--- -5 -e v , no Chiiu-F IWai.-i. Tb, IJi.llctin iul" MWI frwm Cl'1,m' T. ...n tl.Ht Inlflliirrnire wn recrle . pore!Kn Office, London, on tin 15ili nimbtr. form Ikln. thrown St. I'eten. . a.uA Pekln. 9ilt Notrerulier, whi ,Zi tint peace had to concluded btr I(f0 I'" All' ""u ""I1"'" v" " . i n..inly.r. nil tliut rntiflcitlioM were hnKcd on tin 6ih of NoTemlier. The rrfncb nJ KmrIWi forces lJ erncunted pkin, mJ ! Emperor would return ira- . rniTAi.nv Do o IJisurn llti.t.- The N''r 'or't 'mM ,nJ! Hlmr y tli pleasure oi nierlniff in ISokIoii witli jr, Furiili'im. ond liaving learned liU jio. liiirtl procliitiw. we penned ft few Ay .iocetlie followii'K it-m: " lUlph Fnrnlium, .. . ..i. tnrrivor ofllio buttle of Huiiker Hill and the recipient of much kiiiilneee La our lute royal (fUMt, linn toted nt r- president isl Section, nml lina mmle ,ii mind to rote for Lincoln on Tin jut next." Whereupon tliu Cliurlcnton Mercorf traxctli wroth, and niilrioticilly rxpreuM lUelf tlio: " Ralph Furiilntm in KrhHp U preni a nurauinf aa u me Quit of Bunker Hill." Tut Ahmy. The nentiment of (lie. entire rii. iTnited States, iiinonif officer of ill grade, and nutivitien, on the question of the daj, w lor me u inoii. wen ovuiv, wlmm the profoiindert confidence, in placed, i k ion to be a staunch Union num. Wh n South Carolina lnt tried to secede, the gallant General was nt Fort Moultrie, with a command of 800 men and n full complement of officer. Our army will eher orders and perform its duly, let come what will. Train Is Mlcwty ana wilt rrvlt."-- nwfrfudiofmnil.il liberiy ro rrqiiM e.1 tu lukr ooiice lli il III I-A of Oregon it now ornuniif.l iin lh " Snlmi Dranch oflhf) lulid. l A"ciuii.iii nf Amrrim." mil, that Ilia folluuinj iJIic ru havr bftndnly rlrcied for llief)iiu nj ii ninili. vit Pru. C. M. Sawiellr; V. P., C. U. K. l.m.l; T. IJur. mwier, Sfc'yi Win. II. R"ctiir..lr., Tron.i C. II. Ilora, Librarian. Ily urde r of llie Branch. Tiikohork Ut'ixejrTGK,Scc'y. Silem, Jan. 0. 18lil. 4ur Multnomah Lodge No. 1, Ik K. t A. M., hold ita niaifd ciiiiiiiiiiiiicu. Vrtiotia in Mwmnlo Hull, on Ilia S;ilnnlny Viifc.diue Ilia I'ull Moon in rarh neintli. Ilmhrrii iu gxiod i'.undinj arc invilrd l nlirnil. J. MVltICK, W. M. J.M. Dacox, See'y ,3 SCRIP WANTED. I WILL SEr.L CATTLE, HORSES, ni Farm Product, at a fa r cakm valla?, fi 0rr(aa War Hcrlu, al 50 rta aa lh dollar. WM. UAKI.UIV. Oregon City, Jan. i. I SO I. 3'Jif Stoves and Tin-Ware! SE7MOXTB. 6l JOVNT, fitt-frtof Building, Front Si ,brlketn Wnth inglcn and Alder tit., and firtl ttreel lielattn Wathinplon d Alder,) I'OIITLIIVO, OGS, nllOl.r.t.lLK AMI KKTAIL Dealers in Stoves and Tin-Ware. MISSUS. SETMOCK & JOY NT, havins bivn in the buaineaa fnriht yara in Port lml. frrl mra I lint they can aril nil irliclf" ill llirir lin at priera whivli will induoa purchaai-m lopv lliein ilia preft-Niuce. Thrir xiiiive Muck nf TIN-WARE comprint avery articla uanally kpt by aiinilar MHiiiiilnnfiiia in thia country. STEAMBOAT WORK, Hoofing, and Cutlering, and all work eaunrcled villi Hit trade, done by Exiriiicod TltxUnnlra. Their large and Well-aelectad aaaoi'lment of tm rm? r v s: w Mctauiriied (iu ptirt) of the following tlyles: Barstow's Harp & Bay State, Buck's Patent, Black Knight, Globe, Victor, Empire City, Superior, Pilot. ar $ole Agent for S TE WA R T'S AH -TIGHT C00KINQ STOVE For the Stale of Oregon. bare aboard the Induttrv (now in the riw) "'f iovoica of ih; celebnik-d (newly in veined) "Hinj-ttova, which i mora eateemed than any . Ouratockof Office, Parlor, and Box Stoves, roa wood add coal, larze and w.ll . .J .j :. .r ik. 0-1 'Pprated rarieiiea of pluin and ornamental . iu aoaiuao, we acep fyraidU IUmt, CanUrene, furnace BoifrrmnJ Furnaces, FtrctvnJ lift Pumps, Lead Pipe, Lanterni a largt tariety), Tin rial". Sheet Iron, Shert Lead, Copper, Drt tnd Copper, Brau tnd Irtn Wires, ALwara a.f lux o. Country Ordera Solicited. JUf!" packed to go aafaly ta any part of tha fantr7 mrehanta eaa make pnrehaa " "o Mam 8.4. J. at prioea that - a marf a tut ralailinf . . SEYMOUR JOYNT Oiikgos City Makkkt. Wheat, fiiiu f,0c Flour, $:l,50.i4; Oats 23u30c; Rut terjOaaftc; K, 20c. jli FntHCHcn Maskits. Flniir$i,50.i$."i.."i wlifnl (II .!.'