HKOKKUON A ltd US. Bv i. n. tit.tio. nriW Of SL BSCHll'TIOS. . irg, ,VI i fufitk'H ill Tkrei PMm$ T VlUnM kttkMtttdffiM m,Htk .. 'i Jw rtteifU J-r If r . V amwr UiuoHlimitJ Hulil all arrtuingti far tht A'i: Sit gn. It VTKH OK ADVKIITIHISO i One U4i (!! line, or leae, breviar rneaaura) Hack it.Uul Im rtloo Mauntm eanla one jrr 80 U A liberal deduction will bo wade lo thorn who ajierliae by tlx ytar. (IT Tti number of lucierllon alieuM be aetnl margin of n .IrerUwinenl, Olherwlee h b iubliJed till unbidden, and cltarntii ae- roctlitiKly. I IT I'uiluary notieee will ix cnaigeu nan m . ... ... i . . " A Weekly NcvHiaji'rf iWot.-.l to tho IulcivU of the LuWin- Cla, ntul mlm-nnn- tlu. ml ol Hum m cu-iy iuiv- --;;;lrf1M-tll4 0 It K f i ON CITY, 0 It K 0 OX, J U X K 2 2, ISfil. y n Vcl. VII. l.Ura, I aloa MretOe at Htrtatiewa. On Saturday. Juno 1, tlio citizen of American Flag by tlio ladici of lliu neighborhood, made by their own fair hands, which wax Immediately bo'udcd to tlio tup of a fir tno which hod prorlouly been trimmed and tlio talk removed, Tor tlio OCCOIiioll. After cheering tlio (In and Cupt. Durn- hum,. for tlio ikill and ileal ho displayed in iicriiiteniling tho affair, ull n-jmlrcJ to inquired pecullur significance from tho r- .'tRMw""' Stringtowa ond'vicini.y met ot tl.o .bw- i . a Huff !. namA i,,ttcc DuJ wro f,tc,,,t,, 0 Thjl lh b''lf "" iwy b.ooiiinl, IIM phwlum-bk lliry liu our Kr.. TV pm I k k 'ia H uli "' ,Im' m",Jo " il " Nu laiuhil UH re" T.e rw i"l"t' "B ll"',n 1 t,tfit willl tlio dA) ro no nior. And wnw "' l,"d M,,r"1'1' . . And ruinlww ' J0"1 ,,ie ','"", Ti,ti druw m 'be bouxou li ; ' Alt') '' J) ! ar Mu '"uni' 'tti llil uul', cflort -' To iwlih) dwiU ll i'M arli bulrt w1l lii'oo ntir tttm ; jnt't sow liiibU'J, frU udJiip w.Hindol Vt'ix wilh tlio d.i) lbl aru uo inure. We'll ffT I" '"o""' ll' uuo Wbl'P '" Jaib'eiiiliraco, A lulu b'i;lil rwiiclra thni. KiLbrwd wliliin our barl lliy !., 6, al. li lu' erc " ni1"0- At ansel clll",J i G,mruU Hull iw lo huil-n on, A e"l of bl bflbro u Km, W ida 'a "w l'"ul1' "I" Fairwtlli ll !) " r " "''' . Our nalura'a wanla f arlh eonnol unci, limardlbaai.illtii'Mrr, iud aluno in dulba can fullioiii, Oul wi-bra llini In Him Iw lurm-il, Kcrgfl ll" tiJT ill"' 110 "" A f """y f""11 ry, " Son, g'v 'by Iwan j" ll m liifinile lnr lliul cull. The metaaco Rlad wo will idy, Nor itwurn Iho duya Dial arc uo nifo. J..x II, ISI. ZI.MO. UrrrWrr k.UHW'Wl ! '(. who tit In darkiiMu. That fl.13 U uow Tho follawing mr cloimont cxtnicl U -l uih! in jronr hand la o.huwo. lt'nt n,3do from one ol Iter. Her, Ward '.' I" ' it 'i, .. , , ' hidden, uor aviTitid or cormU m on l:, !ii.r'i u'riiuiiii! . . . . u 1 1 .1. .11 1 I'cctlicr'a Krinoin Mr. I'tcchir tiKik lil nd imu in tho roiifiulun of conllict. that Iho li-adcr niislit irnthcr oliout lilm lint fol lower whin ho wiii I'M to their alht. It Yum our t'a uf Moudny wAaraooa laical Hcwt by rny. IUTI TO il'XK 'J. I hidden, uor avcrctiil or cormd m any 'j',0 w l'.xprcm arrived Juno 12 i ... l I r.,11 1. 1, ,i,Uvi..I i . , . . .1 . i caw, uuv lumiwi "'h" r-.'"- -i-K. following w couca iroiu ino wueaiwu- villo Biiiliiiil of tho IjHi: Kr. Iioi ih. May, a. u. 11m Kvo liin New of to uny lnu iho following Iw Winn tlio I'aiit. .Mi'Uonnlil S. pMriet t onrt, lien. I Unity mailo tlio return that Copt. Mel'oiiold had lovn n moved lo Illinois, and n now iu tho mill- rominnnd of lien. Mi l Miami, tlml text from tho : ,r..i.t , i10 iun. , lnr i iiiuou. terri fiOih Htnliti( er: " Thou liast (jiven B orilly wjt, ,aini,r. For a ln a busier to them that fear llict, that ilj,, (m( iSaiuefiil cirruit may U may bo diiilnyed Uiuum) of tho Irutli." j ndf,,!, but tho road for New KiiIuhiI, From tho earheat time nation, went forth j yorj B, iViiiinylvania lie rijjht lo war under lomo baillirr. It WO llw'd ,,.,,, I! ,til,r f A milamo hen) d'aili (irobubly at fir4 a a rallying Inal to di- uulllfn v.(,t, Mr. IWhcr remnrkiiii; I'mt Thr Dkave Old Asii:kw Joiis-sos. nft.ii? Iii tlio nrcscnt crisis of iw t n our national nlTaim, is entitled to more credit for his firmness and intrepidity than i...i. .1. il.nn of Tennessee. Wo nrc w 1 tlmL when Mr. John . . I,.. V,,i,, ... iu jjdj , jj. - Mpi the Sennte. certnin ncecion bennlors waih cd baek and forth in front ol Mir, seowl tho table and tmrlook of on L'iiIoii dinner prepared by tho vaiiio luir ludicj who uiudo tlio fhijr, niter which Judo OIiU wax chosen president, IC. Cum- luiiiL'H and J. II. Kgiin vieo president, and 0. 