The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, August 10, 1861, Image 3

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    ... .a.lU Jrl III Ku-n.tu
, B Will C Uabs-aa Car.
1 er Ifr'nt OIltcTf lull bull r.l'"i
j(,t (ho JitltiItCra on wvouiii ol
V n.fuw ol iinlil'ir ofllrt-M, in (mo caw,
L ilia writ of Mm-ii ror-iiif, '(
. u y0t rxjiiiliieJ the cuw i tifllcieut Ijr lo
l (tli W I;J1 I'ti'i'l"
hellnT 'ip9"'" " writ wi
.-arr. Wo ccrUiuly Imro kcii no
-;.i,iimi tlil H l wiri in
iMi rase M it U likiljr to Ijo in uny
iv Constitution itelf exprviuity nutliorlxc
ike nlI'en 10 1 ivuviiiuii ii me
piMie wfHjr n"u!rra it, ami utidoulitiilly
fa Government U now Ktruliuff OffniiiKt
.man terriHc tnd foriniduhle rebellion
ihin tlx frn)i'rs of tbo Coiisiitution mij
ever ojuW arise.
TIm iliuiiion orgs-iin tlmt deal in the
jurcrtt Ufnoiiciniiom nu;aini e auiiiiiiik
irlion for la'pfmlin the writ of haUm
rnui ire do itiiklur fur Any olMcnmnve
.j . or constitutions in the condui t of
" I L'l.i,. flM.- - I.f.i
(kg lillWOcreic oiuien. hkj cuiii)iuiiiru
o( go vioidiion i constitutions or lit
hfn the Cotton Stairs, even before lliey
rliimrd lo nsrs "Nwlwl 'roiu the Union
and irliilxt of courts thrjr wcro a portion
ViheUnilpJ States, wilih'ct to the uw
tifrcof, Kixwl end confiscated icorct of
forts, urj yuriis, nrsciidis, mints, tni rev
cnnt'cntttTii, nd itlnukcd end cnnlurcd
itnnifKcting troojM or tho I nittu btutm.
ill tltwo lawlcM oct. tlioso treiixoimbli'
iiiJ ttroeious outrnpn, the disunion orgnm
jutiuYu wid Uojusiir, not ns ii-gni, not on
' I .I.. ..f. ....... I I..M. .A .!....
tOIHOilWU sisbv.viimm ui m-cvn.Miy;
nt, when n couple of individuiils ore tiikvn
jKMnrMlon of by tho United Slutr-n Gov
ernment iu tho midst of a tuw r.Hj
ciril war or traitor imperilling by their
treason the Government 1'Xisluuce, the
organs would nuikf in think tlmt a dinp
Iwrror of everything lookiiifr like a disre
(itA of the Constitution thrill crcry n?rvu
of their hoJiel. ,
Wo want the grent iiiiuciiilm of the Con
utitution pnferrcd, but tiny ore not to Le
prrvrrrd by the di-ftlrndiou of the lti-pub
lie, Co.'btitution undnll. Tho Government
U now cmlt'iiroring to protect itjst-lf nniust
the mat cL'aiitic rebellion that ever urum
in any hind, a rebellion that utrikes at its
very c.fitt'tico. hven a lawyer cnuul not
flop to split lititrs rcry nicely if the nword
ui Iim riK-uiy were nt Ins throat. Loiut
tiilt Jvfil.
As EvKXTKft Caiikcb. It luke n war
lie the present to divelop character, und
mich of that which h:i been cl:uit il nl
rrsiir is ot a diameter to ouorn the. pnes
of a roiuaiicc. II ru is n parnj;r.ipli wli!ch
we find in nn eastern paper, concerning one
uf the lendiu oflicers nt the Kast:
" (Jen. Jnsiuh Harlan, who in to com
mand the Kentucky Cuvulry Ilecimcnt, in
native of IViiiiylvnriin. Fur nearly
twenty years he was actively engaged in
military nper.itions iu India, having usslst
u in organizing the force of Kunjeelli
S'n;'!i, priuec or the I'liiijaiib, mid alter
ward perfornicd the name KCrvieo fr Post
.Miihiimed, ol Culnil. During the success
fill rampnign ngaiust the Ubeck Tartar.",
in l838-'o'J, ho distinguished liimsi II nn
rominatider of n ilivision of the Cabul :rwy.
Wliile u resident of Imli i he paid n tribuie
to Iiik native land by raising the stars mid
Mripes over one ol the highest passes of
Mian Caucasus 12,000 feet ubnve the
Lit I of tho gen, nnd ut the flume time fired
u ii:it;one.l salute."
CuscnKM. July 22d, in the House,
Mr. Crittenden's resolutions were passed by
s vote of 121 lo 2. They state that the
present deplorable, civil war is forced upon
ihi; country by disuiiinuists of the Southern
States now in revolt against the constitu
ted Government, nnd in arms around the
Capital; that in this national emergency,
Congress, banishing nil feeling of passion
and resentment, will recollect their duty to
tlieir country; that tho war is not waged
far conquest or subjugntion, or for inter
fering with rights or equality; and that, us
soau as the object shall bu accomplished,
the war ought to cense.
