gick ami Jissis! ;iV 01UX1ON, You urn lv aired! A IIolU'Mt AX'lll l All willi Hud or Failing Health. Allt." Villi Ulliuill. Illllllllllllte, N'alh'MI, llppol III ilr.ilig""'' ''AI'NS IN Tlll': i iuIIH llODY, HACK, iiimI HEAD I lira,!,,, i. r tliia la canard friini I (M M i-n lit; lit nil iiiiiMiiy In wn'ii ''ii'"'" "nl "I ten. lii(i:ihli . I I . .1 1 i ... . I ilia liver ami imam, huh whim ' iiiiuiiui " -Bullion, indiwrrlion m llio u I I I mi l drink or f""H 'I'V'-"" '" iilniteplii'r.i - which . . ,'fV unhealthy irl of Ihia rlminle -itianv uf Ihs sM Mn, S,'"",:N I I MS hat orrtir hrn must li nth United In llii". Now, I . ll(va mailii Ihia my alinlv fur muiiv tenia, "m I do """,n '" '' UlliUli N 'Jvlil(ATIN! COIIDIAI, will rum llusn rim"'' '" l ll'l'i HIiOOll, nj"l URAlNS-il alniigihrns llm (rrjl! KIV" rulh'ri'r It ll I Itt-MM of ihiiII, S inmliil '""I ''"'lily (' In"! '( "HeuOli, J,,!' delightful. Tli" imiiiy n' I.ili'n n r.iiii, wl,4 iavi' been In ni'liii'il liy mil eutilicd toil (iiri'tilini)' 'I" lll,'r '" "'Win;? niiy "f llm fu. gwiu lM'Ura. imiitl untinly till lull tho c!l-iv.ia ,j lUiiriiil sceptic J)y.sji'jiii, or tf.-t in; nf muscular or lmilily slrcnlli nml mental ciifiyy; I'Vvi-r, Aiif, orcliills; rlii'iini.'itic, i u-i i m or oilier pains ; iit jiK i : in ami weakness of t In- nat ural fiinclioiw, dcltility from disease, li--i-inti)ii, ton iuiii'!i l o c t o r i ii jr, dclianelicry, ami or u tut t AIMS. Ill fi t nf I irllrlllrul fr,., rnlinl.ilil IN I KM I'llli A.S'CI', nml wlirli. IU I. Mill M Tli I. M UN S ,V Hfllirp.l, I It.ivl. iwrli II t Ii II m llm Ullt'i'irr n Imlf an Imnr fmin llm ni"Kl -Ir N:nti. , rilniiii-M an. I il.i. . ilit) . Il run. in I. i-il, Im c n anrnlmmly rrriiiiiiiirinl... t.i ull nilK-iii.:;, an I the norn Inf rrgti-l il..r.y tint ll i nrr. N.rj tbiM In ailivrtiw il, in mil. t iu in.-iii inny l.e ktt..wn. .V.4.1 rom i'iiti .i'r.1 I'm r. .Igrr.l In I'l, lu li.r .'- Illlil'- .n.l.l llll r. A'.il.l by rv.iv rr-.-. .1.1.' il r .i l: . t . Tli' II' IJIh. N Ihii I. i. ..I I ii . i, '.: ' Knr )rrp, In.iIi ni)ril uii.l li,..i!.ri ..ii. Mif. frnijao fiuni iIim ji-i.i, .'iikii'-K ..I .unl "mi M m n Ii. iihIii;i iiinii, mi I tLiiiil.-ii. i, ill it Intra wain r Imii. iim'.I .i.ImI l)r. W'rblM r'a lnvi.' mi ..I'..n iciy l mi i!.!. aaillrrl l.ilt' r lli.ii i.i. Inn. t..ri..ii I 'HANK .V Mill. II AM nml 1:1.1 f l i'l'i 'N 1 i l' , I innjjjmu, I i urn i A nl ii"'.') i ia: ha: iia: ii: ii: in: i: : i:c: nc: .1 MISS M'JN .sMII'll, ) ni ami .kin. llmiill IrlliiA, r .ul.i', nil I '!,l'k u m ii. iiimI Kin'lril, fii' kit il, in.lmiiit, ta'.nr.l. ni't i'-.ii !. I nil'lrtt in I nil .n ' .l-1-r i ,i" i n r.l, rl, m lion mii-IiiiI null .MINUS' ( III Mil' l. MA'. Vmir Irrlh. . mi Ini alii, 'ii II I "I .lii fr. liy Ijifiilll'. I'lillmn.M P I I.I. Ill li'l'll' lilta aa llm ill vni ni. v nl until . lli..iii:li li-l-k.w, lurl in ii, tlntk, .Ii. a"l ; nml Ii il r i: I. mi', llt'l anrr-l yinil liirnlli, llmii-li t . : 1 1 1 . 1. .ill li ml , l n rif.lli ; uinl lit .1 r. .1 It i r, ll jli in n rn,ira at. auv 11111111. nr Iml ! l..i- , .ik) uinl .l.n!, 'l..iil I Im 1111J, . In . , In .1 ( ' 1 .1 1 1 1 r K. pl"rilllli ; hit 'l. l.'lll ll", i M'f ..nn'.l I.' It 11111'' - ll.r Iia r io.. il f illn.' .,i.l nn.i. 1. .1 ; nml i. .iil 1, iliouli i il,ti id. li-.'