' 'M'ibV Yoo'ui Ktrr.' Soma jenn tfO, an old aim painter, who wn mrj crow), very ffrulT, and lilllu deaf, wn en (rngcd lo paint the Ten CommnndrneiiU on $nm lublet in church not firo mil'f from Buffalo. II worked two dan t it. ond t llie end ot the lecond iy the pnMor of the church ennie to tee tow the work pro gressed. Tho old roin atood by, imok'nn aliort pipe, m tho rererend gcutlcmin ran bis tye over tho Ublata. ' Kh!' suiU the putor, ai hia fumiliar eye detected wmi-thliif wronjf io the word ing of the holjr precepts; wlijr, you cure m old portion, you have left a part of one of the coumtindmeuti entirely out; don't you ace?' 'No; iioaiic'h thine' mm! the old mnn, putting on hia apectaclci; 'no, nothing lift out whert-r ' Why, there,' Mrnited the paator; 'here look nt them In the liihle; yoa bare left some nf the roinmnndinenta out.' ' Well, wlmt if I havef aaid old Obatl nnry, na he ran hia ere complacently over hia work; ' what if f have? There's more thcro nntr than you'll koepl' A int her and a more correct artist waa employed the next day. ftuT Friend tltut are worth having; are not made, hut grow,' like Topay in the novel. An old tnnn gave this advice to hia mm, on hia death bed: 'Never try to mnko a friend.' Enemies come fust enough without cultivating; the crop; and friends who ore brought forward by liot-hoiwe ex pedients, ere apt to wilt long before tbey ore fuirly ripened. Three Lisvei.r.ns. The ruuity oftlmae distiuctioni on which mankind pride them selves will be sufficiently apparent, If we consider Hie three places lo which all men Diiikt meet on the sume level at the font of tho crois, In the grave, and at tho judg incut bar. AIN5WpaTHJDIERD0RFFs J E & y, ITT E AUK MJW OPENING! " T Ga.f:maDa2.:a:r, AND FAMILY GBOCEBY at h i old s:snd, where be will keep en hand Everything in hw Lino, Moral Wroso. There is not a sell! or ricioua nction of which man is capable, from which bo ia not deterred, by a puni tive coiitcijuent attendant upon, It, even in una we. BUSINESS CARDS. DROWN & BROTHER, ... IVWm( and Retail Dealert in... mi-La and rNcr Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Cups, lioow, allocs, tfca, OliUfiOV CITY. W. 0. JOHXMON, ATTORNEY & COUNSIiLOIl AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chancery, WILL promptly attend to any business which may bo committed lo hia professional chargo bufure tho District did Supreme Count. Oflice over Milwuin'e tin iloro, immediately op posite the Maiu Street House. Oregon City, October I, IS59. JOHN R M BRIDE, . ATTOSRSV AND COtiaslLOA AT LAW, Iafayctte, Yamhill County, Oregon. WILL faithfully attend to ell business en trusted lo liii professional care. K ALSTON Se MlTiSIW, WHoLKaMLR AND RKTAII. DKAI.KR3 IN u Ji N K It X L MEKCJIiA NDIS E Corner Main and Fifth Street; OR soon ciTT, oar.Giw. THE ...AND or... VERY BEST QUALITY. He keeps constantly on hand a largo lut of DESIRABLE FAMILY GROCERIES, wh eh he sell iu kiw aa they can be b night it any ether home In mwn. Ne pans will be ejierel lo five entire siiiis'ae lien lo ell whe may lavor him wild a cell. All or dm will b .- fi ed wiih niu.h prumptnea. aud fairness hi personal presence will secure. PAKTII'tt FUllMSflKD with everything in hie line mi the horleet notice. WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER. Oregon Chy June IA, IRfiO. in THB Zfew rire-rroof Brick, a larci and wsi.l-amiiktkd stock or GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feelinf perfectly Moure ealuit fire, we will new Offer Grtatrr Inducement, than evtr to the publio. We are con.uiilly In receipt of g-J- mm mm mm X 17 ciiauman oi'd npe-iriiiiy in'orm ihe v 1 pee,.WorOi0(JVC77T. ii.dihep-.b- eleeled with the freeleel eero (to lo lcee end : lr"''. hl If a i.l ierryii.g on bu. mom ojimlny;. aud are eenndenl that ifurfacilitirew.il ruable u lo H'r and nil gotili AT PORTLAND PRICES! (freiirlila en), and would idr;w all Ihoae viailiiif llm eiiy lo .inche veole. la examine our eiock