. ntu on rTWn. Anli to tb eat Uulon uniting lu ow efi'iiU Jiroiu of P. 1,,'n 11,8 l,r0T' i-Jwof UoJ liH lf0 Bl't 'l. I ""7 "dat fittre tin H01 wf '"X ",tur'tl1" 1 bt lut 0,,e counlrJ' "cR'-wo ! Juil4 01 dtlwu. 1,0 c"o ' !fofr nir .IimI t'"0- Tl Gov- 0W.... f 1 1. a UlliU'J BUU-4 Was tllt'll, MR f r" ,w symbolized l.y ft liotioiml Ha, 'i- Ai.ll.xl tlio " Stars nml Slrim." ha betn my fluff snd slinll Ijo to tlio T I tout it u still tl;llinil io tiusi.iuj rLcalc tbtrw'PeTf7 a"". u,"l T .1.. vrntlo brora of many a distant If u hao ccn it In forcij;ii luiulu, Its Zn peculiar nut. o w7- "J wd eontlnuo lo IIiljr tlitno Mint) ",.(,. jinwi of lwuly, whcilur ot homo tltiwl, 6 tlioanoiiJ year and nftcr nn) m kws Haavoo pcroiiU, without (ait or duration. Litii'am on Tim Was. Tlio MaryivilU Wwji llat iu riicwhes in Mnry ,;n( iml Novada, Senator Intluim do (bml li tho niont unequivocal lunuin;o tint it at tlio duty of every loyul clliwn to Bdi'n'MnPoln' Atlininixtrallon, nnd tlmt It fU liu intention to work Willi lilx rot- Iocm in the Senoto to old tlio (jovcrn tat tit in hl iower to enforco tlio law tui prwcre tlio Union. Ho fully rcoof; .,! tho MisU-nco of war. and avowed biiw'lf. if ' cnn undurBtnnd lokrulily ligorotu Knglbth, In faor of wnglng it to Iht extermination ol ruixiiion. Tai Voice or Daniel Weiistkb. Tlio yiowing patriotic worda by tlio " Defend cf of the Constitution" aecm to bo oiioclul tj ulaiitcd to thoprntcnt liour: "If tlio ConttitutioM cannot be maintained without crting tluMO accnea of commotion nml (ontwt, howcrer unwelcome, tlirv must rofflo. We cannot, wo must not, omit to dothatwuirh, in our judgment, tlio wifely of Ihu Union require. Not rt'iptrdlivs of hw(iiciiccs, wo miMt yet meet con Wticiicw; seeing tho hazards: which nirrouiiil tho diachaiKo of public duty, it ll'ST VET MC MSCIIAHKKD." Mistake. Tho report Hint tho remains of Washington liud been removed from .VotiiifVernnn, turns out to lo unfound ed, Thrro offieers of tho Federal nriny nl Wellington mtulo n visit in tlifguiso to tho resting place of tho rut riot, to satisfy ihrtii.vlvcs of tho truth of tho rumor, nml (mini that tho tomb 'had not been mo-bid. 19 Tlio (luf;s in this city wore nil raised it (ulf mast.on Thursday uflernoon, when ihcMcwa oflha death of Senator DoiijjIiih is rccuiwl. lf Itarhrrs 4 Ik frlraa C !'. rU U Urrftwt A rretiJeiit of Iks Tfachort1 AtMclaUon IliU huw, bfcuiiiul in ,a eliy of PvrlUud In lrcuilM.r fM, I ,tnby nqu4 Hit iiMiiilieni nf llwl btly, uui all Mlitra dipaej la uuila In lu d.jC-cU aiicl (tcreluM, to intt in 8u WtJiuuh, Ihe3il Jay af July, l 10 o'eluck A. N. Tlii evil b liaiw.l wild llis ooiicurroia-, md it III iriir of Mirpiitl nicmlxra of Ills AmocIi lion, md of oilier traalurf auj friniid ol Ui eaww, A gcusrul allinduiic U tiKlly ru l'"Ud. TiioNti K. Kcurr, Uikuun City, IOiIi June, IHCI. iirt. T,8 Eiaeulivo Cuiniiiltlra ot (lie I'lackiuiuu CiNiuly Agiiculiurel Huci.iy, oiiit' iH of W. T. MatliK-k, Hnniunl f Cmii.lll, M HainJiy, II. Jiwmingt, J. I. C'arr tt, md llie un liinifiiod, will mt til llis Court IIoiwu In Or R Clly, oa SalurJity Uib3;'J day of Juno, Ibfil A full tlkikUne ! ri'qnodeil, h the report nf Ihx I ontmliloe on Ineitioa of Kir (!nuid b to Im rrci-iu-l, and Iip arraagoinrnli fur I lis Suit Fair conirmincvj. Urt no mrmlior fill Wii. II low, Ch'n. nrrgow WlvUloN, K. It. H. af T Mcrlnal HjniHHiy Mull tverr KriiUy viilii, at lialf jw 7 a'elk. Ilrellirrn In good n(uiidiiig io imiuu io nirnu. R. GAMMILL, W. P Junx Mki.ihuh, R. H. z. o. o. r. I'lcuo liMii No. 3 nm-ui llurniouy Hull on Mundnv aUdlllllll Af Jl la.1l M.