The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, June 01, 1861, Image 2

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    l)c rcgon Slrgu
W. Xm Adm,
oxxooxr CITY I
SATL'ltDAV, JUNK 1, 1801.
lata Meeting nl HuUtlllr.
i F.n. Aiuas: On Saturday, May 23, tlio
' ipooiiIo of Uiitcvillo and vicinity raised
mo, hoisted (bo national colors, oud uindc
; other demonstrations, (o show their unul
! tcraMo lore Fur tho Union. The dug was
I hoisted ly tlio ladles, and n the ' nutionol
cimiRii floated In the breeze it was greeted
Tlio Jolmie orguni In this Stuto tlilnk tlio j with shout by tlio multitude. Tlio Aurora
proposition of Hie lleptiblicnns In Congress IJrass Hand was in nttendwico, oud played
to admit nil tlio territory now Lcloiig'ng to I ' Tlio Stnr-Span;;led llanntr ' Yankee
n Into tlio Union immediately in two . Poodle,' ond oilier npproprlato nationul
Statin, that north of 30" 30', where slave- o!r. Tlio melius was then formally or
ry doc not exist, a a free State, and tlmt ' gunlzcd by appointing Judgo Grim prcsl-
tioitth of 30" 30', whero alarery nowcxlati dent, Kob't Newell and F. X. Matbicu
ly territorial luw, as shire Stuto, Is not vico do., and W. V. J. Johnson sec'y. A
satisfactory. These diiuuion sheets tell in . conimittto wui appointed to draft and pro
tlmt we miht giro Southern traitor whut sent suitable resolutions. Pending tho nl
will sotUfy them. Well! tho Democrat sence of tho committee, tho officers of the
In tho border klaro State will he satisfied i meeting were culled out oud responded
If wo iucorjrato the IJrecklnridgo plutfonu with patriotic sentiments. Tho cooimitteo
into tho Constitution. The Cotton StutcH . then reported a set of resolution denouno
democracy tell u tliut that will not near ng secession, and nil it aider and abettor
ootisfy them. They must have a good deal
more in fact, nothing will rcully satisfy
ihtn short of letting them rule the Govern
ment Just o lowj o they please, and just
n they please, and they are not yet pro
pared to lay that even that will satisfy
them. The lli'publiean inform tho disun
ists that they do not Intend to incorporate
tho Breckinridge platform into tho Consti
tution alter a popular majority ol 2,193,121
ha been rolled up against it within a few
mouths. " Well," exclaim such Jolano
sheets as Kor Slutcr's Corvallis Union and
the Albany Democrat, "If yon won't moko
concession tosutiufy tho South, you aro the
disunionists, and will be guilty of destroy
ing the Government.''
Faulk. A largo wolf having mudc up
bis nilnd to niako a supper on fanner DuV'
sou's fut turkey, and preferring a ' peaceful
solution' of an apprehended difficulty with
the farmer's watch-dog, who it wag feared
might resort to ' coercion ' feed a klot
with three iuchesof a deer's marrow-gut to
go along and pettifog hi case As tli
worthy pair approached tho farm yard.
' Watch,' who always slept with ono eye
open, demanded their business. Tho klota
poked bis noso from behind bis client, an
proceeded to demand tho fattest turkey on
tho roost. "I cannot think," said the
inustifl, " of entertaining your proposition
for a moment. Tho turkey belongs to my
master, oud I shall defend him. So you
might as well bo o(T in search of a supper
elsewhere." " Xow,'' said tho kiota, "just
look hero! If you refuso to frivo up tho
turkey, my client swears bo will leap over
Into tho corral, nud tukc two of your mns
tcr cholco merino lamb. Xow nothing is
more reasonable than that you should
' compromiso' by giving up tho turkey to
savo tho sheep; besides," said he, cocking
ono rye knowingly at Watch' through tho
e a t. . ..
icneo crock, u my ciieut, through your
stubborn refusal to ' compromise,' is driven
to tho necessity of taking tho lambs, it is
very plain to sco that you will justly bear
tlio responsibility of tho net, and you will
hereafter bo looked upon ns a sheep-killing
dog." " our logic," said tho mastilT,
well worthy of a kiota, and might convince
oven a dog, if ho was a coiennlli cur, am'
witiinl rattier a tliru dog. 5ut I must
acknowledge that I can seo littlo sense in
colling a concession to your demand
' compromise,' where you lose nothing, ami
I givo up tho tin key that belongs to me,
to savo tlio sheep tliut wero initio before
you co oio. If you kill tho sheep because
I will not basely surrender tho tnrkcv, I
think I shall not bo guilty of sheep-killinj
ucsiucs, ii you gel tlio la m Us liy over
powering me, 1 shall convince my master
that ymi did tho mischief, by showing him
a kiota's tail, and n good-sized piece of hide
thut I toro from your client's carcass."
