rthi United HutU, la call Into ?Tt llio m r,"7 l,iL''' reKl,0,"lcJ tfim.Md, without il,o authority f it U truu tin i rfufiii oi um ?id8uui of America liui no umlior 1 . .t flLt'. or da-lura wiir ui;aiiit V oowcri wbutcw-r without t'ongrci fiStboriiy. ytt wo he i tiuiuthoritv to difi-nJ tho (Jovcru- .J tho Country, Coiuiminilir fii- rWofthoforcci of tho Union, gn!ii4 Vintl H ttck, li't thein coroo from J th mo. ,th t,,0,t0 ",C0M taSy u it. T1' mn wh0 -IktoWquwHoii ' ''fc-'''1 of ,l'9 rwMi-nt Jtfcid tho Ooroniroont, on a quIUblo or SalcaHtr. I- t.o friend of tht Oorcrn MBt which to endnngored. Would thino hhllnr Constltotlonn) friend of tho Un jftaH i tho iWdcut of tho United Kiaiit quietly In llio IVwiluVutlul tlmlr, Zw Wnwelf to ho bound hand und foot, j tho country d-;nstutd, without n Lr becuuso thcro wa a doidt un to fJciwtltutionnl outhority to prevent ll? Wotld wc" actl" Prol,cr for Viaiitriit" of a grout notion liko Amnrieu! Xottoourwy of thinking. Tho Ltof tin United Siulc liu liut done liii doty In tho mcnsuros he has tuken to pre Bffohlieonutry; ond hod ho dono lorn he toolti bre deserved tho execrutloiu of ull Chrutendoin. On tho contrary, however, ke b rin to a niighty lii?ht before llto InMfieto people, nnd there U not a patriot ii the had who will not opphiud him for kit Dtrvo, ibility, and jml(jmcut Wo KfCf co believe that tho AII-wiM) Ituler of the Universo ho placed the cul of ik traction opon our Ilepuldic, but wo In-lievo lht ihe right roon lini been plopcd in pnw if to cirry un luccowfully through the utoriu of treason that hi howling oroui.il the por Uli of the Temple of Liberty -Sow Fran euro Spirit of the. Timet. ' Tuk Estirk Kohtii is Arrrox'. His tory rarely if ever presented tJiah u sub lime manifextition ol patriotic devotion and llitnry anlor an In displayed In tho North ern SlnUnat this lny. With ono com non Impute all clnsseK of the people, with out regard politieal opinion, creed or nativ ity, are rwiwiidiiig to the country' cull, md falling into the ranks of the voltiutvm In great cities liko New York of course military enilmsiasm roiicciitruti and iiitvu- tenniOw; but it is by no means confined to liri;o communities. livery little town md village all over tho North has its hand ol heron, P"iiiT forth to linttlo for the kov eminent and tho flnjf of tho republic From a little villiitro in Ohio the other dny, with t total K)pulntiou of sixteen hundred, four hundred Koldicrs turned out. This most have been Hourly h.ilf tho inulu ndiill population of tho phtcc; nnd no doubt I ko inrtiicr are oernrrin-r, every day in other qwrlfin. N. V. Jhmlil. ley Tho riiiludelphiu correspondent or the New York Tribune, under date ol May 4th, says: It is not true that 1 5,000 muskets were dntroyed In theiirmory at Harper's l'Vriy. (Jen. Cameron inuiMjrcd tho matter so nicely as to jret them all iiwny ten days be fore the fire. Many of them are now here in the hands of our own troops. The arms wily burned wero of no valuo whatever. The timn will come when Gen. Cameron will reccivo tho public thanks for his mas tetlj management of this affair. All our srscnnls are as busy as they can bu filling nnles for arms and ammunition. Hundreds of women ami boys ure engaged in making cartridges und cannon primers, while thou Misl of men und women nro tit work on rliithing nnd equipments. At tho Navy Yard 800 men tire employed, and the greatest possible activity prevails in lil ting out war vessels. fj In his lata speech before the Illinois lifgislature, Senator Douglas made use of the following languago upon the duty ol every man " to lay oside parly creeds nnd party platforms:" Now permit me to say to tho assembled Representatives and Senators of our good old State, composed of men of - both politi cal parties, in my opinion it is your duty to luy aside your party creeds und parly platforms.) to lay nsido your party orgnni Mtionl and partisan npcnls; to forget that yon were ever divided until you lmvo res cued tho Government nnd the country from their assailants. Then resume your partisan positions according to your own willies, Applause Give mo a country Irst, that my children mny live in ponce, then wo will have a theater for our party organizations to operate upon. Niahly Heady. All statements