-U..L If 1.11. WVNrt'i 1m k-ikI niaittliiip ar iuviml lontiuiMl. J. T. ArrKl..so.a .V U. jAMKi Miijkk. Hcc. IScc'y. 30 .VAVt'tTW Tcv k Co'a Kxi-RKsa. Mexsro. ('Imr m;in& Warner have been nHintcd ni'iils lor Traty'& Co. iu this city, and tho odiec is now nt their store W Rx-Uor. Stevens tmik his departura from tho' Kant on Ktennier C'iWi:,ou Mn dny, hatiiiK tendered his services to the lii'iitrul Uovcrnment. Time. Ctat-Mettas oa Rdrk f.mk, EnAiwt: I liavo just relumed from Iho Mtiho.liioim-nif tini; on H.k Cnvk, Mid wil v y a nkcU-li of llie nu-cliii" . ThrrniN lind Ikti made of rolnliatVm on lliia nifcliiiR fur Hip tmlnx'nt of Iho Soulli Cliurcli on tlowell I'niirio 0a Friday morning Iho Slum and Strlca wore nM ou t the dtuiiil, and ou Saldiulli nt 1 1 o'clork Rtr.T. II. Pinruo pirncticd from purl of tlio Sill trrn of llm 20lli l'suliii : " In Iho iiunic of our GoJ at will art up our Uiuni'iK.'' tic ulludrd tn ihf (MDnorn of dilli n nl n.itionii, nnd llicii rofi-i'iod to ihf Klorimia old ling lliat proudly flailed in llie lrte nbovu ua ns tlio onihl. in of our country 'a crealarm that It wua a iHOCon-liglit fur llio op pwl tfovi-ry land, and that if it wna torn uumlfr by traitorous hnndti, llnir Inat liopo was (one, and gone forever. Ilo then wont oa lo do cribe tlw Christian warfuro un.lir Iho banner of tli Croaa. When Mr. I'curne n-ferml to Iho tag af our country, a fiw individuals 'receded tram Iho camp ground, looking more liko sheep tilling doga than anything elso. T!iere. cre about COO iersnna prewnl, and Ike tat of order prevailed, except oa Saturday night, tthm a very weak attempt, waa mado to pill own the Aug, but (jetting cauhl at it, tho caaiidrek ran lo their huraea, and wont off howl inS like Ot ii.Ib. Some of our patriotic young men 'olonlecred lo guard the flag till mnrniag. w. 11. a. tW A Division of S. of T. was instituted at Silvfrtoa, June 8, by Wilber, G.W. P., nnd R. Dunbar, O. C. The following is a list ol ihe offictrt for tho present quarter : J. T. Coa P-i W. C. Ilolmea, W. A.; S. ,t. Newwm, R' 8i G.W.Taylor, A.R. S.; L. Morrison, F. S.;' -Wilber.Tj John P. lIutlon,C.j Luko Cran Ml. A.C.; C. Manjuam, Chaplain; E.Shortcax, lll T.J. Wilcox, 0. 8. A Good Idia. We learn that the City Council t iu kut meeting had under consideration Iho Tnflj of paming an ordinance prohibiting tlio """ring of ttoott in the ttreeta by the boye. 'd of aport, latterly, hat become qohe a "aac here, and abould be aoppreaeed by tome "Mna. MtraoroUTan Mi.KrraELi. This company of iMtrek gave an entertainment in thie crty bet tJ evening to fall house. Their por """Ww were something new in thieacction, and "SMy pleased the audience. Klu--Daniel Adelbert, a little ton of Dr. Swiocl Markham, of Abipa aetllement, waa killed by a fc,., from , horM) JaM 15 u co " Jara and four month. . WTk Udiea Sewing Circle" win have deoaeltee and Bndgra for the Fourth," "e other fancy articles, on the occasion of 8ocial Gathering at the bouse of Rev. Mr. Tlissra, ta Wedncsdar eveninr next, from aioaiiie o'clock. Barclay "a ofiice will be closed on the ' July, ai he intends to celebrate the anni t Anwricaa InoV-peadeaoe at Ptrtland "at day. Oregon City, June 1 5. Orwox City Mark ft.-Wheal, Flour, $t,00j$:.; ():. . 2VI1GV, U-.t Multnomah Lodo No. 1, K. & A. M., hokls its staled coiniiiunira lion in MaMinio Hall, on the Saturday nreo.'dinff n.n run moon in eacn ntmilh liretliren in b.kmI ntuiidinff aro invited toallend J. MVUICK, W.M. J. M. rUcoN, See'y. 13 tf!" The next roeular mecline will bo held oa piuuniay evening, dunv TJ. Han4hl Harnaaarltla.-Tbi. iiur. lv vecetable li'iimiy eutiibinos in Hwll lli.'iirnivrliesor an An liwptie, a mild railiartic, and a Ionic. It iiick ly reiiMives from the blond, and oll.or fluids of the IhmIv, the iminirilii1 of uuliciillliy m-cretiuns which eiigcmli-r ninl ficd dimn, lima striking nl llie rihil oflhc malaily. Alikoii'fh proved suefliea eimiH it may bo lukrn at all times with perfect nifi'iy, us il conliiius nu wwerful druslio drug to liiiiiuie Ins system, or miucral ihjwou to ruin I Im constitution. Prepared and sold by A. 11. ft D. SANDS, 100 Fulton at , New York. Prico 81 iwr bottle, or six In tiles for.Jg.l. T Iteiul Iho nilverlisrnienl in another column. Sold by Da. KI KKLK, Ortgvn City, and by )rug!iHts generally. MotfatiH l.tre Pllta.