$ I. M Pr W; oats l" QI.55Mr I'll) lbs; barley (1,08 I" 1.12 per hun dred llac. point"" "So per I Oil Ih. r..n.n Flour (3.2.1 1$4; wh at riOm N3'i o -I""! bu"'r 25 10 :,0c'' 'KIT 5 lo :K)e: chicke us 9'i-''U to $' r dnx; applet .'I to Oc; lard 131 Nc; b.icou !2io 13c; hams 17c. four 9itm i, lit II. art Hum, UYtr lln.au. lln J. unit t h.u if Climil. Mtk llraUha, Apuoilla. rvmalv ri.niHllnia. 'p.rraj mi p(.uimmi lifbiiMy.aui. nrraplly,ai freiually an I wirrly tuitd by ilia O.WUK.N CUtri Etidimt: MnaiuiMKi Hill. Cal., ) J una Id. I NAN. X Ha;nuir rail fnf (Iflaeii )ara iih ya)wH t ill lu w, at twin, and hav.iif ici.uliid wild ilia or I'liyak iaiM. tnd ir l mrryili ng rwa.unMnilnl mih. .lit ralaf, I waalndutfd le iry ilia OWtiE NATKI) IIITTl-.IW.au.l b ,rr 1 hal L.k.-ii ana In ill Ir, Kiuml niyaair much bailor, an I can laurd lak iif Ihf in, until w.ia rmir. ly oura.l, ami Ih.w aiijy aa na.iiiii aa an I I d.,1 in my l.fa. I laka giral h auia in re.nn n 'liir llim l all liiiur aim laily aflLiied. Juu U.autnoai. Tha OXVOKNATtl) DITI'EIM ar. l,i i. i.aiiriruia by Kf.l nsiton ft t. Henry dolina.ndt i.,'harta Mnrrill, Kan Kraiwinul IL II. Mu. Domild &. t:, rtucn.m. iilii Itier, fidTm co., M iry.nlli-1 Hmi.h. LJavU.I'wilnu.l.Oiffon. Justice! Justice! 01.1) A HE It bounl lo l Ilia nnt Prcidrnl of Ih Uiiiied WiaiM, and W. P. BL KNS haa bif n apiird Jirnt ea ef Ilia Praea f.f Or ajfnn C ly preeiiiel. in or,-r to ,rrvrut a eollapa "f Ih L' ii "hi. All offiVial bua m anlriutM la hit cara will U trnm,lly aiini lf.1 la. OAiea at Itrpiihl on n litaii inarirra, fir.t dr norib A. Ilulbnmk'a law oflice, whi-ra ha w.ll ba fuunJ when nut tniilnyiil iu txliar biviufM at b J Wagon Shop, an door uih af tha Poll DAW. whara ha wa ild ha f lad In da luaiia la vnur uld rMu,.a. mm..m y,Hi wiih in w iHiaa, a fool aa lha baal, an I aa clifall aa ihr cliraural. Cut fata a im mwrkmmmt firvork. Vi. p. BUCNrJ. Uranen Cly. Aug. II. 1S60. GENTLEMEN: I HAVE TAKEN THE MAIN 8TP.EET IIOtE. and will Iry to r, ndr aatialacliuu to all who may chouar to honor ma with a call. im una ta iny nrai auciiaii"n, piraa amp n ana nemo. ItOBT. 8HOU I'K-SH. Orruau Ciiy.Nnr l. IhWI ml ri1lir.SE PUI'L'i. .u ..iiWEiH pn-MM all X llio iuvw trnliiiir prop rlira of PURE OLII KOL'UllllV WIK-KKV, and nr. cnMdrrd Ih moat ffinac ou TOXIC and STI MUI.A NT aawrll aa llio nifwt agreeable PTUAIACIIH' iff tiftVred the public. Aa a Initio for OLD I but Lh, del c ite ladiea, eonvaltf cent inralnla, nud all wiak!y pi-ople, th,'y vannol be anrpee d ; in all cior ul wenkueaa or ilelilli y, lli'V will tlive immedial relief, and imp irt a atrnna hcnl lliy Inne to lh tyalfin. A trial will a. laid ah llie r uieriia oterall otlur lonica new iu ue. Kor Lung Compkint: BnmckUit, Uypeptit, tltr rout Vi tease t, and L trr complaint; tiny ara an invaluable rrniedy; and liny ara a rta.n pr. v, n:ive of rhillt and frrtr. Put up in Quart Itoiilea, in caaea of one and innduteu. and fur a.lr by ilni; gii, (iraeriia, aalooiia,und liquor ileulcra everywhere, and by (iEOKGK V. SXEI.L. Sole A (fill for th I'acifii- coast, 1.10 Wafhiugiou it. .Man Krane'aca. Bakcr'd Pain Panacea! DR. BAKER'S PAIN PANACEA, Fur the cure of pain, both externally and inlerna.lv Ilia