...tmotihh in V-..-.f.-W e copy ii,n , , ,i....!ni? from nn exdinn: ,.l0 stale of Wrmout pivo ltr,..kir!.lK iiH-ii. 1.0 1. . lnt cvi'I.Ih liiivn hl,ow" 1,11,1 l" lu f,lwrrli.ioriillloplrllliM. TIh-i . li(h(, .1 iimi. " I""""- V,u- ,i,o r-'l)' l l,,r- Wo ,l0 "ot l"'1"'vo ""-v .1 r.. lie IH III" . " " " ............ , d iinlior HUH rxiNH'oru 111 uiu i 1 i iMi xi iitniii Ah v1iIi'",,c 1,11,1 Vermont''" my "" ' I..... lo llui iiiriiiury or . ' .11.... I union nf llui 1'nii'i.l Iriimm fur invo llini""" " -.; 1 ,, ,,lir t nil ever wore iiimuniu. 1 no rn- (ir iir ' .... SIMi! I l I'll HUM', ll'ilir 'I 11 II nn ..fill fVlliw " I iiiiim uicri! in i iiuuiiiHMiisni 111 .Uilliiilllil- 1 ii" " 'i' ... 11.. 1..,, I...., . 'I'llU villi! Ill sunn: Ul uiu umiia tu . it- iii.int nt tli hu tli t tioii hUinvH how nlroiiL' ... 1'i.ii.n foHinir i in tl.u ol.l (ir.'n. Mniiiiliiin Slt. Two f tlio 1'iunliiliitrn forliuvirnor, ll.ill.rook. (ri'n!'ir KrHilr lionn) nml Trii"')' (lii'li''ti'!..'iil) slo.iil nn - niUtnkulily nm llio .liilform of llio nmiii- Iriilllli'f "f llw "llKt i t tit ion mill t lie I'll- imi Put tini; III" vol i'K of those two nin- iliilulic t'K,t',, r. w" l'ln,l ,'10 r11ov iriHr t ho tllO VOtC ill tll I'llU'l' lllimi l l.clow: .;, in n Mliil nii.l iiiiiiiiiininii x.itii cif I'1 ... ..... fun I Hi rillllli: I.IIIMT . '-MI l I- tmiliiril. iiniiiiininiisly I ihdii; ooillnnl, "j to I; rurlinnloii, M2 to 1; Kutcx, l'.iy j to"; Ihiii'sliiiri;, tl ii it ii i in tin si v I'uion; Mini, I i rtilmi, linrilivirk, nii.l Kirliv, iiniiniiiiuily I'liiitii; lilinnr.', Stone, j i;r,iif,ir.l, llriiinlr r, l!rnkfiril, Cliclsen, t'.iriiilli, i ii;f, Stmff'iril, Toihiun, Tun- j liri'l;1', Wniliiii'loii liiiiiiiininii'.ly I'liimi; mill ciiry town in 1 1 tit In n.l enmity rxeept Kiitliimt, mnl i vi'ii thin Iomii (,'ivm Inn ; dii.ill eninfort lo llm ninny, hi iti vote 1 Imivv lor the I'liion, I .(.' I : fur the I'euiv j nlli'liilute, II Iinillll li iru' Mitel ICO I'uioii, ninl II for llio I'iiicu cmnliil.ite. j Tut. Siiiuii Si.i umi Tiinii.iir Tin1 j Journal of Cummtref .if Scpteiulier 1 Itli ' plnntx itn-lf f.iirly rxml Mjnari-ly upon lli-j .nlri'itie pi ilf'Tin. It mxt; " Tin' il iv f p:irtiex mill party pulitiin i. ,.il We look nrminil in lo ! it v fur (lie i lil piirtr litifK. I. lit in vuin tine fMii'l int.-rr.l. iili'iirliiii',' fur n while nil ijinlinii. of iiiiimr iiiipni t.iin i', li:i m ImI nil ill'' plihl e llltll.l, Wi'ii;ll' aw nv llie I.irm r w hit h I i.-mT..t. Hrpiil liran nr A, in riemiv ha.l t r.vtril nroiuul tin ini lv. , lii, ill.' e.ti.i lit of thr I'llitril S'lilr", IvT . Iilfill nf the i.r.lill.iry iU.' t'f puliliriil ritiiia:t;ii, n-L Mih lv thi, How th.ill tin' I'm. .a lir ni-Liiiii il nii'l our (.'nvrrnniriit !.o riM'iri'1 lo it ra w i.le pnw.rT We r,Ti.;Miie this i .u -.t i. m the only pnliln-al , Liii.iinii of thr il.iv." S S I'll i. n. I li I I Oth I'h.iir- .li.l.liini; mh'i l.rl hr.lllil-, fti.i'i 1 ..il; Slli, til.l' $ .'.0 tn .'.. wi,-,,! ;,iiiiu,.i n so. i,-,(io,i,. fi 1 1 ''; 400 ilo ( xlr.i ehnii'C iniilii .i itui y -;..o ..k m i '... Hi. hi - nt $ I r imi r.ii.itn. h - ..no .ks nt I :t 4 i. I lllil'ii.iN ( 'i rx MiUKir -Whrnl, lill.i I'.'..'; I'hiiir, $.'t ,'ill.if ."; O.its L'.'i.i.'llli'; Hit! t r, Ki.'O. ; l. ivi a r. r. i n d : Hull, v.llr (I. III. I, It. 1 ; tl v.)