KiToua, and iiiitcliicvoui lliini ptiMblc , . mi,,. . 1 1, ,,.. .....u i,..t ... ' 1 . 0 ' aoi'iwtw iu irt.oii nau, ti;raa a sent '''""' u,. ...vj.. . lauu. im im-y v.u niM-ccssiui.y, ana reu- ,mls 01 niiimins nit cn koi.h nine im nm.v mi.tiiMicd w.nuil ;ti:n, tl,.il.c-cli j H. adley ' n.i.I ..iu two t'u la. inueiii.,, 0f j, 0e. U.ieil hih io.;itions tinder the ' TaMux ai.d thirly-hvo arwatt men went on sac.olu, together with nil eonnrctcJ there npiialliiitf si'Hiid. hcn the civil and for uie shall he couiy.llud to Hn.i.u 11 cer- iiitma:, .1 two heavy e::nuiii and throe how- Oovcrmneut and hehUctiui control of ul- LoarJ, with live olficen, and phked out the with, was captured hv. the Federal troops. ,n wuh ..fflrfttl Krilia had .wellM ..,! pri.rrt.on ol that mno.::,!, v. !,!, is .0 ':!e,v, and then imuvhcd Lack nM'.- Darin;,' all that time their ww.,i 'yf'JJ Ilea. MeCulioch is now marehins north lM,,lc delt 01 that country ,0 ,;,y la Elected in the h,llo,M, ,u,,,cr: A, h w. -r, Iho as! :!.:,,, ' .fcorpoun.Kort.ohninl.cd.n.lU,, a,,..::,,! ..y .he ,.1(s..i,.t ,1 Ihy ,., .i,t .my of i,y.,vo,,! 0 -'"h.cr, piratical Va . t! of dollar. J.mn1 l'.nvl.t.nwii ihaatfa tl,e;r , u,,;,r,m,! .y -i.c .Vt.ate. ulli. 1.1 1 the If,, -,..1 th,-line, waa f.,l!oP.l l.y v.. , 1!,, I.-, s i r.,il,ia. rfis"..;.,!!,.,. : ke. Muatk tno of the rdet party, rd.so ! 3ll" 01 1 ttJtral lrooi's ,ro" -ut.ukr. Nothing no upecdily cud turely tuaiks tiicir pj-cimi. 1 1 ;., doublful if I ..hail ever lake ioiimc downward. They ncumre, under the J an ami ngain iu the Senate." To the oior of the nielli, an tinheullhy slutc or j look oi surprise wlii.'li 1 Ini tio I upon h:ui aiiml, tulgnr nml profano loJinno, oh ut t!k r ai.uk, he fvphrd: "I urn -nre I seetio practice, criminal mtiliuiciila, and a ; hali not live to lOf aunlhi r year, nml if my hvtlcssnml riotous bearing- Indcwl, il is ! troop; Low r.ny want of re: ..hilioti, f :.hail ' the r.trecLi, nfler niirht fall, that Iho al in the lint batbe! lcanuotaltord.nl' 1'oys Koncrolly nrqiiiro tliu education ofl vr mv career in Mexico, uud n.s a Senator 'lw bad nml tho rapacity lor Incoming i rdy, diietolulo, erimiiml men. I'arcula, j i . im yo, , UW W,H you keq. your cl.,1-1 lriu al liome nhrlils. and two that their i "onio in miulo plea'aint and i-rohlabl.) to . " ... Ilictn7 JhjyH Woiiginu U) wot thy, ro- j "pectaldo famiK wkO.ro nnitUd( ..11 1 tier ulglrt, to wlert their own company and pluces of resort nro on a certain road 10 ruin. Confiding parent. who believe tUt their sous-are safo thnl they will not susoclulo with tho vicious will ono of ihejc duys Lftvo thoir Learls rn :LcJ , nu lliOHsnmls liavo tote, by liuriifn;' llml ms tthotu tlii-y rrjrdcil an proof ngaitisl "y evil, have, from ycrj curly years, been on llto road lo ruin. , A Dk.'iiuui.k Invcntiom. Tho inven 'im Inhiitt of tho itmiifiy U now devolcd ' Urn prodiietloii W linprovinl nrta i nml h'urn fleitlruellvo weapons of win faro. An '"ventor In jMarbh'licud, Mii'W., cxliiblls to no (lovcrnmenl a mimll ulicll, Iho rxplo hi(ii of which, ho Hfljs. " would kill tho devil." Tliu lwltw.1 place known In tho United Klulotiiii Fort Vunia, nl tho Juiielloii of "to Uiln nml Colorado, whero tho ther mometer ficipictitly ini.'sts nt 1 11 ih'g In tlicJiailtf. ' A (t-kly jN'cw in i h t, iIim,,!,,! t lh,. Ihkiv.t.. ..I'll,,. 1 v"" V11, ii i: ; o . (! i t v , ( i: i; a 'H( tln,il 'Ur,. J Hie direct t.t a. :(.: 0J upon (U nluc! t'l all tin! real mtuto in llie I'liiinl tuli.-., l. rmw the niimi.il wiiii ol' Iwciil v million . ,.l .l..ll.;i's, l.as l.mi overlooked l.v many , ;,.,,,,, , su.m -0 )t, in,lf , i((1,n" j .ou tl.ut Wcr.i is hut one National 'la ! (. ,ia,mc 'plU , l0 J(J ll t i;y u lan ol t jingici', rulol i-il A-ij;'. i, i jt, uk ,f. ;,, ,;ii,.,. u ,.; ,, ,1,.. Iu 11fM.ml1 ntt, u .certain In" i..ine ueh pi,vC of ival (.!. e the :M.ttl,.a :,,iii.