The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, November 02, 1861, Image 1

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    TIK o JM-:1 N A U(i us.
it i i. w. riMiu.
Ti;uis !' .siiiiNcuirtioy
7'Aii All!"' "'",'',' "' V7l rr Ihillint
,. i" imii' in ittlmiire.
'n i, Ac hiwi'V i' ' "'I'' I" titlfiiirr, I'uvr
in " ilitiU'il if I1""1 '" iiniiillm,
JVi) Ihilh" 'I'M lir i lin irt il fm nil mnnllit
, ,,( iiifMHf rrrnrrtl ."' M . jirriml.
jVu jMicr tlmriintiiiiivil until nil iiiniiiii''in
tin in (lie Ml ill").
Ml. it CliY, Oct. II, Kli I
fi,;,, A m; is : I I'Tl Oregon City near
H,rwi iiioiitlm I'g'b '""""I I"1' I i, Iml
pui'liing Bl 11 '',n(l H'"'i
South l'"ik I'M''11'1111'"1 Wlls 1,1 i:t highest
jiiti'li, and knowing 111,1 l'' I''111" dig
gings were already MiiTi'ituI with nun who,
like invsilf, were covetous (if i!i!k woild's
gnui!", I changed i")' diMinution fur llii!
murv inv iting A inrt ii-nti Ha i r,' u liii-li is a
briimli 'if tlii' South I'mk nf ('leai-wulrr,
mi, distant H mii l.i'wMoii aliinit I .!.' miles,
ni mi fin' !ih I '''in judge In direction
uliont sniilhi ict IVina (lint j.Iiii-c. I ' r tin
lint liflH'H mil's "ii this fcidn "f l.ewistnu,
the rwid runs over high lolling h IN, en
lin-lv d'siiiute of tiers dr shrubs, ImiI rov
r rn willi ii green carpi t of Jh it i !: u t grs,
iiiiiI oiv:iviiiiiilly u huge In rl uf linn burses
killing, mi Ilit' lull S'Ot s tin- trav
eler of hi proximity li a Ni. IN in s w ig
u.iiil I .fining this purl (i llir load h".
I, ninl pressing unwind, fur the In t 'J.'i
lulled lilt' runs over U high lilnlililiiin,
fur r;ilnl il high,) nml tin' ni nny is
I'llltllgcd. T" "I"' I'1"1 followed Hl I liv
(Vliinitii.t mill Snake llivcri fiom the
Jl.illis In l.ewision, inc ; run ry, whihi.
flli nf tin' wiiir Mini ni lhat ili si'riln il fur
tin' first I 'i null i "f tin.' Mini, h i I grown
In.) iinmiiluiiiiii ii in I it is ii!ti' ii fn !ilng
In helmM tin- sell, ring pini s inn unit I'
lirilli nil lliis liniiiiitiiin. 'I'lu' limlii'i' In it
il nearly nil pine, Imt in r.isiim.illy n inl or
lnlo Ii r liii' liny In: tcii nlmi
ll.twn,' p. 'n.. iiii ilnliiin, llic ( rn I'.ini
ninl Sunt Ii Tin k Minl Mpuiiti', ll.r !
Ik'iniii,' In tin: ntst or im; lln ninl ll."
illii-r Ik t!n: umlli :ist. Il.ri' n' i n
liaic n rulliii r.ivy i.iiiir nf iiIm.hI
lliili'l ill W iillll til rru, ulnll lir niiiii
itlfSolllll I'lllk, l tt'.i II Ml" lllsil I t-i. Six1
iii lis furthi r is i lit- fnul nf 'n- m n m t :i "n. '
.n f .sunn: Ii llmi I. .is tuki n up a i :iiii n
mi I put iiji a c.iliiii, f.illiiijj il tin' ' Mi'tin
hill llmisr " hiiii tin- :' imin t r.i r
in v r.'gale triu . It with a 1r.un! sni.i li,'
ura 'i;:n .-I n;',' or if he In' u Sua of Ti m
i"r.i:i.'r, wh'i c i oiim ii nee ln;s fullnwr.l him
linn far into the ililrrnes, I,c may i Ihki-c
ei'.'ir. I.rniing the .Munl l iill IIimim',
tin- next tiling is In iisrcml the luouiil.iiii
' I'. "p, up, an I illll up, ui.lil haiie
n n!. cd the Miiiiui t, the la'hy ju-t h fl be
Im, nnd whii Ii uni t In: 'nine two or Ihl'ee
llimis.-iiiil h i t nlwie the levi I of llir sen,
niii .Us to be within;; i:mre than n;'itat
l:nle in the gl'oniid. I en Iji.' l!ii. Cuiin
l.iin, v i iiii.e In ,iwn!ii t !' k, a In. mi ll
i.f llir South I'mk, on wl.ii li id. nut lifh
mill are lit woik, sniue nl lln in doing ny
will, if we iiiiy t. I, e lb ir w ni il (ir il. -T
.ii nil mill i fui lln r mi, and ovi r inmil i r
liiniiiil.iiii is liik Cry, (lie trailing po t fur
lln e In. in h, siluali d on liik ('ink, wh'rli
rrnplli, into Aliii rl. an ',',, r al oat a mile
litlnw the eily, ninl that making a join
villi lb d II hi r ftlll In the Miiitlii a t forms
tin' Soul Ii I'mk of Clc:irwali r.