and pricie ln-fur iiun lMia ic ! hrre. We have, and arejiM rewniuu, en Invoice of eonaialinc in part nf the fllowln atliclee Cehe. 00, Pacific, lladli-y, Cuealifi, NpraU, Philip Alien, rail llir.r. Slermnau, Hi lee, nnd uuiner oua iilhrr ohnice PKlNni, all ImIi itftfi Knf. Iih A'. Kri-uch iiiariiioe, Lvaure i loih, inoh.iir end oilier IVhii hiaxe, wool, dr. niualia do laiura, blrick, blue, purple, Sc pink mrinne, fam y plaida, j icoiift. book, awiaa, At mull munlni, ladin rinli. aeia, vollara. Inlkfa oVakirla, dri-aa He bminei If.in iiiiiiEt, Hrnrh It douiMi e ginithaiua, Frew h la wua from U' lo Sii, blue, mii'il, & gtoy mi! ual, wunl ic i 1 oil jii", cf tuimih-, blrai-he.l end brown heetiii from 3-4 lo Hl-4 w de, brown and bh'MClied dlilla, den inn, hickory hirlinf; 8.lria, mariue, brown, and Iriih liin-u, aankceu, i aprr, and cruali, a large lot of liueu end thrrud Ueei aud ediii, hoaiiry, Ac. MEN'S d BOYS' CLOTHING : Dluo, black, aud hrown cloth emla ; 10 dot hlk cloth vtala, 6 dm white ami bull' Marnrillea do., velvet and ealia do.; 30 dot wttinel paiila, doer-kin and mncy eaMUim re do, 3d dux merino and oil Ion uudrmliirln, grey, blue, it blauk cloili over coale, with f .-ueral anaortinuiil of jenu' furuiahiuj foodt. HOOTS 4 SIIOr.S-Mm': boyi', ami yeullia' boele; ladira', mimea', and childreu'a ma roccn, goal, kid, and calf I 'ongreae buete, wild & without heela; Indira' kid aliipera. Rio and Java cufli-e, lil.u k mid green Ira, N. 0.. China, Uuiavia Inland, Cat, refined, and cruahed augur, K. Iluiinn, Cel., augar-hniwe, 4 golden ayr up. aalt, 5 to tillO lb ka; Kill kga naiU, uMleii a; 1 1 ill's pale, cliemiciil, 4 Kuglmh o.ip, aonu now- di ra, powder, ahot, i lead; yeaat pw ler, aalera tu, cream tartur, amok nir 4 chew ng tubai-co, green corn, peat, tamaluei, eruv and Hacklier riei, in 'i lb linn; ejiice, prpier, and canaia, prurl hurley, niaecnroui, Veriu.celli, corn atnrch, aim. 0111U, weluute, Hmiil imta, raiama, I lull prachea, drii-d fruit; innckerel, iu qr 4 hlf bhla; sardiuea. A fine aaanrlinrnl of CROCKERY TABLE CUTLERY t SO eratea auorii-d ware, ' All dux ateel pivka, SO Dutch 4 lldla hoes. H7t'f Lend, OH, and WiWow 6'r7 with a variety of other artielea usually kept. ' ' IT We will pay cueit fir wheat, Hour, baeon, butler, eegs, aud almost aver) thing the farmer hua 10 sell. Ori'giui Tiiv, April IB. IN.'iR. SIMILKAMEEN GOLD MLES, HAVE TURNED OUT tXJTWM OCT THE " Eagle Boot ft Shoe Store " is NO ULSlBVa 1 TTEUK TOU CAX FIND THE 11 tl. Dr. It. IV. HKI.L, DENTAL SURGEON, VV perronn all operaliena belongiu; lo v r ins proiesaion, 111 mo most approved style. 1 noes nxidernle, lo suit the lim -a. tT Kuoma In nonyona tiallary llitilding, SALEM. d9 j. c. AiNswoara. WM. DIKItDOKFF. AIXSUORTIl A DIERDORFF, wnot.ESAI.K AND RRTAIt, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DRY ; GOODS, CLOTHING, Booti t Short, and Crockery, In llis now I ire-proof llriik Main stht 0KKUON CITT. T. t'HARMAN. A. WARNER, Oharmaa alt Warner, (1ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WIIOLauLI 4 ABTAIL Deatlora Iu Di f Uooda, m.ii.:.... rr. st . . wiuminY, jiiinncjie, ,rocKert, utauicare, uaolt, bhori, J'aints, Oih, dr., iutliair fira-proor Dnck Main stuit ORKtiDN CITY, ORKOuN. GEO. A. XOBU; A.M. & M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. O&CO NEXT DOOR TO MR. C.lf flELD'S STORE, NRAR Til It BREWER y. N.fl Family Medicine prepared iu the moat careful milliner, aud always nn hand. Oreyow dry Ajaroh ill), )8.-i9in3 J. U. I'AINTUH, (UTa O'UNAAA 4 fl,1Tt) Dealer in Type, Tresses, Priuting Material, Paper, Cards, iinit PrinUrt' Stock generally, 1.13 Clay ttrevl, near Sansome, 45l Ss FaANcieco. Koniaii Eye Halsam, FOR WEAK 4 INFLAMED EYES. THIS RALSAM waa used for many tears iu the private pruclii e of u crlcbraled Uculisl. w.th rein.irkable succesa. fur diseasea of the Lva and Kyeli'la. Ihore are m iuy mrnons who would rather sulK-r fnun pain and discaxe ihrouch life. Ihun cridil or try the ellit-iu-v of unv Ui w d sciiverv: nil sue h had bi-ller not read Ihis, but to all reasona ble persons this preparation i recoinmended as a uiOKt safe and i ft'cctual euro fr i11ll.11111n.1t.011 of the Kye and Ky.