THE OR EG OX A It(i US i It V I M OK aii:i:timni ijut ui itli .., m 'r", l'i r wuii M.r ibMIOua . , J 4 00 j. I uUuu ISkr.k a . I W iilMcliiMc)(r SO MJ A Ilii4l ilrJutlw sill U ' 0' Ml" 4tiu, l) tU)4r. IV ttmAtf i iuxiirfiiit luLI U ri J a Ik ( in ilrit wnirhl, uikmUMit .!l b l.ul.l,4 HI (mUU'D. 4 lto(J IIV ! W. t K Id. TFKMS OF SUHSVIUI'TlOy. n rr..r iel1 Of martini 'J "' i" fir "'" ' " ' ytur- fit IhUinifiU it thurgrJ fur tix mnitlit ,uk,cl ipliimt rteeietil fur a If iW. gnptia, v j- TraeUerV t'.onvrntltia la Hairni, The followiiHf obstruct of pruccL-tliiirt of litis Loily i furnished for pniilieattoii: Wki-nesday, July 31, ItiCl V.inAlSlI BKdalO.V AlUOlUl;i)ll WHS .,iut to order by IJislmii Scott, und Uev J It. W. Scllwood was secretary protein. The followwg pi-ntlcincn wero appointed , committee to draft u constitution: Mr. V. Colwcll, Rev. 0. C. Chandler uml Mr. S. lfinioy ir. the following wore up Liuii-A a committee to solicit speakers be fore llio n.wiulio i on Tliiiind.iy evening: Mr. T. M. (Jatcli. Rev. C. H. Hull nnd Mr. C. 1'. truiidull. Un motion, the As .Nation took a reccs until i o clock p. u. Ai-TKitsoox Skssios. The committee on a constitution xuhmittcil tlio (ollowiii COXSTITITION'. Aht. 1. Tlii organization shall be known as tlio " Oregon Stuto Kdiicutionul Aoeiiition nnd leachcm' Institute." Am. 2. Tlio officers of this ussociulion li.ill consist of a President, three Vice President, Corresponding nml liccorditij; Sccreturu-s, a Trensurer nnd nn executive toiuiuit'.eo of three, w lib hall bo chosen by ballot by n majority of the members prcs cut at cucli uumiiil meeting. Am. 3. 1' s'm" 00 'I"-' duty of the Pn-s iiVnt to urcsidu nt nil mectiiirs of this A noeiiition. mid to fulfill the duties usually (isiiMod to such officer until his successor i i l. ctid. Am. 4. It shall be the duly of tlio Re- rnrdiiu Secretary to keep n correct ret curd of the proceedings of the Association. Ai:r. 5. Ii shall bu the duty of the Cor r,.mndin Secretnry to correspond with educational iisni:iiition., lie., according to the direction of the Association. A nr. C. It shall bu the duly ol the Treasurer to take charge of ull inoncj he niii to this Association, nml pay out the same by nrd'-r of the Association. Am. 7. This constitution niny be aiii'-nd-cil hy it vote of two thirds of the in "tnhers of the Association present at any annual merlin;;. Am. 8. Teachers, S'lp'riiitenilents of sc'ionl, mid other friends of cdiioilion may lueaimi members of this Association hy naing th's Constitution and payiujj on.' ilullir to the treasurer. Am. 9. Seven nifinhcrs will constitute a quorum. Which was adopted. Thu association then proceeded to the flection of t'fllvn, when lilsiiop Scott, ivas duly el cled President, Messrs. 0. C. I'liandler, T. M. 0 . tell and C. II. Hall, Vice Presidents; (J. P. Cr.nel ill. U' eord iuir .Secretary, mid Rev. 0. Dickinson, I' r. Wkpskspay Evrsixo, July 31. Mr. Pciiimyer idl red the following res olution: JUm'ird, That n romm'ttco of five liMchers lie appointed lo ri (nrt a series of text honks to he recommended by the As Mieintion for tter.eiul use. ihroiihout the wlmels of the State; which was adopted. The. Clliair nppointed as such connniitep, Messrs. Pcnnoyer, li d!, Uarnaid, D.iniula nml l'o!e. Uev. Mr. Hall offered tlm following ad ditional article to the Constitution: A i!T. 10. This Association shall mat nniuially on the first Wednesday of An jinit, at such place as may be selected by tlieinenibi rs. Which was adopted. Uev. Mr. Chandler moved, that the ii"xt meeting bu lit Id at S.dem. The million prevailed. Oa motion of Mr. Chandler, ths Associ ation then adjourned. Tiansn.w, August 1st. Mnnstso Session-. Mr. Peimoyer from the coniinittee on text books, made the fol lowing report: The committee to whom was assigned the duty of presenting to the Association a suitable list of text-books, for the purpose of having said Association recommend sni-h list fur general adoption in the schools throughout the entire State, ben leave to report that, notwithstanding the very brief time allotted them, they have united upon a list for which they usk the respectful consideration of this body. Your com mit teo believe that there is no one subject relntinj to tho schools of this Stnte which needs it more careful consideration than that of a complete uniformity of text-books. Every