"True Em-jo the Sabbath," written If Journeyman printer In Scotland, there occun the follow lug linking ptmtge: " Voke ffllowi! tliiuk bow tlia attraction of the Sabbath would liopeleMl en!e the working vIumc, with whom we aro IdcntifieJ. Tbiuk of the labor tliui going on In one monotonous to. coutlnuoui, and eternal cycle limb forerrron the rack, the finpreni forerer Uln;r, the ye-bull forerer utruiiilinr, tliu brew ftircnr iwcatliitr, tlio fwt forever plitdil'n, and brjln forever throbbing, the pVrouMi'r forever droodiig, the lolm forev er ai'liln, and the rustical forever aehein ming. Think of the beaut it would efface, of the iiierr heorteiliiea It would ex tin- gulili, of slmigtli It would tutne, of renoiir- ci of nature that It would exhuuit, of as- jiiritt'oin It would cruh, of klckneu it wou! I breed, of tho project it would wrcelf, of the ground it would extort, of tho grave it would prematurely dig. See them lolling and moiling, sweating and fretting, grinding, and hewing, weaving and 'jriuiiing, lowing and gathering, mow ing and Raping, raining ami ' building, dig ging and planting, unloading and utoring, striving and atruggliug iu tho garden and In the granary and in the bam, In the wood, in tho city and m tho country, on the tea and on tho ihoro, ou tho eurtli lu day of brightnew and of gloom. Whut a uid picture would the world present If we had uo Subbath!" Bai-tiht Sthknutii ih tub WrgT Tho Kxniuincr 8tutiH that tho Baptist Church iu tho Went has 680 niiiiistcrs, 1,800 churchei, 00,954 members. This Includes tho whole of tho Went except Ohio, viz: Michigan, Illinois, WiKcoiwiii, Minncfotn. Iiidiuua, California, Oregon, Kansas, und Is'ibrnt-kn. KT Tlio Memphis Appeal snyn that tlio four yeurs or Mr. Lincoln's administra tion will bo a reign ofntccl. " Tho four yeurs of Mr. linehnnan's nd mlnintnttioii huo been a reign of stealings " says Mr. rrcntieo. BUSINKSS GAUDS. T. ClIARMAN. A.WAIl.VBB. Charman dt Warner, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS , RETAIL I(uCi;r in Dry Ci !, Clothing, Hardware, Crockery. Glassware, Boots, Sliors, Paints, Oil, dr., Iu tlinir fire-proof Muck Maim itarkt, OHIiUON LITV, OUKlioft. UKOWX ,t JUIOTIIEII, ... Wholesale ami Retail Dealers in.., aTAPLK AND IMNCV Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Gum, JOOtr, Miocs, Arc, OUEtiON CITV. W. C. JOHNSOH, ATTOItNKY & COf.VSKr.OIl AT LAW, And Sulicitur in Chancery, "TTT'U.L promptly nltnul lo any tninr whic V V may lie ooi lied lo hi prnlVniioiiiil oiiiir"a uuiure ine uialncl unU Suprfiim ( oiirla. Oine over .M ilwain'H lin Hluri, jiniiivUiutvly op- lniiD ma iii inn nirrpi hoiinp. Orettdii City, Oclubrr I, 1S5!). JOHN R. M BRIDE, ittbhii Ami covmiLoi tT LAW Lafnytttt, Yamhill Vminlu, Oregon XIWni.1, fuillifiilly nll.-nd to all bumnrn IrilHlKll lo lint jwifeiwioiiiili-Hri'. U ALSTON & MVKI1S, Wllul.KS.lLB AND RETAIL DKALRRS I.V- OENE1UL MKItCII A NDIS ! Comer uf Main an J Fifth Strettt, OU BOON CITV, OIIKGON, Dr. II. IV. Ill: 1. 1.. D E N T A L SVR (I E 0 y, f HA, psrlurm all oprriiliana bi-loninj (u ? n proiewion, in lliu muni apiinivt-d ulyle, J rii-en niiiilurule, lo ami the liiiii N. f (Ioiiib in i moil lluildmif, l p Slum, SALEM. tiO AINSWOKTH. V,. OlKliUnllFF, Aisuu:t ru a iu:i:nourr, VVIIOLKS.Vt.l! AND ItKT.WL DEALERS JN GROCERIES, DHY - GOODS, CLOTHING, Moots it Short, and Crockery, in uie new riro-prem uru-K AIaimtrikt OIIKUON CITV. a iro el ,t co., i TTirE 'UXtON STORK' llUILDtNGS, ii. Malom, Oi-fgoii, ... Ipl in... Dnj Goods, Groceries, Eootx, and Shoes; ALII), PROVISIONS 0f all kimlnj WliKai and OuU Sr. A. XX. STEELE, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. T Ollioo at tbo OREUON CITY DRV O STORE. OUKGOX CITV DEUG 8? STORE, MAIN STREET, (Opposite the Methodist Church,) HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND Drugs, Medicines, Patent Medi cines, Kerosene, Cainplicne, Burning Fluid, 4fcc., itc, ...AT TIIK... LOWEST MARKET rRIb'ES. Time T V. IIIGIIKIELD, jrv H WATCH-MAKER. 