The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, November 23, 1861, Image 1

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... Aitu, will I" fmmilird "I Thrrr Ihtlmt
'.-.. ''""'"""'"""rr' ,
H hrn it" m"'"1 ' ""' '
ii L. tmll I" iln it'll if '"' i" ' "",
Titt )i(lir vi" lit chili urit fin lit iiiimtlf
A'l liil'i'i ''''"" ' rrf''r'1 f'" " lr" I"'1
Nil W" tliwiHii""1 "" ""''"'"A"'
Swill' rol"" '"'"'
Hurt Vreli. I ml it I'lrr.
Jlo u 'ntt" ki:'N '" ,mt,'u " l,u'Nt'"11
that "" volunteer liuvo dniibllcsn fro
,,iii'ntly ask04' tlifiiHi;lvcM. Wo yesterday
ntuoihled upon volunteer on furlou'i,
ff,o first smelt powder at Hull Km..
During n Iiour'ii chat with him ho tavc
t, very good fj''l"'ru' ',','n 01 tM0 WIIV
which o limn fed when uiulnr nn enemy'
J,,,,,, Our friuiiil didn't cluliii to ho sped
By courugcous, llo pluo.d duo value
UK)ii llu intfj;rity o( the American eagle,
tut enlisted inuiiily because ho hud nu
other employ inonl ut tlio time, lie did
cinip duly fiiithfnlly, mid endured I ho
hardship of long marches without any
special grumbling. That hu dreaded to con
front tho enemy ho freely itdniil. While
willing ut miy timo to kick a bigger man
limn himself under justifiable provocation,
ho disliked tho idea of the Midden seoui
lion imparted ly n bayonet tlirust
in tho iibdomen, while only second to thin
was his horror of I mini,' cut down with a
rillo hull hko mi unsuspecting squirrel.
When hi regiment wo drawn n in
lino ho lidmitted hi teclh chattered utid
his kncrpim' rattled like n pot closet in a
hurricane. Many of ids companion were
similarly affected, mid some ol them would
have lain down Imd they dared to do so.
When tho first volley had been intcrchang
rd, our friend inform n, every truce of
these feeling usscd away Iroiu him. A
reaction .look place, and ho became almost
jivogo from excitement. Halls whistled
nil ahout him, mid u cannon shot cut in
half tt companion nt his side. Another
was -.truck l,y some explosive that sputter
e I the brain ever the dollies of our iufur
hut, hut, no far from intimidating, all these
thing nerved up his resiilution. The hill,
crto quaking civilian in hulf an hour he
came n veteran. Hi record show that
he bayou cited two of hi reliel enemies and
discharged tight rounds of his piece will,
n decisive mi nim though he had o
hcted a turkey for his mark. ('mild the
entire hue of nu nnny conic lit the same
timo into colPsion, he lay tin re would he
no running except niter Imp, less ihfeat.
Tho m il who p iyd taj runaway i.t
Hull Hint were men who had not puiliii
paled in tho nction to nny extent, mid who
l,eenin punic stricken where, if unco 'nu ll
jug (Miwdi r in the manner nhove described,
thev would Imvo lieeu iihi.iiditly vieturi
mis'. In the roar of mmhetry nnd the
thumh ring discharge of artillery there is a
musii! thai liunishc even inimte cowardice.
The sight o. men struggling together, the
clash ol salire. tho tramp of cavalry, the
gnre si u'mcd grass of the hatllc field, and
tho coming charge of tho enemy iPmily
visiliht through tho bntltoMtlohe- nil these,
say our intelligent inform, r, dispell every
p.irticlo of fear, mid tho veriest coward in
tho rank pcrhap become the most ti'i r
like. At tho battle of Hull Hun tho chap
lain of one of the regiments a limn of small
staluro mid ih licnto frame, personally cut
down two six feet Rreiiadici s in sin-lo com
luit K these thini; nro so and we in-,. iIim.L iluiv are the best cure for
cowardice is to crowd n man into a li,ht
ii,r L i liim The liiL-ilivi s from
1ti.ll linn wltc men who imltiM inmc he
hed hilil,-'ii'u'r-
'oil ,ori .-irnV(i.
V'rrllMK of Uif .unlr.
(ircat responsibility rest upon t.ioso
fund wo nro nmoiiR tho number) who Imvo
oi.IMsed a war policy mid have vainly
cherished tho hoiKi thnt our nalionul
trouble could bo composed without blood
nhcil. A correspondent writing to us
soy: " Not olio drop of bloodshed in this
war will Ihi on your hand." lod j;raut
it may bo so; but if our opposition to n
war policy ha encouraged cither portion
of our country to perit in refusiiiu term
of adjustment, then it nmy bo w o nro not
A our friend, nud wc ourselves, suppose.