GREATEST PAIX-CURINO REMEDY Yet d acovered. Pain canuot exist where thia remedy ia Willfully Uied. Give it a fair trial. In the Stomueh, Back or Baaeli, hum, bruiui, cut; twtUmgt, rone, diarrata, ana rneu matttm,htodacht,tootkticht, and tarackt. It emu, alnuvt iualantanroualy, CI1K0NIC DISEASES, 'CO At Djtpep'iti vetik hreatl, liter comp'aint. general 4f Oillly. Jeter ana ague, earner or ar lAionl, weak eye, tpint and kidney diteaitt, old toret, eougkt. Iu the above-mentioned dawni-, it only needt to be fai.lifnlly ua, d. and C.VRK IS CERTAIN. Sold by all druLri!'' and oHiniry merchants. CKOKUE W. SNEI.I,, Agent, Wuxhiugioii at, San KranciKO. Da. A. II. S'l'EIXE, agent, Oregon City. Dr. WM. HALL'S BALSAM CURES all dUeaaia of the LUXGS and lliroat. For the cure nf eaueuniption. He eluie,nlhmi, bronrhitia, wiutiag of fleah, aifht ....... ...initii ,.f hl..od. whoouui' coutrh. ditii' cully 'of breaili'ng. Coldt, cougha, iufluenu, phihwiu, pjiu iu tliotiue, aua an uinaaoaei wi lungs, it Is Unequaled 1 HalVt Lung Baltam, in all eaaei, givea the beat aatiaracliou; . Ha wrouL'ht more cures aince its intniduatrsn than any other omgh medicine i iaendoraed by our leading; pnyaiciana aa ui tafftt and bfSl remedy now belore Ihe public; la tale to ua amena chinlreu, yet powerful in caaea of chrouie puliiHUiary dieene; Br ag in ce nili. atn almost da iy el iu wouacr- I-..I ..... . In .11 ...rfa nl the ROUIltrV. There ia no mulu ine willuu mr knowledjr that haa aiuirrd ao great and wde-epread p,iulnriiy, in amliort a in- of litue, aa OR. HULL'S uiistv niH THE LVKOS. Ita bal- Millie and healing properties are mapal. It ia Itiiihly expei'iorant auu ionic ii ciiiio .r .r M.-nil, na. ihe narcotic and a- triugeut propeniea which have creaied aa much prejudice againal umilar preparanoim. We believe lhat a medicine psesng real .. will .IT.., enraa arliatiever it W naed. al home or anroad. lr. Haifa Bala.ra for Ihe Lungs is Ih, puregorie preparation, but ope wit ch, ,1 need in aeueou, w II save tha Uvea of ihoue aaJa. The mot disireas ng eouah ia Ireqocntly u lieved bv a single date, and broken op ia a fear houre' thn'e. Thv affl dad d. aut have to uke lartll aflef belli before th'J find whether this remedy will atr.rd reller ar not. Hear what rhvawiene say uf Dr. Halls Bal c. .... . -1, ariih i-atiSdecK-a. rceom VII 1 D.J" " ' ,, mend tha ftilaam aa superior ta aay yr piratiaa. Another avs: "1 nave uotq n n ccae, and ean eoafidenilj recomnwad h for all Iboar cwnplainu fc ma cn n at oneren mm . . .. . m .k.e rite 1 hava an heatU e,iv. fin - , lioaia eayinzlhat it a aafa, eoaveuiaat, and effitaetoua med em. Sold by all IWiif. . . 13n Waahiagioa at, Frandwa. ... ..wri'i L' i ..... Aeia cilff. lis. A. n. , n. nef tT Ba pinieolar ad J''iWCJ x. o. o. r. LrmS "" Uooa Na. S ma-is mtlri Jt 'I ani 'Hiv hull on .uu.,e WaaVyevan ng a . h ak. Ilia.h. l Nia iu g dsianioiriutiiaJ A.J. CMarUAN, Rao. aVe'y. 3U tt-ala ur rilla.TI,h gh and anvied eak-briiy Which lb s pra-ein neul aie.lteiae haa ma. u red na- in ia aria la irne u y in all lhadaaaaa witwn i, pnataws to aura, has rendered Ihe uauil preen, at Menial aua pulling a only uuu,ee aury but anaerihy ef them They art k,.aa by ilitir friniai Hi., r gaJ k i.iiy fur ih'm. and Ihey iltiiva net by Ida lailh af Hi ehdu.oua. In all eaara at eo-livenewi, dy.paMi, bdieii. and li, f afiauliiais. Wlea. ihauinataal. feaar aud ..n. wwiu.ia iif 4 kit,-a. and all f-ueral riar... meiiii.d heallh, llteea PiHs bar inrarubly pruvrd a itniiia Mid apaedy reine lt. A a iuls trial will plaev lha Ufa P.lla beywtd the reach al eoniueliiiuu ia ih eeiimaiaai 4 , very pal a.,1. I'r. Half n't i'lMtn t U tier will be found equal ly tfficav.MM iu all cM of uervmat ,, b iiir. dvt. prUNe, h, ailnrlie, the alekia ineideul Iu femalea ta ua mate neailli, end every kind af we.ikneaa of ike d'fe.tite w-gna. rue sal by Dr. W. U MUFF AT, 3.j llrealway, New Va.k and by Midioina Uealera and Dru.L'iai rener.illy Ihrvughoul Ihe couulry. 