concur that tho Government will soon strike a formidable blow at tho secessionists, such t one as will snuff them out: "Tho Government at Washington, (we pk advisedly,") says tho editor of the Commercial Advertiser, " is well prepared, Bach more so than is generally supposed, for the work that now lies beforo it. Wo fearlessly predict that when tho proper time to strike at the vitals of rebellion ar rives, the Government will administer a Kcessiou of blows that will astonish t!.c wwtry by their force nnd effectiveness, and that will make short work of tho Mont gomery rebellion ond despotism. A jut retribution will be taken upon those bo havo disturbed the peace of the Tto pablie and insulted and ussnilcd its flag." Bravery (J)The vnnnted bravery of e secession chivalry has thus fur had but 'o opportunities to show itself. At tho fat, 7,000 rebel troops, with 19 batteries owning more and far heavier guns than flenced the Malakoff, some of them, too, riled cannon, dared not attack the 1 1 sol diers of Sumter until they knew they were Aosted by famiuc, and within three y of absolute starvation. At the scc "di an armed secession mob of many tonaid dared not ottack tho whole ol a uachnsctts Regiment, but prudently waited until the last company was cot off ooiiu comrades. Show Yort Colors. A newsboy who selling Union Dags and cockades in P Francisco at the time of the great Un toa Beetinjf, called out to a gentleman pas "Want a flag, sir?" The gcnile replied, " No, my lad; I wear my col r aroond my heart." " That won't do, r," uid Young America; "every man ut W Kit color t day, sir!" Truer ord were never spoken. The present a criii when everv uiuu must show his iKVASiny or States. According lo the ineory o tim aeitMlonUts the Uultid Mates Ijovernmeiit has no riulit to march I troops through nnySluta without her con K,n, ouiKMa every Wuto kimuia refuse consent, ulmt would bo the condition it tho National Government? It would bo hut up In tho District of Columbia, and for Its wcAnctf and liivOlcivncy would merit as it womn reeoivo lint contemn! or tho civi lined world. Saermmnto L'liioit. Tho Winchester (Ky.) National Uuh,,, of Friday tho 2Uh, contains a paragraph which wo think tho Governor of Kentucky noma roan, marK, sua Inwardly digest: "Ucrhiu Mugollln, unhx h aptrdily changes bis conduct, will soon find that ha has l-csuuiucd too far ou tho nslriotio fur. lcarawe of on outraged people, and will novo tno notoriety of being tho first Gover nor or a etnto banged for treason." KT Mrs."I:awrcnce, the widow of tho hero who said " Dou't giro up tho ship," resides in Newport. Sho was a few days ago railed 0ton by a friend, who made some remnt ks favorable to tho South. Tho old lady rose In wrath and ordered him out of tho house in her own ecul!ur ond em phatic wuy. UtMAixs or Wasiiisotox. Diitchcs liy the last Tony statu that John A. Wash ington, who by common consent Is regard ed as tho meanest man on tho 'American continent, Las removed tho rcuaiiu of Washington from their resting placo at Mount Vernon. Nkitramty Dkkisko. At a Into Union meeting at Kngicrillr, Shasta county, It was Fietohetl, That in tho existing coutcst we regartl neutrality, whether of individuals or communities, as incipient ditloyall), )i nlilo at uuy moment to asstnno tho form of full-fledged treatou. Saut or HanuTIio citizens of Horsetown, Cut., have rulsed the Stars and Stripes on a tall hIu near tho bridge over Clear Creek, and Just beyond tho Aug and stuff, they have erected a gibbet, with this incriplioii, "Salute the .flag uncondi tionally or hang!' Tuk ('u)iiKU KocaTii. The kIo uf rorll.ui l un in.il.iiij i jltmiio arrungi-iii' fur a jmnj ct-li-hrulioa of ll"' twu'.uf I'onrlli uf .liilv nt thai c'ly,' by par tita, urut'on, ft luulmi uo, liro Wnilu. Sic, nil I rAlcnil cunlial iuviiuiiun lu ill. ir fellow cit'xriw eU wIirre ! nrii4-iuta with lln in. Our c'l znuliuj Mime tliuu,'lil of ctli'imliiig the ihiy lirri, but fiNii iiinrnt inilicalioim llicre will U' n rm rul !umih-iIo to PuriLiiil, n . only of lli ton u. Lnt vt the county lo. S. u waiu our frlcii.U IlkTo of wlmt lliry may ri.cl. l-'iiov Vil-1-..kia. We uru ii.ilrlilrl In Mr ThiH. t'liiiriiiuii for lulf iuxr from Vivloria. Till')' I'OU'llill llOlllillg of hVci.ll illllTf.