The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, October 19, 1861, Image 2

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t. If uov mu atU'turit o Lixixx Aoxsultic
Vhui'Uuu VIA):. -.bunt lllui n Uio I"
Cm. P:i.
!)c iOrcqon vqu0.s7,,;itl,t,,ovi,yofrp
' 'I r,at there in iv lie no real o
V.'. T. A3 i-ns, - - Editor.
07.S30N CITY:
SATl'KDA V, OlTOl-KK lib 1S01.
llh atii it Cipr. Sv.u'i.Ks -- O.i Thurs
i! ;y iiipit of week, ju! previous to the
;;'.!in.r of t! I V-inV, a ihlVnuity took place
i.i Portland, at the 15utd Kxclintw, .vhii-h
xvus continued i.i t!ie Pioneer HoM. ami
her.' ended! the .shootia of dipt. Ci W .
nle?, of the steamer Pacific, by n pun-
ratterson. T!ie bail en
11, and onme out over the
l,;t i
i, ir.i'.;. t.;.;; a xxound from xhieh the
11 iKni twenty-four I. ours after. Tie-'
tv f-iV'inatcJ ias well as we can
lei'm' in some words about the Union,
t!t: sl.tyor b. ;:.; known ns a miserable
ees.-.'o;iist, vxhile (.'apt. Staples was u true
and devoted' Union man, and had lately
b. :i appointed Coimn:iuder in the U. S.
Navy. After the idiootin,, Patterson was
arretted by the sheriff, and t.iken to jail,
tiMiii-h a ,-tron, disposition was manifested
by t':.e c.v.'ited crowd to hang him on the
( Y ;. Stnples was a native of Maine,
n';d about -to years old, and for more than
thirty years Iv.i led a sea faring life. He
n.'.s .1 l:'.au of jrenerous impulses, which
.' itself in many nets of In roie
r':;j ilur!::i h' long li' en tl'.e c.-'un. He
Laves a nife and a young child nt i-.m
F.-nnei'CO. His remains wore buried on
S:saday with Masonic ceremonies the
Id..'i's o' Portland, Oregoi; City, Van
:.!.'. r. ami th .- IV. lies uniting .'.. do honor
to his Meniui v.
i iU'.i:s'or.C',v
Pr. Pe Wolfe is hctur-
n :;.;s c;'v at as:iiiw!o:i ilail. on
r.ologv, I'.iv.sio.'iioniv, and Phvsiolojv
'!'!.. ; rinelpa! topics arc w.-I! handled, and
give r.mtle roim for the display t,f a wide
r.mre i:f khidivd and saV.vN. and '
a a
m ;
! .'.u.-es h'.ve been att.-tidcl l-y Lrgir
:i : e.s than u-u illy come iut In curdtv.
!' Vo',,'e is r-m.iikablv H.i.'i.t, never
n". any
m.d his re-
iuti-:-piT-cJ wlt.'i hiK'ie.rous
weihtold tnioiot'S, ui.d freuiiei.tlv
ser ; s of good fo;:::d .-.:s. are r.dher stri
ke g than otln-rw :.-o. I!;;, a
. i i
r ikmoIih
,.! - i !.-,. t
r.g. in n s own t. ;:. I way, an
t'i I..S i.v.a sat. -.act. on, mi pre c.v.-i,n.
f...-::;.; cf in::.:..! and moral i .-. i bv
m: iiei::e, rJIgi-n. o , he U-uv- .-
,.-.. ...-Ii
eli tii.- .-'..:;e.' ii.ipr;.-.-io;i of lli--ehis. in
his co:ub with th; M'-- !e.r. " !. t
us," i-..;.! the r.-Is.- ji!,;!i).-o;-1.-.t. " t'l.r.f're.
:.t length c-a.-.- to di.-r i.y, p.:. 1 lenru to
liv": throw- aw.iy th? ii:c::!.;!,ra,.'- of
cj't-, hic!i t'uiy who utt-r ;h. ;a wi-!i
u.'e li pri'lt r.nd j o:r,p do i.ot u:i ia.-taiid,
m. l eerry w'rdi n? this :--t:-;,I'.- at, 1 ii.tell'gi
l ie -i' . ,i that deviatem f.o-n tmtur-: i;
: - Cit ! lYo-ii hippln-s" IJ-.J. .-t'oi
. I,.: 'hi r by tie.' Prince, w
"v to the d .tails, the
0 d -ire-; to
;il.ili.-i)ih'. r
; je-rsplcioiisly aii-wti.i; ' To live ;u:
::g lo n-.tur-, is to net ul-.vays xvitliduo
1 to tie-- fi' nrlsi-ig from th': r la
;.s ro. 1 (iiialities of cau:-. nml iffects; to
,c.t with the gr-at n:id unehang'.-aSie
cii im; of universal !; 10 CO-ive Tat'.'
v iih t'c g ru ral di-po-itioii and ! em-v
of ti.: prv'ijt sv-tem Of tiihlg'."' So 'ay
in", the .'..;lo-ih'.T aro-a a::d .! parb-d,
v.-1 1 1 1 tl.e air of a man who hud co -0; Tuted
v.i'.h the pre.-eiit sT-ti-m of things.
Fr.v; t::i: M:r.s -Mr. C. A. Canton
wine of ties cii-.-.'v, returned ho-t week
.rom th-. e n.In-s. He informs m '
that the loin's ,.fc yi'.I.ili.g well, p'lyiiig
from :, to i:0 pir day to tho Land, to
ii,...: xx no nnxo cim.,-niiu imnks the
v rai'-i vh-hl i ; about $' JO n dav to th"
lui.d. Th'Te nrc about 4'j00 men in the
mi: most of w horn xviii wii.t-r tic re.
Mr. C.ititoiixvinc snys good digghiL's have
I.t-! be-in : truck on French Creek, shout
tu. ",tv in!!'.i ca t of liho do,' Crctk. Mr.
