The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, October 12, 1861, Image 2

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    lf ttny nun nun-iiu l luxitl iliran Ilw
Vmi-Ue.iu lias, kliuui lilm uu llii',.niit I'i
Cm. Pit.
SI)c rcgon CVrgus.
OT. Zi. Aitonis, . . Editor.
Is Thrrr Any .li'itflliui ill tlti' ovllil I The Stale I'ulr.
Tilt! X. V. HiTitkl says: Si'voral of the I I'd. , ittirs: We cannot too much com
Xetv York journals which advocate tlui j nu'iid tko ipiietnes.s and order with ivliii'k
cause of secession, mitt lire in tin' service of , it was conducted. Wc cannot expect throe
tko Southern conspirators, peculators and J thousand people, to meet together from day
thieves from Floyd thnvnwaid -nro at- to day, in carriajjos and on foft, without
tempting to convince them-selvi'S and their some confusion, and vet as little disturb
readers that there is a reaction nt the j nnco. occurred on the grounds as wo ever
North, and a rowin; sentiment against i saw, nt such u ttnthcriiijr. We thought ut
the present war for the preservation of the one time there was liquor on the ground
rnicn. Anion;; others, that cx abolition , but the stronc-it drink was lajrcr bier, so
orjran, the Jonriui! , (Vvi.vnvvr, is pub
lihinu' aeeeuuts, probably bogus, of iunipr-
we are told.
The exhibition of stoik,--horses, cattle,
,I..m'.Ii Unit In Hie r.trlol Snlilti-i.
lion. Joseph Holt accept eil an invita
tion lately (J visit the troops nt C.inip
" Joe lloit," located at the Kalis of the
Ohio, and being iutrodiicoJ by Hen. Hons
sea.i, addressed them in a speech, which
tor leimiug eloipieiice and patriotism was
never surpassed. The following are ex
tracts: II ive n i fears as to the vigorous
inary " peace nierliii;,'s" in obscure country and sheep was very creditable to our
villages and hamlets, and upon these re-' young State. Had there been more pro-
ports it bases its assertion that there is n : miuuis for carriage and buggy horses, and
none for the speed of horses, wo believe a
reaction at the North." These journal
ists were never more mistaken in their
liner lot would have been exhibited
lives. There is 1:0 reaction, tmr any symp- What fanners want is a horse for all woil;
loins of a reaction, in public sentiment. What every person wants is a large, tic
Criticism upon the conduct of the war : broke, sound, and lair motioned horse. -
there doubtless is; but nil partus and per
sons are agreed that the war is a national
necessity, and must go on until the base
conspiracy against our I'liion, and against
j the enus'1 of freedom throughout the woild,
! is utterly crushed out. The little knots of
ire :
and ul!:;n,ite!v siicevsiiil iiroeiition ot
war: and I'eel'iKVaiarni litinr ns'to the ex- ! malcontents, of whhli these journal
peieiiture it inns; involve, or as to
this rale. One Ju.l.o
Apostles did r.ot ro
in Christianity. A U iv
da: in,' eir P volution
lioso ! the organs, are hardly imuierons enonjh ie
M;ir;iig steps, seemingly of the pP ., ,.SlV,t:on to
cxese so ol absolute nulnoiVA, ti ue u t ie ,, . ,
, ? .. .. . I amon.r the twilve
Adui.u.M ration univ be forced trotn time to i
time to take. While doubtless, all possi- j ll1'-' " reaction'
ble eeo'.ioniv will be observed, it is iin-ei- ! B 'iiedlct Arnolds
rent that no consideration of that kind can ; ary war, did not caue the colonic; to "re
be permitted for a moment to modify the j n.t .,. n..hl si,mit to the rale o! Ma :
pol.ry tlie.t h.u lieen resolved upon. !,en . ,
tiie. i. o: t:ie pitient is coiiiesseiiiv at
laud. The fact is'y beyond ipi-Mlon
stake, it would be as unwise ns it would be j tll:" 0,;1' T V'" ' unanimous in i:pport-
to diseasj the question of the h'g the government in its .-.tru Tglo with this
p.iysi. ia:
1) si i.s, a
fee bei'ire summoning him to the
now realiz.' that vste:n
of arum,
could est
worth of
::c Ins yet to be invented which
mate in dollar and cents the
our invitations. This terrible
eiiier.'eiicy, witii ah its dangers and dalles,
grand cousp;raey; and thoiigh some peo; !e
take the war as eh l.kvri do phys'c, as u
disagrecaM1 necessity, nil are in favor of
its vigorous pro: 'c;::io:i. The oiiiv " re
action" they desire is ano'.kir r.e'.ion wllh
the rebels, with a di.'i'erer.t result from il. .'.
of Hull r.Ti, and they will have this ia
was ioreseen by iounaers of our dov-;
irn.'.ient. an.l be t!io5. v!ui sniise.m i.tK-
a.lniiui.stered it. 'and it must make laws b'r Met. h Ihu.'s good t :: .
itself. The (.iotrcrnnKtit been like a The o'j-et of the.
st'cj swin;::i r, sadd'-i,!v precrpi:ated into .. co on a iva.; on
1 '0. .V - I. .... I '
ii;c mm, a:: i luve i.i.u ,-.ncuer i; u.'.s c.:;- .-!.. ... I
hesitatingly and most ju.-tlliubly s i '..d
uoo:i anv an 1 everv iastriii'.ientalltv. with
which it'co-jl.l Pii'o.hie the treacle .wn cur- j dichkd to vln-li
rents and wares by wT.ieh It has found j on'y reaction he
ksl,; .Ail tnat was lrregr.::.
"r illegal i:i the notion of the IVesM. nt lis
I imi f ii'v approh;.: . bv Coa.-iv-i en tl;
Sneed is not the treat thing. It is hardly
an Item in buying a horse; 1 mean it r
markable llectness is not desirable. Who
cares wneiiier ii;s norse wni trot a mile in
three minutes or in six minutes? Most
men prefer the latter, for what is gained in
the speed of n horse is lost in power. W
use two ct.issi.s of l.nrsc.s teamsters und
road.-tirs and we want both to combine
power with speed.
We regard the reo-e-eonrse as a loss, so
far as any good to the community is con
cennd lis length makes it uniio, sible for
t' to see !.ow tuig-jv or carriage horses
llioyo, or how eipie.striaus ride, l'or these
puroi.- s the ins.,1 tirc larue
cnoiigh, when Well cleared.
The r.n eoui'se o-ilivily encourages the
vie s of bt :;ing and gambling, of protanltv
mid i le iiess. i:..ys le irii to love nnd fro
.plellt sneli place :, nn 1 to be rullli d there
lv. We I., pe ti:e State ty w 111 ciTer
l.o eio.'e trials of the spe-d .1' horses. The
Miel.l-an A-rleultur..! S.vl. tv 1 i.
clear v ai..J c m
ir.s:.r;ctlo:iarv on
broad a:i.l ineont. "..ible prhu-l) !.., that ;
laws and usiges of e.dmiuls'ration doigiu-l i t;1
to prej.rvj I'm t xi-itor.eo t,f the nation ! a -c:
shoiiM i:-'t I.e. s::;'.:d to beeo.,ie the in- '
stniiiKiits i fit; .1. it,.
in v, oa,
North to rv.
