8au.ii, Jen. 20, 1801. E.?,Il,tIould writalo jimi '. ---id . HaMl OI fUU, . .... 1 like your pa thik T.er, u oik thin I don't E"7 Tnirtur of the " with hk b.nd It hM been in lout, tick nun with a k uf more wen "--'" m take tht PclW of thc I would t,",t Pic,ure 01,1 I Yoo would ro.ike about $.'.0. lraiooki 0 liilKni(ient. I wbh ' 'u ita write to me, ana i mp jtffMioF 0f ptonle ill Mirion "r vmf Drt. I do not cere any T . Ik uicture, but there are noino Hint iU th. Aru. ....of the brat i. .ha lTditrd btalc. Jl I 1H niT rl I I P0t'tt l,mt '0U r ne rf-t Briter in Oregon. DomeWT .w f.T: Other, .m to think that (lit it ii J?rt'comnf0the StXt r S liltt tl. Democrat They are naii.Ht Stv-n aadererythin,? that b right- l&r1 b.M.Monn. T)aA you, Mr, Morrin. Wa will tuke .MmM"1'" b0,,t ,,,at 'P'01"' ewakkratioo. ' I th mtie, you make op that 50- ' , . im a bad liirn for a bachelor law- f ea be gfta up to iprak In court, to driaawomani niKitcp from hla povkeU .kick to wipe nei "'"; Twliite tiaiidkerchief. The trii.ra are apt U be aoticad. and awake uuplca.ant upi- ri-MAM Cirr Makkct.-Wheat, S5a COcj Flour, $3.50,14; Oati 25u30c; But- Wl 20.25c; EpK, ... p.. Miiiiti-Flour ".,50.ij.7.' .hut Il.J5$l.l" pr 100 lb.; o. ,4S to II 55 per lull im, D.riei r- - Tj iu- y.i. 6(1 10 65o par 100 lb. i .- u.... f.n P..Ttii rnwr " ... . a-, x. i.. in. Mn ia :tnt- n371 i 0 u"''f 35 '" 10c' H.K-ke.- $ J0 to $:l por doii p lua I3W 14c; bicon !2lo 15c; ba i kk- - - p! 3 to ic; hania I.e. Tik l MtiMy aa wltl ralt.n Tv.f..,Jofmnil litwriy are roqnowad to tko m! lb it iho I. A ot tlreifon no arxaninil ,1m SjKdi Rranch of I ho liiHI.I Awiaii'n nl .'' ad, thai III folluwintf i flic.-r bv U..J..I. rl.'d for tbeonmi iif i in'iillm. i- l N.i.ll.i V.F.C.U.Itiiild.T.Uur- Win II. Rcl.ir.Jr.. Tri.; (Ml. Umi.Librirlaii. By nrdor oftb Rraiich. TiiKouuaa Ui'anuTia,Src'y. S.lnn,Jn. 6.I8BI. 4w Multnomah .Lodge No. 1, a K. Jc A. M.. hold, ila tatrd emninuuicii' VVi oin in Maunn o ll.tl, on lha tSuturdny Viircdiiif llio Full Moon iu rach nvnitb. Itn.hron ia (owl ttaadiiis an- inviird in annul. v. J. UVKICK, W.M. J. M. Bacon, Sco'y. 13 If Tlie in it rouular m(tin( will bo held on S;unlij ovvinng, .Inn -o. D. U. STKPHENSOS, TVESTIST, bna removed hi office to the I I r.: ... if L ben b it prepared Iu do all work in hi line. SCRIP WANTED. T WILL SELL CATTLE, HORSES,ani X Firm fretfarfe, at a fa r cah van, lf rta War Scrip, at SO cIh am tk eMiar. WM. DAULOW. . Oregea City, Jaa. ft. 1S01. 3Jlf Stoves and Tin-Warc! ISTMOVB. fL JOYIOT, (Fire-srse Building, Front St.httKeen With- aglea end Alder it:, and Jirol Hrtel ktluttn H'A'4'n 4 Alder,) run a (.aiaaje, uu.a, .. WIIOLEaALa ANO alTAIL Dealers in Stoves and Tin-Ware. MESSRS. SEYMOUR & JOYNT. having been in the business tor eight year iu Port M, feel sure that they can aell all articles iu Hir lint at price which will indue purchasers "five thorn tin arefcreuce. Their exieunv tuck of . . TIN WAKE esmprise every article usually kepi by similar sutilubinr nts iu this country. STEAMBOAT WORK, Rosfiiig, ind Guttering, and all work connected im the trade, done by Experienced iTIfchanics. Their large and wcll-selecled assortment of a comprised (in part) of the following style Baretow's Harp & Bay State, Buck's Patent, Black Knight, - Globe, ' " ' Victor, -.' . . ' Empire City, r . . Superior, Pilot.' vttoh Agents for '. STEWART'S sUR. TIGHT COOKIWa STOVE x , For the State of Ortgnn. T hie aboard lha ImduMtru fnow in the river) 1 hirge iove cs of thi celebrau-d (uewly inveuled) ""kitS-siove, which i mora esteemed than any wia. Our Mock of Office, Parlor, and Box Stoves, ...... . . , roa wood Ana coal, "At and well assorted, and ia composed of the " sppmved varieties af plain and ornamental fsctore. Iu addition, we keep fyKe Ram; Cauldron, . Fanatt BoiUrt and Fvrnaui, . Force and Lift Pumpi, - Xeori Pipe, . Lantern (a large tarietjf), Tin Plat', Sheet Iron, Sheet Lead, f '-- j. ' popper, ' Tine and Copper, Bra? and Iron Wires, ALWATS 01 HAND. - Country Orders Solicited, f Goads pack ad u taf.lr to any part af the larreontry merchant, eia make parcha .Wesal. vl Meser. 