Son. Xahm. Sorenty year tgo It i common on Long lalntitl and io CoitnrcU cut to giro children fur nnmei wlioltt text of Scrinture. Thus, ft Mr. Crnbb named a child ' Tbrouti-mucli-tribuUtion-wo-riiU-r iiito-tliekingdoinof-lifiven Crabb.' Tho child went by tin nuro of Tibby.' ' Ecorci of mill nanui could be clU-d. The pruvtice of Kiv'"K long ud curioui nauin I- . ... -f .1.1. 1. t2..l....l. 18 IIUI JCfc Vlli VI UilbVt IU OUJUf WM, VVII' nectlcut, U family by the name of lk-mnn, whoso eliildrca nre iiicctusltely notued follow! : 1. Joimtltun Ilulbard LubbarJ Lnn bard Hunk Dun I tank l'cter Jacobin Lflcknny Chritiun Ib-iimn. 2. I'rinco Frederick Henry Jacob Zaclt cut Christian llimun. 3. Quct-ri Curolino Surult Roger atuuli C'hrinliuti Human. 4. Charily Frwlore Ruth Grnce Mercy Truth Faith and IIopo and IVuco ptimuc . I'll hart no mora to do for tlmt will go clear through Christian ISciuan. faT What icnnou tayi Pouglai Jerrold mijcht we not preach uoii thene littla boxi'i called pu, In church? Small abidlnjr plucr of curthy MtUf.ction, aaiic tuarict of i-lf-coiniluc(incy in Ood'i own homo tho cliomn chamber for nion'i self Klorilication! What an Inntrnctivo col loquy might not the buro dual bench of the poor church goer hold with the cushioned Hvnt uf tho " miserable sinncra" who chari ot it to prayer und with their nouU arrayed in sackcloth and asbc kneel in silk and minever. I'ow En ts Woman's Kvk. A ludy when the conversation turned on dynamic, unked the lute Oeorgn Stqilicmon, the cel ebrate! engineer; " What do you consider the most powerful force In nature?" " I will soon answer tlmt question," said he: "it hi the eye of ft womun (to the man '.hut loves her); for if a wouiun look with affec tion on a man, should ho go to the utter most tmh of tho earth, tho recollection of that look will bring him back." " Dunr sinners all," the fool began, " man's life is but a jest, a dieam, a shad ow, bubble, air, a vapor at tho brat. In a thousand pounds of law I find not a sin Bin ounce of love. A blind mini killed the parson's cow, in shooting at tho dove. Tho fool that eats till he is sick, must fust till he is well. The wooer who can flutter most, will bear away tho belle." At best, life is not very long. A few more smiles, a few mora tears, loino pleas ure, much pain, sunshine and song, clouds und darkness, hasty greeting, abrupt fare wells then our little piny will close, and injured and injurcr will puss away. Is it worth while to hate each other? If your sinter, whilo engnjed with her sweetheart, asks yon to bring lur ft glass of water from nn adjoining room, sturt on tho errund, but you need not return. You will not be missed. Don't forget this, little boys I aW Thcro is a perpetuul generation of passions in tho milium heart, so that tho ruin of one Is almost always the establish ment of auothcr. JiUSINESS CAIiDS. UKOWX & MIOTUER, ...Wholesale and Retail Dealers In... T.ri.s AND r.lNl'V Dry Goods, Clothing, Huts, Cups, liooU, Shoes, ttc, OUKGON CITY. W. O. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY & COU.NSF.LOIt AT LAW, Ami Solicitor in Chancery, WIIJ. promptly nttfiiil to any business which nuiy lis committed to Ilia professional elinrgn before (lie District anil Supremo Court. OlHoe over Milwain's tin storo, iiiimrdiatt'ly op posite Hit Main Hi reel IIoiihk. Oregon City, October I, IS59. joimlTivrBRiDE, ITTOIHIT AMI! C0DNKI.0 AT LAW, Lafayette, Yamhill County, Oregon. WIIJ. fuillirully attend to all business en trusted to lim professional cure. r. It. !V. UCLL, DEN T A L SURGEQ N, "TT'II't perform all operntioua belonging lu V Ilia profession, in the moat approved slyle. Prions moderate, to suit the limes. IT Room in Unloii HuilUintC. I'p