tf One Uxtli of all (lie plants on (lie globe belong to (lie jrros fnmilej (wo hmi dreJ ami thlrtj general, incliidinjr (lire (bouuiiJ nxt, ire already known, and new ijclcs are constnnll prMeiillnn; (hum avlrm, Mx touiiu or (ue cuiliraUtu acre of New York art durottd to (Le growth of jtruM, and llio annual ralue of the crop Is IIt million dollan. In the tlx New Ei land SluU IU annual value If six mil lio'i dollars. Ia the United States (line liu.i'lrtd million dollars. Hence Ljr nink in; two lilodea of graM grow where but onu grew before, we Increase cir annuul In ciiio three hundred million dollan. tir How to make worthies chap of n fine promising Iwjrj Teach him to chew ((twri'O and amoke when he 1 ten yean old. Don't keep him at any regular busl mck.; If you Just teach him to read and wr to, It may be well; let him go to all the hone race, and let him enjoy hi own plea' Mir' u( night. An education thas persisted lu "! liiiioh tho boy In a rcosouuMe timo. An editor In the western prt of Mich' tain la in a Imd tlx. He duiiifti a snlwcri li r for hii iuW-riiitloii; he refund to pay. ninl (hrcutencd to (log the editor if he Hopped the pojier. Though soino very romantic maidens inny loiuctitnca cxcluiiu " Uiva mo a cot with the heart that I lore," most of the sex vasttjr prefer a pnlaco with tho man they uaio. A preacher suid In a sermon, " Let women remember, whilu putting on thoir proline- and expansive attiro, how nurrow are (no gutea of paradise. A Mississippi exchango gets off tho roiiowing on nn euitonul coiilrero: " The editor of tho Broad. Ase Is married. Look out for hatchets." A diktiuguikhed writer says (hat Heuvcn Is never so fully revealed is in the face of n beautiful woman; but ho forgets tho heart of a good ono. Many persons are In advance of their Age, but an old muid gencrully manages to bo ten years behind tier's. Whom Qod hns joined In matrimony, III conkud Joints of incut and ill boiled pota toes havo very often put asunder. Kxccsa of ceremony shows want of breeding. Tliut civility Is best which ex cludes nil superfluous formality. KUS1NKSS CAliDS. T. CIIAK.MAN. A. WARN B II. Charman A Warner, G ENERA L COMMISSION MERCHANTS WIIOI,KBl. 4 IKTAII, Dcntrra in Dry Uoodi, Clolh!ni, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, ISaolH, Short, Paints, Oil, dr., In their lire-jiruof Brick Main ithikt, ' OIIEUON CUV, OltEUON avu ' -avsk itcaucea M'ricus Goods Cheaper llian liver ! T IV. IMtOWJV lAKKtf Ihi ntollitMl of informing hi frieud sitd lli pubhe g ousrally Dial he HAS REMOVED la a boo Deafly 0Kito liin oJ Stand, whir b hu commenced buslnra wilb hi bro ther under Hi iyl f Brown & Brother, wh will always b hippy to wail on their al.l 'made ud euatotriera in Ui ray of aliawiit); lliaiw Goods of the Very Host Quality, which, having bran bought low in Kan Frenoiaeo, from Hi large importer in Cahferui, lliey r bl( tsacll as cheap as CAN ut; SOLD in iM or nana: They will also eoimlaully reccivs Goods by Every Steamer. Their alock consist of ALL KINDS OF IXRESS GOODS, GKNTLEMKX'S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Hoots and Shoes, J Into and Caps, a a '37 a a. 3i , KArcEatYJpuR,Fy jie BL00Di MOFFAT'S Life Pills AND FAMILY GROCERY Vegetable CSS IJ1 CIIARMAN would respectfully inform Hi o).u of OREtlON CITY, and Hi pub-lit- generally, llial b ii Mill carrying ou buaiucw at In old alaiul, whore b will keep on liana Evcrytbing in liin Line, ...anu or... BEST QUALITY. TUK VERY 11HE high n.l envied celebrity which linn pr . oiniiiout Medicine have acquired for lliir liivarlukl etliuacy in all th diie which they profeas to our, bu ronderad th uaiial pruclico of puffin! not only uuiiocennury, nut uuworuiy oi iIkiii. 