..!,. . t t, Sn. ", I :i ,1 X , ,iM, K .1 . ill I It'lfa i.l. J M .ilVr i Xl . I ;'.! I ' li (( t I 1. '. ll n nr Ii.i.iii I-.,, .f Xi:i i, r. n'. XV I , i.i Mi . .,li4lil.i r.tllrlt, nt Una I'.mlll WIIKKI.KK .v- WI ICON'S nasi pjlemium .1 .V l Y S c w i ii Macliincs, i ink Acksowu:iuit:i ro nv. , TAR SUPERIOR 'Pi' MI. OTII EES .V I'SE.' Ikinf uwrt ninilr, ami ropaWe cj lining more kimls of xvnrk T.I.V AXY OTUEi: M. U'lllS Kf Tim l!li;li it alike on Ik(Ii . J-, And will not Kip or lluvcl .1 ! HHKAT UKIU CTIOS IS VRICKX! II. ('. IIAYDKN, A-irul, f'triifi Mniilj.iiiiprv ninl .Viiernniinilo ltri'l! "'I 111 ' Htn Vnsrwo. IIAltl,i:H I'. IIOIIKIHN, Iiiii.iiI. r mill llrnli'f in Tvrv., p n v, h m v. w, ,n imxixi u XUtrrUI. IS KM, CMW STOCK, ,r, N.W. III hii.I Uli Cl.ySlrri't . ... an rranclico. C'y . v ( it ; nivavx House. Or- coii City: fNK HALF OK THE I ' 1 1 1 1 ( ' 1 1 A s I ' Mo ' Tl r"""" r '" '" l"'"1 1,1 "'" V'r fro.! Mm.i'Ii ....,, ,,m ir III IP Unlit 111.11., ,,., f...... " nni aoni ny llie liist iluyuf Novoin 1 " wi" k" r"r ,, . .'.1-.31. 1 IIV. null -fll IN .1 Oreumi Cily, Si Jill i I INT 1)1' I li-T't'l.-im MCI" 1 - ; " ""'.aiiiing 111 the i'mi i 1 a,,,!,,,,!,.,, isiii iPgou l.iy,lleg., ,, m ;U, I .... l III ( . ( Hllllilir . IV . (' .1, I..I... I..H-. . n.ivi.i r,., ,. T,.'. M,i ... , . : in ... 1. ... . .. ... I tl , , ' . ' "", II IIIIIIIM . , t.nrriiM II, ii.ln. k-, i.ra ln. , i h m iciimuga, .ll.Vin .Xlurlill.lille, ft,. , ,y f .... """" ,,l'"" Wim,.,, Old .Vi0ra, . "",u ' ' "'. A v ti 'lull. h.UiMim;, i. m. ivii t t t i i x 1 Ill. tl . I), VlIjl i I I AS Mh:ati:d in Oitvoii t hy, ; 11 im.l uli: r I... .-rti.o iii lh u liir of "'3 " -m. bo j AM) OHSTII UK S. ' , "lliir H lU" ',,ilr,l Sll ll,,!,!' ,, . s,"'!:,'1 ( i"i"uiii.l'i'. 'uii. biihi. i, nl u Ii.hiih . il,n .l..u : .t., : ,. I ' ..i, in uuiuiiry or rnv r'i'l. VI, lhl',1 2Uf tt Ackcrman Danncnbaura 11. I'A' JfST RECEIVED A .KW.V. STOCK OK I'll II and W i n ( a o i) s r(Miitiiit i f . c w s t y 1 r S (if DKKSS (iOODS, Clnakx, S li a wis, IJulics, etc., I'or the Winter. Tin' FiiH'st AMirtiiK nt nt" Y () () 1 ( II (i () () (1 Iait l.r.iiilit to t!ii-i j.:u'c. wfw nnnns. wfw Rnnn.Q. .voir o-EM.(; at Dauucnbaum k Aclicrman'a, llpl'i'titf thr M'ltn St.lltntir, . .'.iL.ttt,!! of . . SIAI'l i: AMI I'AM'V till' Ill'W.'st st ll'S of DHKSS (i(H)DS, M l II 41 iiu v I i'ilm, hair'i's I'l'lain-, itli ilain ami l!urnrt''l, wmilcii L'niiils nf ex cry ii'rriilinii, t t t I V I SoUrrino Shawls, Tin: i.ti r.nr r i.ri nr Kieli Silk Mantels and .-ilk lii.n ' lifts, ami a lar'f assort mriit of Millim rx' straw 'imkI.s, j'mliruiil- fi'ns, fiillars, slffxcs, .('c. ! Gents' Furnishing Goods, ?ll(lfs ftl)1, Hats ami Caps, (UKPKTING, (i,f l.ruiiliful in lr.) an.l C ATA' : 1 MA 7'77.Y(,'; ;itocHitu;s! &LV..1 &V..j &V-. Tox'il'r willi tho Ijirit'st ninl ln'st nclci'tcil stock of (TSTiiM MAPK K.vrr ir.'ri il for phIo tiottli of San l'mnolwo: ('bmiiiij nf (irnn' miiMirfiar Kri'lirli rlolli coaH i (jenl' ft" ilk mai'il, rout llnriii' cuiiiii' Ti' biiKiiif1!" ailt; Mlra liii" In iivy I'll"' ilm'liii miiI; .llt niiir.l, ml ll.urw cii.iinrm ntnUi l.jom ilk vi'lvel vfl; Davn .V. fl.miV lnrn, wild an.l wilhout r.ilUm, uli'., 'In- K. iiiriiil.n llm ilore of DANS KX IIAIJM .J- .Xt'KKUMAN, wIibi ou will fimltlia Inlwl Mini hint Milwle.l lik oft iooiln i'Vr liroiht lo tlni city, wlrHi will lit will IJoV(r tliim can 1m purcliasfd in Tort land ! ! I l.rBnll City, A'.'it. SS, IK.J. l' :.v.l"v:7':,WAv7 Tt)TU'K I" hrr. liy gtm llnil Mary ('.