Alien, ui l',,ir is li.iiuinl fur about
i"r'ht nr leu milrs bum its juur'iiui willi
(lie lb d, nnd has iiboul lilM) or MU) nu n al
nik on it nt milling. Sum'' of I !n- chinas
nv will, hiding as bi;.'h lis yJO a d:. t
tiie h.iinl. Tiie Iii t wi i k ii ft r my arrival
lure I wmkid on tin- claim of It Irhie A
Co, nn. I four of us look ou r i'n) n day,
I'Ut Ihe yield is not rcgubir, nnd liny have nn d me siiico 1 h fl thai l!u: rl.iim has piid so well may rifely 'ay Ihat mi
n avi rage the il.iims nil Aiueiiiiui Creek
iln lint jmy mure than w.i;;es. Two or
lliree claiiiH that 1 know of, wiro ojii ned,
died, and are now iibiiiuloueil, liable lo
liiToinu the properly of the first occupant.
Them has been considerable ( i ilciiient
Iitc about the gold aid to be found on
Hiiliinm P.ivir. Piirlie.H have been ovir
HiiTo iro peeling, and on their feluiii re
I'Ttiil lhat Uy m, fj g0, diggings
liero they could make from twelve and u
l"If rciili lo live dollars to the pan. Af
Icr piling Romo provisions, liny went im
nicdiutely back. These diggings Imvc Imtii
llllllont desei ted in llii: CNcitiTllclit, there
'ting source n company on the lliver tlml
Inn not arnt oik! of Ihu purlmrs out to
flunm to prospect, nnd muiic roinpiinics
lavo tlirown up their iduinis entirely, imd
left for SiiIiiioii lliver. no of our roin
I'nnjf is gone, and will return inn few il.iys,
'" I will Invo reliable iuronnnlioii ns to
Ik" iiinlily of ho 'diggings, nud will Im
lu to infiirin you as lo llin result.
.lnll-4 W. ,Mi:i.linr.
Amciik AS P.IVI It. Oct. )1. iwl.
I'u. A inn h: Oiir lit t lo mining town was
krinvii Into n grcut cxrilcineut on Fridny
lint by Dm mnvi, ,,f , discoveries of gold
'i Siilmon Uivcr, miutliwcHt of lliirt muiio
" dnyn' truvi'l on foot nnd seven by tho
"il with puck n n i in ii 1 h . There Is no doubt
n to tin; riclincsH of llirM! mines, but their
rlenl is not yet known, ns they hnvu been
'ul litllu prospecled. Hut they luivo rv
"7 nppeiiiiini'o of being rxtiiuive, from
Ii" look nf tho coiinlry nroiind. Some of
w cliiliiui llnil linvn been pnii pclcd nro
'try rich, nml ham sold fur lificrii hundred
dfllurH im ii tin; siiine dey liny were luki'ii
- A Weekly N('Hj);i.r, !evole, to tin: Jiilcnwls ol' tltrj LuhuvUv Classes, and u.Ivoeutiiig
V"'" m O UK (J ON CITY, OlMOOON, N O V 3 M 15 K It l,
U"p. I mi w 1 in ilusi lira wan hiikIiimI
"in niw pmiliil or tin t. One mini washed
Klily i lmvi'lfiilH ol dirt, ninl T0; -
Minn' nn: nnilviii'' inn loo ,!,. ''.
i ii In si ili(.'iiis nix- in (.Milrlii'K, ami the
K'i'il is line. I Im i;imw fill Uir'i iiii'lins
'fp on Hit) .llii, ninl wlii'ii tlii'lioyscin.'ihcil
llin llmiiiiliiiiiH it wi.; Im ,,' tu'i-Ivf ilirlii'N
llri'M. I llilnk II Uiin , i ! iisi i'sn liir nil'
iiis In try tn'i t to llii'M' tiiini ii this winter
I'linn llin Williiiinllr vntl' y, iik I Im trail will
In: eluiril w ilh snow IhTum they eau get
there; mi thu lust pol'ry into wail until
Aini'lii'iili River is lillnosl ileM'lteil. Iiv-
i rv one thai can ll.e dust to eel a few
liniiiii K of ii'ou.sioiiu s niiiii ni' Sa in. iii
w u i 1 1 1 1 1 1 - i : . . inn ! ;
bn!,. have h it within the last
fi w dnys foi tin: in w 111 Dorndn. Some
who bate In en there luivu returned mid
... .... . . . . . .
ilceiiiii''i il llu ir uiiii N. ninl ul.aiii niiei
claims fur the winter llmt wire paying (mm
11 Inilf ounce to mi o.iui e lo the hand.
A im Tii-aii Kiw r diggings uvernu'D about nu n you fancy, yon can do ipiitu ns well ; little or no friction or even loss of headway, j erected upon their views. The Senator before many years elapse, earn that dis
nilf mi ounce a dnv lo the hand: Unl by hain'iii-' 11 lint mum a hitchiiiL' and This troubles nud perplexes many. lie i must be worth XoOO nnd 10 negroes. 1 j tinition for himself." Xo more waa sniil
llin r dij'in; s do mil pay so well. Sev-
rral coiiipaiues on aillcricall UiHT lire Ho
i . ... .
ing well. The F.lporado coniinny nrc
making from $10 loflO;
P.iiulrr A Co (five nf Ihem) took out one
d I Ii VI II
en l''iidiv
Tin' mini rs will do wi ll In re iu .t season,
iiiilnMi-h liusini s liinhs mi In r dull ul pres
eiil.oun. eoniilof tin' S.dmon Iliv.rcx.
ciliun nt. The weather is line, w ill, heavy
fio lsai .,i:;bt. It ha ;.,,,! tttire, but
the. snow l.i id ulv a .shun time. I
think we will be able lo mine two or three
wet ks Vet,
unit ..I i nut l ihn inn' Is
W. I'. I'.
Tin. I'.vriirn: Simvi.i n i ii. The rA
llllillll ll.ill (i.'ll I. : i lni.k n( iiiari liing
u:n Sjl'liii I'n Id ninl litlnikilig (ill II I Ii iv
linn s ns ini'ia'. oiis i s Ilis ou Ii little urillV,
-liiiweil Im o tii Iii': s liinury and wisdom.
