T7oKKi? A IMS UN. hi n. w TFRvs of si'ttsritirrms. C', . ih' ' ""' "''"""'''' ';;" ';;';;,,,,,, i ' ,. "J." Ihlbniiri" hrrhaigrd Infix mmith,-. Zi'ni'l"'"' " r" "1 " tr" i i .,.,', ii.1 hi -i i 'ii i a "en ,Mff,-iiiiii. - . .- I" '"' i ,i tl.ruuliaii nl ' llir inililmhii. rirw I IIIIM,"'" ixin','""'"y-lirr"""- IllTI.KIl HM.IHTKII I OH Til H VaB. Oi. returning Id hi Iioiiio in Low- y A Weekly Nt'VHm)cr, devoid, to tlics- Interests of tho Laliorin Clussen, mid ttdvowiliiig the kMc of Truth in every issue.- Vol. VII. 0 It 10 (J ON CI TV, O UK (J ON, OCTOI5HU 1 ., 18 CI, No. 2S. ., Miirlillii'll. (It'll. I tlt IcT llllil DM oui'lni.inslio reception Iron, tin- itiwus, ilia Mv,ir ''.livering ml,,,'lM "f finm. The (il'M,'r"1 r',M,ol"1,!tl. declaring Jjliilciilit'ii t r,,l,r" immediately tit of nr, I" iviiiiiiii until the close of 1 1 10 war. Hi,l: , , ir on. I trti-t Ihat Ihcrn tiny ho no ntlpi'iipt ii t' M-m-t. mid lifter remaining n few duslurt' 1 in" rcudy l'l'll,nl l" "' ltty nil ik'viT return t Lowell until tlm last "i','P or ii'iiil lliu work i nocouiplishcil.-Wc'iini-t have penx, 1,111 " l'"n,'(! ' 1 i 1 die ,,o i-r uf ill" (lovcrnini'iit in ncknowl- lff(. it must he n pence which matins I lie fnii,titutionl rights f "II men under llii' KrtliT.il (I'lvcriiinciil, iiiiiI no other fiov (Timl,nl l.oud applause.) Willi my f. I ,m -..iiMii-rs limn I have lc!l fur the hour, tinM ' 11,1 oll"r f'''' '"'f' nm' wt" 1,'ivc lii':ii''l with I1'1'" r,';;r,', ,l"'l',! wins tiriv olli'T feeling cherished even ly n few. Wliv .'r, let '' make pi'iii'i' fur tlm hour m"it would n"l I"' wMy days licfori' n u,,iilil I"' involved in wiir ngain, ir On; rc Mill uf tliul pence were il separation of ibis I'uioii into tuo ' Icderucii s. Wo must li.iv tlm whole of this country unde r one pmrnitii'iit. or i N'l no p.011 riiiin-iit ut nil. I,,,Iiiiim' There is no middle pound. W'c iriu-t )oiir out blood iiu.l treasure till' lir-l Ik'' Hitl'T, till' lil-t l.kl' filllll! tltl- til lli.it is iiito:ii'I If you It:. v o no pniTiinu'iit, no c inititry, wliut Imvt' yon l,fi;' .Nuili ii:! We IioiiM liu Imsc in .iti itn tin1 ii' li in! it t oi'''' lii iiui atlinl to ii. '.v our f il)irl no l Vr to nlir rliilill'cll rii k lil'oiil o.iU a Ini'k'Mi innl ruinn UittUi ur i.iiiwiiiui' Mninii's l aitur. I )('i knsk Cost or tub Tkimmtoisikh war r.jHmm. j How to Svm in a Si n The jicr- Tlic X. Y. Kvi'iiing I'lHUiiys; i.'luii Itiltu ('j, Vimi:i nv Sucks.-iio.. I'loriila, I.ouisi- Thtj use of balloons wliich linn kern nude .,0 n,st mnintnin nucli n position as to I'ronlo'K fatlii'i' is ili'iol. (In tlm "ill "fnnii 'IVxns mill tlm entire roust of Ala- in rironnoiteriiig lit Wiisliinion ami Tor- Lc(. the waves ns tbey opproueli. All that Juno lie full iihleep in lliu cinl okl par.sou- mml nw Miasisiiippi; vast rf(,'ims iicipiir-' lrtM Monroe seems not to have boon con- js rcfjuircJ, then, U that the swimmer keep n;;o of lliiworlli, elosin' liis eyes on Hie rroln .'raiiee, Spain iiml Mexico, williin ' tinued lit Hull Run. Had a balloon been course, waleliiiig llieir iippronrli. Ah liearllislonu where llie tbrtc lovi ly wonu ii sixty year. Louisiana cost $1 o, 000,000 ' cut up from Centreville in the innriiin, ,e ri-.es upon a wave, he will sec n roaring who nmdo his naiuu glorious sat but u little j when our population wiih .0,000,000, rep-' ""J kept lloaliug above the center of the 1 cataract three or four feet hieji ru-ihing to while lino, drcniniii;,' inscrutably over the : resenting of eonr.se $'.10,000,000 ut the' "nuy during the day, it is very probable ward him nu though it threatened destrue woiiilciTul world within them, uud whence presi nt day. Florida rout $.r,000,000 in ' t Im t (he fire of the three or four batteries ti,,n; ,ut if he holds his breath a moment llicy pus. sed one bv one, their fnigile shapes i0 when our noiiulatioii was less than which was wasted on our left, in a feint to the crest will pass liarmleshly over Inm, m-cming rather to fade slowly than die ipiiekly like the common lot. Mighty-four years old, anil, but for that failhlul son in- iii.i . . ii . i . r l i ir 