-I da, caust-d either by 10.1 clone apilii-atiua lo iniiiiilenhjecla, scrufuloua hubit. ex poure Iu eolil, blows, cunt us. ons, r irrilulimi frum any rxtninnous lxly under ilia eyelids. It is remuikublily aiiothuig in itaeneut.ainl h.is cured thousunda who wuuld 01l1rrw.su h.ivo lust their sight. Iu cases the Kyelids nrv inflamed, or the ball of the Eye thickly oiivered with blood, it acw al most i.ka imigie and retnuvi nil npiHarmiwa nf intlaminution after two or three applications. There is 11 numerous olum nf Mrson Hint are pecu liarly eXHin d to airidrula ur disraxp thai wruki n and intlaine the Kyes, and perhupa destroy Hie siuht, who, from the nalureuf the r emp ovments, are iouipellil In work in a eloml of dust aiid gril. Suih should uever be without this HALS A.M. lieiiiember, "Seeing ia lii lieving." 1'r ce 83 cento per jar. I Irepared mid sold by A. II. i. 1). SANDS, urutjifisis, lilt) rultnii atret, New York. rnrsale bv II. .Iuiinsii.v Sl(. nrf t. M a. Wan frnnc ei-o; Idea &.'nrri, Marysvil e li. II. McDonald ft Co. Kicrsmm.io. I hv viummat-uerniiy. J Illy 2 1 Itlit STUFF hat will siaml llie tare and wear. It proa- k cis well, for I raise the colnr ev. ry pan, and if tho timea were only n little brisker, I ilunk that it wuuld piy very well; aud if you don't believe I il, just co.nx nnd buy a piir of U' 10 li, after you II J IIKUI UN, iur I Hare JikI Received A NEW ASSORTMENT 0 BOOTS AND SHOES, or The Latest Style and Fashion Genta' fine sewed French calf boots, also pegged en 1 1' boots and shoes of all sorts and sites ; Indies' kid, morocco, en inii-l and cloth gaiters, silk elas tic ('niii.'ress-lii-rl gailvrs, iniws'Kuilt'rs aiH shuea or every kin, I, cnarne nnd hue ; hoys ahoes uf ev ery kind that ia nieniiiMK-d iu mv rhyme: chil dren'a calf ami top.ier loud shuts; ladies tiu-1 children's IKMIi of ail sizes, white, brown, and fancy; Mdler's Water-Proof ULACKlNLi J. 9. Masuu a lilackmg ; KliiMUiiilkr, Fitldiiifa, . IYg, awls, hammers, llircnd, wax, naila. and sliue-kuivi-a. I'haiikful for past patronage, I respeetfully en. icu a cuiiiiiiuuiive ol patronage rruiu mv old cus toiuera uml ns inniiy new ours ns chissw Iu Rume, Ladies an I gentlemen, give urn a cull, yutiutr an old, great ami small, brave and bold, for I w II be reuriy uml happy to wait on nu nil, and in panic uiar t lie laun-ei I iiko to see I hem cumo lo pay uis a vihiu liPineniDf r lliu pmee Tito Daoro Eaot of Broun d Brother, JlnliKtn-el, . . OwRoiiCify f - l: j ...i-. ... . tja ura aim g'iiurman, i assure you mat I can aell you boots mid shoes as che ip as any house in tiiwn.nr a little cho.irwr fur cash down. Small profits and quick sale, that is the talk that Mis II" '"'- myl9 4. MUONKV. Pacific Ifuicersity, Furtil Grate, WuMnton Co., Ortijun. Iter. S. H. Mabii. A, M., Pmidrul. lUr. II. Lyman, A.M., Prof. Mmhtmatia. flIlK enllrgijtle veer.eonsisting nf one l rin of JL nine moulds, wi l igm.nruce uu the first Weilueilay nf November, It la the drsign in Ihis Institution to furnish a Ihorougli and complete vullrgiale eduialiou. There is a Library of IUUU vuluuios for iho uh of the Mudeuis. Appl cauls fur adin'ss'nu lo eolVge mn4 have ku-.wled.: ol lh eomiiion Kugli-h hruii -lies, ud have aludied the aiicn-nt liuguages so far a tu have read portions ol terser aim Uci.ru sud llie lireek Keiider. The lu.liou fee ia 133 par auuuiu. Slmlenis fliiluf fur eullrge, aa well asoihers w illing lo pursue i-ollegisle slud ea without en tering upon the enhegr course, will be under lliu in-lruolion of llie eiillege lea- hers, Tho full term of 1 1 weeks in the pn-pattitory di-parlriK'iil coiumi-m-ee oil Iho 'Ji VYeouesdu) of September. Tuition, $1 per term. TUALA TINACA D EM Y. Turilalin Academy, for the emu ng year, will he under