Stuira, SALEM. di'J J. C. AINSWOKTIt. VM. UIBRDORCK, AI.Y9WOKTI1 & DiritDoitrr, WHOI.ESAI.R AND RRTAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Riots ct Shorn, and Crockery, Iu the now Fire-proof Brick Mainbtukkt OREGON CITV. C. HOEL d- CO., 4 T TUB 'I'MON STORK' BUILDINGS, Sulcus, Oregon, ...Deal in.. Dry Voois, Groceries, Boots, ami Shoes;, PROVISIONS of all kiude; Wheat an J Data Br. A. H. BTSBLS, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. OlFiue ut ilio OREGON CITY I) It I'd STORE. OWVAi OxTlTY DKUG S? STOKE, MAIN STREET, (Opuiaile the MetliodU Cliurch.) IIAa I'O.NKTINTI.V UM IIAMR Urus, Jft'tlioIiKV-i, Putent Modi-'iiie-i, Keitwt'in1, Camjihoue, Uurtiin Fliiul, ttc, etc., ...AT TIIK... LOWEST MARKET fRlCES Tirao. IV A TCH.M A K ER ?3 Pomona dniroua of volliu rood work .Inn. do well to five rue a call, aa mj wbola lime ie ilv vot.'d to the repairim ei Chronometer, Levi. Duplex, and iloriiontal walohea. Aa aewrtmeut of fiue Kujleh WATCHES, aa alao Jewelry on hanJ. CLOCKS, with i;hU te tlirm. Jewelry made te order, and reewired. rrwe to auit the time. I aai thankful lor pt Cinir, and hope te (iTeaaliafaetiitaj in future. I J" Iled at the eld aland, opposite the Tel empliOlic, OREGON CITY 't i. Reduced Prices Goods Cheaper than Hvcr ! JV. UROWN rnAKKH Ihia inalbod of (aforniinf Ilia friend X "d the pubhe geurrelly thai be HAS REMOVED Is a Iioum nearly OjijKwlte liis old Stand, where he ha eoinmenee i buainee with hi bro ther under lb el) le vf Brown & Brother, who will alwaya be happy to wall on their el l fneude and eualoinera In the way of thawing there) Goods of the Very Ik-st Quality, which, having been bought lew In Has Frane'ace, frm the largo import! la C'aliferul, tliey art able tOMrll as cheap as CAS BE SOLD in Portland! They will alao eonatantly recalre Goods by Every Steamer. Their dock conalat of ALL KINDS Or aiaetsia DRESS GOODS, GKNTLEMEN'S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Cups, a a. ti a. Hi it .z.jLee eAX-2e Our main object by Ibia notice li to inform the public that we are bound to sell good As low ns they can he bought in Portland, and no mistake If tlii la doubted, we haro only to eay, eall and utiafy yeuraelvoe. Ludie and gentlemen will al waya be welcome, and will be wnited en with promplneaa. To tho Farmers WE WOULD SAY Look for the sign of DROWW 4- BROTHER, and dau't leave loivu till you give ua a call. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN in tzehtwgt far Good: Oregon City, June 23. Roman Eye Balsam, FOR WEAK 4 INFLAMED EYES. THIS ItALSAM was uaed for innny jearain the prlvute practiee ol n celebrated Oculiat, with reiimrknblo aucccaa, for diaease of the und Thcro are many pontons who would rather sutler Iroin pain and disease through me, ttmn credit or try the elficney of any ni'W diacuvory; all such had better not read this, but to all reasona ble persona this preparation ia recommended aaa moat aafu and iffuctuul cure fur iiiltuinnmtiou of I ho Kye and Eyelids, caused either by too close upplieatiua to miiiiilo object, scrofulous hubit, ex posure to cold, blows, contuaiona, or irritation from any eitriincoua body under the eyelids. It is remnrkubbly soothing In itaerTeut,aud h-is curcil tliousunJs whu would otlirrwiau huvc loat their ainlit. In cases tlieKyelidsnre inilitned, or the ball of the Kye thickly covered with blood, It net al most like magic and removes all uppeurnnccs of uitliimiimtion utter two or three upplieutioiia, There la n numerous class of persons that are pecu liarly exposed to aecidelits or diseases that weuken and iiillamc the Kye, and pcrhupa destroy the itfht, who, from the nature of their employments, ure compelled to work ill a cloud of dut and