- 1.... ...i , , , .i v t iij'v.,. u, . . ir.j.g.HM nn in ! sm h piyw ity n:i the litsl n! A pi III' '! Fi "I' v.'.y cou.i.l tV,.m tr.Miiioa i.. ll.ut la m t tho Fnltul StaU--. i.r.w.v ::ia;e or iL . .. . , in,r.wLui,.M.,ill,5ne,.iiy or ; p. c.-Hy trmiicii limn tn,:l;oii 1.-. lie: l..-.n 0. the r-A: in whieh it ;. .liiutcl. A ikduUu o!'f.; iiumiru! doii.tr, l!i v.,!l l,e ukmv from thi., vr.hutijn AilpuM.n, ' .t.."?--iitt? t:ixunV '"o.a.ft, 1 . , ui ; 1 t' f.inii.ll V.ri'.,' 11 l;:,.c! t i l:ei::.; .n . A l.il..c o. ,'.ju in!, i.l I ,1 :. .1 -i.l ltd toe in;. l.drr to 11 hue oi On iia.'i.hi d .lo:!.in A." cd. 'i')!!.' in. Ih" (".!!IM;.!l. ale l iilepll t '.;l! Im: :'!uii Lv i'.ii a ; . in i v ).'. :!. ir bo..l. 1...-Y in' .'.c.i, n. o.'.Y'-l.oiis li.:.y be' ta.'.dc. IL' jiac, at v.it,iii ii,'.' p.iMii-iil i ia. ii'ii . ii',;' l.ti i. lilK.e. W!'! i.c p'.'.i 'ml in a i" il' .1: 1 .l. ii ii. .,'.;'.. ; t .'. . n!y day . V tie I r. n-.i jii;-,, 0.1 . at.., : '.j aitin-J ;. -i-oi'.ii:;;: lo t; " I'll'-'-'le- "!..i -t I j ; 1 , , p; l.l.at.Ol' lie. r. cc'pl ttie ''i.'liie.'ir t 1!! laokf p -r-.'i.a t 1 I1, 'in wui.ia s 'v tl.r.s ii.':i ; 0' 'ii'- eollc. 1 I. !-. I:' ti e :i :'i .1:0 nut 'i! within ni.oih'.T t.t.nly I - h.l . p..'. cl to I 'l'i, l by 'h. ;..ii';f. lav d..i Til'' il.ioctJ la, V. hieii wiii be !i tied on and tiller ihc In" ! ol daiiii.ny 11 .;. i.c .t ii..:.d.eil 1. .'a i iii'aii l."t.S mill 011 11 lii.-.; ' I '. ;,!.- I::.', il.ltiliu 1 ! .' cut. 0:1 iti'VUi".. :i.;o.i' e i.i.l ii..:.o.eii tloiltr , t ll'i'pt thai poulol; o.' Veil i.. d. i : n! li Oin 'i'i . :.i o'.lu .' I'lrti'd M.:l. . .rt;iM i the will be me: a 111! :t h..i Th- t. :- I- 1 a . -.-i ! 0:1 ..: fulil .l.inu.ti 1 , ! i 1 v.. tic, 'ill. 1,; :hi ii.i-olie-, i,h lia'.ieK.a', :!.tte in d a..e .e.'l V' 1 propi !y 'n tic. ;d l.l.i.-. te iuc'iiii- i .lend, i.'i! be- !:i 1 ,k,h-:.. 1 11" 1 ayaii c' 0 : .,0 i.t ; y l.ili'."e il.e .i'.lii "f Jit.: .mi ic. unpaid en d : w:i to .u. inlet- '-t :tt llie it. I c of and in d' f.'.ui1- of 1 : :r;-:it .'. .linn I'crly ti.ty . l'... uai.ii' ii h? n".o 0:1 lie.'.:, i'e.d l,i! be .-ul Jtcl 'd , !-. pr c 1,;, b- ii' ' made ,ii-, the euiie. tor Mint O'.l till! visi Iter, n:.d ..e!l il, 1. iinlh.i...' d to h-vy tlu' bie .iii'i'il; o! tin- .L;..u ."'t'f il ie i.ol'.'e Las bctit t ''. 1 If :;o vis.!.!.- .ii;iii'y i. f"..;i I, ti.V pet.so.i a., --cd li... I.".-c :m.i:cd ult ti..ll:, ni.d in.v sio,k or Loitdi in' li.av Live Le sold at pub I'e mi. 1:0.1. A r. I.i ,.l to 1, .,;':' i.-. pui.!.-!i-a')!..- In iiniiri.-.ou!i,,!..l tint, I ill.' t.i. is Ip.i'.'J C.e. Ii. IL i:.,s..i:.-li,o.ve W Hiit.s to the b.u'raincr.lo I niouit. i'i!!i'V..i. I 'ii.u ilk- Co! I'.iiktf's deulli proilied a Martlii." aVet I hud the honor of enter- .. . . ,.,:,. I.u, .e, my ,y,.rst at ii..,er, on a.i miomooii in last duly, uud mi that otva j...o itl.ii. I i.i.r.'.-'.l a i.nfiif.i! eoiir,.i'e, a. to the piobubk'ikportmeiit of hi.i troop.. iu bailie, he said: " Wilki-i, 1 have some ipiL-'T iieiui.s ubtitil the' pat I I mu to play in this war, and I vani you to hear in min i that what I now spy In you is nut the ri'si.il of any idle Lim y or l'i!vu!oih im oftie) I'nit'.l .Siiib.-i, to I urn my Lire from i;lC cniiuy !" Tiicio wa:. 