(iiliwiii. Il Bilniiiiiiitriilrin, ninl Henry lnifnll, Hinnii triilur, of llio rtlnlt) of A. T. (iil n, drceiwil, Into of I'lai kiininK .'oiinly, Oii'Ron. Iinvint! hli-J Ihi'ir eriMinl fr liniil trlllmnmil, III lirl .".m ih.y Iii Novninlx r nut I" o''intd for ttiitm I f llm natim at lht cmirt-li"ii l Orruon irille lr-iU.tisAm'A'4 H.. l. I Kill. . . Notice. A! I, OKDKKS on lit" 'l'roaiirfr nf Clii.'k inn. o ilv, Ofi'd". pri'tKiil"! M" Jn- ry lit, I Mill, w'ill lio paid oil prinenln at my oil',,,, in. ,,(;oali.y.u.M , f.t U fK, Ori'non Cily, July W, IbCI. Tmuwct. JiJiw School. IK A NL'.MIIKIt OK PUPILS HIJITI . cinil In wiirrnut Hi,, nii.lflrtukinj iiiii bo ol. J,."m7' A ' u'",,,'"ilf,'''l ill o.n n I, A W M.IIOOI. ui ih. UWU ,,f AMIANY, Or..,., iioi.ui,..u..w i,e ji, Ma,lay in lhrimhfpt , .ounrr. lf v.Wm kIiiiII Imi imnlo up Wora llml luno. I lia d. i.i(;ii f t, s,:lio.. i. to all'ur.1 a mn. I'lrl.' cur, of I, Kii clucotiuu fr yoiintr Knill. ini'ii win. iuiMi.l tu ,,,ko law lluir profoi.,n in any of tlin l,'iiitt., Klutra, axuapt ill innlt. f. of uina I.k-iiI Inw ami pnirlirf ; and tin, inf ru.'linu will . uiliniM Ih,, vnrinui bi aniiliia of the Coiiiiiian I'uw, ami of Kipiiiy, Admiralty, Cuiiimrreial, In tnrnatioii.il, ninl fi,.titul lonal l,uw, and Hit Ju. riprii.rim,. of Hi,. I ; ii,l,.,j Hmua. Inilrui liou will l;f gin.ii by oriil Irctnrra, win n il"'' ninl m-nrr-iiry, and llirrw will bo dnily rila. ti'iini mid Mniiiiiiiitiuiii. imimii tbu Int. 'I'hr of lil,lir w; hn ui riiiin.l an uh to l.n c..niil.;ln ill two lifml.nii.'iil year of fi.rly wt'ka encli 'I'll.' your will bo !md. d into tot. nn, with a varatinu ut llm ru, f fa.ili 1, ill. 'l lio tuition frra will U jilvitl for tlm Hnailfiuinnl mr. l or Ilia but iliMo.'Inli.in. a priu will bo awnril. fd nnniinlly by ona of Ilia Ju.l.a of tho Circuit Court unil li) two mriiiWm of tlit liar, clnm n fur Ilia purHMo, X ouiur Kriillpim n who nmv think of .nlnino ilia i'lio.l, will nil.l.i'F tba ui.ilrii.i.ril at Al bany. J. VI INN TIIOIt.NTOM, Cimiurtiir at l.aie. I'airiiiiiiiiil l.nki-, Sept. 3, IH6I. iii.I 77; ORKdOS VITY 'pilK I'A I.l. TI.K XI OF 'I'M is INS TITU 1. lion touiiiiruri'a Srptrnibr r i!, Hii. aT ur Ti irioN, rt uinarra. i-ri.i.nrv drjinrtiin nt ..li.lUlB " 7 on 1 1 inhrr " H 00 LaiiKiingra, nlra 3 0U 1'riiwiin. o nn XIiiMr, Willi Hie iimi nf iimlruiurut. t6 i.rr inuulli. V.aial uiu. c. fire. Plain and l ancy S.-wiiie taught. II. II. made out at thr middle ..I llio quarter. aoiao of iMTaurrioN. It. I!. I 'nn 1:1. .Mi, Prinrip.i! ; S A. Coaxal..., Prpirplrpw; M .1. Kar.ri.iMi, priumry Tmclirr. Mia. K. i. :ii;ia, '1'rarlirr of I n.l mini ninl .Mime. Tho Initiiutifiii ii muiplied wllh a good 11I1II0- ."I'bi. al uppurutua, niapa, and rhart., no that tr p.) fanlily lor iiiinisvpiurut w.ll li.' oll'p.p.1 Intlia lU'l'Hta. It. It. l ltLKI.AM). ' '1 ;" City, Sent. 7, I nil. not ico. 77; m uiwit.u: cuu.vai: school rIM. P.i: ni'llNKi) O.N MO.NnAV, K"rilli:U 7, skl, imdrr Ilia rliarioof Ki'V. (ir.,,. f. t u.M,i.i.a, aui.tcd by V. II. MT- ro.1. II.Kiina pan bp bad for aludinlt in the Collrgi buiMiii, if npplip.l f..r mi. ul 'I'. r.iia to cirrpnHind Willi tlit tinpi. Ilv ord,r ul tbr liiprutivp Com. IIKXKV WAIiUltN, M'.M nvillp, Sppt. 7, IMil-tf S.c. ..f II. T. KXKCl TOHS- SOTICK. fPIII 11111I1 niiguril, nutiird aa pxpcutora in tlu 1 luxl will ami tpstumriit of llnl.crt AIIpii, dpc',1, liitr of ( 'l.,rk..iiirti county, Orpu'iui, linva rpce'vpd h'ttpta tpaiiiiupiiluiy on tbp raiulp fnnn iIip Piubato Court of an I fpiuuly . All pprnona in.lelitp.l laaai.l r.lntp i.ri' ii-.iiirr. to make 111. nip. I alp pamrnt, ami all pprou luvni j clam, ag iiii.t the palate are irpirlp I to prparni llipiii, with flip lie. ewarv iiiui lipia, u itlun enp 1 pur I10111 4lu d.ilr, lonlhrr of 11., at our r. ai.tpfn-pa in an d rouiity. WM.I.IAM A. JACK. THOMAS (i.Xlilil.T, Srpt, mlipr 7, IS'il w.1 i:-culura. SOTICK IS II Uli V .l lv. that on SATCKDAY 1 iIip '.'