Hut when tho prccipitanry of tho South
nt as olT In tho midst of elTort for peace
and by it futid assault on Ft. Sumter,
mid ils threats to subjii!?ato N iisiim-ion
suddenly plunged us, unprepared ns wo
were, into war, thcro wn notliiiitf for n
true nntriot to do, iiolhiii- that ho wisher
to do. but to titko his iihicojuuder tho llun
of his country, mid uphold tho government
liiuler which ho lives, mid for which it I
tiweet fur a L'ood limn to dio.
Our sense of ro: ponsibility to lod and
to our follow mon rcipiiios ii to suy t.m
worcy deumiidn that tho question wo nro
soeXlnir Irt sotllo hhould bo speedily put it
rest. Wo would Imvo tho government
summon to its aid tho entire force of the
country, regurdless of cost or of temporary
hicoiivcnlcuco. and wilh nil tho pruuonce
lirmncss and uneriry at its coininnnd demon
Mrato ils nbunduiit ubilily t mUU it
inlrL'iitv ami nowcr.
Amoiqj ull our ncqunliiliinees and cor
respondents in tho North, there Is imi
limn with whom wo Imvo convened, or
from whom wo Imvo received lin nil"'
the war t.rokn nut. who does Hot fuel, n
wo do. that tho existence of tho govern
inenl is nt stnkn, Hint It must bo unstained
ut thn rn.1 ut nil wo have, mid llint mu"
mid nienns will be furnished to any desira-
iU i..i . l.,l,i n i jv. . j , '
A Wi-ckly N'VH;ijT, duvolcl to Hie Intorcsls id" the Lubotln Classes, ami tul vocatiii'the side of Truth in every issue
Vui VII. OUKfiON CITY, ORKCJON, NO VEM 15KU 215, 1801. No. 3.
N, s l.iiutnnit mul Urn v--.. W b time
uol yrt tii'UUI lu I'liilil.'i
l.i'n. Mil.lrll.iii.
(ieu. iMcChllau i evidently lilliiiLr his
Son.o oflho paper ore charging New l)aco an tl.u l.Mtd.-r of u great army. A
Hiigland with n want of enlhiisiasm in tho Hll,.ilt eoncspoudenl ol the X. V. Trilumv,
war. ll i said lluil sho doe not conlri-'..:,: r,.,.,., vj.;,.i,.
I i rtrrut ti Hull's. TkI.KOHAI'II Ai.IIOS T1IK C'OSTINKNT.
It is astonishing how littlo wo hear on ' 'pic aerumonto Hec has an article upon
this side of tho mountains, says the Han rates of dispatches from tho Kast to the
Francisco Mirror, of Union victoiics, ' ('ulifuniin pres, from which wo copy.
which are matter of frequent occurrence, j J-'ull rates o( private dispatches, for the
bule her proper share of ii to the nnny, Thu only portion of the forces who have in spite of the silence of tho new reports i irst, 100 words two-third rates for all
ami co.iqian.son are insmineu rit-iwwii ur,i,.vea llio Into vii-lorics under (Jen. .Mc
.MusKuehuscIt and Illinois to the discredit; ,,,, tlut camu (o tli(t wil,, hi i(t
of Iho former. Now while wc glory in tho eoinpiiuy of thoroughly drilled rilletuenJ blazoned to tho world n an important bat-, third rates for all over 500 words. What
patriotism und self sacrifice of the I'rnirio Inosty froin Chicago, Illinois, called the
respecting them, while every little skirmish over 100 and up to -100 one-half rates
in which tho rebels cnin an ndvuntiigo is , for all over 400 and up to 500 and one
'tic. While the papers have united in a j arc full rates? They are, $155 for the
Slate nnd would not iluck a Icuf from the Sluruess Hides who act ns the body guard general howl over tho shortcomings of tho. first ten words to St. Louis or Chicago,
laurel crown of any gallant Slate of lh ; 0f the Gcnerul. They are under command j bandbox and pasteboard officers to whom j and 43 cents for each additional word.
great Northwest, it is no more than just ' (Jr Cunt. Steel, of L'hicauo. und number I the curlier disasters of the campaign were i Thus tho tariff for the press is
that wo hhould bear in mind the following f iK 1 , y.tli rc-o men, all of whom huve been
attributed, wo seem to Imvo forgotten that 00 words
Davis himself has been execrated by the: 200
i.. -r i.: ii... r.. !.: intw.itftiv il,.,i , ""O
RUpii; UI IIW nULHUl! li'l H..- inhmimij, viii.v
Hcauregnrd owes his only victory to an ac
cident, and not only failed to follow up his
$ 43 25
78 03
100 ill
1 29 73
151 37
fuels: First, tho ono hundred thousand, tM-0uKli the entire victorious campaign in
under (leu. Fremont's command, are to a Western Virginia, have been in all the
great extent emigrants Trum New Kiiglund; )llU(,Si ,,,,,1 mvu ,ct. tried i t, fire and
while not a man of Western birth can j tiovcr lliiit-tioii.