10,000,000, eijiial to $1"), 000,000 at the 'which llie eutmy aul no niieiuion, wouiuami m nn insiani lie win unu uiuiseii on present' day, besides the expenses of (len.'l'avo been directed to points where it ' the windward side of the wave, perfectly .lacksou's "war In ItflH, mid tlio Florida' wouM havu twld on tlio fale of the day. safe mid ready to continue ns before. If law NieholN, who looks to us, in readingof1 war of ISI0, in which some $SO,000,OH( ' l-.verybody n nuinber.s the use which tlic- the person is Hunting upon n nonrd or him, inoru hku n proinietion of Clmilollu's' were thrown' away for the purpose of th-iv-' French Kmperor made of Uodard mid his .plank, he should turn his head toward the life Hum a separate existence- but for him j,,., a leinillul of Marvin;; Seininoh s from balloon in reeoiinoisauec during the Italian coming waves, mid keep his float ut right ami tin) soi vaiitu, nil alone! Wo may la- ' the Kvorgla.Ies. Toxas'eosl 00,000,000 ! enmpaign. The only batllo iu which ii j angles to them, holding his breath ns bc licvo or disbelieve the slorics ol his iron '..xpen.le.rin Ihe M.-xcan war, ii. ii.I.Jitiou 1 l'"'H""n floatins over the field was used to Tore when the crests pass. In this w.-y he sternness - he may have lircd himself oil' in ' o the lives or thou ,anis or brave men, be- I'' information to the eoininaiidiug goner-; will be safely driven to the beach; but if pistol enrtridges from llie ba.k door step, in ouO 01)0 p:ed to hor in IS.'.O rori nl, is that or Flourus, which was fought in he- allows the board to be struck by the lie may have ton lVta govw.s, he may ceding u ir.ict' ollaud, which was nol hers, 1 '". " ",:lt l';ittk'- M , waves sideways, he may be rolled lover nnd have bcenu elooinv companion for three 0 xrw Mexico. A rrenl part of the cx-,tllr,J 11,1 lielgimn to H'e Republican nr.; over, and in Ins Inglit let go his hold. luo'hcrhss women, and n gillcd, reJ.h -s, 1 pes,. f the military establishment of the , '"' N'Vam, '.10,000 French, Icr .lour lli.bulaiieed son - c fori;. I nil that now- ' C.iied Stales has been incurred in defend-! wtro "IT0'1 to 1 10'000 AllicH' ""' he outlived one of the mr. sl families ever in-the sunt hweslern frontier. The troops, der llie I mice ol tolmrg. J lie i renen born to mini. All that we know ol hint is'meanlv surprised and betrayed in Texas, ,vcr(i mattered along a wiui circnlar line, known because he was the l.,tla r of ('urn r, ' were sent there to protect h.r defiicelcss ufleen or eighteen miles iu length, both Acton, and lillu Hdl, ,if I'airi.k the lH.rd.T m-ltlements Irom the loiiwliiiftk nnd ''"S on the Sambre. Uf the ten v.mii.r.r. dead iu his. leimiiin.' youth, alter seahiiii.-kiiir.:. If to all this expenditure ' divisions of French engaged, six were nl- ' ' ' ' ' ' .... . i .! . i. ir . . M ii bfe of vvdd, lu illi-iut mistry, l.-r which ' we add iiml of (he Torts, the navy yards', ieaoy reireuiiiig, nun me niiji. ii.hims u..il , then covered the hive with a cloth to no philosopher in the laugl.-d organ:-in of ihe courl l,ouseS the custom house, ,) ' sliding their rear troops from ,liC l'tllt,:r. lo . slllt 01lt the ly.t ns ,,,1, ns possible, nf- luoibid nature could ilream of ImMiujj l.spoiisible. We know that liie Rrv. I'l TF.i.TS OK ClII.OROrOI'.M OX HkKS'. The other afternoon, says nn exchange pa per, Mr. Annan, wishing to have some honey taken from a hive without killing the bees, mid having before heard of chlo roform being u;ed, felt anxious to try the experiment. lie Tir4 closed the doorway, iui the other iiublie building ii. t!.oe re-ions. ' t or llic rt llV!,t ,,rro''s Uv ' i,;,.i, i, ,.L,nn,eed to blow ehlotoTorm Fat s:;.hl,iiiHl,0(iO of Ihe public funds of which ''ier. Tl,is ,nov(;lm',lt "i,s ri'a,lili' ltT 1 1nto the hive. When it was discovered was born on the Stint's .l.iv at least live sixths are levied l.v indirect 'v'l h! the aerostats, who reported t : ... .. I(V, ,,,, r.,,n ,rt tlv were ' -Minlry. ! which "ave him hU name, iu the vear i;77; taxation from the North nnd Northwest, ''J' telegraphic signals lo Cen. JonrJan, j r(.lnovcd to another hive without I', 1 1 1. uio oi iiii: l!i m i Si ai i . Ov i r. I 'i'Jvni' - Ni w'pnpir writers, mijk lie Ciin' naati (i.icMe. coiilinu.illy overesli null' tin- Ir, e population l the rebel Si.it. s. Tin' two five Mat. s uf New Voik nnd II-I'lui- ee.i,l in population the fr. e popul.i tin nf I lie wle..' 