1 emeus desirous of getting good work done - ill do well to give me a call, as my whole time is de Tolod lo Ihe repairing of Chronometer, Lever, aupioa, anq uurisumai waienea. A a sortmeut of nua Kuglish WATCHES, as n'eo Jewelry on hand. CLOCKS, with weights to them. Jewelry made to order, and repaired. Prices to suit the timea. I am thankful for past favors, and hope to give satisfaction in future. O Ideated al Ihe old aland, OfipostU the Tel tfraprj Office, OREUON CITY. Feb. 3. toU - Reduced Prices Goods Cheaper than Ever ! n. brown rp.VKKH this niolliod of Informing his friends A. ud lk pubhe geuerslly lliul lit HAS REMOVED I. a liouss nearly Ojiponitc JiU old Stand, where lit bus eoimiif need business with hit tiro tber under llis at) Is uf Drown & Brother, who w.'II alwaya lie happy lo will on their old frienda and customers iu Ilia way of showing them Goodd of tlio Very Jet Quality, wliicli, having been bought low In Ran Francisco, from Ilia lurjfoat importers In Culifurui, lliey are able lo Mil as cheap as CAN BE SOLD mm mm w al g W H it 11 II ' M. M t e c l at 11 They will alio constantly receive Goods by Every Steamer. Tlicir alack consists of ALL KINDS OF DHESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, liools and Shoes, Hats ami Cujw, j a u ia a, a it , Our main olijt ct by lliia imlico ia to inform llio public tliut He ura Uiuml to m-ll goodn As !v as they can be bought in 1 oi'tlaud, ami no mistake. rr I his in doiibli-il, tve Imve only to niy, cull un miiy yoinwlvea. LulieH and contlemen will ul ways be welcome, and will be wuiled ou Willi pruiiiplneMi. To the Fanners WE WOULD SAY Look for the sign of n n o wn j- n n o t u e it , und don't li ave town till you give tin a call. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN in exchange for l!uutl. Ut-rguu City, Juno 23 iloiuun liivc liaisani, a-k r a l FOR WEAK .J- INFLAMED EYES. rpiIIS BALSAM wus ubci! for miiny vciirsin L the private practice of n ct-k-bruted Oculist, with remarkable success, (or discuses of die Lye nun I'.yelnls. I hore are many persona wlm would rntlier mill'cr from puiuund diseuve lliroujrh life, thun credit or try tho efficacy of any new discovery, nil such liiul better not reud tins, but te all reasons ble persons this preparation ia recommended as a most vulo and etlectual cure for iiillammiition of the ICye nncl Kycl.Ms, caiiBed either by ton close application' to minute objects, scrofulous habit, ex posure to i-olil, blows, contusions, or irritation from any extraneous body under the eyelids. It is renmikabbly soolhiiii; in itscll'eel, and has cnroil thousands who would otherwise h.ivo lost their sight. In eases the I'.ychdsnro inflamed, orlho ball of the thickly covered with blood, it acts al must iiko magic nut removes nil nppeuraueca of iillammutiou alter two or three Hiiplicutions. I'here is n miiuerous elans uf persons that lire pecii. liai ly exiiiiscdto accidents or discuses that weaken and iiittaiue the Kyes, and neihaps destrov the siht, who, fi om the nnliiru of their euiployments, arecompcllfd to work ina cloud of dust and prit. Sik It should never bo without this liALSA.M, Keiiieiiiber, "Seeing is Hclieving." J'rice 25 cents per jar. Prepared nn.l sold by A. R. &. D. SANDS. Druggists, 100 Kulton strest, New York. rorsulo by II. donvsos & Co. and Hkdinoton it Co. San l-'runc'sco; Iiicn &,('orri.v, Morysville: K. II. .IIcDonald & Co., Sucrumeuto: and bv Druggists generally. duly 21-m,'l SANDS' SARSAPARIUA, UEMF.MISER, THIS IS TIIK Oritrinal ami (Jennino Article! ACKNOWLKDUED TO B( The Best Sarsajmrilla Ever Made ! 