Th:.t Is v.!;..t t
V : i'.
i .y an
its ;.li : I:y,
.leh weiihl'l
u i'i i e! ;::!. i
the :
in t..; ra
the V e l, i
leei.dh.rv 1
1. -it
li-e.. i :
arc t.. !
! 1 el
. ly ch ar ci tl. race eeui'se, we
The f..i. in 11 .-! i-,! kept
.!. 1. t o ;r S- eh 'y ni oli! un.l
' it. Aiih.n: :h at tir.-t in. ;re.;t
1 . we .-!..'! -o. ;, tN; nee nil
i. a -a;
, e to s .. Ii., ;
- s in Oe g
i.ials I. r the !' .
1 IV
1 1.
ill V tr
! I. tl
' of the
a. Tin e are ih
:a an 1 tic c::iTlit:.r
t ni'e ;h . i : i . ! hi i :!
' i. wi; 'u von me : i,i u.if.h
ray tnose ntrei-ie.,:; ."spirators, win1, at
tiie lo 1 1 o( armies, aiij through wo;s
utter.iblc, are seeking the ruin of our c o;u
mo:i rvu.try, ren;e:nher that since the
s-vord ;l:-:i'i ...i.r the of Ihir.uii.e
U'.'.il n.'i-.v, it has been drawn in n hoi!.;-ci'i-e
than that ia which yo.i are r- .ig-.d.
T.. member too, the ui.iiii):..; whose
nr.; Lr.nkl:: g under the aiigu'-h (.f this t r
riiiie crime, an ! tlien srr'he !,.,; i;v sirll.e
in the po'.v -r of !r;::.'i r.:i 1 d nr. strike witii
a br.i. d and n sho'i', v- II as nnd that v inr
bioivs will f.dl upon ingr.itcs, nnd traitor
p-iniehh s, wiio--e :i-t I'm- power won! 1
m ..!;? t.iis bri.'.t laud on va t il;o:he.,
rit.ier tliuu Le bilked of their guilty aim-,
nn 1 m iy tho (io.l oi'vcmr fathers iri've von
"Wh u v.-e I, I; to that se -12 of
cir.:a; all :T .v 1 u'tli t ; of
pi'.rhnic men who ( eirted f. r tie
Ives, that th nr '-.inntry m'.-l.t :Vti n.. j
then look upon th-li..::i. s wiiieli their fail
has rendered d.-dat for,e r, wo rc:.H.:e
wiiat I think the leee.ihir he.irt ill iti I jr-
! .c.
uie u.. le
CO'.:;,: (,;" the ill'.,
1'air .Vea-
ii we
; Mt
. xhih
-the mi
this r-.
a nf il..-
bea-anee has never i jinpr. hen h- !
rpeakable and helli-li airocity f.f
b.'ll.on. Jt i a pvrfe.-.-t ; itarii.dl
lU' pissiim, J-'.oi.i lh" r 11-.; d v
ters of J) .11 i:.;n, nnd I,m:h the goev ,1
of .Maneiss js, there is imtv gwiig n. an :
p-al to (;! in. 1 t i va'M'mih off -.a-ir.'
ir. .:i e.g'ii;i-t tho-e fiend.-, in h:i:rn:i'
wiio, (!r;::.h n n-i h the ..r.'h-j .f un i.,'
!,.:! r.!ll'jlt:-):i. lire lllhug to it, hrh:i ih: r
of r. !i:it 'o-.'.s -ic r o ,-. V.,'o, vvo , I .
to; tra'turs a!., n this nj.;, -1 '.'
we s::;.,,
' pilots ai-
! in tl u
' ty d p n
la'.l e-n:
.e:r j".,'.n
jii.V.r th
! -round i
! it v.
: I .v.- O.i.- sir..;, t'
i",.il. ;. r tl. in !.. ', e-i a
VU ..fa lar.v i.:im:..r
th it the (.M. .:, !
uicee. ded, there v. II be much I .1
y in r.;:i-liig a g.-.i r .l l:,!er- in ti.
!' -i' ! in the con.
r 1 y y ,.r uar iii.m:.
hi ;:.! and in
u ; r :r '-. . s wl i ',
- i -"e i
; ;!.; . th ,t i. wo::
1 'le, it as iv. II r s
-. r- 'i if : : a i
', ii I., ::! '." then c. u, a
Lot V IV en u::; .:.'- ; l , ,
ci on, o.i: ear iii .: r. i.
ill a -r-:il d e.r- -. i ;, ti, -
,.e t..-,t y.
ns v ni ;::),
j -c .-!.;:; ce, u-.:ii all i:
shi'.iii. 1 u.r. i,;' r.;i
'.'.'c; s, t r cf d -in.' a
d -ieg ;.t ah, ; i - -. I . . s
I l.. i I.. :
! ie.M- t' e
!...- I
w-eih! ii.i; -I-.
f::l r.. k ;
th 111. il e;
th - 4,r..,i..d.
e-:.e ov. !
i "i.; .'. v. a
-ct, s'l :,.-, 1 e:v
1 in. l.i::r,g en-,
i to I.-1. ts that
I cat::-. T o v
' ii vi r 11 1- ;i
?. We do le-t
:l I'..'! i I ....! 1 M. I , .,
. s r.v in,., mu d to t!,..
Details of Eastern New
Wasiiimiios', Sept. ID. Correspondent
of the X. Y. HiiuU kiivh tlen. iMcl'lellan
and several of his stall" this i u , wont to
examine our earth works, garrisoned by a
portion of Mranklin's coiniiiaiiil. While
reiowing the enemy's position, (Ion. Me
Clellau discovered ftOO or 000 of the oiiriny
npproachiujf two miles distant, llu hn
incdiately ordered several rillo cannun
plaeed in position, and sent hiseoinpliiiients
to the rebels in the hhnpo of a -0 pound
shell, which exploded in their midst, pro
ducing the wildest (onfiision. Tim whole
force- was seen to scatter and lly, nnd (hero
is no doubt it large number were killed.
They did not return the lire.
(ion MeOlellan after disposing of this
lorco of rebels, directed Ins attention to a
now lull lory recently thrown up by llio en
emy it short distance south of Munson's Hill,
known us Mason's Hill, lie threw sev
eral shot and shell in their winks, causing
llio hands lo knock olT. They were surprised
by this sudden opening of our butteries on
theirs, as they disappeared and did not re
turn the lire", lien. Mol'lellau returned
to the oily nt i' o'clock hist night. A de
serter ficin the rebel camp nt Munson's
Hill, reported to (Ion. McClellnn s.i s
lieauregiird mid Johnson were both nt
Munson's I Ml yesterday nnd made a thor
onoji loconnoisaueo of our position, lie
stnti s tin rn are only l.OllO soldiers at
Munson's Hill, and the miiii cf the
trooi s are at Panl'iix and Contort i I It, that
lefl". l'avis was at these points on Tuesday
and l viewed l!ie troops, lie saw left'.