found iu an Kastcrn regiiiient. Tho truth! (;,., McCMhin is regarded by those
is, tho West has been for thu last twenty- . I1H ivincible-tliey say he never made
live years, draining with wonderful rnpiili- n mAc, and I verily believe these eighty
ty the Fast of ils young men, until now the n,ri.c m.n woj cheerfully march forth to-
populatioii of .New Kiiglund con Ms! large-. ( uluiift,
n in in.vm,,im,uimiM n juuiij i lin,iy h lauiCssas, ii lien, m cl lei Ian i 1 m !" - i over 4 00 ami ll
too old for military service. Second, it is shn(i ,'ive the onh r and lead the attack, is characteristic of Americans every wiierc, n, .i ovcr r,0o. one-third rates. Thus
safe to allirm, that at least two thirds of (.'ol Lander, the aid of the Command-
the naval force of the eonntry uro drawn (;c,,eral, now here, is also highly es-
And for each word ovcr 500, tho sum of
" triumph, but has accomplished nothing, j u CS
since; that iso is covering hnnsell Willi Th(j ratcg ,Q Qr from NoW york nre
disgrace instead of laurels; that I'rice isLp f , t , wo.j Bn( 6., ccnls
j always retreating, and Floyd seems born , . ,, . n,diliomi w(ir,i , ,p t0 100 ovcr
lie, to attack the entire rebel j to defeat; in short, Hint although still pre-1 10Q (iiJ n tQ 40Qj t o-tliii J.i those rates
Manuals, if (Jen. McC'lellaii serving that reputation for " pluck" which j ovcr 4Q0 ., t0 MOi one-half rates
.... .,... VI.. I
the revolutionists are ou an siues sieauuy i tiC t.irjfrt0 y0ik is
pressing back within llieir lines. A great1 00
nuiiibcr of skirmishes have taken place in' orjo "
which the Fedcrais have achieved brilliaid 300 "
n.tnliv 1ml llifi- liavn licen nnvscil over ill 400 "
! utter silence, w hile the least affair
i 1
,iu which victory sided wilh the scccssion-
fill 25
121 115
100 05
1SS i-2
And for every word ovcr 500, the sum of
from New l.iiglund. 1 he twenty or thirty ((.,.n.,i ,y i)C men, who say he is the most
thousand men who nro managing our war fenrles of mortal, a thorough soldier and
steamers and gunboat do not make much',,,, nmiablo leaihr.
show in our public print. And yet il (Jcu. .McCh llau is one of the least pre-
,,,! III,. 1 1 i-i I ' i n t imJihI nl .('line I, II.. ,...ora ll...
i" ' ' tv ' I - nu ii mis 1 1 (in II III. iii.iiv I" ii , nuin iiiv - 'imi . .
II.itt.r.,1. to demonstrate to ...... of intelli- ,in,pl, bhrn-e of the, without even its was diligently blazoned I,t tl.esT.npa-,
geuce that our navy must play mi impor- the starred shoulder straps to denote Ids . thiz'.-rs. ilK.s j t)ic )ltify Un; and 500
, , iii flii. I.liii.i.i' ii 1 1 h 'I niiiiil will' f rt . ... !...,.,. ii-.iIi .i? 1, .. .IN t.UAl.lil l.Atl.uu. -v i-wiii
lirst net (lie curtain has scarcely fallen. who is indefatigable in his pursuit nud at
Ono i,iiaro (twelve lines, or leit, brevier mtiunro)
one iii-ierlioii qf J
1-jtcli uliijiiont insertion 1
HumiiicshcihiIh oiiu year 80 "0
A liberal deduction will be made (u those whu
ailvertisu by the year.
The number of insertion! shouM be nolcd
on .lie Tiiarfriu of nil aivortiem-jit, olliei wir.e it
will be nubliuhod till forbidden, aid charged ac
cordingly. Obitnnry notions will bo charged half the
above rates nf adverlisiiig.
'C2J"B 1'aiMTiso executed with neulness and
I'utjmrnt fur Jnh Printing mvtl It mailt or,
dclitmi nf lli' trnrk.
pany ol the Fremont Cavalry Hattalion at- i words will make but sixty lines; or very
Tliii'il. u vrrv lar 'o iiriorLoii of nit Uu? :lA: nniiL' ciuinv. mul cuuullv uuliritirr in i...ri, fmm I '
,,.1-vIop l,.i.,!iici!nif flm i' m 1 . .. . . ii. l i.t 1 r. m,r,u-t nf i . i . I .... 'I'l,. tier,, i Wi'.W A It I K I. 1 UC O. I' . MM Of Sfla
will, cfliciency and success is manufactured ,;s IllLll eoiupatible with the eircuinstanccs posted ou foot us infantry, with their horses , Flev. I. S. Dield has found a balm for his
in New Kicdand. I'rol.Iv not les than ,,f n Soldier's life. When his line is on ' the rear, held by every fourth man. : mnny disappointments h, the cause of Tem-
50,000 mc -o cnpluyul in M:,s.,c:,useUs 1C march, ho is ever among the men, with : tXT TXm ti e" T l!,C
ki..,l nud word fr evi rv com-1 r. i , , ii,.-f.l. ,,n r..,, ,,!,,- lie is a wormy, competent, ana
k or kind salute, or i tl,n l.rusli We then made the charge. Miouoralilo gentleman, nna we rejoice ni n. tiie slllinv aR( support of h:s comiaaiid;
r,,. I,;,,, r fi.rwnr. u it i urn i't . which .rnnil fin-time. Some vcar since, a ter mv-1 1 he ( juartermastcr anu musierins c:ncer
ami caiiscU a coin-
aloue, must of tin ui night nml day, in niaU
ing every variety of arlii-h- re.piired by
nt hi
EGON. AwiTixT Gkxebai.'s Office, 1
Washinotos, Sept. 24, lfcOl. )
Col. Thomas 11. Corneliu, Hun. Ii. J'.