'onf delate States. -1 1 . r. are ihe I l. t l.lt:.lil lloin t lit' cell ,i el I . ... I ... T l 1 ui. ( but unult. iablv ' Ihe face of the earth, surrender without n "e- At mis nine ..ouioau was n. u,t n..-, . , . , Tl!s being a success- 4.f 1 .t .1... CI 1 . .. ... n it'll.. ill i !, s-i,l '1,l..ll1.vtni'...!,. vueh a dear bom-it terr 'cr ,riJl ul ",v nli " , r..l .,,;,( in keen mil' the bees uhve. torv ? """ I ll':lst' ttl,itlur 1,0 1,1 con:it:,T'l"C i we think it right to make it known for the of other reports ol the aerostats, ami uerc ; I. ,h'lll., uf U iiimrv. ..... . ii -i IK'IK 111 Ol O.UUS .1.,.-.. .... l. ... -o L.lrili.L' Ullll' l ff K1! .1 .1 f . I i It . l, 1 UIU lllLiriltt; IIIUII tt.io cuuvn .....v.. n ' the death of too last hroMe. e r.j.Mcej Tll(.r ,,, in x tll (.,,; Ma iufonualio.. which the 1 '" 1,11 tli. it t.iele is none living lo hear llnil i c sons who luive nl lor-o!tcn tlie intlissoiu-i , r , ..,., fmm .'. v v ',.iim .... . . .,1 . , .i.. I.-........: i; ,.i aerostats trained was couveved by tele- truth of tlic following irom inc i '- - u ii.il li U .1 VI UI'Mlil III serv ale spin ua l's oi i.ie n.iinnii mm miii.i - f, i i i j . i i ........ . 1 . ,.i.i;,.;,w I r....l I., sumi. instan.-es nu, hie irmi s to the earth. 'Ihe balloon Uomt Jottruut: It is one of the hardships oi Iliinnllll, Willie It poilili.l.il L'eiiius nu.li' '" ' ' " ' , ..... 1 . , . , i 1 . r.-.. il.t lie umt-inf wlieels . . ' . . . 'whole lod 'os, ev. rv member of which w a Was iieiil nn twice during the dav, and con-, our prof.ss.on, that its wot King wntcis, .'i '..' "'.17 glory. 1 1 is ns ii o i ii.'1 1 "i rioiis stars, nnd ku . i. r. ,. i ll.lt till! I'lllllllILl III tt HI" III It'll1,,,",- lllllt.1 ,11 Mill , I'I'll I", ll't - , . .A r.r.l.'.'ii .- . . . mi i m...- ii i ,r I.', sccom ascension llie enemy o icueii a iku-.iv or wi.- " ..... i . i m . k n e... ii i,,n ii : ii.iMiniv. t i'i iin tun .hii in .int. - . . . Hop.- mid'rl.ar t,', wh.c tearful children terv flgaiibt it, but it fonn gained an tie- 'court, the school and the workshop may and widowed women have blest Trniii a ' vat"ioI1 iJCj0iid the reach oT cannon. j iW shutters, the mourner may veil Tea- hundred thoii-nnd bonu s, live 0!i, hotier.'d "- -' turcs and turn friend and stranger Trom the and loved, until there is not a rav from Ihe, n: kai.i. I.a! KI.kii r.v a i..m. anoui ! i I' 1 I II : s .l!iti.ima. , lis .iii.i I ieii'la, lireria, I Mil slllll ', : ii Vtll'l ( " .. t i i r I'l . 'lltil 'i. Mil .11.1 , T inn s e, T.i. I ,r; iiia, Tut id, i in l s r n s. V Yoik, i:.,. Mint he begat those children ol his; l.ve.l have ben expended in nnd hir the gnu ( "'"""'o iu . '" ,ar.n to aliv 0I,e, and next morning were to ripen llioswurcsor Hair own life, nnd. States in (his reulury. Would F.nl.ind, '', "pP"r'' of the retreating right w,"o ' : .,faWako and in a lively state, hi.mmii.:. iu, kc t hem what tin v w,r,', tl,.u dud in ' would France, would nny government un Mhe Froneh army and turn the t.de of l,at" ! uro11Ii their hives, no doubt wondering Ni. hulls' nrins. A j f.i-ciiialiiig lioliirv, with nn did which sad 1 iletis us, yet liiiil.es ust.!l more "lad. It I is iiupossililo to lei I ovel 'lialuncin regret .'it , I'.iUlndsm f M.isnnry. 1 ,, ,. i -i , belli lit Of O'.Ucrs. . . . I IIP IICCISIVI: UIU1V HUD MIULIt tililt.il 'i,tu i , ... . Tiick Kvery editor knows the How I 'HI II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LM 'II. IIS llllil 1.. . ... it 1 l' I ' ... ,,r ,j , whole lodges, er ry member oT which wa was iieiil np twice during the day, and con- our profss.on, I v s.i .i a :i .i.vy ii j: o ir ) I((ll)1.r,.llt to tlif I'uioii. -Y. C. Cor. i;,.,. ,, )0t four hours each time, nt drain.'