I'.iusnt Munson's II. II yesterday oxuiii
niiiig our works with a glass, lie says
they were daily expecting an attack f rum
our lorecs suvslio neur heard tin. iaten-
Latest flout tho Cast
Yin K., Oct. 10 A. m. Pony arrived at
Ihihy Valley at 10 o'clock yesterday mor
ning, willi St. Joseph diiteo to Sept. L'lth,
(heat activity is reported to prevail in
Southwestern Missouri in military move
monls, preparatory to an attack on llio
rebels on Lexington. A decisive blow
will bo struck within a week.
McCiilloch and Price are said In bo in
n trap. It is thought tho nbils will not
bo able Id hold Lexington.
A rebel scout from Lexington, enplured
neur .Ii lYerson Oily, was to bo shut.
Suit. 'Joth, McCulloeli was reported
to be inarching rapidly, Id effect it junction
with Price. Ho is, near Lexington, willi
a force reported at '.0,000 men, will sup
plied with artillery.
The loss, on .Mulligan's side was IfiO, on
the rebel side 'J00.
lnlerceplid letters, written by secisslon
ist members of '.ho Maryland Legislature,
show that traitor iniliibeis of that body
formed an i hiborate scheme lor tho passage
of a secession ordinance, and an attempt
to inaugurate rebellion in that State against
the liovernimiit Summary measures alone
have saved the State from citil war.
It is estimated that (ion. Patterson's
campaign in Virginia ce t tho (int i riiiiu nt
1 0,000,000. The result was only the
capture (if twenty fugitive slaves, all of
whom Mere sent to their in.isl. ts
Sr. Josi i ii, S. pl. (ion. Lane's
JVEIV irini v
II. II . Dun, lufi eu., Hon J',
tho lultowlng lulo .uli,.,ion, , III
n- Lift of (;,,,. Whji,u s(B i .
Mmixiirlil, J -y K,
Thin U woik f MiO nifli ,n
c.iai.trB liLipuhby of ln 1 I .', f"" '"J
'I ho uiillmr Ii.;...,, ,u . -n r .
Inn uf (
tion exprissed by the ribclscl uieking
itt.icl; un our forces.
Lot isi ii i r, Sept '.'1 -Cm. Ander-on
ins issiud a proclamation to keiitiic,inii
ii1 says; "I hilled by the 1 nro i.f
ixentncl.y, my native State, I hereby ns
sumo comiiliiu l ot this iteiiaitlie lit. 1 come
to i n force and not to 1:1 1 h law s, and ( iod
wiiliu' to protect vour prooirtv in.d ..;ir
Ives." Ie begs eitu. 1, i:iu. to " ri.'iV
iiremd ih" I! ir oir f .th is l.iv, d mil leis
toll so Ion ' I call v. Ml to nrim. lor s-lf
eiieo, ill d for the pioteet on of ail
s ii ar iii lie. men. lit im irn l M ti.i.l
e.d do our duty ns did our fall., r. "
I'. : i i.r A Mo i
P.r'.r ti. n . I S A
The proelam il'on of (i -n. I'ei. km r, ('.
I A , is j'lst leoeind lies vi the L-gls
itiire ol K. Mil. kv has I een ( i.ihl,.- , i
h" will ..I the -,,.;.!... Th. v hat.- n,.!,.i-..
:. d to ii. il cur u-.ll i lit Slate it f...-;r.-
an 1 command surprised a superior force of rib
j i Is ut Pippiuist ille, Mo,,
takmg all their tents, Ac , and 100 pris
oners. A force from I'l. Scott d a
bo ly of r. In Is, k Ihng their,
Valium, nn w InKe body was found nn or
.1. r from P. u "Met'ull.i h for the enroll
en i.l of Indian.
W I ; IIIM.I'OV, S' pt .'l
n',rr OiHmnibnnl,, ' '
si i ... w...k i. wen uriril uf
li.l.e.1 wild un.,,. a.,, i.K,nvii,K.. i"'ll.
The C.IMI.I4. Bf (, , .
AfUO, ,. (.,,,, by Mnry L f I "III
'"""' '"8-1 KrLZl.
PWi niinJuf riuriT ,;! 1 '"Ob,
f .linnoOc,,,,,,,,,!,,, ., nff
vr,,rr ..Ul. b,.ll..i.U.. u ,.
rvnal. glv. M U(). lt ioit, l,,"'"
SirgtiU'iOriKinulViulogut,, .v. ,'
fiiinily i.irM.liilli.n: ,y .:)J 8 w
.( Il'ellll lii.k uf vnr 31)1) ,ua, ' '" ,
'-jf-f v
y 'it i-'.u.. 11.1,1 ,i
llln rel.l. lo Willi ll,rr,,l , .
'l'l",l'"V'W.llk..-ll11llf j ,
-'"" ' si, inii,!.,,'
ii M..u..,f,Ac, H.i, VuM.
7'j:""n" '" ny. .'Pi,,,,,,,,,;;;
.Mr. r.i'inaii; "
Th Utttl.h VrrioaTrTl.
II.I III l."lli..n l4i,llrly Itn,. ( '.
ttuuili M.inllily, 1. 1 1. irrrnr.J ,rSU'ilty
In. lli.ilir, i,y ., ' ,M
IV rxerlli'liw kIioiiI.I l.n W ll,ul , '"'
1 ". " I'"''" r' "if ruin, .I,,,,,,,,,, of it fl j
my mill .! i-i.lilie iiiiml. uf (;,, ,(;t; '"'
m.w VDi.i ,M.:,S
l'f III.- fi.ur Itioiom nn. I ari.-,.
Jail, I Ml I. ,IJr-no"J.'om,nrl,o,
tint 11 11 j . mi
lit scleral
I ! is i pcct
I oliils i.iin
111 t !.:. .1. il'i I ." t !ie
d fore, s of th I'n t -d Si it -s mi
seen: . ly pr p,,r. to i.b:. -e.t'- the p- op!,.
K-!i!:i. hy in.. I .'.... r.i St .tv lie'
I return i;:.en..r the -i: .: n, of K. 1 : ; 1 1 .
lit the I:, .id o. .1 f..r.V. I'i .1 ll . lic ..; it !,
1- e or. n r, 1 nr., 1 : v ,, K -ntu, I,
11 ot cone- In iim' . tti,v 1.. 1 1 n.
of le e.'l ii IV, tin
. r-,
Mr II II li.,
s. 11 .u v j 1
Th. ! : i.
th - ;
.it-i.ii nt l. nr.. -Tr.
' i- (: m Hi-' T .