8. tt J. at prioe thai "at. a atargia ft retailing. 'a,-' SKY MOLE JOYNT. "wujra.OctS.jeCO. Xm3 t' i r.-w . B)seela. Vttt a a All'. Ialertia. rtuur Alum irli, . art Hum, Wiw llinsh. llil. ibwsnesa, Liver Complaint, A.ioVy. F em ency, Jamaica, Change if Climate. Mck He lcl,e, .aeol Appetite, r elude C-mnUiiite, Uiiiireesiou after Ki.a(. General Debility, 4a, ere rapidly, ef fectually n.l eurcly vured by lit OXYGEN- AltU DM ItKS. California Etidintt. MuMLVNftl III!.!.. Cel., ) June 10, ItWlS. ( Having suit red f"r fifteen yeare with Ihspep.'e in iu r lurm, mil having nonsuited wiih the best Physicisiis, and iried everything ruioiiiiiieiiilej wilhiMil relief, I Was induced lo try lln UXYliK N ATEl) HITTKIW, nud before I hod tuk.-n one bnille, I found myself much belter, nd continued lak'ng them, until I n entir- ly cured, mid now enjoy ag.d health nees.-r I did in my l,fe Ink gram pli-Mur in r e-miiirD lln thntiil whor aim larly illlidtd. JiM LaiHo(. The OXVOKMATKD niTrEftS nr kiI.I iu Clif"riii by Red'ni;tiin It CV, Unity .lnliii.,n Jk Co..Ch.rte Morrill. Han Kraaeien.! II. II il,- fc to Xncrumrnii Rice, .fliii 4 cu., ir)ini i oumn ynvn.i oriwiia.uiegoii. otcc t0 Tax-Pnyors! X hliorill 'aOlli.o in Oroffon Ciiy lill M.nmrv 9, leUi nflrr nliH'li ho will iil llio dilToronl pr. t-iiicla for I hut purpm at I lie tullowinf tiuioa and placMi M Iwuiikii'.on Monlov, Feb 1 1 . 1 Km' t.i Rock ( rvk. at E. Poliito.'a. Fob. 12 s Younr'a, at Philip KiNMor'i, Frb 13 1 Hardin.)', I llnbl. Anliur'i. Fob. 14 1 Hpringwntor, ffiiuel lliifhn, I-ru. I! Itiarart rk, Ima. Iloxto'a. r 3H Liir Mnliilla. at Win. Eiiloi, Feb. SS Mro,iinm', at .Inmra Iyin'. March 18 s liwrr iilxiaii. at inn a ctnrr. Mun h I'Jj tur ry'. al Wm, Harlow'a. M.ir.'hSOj Tu.ilniin. at Kiufman'a, Maich SI IJnn Cliy. at Samuel Millrrii. March 32. .HUIN THOMAS, Jau 19, lolil. Mm if Claektmat Co. NOTICE. WHEREAS, my ifn Kinc'ino ha lfl my bod and burd wiih"Ut cam or ruvi' liou. tliaKforo I duller. by furbiil ell poiai.M fmin hnbnriii( or Inmnig licron my account, an I -lull not pay any bill or ospeii'eof bar ronlraci'iif . UGH 11. Mctfc.. Atlorin, Oregon, Jin. 1, IBOI. lllE.E POPUI. .ii ..tl TEa-t po'M' n the aivig iraling pr"P rliee of PL Kb, OLD ItOUUIiON WIII.-KKY, nnd nro cmiwdered Iho moat i ISchc oiw TON IC mid ST1 M U LA NT ewrll n ihe tnot agreeable 8TOMACHK! ever nffered the public. Aa a tnnitf for OLD I'EOi'LK. del .!- lariiea, convaleeenl invaii.ie. and all rak!y people, thuy cannot be enrpaax d ; in all caw nl weakueea or rteiuii y, iliey win uivo iiiiuiediaio relief, and impirl a atrnng lu-nl- lliv tone In the YKlem. A trial will e-HLI h ihe r merila oier all other tonic now in nee. For Lunr Ctmulnintt. BrnnehiU; Vyptnva, JVer- eoae Diteatt: and Liter nmplaint$, th. y are nn invnluahle remedy; and Ihey are a cerla u pr v. nnve of thillt and frter. Put up in (avian Home, in eae oi one ana two doieti. and for a le by ilnivcifH, (iro. erne, Mioou,aud liqimr dealere everywhere, and by UliUKUK . S.M'.l.L, S"le Agent for the Pacific coat, 1,10 N uihiiigton t an Franc ec. Baker's Pain Punacea! DR. BAKERS PAIN PANACEA, 17... L. aai.raa v.n k,.k Vtfliallv I "u "MW"""J s.t..Ullf lhA ' Yetdscovered. Pain cauuot