'i'hry ar kuown by llioir fruiUt llirir g-oud work Iniify for llicin, and they thriv not by III mill or tlicrluliiui. , lnulltuuMof aallima. nctil anj cliron'e rlu'U madam, atfcciiona of Ihe bludder and kidneya, biliou feven and liver complaiul, in th uu!M and went, when thw diaeuaea prevail, tliry will b found invaluublo. I'lanlrra, farmi'fa, nud oth- en, who one um llaa Atcdiciuva, will never al crtvurda b without thoiii. , Uyapcpala.No peraou with thia dialreaaing dUcaaa ahould delay wring lliene mcdicinr linma- dialely. fcruplionaor Ilia akin, eryaipvia, naiu lency, fevar and aju for Ihia acourK of tlx wenteru country, lliert medicine will b fuuud a aaf. aucedv. and certain remedy. Oilier medi cine Icav Ui a vale in aulijent to a return of lit diaciiae a cure by llieao medicine I permanent. lav tiikm, it nTwricu, no izcuniu. Mercarlat Ulaeara.Neverfiiila to (radicate entirely all th oll'ccla of Mercury infinitely aooucr thnn ill most powerful preparation uf Sarwiparilla. Niirht Kwnta. NurriHim tifUiitlu. Nurnaua WEDDING CASES nmfUiuf 0 off kind; Orgauie AJreliom, pmiUMAaai4 , I Palliation f tkt llrart, 1'ahiter'i chilie. st inn rv si n n ws r I ' . y ' I'llcv. J jo or.Rinul projirietor or llawo ine'li cine waa cured of Tilea nf 3j yeura' atanding by II kiepa eonatuolly on hand s large lot of JJ&'SIR AISLE FAMILY GROCERIES, which ha will aril aa low a they can b boulht at any oilier liouae In town. K pain will bo einre.l to rive entire anllafnS' lion lo all who mny favor bim with a ealL All or- dm will bu filled with aa much prompluea aud fairiin aa penoual prmcne will acture. PAtlTlGS FUKNI.SU ED , with everything iu hi hue no th ahorteat notice. MADE TO ORDER. Oregon City Juno 1A, IRflO. SIMILKAMEEN GOLD MINES, 11 AVIS TC'RX ED OUT bt n. trj- jwu am j IJUT THE "Eaglo Boot & Shoo Store" IS NO 1WMBV0 1 nKUE YOU CAX FIND THE STUFF that will aland the tare and near. It pro- peel well, for I ruin the color every pun, and if HuV. S. If. M.IRSII, A. ., Prcslilenl. 1 l. I I I . . I . I I '..I I ,. I. I . . . ... .., .r. my iiliio i.r er, I mil ll .,.v 1 1 !... A .31.. Vrot. AlultCllUl CS. the uv of tlii'se Ufa Medicine aluo. Woi m of all kind arc elfl-tlimlly expelled by then med Icinca. I'nrenla will do well to ndiiiiiiinter them u henever their exiati'iic ia upccted. Itolicf will bo certain. The Life rUli and Phecnix Bitten Purify th blood, and thu reinov all diaooMi from the ayitlain. A iif;l Iriul will plncf the LIEE PILLS and PIUENIX HITTERS beyond Ihe reach of competition ia th eatiinution of every pnliuut ID" Prepared by uu. uiLLiA.n it. niurrvr. 3.15 llroadwau, tor. Worth Mt., New York J. FLKM1NU, AkcuI, at the Pout Office, 3 y Oregon City. 92TXI23L COLXiBOS. rilllE eion of Um Collee year eiHiiiiieije X oulhe third Sl.-nUiiy oi uvemT. .... commencement rciw af luld on th lilt of July, when the )euriy vaciiuuu eu.... riclll.TV. i I P..l,....l. I'raiideul. Ppifeaaor of the (iri'ek aud Hebrew Lunuungea, Moral and Intel, i. - i i'i..i.-..l,u lllielnria. and JlfiO. John II. Hall. Profe-iorof Uliu, Cheml.try, (ieolory, Mineralosy, llolany, Slid llarlory. Nalhaiiael lludwii, I'rofeawr of Malhematica. Xntural I'hiloaophv, Aatronomy, and Political rhiloaophy. t'l.n ..fiiiriie of aliidie nuraued will be Uiva i.m m Hun of Ka.lern Colh iica. Tlie (jcriiuin French, and Bpauub will b Uiuyhl by compelt nl profeaaora, wbitli, wilh iho lltbrvW, will be at lite option of III atudeiit, 1 . -.1... .... u I I La MiiIrM.I NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, Sannonbanm th Aekerma Offoeilt Ihe Main coneiitJiig a,,, STAl'LE AND FAXCr Dry-Good9l tlio newest Htyles of rJtudeiita applying rur a w in ue r"u.r.u ia-iav r-t r tokav. a thorough knowledge ,;f Ih. Kngliab