3y. Important to Housekeepers 1 No Family ought to In Without MEYER'S MIRACULOUS Vermin Destroyer. IT hne dettreyed srery di-rip'n ef Vermin iufeetiiif pretiiiae wltere il haa been uerd, and proved la the eut.re aati-faciion ol pur. rutera lhat i Ilia on Hung ui-d,ul Iw prutuoie thuruuh elraal.uea. JUIAS TZXZtl omca at Ihe i. tt. Xaval taaperlaraf fro- tlalaaaaad l.leiklai, Navv Yabb, N. Y.,Julyil6, 185S. This is la certify Dial J.avph Met er. Piactieal Clitnt st, haa, by the oar af hie pr. pr.i!.uu, driv tii all Ihe rata Iran Uuveriiiiient tiiora Mo. b af lint luepeciam, which waa infeated w.lb Uvm de- Urui l.re au aula; and thai I wu,nad an ex. Iraordiuary drMruciioii of ctn-kroacliea, by Mr. Meyer; elihousrh, alien he oi.pli.d hw poader about their places of reaort. aulj a few were areit, touii a;ier, iitlrn man biuen in uulce, Ihe Hunr ut lha roeiii waa literally ctvi rrd with lliein. swite aln-ady dead, olhrra dying, au 1 1 le.-l aatured lhat by a few applicaiiuna uf hia C'hi-mical powder, (winch w certainly very rtj.aca,u.,t Mr. .Meyer wuuld eutircly rid a hmue M lhe- ,.biixiuua in stvls. J0. 1). UIIKil.N. Intpeclor of Proritiont and Clothing. dole Agent, A. B. HANDS Al C'O, W lola- ajla UrujiK lit, 14 1 kVnluiui aini l, ennwrof Ni twit, New York. Kor aula by II. .1 mist. a 11 cu., Han Frances, en I by Urugiau general y. it CLOVE ANODVXK ri ik x uuiiwiuiii; xrups. Complain no murt of Aching Teeth THESE Dro have been exieiwivcly uted hy Ihouaaiula whoae rip nence haa proved thai Hie Anodyne w II g Vv un tie hat and pe.inan, til rvl.ef alter Ihe failure of every oilier remedy. It it pieaaant tu Ihe laaie and tiuei!, and a few appli- cauona will iin.relv reneive the piin and eoreneat mmt a decayed liaith, w. lhat it may be n.l.d and reu lend a iie.ul a ever. Wli, i, the pai.i pio. cecla fnmitha faee, or fiMin Ihe gums mound a tiaillt appireuiiy nun. I, thia Analyne will give ap, e.ly relief hy rubumg a fe drupe un the part aff cled. It has only In beo e ue.i. rul y known to kv aa h ghly apprei-ialrd by the Publiu aa il ia by Deulieta. For sale by II. JniiNtux tt Co., and RrdinotoX & co , San Kraiteitoo ; Kick & CurriN, Marya vide; It. II. McDonald It cu., tiaciaiueuto t and by DruKgitit generally. j5 GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. RMtVlLUH Blood &, Liver Syrup, OR SARSAPARILLA AND ST1LLIXGA, FOR TIIK CI RE Of Scrofula, Syphilitic, and Mercu- rial Diseases, Uul sores, skin diseases, and all other diseuses which are caused by an Impure state of the Blood! THIS BLOOD k LIVER SYRUP tT 1st WAKitANI'EU XS Tu cure all aerol'uinus and oilier derates thai origiuule Iruin ihe iL'Hid uh l.ivta READ THE STATEMENT OK MR. M. McWILLIAMS, Who ia Eldei in liev. Horace Uiielint'll'a church, regarding the cure of II ia daughter, who waa te ail appearance cr ppM fur l.te with the ter rible diecute, SCItU t'L : Cincinnati, Feb. 28, IS59. Miwna. A. L. PcofiLL oi co Dear Sirs: I leal it my duty lo write you, and let yuu kuow what jour Ulood and Liver I Syrup haa duue lor inv daughter, un I Ihut ay puiil.eliing it oth ra who suffer with the tuiue uieeua may knew ef it, and hy ita uae der.ve great benrlil. My daughter El.ta has kern son ly alllicicd with rjCU'Jt'ULA, atlen.ied wi.h great pain, for more lii.iu two years. Mie. had aouie five or six ruuuinir Uleera ou one of her leet, "i.e vn her h p. and one un her back. They ceuwd contraction of Ihe liuibs to that she could not walk. At lh a lime, from the h(h lecoinuieudaiion of your Biood and Liver Syrup iu curing u.h dineasea, I Waa induced to Iry it. Mie couiuieuced uaing it, and aa the medium acted on tho blood, ihe eores coiuiusiiced lo heal. The limbs are Keuing airaigiil she is now gaining urength. 