0. Uider scc'y. Tho following prrniu lilo and resolutions nero adopted: WiiKnKA. Every nmil from tho East brings nail tilling of tho Imminent (lunger and peril to our free govrrmne:it, ond, through that, our itcrnoiml lilH'rty, our rights us citizeiis of tlio United States, our greatness as a nation, and tho rcicct with w lileii wo oro neui nnion mu nuuoiu ui tho earth, and in fm t all tho Mewing, civil mid religion, which wo now cnjny under Iho protection of tho American Flnpr, that " pillar of a cloud by day and pillur of fire by i'ht," w hich guided und sustained our nalicra through tho wilderness or Hcvolu tiou. and which wo as a nation havo borne ' . . ... .. J.I.M triuninhantly " llirongii tno perilous ngia- on many a battle field wIiomi "striies and bright stars" linvo been replaced in n por tion or our beloved Union by tho snaky ensign of tho dastardly rebels who ore now threatening and attempting to subvert tno Government of tho United Slate, and thus extinguish that bright licueon ol " HUrl'i und iv'ui V which has for inoro than tiireo ijunrters or a century been growing in Drigmnes ami iiramj, " in- fiercely, wilting their hands lo their car insultingly, interrupting with taunls . I iiM nn.l otherwise attempting to browbeat tho orator. Ho calmly went on with his discourse, piling fact npon fiiet, nidi ntiittitfmt. nu imminent, and tri'uting IHIU S"i5 " c with a look of lofiy contempt tho word; mid gestures of his frowning assailants. Finally, it became his part, in tho course f hi remarks, to denounco treason. . t al... . I.;, r.nwr Into t lie loco oi uiv l'uinting I inlluenee over the whole world, To the eativ nwukiiij fri'tJein, llrincins and bolowiiy g 'od ' theri'forc, . , Ilesolved, Tliat we, ns gooii nun iojui citi.cns of tlio Uiiilcil Mates oi Aiiierien, hold it our chief duly lo preserve nun ier petuato tho Uovcrnmeiit transmitted to us hv our ruthers, mid which has ever pro iiVteil us in nil the civil and religious bless- in" which wo injoy, and which guaranties to every individual, however humble in hm, tho right to " lire, liberty, and tho pursuit if liniiiiini'SS." . 'l l. . .. . f ! !.. Kcsolvcil, Tlial we, as iFreguinnns, l no ljnnu ' system, ll.n fiiiiiivnii'til of the - i .r. WiL-full or Texas, l.o exclaimed, feel that wo Have nn additional reason lor hmgsnrt V tfM, ol i . .rntiuK, to our (lovcrument, I very well know is mo uouo.e ,u. n n.-e-onian who sympathizes wilh or gives aid and coinlort J I .I . .... ... ;...( ii i: ni'. n.. mniibmicn. 1 have dealt treason a Uli H"" . r t blow, and riior feel it!'' Our inform ..... .....o iimt ilm i-ffect on the vast con mill n"J .- ourso assembled was eh clric. Wo related tho fact the other day, that ul.,.ii n secessionist nt Lynchburg, presumed upon the protection of the hissing1 in tlm rebels now in arms against tho Uov erinnent, ns n double traitor, mid deserving or more than u traitor's doom, and we ear nestly pray tint " repentnnco nml goon works." or destruction and perdition, may speedily ovei lalio him. Keen veil I nil ll s mu umi 'i ..oh ot his back to attempt tho insult of Government to protect nil loyal citizens in r Mr. -lohnson. the Sen- the seceding States, in ;,er:;ou and properly, ....n:.... il... i.nsn nf Mr. Johnson, tno ben iuniiij, i . fttor, who hud patiently borne the Jeermgs of tho po.ulace, instantly drew a pistol, and would have blown out the brains of his iasulter upon the spot, had ho not sought shelter in tho mass around him. Wo sec, in tho lato news from tho East, another Instance of his personal courage which is thus related: "Tho stylo of Mr. Johnson's canvassing may bo judged or from the commencement ..i.!. t Cleveland. Tennessee, whero threats acainst him hud been largely indulged in. Ho told tho crowd that he did not coino there to bo shot,' mid if there was to be a fight, ho and his Ineuds were ready lor it, and that he preferred to hmsh , n.ri.i