DUIS GOOf. brouchca, Ehmeiilary Algebra, ftwur, irgii'a JJJ A'.nM, Cicero 'a Oralioiia, Ih (ircek Header, aud ' Ilia four (OKH.'la. hiloantihlcal and ChemUal appara lu ha been reoenlly received from lb Eaat aU, a aelecl library or luiacellatieoua auuaiauuaru eluMival work. tuition iVIO per aunum. The llonrd of Trnatee hare nlao ma.le nr SIC'II as Faiicv l oplnw, Barcgeu Delaip. both Iain mid flired, wooler? gootU of every descrintiou. . runceinenl for Iho delivering ol TlHadogival lc. CS V1 r klini.,l turea fur the benefit of atudeula lu that dipart- OllCrillO OliaWlg, TIIK LATUT (TTLI Or Silk JIantt'la and Bilk P,l menl. BETHEL ACADEMY. . a a t- I... I.. I... 1. ll.. I Il 1 Lollrjo ITnlctwon, iwiiiieu uy eneuuuu icun . I -t llJ-ITkJ (1111 SI ItlliCcA a . ...J... en, 1M ACMdeiiiiciu yeircoininuiicMuo uiw i t uxirxniCnt nf "" Millinery straw acock nmlM Pacific Ifnitcrsity, Fortit Grove, Washington Co., Oregon, 9 kV (Za JIKOWX & KR0T1I KR, ... Wholretile ami Retail Deulen in... rrxtl.t AND VANl'V Dry Goods, Clothing, Nats, Ctips, isoots, Mioes, iVc.y OUKGOX CITV. , W. 0. JOHNSON, ATT0UNKV & COCNSKI.OH AT LAW, Ami Solicitor ia Vhanetry, Wl A. promptly attn.I to an y busiiiena whicl limy be cnniinitled to hia irofioiiii chiirtfe bi'fiire th Uiatricl and Smirt'iiie Couri.. Ollii' ov.'r Milwuin' tin aloro. iiiiniediuU lvon. iw.ii. .1.. tj. . ...... 1 ih. .iiuiu mruri liuuve, lregi.n City, October 1, 1S5D. JOHN R M'BRIDB, attqsnkv tan coiimitioi at law Lafayette, Yamhill County, Oreaoa. Vim I ..:. . ii- ... WW "iiiiiiny oiu'iia to tin tiusmesa en w iru.sieu to Ina pMfnaaionali'iire. Or. II. IV. Bi:i.I DENTAL SURGEON, W 1 1 "),rorm op'rationa bilonxinj lo . . i.m uuiriun, in uio llloal apprnviil lyle. 1 rioea nimlerntu, to auit the linu a. J j- Itoonia in inoii imuiiuig, i p rsiuira, SALEM. ,1-jg J.C.AIMSWOHTII. WM. IilTrmiitKKT irsu oH rii"dirDii:n doui r, WII0I,R8AI.K AND KliTtlt. , DEALERS IX GROCERIES, DRY - (iOODS, CLOTHING, Root it Shoes, and Crockery, '"'W I'iro.piaorilnVk Main araKit r , OKKUON CITV. C. 110 EL ,(: CO., VTTHE UX10.V STOIili' lil'ir.PIMJS, Silllt'lll, OicOII, ...Penl in... Dry (,'ood.i, Groceries, Hoots, and Shoes; UM, PROVISIONS of all kind.; Wheat and OuU. Our main object by Ihia nut ice la to inform the public Hull we are bound to ell good As low as they ean he height in I ortlatiil, and no mistake. If Ihia ia doubled, we hnvo only to any, call ami autiKly yourselvea. liilie mill vuiitli'ineti will nl way be welcome, and will be u,iited on with prouiptueii. To thu Farmers WE WOULD SAY Look for the sign of BROWN J. BROTHER, and dou'l leave tow ti till you give iia a call. ALL KINDS OP PRODUCE TAKEN in exchange fur (luudi. Oregon City, Jiiuo3.'l. Roman Eye 15alsam, FOrt irfi.lK J- INFLAMED EYES. rp.'IIS HAIjSAM wo used for iniiiiy jenrain A. the privnle practice of a celebrated Oculist , with rrinnrktible eucoern, for diwiwe of Ihe Eve and KvelUe. Thore aro many perhuns who would rnlhrr iifli'r from piiiu aud diieune tliroiiirli life, limn credit or try Ihe cllieiiry of nnv new JiiH'oVerv: nil aueh hud belter not read Him, but le nil n-uaunii- ble pernona thai preparation ia recommended kbo mrwt aul'u unil ell'eeluul cure for iutluiiimuliou of the Kye and Kvel;il, caused either bv Ion close Dilieutioa lo minute object, acrofulous' habit, ex- puru to colJ, blows, contusions, or irrilulimi from uny i-xtrmiroiia mulor ihe cvelids. It ia renmi kublily miotliiiiir in llaelleel. and ll is curod thnusuuila wliu would othcrH iao hnvu lost their sight. In cum' the Kveliils lire iiill.iuied. orlho hall or Hie Kye thickly covered wilh b'ooil. if nets ul. most iike iiinu-ic and reinovea nil mineuftineea "f IlillHIimmtiou llller two or three itnnli. 