1 hava ily uaed three bottle el the medic na, and the cau new walk quite well. Yuur Itlood and Liver fcyrup haa dune wondera iu rcatonug her heailh. With the gieutcat raapecl, I rema.n your-, il. MuVVn.LiAMa. STATEMENT OF RfcV HORACE BUdll KLU Cify Mittionary d P.iafor of tht Pretbyterian church Cincinnati, March 2d, 1 609. Mssaas A L. SiLi. a co Dear Hire: M. McW dl.ama, Eeq., is an elder iu the church of wh ch I am paaior. I am ac quainted l'h ihe areumatancea uf tht eaft of hai daughter, aad 1 hava au he-iunev ia saying that I conaidar lha cure truly wonderful. HORACE bUHNKLL Bo.till's I1l"0 ao Livaa riraur Inr ea.s by all the princ pal Druiiriat everywhere. Dr. A. II. Hl'EELE, Ageiii, Oregon City. GKO. W. SNKLL. auccea or lo Park X White, Agent, San Franciteo, I3l W aahinglon at., lmpo'U r a"'! General Ayenl r oil Pad-tat .1IIHii Fiutry Uuls whi. li are oftf red is Uie Trade af Ara) York price, ! but cost of Importation Commercial College. MR. C. A. SEARS WILL continue hi EVENING SCHOOL until March 11. Inatruclieii f n Wriliiig. Urawnig, Buuk-keep nf, Ar.thmeiiu, NarigaU. aui. tKliocJ data ia Pertlaud-Toetda), Thursdays, and Saturdaya be baal daya ia Oregon City Mondays, W,d need ay t. and Friday. N. k-M'tt afe tud tiailhig earls inarked Baoka of aocoui ad, and explicated wuad. Xev. M. l-Oe-f Read! Head! Read! Dannenbanm tk Aekerman, Of potitt the Main St. sum, RESPECTFULLY Inform lha pnbl'e thai ih' y hava reecivej per auainr C'srtti and Putjie A WELL SELECTED STjPCK OP Dry -Goo ds, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Bonnets, AND GROCERIES! In aJJIlion, thay will receive NEW GOODS By Ever Nienmer I which Ihey will offer at all times al lha Lowest Prices ! Lower than can bo purchased iu Portland ( I We only aak an and all la give ns a fill, and examine , ui tlock. and you will find ihe largeat am) imail eeleul tlock uf g.olt thai ever came le Oieg'in City. Ilefwe purchasing elaewln re, the bad ea id Una e ty and Ih aunouieliug country wdl p eat Call and exam ue the rttock of SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, I'rical0 Suit. Oirgon City, Sept. 21, lAiill. Cm Dannenbaum & Aekerman, OpiMiaitethe Main St. Houae, II AVE UN HAND WINTER COATS, nt all deacriplions, and Ih fiii. i.1 lot ever kruught W th.t maiket; Fill f aw. ntre I'oaia, iilaek frock rioth da., Itaulaua, Caaimere Paula, baliusl do., Fine Vests, of all dercrptiuua, M line Murla, tVoull, n and Merinn under do., Hals & Cop, B.ailt k. Shoea, White and blue Idankela, and many other articln lae numeroua lo mention, which will be u&vred al Ihe loweat cuah pricea. .all klnda f. Rrownmu'lin, hlenchid mualin, damma. hickory atr pe. eal.nele, Kentucky jeana, Iwillfd and pluin llano, la. i-aliciaj, furniture pr nit. oil calico, d laiuea, cuahmcrea all wool, hreunh meriuoa, and a JVeia tlyle of Poplin, Bonnet Ribbone, and a large lot of dcairub'e trim. m uga. Oregon City, AVpt. 'U, I PJ6U. NEW STORE, AND New Goods! B. A. HUGHES WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the public thai he has juat opened asters IY OREGON CITY, in the houte lately occupied by Chuilet Top, Jr. Ilia at'wk rouxiata of ths articlca usually found in such establishment, and embraces Dry Goods, Groceries, Fancy Articles, Ac, &c, which will be to'd LOW FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. (3P Purchatera ar Invited to call and exam ine my tto k befur buying 'an h re. My ea ab. aliment ia on Ma n Slieet, near the Cnlholio church, at Ihe foot nf the mad co uing down the hill. D. A. JICGIIE-. Nov. 17, I8C0. 