exist where this remedy I faithfully . ...... used. Give it a fair trial. FOR PAW In the Stomach, Buck or Bniost, hum; bruiiel, cult, tattling; col:c, diarrhea, ant rneu matttm, headache, toothache, aud taracht. It cute, almost hiitaiitancously, CHRONIC DISEASES, aucn a Dytpeptia, weak hreatt, liter complaint, general debility, fever and ague, tanker or tort throat, weak cyet, tptnt ana aioney dittate; old toret, cought. In the above-mentioned diseases, it only ueeds to be fatthrnlly used, ant tXRE IS CERTAIN. Sold bv all druggisl and enuntry merchant. e UVKII.. Agent, Washington t., San Fraiicawa. Da- A. II. STEELE, agent, Oregon vuy. Dr. AV M. HALL'S BALSAM CURES thnwt. .11 disease of the LUNOS and Fat ihe cure of ooiuuiinplinn, de. cliue.Hsthma, bronehlti. wasting of flesh, n.ghl sweats, spiuiuK "f whuopnig eougn. oim ...i... r h,.-il.i.i cold, coughs, influeiiai, kihi.!,,. iuIo ia the ride, aud all disease of the V . ' r 13 unequtticu i HaU'a Lung Baltm, in !! cmm, ftt the best wtinhciiou; Hut wrought mow cures nc lU JfltHuction than inv other cough nwdioinr J JB rilUMIOWU vj a. r i i I k Mir laaidlllir DflVHlClainal mm mo ttirva amtj w - - , . JP IW " " 3 t K U ..iiUeiiitikirV rilM.tiaS. i .iaiiv rlnli retl. Vi urwvnm iu Br.ng in ceriifieates almoal da ly of its wouder ful cure in ail parte oT the country. .... :. - hi..i lilun our knowledge thet inrrsBuinw.'"""-- - . c v, ...lit nnd w ae-iirean p..ui.m.ny """l" " . ....... nu Hil.CS D ... li"rt a epni i , m r 7 .. ..o.u cno TIIF. LUNGS. Ila bal- aauuc aud neanng pmpeiuu- ... - -- - ..I... ni.i.h'11. it ia i.i..i,l. ...uN.ioraut aud tomo. ii ooi.. - .:. ...ornh ne. the narcotic and as- r,i...nt nrooeniea which have created a much i: .imilar DreDarallons. oreiuuiv a'"" r i 1 1 .... .i .... n. .uMin. real V MTU." - ... menu wil efivct cures whenever il ia sum. home or Dr. Hall s nalaim lor in. Lung. inop.regorieprep.n,Am,butonewi, if used in seasu, w n ,.... aOilat. " nuan .7 J, ' f- .. - - - HialPaaal II IT I'Vtltfil la nt"i""i ictieveaoy. uk( 1 L - ..navlaa rtraae. Blll'l Divarn iilf aa 1 bX.IVr'hol.re before the, find whether this remedy will afT-M rei ioi .r ... .. i... lt.vaH.-sne eay of Dr. Tlaira Bsl ... -I. with i-onfideiKe, feem mend th. Balsam - superb to I P 1 Another an MriBI ,hflt It b a nets, convenient cffic.eiotia med ejae." O.oj.. . .... vELUAgnt. t I J 1.. -tl f enairrrtctst. ' 1311 Whingtoa si, Franerseo. . a , nraCt'- 1 I have oseu - d eaa eooBdenir, """'"J- " ; " ...... L .L ii i atTsred as a rem- ,h e..ph..ua H.r .-- T heaiU. Da. A. n.ei r.Duc. -a. - H'as XT Ba pnrtieolar aod Z'll ZmM jtAzrs bAt9AX roR tub zvyvs; . x. o. o. r. Oo...i I , ix, ,No. 3 meeu 'I I aiiiiimy Hull on Muinlny ...!,.. ... . .. .. L ll..l. 1:1 1 in 'd alaa ling nro iuviied "' li. A. I'EAsK, N.U. A. J. CiurMAM, Reo. Seo'y. 30 Mofftii. Ufa MtuThe hh and envied veltbiiiy which Ihi pr.riinneut nie.licine ha ac vu red fr iiaiuvariaM .ffIcA-y In. ill I he d'nie which il pniftowa i cure, hm rendered the ueuiil praviii-e of otieiiinl ou pulling n'l mily uum cen mry but unworthy uf lliein They are known by I he ir frmui ihu.r god woik ttmify fur th-m. mid ihey Hi lire not by the lalih of ilia crtdulou. In all c um of co.tivenrw, dypepaia, bilioiu and lin r aflevllom, pilee, lhewnulu.il, fever nnd aue, ubaliiui heud-achi', and all general derinine ineiiiaiiflieallli, ihme Fill have iuvurinbly proved a i-ertiiri nnd i.reily retne.lt. A a'ila iriul will pUculli Life I'.lla beyoud i lie reach ot competition in the elini1.ni uf i very put out. I r. Mulf.i'a I'Ikbii a U tier will be fmind equal ly tlfii-ao ou in all cm of nervon di b lily, dy. pepM., hnidnche, the tick. incident lo female in delivatv heailli, and every kind of wmknea of ih d'ndiv orgina. For aitle by Dr. W, U MilFFAT, 335 llroadway, New Voik. and by Midicine Uralar and Druggtu general ly throughout the vouutry. 