:-; I .d in the S i,.,;,.,
! t:.- I i.i. :: li
I 1
. , IV
to th
a w
: l ..f
;' .r;
t )
tt 1!! -coll be made
nil in. in ly.
IIu-m II, in .mo th. r I- I'. r to the I.01..I011
Tain s, .s.ii- ih .t tii-n MeCMhui is fi'l
i'nprot in, and is iiotv tlmi .ni.thly itm -t r
I.f I. S I , ..liuil.
It is r polled that leid lie
ei p!. d 11 n ion; oil in l'f P . S A I mt
I'lltM.1 1 M. S. J. 1 Tee Lvi-1 ilure
' I -e l II b II lllltlioli.'. 'I ; the M I
i.t lo I ..l lie.v i'i. I OH. I 1 0
..ry I'e
in 10' li
lll-.y b.' 1,'s op ii'i-iH. I
I , we il '
1. 1 1 1 ' . 1 1 r
r.'i. it i!i-
11. . :'! in ii,.; ot oi '. r
of ( '.e!-i! r 'e Ir 1 ! s to r l.i e
s. il I.f I'.elll'n kt ".'I the ,!,.. 1 iv i ' lias
which :- v. ::: 1 tl 1 r 1.1 1.:, I r
.'t-' li.v nun :i--iii 11, I'i it the I'.-ree 101
r 1, if 1 ovmi 11. I w il be 11- ., ns n .1 lo llvi
1 1 ,,vi rn tn -i t o! K ril'n t. y in oirriiv' in'
I .llll.
ti"!l to t' 11.' ' ei tl II t d M..V Jl'h,
lo I i' pi ,j : . .1 I tn the ih :'. e-e ,,f t),,
St lie.
'lie' I'm r..l i r.:a le nil ndt on P.. in
' V and il:-..v.- the rie 11 y, .'.o I 'lie-, vnt
ol .M-1 haii 1 -! ni i -i tie J 1 . 1:, luitaiii .:i.'
0:1 ille I -to: nv I I lie t. .ii 11, 1 .n: 1, thr ) 1,1
ley, I foil ..rot. r, li.finli v nnd c it .ill v, to
r. !r to the m. mi. I. iii s wild (f.e-ti fie
Tinm :
I or n 11 y i.nx uf r f,,ilf ;, , ;,
I in nu 1.1,1 of in,, , ;rVn ,
,,r inn llifro of . ii.ur ;,.v rH,
I it nil Ivnr ni ll. I;, 1 ,.w t
1 ,1 11. .1. 1. .111, .,: ll.i,;. .mi- , ,,
I r IH.11 k .,, , mi, I ku . (mir(V
tor lll.ii Kii,.,l un.l I., 11 I:, 1 , w,
I "I ll'.i, li.lo-. l lili, I Hn, 11 i,, ,
I -.r I... 1, !iii.,l un.l llm f-.ur ;
I 'l I I nivi. il
1 r nnr
? :i n
.... it l,il
. T rn
... M lv
. .1 1,1
; i -i
1. u .
rn m' ii-ni i;,,
i- ,l,l r . U ul rJ 0
II 0.
it .r . I lieu nt, u
I "HI e.,'f. if n., t.
t el !- .ml I.,,., ,
" 0" fur l;.,.-.
t'.i- ,. I, . n m,,' 1 'linn;
. .- I . i-r 1 f iitM I r i ir iv,
,!, , .it ; ii.ur 1 - j .
n I I. .1 I .-, .I 1, 1 J: ii , 4,1,, 1 , ,M
J :., .. ,,:. !-.,,, u ,!,!; 1
I.l 1 1 - I'lli,.,, Ii r 1. I I i! till Si TT I i,
N" "l S!.,X,V4
N.,rii r-- I t..i j--r..v.n l.u ,,,),,
.1 .s't,.l!,, , t'r.tuf I :.( !., Ii.u.i, ,,, ,, y.
J .il l'uil.i'l . I: I 1,11, Ii i,f (I,, j,N (
.! l..,'n, II. I. 7, ,;. I t, ,, ; 1 f 1,
; ,', .111.1 .1. m 11 I, mi 11 ri, ai r:i,-. n 1 ,,.
' I .1 'I I I' I, .1 I II I, II, le. 1,1 l j ri, ,-:., ,
j '''"'I 1 1 1 1 r . , .t 1 1 lln n .t in Hrr l( ,
i l.n O, , .,, j, , t,, I ., . 'jm tw ,
I . 1 1 . ' 11 1 1, 1-, ,,,,,, , I, I n.r 11 at j .. '. 1
'' i 'l" in 1 j i ':.:.; , I". V, ! ii.-, .,j
N D si,-,,-,.i ,.. ,: .,.., M.. (
.lei I, llll ft ,l,e. Ill 1 ,..11 r in I. ,. ai .,. 4 I, ,
I!, . II K . Him ., 1 in e 11 1 ,1 .
W a-
r i.i,
' ::r M ,. :.!,
v'h'ch hat
I phj,i..hhi
ve t.
1 .1.1: t
a ee j
i L..! ::i! A
'.h ar- ;
o. Or-.- 'ii
ii-u, !,,,:.:
i -h,,i 1,'. ;
1 .
,t t) s.lV.
-, I.' t .V,
1. We hi
i t ) th : ii.
n:n :i ' tl
: ' i;r 1
r ,,
th .1 th,
: r.
1,1 t.,e
".-1 1,1
: 1 ml
- a .,;
V. 0 I.- llel
I ' :.-Mif.e
to II. a I
-I i!
11 0 1. ' ti
ll. '
,i- r
I 1 i..e 1 .:
hill. ,-!
-i'l 1 1. 1 th
a I. t i" (i iv. 1
V,'! 11...
:; r- W" h
e i I , ,1 , -
:. ' u ,' 1
lis Wild
I'I'e j .
li- r
t.. :
':: r 1
Who Ih'i-c 'ittr .tiioi r t
rasioieilly wo htnr in-lit
r . 1 t 1 -.... i 1 . iu i;e- iseiu k'llll I T.1 (11 .""."I, 1 11
1 -
Ioiiv;Iaj while livlie.-, d- tioir.jiii;; th" j -.
cut war a; nn Aholiti 1.1 c:-':-.j,h.' oejnii. I
tf.e n-l.ts of tie- hiitn, S; ,::,',,.( a:; I nv , ,;;,;,,; ,: V( ,,,,
caKeil for, mi 1 brought upon ti.o c-i:,I:y ; ,,f .ir y. ,r
lteeu:e.,,,y i.y IliC l.i.e i ilejmM.eai;.:. '',
sueli we cnmiii-:id tic: fo.'lo'.vin-.' f-xtr.ic!
fioi.l Doil.'.'his' (.'!iii::i;;c perch, in Mir
th" I.i.,t h; tv;r l:i..d-:
.1 '
Ti, ; w .r le ivs
l' ei of ih t.i. It 0
I : lie: (J ivifi.i.
llll!.. te
. II it I
I i. .-'
V, IV I,
'"I I I',
, V II
iii I
n ' 'a
.1 i.h
a t t ,
i.i .