(' ( ":,t'.-i.-,,lates going 1ji.k to t!l luili'-s
in the (-i.r'ii.g.
In our brief nritlee of article.. t.
l.i'oitcd id the Fair, xve Lad intended, but
aft r-.v;.;-ds foigot, lo mi.t.tlou a roll of
ic nil woven nig eaipct, from the Immls of
Mi -. Funny W. ..ton, 11 th-xir niilli'.riv tl.onybt of tinm iinr.-cry Htoric-M ninl h.I
old v ubox-'j Cim iimh. Other thiics ' Kobliim. There in no bui h thing ns crime;
ight have been apparently slighted,
I.ave occurred to in since, ns well d'.fcerv- j 'I'1"-' g'ddeii rule with them is lo do what
ing of i.ot'ce nml attention, but as the : fr" your " interest." Take (,'ubu, if it
lime is now pa t xve cannot g'li'rally re-1 for your " interest." Never mind the
j a'r the (h fh-Ieucr. If we are blced in j prior elaiins of other pai tits. Tuko Nica
i it' 1. ding another Fair, xve will try umj do ragua take Texas from old, weak Mci-
I... much better UH JiO sible.
r.Z" From tlio interior California pa
P' is we learn that hundred) of miners are
pr'jicring to le 1 xe for the Nez Perce re
hion. In the spring coming, xvo would
not be surprised if the rush of miners from
that Stute to the new mines hero amounted
to thousand and temi ol thousands.
Cttf-The Juliu 011 Monday last brought
dawn $100,000 of gold dust from tho Ne.
IVrto luincH.
iy Ur. White, formerly of Oregon,
now of .San FrunciHto, him been appointed
r-pccJul Indian Agent for this Coubt.
The Constitution of tlio United States
says that " treason against tlio Fluted
States shall coiwst only in levying war
npunst them or iidhtrinjr to their eueniii's,
living tlit'in aid ninl comfort."
Treason is a hie,h crime- it meditates
the death of the State. 'I'o levy xxnr against
t ho State, is always treason, Imt to j-ixe
the rncmv aid anil comfort is cuiiallv trca-
nemy .V
hi I and tomiWt." lu such n ciisO there is
liberty of speech and of the press; for what
is said and written, though it. may bo
npiim-t the State, is not regarded and
treated ns treasonable; bcoau o no one
need be influenced by it. Free will inter
venes between the spoken words and the
written article, and any overt net. .No
body is obiifd to be influenced by what
is written or spoken. Hence any one tuny
say and write what he pleases when the
State lias no overt enemies to " bp aided
and comforted.'' Von cannot "aid and
comfort" the enemies of the State when it
has no cmi'.ihs.
Hut when war actually exists - when
there are armed rebels against the State
when the press and speech may fjiee them
".((lie cof.'i.Vr,'' is it not aiding the
enemy to till nil about the plans of the
State? Is it not aiding and comforting the
ruemv to esp.uiv his cau-e ami traduce the
State authority.-? Is it not uei'i'i; mi!
(. 'l:-:in-; the eue'.uv to sav to him, bv
w or
and deed, " i;oah 'ad, I it tit wi'h ymi;
I xx;!! aid vou in an i
brhand way to
owrti.l'e'.v the Stale" ?
Hid not the N.Vc ,.,.-W, pubhshed in
the eilv of Si. l.ouis, eive to the enemie
i':e I'nilL'.l s aid and comfort'.'-'--
And, if so, wire not the authorities of iho
United States riuht in suppres.-inu' a d
journal'.' More ' hi i fit
of'oatlu'.LM giea to traitor-'
iwa ,v-'' arc
by w r'tteii
nid spoken words, than by the matt rial
munitions of war.
... . I
lie-, n aocon
iii f.i..l:oii of trca-
sou i.iv'ii by the Con-tit 'I'.ion of the. I Iii-
ted States, t o (lowrmnclit is bound to
pass by those w ho i iitci'tain treasonable
sentiments if those ,-'ei;'.iniHit.s are l.n wn.
How could they be known but by the ex
fe-:o:i of them by those who cuUrtai.i j
th-. in? Ami is not the mere rxpre.-.-ion of,
trensoaal !e sentiments "giving aid ai
comfort" to tra.tor.-., And, consi ipient.y.
is net the cut rta'i.ment of tr. -asonable -in-timents
trea.-ou, according to the Constitu
tion? Xj p'o !e, who-o (iiireriiiuei.t is threat
ened with an ovt rthro'iV by arni 'd relic's, is
muler any obligition t ) tohr.ite traitor-
in j-.-fi.'.'.'n nt in its ncd-t. Xav every coy-
eminent is in il ity buun 1 to g t rid o'
the:.) Sn- Ii I our in' r; r tatiou i f th"
law of .--..--::: a id th y who advocate a
m'i i r cour-e, .M nmv an I v. an.i the sir
pent that i- 1 1 stmg them t' d- .t.i. 1
Treason is a h'.-'i eri:., . W'v had h-.ird j 1
of tr.;'tor-; imt w .'.id t (V- -ct to I . j '
lose iii' in. We- l..i 1 re ol ef lb m diet , I
ArnoIJ aa l A aro i H iit ; l.tii h-j -v aim
everv third man xve me-t i- a -.r.'
r ll'al
tor t!-an -'.t!l-r ', lii' in Alm-i-t half the
coii'i'ry h is tirn - l tr..i!or- Tin-y are i,ur
i.til.bors our a. ich.lo -;.r paiti.-rs in
b'.l - Ilie - s (.'., r k;:.-e(.k
What wo;
we's or rather xxhit
xv:; won! I haxe
thought a half a doi-n y..;rs ngo..f th
mnu who would h.-v.- d..rul to Arm. I I
by the hiiii-1 an I introduce him In re-pu t 1-bl-.'soeiet;.?