3$tf LEGAL NOTICE. A.F. Hedges, Plaiutirl, nvi.l Mi'ttnirlilin. Defendant rpil DAVID McLOUGIII.IN, a nan-rea'dent X deendanl: 1 uu are hereby imt.hed lhat un lefs you sppear ill the circu t court of the State of Oregon for the county of duckainua, lo be held iu On'Kun City on ihe lint Mnnd ly in Much, a. d. lHGI.nnd then and there auawur Ihe cmplaiut of the plain' iff filed in Ihe above-ninth d cute as a ual ynu. for the recovery ef ihe iim of n.neteeu hull died did ara and inlerenl thereon fio n Ihe Ul ol eplcmtler, lrj.')9, at Ihe rale of two per cent, per month, upon a protniarery note g ven by you to aaid plaintiff on the tad 11 Scptcm'ier, 145!), Ihe anine wdl be taken for coufnaaed, and the prayer thereof granted by th court. JAMES K. KELLY, Nuv.24, 16R0m3 Any fur PUT. GUA-SMITUING! F. WILDE HEREBY in arm the public lhat lie haa con cluded to rf main in OltEUO , CITY, at h a old aland, which he haa lately fitted up with every coiiveueiice lor doing wmk iu his lins. nf all k'nds kept on hand, aa KiHea, Shnt-Guna, Kevolrera, and Powder, Fiaka (not wh ky). wa Icr prool percuaeioii ciia, tie. Alao. Uuua tf hia own manufacuire throughout, well mounted, and beautifully slocked wiih ilreg4i maple. Work by any kind of amail machinery per formed in lha n m approved manner. I he Lad I. a ahould not fail la jive him a cill, at there are many litrle ariiclee ill household r raug menia wbch be can arrange fur thiin a the. eeateat alyle. Un account of the lata afreet improvrmenle his shop a) ap elain, bul il cau be eaaily f.aiud. jan j Yamhill Trade. Th Fail-running Steamer J AH. CUUOI, feat. Jia-te D. MiLlcs. makes regular trip Ut Dayton tnd Jte f te, Ihi es llmea a week, lea iug CiUiemih atery Hoivlay, Wedneaday, and Friday moro.nj, at a ixiv- retiiralng aeit y Reduced Prices Goods Cheaper than Ever ! IV. BROWN fpAKE8 this melhnd of informing hit friends X aud the public generally ihul h HAS REMOVED to a houae nearly Opposite his old Stand, where ba ha commenced buaineaa with his bro ther under the alyle uf Brown & Brother, who will alwayt lie happy lo wait nn Iheir old Irieuds aud eutloiners its tht way oi showing them Goods of the Very Best Quality, j which, hav'ng been bought low in San Franc aco, fran lha Unreal imourlera iu Califorui. thev are able loatll as cheap as CAtf BE SOLD in Portland! They will also eouttaiitly receive Goods by Every Steamer. Their slock conitt of ALL KINDS OP DRESS GOODS, (JENTLEM EN'S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Boots and Shoes, Hat3 and Cap3, 3 a n. a 5a ? 9 Our main object by I hit notice is Iu inform Ilia public that w are boun l tu sell goods As low as they can bo bought iu Portland, and no mistake. If Ihitis doubted, ws have on I v to inv, call and aalitfy yeuraelvea. Lid let nud genii, men will al wayt he welcome, and w.ll ee waned on witli promptnesa. To the Farmers WE WOULD SAY Look for the sign of BROWN if BROTHER, and dnn'l leave town till you give ua a call. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN in exchange for Good; Ureguu City, June 'ii. BETHEL COLLEGE. frill E aewion of Ihe Cullrge year commences X ou the third Monday or ftuvemucr. Ih rummeureiiieni excrcmea are held un Ihe 4th of July, wheu the yearly vacation eniiiet. rACIIl.TT. L. L. Rowland, Preaidenl, Profonor of the Greek and Hebrew Lnngfiiugfa, Moral and Intel lectual Philoenphy, Ithetorio, and liogiu. John II. Hall, Pmfewor uf Latin, Chemiilry, Gcoogy, Mineralogy, Kuiany, and llimory. Natliunael lludxoii, Prnfcaaer uf Muthf mal'c, Natural Pliiluoophy, Aaliuuumy, aud 1'olilical Philimophy. 