1,0 ii'oniii or u'e-i ... i . -. i . h.M)mc,my , Im. manner, but , was c hi. -, ni'tcnzcd bv a teinin-rutc eiirii. slnesr, whicli . . . profoui.,1 in..reswon on my numt .. So, before (Mobrr sheds its leaved, ,l'!' ,, ,iM ,... Im pulk sk brcnsl, and ; I his toga in lk trcuienfs ol the grave. I ' ',, ' .. ...... ,,,, ..,,.,,! W-.lol.li Loss, tuc Hu. t of the bh.'io- i i j ..w,.i... r,,;,w, mi.l ...ill , Irs, hurt declnrc.1 for the Lniou.nnd mU . ..... - 1 I '... I II... u. 1 ,u3 ms peoi-ir u.,, ..,- s ,ue. ...e ... , ceisioimL. oflns itatlot. and routed thetu.; Such In lh rrjHirl h.v tmpli. Sown, " ct-b.iSo !,.,, tho piwuvo wait tool1'"0' . rtraii" for him to resist, n.ul he ilcelured I Tnero i, too muel. Iriith in the fob ' for the Confederacy, a wiisioti ling was. t i.. i'. .,;r n .im-ni.i I iritioii prepared but ; a did t womtiii, declurcdil it was hoisted shew oultl hersi'lt tear tt iiown. n is to uer i-uumuu- ry probably, thnl How's siibawpif nt dec- luraliou for tho Union may lw ntlrib.led.j herself tear it down. It Is lo lier ronslnn- - Jji.:k Aoi:k. I no fcuMU i.e;,imtui ot Vermont N oluitlccr.., alio t logo. """ J. pcclcda pulico .i ciuki-iih' clothes-who , , ,t , b , fc . h; ut Montpelicr, was .recruited and eipnpiHil.ttr0 awariiK or dihy.ug ymt very kil. . ' . . in lificin days! j priea when you least think of il. , vcl.v nuoit spaiot.me. Ho wdio Uovv tho worhiill never ! W Littlo drops ol rah. Iirfglilcn llio; - It would bo well if we liad less medi linbashlul and ho who kt.ows himself meadows, and little neb. ol Wwjwl .id more Mill never bo iinnide.it. in tlao world aIUI u,m VmM- 1 ID l.vara Ml- la-.,, nl tUi'tt.'f. A vmi ral.Ju . I i..l;.u roiiling in Mu - u - chu ,i:tt.;, write to a l. itinl m. ;ji" hu Ii.m Wh i:.kiii'f 11 l. s.on V,,iii tiinl.isi.irv ..f our m a.c.i ar tt.lli l.i.8lau.l li.it IM.i. Our hi-.-it ol.j.rt '.lu.-i tl.i'ioi!- iUrl ff Cauaiia, 'wi.-ih hu miiic.iimU.I tuinl Ir tasv (i.u Hull wis !, Hiled : . , ','w , ,, ' , ! l. u- m.,.,,,.1 of . mw ,!.' ..).-- Hull ai'i iyn h Hull 1.. ., d the v.h'tc II :' and -jiiMMlcreil i:ii- . . . , . lov.ai.i . ehy a 1 -wi t i,n.it:al, m l r,. i(d in oe : t.i.t, l.ul ua . iH-niililcd to lice and die in ili-ra"e .... - . . . . I la 11 .cu I'caiiinii took rmmaKMl niiu kvnt Ii ll.roii-h two , j.-ima; -n : hut he did iwihtr" end a h r,..::;:;..,i waited on the ' l'r.-:,l'. nt a.vl .hi,,.,.,, u hi, removal, and Ii!, 'i..-!. 1 men 'nr.. mumhu came; u,n iieiii.miu :t;i 1 lldcd. At !' !.) lie i--ii"d u 1 roci.l- iu!,!;..i), :ivi:ti;: " In a ! thivitlic troops 4..s!cr ivM.m.:avl w... i.lant" the Amen- can :-.t..inl.i:.l ,;!i ( ii:.' . lb: Cu:. In. t-.'d him-if-.e-w ir.l licit "a ! !.! the whole a !; d MB C.J-V.-.!ii, '. " lirivcti in .'.corn a:: j.i to eniiiiucr w u.e. in .' tie-It a manner fiiOU of wrath bt:r-t '' " lie" wa- bl.l.d i.'t n. iu ih'' f-tre. t.s," i frt-ni t.tn tiuiv, .11.. e:;.t:e. a:i l IU'jO'I' M HV nil iil.l '.'ttatK n.r; le I'.'.ci. the Its' L.vl i. hf-'iOlid .'" ' Thru (leu-. Wii.i!")' iiiid t hai.iiii r i:r v:;J tl Caita.h. itn.l v. It'll H.ir eomman'-U were taken piisoiiT.! a large part of Maine fl.i, :'.'r 11 long ''' po-.trj-loii o! the cin in;-, mi l our 1 o.i.' who!.- eo.i l ipilal .:.; s..eke 1, and bio l.a-.hd I v a ho.V1.10 Hot I. i' I. del' I I.l dl.-t. u.iiiiiui.l. a:;J I -a-'.'. Ti.-ir p.:t'p!j 11. d no', despon 1. n::.J ci,ur.i;-j r.'-e r.s their : niter ai.o'.i.'.'f Ii i! Ai.ui'...' :-ii, ! :'. th.- 'pii t of the 111 , end .-: . , . .; :ii'd v i. iol ic . Ii i e'l'l' 1 no; ;.. S'l'-h will be ':: . or t.-n ' IL- I!- the!' , or i i.; or i-.-n ' Fnil iltiu' nul di. jj.i.a;, '.. u.: Tii, y ic y r.cvi-r wiil piet.'iil o:;r l.nai 1....;' .!:.( ( I'tu.'la!.-. t'i; tMr-'' coiiiii. ','i'i.i .as no' inili t :)',-, 1, lii,- c.vo :.i.'. l, I I'xliiii:-'. p:;i.i lard , 11. :d ,lt t: I in 1 i.ic. wo can iilii ac:-.' im. our n.ii";, to the ciic-.-.', il :.- e.i i; ..'