-t. May -'j, the foriy-aecoml j.iniriTMir)' of llit (JiU'i'h's liiilh-ilay, lu celehralril nilli gtvm r ill It hh'umii. The I. 8. Krvrniic Colter in I lie h.uliur firi'J m tuliile on thu ihtiuIoii, uiiJ at many place the Kh'Jiali and Auitricau cnviiu wuvcil !ilo by iiJc. r)i;ii.mi. Two liidun, whilst rnlcliinj n.i I iti-' it iii'ur Ihe fuol uf (! KiiIIm, were ilroivmd mi Tuliiy iifii'mooii hint. Tin y were utai.iliiig nil it pl uik, hii'h liiulu', mtil h-t lliem iilin Ihe .urging w.itir.H lie low. Onn wan ikvii no mure. Inn lh'oihor pour felluiv rwam iluwu opNwile the Ul. inl Mill, uheii Irrnilreaglh failing, he vaiik ulwj. Nimri.v Kme. Un Mon.l.iy uflerimou laat, tin- Ii.iii.-o.' uf Aim. IS irr, nciuw the river, wan Jin i'iiviTv.1 to be un fire, bin Ihe llmiie wero hiii put out llirniih the ixcrliinin of Mr. M.iora and the Calliiilic priest n ho hupp, lie I tu ho p iecing by. Ciiaxuk. The Uimiii r Kxprim haa IniJ up fur the prejn. nl, and thu Rival in the only limit running bi'i iv itu here und 1'ui il.iiid. t-'lie inuke a trip mi l u half a day, lying at each pluce ulurnuie fjJ"Ve uckiiowledgo the receipt uf an invila liou from S. J. McCormick, chuirniaii of cum in'llee of ai raiigenichts, lo participate with the cil'iciw of P.irthuxl in ceb'bralinj lliu Kuiirlh. HAHKXB9: ' At llie renidrneo uf Win. Ilurmuii. Tuvulny, May 28, mi, by Uov.Mr. York, Mr. U. 14. Wil liaum lo iMiwi Aiiuio M. Marhiill, ull of lliia eo. Htoa Blectlng at I'.orvallls. Thcro will be a Hireling at Crvul!!ii, Juno 11, of the people, without dlelincliuu of polilicul pur lice, for Ihe purpose of expressing their resolution to defend with their lives and fortune the nnt'on- ul flag against all Irnilora, whether in Oregon or out of it. Tour brass bunds havo been engaged to lend the charma uf liuislo to tho occasion. rub lie rpeuken from ubroud will addrcia the peo ple, lly order of Ihe Coniinitlea. . J. QuiNN TllOINTON, Cll'u. ' Oregoa Division, S. , 8. ! T, Meeta at Harmony Hall every Friday evening, at half pnat 7 o'clock. Umlhren in good Klauding are Invited to attend. R. GAMMILL, W.r. JoilN MSLDKUM, R. 8. x. o. o. r. ..vVVj-ei-wyy. 0kmo j01K!l No. 3 meela fesls1' Harmony Hall on Monday 'LWv,,tlli,l! of each week. Ureth WyTi'iTyyS ren in good ulaniling are invited to'aiie'nd. ' ' J. T. APFKUSON, N. U. Jamu Milne, Ree. Sec'y. 30 Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A V, A A. M., holdi ila alated communica "v Vtioni ' Maaoiiic Hall, on iho Saturday X preceding the Full Moon in each mouth. Rrelhren iu eood atanding are inviled to attend. J. MY RICK, W. M. J. M. Dacom, Seo'y. 13 l" The next regular meeting will be held ou Saturday evening, June 23. FIXAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE it hereby givcu that Wm. Enjle, adminiatraior of the estate of Christopher En gle, dee'd, late t f Clackamas county, Oregon, hav ing mado application and filed hw accouuU for final Kitlemeut, the first Monday iu July, 1661, is appointed for examinaliou of ihn same at the court-hnuiK in Oregon City in taid oounty. liy order of the Judge of Trobate. June 8, ISOU JAS. WINSTON, CTk. FAINTER fe CO., 8 Practical Printer, anJ De.ilri in Type, Tresses, rnntmg Materials, Ink, Paper, Cards, f e., j.a.risTi-a ) 51 CLy Sired, above !anome, j..r.i.Ttaf SanJrairtaK i r Mixrea tJ O3ko fctcJ out w.tu ti:ca r, a HOLLAND, Notary Public & Conveyancer, OHl'MOS CITY, OHMOX. TH.I. TAKR ACKXO I.i:iKJ.MKNT4 II l,r ll.u Am HI..I ...I.-. - illdrrn up ou liuri amnio, Uviult, l.wi. lotrr of AlU.fi.ey, Ac, Ao. J'arlicuUr mn iiiii.u i, j ioiliiuiu. ii.... ,.r .ii.i.... i allouj pr.Hiij.lly u J buMurM eullurd lo bis k.o. i.iicn imiiL juiiiuuut I'uru.iui hlore, PIhmUi li e Court-livuw. May i) . I fG I, J. II. .'II Till IX I., ATToHXKY & C'(iL'NiEI.Olt AT LAW, And Soliciler in Ckunctrf, PORTLAXD ORUtlOX. OfTke Kluul (flrrel, opinio YaiiL'hu'a H harf. ColleuliuiM iniuio and promptly ti-tuillxl (op I J AINSWORTH&DIERDORFFi WE A It E NOW OPENING IN Till Xf cw riro-Proof Brick, LAUUK ANO WSI.L-ASSdUTtU STOCK OK GKSEllM .Vi'RCJAXDISIi. Feeling perfectly secure BfaiuM fiio, wo will now Offer (trailer Inducement than ever lo llit p.iblio. Wo aro eoolautly In receipt of GOODS aeleetiil wild ll.o greatest rare (as to prieea and quality), and aro