Il was ihe glnitisl wimIuiii in him, sur
rouuded si.' he was by more than twenty
ihi.ii and nn ii, and not knowing by how
untn V in nt- lo cm..!'. In iitlaek the enemy
mi his nw n si . iTi d en. ninl, nnd not only
!e him n i In ck, but up-i t his ubvious in
ti i.ll'iii of Miiio Hiding Springlield, nnd
t.iklug our nn ii, money, mull , w agons, pro-j
ti-'.on-', Ac, auiniii.tiiig to several millions,
nl do!!. IH.
Hnl it took ii brave man to allitnpt the
exi i nlloii of m I aaiiluin an enti rjirise.
I have m i r heard of greater bravery or
;:n al' r vvi-doiu Ih. n was dl'played by the miMIi r, ( I' n Lynn, in his attack nt
Wil-on's ( 'in k ; and lu re it liiu-t be said pni iiis ii i o guilty of criminal
in 'l 1 1 in i. ol I nvlug si ul him more help,
nt I a tl.i'.c li g'i:;i lits of f.gliling men,
nnd t!::it at lln' piopi r lime. Gen. Lyon
had!; but :;,"'H) nun In fight against
'fully J,;.i,!i ir, t'ie iliiiteen buii'lred under
Si "i I and Sa!im;o:i did not t o operate ns
lin y :.!i(nd.l, In mv lln' Irriiblc h strnetioii.'
of our nun in Ulc.l ninl vvoninled. The '
wisiiniii nud liiaviiy of lien. Lyon stopped i
t!ie in. u i y in Irs pr. siiinpluous iiliticiiil
tlniis of tietory, nnd so tin' r. iiiiiant of our
brave (roups n trei t' d in good order.
Mrs. Ph. lpi, wi'e of the Hot John S
'iii lp, d s.rvi s to be i t, rnally hoii.ired
for the tieiievnli nt and pal riot it! attentions
iu having 'he r. n a'ns of Gen Lyon taken
from the butt!" field, nud buried near her
iiiaiisnn; nnd it n: il -t be admitted thnt
I'.iii M.Ciilio i.di acted like n man nnd n
grntli n: in nfl'T I lie bailie was over. That
Miit cf'i' ii n! dii" to his ally, the
I. rM .l.iirner Stellill ' Price.
f ... . i .... ll: ........ I1.. Al...!. Ixt 1
' ' .
I.. Mm ii.ii i. l.i llii. . n'..'l. that the Mi lcail
St. 11,1 lull " ni l- iii. 1. 1 I. in .iiiiii.ii I
. , ,
g.ivcriuni-nl has ii-K.-ii iiioiiii ironi our gov-1 ...
, fron. live to ten millions. Our , woman, that idnration is but a preparu
Minist. r regards it lis highly important ' lion for matrimony, and that accomplish-
jii t nt this time thai Mevco should bare 1
the inoney to pay miercsi on ner i.ngiisiii
debt, nnd thus be ivleiiscd from her present
inbiiriiis mi lit. ( tur eovernmelit Is iletcr-
' ' ' 7. . .
nrmd In sland by .Mexico nt nil hazards, ;
nml tuotect I cr against cnrroachiiieiit by
foteig'i powers. i
ci !
si': !
Tile. Imuws - The Ci'ininissioiie
1. . . I rt" :. I... m..i ......,1 In t',K
iiian .viiiiiih im ""i " i
all, ra brief visit to the Indian country.
lie found then, all loynl nnd giving "'i-j,,
d. neiw of strong nllnchnicnt to the Fed -
mil (lovcmment. lie visile, seven, trmes ,
....-il. ..f 1 1,,. ()sii!-i. (tiilv Hirer Innrs are
inaccessiblo or beyond Iho rencli of the
Govrrnnieiit nnd nre disloyal, lie thinks
troops ought lo bo dispatched iuinu'dialcly
to the Indian rounlry to reclaim them.
How to'TlTvk IVack.-TIio Louisville
Deinoeriit puts the enso in a few wordn ns
The prnri! meelings held in this State
universally mil upon th" Govrrnnieiit to
rcasn Ihis wnr, an if tho (lovrrnmt'iit
brought it m, or ns if it were possible for
lln) Government nlonc to slop it. I'"'1'1'
are two purl irs in thin foulest. Why do
we hear im appeal In tho Southern Stales
lo withhold their nrms, nnd try tho cfii
riciicy of peaceful negotiation ?
(iiuoiiMA.-Tlioolliciiil vole of Cnli
fomi'ii for Governor, nt Hie lain rlrcl ion,
Isms follows; Slunford, f.(l,0:ill; Conness,
MMi 1 1 " M."t ?....". I . Union war
miijorily, f l.J-J'..
Why i lr-The Stoekton P.epublirnn
is luroriued by nn elderly ini.idsi. h.dy Hint
n girls luivo been born In Sail i.lon.,uln
roiihly since tho men commenced talking
about war.
Wrllowiiumeii ely would our i-mivurnii-liim
,, ,,1,,'idged if lui.i.kliid would "peak
only Ihe truth.
. 1 1 Hi mill
A young woman lit this no hIioiiM rc
meiiilier thai her i-piciiil hiisiness is lo fit ,
liur.ii'11 for llic ilutics or hie. J woiiM not!
ileny to her the Finely fy,i.,S men, when
shu has lime for il ninl u proper opporliini-!