. llm l'i I- , 11 i i-'i n bH. 1 than m" niln tin.' .in I ni. ..I I.I, n .iv n ili'i., al rirrrv ilini? nl'iii. in Uir.m (."ilia. ham: a i : 1 : i . i 1 m, I'm- 1 1-. .an Krnnrini o, l',.v 'y WllKKI.Ki: .v WILSON'S riRsx rKiiuiiuiVfi r.i .1 . y Sewing MiHliiiM's, : aui: A( i i.i:i;i:n to in: FAR SUPERIOR To all oriir.ns i. 1 sr.? firing more ii', unil (timllr if J inf more kinds f work '1'IIAN AA'Y OTIIEn MACIIISK! TI10 alili li m ulikn mi lilll 'il' i iid will not J!i or W.'ivd I ( H li AT KKIH't'TIO ,V .V V KICKS! II. 0. IIA YIH'IN, Aunt, tnrni'f Muiiiji,,,,,,.. nml .Vin'imni'iilit nlri'1'ln, Sak I'liANrimii. I. I). HTKI'IIKNSIIN, ly'.NTlNT, ll rix ri' Ilia nlliri' In llm MlHIHI IIIVI (,,. IllflU (iff, wr ho la ., j.,ii.., ,.i ,11 i,nk tit llic lni DIED: I lii Itmr Valley, (-'iilifiirniii ..Vi iit, 'jmli, r,. 'iiiiilnin, Mix J. iiiitti.i I. .Hunts, Hi 2d year it. , . .. "iiKdo.w nrv iM,miki:t, Wliwit, COa '(; I' lour, $:i,.riOii.r; OatH U.VlOc; Jiul Villrr. Tllll IllClllbolll llf UlU EjllCllliui (.'uillitlU Uf llm ( In. Uinim Ciuiiiy AKiiiiiltiirn Society nni ruptralrtl In meet ill the Conrl Ultimo in Oroimit CitJ on Suliiiiuy, Nnv.2, IMil, til o'i-IfM-k r. M. 11. ISaiii.iiw, CIi'ii In (he Ciiniit Cniiil uf il,,. ,S,, uf Of.jj,,,, fur : inn rniiiiiy in i, Flih lill Jnliuaoii, coliiplniuiilil, ! l William Johnson, ili-fi nil.iiil. ) t IV) lliu uIiiivi.iiiiiiii',1 II,. I, ml,, .a ; Voimru .r. I liy N.ilili. i ihal mi ii.Mi.iii ItiiH Imtii , nun ni ne. i' l hv lln i'iMiiil.iiinii,l i,L.i,i, ynu for II,,, MiriiMi l ii iIiwiht In,,,, , ,M,M ,wxltlUU,. li" .i.lui f tin, n cnini.l,, i, im, ! yuiliM'll j in,, I , 1,1,1,.,,, , i,int , rir. in I fiml (,f llm Sinl" nf (l.-..(ii fur llm ciiiihly f rim luiiniii, mi llm tit i-L Muinliiy u li, IM,'.', Iiimiiu il.r il.iy nf limn, uf tin. II, vl K lp"ii "f nil. I i mil l, llm lull f cnm. I'l .inl ih.iI,iii iii,lii'.,li,, , mi i l. vi.t. u iinilin-k. in,; ii J.. r. r, il rl.ii.u;; llm Miiiil in.iin.i.m null nml n,l, mil l.i, lull,. I, M- i'uiiIiwiI, un l ilia , ru y i r III, n n' guild il by llic r. nil. I'iik A. Mii.i,i:ii, I'11'' .1U') fnr ('.1111.11111111111. T my i-i.!i,li'i luinnl, ,.n 1 1 1 . cnrimr nf I I' l Ii 'ii.iii., .Mi: ATS cm III"1 Inll.m ,li;i Vfl )' KKASONAIJI.K ri!l('i:.S: .Muii.. .ill nt MI'TI'dN fiuui H l Kiel, in: Kr .i i. h .. i: " n iu id " l'i 'UK s " l i:i:sii s ai's t.i:s . ijj .. l;iii.iMi.A 1 1, it .Mil) I'.'J MII'll i:i, MK.Nli (llr.-nn ( ily, f)r. 'Jli i , i r Hi. i:.s. Danncnbnum A- Ackcrman ll.wh- .ii'sr received A I.AlHii: STOCK 01' Vi and V into r (i ii o s . reim iiijj nf... N c u S I y I f h i' DKKSS (iOODS, ( 'lul, S li a w I s, Kulii's, etc., I'r the Winter. 'I'll!' I' ilH'.t t lilt'llt. uf V () ) I (' II (ii () () (1 S DiT linll;;lll In tllis ilai'i'. MEW CG3DS, KEW GOODS, AoW ot.xlm: at D..ancibau:A &. Ackcrinrm's, (ll,t.h ihi M ini St. Ilulltr, . . iii'r.iflill'; nf. . . STAI'I.i: AM) l AM'V Dry- f oodit) tin1 hcwi'mI stylrs of DHKSS (iOODS, l aiii'V Pi'iilin-), l,..iicc.H lVl;yu. ... i ' i . . i i Imlll jilaill ;unl liyiircil, woolen j iuimIs dfcvi-ry (l('sorii'ti"ii, ! SoU'crino Shawls, tiik i.iickt mi.i:a 9V Uicli Silk Maiifels nil-1 silk ImiII tich, iiii'l it liiric ns-iit iin'tit (if Millinery straw ) Is, eniliri'id el'it's, eillal', sleeves, Gents' Fiunishing Goods, I'iMih anil Slmes, lints niid Cups, CAKPI5T1NG, (nf bnuitlifill al)li'a.) mill C II K C K : l M A T T I N G ; &V..,- iVd Ti.jjHlirr willi llio littrest niid liestsclecl(t(l stock ol CUSTOM M.vnn Ki.r iill' Ti il fur iil mirlli nf Sim Krnni'iaco! Cnnniilina f (ii'tila' iiM.liim rri lirll I'lulli oimla i ennla' fm hilk niii'il, nil lliirria' raai n liimini'W ainli ,.lrit linn liny l.lufk ilnrahlti nl ilk m'l. nml Hun 'O""" wlk V'?f vrala) Dnvi" '""'' lliM" willi nml willioul riilltira, !'