1III.S imKvaled preparation has nerformed some of ihe most ustoniidiing cures that nre recorded ill the history of Medicine. The rapidi ty with which the patient recovera , Health iiikI Strength tiuder its influence is surprising. Kuclt new case in which it is applied furnishes iu Ihe result a new eertilieale of its efficacy and excellence; and wo have only to point to tho accumulated testimony of maltitudes who have experienced its beneficial ell'ecbJ, to convince t lie mast inered ulous of its value. Uo tint forget to ask for Xunda' Samaparilla. IIT r'or salo by II. Johnson A. Co. and Kkd iNiirox & I o., San Francisco; Uii- V Corri.N, Marysville; R. ILMcOonalu 4. Co., SacnimentOj and by llruggists generally. july 21 m3 CM. KESTER, Under I a h -W -SB "IirOL'LD inform the people ef Oregmi City "d vicinity that he will keep a supply of 11 1 . r.A! 0 H ivi-au-uuuu- v.iuius, vi ail sizes, constantly on uaiui. He will also keep a . I 1 and will be prepared lo attend lo all the necessary business of funerals connected with bis line. arar the Semtnmrtr. t W Custom from the country is rejclfully ' for ik - d. dune - J, IttU. ' BAKERY, AND FAMILY GROCERY T71 CM AftMAN would reaptctfully lufoiin X people of Vlil.liU.y Vt IT, and Ilia pub- no generally, lliul lie ia etui tarrying on uunue at Ina old aland, where lie will keep on luuJ Everything ia hu Line, ...and er... THE VERY BEST QUALITY. lit kerpo conatuuily ou hand a large lot of DESIRABLE FAMILY GROCERIES, which lie will aell a low oa Uiey cun be bought a any other houe iu tewn. Ne pnine will bo apared to give entire eutiafiie lien to all who may favor him with a call. All or ders will bo filled with a much promptuesa aud fairuesa oa persouul presence w ill secure. PARTIES FURNISHED with everything In Ilia hue ou Ilia shorteet notice WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER. Oregon City '. June 10, I8C0. SIMILKAMEEN GOLD MINES, IIA VE TURNED O UT m. XaT mjE ll 'CJGI BUT THE "Eagle Boot & Shoo Store" JS NO HUMBUG ! . . nKHE YOU CAN FIXD THE STUFF that will stand the tare andweur. It pro. peela well, lor 1 raise the color every pun, and tr I lie limes were only a little brisker, I think that it would piy very well; aud if you don't believe it, just coiiio und buy a p.iir of liOOTS, after you try them on, for Have J iit Received A NEW ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, o r lie Latest Stylo and Fashion. (ienls fine sewed French calf boots, alio pegged all boots and shoes of all sorts and sizes ; Ludies' l, morocco, enamel and clulh gaiters, silk elas tic C-oniiress-heel gaiters, misses' gaiters and shoes of every kind, course and hue ; boys shoes of ev- ry kind that is mentioned iu my rhyme : chil- reus calf and nupoer toed shorn ; indie and children's IIOSIC oi'ull sites, white, brown, and fancy i Miller a Water-Proof JJLACKINO, J. o. .Mason a lilac-king ; Shoemaker's finding., Tegs, awls, hummers, thread, wax, nuils, and slioa-kmvca. Thuiikful for past putronngo, f respectfully so licit n coniiminiii-e ol patronage from my old cus tomers und ns many new ones as chouse to come. I.udiesund gentlemen, give me a cull, young and uiu, greut an.i small, brave anil bold, tor I Will lie ready nud happy lo wait ou you nil, and in partic ular