.i1: .0 'ill- In''. I i'i ,vii! 1 c'.i'.il'.ou cl i.:.m.'s in I Indian.; '.. ii.i.'.ib!- to eo;i'..-.f.ji!.ile W .' i. :.i a f..n wc.-k , tic-p.ipi 1 . i.ave ucoanteti i.o J.t.ub ol a :':.liiii iitili'.tl: ,i' iiiar.'. -roil" l.Vjc, . ...i Lis oii'; .o:r iwoiir.Lminsi.i'it. in;, i:a. !.::i; uud .;tia.-h!i';,' o 10 aa ''ii.r to Je.t:li in a bin k ibawini, r, tun iu nly- at in the m'.::i!; a suicoa i'ui with a i.ro.wv.'.:.d uitt'd -r upon a iiniinp- py pat.e:''. ; s.- ra! usi,.;;.,;, ic.iitd. iin; .,.., .... ., I',' ' .', ' '. n , . , nio.lnr v..i n I, at. ;co::; ;i 1,0. : .a.. I.'.. -1 lin .fed.w : a 0u. ;.; i! uupded by a runikwuy hoi..: on lite ra.lin,;; of Fa'.on .S.narei a mill, r mmuerii; Li, wife be- ;,. 1. . 1 ,;;.. . .a'.io' ol a wra .;.c about a t,.uv 0. mcavy ik t.ny e.nne iiomj Iioni tn.'.i set; one m.-.n tui'.r w tu-.-i a la k .1 .11' llliotner VV it I 11 I'iteliel- lile'Iilliil He aroii.--d Liu: boin bed toa.sk n biis'iiic.s ipusiion, and various nutter itiiius. I n ncii m: 0.' Cn.iiN 10 Ii:.'.; .v'.n. 1 Le Sat. I lanciseo Mii-fur five's the comloiied lesullot the importations of i .tin into l ln;r imid. elui-iit;; the lii.sl halt of tiie prct t year as compare J witii t!ie l'rt half ot the preceding year, from tiilleieiil foreign ceun tries 'iu tt:v;;:tto valu.' of the f-'i'um I l,i 11, h !y:v". i; ,. .1 1.1 1.1 1 yeitr IS c.sl,ili:iieej in uou uu.i.i.ci. am. ...s. ..... .. I .. 1 I I. ... ..... Ken milium tloil.irs, t.pimst lorty .seven mu.uni m iM.il. im lu.s total ui.oi.i seve'ii.v-iv... .ullho.is ivprciil Wheat and Flour, mi- .l01.iU;0S tt NU,V hlelt iu the same p.T.o.I of ow i teen mi Jons, in is.i: n mil Jons. i,t iB.... I. It'll ' ,ct lk tllitf fU,,( ,,,, ,,,;,;. ...... ., . .., . Ml. i, i;,,e,:,i. Fi-uviin. '".ii' ""i"" - - - , e ,-,.,,1 ttak,s UmI while r,,,!,, Autt lira tliei;tr.ount w.is imii !y nom- .i(Ji J(, ,, rru ,,ok the lead. l!s- WIW Win,,, d tlm ..uantl.r Horn ( fl! 1 I'Viinivwasiusi'iiilirnnt. J Ins year Atner- .. , Men ....ii u..s,.,tnn. ... v , ., , 'Mi... 4t.,..b!i.fd. tho ..liaiilily .. ... ...... . ' , Ul-u lowing nt in- extract: no .my. u" hiippeii that elu ation to poLtienl position , llilU ll( Jt,mill, , u, ' , ((l(a; j0 t,lllrl-s n n vcfpietubk'. nn rcliniil, or Inwycr, or farmer, and coiutM nicrcliiint, or inwycr, or i.tnuei, mm t out n lolilician by profession, and u blc-riggetM.y pncliee.'' bl LI ill- fj"iiiur ttmiincis ore uiwnys uuuer L.x:,,liutiotiI mid Ly t'liiiimitlccsi litllo wis-, iiojH'fU'.tom ol tiie nisi iia.i o, me pic.sciu.er,, ,,v ',;,M ijs,;,,,! a .tin- Clits, ami (uKonitiiiK o x , d i; : i: m i; k it i i, I nit 1 Tlw war i, aumiii; i.u u..ui.u..!lB.e. it was not to liavu liccu k.i .011:1 Itiy rpitt- ''J tl,at "if iw.i1h ol' tlm IovjI States, most of whom h:ic unaicm.toiiiod l tliu usu of ,, u ttt.r(1 uL. ,,v kurjtf:Mi uoulil on the iiislmit ri uud cru;li ouL 11 rclwllioii which (mil long bevn i-i-i:icditted uud carefully ircmml l.y nun who, how- 'over rrimiiul. had, it must bo ruf.d, . , ,. , . t . , ; and arms and t:iu.jil!oi..s of ar wen: ft: u'1''1 1,11,0 in ahnndaaeo from the national -i MiaI.1. Thin when the iuiiCatae for the hoLslin-of il.e fcUu-Urd of reiol.itiot:, Ua- vis, ii auri ard, and the o.hct leaders of Iho iv.nk loiuid tlie.'i:?chH at thr head ol armies id read v disciplined and funiLsued w,i!i ever,' ii'.ees.s.irv 0! war Wfc hfiv, tliO , :osw, ;k, " U suW- tl ."v 1. ' '1 . .' 1 '- 1 ."1 m. ..'J...'.'. ,.r.i;, t.ni t !, 1).,, tw.iK - of ilm Kctoi.l-.fs'witli' inorcdulous east; nd it wis onlv when thtv l.enrl Vk ihuu- ii'.r oi the: ,w ... I.'. e!... .;,.. ,...: ...I , , :.. ,t . ;,,,.. f)f n,-. ,0n.,trv. The .,u..ie!.. ul.a-li r.dhiwed w.ia fraud to nn eta in-, and cverv wav wo;ti;y a fireut and free people. 