'l.linns. There is n iiumeroiis eliisa of persons that lire mtii. liiu ly eiomd lo aeeidrnta or diseuwa lluit weuken unci iiillumc the Eye, atnl nerhiina destroy His it, w ho, from the nuliirool llieir employments. are compelled to work, iu a i loml ol ilust uml crit Siieh should Hover be without this 1SALSAM. lieiiieinlier, "Seeiui; ia ltelicviii(;." I'riceS'i cent per jur. I'reimred and sold bv A. 1. &. I). SAN OS. i... :r . v .. - . .. . ' ki.ikiji.iis, iou r unou-aircst, mv i ork. Fur sals by 11. Johnson &Co. and K KhlVOTOV Co. I Sim l'r:iiicim'ojKn'rJ.CoFKiN, Murjaville; U. II. .McDonald & Co., Sucrnmenlo; nnd by Drucuiata ijeneriilly. July 21 -m3 , Dr. A. n. BTBELB, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Olfiee at the ORECON CITY DRPO STORE. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA, KK.MIi.MlllCH, THIS IS TUK Oriiiinnl nnd (Jcnuino Artido! ACK.VOn'LKIIUKD TO BK Tht Best Sarsajxirilla Ever Made! rnuis X aome ORKUOX CITV DRUG STORE, MAIN STREET, (Opp.wito the .Metluxlist Church,) IIAa CONSTANTLY ON HAND Patent h'di- Camidiono. JJurtiingi'Juid, iVro., Ac, ...AT TUB... LOWEST MARKET TRICES. Di'ii!, rt'difino8, ciiios, Kros(no. CKACKKIlSarwayaoai hand at F. CKARMAN'8. Timo. HIOIIKIEM). IV. 1 TCH.M A ! . ..n. ur..rou. oi Keuinf rood work dona r.trd t the repa.nn, of rbronom.ter, Lever, Duplex, and llornonl.l atehee. Aa asanrtmeiit of fine Enjli.h WATCHES aa aho Jewelry on hand. ' CLOCKS, with weifhta lo Jowelry made to order, and repaired. Pricea I., suit th. ti.wa. I am thankful for pa, rTitra, and hone la aiv aaliafn. U.0 in future. trw'l""M' '"W'tand. Ui.T.I inph OREGON WY Feb. J. unrivaleil pri p.irntion has performed aome or Ihe most iistoiiishinir cures that m o reconlei! ill Ihe history of .Medicine. The Mjiidi- ijr wiiii wnien ine putient recovera I Ion I III nud Kli-ciistli under Ita influence ie surprising. Kuril new cose in which it ia applied furnishes in the result a new eerlilieal of it ellicaey and excellence; and we have only to point to tho accumulated teatimony of multitude, who liav. experienced it beneficial etrceta, to convince I iie most incred uloua of its value. De not forget to ask lor' Sariwrilla. t j" Kor sale bv II. .Ioiinso.v Co. sn.l IV'.,. i tun A. t o., Km Fraik-iaeot lin x &. CottiN, it would pay very well; and if you don't believe II, juat coniu and buy a pair of ISOOIS, after you try tliein on, fur I lluvo J nil Rvceivcil A NEW ASSOimiENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, 0 F 'ho Latest Stylo and Fashion. lenta' fine acwed French calf boots, also pegged nil boots ami alioea or all aorta ami aizes ; l.tidiea' id, morocco, enamel ami cloth gaiters, ail k elas' lie ('oiigreiM-lni'1 gaiters, misses' (.'.liters and alloc or every kind, course nnd hue ; bora shoes of ev ery kind that ia mentioned iu my rhyme ; chih ilrrn'a calf and cupper toed aline; imlies ami children I IDS 10 of nil aizes, white, brown, and fancy; Miller- Wiiler-l'roof liLACKINU, J. b. iilusoti Jilacknig; .SIiut'iiliikcrN riiidiiii;, I'egs, awl, hammers, thread, mux, nails, and eiioe-kiiivra. Thankful for poat patronage, I respectfully o licit n conliiiuauee of patronuL'e from my old cus tomers nud iib many new ones as choose to come. I.adiesaiiil gentlemen, give in a cull, young and old, grcul ami email, brave ami bold, lor I will ha ready nod happy lo wait on you nil. unci in uarlic ulnr the ludie ; 1 liko lo ace them coma to pay ine a visit, i.cnicmoer uio piuro 7Vo Dnort Eail of llroicn .