-lb in.) , I will hr nt Ihv Cleik'a Offirp in I Iipoii C.t i , .m l, w ith llm aanaMucc of llio l ink , uiil p.iiii i.p tl.p nvsPKMupnt roll lo rorrert any n.i.l.il,.'. Ilu.i in iv h.iip b, rn made in the v.ilu.it 011 mid d,arr pltou of I.111.I uiu e:hrr property. All .utrrt-.tptl me r. ipie-.ted to n'tfitd. C. K. UK ATI I". Sppt. (I, lM'iln.1 Aw, .irCliii k.iiiun Co. T. I'll.UlM XN, A. XVAIINKK. F. I'll X KM AN, Charinan, Warner di. Co., m:si:it i i. commissios miuiciiasts wn.u.i.ii.i k ai:Tui. Ilcillera ill !-)' (iiioda, Clollilii, lltirihrnrr, CiOikrry. (rlnmsteart, liiwli, .SA.ir.t, I'a'utt, Vih, .tf., In lli. r liic-prool linck Mum amr-fT, Olti:i,(l. I T V , (HIKIiuN. ... I-V (.'liariinui, baling tiuilt'J hit... it a a i:u y, cusri:cTio.i:iiY. asd FAMILY (JKiK'KltY STORK to tbp e.tabli.hiiii lit of Charnian V U'n.npr, the Iii 111 will now t-ntry on luiauiPM in all Ilia nbi.va. iiiPiitu.iird biniiclipa, in llua c ty, In p lig by atrirl allpiitii.il to bu.iupu to merit the cuiiliuued favor of tl.rir old piitrnna, mid aa ininy new oiipi aa rli.m.e lo coiiip forward. No puma w II be .pared to gito aiili.fai tioa lo all our riiatoiurra. ioticc-Sct(lc Up! VI.I. tl.oae owing Cmiiini A XX'taxita or F. Ciiiam, mil plra.e come forwa.d and mako ai'tllpim lit of tlipir indrblPiliieaa, witlmul de!a , ao ihut you can all cniniiiriiee dealin ja with the new firm of Cuarman, Warner dt Co. A II mi. di btnra w ill ace tlio nvceaaity of attend iiil' lo thia call immediately. UIAUMAX, WAUXKi: A CO. Oienu City, Aug. '.'4, ISIil. IXSTlirCTIOX IX MUSIC. tiroll.I) 1M OH M Till: I'KOI'I.F. OF OUIU.'OS CITY tbutalip ia now prepared In rereive pupila deainuia for mairunliiin in IXSTL'.MKM'AI. or' VOCAL Ml'Slt.' on the 1'i.ino Forte, and Inula, from liar paat auceeal iu teaohilig, lo give arliafaclioli to Ihoan who niny favor her nitli their p.itranoge. Mim It. would refer to l'rea. S. II. M.taaii, Pa iilii: I'niveraity, Korea! (Jrnve, Oregon, Oregon City, Auml 17, IM'.l. I9lf OSWF.UO, OltKCOXt A H.mrllug-S liool for Boyit ril.I. lit; OI'KXKI) ON MONDAY, SIIPTIi.M HKIl Dm, ISfll. -ALSO SPENCBH HALL, MIIAVAVKIK, OREGOX: A IlOAItlilXtS SCIIOOL l'OU OIULS: Will be opened oil MoNiur, Srrr(MnKH 9, 16bT. Tlifafi aelinnla will be oronniii'd and confJueleil .....Itip tin, aiineiviaion of the aiibscriber. In whom any oomnitinicalione may be addreaecd, until the linie nt oiening, ai i.ri'gon v ny. AllJJUlt 17, lMtil. IMU.MA3 r. Pt Ull. Notloe. VH the HTATK FAIH ia near at Hand, I wiah to inform llio people who may contain nlule alti'ii'liiiK oil that occniiini, thai I will ei Libit YODNti LYNX, tbe Ural "Killtinatt" cull that wnt ever foaloil In Oregon. M. I . Ull.l.lA.ll. Keplenilier 1 1, 18CI- 23 FULL SUPPLY KOll CMUIST.M AS l. ami New Yeni'i-jaH ren.'ividat Pro. li. I'. C1IAUMAN'8 UliOVJOR tt HAKHli'S NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES, FOll FAMILY USK AND anufaclnring Purposes. 