It is almost a wonder that God Al
mighty doesn't givo theso Jolano editors
another pair of legs, and put them Wn
on ail fourt.
Vutn speech.
Ou Thursday evening of this week Rev
II. K. J lines delivered an address in tho
Court-Uooui in this place, to a large and
attentive audience, on tho Union. Uiiclly
sketching tho position of parties in tho lust
Presidential contest, bo eliminated the sim
ple proposition that those who entered the
nrena to competo for a nation'1 favor who
sought to gain control over tho administra
tion of a nation's a Hairs tacitly and by
implication agreed to nbido a nation's
choice. This obligation a portion of tho
people havo ignored and refused to fulfill.
Proceeding, ho drew a graphic picture of
the advautages, of tho glorious prosperity
which had resulted from our Union, and liy
a few vigorous touches portrayed the mis
erable condition to which we would be re
duced if secessionism wero permitted to
destroy tho Constitution, tho fabric of civil
government which our fathers wero at so
much expense of blood and treasure in
rearing. IM in catmg strife ond bloodshed,
ho declared himself unequivocally in favor
of maintaining the honor of tho national
n t . ii .
iwg, oi maintaining, nmi leaving to our
children as wo received from our fathers,
an unimpaired inheritance a flag from
which no single star is blotted out. Alto
gether, It was a capital effort, and the
crowded house testified their approbation
bj repeated aud enthusiastic ehecring.
Wo were particularly pleased at tho mani
festation of patriotism on the part of tho
ladies, in their attendance, and also at tho
decorum exhibited generally during the
speech, which lasted about au hour and a !
quarter. We understand that it is tint in
tention ol Mr. limes to oJJrcss the people 11 oul gratity the wish cxproed lv
in other scctious of the State. ; M.ij. Audcrsou thut it may be Lis shroud."
a traitors to tho Government, and pledg
ing tho meeting to the support of the Gen
crul Government to put down rebellion, to
the extent of their means and ability. Af
ter the adoption of tho resolution, speech'
cs wero inado by moro than a imli
vidua!, all of whom pledged their lives
and their all to tho maintenance of the
Union. Thcro was not a disuuiouist pres
ent, or ono thut dared ocknowledgo it.
Tboso who had becu regarded a " tender-
footed," as tho flag went np, joined in tho
general shout, and took an active part In
the after proceedings. They could not
(and who can?) see the American flag and
not feel as though they could dio for its
preservation. Xo parly spirit was man!
festid by any ono. Old men who had been
bitter political opponent from boyhood,
stood around and grasped each other's
hands beneath tho common flag. Tho past
was forgotten, aud they pledged themselves
each to the other, and all to their country.
Tho exercises of tho day wero closed amid
cheers for the Union, music from tho bund,
ana salutes trom mo cannon.
Valoa la lbs Waldo Hill.
I'd. Amirs: Tho people of tho Waldo
Hill nro nearly all for tho Union. On
May 2rt, a largo crowd assembled nt Silver
ton, to raise a po!u and hoist tho glorious
old Star-Spr.ugled lJuiincr, but owing to
some mishap in raising the pole (which was
over 100 feet long), it fell and broke in
pieces, much to tho delight of two or three
"sympathisers" present. Tho Union men
then culled a meeting, chose Samuel Allen
cliiiinnan and W. Cranston sec'y. On mo
tion, Dr. Hutton, Paul Crundall, Ai Coo
ledge, Wesley Shannon, und It. C. Geer
wero appointed a committeo to niako ar
rangements for raising a (lag on Tuesduy,
Juno 4.. Tho following-named persons
wero then culled upon nud addressed the
meeting: Dr. Hutton, J. II. Stephens, K.
K. Colby (not very sound on tho Union),
W. It. Dunbar, nud Sam'l Allen. Tho
meeting adjourned with loud cheering for
the Union and tho Constitution ns our
fathers gave it. There are only about
four secessionists In this section. All the
young boys in this vicinity ( aldo Hills)
urc partial to tho Stars and Stripes, each
ono carrying tho American Hag with him
wherever ho goes. The older boys nttend
ing the school of W. 11. Dunbar have hoist
ed tho Stars and Stripes. Tho scholars
of J. L. Cleary's schcol aro also making
preparations for a (lug-raising. God bless
the boys! may they ever remain true to the
Union and tho Government. They ull
feel proud to bear tho Star Spangled Da li
ner, c.
ttcaalur lUUrr Hprrcb.