grit. Miell should never he without this ISA LS A.M. Kemcmber, "Seeing ia Hclieving." Price '.'5 centa iwr jar. Prepared and eold by A. It. & D. SANDS, Druggists, 1M0 rultoii etrest, New lork. For isle by II. Johnson At Co. and RnntNOTON it Co. San Francisco; Rica At Corn, Murysville; It. II. McDonald & lo, eacrumeiito; nnd by Drngsisl generally. July 21-m3 SANDS' SARSAPARILLA, KEMEMBKR, THIS 13 TIIK Original and Genuine Article 1 Al'KNOWI.HDUKD TO SI The Best Sarsajiarilla Ever -Vmc rpiIIS unrivaled prepuralian has performed JL some of the moat astonishing cures that are recorded iu the history of Medicine. The rapidi ty with which the patient recovere Hcallli ami Strength under ils influence is surprising. Kach new case in which it ia applied furnishes in the result a new eerlitieale of it etlicaey and excellence; and we have only to point to tho accumulated testimony of multitudes w ho have experienced ita beueucial ell' ronviiiccliie most incredulous of ils value. Do tint forget to ask for Sanda' Sara.iarilla. Iff" For sale by II. Johnson & Co. and Red iNuTitN At Co., San Kraucisco; I!it At Coins, Marysville; It. 11. McDonald At Co.,SarnimeiitO and by Druggists generally. july SlmJ CM. KESTER, Undertaker, TT 7011.0 inform the people of Otvgnn City T V and v iolnity that he will keep a supply of Ready-made Colli us, of all sizes, constantly on hand. He will abai keep and will be prepared lo attend le alt the neceeaary Duaiaee ei runerala oonneoted with bm line. Skf aef l raaimre;. MT Custom from the country ie rawelfotlr ot'ciled. J"un V'3. lYt. IKON WORKS, OREGON CITY. . NAMHALU I MM!. nAUMiALL nooiir, HAVING purchased the entire sleek, L-oIs, ad paliarn uf the Wtlkmttlt If IVeri, aod tvUed le it thr cwa etoik, are war rauud In aaying thai lliay bare lb BEST TOOLS ASD PATTERNS rr doluf mncbiae wrk (,,!! kmJi) IX THE STATE, aad are prepared le de any work la Iheil Coe at THE SIIOKTtUT NOTICE) Tbey have tie facilities) far Making Of Iron or Sraif, ATA FEW HOURS' NOTICE. Steam Engines and Boilers built to order, anil Warranted. Older solicited ror8w.Milla,Grist-Mdle, Reap. ere,Tbreslien, lletse-Poware, hhafUug, Pulley, llangera, Ueariug, Force Puuipe, aud etelhiug In the Machinery line. Iron hhulier made le order, of any aiu etyle tlmt Iron V route (of Buildioge. It. pa ling done Willi nealoroa and dispatch. i'ailrrnnwking In all Ita variou fonna, and SUckimithlnf of all kinds Neatly duue at their thop, tT Wi hart full -I if Pathmfor Ttfair ing Riiftil ani Thrtlkm. XJ Wheal will be taken al Ibe Mglieel cash price, delivered al Canemali, for any machine work or repair. Highest cash price paid for eld iron, brass, copper, oVc. May II, IHCI-y. Justices Office, OREGON CITY. I AM alweye en band, and will attend lathe COLLECTING OF ACCOUNTS, Drawing up of Deeds, Mortgage's, Leases, Honda, Powers of Attorney, Contracts, fcc, and all other business committed to mr care. Offitt directly titpotile the Nannie Building. June 16, 1060. J. . HUHKOUD. CLOVE ANODYNE Tooth-ache Drops. Complain no mono Aching Tetlkf rpilKSK Dropabave been extensively need by X. Ihousanda whoso experience haa proved that the Anodyne will give iininediat and permanent relief after the failure of every other remedy. Il ie pleasant te the taat aud email, end a few appli cation will eutirely remove the pain and ooreoea from a decayed tooth, so that il may be filled and rendered a useful as ever. When the pain pro ceed from the f.iee, or from the gnme around a tooth upparoutly sound, this Anodyne will give speedy relief hy rubbing a few drop en Ihe part affected. Il haa only lo become geuerally knowa lo be a highly appreciated by the Public a it ia by Dentin. For sal by II. Johnson & co., and