Harding and 11. F. Maury, Esq , of
Okxtlemkn1 Tlie War Department be
ing convinced of tho necessity of raising a
body of troops in Oregon to meet all exi
gencies which may exist tin re, and with a
particular view to the defense of the fron
tier, I am directed to nuthorizo you to
raise for the service of tho United Skates,
ono regiment of mounted troops, to consist
of ten companies, with Thomas R. Corne
lius as Colonel, It. V. Manry as Lieut.
Colonel thereof; the two Majors will bo
selected hereafter.
15. Y. Harding is nppoiutcd Quarter
master of the Regiment, and will be mus
tered into service immediately after the re
ceipt of this letter, by any army officer in
his vicinity. If no officer bo near him,
Mr. Uardiug will muster himself into ser
vice, taking the oath of allegiance before a
civil magistrate os soon ns mastered into
service. Quartermaster Harding will act
as mustering officer for the remainder of
the Regiment.
The organization of the Regiment will
be in strict accordance wilh that prescribed
for ten companies of cavalry in General
Orders No. 10 of 18G1 from this office, a
copy of which is herewith enclosed.
The medical ameers ol the iicgimciu
will be one Surgeon and one Asst. Surgeon,
to ho competent medicul men, appointed
by tho Colouel.
" Thu company officers of the Regiment
will be appointed by you from met) deemed
competent for the positions.
Every man will bo required to furnish
his own liorso and horsu equipments, as
prescribed in General Orders No. 15, of
lfGl, from this office, a copy of which is
also herewith enclosed.
The Colonel will bo mustered in upon
receipt of this order, und is authorized to
make all necessary requisitions upon nny
L.S. Quartermaster or tomnusaary lor
hv a icouisition on the U. S. officers here-
inbefore specified.
lu all accounts for such exj endit tires or
contracts the fact um.-t l.e stated that t!.
I.. i i ... ... i .
uuil llie melauciioiv, line to sav neeuns.s, . tnol0 (.0:
iiihlcr of tho heroic I. you, have served j f.mjn,-,
lo quicken the pulse ol llio tr wepau-;; but ns might have been expected
mil the crippled and exposed condition in
hich the government was left by the per-
juicd traitor Floyd, nil that ha been thus
,r done is onlv iireiiarutorv. o have
i ir i, ,, ' ii,..;r r,v,. The arhii vcintiit was a brilliant hi teniiKianicut can be imajjiucd. " Rath-1 supplies could not cllu rwi.-e be procured
ie lll.uei inn i.'imii.niu. i m i". . . : ... - - . , . .. ., .
w'tl out rropcr shoes or c'ulhiii" he The rebels had C-d killed. We took r discouraging, Mr. Dield," wc suggested, and that the price paid was the !owf
Ul.outpiopt shoes or ..oi iu, ..e mostly shot-guns, which . ., .... ltc0e , ,lfl for 1C cat,sf n market price. The clothing, arms, and
hat man with his captain sent to his tftw 1 laic but out .ope an lor au.e, w ti mpil(li othw ,.0(Sl, C(ll!l,inPlits.
tpiurlers, where the man is served with Tk. .,,, vmmmu captured a r l-cl , s"l!l " 1,,lt ono ,toiM; t!li,t 1 u-'1 for tho Regiment will be procured by
u pleasant
..... t .1- ,., ,. r, II,. ..mi. I ,.r I ... I. I I,, . i.ii.rr nil
I lu I mi n ii ..ill ii nim i in i. i .... .i. . .... m .11 I L.,li,i .'i iiiv. in ii"i i. v.. ....i. . - ... , - . . , , . ,
I - I 1 i .1 I. ' .' l.... . .....1 .....I.-...1 ii ..urn. . . . .. - .1-. i 1. ......I... iniiinin,...1 is n ii t l.nriycii .'i Crtll-
sMddi., march in. .ynnsh,,, w private with who,,, he is b,ou;;U on ' - a;;;, ; 7", 1 ranee u CnT 1 0 for ti. Iinent at tho
wear 11 coat of Lawrence cloth, and shoot speaking terms by business; and in alight ,,eir i,,,',. no of the latter fled to Lcb-1 wt tl,c fc0Us 01 ,: j lowest market price, nnd to furuUli them
sece sion traitors with n SpiingfiiM int.- 1,L. is ahvavs at the front of the column, in oii without riders. Our boys pur.-ucd and muhrgone every species or liartialiip j U10n tl0 r0eiuissition of llio Colouul as fust
1 . ti1(! tiii.-h,.' i the daii 'cf eiicoiiraging hi the enemv u mile and a half, oiid took o4 and self-sacrifice, he returned from a visit j as tle companies are mustered into service
.. ' B .. . . ' ' 1 ....... M,..l. L,..l,l.'i.. .1. I C-. ...... . I...IP it,, tl..-n ciil.lili llP fl!lt!l!t,f(l
We nrcht mention smnc otlur cousulei- .M1!,iers ! cheerin- word und fearless prisoner, i.ieiu. .ii? 10 tue .vuaimc ci.u-s lw ,.u ..,, ,...u ...