Iv. lint kIiu kIioiiM remember that Inn?!
nothing to do with beaux, nothing lo do
wilh thoiihls of mid calculations for mar-
rinifc, nothing to do but become, in the
uoblesl way, u woman. She should rc -
ineiiiber that she is loo young to Uow her
own n.ind, nnd Hiatus a genend thing, it
is not worm Knowing, omui niiacii.
meiils and ''irlisli ideas of men are thcsiliidt,
I things in all the world. If vou don't be-
I icvo it. vour mot In in. aiiic v-miie
... . . ... .
j tinirs in hundred Ihey will tell you that
, tiny did not marry the boy tiny fancied
'before they hud n right lo furry anybody .
I 1 . . . l . .
11 you iliiuin 01 mnirimouy nir amusement,
If you dream of matrimony for amusement,
and for the sake of killing time, I have
, this lo .'ay, considering the kind of young
worshipping it througli your clrnnber win-1
I I ... I. I . I . .1 .... I . r
now. l.c-siuci;, il is llill.lig llil.i period 01
1 nnscttled notions and readily shifting at-1
tucliiueuts thnt n hubil of llirling nnd a
love of it arc '..iiiuriitid. 1 suppose tint
'roipictry, iu its legitimate form, is
a woman's charms, nud that there is a le-
git He sphere lor us cmpioyim-m; lor, r.v
cept in rare natiire, il is a i.atnrul thing
i.!i your sex. Nature has ordain, d that
men shall pri.-mo t that w liich shall cost
an (Tutt, nnd while it Inn designed that
. .. .. .
vou shall at .some lulnre lime give your
heal t ninl liniul to nwoi thv man, it hns
.i .....;.i...i r i: i, ,,.;-,
in. nun. ., .... ,
he seeks mi apparently dllUHilt one to win. ; Kreat physical cnilurancc and intellectual , X(,.. ., UVI, , (loWM doors first five inontlis of lSiil, o.TI.CSt biles;
It is a simple nnd bruiitlful irovi.slon for vigor, nnd is endowed with military genius, first.'' j ! for tho first five rnontla of lsOO, 270,103
enhancing your value in his eves, so as to developed by thorough education. Scott, 1 um not pr.rtlcul.,ily for the Adminis-! Wi(i! j JUI1C nnd July the rate of ship
make a dillicult thing of that which yon is still greatly reacted and much beloved. J.0 i ment was increasing, and would overage
know to bo unspeakably ea:y. If yon , lbit the President yon may have ''l'r,5fau', l!ra aml f0 wi r0l!( mv r,,,,. I at least 1 12,000 bales cr month. In Oc
hold yourselves cheaply, nud meet all ml-J faith iu, no matter who doubts.-Ihme f IC (l0i s not, iinpiaeli'liiin, mid hurl him tobtr the new crop would begin to arriver
Winers with open willingness and,
il.i. 11 itniil r. siill vii'.l lie tint vour lover'
,:it,roofyou. llus suhject '
nerc, .1-1 oeci-iise . 1.., uui .
. ... 1 1 .. 1. . . 1. ..1 1 . 1 ,
nm conipilled to, in order lo explain what
ird.r lo explain what'
io husband's I ivc ol
n 11 rt i to'n.el'ininr i
I have to say upon the
flirting. To Income
phose into a d.guting passion thnt whirl.
lit II fl I II rt. I f'lllllllllllllll IS 11 II II 1111 iillll I
11 1 Till instinrt. This instinct of coquetry, j
which iiiiikrs a woman a thing to be won,
am! which I suppose all women are con
scious nf postt'ssing in some degree, is not
to be cultivated or developed at nil. It
should be left to itself, llll tllliullited nild
unpen cried, nnd if, in the primitive- stage
of your womanhood, by initiating shallow
attachments nnd heaiTlesslv breaking them,
nr s -i king to make impressions for the sake
,,r s,;., .ittentions which nro repaid by
1 - - - n
,, ,. i- ,. .1. ,.;,,i., tn
"wm ",,u -,' "I
yr nature, you uuike yourself a won.:.., ,
w noil, join mm m. in , nun ii nw.
. I ... .1 1.-,. n.t.l 11 I. .1.11 O .
s'iTislb!c men, who do not to
you with in .iiiiccriliis as mean ns
are nfiuid ol. Tluv will not love niul
will not trust you. This instinct then,
nut n ihhe' to be harmlessly nhivrd with:
and, know of few more unhappy ami Jis-i
Unis'liier si-bis than a trill briic'ili" into IT'
trusting silils llinll a 1,111 o u-rj
womiinliood this pa-siou-liiinnfid alike to i
Iiersell ana Ollicrs
i. :i .. ...
rl to gel the idea into her
I I spoils .1 LL II I ll' l:'. . . n. .ni '".'
.'. 6 . . .,- ,. . , -
nod. c that marrniga is I no ciiici run oi
m(1 nro notliing hut ronlrivnnccs for
(,,l(,tli , ft )in.Ui,. And now, yoiyig
, ,- v .i
,cl., I.kl
mi, wi,., ...
living? What;
woman, whose eye truces the:
.... i . i i. ..r
you M neciui' uon mnen u.
.oM. - to vou? How nre you
u the tu-iiicipnl subject of vour thoughts?
I know tint I reveal some voung women
, ,i.. ..... ...i,- ,i,r ..,. !
. ... . ..
I themselves so lioiiu.l to liieir Rtuiiciive
,,,, nn,i fum-ics-so dissipnt.'d nnd ,
1 ' , . i them -that thev havo not j
from them.