! mid heart' ew tli.it wli.le tin V slioni ' v i- '',., ',,,, ' , . ',,,.. ., ,, , , the latitude of about I,: 00 feit. On Ihe j for sitknes?, or tr in a biH.r eoiiM ious; f;,n's deiud cl ou on the venerable head . lllL u pain. We mi;: lit sorrow f.,r oiiim Ivcs win n tin ililiilll.'il and went out ill vv i, ile ashes; , arc not nllowed to lug ouble, or stop for calami- The J.idgo may adjourn his .".ni :: S " I IIM". mo i'i . I but for lie ir s ili. s we slnniii r. :o'c. l.ll1.',!'."' ; is n In in lieeiit law of nutuiv Ihul no luor hid growth, howivir splendid, propagate. itself tlil.ni.il 1 n:;onv .t'l'.i i 1 I i it . i:., t Cfrnt Lxfiirn I .l.ini' Mill I I Hill i li.1L II I 1 1.1 L U..I.1 'AIVIV throne of l.c Sun by whi.h grati'ful liu- lwo yi.ar., says the Greenfield (Mas,.) . f Ja .ml,t wrUc ;,v all(1 u)i, Vomer, a young lady, :f ,.e na on Ul0 lriflt.s of .1. Total. Pll I I. ! I II IN 11 V S 1 . 1 I '-. I . . ." . . r.i i'ii. n ii i t: . . a- . .1 r ..I ii... ...... i-.ii.ii.'.i ii1.. I). in tiis.s e- .usi,irpr,...l,e words of the Mais by - - " T ",r . n l.lv eanm with the same ' .he First Regiment, he was invited to visit their deeds, On ll.ei nibcr '.'Nth Moultrie, I'li.-tle rinekiuy, the eustolil-lio:i-e, post olliee, uud nrsiual, nt fiailes Ion, nil of tlicm iiidi-pntably the property lo a F. iv fori. I.i 1 1,7 jo I . - i 111, lit. d bo.il.S, tV''1'1. i " .. Ml p Urslrr Is In .r l.rl Mime. I. i; .r 1; t: s t;,iis Minl.o .Ii lY Pavis in his inessa:' i i uTii'iois. -Tiie loll.. ing i.xiM.l from' ii,,. rebel foii'ress at Moni-oin. ry. mi Kie l sh h Itir. d it.. I .lli'v '.'. is ll.tef " I f ar lliere wilt be nin. li ol ;nr nnpa ti.ll.e at Ihe lll'sti.k. s whicll lull -t illi V.t.l I.I) lake place in luiullai.' i.iy l.n;.' '""I i,i nf tioips. I. ord t'lv.lc (Sir Colin t'liini.li. II ), niter lifiv years' rxpei ienee. with "jri-iil iilnlily. In a iliriii 'ii in b'.n't ol vif the Federal (iov. l iilil.'iit. tin. in. mv, mule s.'tu,' t ir.ble m'slakcs ( j ,,, tin y n.i. d Forts Full I.i ami !,i he Imd .O.urtU .:..'. lo eomn.:.,, I - , w iiml lc ,. s ,irsiui nt b.iiiiHl. mil these wre rculir troops l,.,t , ,i . i .i i.e !, . r i .. s: . I, ' liah. a of them llidi plltal.lv t ltf propel 1 1 tin li must l.e the il lliclillii ! ol (n il i , ' ll j "" I ii. mil his nflieers. Willi mi, h ast li,.,ln s n , ol the Fed. ml (lovi-niiient. irr.;ulirs to move. The Puke ol liiitna, iu giving his testimony on the irii!i.ilulitioi nf n French invasion, said tin re w. re nol Ihrce old griicr.il olln crs iu t tir .)n;'l.sli nrniy w ho could luindle li'O, A'1'! men without throwing llu iii into con fiisimi. Audit now turns out Unit the I r.ii, h marshals nt Solferiiio mad.' such n hum with the ISO, mm men that nnvhody '.ut lhi Au tiiaiis would h.nc rout.d them I klinll not be surprised, I lu r. fore, to hear "f Mime serious inisadveiiluri s in (ieii. Scull's advance into the South, nnd only 'nisi thai the North, like the Romans ul t.r C.ititia,1 will support their generals more iviululi ly uj'hr reverses then before.'' A Soi.iumi'h Si'Htii. It was one of III.; incrils of Cn sar that he mlvanced his i'l' as iu tho fewest possible W ord... " Fno, ri'i, iVi," was far belter than one of (Jen. Aiiipiidiu's long reports of a doubtful vie lory. Napoleon' bulletins to his army liul the name nit ril; and (Jen. McCleltan wins lo copy nftcr his illuslrions br. Ihren I" lliii it r t of war. llie following w M Ij1 speech to Ihe Army of the I'olomae: ".Soldiers We havu hud our lustre 'rent. Wo have seen our lust defeat Von stand by me, ami I will stand by you, mi'l liencciViih victory will crown our ef frt." Itir Tho emiso of (Jen. Il.uney's re iii'Tiil was, the War pepni tni' nl hud or 'tercil the iirinlng of tho Home iJuardsof lie Missouri counties ns I'nited Stales re "'M, uud (Jen. I,you did il, but Ilni'iiey '""I groiiud ugainsi it, mid did not do nny Wiir lo protect tho pcrseculed Fiiion men ' Hiusu places, lleuco ho was superseih d. I" Tim WitoN.i 1'i.ack. .lust lifter the Nwiteors left this place on Wednesday, iii'lividual hi a sinall crowd congregiiled "ii a sloop, commenced hiirrulilug Tor Jefl' """i", but ho was promptly knocked