. - , ll.n atlirn will lin 1 1 the lulrnt M,hiH.Wmlrt-krf .-Hi- brwiKhl l ililaully, which ' Iiower tltitii l' pmvliMsed in rortlaml (ii,'K,.ii City, .S,..i I 1 r,'. IU aaaaiBiai Law School. TK A NUMIIKK OK IMJI'II.4 fiU'..-. J cinil lii Wiirriiiil tin. iiinlnrliikiiii; i on ho ,,l, lllllmil, Hid nil. iTaiirni-il u..!l I All riCIIOOI, in llio luwu nf AI.IIANV, Oiion, cniiiiui'iii iii;: llm f,il Momhn in Hrr.rmUcr, or ""uimr, 11 a i.iiih, i,n ,0 llm( Mlira t(lt 010 ui'Hnni tim m ini., I ik luiillr.l u ;imi I'li lc cnurwi i,f iK (lnf-.tiiun fr y,,n,, B,M. Illllll Willi illli'llil 111 lllnkn I.IIV lli. ir ,in.rd.i.. ti. uuy of llm IJniii il KtiileH, t.i,:i.,i in mutkra uf 1111. rn inrn inw 1111,1 lit'imlmn r I I i.uir A.. will wnliriiun llm vurioiin lirutmliun nf llio Cimiiiimi l.uw, uinl ul I'.iniiiv. Ailtinriiliu. ( :,,.MiM,ii.n'i.i 1.. Inriiiiliiiiml, nml L'uiiatiliiliiniiil i.nw, mill llio Ju l iiii.rii'li-niii'of llm I 'nih il Htiitia. Illllll lll-lilill Will i... l,i..ll l,U .11 I.I 1. ..IHF..H ..ll..... ' 1 1 nn'rimury, and II, 11 11 will b ilmly ro'.'ila- li'ina nml uxiiiiiitiiiti.iiin liinn llio Iml. ''iim:iiiiihc uf Hlinlira w.ll 1, 11 lil-tali'm.l m. nu lit l.i. t.l,.i...l in two w.'iiili-iniiMil yi'iira nf fi.riy w ): enrli ..'. .... 1 in.' ynur w ill lw 1:11 11I1 il lull, luu. hum, will, a viiiiatinii tit llm 1 11 1 nf incli Ii nil. ') liu tuition fri ti will In, r.M fr lii.. uiMili'itiiniil vnir. l ur Mm In l ilicn'i liilinn. 11 nrizi' will In. nwntil- I'll Illlllll.'tllV l,V Ulill l.f ill,. . Illllll. H llm llirmiil Conrl nml lij two iimin'iein nf llio liar, uIiuhmi for urn urj.iH.'. I 111111,1 L't'lllll'lili ll w!in imiv llt;nli nf i iiti'r'tm . , J " llm M'lnail, will itir-NK llm uii,lrrnii'iii'i t,t Al hmiy. J. 11 INN 'IIIOKN'roN, ('tniiiHrh,r nt l,nw, r'niriu'iiiiil l.nk.', Sott. .'I, M',. n,: TIIK OHKOOy city IIVIV. I'AI.I, 'IKIiM OK TIIH IN.STJTI;- 1. Iiun i.'oinini'imi'n,rr 'J, IMil. K ATKH UK Tl l l lriV, H'R UjI'ARTKIl. Ii iiiiii rv ili ni'tiii: nl St.", Ml iiniiiio 7 no 11'1,'lmr " H (10 Uiimtii.ii'ia, rslrii ,1 on I irnuiiii; 2 1 1(1 Mu ir, willi lin-111.0 uf iimiiiiuiriit, ii) 1 nr liiniilli. ui ul iiiiih n, frri. I'liiin nml I'niii'y Nruinj tuii;lit. HiIIh mailt' out ut llir uf llm (jiiurt. T. miwiii uf iNaraucTinN. II. I!. I'kki i.imi, l'iiin ii;i! ; S. A. ('niiMii.i., i'rri'i'iirini ; SI.. I. I'iiki i.ivii, rrimnrv T' .ii Iht. Slim !:. ll. Ilouiiiin, 'I'iMclirr of Intilriinii nial StiiMin. 'I'lm lu-liliiiinii ia hii.(iI.i-. n itli n g,,o pliilo n,iiial i.iirnlii, niai, nml rlinrta, ,11 that rv rry fiu ilily lur iiii.riviiuiMil will Ii" oll'rrr.l In (lie tii'l- iit. li. It. I KKUI.AND. Or.-..u City, S.-.l. 7, l-i'il. TIIK M MI.Wll.l.K COU.Kf.-K SCHOOL rii.i. r.i: ouunud on siondav, OC'I' T, IM.I, iiuilrr llio tliar::i' of lli v Oi-.u, C, Cilt.Mil.f.a, muiatcii by C. 11. SI.iT 1 .". liiHiim i nn br bail fur sluib nta in llio C'oib jr btiiMinii, if ii,.lu"l for m. .11. 'l'i run, I., i:nrrriKiiii! ui;bilii. (iinra. liy uiibr ul tin' hxmitiv! Cutn. IIKMiV WAIIUKN. .M'.lil.llr,Sr.t.7.l-lil If S.C.ol 11. T. KXKCl TOItS' .MiTICK. MHK iiti.i'n.'rui'.l, itiitiiril an rvi.ciiti.ri tl.. 1 I..-I 1. il! ami Icataiiii'iit uf UnLi rl Allrn, il. c'il, lali' nf ( 'I.ii kjitmiM rmittty, Orriui, Irivr rrrr vril b lti'ia ti'tittiuiriilary un tbi'ti'talr fr.,111 tin I'lubatr ( 'nurl uf a.. 1. 