Wmins or 1'iiik - Prentice, of thc Louis
villa Journal, is cnlling the Kriitiickians
... in of 1 1 io Union. His
words arc as clear and shnrp as tho blast
"u,l,r ,v '
of a bugle. Ho writes:
.." . V. ... r. 1.111
The l.ery eross is spun nut. ' j
i. I. Ml nml from IIIOIIII Ulll 10 lliou nun
to lull, niul iioui noiini ii
... i.- L 'I' muslin. 4 nm i
i iron riii'ui iwiiuiini .
....... .' iliniiqniids. at s'iL'ht of the Minting
signul, will rush to tho defence of the
State' and tho country's bnuner. Let no
man. wuo iiiiiiT.i in i."' inn i - --v
!iw' ever dare to call himself a Keiituckinn!
mill. Tho iinini! should blister his tongue I
. - i i.. i. .. ,i.i.i r.i ivpniiii'kv
i',.L. I'.oiiT Kisnor Talk. llio fnther
of Ca'pt. Burnett hns three Rons in Iho
i.I'MIV. nml two vet nt homo capable of
bearing nrms. ' no oiu geuueii
Iho remaining ones aro needed, be '
. . .1 anna If:
lielievo 1 can still Rl'""! ns well ns any of
..i...Hr..Ti. U'it inniii nn. mm niM" t '
them, and il they want tho old man, I'll go
loo " Tims being willing, not omy to hiy
s own me, - iv " " ,
Hiers, mi' im ..,'
tin- idlar nl Ii'ih niuulry.
r.V, (Ohio )
. ll iim n i ..."it
lAnrula thi Vrovldrnllal Mir.
A gviilliiiinii who happens to Imvc look- j
ed ihnmli the saiins Mpirtm-lcs na wo (liil 0,1 1,10 cn'"!"" f S"jit. 'Ji!',. Amlrew
txpri'K.siii- oiip opinions cxaeth-, ns lo,Jo,",-" t!o c-xil.-l Senator of Tennessee,
one or two leading men -has'rc-timicil a;lllnt'1 J)'" l""i;''! ,)f K'
to Hos'on alter n visit to Washington. 1'1'0"1 C;"(':""ll,i G'iztttu';i r'I),-"'; "''
The Trausrnut IU;,:,, hiel. weenuv icoj.y r;mno stirriiig piissag:
I I iv ;
describes him ns " u "enllemmi of influence'
and hi'di financial
i.n.' I ...I Hit. a
I"1 'i u"1'
nuotcs from n letter of his: " Ves. I have
i just returned from Washington. 1 have
j seen the President, once in comnrttee, once
alone, Mn a Mr. I like- him. I believe
he is tlie provnlcntial man, tho J'resiUcnl
fur the
occasion. I think him not only
true nud sincere, but also sagacious, eiear-
i.... .... . . - . ..:
sll' Ii let . iii-sil' itci niu wise: inn wncn us
. mind is once made up absolutely ',n"iov'
able. Peculiar iu the working nud unfold-
j ing of his mind, he is likely to switch off
.... I. . ff
: on a i-iJe track whun you can see no suffi -
on a nuc iracii wuun vou can sec no siiui -
! ci'iit reason for his not keeping the main;"
, truck; but he easily slips back again, with
understands his position and respoiisibib-
ir. I i.: - I T .
lies, nu hiiuws ina sui iuuiiunii;.i. j nuae ;
who think they are using him are much
mistaken. He sees through it nil. I feel
sure that the Coininittee who have ricently
conrerred with arc willing to leave'
matters iu hi'; ham.
Is. Within a week
rsewani uas ioni n nnim menu ui ins in.u
of all the men be knew, there was no one
in tho United Slates so Well fitted to carry
the country tMy tlirougli tuc slruggl.,; as
Lincoln. I bel.eve it thoroughly. Mc-
ii ii . !. .1 . i I. r.i.- .'i'...
i.jeuan is inc iu an oi inc limitary pracu-
, rally, llo magneiizcs tuc wnoio army.
; if. ;a Wi r.',r.-l,nr 1T hns
v,.. v.-... ... -
... .. . ' .... .
lilt -VtTios.i!. iiiiiiT. Iho national
. ,ukrs a vm encouraging
" -
. . f . , .,.,,.,. ,.f , ,.
lt Rnvs. T!,e people or the United
' , , - , .
S,:,,,'?' rrom l!,C f,ic"-v of t,,c!r
cal nud historical position among the nr.-1
tioS o( ,c worM( ns well as from the
. m . ( . 1 1 . 1 f .
..ificence of their polilicnl institutions, iinve
. .. , r I
long enjoyed n peculiar exemption fiom ,
, ,
the burdens of taxation. Iho exigencies
created by the attempt lo destroy our !
nationality nnd overthrow the Constitution,
have for the first time brought the country i
i to CSI.iniue iitc cost us v.eii us nil- ,iiu: u.
.. . ... 11 .1 ....1.. ..I
the civ il government which has herotolore
re-led so lightly upon the persons nnd
property of the whole Union. The bur-
, ... ' it.. i i i i..h ,
neus we nro eaiieu i u m m.u, .u imuh iv
" " . i i1
heavier than nny which i,eces.sity has in-
' bw;,,f, ,,,!, tenpora-'
... , , . ., ., , :
i . i '.i.i-. .. i i. ' inr .r inr i n "n - r r hi- ii. ii hi
clicat I ' ' , r r r ! i he Ititravni, ilcliitl.'d into nilvocatii:' for n nllrnuicc to tuo t nion
rv nri' si ' il nil imi'ii hii luvj.ij hiih.ii - . . . . ... . , - .
vo.irs j are ,,or;; lum V) r ! m0I,u'nt ot!c nM' whicl1 is surc 10 kn( i lion, to leave the city;
I they I , - - ; u i.,.uy,. ...... y I duly of the I. nion lel
i uiin liii r ii i i-i in tii 1 1 1 u it hi niu i i.s i.A .i.ii-.i i in i..r nc in t I.. ii I'.niin. . . . . .