3y. Important to Housekeepers ! No Family ought to In Without MEYER'S MIRACULOUS Vermin Destroyer. IT ha destroyed every deat-ription of Vermin iufealiug pri'inir where it haa been lifted , and fnuvi'd lo the entire auti-faoiiun ot pur. huera thut I i lb uu thing lived. ul tu promote tboruiigh clianl.uea. 1UIAO THIS ! OBlca at the V. at. Naval la.peclaraf Pro lila d t.lalhlag. Navy Yaud, N. Y.,July!26, 1858. Thi I to eeri ly that J.en-pli Meyer, Practical Client l. ha, by the uae of hi pr. pr.itione, driv en all the rut Inim Governuieiit biuro Mu, 6 of line luitpeciiiin, which wue itifeiited with tlmee do rirui'liv an mala; and Ihui I Witueated ail ex Iraurdiuury deatruclimi of cockroache. by Mr. Meytr, auliouuli, when ho aupli.d hi puwder about their p acee of reaurl, only n few wereaeeu, muii alter, iu lean than filuen unnutca. the lloor of the room waa literally covered wall lliein. aoino already dead, ..there dying, an 1 1 feci aneurcd that by a lew application of hi Chemical Powder, (which i etrUiniy very eltk'UCimi-,,1 Air. Mryer wuuld entirely rid a Imu-e ol them' uhmixiou iu accl. J0. I). UIIISIlN, Intpector of Pmitioni and Clothing. , Sole A genu, A. kt M)S Si. CO, Whole- Kile UriiKV t. 141 n iilimu (ireet, corner or Ful ton, New Yurk. For aule by II. JuiiMm II Co., ban Francacu, aa I by Orugmta gdieral'y. 38 clove'anodvxe Tooth-ache Drops. Complain no mutt of Aching Tttth t TIIF.SK Drops have been extensively used by tli.uaiil wliow rxp rience hue proved that the Anodyne w II g ve uniueilial and ie.'inuuent rel el alter the fuilurc of every oilier remedy. It i pleasant to Ihe tiste Mild auiei!. and a few appli cation will entirely rein..ve the pain and sor.-nem from a decayed luulli, m. that it may be nilcd and reuderrd as imeiid ever. Win n tlie pain pro- ceeda fmin the faee, or from the gum around a tooth appireutiy anuml, tin Anodyne will give apiedy reliei by rubmng a lew drop on Ihe part aff cled. It lui only Iu hrcnine geueral y known to be aa h gltly appreciated by the Publio aa it ia by Dentins. rot sale by u. Johnson -x Co., nna kidinotun & co., ban Francisio ; liict II CorriN, Mary ville; K. 11. .McDonald i. co., bauiamanto mid by Druggist generally. j5 GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. Bood BUO ILL'S er PvriiD V 1 oiooiDiDirri j vn CTf..Vfi A FOR THK CURE Or r, 1-1-,- 1 ir fccrOIUla, dVpUUltlC, BUU iVierCU' rial Diseases, Ulu sores, skin diseases, and all other diseases which are caused by an Impure state c! the Blood I THIS BLOOD & LIVER SYRUP IT IS WARRANTED To cure sll scrofulous and other disease that originate Irum the iluoo ua uvea. READ THE STATEMENT OF MR. M. McWILLlA.MS. Who is Eldoi in Itev. Horace Biishncll' church regarding th cur of hi daughter, who was to all appearaoces er ppicn lor i.ie wnn mo ivi rible disease, SCKUf t b : Cincinnati, Feb. 28, 1859 AfvMaa A- I.. oovill Al Co. . . Hear Sirs: 1 feel it my duty lo write you, ana let you kuow what jour jjlood aud Liver Syrup baa done lor my dauguier, am inai oy puunsn.ua. iioih. rs whosulilr with the eauie disease may know of it, aud by ila use derive great benefit. Mr daughter El.xa has been sorely atllicled with si:ld iKULA. alien.ioJ wiih great paiu, fur more lhau two years, bhe had some nve or six ruuuiug Ulcer ou one J her feet, one on ner n p. nut on hur DacK. i ney causea viouracnou . Ihe limbe so that she could uol walk. At III s lime, from Ihe h gh recomtneudalion of your