..Inr after plorv dimmed to bUVO our
Delivered at tho Kreut Union meeting in women weep aud our iikii for lime
New Voik, April It). throughout generations yet to rorucj Hint
H.ii-ii i.r rifiwrnn wm in rn. I nmi I heso ore III IIIU'IT wurow I"'"'
1' .lt.. a...!..!., Ul w I ' ...... ..- -
.1 I ....I ...l.l. Wl . !...!.. ..t ll,. I Tri.tiinlnlnllM rllieM.
uiiecii, aim uni; inu miiii-iiv ui m i : 1. . ....
..I., 1..... ..i.. r i ..,,, I.. it New York, on the eieol
' , . . I i i.i . ..ii tA ...... .1 m nf1,ur
tlio toiiKtitiitiOM charx nua 1 1'Oiiio ft imiuo wiuw m
I I .. ..... llMll ItlW'll
wanderer from the far rucinc, to record t ew oi you know, d iti
my oath along with your of tho Great distant ond obscure, but I may ment on
Kmplro State. Apphmso and three hero to day, with a g. nemin pride, tl.nt It
cheer for Daker.) Tlio hour for concilia, was oneo my fortuuo to lead o gallaiit ew
4th of July I'.clclirMton.
Kit. Amas: Are wo to havo a celebra
tion of tho fourth this year in Oregon
City? For one, I think wo should, and I
look to thoso who tnko tho lead on such
occasions, to Initiate tho movement. Let
us havo n County celebration one to
which every citizen of Clackamas can
como and one which will bo worthy of
Oregon City. Other points of importance
in tlio fctuto arc taking steps to hoi:or our
national birth-day, and wo should not be
behind others in tostifvinjr our record for
tho importaut event which tho celebration
of that day is designed to commemorate.
l ours, w. ii.
We approve the suggestions made above,
and hopo some of our prominent and active
citizens will movo forward in the matter.
There is no time to bo lost if wo expect to
Imvo a celebration that will be an honor
to tho city nud county.
Uo brought hi (lugs with him. Ho
never went nsliore, either as a guest of
Deauregurd at Charleston, or as a prisoner
of war at Morris Island, and has not yet
been from under tho Stnr-Spangled Banner
of tho United States, nud he surrendered
his sword to no one. Tho evacuation was
conducted precisely as he had offered to
conduct it before tho firing commenced.
n no point did the South Carolinians eain
by their attack. They might havo bnd the
same thing without a shot, and M.ij. An
derson granted nothing nnd yielded noth
ing on account of tho bombardment. So
says tho X. Y. Ural J, which obtained ils
inloruiation froia Aluj. Anderson's officers.
Tub Flag of Siiitkr The X". Y.
Tribune iu speaking of the soldiers of Fort
Sumter, their arrival at Xew York, and
their transference to Fort Hamilton, says
" they took with them their old flag, which
they brought away with them from the
fort. They have for it an affection that
words cannot express, and will rcliixpiM,
tifiii lifts ftnuuf'ilt flia frill liffilH fnf b.iiili. la York IteL'linent ill the veryilioiK 01 uoiuo,
at bund, and the country renuins that IAppluusc.1 I was their leader, oml upon
I i l.ii blood hi-Ldits of Cerro Gordo. I
cheeni. Fellow citiz'-n, what i thut know well what Xew oik can do wlien
country? I it the soil on which wo tread? her blood Is tip. i-omi nppiauw, aim
u i i i.nt ., !, r rum ur riinix' i i ii i" i iri-n eneera lor Diiker. i
" . " . i I .. I tu itliil..l lilP
our luxury ana iKimp ana pruier .ay, niore, wueu o mnreii, n
tuoro than these? I it power und might revenge, os yet we have nothing to revenge,
and majesty ulouc? Xo; our country Is It Is not much thut where that tattered
r... II ..II 'IM. I,,,, u-m-nl iriliinli ll llV ICVPIllV mCtt
uiuru, hit iiiuiu miiii un uieou. inu iu'w i nw " " -h - - . .
Irv illinium In nnp Liva nnr mnriirrn I nrrnitiKt ton thousand. It I not UlUcIl tlint
our devotion, our heart's blood, i moro starvation effected whut on enemy could
than theso loud applause our country not comcl. Prolonged applause.) W e
is tho history of our fathers our country have o yet something to uuih, but noth-
is the tradition of our mothers our country ing or very littlo to revenge. Tho Presi-
is past renown our country I present pride dent himself, a hero without knowiinr It
and power our country I futuro hope and I speak from knowledge having known
and destiny our country is greatness, him from boyhood tho President says:
dory, truth, constitutional liberty abovo "1 hero oro wrong 10 ue rourewci, ui
all, freedom for ever! Kuthuoiustiu ready long enough (ndured. And wo
cheers. These nro tho wntch-words under march to buttle and to victory because wo
which wo Unlit: nnd wo will shout them do not choose to enduro this wrong any
out till tho sturs appear in tho sky, iu tho longer, cheer. They nro wrong not
stormiest hour of bait o. ICIiver. merely nsainst us: not against you, .nr.