the ludies ; i Iiko to soo them como to pay me a visit, i.enirmticr me place Tiro Doorn Entt of Brown ij- Brother, Jlaiimti-eel, . . Oreffnii CHy, Ludies and gcullemau, I ussure von (hut 1 can sell you boots und shoes as cheap as any bouse in town, or a little cheaper tor cash down. Small prolils and quick sale, that ia the talk that tells tlio tale. iny ia J. JIOONEY. Young1 America Broad-cast Sced'Sotver! Simplicity, Utility, Durability, and Uienpness Combined I u s. nrcKEY's nirnovED llllO Vl CAST Kl'.Ell - SUWCR, rulcitled, March 29, 1839. MMI1S mnchiiie is well adapted lo sowing nil X kinds of grain and grass seed, hemp seed, iVo. It sows more regularly than can possibly be sown by hand, or uuy other machine ever intro duced. It is perfectly simple in its coiistruclian. nua noiii-jblo lo gotout uf order; it is easily un- ueisiooii, uiu does away Willi the hard muiiuul labor of sowing Kiuin doing the same amount of labor in two hours that could be done in one dnv uy mo orumnry meinodoi sowing. Tlio machine can be curried while being used, ns it we:ghs but five pounds, or, by a ample frumc, it cun be at tached to a wagon. W hen it is carried, it is i... .i.. ... - . . . -i strapped on the body of the operator, a strap to go across the right shoulder and underthe left ui-iii, also n sirup buckled around tho body, and a strap from the topof thesack, around the neck. oiiouid the Machine by uccideut get broken. any tinner cun repair it although by proper cure the Machine will laat a lifetime, liut to be uppreciuted, it must be seen. ft will sow the various grains and seeds the following ill.nnnces : heat, ou u-ot at a cast, or 1 00 ft. at a rouud Unts, ,ib " 7-J Ilenipsecd, IU ' 80" ' II. ti. seed, llfi " 73" " Timothy s'd, 25 " 50 " Other grains and seeds in the same proportion. It will also tow wet und limed graiu perfectly well. County Rights for Sale on Good Terms. Address, S. S. SXOW, Portland. Those wishing to procure machines, can opplv to the above, or to II. M. Humphrey, l'ortland, or i. y. iiryani, iswego, uregoii, and orders will be punctually tilled. Sept. 8, 1860m4 Notice. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP rpilE firm of Allan, McKiulay A Co., hereto- -a. Ic-re carrying on business uuder that title at t'regou City, Champoeg, aud Lower Scottsburir. L'mpqua, is hereby dissob e by mutual consent. All parties mdebted to said firm, or having claims upon them, are hereby requested to send in their accounts or make payment of tho eume to Geo. 1. Allan or . Allan or Archibald McKiulay al Champoeg, ' Amory llolbrook at Oregon Citv. who are an. thnrized tOK-ttle all accounts connected with the said linn. ALLAN, McKIXLAY i Co. Champoeg, De j. 3 1 , 1 8 5!) 4 Uf. Justice! Justice! OLD AI!E is bound to be the next President of the I'nited States, and W. P. BURNS Has been ap;Hiinted Justice of the reace for Or egon C'.ty prninct, in order to prevent a collapse of the Union. All official business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. Office at Republican headquarters. Ural door north of A. IMbrooa'a law office, where he will bo found when not employed in better busineas at hia Wagon Shop, one door south of the Tost Office, where he would be glad to do justice to your old wagons, or supplv cheao as the riiean. ..i.. j . . - j i mm we neat, and trtrk. W. T- BITNS' Ore. - cn C .ty, Aag. 11, 1 eiQ. PURIFY THE BLOOD. MOFFAT'S l Vegetable Life Pills a u mil ft l,l1 and envied eelibrilV wlllvll llieae pre X einiueut Mvdiciuea have icuired for iiiari,.l.l .m,-.v iii all ilia diseasse whicb tlir tli'i Uie pMfriai la cure, has rendered