tiluodeiid Liver Syrup in cunug aucn uiseases, s was iuduccd lotry it She voniineueed using n, and a th mediciue acted ou tti blood, the sore commenced to heal. The limb are gelling straight she is uuw gaining strength. I have only used three bottles of ihe medic.uo, and ho can no walk quit. well. Your Blood and Liver Syrup has done wonders in rcMoiing ner neanii. W ith lh greatest reaped. rv.nam juir, - , H. McWiiLiiaa STATEMENT OF RfcV HORACE BUSlI- City Jfisnenory d f aster of th Pmhyttrian rssTcn Cincinnati. Matched, 1859. Mrssas A I, ScovtLt. , co-- Dear Hire: M. McVt ill ams, tsq., ia an eioer iu the church of wb ch I. am pastor. -. I am ec- med wi,h ihe e reumsiance ot tno fe oi bis dsughur, sn l I h .v. ao heiuucv in saying that I consider ine cure iru.j wv..-.-. HOKAi is ijuii.ir.i'u Scvitta Blood Aa Lrvaa bvauf lor sale by all the prmc pal Druiriiisis every wriere. . . , li. II S I ttLK. Agent, ureson on. GEO. VV. S.NELL, wicces or to rent B "uiw, Aireul. S tranettco, M'i n aatuugi"" i ...... J sT A j.mwiI fnr nil Tls-dlsl-s- FM-f iotds whi. b sre offered lo lha I ria at Neu York pritt, wuh hut ft of Impartatia Commercial College. MR. C A. SEARS WILL oonliuu hw ov..k ouU March 1st. lSbO lirstruclieu gvea n Writing. Draw.ug, Boob-keep i.g, Ar.ibioeiic, N.eigatioa. . . Tl,.. bchovl daysiarortiano wi 1-' and Saturday . beboel daye ia Orefoa City Jloodaje, aes.la)S, aoJ Fridsya. " h.B.-.VUrr.atw " rmlmt, er.la asrW Bwak. of accouot f-r? t'' erasi. tiyt.t. V: . Zffi Read! Read! Rcadil Pannenbaam k Ackcrman, . '. . . . 1 vj . Oppoiitt I At Mailt St. Ihuit, . ' ' ''''-. RESPECTFULLY Inform the publio that thi-y have received per steamers Cortei aud i-oeie A WELL SELECTED STOCK , 1 t or Dry" Goods, Boots and Shoes, - Hats and Bonnets, AND - GROCERIES! Iu aJJitlon, they will receive NEW COODS Bf Every Nteatnerl which Ihey will offer at all time al the... Lowest Priecs ! Lower than can he purchased iu Portland ! ! V. only ask n and all to give us a call, and lamin i ur stock, and you will find th largest and iiiisiI select slock uf gl that ever cats ta Oregou City. Before purchasing elsewhere, lite Lnd ea uf this ciiy and Ihe surrounding country will p ease cull ana examine uieirsiocK or SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, Pricealo Sail. OreeooCilv. Sent 21. 1BG0. 6m Dannenbaum & Ackcrman, ' Opposite the Main St. House, TTAVE ON HAND WJNTER COATS, of all description, ana the fiueet lot ever brought lo tb.auiarkel Fine(.'aeiiiierel.oai, iilack frock nlolh d., - Kaplans, -- .. Caimere Pants v- -t baliuet do., Fin Vests, of alt description, While Shirts, Woollen and Merino under do., Hat 3c Cap, Bool It Shoe, While and blue blanket, and many other article too numerous t mention, which will be uttered at the lowest casti price. Jin ainae Brown muslin, blenched muslin, denims. hfcWy i.i I . . , . ir.pe, satinets, Kentucky jeans, twilled and plain naniieta, caucus, iuiiniure pruiia, on cnucu, ur- laiues, ousbmeres all wool, French merino, and a AVa slyU of Poplin, Bonnet Ribbon, and a large lot of desirable trim ...... .... men in ngs. urcgou uiiy. oepi. a, isuu. NEW STORE, AND New Goods! B.A.HUGHES TUTOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the publio that he ha just opened a star IX onCGO.X CITY, in ths bouse lately occupied by Chuilos Pope, Jr. 1 1 in sine ransisteof the articles usually found in such establishments, and embraces , Dry Goods, Groceries, Fancy Articles, Ac, Ac, which will be seid LOW FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Purchaser, are invited to call and exam ine my etock before buying e'sewhere. My s abi shment is ou Maiu Street, near the Calholie church, at Iho fuot of the road coining down the hill. B. A. UUUHKS. Nov. 17, 186U 32tf LEGAL NOTICE. A.F. Hedge, Plaiulitt, tt. nld McLetizhlin. Defendant. rpO DAVID McLUUOlll.1., a non-resioent I delendanl : Yuu are hereby notified lhat un less yu eppear in the circuit court ol Iho tte oi Oregsn for the county ot iu.csainaa, io uo neiu m Or.,.in Civoii Ihe lirsl Monday in March, A. 0. 