I huvo saiil tho hour for conciliation i President; not against me, but oguinst our
pnst. It mny return, but not to-morrow sons and grandson that surroiinu u.
nor next week. It will return when that They uro wrong against our ensign
tattered Hug pointing to tlio flag of Fort cries of " that's so," and applause, they
Sumter, i avenged. Prolonged and aro wrong against our Liiiou; they nro
enthusiastic cheers. J It will return when wrongs against our Luusiituiion; iney ore
rebel traitor aro taught oijcilieiico auu wromr nzniust human no po nun numiin
submission. It will return when tho re- freedom ; thus, if it be avenged, still, a
bullions Confederates aro taught thut the Durke sny. " it Is a wild jnstico at lust."
North, though peaceable, aro not cowards and wo will avenge them. lino 1 spenK.
tlioicrli forbearing, aro not fcarlul. followiiiL' in tho woke of men, so eloquent,
Cheers. That hour of conciliation will so conservative, so eminent, so loyal, so
como back when again the ciishru of the well known even wlulo I speak, tlio ou
Bepublie will stream over every rebellious jeet of your meeting Is accomplished; upon
foot of every confederate State. Renew- tho winged lightning it goes out through
cd cheers. Then, ns of old, the ensign of out tho world Hint Xew York, tho very
tho undo nnd power, nnd dignity and innj- heart of a great city, with lier crowded
estv, and tho pence of tho Republic will thoroughfares, her merchants, her mnnu
return, Applause. Young men of factures, her artists that Xew York by
Xew York voun-' men of tho United ono hundred thousand of her people. de-
States you aro told this is not to bo a war claro to tho country and to tho world, that
of aggression. In one sense this is true; iu she will sustain tho Government applause
another not. We Imvo committed nggrcs- to tho last dollar in her treasury to the
sion upon uo man. In nil tho broad land, Inst drop of your blood. Renewed cheers.
in their rebel nest, in their traitor's camp, Tho national banner leaping from ten
no truthful man can riso and say that ho thousand windows in vour city to day, pro-
has ever been disturbed, though it bo but claim your affection nnd reverence for the
for a single moment, in lifo, libortv, estate, Union. You will gather in battalions
character or honor. Cheers nud cries oil Patent of i.iil, wrene amMst alnrnu.
" that' so." The day they began this tin- InllexUile in faith, iuviueible la arm;
natural, false, wicked, rebellious warfare, and ns you gather, every omen of present
their lives wero moro secure, their property concord nnd ultimato penco will surround
moro secure by ns (not by themselves but you. Tho ministers of religion, tho priests
us,) guarded far more securely than any of literature, tho historians of the past, the
people ever hod their lives nmi property se- illustrators of the present, capital, science,
cured from tho beginning of the world. art. invention, discoveries, the works of
Applause. Wo havo committed no op- genius all theso will nttend us in our
pression, have broken no compact, have march and wo will comiuer. And if tho
exercised no unholy power, have been loy. far Pacific, a voice feebler than the feeblest
ul, moderate, constitutional and just. Wo murmur upon its shore, may be heard to
nro a uiiijonty oi mo t nion, mm we wm givo yon courage nnd hopo in tlio contest,
govern onr own Union within our Consti- tlmt'voico is yours to day; nnd if n nmn
tutioii in our own way. f Cries of ' Bravo' whoso hair is gray, who is well nigh worn
nnd Applause.) Wo are all Democrats. out in the battle nnd toil of life, may
e are all Kenublicnns. e acknowledge pledge himself on such an occasion und in
the sovereignty of tho people within the such nn audience, let me snr. ns my last
rule or tho Constitution; oud under that word, that when, nmid sheeted tiro nnd
Constitution, and beneath that flag, let flame, I saw nnd led tho hosts of Xew
traitors beware. Loud cheers. In this York as they clier 'cd in contest upon n for-
sense, then, young men of Xew loik, wo cign soil for tho honor of your (lag; so
nro not i.r a war or aggression, lint in again, if Providenco shall will it, this feeble
another sense, sprnking lor mysell ns a Imud will draw a sword, never yet dis
man who has been a soldier and ns ono honored not to fight for distant honor in
who is a Senator, say in tho samo senso, a foreign land, but to light for country,
T P t ... T . t t , " .,
i inn iur ii war oi nggreNiiuii. i propose ior nonic, ior law, ior government, ior con
to do now ns wc did in Mexico conquer stitution, for right, for freedom, for human
pence. Loml cheers. I do not design ity, and in tho hope that the banner of my
10 remain snout., supine, inactive, nay, country mny advance, nnd wheresoever
fearful, until they gather their battalions that banner waves, there clory may nur-
and ndvntico their host upon our borders Suo and freedom bo established. Loud
or in our niuist. i womu meci tiicm upon and prolonged applause. J
their threshold, and there, in tho very State
of their power, in the very atmosphere of Tiik Pkesext Conflict. The N. Y.