-Tbo high and envied elehrily which this pro-eminent modicine has ac- vuired it ils invariable illieju-y in all the dlsonsts which il pniftusrs lo cure, has rendered the usual practico of oslenlat oua piillii.fr ii.il only unneces sary but unworthy of lliein. They are known by Ihuir fruils; Iheir corxl works testify for them, nnd they thrive not by Iho fnilh of the credulous. Iu all c;uc or coxtivenesH, ilyspeiwin, bilious and liver nllectioiw, piles, rheiiin.itisn, fever mid a'iie, ulxliiiulo head aches, and all geuernl dcRinge nieiilM of health, these I'ills have iuvnrinlily proved a certain nnd sieedy remedy. A siiicrta trial will place the Life I'ills beyond ibe reach of coinpelilion iu llie estimation of every aticiit. lr. MofTil's I'lio iiix Hitters w ill be found equal ly efficacious iu ull easts of nervous debility, dys pepsia, headache, llie sickness incident lo females in delicate health, and every kind of weakness of the iliceslivo organs. For Kilo by Dr. W. U MOFFAT, .'1.15 liroadwny, Now Yoik, and by Mulioino IKalcrs and Dru:!lsts generally throughout the country. ;iy. Yam hill House, AT LAFAYETTE, l) ,Tri'it Wolfo. TKitns: Per wivk Ijil 00 meal 2.'i The table is furnished us well na that of any hotel in I liu country. junei:. STAllLIXO. 10 S1 s TATK OF ttUKUON. ('Iiieknin.'is ('oniily. TO I IU Kit EUUY: You aio hereby notified that a writ of ul liichinciit has been isMied against you ami your property atlacbrd tONilisfy the deiiiniid of J. W. Lewis, uiiioiialiiig to K'vcnly-oiio dollais und eighty ccnle ; now, unless yon shall nppenr before W. I'. limns, Esq., a Justice of the 1'once in und for said enmity, at his ollico iu Oregon Oily, on Ibd , "111111 day of August, lt(il , judgment will bo rendered against you, uud your property sold lo pay tho debt. J. W. LEWI9, Plaintiff. Paled this 20il day of Juno, 1KGI. Notice rilllK undorsigned, executor of Iho last will and X testument of tho lute Dr. John McLoughlin, takes this mode of warning all persons against using or in any way appropriating or destroying trees, or timber of nny kind, Umjii the Oregon City Claim," without first obtaining leave. The kavoo now going on must bo stopped. The im deniijncd iiitcnils treating all persons violating tho reiiiiiremculs of this notiee as trospassers. UAN1KL 11AKVEY, Kxeculor, Ac. Orccon City, March 30, lSlil. OREGON CITY mine X Seminary will commeiico ou MONDAY, NEXT SESSION of Iho Oregon City Torms Ai'RII.S'J.und continue fourteen weeks, per quarter of eleven weeks : Primary Middle 33 50 7 Oil Higher 00 Piano instruction and use of instrument, per month 50 Drawing without extra charge The department of Music is under the care of Mr. Rutjcs, an accomplished Pianist. . A. KINGSLEY, April 20, 186l-2wt Preceptress. FINAL SETTLEMENT. TkTOTICE is hereby given thst Wm. Enfjle, JJi administrator of the estate of Christopher En glo, dee'd, bite of Clackamas county, Oregon, hav ing mado application and filed his accounts for filial settlement, the first Monday in July, 18111, is apointed for examination of the same at the court-lHinse in Oregon City in said county. l!y order of the Judge of Probate. June 8, 1SC1. JAS. WINSTON, CTk. FAINTER k CO Practical rrinteri, and Tealeni in Type, Presses, Printing .Materials, ai, Paper, Card, ft., j.i.miti ) 51 Clay Street, above Sanam. i at raiima Sa Franei.cs. rr.'rxoiTM ) tTOffices fitted oot with dispatcb. Toys, Toys. 1 FCLL SL'I'I'LY FOR CHRISTMAS ami New Y ear's just rewived at 15 F. C1IAKMANU CR ACKCRS-aloays on hnn-l F CHARM ASS T. a HOLLAND, Notary Fublio & Conveyancor, . OKEOON CITY, OREGON, WIU. TAKE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ... .. . of J""" nd 6tU" "BnieBU of wrilins. ill draw up on short not., Deeds, Bonds, Mori gages, I owers uf Altoruey, Jul, sYe. 1'arlieular an. ulion naid to Iho colU i.ou .J .1 attend promptly to nil business cutriwud to hit care. Oibcs hi Csi-t Joluuuu's Karaiiura Mb. oppuMlolho Court lionw. May ifi.lbOI. J. II. NITtlllXL, A1TORNKY Sl COUNSELOR AT LAW, And Salitllor fa CAiavery, PORTLAND OREGON. OiriaKnuil Street, eppotlle Yaua-lin 't Wharf. t olteellons made and promptly remitted, apt J AINSW0RTHADIERC8XFF. r E ARK HOW OPENING If i tub sWew rire-rroof Brick, LARUE AND WKI.L-ASSonTKD STOCK Of QKNERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly seeare against fire, wc will new Ojfir Greater IiulucrnicnU than no lo llie publio. We are constantly In rseelpt af GOODS seleel.d with the greatest care (at lo prices and quality), and ire confident that out facilities will nalile us to oiler and $rlt goods' AT PORTLAND PRICES 1 (freights on), awl would advise all thoso visiting this city