What would xv t- h..-.e th.mght
of the 11. in who wo'i'd I. axe gone into j, art
tu r.-hip wit'i .Aaron IJurr in a cotton gin'.'
Th-: thing was impo-.-.ib! -, uc.-ordin to our
Il it, ala-I Nu'.v all of Hi iis-o..-'.,t-; tx.-rx
day with traitor;, and it i- even a matter
of d.-i'it xx Ii-1 i.i r loyd fm 11 or traitors sire
th'; lu'i-e iv-;e ctabh'! The highi .-t crime
has got to be regarded as no crimi: nt all.
" Ami ha it rome to t!i:-? ' I i there no
il. iim' .inn i;(-iweii iiv.u;v ai.u in.-as'ci.-
,s t,,.rc WJ d'-tha tim,' beixve n virtuo nnd !
Wc ii-fl to thli.k that tic ro was a dif-
c .r(.wr. )(.lwr.,. good and evil; but if we
ir.av believe somi; folks, tii: (li.-tiiiction is
but imaginary. We. wonder w hether, ac
cording to the th-nry of the day, there is
ni.y (Jul or iiry Pevil. IV'0ile ficem to
think 1,0 more of committing treason than
of taking a drink of wat'-r! They look
only to their Uniterm! interests. They s ty,
for example, " Wk ought to go with the
South it is our ' int'Tcit.' " They think
nothing of the criin': of tren. .011 their
"inti rcil'' is nil limy cure about.
Treason i nothing 110 more worthy to
t!ut is the invention of the " Jbuk Ages."
co! (Ah, there was a national Kin, for
' .. 1 1 ... . .1 . . .1
winch we mu-i howi) uikc laKe iuko
what you please, if yon con!
Ju.-.ticc and injustice, virtue nnd vie",
are only name, thcM i:x nothing in them!
Jlavnge old Mr. Smith's cornfields or or
chards. It is our interest to do so! Cut
Jones' throat and take his horses nml
money it will be to our " interest!"
Alus, a people are on tho brink of Hell
who have forgotten tho obligation of
oaths ignored tho distinction between vir
tuo and vice, nml look only lo their mate
riul " Intkiu:st.i." fit. Louis Newt.
M,.l"ty, like ilrlii', mint be itioixn reuaol.
I'Uc Yr wiivt Sii'i.
Ihe.. World savs: I he war lias
not only disorganized business Imt politics
A revolution has taken place, not in the
administration or Constitution of the conn
try, but in the sentiments ol the people on
public ntlairs, and in the relative strength
ol parties. The masses are united in tin
relenting hostility to the introduction of
violence ns n means of obtaining powe
and position, and thev have reconsnleice
their opinions ns to the merits of that in
terest which was the first to resort to vio
lencc. Anti slaverv counts its converts
thousands, nnd not the least .ealous o
these are the many Pi niocrats who have
for years under estimated the evils of sla
very and over estimated their constitutional
obligations to it. It begins to bo seen
that in its effect on individuals it is perni
cious; tnal H in a .-.tale ol urwagi', slaves
are civilized, it is at the cvpense of their
masters, w ho are barbarized by the pro
cess; that as a svvtem of f.ibor it is, in
many of the States where it prevails
wasteful, 'destructive, unprofitable ; ami
that us an element of political power, it i
restive, overbearing iinn uiou-t. lis ins
tory i.s lull of horrors. It kept Soutl:
Carolina and other Slates in a state o
craven submission to the Ib'itish during the
Revolution; it interposed, nfter the Keu
lution. the most serious of the d.llienlties
that arose in pcrlcctlng our Union; it has
churned for itself recognition and privilege
w h:c
h no other interest in the country In
I dared to aspire to, and it has linal'y us
saull-d, with ileadlv intent, thetiovein-
ment and the Constitution ihiif
Tiio chief weapon ol slaTerv for many
years Ins been terror. It has threatened
war. bloodshed, violence, deva-tation, and
' dVuItition of the Uni.m, if its cliinn were
not c.eie.ihd. Hut th.- sting has bein or
; will bo t ikeii Irmn its men ices when tlieir
I wei'.kness is proved If th'! Union cannot
. ho di-o!ved, it war w ill not extort from us
what we refuse to persua-.on, nnd the
i ,1
of slavery, on its own merits, cm-
, not enli.-t our
ympnthii s nor command our
: ., what is its cvnlition? It is ti e
jaek.iss -tripfed of its I on's k'u ; it is the
, Hhii'ped bully of the rin , who-e defeat i
mor- hnmiliathi:
in proportion as Ins brag
was n
ii,e, r.
-v and tel'O'ioiis. The CoiiNtitu
. tabl'shed oir the revolted State-',
i w n rani'' un I imt tin h r col
r of n
fit d to
use the
w .r a.'ain-t slavery, is nevi
,i ,
only strei gth of tliat ui-t.t;;! on im p
i. . ' ii,
t:- pun ii-, a.-'.'e f.'.mi t!:c r'gl.t of u-jtc
si i.t itlou x iehh d ill the Con-titution, was
in its -..j,),.., d capacity to break up our
I'nii n and forcx. r iliilroy our peace, if its
i!..:;ior-, frc l.Iy r newed iviy d iy fr
fnrf: .1- '"irm-c u ..r, n.-.-r. 1 f.l
::'X 1 m
-- .Mi --i s. i !..inn..:i, xx ..r
n r A Co.
C'liU.o Iii Us
cm-trui't. d a m w and
ing for th, Ir b.ikv rv at
store, on th of tiie
tabl.-hun n', xx!.'. h was r in ixed for that
pur; -. Ti " sime f;rai hax.- a!-o ia pro
Ci -S o; il'ie'i.on a Xiap ic u-e 1:1 the rear o:
ti.. 'r b;i, I. .tore.