( Rrotlier, illaiii ati'ct't, . . OrcKoiiClly. I.ttilies and ireiitleinau. I asstiro roil that I can aell you boots and shoe aa cheap ua nny house in town, or a tune cheaper tor oath down. Small proht mid quick sale, that ia tho talk that tells the tale. myl9 J. .MOO.NEY, Youag' America Broad-cast Sc ed'Sower! Simplicity, Utility, Durability, unit lieapni'ss Uombmed I U.S. RICKEV'S lMrilOVED nnUAll - CAST SKEW - SOWER, Patented, March 20, Ir?j9. MILS machine ia well aduntcd lo aawinir nil kiula of grain and grass seed, hemp seed, It sow more remtlarlv than cun nossihle he sown by hainl, or any other machine ever intro duced. It ia perfectly rimple in it. construction, nnd notliublo to cot oat of order: it ia easilv no. lerstoal, and does away with the hard mnniiul labor ofsowingni uiu doing Iho same amount of labor in two hours that could he done in one day by the ordinary method of sowinir. The machin.. can bo carried while being it wo'gha but ' pound, or, ny a ample truine, it call be ut tueiieu to u wagon. l hon It la carried, it "irupped uu the body of the operator, a (Iran go across tlie nglit slioulder nnd under the loft arm, also nsltuii buckled around Ihe hoily.and rap from the top of the sack, around Ihe nec! olmiiM Ihe Machine by accident got brok any tinner enn repair it although bv prope; care th. Muehme will lust a life time. Hut lo ie appreciated, it must be seen. f piIE collegiate year, consisting of one term of Jl nine monllia, will commence on Ihe liral Wednesday of November. It ia the dealcu uf thia Institution to furnish a thorough nnd complete collegiute education. 1 here i a Library of 10UU volumes fur tho use or the students. Applicants fur admission to college must have a knowledge of the common EiiL'lhh branches, and have atuilied the ancient luiiguugc so fur as to have read portion of Casur aun Cicero nnd Hie Lireek Header. Tho tuition fee is 33 per annum. Students tilting for colli ce. a well a other wishing to pursue collegiate studies without en tering upon the colUgo course, will be under Iho instruction or the college teai hem. I lie full term of 11 week in the nrennnilorv department commence ou Ihe 2d Wednesday oi September, i uitioti, fed per term. TUALATIN ACADEMY. Tualatin Academy, for the comiti; year, wil he under Ihe direction and instruction of Ihe Col lege Professors, wilh inch nssistunt instructor ua they may hud necessary lo curry it forward effi ciently and successfully. The fall term will commi ttee on Weducsduv. Sept. 19, to continue eleven week. Iuition Common branches. S.'i: hiirhor. SiS. A small additional chnrL'e will be made fur fuel. &a. Instruction iu I'uiulin txnu, to such us rcceivo it. N. I). The collegiate. nuJ the collegiate pre paratory departments will commence ou Wednes day, the 31st of October, at tho commencement of the lust half of the academical term, ut which time l're. Marsh is expected, with competent as sistant teachers from the Kust, lo be ready to tuku his place in Ihe Institution. I ror. l.ymun, witu the assistance of Mrs. C. E, Adams, will carry forward the nendemicnl de partment till Ihe return of Pres. Marsh. Hi'Pl.I. I SU(). 21tf GENTLEMEN: Monday of Neptember, and r divid quarter of eleven weel.a each. Train or tuition rss auAtTitat Primary Department $ S 00 Junior " oeograpny, Arunuie- tic. Eiinlish (.raimiiar, aud History 7 OU Middlo Department Higher Amnionic, K emeiilarv Alcebra, Lngli'li Auuiyai, nnd Ilotauv 6 00 Senior Department Natural aud Intellec tual I'hilosonhy, Chemistry, l.eoingy, MinemloK)'i uhelnric aud Logio, Higher Mnlhemuiics, Lancuaire. nud Senior Clusaof Normul Department 10 00 Particular attention paid to reading and spell lug through th entire course of aludiea, and to J.loculion and Composition ia the Middle aud Se nior Pcpartmcula. A Normal Department has been organized, up on Ih plan of Ibe ei. York rjlnle normal Selioul, with particular reference lo preparing young ladie and gentlemen for teaching. Thia dejiurlmeut if iu practical nud aucceaatul operation. Studenta of tho Academy will liar the advan tage of the College library, apparatus, and leo- lure. Students preparing for College, nlao llioso desi rous of pursuing collegiate slud.c w ithout design ing n full ceiirse, will bu under the instruction of the t ollego Professor. Convenient arrangements oau be mude fur board at leiisouable rates. 