In tho Senate, the bill to provide for
iron clad ships nnd II outing butteries, was
A resolution providing for n board of
examiners to examine. Stevens' flouting but
tery, was passed.
'flic Senate bill to provide for nn Assis
tant Secretary of the Navy was taken up,
and after u short debate the bill passed.
Trie. Tho Alia says: " Whatever
may be the issue of tho war to maintain the
integrity of tho Union, it is certain that
those persons who, while living in tho free
Sutes, claiming citizenship there, sympa
thize with secession, and voto tho secession
ticket, will always bo looked upon as fuith
lea citizens. Tho secessionists of to day
will, io ten years from now, bo as hateful
to the public minds ns were tho Tories af
ter the Revolution, and tho Hartford Con
dition men nftcr the war of 1812. Tho
result of the war ennnot prevent tho peo
ple from hating thoso who leud aid and
vomfort to traitors."
Jacssos on Secessios. Gen. Jackson,
in his nullification message of January 16,
1533, says; " Tho right of tho people of a
ingle State, to absolve themselves at will,
nd without the consent of the other States,
'rora their most solemn obligations, and
hazard the liberties and happiness of the
millions composing their Union, cannot be
eknotvlcdgcd. To say that any State
my at pleasure secede from the Union, is
t0 say that tho United States is not a na
tion." Mr3. Loxgfellow Bcrseo. The wife
f the poet Longfellow was recently burned
l deatk at Cambridge, Muss. She was
engager ; making wax seals for the amuse
ment or her daughters, when her clothing
took fire' from t match which she let rail.
Ii trying to save ber life,' Mr. Longfellow
also seriously burned. Tho lady snr-
T reu until the following noon, when she
The afflicted pott will have the
apathy of the nation.
A few years ago the lastest runner in
'! rn;te, States was known as " Jackson,
the American Deer." Cl.tib Jackson of
MiMo:iri k t0 the same man, or at
.'in a brother of his
Iir. I.rariit U, M Urllon.
The Philadelphia hulrcr Ut the follow
ing nidituni or Gen. McCHInn, ho. e
lucreMful nperiitlons iu 'iTvslerii
have excited no much nduiirution:
Tho niOMi liiill.uit ortlceriiow iu tho flehl.
' r'Komr iiiiniury irniiniig, is n riiiludel
phlan by birth and residence. (Jen. Geo.
sieLitiian U llio Wfcond son of the luto Dr,
ueo. .Mctlellnn of this city, nnd the broth
er of our fellow ciliwu, J. H. JJ. McClellan,
M. I)., of Walnut street. Gen. Mcflelhiu
has been repeutedly spoken of us fiom
oodstork, Conn. Hi father was from
Woodktock, and iifti r (jraduatlng at Vale
College, iu I8I.V he settled III Pllililflittlililit
ii IS 17, where he resided until hi death
In May, 1847. He married, in Ixoi ii.i.i
.... . .i .... . . . .. .
tc mom iiiuncntial rmniliea of Phil-
niieipniit, and hi (W.d son is tho distiii
puished Oenerul now in coinnnuul nf H,
i csterii section of our Anne, of nhnm
our citizen will henr further beforo lone.
Tho laniilv 1 of Scotch encrs'lry, of miirtiui
"Jiiriii. nun iinvu num-a .. ... i
.." V s. . 1 X..rr VV
i...UIi. viio ui uen. jicueiJaiis nn
cestors was iu the battle of Cullodeii, ami
hi grcBt-grnndfather wnsOen. Samuel Mc-
i.ieltan, of tlio Kevolution. At tho early
("go or tweuty, then a lietiteimnt, Mc
Clellnn went out with the sarnie r nnd niin.
cr in the Valley of Mexico, in tho war of
. . is "
IC'll? .i t i.
oau, wiuen lemiluniea III tho Capturo of
u viii ii .mieo. nnu tne iirnmise o Ins
; wim was ocen more man coiiiirmcU in the
successful career of his yet early manhood.
Sineo tho lute defeat of our forces ut
Hull' Run, Gen. McClellan has been sum.
moiird to take command on tho Potomac.
Why- tub Sbcitssionist Don't Like
Currr xdkx. Tho Cynthiana (Ky.) News,
a violent disunion organ, Imd the followin;
siguilicaiit pnragraph ou June 20. " Let
every man in favor of direct tnxniion, nnd
in favor of giving men and money to de
fend Lincoln's flag, vote rr Crittenden,
wlio dechired in his speech hero ou Satur
day, that he would vote the last dollar out
ol his pocket, and out of the pockets of
thoto whom ho addressed, to defend the
Federal Capital nnd protect the flag.
Tho Union men of Kast Tennessee
seem lo know how to do thinir. Parson
Itrownlow says there nre eight or ten well-
known diuiiion leaders in Kno.wille, nnd
hit gives tolenin'niid emphatic notice, tlmt,
if the It iir of n Union's man heud be hurt
nywhero in East Tennessee, they will be
held lo nn ilitbul responsibility.
Oisecon' Cirv M.tnKF.T. Whent, fiOa
C5.!; Flour, $:i.50.i$3; Outs 25ua0c; Dul
ler, I2.il3cj Kggs, ICc.