inir before making his speech. Nobody coming forward to fight, the intrep :.i e ..f..npil tn sneak, and by tno thno ho had finished, n.netcen-twenticths of tho nudicuco wero with ''" ' ' them, among other things, that Jel . IJavis and the Governor or the Stale ought to bo 1. it.. .ii.l nml iv'Alllil ha hamrcd nt tot not fir distant period when the Judicial power f .1.. n .,.. n,.k rnnld bo broUllllt to II H1U IUi vi iiiin iiv bear upon them." Exchange. TA,rr,r.TlY DeaP. McG., M Ala lama Marshal, arrived at Cleveland several years ago, iu search of a fugd.vo rom jus i. vr ,.l no at tho Wendell IIousc, and darin his stay tlioro Lad a didieulty with a person who roomed with hmi, one i.:..i. Mnfi aliot thrco tunes cicning, on aiinu tl,; nntaMuist. slijjbtly wounding him iho third timo. Ho was immediately ar . , , :.:i In ilm moruiuir tuc resieu ana pui u jwi. --- . .nn taok Dlaco in the prison A Mend of the marshal entered his cell and found bim seated, his head resting on hn,t nml InnVinir like ono who had tin.1. mn nn in despair. " Come, Mac, .m h t.A cheer up; the roan is not Wf "Rnined. ruined, ruined! croaned the Marshal, without even chang ... ..... nT?,,;ni-.l! bahl" re- ing ins jwsiiKJii. "don't he a chud. tell you tho wound is but slight; besides, it i, an-mvatcl case, and had you liii t,;m would not havo been ruin 1 ' 1 nnw it " said the Marshal, sud deulv startinrr np: but three times! only think ol it! to shoot three times ot a man and not kill him'. 1 am politically damned ia Alabama!" for your Jon wai ou cva Used No, but I am n-jw waltUui i y shniij fur my tax th r,..,i.i ilm violenec of Southern moliocrats, i...ii, in-eihcr under tlio cognoincn oi Conrederato Stales." Uesolved, Thai wo look upon nil per- . ... r ..( il. ...-:. .i.i.. I ihiIm'V SOUS WHO lire 111 iaur in inu i v i j or establishing a Pacific llepulilic, ns Inntms to Olir COlllltrV, IIUll WC I'M UOIIIIU to deal wilh them ns such. i;,.5,.Ue.l. That, whereas we owe mi wo ivn nn.l nil we nro to tlio Government oi ti. lTniied Slates, wo hercliy plcilgo nu wo havo und nil wo nro to support mai u..i.nmont and for tlio imrposc ol moie rr..,.i,.,illv cai-rviiiL' out the principles or . . r ' ' i..i: ..,0 ,i r.ii.m this nml tno lorcgomg n.'""""""! ...,r.K.i into a l.rnioa Club, holding our selves in readiness ot ull times to fulfill our mutual pledges. In witness wncrcoi, icrouiito set our nanus. Fifty names wero immediately signed lo " . . t i ..r the foregoing resolutions, mm a numuur ui .v.iriotic snoo'ches were made, ineluanig - tlt. 4 ono from I). lluilson, ot ioik couiuj wlin i-alled ns ho was iiassing and partici- ....i...i ;,. dm festivities. After nn unusual ninount or cheering Tor tho sentiments ex nrewed. foT tho Indies who took Sllcll ail I ' . .. ...... .ntivo iart in tno proceeding Union, and "three groans for those who refused to cheer for tho Union" (V Lob bins, or Clackamas county), tho meeting adjourned. T.iKT)kceitioss rr.ACTtcED. Tho great point with tho leaders and instigators or :....n:... in il, South, has been to keep the people there in igrnnco of tho true stale of reeling in tho North, J.nd to fill them to depletion with the .ilea uu North is laboring for their destruet.on.- Xow that they have succeeded in inaugu rating a war, the same character of decejj- mn.t be used to keep it up. luo 101- lowing specimen is an extract from a letter r C. . u- .1 IK rUUULieu u i. rrom waj. ciabuv, San Autonio, Texas, as a prisoner of war: i ;ve vou a Tew or the heavy items .a u.. mnil from New Orleans, receiveu iu - .i.:,.l. nrn certainlv noi M Ull.ll nrisoncrs of war in a foreign biml viz: Kdent Lincoln fled from Washington; .r seott resigned and joined the Confe-d- Ucn. DC.UI- V l-v Vnrr i pniips.M'1? . iviiiiuniji j of the union; me en rfitn States; t....i ,,il Virginia out ,auu . - o i;ct.;ineI1t cut up route thronsb Baltimore for Washington "ft tSusnd men from the South surround hit ii. .onion and ehil . .i.... I.. Vir-'iuia uuer " f ..t.. l'nion incli killed I'll . T excellent ' lute of hull or goVernmeuti that adopt ed it. At length, n consolidated govern menu drunk up lwr IndqKiideiit author itics, bantiers became siguilieaut thielly as