temdicf has experienced the very great disadvantage under which both his pnpils and himself have labored, nnd by having n diversity of tt-xt hooks iti school, nd hy having some of the pnpils forced, fter a short advancement in one book, to adopt another, which, with its different phraseology ond peculiarities, is nlono cal culated to confuse nnd discourage. The committee sincerely regret that there is not present at this time a larger number of the Ulehcrs of the State, so that their opinions an be ascertained in relation to the value of the different books used in our schools, and so that, nftcr a careful canvass of the merits of the same, n uniform list could be designated and generally adopted. In viw, therefore, of the limited opan the sitting of this body, they would not be prepared to advise a recommenda tion of the list proposed by them nnless 'he Association were generally agreed thereto, but would advise, in case snch gen eral assent could not be obtained, that the matter bo postponed until our next annual meHii;g. TJiit, liojifug" that a general " Siieseence will be given nt this time, the committee respectfully submit the following I'St: Sind. r's Spi l!er and Reader, Mon kith & Mif-N'o-Hy s fw-ttirriMibf, Thompson's s,-ries of A riiluiietic, IjiiflioV M ranim ir, . BwVor Sjvncer's System of Penmanship, QiaekMilio' Leons in Composition, 'ilion's HNtory, Davie' Algebra, and rTk,.rs pii";ir.sophjT -Mr. Chandler offered the following "3e::daitiit to t'.ic reort; strike the "port before the lit of books ond insert e lolinwm" oV..--.f. That cai teacher this A Wet'kly NcwspajKT, dovotc. to the Inteivsts Vot.. vir. .State bo earnestly reipicsted to examine thu lollowing text-books, nud uny other i desired, nud nit 'lid the next meeting of this Association prepared to recommend ut least one in some department, uud lo givo itis reasons for his preferences, with such !tl . . . . . . . . ... iio siiaiions irom tno work ns lie Hunks 1 ending winch, on inolioii, of Jlr. Pcn noyer, the report was laid on the table. Mr. U.irnurd offcreu the follow-in" rcso- '"'i"": Utiohrd, That it is tho opinion of this Assot'lution that thvy tiro unable at the present session lo adopt any give., list nf """" ,u ""a "Kn u 110 I'!'1 text-books ns worthy of being recommended I'wns remaining in tho snme church to the teachers of this Statu as the best lo relations who differ In belief upon such iin bo employed, while they would ndvise and fundamental moral roieslinns the superintendents of schools nnd teachers Kenernlly to examine the list mentioned by the coimniltec, and other text-bodes upon the same subjects, with a view to Ihcir udoptiun, or that of some substitute, at the next uimuul meeting of the Assoeiu - tion. . , , . i . V Inch was adopted. A ftkknoos SKsstox.-Rcr. Mr. Lin- pincott offered tho following umeiidineut. and udditioual Article of the Constitution: Insert in Art. 2. tifter tho word Transit- rcr, tlie words " And an executive com- mittec;-' insert after Art. 2 the following urtielt: A nr. 7. It shall bo the dutv of tho exo- entire committee to appoint persons to do-; liver orations nud rend essays, nud to make iirrangeinciits for the aunuiil meetings, and r i ,i j -ii perform such other dalles ns will promote the object of Ihn Association, nud report the same ut each tneetinir. Which was adopted. The President being authorized to no- mint thu committee provided for in Arti cle 7, nppointed Messrs. Catch, Crandall ami D.uiicls. Mr. Gatch offered the following rcsolu- t.on: i.-'oen, That the President of this As sociation be ri (piested, ns fur ns convenient, to iircseiit us obiects to teachers, county snpi r.nteinleiits ami others in U. . . . .. . .. - eoiinlirs he may visit, Which was adopted. m.. i Ill ..iv i .1... f.ji t .iii. yraiiiiau mr.-ieii uie lunowiiig series of resolutions in relation to n TcaclieiV In-i tillt(. WcsnlerJ. That this Association will . meet us u Teachers' Institute, in Salem, on the first Mondays of November, ISCI. and ! March, ISfld. nt 1 o'clock, p. M., for the .. ' . . . . ' . purpose ol general uml critical courses ol instruction to teachers in thu best practica-. bin inethoils of tenching the common and igher Kne:h brain-lies of cdiiention, ul ipted to' District Schools nud Aeude-, ni'l'S. RrWivrf, That a corps of Pi-ofessors be hos n ul this s-.