Un Thnr-lay. June 2T. bv Itev. .Iimii H. ii-
IleieliT-oii. nt the Midiiice of thu bii.iu'n futlier,
.Mr. I). It. (..'ray tt. A!iM .M. A. Slou tll, nil uf Laue
I'y lh name, on Tliuruljv, Aa;ut I, ut I he
rniitrnre uf (lie lirid hi Men, .Mr. L. I. Aeple-
Iu Miu IjiIioI, mlop'eil ilnuirlller of Mr. mill
Aim. Jeiiiiii:g, of hiiiMi Cily, Ureon.
Tl.c IJajilbl Mee.iiiir Houre in this city, which
inn Leeu elo.e l for rriin a fuv Wieka pnst, will
upeue.l fur Divine worship on Suiidiiy next,
the I Ith iiue.ntit. Serin ui nt 11 J o'clock A. M.i
Suhbiilh holioul iumirdia'.ety fallowing.
Oiv;;oii City. Alia- 10, ISO I.
I3f"l)rafls can be purcliuffd cu Wellii, Fa: jn
6.Cu, on any point on thii com!, tho Atlantic
Stules, Canada, n: d I'.urone. The driil'ls can be
ohlaincd ia l'oitlniiil, tliiunli Tracy Si Co' Kx
lire.J. Chuinma Si Wurner, agen'.n ia ih'u city.
z. o. o. r.
nnEniiU T nnnff Va
.1 meeta
r;nt lluiiiiony Hall
ovon nir ol eaeli week, lirelli-
' 'J. l I I A W fen iu e o.l aiandiiip are inviled
to alien I. J. S. l.l.MJAUbUM, .. U.
J. M. IUcdx, Kit. Seo'y. 3D
Xvlultnomah Lodge No. 1,
A F. it A. M., holds its Mated eoinnitinicv
xSf1 '"" '" u""" n " 011 ''10 Saturday
V pieceding the l"ull Moou in euch month.
Urethreii in good x'.audiiiK are inviled to attend.
j. Hi l itiviv, . ill.
J. M. n.icoi, Scc'y. 13
VS" Tho next regular meeting will be held on
Saturday evening, Aug. 17.
N;nis' HanapavUta.Thw purely vegetable
renie ly uniubines in iUelf the properliea of un An
tisept c, a mild catlittrlic, and a tuniu. It quick
ly reniovve from llie blood, and othor tluids of the
body, the impurities of unhealthy secretions which
engender uuJ feed diieaie, thus striking at the
root of the malady. Although proved ao elfiea
cious it may bs taken at all times Willi perfect
wifely, ns itcontuiua no powerful drastic drug to
debilitate the ayatem, or iniuer.u poii-ou to rum
the conetitulion.
1'repared nnd sold by A. II. vV D. SANDS, 100
Fulton t.. New York. I' 81 per bottle, or
six botlles for $3.
CT Reud theadverlisinicntiu another column.
Sold by D. STKELE, Orriri Ci'fy, and by
Drug'iaij g. nerjlly.
MotTafu l.tre Pll.--Tiie high and envied
celebrity which Ihii pre-eminent medicine hai ac-
vuired for iu invariable efficaey in all the diseate
which it profeaMi to cure, has rendered the
practice of;ou pulling not only uunecea
inry but unworthy of them. They are known
by their fruits; their good works teniify for them,
and they thrive not by the raith of tlie credulous.
In all can of cwitiveneaa, dyspepsia, bilious und
liver aSoctiona, piles, rheumatiin, fever and ague,
obstiuate heud-aehea, and all general oerunge
ments of health, these Pills have invariably proved
a certain nud Seedy remedy. A tingle trial will
place the Life Pills beyond the reach of competition
in the eslimation of every patient.
I)r. MolTit'e Phrnnix Bittern will be found equal
ly efficacious in allcasce of nervous deb lily, dys
pepsia, headache, the aicknes" incident to femalea
in delicate health, and every kind of weakness of
Ihe digeslivo organs, tor sale by lr. . u
MOFFAT, 35 Uroaiway, New York, and bv
Medicine IXalers and Druggists generally
throughout the country. 3y.
Ho, for the 3Iines!
-T BKOW'X 4 BROTHER, being about to
. ehiee oot brninei in Oregon City, would
iufonn the public that they are now offering their
large and fine stock I goods ai
Cost Prices iu San Francisco !
Those bo want bargain will do well to call soon.
in,k.;.J.I.inl in n mill please come for-
r.l and seula before the 1st nf September, and
save cost as an officer will certainly wait on them
Her that date aad those bving Uils f gjost BS
trill present them for payrant.
0.-r-"n Crty, Augoet 3, 1-61.
V Utar Unl.m i,r iu -..rrr... T
cul pur nn.! .,., )jmn u luf ( Lf
twenty yrniii u, ,,ril( P,,arrj ,y S(:T w
IVi. tc Co., of JJ.moiij miJ iu;, i.iir.