ti.,n pertinent ,0 this subjivt, not hog, t- deeds, lie takes soldiers' fare i.h the t -j; , er haP
ting the l.ber.,1 oulpoiiii.ig of money, but re,,, ,king no better food, and no ...ore , ...J t0 100, while but S3 of our men sad.y wanting in memher and cuhusiastiL
ih.-M! tire fr our purpose. The l,miri,ius Led than I tie ncwist recruited ,,r.. in the cii.'aL'cmct.t-nl.out one to The ellect of this discovery upon a man ol
fact, however, is not to be disguised, that m ivate under his command
mitlier New England nor any other ol tue m;m
lovnl State have yet seemed lo reuli.c ful- has tl
the magnitude of the interests iuvulved 0u i
in thi gigantic rebellion of (ho slavchohl- the garinciits he needs, nud the caplain re- company, the next day, nt I.11111 l reu;, encout.i
oligarchv. The relmff at Manassas, ,., ius r,.,,rim.H.d that leads him to look where the rebels liau la . iv seize., an mi- Uvc wuus
..1 .... 1. unit 1. 1 irfliliU II t!M' IT 10 I 1- ' .,
11 ft if III,. -iiNiftii't t.T his men "lcl,f,"""va e a ll.ey 11111-
ion men. 'driven."
1 Jkit Tiiomi-sox Rurni'. This reU-l , - - . ,,
following just and for- leader, who has been burning bridges and , 1 ok hv.v.v.u AiiMV.-lhe N. . lU-raiu
cil.le statement from the Raltiinoro Clipper, committing other depredations in s.-nlhetisi snms ,,p tho total uiimur 01 rebels in tne
i well said, and wo, ll, circulating in nl ' Missouri, ha Ik,,. ."c . field, ..d makes St 2'J2,270. Raising this
... i w8 nK'1 ,!' 1 rn'-V0 '.i""1 kritt,,J ,-p force niid .nlti..g it and keeping it in the
the I'lecfstatts.- 'tin cxpedilion from (,.ipe liiiardeau, under, 1 , ' ,,-.,
livery attempt of the Fed. r.,1 Govern-1 ,',,.. ol Col. riuui.uer, of the Mis.-ouri lu-U. exhausted the South,
m,., ii iii iir.itiTt its, 11' ntid nll'oiil iirotection t. i..,.ii, i,. . ,-m; u iih trnoos from The rebel Consrcss has ntitl'.onztd the Cll-
not yet begun to light. .V '" '''"" , ova ,.i!Zens, for whoso safety it was in-! r(ntou. Our 'force was 'J.oOO strong, ' ;sti.. f h,df a million of men in all. The
titutcd, i translated by the rebel synipa- jeomposed of the Missouri 11th, Col. "hmp i Charleston Mercury says they never can
.10 doubl tho
resources 01 iie
meat to the Production ol nu-
The people are stiff-necked;
be coaxed thev cannot be
Wrw. Su;
Miiiiii-ii, 11 iiiiii-i.i..i .v.... ........ iDinpusi-u 01 in.-.iii.-i.Mi. 1 . . v .... 1 ( iiarlcst 011 aii frcttr if savs im patriots into n grievous oppression. , llK.ri t. .joth Illinois, Col Marsh, and the '
g of the war it was The very laws against treason nre, in their j 7,1, Illinois, Col. Ross, together with n "L r-l' ul'
revile the Hon. Si- estimation, oppressive and destructive of section of Taylor's battery of Hying nrlil- extent of too military rcs
W At the opening
11. iio.inlar fashion to
11 .... 1 . . . . - -. . . . . .... 1 1 . . r. . ...