-sio i, and nssigned their! respective dati s in the above session of he Iii.-t'.tnte. I UewlrcJ, Th it the courses of instruction ; , , .. . I ,,, i . III stu-li Institute shall be divided into the! di piirtnu-nts: Philology, Mathematics, X,lt. uful Science?, Geography, and History. lt -Wec, Tliiit t du-rs thronghnnt this State and Washington Territory shall be entitled lo the neiiein or inoe courses oi instruction, upon payment to th Professor in ehnrgo of the (Icpnrtineiit in which he ay desire instruction, of the s,iun of for each course. ReWi.i, Tliiit the Professors hereby chosen shall be a Hoard of .lAmngers, who shall have iiut'ior.ty to make nil needful rules nnd regulations for the conduct of the Institute. ltcWef.7, That teachers nre especially and earnestly invited to attend these Ses sions of the Institute. On motion of Rev. Mr. L'ppincotl, the resolutions were referred to the Executive Committee with instruction to curry them into effect, so far ns practicable. Mr. Cohvcll offered the following resolu- Hons: liMoerrf, That the Corresponding Sec - retury be requested to prepare and publish an address to the Teachers ol the State of Oregon, requesting llicin to form County Associations Which was adopted. Mr. Lippineott offered the following: llemlerJ, That we tender our heartfelt thanks to the citizens of Salem, for our respectful nnd hospitable entertainment du ring the session of this Association. Mr. Thomas, Superintendent of tho Cal ifornia Stage Company, having offered to convey to their homes, free of charge, such members of this Association as bad come here on the Company's Stages, paying full fare, it was ' ,1 m hp,.,t him the acknowledgments of, Meunlnrtl I Hal IUB OCLTCI.II T IIU umut- .1- i;...,..;nt;n,i Inr lii (Tcm-rniiS offer. i n motion of Mr Daniels, the Secretu-1 Ull moiion ui jiii." ry wns authorized to publish in the various ' pnprrs of this State and Washington Tc;r-! riiorv on abstract of the proceedings of the ' Zi . I Association . . ,. Association ErF.xisc Sf.ssios. Tlie convened at 8 o'clock, P. , PhnrMi ft. ?lf I ' I Addesscs wero delivered by Bishop fa;i to be a lasting good to oil who heard Scott, Uev. B. C. Lippineott and C. H. thcm Maj. Mugone was then called on, Hall und 3aj. Alvorel, U. S. A. I BJ0 iVor il nn iloqin-iit ond truthful nd- The Association adjourned to meet in Salem on the first Wednesday m August, . " jjjg, pcnileiitiHiy cor.v.cts in ueiir.y every 6tate TIIOS. F. SCOTT, President. w,.re jM-rsons habitnat' d to the no of in C. T. Cfasuall, S'-e'y. ' toxicatiug liquor, previous to their being jy- Brigadier Gen. Sehenrk, who com mandeil the Ohio troops in th'r late affair at Vienna, is a native of Warren comi ty, Ohio, and is 52 years old. He gradu ated at the Miami University,--and aftir-' waribvwaVa prof.s' that institution, which be finally left to study law. In 131, be sett!, d in Dayton. Re served as 'tate representative several years, and wa3 twice elected to Conrre". He Prin ted Minister to Ilruz.! by Pres-dent Fill more, and has since been identified with the railroad interests of the West nc is esteemed a brave man. of tho Lilnriii C-la-ii'-i, OltKOOX CITY, OKKGOX, AUCJUST 10. 1 JvrcKNB Citv, July 27, 1HC1. jSt-vritl other (euthi.K ii Wire culled tijoii, Khitop, oruiK Ar.i:i-s Ji-arS!t: I wish1 who briefly nddiesed the imt ting, all to present to the Christ!.;., public some tl.ouehts on the propriety of a general division in the religious denomination tit Oregon, nml alo the ironrieiv of a 1'"'st' 1 Lt,'' vc ""''-"owj Lluis- lial" ouiii to bo seimratcd In cliurdi rein- tious from vro-Mlarrru Chrisllnm. fif there Ure uny such Christian as Ihe latter.) It ns those involved in American slavery- ,. t . ,, .. , 1,0 ,P ' "'a l ' fcIl,vt''u'omg to be founded in eovdnusnrm, nd its pructh-i;! workings to be rxtartion; . that it fs uu insliliiVon or the devil, and a ,v, ... n . ... ... .'.w .Ml.iV lllill .11, 1UIIII11I1AI 1.1111 II, Hit' ,i . . i- , , " ',n Sieving (or professing to be- llun') tllllt " 14 institution of God, fraught with the richest Missings both to master uud slave. Tt.n. i i. : V - ' m.b, j 1,11(1 i'"n ""p'1' ns fxpi'ft Imrniony be- tn t'c" ul"' ""ikm-ss. " How can two walk together cxci pt tiny be agreed?" - Christian may d.ff.r iiim.ii minor points, '0,i ,.. i.,,. .,.:,. i . too vet nave or ci ov real union: but not ; , ,.J. '""""i so wheru tlnv dfi'T tllion fniidnnienta priuciphs. Coiise(pieiitly, there should be u separation of tho two classes; let the iasiniilar separate, und the similar unite- Anti-slavery Christians can nil unite con sistently upon the following or a similar basis: First. Drop our denoniinationiil or sec tarian .mines, uud adopt the simple one of " Christian.'' This namo we nil claim as ."'"3 "l"lr "! m uavo 10 ue ........ ..ii ..-ii i ... i all other names will have clroiipM, l.ku tuc pack from the back of Umivuus Christiun, outside the gate of ' t- II,.,,,.,,,, , . . . ccconu. Auopi mat ns n crecil or oasis of union which wo nil believe, such us I lie following, viz: Then, is nm. f!,. 1 nn 1,..v,., . , r , , , ' .', . net wee 1 lioil uud men uml mm Hole . . ' I1'"1 toiworicr. 2. The perfection of the Diviuo Law. 3. The fail of iniin and the di nravitv of 1UMjall j,,,,, . . ...n: .: ... i t . .. ru . " M,U".K ''"'''i ) " "- d- vctssity ol new birth or regen- irnt.oii. (! V,-P(.s.;tv of it li.i'r lifi. v, .... f ,, , .i.wi.v.iiii.1 v.llll.l.U Iv.lUIUnilllll .. J r'H''liieuts. Vio the adoption of these principles I think all anli-sluvciy Christians may con- sisti-nl!v unite, iil.'ott in-' each one to hold and teach whatever ho understands the I'ible to teach upon oil minor points in theology. And while each is thus to enjoy the liberty of holding und teaching what he understands to be the truth, he is not to ! turn und deiiounce the views of his brethren. It appears to mc that Union .among Christians in Oregon is purlicularly calhd for; the weak and scattered condition ol most religious denominations among us prevents them Irom exercising much indu- ence for good; when if nil the fragments ol i the different churches were joined in one ,)0( lM CJi.t(,nsivu I ;. ... , . ' ,011 the promotion of virtue nud piety, I Should these lines full under" the notice 0f !U,y Christian friend who sympathises j with (h(,ir s,.lt;mt,llt? r wouM 1)u )(!,d to open n correspondence with him in ref erence to carrying them into effect, by forming an organization in accordance with them, Jaiius II. D. IlE.Nnmtso.v. Sous of Trntprranec. En. Aimics: On the lSth July a meet- ing was held ut McAfpin School-house, in Morion county, for the purpose of publicly installing the officers elect of Liberty nnd - . ft., . . .. "m!-",HI- "- ""-""'i- "ui caneu m oruer ur ti . n. i'uihj.ii , Dunbar, Grand Conductor. After the singing of uu ode v....v.... ...... ...B..-n .. .. t anj ,,raycr, the meeting was addressed for hour , Hon. C. P. Crandall, of , , , , . . i i 1 Salc"b w,' broMS?,,t tn Vltw "' Sllt'1' " ('lel,r : ' manner tlie evil cu. cis oi intoxuiiiing ,., , :....... 1 UrillKS On llie mOrUI, pllVSIC.II, UlCl IIUCHCC- tnal nature of man, that'll! remarks cannot ' ' sentenced. His Fju-ech oltogether was on that cannot be gainsoyed. Samuel Allen, E-q , was then loudly called for, ond, as is U-ual for him on un h oecas'or.s, he came forward to "p i-k in d-f' of the princi ples of t' mpi ranee, cf w hkh' he' been nr. tdvocate since he was a boj. In the course of bis remark", be said the drii ki.ig commimiiy was divided into three classes: 1-t, the clas that can eirii.k when th-y please and let it alone when thry .lraf; 2J, the red-eyrj cla, who did not exactly let it a!o-ie; 'and 31, the strect-wallowcr. antl lulvi'i-atin,' deeming it a l.'gh p.Ivilego to speak fur tempeninee und l.uinniiity. The lu.-itln,' wu no instructive one, and !.ou!.l audi meetings be held frequently no doubt great good would be i fT ctwl by them. K I.. II North and Soitii In 1790 the popu lation of the Slave States wa larjj'T than that of the five by C0.007. In 1SC0 the number of wpmro miles ot sensed by tho South lately exceeded that h01 ' , , ., x. .. ,, . .; , .. I It h .s promoted ud calh-.l lo at tu i coin- of the North; Hat Northern population lJie ,irnil.. of ,! , v!r army was ahead of Southern by 8,43J,h70 per- , , te avail ible. We bare latdy tin son. The rate ut which population (owing ticid n fctntciiieiil llmt IIS il1'ner ol the of course in u L'reut ineiisuru to euiii-ruliuii old nrtiiV Imve, time the lueiikilig out Cif increased in the lust ten years in the free ... , .. . . .. 