1'KICKS From ((), upward ! Over 50,000 in Use ! -tTf K IIK.C TO XSSLKK TIIF. PI IILIC it that the well-known repuUitiou of these Machin, 1 fur RELIABILITY ill l.e fully tuatained,. and iu our rnpidly inereaa- ing buiiiieaa the aame care will be faithfully cxer- ! eid in eiery Jepaitimnt of thpir manufacture. EVERY MACIIISK SOl.lt HY IS IS WARRASTED IS EVERY RESPECT. The puliiio atleutun is re.eetfu!!y relucted tu the ' following . I'roiu lli.'t.roxrrA. ISsikcr StxxiiiiT Jliii'liine uiuiiin) . The pubhc, in their eiigeruea lo supply them selves with iSrw-ing Mtchimi making IheUKO YKIt i IIAKKIt alitch, must not forget to pur chase them ef the parlies who alone are authorized In sell them. All maehilies sewing from two spools, and in w hich one nee.llu only pciietratea the cloth, and having a feed which allows the ma terial to be turned at will, are infriiitsilieiit. t.l.OVF.U &. 1IAKF.U S. M. CO. .1 Curd from I'liat IIoxvc, Jr. All persons are cautioned out to make, deal in, or use, any sewing machines which sew from two j io! and make the stitch known as I ItOVF.I! ci IIAKKIt stiteh, 11 11 lew the same are purchased j Iron, the OUOVKU Si I1AKF.K MCWIXC ! MACHINE COMPANY, or their agents or li. I ceiiseet, and slninped uuder in v patent of Si pte.u ber 10th. 181(1. Said Canipany and their Licensees, alone, aro legally authorized, under their ewu patents, end my said patent ilu.ui the eilended term llmreuf, (o make and aell this kind of Sewing Machiue, and all allien are p.raciea upon my saie! patent, aud will liu dealt with acordinglv w herever found. ELI AS HOWE, Ja. 5 S TIIV, ATTV.NTIO V T.Ml.OIXH AND Who prefer the '' Ick Stitch," is called to our Improved Shuttle Machinos, Which are specially adapted to thoir remiireinenls, AM) JJ- 77 E BEST IS I SK! JJ) K. G. UliOWN, Agent, 3'J0 (!H) Mintigoniory Strut, i'jmS A'.t.V I'liASCtSLV F. S. HOLLAND, Notary Public & Conveyancer, OltKOOS CITY, OREOOS, WILL TAKK ACKNOWLFfDGMKNTS of I)eeda and other inatruinenta of writing. W'ill draw up on abort notice, Ueeda, UunHa, .Mori gagca, 1'owera of Alturney, &.C., 4c. particular attention paid to Ilia collection of debta anil will attend promptly to all biiaineM eutruated to hit cure. Ollice in Cupl Johnaon't Kurnitiire .Store, "Ppoaite the Court hoiiae. May 25, 1HCJ. j. 11. .miti ATTOIINEY &. C(JU.SFfl.OK AT LAW, And Sfiliritor in Chnnrery, I'OR ri.ASI), OR EGOS. Office Front Street, appoaile Vuugliu'e Wharf. C.illputii.na mndo and promptly remitted. (npl.'l F. A. J. DISS, Commission Merchant, A N.l Vraltr in California and Oregon Product, No. 121 F.aat atrcel, (IK twceii Clay and Wellington itreeta,) fS'.l.V lit ASCI SCO, "IT"!!.!, he happy to tranaaet any biiaineta in T V hit line that may bo animated to hit oare by produce or iner. hauta in Oregon. All buai ni w eutruated lo hia cliargu will be promptly at tended to ou reaiwiiuilile Urine. July 30, 'fil-tf aTnswoWhIjT E A II E NOW OPENING 1 V IN THE New Firc-rroof Brick, A I.Anf.K AND WELL-ASSORTED STOCK Of GKSKRAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly aecure agaimt fire, we will now Offer Greater Inducements ti'.nn ever to the public. We are conatautly in receipt of G O O D S elected with the greutcat eare (an to prlcea and quality), and are confident that our facihtiea will cnuble ua to oiler and I'll fundi AT PORTLAND PRICES ! (freiglita on), and would adviae a!l thoae Tiaiting j tlii. city to purchaae 'ixjja. to eiamine our alock end privet before pureh.ia.ng elaewhere. j We have, and are jual receiving, an invoice of coniting in parti, f the following