their treason, I proposo that the pcoplo of Herald now gives tho Administration a
mis union u.eiiuu to tiieso rcoeis tne terms
of pence. liOnd cheers. It mny take
thirty millions it may tnkn three hundred
millions. hat then? U o have it.
Cries of ' Good,' and applause.
Loyally, nobly, grandly do tha mer
chants of Xew York respond to the ni
peals of tho Government. It may cost us
seventy-five thousand men in battle: it may ns tho period beyond tho flood.
cost us seven hundred and fifty thousnnd 'ho opening ol tho batteries of
vigorous support, in spenuing oi the crisis
that has just been precipitated upon the
country, it says:
Tho bombardment of Ft. Sumter swept
away nil past issues, iu tho. Xorthern
States, and, with them, ull party lines
and platforms. They aro a obsoleto
men. What thenf o havo them. Re- Beauregard upon the lorecs of tho Lulled
newed cheering. The blood of every loy- States, n volume iu tho history of tho coun
nl citizen of this Government is dear to me. try closed, nnd n new one has since been
My sons, my kinsmen, tho young men who opened. Its table of contents, ns compiled
uive grown up beneath mv eye nnd be- "t some rurtuer uny, may coutuin n regis-
nonth my enre, they nro nil dear to me: ter of tho sacrifices, the heroic deeds, the
but if tho country's destiny, glory, trndi- sublime devotion, tho unprecedented bravc-
tion, greatness, freedom, Government, writ- ry of tho American people foritspreserva-
tcn constitutional Government tho only tion; it may, also, record miseries, carnage,
hopo of n free people demand it, let them desolation, a frightful national debt, nnd
go. hnthusinstic cheers. I am not times of tho deepest discouragement; but
icre to speak timorous words of peace, but it will infallibly close with the declaration,
to kindle tho spirit of manly, determined that tho Uuion emerged out of oil these
war. I snonk in tho midst of the Empire trials, in its full integrity nnd splendor.
State, nmid scenes of past suffering and without tho loss of n single star from its
past glory; the defences of the Hudson Hag. Xorth, West and East, tho pconlo
abovo me, tlio battle field of Long Island are resolved. Men and money will bo at
bofore me, nnd the statue of Washington the disposul of tho government, beyond
in my very face floud nnd enthusiastic what they may reuuire. Three hundred
cheers, the battered and iineonqucral flag millions of dollars nnd three hundred thou
of Sumter waving in his hands, which I sand men could be furnished, if requisite,
can almost now imagine tremble w ith the within a year; although, if propor vigor is
excitement of bnttlo. Great enthusiasm.! displayed by tho administration, the objects
a mi as i spenK, j say mv mission here to- ot tne war mat has begun, may be necoin
day is to kindle tho heart of Xew York plished long beforo the close of that time.
tor war short, sudden, bold, forward, de
termined war. Applause. The Seventh
Legiment has pone. Three cheer for
tho Seventh Regiment. Let seventy 4ind
seven more follow. Applinsc.l Of old.
said a great historian, benonth tho banner
of the Cross, Europe precipitated itself np-
on Asia. Beneath the banner of the Con
stitution let the men of the Union preeipi-
tato themselves upon nil disloyal, rcbell-
Wbat is done, should be done quickly.
and when the end is attained of saving the
Union, it will be discovered that the lat
ent, suppressed feeling in the Southern
States has been ns adverse to the destruc
tion of the Union, ns it has been here.
i v Riidhr. who ass arn-ttd
i. ii... fiiivi-rniiieut of Honduras at I In
bliwJ. ' timi of Ibo cxifutlon of Uen Walker h
l n. . asttl lif HiBl irovrniinciii mm i
i.i..,i .r.l In New York, from whence
hr sailed fr Lliarlcton.
lt anix-ar thut the Captain General
f'nttfk (fill tuil the Southern CoiuiuUlon
tr when there. He did iwt ftf'g'i
. i... r a the Southern lotife
lii I H.M two cases ofdiiitlierln lii Sew York, ami hi l"''0 lour
hundred oi.d seventy-serru in tho w
M il Anderson will soon bo ordered
honorublo duty. The Oover ent inteiidi
promoting lihu to a Colonelcy.