nuin Cameron. I he newspapers 1,1 ti,0 liberty of the people, and any attempt crv. Four heavy guns were taken, mm botitli 111 rebellion wnen pusncn 10 11s ui
favor of and against the Ailiiiiuistration l0 execute these laws or to prevent hrnwl-j c0'l. l,ovc, a rebel leader, killed. Maj. j mot limit of impressment
seemed to take espcci..l pains to iiuiociiin- ig aiders and ulictlor ol treason iioniuo- (Javitt and ( apt. Ilyman, ol the "i"ll,ua 'Phis onny of d.Iuded men can safely be
nto the public mind with the idea that Gen. ',, mischii-r, i denonnced ns n gross out- j Cavalrv, were also killed. The rebels at-! ; ,,, t.. 'I.-II-m Vo,.l
Caineron wa unlit lor the high position to ril,,P. u js a little singular how sympathy uu-ked'amounted to S.000. j ,dt 10 " L, l3re , - , ' '
which ho hud been appointed. Hut the wUi, ,1C South Carolina con-pirators per-1,v r, T 1 mmtox On ' llm,kr' I,"Ul'r' "l,J U"m-
clamor has ceased. The Secretary of War yvrU the perceptive faculties of those w ho 1 ; 1 rl J . w, i ,. r;,CI1 lvd i will know w hat to do with them.
,; olllliveu ll.s eaiiiiiiiii.iiui.s, anu nu i.i.- , in',' ailUClCil Willi inu Miniiiiin, mm i"
t i Lexington, tho surprise being so complete
l- Ol i . . , . . 1 ,1 .: .1...
Knew noun
force until
. 1 . .... .. . .. I 1..' i' f I.II.IILU .11 UI'Ull lliviii,
appointment l.rst rcacl.c.l tins Ma 0 wo ex-. u 13 , right an, proper a m pattiouc or , mMtm - & , . ut Ft Monnnv A Jis.
1 lied in every direction, and our men pur
Imii'd for ciirht or nino miles, and took a
ievc that he now standi as high as any tIt.ul rc.-ard ns the highest measure ol W? '7 "..r .1,, ,..! Masoxuy istiik A.iMV.-l ree ; Masonry
other member of Iho Cubinet in popular' mre pntriotisin these same acts, when done 1 1" " ! of 0ir folvc llltli' A volley was prevails to n great extent among the olh
cstiinalion. When the intelligence of his )V the inobocracy set up at Richmond. ; ' lJ , .. threw donu ' ccs nnd men of our army. They havocs-
l . . 1. .1 . 1 tl r 1 i ...I. V... .I:..! ....I
, OI1P )! If llllll I0 WHS IHW n j f in 1IIOU Ol UrllM'll f0lllll . ui uimiiini hum . 1 m.ui mti. ; . i c
i r,;.l,e,,ositio.nnd were cratilicd ; ileOK;um ,, Ah.bntninus to drive into I V"V" . ",,. ,, ' pension to woik in tue i .rce greet, o
lhat our judgment has heen proven conci i. ; (.X0) ()r to 1
Gen. Caiueron is n thorough man of ims,-;
es. lie has a siigiicot.s know ledge o, h'gnince to the liovcrnineiii 01 too c uuen rllt:ililato their flight. Resides these,
mankind, and ho is as prompt to aci as nu , Mll,es. ll i nounng uui jum.o ,o ,-, of t.almou (1, C
xile, or to imprison or hang every ,.. . , ', klln,)S:l,ks ,
irginia who w , I dare to adhere o his ah : fe ' I M j,
.ginncetothellovcrninentof the lulled," . . .. . .. -, I
i. i ii. u iincci.i;i,in ol i . i ..i i, r. i. w.i- .. nt iv,rv xnri er a
I (p.ii h ... " . ' ,1, ; , , i i i ....V :.. il... v; I, I post
,1 ties ha Dccn so piainiy imme u ho ins min e ins nouio m
1 hero l no inn in w iiuiui
uoeeiit women and he!
leave their homes within an hour and go
im... ....!: ..r 1 Avin..tim iii n i.i tit be
. . . . ...... : ... A ill; iviihih.'ii v. ...... - ti.ui ms iraiiuccs mnu u,,,. ...... ,, ,N ,,o nun.. ' - deplorable in the last degree-portion ol
plelcly silenced by " tlw cloq.teneo ol facts. ll0cent women and helpless cliildren to yJ um, m.lU(l, ,.
inincisru m -n.u 1 1 ,.' I..
Masonry has been granted by tho Grand
Lodge of the State of New York, and for
several week they have been in active ser
vice. A Lodge Room has been litted up,
and the regalia nud working tools of tho
Lodge will outrank many Lodges thut
have better facilities for their labors. Scv-
. . . . ' - . i ' . .... . . I. MM. ..
. . -.. - - .1... I..I...1. i.n.tu l.ii- l.i.i. nni ..mi. i. nliitf nnvp lirell iiiil llirill.'- .. l llL'
i ., . m ,i iictlli anioiijr iiiu iiiiiHiiii.iina i". - i .mi linn........" - f.-.