'J he euiirte of tudies pursued will be equiva lent ia thai of Eatieru ('oll.ci Tliu (iomiiin, French, and Sniiuili w II be Iniiirhl by competent profewota, wh eh, with tha Ikbn w, will be ut the option of the aliidenl. citiidrnls ai puine lor a-imiwinn will be renitttpn to have a lliorough knowledge of Ihe Kti!Uh branches, fc.lt ineiiiary Algebra, t amir, Virgil a JE icid, t'irero'a Oraliomi, Ihe Greek Header, and the f.'iir Goh la. A choce I'hil'ituphiciil and Chemical tppira li ia hu lieen reccuily received from the E.itl ulro, a select library of iiiitcellaueuua and stuttdurd cImm cal work. Cnl e'f tuition $12 per annum. Ths Hoard of TritKiees hae nlru made ar ranef inenlt for the d livoring o Tlieolngiciil ec tuisafor Ills benefit of sltideu s ill that depart ment. BETHEL ACADEMY. Bethel Acad my is iin lcrlhs indmntion of the College Profeaors, a"fis.oJ by experienced teach ers Th Academical year comin ncea on ths I at .Moudiyol Mepteinber. nnd is divided into lour quartan of eleven weeks oaeh. tksms or tuition reaauASTKsi Piimary Department $ 5 00 Junior " Geography, Ar.ihme- tic, Engl ah Grammar, and Distort 7 00 Middle Department ll'gner Arilliieriic, E einant.ii y A gelira, Lnglluli Analyaa, an I lioiany 8 00 Senior Department Natural and Iatell c tual I'hilo-ophy, Chemit y, Geology, III nerulotry, KheturiR and ligio. Higher Mailieiuaiirs, Laiiguugcs, nud Hen or l la-Sof Normal Depariiiirnt 10 00 Particutar Htieni on pai I lo realing audtprll. iug Ihroiigh the entire cnurae of studies, and In Elocution and L'ompianlioii iu Ih Middle aud So ni r licpariiuenit. A Normal llepirlmcut haa been nriranixed, up on the plan of the N. York Slai Normal IS. honl. with particular reforenre in preparing young la Ilea and feiiiiemen for leaching. Thia d parlment i in practical nud tueceaiul operation. Mudeut of the Aea iemy will have Ih advan tage of th I ollefc't l.biary, apparntua, and leu turea. Siu lent prepar'ng for College, a'au those deai rmaiiif pureuiiigadlegalealnd ee wilhnul deaicu- iug a full ecinae, will be uuder the inairnction of tiie Cnlle gc l'i ofeawrs. I'unveuieiit arrangement eao be mad for board at reasonable ralea. lionkt need in the achonl ean ba obtained at Ihe Collene build.ugal caah pricea. Uv order of the Board. Beihel. Polk en.. Fept. tf). IhCi. a-Jtf Ladies: F YOU WISH ....AT A LOW PRICE.... BE 6URE TO CALL AT THE STORE OF BROWN d) BROTrfltn. C iRAKbieo lys'" band NOTICE. rno A. Fiitrenar, Mary Jane Falconer, Charl a X Culling. Henior, the next of k II, and all atbe 1 p-riiiia oiiii rue I: You an I etohofyonurs Inr. In uuiili.d lhat .lamea Otnoer, gunldiaa of Einin iaiid Ira Culling, minor children and hsire if Andrew J. Cutting, decested, has filed his tr illion In tho ouiinty cniirl uf Clackamas eouoly, Oregon, praying ta d court for license lo sell th X. E.qr of arciiou twelve (19) ant lha B. K.qr of seel ion out (I), in towicdiip fire south and rangs twn i'i) eatt, situated and being in said S.ule ami county ulo'. lots numbered seven and eight (7 and t) in block numbered eight (HJ, n Hie town of Caiieuiuli, In said elate and couuiy, the sum being ths property uf tht sa d Emma and Ira. You are therefore directed and required lo appear before taid court uu Wednesday the Olll (I jib) day of February , A. D. Nil, nt Ih court houae in .aid county, nt It) o'clock a. at. of said lay, to allow euiite, If any you have, why said license M toll taid properly ahould not be grained by and court. By order of Ihe court. Jan. Vi, Stil. .! Winsiun, ClerL II ALSTON St MYERS, XV holt talt and Rclnil Dmitri in General Merchandise, are now In receipt uf NEW 00008 selected with much cara in Suu Fruncuk'o. T TT'K have juat received x Nurlheruer ami Uiuth.