Blll, Hvll i. l ,, fcj,,,,,,,,, 0f I
umu, ii;k ar ou tli oul.r Hrn,i.iA At you
wiim aroui in tnuriuu end Aon lh K-dUne
iuki n tintrl
Wima's Rau.ji or Wan Cnrnsv. Tlib
vloblf rrmtdy ii the brtl on rxtant fur Hie afe
iir. 1(.eiiy, iiiJ permiwiil cur uf
rif, for rrof, irnrili, fMma, p!fiV(
,....u.nv.iin, crvup, KUOOpillr ni'gk, lludiiig el
im, mm in lh, brtait or Hit, mj Iu fct
vry frm of throat, cheat, and lung complaint.
well MloxtUMITinni iln-lf.
Tliit limit. hoLl remedy (liould b In the hnadi
of every fjmily tad imlivlJual.a a timely nnpll
patian of l lo ilijlil cold will chip Imineriiato
relief; while caee of lone tlondliij;, ohilinate
ud apparently ineurabto ilitra.Mr, will eu'rly
yield to in wuuderlul curalivo power nud In
Ureal a lapl.llgu lo tho wauls of man when nf-
fl cteJ.
rut M, " Cahf-riiia by Hediueton ; Co,
Henry Julituun & Co., Cliarln Morrill, Sua Fran
ejeoj R. II. McDonald & Co., Suercmrnio
Hie. Cfflu St Co., Marytville; Smilli Si Dailm
rorlland, Oregon. fvlryeow
l)prpU, lever aid Ajae, Inatsentliia.
SourStomnch, Heart liurn, Walrr Hnuh, Bil
'I.. .
Uouinma, I.irer Complaint, Aiidily, Klatii'enry, C' innm .f ri m..t. cuk 1 1
Losaof Appelile. Feiunlu Cumplainis, Oppression
after hatmg, Oenend Di billly, Sic, are rapidly, ef
fectually and surely tured by tho O.WGliX
California Etiitnct.
Moscli'sim: Hill. Cal., )
June 10, 1828.
Having nifTred for fifteen years tilth Dyspepsia
in its worst form, and bavins; consulted with the
best Physicians, and tried everything rucommrnded
without relief, I wus induced lo try the OX VGE-
A rtlJ UI I THUS, and b.fore I laid taken one
bottle. I found myself much better, and couiin ird
tuk ng Ibein, until I was entirely cured, nud now
enjoy as good lieulth ns over I did In my life. I
Hike great pleasure in recommending them to all
who are similarly afflicted. James LnMisiiua.
California by Kedlngton i CV, Henry Johnson &
Co., Charles Morrill, San Francisco; R. II. Me-
Doruild Si Co., Siicriiinentn; Rice, Coffin & Co.,
Mnrysvllle j Smith Sl Davis, Portland, Oregon.
DENTIST, has ronioved Irs office to the
Iloomorrr the Arnut Office.
where he is prepared In do all work in his line.
4 LL ORDERS on the Treasurer of Claekv
2. man eounly, llrecon, nrosuuled b.fjri Jiiim-
my 1st, llo'l, Hill be paid on prereatatlou nt mv
tdficc in Oregon Ciiv.
Oregon Cily, July 2(J, 1SUI. Tre.murer.
Sslo of Tova Lots.
VIRTUK of au order of the Cmintv
Court of Yumhill eounly, m ule nt Ihe July
term, lSlil, 1 will olfer for sulc to the hielii-H bid
der lor c n-li in hau l two uniinpioved lowu lots ly
ing in LA KAY KITE, and ailjoinng tho " Lone
Star" Saloon liiiildiug. Sale to be ou lliu preiu
isH, ou Ihe eighth day of Auzuat. lb'L'l. at I o'
clock r. x.
Adm'x of eslute uf Jacob liaun.dec'd.
July!i0, Itiiil-w3
Salo of Town Property.
Yllt'i'lJE of aliceiiko issued tonio here- by tho County Court of Yniuliill eoun
ly. I will oner fur ile Ihe properly known ui the
" Lnfaytlle House,"' in Ihe lown of Lafayette,
and the block of lots and buildiiica connected
therewith, lo Ihe hio-hrst bidder. Halo to bu on
the premises ou the eighth day of August, IStil,
at M o clocK t. al. A credit with mortrrii'e teeu-
rlty will be yivoii.
Gunrdian uf heirs of Joel Perkins, dee'd.
July 20, IBCI-wJ
XVZr. A. J.
and icinily thai he is now prepued lo tench those
who wish to lent n Ihe PIANO FORTE, ill hia
own I'ituio No charge will be made for the use
of Ihe Piano.
lie is able to tench children from five years old
and upwards.
Each pupil will be allowed one hour every day
to practice. July 13, 1SC1-w2
Clai katniis County.
1 1) rtSTUIt VVU :
You are hereby notified that a writ of at
tachment has been inMied nr.iinst von unit vour
property attached to satisfy tho ilrmaud nf J. W.
Lewis, amounting to aeventy-onv dollars and
eighty cent ; now, unless you shall uppour before
iv. I. liurns, hsq., a Justice of the Peace in and
for said county, ut his officii iu Oregon City, ou
the Stlth dayof August, l&GI, judgment will bo
rendered against you, and your properly sold to
pay the debt.
J. W. LEWIS, Fluintiff.
Dated this 22J day of June, IStil.