1861, and then and there answer the complaint uf tlie plaimiff filed in theabove-enlitled ease agamat vnu. for Ihe recovery of the anm of nineteen hun dred Holiara and interest thereon from the 1st of Sentember. 1859, at ihe rate of two per cent, per month, upon a promissory note g ven by yoo to said plaintiff on ihe sa d lt S. ptcm'ier, 1859, the same will be taken for coufnsaed, and the prayer thereof Drained by the enurt. 8 JAMES K. KELLY. Nov. 24, 18fi0m3 Att'y for Tiff. GUiV-SMITIIIJVG! V TtTTTTiT". Si VV AUATAI j TTEREBY in'erms the puhlie that he hsscon XX eluded to remaiu in OKEUO CITY, at be old stand, which he baa lately tilted up with every oonveu enee lor.loiiig worn ia hie nno. exa- -arj im mm9 of sll k;nda. kept on hand, as Rifle. Shot-Gon, Uevolvers. and Powder. Haks (not wh ). wa- ler-proof percawion ckds. etc. Also, liuoe of his own manufacture throughooi, well mounted, and beautifully Mucked wuh tiregon maple. Work by any kind of smell inachineTy per rrn,. in the iiusM sou roved manner. I he Ladiie should not fail lo give bim a call, aa l..r. are nisuv Ht:le articles la boaaehold ar- rang ments wb.eb be can arrange fc thi m a the. aa..test atvlf. On account f the late street improvements his ehea op etairs, bal it ea. be easily found. janS Yamhill Trade. Th Fast-running Steamer M. CLlXTOX, Capt Jiat D. Mtttea, makea gulaf trie u Dtytta aauf Lafoyettt, three tinv a weea, wav- 1 in L2aAsrun .tarf Xloao.T. vsenoewjay. " frit?, arsing, al 8 .k-rorunig ei oey Reduced PrtCC8 Goods1 Cheaper than Ever 1 N. BROWN TAKES thi method of Informing his friend and the pnbhe generally that h HAS REMOVED l a house aearly - : , . Opposite his old Stand, where h ha commenced business with hi bro ther under the style uf Browii & Brother, who will alwerebe happy to wait on their ahl friend and customers iu th way ol' showing igthein Goods of the Very Best Quality, which, hsving been bought tow In San Francisco, from the largest importers in laiilorui, tney ate ableloaell ' as cheap as CAN BE SOLD in P o rilan d! Thsy will also constantly receive , Goods by Every Steamer. Their stock consists of ALL KINDS OF DEESS GOODS, GENTLEMAN'S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Roots and Shoes, I lata aud Caps, afAeref fc3 Our main object by Ibis notice is to inform the puuim lll SI Ul. wui w .in public that w are sound to aell goods , , . . i , As low 8S tllCy Can be bought Ul ,1 1 1 A I Portland, and no mistake. If this is doubted, we have only to say, call and satisfy vaurselves. Ladies nnd gentlemen will al. wave ba welcome, aud Will aa wiiliea ou wim promptness. To the Farmers WE WOULD SAY ' Look for the sign of DROWN S; BROTHER, and don't leave town till you give ns a call. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN in exchange for Goods. Oregon City, June iiJ. BBTHBXi OOLLSOB. T II E session of Ihe College year commences on Ihe third Monday of November, ine ponimeiioeineut exercises are held un the 4lh of July, when the yearly vacation ensues. rACtll.TT. L. L. tlowland. President, Professor of the Greek end Hebrew Languages, Moral and Inlet Icctmil Philosophy. Khetoric, aim lygic. John II. Hull. I'rofessor of Latin, tjnemtsiry, Geoorrv. Mineralogy. Huiany, und History. Nnthanael Hudson, fmlesser oi .iinmemanos, Natural Pliilueonhv, Aslionumy, and Political Philosophy. 