1. 1,
, t I
I . :
; we ii,"' 1
Tie- beiti" i.
1 1:
:. 10, I w. :,-; 1! ;,.
We ,1,11.1.1 1: !i l :,
as to,, r ;, , I 1 ,r. n,
w.iy cr a:..,:;,, r in
i S of li e 10. 1., In ;
r.''-re ih a i:.e, -1 :,
eon 'i'ii':,i:i," 1
'.in: nt , c -ni" to
"-ll t-iljl " I IH 1.14 1
' -,,,!, lie- in ti,,-
11 I: " p, ie,!e ,, ,.-,
c e li I IViIel tilill-
to die ( !il r
, i oln lie , ,
; on the tin
I. .11 1 f. r th :
I'll.t'iV. tin
.1 ' I 1
n Ih r.
I wh
li le)
r r
' it
.,f :0..
the I, ,
bv th:
I.. :. .-i'i'
1 mi- - ' t 1
pi- lee,
tor. 1:
rlet ii- n' 'i
'I'T th, V II
1. :i -.'i.- .t
Ml bv l!., ,
1.0 I ) I I, .ei
Pi . i. 1 :i
' I i ' II , ( ' S
i.i-l I.r i.mi.ti ri tt oui.d
. thl' I, 11, d an,! I, 11 tu,i;,i!i
Wa :i!s..;,.s
w ho w as nl ( i.
'all h is ihi-.i
si'i.m, k'lli.i - 1.
T.-l.till. of Ih"
, . I t '.'I li. n 11
.1' V- mi! i n, t . 1 1
11 the r. I- U !i,,-n ti,
-inly !(: uf t' .1
I'l 'l I el .11: l ;..
Was -
r- b 1,
to i;s.
niili :
I t
M'V 1.:
r p..
Ih-It- ai ihr I air.
" iii i-f i ','. t en n o .01 ,
I ' II, .11 !,l,e l. I Ii hti' Ii i.,S in..
uf il,' r 11 .,k 'I I., -c .ult.i, 1 -I a n- ,, .,
or ,. iC'i 11. .,11 'I .i 1111 Ii r.'.u,,J ii,, 1.. ,
. 'r iri , , . tn.i l.nirv i.i 1,1 J. , -le. I.i
. ,1 ; ..1 .-l,.r ,' :, I ,,-if f l I,. 1 ;
..11 . ! Ci"'. ,,i prut. .1 .,! u u- k
II, 1 j 1. 1-iir t Cirri , riii'e ,i, ,;
'i-'li if ji-.s'i I 1,., 1 I ...
Il .
( 1 i. 1 r.ine uf 1;,
in hlary t, rt let s
:::, I tli" I'lik" .1
prola.bly i nt. r (i.
A r.b.l .1,-..-:
Me..-' :,', II . I,,i, .,.
II' ..ure.'.ird pii.ui'-'-, li,,
S ill' Il C.iMhli! I P.e'li:e:.t s l
V si... ,'11,
O t j',- r. 1
the I, I, 1 r of II,"
('.,,. t ,!. I'.,,:.
", one, TI..-V ;;!
M'CMI m's s( .il
ls jIHl co'iic i'l fnvll
Int.. t:,.il
Nor'h nnd
h s I.l v.
d lo I' i!ll I., a, re !,e
I p ;:.. f, d to p I
"Then; km never bi.-ijii a ihij ',
'1 :y that W.i-ulir.'lDii w.n j'1,.1
In'-.'. Pr .-.;.i".'it or tl.e ,. I 'liite, Mai, s,
Ih; rights of the .Mm.! 'cni ,U:l' i .-.lnod
lirui'.T Uich r tin: law s .,(' the hind th n, th-v
do now; tlii.rc n v r w.n u linn: t,l,en t i,.-V
hn 1 not us :; i.; a cini-o fup (j;..t;i.hii 1'..
tic y luvt; to ihiy!''
i iic Slav, iy lei -lio.i is a no re f.cii-..
7,o- .''e;,, J,. ,,ro ,'.- ,rr,. j,r,..
lie'.' T.'u; pi'.-,'::,! ire ;;, tii'iV :rr i,l i-
from t.,e d
ii- tli i i'.nr.'.
The pi, 'ni'iiii f,,r t!,,. I
fie:.:.:'- , in Or. j,.t v..i
I.r ') M I,
,r !:..t v ;;: -. w
I ' ! I ' lv .
" '..!. 1 1 : I I a', s 11 .til r: IVtlll lO' s
II' I I- .
- 11 e i' :i'ii 111,111 a j fit it-: s,,i,;,.,. r:,v
"fee ! :.", ll.-t (in,. MeCMhin, -,n I,
T. !..' 1 '.. ,h, , I, id I ,it.r,n ( ,
i'l ... .1 I . f
'I' .' ' " '' .'i''!i, .i tiittteii i'.i;,ii- r
i.l .Vei' l'i.'ii'Mi, n, nt an I in'irW.t.h
1'. ni:'! I,. .: tie , il'i-.' I.,-
til" re - ,t lit mi e..,f ,,', f',?,,(',-e7 f,
1 I i,.om i.'itri 11 1; ar :.l ,rr; fo.ur , ,'y j
I 'mi' is 0, tue. ,-,0,1'Ji' ru (.'.,n!r,l, r.iey i,,.,,
Ih 111 a Itvelve luo.ilh iio!'1
Tnooi'S Ohio n: n Y.K.'t Tl.e K-uhn-troops
in C-il.T.jrnhi havi. been or,,.ri.,
K i-i, (".(.'e,t four r.onip-iiili.M of artillery,
tvhiel, will garr.'soii th'! forts; at Shu, Pi-.n,.
'he). Tin; troojti I't V. 1st ii. elinh; Ihe
4:!i, (iih, aiel f"h IIi.v'imciits of inftiitry,
the I.-t JLe;,'iiueit of (.'avitlry, (Hid llu..
o I artillery. Their places will ho liileij by
the volunteer.-) already minted nnd to m.
Ihe Brooklyn Union Perry Company
last year carried on their bontn nearly a
OQU.OOfJ-i.oMei.K-M. All the fciTi.K run
1111W fioin Ihn city carried in the neighbor
liood of 40,000,000.
The ycurly expenw to U,,. VnHa
Stutcs of tnuispoiliit tho nmih in the
South 1ms exceeded the yearly iiieo((.
from that sourer; Ity over fi,000',000.
1.1 1, in
t Ih:
A. W. Pyi,, r
'in; lih I on ; of
r I 'O- s, nil.; 10 -, ' ii;,i pro' It
m.e or I he le trver 1:1 ide. J. W. L- v.i-,
..r . ... .1.1 .