VLL perrons knowing themselves indebted to
the undersigned by book account, are hereby
notified lo call immediately and make settlement
of the same, as no further indulgence will be
Oregon City, Feb. 23, I $61.
Pratlical I'rintcrt, and Denier in
lype, Tresses, J. Tinting
nt, Paper, Vardt, dj-e.,
j.s.MisTsa 1 51 Clay Street, above Saiisomn,
j.ji. raisTEa V San Francisco.
T.r. mixts ) ITOffiees fitted out with di.paich
CURE of this distressing complaint use
Made by C. B. SEYMOUR At CO., 459 Uroad-
way, at," luitii.
Pri'e, i 1,50 pr bo: sent free by post, $13
per dozen boies, free by Express.
:ta TA,Loy,r.RicE. :.. :
"lRACKR3-s!iravsoii bsad
1 at F. r HARM AN S-
r. a Holland,
Notary Public & Convoyanccr,
v T of Deeds and oilier liiMiuineiHs of wrillng.
Will draw up on short notics, Deed., Ilonds, Mort
gages, powers of Attorney, cVc tte. particular
atliiition paid to Ui enllevlion nf ileSls and wiil
ntlriid promptly to nil liu.inen vntiusled lo Ins
care. Odice iu CapL Jolinun's Fumilurt Store,
upjwsllc the Conn limine. .May I HO I.
J. II. .Ml It'll I'll.,
And Solicitor in CAan.-ery,
Office Front Hireet, spjiasl'. Yaughu's Wharf.
Collections nndn nnd pro.npily rein Med. fnplJ
r. A. J. DISS,
Comnisslsn Merchant,
Dealer in Calif jrnia and Oregon Pivduee,
No. 4CI East street, .
(Between Clny ami Washington streets,)
"ITT'JIX bo hnppy to truiiiact any liu.iin-ts in
f V his hue lliHt may be eulrus'.ed lo his enra
oy prniiieers or morehauts in Oregun. All busi
m rulrusied lo his ihaigv Kill le pMinptly al
ien led to ou reasouablo liMis. July b'll. 'tl-lf
-tr i: a i: 1: n o w o r k n i x u
I T IX Tilt
New Tiro-Proof Xrlck,
Feeling perfectly secure ugalntl firo, we will now
Offer Gnutrr Inducements than tvrr
a the public. We are constantly in receipt of
selected with the grentest earn (as to prices and
ijunlily), and sro conliilenl thai
enable us to oiler und ie!l gondi
(freights on), and would advise all thorn visiting
Ibis city to eiiicliuKo to vamiueour slock
and piiees before piirehaslng "Ifuhrre.
n e nave, ami nreju-i receding, an oi
air H)25a
consisting in pnrtnf the following nrliclrs-Cnrhe.
Co, Pai-ilic, Dudley, Cnucsleo, Sprague, Pliihp
Allen, Fall River. Merriinnc. 1 1 . Il'js, nud liunicr-
ous nthrr choice PRINTi, all lule ely'.et ; Eng.
I!h il. French merinos, Lvoiic-o elo'h, mohair and
other Debuze) lirae, wool, it iiiiimIiii iIb luines,
black, blue, purple, fc pink mrluos, fauey plaidx,
j ieoliet, book, awlss, fi. mull iiiuxlin, ladies' einli.
eels, collars, lulkfs &. skirls, dress boiinnt trim
mings, t rench Si douienlic glnhu'ns, I retn li
Uwns from l-'J to 25-. bluo, mi.ved. iV grey saii
net, wool & eollou jeans, onttou.tde, bleached and
brown fleeting from 3 -1 to IH-4 wide, hrown und
blenched drills, deuliiH, hickory shirting; Silesia,
limine, blown, and Irish liueu, nankeen, d aper,
and cruili, a lurge lot of liuou and thread laces
nnd edging, l:oieryt c.
nine, black, nnd brown chilli coat ; It) .loi blk
cloth vests, 5 doz white and bull' Marseilles do.,
velvet nnd sitin do.; 3d i.'otsaliuel pants, duikiu
nud fancy eaMiiim re do, .1(1 doi merino and cotton
undershirts, grey, blue, & black cloth over routs,
wilh a gciu-ul of cul.' fui nlnhiu g
UOOTS . 4!ror. Meu's, boys', and
youths' boots; ladies', mi-wes', nnd chilih'eu's inn
inccn, goat, kid, und call Congress bouts, with Si
without Iiic:k; ladies knl a; ppers.
Rio and Java cofTce, black and green t a, X. O.,
China, Ilaluvia Island, Cal. refuted, und crushed
augur, E. Iliwton, Cal., Hugir-hnune, t gulden n) r
up; snll, 5 to 'dllO lbsl:s; lilt) kgt nails, ns-d si, s;
Hill's pale, chemical, , Englifli soap, soup pow
ders, powder, shot, i. lead; yeast powder, salera
ttiii, cream tuttar, miolrii is cheivint: tohueo,
green cvrn, pcae, toni'itoea, itrua nnd tilaekber
rift, in Si lb tins; i,p:ce, pepper, an 1 ca nia, pearl
b;si ley, mnecuroni, vermicelli, enrn starch, aim
onilx, wuliiuls, nuts, rutains, Chili peuches,
dried fruit; maelurel, in qr 4 hit' hbls; sardiuea.