lo purchase roods, to examine our stock and pricet before purchasing elsewhere. Wo have, and are just receiving, an invoice of consisting in part of the following article Coehe eo, Pacific Hadley, Conestegn, Sprague, Philip Allen, Fall River. Merriinnc, llriggs, and nnmer ous other choice HUNTS, all lata allien Fog lish i: French merinos, Lyonese cloth, mohair and other Debate bnue, wool, sV madia dt laiaea, black, blue, purple, dt pink merinos, fancy plaids. jncouel, botdt, Swiss, tt mull muslin, ladies ewib. sets, collar)., It.lkfs At skirls, dress ft bonnet tnm- mings, French So domcetie finehamt, French luwna from l-'J lo 'lie, blue, miiel, ft grey sati net, wool .v collnn jeans, cnttou.iile, bleacbeil and hrowiislieetiiiit from 3-4 lo 10-4 wide, brown and bhuchcd drills, denims, hickory shirting; Silesia, murine, brown, and Irish linen, nnnkoen, diaper, ami crash, a large lot of linen and thread laces and edging, hosiery, &o. MEAnS .J- DO YS' CLOTHING : llluo, black, nnd brown cloth owls ; 10 dot hlk cloth vests, 5 doa whim and bull' Marseilles do.. velvet and satin do.; 30 dot satinet pants, doeskin and fancy eassiim re do, 30 dox merino and cotton undershirts, gry blue, & blnek cloth over coals, with a geuernl assortment of gents' furnishing goods. HOOTS $ SHOES.-Men's, boys', and youths' boots; Indies', missus', and children's ros roeeo, gout, kid, and calf Congress boots, with &. ilboul heels; ladies kid slippers. Rio nnd Juva coffee, black nnd trreen lea, N. O., China, llnlnvia Island, Cul. refined, and crushed sugar, K. Hoston, Cal., sugar-house, k golden syr up; salt, 5 to 'MO Disks; 100 kg nails, rsmIskts; Dili's pale, chemicnl, t English snap, soap pow ders, powder, shot, a lend; yeast iiowder, salera- lus. cream tartar, miiukini; a. chewins tolweeo. grttn corn, pra$, tunmtnc; ttrutt and klackbtr tic; iu 2 lb lius; spice, pepper, and cassia, pearl barley, macenroni, vermicelli, coru starch, alm onds, wuliiuls, llrazil mils, rnisius, Chili peaches, ricd fruit; mackerel, in qr . lilt bbls; sardines. A lino assortment or CROCKERY 4 TABLE CUTLERY : 20 crates assorted ware, 40 do sleel picks, 20 ' Dutch fc lldla hoes. IVhite Lend, Oil, ami Window Glass; il Is n vni ielrof other articles usually kept. QJ" We will ny cash for wheal, Hour, bacon, butter, eggs, und almost everything the farmer has lo soil. Oregon City, April 1G, IHfil. SHERIFFS SALE. WHEREAS, an execution has Iron directed lo me issued under Iho seal of. the circuit court of the State of Oregou for tho county of lacknuias, dated May 22, A. D. command ing mc lo s.11 the following described properly, ta it : 1 hi undivided una six II interest in ami In a certain mortgage mid uccompiuiying nolo execut ed by Dnuiel Ferguson lo Hubert Moore on the first duy of I lecenilier, IS.V2, lo secure Iho pay ment of lifly Ihouwiiid dollars, recorded ill the of fice of I lie Recorder of Clackamas county, on arcs 2!l, .'!0, and 31 in Hook A of mortgages, on the Igllinf January, IHA.'i, for tho purpose nf en forcing a decreo of foreclosure of iiMirtg.igo made y suul eniirl on the Kill day of March, Infidin favor of F. 8. Holland and against Geo. Alsir- I li v, for the sum of four tlieusnnd scvon huwlred and lilt. cn dollars (J 1,715), bearing interest at the ulo of twenty iicr cent, per annum, besides llie sum ol lbiric. u dollars and forty fivo cents costs of suit notico is hereby giveu thul by virtuo of said xcculioti I will oiler the uhove-dcscrilicil property lor sale at auction to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday, dune 31, 18fil.nl II o'clock A. M., at the court-house door iu Oregon Clly, to satisfy said execution and costs and accruing costs. JOHN THOMAS, May 35, ISfjI. Sheriff Clackamas Co. WXLLAMBTTB IRON WORKS, OREGON CITY. . MARSHALL. J. II M00IR. MARSH. I IX A HIOORE, 1AVING purchased Iho entire slock, tools, and patterns of tho Willamette him H oi i t, and added to it their irwnstwk, are war ranted iu saying that they have tho BEST TOOLS AND PATTERNS For doing mnrliiiio work (oJaUlindu) IN TIIK STATE, nd aro prepared to do any work in Ihoir lino at THE SHORTEST NOTICE! They have also facilities for making vm.MnrKlWtaB Of Iron or Brass, AT A FEW HOURS' NOTICE. Steam Engines and IVilers built to order, and Warranted. lers solicited for Saw-Mills, Grist-Mills, Reap Ti.r.kr Horse-Powers. KliaflinF. Paikivs, langers, Gearing, Force Tumps, and evcrythiog the Machinery line. 1 rnn Shutters made to order, of any size or style .Un Iron Fronts tor Buildimrs. Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. 'attem-making in all its various lorma, aso BUcksmiUunr of ail kinds Neatly done at their shop. We lore a Jail $et af Patterns for repair ing Keaperi ana i nratnert. J M Wheat will be taken at the highest cash price, livered at Canemah, for any machine work or repairs. Iligiiest easn pnoo r".o rn br, eoPP-r.oYc. May II, IXI-y. rde JYoticc. A1 LL persons knowing themselves indebted to ha aiulcniraed bv book acoeant, are hereby notified to call immediately and nwke setlk-ment of the same, as no further indulgence wiO be en. ,. AINSWORTII & l'ir.l.i"'i;rr Ore-on I i'r, Feb 21, luH Notice 18 IIEREDT GIVEN TO ALL CON esrswd lliat aalsas the lots of land hsrsinaftsr dssnnbod, whieb wore told fsr laasswa Ilia I .lib of September, 1058, la Clackamas ewuuly. ait redtwssed oa of kwfere Iht apirsUoa of m moatht irosa Ibe data af Ibis attios, by Iht pay sasnl of the amount for which Itx y ware told, and iBltrtet and ehargsa, til tf which apar In the follewing schedule, Iho tamo will be Anally conveyed lo Ibe respective putchassri thereof! LOTS IN OREGON CITY. ta r I tt 7 8 I 3 7 8 of 3 4 5 S 7 8 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 3 3 4 S ft 7 8 3 4 I 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 3 8 I 6 I I 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 I 4 6 7 1 3 3 4 5 ft 7 8 31 4S 50 tt 67 C9 78 71 77 78 i 63 85 66 87 88 i 01 93 97 98 03 i 120 151 s. B. M Jo 36 3 IjW 1.0 l,rl l,W IJi IM IJS IJrJ l,vi 1,03 Ifli 8 V) 1,1 U5 I, .14 IX l15 9 IfJ 9 A r.9 t9 fit Kl 69 n f 69 (!9 f.9 l C9 r.9 f.9 9 ti9 l till 69 9 ft) ti 9 69 r.9 ti 36 36 .16 .V. :ifi :ir. 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 .16 36 36 36 36 .16 M 36 36 - 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 57 57 36 :ir. ll 36 36 36 36 36 1,02 1 ,02 1.03 1,0'J (ill 69 M 51 51 51 51 SI 51 51 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 & I . fe at HI Ml Ul . 36 36 76 7H 76 3.40 JC 3.10 76 ,I0 "6 3,40 76 8JI.1 76 7 8.W3 76 3.10 76 8.41) 70 3,111 76 3.4U 76 l7 76 l7 86 3,43 96 3,43 70 3,93 76 5.9.1 76 3.93 76 IM I.H7 17 76 76 76 7t 70 I a. ti Ji li 83 CI at C3. C3 Kl hi M 63 C'J f.9 a 4i 43 H3 i 83 83 K3 41 43 43 43 43 42 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 49 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 o.j 23 itf 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 22 93 23 22 23 23 23 2 28 23 33 23 23 ii 23 S3 23 23 22 23 ?' 33 35 35 22 23 22 21 "2 23 "2 22 l!3 63 63 62 13 42 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 22 22 23 22 22 33 22 23 92 22 22 76 1,31 22 76 1,31 t n titi.i r. itoiuinM, ImpurM at.4 Deal, r is TVfK, r RUMHI'.M, hB rlTIU Material, INKS, CARD STOCK, 4, Nua. Ill and 111 Hay Street an Francisco.' fty For Halo on Time. T WILL KF.I.L ON TIVK, aiib awwovl 1 seconty lo notes, a SPAN OF HNK HOIIKrM, hariksa and WAOI'N, a yoke ol WOKK O.XKN. lot of I'OWH aaj yoaug stuck, forty boad of bones, fsinnng uleauls, .e. 40. IV. I. AI'Aia, Ufayelle, Feb 0, ISCI, 76 76 I.H7 76 IJ7 76 l7 7f. I7 76 1,87 76 Ij87 76 1,87 73 M7 76 I.H7 76 l,H7 7 IW 76 1,87 76 I.N7 7 l,H7 76 I.H7 76 1,87 70 W 76 I.P7 76 l,H7 76 I.N7 76 l7 76 I.HJ 76 I.H7 76 I,'! I 76 1,31 76 1.31 76 1.31 76 1,31 76 1.11 76 Ml 76 1.31 76 l.3 76 1.34 76 1,31 76 Ull 76 Ull 7G 1.34 76 Ml 76 Ul 76 1.34 Tti 1.11 76 1,11 76 1.34 76 IJI 76 IM 76 1.34 IJI 1.31 84 81 81 81 P-l 81 81 1,6 i.r.s PI Kl 81 HI 81 Kl 81 81 76 3. Ill 26 1,90 76 2,10 76 8.10 211 1,37 26 1,37 26 I, I IS 2li l.fhj 26 , lis 26 1,118 26 I. OS 26 I, OH 26 1,08 26 1,08 76 1,31 I. .11 1.31 1,31 1,11 1.31 1,11 1,31 1,11 1,31 76 76 76 76 76 76 7 76 76 I.0T8 IN MNN CITY. 4 2,01 1,25 76 1,0.-. 