Rkdinotom & Co., bun Kraucisco Rica At CorrtN, Mary villej IL II. McDonald It Co., Saciamenlo; aud by Druggist generally. j5 SLMILKAMEEN GOLD MINES, HAVE TURNED OUT .m. MM. MJ TM MM MJ X3 ! BUT THE " Eagle Boot & Shoe Store11 IS NO HUMBUG ! TTERE TOU CAN' FIND THE 8TUFF JL L that will stauJ the tare and wear. It proa Hci well, for I raise the color every pan, and if Ihe limes were only a little brisker, I think that it would pay very well; and if you dou t believe it, just come and buy a pair of HOOTS, after you try lliem on, tor I Have J u4 Received A NEW ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, o r The Latest Style and Fashion. Cents' fine sewed French calf boot, also pegged call boots and shoe of all sort and sites; Ladies' kid, morocco, enamel and "cloth (ratters, silk elas tie Congress-heel gaiters, misses' gaiters and shoes or every auul, conrse and tine boy shoes of v ery kind thut is mentioned in my rhyme; chil dren'a calf and copper toed shoe ; ladiea and children II0SK of all siies, white, brown, and fancy; Miller Wuter-Proof BLACKING, J. 9. Musou Jjlacking ; Sliociiiiikcr'i Finding, Peg, awl, hammer, thread, wax, nail, and hoe-kuive. Thankful for past patronage, I respectfully so licit n continuance of patronage from my old cus toiners and a many new one a choose to come, l.adieaanj gentlemen, give me a call, young and old, great and small, brave and bold, for I will be ready and happy to wait on you all. and in uartic ulnr ihe ladies ; I like to see them come to pay me a visii. uememoer tne place Tiro aVoor East of Brown d Brother, tfnin tr'l, Oregon Cily Ladies and gentleman, I assure you that I can sell you boots and shoe a cheap aa any house in town, or a htlle cheaper fur cash down, bniall profits and quick rale, that I the talk that tell the late. myl9 J. MOONEV. otice. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP THE firm of Allan, McKinlay & Co., hereto fore carrying on business under thai title at Oregon City, Champoea, and Lower Scottsburg, v,iinua, i urrruv oissoie oy niiiiual conseut. All nnrlies inilihli..l In .! Itrm a l.H.l.. .!;... upon them, are hereby requested to send in their account or make navment nf ih tam. ,a limn T. Allan or Archibald McKinlay at Champoeg, or Amory itoiorooa at uregoa City, who areau thoriied lo settle all accounla connected with the said firm. ALLAN, McKlNLAY It Co. Chamoeg, Deo. 31, 1859 4 1 if. Justice! Justice! OLD AI!E ia bound to be the next President ef the I'nited State, and W.I'. BURNS ha been appointed Justice ef the Peace for Or- etron City precinct, in order to prevent a collapse of the Cniou. All official bueinesa entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. Office al Republican heailonarter, first doer north of A. Holbrooke law office, where be will h round when not employed iu better business al hie Wagon Shop, one door enuth of the Tost Office, where he would be glad to do justice to your old wagons, or supply you with new oaee, aa good ae the beet, aad aa aheap as the ebeapeaC Ceei lease in tknnt (trtetk. W. T. BfRNS. Or gen City, Aug II, 1H). PURIFY THE BLOOD. MOFFAT'S Vegetable Life Pills TUB high a.l envied celebrity which Uteee pre einiixot Medicine have acquired for their Invariable eflkacy ia all ihe d eue which they pKea to oure, ba rendered Ihe usual praotlce of pufflng not only noeceary, bet -nworiby of lhm. They are known by their fruiui their good work tosiify for ll.em, aod they thrive not by the faith of Ihe loall eaaee ef asthma, aeula and chron e rheu matism, aftelioii of Ihe bladJer and kidoay. InIhw fever and liver complaint, in Ihe aouth and wl, where Ihe diaea prevail, Ihev will be found invaluable. Planter, fanner, and olh