1 looks used in Ihe school can be oltuiued at the Collece building at cush pricea. lly order of thu Board. Relhel, Tolk co.. Sept. tl'J, 1 SCO. S-.'tf erics, collai'8, Kloeves, tc Gents' Furnishing Goodi, Boot nnd SIiocm. HaU and Cuj CARPETING, (of beautiful style,) and CHECKED MATTIllGi GROCERIES! Together with the Largest and best selected stockof ri:STOM-MAI)B Ever uflcrvd fur sale north of 8aa Fraaeace! Comitting of (".enls" ii-rfiiiu French cloth coati ; genla' la KELLY'S TEMPERANCE HOUSE, Jlfiiin f., opposite Gto. Ahernethy .J- Co.', . OREGON CITV. OOP ROOMS FI ITED VP whh CI.ICAN und cumforluhle liKDS, tor the especial accommodutiou of th traveling puhlic. Our DIA'I.NU II AIJ, is tho.7Mf in Oreson, our fare good, and churges reuaomible. Biugle meals, oyster simiier, and suppers for pnrlies got up ou short notice, iu the neatest muu tier. rates: Hoard per week, without lodging, 00 by the duy, aud lodging, 1 SO Single meals, f,0 Night s lodging, ,rU Oct.22, Itiju. E. D. KELLY, Proprietor. silk mixed, anil Hum caaiiiieret extra hue heavy bluck doeskiu pants; ailk sales, and Harris casimero pauU) Lyons tilk Mnt vests; Davis .V. Joins' ahirt. with and wiuW collura, etc., etc. rW- Romimhei the sture of PANN'KN'RAUM d'ACKERMAN, where vou will fiadtli lata. nud hmt aeliH'led stock ofliood ever brenght I this city, wh ch will be sold. Ijowor than ean Lo piircliasetl ia Portland 1! Otegoti City, March 20, Ififil. aepCa SADDLH2RY, Blackwood's Mawzine V- AND TIIK British lie views. Great Inducements to Sabscribo!! PREMIUMS AND REDUCTIONS. AND HARNESS-MAKING, OREGON CITY. IF YOU WANT ANY Fine Qlothi ke. Kg, CALL AT .Murysvdle; It. H.MoOonalu At Co.. Sacmmcnlo: Hi by Druggists generally. ju!y 2liu3 COFFINS. CM. K ESTER, U n dcrt a k c r, "TTOCLD inform Ihe people of Oregon City 1 aud vicinity that be will kevp a supply of JaPAdy-inado Collins, of all sizes, constantly on Land. II will also keep a .m. laVN mxia, and will b pr. pared u att. nd to all Ih ncccstory buuuesa of fuiwnla eonoe. lrJ With his lin. Shaf ntmr the Semimmra. II Curtom from the svtiintrv isi pawiaVAfiiTa- t'tei. junci.l,lf.' It will sou ilia various grains ani seeds Ih loiiowing disiaiicrs: Wheat, 50 feet at a cast, or 100 CI. at a round i ats, .io 70 . ,t llempseed, II) " ' gO" ' II. Cr. seed, .16 " 7J " Timothy s'd, 23 " u 5U 11 Other grains and seeds in the same iirnnortion It w ill also pow wet and limed grain perfectly woll, County Rightsor Sate on Good Terms. Address, S.S.SXOW, rortlatul. ri :,'.-. . . iinwe niMiiuir 10 procure machines, can nmitv lo Iho above, or to II. M. Humphrey. Portland, or . liryaul, 'swego, Oregon, and orders will ue puuetiially lilkd. Sept. S, lMii0in4 Notice. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP rpiIE firm of Allan, McKinlay & Co., hereto JL fore curn-ing on business under that title at regou l ily, Uiampoeg, and Lower Scottsburg, I'nipoua, ia hereby dissolve bv mutual nni All partii-s indebted to said firm, or havim? claims uHn them, are hereby requested lo send iu thoir accounts or make payment of the same In t:,i I. Allau or Archibald .McKinlay at Chamooeff or Amnry Holbrook at Oregou City, who areau thorized to settle nil accounts connect, d with the said hrm. ALLAN, .MiKIXLAY A. Ca Champocg, Vol. 31, 6j'J 