,,. Ti", nn 1 i.e. . 11 y iiri r ,,11 'h.ii 1 ,,. ,, .r, l(
one I.n.l li M'ore l.a. stood II," t-t of pi'. : tot' n I,.' tipp 1," i.t 1,1
I'm htriete-t t,'i:,. J,. ,,, .,.r .lV, f,,, p
1 i. 1.1 1," . . n
.') I.t I .: . :'l,l-',li) ,, f - . ,,. , ,,(
t ." I I ' ' .'.
f r,
1 1 !.'. i :.': i.r, vii'nt'.j'i nnd
l,"' o(,; in' :;oi:in' f ar 1 ti it!
(I. -i
y r 1111,1, anv
i' :.' i.t, 111, 1 l,r '.,.", ii i t!,,. (.;!.. 1 ,j,
'.'("er t'il,!"l'i!,,n;e.mi, th.iit.tii,
niel pron,; ;t- :,). 1 ff. 1 t.v."i, 111 nt.y fu
t'.i'i i r.' -ci t!.t , ,y , .,,!, ,,!,,.
"' ' '" O.'l.iV. In., ril' UU of
i.rit:, j.r.p.t .i.o.'.m. in-,, iv,,,!,,:!,' ,,,,t f.tll
...I'l it 4
1"' .'-o.l,i::o ; ,t :. I,.,;, !,,.,, .;v.
' " ''' I' V.hieh I ill lb, e, I, inn ,,,)Wi
but will (.,:, I :,y ,,!,;;,. j,,,,r, I,,'
r' h'd upon, coin ii ;m i!,, y ,),, (,,n
iv ho .i.o..H !!. of l,, f j r;,.,. ry,;,
.I'l'trnuf, Si ji l
. ...",; 'n :U TAXAtlOt. - Th"
B'alil ol Coin.ljr (.'i,iiiti)l ii,:,in , ve
1... :...i ii... r. u.... :........ , ..
i' ii'.'i nv: ciiinniii;; rill'H 01 t:i,V'1 Inf l.'l'.'
en iiiii V'-ir;
or i ' ,.. 'f... v. -.. ii . . .1 ii
f,,r I,, . . . I ' "'i.i.J JH.l- .llll" IIIIIH OH lilt! Il, li
.Moduli lior.rn are not rcconi, , ah Ihnr. ,,,l ,,..ii t,.v ,.r i. -t...
'' " I "I "Il'i 11.11 III.
in!.' ii L t', h': n:i hand ;,t tin uv.-.t ;.,),.
I a.r to eompi t: fi,r ihe prciiii ,in.
The l.etv I...1 budding nt (.' n, n::,h I,y
Opt. Lamhrit, v.- in,.! r Int.. I will I,,,
launched m '.t vt,.., U. Sh" i i it,o i,,',e, (,
Ih" ViMtihdl Ir.ide, n:,, ia hij'l f.,r i,i.,
o.t li' r.-i of tie; late Cliiiloii. I
LJ'Tln A' iMyt X thrre
wt.K ii;.-.,t;.f:iei;:i u. the pir f.,r n. r,n.
Mill that liic j i lt H (h eld, d that lh"r"
were no thorough hp d .r,i -, s in the Stale.
Only t.tu) I,.,;.,. w,,s ,.t,.r,,, n, j1(r(J,u,.
I.i-. ii I' ,i,i t t. n .
1 1 if ' ii liiiown Hint i
in the Jhiht-n, Stali-H i!. l;, k
i bred.
(h.:i. & lit.M.ii, (Jen, Mellon (.'II, in bin
ofiieial report of tuo Bull Bun .ii;;ri;;i.ii,i'iiti
int-Iti'les Bii'udii r fJeimral Seliiiuk, rom-
inaiidin tin; SecoinI Bri;'niij of Tyler' iii
vision, in a li ,t of oflicon wli-i, " in tho places their duty calhil them, th,J
inn. i iii'.,,.i;,-,, ..,,,:.,, I I .l I 1 .1 I .
s.vii.nv u, ,:, , ino i-ht, propoi'ii to t omtnr net) wrilimr
most (jalltuit" 1 fi,,0., i() ...i, ,. Mf)11(ln
Sliiti. Ta Two inilU on tl,o dollar.
.S"lini,l Tti.v f ln mill on thr. dollar.
Ilo pilnl Tax Two llolliirt on t ar Ii poll.
Tin; Coiinly tax i.H oho mill k n tlnui lit-1
Wiiiiiso Si ii'ioi, Our yoiinj ftir inl
W III. ti. U'ltit", ItlitHO prr iini of lull
inaii hip took the premium al Ihe to Stuli;
i. I' a. o , leitc I,, en
II b t i n i, i,- n.i n and i;,,' r. I ' i h I,
w le n it was ii it.-r. d tie I I'," ,t-
b r I. I'.ii.' d to I'.e Hud I! ehmntid i-iivaln
nl.., tt'iv itii'.io i, 1 1 i -h.u, " i: , !,ni',ii' i
P'p, t . f..r tl," h ,,'hi, ; Pi.;,, i j, '.ri...!., but oh k. t , d' l llit. d.
'..:.'!., S'pt JI -A tklrillhh t .l. phiee
le teld.iy blhc.f I'l, it llol', lutwei-ll ('.,.
't:ijf 1 ofth.- loth B'iui. nt, and n tin.ill
II tV of , l,l-h Th'-reb-ll IL r" l- hill' .1
ittnl l. t.k bet aid, M.nfi hi C.i.,
Me A Ih u of ('vnpiny I w.i, !,,;!. t'y wouu
ih d.
Hit ,n lit UnlMwIu.
Wlilll lMl, V.t, All'l t 'J') Tl e Cim
Velilio.l,, p.t.iil tl. onliiiHi.e
en alni; a 1,1 IV Sl.l'e, . porti i by tin..
Illtlllilli I! Oil III.' Mill, toil uf "
ft I'
1,1- .1,1,1
' , f I. .11.
It". i'l
' Il ,; ..
I -1 n !