1 coilil f v . All l.nmiH ill lrlilr,l Iu aanl chtnir nri- rr.jiiur.l In 111:1k.' i:nini'.:atr ji.-imiii-iiI, ami ail (wr-mi b.iviii rln 111. aaim.1 tlir rMtntr arc ri .j!U".ti''l o n..srjit tbrtii, mtli tbr iiiv'.w.j,ry vnurlirri, w Minn n:m i rar linm tii il.ttr, o i itlit-r nf 11, at our r M li'lirri ill fa il rnun:v. WILLI l A. JACK, THOMAS OAIIIU'.T, Srjit, inlH-r 7, lii'l w.'l lin riit.irii. T. ( II.MI.y AN. A. WAUNDK. F. rll.1 K.M A M . Chnrman, Warner &. Co., UKSKItA I. COUUISSIOX MKItCIIASTS w iiui.KAt.r it iKr.iu. ItriiScr In lrj' !, tVnAiH!,', Iftirilinirf, Crmkerii. (rlitfstrtirt, i'linj, Shm-.i, 'iint, Oi.-, iCr., Intlmir liri'-iniiiil I'.rirk M 111 aTRT.KT, m;i:ii(iN i 1 t v , i:;i:i;uN. ..1' ( biiiiiiati, b.nini; iiiiiti .1 bin... I! A h Y, ( (.l KiriOSKUY, ASD I'AMII.Y liltoCKItV SToKK In tin' rtnb!i-buu nt i.f ( Inn man ,V Wiinirr, tin' linn will imiv 1 airy mi IniHairm in nil tbn nbuve iiii'iili.'iu I litiun'lii''., in ibivi'ily. In ling by "tiii't iilli'iili.ui In Ini-m n.h In liirril Ibr r..iiliiiui'il fa.or ul llii'ir ul.i'.ii, ami nn lu.iny lunv nnra ua rbu-'-r In roitui furiiaril. Nu iiiiun .1 11 be 1 Pairil In gilp aal ifli tinll til nil our riiMoiiirrtt. io( ice Sell In lJj! VI.I, llii.i iniiii;; CnirtMis A ibsi r or I'. ( iiiH.i in, w il! iVar ri.nir f,. rival. I nml lllilkr wtlirlll. Ill ul llll'ir lll'Ii nirilliraa, Willi,. Ill il.'lav, ho 1I1.1I Mm run ull cinumrni'i. ili'al.n' wllb Ibr im.i linn uf Charman, Warner &. Co. All niir il. blurt will n tbr in rimity uf atlruil- 111 ; In iIiim rail iititiinli iirly. ( II AKMAN, WAHM-.ll .V K. Oir,:nii City, A n. '.'I, l-CI. ixsTiiroTioN ix mi:sic. IfoLI.I) INKOI1M TIIK I'ICori.K VV W OK CMOS CITY dial bria now iri'nrril lo iivrivi. pupiU ilriimna 1 . ...I'tiiii'i ri 1 . - "i .1 .1 1 mr ui"irimiii'ii m,iii..iii. II SIl! ...ill... 1'iitmi l-'.irlr. mill IrUMtn. fl mil lirr 1'iit.t aurri'M ill trmlnui;, lo (,'iio ai'lifactiuli to Ilium! w ho tuny Iiiut llf r wnn llirir.aiii.iiii;o. Mim li. u milil rrlrr In I'rra. S. II. M.lliMl, I'll- rilin t'nit -( t'. Kori".! (Jruvo. Orri;nii. . -. . . . m.r I'llnll 1 iiv. iii::uii II. I.-.IU. i-"i f).MI7.7.'f), OKKUOX: A Ilonrdiuu-Sc I100I for ltoyi rii.i. in: oi'knkh on Monday, SLTTKMIIUU Utii, I CO I. ALSO SPENCEH K AL X, MIl.WAfKIK, OllKdOX: A llOAKDINii-SCIIOOI, FOU tilttt.S: Will be 0incJ on MnNiiAr, Skitokk I), I8CI. 'I'brac aclioula will lw ur;iilia'il mill conJiirlril 1... it... uf tbn niilii.iirilH'r. lo whom in,...'. .... . liny riiiiiniiiii;cnlii'iia tuny l,n until the hini.uf ntiriiiiii:, at Oii'iimi l ity. A..,(.i-ll7,IHt:i. THOMAS F. SCOTT. Will Uuy the "Main Sired ironso," Or egon City: ONK II.M.K OF TIIK rilltCIIASK MO nry I'l In. i.l on lh l' 'ley M,,r,'h nrxt llio rciiiniiiilrr In b miil In nil.' year fruni Unit iliitp. If t "'M I'y 'he li'1" '"' !" brr iiot, II will bo ull'Ti'il f'.r rout. fjl W ill fl'a Orrsrun City, S t 30, IHI',1. Jim Notice .t, OltDKIIS otitlio Trrnmitcr uf Clnrkii miui roniilv, Or. tfi.ii, .ri'ritlc.l l.rfnro Jiinn III Y lal, INItl, will lm niil i prirflll ntioil fit tny nliii'O ill Olri,'ull City. WM. ii:lllolil F, 1 1,,.,...,, rilv..lll"!ll, I l;l Tll'.l-llirt. OltOVEU cfe BAKER'S NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. FOR FAMILY USE AND Manufacturing Purposes. THICKS From (0Jiipward ! Over 50,000 in Use ! If II KH TO SSURi: TIIK I'l lil.lC f V Hint Ilia Wrll-kliowil rrlllllaliull uf lbra .Mai liiini. fur RELIABILITY Will l.i. fully KUsUlm-.l, an I in our raii.lly iii biiMiKva tlia mm cara will bo faithfully cxrr- viaril in evrry Jrrtin. iil of tlirir inaiiufacluro. KVKItY MACIIISK SOLI) UY VS IS WARRANTED .V KVEKY KKSl'KCT. I'lu public audition ia rinpretfully rrqncMrJ tollio fuiluninu I'roiii lliorovrrV llnkrr .uIiik .Macliiiio Company. Tlir puhl.r, in tlirir racmiraa to aui.tily tbrm- arlvra Willi Srivins Marluiii-a making llio (.iUO- Kli iV" II A h tlil.