repriwntiug nation. No civilized nation but had its banner. A thoughtful man when he saw a national Hag. saw Miulioliz- cd tho nation it belonged lo. When tho French tricolor rolled out to tho wind, he saw France: when tho new found flag ol Italy was unfurled, ho saw rcsiu reeled Ita ly; and so ol other. This Union has a banner, too. Until recently, whenever il streamed abroad men saw daylight burst- lug on their eye, lor until latterly Uio American Hag has been tho symbol of lib ertv: not any Hag uikiii tho globo has hud such nn errand. Tho star upon it were to il.n i.iniiKF nations like tho bright nioruui; stars, and tho striica mon it were liko tho bright morning light. Wherever it goes, men Im IioIiI in its snered emblazonry no kIimioI uf imiK riul authority, but they sec tho slgnu' or light; it is tho banner or dawn; and tho poor opprcmot couscnpi, tho Iroddcii down creature of foreign des Mitist.i, sees in tho American Hug that very promise of God. "Tho jwplo that in darkness saw tho great light, und to llicus uliieli sat iu l ie vulleV ot death lilil is Fprung up." I hiring the colonial jiriod there had iiicn no America ig; each State that chose had ft separate sig nificant banner. Hut m '11, mm a lew days rrom ono year nrter tho Diiluratiou ..f'liiiteiMMidiiiee. nml two venrs or more " i .' ' .i . ..i. ..r ri..r I in ivnr hi'i'llll. IIIIOII 1110 111" VI III... a . I. , 1 June, tho Slates assembled, and oruaineu and established the glorious iiug wo nu owhiin Tlio men who devised it were men who 'linil taken their live iu meir nn.l eoneent rated all their worldly .session for tho doctrines or personal i;i. ,!, Tlml fl:i' means I.iulon il menu ItllllklT Hill it moans the glorious t! War. It menu all that il... Declaration or Indewndonoo means ..ll ilmi. tlm Constitution mentis. Not a i.-mlml nf million! r or Iho ruler was allow ..'.1 i.i mi in it liwas ordained for the people by iho people; that it meant and it Mieiina. and bv tho blessing or God that it shall mean to the cud or time. For, AlniVhtv lie thanked, that when imw .le'reiieiato men desiro to' set up or ..i...ion nt war with ull tho iusliucls of i . . ., 1 1 ..... .i.. mel enll ll HT1V. IIICV COIIUI lla ' "" l..r our IhiL'. Thcv must have nnotiier lln.r foe sucli woik. I lliatiK mem mai ihev took iiuolhcr llai' to do the Devil's .....I L- nml I. ft nnr IhiL' to do God A I mi.rl.iv'a work. I Al'Ulauso Mil 'pressed. " n"v -. ..' .. . .... i:.... i II ever tho seulnneiil ol mo te.i na nun fulfilled, il has been in our glorious banner. "Thou hast given a unnncr to uinn m.u fear them, llttll il M'W ' li-V'hiU, J,n lllld lisplavcd il shall bo rrom the A limine wno dear across, with caglo llighl, lo the IV it.., I iMimer wave, mcauiii nn in... ...... ..... ihut it ever meant, from mo .oui, I.,. in. cT.mia nnil ice stand solitary, clear i , ii.a i:,,lf n,l li'onies. thai banner has IW III. Uii'i ' , ..,,,1 c .id iv.u-u oivvei'. irrcprcs- ll VII UU i I Mr. needier said no "ri i. . i .i. ;i ..; mri to restrain Rome cxpres sion when men were full ol feeling, but he would prefer that they should wait till hi sermon was dono without inserting any .,....,.1 ....linn marks of even eiilhusiiims. ' . . . ,i ... ci tn.i .mnil Not heeauso 10 l ion 'in. nniiunj i" r day. but it was not their way. uicj nn inn of ft kill nt stock, with feelings run i w....- - air In n ili-pii but unlet channel, i nn !.; i.mveil WnshiiiL'toi). he nml his armies: before it liurgoyne laid down his arms; it waved over vesi iini, .v. Montgomery and over nnouier j.k.h. join ery it shall yet wavo. It checrid I our army, driven out from round New 1 ork, in their solitary pilgrimage through New Jersey, nml at Volley Forgo. It crossed tlio waters roaring with ieo ut livnton and when its stars gleamed m tho cold ,.;ili vlelnrv ii new dav dawned lllW!lli"H ' - V i y, f on this country. When South Carolina, in tho Revolutionary struggle, forgot rour nrr., and yielded up the Slate, the only one of nil that gave adhesion to the l.ritish Government, then it was thai tins uamioi led on tho Virginian forces that conquered both tho F.ritish and tho Carolina nruiies, nnd brought back tho Slato. Alas! that the head should become the tail. Alas, that Virginia should be dragged about tho rebel camp nt tho tad ol aoum i arum.... this Has is on trial. 