. " a ii Iii e ,i. ,1,1,-, , ui.,f u ll,i , , !,,,, in i ,,f
''i. l I I 1 I 11,. I'.ll. !e I, riil'Mi'.-.,' I emi'f ill. I, ,11
It I v, .hi I ll,,- iVm-r liii',!t,r,. nl in it 1 ii
1 1. i'i. . 1,1 .i.l) , le II li il i .; e f, . le r- l!." ' i I -I
j ,' il .a M. ..... I;.,-! a I'l'.U.- ,.. ,',,.i .,
j!i,-t h .1, h n
.1 l-eenl ,' lie , ,iu I hi ll, ft iinr ili ;,.nlni, ii',
4 II ,'.:l-i l.ll'tl ,11 ,i,! I ,,' . 1,1 ll sl.r.e!,. 1 m.,
.1 liei- "j,.'. ,ni ii nf i i,i,i .ii, .1, i, r ., ,l i in, e i, 0..
li. en, hli I -li i.i,-, rv il i,,,i,., i.f I i.(i m i
III I .... -' It tin i -i ul., .1 ieii.; i'.r
. i .1,' I i, a f ,1.. ) .1.1 li lie llu .11, r i;r . V , 1,1
M'i It ii.i.iM,', vi I'm. 'hi I, ani il,,. b.,;,.,.. i,f ,,
I .i v. i I, ii, by tin A. I.. t'..ii, i,f H i j -n
I , H"l" I t eO Ihlifia All rilil.l',1 l.'IP I ,,r
i'.i I, j, 1 1 ul iv; ,f, ,!, Ii ,r. nr i,f I,,
' li- I, n. r.l I ui i'!r, ... lli tjn rn nl .Ne
iiui irn ii, mi r I,, .i, mi I n in nr I I, ' ,.ji, biiilif.
mil I, tl ! ii" ri.,,r,l iiiuiiii I, :tn r.,iil.i!l,
i if 1. 1- -I, nil, I Irrw n ii - f .ci, in ,,u at ) nibrr
I. 'Ir- vl.j.-. I l,f I '.,!,.':., n 'I ', i .li 1 1 1 ' Ml -
ll, II lriii ill" I l ' f'.l I,. I , '.! , , ('. ..,!j, i,
f ll. e,.l ( I V.
A lili" I'lCelH l of mini I.i1 ,, ;,l ,!i.;;i, ,i mi I nlni.
Ilvie i ill .i . iuiri,, br ml, f, , , ,r,
-':rf, ,ili in ,'t 1.-4 i.f nr'i,'4- .if tiii',. i.r tiw,
ii , i,,.ii in' r (i ! , r t j ...ei, ii iii liii ilriir:i,init,
la ll. i I it,- n't i.f li lie !i, w.iil!, I n riliy inn. b ri,,rn
'Ii.iii my l ilt" nml , i, I ." n v . , i.' Il.n (in- urn,
Plitl Imili , lull, -tr of ll'c VH'1,1 P.rr,.:, n il III fu ll
I r-'f i ion llirnn'l, llm in-ieu. ! inrli,n ,,' -
: U.r
,,. Ii I.l I 0,r M le, t ,' r
i I r I, . nt :li ,., 1. 1 I '. 1 1.--1 ,i I u s,
il.i- I ,1, i,l L-l ii Hi tt 1 1 Ii I,.,.
ehi- 4 i .in I I i'j
Ml I. I,.. II
': -v.l.
' . Ill, , X
lo ll'li , t
.1 .M ll.. .
z. o. o. r.
- 1...M.
( r.
.1 llu
, II .T R- 'I
M. J .'...I .n M.V .
i-1 1- ,1 iv; ie r i. ii ii i. k I',:.
, , il la 4J ". I t'ut, lie J ,.r Hi. fi
) f lllM.MisllS, , i,
! .'.r'y. :i
rXultncmali Z,odb'o Wo. 1,
.t I ' ,V ,1 l , l.,i,l n tl i Vi ,111:1,1' ,' r-
"i .it .M.i-i.ii i- 1 1 i'i ii, .vi -i',
I-i. e, i,,i, ii, I .t,.,,ii in mrti in . :
r.irll, ten iii ih ,1 .-.,itn:,i- ' m,- i,n ,l., t ) ....
.). M , I. II b, tt M
J M. Hi, Sr. 'y. 11
t ,,' ' 'I lir I.i l , ;! ir I'.rrt.uj 'Jt it I .
S.,1.11 lay nnrie", I le, I .'.
I'Iiii.iii. r r. i, nv.1,,1. ii i il.ii'.n. f.iil.1,.11 t,.t' nt
.-li.iie, in s iiiiii 11,11, ny a toie i,I .i'l lo .". buiir
lli" conn
Tl": l.'i'ilel'.iy, n i li."d, bu hl
I eo ,'i;'iit, Wyoiiiiliir, B il. i. li, Ihtyette,
Mehohii, ' W. l.'t. r, B,nlo!j.ii, Tin ker,
Pn-toii, Moii.niiili.i, Marion, 'J'avh.r,
B.ilbniir, IInVil-Oii, I,rviin, BiaMon, Cluy,'
K'Uiiiithii, Boi,iii.( Wityne, Cob, II, 'u.
iiiiii, M i on, Jin Ii nn, Cnlhoiiii, Wilt,
li bif T, B, Wood, I'h n ilil, 'JMi r,'
Ho'lr.d.., Wil.-ll, Mai -hall, (,
liroohi. it 1 1 , 1 1 1,1111'in I,,
A provieiou tins iiiei,ipi,r,f, d iiirniil-
I, n;; i'i rtinii ie IjOiii.ii;; counti' t to coino m
if ll.' y e,lrnl, by lie: cxjnr ssimi f i,
lii'ijonly, lo rlo no. Tin, firdiuiiiir ri nP,,
provided fur llio i Irn: lion t,f lb leinles lo a
eotiveiilioii to f.,1111 a coiolitulioii. At llm
win! Iiui", tin. i'u siluii " fur a new Stiile,"'
"h.lll b'! fill, until d to the peripl,. within llm
pro..,n Itoiiiiiliuy ll,i. ilu lion In I,,, M.I,
on tin; '.Mill of Oeluber l,el. ''; inn,,,,
of liic now iSliili! in lo bo Kiiiiiiwlm. 'J ,
ii'iuoit Imriiio-iy jinvnileil. 'J'ho Coiitfii-
lion mil inljoiiiii to inoirow.
I'"'''"''" Tin! fleiiiin-r Wifir wbli-l,
nihil yi-lrriliiy rvt-iiinir fr Sn pri,.
1' took nn freight llm fidlowin; mO I
boxoHitp!,!,,, :Mfki Hour, III.', fk bacon,
VI l'IKi'1 lo, lli tolll leullior, f) m, ,
OOI, M hill kllL'I'H l.llller. fast! flllM KM.
"i llur.l, l.'j t,UfVi PI libit ( (it., .'! ,,H
IlllloW, f-.J tilH ih, , I) t'Ori,H I hi, k( I.H, )()()
loin military htori ", nnd ,orM, fn j
S. 'iiarlcniiiihicr ut SJiui Fruii'lieo -.Ore'
r, ,tr , i vr, fruit, jrlli,, in (jliiw j in limiting
IIIIII, riisrly , ni,i . lom, I'liiiiiiii.i, mi, ('r,,.!,
llin i,! 1 (,'inl Ii -urn nt l lniirrii, I'rinl mi l Imuiii, nil
h j,,-. nl'-'l, mill till drilling; Mitislimliiil Iriliitiuny
In llu I.i-'r mill llilliik'.ty of 1 1 , r) llira mill HOtnrll bf
t Orj'iill.
'i-i i i .. r . , .