1 ho course of studies pursued will be enuiva lent lo that el' Eastern College 'I he German, French, and Spanish will be taught by competent nrofeivkOiti. which, with the lltbrew, will be at the notion of the student. r.... . . . . ti e I..J student Bpiying tor aumissinn win no remiirru In have a tlionniL'h knowledire of Ihe I'.iiglisli bmnohea, Ekmeniary Algebra, Cawar, Virgil s B ifid, Cicero's Orutions, the Greek Reader, and iho four Gonela. a nl.,,.,. I liil,.v.nli.fl anrl l.tiemical annara1 i . ... . . . tua has been recently received from the bast also, a select library of miscellaneous and standard class cal works. College tuition 8 .2 per annum. Tlie Hoard nf i'rusieei have also made ar ranrremrnla fdr the di liveriiitf ol Theological lec tuies for the benefit of students in that depart ment. BETHEL ACADEMY. Bethel Acad, my is under ths instruction of the College Profe-eors. afeiaied by experiouccil teach era The Academical year commences nn the 1st Monday of Septsniber, and ia divided into four quarters of eleven weeks each. tiihi or tuition raa auanTsai Primary iJruartineut B S 00 .limine " -- Geoeraohv. Arithme tic. Eugl sh Grammar, and History 7 00 Middle liepartnieut Higher Anthnietio, F.iaoiaiitatv Alrehra. Lmrlish Analvss. and Itoisny S 00 Senior Detriment Natural and Intelli e- tuut Philo-ophy, Chemi-l-y, Urology, M neralucy, Khetorie and Logic, Higher Maihematica. Laiianaires. aud buuior Cla-a of Normal Department 10 00 Particular attention pai I to rea l ing and spell ing through the entire course of studies, and to Klociilion aud lon.pueiliou iu ine .i.iuuie aim ov i.ii.r llenartiiienla. A Normal Uepirtmrnt hsa been orgsnizea, up ou ths plan f the N. York Slats Normal School, with particular reroreure lo preparing young laoies and gennemeo for leaching. This department is n oractical and successful operation. (tudeiiU of the Aca.iemy will have Ihe advan tage of the l ullcat library, apparatus, and le. turea. StU'ients Df'PS' ng for College, also those desi roue f pursuing oollegiule stud es without design. ing a full eciine, will b nuder lb instruction of the Co lire 1'rolessors. Cunveuieut srrangeraenU can be mad fur board al reasouahle ralee. Hooka med ia Ih school eao be obtained at the Colleve building at Cash prices, - liy order of the Heard Bethel. Polk co.. Sept. 29, i860. 2'Jtt Ladies: F TOD Wisn Usrt-UeS UilefiaJOj aJVWaVWj '....AT A LOW PRICE. BS SUBS TO CALL AT THE STORE OF BROWS BROTHER. CBAcSilstcr-WwsysM aal NOTICE. TO A. Falconer, Mary Jane Faleenef, Charlea Cult Ing, Heiikir, Hie next of kiA, and all lienf lierwiui veueerued i Yna and each of you oie' hereby uolilied dial Jainee Ullloer, guardiaa of Emilia unJ Ira Cutting, miuor children aud heir of Andrew J, Cutlinj, deoeased, ha filed hi P tillou in Ihe comity ooitrt uf Clackain eouniy, Oregon, praying said eoort for lioense M aell the N. &. v uf section twelve (19) and the 8. K. qr of Motion one (I), in township Ave eoulh and range two 1,9) eaat, ltuatd and being in eaid Siale and county (also, kite numbered arven and eight (7 and 8) In block numbered eight (8), n Ihe town of Caiiemah, in said Mate and enuuty Ih anm being Ih property of th said Emma aud Ir. You are therefor directed ind require) to appear before said court on Wednesday th Otb iu iM dav of FsbruArv. A. n. 1RGI, at llio enurt- house lu said county, nt 10 o'clock A. a. of aaid day, to show cause, If any you have, why eaid license t aell said properly should not be grautsj by aaid court, liy order uf the court. Jan. n, isdi. " " RALSTON k MYERU, lVAefo and Rttail Dialer in 1 