ere, who ooee use the Medicim., ttill never af erwards be without them. D)srla..Ne person with this distressing diaea aheuld delay uaing Ihrse medicine inline d ilely. Eruption of the ekln, eryeipela, flstu leocy. fever and ague for thi scourge of the western country, those medicine will be found a aafa, pedy, and certain remedy. Other mtdi cine Wave the svsiem subject to a return of the disease a cure by these medicine ia pvrmauent. Tar tiikm. aa ATisruo, and ae cuano. Mercurial Otae.Never fails to eradicate entirely all the eUeote ef Mercury infinitely owner than the meal powerful preparation of Haranparilla. Algal 8tnt; A'srreae Dtbility, Are nmpUimls all kinds, Organic Afftetions, Palpitation if Ike Heart, Pamfr's ekatie. r tie. Tho original proprietor ef these medi cines waa cured of Pile of 3i yean' atanding by the use f thee IJfe Mediciuee alone. W orea mt .ii ... .(Tionllv ensiled bv these med icines, reroute will do well to adininiater them whenever their exuttnc la upccla. Keliel will bo certain. Tks Life Pills md Pktnit Ditltri P,.pifu ,1.. U.A ami lima eemava alt diseaso from Ihe ayatem. A "rifle Iriul will place the LIFE PILLS and PIHENIX BITTERS beyoud the reach of competition in the estimation of evry patient. ST rretiarea jr DK. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 331 Broadway, nr. Wirlk it., New York. J. FLEMING, Agent, ( Ihi Post OJfiea, 3 j Oregon City. 'Pacific Ifhiicrsity, Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon. Rct. S. II. Marsh, A. M., President. Ker. II. Lvman, A.M., Prof. Mathematics, THE collegiate year, consisting of one term of niue month, will cotniueuce on the first Wedneedav of November. Il ie the design of this Institution to furnish a thorough and complete collegiate education. There ia a Library of 1000 volume for the use of the student. Applicant for admission lo college must have knowledge of the common Englirh branches, and have atudied the ancient language so far as to have read portion of Cenar aun Cicero and the (J reek Reader. Tit tuition fee I $33 per annum. Student filling for college, a well aa other wishing to pursue collegiate ttuilie witnout en tering upon Ihe collage course, will be under tho instruction of tho college leathers. Tho full term of 1 1 week iu the preparatory department commences on the 2d Wednesduy or September. 1 uitiou, vs per term. TU.iLATINACADE.VY. Tualatin Academy, for the coming year, will be under Ihe direction and instruction of Ihe Col lege Professor, with such assistant iustructor .as they nuy Hud necessary lo curry il lorwaro: em cieutlv and successfully. The fall term will coimmtice on Wednesday, Sept. 1 9, to continue clrven week. Tuition. Common brauche. ."; Iiivher, 83. A email additional charge will be made for fuel, eVo. lustrncliou in 1'aiuting extra, to such a receive tt. N. U. The collegiate and the oollegiato pre parulory departments will commence on Wednes day, the 31st of October, at the commencement of the last half of the academical term, at which time Fre. Marsh i expected, Willi competent aa. aiataut teacher from the F.aat, lo be ready to take hi place iu the Institution. Prof. Lyman, with the assistance of Mr. C. E Adams, will carry forward the academical de pari me nt till the return of Pre. Marsh. Sept. 1, 1800. 