5 2,01 1.25 76 4,05 10 3.70 1,66 76 5,13 4 I, HO 1,11 26 3,17 3 2,70 1,66 76 5,13 9 5 3,20 1,15 7fi 4,31 9 Kl Ml 7i; 2,07 3 6 1,77 1,09 7i; 3,(12 7 81 50 7 2,07 10 1,77 1,09 7fi 3,62 H 8 30 19 7 1.35 9 ' 30 19 7i 1,2.1 1 9 30 19 7f, 1,25 3 ' 30 19 2fi 75 10 30 19 2f, 75 I II 15 9 7 1,00 3 15 9 7 1,00 4 81 50 7fi 2,117 5 69 42 7( 1,87 6 69 42 76 1.87 11 15 9 76 1 0 13 ' 15 9 2g 50 9 13 39 23 7 US 3 39 23 7n 1,38 4 73 45 7ft 1,93 5 73 45 3n 1,43 6 73 45 S 1,13 10 39 53 7 1,18 11 39 23 7r, IJS 13 39 23 2fi 88 1 13 81 50 7n 2.07 4 II 45 28 7 M'J 5 45 28 7S 1,49 C 45 28 20 99 7 45 38 7fi 1,49 8 45 88 7 1,49 9 45 28 76 1.19 I 15 6 42 7s 1.87 3 69 42 7 1,87 9 f,9 42 7fi 1,87 4 9 42 76 1,87 1 19 3 25 1,19 7 4,10 2 ' 3,95 1,13 2fi 3.90 10 33 37 17 7 1.20 II 37 17 Ir, 1.20 13 37 17 7fi 1.20 4 25 37 17 7 1,20 5 4 27 17 7 1.20 C 37 17 76 lrt AI ef said lots were assessed as non resident JAB. WINSTON, OregonCrty, April), 1861. Cosniy Clerk. oRA RANGES le ti -a fresh M' B rer.ed an. f' C1IARMA.NS IlllJH)l t:lllt t lIolltt kt'('It'W ! No Family outfit lo le With jut MKYKIW H I RAVI! LOUS Vermin Destroyer. IT has destroyed every description ef Vermin mAwtisg proiiiar nborv It has been used, sud jMoviil to the entire hnUfacli,u of pun liners Ih j .1 a inn ui.o iuih ins-siui io pr.me iuorw..;u ck aalineas. &XATJ TZZZfl! nnlee or the I . H. Ttatat laartor of l"ra- Nvv Yabii, N. V July 96, IhV.H, This is to certify that .). pb Meyer, Praj-llral Cliein st, has, by the nse of Ins pr. pirnlion., dtiv en all die rats lr.sn tiovrnimeiil Store No. 0 of this Inflection, wbu h was inf.le. wilb lh. dc slruvlire anlmatsi and Hull I wilncsscd an e leaordiuary destruction of est-krust lies, by Mr M.'ywr; alilsHiirb, when ho si.li.d his ponder ale Mil their tavce of irwiri, only a few were seen, soon after, in less than fift.-eu uiiiiul.vs the lluor ol llie room waa literally covered with them, some already dead, ntliers .lying, in.l I feel assured thai by a (w nppliralions of his Chemical Powder, (wbl. li is certainly very efficacious,) Mr. Meyer weakl entirely nd a house or tlieso bnmwus In wwi. JNO.l). OIltHON. Iiupeelor of Proritiimt and ('talking. Bole A grots, A. II. HANDS cV CO, Wtwte Is la-siatisW, 141 WilKomslee.4. earner ef Ksl ton, New Y.V I W sale by II. Jonksna 4k r.. rlau rrassisKO, aad by I irugglsts geueraPy. . M nfSS fllllESK POPI LAR HITTERS (-" nil .L the iniir .latiie; prnivrticB is PI KE ).D IIOI'KliON WHISKEY, n.ul ore couriered the iiHiKt . flieacisus TON IC and ST I M t I.A NT aswell as iho most ngreeablo STOMA! 'II II' ever effcred tho public. As a touio forlU.D I r.lil l.r., dcfcnle ladies, convalescent Invalids, and all weakly 'Sde, tby eanuot he surpass, d ; in ull cares ol weakucm or debiliiy, Ibev will give immediate relief, and inipirl a strong h. nl thy tone lu the system. A trial will establish their merits over nil other Ionics now iu use. For Lung f 'u is .', Urnnrtitie, Du'itriitia, Ner- ruvs DitriurM, nud Lirrr tnmfilaiiilt, ll.ey are na iavulual.lo remedy; and they aro a vcrluln ir. v. ntivo of rhillt and frrer. t ut lip in tusrt Untiles, In oases of one and two dozen, nud for Kilo by driigsisls, uriNwrns, w.lolis,asd liqu.s dealers every whern, uud by .koi;;k w. snici.i., Hole Agent for the Pacilio coast, . I .111 Washington st.Snn Fraueisen JLtkoid Pain Panacea! )ff. RAKER'S IAIN PANACKA, For Iho cure of pain, Is. Ill externally and inleriinlly -llm GREATEST PAIN-CURING REVEOY Yet diccovcred. I'diu cannol exist uhi're this remedy is faithfully Used. (live it a fair trial. Vtt I'M In the. Stnuittrh, lliirk, or llitwrl, 0.1.1s, oriiscs, ctitM, KtrritiH'1. ivlii', ilttmhni, ami ih tt mittt4in,liradtichc,loutkttrkr,HHtl cuitfrAc. It cities, almost iiintiintancniisly, C11UONI0 DISI'SI, SUCH AS Piipcpsiu, wrnli liteiml, irci rnmp'ninl, general delitilu, fever mid ague, emitter or tttne Utoiil, wenlt tien, nphtr nml kiilnry dineitsen, old sol rs, ro..o.s. Ill the nlsive mentioned ilisunn's, it only needs to he faithfully used, nud I I Kl. IH I'.I.K I'.MN. Hold by ull druggists and country iiierchnnts. tiKOIKiE W. SNKI.I,, Agent, Washington si., Sun Kruikisco. Hit. A. II. NTKI'X V., agent, tbcron t'ilu. II A i iS D. I. 8TEPIIENHON, r.NTMT, bat removed hie efflee la Usf Roam tor th A'gnt OMrt, where hs is pvepaisd U do all work in h-t has. jy Dr. W M. J5AL8AM C HIKES ull discasm of tho I.UNtS an.l throat. For Iho euro of consumption, de cline, asthm i, bronchitis, wasting of llesh, night sweats, i.pilliug f bl.sid, whis.ping cuiigh, ihlli cully of hroalhlng, eoldn, roughs, jull110117.11, phlhi,ie. p.iiu iu Ihu ride, 1111 1 all dite.ibes of the lungs, it Is Uiit'nualcd ! Ifni's Lung llitlimm, ill alleaHes, gives the best satisfaction; Has wri.n.'