article Cliche- co, Pacific, ll.idl. y, Ci.netei;o, Sprague, Philip I Allen, Fall Uiver, Slerriinae, lltiggi,and liunier ons other choice Pitt NTS, all lalftylet; K.ng li.h i: Kreni'h merinoa, Lvouese cloth, mohair and nlher Debate ; braze, wool, &. iiiualin de laiuea, black, blue, purple, iV. pink ineripna, fauey plaid., jaconet, book, hwiaH, ft mull mualin, ladiea' unb. ' eta, collar, h.lkfi oiakirta, die A; bonne! trim- j miuga, French A. dnuieetic giDghauia, French 1 lawui from l-'j to 2-ic, blue, nmed, it grey tali- i net, wool .t cotton jeans cnttonade, bleached and j brown aliening from 3-4 to 10-4 wide, brown and 1 blenched drill., denim., hickory iliirtmg; Silesia. ! marine, brown, and Irmli linen, nankeen, diaper, I and craah, a large lot of linen aud thread laeea ' and edging, lioaicry, Arc. MEN'S 4- BOYS' CLOTHING : j Itluc, black, and brown clo'.h data ; lOdoiblk cloth Vi-1", ." dor. white and buff Marseilles do., velvet and entin do.; 30 tloz satinet pa ills, doe. kin and fanev caaaitnere do, 30 doz merino and cotton uiiderahirti., grey, blue, V bin k cloth over coala, with a general a.vwrtincjt of enU furuiahin g guodi. ROOTS d SHOES. Men't, boys', an.l youth' boot; ladies', miie', and children' mo rocco, gnat, kid, and calf C'ongre.s boon, with Si. n ithoul heeia; ladiea' kid alippera. G w r 0 c c r 1 c x : I'.io and Java coffee, bl.iek nd green tea, N. O , China, llutavia ls'and. Cat. r fined, and crushed ugar, K. Ilostnn, Cal.. sugar-house, L golden syr up; suit, 5 lo '.'(10 lb ska; 100 kgs nails, assdtitea; Hill's pale, chemical, l. Engli.h soap, so.ip pew dep., ioder, shot, i. lead; yeust powder, saleta lin, creum tartar, smoking t. chewing tobacco. grrrn corn, prat, tomatori, ttraic and blarkbrr r.ea, iu '.' lb tins; spice, pepper, an.l cassia, pearl tiarley, maccarnui, veriii.celii, corn atarcb, alm onds, walnuts, llruzil nun, r.n n, Chili peaches, dried fruit; maci.cn I. in qr k hi: bbh; sardines. A lint- asaortmeiil of CROCKERY 4- TABLU CVTLERY : SO crates assorted w are, 40 dnz steel picks. '.'0 ' Dutch It Ildla hoes. While lead, Oil, and IPtHtfotr Glass; with a variety of ether articles usually kept. IT We will pc.y iwsii fur wheat, tlour, bacon, butler, rgi,s, aud almost eventhin the farmer has to sell. Oregon City, April lC, loGl. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA, P.EMEMJiKI!, TII.'S IS Tilt j Original and Cicnuiiio Article ! ; AftMIWI.r.Dur.D to at 77ie llcst SarsaparilU Ever Made! rillllS unrivaled preparation hat perfurmtil L some nf the must astonishing cures lliat art recorded in the history nf Med cine. The rapidi ty with which the patient recovers Health nnl KtrMiglli under its influence is surprising. Each new case in which it it ai'plie.l.furuislies in the result a new certilieale of its efficacy and excellence; and we have only to point tu tho accumulated testimony of multitud.t wht have experienced ill beneficial ell'ects, to convince liicunwt incredulous of lis value. Do nut fnrgel to ask for Sandt' SarsaparilU. For said by II. Jouisu & Co. and Kid iMims .X. ( 0., San Francisco: Kicr & Corri.s, Marysville; It. II.McDumlu Si Co., Sacramento; aud by Druggists generally. julyllmll PAINTER fe CO., gj J Practical Prinlm, auJ Pealen in lypo, rrossct, l'nntiiig Materials, Ink, Paper, Card; .fr., j.l.MiXTta ) 01 Clay Streit, abo-.e Sansonie, j.M. ri!Ti!t ) San Francisco. T.r.'rAi.NTta j JTl'lTicea fittoj out with dispatch. For Sale on Time. I