Tic r. pairs to the I' r, as will
11- tl.e- ic w- w .if' li'iu e at i:.e nmi. are
b. ing r.ipid'y ha-.'e:,nl forward I ) Coin
pl.-tluo. lb r.-ift'-r, fi'igh's w.ll be ra's. il
and hwi I' d theii-by lueaus of a car run
id.i.' up and down 1111 im hm I plain-. It i-
not t..u inli'l.tam to r .!.nv th" Im-ls nt
pr 1 1.1
Pn ti i:is, Pn ; 1 m .-! (.'o to Ihiehti I'.s,
and g' t your Idleness t..k' 11. II" is tic
In st artl-.t 0:1 this i'oa-t, nnd of course hi
pictures took the premium nt the State
IV.r. IF: w.ll remain in town but 0.1,
m-'i .' more. Lack lor r imy
'..eathir; do can t.d.o piituus a.s will then
as w hi ll the -im shim s.
XV XV I b 'AT. The 1. 1 W boat .i;W l.llih!
ii.g at Caimah, for th" 'amh;l! trade
will b': himu-he.l to dax- at -2 o'cloi k y. xi
",,,: is ''' f , t 10 f,"'t l",m- u"'1
f"i.t bold. She is live feet loader than th':
Clinton, but will dnnv h 1 ; wnt r, and car
ry more freight, dpt. Lambert ii the
shipxx right.
T.x.v-i avi;i; -, Xotn t.! Win. Pierdoi ff,
I! 'j , Treasurer of Clai knimiH cnunly, has
received the tax books', nml gives nolh-c
to tax piiycrs to come forward nnd w.-I tie
their taxes before pnember i'i, HOI.
Ciir" The dwelling house of Thos. Hutch-
ins, 1.1 miles xvut of Portlaml, was burii'd
to tiic ground on the evening ol Oct. filh.
I.0-.i .',.'.00.
Fi.ot u. The Oregon City Mdls Mr
Piiiiel Harvey's within llm lust ten
mouths have shipped upwards of 10,000
barrels of Hour to Victoria. Xenr L',000 boxes of apples
were shipped to San Francisco on the Inst
steamer. The prices there range from 'J
to 4 cents a pound.
Ci 01.(1. The khipmeiit of jrold dust to
.San Francisco by the Pacific hut week
amounted to $1 ".'1,000; and $:;8,7ff0 by
the Cortc, this week.
lirl,ieut. Forney, V. &. A , son ol
the Hon. John W. Forney, lately reached
Oregon, ni:d is now stationed ut Ft. Hos
kinH, Denton county.
friT The X. V. Independent, in a late
issue, Buys: " Christian friends, let none of
us forget to pray, nt morning nml evening,
and often each day, for (Jen. McClellnii!''
tdT Heath in the only mnsler who
taken hk bcrvuutH without a churueter.
Details of Eastern Newi.
Caiuo, Sept. '.'tl. Cnpt. Stewart with
i.i cava ry to i av encountered -i" ieii
eivulrv at Fucas-lienil, whom thev pur-
sued into .left' Thompson's camp lit M-
inoiit, killing 4, Inking . i, ami wounumg
many. No Federals hurl.
Tim information at Jefferson City now
is that McCullocli has formed a i1""'1'""
xvith l:u-o Im tw;, i. Vl,';7;V;(",:: ,
town, and they haxo now UhOlHi men.
' ,, .
WASM?'r-nTtis''ivn hV,i r,hc
movement vestenlav is rcgauini n un
highest mihiary nutiiority ns one of consid -
erable, importance. The' -.".ith N. V. Ib'gi -
ment went into I'eulerville and occupied a
position within !M bet of the reb. I bab
(erics. I he llighhiiulers lichaveil Willi
great gnlhiiitry. (irllliii's battery was
woi'lioilwilh c licet, and it is believed cans-
cd great disaster in the enemy's camp.
A dispatch from Washington says I In:
Ucbcls appeared in full fono Ixfoiv tJroat
Falls today and opened w ill. u battery of!
si pieces on McC.inns division. Imtli
sides 'have been reinforced. Our batteries
opened rebels dispersed. Federals took
possesion of Lew istowu this altci'iioon.
Yesterday a lieutenant of one of our
rcuimclits deserted and went oxer to the
rebels, giving them, it is supposed, full ill-
The immbcr of volunteer
now entering
ia .'.OHO per
the service
from loval Stat.
wet k.
I'he President has given assurance that
no draltiu-' shall be n.-orted to in llm
West nntd the Mistern States furnish their
full iplot.i of the oOO.IHIO nu n.
W xsiiii;iov, (let :i ll is ascertained
upon li!iiiuy at the I 'epal tnient Unit rie
moiit has not lu'en removed. .MaiisticM
uis been appointed to command at For
tress Monroe. Wool has been assigned no
other dot.
I.owe made a balloon useciiynn from our
ines near Waslnugton, Sept. and was
tired upon by the enemy, but w ilhout 1 iT.-i t
The s'ck and wounded -ohlii is in the siv in the di-tiict of Columbia is "ii"
Tie-comiunnder i f the I'a.niee writis
irotn llultcriis lnlit to tlio Aaxy liepait
ment that ten i'i '-.-inn nls of nlul tioeiis
line been xx.ihdrawn from Virginia to pio
ect North ('
I'I,.. P. I. I I ' Ii i v i,.i, !..,! ;u Iii.
I.ction over .Xbs-oiiii Muix land, and, and 1.1 cml.axoiiiig to I01111 regi
uieiits ill tl.o-e Stall s.