1 1 has boon con demned. In the confederate Stales a poor forgery has lieen run up to stand in place of the old Revolutionary historic Hag. I n Kentucky, Missouri, and '.no .in.i'. e States it is at hnii-ninsi, nurai ... cr it shall come down. I would they were cold or hot. "bo in cold or hot, I will siiew you out of my mouth " We do not Deiicve m iii-iih......-dite patriotism. These middle States, these eunuchs, it is little matter how thry go unless they quickly go right. It was this flag that was fired into ot Sumter; that flag which Russia could not daunt, iii,ni,lnt(. nor England Con nor riallw .1 f nner has iroiio down nmid the treachery of our ow n state. Ho you know tlml men ho supposed they could not help It. Hut you mutt not stop at tho Capital. You .M I U' . I t. ... go beyond. I no lumi oi u abiimguiu shall co Washington' Hag again. 1 1 must see ClmrlcaUm again, and llont from the old fort. ItmiiHtgoto tho Alligator State, and wave over all field of sugar and tobacco. It must Im found lu (very Slato till it touches the Misshwippl. lUtlh ing in iu water, it must go ncro to Tex as, nor stop till it HoaU iu every State und Territory. kahfut rorpu had romo nti before tho U. li.ojuh. l'umtl for Job l'iitiimml In mtJf Jrlirrt uf tkr mk. . luck of ArllnsbHi IUhiIiU. Out k.u wr ntiarkrd f ono Iliac w.nnidr., A Ular ilia mull kim Ibal a furoo nf rliy and forly lWa loljllliy unikr l.lrUlviiBiilaTiHiiki and (iudiit nliarked Ilia rrblaal Kalrfaa Cmrl lleiiw. IJrot. Toiiipkitwj frn lliirty rrbrla killi-d, and thai lliclr Iwott niounlrd 10 IMKl. 'I'by bail pro liuiuly U.u-rd Ihora wr about "0 I'""- To-oikIiI our Iroona will a.lvaaro oo Kalrfa tonrt (loo and Uk ll. Anolli" dipnlch )a Iho rrlkla an riraiinn from I'alrfm finrt lloaaa. A diifalcli aaya lb lw.i Ulhilra at AiUi Cirk h.ive bo." .Irnn'liJiod. Ai.i'au, Juno l-A I 'dork "bin morn lag a uei-Brrrd al Wrllinijloa Milla, bo iweoa a oonifany of Zouavra aul Micbi(an irom aud a Koulimt (Mfly uf Virginia In-I". Tbo .'.lul iruuia .ii ova Ibfin away. Ono of Ibo iror. War. Tho accrdcrt botlir, and comH'llr(l fori ami vat not (twtral Stall. Tho World, in defending Gen. Scott against an attack made upon him by a New York aptr, In w hich it was urged that the hero I thirty yean too old for the position ho now hold, says: "There could hardly Lo a greater con trast than that between the different style of conducting tho Crimean and Mexican c.cditiou. Scott landed hi liltlu army, planted bis Unllcrie, ami ngni uay uuer w ard dispatched worn 10 ms goierumeui that the Hag of tho United Slate Honied iu triumph over tho castle of San Juan do Ulloa tlio sumo wave girded and battle scarred fortress which in Europe had been deemed nnother Scvustoiiol. lie sealed tho Cordilleras, bore tho eaglm of his coun try iu quick succession through the streets of Julapo, I'crote, and I'uebla with 8,- &00 men swept through tno socnnci nu- iroclieublu pom of Cerro Gordo, ih iendeii by 12,500 Mexicans with tho samo num ber of men defeated IS-'.OOO ut Contreras and Chcrubiiseo 1,VM) men stormed tha- pultcice, defended by 20,000, with ft.000 took the city ir Mexico occupied by uo. 000 troops." lie did Ids work, nnd he sav ed his soldiers neither or which wan done Kii"luii. Uo threw not a Ido away that could lie saved, mid successively used cverv possible menus to secure tlio health .. . r .... I.: . iiiid comlort oi ins men. i erior ig iu eaniiaigii til tho sickly season oC the year, IH iietruling lulo the very neari oi me euc niv's country, through crowded cilic and over mountain acclivities, ho yd subjected his men lo not one lentil or tho sulleriiig aud lost not one-tenth so many of them by disease ns Kaghin did, though encamped all tho while within six miles or the son. ti.rv ho I Harney never had tho Imdy or the Zouav wa kihv.1 and anchor woundrd. iirisouer uud' r hi control, aud ronsnpienl- Fa.M wo. Ju.. 13, 7 r n-jlu.lakamcr I.. ..ti ttl.h tn iipiiiliiin him. Iitn. , 9j hh ii 'v - llnrncT lurther aUitcii, imu iy oruer iroiu'l.iii dated May Itllh. but mvived ;,u,y ycMerday ho ,f- JfT uZft, I .iJSlZ arsenaU to surrender them; kl it district. It is uudcrstooil that Gen. Lyou succeed Gen. Ilanicy. Tho prize- brought lo tho Nny Yord yetilcrday, oro valued at over f-MO.OOO. Among tno cilii'i carrieu uum m-si".