conlidenl that our fucililirs w.U enable us looker and tell gaud lil PORTLAND PRICES I (freight on), aud would advise all thoso visiting lists oily lo purchase Roo-ls, to otamino our sloci and prices before purvlusiiig "U whrro. i e Have, uu are jish rvcviving, an invoice ei eoosislingin part of tho following articles Cucho co, I'acifin, lladley, Cunealriro, Hprague, Philip Allen, Fall Uivcr. Merriinae, llrigga, and numer ous ..ilirr choice PRINTS, all laltilylrt; Eng lish i: French merinos, lAonese cloth, mohair and other Debate braxv, wool, it muslin do lainee, black, blue, purple, piuk tnenuos, fancy plaids, jaeuuel, book, swiss, fc mull muslin, ladies emu. eels, collars, li.lkfs & skirls, dress ii bonnet tnin- tilings, French fc doineslio ginghams, Freuih lawns from U'4 lo Sii. blue, uiiteil, A grey sati net, wool & coiloa j.'nas eutlunadi', bleached and lrownlir-'l"g from 3-4 lo 10-J wide, brown and bhm'lied drills, denim, hickory shirting j Silesia, inaiiue, brown, aud Irish liueu, uankaen, liaHT, nnd crash, a large lot uf liueu aud thread luces ml edging, hosiery, &e. MEX'S ij- Boys' CLOT1IIXO: llluc, black, and brown clolh cuila; lO.loi I.Ik cloth Vests, j dm wl.ite and bull' Marseilles do., velvet and sutiu do.; 30 doxwilinel pjuU, doeskin audfuiicycaxiniere do, 3il dot meriuo uud colton iiiHlenhirls, grey, blur, &, black clot Ii over coals, with a geurml assorlmeiit of jcuts' ... 'lung good. UVU1S ,y siiuc.3, Mens, an. i Voulhs' b.K:s: In. lies', moves', and childreu's mo rorcu, gout, kid, and call Congress boots, with It without heels; ladles kid s!ipK.'is. Rio and Java ooffce, hbirk nnd p-reeii ten, N. O., China, llaluvia Isluud, t'a). reti.ic.l, and crushed sugar, IC lliailnn. Cut., sugar-house, gulden syr up: salt, a lo 'Jim llisks; I mi kg nulls, aasisix.s; Hill's pule, chemical, lOnglieh soap, snip pow ders, Hwih'r, shot, i, lead; yeusl iow.lur, sulera tus, cream lurlar, wiinkiiiu' fc eliewini; loharno, grrcn rrn, prut, tnmutnet, tlruw nnd blncklicr riet. in 2 lb tins! spice, pepper, nn.l cassia, p.'arl l...rlMv iiiii.e;.rni. veniiicelli. cum starch, atm- oiiiIh, waluiiis, I'.r.ml nuts, ruisius, ('liili pitchra, dried fruit; mackerel, iu qr fc hlf bbb; sai'diutn. A hucuwurtmeiiluf , CROCKERY TABLE CUTLERY t 21) crulea aseornd waro, 40 dux eleel picks, '.'U ' Tulch fc Hdla ho.'s. H77f Lend, 0.7, and Window Class; ill. a variety uf other articles maiully kepi. DJ'We will liay i'asii fur wheat, llour, bacon, butler, e'K, uud uhnojl everj thing tho farmer ha lo bell. Or..?..!! P:IV. Alinl lfi. lHfjl. SIIERFt'S S.il.li. "1TTIIEBKAS, nil cxccuti..ii has b-en ilaeclcd I I lo me issued iiu.ler the ueul uf Iho ciieuit court of the ritulo of Hr.-j,ni lor the county of Clackamas, daled M.iy ill, a. o. ISi;I, ioiiiin.iu.l ing me to 8,11 tho fullowing d. acribnl property, lu wil: Th uiiiliviilcd ono n h iiitcrcst in uud lo a ccilain liiorlga;e uud nccoiiipanying l. "to execut ed by Daniel J'Vruusnn to Robert Moure oil Ihe liml day of 1 levrmWr, l'ii, to sji'iiio the pay ment of fifty ll.ous.iud dollars, recorded ill Iho of li. o of Ihe Recorder of ('lackunias coiiul)', ou pa':s .'10, and 31 in lluok A of mortgagm, ou Ihe lbthof January, I H.1i, for tho purotie of en I'urcin a decree of fonlosuro of im.rigago ina.le by said court on the 8th day of March, lK(;l,in lavurof F. 8. Hullaud uud against (ieo. Aber netliy.f.r Ihesiim of foiirlhoiisund seven hundred uud iilU'Cii dollars $ 1,715), bearing interest ul the rate uf twenty per cent, per annum, besides Iho sum of thirteen dollars and forty-five cents costs of suit notice is hereby giveu that by virtuo of said cxecuti.ni I will oiler the above-described pn.ierty lor sale at miction to Ilia highest bldd. r for cush, ou Moiulay, June IHfil, at 1 1 o'clock A. N., ut the court -hoiisu dour iu Oregon City, lo satisfy said oxccutiuii uud cuts and uccruingc.wls. JOHN THOMAS, May 2.",lP(jl- Shoiifl'ClaekiiiiiasCo. WIIiLAMBTTB IKON WORKS, oregon crrr. a, JUUGIIAI.L. ' J. II- 1IOOHK. 