I.i taliments ofi lh d cannon, . n nnd
Iweiitv poimili rs reach XX a'li.nglon mnio-t
Sipt "Jti I ieu. .I.11111 s 11 I.aur has iv
m il a I r.M 1.11:1 it. on to the cit ,ein ot
Wistiru Mi-.-uuri, in whuh, aller saving
or w hat he in tin re, and urging tho.e 111
is ng.lilist the ( ioVeriilnelit lo disperse
in ! coiue lo him for piottclion in per-mi
ninl pri p.rty, lieu-n tl.e lnlloumg Inn
"Should xoi, lui'.Mur, d, -regard my
v ice
the -t. in x iri-siiiiih s of xrnr w.ll
iu ti d out to 11 In Is nnd their allies I
then be com iie ed x our arming for ptoti c-
lion is a sliam; an I rest n-siiml, Iru.tors.
w hen c.iiuht, you shall r ci ix e a traitor s
doom The cup i f fut-r. V has In i II i
hail-!"l. 'Ireasi ii, In'er, w.ll
ed as treiisoii. Tie- in is ai r" of iuimiTi.t
woiie ii ate I ch. bin 11, latiiy, in I'
br.'L-i s on t!ie II.iiiiu',.il and M Jo-nh
H i Ir uid, sat si. , 11. Cut a ti.ntor will
pi rie tr.ite crimes w h.t h il x ils w mild shod
ih r to coium I I hey shall be blotti d Irom
e. .-t'-m c and nt lo th,.t le il ulo 'i a -.mis
for their recitioii. Tie- two, are
0 en to X "U People of Wisteru Mi-souri,
ehoiee yo'l In I ix 1 en ih'lu; one bids yu
lo I and ph ut v the other lo di -!l;ir-lion!'
IJ T.'i': X. V Turns, aft. r alluding tn
the fai t that when the KepuM cans, with a
majority of lift v thou-iinl in the Slate .,f.
fen d to abandon party and lorm a I 'nion
li.t.l it.,, ll... i.t'e t, ml, rj r, ' ,1 il.
nib r, sax -:
" (lur advice to the lb publican Party
,,, ., ,, ,,' 1 ,. ,,-
would be, I,.,! to in,.. ate he pohcy ul the
)ei,i.ra'ic ( 1, mm: He". e hold the ma-
iority in Die State l.d ns appeal from
the llem.'ier.ilic ('ommittei; to I In- I i mo-
iT.itn: inni -is, and pn -imt a ticket lor
tlc ir suffrages as all fair lleinncrals shall
-nvisju-l ii lei liberal lo them We do
not fear the result, in the pri -cnt tunpir
uf the penpi"."
A I'n.itnn ) mm Ji . sin 1. Since (lie
discovery and piiblicatiiui of tin- letti r from
Jes.-i; I). Iliicdit of Indiana to Jed' H.tvis, ,
ihited March I, I -iill, the fi rim r person
has not bu n heal d from in the luxal re-
(.'ions. Hu lias .ilhir (hd or coiiceali il
liiuii-elf, to (scape the doom of n traitor.
Plight has Ic'i u a Senator of the Fniled
.Stated; now lie is a hunted felon. !
. 1 ,
M11. A1101 s: In the lust I'i w days soiiiij
midnight thief broke into the limber simp :
known as the " Fusliiun," and ruiniiinffeil
the lilin e all oxer, taking therefrom a good ;
many articles, mi h in razors, brushes,
looth powders, pomatum, cigar cases, pic-
tuns, ,Vc, Ae., in fact everything Hint;
wits saleable. I Mil. pine there was lint n ;
corner in the house whi'-h the thief did not I
get into, nnd as an evidence I would Miy
thill there was a very heavy oak Mick kept
in a secret place, which he found nnd. left
exposed in the si, op It was the first thing I
Hint attracted my ul tendon on entering the i
shop; I suppose he kept it near him fi.r a ,
protection in caw! of necessity. He broke
in tho lower sash of the back window, ami ;
went out bv llm buck duur liikinir the lu v '
along with him. l!y giving this nu iner- j
lion in the Argus, il may lead to the an-1
prehension of tlio thief, ami nNo nt llm tnillioiiH; vc linvj noxv itpwnids of thir
eili.enHOiitheirL'tmnl. K. A, P.xumh. I , .;, a ,., ,. ftn
Oregon (hly, Oct, 17, 1 Hi; I. i
Totiik Tiiavki.ino Pi iii.ic-Tlie bridge I
construcled across tin. Molall.i llivir, one
mnrter of a mile above what in known as
Penellon'H Ferry, is now completed, and j
ready for use. Wkm.rv
Oct I 'th I Hi; I j
IxiT Tho income tax in In addition to
(he direct tax of twenty millions, nml not a 1
iart of it, oh erroneously given in many
tlaui l Hi Ii -nu t
If there cvrr wits u time xvltcn every
man was culled upon b pouder well Ids
. .. . .
ow .sibon and act woilhily the part nfa
loyal American cilieu, that tinm Is the
,n,s,.n Tln nns lit this monieiit lint one
1 .fS)(1 1(,-l)n, Si IUM vv. beg every man to
m). lt j( The mo ntoiis ipiestion now
' ,mhl ,,,, us is, whetln r wo -hall con.
,inue to iv .....l.-r Ho best (loycrnmct
; which the world has ever seen, or ftnke
our national Hag and allow the old Ship
. . , . i i ,
' of State to drill upon llm breakers uii.l to
1 ,.,'i'taiu destruction. Il is tiox i iinmcnt
; A Vl) ,.,., , nN ,, u r v. 1101.11 xiosr
ou lH
( xi xv am. nissoi, on : tiii: oiiii ii. It
' iH ;,,. 0 my nt this hour Hie war mhglit
hm,. been avoided. Thai w ill not relievo
1 us from the iuilili diatn i incigency. The
i ,,1,. (.i ,,1,11, js mhilt, ami the (ptcstiou
. Uw sii s, ,,(
, . .