the ilirtor un ami uoniclioii of llie I'ol leue I'rufnsKirs, Willi stivh AMiislaul iustruclura as lh. y may tind nwi a-ary lo isrry it forward effi ciently and successfully. The full term w II eomm nee on Weilnea luy, Sept 19. tucouiinui- eleven weeks. Ti itkin ('oinuion hraiiehee. $ t higher, A small additional charue will be made lis? furl, 4,0. Instruct unia Faiul.ug ixtxa, lo such aa receive it. N D The oollerale ami the collegiate pre' paralury deusrini -ills will commence on Widu. s- day, the 3 1 st of October el llie eonimenceiiienl ol lite last half of the auademii-al term, at whu-h time l'rea Msr-h is expected, wiih ioiiiim Ii lit as. tisluut leanhers fruin Ihe r.asl, lo bo ready to lass H i piaee in Ins Inslilullun. 1'rof. I.ymsn, Willi the assistance of Mrs. C E Adams, will earry forward Iho aeademeul de paniiieni till ihe returu of Pres. Alarah. fepl. I, IboH, SI If I can ailmitiisler In a mind (and budy) diauoaed, Aud wiih a ael oid.noaa aiiluMe I'ksiise ihe fuul syslrm of iu per.luusiturT." 6As. A Blessed & Divine Remedy SANGUIFEROUS NERVINE TONICI Head my Theory of LIFE and DEATH, rnil.ST most diseaera prove Mian mm eany rTlllfS new elarn-wheel slramss 1 d.ailiso.xur; ihalpiplelvei..ryearsal v. E X F R E S S ing di-nlh. weak, inaiiimaie, and ehausled-nol , - Muster sll i. fioin.h. diMoi.-lf. bin from ... inahiliiy In Mrun ke, uaiure. and nuiure'a slniiglh is wilhrtiiml or " ; S.V; """uay. ..,....i. I,r. il.iou.rh Ihe ravajee ef disease V ?."": " lw "-. i i in r.a. PURIFY THE BLOOD. MOFFAT'S Vegetable Life Pills CHARLES BARRETT, (old mst orrica,1) rORTLAXD, OGN., IL'Ya mil kindt of I FRl'iTS, STRAWBERRIES, Cherrit; Apple; $e , sells all kiuda of Xntt, Orange; Fig; Raisin; CanJie; Stationery, Newspaper, Periodi cals, Novels, etc. A ent for tho San Franeitco Bulletin and A I VaUjarnia, tho kett papen puklithed on the I af'Se ront. if All kindt of Pioduco kought and told on ""'"""'" Juno 3t)mt SANDS' SARSAPARILLA, KK.MKM1IKK, THIS IS TUB Oruruml and Genuine Article ACKNOWLKDUED TO SC The Best SarmipariRa Ever Mudi! rlllllS unrvale.l pripiralion lias perfurmed -S. some iu Ihe must uMiinihiii!f cures that m a recor.i.d m the liwlnry of Mi d cine. The rapidi. ty with which the putient r covers llialili a'nd Mr titflli Mti.iw, urn iiiiHiruci- issurnris llff. r.nrli naur mm ill which it is applied furnishes in Ihe reuli a n.ie -ertilicaie of its ellicacv and excellnue.'! an. I wm iiitieuniy iiipoiui lu llie accmuulaied lesliinoiiy I inuilituuca who have expern nced its heuelicial uecis.iu convince the must mere, In una of i,. uul... Do not furg -t lo ask for Sands' Sarsauirilla. t" For sale by II. Johnson At l o. sn I rtun. iNuroM & t o., Kill hruociscot Kin it. I'orriN. Al. ....... .lo il II ' ,.,, ., lor, u. ii, .hcuiimld ot Co., Nicratneiitii; aud by Kriigsls generally. july lli3 BOOKS! BOOKS! i T THE OREGON CITY BOOKSTORE, .... consisting nf. .... Standard Keliirious. Miseellan eotijt, and Poetical works. Waverly and Dickens's Novels, etc., etc, fcc. Stationery, of all kinds, etc. AH SB D. D. STEPHENSON, Young1 America Broad-cast Se ed-Sower! Simplicity, Utility, Durability, nun ueapness uonibmeUJ R.8. RICKEY'8 IMPROVED BROAD . t..HT HEF.D -HOWEft. Patented, March 20, 1859. I 1 . ",,,cl""e well adapted lo sowing nil X. kiu.la ni gra il and graas seed, hemp seed, Vo. It sows more regularly th in cuu possibly bo -.itii uy nuiin, or any oilier iniicluue ever intiii M..WU. n is (irnectiy simple in its voustructiuii, nun not a jo o to get out o onler; it is easily un irrsmo i, aim noes away with the hard maiiuul luhoruf sowing grain dung the same amount of i.iour iu two hours that could he dune in one day by the onliiiniy method of sow ng. The mach no can be carr ed while bi-ing used, as it we gha but five puinds, .,r, by a a iiiple frame, il can be al iased lo a wsgmi. When it is carred.il is wrapped on the body of Ihe operalur. a strap to go across the right shoulder nnd underthelelt arm, also a