-drin, nro letter of great iniortnuco which were found In the Sentinel offloo, showing tho means by which tho secession ol Vir ginia wn brou::lil nlxiut. Some distin guished K)litlcians nro implicated, and the lelter show beyond doubt that tho ordi nance or scecsMOii was only passed by fraud. Tho N. Y. JltraWt Iiullimoro dispalchcs nay Unit there nro 20,000 troop ulllar--. .. . . i i .ii..... nr rerry, nml lueniy oi ne uiunn; nl prerv nvinihiblu IMiilit. (ien.' I'.iiller wus reinforced yesterday by 2,000 troop. The X. Y. 7'iW Washington dispatch say that there are 8,000 troojis ut I'oint of Hock. Tlio troop there aro much de moralized, but will mnko a dcsiieruto light. There were indication of nu Intention lo cvncualn tho post but no msitivo informa Thcv ixiK-et nu attack fioin the west und ' keep u sharp look out every night. Tho men aro sleeping on their With ami In their hands. Ihev canturrrl millions of dollar worth of cannon, small nrmi aud munitions of war, belonging to flic United State; but it watnot war. . They seized tho shis of tho United ' Slnlcs; but it mi utt tear. They seized tho mini and tho money of tho United Stales, and applied them to their own use; bul it trai ui war. Thry fired on on unarmed ship, carrying supplies to a fortress iu tho United SUtcs; ' bill il tea wi var. Thty aro In-sieging tlio fortresses of tho 1 United Stale, havo surrounded Hum ilh military work, and cut off their supplies; but it i " rnr. ISul. if tho United Slates attempt to rc- liuvo lliclr Ulengiicred garrison, or even send lliem provisions iu au Unarmed vessel, it it tear. II they attempt to lransHirl a cannon from ono fort to another, or from a foundry lo n fort, ' is nr. irthey tninshT a soldier from fort to fort, or Irom State to Stale, il i var. II they send out a ship 10 protect uicir I, mil if is tnir. arm. . r.. iii-,f rveeiiiiuf? their laws, nrolect Lot ISVH.I.K. May 3 1 si. Immense quail-1 . " !,,..!., il.irr.... titles r g'KKls , il, Semth ro goi.ig l- " Nashville by railroad. 1 is rumored tha ciw. n w the transportation ol goods will bo sloped .''V'j jj, KoVl Sumter. ' U thai ""it'Sisor Soulherner north Is n-arf-r. pncidenled und it is only nUrilwluiilu to g,(S.TH,KliTs ok Sknatoii McDoioai.i.. ihosloppago oiooai on '-'1' ' 10 ri,,,, i extract from a lelter to tho lalo Union meeting in Tho letter isduted May lllh, ! v . ...... :e .1... V...I. rin-r ll IS II SO rilllioieu linn n "iu .""" villo roads bo stopped the Tennessccans sinl will ndvaiico into Kentucky nnd lake pos- Marysville urssiou ol tho road, 'lnu I'niou men oi Kentucky nro determined lo permit no ng gression Irom nny quarter. Tho Memphis Kullelin announces the arrival of Keaiiregard on tho 2Sllh, to take comniand or tho western division or the ComHiir- riiirs sH'ciaI Washington dispatch says two cnplaiesol the .llassaeliuseiui iroop ui. inu llehiy House have been placiil under arrest for extending their pickets without author- ill' J . ..... .i.i: ......I ..l l.'l a ii ii lien ins iceii csinoiiMieii in . . It., ii.mreil mil no blood for Ik fnlilll'SS vie tory, liko that or Alma ; l.o unnilidated no . coicfederalo nrmy regiments of his own by a filial r, like . N E. M y . - that of I'.alakluva; ho invited no dendly nl tack by a neglect in fortifying his position, like that of Inkerniaii. Ho did not leave his soldiers to beeomo laltend Ike sav n.'cs. or famished like dogs. These things made a difference, nnd il is preposterous to Irv thunder ngamsl bruit simply iiccnusc thunder told against I'.aglan. Wo say nothing now of the quality of tho nrtielo used the dill'ereueo iu the occasion for it s enough. It is characteristic of Gen. Scott ! pro lan) himself thoroughly lor what ho under takesit was because ho was allowed ny Secretary Ma ivy to do this in his own way (hat the conquest ol .Mexico ueeaniu a sine tiling." I Mi I: " You cannot but know Iho deep interest I reel in promoting nnd main turning a Union sentiment, nnd the Uuiou cause everywhere, nnd