01 ' ' oi.iicii, nun ti icr vvui., ig iiiu cijic States 2Q per cent. Tho only decrease In city population which tho last census recorded, was of! nearly SOOO souls in Charleston. the first Virginia, which in 1700 hud place in population, l.ud sunk to the filth in 18G0. Of eight States, which contained over a .... f I I . I . I million of ...habitants, only to were slave States; nnd of tweiity oiic cities containing over 4U.000 inhabitants, only five were Southern cities. A revenue was derived from the ot offices in the free States, while in the slave States the expenditures exceeded the re ceipts nniuially by $3,f)0fl,000. Tho total agricultural and manufac tured products of tho North wire 00 per cent in valiio above those of the South. Kven including cotton. The North contrib uted five liiliths of the Federal revenue. The exports of the South were $2i,000, 000 below those of tho North, und the im ports of thu free States exceeded thoso of the slave States by $ J 1 0,000,000. Revoi.ction and tiik Haii.i:o.!i The present war will cost the country ut the lowest calculation, in hard moiiev, four hundred millions of dollars, while the actu al loss to the various industrial r.ud com mercial interests is not to bo estimated A thousand inilhons of dollars would not cover the pecuniary damage inflicted upon the country by the gigantic (reason ol Toombs, Davis, Cobb, nud l-'luvd all of which might have been prevented by I'c adoption nf the oppo-ito policy to thai which iiilliieuced the corrupt und one-sided Administration of Jam s liitchnuan, who should be impend c I ly fos his complicity with n movement which had so nearly destroy) d our nationality. It would have required only a hundred mil lions of dollars to fini.-h the Pacific Rail road, uud betti r, far better had it been that this uiuouiit of money had been raised by Government nnd in some con-ditutioTil manner appropriated to tlu building of the great project would have given n additional laeilitii s of postal coiiimiiiiicatioi, linked tho Uniol by ind.sroluhlc- bonds more firmly together, und opened to the North nud South the benefits of nn enormous Asiatic nnd Pacific trade. The ut mi either K-ilc ol' Mm i-uad would have moiv than paid the cot by their increase'! value, even while the railroad was building. 6'. F. Mirror. Di:j!oiiai.i7.i.!) Condition of the Rmin.s. Davis & Co. are already beaten nnd de moralized; uud it is my 'In lief, nl. o, that they will not give us battle in this war. Tho gong they beat, so loud at tho be ginning, is, like Tarn's harp, hung up alto gether, uml those who smote it in the name of terror, will soon address themselves to peace. According to the juMice und the mercy of our Government, will bo the peace they get. Put it must come, and come according to our terms; nye, before n year goes uronnd. I hardly think, now that we have "started in" with such good will, it is desirublu to end the contest much before. Our nrmy nud navy ought to be completed, and it will have a wholesome effect for us to make n full dress parade be fore the world. The sensitive need not shrink. The campaign will not by any means be bloody. With the ports shut, uud the very atmosphere sealed against the conspirators by n continually closing circle, we can let Uiotn co l uml tester among themselves for two or even three years more and all the w hile go on about our business., w ithout ten per cent detriment to IIIWI business,, without ten per cent detriment to (h(. ,,CM,.ril prosperity. It is loo impor- 1U ircneral nroiperiiy. H IS 100 tunt that these upstart rebels should well . - .-, , understand the temper of the country, for j l,s to" klur the impending lesson over.-1 ' t our stat.suiii, therefore, but do their ; business ns isely as Gen. Scott and Secre- i.. .... r:..n ,...n .....l & ITIISIIirss Iin 1.I.-.CIJ ua mi. nviii.Hii'i .....v tiny Cuineron li.ive done theirs, ami mc ;tii , f,i .,.. ,.r it.; LIIIIIIUJI Will n: .III..I "l .11 ...i.-.m. .n-n bile forever. Put the actual .-antery is the ! . I.. 11'. ..AnH..I. ll.n Olliy reUlfllY. Ill; liunv w.iui :ii of the sore, nnd the underlying flesh will then be clean. Cnr. S. F. 7'imrs. . , DrcrASK oftiie b.:i.TAr.-AbdiiI jid died nt Constantinople on tho 2.1th of June. Ills Supremo Highness leaves be-1 l,-,l him 7.-.0 disi-oniolate widows, and is succeeueu ut nm uiuim-i. i...u ,i,-i,- , , , . , . ,. , 1 1 I I .1.,.