A line assorliiieut uf
SO crates assorted ware,
4(1 dnz sleel picks,
U0 ' Dutch II lldla hoes.
White Lend, Oil, and Window Glass;
with a variety of other articles tonally kept.
Jj Wo will pay imsii fur wheal, Hoar, bacon,
butter, e'-;9, and uliuost everything the furmer
hus lo sell.
Oregon Cily, April 10, lbCI.
m.i nun all. J. h aoonit.
31 AIJSCIAJ.L A 3100KI:,
AVING purchased the enlir stock, loots,
W oi kit, and lidded to it the r own stuck, are war
ranted in saying that they have the
For (luins iiiacliiiio H oik
(of all kind)
and are prepared to do any noik iu their linu at
They huvo also fucililits for making
3 .m. rar x ? u m
Of Iron or Brass,
Steam Engines ami IJoilow built
to order, ami Warranted.
Orders solicited for Saw-Mills, Crlst-Mills, Rnap
era, Threshers, Ilorse-Powfis, Shafting, Pulleys,
Uanoers, tiearin, Force Pumps, and everything
in ihe Machinery line.
Iron Shutters made to order, of any size or style
also Iron Fronts for Buildings.
Repairing done with neatness and dispatch.
I'atlrrn making in all its various forms, and
lilacfcsmitliing of all kinds
Neatly doue al tlieir simp.
P We hme a full act of Pattern for repair,
ing Renpera and TkratStta.
Wheat will be tnkeu at the highest cash price,
delivered at Caurmali, for any midline aork or
repiira. Highest cash p-ice pai l for old iron,
brass, copper, Slc. May 11, lCI-y.
Yamhill House,
by Morris Woll'.
Per we.V $ ft
meal S!.'
The table ia furnithtd aa wtll aa that of any
hotel in the country.
jane!.'. UTABLISO 10
a a a it 3 a,
Sh-p marl appetite tit Mrthniut Ckarck,
April 10, 133 tf
tiiAi(Li:t v. itoiiuiM,
Impurter and Dealer in
TYPU, r l t'.k HIVM. ANUriVlflU
.VA'5, CARD STOCK, ).,
Nos. Ill and 113 ClaySlreot
Bn rranclaco. My
For Halo on Time.
I WILL SELL OS TIME, with approved
security lo notes, a SPAN OF I INK
IIDK.iLi, harncM and WACON, II yoko ol
WORK OXEN, a di of Cl)VS sui young
slock, forty head of burses, urnimg nleosils, ha,
Ac. W. L. .AM.S
Lafcyelle. Feb 9, 13CI.
Important t ) HotiMckci'per.'i !
N Family otig'it lo hi Without
Vorm'm Destroyer.
T has drstrnt ed every deeripl;on of Vermin
infesting premise w here il has been used, and
proved lo the ent ro sun. faction of purchasers III it
II Is Hi nne thing to pruaiote ll.or.iu(
eh aol.ness.
Ofllcs of Ihe V. H. Xaval Isjtsectar of Pro-
visions nsid ( tnttilae.
Ksvr Yssn, N. Y., July SO. IS.'.S.
Thb is to certify thai Jo pli Meyer. Praeticat
(.hem at, lias, uy in ue of Ins pr. r ilioni, dnv
en all the rats Irem (iovernineul htora No. Ii
this Inspection, wiiii h was infr.ird wilh tle ile
slruetivo aulmals; and that I witmnsed an ev
travrdiuary deslrneiiun of co. breaches, by Mr.
Meyer; although, when h i plied Ins ikiwiler
about inetr places oi n sort, only a few were wen
soon after, iu less than fifteen minutes, Ihe rlonr of
ih room was luerully cov-rcd with them, amit
alremly drs.l, olhei dying, au 1 1 fclaisun d that
by a few applications i t his (,'hemieal Powder,
(which is certainly very rllicaciou.,) Mr. Meyer
iioiiiu ennrciy riu a iioiee oi tnrse ohansiiins in
seels. J NO. I). OlllsilN,
Intprctor of I'nrieimt and Chlliine.
Sole Ageuts, A. II. SANDS Si CO. Whole
sale Drin'i; t, I II W lili.iin sire. I, cornrrof l ul
ton, ewlork. lor sal. he II. .luussis Si co..
.San I- rane sin, and by Druggists Reiieral'v. uS
r.-IIIESF. POPULAR Pil't'TER no-ses, all
L Ihe iuvig irating prop.rties of PL'RE OLD
HOL'KIION WIll.MvEV. nnd nre rn.idered
the most eilicacioii. TONIC nud STI M V LA NT
aswell as Ihe most ngreeahlj STOMACH It:
ever efl'ered the public. As tonio for OLD
PEOPLE, del n ite ladies, convalescent invalids,
nn I ull weukly people, they cannot be surpassed ;
iu nil cases ol weakness or debility, they will
give immediate relief, on J iinpirl a strong It -nl-thy
Inno In tho system. A trial will esiald'sh
the r merits over nil other Ionics now in ufo. For
Lung Complaint), llronchitis, Dypeptla, .Ver
vain J)ieiise, and L'ter tamplaiata. They uro
nn invaluuble remedy; and th y ure a certain
pn ventive of chilli and frrer.