-ll, inn-t not Inreot to pur- cl,.i-o tin-in of llir part in liuali'lio liro nutlioriiril In aril tbilll. All mnrbiiira arwin from tio ionla, ami in wiiii-h one nrrillu only H'ltrtnitfa llic rlmli, and bnnni; a frnl wbii h alloiva llio nia Irriiil In bo tururil nt w ill, arr infrinrmcnta. C.KOYK.K &. BAKKIl S. M. CO. Card from Elia Houe, Jr. Ml nrroii9 nra rauliiuirj nt to make, ilral ill, nr in"', any wwina inacliinin wlticli avw Irum two j.onla ami niaka (be alllch known na t.LON r.i. A IIA K KR alitclt, uiilcaa the aame arv .urchr.l Irum the CUOVKIl &. IIA K Kit MKWING SIACIUNK CO.MI'ANV, or llu-ir ajrnia orb. ci'iiM'ca, ami ituinprd un.lrr my utrnt of .S. it m bor IO1I1, lSlti. Saiil t'niiipany nml tlirir I.irrnarca, alone, nr Ircully iintboritril, innlrr llirir own natrnta, mil my nai.l palont diirim; tit ritrndril Irrin llmrrof, lo nmkr and aril tbia kind of SrwiiifT Slarliine, and all otlirra are p rnciri upon my laid patrnt, anil will be dr.ilt willi ai'mrilniijly w lirrnver found. KI.IAS HOW K, Jr. q q tj q q q Till". ATTV.MIOI OF TAll.OUH AND Who prefer (he " IxKtk Stitch," ia called loour Improved Shuttle MacliinoH, Which ore anecially adapted lo their tequiromenU, AND IT TIIK REST IS VSK! J J 11. 0. 1MIOWN, Agcut, J(1 (PP Sli'iilg 'inerv Hlrrel, ),! HAS FKASllbCO r. S. HOLLAND, Notary Public & Conveyancer, OREGON CITY, OREGON, WILL TAKK ACKNOWLEDGMENTS of Deedi and other uiatrumonla of wriline. Will draw up on abort notice, Deeda, ltonda, Mnri goge. I'owera of Attorney, &.C., 4o. J'urticular attention paid to the eollw.'tiun of dubbv and will attend promptly to nil biwinetai etilrnnted to bit care. Ollioo in dipt Joliinum'a Furniture Store, oppoaiu.' llm Court-bonne. .May L'.'i, IBlji. F. A. J. DISS, Commission merchant, AN U Dealer in Culifurnia and Oregon I'rudurt, No. iai Fast street, (Between Clay and Washington strcrla,) SAN IRANCISCO, WILL bu buppy lo iraimunt uuy buisliieiw in Ilia hue that m i) bo eulruitel lu Inn care by prniliaorH or iii'T' liann in Orrmni. All busi ikwi rntruaU'd to bia cbury w ill br prmnpily ul leuded loon rciiiiiii.ibli; tirins. July iiU, 'bl-tf A I N S V 0 RTHf D IE R D 6 H F F. WK A It K X ( W O 1' K N i X G I I.N TUB I New Fire-Froof Brick, A I.AItOB AND WEI.L-ASSfHITKU STOI K OF J GJiSKllA L MERC IIA XI) I Mi. Feeling pcifectly iioouro ayaiiml lire, wo will now Offer Greater I allurement than ever to the piiblio. We are constantly in receipt of GO OB H elected with Ibe greatest care faa to pricea and iiinlity), and ire confident that our facilities will enable ua to oiler ami tell gvult AT PORTLAND PRICES I (freight on), and would adviae till tlione visiting tbia city to 'jmi !n, lo examine our alock and prici a before pun li.isli.g elseivbeie. We huve, ami are just reeeiving, an invoice of coiikinttng in pnrtnf (be following articles Giche co, I'aeific, 1 1 uilli y, CunealeL'u, Sprague, Philip Allen, Fall River, Merriui'ie, llriggK,uud uuiner oua utlier clmice I'ltlNi'S, all lute ityltt ; Kug lisll i: French iiiorinoa, Lyonesu i-lolli, mohair mid other Delnue ; bru.e, wool, &. inu-lin da lailira, black, blur, purple, iV pink merinos, fancy plaids, jacuiiel, book, awiwi, . mull muslin, ladica' club, aria, collars, Inlkfs .V hkii In, diem .V: bonnet trim iiiings, French &. duim'slic giiigbaina, French lawtia from l-'J to 2'"i blue, mixi-ii, iV grey aati not, wool & eoltou jean, cottouade, bleached and brown .sheeting from 3-4 to IU-4 w d.