the usual practice pulling not euiy iuim j, mm--...., -. iharn. Thav are known bv llicir fiuiUt Ih'ir good works testify fur Ibein, and lliey thrive net by tho faith of the credulous. In all eases of asthma, acute and citron e rlieu- matiuu. ain.eliona of lb bladder and kidneys, bilious fevers aud liver complaints, in the south aud west, where these diseases prevail, Ihev wdl be found invaluable. I'lanlers, raiiners. aud oth- era, who once u.e these Medicines, will never af- erwnrds be without llieni. D)prpla. ,o person Willi Hi' dislreHiiug disease should delay using these medicines minis diatelv. Eruoliousuf Ilia skill, ervsiw-las, Hutu lency, fever and ague lor tins scourge oi ma r . . ... - .i . western country, llipe ms.licines will be louud a safe, eneedv. and certain remedy. Uther liiedi nlfiMa I tin m-alain suliieet til a return of discoao a cure by these medieinea is pcimausnL TaV TIIKM, SI! 4TISCIKU, AND St CUBKI1. Mercurial Ulrar. .Never fails to eralicoto entirely all the cllVcts of Mercury iufiuiiely sooner Iliantba most powerful preuurution of Hamiparilbi, Niaht Swtati, Neteoui Dtliility, Nerrtus eomplaintt of all kind; Organic Affection; I'aliiitalion of the Heart. I'aiuttr I i-Mia Plln.Thu original proprielor of Ihoe medi einea waa cured of Files of 'ij years' standing by the uao uf these Life Medicines alone. Warns of all kinds aro eff-ctuully rsiwlled by these med ieinea. I'nrenta will do well lo administer Ibein whenever their exisU nee ia ausiiccled. Itelief will be certain. Tht Life Pilli and Phemx Bitten Purify the blood, and thus remove all disease from Ilia avsteui. A single trial Will pine the Llcr. PILLS and PIKENIX BITTERS beyond the reach of competition in the eitiinuliou of every pulicul BT rrepared bv UK. "II. 1. 1 A. u n. MVtr A I. 3.'i.'i Broaditay, cor. Worth ., A'eia York. J. tLCULVu, Agc-ut, a Me foil Vjict, 3 y Oregon Lily. Pacific IPniccrsity, Forest Groue, Washington Co., Oregon. Kcv. S. II., A. M., President. Kev. II. Lyman, A.M., Fro. Mathematics. Til E collegiate rear, consisting of one term ef .A utile iiioiiuiB, win i-Diiiincuca ou me lim W'edneluv of November. It is the design of this Institution to furnish a thorough and complete collegiate education. There is a Library of 10UU volumes for the use or the students. Applicants for admission lo college must have knowledge of the common Lnglidi branches, aud Have studied the ancient languages to far oa to have read portions of Caur aim t'iccronud the (.reek Header. The tuition fee ia :!2 per annum. Students fitting for college, as well ns others ishing lo pursue collegiate (Unites without en tering upon the college course, will be under tho injunction uf tho college teachers. Tho full term of 1 1 weeks ill Ihe preparatory department commences ou the 2d Wednesday ot September, i union, 93 per term. TUALATIN ACADEMY. Tualatin Academy, for the coming year, will be underthe direction and instruction of the Col lege Professors, with inch assistant instructors as they may hud necessary lo curry it furu urd effi ciently and successfully. The fall term will commrnce on Wednesday, sept, iv, to continue eleven weeks. Tuitinx. Common brunches, S.'i: higher, 83. A small additional charge will be made for fuel, iio. Instrnctiou in I'uiuting kxtra, to suck ns receivo it. N. 11. The collegiate and the collegiate pre- parutory departments will commence on Wednes day, tho 31st of October, at tlio commencement of tlio last half of the academical term, at which tune I res. Mursh is expected, with competent as sistant teachers from the lOast, to be ready to take nis place in the