strap buckled around the bn ly.aud a alrap Iroin the top of the sack, amund the ueck. Shnu,d ihe Muclniie by accident g t broken, auy linncr can repair it nlihough by proper cure ihe Machine will lust a life lane. jut u, b-i appreciated, it must bo seeu. It will sow the various grains an I seeds the following d insures: vt heat, oil feet at a cast, or 100 ft, at a round Huts, .to " 7),i .. Ilempseed, 4U " " 80" " II, U. seed. 36 " 7J ' " Ti ninth y a"d. 35 " 5t) ii Other gra ns and seeds in the same nrmv.rti,,,, It will also row wet and limed grain per.ecily well! Louuly Rights Jor Safe on CW Terms. Addr.se, 8.8.8XOW, Purtland. Thisw wisliing to procure mach nea. -an annlv to the above, ur to II. M. Ilmnphiey, Portland, or C. V. Iliyanl, isweyo, Oregon, and orders will be punctually fill. ej. Sept. 8, lnm4 rTllIE high and envied celebrity which these pre X eminent Medicines have acquired lor llieir liivnMible elli. acy in ail Ihe deeasea which they irofe to cine, has rendered the usual pruciicu of pulling not only uuiiei essiry, but unworthy of lliem. I hey ara known by thsir Inula; their KOod works testify for them, and they thrive bot by the lull II or ihe ere iuluus. In all cases of asthma, scuts and cliron'c rlictt matism, alT.ciions of ihe bladder aud kidneys. bilious rovers nnd liver complaints. in Iho soutli and weal, where these diseases prevail, thev w II De toiimi tuva.u ble. riantpra. fsnn. rs, un liitli. era, who once use these Medicines, will never af-i-rwnrds he without lliem. D)sepla. .u person w'lh this d'stressing niseaso shuiild iielay using these medicines imme dialely. Eruptiuusuf ihe skin, ervsipdus, Hutu leney, fever aud ague foi this scourge of the western country, tliee medicines will be found a sate, siiee.ly, and certain reiiie.lv. Other medi t net leave the sysiern auhjeet lu a roluru of llie disease a pure by these incdicinee ia pcrmaiieut. isr tiiku. as ssTisrien. asu tr. cvbkd. Slercurui Ul,.r.Never fails to eradk-ato entirely all Ihe ellecta of Mercury infinitely suonc "i"" "weriiii preparui on ol sarsapar Un, Night Swat: Nervout Debilitu. Nereout comjtaintt of all kind; Organic Aftctiont, ruipiuuion oy ini uenrt, fainter o ehalic. . I lies..-1 ht. orgiuul pMiirielur of lliese medi cines waa cured of IMes of 3 i years' atund tig hy llie use uf these I, fe Mediciues alone. - Worms of nil kinds are erKx'luullt ex,,el,ed by lliese med io in, a. I'n rents will do weil lo udiiininier tliem whenever llieir exist, uce is suspected. Relief will be certain. 7"Ae Life FilU and Pktnix Bitten Purify Ihe blood, and thus remove all disease fio n Ihe vsiem. A single trial w II rdiice the LIFE FILLS and PHtENlX BITTERS bevuud the reach of compel tiou in the estimat.ou of every palicut. 17" Prepared hy 1K. WILLI AM R. MOFFAT, 335 Broadaay, cor. Worth tt., New York. FLEMING, Agent, at the Foot Office, 3 Y Oregon City. ESTA3LISHED 1761 All Kinds of Produce TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOE, GOODS, IT ftKOftX A SB0TBCJ.-8. OKEGON HOSPITAL, . PORTLAND, OREGON. J . .Hawthorne, A. M. Zsoryea III1IVIII, " fy At ew Arranircnipiif. TllfC attention nf the pool is called b.the fact that from aud after tho I3ih dav of Noinn. bet, ItlW. tho ' XaUnd Mlllf at Oreron Oitr will be entirely under Ihe control uf Charman 4k W arose slso that the eervioee uf Mr. A. J . Chan. nan as miller bare been severed. A supply ef FLOUR will alwavs bo (bond at Mreara. Alk-a Lewa)1 aud at H." Uw'e. Ptwt. land ; also al Ihe etere ol Channel k Waruer, Oregeaj City. tW All' Ftour branded Charman AY Warner k) wairsotrd No I. -,. M tUBMW A WARNER. . II, . r - w DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP M1IIE firm of Allan, .McKiulay & Co., hereto A. fre carrying on bnsinees under thai title at im-guu t ity, ihump.iej, and Lower Mcnttsburg. (Jnipuua, ia hereby UissoKe by mutual consent All parties indebl.il to said firm, or having cla nni upon them, are hereby requested lo seud in their accounts or make payment of the earn- to Geo. T. Allan or Archibald McKiulay al Chamjoeg nr Amory 1 1 ol brook al On-goi: City, who areau! Iliorued loacllle all aci-ounts emine. l, A ee. nnn. Abl,.t,1, .VcKIXLAY r ChauiHeg, Vt.'