-, brown and blenched (hills, denim', hickory ahirling ; .Silesia, marine, brown, nml lin-li liimu, nankaeii, diaper, and craah, a large lot uf liueii and thread laces and edging, Im.-iery, iic. MUX'S 4- IWVS' CLOTH IXG: lllue, blank, mi l brnwnclotli c.iats ; 10 dot bill cloth vmts, j do, w hile and bull' Marseilles do., velvet and satiu do.; '.Y Am. satinet pants, due skin and fancy casiuiere da, 3D dnz merino and eoltou undershirts, grey, blur, it lil.n k clu'.li over coata, with a general as--.orun. ill of peats' fui ulshiu' gooil. HOOTS 4- Sim ES. Men's, boys', ami youths' b.sils: belies", misses', and children' mo ruecii, gnat, kid, inul e ilf Congress lnots, with t nilhoiit heels; ladies' kid si jijrs. G voce r i c s : llio and Java e, black and green tea, X. O., China, llatavia Island.'Ca'. rrliurd, and crushed augar, K. Ifustou, I al., augar-tiniise, a, goiueii syr up; anil, 3 to 2IIU lb !.s; 1 DD kgs nails, assd sizes; llill'a pule, chemical, . Ktiglisli aoa, soap pow ders, wwder, alio!, i. lead; yeast powder, aaler.1 lua, cream tartar, smoking A. chewing tnhaecn, green rurn, pens, timmttieir, xtrau and hlackber. riet, in 2 lb tins; spice, pepper, and cassia, pearl barley, mncr.ironi, vermicelli, enru starch, alm onds.'waliiuts, ISmxil nuts, raisins, Chili peaches, dried fruit; maeki Tel. in qr s. hlf bbl.s; sardilica. A line assortment of CROCKERY .J- TABLE CL TLERY : 20 crates assorted ware, 40 dm steel picks, 20 1 Dulcli 4. Ildla hoes. White Lcil, Oil, nml Window (.Has; with a variety of other articles usually kept. I f We will pay cash for wheal, tluur, bacon, butler, eggs, and almost everything the farmer has to sell. Oregon City, April 1C, IsCI. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA. RE.IEMI!i:i!, TII!S IS Till': Original and (ieiiuino Article .icKxowi.r.iniKn to ok 7Vir? Ui st Surxii'inrillii Em- Mink! T All IS unrivaled preparation has i'rf. 'tined I cu recorded in the hislory nf Med cine Tho raoidi- ly with whi'di (be patient r. covers llt allli anil li ( tidi under its iiitl'.ieticc is surpi lsiiig. Fach new case in which il is u plie I furnislies in the re-ult a new eertilieiile of ils e:!ica y and ex rllencc; ami wo Inue enly t" point M the nceuaiiil.itcd tesliinony of multitudes who ll. nc experienced its beneficial rtVects.tu convince the ni ist incredulous of its value. Do not furg.-t to ask tor Sands' tSais.ipar.lla. tf, lur sale by 11. .Iohns.iv I o. an I l;i:u- imiti'N V ( o Sail Fraiici-ci; I'.ii k &. Cornx, Slarvaiille; It. II. .M. Dhmi.k V. Co., Siier.imeuio; aud by Druggists generally. july 21ml, PAINTER k CO., -J I'ractiral I'rinlrr, and Dealers in ('. 