'Tits ' wercimal left Lis idir. lii'-' lanuir Ita; piow, tne mcciinii hla took), the lanvrr his briefs, and even lie mircsUr hi i.uip:. to commence an rd- ueatioii in a i-w pioh-ioii-to learn the art of war. It is no cxap ration to sv thut lirc-siA-ths of tho tohmiecri warcelV knew the difference between a Pilule ride and n Hint hnk ir.mkt, far on cttdi know led 'o inrlil bo useful on the field. liai, lroii:;!it up in habits of indnitrv. .rained l-j'adapt tiicmselvcs to contingent r;rcim.,;mu-es. and gifted with .,uick intel- kc.ual prc.vcr, of ili..cern;iient whieh men a-cu lonied tobniness ywmls only can ll.i.t, and Wt """"I '"" l"-",' " is " ti.p t.co'i e 01 1 hi: L'rcat ortli. 1,1', .-f 1 1 ,--., c ',- , ,11 1 I .... V to the cu' iven- e. t i.ev were r.s r.ip .i to learn the d'ttle-'nf a rei'd'er, r.s thev had bivn-'ow to believe iu the existence of u rvbvilioii. .Siiil, nfier they hud aci.uiivd theory, tin v had n il t'o co..f,o!,t the e::einv nml aeoxro tin? -.r.u-licc of tli.ir :,- w prolcvjlon. Jt was natural, under lh,: ciicii'lanccs tint a few blunders should ": :.:. and we had the Fui! I'.un, fc'i'riu,;- ii'1.1, Lf.iostO!i. and other disasters to hi- mciit. hut ayaui tue Kfple' 01 '.lie .oval ot'.iiUs tiitmiplicd, and tii' ie is ntv.v ut tin tl spo.-iiioii o! t!ie tbiven.mei.t as r'gorou- iy tl.vip lined r.ud wt!l app.iiti'e.l an army : as has bet 1: n.--:,in! h-il ei-y time within the i.eiitiivy. Kvcry day it:; .strcngtli an;i rfii- vliii.-y" are L.-in :i:ercas.d. Fuworthy and iiteoi'.ij'etit.i Jiiiiv ".-. are tir-ven t:oni coui'innii. mni soitii-.r i.ii.i-.ouea in i.ic;r m -no. i.ii.i-.outd 111 tacii' M-'a Ti.rc i.ion'.hs a,;o it w .v; the Lo.tst of ,! 0 ,L:L- tint their fi.tevs had b-cn tral.t- ed tniai bl.oc ..; to the .1 e ti aim. ami mat 1: was 10. iv to s:i pposn mat irivn men and "i;re.iv mechanics" could su-'-ci.:--!'ehiy meet their, In buttle; but we inn a'l.y t It. y ;-.t leutii ate btsianiujr to ei --c-ivcr tin: pre.'.l Until thai labor e!er.'.eS and slreullien.s manhood l' A; vvelnf'.-o said, tin-war is i;-'sii:iiln- an i.U-p.,'iiitM "iliijie. I a!! rel ets Is have t- i.nastui i !u ir ie.so::rec;; tin y can brim; no iihh" soiihcrs into :he h-ld. bt the oihrr , ha id, the V. S (i,iven:m,'tt hr.s iioti.- vc- ,..,ed a ,;the ,.f its slreill.. and yet our ;ir!Riw lai'gMy outii'.imhiT tlinse of the one- my. And-whih) we hear of '?. n.,iotis aa.oVd h aders at the Sou'li, the llcl'ii ; li' eoidial.ty lulwcti 1 iiaa.citt Lutetmi mlmnluU,Kfty,,f everyday. ,t ,h ,oyftI Slate's have r.soji su;,.;- r.or to ud adrn-t! ,:ieuiiis;ances. nml i.rc ,aiui,:S strct,,.!, rury day. while ,I,e rebel . undm-ans to save it from rcrdithjn.-- ' ll.-l! . A t'liAM r. ot T.u s ; s. Daniel l.ooite, the ken'.urky hu.Mer, n..t.l to rciab: that tin: hiiide-l llpit he ever lud was with a: .siiiHe active JnXan voiith. Tho linii.iii no ii.a.u ti.e L'.n i.tii.iii u.-ieip ,i, nn- iki- ' ... 1 .. r.st, hoono only woke m tuito to save his . ......t it... ..i t t ........ .,,!. ;., .1. r..r live. l!i Kim . . . lmion(j,,lji aUi tl. J,,,,,, wn.l pon :m,n,.,ll.itelv. " I dodee.! IllKl f'UI llA wc! , l,01lM;. ,.iWlie ,0 ., .,, Uhlian m tlose mv heels that I could m t ,;mo (o ,oaJ 1U j,y l)lk - uj r,,!,.,, l0 nu. s,.om,j i... . et .t i !.. i ..r... .... inui i,iu'-ii it. uie viuuii.i. i ou i iiu.iii. t. ,,. . , ,mJ no., .( . . ........,,,,..,',... keui me niorini'. at i u u 10 oaii i.v .. ' ,,.,., ,...... Iolli;m, . .,-.'" -. " 1. tilt W nn.i iiiv iv.ift' .n i'.tiiini, a i ivi if i..o k .ir t i .t.t . b(,a 4W 01l,i t!,tI1 ,atl v tllcliw. (rji, O ' , f , t q r y u : 01 , , IC lu l" ' i ne rcur icaiiers cauut tne rai on nap-: . -- ... ..i ...... i.... .. ,.,..' 