Institution. l'rof. Lyman, with the assistance of Mrs. C- K. Adams, will carry forward tho academical dn- parlmcnt till the return of I res. Marsh. Sept., ISbO. 2Itf GENTLEMEN: IF YOU WANT AXY Fine Clot h i n sr. CALL AT BROWN & BROTHER'S. Mill Scat and Land. T HAVE nn excellent MILL SKAT, aur- X rounded n-illi excellent which I would like to have improved. I will give some millwright who wishes to invest in n saw mill or grist mill, or both, a good chance. The locution is one of the very best for selling lumber n level way to the mill sent, no hills to Dull over. aim nanny to Heavy settlements, I wish also to sell half a section of LAND near by. The place is six milea west of Lufav. cite, Yamhill county. W. L. ADAMS. Nov. 25, 1S.")9. 3;)if Exchanged for AT Brown & Brother' OREGON CITY. Corner Third and Water streets, opposite the rerry L.auing, OREGON CITY. 1TMIE traveling public are respectfully luriieu 10 give me a can. The Oregon House ia the most pleas-Jl antly located hotel in the State, aud baa been so rraiigea as to make it one of Uie most commodi ous houses in the country. THE TABLE will always be supplied with the best that the maiket affords. Good accommodations for ladies and families. raicas: Hoard and lodging, per week $6.00 Board, without lodging, per week 5.00 Board per day, with lodging 1.50 Single meal ,59 Night'a lodging ,50 J. BOEHM, May ,,I35J. Proprietor. C. .TIIK RAY, HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL Shop nearly opposite tie Methodist Chunk, OKEl.ON CITT. April 1, 1SJ9. jjj . KELLY'S TEMPERANCE HOUSE, Vji it.ftffi" On. Autrntlhi) f t. , 0KEUON CITV. .wai a-k itn .. l.L IItt ...uiu ...a ItKDS. vn v -. i. for Hie especial nccuiiuiwusui'" l-i;.. nlltiliA. ii. DINIXU II A l.L la Ilia fin'" Orrgon, ..... miA. aud eharirea f-nible. ..-.- . . . r Hinfle meals, oyster ii'"-i', pni of Mr(ir( J0, uf ua , nolk, iu Ilia neatest man wfi raicasi ,0rj p,p mttt wnhout lodging, 9 00 m by the day, aud lodging, 1 f' H!n. ni,,,, . M v,i-. i,... iO Oct. 23, 1 Hii. F..P. KF.I.LYi Proprielor. . . -. , y v gg M oih ((' Q f (P WHOIHIV tT "J' OREGON CITY. AM alwave en baud. ami will attend I the COLLECTINU OF ACCOUNTS, - v. awing tij) of Deed,, Lcascn, Jluinlrf, l'owera ot Ike Ul Attorney, Ontrnety tvc., I ind all oilier business committed to my cars, , OJire directly oppoiile the Minnie Building. June lo. ItSW. a. si. Ill nroui. SADDLERY, AND HARNESS-MAKING, OREGON CITY. T AM new carrying on a Saddlcra and liar- I nesa maker a shop iu Una oily, and have eon slantly ou baud Ihe best of Keaily-niiule liarncsndulcf), un dies, Laltcra, martmgaw, and everything in my line. I am also ready lo make lo order anything iu my lino that may be culled for, on a short notice. My motto ia, Make a good article, aud sell il cheap. 1 solicit palrou- ag al home aud from abroad. My establishment la nearly opposite Charmsu I. itr mi i i , o, ii jiiiier s im kriauM vu ,iin vum. J. SCIIRAM. April 2, 51 mil i. aoasi. a. nuat-ar WXLLAZVISTXX1 IRON WORKS, OREGON CITY. WE beg to inform the public of Oregon and Washington that wo liuva completed our BOILER, PATTERN, BLACKSMITH, AND MACHINE SHOP, and are prepured to build boilers, Kugiura, Grist mills, Sawmills, and all other kinds of machinery. Our business connection with tho Lasleru Slates tho great convenience of our loc-ulity Ihe superiority and numb, r of our machines die use or water power instead or steam, anil the per fect knowledge of all bram hes of our business, will enable us to compete with California. Inviting tho public to give us a call, and lo favor us with their putroiiage, we promise to execute their