Tha inurnment bo acrciited the ten
der of vorlou yacht. Tiny will be used
for revenue service.
R..iintnr Morrill tenders 0 regiment
lumbermen, nouo to be IrM than I.X feet
in height, lor tho regular urmy. Tiny ore
l.kelr to bo accepted.
Several army officers, who failed lo gi
nminiiiKslou lii tho i"cM service on rigu
ing. havo osked to bo restored. They
met with cmpbulic refusal,
Xew York and Philadelphia havo lice
mudu military ileiioK Troops will bo con
rrntrnted in these cities to la- sent ul tli
least emergency to ny point by ca or
Tho Union men in Tennessee, Virginia
and Missouri, are by no mean dicheortenc
und reassert their determination to furuii
the quota of those States.
letters from Virginia Lnionn.1 sny
that on of tho reasons for cciitralizu
troop from the Confederate Stall's iu Vir
ginia wus to increase tho aeci wion vole
ut the coming election.
Gen. Scott ha puhliidicd a rani, brggin:
corresK)iidents to spare him, Haying that
he has no olheo Iu hi gill una no power
to accept volunteer corps or individual,
and has no timo to answer letter.
Jiff. Davis has notified Gov. Iilchc
of hi intention to rotnin.ind tho Confede
rate troops. Tlio snmo informant red
crate the report that 5 men bud taken on
oath to u.-s.ii-siiinto Lincoln and f-cott.
A Boston dispatch say that tho "tb
Massachusetts regiment, on learning that
no more troop would be uccepted mule
three year enlistment, waited on Gov. An
drew und offered their services for tho full
Senator Johnson of Tenntsseo made
powerful Union speech for the enforcement
of tho luw nnd tho preservation of the
Union nt all hazards, ut Kuoxvillc, Tenn
recently, The speech was received with
great euthu.iiustn.
A Baltimorenn had nn interview w
Gen. But!er, who said that Xorthern
troops miiMt march in safety over grouiu
where Massachusetts blood was spilled, ami
if they were attacked from the houses, the
houses would lo blown up.
A into ii.spnicn says mat t .rginm has
been admitted a a member of the Cuiifeif
crate State. The Government was iu so
cret siss'on. Two of her members were
sworn in, participated iu discussion and vo
ted on questions. Xo other business made
At tho rate they nro now ordering on
new regiments, making requisitions, etc.
among tho Confederates, nccordir.g to thu
veracious telegraphic accounts from that
(piarter, the $15,000,001) loan, now so nn.v
lously awaiting takers, will hardly bo
flea-bite, nud Secretary Memmiuger had
better take time by the forelock und adver
tise for another.
Iho Louisville Journal snvs: "The rev'
olutiouists nnd not the government first vi
oiaicu i no existing mutiu or tna quo
antebellum. And upon tho bend or the
revolutionists fulls the responsibility of this
lamentable collision. Ihev have assumed
tho awful responsibility deliberately and in
com uioou.
ntt tr it
ino Jicraias Washington corresnon
dent says that official information hns been
received that tho steam revenue cutter
lldrrnt Lane reached Annapolis this
morning, May 8th, bringing up a private
schooner captured last evening off tho Vir
ginia capes. In being chased, tho crew of
the pnvutecr, with two exceptions, nbnn
doned tho vessel. Tho nanio of the schoo'
ner had been effneed
A gentlcmiin, bearer of dispatches to
Washington, repent his conversation with
Mr. Seward. He teld Mr. Seward of the
determined feeling in Xew York to sustain
the Government, nnd energetic action was
expected of tho Government. Seward re
plied that the pcoplo should not be disnt
pointed, nnd he thought they would be well
satisiieu with what would tukc place in a
few days.
The officially announced determination
of too irgimn State Government to con
test tho occupation of the right bank of tho
1 otomac, opposite Washington, is expect
ed by the military authorities here to re
suit in a bnttlo between the Federal lorecs
nnd the Rebels in close proximity to tho
uapuai. uen. scott is not quite prepared
to advance troops to tho other side of the
river, but a strong force will nevertheless
cross the river nnd assume and fortify a po
sition near Alexandria so soon ns the neces.
snry preparations ore completed. The
Kichmond authorities ore evidently kept
wen miormea as to ine plans of Gen. Scott
The military movement directed by them'
selves show this.
ious confederate States. Tremendous ap- orJ ,1C
plansc.J A few more words, nnd I have , ,
Gen. Simmer has no idea of giving
up Government property on this coast to
rebels or nny one else. In a late general
Cries of "go on," " You nro the
man," " We'll hear vou till night."! Let
no mnn underrate the dangers of this con
troversy. 1 1 v if war, lor tho best of rea
son npon tho one side, and the other, is
always dangerous to lilierty nlways fear
ful, always bloody. But fellow-citizens,
there arc yet worso things than fear, than
doubt nnd dread, nnd danger nnd blood.