. 31, IVS9 4tf. Snuff and Tobacco Manufac turer, 16 Jk 13 Cil.VMUEilS ST., (Formerly 4 Chatham street, New York.) AITOULII call the especial attention of Gro- t v cent and liru??;ls to his rmnvk . uo.l !,. me articles ui h.a luaiitil.icture, vim slUUWX HM't't', Maccaliny, l.tngr.i, if me Itappee, IVv Virginia, Cuarsc Kuppi-e, Kachilnches, AiiKT.c.it. einilleninn, Copenhagen, 1 fcl.LOW UNtFF. Scn,ei! Fresh Se.itch. Iliglt Innsl ,-cotch, Ir .h High Toast, t imu iioiu j uew acoicli, or Lund yluot. TUtt.Vl.l'.U. aMoxiNU. nt cuTcuawi.ua. o.l, P. A. L. or tiluiii. St. .! No-S, Cavendish, ursweet, Kuuuish. ".ifc-jmixa, Siv.et-sc.ntc.10roiioco, Canister niietiwi, lilHimlt-uvendish, Pure Turkish, Circular of Trices will ha sent on aiiulicaliun. JX. H. iVule the new art.cl.. t Vr.,k nulT. whxli wdl be found a superior article for Pl'iug pmpra. mh 1 7m:id I -2 Uma ilisui sir. lurth. and unlure will relieve her self, if aliinulnled. Hie has giv-n us lierbs and plai.U loeireut all Una. I'ur fy ihe bkod, render the iuleslima, Ihe liver, the heart, and all Ihe uMiural fun iliiinaiif man er woman active, nr.d viHihave half conquered disease. J)r. JACOII VVK 1(11 Kit dies i-oimcieuiiuu.lv assure all who read ill a. Ilul li a Ssliiudi. r or Invigoral ng t or dial prolucea all the elf Cl above descrila d. He has seen iho old. the toiler ng. lite palsied, llie nervou'. the dvsu n:ic. llie luehrlale, Ihe dtbau- ehee, and the iuvuli I revive under lis iuflutuce, as if uew li e were gireu lll. nl. Dr. Webber's Sanguifier acta on the blood, heart, bra n, inleal nea, sinew nerves. Hie nu d an I semi tlu.ds, and the whole physique, and BENEFITS ALIKE the gloomy hypochoudrae, llie dtspeptio, the nervous, d.b lil.ited and f.ehle. Ihe ov r-duelored invahd, Ihe bilioua and lurer-dist ased suHcrcr, the giiurniand, the deliaucliee. the inletiiierate, and all who sutler ill health. "Oil HORRIBLE! Oil HORRIBLE! Most Horrible! ir When wnrn-oiit nature suecuiii'ja to DF.ATH, because alia has not strength l resist. Now, Ur. Jucb slibcr's Invigorating Cordial oausea strength -that ia ila main quality. The lira! op eration, Tonic; Ihe partaker feels then that iie fin ia caused hia skill ia damp, h a limbs supple an I active he feel a wish fur exercise, aud knows he has strength to endure il ; he ia light spirited: his skiu becomes clear; his eyes, loo. be cause hit titer it m-idt aclice. the hilt neutral ixed or ejected, and hit hlood thinned and puri fied. If he has ii font etomnch, this ncia ns tin ierieiit, not otherwise. Again, il iininidiately relieves belittling, and prcv nls nn nccuiiiulalion of wind in llie stomach. jT ttomach. the great receiver nf dioae and its cure. 1 w II now enu merate n few of tliiuu H seasea where I have stea Dr. tt eblicr's Invigorating Cordial act most beau- I U. a MAIL UifjjT Oregon City nnd Portland ;. elUTXitijA ' Juste., kiniJt'u W ill run dally. (Sunday. caei-ptes) ) 1 num.dir.de, le.vingOr.,.. 6,, ; U., ..vi.k, luiuniiiig, in i.;;.7Jt'i 9 r.N louchlng st allintertnedisieli. a) Forfreighl or parage ,ppy Bally ZlmaT', - Portand und ft fieiL eefteAlLj? ohtjj?; Between uor, tifully t Nervousness, Weakness, Lansn lever una A'ue, UhiJls, ruins in the Limbs, Joints, liody, JJelinuni iremens, ire mors, Constitutional Decline, (from any caiise, Debility . in either sex or age, Torpor of the Liver, Bowels, .6 HABITUAL CONSTIPATION.'