I.,""" n ' .'........I.... 1 nsi" rr.Tiii tie name
- ' ii. .r tin rrrpniiir I .111 l ii iiri'.sriiL in mi u irvni Mi iilf il mi l . i ui i hi. lhii i.i .i
.i n .. . r i :.. t: r
S Ir
11 , , ,. , '
s;l i - i 1 see th:it we have but little cause
... f . i
' 1 I
.September) number of that valuable pe-
I ' 1 I
. ,.
il - iodicul
Marhani M,r,,,:im',
I i.ll till' UlilUiliI V l . 'I'lniiiuies in nn-,
.. . v V. .. .1.-1
Prilish Government nre 170,000,000, or j
n,U .11 111,1 liTH s I l tl VI 1111111 11 L 111 Ll llll! Ill,".ni 1 .. i ..".. '
3."i0,000,000, while those of Frame are, ' ' 'crl!- " c !,,!:t ll,nvn '1'i'te ns warmly r.s any one or the lonii
l mid 000 000 francs, or .il'.lO 000.000.'' , to iW lri'M t;'l r-aiional lion-1 no)t;ij States, sympathizes with the North,-
' ' . '
Cn.rn CY.niw.-TI SYI,,-I ;
nn : e, c,m
upon coining homo he dct hired thnt I'"5
moncv, his sword, his life, if needed, wore
at the service of his country ; nnd wo then ;
i,. i,o ,1.,,,.,. .i ..I. ...a
., . i t.. ,1.. ;i .:.i,
no s-.anos pue seij u., i.(u ,.u
Diekinson, Dix, Hallelt, Greene, nud other
DcniocroK He hns niueh nt stake ns nny
f i1icm mri nu, ,1C I)pt W1
made bankrupt, as lias been reported, yet
this revolt hns been n pecuniary damage to
him of hundreds of thousands of dollnrs.
It severed also tho closest ties of friendship.
His warmest personal friends wcro in the
South, men with whom ho had the dosrst
r.,m aiiiilh lint Mintf wnrrt n-ivon tin
intimacy for; but they were given up
I ...!.,. iti.ii. ulnnil lint wren hinl and dlllv to
, , . . . . :
11 '.Ull Vm .1
u s coiiiiui. 'i""" t-.-....
j '
irr Tl...- c Im.L- envn of each other III
imin nm i-ii'iu -
thnt I
nsiiingion, insi .nuiiiuij, mm im '." i
.1 I.. l.lnll 1IL-A Iir.llllf.ti3
... .. .... I.. i. i t.t ...
lUOSO llll'll, V llll IIIHI ulvii imu vii'iiiii.i
during tiie Presidency of Mr. Pierce, wero
,ovcd to tears, nnd mutually remarked to
, ol.r .. vvo lcct ,,0 morCf unless the
forluno of wnr uli
the battle field."
furlan. of war hll make ,,s enemies upon
Lan'iiku'h SiiAiii'siiooTi;ns. A portion
of tho brigade of tdinrpshootors, of which
HJcn. V. V. I.nniicr is io navo conunnmi,
I j l0 ,0 nri0,i witli donblo-lirrclcd rilles,
. ... .... 1 .
weighing IJ pounds, aud able in their
hands to unseat a rebel horseman at a dis
tauco ol throe-quarters of a mile. .
..,.', , ivcs ,m. , ,,i0 ri(.. Iimi ;N
I,.,,, ii,.r i,!u .nll,(, 11M11 tlm liirnkev of
in" j - i ,
his wealth
the siile of Truth in every issue.
1801. Xo. w.
Hlirrlnss Mmli r inty JoliIisou iu I -II
Men talk about their riL'hls.
Will you
IfO to the Smith to g"t tin in?
Will vou
"... . .
tell tlieiil ill tin? S'liilli to coinv here nn,
' .r,.t ilwin h,r vnnV fvim i,r "Vnm.ti
' I labored hard for .John O. IJreckiniiilge.
1 llM-'"t- my money to print and circulate
, . ... t,i , ' ,i i L
. 0.,j
v to disavow those acts. I disown!01 eonvcisution remarked to the (.icncral
him. lie deceived me, and the fault was
his; u ho deceives me again, tlie lault will
: . . ' ' "V ,
in ii ittn lie. r(. in nv imr; mtr ni'ii'i '
here, which I cannot do iu Tennessee, from
: which I mil an exile John C Dra - kin -
rhbjc wn.i no rrjmtfnlins K'-ntnrky irArn
he tciv tent to the tinwle lj hrr pirijilc.
! lln .v.... Ii I..' .... ll..i I ' t'l,.,
; " W'!1S h''ipuig to hreak up the L nited
; "' " "" "i' - ""
,,' J. J ,, V " , ; .
, ,.r r,,rr.s-,.u,.,rvi, in ilnt n-nvrmment t.i l,o
have n,ked Kentucky if the Hon. C.
Ilreckinriile is eligible upon those condi-
t; nml I Irii-e heen tohl nn ct I
j 0;vn )Ui otjrli t negroes, and not nearly the
t ninonnt of money named, yet the people of
niy Stale sent mc to Urn h.'iiate of the
1 ' . '.'; -
, niailo welcnnn' liieie.
I Loud Checrinu'.l i
- are li'-'iitin" for
our goveninreiit! j
i.ovcrnmont was made lor man, una not
mini for government. The old nionnrchi -
-I just t'erse.aml t
: comm,ncw, ,,v voU.npC 3,, f((rr(,( aw, i,v
,,0,c ,,., tVPV w;- fill;;n; thnr-elves.