Dishonor i worse. Prolonged cheers.l
I erpetual anarchy is worse. State for- day to the hnnd.
ever commingling and forevpr severing is
worse. (Renewed cheer. 1 Traitors and
scees.sioni.vts are worse. To have star after-star
blotted out crirs of "never!
never!" to hate .-.tripe' after strie ob
scored cries of " Xo. no!'!- to have
All officers charged with the care of pub
ic property, will hold themselves in readi
ness, at all times, to protect it ot everv haz
ard. Xo public projicrty will ever be sur
rendered in this department.
Xkz Pkbcs Mixes. The accounts from
these mines eoutinuo flattering, nnd bun.
drcds appear to bo making their way thith
er. Miners arc making from j to 15 nor
Rf.sixe!i. Rev. H. K. Hincs,
ing Elder of the Salem District of
E. Conference, has re.-igncJ.
Ame has appointed Rct. D. Rutlediro to
succeed him
the M.
6T Senator Douglas, in a late speech
iu the Senate, snid:
" Tho word government means coercion.
There can be no government without coer
cion. Coercion is the vital principle upon
which the government rests. Without
the right of coercion, and you dissolve
your government. If every mnn would
perform his duty nnd respect the right of
his neighbor voluntarily, there would be
no necessity for nny government noon earth.
The necessity of government is found to
consist in the fact that some men will not
do right unless coerced to do so. The ob
ject of all government Is to coerce and to
compel every man to do his duty, who
would not otherwise perform it. I do not
sulscrile to this doctrine that coercion is
not to bo used in a free government. It
must be used in all free governments, no
matter what their form or what their prin
ciple. But coercion mut always be used
in the mode prescribed in the Cwstitutiou
aud laws."
Pu to mt ;m.
Tha Pony arrlvitj it Vt n.
I he ivvrctary f tl TrlL.U
.H-d a circular to follrct?!S7 W
of Port, aud detlsres tu u T I1
addre.M. tb,H i , XoruL LjT
nH"U,i,,g ,ru,M MJ;
Hi BH-erlulnrd Ib.t ,,.
of troop, Virginia do JzT
000 one fifth Ulngn RhZS.'
1 be j ultimato drttltullof'
ukhlngloii in uot known, """a:
iuo i riniueiit ami suit x..
lotion down thv J i
J here are 31,000 men at WaiL"
(len. llullcr.Mar 13.1. IrW
t lo the ramp 0f Col.
iM-iBj iiuiiw, 1 Ml m i. - -- !
mile further lowani it.. ir ta
act In conjunction with formsttv7!
burtr agniut HarK-r's Ftrry.
poms lo mo romp of fol. Iu.
llcloy louse. Th,, ... .- .'"
MJ rilasU
Hit iio.t4 an to cut or'lrh. .
from Buliimore.
1 ho Navy 'Department ron
ton, Savauah and the mouth of iUsT?
slppi to be blockaded in a
The Puoli I now qiotit. (L .
Wbnrf at Alexandria, her ,m
run ontof tbe port buh-.iolftf(i,r
fi renco of Cunudctute furci w Z
mnp. r"
A schooner was cl, . .
May, with, lot of pike,
cd by inon.
The Oovcruori of .11 , tm g
havo obtained n i ethro of il.. .,
that there shall Iw no cwo!,,
sation of war until tho haiiooil Ut Inu
over all the national proprrly.
The Southern Congren b j,
sion. Xi'ws iiniinnortanl.
Ros Winnns was orrtttrd at tbt R,!it
House on Mar 14th. Gor Itu.j
ored lo Imvo him releasml but imnir
wn rviused. '
llio Maryland Guards, nn iL.l.l j
tho l.'llh. slripiK'd the srniorr nf cm v.
io musket nmi secreted them.
It I rumored thntnta mrctiniril n
peririrrr. lictween tho Kiniiwi.
Southern troops, the furiiier itrUnA t.
the Union.
An nttcmi t was mailo on Hi. j
Ibo Dilll to blow till the brill.- m iu n.i
liuiorc k Ohio Ruilrmi'l, but f.iltJ.