- Tl... l..l r..r.... nrcn iinrooaceo, eicspue mr jin juuiues , hissnbj.Tts, many important improvement, ' borrowed from Wcte-rti Kurope. Hisj .h ath at almost the same epoch as bis fur-:,.;.t r;rt,rl.:.Lr,er U in-nlar IU-TI M "I" V , - - i-oincid'-iie-e. bee,, The'Ciiah -t'iii Courier, havin informed that Lo i r l.iic-iianari, a i nee on the coa-t of Afr'i u, wns fu-t goinjr to rui.V of cjrs for the imp-nlleil ntr, rnpa e..i,.M." V.. ,11 ! nut uinn.1 t'n-r- I,! of tfelivrioe' 84.000 men tic P- ni iem was any Puchsmn' lower than the late UnitiiJ mdani'-nt'.J Prerdent or toe Sutcs." tint -i!5 of Truth in every Utn X'). IS, 8C 1. tatlU n4 Srd'.Uon t-auirUtat. The aul(4 upon lb Aditi.n!lriit!iM for - . -.... ... -., t. , i .. .i .1 .... n i , Ollt j'l t C l'ie; IT IVM 1 ! JT TiVlfd from ii il' -id'u an I fault fll.d lig tl l tioll, and lire chufty lmt.n II nctit Uti hu nts tho Wahii'gton corn-.o:idi tits of journal ttho.p liliu ke.l adtiie llju'tt the i oi. duel id tho Mar has not L'cii jk n. Thse att.ukaredilctiduaiul ll.e Pr. idi l.t ii. id the SicM.ity of War. nn I Very cvidciitly fj riiig fioui linagiii. d r'Oiml cr.evjiu.s. Jn inalti-r Hut Aflniiin i . . . . . . ., .... .. .. ... I I i.HII ; " "ur- ou" ,' taff apt o iitimnli, whi.c 4i.O officii and apl o.iiiimnii, win.o u omecrs oi voluiitii-t have In en pl.iod in rimd-ir p- sitions. Tins is Iguoraiitly made (i niutur of reproach ugniut the Prisidint ni.d Cabinet. The aaiwilioii is both unjust I ana miijiiu. A nt- niioiu iinmiKr ri regular lonieiis of and above the ra. k of Cuplsin, : 1 , ,i . nml the -reirate. indud- , ing all I,i. iitcinmts nnd cad. Is subject to dutv ill the field, dots not CCld iOO. Some of these ore nure toys. Ihe IIVII F HI llll' I'lH VII'll, III IIII.IIM 1.1IHIlll- ; , ,,,,' n. .,... .,, if... f.l I.I ....... ... Ii f..0...i ........ i... i nntecrs called out, nnd now in service, ex ! ceeds 2U0.C0 I. The iinnila r "f oCicer ri Iquiicd for this force, i sOa cthing ovi r 10,- iillll, im bilious: lio Mujor Gemiuls, 70 I'liia liir (ieiu raN, s;i;j ColomN, 'J00 Colonels, 400 Majir. 200 Snrgccns, lO'l Avtnnt Surgeon-. 2.000 C.iptuius, 0010 I.ieuti naiit.', I(U (Ja-rtirinasti is, 100 ii . "'t PiiViiitihiiis Riigin- It r-t It'l l Mi ll tinn ers, .' UU. Ncttiililil u-k l.ow is it . ii-.. Lie to obtain inm the tdil urn y, or Iron. Wet Point, one lum drill Gilitl.iN, ell I light hundred field of ficer,? Iu tiuif of war rery i-fdc -r of t'ic stand ing urmy is requ red lor service in connec tion with his own corps. There are none who can be H and to' take command over the voliinti trs, but some few nre ne cessarily detailed lor I lint duly. I'mt the heaviest draft on the talent uud fk II of the trained officers, in casn of a suddi i lion to the nrmy, is In the staff. Tim ad jutants, engineers, (punt ruiat, roitid com inissaries nre seh cled, u far as po.-.s.blc. Irom aiiioug yoiin .' i llieers or tuh iit uml cniciiney hi the o'd seriice. Their teelini c d know halve in tho.e branches is indis pensable. T lint malice mii-t be very blind w hit-It censures the appointing power for not liiid .ig in u body of five hundred men silb.-t.tuUs for ten Nor is tin le any proof that out of ibis host of new men utaiccuMomcd to war and it ! duties, n s icdo individual has been or dinal ton ropou-dhlc command who was not lit lor it. Not one such cmfo has been pointed out. The Geiiend Government is compelled to hike those volunteer officers which the Statu militia syMun supply. It would bi n miracle if mine of them, out of such a multitude, did not prove incompe tent, but their incompetency cannot be known In fore trial. Thus fur none has been shown. It was the inisfortue of Generals Puree ami S' hci.ek to be repubed by heavy butteries which they had not expect ted to eiieonnti r. Hut they (ought brave ly, brought their men off, and siili'ei'eil no disgrace All admit that Gen erals IJutler, Punks, Patterson, Cailwiilla der, Mcl'MInu, Lyon, Dix, uud McDowell are nfiiccrs of grent capacity, and uio " the right nu n in the right place." This contemptible, puerile snurlirg ut the Government fur everything that it bus done and bus not done, tm-bt to be frowned down. Surely none of it should be h' ard Irom Republicans, As to that detestable rebel press which glories in the hope that coiiTn-ion and disaster will over whelm thu Federal cause, wo expect no thing better from I hem. llo w ho repeals and dwells upon such visions or disaster ns that class of critics love lo indulge iu, may be set down as their confederate and sym