down ""cr the llrst iilterunee. CW. Atyn. A Rr.xrmKNT hiom Moti.hv. Tluie M ni vir peacu well Hindu without a Mli(;lily war pri'ceding, nnd nlvvnys I ho MVlr.l iu hand is the best pen to wrilo the ''iiililiuiis nf peace. llticUiur.il lo Qntnt Nkitlirth, The weulth oT tho counlry lins more """'doubled In ten years: In I Hf0 II was . t """nt $7,(i00,0(.n,(li)(,; now it Is f M'.OOO, OOiHino retLTitiousof unh.alih nnd ina.niy may write iny gimauis '' ""P ' -' 6V,.,t. And w e, , mid have no more o. " " "i'v!' " " daughter of a distinguished New Fngland i')jntrii niMti t'i'i"", j " 1 the hour, whatever burden has been laid F.rontcs h!l than dw.lls m Ihe.r mi- riu.fll, r,.sl,M, ..i.,.,, hw, hmiented minister, now decea ;e,l, was ensa;,en in ; .,,.. i,n,,P i,;, heart and brain as tv...... ' - , . .. tlIl.ll't.""-"-""---" - : il, ,i. il,rnii(il '.i, I, mini's of the eitv l.t'Iimit a cehnol iu South Cat'olim. One , ' . "s. - . . . ,., a man i mo i a sars, oi mv iif.-m ii. ih.i n cveniti'', being present ni a large soci.u ! Ihe tombs of Ihe Nile shut up the last of; " -...rA lor that CV1 e lo I.". l' ti.l!i.!,. nn.l tllnt I hill'' till' OaCS ' ' ... Lit 'of il. polisin. panting on the sultry i SiiovF.t.nv vs Chi v. l-.y. Father Qirnn, csert'Wi-'Vall wished to be introduced to her.-'it is know!. o some or us, is a wit as well de- as a priest. While in Washington wmi T. j Ft. Corcoran on the other side oT the Fo 1 unu nu ciiip.iv ii.i'i in...., t.i' "i .... s.. ,..,lllKi nn.i reeeiveil l ie same aiiswci. last ihcy sei.cd It t,v thin white hair to ihe slroke oT lleav- 1 ' ,,. , P,m,,i. t(, check nnv 1 tomae. and sec the work which had been i ui.1 iiuhim H'"!- r" ------ I'VTiSrliMbki'tosay- Wigfall was t 'could rciicl. the faithful brothers within traordiuary, nnd he sent again, asking the , New ork bi.xt: nmtli. He ..copied tl ;th" sani lu .rv of their lodges in North ' Kasm 0f her declining. She replied, " A j invitation, mid was of course much pleased 'Carolina. Wo bid (hem read in the fu- uy ,n a to llw.inc MlL.h a re.piest, with the appearance of the Fort, which .Hire the glorious ,wg.. which ""' (,a,'V it"lioot -ivin- I.cr reason; still I have no ; had grown into being through the hard writhe for the history of M.nouiy; Ihati1 , .;., in!,,llr with nick and shovel of these true 'wilK. Rebellion, with llaming torch and objection m saying that I do not wish to la -or, will n k r. a sho e., 1 i .i .. . ....;,. dintiml. il,.-1,,,1 1 i..t. il.n l,,l of one who values iiiiiiaii soldiw.i. " W i'v, ' said he, to the gentle- IlllltC.I SM.'IO, l.'.l i'l, - I tuitv ."v - . . ... ,it 11. nf I.. I...I-..ri!. I.ivtl'.ri'ii ul Wiishinzton laid ix. .... i;,.t,,i.. " avi.rMI lmd killed fif- man who accompanied htm, they talk oi i... .1 : I I.', M... ........ . . i- ..:ii... ....I '. -."'.'' V " -n I ., .......,....,..,., ,,,,1.1 ..... i.iu nn, nn; s',.i ,,.,,,... ,. (be pinaiiiiiuc 10 me leinnn plums ,i lfcn n,en j,, duels ) She was rid of him ouincni cuivairv, out in.... i ... Ihe nrsetial ut Mob.!.', nl-o the property o! tho jjJJ" hilis"'''.''? for that evening, but he declared he would 'die to Norlhern shonlnj." the I'ViliTallJiiycniiuint j iin-ln LJ , ,V - J , U -1 1 1 i ' 1 t U 1 ' Tt ' -! o U 1 1 1 her yet and would make her " "Willm rC(.lor of Grace ;., ...Ih, Ihcy lire,! uilo he Slarol the ca'ariet oT the North had ceased its ' spCak with him. The next day a servant Jj cM J.vons, X. V., took nisi, i.iM.i p.oMMons ...... .,, .no,,. uwrn,r i,n, until the (inn rstreani oi mi'l stairs. savin',' lhat a gentleman i '. , , ,,.,,.,,, of ; Southhail lost its inystcriot, way. sobmg . w 0ll Bering .1, " Z .! I 1 7 ZZ i... mi. .1 !....! ii...i'..:i...i sji il, I , m s ion . not he liroken. "t Hey i " ... . the wines oi uis cuiiSu-i.u slu """ ' " : V ... '. .; 1 1.. ,l, faithful Children of tho Sun ' parlor, there, tnaku.g a polite uow, was , nnJ illimciliate. arseiianiv - f.ninin-tho Kim-il lire while Fiarro de-; Col. Wigfall. I l.elicvo 1 have li.e lion- i'"d .lotufon. 