1 . - r eieiensivo, waiei, o, mows ratuir v nan. R"--T 1-ut tho Oovcmment Las 'cc loading for sonm tune. Jt will soon . .w.... . does assuino tho uggrcssive, it will make w fc of fi rckllioil, Mini:. Tho editor of tho Colo- i I ft , .m, n Ij.iiMt ftiiniiiiifi(V (Im muftrt i it ink ua-j iuvu w ivttvi ivuuiiiiin uv ivj'vt , tdrvl mined surpassing Cariboo in richntss uavo oeen uiEcovcrcu nenr me uctiei waters 0f Thompson Kivcr. Fabulous miinunlH, tb; hmI: of 'JVnth in c cry issim. i s i. x. ,",5. SeUils l1 Eat.:cra Ucwa. 1 111: 1...ITLUK ok M.vw.v ..vn !i.iDi::.t,. I'oi;n:i:: ;i Monkoi:, Nor. 1 j.TI.: .stcaui .invito !au -J aculo haa jut urnrcd from the roa,t of Africa, by way of Wc.-,t ; ''-"-'Hie port ilti:.nliid Ijy thu , t"''' .'; o-m Jacmto had ou hoard '.Ma:.on r.i:d j-li.kll, ftho wtva roiiis to Ka-! rie as mni:sti.-M ct ll.c nLcl tonfcduiify. Tlltjr tlili;!1 Ii0:il iV, 1:n, U) ,;,, resisted, lint hiai.sclf mid eoileaue a(eo:u- j ' pai.icd their emiiloyers into coiilinctneiit. L. i.Slldell had hi.s ivi.'o and four children on 'fini, wi,o wero 0 now eu to procwi io rop. Co:i.man.Jer W ilkw, of tllt' ha, J-'cinto, had n'nuit'rvlew with flen. Wool ' Kfrusxil the opm;on tuat he did r'"hl' M,Jl saiil' r'!l1 '"' lvro"?. i!"'5-' n'I! t wul, and if he had .lone, wronc. he vouhl do r,o Letter than ho had. i A ctal d.-pateh to the N. . lnluue l-;t. Monroe. So- f".v1 .Mas0 u,,u '"'" ?v" ' m.m VciSOl. l.te.S SiTil aiJOaM aUU tlemflftUeU taeir surrciKlc-r. 'i lie reply was lucre was Hot force enou-'h to take them. Wilkes sent an additional force mid put the Kon Javmta into a cuavtiuciU jiOmIio t .Vhdi-ll and Ma.son were then ''iven up. The Kn, -c ni-amei- iook u.tiu on 00a ru not kuo-.n- '? who l," ' worc- lluMl' f,'lt'u,i'i wt;c ahowctl lii proceed to Ueir destmat.oii. m. iikck, Hia uodorstood acted on his respo!i.b:lity. Oca. Woo. frrai.ud sU'-'11 A,:i5Jjn lw''i0n w. Fcnd l !tUc,s 10 ,llur lr" n(in M tvc""1- , , -Vjv- V:-lb 4,al'tai ' .ti,u no at lfa..ias. savi that iviicii hcrn.uda. a Lr.lsh steam vessel and the rtW " Nn.md. v.ere in port, ai.il t!t hr.U.ti vt.v-il had traiislerred It; r c-ar3o ol arms to tho rcocl vcjse,, and tnc , ' I .'..,e.. 1. .. ..1-1. 1.1 . .. l. .1...... lllli.sll Meaner no. en Ht'Uiii li'.uu uie-ni iu r... ..... t ,.:'..,!... v.,.t., : .n,,M r., "" "" the Lioi-kud.t :th tne anas. I .w name of Lr.ti.vi vv-sel l.as t.ot yet bun icaue a:10"'"- , , . A d I .,r Uoinnct..: s and J.apcrs ot Mason ' and I.Jcl vverv jH'i.ted. il il'-w 01 ,'"' j'rJ' . "'.il np Muson r.t:u slide!! under 1 rvlest. , N. V.. Nov JO. Immediately after tin? ! receipt of news aliout the capture of Ma- son and is.uell, it was Ueentcd uiiiort.iiU by the (.wverumett to have the persons taken by (Jen. j?u;nnir more wctne than pnn.,!e vvould moke. According to orders Irom ;he Sce'y of Slate. .Sup'l Kennedy had (iv.in, IJenhani, and llrent re aiiYsled mid their ba;:r.e ovct hauled. They were iaivc: to 1 I. l.titayelte. xi 1 r-t- 1 it '!:.'. en: lure of Mis-am cad 5-hdell cre - , . .,, t-..,!,;,.,.. nt ,1:.; ;' " ,' ; , ., f ,.' ', ... tt Si 0. lw C(,.1...(Jl,0iU ,,.,out. 11 1 e 1. 1 1.1 senile e..i.ieuit, nun i.u, , , ... - , .... . ' . .-m ,...1 .,- II .. .,-v .,1 .f f ,.i fviiilnr fO vliti.,1 1. :. .' t. ... ... .vn: ...1.. ..:. r... a:: 1 Slide il. The Toronto 1 Canada 1 fr.Wr ; mid .in'.'-';' have .severe articles "ti the xeiuro of these tmitou. Tho !Mi ...ivs it will add to tiie il'nily of the Aiiii-rlcau (iovennueiit if the cuplivrs arc liheraUel. 