71AKSIIALL X MOOIti:, HAVING purchased Ihe enlir stock, tools, and patterns uf tho Willamette Iran Workt, and- added to it their own slock, are war runted in saying thai they havo Ihe BEST TOOLS AND J'ATTERXS Fr dolus machine work (of ull kin Jm) IN THE STATE, and are prepared lo do any work iu Ihuir lino at THE SHORTEST NOTICE! They havo also facilities fer making C3A.M'B.',a:JsVl Of Iron or Brass, AT A FEW HOURS' NOTICE. Steam Engines and Boilers Luilt to order, and Warranted. Orders solicited for Sow-Mills, Grist-M.lls, Reap, era, Threshers, Horse-Powers, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Gearing, Forco Punisi, oud everything in the Machinery line. Iron Shutters made lo order, of anysiie or stylo also Iron Fronts for Duil.Iin'S. Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. Pattern-nuking in all its various forms, ar.d SUcUmithing of all kinds Neatly done at their shop. XT Wt kavt a full tut tf Pattrrntfor repair ing Rrapert and Tkraikcrt. Si Wheat will be taken at the highest cah price, delivered at Canemah, for any machine work or repairs. Highest cash price paid for old iron, brass, copper, i. May 1 MCI-T- JYoticc. k LL ptr-ont knowing themselves inoVbled lo j the ondrsigned by bfiok account, are hereby n. lied to call immediately and make settlenK-nt of the same, as no further indulgence w.U be 8,tn' AiNswor.ru i !!EnioRH-'. Orrjou I'itv, Feb t, ICI. Notice Ii HEREBY GIVEN TO A IX CON Corned that aalaas lbs lets of land btreiinfW dtMiibed, which wars sold (a lease en Iho I J.h uf September, 105H, I Clackamas eeuniy, ao redeemed ea or before the eipirauon nt si utouilis from Iho slate of this notice, by Ihe uy meiil of the amount for which th. y were so J, and liitsteM ajid sharges, all of which apar in the following schedule, the same will be Itu u.y couvryeJ lo iho respovlivo purvhasers therein! LOTS IN OREGON CITY. h. . kl u an S I ft !.$. e. 6 . 31 38 W 3 81 U . 3 Hi it H 3 36 W 70 M 4 . 3 Vi 70 Ul 3 4i 11 Ci 76 iM 1,03 CI 70 3,10 7 1,01 6t 76 S.4U 8 1 .03 6 7 S.40 8 50 J1 a 76 -in3 3 I4i H'- 76 USA J5 M : 8ii3 I W 1.03 61 76 'JM J 1,04 fl 7C )A0 7 ,01 bi 76 2.4U 8 1,04 tl 76 3.40 3 67 69 4J :l l,r7 4 CO 41 76 l,t7 4 69 IM 1 Vfi 8,43 5 U.1 fi !M .'AS 4 70 le i ''6 .' S 3 I J.I tri 76 S.V3 3 71 MS 03 76 S.!i:l 1 77 6 4V 7ii 1.87 9 fill 43 76 17 3 , 63 43 76 l.7 4 . (W 43 76 I.K7 1 73 (3 43 76 I.M7 g C 43 76 17 3 43 76 I.c7 4 C9 43 76 !,(; 5 69 4'. 76 J,7 6 C!l 43 76 M7 7 6 i 7li 1.S7 8 ' 6'J 43 .: 1.C7 17) 9 4 76 167 3 00 43 76 1.K7 3 6 43 76 I.H7 4 . . 69 43 76 1.87 4 69 43 76 1,87 6 69 43 76 1,17 7 CI 43 76 1,N7 8 10 41 76 M7 83 9 43 76 I C" j . ft 43 76 I.N7 7 i 69 43 76 17 H 69 43 76 U7 8 85 C9 49 76 I7 4 . CO 42 76 1,1-7 9 43 7C 1.H7 6 ' 7 8 1 H 3 3 4 ' 5 ' 6 7 8 1 87 2 II 4 5 6 7 8 1 PS 2 .1 4 5 6 7 1 8 ' I 90 i 3 I ' 5 ' II 7 8 3 91 4 ' 1 93 0 ii 4 ' 5 i; 7 ' K - 97 4 7 ' 8 ' 1 98 6 1 10.1 2 3 y. 6 7 ' K ' 3 130 4 ' 6 7 1 151 2 ' 3 4 ' 5 ' r. 7 8 C9 43 76 17 09 42 ".6 1.H7 f.9 43 7fi 17 36 V2 76 I.S4 SA 3 76 1.14 .Iti 33 7l! 1.34 36 SI 70 I.Z4 ;;6 S3 7i 1.34 y 82 7i 1J4 36 33 76 1.34 36 22 76 I 14 36 S3 7j 1 lit 36 32 76 l.l!4 36 33 76 I .-14 56 23 7rt 1.51 36 82 :s i.n; 36 S2 ill I.M4 :6 23 76 i,::4 36 22 71 1 ,34 36 22 76 l."4 36 22 76 1 .11 W, 23 76 1,3; 36 S3 76 l,:U 36 22 7S KM M 23 7C 13 1 36 22 6 l,?4 36 82 76 Lit .16 S3 76 3fi 92 AS r4 .16 22 S6 f"4 36 22 96 H4 ill! 52 ?6 M .-16 S3 S M M ii VC, Fi M 22 96 H .S7 33 7(1 l,f.ij 57 3a 7fi l,f,8 36 22 36 M : 82 26 Ft :tfi 23 26 P I .".fi 22 36 t4 :t(i S3 26 fU 3fi 23 36 M :t(i 32 26 f l 36 22 ! fc'. 1 .02 ft! 76 Q,4H l,lh 62 36 I, 'JO 1.02 63 76 3,.t) 1.03 62 76 L'.HI f.!l 43 Sli 1.117 C9 42 S 1.H7 M 31 U6 1,'8 31 31 36 ,.B 51 31 36 ,n 51 31 16 I, is M .11 36 : .(;S 51 31 26 1,'f M 31 S6 i,n6 M 31 2 1.0S 36 22 76 !,:. 36 22 76 la4 36 23 76 131 36 22 76 l lil 36 22 7'i 1,11 .16 22 7C J,:, 36 22 71 1.3-1 36 22 7 'I 1,11 36 23 76 I.H4 36 S3 7C 1,31 36 33 7ii 1,14 36 S3 7b 1,34 . 1,0TB IX LINK CITY-. 4 1 0,04 153 7C 4,1i 5 2.01 1.2S 76 4,U;. 10 i 8,70 1,66 76 5,12 I .t 1,80 1,11 Uli 3,17 3 9,70 1,66 76 5,12 2 5 9 3 6 7 ' 10 8 8 0 t 1 S 2 10 1 II 2 4 5 ' 6 11 12 2 13 3 ' 4 ' 5 6 10 ' 11 ' 12 1 13 4 11 5 6 7 8 9 1 IS 2 ' 3 4 2 10 S3 11 12 4 25 5 6 9.30 1J3 7r. 4,11 81 50 7.J i,07 1,77 1,09 7fi 3,62 81 50 7f, 3.07 1,77 1,09 7.; 1fi3 30 19 7,; 15 30 19 7,-, ). 