.bt luoro cures sim o iu. iiilroducliun than any other cough medi. inn ; Is endorsed by our leading physicians as the safest and best remedy now before tho public; Is safe tn uso among children, yet Hwerful in cases of chronic pulmonary disease; Brings in certificates nines daily of its wonder ful cures in all pails of the country. There is 110 medicine within our knowledge that has acquired so great and wide-spread KiHilnrity, in so short a space of lime, as Hit. HALL'S HALS AM FOR TIIK LUNGS. Its bal samic and healing pros-rlics are magical. Il ia highly expectorant aud tonic. Il, contains not a grain of opium or morphine, llie narcotic and as tringent properties which have created so much prejudice against similar preparations. We belwvo that a medicine osessiug rosl merits will clloct cures whenever it is used, at homo or abroad. Dr. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs is no paregoric preparation, but one which, if used in season, will save llie lives of thous ands. Tho most distressing couch is frequently relieved by a single dose, nnd broken np in a few hHjrs' time. The alllicled do uot have to take bottle afl-r bolllo before they find whether this remedy will alt.rd relief or not. Hear e l. at Physicians say nf Dr. Hall's Bal sam. Says one: "I, rfilh confidence, rcnmi mend the Balsam as superior lo any preparation.' Another says: " 1 have used it with uniform sac cess, and can confidently recommend it for all those complaints for which it is otlcrrd as a rem edy." Sull another writes : I have no hesita tion in saying that it is a aufo, convenient, and efficacious medicine." Void by all llnifists. ;rIK;K W. RNEI.I.. Arent. i:ill Washington . ''as Franrweo. ill A II STEELE. .4genl, Oiefmn I1I14 r lie rciriM ular sad en ..oe (.a- Ih It M HALLS BALSAM It'R THE LI GS I SHERIFF'S MALU. WHEREAS, aa execution has been dirsetss! Is m issued under liu. ssal of Oie Clues) Cuuit of the Mute of Orrgstj fof the eeaaty af CUclamaa, dated May 7th, t. n. I(.l, teat" niatsloig me to make sals af lbs f.dhw.ag do Mribrd prea.ui, liisfsod being ia Clstkamat county, Oreg.ni, a certain tract sf tsud t.lsatt al and opoa tlw neMuds sf lbs WilLnvlle Fslb, Is) Ibe eeumy and Malt alWrsai.1, nilhia lha bsaad si.es of lbs Isle Hubert Moore's ua.l t a rn. U will trt(iuu.ug allbe Willamriis rmsr, Ibsdss by s hue oilrndiug wvstsrly with the not ih awwdary uf lbs basin up llis bluff Ut a past thiiteea reds fio.11 the tdo of iho said btoffi theneo my.two aad a half mda In a sstherly d.risM la a point thirteen nsis front the rdip ef Hit said bluff;--llisnee easterly In a bna parallel with list test desi'ribrd course Is iht bank sf ll.etlid rivsr, ss.1 Is the middle af the main ehtunsl thereat I lbs wet by lbs ssid main ehann.1 lu the aotllitrljblieja at llie said bMn I fur His pute of tnfoieing a ds crso of tbrerlomre of mawtirsfe mala by askl court oa iht ml. day of March, 1801. ia fvar ef James K Krlly and agaiiutl G.srge Absmelhy ami la auder llolims lor iho sane of U.iileoa uVig- san.1 nghi hundred and saseii-f Igbt dollan) and tweniy-aair cesis ((jlJjts.W), aad luiertM Ibcrvee al lie. rale.of Iwelrs per senium per an num, and fifteen duttara and ih rty rlso ee4s ( S 1 5 J j) eusts .sf sail notice it kt isby (Iwb thai bt li.liui sf wiid i torulion I ndl iltoi lbs stssre- deser bed r4,.cny tW sale at suet eo M the high est bidder he cah, on Momlay, the 17th daf tf June, IfSI, al Iht court how door in Orssjet) City, st 10 o'clock A. at., lo satisfy ta d eiesutioa and co.4. anl accruing ends. JOHN THOMAS, Skrrf Ciaclamat Co. May 1 1. 