. i'ii.i f . i
ii ud
i ney nave ewiu.icd mc voice oi mc pro-:
ilou t let tliein no so willi vou in Ken-
1'V- im i n i mem wim mo noo-.s in
...I... It. 1.1,. I
.. , . ., r; r ,. x ,.,
from bis seat. Ibit he has done well thus
i n-i.... . i.-.i i. ... i i.
n nn i inmer inm if 11 nrn oe .issmii
r.-iiic f.f r-fii-ffhliifiit ' nno I K-c.
,,,,.,.,.;,, s flj-..,.ni,.u..,,v vnnp iu.
nofsn, was out': and its marc!, was from
, ,,c So,.
. .
Traitors cry out about Lin-!
folll's;:lP: leob.'.s war forsooth! Who
bnniL-ht it on.' Answer me thai. w,
t!le S, (!,, (! U.t r take the conscpien -
Lit ns see. Ft. Sumter was garri -
be-jsoird by 150 or 70 men under Buchanan,
1 i 1 . - ...t.i 1.: . 1. .ii,,.:... .. .
""u m......s. ... wt.u. ......, ,.r
pos tc its walls, but could not wait a few
. .' , , , ,
1 1 , 1 -i u I I l II 1 1 IV 11 llll.. I. .1 I'l'llltl W. til V
,.. ,i:iyed Irs r.r'.ille'T r.pon lhat
little bir.d of brave men nud made them
surr.'iid.T. This is a fair sample o! the
'"'' l,,"'r', r
i I .til i i ll- :iri- .1'. : 11 i
Iiivw! J .I I , L H'.'f 1 'I'
,,:i i- ,.r.rt ,!,t now lnnm ivist
nmj .,; tftf, (,'!,,.r thr.a's'made thereabout?
What iuvc they co n ? Proclaimed war;
now. whose war is it-i.incoin s: Lrcs
' of " No!" " No!" i
...... . , .
The seiv.-i'ioinst ; object now is lo keep
I'P cxc.ieiu' l.i, m wuan iiione inev can
(.nrrv ,,,(, whirl, if carried, a rule
will,- the iron rod will follow. But let us
.m.i .i,.iiini, lie the nolile It on. I ol inn
sires and patriots of the Kevolutlou.
i . r il . ... 1 1
in ting Joivn treason sliouUl,
U.II liierc is i;j sineeiuv n. iiicm- i.i i.i
''. .on...r.mise. What, coinnrom se
wi. tra;lor nnm, i with cannon pointed
... l.i rii. ... ..!. .1 !..!-. It
v"r enpnai-' i rem wan mem im ren.
I.' .... ...,,,,,( li.-nullli lli,.l 11! IV rt li.ll'.i
, ...... , r il,- i,,
r .. ... '.
Novir! Ni vt r!
.... ii - .... .
,,,- , v
! :,i fi.:htin must h (hr.v; l-l n i!o !t
or haiided down to n:, ninl purciiiiseu iy
.... , r . it-i .1-1 t .
ll.r I.W.I (.; t,lii,r. U 1..U ll ..UI
--;' f ZSi VS
til0V S1U1,1 Si,.vot-d in soi.irg tho capita!?
shouls of " llnng them."
I kllOW hil'.l
well nnd his crew of traitors. They i
t,, trrsu:
Thev nre
its bend. D sipptiliit.d n.noit;on, b1 . i
canker. ui3 gnawed nt their heap, m
which there is onlv bitterness nnd hate left
to dictate their nc'tinn. Thev nrc bogus
ariftocracv, and rould not brock tho clcva-,
lion ol a man to mo 1 rcsini-nuai euair m
cniiso he roso from the ranks of the people.
They could not wait four years, when in duo
course of things they might have tako their
chance of power, but they mndo tho elec
tion of Mr. Lincoln a mere of excuse for
iheir treason, nnd if they should succeed a
military despotism will inevitably take tho
place of this fr.e, liberal nnd most glorious
m. lr ,, ,,,. it cnil
.is"" " , ,, ' .,
, ,...,,,.,,.1.1.1 i)V niiothcr. nor can nn
csnniplo bo found in history to controvert
never m-
lam ait rvllca fmiU'ivt, nut from hut
for justice, and mi rn'wir i. my feeble tf
... i.A i".,,. .;";,,., imi if llin
''form to mipwt the. Cimstilutwn; but if the
pcojilo of Tcnncsseo could spenk to-day, an
1 ' . . , , ft' !.. .......1,1
ocrw m g , m, r , 7
MM lib Mil' niuni 1 1 v - - i
who fought with lis siilu by sido nt .New
Gilenns, to como nud do so ngnin, nnd nn
tier tho Rnme ling for the snino cmiso Lib
erty. If you givo us your help, tho Rtars
and stripes will float over every court
houso iu tho Stale In a rery brief period.
Cries of "Wo wilt, wo will."
Let mo nsk you again, to bo again as
sured, nro von Kriitiickimis willing to see
tho gnivo oi' Washington nml Jackson and
your own beloved Clay surrounded by ac
cursed secession bayoncta? Shouts of
" Never, never." Then again I feel en-
Oiki Hii;iri! Iwi;lve liiii'H, or Iokk, limvicr mniiir)
one iiifprlimi 5 3 (W
I'.iii li u1"f j iiont h rlimi I 00
I lMiiii''i iMril.i oiil' year SJI) 00
A lilmrul ilnliii:liiiii will hi iniulo la tliwo why
mli crlwc Ii) (lie year.
t5 The iimiihcr of iiisrrlioiu nliouM ho tioler
on llin inmjfiii i.f nn ml vnrtiKc-iiicnt, ollierwina it
w ill Ijb imbliiihril lilt forliiililnn, an.l charged ac
cordingly. &) Oliiliiary unties will bu cli.irijpd lialftlie
above r.ili nf ailvrtikiii(r.
i I'mNTi.Mi executcil with nentnoM and
lliup ilcll.