orders ou the shortest uolice, and At Sail I'rtiuiiro I'l-ii-i. A. ROSSI & CO. June 19, 18.18. II ' - AND PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, Opposite O'co. Aberncthy J- Co.'l Brick Store, OKEOOX CITV. TIIK undersigned are prepared to lake like nesses, such as iubrotyjies, Melainotypes, Tho- tographs, or PICTURES ON PATENT LEATHER. suitable for sending in letters, all of which will be executed in tlio I.ATKST AND ME.YTUHT MTVI.U, AND OX SHORT NOTICE AZD REASON ABLE TERMS. G llOUl'S and LOCKET 1'ICTURES taken very low. Cull and cxnmino our pictures, and itidee for j uiu selves. Kooins opposite Abcrnethy &. Ce.'s brick store, HOLLAND ii. DAY June 11, 1 8.13. Valuable Property For Sale THE CHAMPOEO FLOUR MILL. fpHI3 MILL, situated uhonl three fourths of J. mile Irom Uiampocg in the midst of the great grain-growing country in Oregon, ia offered for suie. During high wator in winter, flour, Arc, can bealnpped direct from tho Mill. Attached 'V'" mii' ' .Br""ary f"f receiving and storing neui, uwciiing-noiiso unu garden tor tne use of the person iu charge. The, whole property embinccs uhont rive aches. The machinery of the mill is of vcrv superior quality, having been imported from Kochcster, N. Y. There are two runs of the best French Burrs, and an extra patent run of smaller Burrs tor chopped leed, ic. Tho frame. work, for -. 'a. - . . . 7 " neiigiii, ore, cannot be surpassed in Oregon, and the mill iu all respects is the best in the Kin In. tot particulars, application should be made to UfcU. T, ALLAN. A. McKINLAY, I'-tompaeg, or to AMOUY HOLBIIOOK, Champoeg, Jan. 10, lStlO-4Itf Oregon City. Plows and TF a "ons ! Blacksmitbing of all Kinds done to order. I KEEP always on hand STEEL PLOWS, warranted to scour and do as good work as any others in the State. I can also furnish you with WAGONS. I can always be found at my shop, opposite McKiulay'e, ready to shoe your '"-I ' iijiiiiug iu 111c line 01 my Business, Call aud see. J. W. LEWIS. Oregon City, April 16, 1859. ltf Just Received, A LARGE LOT OF Dry - Goods and Groceries, Which will be sold low for Cash or Country Produce. We would ear to the Farmer.. Refnrn VAN M to Portland to buy Goods, call on ne, as w. will take Flour, Bacon, Butter, Eggs, Ao., and give in exchange Goods aa low as can be bought in Portland. DAXNENBAUM & ACKKRMAN. Oregon City, Nov. 10, ltti0. Toys, Toys. A FULL SUPPLY FOR CHRISTMAS and New Year's just received at Deo. 15. F. CHARMAN'S. aORACKLRS-jM Mys on band CUAR-MAXg. fitnvpa nn1 tv: " A,MYarc! BYMOXTJl tOTin Fireproof Building, Front Sl.,kmt. ' Ald.r sis., -wnotaiuia sioun, Dciilcra in Stove and Tin. MKS8IIS. SEYMOUR! 4 J0YNT l ' land, feel aur. 1 1, at the. .n tVaS '? S .heir tin... price. wbieS W1," to give them th. pft.feBC,, iC,p'''h atwk of 'aaii, TINWAEE comprise, every ,rticl. mi,. . establuhintuta iu this country. r 1 "BlIf STEAMBOAT WORK, noofing, and Guttering, and all . with Ui. trade, don. by ' """M i:xprrlu d 3IcUapCI, t -Tlteir Urge and welllecled ia-jrlm,,, tm"AMm:skVM3zem ia eomprised (in part) of th. following Ufa, Iiurstow'a Harp 4fe iay State Utick'H Patent, 31 ' Ulaek Knight, Glow, Victor, ( ; Empire City, . 1 Superior, We are sole Agents for STEW ARTS AIR - TIGHT COOKINQ 8T07I For the Stale of Ortm Yt liav. aboard the ludiutry (new aj tkt rlml a large iuvoic. of tliis celebrau-d fnl..; T,7 cooki ig-alove, which ia mora esteeM lata us oilier iu us. Our stock of Ofllec, Parlor, and Box Stove roa wood add cot, ia large and well assorted, and ia composed of tke most approved varieties of plain and oraaow-iul mauufuclure. In addition, wo keep Ilidrattlie Rams, Cauldrons, Furnace Boilers and Furnaces Forre and Lift Pumps, ' Lead Pipe, Lantern (a lanje taritls) Tin Plat-, Sheet Iron, Sheet Lead, . Copper, 'Line. Brass and Copper, Brass andiron Wirts, ALWAYS O.X HAND. Country Orders Solicited, nn.l Goods packed to go safely to any part of Iks interior. C" Country merchants can milks nareltaM at wholesale of Messrs. 