WILL SELL ON TIME, with approved senility to notes, n SPAN OK FINE MOUSES, hnrncst tnd WAIiON, a y.ko of WOUK OXEN, a lt of COWS and young stock, forty head of lionet, farming ulenult, &.C., Si,. W. L. ADAMS. Lafayette, Feb. 9,1 SGI. V. ?I I'HR. IV, IIOVSE. SHIS, ASD ORSAVEXTAL Ship neiiry oppoiitt the Methudiit Church, OltEfil) CITT. Ap.il If., IS.V.I. Hf .Just Received, A LARGE LOT Of Dry y - Ciood.s and Groceries, Which will bo told low f.a Cash or Country Trodneo. Wo would aay lo Ih Far rs, lleforo you go In Portland lo buy Uoodi, caH'on 111, at we will take Flour, Ilacoit, llutter, Eggs, Ao., and ivo in exchango lioo.lt at low at cau be bought In ,'"r,la"JnANXENDAt'M t, ACKKRMAN. Oregon Cily, Nov. If), 18'".0. HANDH' SAIISAPAEILLA. TV.e Original and Genuine Article. Kudoraed by the Medical Faculty aa being the BUST arA PUREST V.&traelof HttTaaoartita made. SANDS' SARSAIWU'LLA rurifits the liloo'l. 8AXD3' SARS.M'Aitll.I.A (Jure Scrofula. SANDS' SAHSAI'AIUI.LA Curei Slutihorn L'le:rn. SANDS' S A It S A I' A li II. L A Curri Culaiicoua Uruptioria. SxNn.S SAItSAI'AIill.LV CiirenStriiiriuua Coinpliiinlt. SAN I'S' SAUSAPAUI LLA Cures Murcurial lliicnM'S. SANDS' SARSAl'AIUr.LA Never Knil! SANDS' SAltSAPAKII.LA Mny be aufely tnken at all tiinea it will aecure to Ladiea a regulur periodic habit, and it tbe very beat medicine they can laku whan arrived at the period called " turn of l lo." Atk fur Sjndi' Surtayarilla, and take no itlhir. Prepared by A. U. it 1). SA.NOS, Drugitie, 100 Fulion at , corner of William, N. Y. Far tale by Keuiniuo. i: Co., San Francieco, inith At Daiia, Portland ; J Jr. Ktiilk, Oregon City. au!7 Once More. HAVE Ati.VIN CONE INTO THE LIVERY BUSINESS, I and will kerp horses per week at, $1 00 For single feed 25 One night 75 Fur Inru per day for saddle harset 1 00 These prices will bt charg.d till further notice is given. I hare 1 few MARE'S, COLTS, and FILLIES of my own ra.su, g, that 1 weuid exchange for oth er properly. S. W. AIOSS. Oregon City, Aujusl 17, 1SG1. 3u. Dr. W1L HALL'S BALSAM Cl'P.ES all diseasci of tho LVSGS ana thmat. For the cure nf ootisajiiipliou, de cline, iuthm.1, bronchitis, wasting of Hesh, night sweats, spitting of bluod, whooping rough, diffi culty of breathing, colds, coughs, iulluenia, phthisic, pain in the aide, and lU diseases of the lungs, it i Uneqnnled ! Hull o Lung Baliam, La all cases, givet tho best satiafiicliou; Hat wrought more cures tine its introduction than any other ough mediciiie Is eudorsed by our -loading physicians aa the safest and best remedy now before the public; Is safe to use anion; children, yet pewerful in cases of chrunic pulmonary disease: lirmgs in certificates almost da'ly of its wonder ful cures in all parts of the country. There is no mu.lit.ne within our knowledge that has acquired so great and w.de-sprcad popularity, in in short a space nf lime, at DR. H ALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LVSGS. Ita bal samic and healiug properties are magical. It it highly expectoraut and tonic. Il containi not a grain of opium or morphine, the narcotic and as tringent properties which have created to much prejudico agaiutt similar preparations. Wo helievu that a medicine .owejing real menu will effect cures whenever it it usoj, at hem: ur abroad. lr. Hall's U.iUim for tho Lungs it no paregoric preparation, but one which, if used in ecatun, will save the livet ef tlions an Is. The mat distressing co igh it frequently