Pal up in Lp.iurl liotilcs, in cocs of otio and
two dozen, and for sale by druggists, jjro.'eriea,
saloons, and lifjuor deulei-a everywhere, nil I by
Hole Agent fur tho Pucdie,
l;!0 Wsshingtou st .Snn Fratielsco.
Dakcr'd Pain Panacea!
mi. u.iker-s
Fur tho cure of piin, holh externally
und internally Ilia
Yet discovered.
Pain cannot exist where I Ms remedy is faithfully
Givo it a fair trial.
In the Stomach, ll.u k. or llnwtle, turns, bruieet,
cute, excelling; colic, diarrhea, and then,
muttsn, headache, toothache, nud earache.
It ciiics, alinoit instantaneously,
$ij'P'pia, teril Iir ant, liter eomn'.nini, general
debility, fever and ague, canker or lore
thront, iceak cijei, ipiae and kidney
diieaiei, old lore, cougAs,
In the above-mentioned diseases, It only needs to
be faithfully used, and
Sold by all druggists aad country uifiahants.
Agent, Washington st., Sun I'rniK'iscO.
Da. A. II. STEELE, agent, Oregon City.
' Dr. wTrT iTa hi? s"
(HURE3 all di-eas,s of Ihe LVXfiS and
J throat. For the cure of consumption, de
cline, nslhm i, bronchitis, wasting of flesh, night
sweats, spitting of blood, whooping cough, dull
oully of broalbing, colds, coughs, influsnji,
phthisic, paiu iu thu side, an J all direuse.i of tho
lt:ngi, it
a Unequak'd !
Haiti Lung En'.i'vn, iu all cases, givrs the
bi-st sutibfacliou;
llns wrouuht muro cures since its introduction
thin any other cough medicine ;
Is endorsed by our leading physicians as the
safest and beat remedy now helore Ihe public;
s safe to line among children, yet pnwerlul in
cases of chronic pulmonary disease;
Ilrings iu certificates almost daily uf its under
fill cures iu nil paits of the country.
'I'll -re is no medicine within our knowledge that
has acquired so great and wjje-spread pounhiriiy,
in so short a space of lime, as 1)11. l,l,'S
saiilic and healing iroprrtiea are luaoical. It is
highly expeetoraul and tonic. It coniuiui not a
grain of op uin or morphine, the uarcoiic and as
Iringeut properties ullieh have created so much
prejudice against simitar preparations.
Ve behevi that a medicine posueasing real
merits will effect cores whenever it is used, at
homo or abroad. Or. Hall's linlanm for the
Lungs ia no paregoric preparation, but one Inch,
if used in se.,,n, w II save the lives of ihoua
sola. The mmt dis'resalng cojl'H is freqiienlly
relieved by a single dre, and broken up la a few
hoars' time. The airlxtad do not bare to take
bottle after bottle before they find whether this
remedy will eftVd relief or not.
Hear what Pliyei.-i.-n aay nf Dr. Hall's Dal
asm. Kays one: "I, with confidence, recom
mend tho Balsam as superior to ev pr piratioa."
Another snjs: " I have oed It with ani'mnsoe
c -m, and can confidently recommend it fir id
those complaints firr wreck It le aHersd j i in
ly." Hull another write : "I bTt M hstit.i
liooin aayinj that it is safe,, and'
ctTi.-aeioue nied.cine."
tfoldbyall Irn??is1a.
D Wash:ngt.n sl, Aao Francisco, i
Da. A. II. STEELE, ilgeat, Oregon Cilf. I
17" lie partv-nlar and ire for Dr. H'.tf. j
Csraer 7-i J tni Water ilreela, atfotUa A
Perry Landing,
fpilE trailing public ir respeelfuily a
lutum io give ui a d,j, i;.
lb Orta-oa llousa ia Hie most lea.Mil
tally lu-jlid hotel m lbs Si:, aad, lis ben m
arranjtd as to maka it eov of th rsuI o-,iiurdi-
ous houses in ilw couulry.
THE TAIILE will always b supplied .il
lb Usl that lb market trlords.
Oooi accominod iliout fur lad and fansllie.
Eoard and lorlgiu,", per a e.k 1tJ
lliwiil, wiihoul lodging, frt wk Ii ll l
Hoard pif Jay, 1 Jo
Sniele un al..
N ijlil's lodglpg..
May 7, 1833.
ftlllE undesigned sro Bow ret-a'-ed In manu-
.1.; s.nih i III L.IJt
STEEL PLOWS over mado ou ll.i eoirt.
which lliey ar not afraid to warrant, and which
they ara selliug at
Prices Iw anil I ho Tlmst.
Wl have mad malelial Improvement ess ul l
old pstleru, and llios who have In.d our plow
fir litem lh preference over any other lby
lisv vrr iud. a are carrying on aa len.
sir manu'acuiry, and inland tu keep p wild tu
rapi uy turreatlng demand.
If von wsnl a (iiMIO I'lXlW. of asy draft.
nrd sore to scour, y I oue of Ryntarnn'l Data-
ru.Y rinri.
llutevlll, Mareh Si, IStil.