8. &.J. at price! thai will leave a margin for retailing. SKY MO UK & J0YNT. PoaTLANn, Oct. 0, l-Sb'U. ' Blackwood's Magazine AND TIIK British Reviews. Great Inducements to Subscribe U PREMIUMS AND REDUCTIONS. L SCOTT &. CO., KlilV YORK, corniest s lo publish the following UriliaklV riodicnla, viz : - -' -1 . Tin-. 1.0 x don qvahtkhia (& servntive). t. TIIK V.lllXni Kit REVIEW (Whif.) . Till-'. NOUIH UlllTIHU aEVIEVV (Free Church). 1. Tll V.ST1IXH.II REVIEW (Lihernl). ... HI.,V'.UXOUl! LUIXBtaWB n.VU.VAtXE (Tory). The present nrilical state of Europe idlit will render these publications unusually kitMtsP ing during the forthcomiug year. They sill or ctipy a middle ground between the lustily wirtiret ueuK-items, crude speculations, and tying naw of the daily Journal, and the ponderous lowef the future historinu, written after the living inter est and excitement of the great political evsalsaf the time shall have passed away. II ia tolls I'crioilicals that readera must look for lbs tsljr really intelligible and reliable history of esmst events, nud as audi, in addition lo their arell-et-tablisbed literary, scientilio, and theological cof aoter, wo urge Ihem upon the considenilioa of la) rending public. '' J The receipt of Advance Sheets bom IH ISritisli publishers gives additional value I Ibms Iteprinta, inasmuch as they can now be fleees in Ihe bunds of subscribers about a " , origiuul edilioiM. . ' ' TLUJI9. (Regular Men.) Perm- For any one of the four Reviews $ J J For any two of tho four Reviews JJ For any three of tho four Reviews. ' J For all four of the Revicwa ' JS For Blackwood's Mngaiine For Blackwood and ono Review .' For Bluekwood and two Review -! ' J For Blackwood aud three Reviews. J J For Miiekwood and the four Revicwa. At POSTAGE. The PoaTAoa to any part of the tuitee SUM will be but Twenly-rour Cent, a year w " Blackwood." and but FourUei - 7aw for each of tho Reviews. ..-. At the above prices tho Periodicals wiiibs i nishedfor 1861. ". AND ASA . Premium to New 8ubcribr-V the Nob. of Ihe same Periodicola for l"" furnished complete, without additunml cktrp.. Unlike the more ephemeral Magaiinti et day, these Periodicals lose little by age. neawj a full year of the Noa. for 1859, may be rtfaras" nearly as valuable aa for 1861. A Subscribers wiehing also the Koa. for be supplied at the following ixntutht im"- Splendid Offers rorl859, '60, and '61.togetwr. For Biackwood'a Magaiine, the three "T'JJ For any one Review.. 80 (I U 11 15 11 For any two Reviews For Blackwood and one Review, ' For Blackwood aud two Reviews ' For three Reviews For Blackwood and thre. Reviews For the four Reviews...... ' L II I nL 1 1 ik. fmip Reviews. lit 111 uiwia.iMi iu. hiv 1 mm. - . ass Any of tb. above works wiU also JfTTT lo JVeie Subscribers for the years 1856. At one half tho Regular Sulseriptum Tbua a New Subscriber may obtain l ! of the Four Reviewa and BlacHwooet BU Conseentlvt er f ' Which is about the price of the trig'1 one year. - , i Aaw. ahull never again be Ukely to eflef inducements ss those here presented, -1 Iff ow is the lime to labicrib f3T Remittances moat, in all ease, h direct to the Publishers, for at these aoasa commission can be allowed to af enls. Addreaa, L:o.AP.D SCOTT t C0J