1 1:0 Uu-Ur says it is an insti.t w:i;cli lite best pov c: 111:11 Tit on earth would not sab - m:t to. V Y . Nov. '.'I - - A letter from Mat - ti-ra-. Inkl. dated Nov. I, says North c'ait!in;i, Lv a eonvention of delegates rep- .om.tiis, l as declared a Pro- visneir.l Covcrnmeti!. and has rniinly rc - U,n ml of the Slate, ,',,l!'innil,., IL,r 0TU,V and devotion to tho ,,,;. mj,,,, 0f the Culled Slates. The Tll0 U,am(1i net at llatteras on Mo. er set-lions, the biil.:.uii-o f wliicli is 1 I II.. ....... . .!! ,l.n .itl.".- i.r ft. A , ''" "" -" "'-sss-' " N.imr3 M.trble Na.dt Tav'.or, Fro- ;iomil liovcmor. ' Adopts the CoiU'.tuiioii of the Stale, with the statutes and laws coiitaiucd iu tne K"M:.eiI loili' o( l .... i , v , .i i r. . . .r . . 4'.h. llepuibatis lite tr,l. nance of. sees- ; .,, t ,. .j j, 0) .j, o( Milv tic.ethcr with all oiheroits then sdmilrd. .th. Pireets the Frtivisioiial tleivcrnor ... 'ivi rjfvviiti t.wtvii ivi imuivh- i ....L.i. a i....!.il ..!.,. l 'rtii (. xmlii-pj tf 1 l on- t.ili ilivet tlm Covrruor anlhoKtr to make tinipornry c:-po;itimtiits to uilicial ...ciincies. "Tne I ;.i:t von Con ttien adjourn J, itthjoct to the cull of the Frcslde.nl. l.ov. layior i.atcti us ,.rot iun.ai.o i n- . ... i 1 i0" -""J''" Ilt.ir.liL U IL OV .til tTltL 'sLviX i vill i BV tMtIVllf It I IU "IV VH0"Qt v V. ! it ,; "' , ...... ..... . ., i.en. fiierniau . sun iu nine neir.t-ti Pilu.k,. LL.,,,1 t.nd all tho nblebodied -v-.. I I., in-Rrow. 'o slU'tnpt has been maelo tocola-J UIIl 0,i tho main IjiiJ. m fl ,,nv e )0 jVla. Tho U(,,v, of anolhcr CM,lull mj Lo c,j,w.lcu soon. In ropgpipirnee of tho Fi-deral victory at Fort ItOynl, everybody nt Suvanah was tnncli nlurmcd. l'artics who wcro packing tip t'.ieir goods to leave, had been notified Hint they would not be permitted lo enrry off their goods. Tho ' Kcpublicnn' Is In digimnt ot the cowardly drscrlion In timo of danger, nml urges (ten. Lnwton to Imiio on order prcvcnliug any able-bodied man under sixty years of ogi from leaving. (Jov. 1 licks luts issued n proclamation railing a special session of the Maryland Legislature', at Annapolis, on tho 21th of Nov., to cslaiilisl! Maryianu in ncr oiu po itlon ts the lienrt of the Viiiott. and rcn-1 JtATKS OV ADVKUTISINfi : One i.)aro f twelve liuin, or ler, l.rcvr rn'.ui(') our insrr.iou 3 00 t-Zucfi i uljevjiteiit inwniun 1 00 l!u.- ii'-'r..n!H one jrr 20 00 A IiIilmI 1 J net ion will tio mad. ! to ihnm)i (whcrliiH) l the year. ill' Tim iiiunlirof iiiMrtio.iii uTiouM In nnl.l on the liiiiiL'in i.f nn a.lvrrtiirinrnt, ollirwis it will he inib.wlitd till lorbiilileii, ami cliiirfjfd .: conhhcly. Ohltinry nm'.ce will he chnrjej l.lf tli r..tm of udv-rliiiitj. CT;.lu I'iiinvinu exfciilei w'nh nrninrw ainl I'mjiiirut fur Jnh Vi'tnling muni It v,aCe nr. tlr.ltrertl tif tit irnrk. dor null tho ucl (if the traitorous Ft War ren I.cgiilatnro. LATE II. Sr Loti?, Nov. 2:. Tl.o otlnr dny tlin Federal lorcc.s in Ft. I'ltkcus ojif-ned tiicir Lai torit'8 on the rebels in Fenti.icol.i. Af ter a hoinhiirdiiicnt of uliout, twenty hours, ihu rclicls snowed signs of w that troow from the I-uicra t0 wko a lodgment 0 eiiknuiL', so al siilo wcro on (lie mniit i The jrrcat flotilla, huili for oporntioim : r.aiu.st the rcbr-li nlon, the- Mississippi j river, is now auout ready for operations On Thursday last the town of Warn t Mo., wus burned hy rebel mnrnn.lVra to a.;.'cil jt fru;n fu,- m n( ,b(! Fctt.ra forwSi A lur-,; iiumber of the Uichmond (Va.) IV hit has been received here. It U wo- i ""'J dejondu in repaid to the fiituro ! ?iS. ,L VM: T'J1. ? 1 - e - - . - ; "" , gT. !,on v0, i5.