especially in Ihi Stale. That tho Union must bo main tained under nllcircunislancesand at every hazard is not merely nn opinion wilh me. It is my fixed determination to do nil in my individual power to maintain in all places, under ull circumstances, and to bu and net wherever 1 can servo this determi nation best. Liberty, Immunity, our nice, for the presint and till the ful lire, nro too deeply concerned in mo iiiaiiiieuuni.' um. perpetuity or this Union to admit of nny regiment leave. ''M ,., ' ,nn 'llmi ,,tri,,t fiillering in this crisis I'ickeus aiul Idlcra will bo taken by gov erinnent vessels. The Seventh N. Y New York this afternoon aj let mo say thero nro but Iwo nspivls Tho W. special Washington d.spalel. m)j UnSo1 ,1( snvs, preparations nrc evidently making lor w (,0 other, Treason, Secession, ond n forward movement ol the Government Amrdiy IO,0 i0 sco California a unit troops; they are ull under orders nnil nro thu ,(;(t(,r nnd permit mo lo ex ready lo march. 'I he proi.ablu olyeclis n ( imn,0 men, women, and sudden eoneentration upon the rebel foiees j f ( i,c.tjf city will bo found (died ineoura''in2 to land, viz: li;xvi:it Foil tiii: Union. Tho Sacra uieiilo Union publisbes Ihe rollowing ex (rait Irom n letter nddrciscd by (ien. J. W. Denver to 11. M. Urlgg, of Jackson, Amador county: " On this Mibjecl 1 doubt not you fell as 1 do. Wo nro both Southern born men, and would go every length that Amer ican citizens ought to go to protect Ihe Southern people iu their ju.t rights; but they havo no right to ask us lo become traitors lo the Constitution and Hag of our country. uile m irgmia i ncMiowieug cd my obligation to tho laws of that Stale, nml ilm samo whilo in Ohio, Missouri and Ciitifitmiu: but above nil these I acknowl edged d ally to tho Constitution nnd Hag or the United Stales, and on nil occasions I have considered their enemies as my ene mies. Those who mako war on that Hag can be nothing but enemies lo the country. Keforo obtaining oihcu the Ucpiililicaus undoubtedly promulgated doctrines which wero at variance with the spirit, ir nol the exact letter, or tho Constitution; but the Southern people outjlit to havo waited for some, ntliriul violation of that instrument before precipitating tho country into revo lution and civil war. So long as there was a chauco for a pcaccablo settlement of our troubles, 1 was opposed to the exercise or military power, but when the unneces sary nttack was made on Ft. Sumter, nnd the South closed tho doors to everything liko a (teaccablo settlement, I could no longer hesitate. Right or wrong, I urn for my country. I'ohlieuliy, l may inner with those in power, but nothing will ever n.iineo .nn to desert tnv country's ling. rim. ';) It ntion nnd Hair havo been the nri.le .if A mcricans nil over the world, and 1 have lived under them too long to desert .!.... ,. n ii il nt'o is nnnroachllif;. ami .1,1.11. nv. " - . . ml.. i,l n ifir.nlV of the ono or a bast an the other. Not for ono moment could I think of going outside of the Constitution for tho redress of any grievance." in Viivinla. A mirtv of fiflv rebels have rcuel Kaltimoro from Harper's Ferry; they nro Haltimorcuns. Gen. Cadwahider bus uu eve on them. " The X. Y. Tiilmiie's Washington (lis . . ii : .. i I.1. I, imll- l kiivh nn is nniui, ne I l. ........ .-v. . . iii Iho advance in the support or the cause dearest lo freemen. Tho Union - from tho Lakes lo the Gulf from the Atlantic lo tho Pucific now and forever, ono and inseparable. J. A. McDocuAi.b. TlIK Col USE OF THE I'llKSHiKNT A dis-' patch to tho New York Tribune soys: " Allusion, iu tho hearing of tho Presi dent, having been Hindu by n gentleman to day lo attacks upon Ilm course and motives of tho Administration, Mr. Lincoln smiled and said: " Well, sir, wo can afford lo pass them by wilh the diiug -words or tho MassaehusctlB slalisman, ' We .slill live am sure they don't worry me any, and I reckon they don't benefit Ihe parties who write Ihein." wbo sat in the Senate of the United States i Dun hundred no'-roes wero ut Iho lort und I In. number incrcnslll'.r. Tho Washim-ton Slur says nino rebels were killed nt Sewall's Point in Iho recent eoiillicl. nlso that Iho rebels hud stopped work on the entrenchment ut tho Manx sas S"l'- Filleen thousand soldiers were conceu i..,.i...l in Western Virginia. Four coin panics c.r the district military have crossed in Viiviuin wilh six days rations. In tho Wheeling district, lliu Union candidate him l .'illO ami in tho Purkersburgli dis- li-iel. '2.000 inaioiilv. 