30 19 7.; U5 3D 19 Ur, 75 30 l'.i 3.', 75 13 V 7.', 1.00 IS 9 7r, 1.00 01 50 Tfi 2.1)7 (t9 42 70 1,87 e9 43 76 1.87 15 9 76 3 00 It I Si( 50 39 93 7 UH 39 23 7fi 1,38 73 45 7r, J-1 73 45 2 1,43 72 45 ir, l.ll .10 23 7(5 1.38 39 23 ? US 39 23 S6 s 81 50 7 8,07 45 2H 74 1,49 45 2ft 7rj 1,49 45 S 3iJ 99 45 28 75 1,19 45 28 -H M 45 28 '6 M9 C9 42 75 17 9 42 7 1.K7 fi9 42 7c IM 69 42 7, 17 2.25 1,19 7fi 4,40 J,t 19 9S 3,90 27 17 7 10 27 17 In 10 27 17 76 11 27 17 7 10 ST7 17 7 1.20 27 17 76 !,, AD of eeul let wore oasis is 4 as nn-reaideuL JA. WIN8TON, OrrGiy. April 20, 1061. Coeaty Clerk. RANTiES freeb lot j4 ceivesl ar.4 f J sale at F. tUAKMAN S t ll iULi: I. ICOKUIXM, lii.aoitcr aiwl Dsah r a VtTV f KKHHKH, AND VHtllU Material. IX K8, CARD STOCK, .ye., . No. Ill aud 113 Clay Slieel San Tranolieo. ' f-'y For Sale on Time. I WILL riKLL ON TIMK, with eppr..v.. teenriiy la uules, a hl'AX OK I INK HilUsKS, heme awl WAiii'N, yko ol WO UK OXKN. a U of COW I nnl louug lock, lorty bead of horses, fuming uIcmiIs, oW io. ' W. L. A OA MS. Ufayelle, 1'rb S,IS6. IuijHirtaiit to Iloiiscki'cpcni ! No Family ought to I Without IMKYElt'S MIRACULOUS Vermin Destroyer. IT l si deslreyed every .le riMiou of Vermin infesting pr.-nn.es w here it has been ud, and proved lo Ihe entire Mli.f..cti..n of puieli4rrs llisl it is the one lluug lucd.ul lo prouwlo ihorouh ckaulluess. nXAD TZU8 ! OBee of the V. H. Naval taecUr of Pre lleeaa4 C.UIUIat, . " Navt Yai, N.Y.,Jiily9il.l8;.8. This la lo certify that j.sk ph Meyer, Practical Chi'ili'el.liaa, by Ihe nee of his preparations, driv. en all the rale from (iovemmeul Htore No. S of this Inspection, which was infeate.1 with those de structive auiaials; Md that 1 wiusciewd an ri Iraeriiiuary drslrucbua of oockraselies, by Mr. Meyer; although, when be anlicd bis powder about Uieir places of nssMi, only a few were seen, aeoei after, in less than fifteen niiuulce, Iho floor ol ibe reeisi waa literally covered with them, some already dead, others dyiu(, aad I feel aararrd llist by a few applications of his Chemical Powder, (which la certainly very efficacious,) Mr. Meyer would entirely rid house of these obimiious in socU. JNO.I). (illiSON, Intpector if Pronitian and i'lttkiug. Sole Ajeals, A. U. HANKS it. CO., Whole sale Itruptista, I II Willbim slrei4, corner of Kul tun. New York. For sals by II. Jonns.ni It, co , 8an Kreaciscn, and by )ru,'It getieral'y. 38 rplIESR POri'LAU lllTTKIt all 1. Ihe inm.iraliiie pnKrliiwef PI KK OI.H ItOIJUI'.ON WllloKKY, mid nro mtlvml Ihe most itnciiciiKis TONIC and ST I MH LA NT aswrll as the most ngreeahlu STOMACHIC ever (.iTere,! lh Hihlie. As a li.nio for OLD 1'KOI'LK, .lel.o.ile ladies, convukvcsiil invalids, and all weakly il'lo, lliey caiuiol ha surpassed ; in all cases ol weakm-ss or deliiliiy, they will uive Hmnedialr. relief, and i(ilkirl a sIiiiiij! Ileal lliy lane lo the sjuleiu. A trial will ell.li-li Iheiruierile over all other tunica liw illume. Koi Luu CvmjiljiHtt, tlmmkitit, lyivuii, AVr r' IHtttitrt, and Liner riii, lin y am an invaluable, remedy; and liny aro a ecllaiu jevititive of rif and fcrrr. ' I'll! up iu Quart I'otlles, iu a of one and iwe dozen, and for s.de by ilrumisls, (jroi ei ies, sakwns, and liii.r ilrak-rt evervwheii, ua.l by UtiUlMiK W. SNKI.U H..I.1 Ari'IiI for Ihe 1'ae.lie roast, I .Ul Viu,iini;io(i I .Hmu Krsiieiseo. linker's l'ain P;iii:ut:i! DR. RAKER'S PAIN PANACEA, for the cure of pain, b.ilh externally und inlel null) - llio GREATEST PAIX-CVRISU REMEDY Vet discowred. , l'iu c jHii.st I'kinl where this remedy is faithfully used. (iivc it a fair trial. I'ttll VMS In t'te Stuuturh, V irk. in llmrrlt, litini, Inuiu t, cult, ncrllingf,'rnl',c, diarrhea, and rhm matttm,heudaelie,touthiiehe, nnd raiaeke. ll cures, alnioiit iuslniiliii.niiii.ly. CIlltONIC DISKASJiS,. SUCH AS D'j'pepfin, weak hrtatt, liver tnmp'.aint, general debility, fcrernnd ague, ranker or tint t III Ml, meak cyet, tpine and kidney diteatel, aid mret, caught. In the above-nienliiiiieil diwiiMis, it only lieeds b. be fuiilifiilly used, and V.lttV. IS C.KIITAIN. Sold by all driij!il and country mercliiiuta. ;i:oua: w. knkll, An.'iil, WiK-liiiiKlou st., cam l'riiiiei.s o. Da. A. II. MTHUI.K. aeut. Oregon Vila. Dr. WM. HALL'S PALSAM rlURES all diseases of Iho LVXOS and i ii..A..i l'nr il.e cure of cousiimi.tiou. de- cliue, asthma, brenchitis, wiwliiiif r Ih'sh, night sweats, spilOuS of blixsl, whoopuiB enii(;h, dilli- culty or breaming, coias, coughs, iiiuuriiia, phthisic, paiu in Iho side, and all discuses of the lungs, it 'ii. Id Unciunlu(l ! Halt' Lung Malum, in all cases, gives the best satisfaction; Has wrought more cures siu.