21tf ' CAST-STEEL P L OW S ! TFIE undersigned aro now engaged Id menu, lucturinir some of the VEST CAST STEEL PLOWS ever made ou thi coast, which they are not afraid to warraut, and which they are selling at Prices to anil I lie Timet. We have made material improvements on our old pattern, and those who huvo tried our plows give them the preference over, any oilier they have ever used. We are carrying on an exten sive manufactory, nnd intend to keep up with the rapidly increasing demand. If yon want a GOOD PLOW, of easy draft, nnd sure to scour, get ouo of Kyntarson i UuU- title now: L. & A. W. RTNEARSON liuteville, March 22, 1SC1. GENTLEMEN: IF YOU WANT ANY Pine Clothing, CALL AT BROWN & BROTHER'S. Mill Scat and Land. I HAVE an excellent MILL SEAT, ur rounded with excellent TIMDER, which I would like to have improved. I will give aome millwright who wishes to invest in a saw mill or grist mill, or both, a good chance. The location is one of the very best for selling lumber a level way lo the mill acat, no hill to pull over, and handy to heavy settlements. I wish also to cell half a section of LAND near by. The place is six mile west of Lafay ette, Yamhill county. W. A AUA.tlS. Nov. 23, 1S39. 33tf g o on s Exchanged for W JL, AT Brown & Brother's, OREGON CITY. C. MIRRAY, HOUSE. SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL -Shop early iff tile tke Mdkoditt Cknrek,. ounox CITT. April IB, 18JJ. Uf ! KELLY'" TEMPERANCE HOUSE, ifji it,,ifpisitsOt. Abermlku 4 t7,', OREGON CUT. : - - . m r v. n I. L. GOOD ROOMS ll 1" ur wn jim CLEAN and comfortable BEDS, f.... for the epe'l accommodation of th ifl.l. iraveliug punuo. our fare good, and charge, reaaouable. , ' ,.. ....... ..n.n. and auonera for Single meuie, j.,c. rr- , ; -- partita got up on hort notice, inlh neatest man- nor. ricai Hoard Pr week, without lodging, J 0 bv Ihe day, and lodging, 1 0 Single meal, J! N,ghr.lo.l.g, , , v ,,.....," Oct. "a, IBj. tt.u. ar.uuni SADDLERY, AND HARNESS-MAKING, OREGON CITY. a tt I AM now earning on a Badulera ana nar nes maker's shop iu Ihi city, aud have cou alantly on hand the best of Ready-made liariiess, saddles, bri dles, halters, martingals, ...j I,, m line. I am also ready lo make te order anythiug In my line that muy be culled fr, on ahort notice. ny mono is, m a good article, and sell it cheap. I solicit palrou- .... . 1. 1 ... . 11 fmn abroad. My Mtabliahmeiil i narly opposite Charman k Warner' Old Stand 00 Main aireet ' J. II. bUUKA.U April 2, 18..9. Valuable Property For Sale. THE CHAMPOEG FLOUR MILL. Mtt.a a. IT V ..J iUmmrn rniirllia nf r 1111a .111L.U, v" A. mile from Champoeg in Ihe midst of the great t .... :.. . - mtr.r.A fn. grain-growing conmry wrrg.u, aale. During high water in winter, flour, ice., cau be ahipped direct from the Mill. Attached to the mill ie a granary for receiving and storing wheat, a dwelling-house and gardeu for the use ... . n-i- ..1 ,. ........... of tne person tu cnarge. 111s wn riliurucea auviit nt Mwin The muchinery of the mill i of very tuperior quality, having been imported from Rochester, N. Y. There are two run of the bet French Hurra, and au extra patent run of ainaller Burr fer chopped feed, tu. The frame-work, for strength, 4c, onnnot be (urpaesed in Oregou, aud .1 II I. .11 ... la 1 1.. Ln.1 in ilia Ntlt 11. 111 mill in H iv.ym m .- " " For carticulam, application should be made to A. McKINLAY, ck'"nrMg' or to AMORY 1IOLBROOK, Champoeg, Jan 10, ISliO-4ltf Oregon City Sands' Sarsaparilla, For Purifying the Blood, AND FUll THE CURE OP Scrofula, Mercurial Diseases, lUieiitnotism, Ctttnneoua Ernplin, Stubborn ulcers, Liver complaint, Dyspepain, Hronchiti, Salt Ilheuns, Lumbajio, White Swell ings, Ilip'Diacnie, EiilniKement of tit. lionea nuel Joints, Fever Sores, ' Femulo Cum. plaint, Krjraiprlan, Loss of Appetite, Pimples, Biles, tiennrni Debil ity, &!., Ve. It hit long been a most important desideratum iu the practice of medicine, to obtuin a remedy similar to t'lis, and accordingly we find it resorted to almost 1111: vewilly in all those tormenting dis ease of Ihe skin so trying to the patience, aud in iurioiia to the health. It ia a Ionic, aperient, and disinfectant. It acta simultaneously upon the stomach, the craci'LATion, and the iowiiij, and thua three processes, which are ordinarily tne re sult of Tiiaita dill'erent kinds of medicine, are car ried 011 at tho aaino time through the inatrumcn tality of Tin on remediul agent. Ita great merit is that It meet und neutralizes the active principle of disease itself, aud when that is gone, tne symptom necessarily uisappeur. 