! penniless strangers to hud safely from tho of fJ10 ((W nm, . f , t
.... v - ii i.i r.n... ii in Smiiii neru ihi. mill . ... . . ... i .i. . n-
v.- ( iviioir. 1 no l. i ii""!" "'(,'; . ' , , L.imin- , in. ,nr nive lieeu strip pen : me
It U ilm dnlv of the people in the seceiieu , , " ,
I no new L'tinooai.s i mi,,ii Inin, nnd nuin er nil ll is o tratreou.s in - ... . - . - n,, ,..,. '
lir;;(,lingfi,ir armament ou boar.h a ml. ZZL lo at.cupl to ex cu.o S'SUn Vii.lo hlgsc'nV A Coiiuki.ios.-.. Jus: In your
will go into co,nnns.s,on at once n , o- ((, (,lnp(iy , mM of the conn-1 n 'nA tht. ,,c issue of Oct. S, 1 notice a mistnko in the
eced to sea. he arinan.e nt of Hie iw o , , c,irt,r,.c ,lt.m." ' ,,. ,,,, , ,rih,t exploit nroccedinc of Iho last session of
boat.willbcthusanuM.imv.i. em o, ... . " ' " , , '. ,ir,0 0r ,;)0 men. ! n ' r .r T l,i.., I snm.ose
"Oi.n Viuoixxv." "Occasional,'' wn- - - " ' ,
Anotim i. l.Tonv.--Uii ennesuay, , made III drawing oil llio miuuies mr pun
itl '
! t distinguished officer here being among the . . .. , , , I
i.,.f ..,.1 wnnlonlv destroved luilcl. that . h-
I . ' i.i, l . . Tl.
i... r,.ii,.,, i,i. .run: Ouo clcven iucli coluiii
.1 IV l.'ll.'" l"H M . I . L'f 1
,iad, placed iimidslup, weigniug i.,-'"
n.und, and wilh the carriage nearly eleven
ing (o tho rhihidclphiii Tress, says:
pounds, nun win. i" ' v V . , .. a (hcorv has lately been started, to
!,,,. ( ),, the forecastlo i ,n.HH,uJ . 1 . ; A I J Jj
''ltdguu,e,.pa Id o f u.w ..RJ Jj" ;., fr ll(ltlo m Virginia us ho has
grent distance. On ca 1 1 Mde ol o u , h ukl ww ((1
sel will be six 12 pound; , " 1 1 , ,, ,llm.k m1h1 lm,y smd,,.ly
ii.... r,..,.i,iiil. of tho new .Missouri i
coniposu um i-iiviiu i i. .
. . . in iv, u i,r i hu I . nndi hi.
.1... ! I. U'.CJI- IV lift lllltu in iiiu:" I
liuii ,n on I"' " .' , . . I . iiiiiiii
ii rail spitler;' nml tlicy nro .icicruuini. u
make tl.e.nsclvcs and their guns n terror to ( light
tho enemy
fnvorilo wi
expected from them.
"n'," V ' .. l.i .l I- nud throw
gunboats. I l.o (I""','JH . . ! , I ' into these two Slates tho ..oops ho has
havonlrca.iyci.nstene, .. . . , ,. . . ,,, of lla,.k
Washington. Thu fact i. ho. must
ifil.lll'U' here either in Virginia, or
llinhu,he.sclvcsai.dti.eirgur"'- , " ,.,,,,, bunks f ,lu Ohio, or
The rarrotl gun nro ,.... t. t,,l
,1.0 with .11, and much cxecu.ion isjs ,,ve , on ,,,,, .
r . i . i.i ...
October lli, the Rill. Illinois, on their way i(,(lti(m l, of reading "II. N.
to join Gen. Hunter's division, fell upon u ftm, j , for
band or rebels nt Lhui Creek, nnd killed,' i.. ......
nml winded 177 of them, besides taking' Um nu,M .....lull counties," it should have
100 prisoners.
Ibccn for Linn and Rciiton couutus, and
w. n. in
i ,. i ilu.v iii'l liml nnthimr bullli'SO
' I ' . ... . I I ..I
v nu .h i. iii. i.ii tii-iii linn ni sei ieu iiiiiiii i, ".ir-,
1.,i,r TO Nr.WSI'AI'KIW. ,es-iii - ,., I
. fallibh. tests of men' hou- those who uiguc ,., . -
-i Thoy will sooner or later discover
loot that if Fasten. irguim is occupicu 17
Iho I'ederal army, tliero I n praciicai cuu
to thn rebellion iu this i.iartcr, und that
the Old Dominion will bo as thoroughly
held in tlio iron vice of iho Government us
Maryland Is to day.,'
esly. Hie.y
ttlU lUltll. in.OlSll.h.H.nei.1, m. ,. .-
l u printer son.o wny-snys ho ha paid
hat ho ha nol-declareshohstho ro
cei t money, " 1
v lost iu tho mail-orw I take ho pa
per nnd not pay ful' U, 011 llio Riot ; , ,..,, ()f lsr,0 w taken,
HMid not subscribe for I - r wi ,. .. UniiHl Sttc 7,17:.