1'iiijmriit fur Jub 1'i inting mutt be mailt of,
ttrlirw nf the irnik.
couraged, mid in the nmno of Tcinirxsc(,.l'
thank you, and I thniik those fair women
who huve como up hero to encourage, by
their presence, their sons, mid brothers,,
and father?, nud lover.?, to light the good
fiht. Long may they jive to. set a patriotm
example not excelled in history, mid long
may wo live to fight fur our glorious privr
leges ns n people nnd n nation, even if they
nro only to bo continued tit the of our
hearts' best blood.
I About six rnonllis ngo, a
J distinguished gentleman of New York war
wit1' u Scott, and in the course
'but be in all probability would be tho last
Lieutenant Ucneral of the United States. lucre whs no one now who was worthy
' ,0 C'cm''' '''m or u)' whom liis mantle
! "tuM justljr be worn. Tho old General!
J drew liim-elf up in his dignified manner
I 1. f .11.1-1 -1 -
and replied,
, aim rc uieu, sir, you uiik i.ko a civilian:
I Congress coiiferred the title upon me, but
"" ru ls 11 'ol,"n man " t,ic anny w'10
! on tt,0 Slli,jt.ct nt that time; but when Gen.
j nmc l)Ccanic k.ttcr known t0.
the public, Gen. ScoU being asked by hi
I former guest whether McCMlan was tho
: young man referred to in his remark, rc-
' plied in the aflirmativc.
SiurKXTs or Cotton fiiom Ixpia.
, j;v t)l0 1;,,,.,:,. Commercial Gazette, of
, - ''n t))at ;5 000 bales of
. for
j weeks ending July 10, and that 22 ships
were then loadin? for Kurope at the low
I n '
! rate of "s. Cd. per bide, r less than half a
cent per pound. The shipments freo
i liomiwy to hiiglaml
liouibay to Kiigland have been: For tho
. ,i ;r tl, rnln f,r si,jlinu...t con.
. . . . 1- 1 1 1 .1 .
tinucp, the export to Lngland (or the nres-
1 n 1
r !ll exceed 1, 300,000 bales,
Am i nnvi Aiino.n. It is stated that
' Kmpcr
! countn
. Lobediefi" of the central staff of tho
icror of lliissin. is on bis war to tlii
! aii n .-1 citmldi f A flint nt
t non M,.CIl.,Iallf ,liring thc Crlmcan vt
, , c , j , ,,. y -pc c T
, ' '
p .,;;.!, 0f.Ver of much distinction, has ten-
1 .J
: dered his services to tho Government, and
' the off r has been accepted. Col. Io
fouri.ey commanded a Tnrki.di Regiment
,ir;, ' ,j,c Crimean War. M.inv
mans nr.: leaving tjcrmnnv ior mc uiuieu
; States, for the pui .ose of volunteering
. nmong them sonic of rank and position.
Goon Fx.vMi'i.r. The Common Council
.... . . t i ,
0( Chicago has set a good example to sum
: lar bodies everywhere, by passsing nn or-
, .,. ' ' .rl ;,
' calling upon all traitors m Chi a
who are not willing to renew their oaths of
and thc Conslitu-
iind making it the
eiiee Committee to-
s of all such dy.oynl per-
, sons, nnd have t.iem puhli.'licil in the I in-
. . . ...... .. .i.
lko cljar.ty, " Degin at Home,
I ' T
i r-Zr The Tribune of tho 20th Sept. says-
. . . ..... ... . .1
. tIlcrc is not Uic slightest ronntlaliou tor thff
! ....
stntcmi nt that Spain contcmpliiles recog-
! uiz;i!g t!ie Southern Confederacy It is a
j mere sensation dodge. Indeetl, Spaiir
, i
' or 'ii..iv iin.suinuin nu uu
. (-) ,
ZXZ JZ! . .
lll0 s,,.-, cf t!ic rebels
for notwithstanding she recognizes thc insti-
hulisomc fear of
makes her dread
as one of tho
.,, niLf.irlnnpa that could befall lief.
I b J
A N.vnr.ow I-.'scArK. After the enpturo
I ..r i.'i Untterns one of the shells was found
t0 ,,ave ,)i(Tecj t!,0 rebels' powder maga
...... ,-,
, without bursting. On examination,
it appeared that thc gunner, whoso duty it
wns i,aii forgotten to tear off small lcath'
em enp, ordinarily put on for Rnfcty. Tbi
was tho only shell thrown that did not e.t
plodc. Hod tho cap been removed, lb
fortification would havo been blown op,
and not a handful of its occupants left
alive, to bo captured ns prisoners of war,
bcr of passengers that arrived nt Sun
Francisco by sea for tho nine months end
ing September oOth, is 23,111, and thff
number that departed in the same pcnoit is
8,31)4, fhowing a gain in population ol
117-0. Tho net gtiiu in population sea
ward during tho corresponding period of
lSf.0, wns 11,412; I" 1859, 8,052; in
18.f.8, 8,331; In lSOl, ",523.
Tub Slave Tiupk. This nefurious traf
fic has received n vigorous cheek from tho
present Administration, which has con
demned and forfeited several resscls cn
gaged in it. Under I'.ui'hnnnn it was Im
possible to convict shivers. The Cttiug
out of vessels for " black bird" Toyngea
will not disgrace northern ports mijch
lunger, we hope.
1 1