1 u. ra pidity with which the patient recover health and strength under this triple influence il surprising. KSMARKABLS CURE Linn Countt, Oregon Ter, ) March 11, 18.rS. Messts. A. B. & D. Sand. New York : (Jen tlenien. In the spring of 1353, while on our way from Indiana to thi place, our eldest boy was seized with a swelling and severe pains in the legs which day by day grew worse, until his legs con tracted, and becume so painful that he could net walk, and we had to carry him about like an iu fant. We reached Albany on the 3d of October, completely worn out by fatigue, liy thia time, he wo reduced to a perfect skeleton. Here we were enabled to consult a physician (Dr. Hill) who honestly confessed he oould not cms him, al though he could give him medicine that would re lieve the pain, lu thi exigency something must be done, or death was Inevitable. Being recom mended totrv your Sarsaparilla, I procured abot tie. After Inking aome, he appeared worse; but persevering with it, 1 obtained a second bottle, which seemed to grapple with the disease, and caused a marked improvement: the (welling and pant in the legs were reduced, his appetite im proved, and hi color begun to return. Thu en couraged, I puruhased a third bottle ; while tak ing it Ihe swellings in hi legs broke, and some piece of bone one eighth of an inch long came out, after which hie leg straightened and healed up. He ie now perfectly recovered baa no ap pearance of being; a oripple, and can perform most kind of common labor, asull our neighbor can certify. Yours, respectrully, CALEB DAVIS. Prepared and sold by A. B. d D. SANDS, Wholesale Druggist, 100 Fullou street, corner of William, Kew York. Sold also by H. JOHNSON It Co., San Fran ciseo; RICK It COFFIN, Marysville; R. II. McDONALD & CO., Saeramenti; and by Druggist generally. ' Da. STEELE, Agent, Oregon City. j!4m3 Plows and Wagons I Blacksmitliing of all Kinds done 1 to order. I KEEP alwayion band STEEL PLOWS, warranted lo scour aud do ae good work aa any others in the State. I can alao furnish you with WAGONS. I ean alwaya be found at my shop, opposite McKinlay's, ready to shoe your horses, or do anything in the line of my bueioeaa, Call and see. J. W. LEWIS. Oregon City, April 16, 1819. Itf Just Received, A LARGE LOT OF Dry - Goods ' and Groceries, Wbioh will be eold low for Cash or 001111117 Frodiice. We would sav to the Farmer. Before Ton go to Portland to buy Goods, call ea us, a we will take Flour, Bacon, Batter, Eggs, eto., and give in exchange Gooda aa low as can be bought in Portland. DAXXEXBAUM It ACKFRMAN. Oregon City, Sot. 10, I860. c Toys, Toys. A FCLL SUPPLY FOR CHRISTMAS i. aad i ew Tear' jost received at Pee 15 F- CHARMASS kew cooDs, kew c:::s NOW OPENING AT ' rnnenb.tim Acker Oppositsik,itain8l.Hi.i,t ...eouUtinjof. , , . STAPLE AND FANCY Dry.Goodt, the newest styles "of DEESS GOODS, ll'CU AS ' ' Fancv Poplins Bareges Delain, both plain and figure.!, woolen' goods of every description, - Solfcrino Shawls, ; Til LATUTT styles or Rich Silk Mantels and silk Bor nets, and a large assortment 0f Millinery straw goods, embroid cries, collars, sleeves, fcC( Gents' Furnishing Q0 Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, CARPETING, (of beautiful styles.) tad CHECKED