'sooils'the temnle. May the breath of i nr ol sncakimr to Miss , Col. Wigfall." .Inn. I 'Jt It, they seized the I. S. iin-y t.;(v roivc the rxpirini? Ilatiu. j i i,:lVc not the pleasure of his iic.piaiii- " 1 1.,t'licvo 1 I?!"1!'0 ''".'. !lv ordered it to bo "taken down, staff and all. lie wns immediately waited upon by a committee of ".00 men, who had resolved yard nl Fciisa.oa, nin . liarr.uieas, nniii jisnn riiimni no n iiaimr m ni i,..,,. nnd left the room .i i .. 1 . .. . .' i.. ; u,i 1. 1 couutrv w ithoul polluting his soul with the t" "J n, ai " that tho Hag should wave over the church fliMi: l' l aim v " I'l n , . . us nnd wr.st it from the Fuitcl "'"'"""n Ft. I'i.k' Stales. Ii r mi. SvMiwTii'zrus in-: Waiixkh. j .1 an old, liny sei.ed the 1'. S. Cuslom 'n,c Fifty sixth and Fifty-seventh Articles House nt New Oi leans nnd Ihe Mint, rob- War, nrc ns follows: bing il of its treasure. " firt. Whoever shall relieve the enemy Feb "0th thev look, by tho surrender with money, victuals or nnummilion, or .'.'... " , ., . shall knowin.'ly harbor or protect nu cue- r the nr,h. rail...' 'Iwiggs, the m-milmiis; f .(f,. ,,,., or M1!.h mh.r punish- or w ar mid other public properly in ''1S ns Nm I,,, ordered by Iho scutciico April I'.'th, they bombarded uud .i'l 1 of n Court Martial. "fii. Whoever Khan nc cnuucicu thus defeating nn attempt, the impudence of which is seldom eipnlled. The rector objected strongly, but finally yielded, and handed over the key of the Ctjy- Hr. Seott, the secession preacher j church. Tho flag wns at once run up, nnd t Sun Francisco, narrowly escaped being ! ia ' still there." Wilbur has since offered mobbed, and was guarded by tho police, j his resignation, which was promptly nc- nud the Union secret police. Ho walked cepted by tho vestrymen under tho American flair, which was held lured Ft. Siiujter A i.iil l.'llh the rebel Secretary of War . holding correspondence with, or .riving in apin i.iiii, inirioii. . m tho cnomv. cither directly or publicly prochnined Ihcir intention .) nt-, intli. sin ,iror death or suel. other lack Wiishinglon, mid boasted that by l,ic ! pnnis.1,mi'iit ns shall be ordered by the sen- 1st of May the iciicl nag wouiu uoai noiii ,,m.c ()rfl i-oinl .nurnai Iho National Capitol. A ..rill. lib .lilT Davis invited offers for -m 1 C.vi'K Ihrrnus Fiiisosi'its. The rebel iii'ioiii.i'fl broil'' hi lo New York, wcro a .....:...,..! .. .. . r...,...i .,t Ii tiers ol maripie, waging war upon . aril King sei, raggeu. uaii-iuouo ." cili.ens ni well ns upon Ihe (JovcrnineiiloT unshaven. They say they were pressed il, r.iiled Stales " ,(,rvi,''' flml Wl'r0 kM 'V01'11:," Iho l.iitid Slnl.s r ,,i .; 'prisoners. 1 .ike Iho greater portion of the In every case of the seiuro of public , j, ' ' , ,. KV-tl,m js properly l!iry hnulod down the Hag uf the J.,., lm, penplonro ignorant of school turn over to him any copies of those pa Fniled Slntes, mid hoisted a rebel Hag in1 ..diienliou, and are ruled nnd inllneiiecd to L,,rM received by them. Well, this sup . ,,0 I prejudice by a set of polilieinns, prossi0 0f " ineeiulinry doeumenls" is noth- neross llie door of his church, nt the close o( services, llo has since resigned his. charge. We disapprove of mob law, but Furson Hrownlow's trculment is remem bered, and the temper of our people is get ting beyond endurance to refrain from re taliating outrages on good Union men in Ihe South. Sei'fiti:ssi:ii.--Mar.-hul Rabo has noti fied Ihe newsdealers of San Francisco Hint they must hereafter refrain from selling or otherwise distributing tho X. Y. '.'.' ;. and tho Freeman's Journal, nnd to Tut'. Unmox wor.TH Mont, ni as Si.avkry. So said Andy Johnson of Tennessee and Judge Harris of Kentucky, months ago, mid iu the sumo spirit another Kentuekian lately said that the Union men of Ken lucky "knew devilish well that peace was of more value to llieui Ihan ul! the niggers Resides, there wore not many persons who owned negroes, nnd thoso who did wcro mostly loyal men. The nigger interest was nothing beside the piucrvutton of the Union." ill. vi. nil Iiml Ihesn public lliil'U'S nn.l robbers want is to lm " I'l ''"'" In tho Highlands of Scollund a Tin: Skcui:taiiv ov tin-: Xavy. The