, ni. il -,e.y i, uiiiim hill I i, I ri 1 1 I . 1 , , I I nil
.'iii. ie, I Ii f bi,in mnl liliilr iiiioiiif.n lum,
.n.vr I i rim In vrly Ibul of Kih,1 f,oi,, rr.,1,11,
lli" n liiiicii;r r,f liitmr mvuii; in f Ii nry, mi l ll,i.
ili'iiiiiiirnl, mi I -nil iiiorn, llm lit,,, ili ji'.iy ri li,i-
iinvr.i i.,en, ni.iiriiin , i, r,n orriiliul rlriin iil
f Sum ill nml .iie.eiily fr our i rnn lrj', mn wrll
In , I...1 ndrr by lb m bu linvn Hum tliinga in
i Iiiiii;.
T.ikni,; in!., ronaiib rili..a lb ili-u, viinlnix'K,
nml llnil linn w nut firnt nllr mpt at Hull. If .ny lm rnllnl mi minimi niieermi, mnl
Mill I'it mi nl,li.i rin, ulna lunll ilMn nbulmvii
n In in nn.K" ir,,j;rr In in ri ff Itt
ilirrcin,,,. OncRNvcR.
CiT 'i' n. Wlii'ut, of llm rebel army,
wounded at J!i, Bun, in th ud. Tho know n
Iom i f tlui rnbi It, In fii-lil oniocr.i, In that
lialllc, nan; two (Ii'IhtiiIh, oiio Brigadier
(Ji iieral, ncvr.ii t'oloui nml two Bicutciiiuit
IiiKfcMiHiiin. (,'all nt Biicltter Bnoiiifl
nml Ki t n ihm liLiiciicim of yourself or
frieiuln llu will rrniain In town bu' n few
S4M."' Sin irin.i l i. . f ll irmeiil :J
, r -,, I'lrl.t Mirr ,.f .ill i. ,1. r ;if li-' ff. Ill j, '.-
j.i.rn i'i, i.fll.i. le. ,ii I, i.f b it, I i.f llirr"'"
'llio ,'. i tilt ,inl f lli -ui em tr,ii,i,'y RiJ P'4 I
l li.iil.i'e lit.- l.n, , lit ihr !'!l m.J i. ' '
ll, I, g ,!..! HI., I ue,n, ai.J ii l.'.ou-.
nr j.ui g'n r ijiel ilier. !r,'in uli J. Ifipiwuii.fc,.
lili in, ,iii.i l!.r l.'o il, r i,!i" llii- r.nuili,
. Ilioir k-.i mi, I ejlliliil ll.n ll,'rlll, III.Ji.'l
I'.iir 4 i ,r to tlie N)if in, nnd jj r.i.luj'l) l-i
ilirl , rl,,,,.. lr il a,-,,.. lulenl
Mlillr. t.lfi- fllls. 'l'l.e I, jli .1,1(1."!
. i i. I, oil nl,,i I, ll, jili'-rm tirlil inr. I.rinr I.M
i ii r, I t -r il. i llie.i. y in nil ll,i!-' "
iili, i ii il im! in i ,i rnii., Ii.i. rpiolrfrd llif iu!
In il, I :. r I I ir triiliil on ,illit,t) ,, ,li,tll) lilia ".'
i r y I, il iniiio.'lliv ill llirni. 'Ibry rr kio
l y lli.-ii lrnit, lli, ,r k-miI i.,,il. , tit'y f, it. lliry 11,11.0 mil by llm I.i nl, nf llit rrrJu
In nil r of cinlii ri.r, ily.jiri.ii, biii"" ,f!'
lm r nllr.'lii.n., ,ilm, tln'lllluihol, frirr ll.ll
ul,. in, iir brm) ii In , nml nil gi-iirtl il",'."'
lie ii'hi.I brnllb, lbrK I'lill llm III'! V ln'"'
1 1 ri.nn nml uprnly trriir lt . A Hn''" "''
i',iee llll. I.ilr ', II lirynn illlirtPin Ii lifrmiif l-l w
in llir rsliiniiiiMii i,f , vrrv ..,l nil. ,
l'f. Moll',!'. I'lm ii II tlrn mil lwf.llllJ'1"'
ly i Miet,,- una m nil en nl iirrvmi H. b lur, tl'
'f-.4. ll. lir, llir eknr- inrnlrnl I" I""'1''
in ilrlient,. brnllb, nml i vn y k nil ot m.'i
iii il, -.1 1 1 ) rejitii. lor fi
I,. b V'- H 11
MiM'I'A'l', .I.i;. Ilinn lwny, Nr-, V'".,""1 '
M.iIi.-imb i, Im mi l )iii,'i;M t'"""'"1
llir, iiiliniil llii- i Kiiiitry. '
Hilld., Htimaiiitrtlla. ' ,i yimls
n iiir ly i',, inli, ni. in il.rlt llu i,. rii,-i' ,M '"'
li"itii', a null cnlltiiil.e, nml a l .i'i'', I1'!"''
b li'iiinii ftmn llin IiIiki.I, ami ollmt llii"'1 " '"'
limit', Un. illij. llllir nf niibnilllty rrtflt inh''
fni:'"ii,l.'f mi l fi . il ilmi i.", Hi'" li'-'t,i"'
rn,l i, fib.' ni,,:.iily. Ailli 'ii.-ll inim.l
i mil tl nniy lm lukmi nl nil I'm" j tU
nli'ty, n il e ailiiiiin n (.otinlnl ilriuli."1"1
il bililnlr llm .j .liiii, or l"","u w"
llin riiiiiHlilniioii. , ,i,u ma
l'r.-,.r.'.l I m.l.l l.yA.II. A U.SAN'1"
I'lillnn l , Nniv York. I't.on .ll
II lellle fr Ij.',. .
II T ll-M'l lliLiiilirrli-rllirtil ill "tiolllrf
HnMby n. NTTilXK, ('"(,' ''''f' "
I itiii'Kirl ifi'tif rn lly . -
Fine Stock Slotoil
ON K lay nr Mmnliiy ni.lil I'"'' "'I'J
-i..t my Slack Woko War; ',
Iiiiml lii4!li,U)r .rnul,l, w.irrl, mim ' f "J,, ,
liriw, Iiiiiiii iinifi!li' III llin fiiruli"1"'' " f,,,
yi.niiK mill, nml in rniiM.iiirin- euiM H"1 " .
illtilik llin llilr-f will llml- hT ff
llnil run Ir-vnl.iiiiil il Ii ,tuliul,l "'"
liilinlrnil inili'i linnl my .l.te. Tl'- ,
lt'ir..beiiiU linr lllJ glvrl Ilia il'f,","?!"'?,.sT
wrlltowalilnl. A- K' 1
I'ulk toiuiiy, Orl, 10, IPCI.
i.t. oiui:h.' nn nn ''v';i,;':;flwi,
A inn. nnttnly, ."".", I'" "".' , Z
'Jim, ISIII, 44llll,i..niiloii.rr-i"lill",l,-un'
m "" i:r i,ii:iinortKi-.
i on ni n
I (Inn