MATTING.. GROCERIES! &C., &C., &C. Together with the Largest and best selected stock of CL'STOM-MADX . Ever offered fur sale north of San Francises! . Consisting of . Gents' superfine French cloth coats ; geiuY far silk mixed, and Harris' caeiim-rv bowrasaiii; extra fine heuvy black doeskin puns; silk miirt, and Hurri cusimere pant) Lyons silk trim vests t Dnvi It Jones' shirt, with and witLeat collar, etc., eto. 0T Remi'inbrt the store of DANN'ENBAl'X d ACKEKMAN, where you will find th htnt nnd bt selected stock of Goods evsr kroujU a, Ihi city, which will be sold Lower than can be purchased ia Portland I ! Oregon City, h 2.1, IRCI. septal Blackwood's Magazine AND THE British Reviews. Great Zndnecments to luttcribtH PREMIUMS AND REDVCT10SS. L SCOTT it CO., NEW YORK, ewnissi e to publish the following British IV riodienls, viz: . THE LONDON tt AMfcRLY (Coa servative). 1. TUG F.DlNIU'tia REVIEW (Whi;.) 3. TIIK NORTH BRtTIHU REVIEW (Free Church). 4. TUE WESTMVXSTKR REVIEW (Liberal). 5. ni.Al-.KVOOD1S EDISBCKCt MAO.VtlNE (Tory). The present critical alate ef Eurepet tiiiin will render these publications nnususlly mtrnft ing during the forthcoming year. Tbey will oc cupy a middle ground between the hastily wrilier neua-ilems, crudu speculations, and flying nam nf the daily Journal, and the ponderous Isnsd the future historian, written after the livinf inf est nnd excitement of the grout political eveulsof Ihe time ahull have passed away. It i tola"' Feriodicul lliat readers uusl Inek for lb only really intelligible and relinble history of etntnt events, and as such, in addition to their erell-es-tabliahed literary, scientific, and theological chr acter, we urge them upou thecouaidenUoaafa reading publio. The receipt of Advance Sheet! ftsm lW British publishers gives additional valus I ibm Reprints, inasmuch as they con new be placed in the hands of subscribers about u aoe ' original edition. TER.TJS. (Regular rrices.) Peti- For any one of the four Review t 5 jjjj For any two of the four Reviews J JJ For any three of tho four Review ' j For all four of the Review J For Blackwood' Magazine. . - J- For Blackwood and 0110 Review r: For Rlni'kwood and two Review ' JJ For Iilackwood and three Review ' JJ For Blackwood aud the four Reviews. W w POSTAGE. The PosTAoe le any part of the Uuited Sw will be but Twenty-font Cent a y' w " Blackwood," and but rleen Cenw ayou for each of the Review. V At the above price the Periodical wills n niahed for 1861. ' and ai a ' Preminm to Xfew Sabserflw) the No, of the same Periodicol for 1859 will furnished complete, without additional tkt$J- ; Unlike Ihe more ephemeral Magasiee W day, Iheae Periodicals loss little by age. Hea. a full year of the No, for 1859, may be refutes nearly a valuable a for 1861. . Subscriber wishing alao Ihe Sow. for I860, a be eupplied at the following niraisatr i a1" Splendid Offers i For 1859, '60, and '61 together. ForBlackwood'a Magaiine, the three yean, 5.JJ' For any one Review ' ? jj For any two Reviewa ' : ' t (J For Blackwood and one Review, ' ' J For Blackwood aud two Reviews ' ' " JJ For three Reviews n.n. ' ' i pa For Blackwood and three Review ' " For the four Revwirs..'. ! ,J For Blackwood and the fear Review. JVT Any of the abore works will aW be .""TS lo A Saeecrer for the ya . " At mm. kmlf I km Urrmlmr Suitcrii Pne-- Tho. a New Suhtrriber way ebtaia ihe BeerW of the Foor Review, aad BUckwood Six CoasccatlT Vesr for v . Which i about th. price of the iriginal r yru' . .. . . -wk A we shall erver again o - ladocenwat a tnes mre prarmw, . Wow It th Time to rg- r.emirtnses iost, in all e. direct to tke PuUukers, l nes r romm'aeu ra be allowed to arrU. Addreve. l.KOXARP OT7 i.. 5-1 Ml t.?t. ewlr