4ltf. Justice! Justice! OLD ALE is bound to be the nest President f the United State, aud W. P. BURNS h been appointed Justice of the Peace for Or-eu-on Cly precinct, in order to prevent a collapse of the Imen. All oliicul btuiueaa eutruated to niscar win M prormdly attended to. OlKce at Kepubl can headvnaners, first door north of A. Holbrook a lw olHcc, where be will be found when a employed ia better busiana al his Uagon Shop, l one door south of 1k- Post Oflleo. where he would " jusoe. ,0 w UM Waus, Of SOBOiT BHOWN & RROTIIER'S. Mill Seat and Land. I HAVE nn excellent MILL Sli.IT, stir rounded wilh excellent TI.MUEIt. which I would like to have improved. I will nive soma millwright who wishes to invest in a saw mill or gru't mill, or both, a good chance. The location is one of the very best for selling lumber a level way to the mill sent, no hills to pull over, and handy to heavy settlement. 1 wish also to sell half a section of LAND near hy. The place is six mile wost of Lafay ette, Yamhill county. W. L. ADAMS. Kov.S.I, 1S."9. 3;jtf T All now currying on a Saddler' and liar. X ness maker s shop in this citt , and have con siuniiy on naiiu 111c tiesi ol T 1 1 . 1 in 1 xie.i(iy-iii;tuu mirness, sail 1 UUP, hvi tiles, Ii alters, martingals, and everything in my Hue. I tint also ready lo make lo order anything in my line that may be called for, on a short notice. Alv motio is. Allm a good article, and sell il cheap. I solicit patron- The present critical state of Europeaa (Stir age at lioine und Iroin abroad. v. ill render these publicutiona uuusually intereei- my establishment is nearly opposite Cliarmun "'S during the forthcom ng year. Ihey wtiiet- SCOTT &. CO.. KEW YORK, eoatian J to publish Ihe follow. iw leading Uritish tf rioihculs, viz : aervntive). 1. THU V.lUNUl RU nr.MV.W (Vk.) tl. Till'. M)UTU UIUTIHU REVIfcW (FreoChurchl. 4. TUG WV.ttTniXBTKUs SItVll.W (Liberal). r. UI,l'.UVUIID1S EDISBVWft M.Vli.V Al.W. (Tory). iV Warner's Old Stuud ou Main atreet J. SCIIIUM April 2,1833. 51, G GOODS Exchanged for cupy a middlo ground between th hastily arritIM new s-iteins. crude soeculutions. and fl vinir rasas of the daily Jouruul, and the pundcroua tolas Ihe future h'sloriiiii, written after the living inv est nnd excitement of the great political eveatosf tlie lime sliull liuvo uassed uwkv. Jl l 10 um I'eriodiciils that readers must kwk for lbs wlv really intelligible and reliable history of carnal flVtI.IM. atlJ Mi-lt. in ndrlitiitfi Ilk lhir Wfll"" r una .tiii, situated about three fourths ofa lablished literary, wientifiu, and theological car JL mile from Champoeg In the midst of the rreat acter, we tirro thoin uuon tho cousideralioa el U rrr.',,,l.nrniiii Amto.HM It. fl......... !- -IV. , I . ,'.. , ' n.-...-.v,.,K vyotu.j ... oirni'ii, is ouereu ior reading puDiiu. mviv. tyui-iuu iiiiru waier in winter, nonr. -e. Valuable Property For Sale. THE CIIAMPOEQ FLOUR MILL. AT Brown & Brother's, OREGON CITY. Corner Third and Water Mlrccts, oppotite ihe 4 L-ny ijunmuigt OREGON CITY. THE traveling public are respectfully a j iuviled to give me a calL The Oregou House ia the moat ploes-JlLt J. cau be shipped direct from Iho Mill. Attached to trie mill ia n granary for receiving and atoring wheat, a dwelling-house and garden for the use 01 uie person in charge. The whole property viiii'i tivvo uouill riVB AVUC8. The machinery of the m:il ia of very superior quality, having been imported from Itochesler, N. Y. There are two runs of the best French IStirrs, and an extra patent run of smaller Hurra icr enopped feed, &.e. Tho frame-work, for i.-m;;ih, cvc caunoi do surpassed in Oregon, aud lo. oiiii in an respects is the best in the Stale. 1 or .