-e its introduction lli.-iu any other cough medicine ; Jseudorsed by our leading physicians as the safest and best remedy now before the public; Is safe to use among children, yet pewerful iu cases of chronic pulmonary disease; Brings ia cerliritsles almost daily of iu wonder ful cures in all perls of the country. There is Bo medicine within our knowledge that has acquired so great nnd wide-spread H..uliirity, in so short a space of time, as I'll. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUX US. Its bal samic and healing properties are ntaKical. It is highly expectorant end toaio. ll contains not a grain of opium or morphine, thu narcotic and as tringent properties which have created so much prejudice against similar preparations. vv. uii.. it.al a medicine iKiMcssimr real merits will effect cures whenever it is used, at homo or abroad. J)r. nan s naisain lor in. Lungs is no paregoric preparuli.m, bnl one which, :e In ....m..n will savf the lives of thous- sa.ls. The most dislressaig eouuh ia frequently . ... . .... I 1 . .... :.. I relieve.! By 1 single nose, au.i u.osrn i.. iu icw i ' n-.u M:..Im.1 iln mrf t.si-e it, take li.m.s wiiw bottle a fief boltle beforo lliey find whether this remedy will all.irit reiiel or uoi. Hear what Physicians say of Dr. Hall's Hal asm. Bays one: "1, with confidence, recom mend the Balsam as suerior lo aay pnonratien. Another says! " I have used it wilh en.form suc cess, and can confidently recommend it for all .i t. .i.'.ch it is offered as a rem- gwtii".n.w - . adv." Hull another writes ! I lisve no hesila- lion in sayinxtnal iss sa.c, ..- i efficacious medicine.' Told by all I )rnr-'"ts. ' iiKOi'.i.K W. BNELL, Aireul, 130 WaWiingloS) st, an Kranciseo. Pa. A. II. STEKLK. At'U, Oregan CUy. tr lie Mnwilor snd eu ,""e tr I'r. W. HALL S BALSAM FOR THE LUXVS ! I i asaasessjssswsssj P. I). bTKI'IIESHON, 7 i:TlKT. bs removed lii effie lo lb wbru he i pirMied In do all work IN bis lias. SHERIFF'S SALE. T IIKIiK AM, an ewcui.oo. has boea d.feeled IT lo iim ss.ue.1 under Ihe seal of the Clr.'Sil C'rniit of ll.s hliite of Oiegoo f,s) Ihe eoeuly vwiiui.41, U4lr4 May .III. a. V. tnui, vein l.isi.d.ii.g ii i to m.ko sale of the f-ILwinj d seribej preii,M), lying and being in Clackamae county, Ihec,., a cerij.u Irwi of laud siiuele al snd up-.n ll.e woLule of ll.s Willinsrila Ksll, U Ihe cuuiii) ul.. 1 1 mU a(nMl, w.ilim Ihe bound ariesuf Ihe Isle !!..l.n Moors 's Uu.1 claim, lo will Meginniii atllie W illsmetie liver, il.ei.ro by linesvleudiiiK w..tily with the narlh bouu.lary uf ihe basin up Ihe blu6' lu a-snl Ihirteen rle liu.n Ihe til 'e of the sold btuffl tlienre e. lly -two and a half not. in a culherly i rrciHNi Is a poibt Ih.rleeli roll (rout the id.', sf ll.s Mid blutl';-. Ihence easterly in line parallel Willi Ihe (lid deacnhid curse la ibe bauk of Ihesaul river, aad Is ll.e middle of Ihe main chaunel lliereaf Ihsmo by ihe said main ehaiinel lo llio n.inl.erly hue uf Ihe said Ua.in 1 lor iho l.urissk) of enforcing a d ereo of foreeliaiire of m.iirsgo nude by si4 eoo. t on ihe Ml. Jay of Maieh, IX'il.ln favor of James K Kelly and oainet tiiois Abvriisil.y snd louder llolmi for Ihesum uf lliiileeu Ileal sand eiuhl l'Ui.lr.d and iilnely-eilit ilollarsaisl lent-f..ur leal. (ItlSj'V.Sli, ami iiite'resl llareeual lb rale of twelve per ceuiuin per sue umu, uud lifirru .lollars and lli.fly-live vvati ll.'.Jj) eu i.irt" soil notice is hereby given tlul by villus of and . iccutili I will offer Iho alsno decrhed j r..My for sole al snci uu 1 th bigh est bhl.ler lor co, on Mouilsy, Ihe I7tli day of June, lull, nt 1'ie rourt-hsuse doer in Onuon City, sil 10 o'e o k n , lo satisfy sa d eievsltias and cools an.! .t.uii.geis. Jtl IN Till IM AS, Sk'iiff Claeiamat Ca, Msyll.l'l. 5w4 CAST. STEEL P L'OW S ! fpilK ttU.lcrslgiH-J are now irai?e.l In msiui. 