1f U.lln ftjrijiiiji-m T&U1 UIIUHUIOV) ra now In receipt of NSW OOOII aelectej with much car in Sou FranoiMO. WE have jus! received ex Northerner ana Brother Jonnlhati, French, English, Of f AMERICAN PRINTS, . a a bleaohed sheeting and long cloths, plain onrrea muslin , dodosnipiiinslin, Victoria Iswn, orown sheeting a shirtings, hickory strip, dsuiiDS.arnu aud ships duct. IRISH LINENS, linen damask, whit damask, labia eovere, Rus sian towels, aud crash. I, A II S K k t) white, yellow, red, grey, a blue, plain and twill ed, plain figured eatinels, janes, oetteuadee, wool husey beautiful style blaukela, white, red, blue, a grey. Iloiiorri. Indie', missel', and ehildreii brown, sine, ana mixed hc geuls' aud boya' wool aud ootlon half hose. Boots and Shoes: a large lot genl' fine, medium, and coarse boots 4 shoe, ledie' and niiase' calf ahoe, gailem, 4 slipper, boy' bout shoes, ohilJrlus' iho, fuuey aud pluiu. Ha r dtc a re: Pocket knive9, pinning and bud ding knives, kuives and forks, sciasors and slicara, butti and screws, strap hinges, door locks, variety ot styles and patterns, hand saws, tenon saws, compuss saws, bench planes, chisels, au ' i .. . . ' . i.i.i.. gers, auger uitis, axe, uaicncu-t, hammers, shovels, hoes, potato rakes, brads, tacks, uuisinugBau. cut nails, wrought nails, horsu nails, tfce. aE3k33..mCW; i 1 1 an . sugara. coueo. ie. "yruii, yw, r, -r LllvJor., candle, salcra.us, yeast powders, crea... u. a mu! ml. MiitlrViV niALIlAB DIIU. PCrUH brushca, paint bruslic. brooms, dust brushes, hand bellow, wooden pail, wah tuba, ana was. board. PJlIJYTS $ OILS: Whit, lead, red lead. Von. red, Priawian bluf chrome yellow, chrome green, burnt and raw um bel, yellow a black paint, vanuja .rewu, s. s. Skiiiio and assorted colored smalts, .. . Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil, Polar oil, lard oil, fish oil, tanntr' ail, China nat il, &.O., &o. w. -ill ha reeeivlne bv every ateamor addi' linns t. our present exteiisive stock, and FARM- BUS and others will nnd It to inoir uTauiaK . call and examine our poods and prioe hefnr. buy ing elsewhere. Term!. VaXmn, Oregon City, October 1, 18b0. COFFINS. CM. KESTER, Undertaker. WOULD inform the people of Oregon Ciiy and viciuily that he will keep a supply uf Ready-made Coffins, of all sizes, constantly on nana. lie will also keep a bto .nv ax mm mum, and will be prepared to attend to sll the necessary business of lunemla connected witn nis uae, Shop near thi Seminary. ear" Custom from the country is respectfully ol.cilcd. Jne 13, 1KWI. All Kinds of Produce TAKEN IN EXCHANGE -ri r t n n A t O AT BROtTN A SROtnER'S. Just Received, A LARQE LOT OF Dry Goods and Groceries, Which will be sold low Tor Cash or Country Trodnea, V xnnlil aav tu the Farmers. Before you go to Portland to buy Goods, call on ne, al we will take Flour, Hacon, Butter, kggs, ate., ana giro in exchange Goods aa low aa caa be bought in Portland. , DANNENBAUM AliArna. Oregon City, Nov. 10, 18rVl New Arrangement. THE attention of the public eaiieo to ine iaoi that from and after the 13th day .f Novem ber, I WW. the Island Mill- at orefon wty .:n i .i,.t. uniter ihe cenlrol of Chamwn St uv..n...to that the service of Mr. A.J.Cbap. mnn as miller have been seemed. A supply of FLOUK win always oe louno ai Me-srm. Allen 4 Lewis' and at II. Us .. Port- land t also at Uie Mora at btuuraaa cs ".ruer, Oregon City. ' t , fJfT au rioor orsnasa .uarnwn at ".'i", is warranted If a 1. CH lUXAJ S WAltnitMi. yor.n.taw. tf GENTLEMEN: I HAVE TAKEN THE MAIN 6TREE1 HOUSE, and will try to' ronder satisfsetioi ta all who may eheoa. to honor m with a tall. As lore r nay Brat a'-,": 7.7 '-, .-.il