, brought ba:k to l,.T moorings nnd be
saved from utter destruction. lien II
'man's dwelling is in Ibnues by Iho net of
; an incendiary, Ids lirsl cll'oit is to nuvii his
jf0 ,u ohildivn. To leave the raging
; ., it , i,,,.,.,,,!!,, rv. nnd lei
his loved ones go, woiil.l in maiiiuM 111 1110
extrenii', a crime of the liist m ignitude -.liistsowith
regird to the (ioverniimnt
Its existence- is seriously imjieiilled, its
very life is now at stake This is the great
fact now staring us in the face, and we
Leg exery man not 10 wink u 0111 01 sigui
When men sav they are opposed to the
war wilhout liny ipiablieation, llm logical
conclusion must be !o withdraw our troops
n( once, nnd viehl tin imcimibtioiuil Mirren
der i f t!ie ni l nalional II ig We mn.t be,
every man lnn-l be, theii -for, either in fa
. -. - 1 .
x or 01 gi x 1 ug up l-very 1 inn.; in 11 ine .-"nm
, . ... .1 .1 . .1 . o ....1.
max- see lit to detnaiid, or continue In gne
his hearty aid and co operation in defence
of the (ioxei'inneiit, which tin v are nnw
'Ci king to tear down We believe the
pi infierncy of M,tine, do not intrinl to do
si rt the (jox-crnim-nt in ils ihiiko-t hour,
siinp'v becail e the In hl'.-ln ill is not the
.man of their choice, nor beciti se the
,l,',,t ,,'il!'1
illy In en III old' d
xx e lire jii-i now 1 urupene,. , ...... u..
neiied I,, with 1
chining sleil and iiilurnteil passnui
I . ... . . I
men, who an' mining nhke their th-mlh
I, low ng.oiist us ntnl I In lo puMicalK
for be it the war wheh
Soii'h nr.- willing is imt one vimp'y ng.iinst
lb publieatis, but n
I the (iou rnmrnt
in w !ihi 1I1 'ein'i- P.moci .ils h ue ps 111111 h
at stake ns their old party foi-s. We nrc
then fori
.....11 1 1. 1'. . - .1.. .1..
mpi imi 1.1 ii ; n ior ine m-
leliee nf the old homestead, whirh a for
midalile Southern iirmy nrr iiit. n pting to
wrest from u A for " hixe cnri'd
that, then we II '!'..! with t' i l,o
ln.v" ci
used it to attai 1. Thi-. in nur
jud.-nienl, is the Inn- fe Ii. .r of n xa-l
lll.l olitv nf our pn! t eal li' I'.llis"
.V'n.iir .r.;iu ( ' 'i.'.'i it . I
M USl' 111 1: !
Iy one Ii w ,.
I '.i-m ',
1 1 tio.l l.s
in fi ...11 sc. , i.
.l un. .'",:: 1::.
'il.''. The ..g
th s xi n r .11
mi I.
cremate X"te 01 t
be ul 1. !'.'i,iaui, in, I Wasl I ma's major ly
frmu I 2,0oo to I t (10O T1 i- I'nioii war
major, Iy in lie lo'a i:s i-. " 'I,. '-o, and will
be in Ih..- whole Slate a! t I'.niilU) The
I i im is bir. Iy lb pi, b!. can, lilt l.nii,;h
thi-ie Will be many Cnioii l mm rats 1 h 1 1
cd jointly by the Iti ublicit. and I'liiou
I i iiioerats.
Wntr Tiikv Wsr - The Portland -I .'
1 er.M-r 'ays; The llemornnv want nur:
d Iliellllil s ci :i ii .n 1 1 1 i -i d nnd tlci war
broil ht to 11 1 hi-". Tin y lire lint purlieu
In n.liiil, evael leims of the cmi'io
,. .,. It ,. , ,,.. ,i. .,,r .(..!,..
In ' , I'Ul ll lull l (U'l War, liMnri 1.11
rv , ,,,re, Meure In. mlly n hit ions
.,, ' ,.11 ,..,, ., ....... obedience In
; ., ,..,..: .....1 ,il.iii!i..ii o lu
,1 , ,' ,,
' , 1 ,,' . , , . '
Norlli as wi II as .k
llttl llic
Ii moi'Mey of (li
Hi want.
To which the Mar st.ll,. A p ut re-
I. , . , , I
luit.-imiiulsi.s.if the loy who,
w hi 11 bellowing furiously, was n-ked w hut
be xxai.ted, ulid n plied:
lino lion linn,
lilt's what 1
1 xe cot the In Her m hc,
i tt-r Tin' MawiUe (Kiiilucky) llunh
J asks the following v. ry Mi::ej.-slivc nml pi r
' lineiit ipii stions, w hu h are just ns appro
priale Inr Oregon as for Kentucky:
I Hid you cxer hear any of thise Slab
"'.''''s unit, who talk about the expenses
of the war, blame tin- ( '' s for
bringing the expenses on Us?
Did you ever In-ar one o( litem, when
talking of Fincolii'd tiuciuihtitiiliuiinl net in
calling oat I mops, cay anything about the
iincomiiitiitionably of raising; an army of
Ucbcls in the South.'
Hid you ever bear nun of them any thai
1. IT Pavis was trampling the ('oii.ihlutioii
under foot?
In hhort, did you ever hear one of them
express ft patriotic thought, except when
forced lo?
tnif I lie entire expenses or llm Kevo-
lutiomiry War were hinted in tlio report ol
Alexander Hamilton. Hecrelnry in 171111.
to bo I. '!.'., 000,0110. The debt which was
l ft p'b rily lo pay wan $7.1,000,00(1.