1 resst's, lriiitui'r Materials, ul, Vnper, Cards, iff., j.n.r.MNTKR ) 51 Clay Street, above Snnsome, j M.ruT Sail Francisco. T.r. rAiNTKR ) ITOmces fitted out willi dispatch Notice. VI.I. persona knotting themselves indebted lo the undersigned by book account, arc herein nolilied to call and niako ictllcuient of the same, aa im further indulgeneo will be Bivcn. . ... .n.A',S.l , l IS fs , 1.11, 1. L A l.. A'li 1 U X L'lCl.l'l'lll'i' Oregon City, Feb. 21, l!til. FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE ia hereby given that Mnry C.Gibson, adiuinialrattix, and Henry Ingiills, adininia Initnr, of the estate of A. T. GiIim n, deceased, late of Clackamas county, Oregon, having filed their accounts for finnl selllemenl, the first Mon day ill November next is appointed for examina tion of the siime nt ino coiiri-nouse in uregnu City in Mid rounly. Hv order of the Judgo of lVohalc. JAS. WINSTON, Clerk. Sept 21, ISiil 4w Just ltoceived, A LARGE LOT OF Dry Goods nml Oroeerics, M'hich will he wild low for Cash or Country Froduco. We would ay in the 1'arm. ra, llemro you go to rortland to buy Goods, mil on lis, n we will take Flour, lincon, Iiuilrr, Eggs, Ac, nnd iv in oxchiingo Gowla aa low as can bo bought hi ,,0rt,,,,,,,DANNi:NIIAirM.VACKF.nMN. Oregon City, Nov. Id. I SCO. i FULL Sl'ITI.V FOR CIII1ISTMAS V nnd New Yrtil's- Ills! reei ivi d nl .r,. r, r IIA ItMAN'S SANDS' SAHSAPjVEILLA. The Original awl Genuine Article. Kndorsed by the Medical Faculty m heing the BEST and WREST I'.xlraet or Harnaparllta made. SANDS' SARSAI'AIllLLA Turifics the Wood. SAN D3' S A USA PAR1LL A Cures Scrofula. SANDS' SAUSAI'ARIU.A Cures Stubborn Ulc'trs. SAND S' S A II S A P A I L L A Curis Ctilaticous Kruptions. SNDS' SARSAPAIilLLA Cures Slrtimous Coin jilninta. S A N I) S' S A K S A T A R I L L A Cures Moicurial Diseases. SANDS' SARSNPARILLA Never Tiiila ! SANDS' SARSAPARILLA May be safety taken at all limes it will scure U La lies a regular periolic habit, and ia the very best medicine they can take, wheu arrived al the period called " turn of life." Ask fur Sundu' Saratipfirillii, and take no other. I'repared by A. 11. & D. SANDS, DruggiiH, 100 Fuaion St., corner of William, X. Y. For sale by Kkuixuton Ac Co., San Francisco; Sm lb &. Davis, I'ortiand J Dr. STKr.1.1!, Oregon City. au!7 Once More. HAVE AGAIN GONE INTO THE LIVERY BUSINESS, I and will keep hordes par week at $3 00 1 For single feed 25 ' One uight s 75 ' For hire per day for saddle horses .' 1 00 j These pricea will be cliarged till further notice is given. ' 1 have a few M ARKS, COLTS, and FILLIES I of my own raising, that I n ould exchange for oth ' er property. S. W. MOSS. 1 Oregon City, August 17, HjGl. 3m SHERIFFS SALE. j I TTIIKUKAS, an execution has been directed IT lo me, issued under the seal of the circuit court oftlio State of Oregon for the county of Clai-kamr. dated September 2.1th, ISCI, com mand. ng mo to sell the following described real estate, to wit : Ileg nuing at the aoulh-east corner of land claim No. 'M, ill section 5 of township 3 sauth of range 2 east, ihenee north, 38 min. west, l l.lli) chains, loa post; thence west 27. .10 chains lo a ios:; ihenee sxiulh, 30 min. east, 1 1. GO chains; thence east 2T.5Q chains to the place of beginniug, cniitiiiuing forty ncres, be the same more or leu ; also, that cert., in parcel of land adjoining the alsivr-defcr bed piece, aituate in the county of Clackamas, nnd described as follows: Beginning at a iolut thirty-seven chains eait and twelve chains and Ibirty live links south of quarter acc iiuii w.t between section! live and six in towothip 3 south uf range 2 east of the Willamette merid ian; thence south 25 deg. HO mill, east IH chains; thence en.t H 20 chains; Iheneo north 25 del. 30 mill, west 13 chains; thence west 1S.20 chains to ' llio place of lieginniug, containing thirty acres, bo i the same more or less