1861. w4 VAST. STEEL " P LOWS! II IK undersigned aro Bow enttacsj ia masn . faeturin ssme a the BKST CAST. STEKL PLOWS ever made en thai asset, which they an Del afraid lo warrant, and which Iboy are selling at Prlrra ! anil Ike Time. We have nubia tnaleiial iniprovemeata oa oar okl pattern, an.1 those who have tried our plows give Ihem the preference over auy other thsy hsvs ever ased. We are earning an an siten- sive manufactory, and Intend lo keep op wiih the raldly Ineieasmg demau.1. If yon want a (ilH)O PIjOW. ef easy draft, and sure to scoar, g.4 one of ffynrsvtea'f aTnlt- rtlle leiei. L. A A. W. RYNEAR80N P.utevdle, Maryh 33, 1861. Justice Office, OREGON CITY. AM always on hand, and wilt attend tsthe COLLECTING OF ACCOUNTS, Drawiii!' uj of Deed., Mortgarjes, Ireases, Itomls, Powers ot Attorney, Contract, tc, ml all other business committed to my care. Ofliee dinella apsosie fae Jmiif Ituitdin'g. duuo Hi, IHliti. .1. L. I1UBFOK1). 0 UK AT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. 5 1 Mt.nvit.i.'S om! & Liver Syrup, OR SARSAPARILLA AND STiLLINGA, FOR TIIK Ct'ltE OP St-rofiil.t, Sypliilitie, and Morcu- 1 i-vi 1 . rial uiseases, um sores, eittn iliseiM's, ami all other diseases wliieh are caused liy au Xtnpiu'o stato ol tho Blood I THIS IU.O01) k mvki; SYR-UI' tr IS WARRANTED XS I'o euro all sciofiilnus and other diseases that niigiiialo from ihu Hi.1.111 oa uvea READ TIIK STATEMENT OF MR. M M, WILLIAMS, Who is i:i.l.'i lu Rev. II., race IliislincU't eliurch, regarding tho euro of his d.iui'hter, who was l all npiNMraucH crippled for life with the ter rible disciine, Sf'KOI'lll.A: Cincinnati, F. h. 28, 1859. -Mkwiis. A. I. Scovn.i, ft no (tear Sirs:--1 feel il my duly lo writt you, an I let you know what your Cloud nud Liver Syrup haiuloue for my daughter, nnd that by publishing it others who miller w ith the same disoaat may kumv of il, uu. I l.y Its uso derive great ksnsfit. My daii.'htcr Eliza has hecu sorely afflicted with SCROFULA, attended with great pain, for more than two years. She had somo five or six running Ulcers ou one of her feet, ono on her hip, and mo on her hack. T'hoy rmisu.l enntrattioa of the limbs so thai she could not walk. At this lime, from tho Ii'ikIi recommendation of your lil.s.d uud Liver Syrup in curing such diseases, I was induced lolly it. She coiiiiiionoed using it, uii.l id tho me.lici'ia nclcl nu the blood, tht sores cniiiiueuced lo heal. Tim limbs are galling sltaiuMslm in now gaining strength, f have only le .'.l three bottles of the medioint. and iho can now walk quito well. Your Blood and Liver Syrup has done woudors ill restoring her htalth. Willi ihcnreiilest respect, I remain yours, II. McWiLLisna STATEMENT OF REV. HOllACE BU3H N ELL, Ciltj Mmnonmy Ptulor of the Prtihyhrton rhurek. Cincinnati, Match 3d, 1859. Mitssas. A. I, Smvii.i. 4 rw. Hour Sua: 51. MrWilliuiiM, IH. lean elder iu lbs church of which I am pastor. I am ao rpiainted with the circumstances of tht caia of hiaduughlcr, and I havn no In sllan-v in laying that I consider llm cure truly wonderful. HollACE P.UsllNELL. Slkvii i.'s I!ihm. knit Lives Svtur for ssle by all tho principal Dnii'i'ists every where. Ir. A. II. STEELE, Agent, Oregon Ci'fy. GEO. W. SNELL, successor lo Psrk ft Whits, Airnl, Snn Franeioco, 1311 WssUiugtoo St., luifiortrr und (ieneral Atjtnt fir ull Patent ItlciliHHraeV Fanry Uooeia, whsdi are offered to the Trade al New York price, ttitk but colt tf Importation CLOVE ANODYNE Tooth-ache Drops. Comjiluin no mm of Aching Teeth milESK Drops have been extensively need by .L thoussndswhosu experience haa proved that the Anodyne will give immediate aad ps.-mir.eat relief nOor Iho failure of every olher remsdy. It is pleassnt lo Iho uisle and smell, and a few spph eats.na will entirely remove the pain and soreness from a decayed tooth, so that it may be filled aeji rcn.lerl as useful as ever. Whea the pain pro ceeds from the face, or frm the gums around i tooth apparently Bound, this Anodyne will givt speedy relief hy rubbing a few drops sn ths part affected. Il has only lo become freusrelly known ta be as highly tqrevkiled by lite TabUe as hi is by Dentists. For sale hy ll .lsnssos dt ro,, and Psaissrron ft ce., San Francsuio; Rica Jr. Corns, Msrya ville; IL II. McDonaLO it- Co., Sarrameato aad by Druggista generally. 5 Tor Malt. IDE HALF lF lT NO. 1 IN BLOCK No I, adysHing llse Msmrxo Kuisiinf, in Ins cilv. Iisy.re at the Arf us Omee. I'r-g.m I n, M .r h i, I" ! '1