-Thn Riehmon.l ,;,,,,, .rcr snv, the CoiilBderatc .M pa.j i bill for the ivmnvid of tho j i-onfcderate Capital to Nashville. It fur- thi-r says that the Congress whieh lately met at Uichmond will soon assemble Bt Nashville. liverTlhin is ijulet on ti.e Folomnc to day. The Con'eder.f.o forces in front of Fair fax lire falling baek, and the Fetlcral troops are c.teudlng their line. WASHiscros, N'or. 2.'ith. The T.xb mond hngiiirtr of the 2i niinonncen t.'ie removal of five thonsacd ?J Yankee pris oners to Tuscaloosa and .Salisbury. This must be regarded as annthfr change in tho programme of the rebel .Southern nioro iiicnl. The Capital has already been re moved to Nnshville. The ipiestion arises, Uo tlie rebels liud Virginia no longer tent bhl'j The Ciinrh stou .LV.tv. v, e.f the Ist. states that intense exciteineiit jirvjiil.l there in relation to the threatened tf tack of the Federal Liovernuietit. There was a lare iiinubcr ol troops nml seventy t-uiiuon at Culuiuhia The Government had ad vies that Rlch . iiionil. Savannah, Chiiik'Stoo, .Mi'icjihis and New Cileans were in n panio. Fami lies were paekimr up to be- iu rcadii.ess to leave when the Yankees approached. A deserter from the rebel camp at Crn- ' trevillo reports that there wc.-h 00,000 ! it-.... ..-I.:..!, i c.....i?A.t ... 1 1 liut'' it.e.i, n t.ie.i is m 'M'.seu iu ,,n .iiw.ii. i. - A. ..,.'', ... , , " " -"..t..ue. ' John-toii was in command; provisions two fi'LJ'SJS1 M : mml a,,J dM Count lli Yillcncaii hns Let 11 ;nel , , , ,., , . .. n . . 10 a posil.on on ten. Metleihttis fctan .... with the rank of Colonel. 1 Thomas Drat;.', of North Carolina, ha i bren appointed rebel Atli'mey-Ceniral, in , fhiee of Lenjauiiti, made E:cretory of j War. , V..iiiso:,.y, Nov. 2d - The N,.rloik 1 y;u(lf. ,,,,1,,., (r,m iit1. . mond thnt in an cntseiiiviit at I'ciisaco.'a. . the frijratcs A':,r, and Co.'oro.l,, cn- ; pijed Ft. Mellnc. The vessels rrcci.nl j damages tinJ were rompelled to hunt off. Ft. I'ieken.; was jiriiijr hot hliot, ami had 1 set the rer.s.n'o!a av" 1 ard ti.ico l.ui.s ' ou lire am! entirely destroud the town of ! Warrington. i Vi-K M ', I. iur f,A. iTl.tL I TX,, ? t. ! ! i-hiitiI bud been captured near A hiieo- j Cpl. (lilbert says the commander threw I I .' . .. . . ovcrooarJ lus ainuiuu.t.oii. Vor.K. Nov. 27.-T1.C fliauier ua lias arrived from LVjland with ,000 stand of arms for Uovn..:-!. ut. j Itiilnnond ditpatch roi oris that them ! nrp :t.000 L nioiii.sls in the luontitams of Mast Tcnuesseo under t!io eouiinnnd of " Farson" Lrownloiv nml Jlnj Gilliam, when thev are doing more mischief than 1 it,,, Yaiikws in Kentucky. Sr. I.ot'tt. Nov. -IC). Tie llibcls hi ColiiuibiH, Ktutucky, nro making crent . preparations for tlcfense. Tho Conn-do- j rate lorces at that pluco are hourly uxprct- ! ing nn attack from th- Feilemi troop, I Lich are marching th.lhcr iu strong torre. T!, i,,,,-,,..,!.-.-. ...j Mt,,u? r,r ! . ' Mcola and yirroumlliig points, r, .uikd in . t t i 'ii ti vr: m r : I - - i ( i proper Is some seven miles Iron) ti.e nvy ' Yu d. but tho cnolure of ..!! the reb-l bat- , - , , , ., trriri which defended tlo town of Im.-a- IinmenM) cxeitemeiit him i rcn earned t.y the nelion of the Fetlcral Iroopi through out the Southern cities, and the citizens of tiie most prominent towns are preparing to leave in largo numbers. Ccn. Price, of tlm rebel forces in A r kansns and Mivamrl, crowd tic ILie-e Hirer on the Siltd Inst., on It! , nnr.-h to t! c North. Tho Federal troops unci r th-. Immediate command of Gen. lluiit.r, hi large force, wcro prr-parrd to meet li'm a short distance from Scdaliu. Tho Oovcrnmcnt has given a permit for tho ro-opcuiiig of tho trade between Fort Tohaoro and fSnllimoro. This l lite sec nml permit of tho kind that h'ii bein Btuiitcd. We received new, a f. -w ilay.. 130, that parties in itnoeie j , !: j l Ati oeni allowed to supply tbr Cnlon w of North