New llnveu Fulhidium snys: We lenm from a friend recently from Hartford tlint Secretary Welles tins been wntcr smnil lulelv descended on a high mu . . ...mstniillv occupied niirht nnd culled Si rone, split neurly iu two, mid cor-1 1,1,) l)ml W1C ,is wiTo recently went homo ricd ciieli half In nn opposilo direct ion, L o... Washington ho ',,'''0I0 neil Clll'll mill I ' T. . ' '"" " . . . i'i... !.. linna i.ohsI. brenking down lenees, o .h.ernling . o, or - - ' rcill hn, i,'ii','M even rrom her. Whnt n eonnncnt ueiKhboring higli road, and scattering its debris over farms or acres in extepi. sides entombing ninny llocksnnd herds. this upon his Hlnnderersl ih i V'iiivJitiii itnoor snvs that Remi ylf J i mmiiii j'-'-- - v - . niw vinii " a regard has determined to call Iho bnllle ol ,.nn,ion niuj lmv0 rifuwa lo M'vc ngninst . . ... .11 f . .. mm It f'lllllta 1 llfl I ' I., il.n l.'rench nttiiv tlm proportioir In the Knglish ns one to nuieUen. 'liniiii. oi ine ing new; tho N. . iriuinie nun oimi Northern journals of like political tenden cies, have been for years prevented from circulating In tho Soutlurn Stales. rvj- Accounts from Russia Rlalo that Iho war has broken out again in tho Cuu casus, nnd that tho Uusaimis have been beaten iu three several encounters. YVlmt tends lo aggravate tho check Is that a reg iment of Cossacks nttuclied to tho nrmy of Iho Cnueasus havo shown signs of insubor- Tr.Airons at IIouk lion. Joseph Holt in a recent speech at l'.oston, tuid that dis loyalty in tho midst of us ia ono of the worst obstacles lo tho success of tho Union cntise, uud that ho rejoiced in tho lato dc cisivo measures of tho Presided to subduo this element of weakness. It was in vniu to toil at tho pumps while men were kept on board boring holes in the bottom of the ship. Land I'iiiatks. An Englishwoman lately arrived at New York from tho South, says it is customnry iu Sccessia for tho Uud pinitca to search travelers aim relievo them of whatever spceio they may Lave, civing Iu exelumgo Confederate bonds, . RATKS OK ADVKI'.TI.SI.NO: One Miuare (twelve lioct, or lex, br -vier meivnirr) one iiiwrtioii 9 Kacli r.ultimiil i.wr.iun I "0 liusinerteiiiili no yar -n (,0 A lilwml ili'iliiction will liu made lo llifwe who nilvrrlis'.' by llie year. XV Tl'" numticr of is-rlioia slionl.l he not.'.l on llie IUHri;in nf nn nilvert'seiufiit, olliorwiso it will lie iwbfolinl li!l forlii'Men, ami cli.-irRi"'! ae rorilinly. (Uiiluury nntieeii will bo cli.-.rcl half III nlK.e ml.' of tiilterlisiii(r. jJ".Iiib I'lcixriMi rxirii'i'il i:li neatncFs and llisUtl.'ll. 1'itimriit fur Jnh PrintiM"; mutt br n'ai'r oh ihtirmi nf thr trniii. I'olk oBly Kiliicatin.i luavenUun. Fursuaiit to notice ihe Conveiilien met nt Dallas on the 2Sth tilt , nt ku o'clock a. m. 1'rof. Howland bus called lo the CUir, nnd J. A . Wiivnilre npnoiuted Sec'v. The object of the niceiins was briefly stated by the Chairman. .Mr Whitsou moved that a comm tlee of three be appoint 'd to draft a Comstilii- lion anil report ni fme o chick e. ji. ji' Chair appointed W. C. Wlctson, J. C Cawood, and Miss M IV Whit on. a id on motion, the President nnd .''..calary were added to the eonim't'ee. Ajleninou es-.wn. Meeting convened at one o'cir ck. The report of the CoainiUli e o:i Coti.slitution wns received. Afler sonic riW0-:nii, Iho Society adopted the following Constitution: I IU IM'!! K. Ii-clicving the peiieni! diffusion of solid education to be the palladium of all politi cal, social mid relieinus libivty. we. the undersigned, have formed ourselves into mt association to promote this object; md, in order lo insure mnong ourselves mi'l our successors, eipial rights, do adopt ti e fol lowing Constitution: Anri'.'i K I. This Society shall be known ns the " Polk County Educational AssH ntion." , A 1st. 2-Skc. I. The ofiiecrs of tins Association shall consist oT a Prc-.'dciit, two Yicc Presidents, F.ecordiug Se -retary, corresponding Secretary, , Tre.iaiiriT and Librarian. Sue. i. The officers shall be il -efrd vicn nice, nt the calling of the roll, a ma jority of votes polled constant. lig a chOcc. St:c. o. Ivach