The Xew Yoik Herald' Fpfr'il ilk
patch say it is uiiderslooil tlmt llRrM
Slate have made proffer to pnaHuw f
romun and fori Il-ii vessels, and ilit f!i.
criinient bnsnntilied the diplomatic kh.
that no inirehtisi) will bo rmm-tnL no ui.
tcr what Hug they wear.
Tlio Got eminent has notilitil ihe uil
mntic corps tl nt if any Conimin-iotK-ri d
Rebel St t wero riveived hvaiv fon-itnt
power, the Government will break off ill
d'p'iuniilic iuti rcourso with raid povrr.
Woik on public buildings hailKti im
.An Inquest wne held on the bodu ol
those killed iu the riot nt St. -Louis. Tta
jury made tho rnmummhr of the U. S.
troops ciilpablu iu firing on the filiwi.
The citv is nrouscd. and trooi art station
ed nt different point. Tlio I'tiieo wnli-
ment prevails, und secession sernu to W
On WniliiecilMC turn nt II. S. tolni-
teers went down on the Potosi Iron lion
tniu Railroad, and captiired 100 sftiwiot
isls and munitions of war: all but two wire
released on parole.
' A ai. ,ii flu rr nmi nrm wen mint-
n.M...... ....j - - ,
ed from deserter the same day by Ik sum
Missonri Legislntnro has ndjonrnnl
The State forces lire concent rating at Jif
fersnn Citv.
Further news from the East luimpw-
tn nt.
I'.iimr, l'.vrrjitddj.
All who wi-h lo mui'lral their ntlaehmeBt
the Ainerictn L'n'iin by amUlinr in n"S '
Amrriciia Fliia nt Nirily, Clmkamu wlj,
aro iiiviled lo attend on Saturday. Juno8,lf6l.
3. S.
Vntna Hirttng at Wnsltlfc
Thrro will b a mielinj? at Crvalli, June II.
i lb., neniile. nillimit tfBliliClioU of pdilwiP"-
tics, for Ihe pu:iwe of Mirfinj tlielr rweliiii"
ilvfnid wilh thtir livn ami lortnuw iik--
ul ting against nil trillion, wlielli'r in Onf
oat of it. Four braw banJa have '"W
i lend the clinrma nf muslo to Iba acfW".-
l'ublic ieukere from abroad will a.Iurdiir
pie. By order of tlio Committee.
J. Quimm TnoasTOK. vu
at b
Orepoo Wlvlsloa, So,,-1,1"
Meet- at Harmony Hull every M'ij'""
lUlt pilHt t 0 CIDCK. IJIBIIIIO" -6
invited to ntlend. 1 w ?
U. UA.u.'iii-ui
John Mki.dhum, R. S. .
x. o. o. r.
Oao.x Na, I
Harmony Hall -TJ
S.eveniae of ilthel
Jameo, Ree. Sec'y.
Hands? 8arsaparHla.-Tliia triJ
ily eombinea in itnelf Uic prope . .
remove, from Ihe blood, and olbor
kIv. the impuritiea of unhenUliy aeei i"
igender and feed diaeaae. Ihua """Jit.
of tho malady. Aiinou;n p. -
it may M usen .
aaitcontaina no powenm r
te the eylem, or miueral po"
Hie cuiiHiiuiiou. 0.vn4.IW
Trepurr d nnd ld by A. B. 4 D- 1
Fulton at , New York. Triae $1 P'"0"
bctllea for ga. .k.realaiaa-O-
Itead the advertisement m anf""r" l-
&o!d by Dr. SXKELE, Ortg'
Druggiits generally.
Moaal't U( Pl.-Tl.e high "' "
lebrity which Ihia pre-eminent medl'!di-ir.
lircj for iu iurariable cffica7 in ''I"".
liich it profcenea lo core, ha rendered
iietiee of oetentalioua puffinl not 'T lorl
ary but unworthy or tnem. xv - bfB,
by Iheir fniiUe, their good work "J
tney mnve not oy ui w.... - --- r
II cki of eostivenrw, ilypJ"ii p" 1 , ,
liver aHccliom, pilea, rbeomaiiw". tff
obatioNle head-aehes, and all It",,
,.. .. . - t:h. i.., . nvartaolT 7"
leouoi neaiiu, uiiwe i - . trial "
certain nnd speedy A ""r'V.-tjij
lace Ihe Life Mb beyond tne ream .
in the eatimation of erery patient. , j.
I r. Moffil'. Ilwnii Bitlera win ir
efficaeioot ia all eaae. rf frnl-
Ik-ate health, and erery '' n, ff.
Ji?1-,t;. orgina. For re y V k
FAT, 3.15 i;ro..lway. fj'Z,
nn. m-.ler and DrJctt ("TT
thruufliuiit lln iiMutn-.