relieved by a single dov, and broken np in a few lioun' ti.na. The affl del d.i not have in take buttle after bottle before they find whether tint remedy will alF.rd relief or nut. lleur what Pliysicinsa say ef Dr. Haifa Bal aam. Saytone: "I, w.'h co-.fiden?e, recom mend the Bjlsam as superior tj any prep iratiou." Another aaya: " I have 11-e.l it with unilorui suc cess, and can conft.lenily recomnienj it fur all tboeo complaint. f,r w Inch it is ollered at a rem edy." Still another wriie : " I lave no hesita tion in aaymg that i: is a sal's, couvonieot, and cflicacinut nied cine." .Void by all Dnugiitt. SHERIFFS SALE. "I Tr HEr.t AS, an ei-:utun hat been directed W to me, issued under the teal of the circuit court of the Stale of Oregon for tho c-'uuly of CLiikamat. dated September S.'th, Ibtil, com manding me to sell the fuiljimig dmenbed real etate, to wit ; Ueg nn ng at the enulh-east comer of laud claim No. 38, iu secUun 5 ul' township .1 south of range 3 east, thence north, 33 mln. we, 1 1.60 chaius, tea pest; thence west 27 .il) chains to a pott; then-e south, 30 mia. east, 1 l.tii) cliiint; thence east 27 iO chains to the place of beginning, c.nitaiuing forty acre., be tho aame more or less ; also, that ce.L.in parcel of lan.l adjoining the above-doKcr.bed piece, ailuate in the county .4 Clackamas, and described aa ful loves: Beginning at a point th rty-seven chaius east and twelve chains and thirty-five links to tll. of quarter teu lion pott between sections live and eix iu township 3 south uf range 2 east of the Willamette merid ian; thence south '.'5 tier.. 31) in u. east IS chain; Ihtnce east IS 20 chains: th-ncj north 25 deg. 30 mill, went Is elia.ns; thence west IS.-.'O chains to the pLico of brgluiiing, uon'aiiiing thirty acres, be the same nure or I:-. together with all the im provements, buillii'.i's, appiir:e :a:icea. Ac (hare unto tppertaiBing or belonging- for tho purpute of enforc ng a decree i f fneclosurt of mortgage made byaild court on the 7th day of September, IMil. in favor of Matthias Snegle and ngainal John D. Post an I Cnrulme Post, for the sum of two thousand and forty dollar J20 10,00), and in terest thereon at llio rate uf tntlvo and one-half per cent, ptr annum, and futeen dollar and eighty five centt 3 1 .' ..-." ,1 cosit uf suit uotice ia htrehy given that by virtue of aa d execution 1 will offer the above-dete.ibed real tstalo for sale at auction Iu llie higheel bij.ler fur cosh on Tuesday the 29lh day of October, I SO I. at 1 1 o'clock a- m., it the court-hnuto dour In Oregun Cily, to satisfy said execution and c'.s aud accruing cmU. JOHN THOMAS, Scpt.2f, 1SCI. SherllTCIackamat Co. Coiner Third and Wafer thrttt, appatitt tht Ferry Landing, OREGON CITY. riVlf. traveling public, are respectfully X invited to give me a rail. I,'. lag The Oregon House it the most pleas. ILJ. ntly located hotel ia the State, and ha been ea arranged at lo make it on.' of tlio nmal coimnodi ou house, in the country. 771' TAIILE will alwayt be supplied with Ih best that thu linirket ullof.lt. Oiwi! arcoiuiniK it.ous for ladiet and families. raicrt: Hoard and lodging, per week $G.0U Hoard, without lodging, per week fi.OH Hoard per day, with lo.lging 1 51) Single meal .50 Night's lodging 59 J. IIOEHM, May 7, IH59. J'roprielor. , , - , . ... Tor ale. milE HALF OF Wr NO. I IN BLOCK X No. 4, adjoining the Masnnio Iluildiog, In (hit city. Inquire at tl Argut Offic. Orejeori City, Mtnh 30, ISM.