pathizer. S. '. Timr.i, A IVnuunc Piieaciiiik. Peter Cart wright, tho eccentric Methodist parson, sends the following letter to tho St. Louis Cinlral Christian Adrocutr: Ibother Muslin: I send you a fivo dol lar bill on the Missouri bank, which you will credit to my account. Alas! (or Illi nois; our money is ii"nrly nil dead in our pocket. You should have had nil I owe jy,,,,, hut the rugs died on my hands. If Lour own money is dead, bury it und nieaeh its funeral sermon, but do not pu-jicli its funeral sermon, but charge the expenses to n,e, but to the so- cessionidts. I hope (Jen. Lyon will eatel. - -j-ory j lree 1C , tlicmsdi every tr i ory Jacssoi. nml Hang mm on i lie iirst comes to. I. iiio.i men ought tu arm mselves from head to heels, und shoot ii.. i ri j'.,.i .. in evrijl IHIIUI 11117 i-"1" I". II l'"l "III , ,aVe mercy on iiu1, I would ratlier die than ,.. .-. ... .... n ,.i 1.1 i. un CH.UIIS J UT r llllltlll. niMlllHl 11-; uti- throw u. If wo .uu,t be destroyed, I hope .1 . t . .. I ...ll .1.. I. 1 ..... I llio ,l;U W III 1IO II, UIIII IIOl KIVC 119 II11U ' tl,,. power of Tories. The urmy worm is making n dreadful swicp of our meadows, w heat and corn. We tire threatened with Med-!(!riiU(i ll(re We have had no ruin for ( f,n,r weeks. H tho Union men need help to kill traitors, call on Illinois. We can "nd you twenty thousand good men und true. r.nrs ul tiioou will now, tint tins ... , , , , , ... Lnion must stand though the heaven full. I' nr. CARTwnicuT. pleasant Plains, June 17, I SCI. CiT One fact in the present cm, test we ilbiMmtes what fre-doin cm. do for a State ... . .... , ,i- ur,: o,,.. ...... ....-.,... .. the Superintendent ol the Illinois Central Railroad, nt ten hours' notice, run rtart ' IV t. I i.. jl.iii.rt.e AT nltnr-K Irom the ejilt-renl p-ams on i-iai hub juur us the loeomotivei can c.irry Ihem! lint ' can nnv or all tlie r.bel Stales ! to corn- I ire with ti.ii? ' cut l (.y. j tt l'lii)( M4. m; bat clig4 ki'l lU l ri, 1 1 iliffriio.ff. I Ifi" I'lUIIkO trli Hi h rii. ) d.'filrh. ! I''"' ' J'i 1'nxlit.f mut t mi, M SatUoat Carriclt'i Tord, Vlrglula. 1k t btlrjf ti(H TkrjWf4 k) t OkU al tftJIiiM !) A il .;li-l. 1 1 1! ('iiirii.lni! I ;- ill.l S. I)f I Ph. liWi Ut ili at i'irk' KwJ. in tti-lriii ir.nii4. au lli l.'di io'l, iliwi Tl. r. M uny al IjiioI II U, Hwtn e.'.n. Um u ii Mj. ia ilu- L'.H. Arm.. e l (4inrl li i.uiu.l en IliU rau-ll, r niii-.ii I u rini in term I .-. eu lnu.a ' ui lira. Mi l'ltlljii'a i.m. b la lirtrrly. iMial li.'ii( ! - Uriljf I lui M.l lIUa amial, nJ il(iurci tl.a Ii p k m ll.rm by tl sj ; llnu ijll l li'il M..uuU a 0t. Ik nj.a..ii.iu t d raoriv.l lli iwtl iiujiii uf, uj a (.uiii I inniia4 alK er-J- ft J. lit 10 avl't-k. Hi Nm'.h liiJ.u li.ei- ' pi'iii iiti4 ll. IV tamp luil I ' miJ f. nal a lai m o ou t, a Im or lloui, nn.,. .q..i anil rkll.ii J. and utridl t ant I a, lr.1, Im r-k. u te gir ilirm jnoj rrmtia I vu. Th f"il If in lr not r lli lajr- (i-. lliiua lum ll naniM (al.jtru lllrir irt. 'Ill -M aitnr winlwiil.ia Ihir unlrtof ! Irr!jr. an I iIi.iviii.iiIw r.-IVil).!,g le-m Rah J M unit n, nj fmiliiig 'i jpi" la ltieUH "illt nn m:bV, ll.ry imuti. .1 . I.tuifl II II, anil lk Hi ral in a rwlmii w hL l.roii;, l.n. Alutr il V ilua uiM.r I ll.riii a tlnl er Iw U tuoil l.nil.v I lint a gtil, iu thru I al'nl fiuin II I II tia Mi inMii lf. al.rn ll adiaue e Mini I ui.mI. tail ccuiiinit J Ii a'.l dty in pii ( lli iiirrtnuil rain ouiiiij J. n. 'I Ii trbvl amiy left ll. lefipk aiul anu.k Climl Itivtr, nnj lancJ ll. ii oui.l.i ii rcod to th U llwn of Ilia l-ilVy. ('ae adulir Wat renipu l f th Hill Ohm', ih and tlili In.'Lmii an.l ii-hid un, gu .M ll.iuuli ll iiMiuuUin (iili hi- l.y Ii nn, ramp fur ii nn. nio ion, and kiiu' rLt, ihniwn friim r.kl oacin la f rilaal lit hi. tii.r uu ( lotdr.l ('ial liivrr llinr. anil la. all), atual I a'clurk, ih y iuiim. upwiilitli rnrniy'a fimi.l. Hi Mill (Olio adtann-d i.ji .lit la ll, I- iJ. ia ln li Hi nitnir'a wa(na ti IihiJ, Iivii ut!d uly tliu trWI army i M-tirl a fnriiitH file Uwn llii-m all tmall atrna und iw.i lil'rd cannon, fr.un id blnirim tli rV' e iil i if iin- r trr, wi n (dry liud hrra cm real il. 'riifiili ra ' h t''. aid Id Mill i. i.imril it wall ajiiiil. :i-annn'. two uirea of (' arlilli-rv ram Ui an.l cH urd ou tli Irlr't uml Hi.- Pili ln.lia.ia lomiporl Hi I tilt hw ln. hie. Im 7lh Ii riana end id rii brl.