1 facliiroig some of Ihe lit. HI V..9I STEEL PLOWS ever made on ll.se ransl, which lliey are not afraid hi werrasl, and whiek Ihey are selling at I'rlc.'s to suit llio Tlmiw. We have made material imnroVeiiH'HM on ear old (wttern, and iIhsm who have tried our pleas give Iheiu ihe prefereuee over any olb.r lliey have ever used. We areearrjiug en an eileej. sive mauufsni..ry, aud Inleud lu keep up with Iho rapidly inereadiig denisaJ. If von waul a liOOl) PLOW, of easy Jrufl, ni'H sure lu scour, gel ouu of Ryuearton' Butt- rill I'lvu-t. I.. A. W. HYNEAPuSON. Ilnleville, Mar-h 33. IMil. Fust ice s OJJicc, or eg ox crrr. I AM nlwavsnu liaml. and w.ll ati. a.l to llio COLLV.CTISI OF ACCOUXTS, Drawing up of Dmlrs MtrtLraj,'i,s, Lctisfst, Hoiiils, l'owcit t' Attuinoy, (ntr:ict.4, ttc, and all other biieiarss eoiiiinilted la my enre. O'fiee direct'u npmiitc Ike M'ltnnic lluildinf, .luiie 16. I Mi.'. .1. K. Ill Ii ClUt I). MEDICAL DISC OVER Y KI.OVtl.lH Ulooil Liver Syrup, OR SARSAPAR1I.LA AXD STILLIXUA, rod tuk rrinc ok Si rol'tilrv, Sypliil itlf, ami MVrco i ... . . i i ..' I'l.il WlSCtl.SVS, Will BIMVJ1, MVIU ilispiwca, ami all other disoa-si'S which aro ciiusoil liy an Impure stato of tho Blos)d! THIS DL00D &. LIVKR SVRUP W IS WAUUAN l'El) To euro nil scrofulous and other disease, thai oiijjin.ile from tho sl.hiu oa uvea. HEAD TUB RTATKMKNT OK MR. M. Mc WILLIAMS, Who is I'.l.l'i ill Rev. Iluraco lliishnell'a church, regarding lliu cure of his daughter, who waa loall np;.ear.iuceHUi'ipil.'il for life Willi tha let ribki donate, SL'liUl l L it Cinonnati, l'Vb. 3.S, 1850. AIkssbo. A. L. Si'ovii.i, fc oo. llcar Sirs: I feel it luv duty to write you, slid let y..u knew what your illiaul aud Livur Syup h.is done f,.r my daiighlei', mid that by piihlislnng n ,.il...A u.l..iaiiir. r wilh the siiluu dieeisw may know of il, and by ila ihirive sjrual lH!llefll. My ilauijliler r.l.ia Has iweil sorely siuiciea wiiii KCItUfULA, alleinleil Willi great paiu, for more lli.ni two y, urs. She had some live or six running I'leers on one of her feet, one on her hip, and one i.ii her h..i:l(. They I'ttiised conlraolii.il ef lliu I.iiiIm so lli.it she cuulil not warn. Al inia limn, fri.in Iho li'mli recnmuieiidaliiiil of your IIIikhI no.) Livur Syrup iu ciirinx such iliea s, I was iinliiee.l to try il. She coiiwnincnd using il, .,,..1 ,.mI.m i,e.lii...... uele.l Oil till, blood . the SorttS eoinuieiieed In heal. 'I'lie limbs nru Katting sirailil slie is now gaining sireiiin. i iiuva only uw'd three Iwilles ol' the medicine, and thu can aoiv walk q;i l well. Voiir Itlmid and Livei Sjiiip h isil ii.a wonders ill r.-sloiuig hor health. With thu "molest ieicet, I remain yours, 11. McWll-U'MS. ST AT KM LNT OK KI.V. 1IOKACK UU.sJL N I.I.L. Cify Nitti ary - l'.lir uf the I'lenhyttrian rkurrk. Cikjinnati, March 3d, IK09. Mr.ssm A I.. S.'iivii.i. a. c, - Dour Nil :- - M. WcWilliuiin, l., is an elder in il.. rl.iirn!. al winch I uui Kaslor. I am ac quainted Willi tha oircuiiisliincos of the case of his daughter, an I 1 luivs uo iioii.iihh ..jinj that I coiisi'lur llie cure truly wonderful. IIOltACi: IIIISIINLLL. ric.vii.i.'s Iltoon ami Livks Kvaur for sale by all the principal UriiKtfiaia everywhere. Ii. v 11 s I'KKI.I.:. Aireul. Orenon Citu. OKI). W. SM'.I.L, surcesfor lo Purk & While, .. ... ,,., . ... Agenl, nan rrauritca, i.io asii.oi;i .. Imporlrr General Aycnl far till I'il It'll t .li'ilh IllcaeV rillH'Jf I, u,l.i .1. iiri, nirnrnJ lo ll.e Trade al Xem York pcics, ini(i tul cssl af Importation CLOVH ANODYXB Tootli-achc Drops. Complain no moit of Aching Teeth! rnilKSB Dmphavs Uen ( Aleiisinly used by X thouseuds whose rupericsjce h.oi proved lhat the Amalyne will give mmiediate and w..n .nrnt relief after Ihe failure of every other remedy. It is pleasant to the lasteand sinel!,aiid a few appli cations will entirely rem-vs the aii and soreness fri.ni a decayed i.lh, so that it may lie filled nnd rendered as neful ss ever. Wheu Ihe pain pro coeds from the fnee, or from Ihe gums around a tooth appiieully sound, this Anodyne will gie speedy relief by rubbing a few drops on Ihe prl alt ctcd. ll bus only lo become generally know n to bu as highly appreciated by the Publio as it is ky lientista. For sale by ILJoiinson it to., nnd KiDinuTos it co , han I (aneisro; Un a At Corns, Marys ville, It II. Mi Dohalo cV c, tSscismerilo j snd by Druia'isls generally. j Tor Sale. milB HALF or Wr NO. I IN HIXaCK J. No. 4, sdj.Muing Ihe Masonic Bmldmj, m thncitv. nii!re at ihe ArrosOlUcO Oiegmi Cil, Mar b M, 1161.