-.tnicuiars, application should be made to UEO. T. ALLAN, ) , A. McKINLAY, ( Champoeg, or to AM011Y 1IOLUROOK, Champoeg, Jan. 10, 18U0-4llf Oregon City. Plows and Wasons! 'J'he receipt of Advance Sheets nam tk British publishers give additional nit U Um1 Keprint, inasmuch aa they can new be ehw' in the hands of subscriber about t " m mr original editions. TEK.HS. (Regular Prices.) Per For any one of the four Review For any two of Iho four Review For any three of tho four Review - For all four of the Reviews For Blackwood 'a Magazine 1 For Blackwood d ono Review For Blnckuood and two Review 1 For liluckwood and three Review For Blackwood and the four Revicwa POSTAGE. The Pomos to any part of Ih Uoitol Botti ;n l Twtatv-fsnr I'.eau tail Blackwood," and but Faurlten Ceaw .y for each of Iho Review. ' . , ,J At the aboTC wict.auirriodical.W".'"" nUbed for 18G1. . . . ' AND AS i Preminm tn Ttem nbscribsrt. the No, of th ntiii Periodical for 1859 will .. w . j . .10 Blacksmitliing of all Kinds done to order. T KEtp alwoy.on hand STEEL PLOWS, furnished complete, tcitkontaddititnalcktrfi.--. jl .witrranteQ 10 scour and do aa good work aa Unlike the more ephemeral Magazine" l any 01 hers in the Stat. I can also furnish von dar. ih L liitla bv ase. He wilh WAGONS. I Can alwavfl Iw fnnnrl 1 nv full .. f k V. Ifl'.Q mil Im rtftsV DOP, ODDOSlta Ml!KlIllRvV l H I.. 1 .. IDrt 1 ., j - iv muw jvw uvuy am vaiuauio u ior oui. m norws, or do svoyihior m the line of mv bunint-u. Kulirihn ui.l.lnn- .lan th Kii. for lEw." t a! mdw J.V. LKWIS. be Bupplied at the following eitlt vi.jr, ipni 10, iOJJ. tr ontly located hotel iu Ihe State, aud has hn arranged as to make it one of the moat ommiuli. oub nouses m the country. V. TAl!LE will always be supplied with w. Hid. uie maraei auortis. Oci accommodations for ladies auj families, Pllrii--. Hoard and lojgiug, per week . Board, without lodging, per week... Hoard per day, with lodging Single meal . Wight's lodging. .$6.00 . 5.00 .. 1..-.0 .50 May 7, IJ59. J. BOEHM, Proprietor. t'. 711KK1Y, HOUSE. SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL .'Iap as the cheapost Ca.h Ukr, in e'xckm.e ' """ VP31'" eWil Ciare, fsrir. W. p. PLUNsA !' OREGON CITY. Or-or. rity. Auj 11, :s 0 I April 16, 15;9. ,lf Just Received, A LARGE LOT OF Dry - Goods and Groceries, Which will be sold low for Cash or Country Produce. We would say lo the Farmers, Before yon go to Portland to buy Goods, call en us, a w will take Flour, Raeon, Butter, Eggs, ic, and give in exchange Goods as low a can be bought in Portland. DAXXENBAVM 4. ACKKRMAN. Oregon City, Kor. 10, lS'JO. ASTHMA. H Tor tho INSTANT RE- F and PERMANENT CURE of thia distressing complaint use BRONCHIAL Made by C. B Splendid. Offers. rorl859,'60, and 61 together. IS to II 15 IS 17 CIGARETTES, SEYMOUR Jr. CO, 45a Broad way. NEW YORK. I rrice,$lr'0perbot: sent free bv orl lt per doxea boxes, free by Express. , iOR SJLZ AT ALL DRUGGISTS' I For Black wood' M.iiraiin, th three year, fJ,JJ r. .n. r..,. . ' For any two Review. ' For Blackwood and one Review. ' For Blackwood and two Review ' For three Review ' For Blackwood and three Review For the (our Revie at. ' For Uisr k an J iha fons Review. An..r 1 1,. mmk m,B als f1 to New Subxeribers tot lb yean 1806, '5' At one Imlf tkt Kerular Subtrriptf Tho a New SulteribcT may obtain lb of the Four Review and Blackwood o. .... v..r r.r f,3lM si3.visic "- - - L sW Which ia about the price of to rifi' on year. l A we aball never again b b"k!y lo 8r ialuceroeaU as thoa here presented, How is the Time to Subscribe I CfT Kemittaaee moat, ia B cA. b" Jireel In the Publishers, fcr at tbeae pne -crmimnma ea be allowed lo agent. Addms. LEONARD -OTT CO. . No. H Gold street, ew It