-n Ihe two flr, an I cam in ou li e runny' Ii -lit I'auk. 'I'll M-li'a lliro Ai-d in -rrl dii-.eilrr, Iravinf lliirfiiil :. nf arlil'rr)-. Al id i l foril. a quarirr f a nn1 farthor ou, Cm. (iurnrll airiiiilrd totally Ii a frictw, whrn Hi 'III Iml aiiiaiia tarn Ui in IiiH pnrtuil. an I Mioilirr hi bk i-iin(; niar.l. (irn. (iurnHt wi.t linn ly tlml ida.l, wlirn hit o'iir' flwl in wil.l rarninil toward Hi. (inn-ue. 'I'll Till lud nil I nia ui-u. il llirni tor n nalr cr loo, bu' our fiiiepa ivitoo rliaimtil Willi thi-ir f .r.lJ ninrili of Lini'V in let, wild hut linl rrt frini yflrdv' liuirli, llml Ccn. Miali I e'u-ard Iu 11 I hem fur iif tl. nif my fnnlirr. 'I Ii aii'ta'or Id who' nCi'r nr, lb enptnm uf lh-lrln-1 camp al U-uiti-l Hill, nml a lai(i aa cunt of l ilia ami ratni riiiiiau. fully wai! ma. Il.eir fi. Id i In at ep; nf d lo cmilain all thr'r nn:iy I Wo n K lin-nliil b iiinrrn, ilia nf llirtn of ili- lii r.-ii ri-cinirni; n Inii" lutnilif r of Viremia i llii-na. llie lira Ii of (Int. (liirnrll anil Iwruty of Ii a turn, nml tin- -m n of n inurli In'cer nam Ii r. Ilur li ia vlm'ly In III I -lilt dhio, two I'llnl nial Iwn ninrlnlly titulril." for (urea nra naw inrirH 'n bnriing Id dead. tln. !.u-iii-U'a koU i hlni; nl hi lrjimrlrrif, it will b ml In lot fnrnilt ut llii.liini lid. jlnii! ili linra nf ili trlieat li e rood I rilled Willi ilrxTlnm from III Mlm'a. 1 hrr wet nvir 4,n 0 rntii la i n die bluff ciaiunnn.liiii ottr p-ioilioii, vlino.e,iril fire on lit Mill (liio, aiiilllidialiitir wa til I nver two liuinhul ynrda- Ibrir nitillrry ua ru.i.l.y Fervr.l, tint aiineil ah ul two feel t o l.iali, etiilinif iff III- Ircntalinv ill In-ndanf our Imy. Uur ailvain-r, which nliit. entered id nt-Cii-eini nt.liumheird !i- llmn S.llliu. ll ilinn;lit iiiiifon-ia nt llnnl kiti ni I cut off the ret teat of iin- leiiitniiil, nud tecum (It fiw Uti'pti.'o wuiwim 111. TfS ri bel army na mainly of lla-lern Virciniiii.a. 'I lie ttrorji ana netu Jin cl from I'cnaneiihi. frST In the House of Representative., ou million, the following was unanimously parsed: Ili'folved, That Ihe thanks of thin House bo prescntetl to Major (ieneral McClcllun and the olliecrs of his ccmiuaiid, fur the se ries of br.lliaiit and decisive victories which they Imve, by their k L i 1 1 and bravery, . .1 , I . . . . I ... ! . 1.. .1 .. nctiievcu over mc reoeis uuu iranorK in inu army, ou tho battle fields of Western Vir ginia. OvKllt.ANn PoSTACE lUI'OUTAST TO AM.. I-'ewofour reudera are probably aware that the rate of letter posture to California was ulti red when the daily mad routo be tween t. Joseph and Plaeervillu wns rs tublifhed by Congress. Pormerly, thu charge for a single h Iter any distance with in the United States, under 3,0(10 miles, was three cents, ami over 3,000 miles, ten cents. It was aseei laincil alter the South ern or liuttcrficld Line wns put iu opera- tiun, that the three cent .stump would cover a letter from Missouri to (ilifornla, and localities even as far eastward us portions of Ohio from the shore of the Pucilic, were within the legal distance fur which a three cut slump was the full lint horiz d postage. In giving Culiforuiu a duily mail by tho Central route, it was provided by Congress that the llocky Mountains should form the barrier beyond which a single stamp of the lesser denomination should not puss cust or All diKtui.ees, therefore-, beyond the Pocky chain reepiirc tl ten cent stump, thu law applying as well to letters Hi-tit from California to the Atlantic States as from tho Atlantic Stutcs to California. Ten cents, pre-puiJ, remember that ull. To Dkstiiov Flips. To one pint of milk add a epinrter of u pound of raw su gar, und two ounces or ground pepper, tiinmer tin m together eight or ten minutes, ml place it about in shallow dishes. The flies uttae-k it greedily, nnd are soon suffo cated. Hy tlii3 method, kitchens, etc, nmy bo kept clear of flics ull summer, with out the elunger attending ooison. We cpy this from an anonymous source. H II ' is easily tried, and if effective, will be val uable. . . . . - e .i j,soiiuots iiot.o i Konrix a camui M.ltik:(.in ,ns romputi-d that tince 1848, !V!,c'-i;iii,eaofX'ttliloriiia have furnished the , . , , . . no0 ono :.. j 5r " Figures won't lie," is an old und j homely expression; nui lew men rail loo ' on a fashionable woman's fi'Mire noev a days and mit as mm h.