Fus(ices Office,
AM sliest snn band, and w'll "Mend lath
Drawing uj of Deed, Mort'f.t'.ft,
Ji?:ist'fi, Jsomls, l'owcrs ot
Attorney, Contracts, tt
md alt other business eoinniiiteil to my car.
Ojjiee directly oppoiile the Mitonie itmldtug.
June tli, Iftin. J. E. IIL'KFOUD.
Ioo:l iVs Liver Syrup,
ron tiii cite or
Si'i'nfnl:!. Srtihilitie. nail lueroti-
i j i 1 t
rial Diseases, OKI sorcp, skin
tliseasef, nnd all oilier
. tli.sca3e3 which arc
unused ly an
Imp arc stato of tho Stood I
Tins i:r.oon & livkr sykup
To cure nil si-nifulous and other diseases that
originate from I ha sloop oa i.ivsa.
Who is Kl.lni in Rev. Horace llushnell's church,
regarding the curs of hut daughter, who wo
tu ull iippe.iriiueeH crippled fur bf with th tcr
rilde disuse, M-'llOi 1,'LA:
Ciscissati, l'eb. 28, ISoD.
Mnssiis. A. L Rcovii.i, it co.
Hear Sirs: I fael it my duty lownte you, art 1
let yon kunw what your Illood and Liver nip
bus dune for my daughter, and I list by publishing
il others who sillier with th nam disease may
know uf il, and by its list) derive great benefit.
My daughter Elita has been surely allhclud with
St K OKI' LA i attended with great pain, fur mora
than two years. She had soma five or sis ruuniuir.
Ulcers on oue of her feet, on on hit li p, and
one nn her back. They causej contraction of
Ihe limbu so that alio could not walk. At this
lime, li'uin thu high recommendation uf your
lilood nud Liver Syrup iu curing audi diseases, I
was induced to try it. She coiuiueueed using it,
and as Ilia medicine acted ou tho blood, the soros
commenced lo heal. Th limbs aro getting
airaiiflit she is now irsiiiiua streuuth. I liavo
only used three bodies of the medicine, an I ihu
can now wulk rpiito well. Vour lilood and Liver
Syrup Ins ( wonders in resloiing hor liesltn.
Wilh the grenliwt respect, I remain yours,
dry Mieiionary .J- l'ai(or of thi Pretbutcrtan
Cincisssti, Maroli 2d,
Msssns A L. Rfnvii.i. l co.
Deur Sirs: M. MaWilliauu, fci., ia an elder
In lh church of which I nm pastor. 1 am o-
qiiuinled wilh the circumstane.ea uf the oas of
his d tug'iter, an. I I liuv no Hesitancy in saying
lliat I vunsidar Ilia euro truly wunueriui.
1IOKACK liU.lll.Ne.bU
SoiVIll's Hloou ami Livkr Svsur for sal by
ull the principal Drutriiists everywhere.
Dr. A. 11. sriil'.LIS, Agent, uregon i.iry.
3KO. W. SNKLL, sucuesor to Turk While,
Agent, .Van Fianciico, I'M Washington St.,
Importer and Grurrul A'ent for all
Patent Tlitilli hii s Jt I'niiry Oootls,
which sro (ill'sred to the I ro le
ol A'ruJ l or price, with bat colt of tmpirtatiatt
Tooth-acJio Drops.
Complain no mutt of Aching Tct!
11iIM.SK Drops liuv beon estemivuly used by
. whose experience has proved thnt
the Anodyne will give iinme liiil" and ps.inaneiit alter Ihe failure of every otrier remedy. It
liVasmitt'i the taste and smell, null a few aupli-
cations will entirely remove the pain and soruuan
from a decayed tooth, si. tli it it may he tilled and
rendered a useful as aver. Whin Ihe pain pro
ceeds from the f.ieo, or from the gums around a
tooth a;ipareully sound, this Anodyn will give
speedy relief by rubliing a few dron ou Ihe part
atrected. It has only to become generally known
to be as highly approciated by the I'ublia as it is
by Deutisis.
For sol by II. Joimso A ro., slid IUiiikutdm
co , Snu Francisco; Rica dt Corns, Marys
vide; R. II. McDonald V Co.. Sauiaru;Uo
and by Dra;'gis's generally. j-'
riMIE unJercigned, se:iiior of the lust will and
.1. test. ui' nt of the lale Dr. John McLoughlin,
takes this mode of warning all persom against
using or in anyway appropriating or destroying
trees, nr luiiher of any k nd, U.u th- "Orecfou
City Claim," w.tliont fii-l obtaining le ;v. Tho
havoc new 7 in; on rn..' i aiopied. The un
derri "ue i ds In alii i; ,1.1 persons violating 0i
nienis ol mis at...- as irespassers
Ksecutor, Ac.
Oreirou City, March 30, 1S1V1 .
Tor lale.
V". 4, adjoiaiag th M n I
h.seiu. ,1'mair t lb rgi' 'ir. -.-o;:,n-Ctly;
Much 30, WV4'
Toys rV:y
FILL HUl'I'LY F' It ' '(".loTMA
ami Mew Yr' jnet re"iv a ..t
Iti. 13 l- tilARVaU-?.