rfiicer shall hold his ofilce for the term of one year. Skc. 4. All ofiiecrs shall continne to dis charge their respective duties till their Etie cessors are dulv elected mid installed. jnT- gSr"c. 1. It shall be tae dit'y of the President, upon his induction into of fice, to deliver an inaugural nddress, nn 1 induct nil officers elect, into their respective ofiiccs. Sit. 2. He shall preside nt nil m"etmg of the Association enforce the observnnee of the Constitution, with power to impose discretionary fines, for the preservation of order, and nltend to nil the executive busi hrss' of the Society. Sr.c. 3. lie shall eppolnt n'l Committees, call special meetings at the reipiest of a majority (r the members, nnd give the casling'vote when iiecesary. Six. 4- He shall deliver a valedictory address nt the expiration ol his term, ami induct h's successor into olliee. A nr. I. In the absence of the Preside-ill, one oT the Yicc Pns'dents shnll preside, performing the duties devolving upon the President. , , , A r.T. 5-Srx. 1. It shall be llie duty of Iho l.ecordin- Secretary to keep a ilm mm correct record of the proceedings oT the Association, nnd read uil eonimun.cai.ons addressed to the same; to take charge of nil papers bclomrng to it. nnd ilil.vrr tue same to his successor at the expiiatlon of his office. . . , Skc. '2. He shall, on tho close ol caci meeting, reail tnc nix.ir.es oi mu mu, make saieh omendimn's ns may be desired, and at ihe expiration or h:s term. mne to the Treasurer a laitlilul return o. an uue mposed during his period Oi ol.xe. Apt It 1111 iha'l be the duty of the cor responding Secretary to conduct the cor respondence of the .Assoiial'on, nnd deliver all communications lo the r.rc. Sec'y. ,.t T-Si-e 1. It shall be the duty of U.o Treas. to take charge of nil moni' s bc lomriii" to the Association collect nil lues, nnd make such ilisi.ur?emrn;s as run; be ordered. ... See. 2. lie shall, at the cxpirat.on or his term present a written report of the slate of Ihe Treas. nnd deliver to lus suc cessor all monies and documents bclorg'.ng lo tin. society. Akt. 8 Sro. 1. It shall be tue duty of the Librarian to take charge of nil bocks nnd periodicals belonging to Ihe Assceia- lion, mm to Keep acaia:o.c,iiu in their titles and ne.mbcr.s, with nn ac count of those taken out, returned, mid by whom. . ....... Skc He shall he nutuon.c.i io w- licit nnd receive ilonauoiis oi "". '"" money for library purposes, and shall nt teud to tho purchase of books when or dered. . . Si c 3 He shall keep a corrcci no. oT nil' books donated to the As,sOciation. and nlso inscribe in such books tho naino or the donor, nnd the time when donated. Art- o. 'ihe Aociiti.fn m.u.i nlar meetings on the lasirnuaj . uV, Oct., Jan , and -Ap'l. Akt. 10. Any incini oi rumunuii i.-.i become a memiier oi mo A"i''" .-j si-nin" the Constilutlon and paying an ini tiating fee of one Uodar. Akt 11. This Constitution mny bo amended bv tho concurrence of two thuds of the member oi the Association present nt nny regular meeting. ..... . . 11 .. it... ..l.iitl inn nr The society procecueu i- mc mv.-.. ofiicers, which resultcil ns loitows: i .v.s; dent, Prof. L. L. Rowland; Vice 1 res.- i ti i H ah ininri dents, J. C. Stump, mm n . v,. Rec. Scc'y J. A. Wnymirc: Cor. Sec y Miss M. E. Stone; Treas Miss M.J. Whitsou; Librarian, N. H. nmlcr. On motion, a eommlltee of three wns appointed to engage leetnrers nnd essay ists for tho next rcpular meeta.g. On motion, the rrcsmeui . , , . .. .. i !., i,,l kv iooI ibstnetS ol .oVl it Ui. Schools and school f distries of tho County, Tor the puriiose of cnHmg t noro irene.nl nnd lively interest in t.m cnuso oT education. Ou motion, tho thnnk ( oi tlio meeting were tendered to Messrs. R.s nnd Lo w lady for their hospitnble .i.tei''.nmniciu ot members of the Convention. Ou motion, tho Sec'y was Instructed In seud an abstract of tlio proceedings of tho Convention to the leading papers of tho State, for publication. On motion, tho Association adjourned to convene ot Monmouth, nt the next rcg ulnr meeting, Oct. 25. ,1. A. WAYiiiitK, Rec. Secy. TT