"IV, h'vin It ' ,V,',V ; ; liH: ' mile of completed railway in operation -ThoiiMimls
of professed L to liniw 0 . ,,,, r ,s,s, dawn upon our country
honest, nnd tho printer book will loll fini 1 ( . mk,H
ful tale. In the liiuil jiidgini-nt. IU1
-- - -- - - - I 1.. iJ. ...... flt.f 1, ill- mul A'limliill 1111111
.... I A!,! CIMll.i iw l'i t um mum i"i v......
What Dok it .Mkaxt- inicingcuce i.ii,
1 1 .1 .1 1 1I...I Imiiiii-IKI' 1 tlC.
reucllCd IHO ..o.eiiiineiii. i,i... - j,.,
store of imu.i, cannon, and c,iiiimenl, ..... ,
arc being quietly collected at Montreal by j 1 1 ho ubovo was mislaid by n l
.1 1 1: 1. 1 1 ......... t tin iili'm'lil
at,- before Iho close of navigation, there! U l..n Iatk. A man
will be store nud arm enough in Canada; down nnd bndly beaten lately ... ll.e A.
to put .... aimv of 120,000 inc.. in tho .can Lxchuuge In l'olso.... I a! , for nt-
field, while tliero i iimiiiiiuitiou eiiougu 111 1 iciupuug .-j uuhr i
tho country for 11 long war. a u iui ncei.h
A Kccessiou Ihur was found nltiiched
(o n wagon in Suciuuicnto, and was taken
Onto Ki.kitiov. Seventy-seven counties - ,y mno school boy, who bombarded the
( 1 1 to hear Iron.) tivo 'ivid Tod a inn- wagon will, stones,
joiily over Jewell of .M.IIS.'i. 1'ho ro- S01110 very mull-potato rascal has
.naming counties will udd nboul H.UI'U lo counlerfeited tho slunplaslers 01 1110 conn -
I - I ti 1 j. ill
-I- Mp iim crut'oniiiuernry. iu '!
1011 ""M" 1. ..... ihi. h i in. asters or tho
..11; iii'iin in. .uvc., 1 -
sitiou upon the commanding officer of tlw
District or Oregon or the DepartmcM of
the Pacific.
Owing to tho great distance Ictwven
Washington nnd Oregonthese instructions
must necessarily be general, but the De
partment, acting upon the strong recom
mendations of the lion. K. D. I'.vr.ui,
Senator from Oregon, relics conliJeully
upon the prudence, patriotism, and econo
my with which you will execute this trust..
Unless otherwise ordered, you will be gov
erned bv nnv directions sent to you by Col.
I. D. liAKEti, nnd will under all ci.emn
stances report your conduct in the preniisi's
to the War Department through the A.jju
taut General of the Army.
P.espectfiilly, L. Thomas,
Adj. Utntral.
Wc understand that J.S. Uinfausos,
Ks(., of this place, has been appointed En
rolling Officer for a company to be raised
in this section. Each man will furnish his
own horse nnd liorso cimipiuci.ts, which
will be paid for by the Government, if una
voidably lost in the service. Tho pay is
jJ;U a month, besides subsistence, clothing,
and forage, with a bounty of 100 to bo
paid when honorably discharged.
Keuaiss oi- C.ks. P.akki.. Pursuant to
notice, the citizens of Sahm met at tho
court house Nov. Irt, at t p. m., to mako
provisions for tho funeral ceremonies of tho
Into Gen. Eakfu.
K. N. Cookk was appointed chairman,
and C. N. Tki;i:v scc'y.
On motion, II. W. Cor. hot, WML
Kkito... and 1. 11. Mooiiks were npiwiiited
a committee to to opcruto with the family
of tho Into Senator 15aki n, in tho removal
of his remains to Salem, and also to act as
a committee of reception.
On motion, L. Hkatii, 15. V. Har:io,
nnd E. Williams, wcro appointed o com
mittee of arrangements.
It was AVocii, that the cominittco
have full power lo make such arrangements
as may bo necessary, the ciliaus
sustain faid committee in nil uccivsur) ex
VAN. ot vKU IrnMS.-.Wo copy the fol
lowing from the Chronicle of tho loth:
Tho Ktnall H)X has made Ils appear
ance lately In this ph"'1'. but In no instant
has ns yet resulted luttilly. Parents should
attend to tho vuccination 01" their children.
All tho Hugs in tho city wcro display
cd nt half must yesterday and 13 gun
wcro fired ns a tribute of respect to tho
memory of the Into (leu. Gibson, Chief
Commissary of tho Army.
It U thought that this place will l.
nitido n Camp of Instruction for the Or
egon Cavalry Regiment.
Tin: lliui.Ksr Covimkniutios. Gen.
Scott, who has been intimato will, l.rarly
nil of tho Presidents, says that Lincoln Is
0110 of iiiu'piided activity and pmmruncc.
Don't rmplov yourself to dinover the
faults of others look nt your wn.
E. U. Gkarv, Into Sup't of ludinn
Affairs for Oregon, has gono East to ob
tain machinery for a Woolen Puobry; to
bo wtabllihcd In Linn county.