The population was then rsliimilc.l at three
... , ,
would bo in the Mime proportion. Put
11,0 'm11' "ni1 F' resourceH of llu,
rm,"J "uvn mennmi vusiiy deyonu ine
nm " l,"l"ll"" '"''"', ' "'"'"
ft "f H""""l "''I1'"" '"
m" mm n m 1,0 "m ro,m, n"
wan ine Beveiiiy-itvo minions ni inni iimr,
LW A letter to the Huston .loiirnnl
htates that llm Hon. Pierre Soulu, ex-Sen-
ator Iroiu Fouisinna, is
a hearty L'ltion
The Hulrren B, ,hf v
H. u
'I'liu present tmlu v -. ,
""'"Hi, bcKun rr w. ;;k"I7
inil was neoi pd.,1 i( . "'iiiiim,,
l-nit,,l Stntciror (l,o nk;(,r ?M
nd not, wo l.opp, un w7tl"lluii
'l'cK.inio.,yufllllln,ri)ls So , ""W
homes, that th. ro 11 ro luultitud,., r n,V'
Hu K.u.ll, who ureut heart f.l JfT!"
who in their secret -mil., ,,, ..'., M
r. ir'u
H"'.v pray to Ilein-cn fr mdv,, 1 '
" In., il rv. r ll.op.mcrortl,,, I;
shall relievo tlmn, ho,,, ,1U
now crush,., t.r ,wMru .. 0IM Ik
"b-illnbliHiJnssert ,!
M.premney i their r,spcciivo .
haviMiot an earthly (luuht ,ml u
in o n hi t v i,r s:i..i..u .. 1 "ti 1 u ore 1
. .
" 1 ore t
,,i , ; , : :.. v'n n. im
v itppiirenlly iiiianim,,,,,, r.
iinliTHnU-e, xvonld. if ,,u
of II IcIellllcM 1 le-lmlisi,, ,.... xi 'W
fl'fir lnil tin: restor.iti,,,, tl
III II H t 11 It Irnliiul . ' III-
ion ns tho ironed prlKoiur or ..!,,,
hails the ii tun. ol U.mI'h hi,,,,! ' "'r
ami would e -reel ill. Ml"sl''
their npiimms - l.m,is,,ll( J,mtul 0,1 ,0
i. o. 0. r.
"."''M I.I,...., Noi ,
'III llm Mi. 11 ,. "..
- ' " ' ' 111 .XI ,
- it a." "w';
lMultnomnh Lodgo 1V0 1
A U A A. M , li..l.l.u..i4,,,' '
Arl,(,i: l ,
'"" 1 ' s 1 -t-..d...H ,,,:;;;;,;
J l. Ilieiis, Sre'y.
" " 1 n, vx . m
8illU ;jw
C t:" Tl' i"l rrj.iliir mrrl
Suliirliix nriiaii;, Nut. ij,
Simiriiii.n,-. .',,(
" rrnioul i,,J
lMri..i.i.Mi.l nt ..It .1. .
ill .ln'n nf III ,:,m, , , , ,
1 11m .i.m nil uii.l nin-.i iUNa rrmnly
I C'ti'i
tiiniiliiip tin- fun. in is lh iu,t
In 1. .il..i 11 el lii-.ilil.y nrl,, UI ,;,u, fc
'-'l ll'"fi til! ilrlnniwi. ,,.
,"1 I""f) dip f,,, ,. ti,r4lini
I. ni.i.r vr.. i..l mi, i,,r ,,, mil;ti inpM'
I.Mlr nml ,;.,f It. 1 1,, ,.:,Mli ,J guj,,!, ji(
iiirlj, rto.,l,- H,p iU,. ,u7ni,
x..n.i-. i.xtr mi..-. -i'i i. .1. .. , .
" ! irlrl.illi nl.irli III,. ,l r.n, .,,lt., , f
in ir 1 it 11. ,10 ,111,1, If ,;i,. y Bl
, ,..,, , --
of , "' 1"" unuiiiv ul llirm. 'Ilirv n kMi
! lo Hil-ll ll'l l". III. ,t CiKi.l M .1. k I, ,,(, ,1 .
j ;,, ,,..1 1,, ih. i..,,), r it.i !,.'!!'
I'mili if oHiwi.rii, HMini Una. ,1.1
the'",' '-!"". ,,.,1 , ,.;.
1 . .1 .
I inn" nr.,,i a In , nu.l all nun! ,jU,r
j 111.111...1 l,r,,ai,, ilr p,i,, ,,,, jlllk, w
, ,'" ;"" V.''" 7 V A ,n-:' ""l
. .. on- 1. ii- 1 1:. iiriuiiu inr trn, lioifLiiip,!,:,,,
Ill llir r,iltii4'.. ..f 1 Irh rill.
li . Vull.f. I 1 II Una ,l U f..mlqj;.
L lie a- 111 all rj nf iifr.i.ii. a. k.1... .1..
.e..,a. ,. ,.,:. ,r, ,P .., k, ,r,j , (,,
I ' ... '
ilr.i. ul. I.r illli, ninl d ,,A n,kHt tl
"" llSft'l" .'IJ.II. I.T ,l,. l,
Mm t i. :i;-. . , ... k. and t
X. t! 1 inr I 1. a ri i an I l,
'.lo i.n!i..iii lie , ...i,in ,
1 i;ii. ffofu!1.
Mn l. s.....'.siitii... , r,,y ,,.,,.1,,
I. I... I-. .- ,,.I. i.r- ,11 ll.. II 1 1,. i ,,,( ,
Ii- . I 11 Hi I I I 'I..,I. . ., , I ,. ,.u.,i.
Iv . nr... . I1..111 I l,r l.:,. I. j 11 I ,n, ( Jl v( !