'Ci.t'i ouirr n The Maiysvillo J)rm- Wahuinoion, .May II 1st. J. uatsou o(.)v( . f jcir.-rson Uavm can wim Webb, has been appointed Envoy extra- ,,.,, wl,jgnto Gen. Scott with his, ordinary and Minister plenipotentiary to ti t)() So'iitlicrii Congress will meet in Kranil. Washington in July. If Havis cannot do At Alexandria a new Collector having ((! wi ti.. . 0 prisoner or war or been appointed to tlio poll, it has been re i' iij..u f,m Virginia before the 20lh of opened for Iho commerce ol tlio couiiuy, 1 I r.T, ,ri. vi gi ls will llO lldiuitled US lili ' ' - herelorore. ii...,..,v..T.v M u-'II - ll i: riinwri-d Ibal il uiimlMirof hhh-Im wero fillintf oul In re, diiilina- n.J ...lull, lllllllil.. CI... C.II..IV nn .Iiwi.'lll' i i-rcoiveil HI "I" "'T Vai.l. l)di.fii 4 ami & o'clock lliin all. rnoi'ii, af-r....i- .,l;in:in..ii. ' Tho Kylo Hlalo, nl nnnn, r K.rli il Hint in piwii'R Aiiia Crwk, Ilm ' Knrborn'' on.l " A nacnata" eneiiRinS lh . .. . .. :.i. I hl.i.ll wiiil Ilia naiicrira nin IVaialionUia wilh bar III inch guna to bh.1. J.',,KKIN0 NoilTH. It IS estimnled HUJt HiKnc.l hy raiam i;4iiireu, coiiinin,.,B ... ,rp1(ly HmusMid boiitnern peoyio Navy Vaiil. . . ' , . t,roU.etion ill the Northern I, 1.,, ,.r.lrr,d i .u-wr k.iw'I States from tho mundttt.on and iiiiort lKl. " ri July Iho day appointed for the re assem bling of tho Southern Congress. Tim e Cache.-If there Is a pig in your garden you had better busy yourself in driving it out than In speculating how it got in. This upplica capitally to tho time. Tho unimul rebellion is in our fair domain, let us drive bun out bcioro wo mum o" ) thing else. went out Cowic State or Thinks at Moxtcom fbvA Capital without ony capitol. a President without any precedent. A wiinoui ony How true the forgoing i;wcarc vett.,haru it - crried through n-ut ,91 miiiU crime? N)umcru ciui-.i. . r.uiti. of nothi.e' but loo much hk-rty -1 A 111 slan have too much " . f I . .-rta all, I MU11I - I , . too briiil a iigui . r r ,i.A inin.i i.m irrni'.iirr A ecrewrY m mu '"'""" without ony interior. A Secretary of For ci"n Affairs without nny foreign affairs. I'oblmastcr (leneral without any posi- " ... . I ir.M. A Judnarv willioul any inuginui. , ' " ' i fi.... an A diniiii tralluU Wltlicoi any . . .. i unc mill ,i...... f,.r Ilm nl ore "oi" '. i . i i. l I.-..1.... ,..-..r KiiCIll OS Will 0 WHICH HUB l ' '. J - . ,, political restriction injho disloyal Stales. t CoTWullaeo has returned from the East with conimisriion as Gofcmor of Washington Territory. Lieut. Jones, who burntd Ihe Har rier's Ferry arsenal, has been rewarded for hi gallunlry by being promoted to tho rank of captain. MassachusetU bat organised corf of remain nurses for tho army, with the cel- liiiri lo Ion McllMiry . .ked in Ihe r.i tbratCd SlISS Uorolliea U fix of lUltunori', and ll a urn uuKari.r.. u WlTO it Dot for tla) mortality UUU "r.'t T'J'Z 'ft ti.. N Y. ro,i'. i results from duelling, drinking and toUcco- BJu h la Vh. Uoy-rwrt ' e-tl'rt chewing, the louls would overrun tho land. Ai Ki.NiiaiA. May 31 To day a Iniveler from Uu humid iu) bo Kiw coinparaliv.-ly frw rww there. . ir. Mav 31. Tha AocuU (f..raia) 1 0f Chronicle "f Ibo -i'MU na llml Ittaurnanl anod a l.onuliiii ul i.nariMMon jmu-niajr, - iieriinj lln- ciiinmaii.l of Ilm forced liii-rc lo im IL II. AnHirni, an-l rrlicvin 1r. Jaf nra, who aecoinpauii-a lleuurreii.l lo I'oriiuh, Mia. Mo bib; imiK-rB aay thai au aceiit of Ihe Kram-li Hoi arnmpiit i lli. ro e.dlec'iii' fi t for Napoleon. M':Mne, late Wininl.-r lo Menii-.., wi noniiiia U.I by Hie reliela in Ibo I'ourlb Cou;reioiial Uia-lri.rii:.illimore'lo-ni;lit. Tbo SIW colnmlH.nn laie ly anin-o n"' L..k ...1-1. ai Anu.a Creek. Henrral ec killed. TW diwK b aU lale llll m. h l k la'.e rebelt kr tin miles - The three great conqueror ol tnc world, oro F hnn, Lote, sud leolh etiqics have