! Time. WV. "lOIIFiELD. WATCH. MARtt 1 Persons desirous of r.iiins . Li do well u. giv. m. U, .a m, wl,''! .. .u ui rcpaiimg a Uhrononieus i Uuplea, aud llorixoniel watches. ''i An nsaorinieiil of fine EnglUfc ITA Tru es aU Jewelry ou hand. - . ICW. CLOCKS, wiih weights lo Ihrnj. Jewelry made lo ord. r, and repaired Prices In suit Ihe lime. I an. il.tV .. fuvors, and hope lo give satisfaction f '" W HT U ated al Ihe old stand, e,.,?; ' ....,.l. urn ... notff.ni .i..n.l"""' lar Tat fusticc's Office OREGON CITY. I AM alwave nn hand, ami w'K etlJ COLLECTING OF ACC0Uft" Drawing up of Deeds, Mortgtjj, Leases, Bonds. Powe. 3 Attorney, Contracti, Ac and all other business eornntilled la Ojiee directly oppo.il, th, Uaenit BiuMu. June 16. IBtti. J. K. HCBFORuf' , ' K E L L Y ' 8 ,r TEMPERANCE HOiSL If ilea uniuiai'f !.. ML .1 . OKIiOON CITV.i. 7) GOOD ROOMS FI1TED UP.i,, CI.KAN and eomforlabla HEIw ( fur Ilia especial accuuiinodabou ef Uh'1 Our DI.M.NU HALL h Ihe Inert i, Ones, our fare good, and chargea reasunshla Single meals, oysler suppers, sad tssnm iJ pnrties got tip on shurt notice, In the assirua,.. uer. raioas: Hoard per week, without lodging, " by Ihe day, and lodgin". Single meals, Night's lodging, UN 1 SC w Oct. 22, 1 H.-.9. K. D. KKI.LV, Propristw, AND PHOTOGRAPHIC BOOMS, vppostit ueo. AoernelHy f Vo't Brick lien, '. attFC.ni pitv 1 hi : i ins win iiiniy me tit ck stagnntil bltwd. cause .leiiiiujr aeuun un mo ihiwois, nca.-i, sain, anil rgifiR u..,l.e.:nn..l ... i ,. , . ... ' brain, and thereby revul,.iionie Ihe hole system. T ,L " .ueL . P P ' LU i. . . . j . , ... I JL. Iiesscs, sucu as wii.u.i iiss uecume nunilHUI ana tuaetiva. IHO . . , . . . 1 1 thirds uf hiunau dincases are caused from some of AtllbrotyueS, Mclainotj'peS, PLo Iho abuve organs he.tig dinirguu.icd. Doeiots x i. I I , l.rl fl 1111m ,T- i tuny ten ynii thai you hiKu such und such a .1 a ease, but unlihiiedical practice becomes a ac'ence (and .1 ia nut yet), disease cannot he described lo certaitly, tins singular med due vraduallf strengtheiia llie system, ru!eii. al once Ihe blond, which iroin suiL'gisiinera is rapid, cuurses Ihrougli Hie ve.na and lliu heurl. Muuv I have se. n who assured mn that, three days alter tisi.g it, they nave ie.1 a il nu 01 uu imitinii, mentally null bid ilys their client nnd bieast was before heave: ill iney uic see. uen in settle Iherei llie r resl was uu, quieij their appel le pour: and that this reallv u esscl cunlial removed ad such svumlumc that slreuiflli nf limbs, body, ap;teliie, an I sp r.la was given them by il, end an entire ruvoiutiuu in their worn-out sysirui occurred, GENTLEMEN: IF TOU WANT A.W Fine Clo t hi ng, CALL AT BROWN & RROTIIER'S. GENUINE Lawton Blackberry Tlanta, raoa ma GLEN RUN NURSERY. I WILL have after the let of N.ve. Uwtna Dleckbcrrv bih! several Hi:. P i . . . - "-TV.,,, lao.. ror aate at Ills fvllowine nlacea Oeegua Cily, . . Fureet Grove. McMineilk. W and at any cAhe, pui., 0,.w ,n 1st Jaa.. & all genaina. as I k.r. . ., plant. tr,na the aerd. The. " In the. 81.1. and Calif. Uk ,hu .Vh.tT -,., ruiup uiTz. ' leRiuA Wamrjr.JVat.Sdiir-SJ). . - Mill Seat and Land. f HAVE an excellent M ILL S K A T. L riiiindcd with excellent TI.MRKR Bkih 1 "mild like to have improved. I will give some millwright who wishes in invest iu a saw mill or gr.i mm. or D itn, a ch m,-.. The location M one of Ihe very host for selling lumber a Mel way lo the mill scat, no hills to pull over, i... nanny 10 ncavy settlement.. I wish slso t axil half , ection ,.f LAND lV' P1""' ' ,ix ,nill f Lafay ette, Yamhill county. , 1 W. L ADAMS. 3:lif Nov. 83. 1S."9. G O O D S Exchanged for The Rev. Hubert Schuyler, of Petuliima, says: for years both mvelf and linn her I.,, vm uir..f.,l so frum dyspeps a weakness nf and sour stomach, 111 hgestiuii und Hatiilcnce, that hfc at times was a burden. We have ns.-d your Cordial (Dr. Weh- ocrs incigaraune aancii Her) lour i nc.. ..! I icei ociter tnau Wo have lor years." Inebriates and D r u n k a r d i KB ASM The Appetite for Liquor Dvstromd! ONE of the beiiulifnl pripcrlea puasesscd bv Ult. VVUBBKICS IMTIGDRvTIWG CORDIAL is inai 11 removes till longing or lastn for li.pior ' nave iu. 111,1 mat a'ler il has re- ....ru uui siiengtneiie.1 ihem, quieted llieir nerves, it litis cain-ed aveisiun lo spirits. I have seen it euie aunie of Hie ,o,t frightful canes -..o e iicunun nement harl adually occuried ITSoid by all repeciablo Drug . . j Oregon an I t al forniii, " R'ltxireof Counterfeit,!