-r Joiiulhali, Frer.cli, Euliah, dl AMERICAN PRINTS, bleached aheeliugt and lolitf clotht, plain 4 barred niiialin, do do amp mualin, Victoria lawn, bruwn aheelniga a tliirtiug", h.vkury stripe, deiiiuis,diill aud ship's duck. IRISH LINENS, linen dani.v-k, while damask, labia eorers, Rut aiau tuwelt, and crnuli, rt. AXTHK.UH, white, yellow, red, grey, 4 blue, pUiu and twill ed, plain 4 ll.'itrcd satinet, jam-a, cattouadel, wiul hiitry heniitiful styles bloukuU, white, red, blue, 4 grey. Iloalcryt Indie.', mines', and children's hronn, slate, and mixed hue--geuls' and buys' wool aud cotton half huae. Doots and Shoes: a large lot gents' fine, mi lium, nnj coarse boots 4 thoea. If die an I uiiucs calf alloc, gaitera, 4 lipiKir. Ix,y' bnots 4 shout, child leua" ahoet, fancy uud pl.iiu. liar die ar c: Pocket knives, pruning and bud ding knives, knives aud forks, scissors and shears, butts and screws, strap hinges, door locks, variety ot styles and patterns,- hand s;iw3, tenon saws, compass saws, bench planed, chisels, au gers, auger bitts, axes, hatchets, hammers, shovels, hoes, potato rakes, brads, tacks, finishing nails, cut nails, wrought nails, horse nails, ifcc. Siifara, cotTee, lea, syrup, suit, spices, sosp, soap pou dcrt, candle h, salenitui, youvt puwdein, cream tartar, to la, aal inula, iu.ligo, cluthra pins, surub briiMhiK, paint b.'iishct, broom", duat Brunea, hand belluwa, woodou pails, wanh tuba, and waah buarda. 11INTS OILS: White lend, red lend, Veil, red, Pruninn blue, chrome yellow, chrnine green, burnt si I raw urn- . . .. ... . .i.-i i; 1..L- i l t ncl, yellow m Itiaca paoo, .aiiojao wiwnu, i. v. Sit-una and uiwrlod colored stimltt, Boiled and Haw Linseed Oil, Polar oil, lard oil, lull oil, laaueis' oil, China nut ail, &.0 , &o. W will bo receiving by every steatnur addi tions to our present extensive stuck, ami FARM ERS and others will Mud il to their advantage te call and exa nine our fundi and price- henna buy ing elsewhere. TortTlS, CASH. Ore;;on Cily, Octo'ier 1, ISIiO. S3 COFFINS. CM. KESTER, Under laker- WOC 1,1) inform the peop'e of Oregon Cily and vicinity that he will keep a supply of Ilcady-inado Coflins, of all sizes, constantly on hand. IIu will nlxn keep a :na. ui .na. wflsvfw. ara nud will be pr pirod to nttctid lo all I lies neccs-mry Uiiaiiiraa ol Imiernt couiieuteii Willi ma line. Shop near the Seminary. VTT Ciittum from the country i reapeotfully aol cited. Juno 23, IctGO. All Kinds of Produce TAKEN" IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS, AT DROWN' k BUOT ITER'S. Just Received, A LARGE LOT OF Dry Goods and Groceries, Wit ch will be sold low for Cash or Country Produce. We would say lo the Furmors, Before you go to Portland to buy G.kxIi, Call ou ut, as wa will take Flour. Uncoil, Butter, Eggs, Ac., and givn ii exchange Goods as low as cau ba bought in I'urtlutid DANNENBAUM 4. ACKI'.RMAN. Oregon City. N'uv. IU, ISI50. New Arrangement. 11 1 IR attention of the puldio ia called to the fact thai from and after tho Ulh day of Novem ber, iRbO, the Island Mills at Oregon City will be entirely under lha control of Charman &v Warner l lhat th services of Mr. A. J. Chap mnn na miller have laeo aecured. A aupplyof FLOUR will always be found at Mceara. Aden & Lewia' aud at II. Law's. Port, land ; alo al the store ol Charman A Warner, Oregon Citv. 1ST AH Flonr branded Charman St. Waruer, ia warranted No 1. CIURMAX WARNER. Xor. 13, 1PC0. 32tf NOTICE. " WHF.P.E AS, myaif Kineline has left my Ui and b-aird wiihnat eauae ar provaca lion, there ore I dohenbv forbid all pertoos from h, i boring ar Iru.l pg her on my secount, ee 1 4ia.l not pay any lillaor expenMof hr rentraoring. GEO V. McEWEN. -Aatari,Orgoo,Jan. 1, 1041. tfAlCS BA11M.T rvK