together willi all the im 1 provemenls, buildings, appurtenances, 4c, Ihere- unto appertaining or belonging for the ptirpoaoof ' enforcing a decree v foreclosure of mortgage ! made by said court on ibe 7th day of September, , lr'fil, ill favor of Matthias Swegle and againat I John D. Fust an.) Caroline Fost, for the um of two thousand and forty dollars ($2040,00), and in , tercst thereon at tho rate of twelve and one-half ; per ceut. per annum, and fifteen dollars and eighty- live cents (1 j.c5) costs of suit notice is hereby given that by virtue of sa;d execution I will oiler the nhove-deseribed real estate for sale at auction to the highest bijder Cor cash on Tuesday Ihe 20th day of October, lad, at 11 o'clock A. M., at the court-house dour in Oregon City, to satisfy laid execuliou aud costs and accruing coats. JOHN THOMAS, Sept. 21, 1 SGI. Sheriff Clackamas Co. Corn" Third a"Jrr wdZ""' ri'0,Ue "" Ferry Landing, OREGON CITT. jrilUE traveliug pub'.io are respectfully I J invited in give me a call. i The Oregon House is the most pleas-J m'.ly located hotel in the Stntc, and has been so 1 arranged as to nuke il one of the most commodi ' mis houses in the country, i THE TAI1LE will always be supplied with the best that the market atfoids. Goo i accommodations for ladies and familios. r r. t c E s : i Hoard and lodging, per week $6.00 ' Hoard, without lodging, per week 5.00 Hoard per duy, with lodging 1.01) ; Single meal 0 Night's lodging 21 ; J. 110EIIM, I May 7, 1S5!). Proprietor. i Koman Eve Balsam, I I FOR WEAK .J- INFLAMED EYES. i rilHIS II A I.SAM was used for many years in ' X the private practice of a celebrated Oculist , 1 with remarkable success, for diseases of the Eye ami Eyelids. There aro many persons who would rather suffer front pain and disease through life, than ; credit or try the efficacy of any new discovery; all such had better not reud this, but to all reasona ble persons this preparation is recommended as most sale and cll'ectuul cure for iiillummation of the Eye and Eyelids, caused either by ton close I applieatioa to minute objects, scrofulous habit, ex 1 pnsttru to cold, blows, contusions, or irritation ! from nny extraneous body under the eyelids. It is rcinai kahbly soothing in its effect, and has I cured thousands who would otherwise havo lost their sight. In cases the Kyelida arc inflamed, or the ball ef the Eye thickly covered with blood, it acts al most itka magic and removes all appearances of iiiilammutiou after two or three applications. Thcro is n numerous class of persons that are pecu liarly excised to accidents or dln-ases that weaken and inllume the Eyea, and perhasj destroy the sight, who, from the nature al their employments, are compelled to work in a cloud of dust and grit. Such should never be without this I1ALSAM. Uciiieiiiber, "Seeing ia llclieving." Price 25 cent per jnr. Prepared nnd old by A. B. ft. D. SANDS, Druggists, 100 Fulton-strest, New York. For sale by II. Johnson ft. Co. and Rkuinqtoiv it C... San Francisco; Kick ft. CorriN, Murysvillei K. II. McDo.v.t.u ft. Co , Sacramento; nnd by linguists generally. July 21-tn.l Notice. VI.I. ORDERS on the Trensurer of Clacks mas county, Oregon, presented before Sept. 21st, IMil, will be paid on pieaentalion at my office In Oregon City. WM. DIERDOnKP, Popl.2t,1Sfilw3 'IVssumk C. Ifll'ICItAV, IIOl'SE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL Shnp nearly nppniilt the Methodist Church, HHP. ON 'ITV, A pill In, K,T,I I f