- ,lal ,h, ,mM of I.Jum. and .1 Wkbbkr, M. II., are on the l"P .if each uiitside wrapper, aud blown in the gia of each bottle. Buy nont other! BEFORE AND AFTER TsKl.vll DR. WEBBER'S SANGUIFIER, Or lavlgoratlif Cardial. The Three Prettiest Girls IN OKSOOIV CITY: Bella, and .Mollis. Vttn ktutu, Ik.... I ItO COIIinlvI OIIS SO OV.-V. an .... 1 Theu- bail- dark and ei.ky, while ll.e teeth of thee, rla Are so snowy you'd think they bad mouths fu 0f pearls : Yet every child of Creation, both Indira and genii Can posses, the same beauliee f. Iimj ' Beruuse the nrice is redu.H in-) ...1 en e. .... lunowing superb wmpuunda, B ,h ,upply f U. --e,- ttmA r " """I 41 - . .bar rij. Header, although advertised thus. -e stiacM II I US. ... .ru ea are all we represent them. The Soap AT Bro.yn, &, Broth OREGON cry. ITS. these really (urice re lu..l e. )-. L "V" ... V,,IU,, acla l0 ln( mMt 11 1 111 manner in clsrifvin. .i,;,.... . ... th. rfi-.t--.T'' cr.r,n iT-. ' ""Pv". "no annureu skin; while for lulante or for shaving, it i. ooeou.lei as healrn, sotteninf , ,d, nwk nf a fine UUier. For clean ng, drvssinj. fi.rciiig the bair le grow, M.ng it. tslliug .tT, curing ibe dandruff fcc. Ihe CORAL IIAIK RfTURATlVK in' the fioestthmf made. Price Mucel to 2i eenia. Teeth are made ae while ea allow, the breath sweet, ao,l the (urns hard and kalthv bv I A HUNTS JAMAICA SOAP TKEl'H ROoT Il lathere like e-ap. and ia beaolifuL Pr ui ... t- at the abere pr eee by all drug,, in C.. C-mnn. If CA. and Rgn sii tograplia, or PICTURES ON PATEXT LEATRIK enitablefur tending in tetttrt, ,.,'. all of which wiil be executed in the L.ATKHT AD M K AT KMT BT LB, AND ON SHORT NOTICE" " AND REASONABLE TERMS. GU0UP3 and LOCKET I'ICTURliS uk. vorv low. Call and examine our uictures, aad ioJrs fcr yourselves. Itooms opposite Abcmelhv & C0.1 briek au HOLLAND DAY. June 11, 18.'i9. SADDLERY, AND HARNESS-MAKmO, ' ; OREGON CITY. 1 r AM now earn ing on a Saddler's and Hir . ness milker's shop in this city, and bars est- stantly on hand Ihe best of Ready-made harness, saddles, bi dies, haltei'3, niartingais, i and everything in my line. I am also tesdy N) make lo order unvlhitig iu my line thai nisy W called fur. on a short notice." My metis Is, auii a good article, and sell il cheap. I solicit pains- age at home and from abroid. My establishment is nearly opposns inarsns, A uruer's Old Stand on Main street j. bt'iir.AJs. AprilJ, 1S53. , iM a. aosbi. a. ami.. VZlLAMlltTI IROi WORKS, . OREGON CITY. WE beg 10 Inform the public of Oreyoa s Washington thai we have eempktsd BOILER, PATTERN, BLACKSUnn, AND MACHINE snur, and are prepred to build boilers, Engines, , mills. Sawmills, and .11 oilier kinds of nmehiaerr. Our business connection with tna """" I Stales tho great convenience of our loM'ay" the superiority and numb, r of our "e"" 1 use of water power instead rf aleain, aaaMne feet kunwledire of all brauchie of our eaauiei , will enable us lo compete with Califoraia. f liiviniig the public to give aa can, a us with llieir uatnuiaee. we neon use i aieswr I their order, on the shortest notice, and ' 1 Al Sau Frauds Prlefav A. ROSSI CO. .i June 19, 1858. , lf Plows and Wagons! Blacksmithing of all Kinds don 1 to order. mm I KEEP always on hand ST EEL FLO", ttarranted it eeesT and do as good f any otherain ihe Slnle. : I oaa alee farnisk P wiih WAGONS, I caa always be fcod t1 shop, opposite McKinlay's, ready ie stee horsee, or do auylhiuf i. the) line ot asy Call .d v i. W. IS j . . Oregon City, April 18. 1859. ' " J . W.I. FAILKMEB at arO.t," ' ......Dealers ia - - ! TlrCrKEHIS, AHasMMrcW Matertat Aieaermtly, 123 Saueome street, coraer of WeiUeJt, tUu JraaciMa). 7. CT Priuien an iaviiad la aaake oar aajaswaJ -a nee 43arC . Toys, Toys. . A FULL SUPPLY TOR CBKHJaWAt and hewYear- ha reaereea al . - hot Pea. 15. r- CHA.W