1 1 . On- i,ii. 1 ll.. .i iiiiltr.i.Oi, ft.i'rpliili ttU. K
i' I-r ...1 I Ir. .1 ili.r.,. , il,.,, oiiiiii 1 ,
1 .1 il'. n Al l. hi ii .r..irl .,lTii
. ...i.s it 111.11 1. uLoi ul .a tun. tti ti rf.(i
' ll'1 , i.t .1 .' li'..iia .... Ktrf1nl itiai'k- dlDf '..
I I., I I i'p l!.r 4'.ritt, i.r 11 .111. I.I 1! to N .
II I I,,: .11
I t. j. if il on! In I; l ,S S.e)
I ul:. .11 ! , N..i Vi.ik y, (ib.t.,
m.l I. tl li.f f-. ',
I' llr.ll ill." A.ltrlli.rmrltt in Itlilh'l funis.
."-'I In i Ml l.l.r., Hitf-un (iff, iui! ii
I 'f ; " " I! i'r'-.l'v
l))slirisj, I r.-r il ur, U4lrsll.l.
.M.r M.niiii Ii, II. mt I'.iuti, X 4ir( lliuh. Hi..
Iluilftlir", l.'lrr I '.illl I Hill, .. irll'T, IVu'.irl,
.I. iiiiiI 1 e, I lun ... i Imiiir, r It pi!.!..
I .. ..( .,ruip, I mi.Ui- I ..i.,l.,MiU,
u l, r I !.o nu. ( inn-i il I n l.inli . Ai-, an i il'.
l.el''t unit mirU lo lli0.VlKV
A n:n HIT I Idt-S
i 'alijitt mtH t'.titt'nrt
M. k r 1 1 sr Mil 1..C1',
j .lui t In, s..s
U" " " f'h"" )"' i'l1
'I" ",""" ""' '!
u,tp,j , .,l,M,.r,ii,fr.s.ini.ii!J
I ..,!,. .,,1 t,. ,.f. t.,., ,. ,0 o, d,,
, N IT. I 1:1 I Ti;i. hi.I In I..,. I U ul
- 1 b"!"'-- 1 '""' '-' '"' '"".
in in. iii, iiiiiii i tt'.ii rttiif il rurr.i, ' 'i
I .. L . I . . . I I . -
.-"" K "l lieallli (i. nu I .l.lm n.)l'' 1
,.., rru , .,. , ,.r i,. tl.rm l il
m le. .ne n iil l.ulv nilt.i-iril. .I.n l.s' "I-"
"Mi., u.wi. i:aii ii iiitm;i:s f
. '-'.!. ... - I... II- I I J'. II l..lU..K.t
...... ...n i.i nr. i 1141. in n 1 .., iirun .iw... -
,. ., , Silll ,,,: i; Me
i., ( ,s,.',m mIi. ; Kir.-, (Vltii
M.ii).i.;i, ; Ni,, ul, A, iun., 'o:iljii-l,Oif
llr' lUlsnni ( lid lHrrr).T
Ullll (IIIIF mill (JrliiiHin lil.ll.llll i, tll'l liifltl"1"'
l lily ) mi lm Inni, irrmml by Ct" "
I'nwi.r .V. ('., el It. Mini, i nml llifir'J
ll.lllie. n w.ll lllll Wflllrll ntfiuluri ol
Il.illt, iii.'r nu lh uulr r.ii'ri S' )
M .ii I.I uii.ii llm iiiiiiim riul ktirt Hit ""'''
Wurin'n lliiattti nf Wm ii CiirKr.-TIi1''
Vi.tin.lilr n un .Iy mlie lirl our r.Unl f..r ll" ''
nrr, ..r.y, ami wriiii.iirnl ruf of
mill: nut i til mil, hroMhih: 'l'"'i f1'""1'
finnimiiimi, rump, trhimjiuin r"i'fi Hi'di'l'1
lh- tun)!', imni in Ihr Intuit or n, m' l,rt
rvrry l.ifiu iif llnoil, elie.l, and lung eoini10''
s 1. rll in C'liSNl'tiri ins llsi If. .
Tln Ii.iilii. rriiirily .lioul.l ha i llif
of rrry f, ly ami imlivi.ltial, ni t t.mrljf "PI"'- nf il In a .ilil enl.l will riif ininiln
mlirsf; wlnla eu.e. nf lung .l.niilin(.
ami ii..iir. iilly iuriirnlile clii.fin l'r, "'
yi. lit lu Ha wiiiulrrfiil runitiv.i f"rn i..iiiluliiiii lu (he witiiln of I
ll el-.l. . ..
I nr ..ile in Clif..riiia l.y Kriluni"" '
Henry ,llinm .V. ( 'o , ( 'Imrlm Mainll.
.'...( It. II. .Mnlhinalil A IV. ,r"Z" ' A ( V, Maryav.llf Hmilb
liirll,.,.,!, I Ir. ',')",
Fine Stork Stolen
OS Hiniiliiy ..r ,M luv niiflil b-'. ' '',
mi. my Black Woso Wr4, liJ
I...H.N liii(li,)rai.i.l., wnrrl, '
lli.rr, nigit iiiimi'lra ill ilia fiifnlirml- " (
X m e..ll,liiil III i iinrii,clieri ri.nlil M" " ,
I tlimk Ilia llnrf will trail.. Iirr fm """"
Hull I'll,, liavnl, II It pi.iliuiiir ""- -
liiiniliril imli'i) fr.mi my il.n'. 'I""!1 J nj,
ii'iniii'll'lii Iirr ninl iVM me tMrwli'",,0Jl " .r
well rrwuhlnl. A.
l'oll(i'i..iiily,(i'l. 10, I r-fil .
. . i- .i... . .
nin "-
1,1. OlIliKUN ..a ll." Trr'"" ,5.
71 mini r v., .r. "l.l "
tllal, I Mil, W ill l.r .Million iiirwliuni.ll l "V
in lri(nii I, 'Ity,
w.M. iii:iti'f1'l,'il''
8r.i. '.'I, IMilw.1