'Z. umBKATin WxTrn-O.TI,n.n,. iwtivfl of H'llilmon. wlmwnn ?'J!a Cmio U. 8. Army nt Fort Jin ! - h Wueeynd Mm. It Imlr, nntl I U, tS5T'riold. H left In Hi.ltimorn ifc Ui Pran," nn' fr'1'1"'" re " ' ('nxiou to lifr of him. Any Infor L1L. of him, dil or alive, may I wnI ih Aririut t On-non City, or to ih irrb Bi'"l I,u,,in,orfl hy mM of M clercrr of llie Pacidu Const. iwnof Orrirnn, Witililinrtrm Territory, British Colitmli. Md CHl.forni pl,nc Oregon City, Jim. 17, 1801. top'. Onroox Citv Mark et. W lion t, &!n 0c. Flour, I3.50..4J Outs 2:a30c; But Wi i025cj Eggs, 25c. ;r"' BZB9j "jJTTiTmIi In lnl e""n'y F.limbctli Mc vrv Jsuehbf of Janie McNary, aged 24 years, laMtM) eao lJ ' 'trt Ualy m prrvali.ru rkefririidi of mental ,ibe"Jf ro r"l"'', " '"I" kuWh I-A. of Oregon ie no.v ortfH'iiie.l n r: a.i.. Itranch of Ihe liifuM Association u AsH-iira.' nJ. tliat Ilia following Hie. re hays C . M-Sewlellej V. P ,C U. T. Bur- i,8.yi Win II. B-cr,.lr., Tre.ia.; C. II llara Likrwlan. Uy nrder of llie llraiieli. -' Thkoimiki BfkiusTaii.Sec'y. Sslim.Jsn .0.1861. 4w BKnltnomah stodge Wo. 1, v A- A M.. holds its stated cninmumnn. Ar. w - liotn ia iMmii e M ill, on the Saturday ... ...!! ftl 1.. I. I prect4Uig run iiiwii in ram niomu. Ilntkrsn ia cowl standing are invited In nlleiij. U J. MY KICK. W. M. J.M. Bacon, Sec'y. 13 (J The nut regular ntictiirg will bs held on feiarsajr svcnlat;, Jaw. 86. D."B. STEPHENSON, DENTIST, liaa removed his oflico to the City Book Start, . . , hers no ia prepared to do all work ill hia line. , GUIV-SM1TIIING! F. WILDE HFREHY in'orm the pulilic tlt.il lie has con cluded lo renutin in OUEGOt! CITY, at a old atunJ, which ha has lulcly filled up with iwry convenience for doing work in hia line. C2- M-J IV N. of ill kiuili. kept on hand, ai Killee, Shot-Giina, Rttolifm, and I'owdrr, Kluk (not wltnky). wa-trr-pnaf peri'niMiHi ciipa, ale. Alwi, tiuiia of lii aa aianufacture llirU;houl, well mounted, and kraalifully ducked wild Orfpni maple. Work by any kind of email machinery per farmed ill the iiki appruvrd inaniiar. . 'I Ik Udiia khould not fail to give him n cull, in tlirra air many liirle articlea in liouwhnld ar nnf awiiK hicli lie can arrange lit tluinu the. nalnt tlyle. On account of Ihs late utrret improvvmenla hia tliia up uliiini, hut it cau lie roniy fnund. ' jnn j SCKIP WxVNTElT. I WILL SELL CATTLE, HOUSES,,, Ftm Product; nt a fu r CAaii vulhe, tut Orriei War Hcrlp, at 50 rl oa (he dollar. ' WAI. BAlil.OW. Orepw City, Jnn. ft. 1861. 3'Jlf Stoves and Tin-Ware! ;Fi.roa Building, Front St., bttwttn Woth 'inglon and Alder (., and Jint ill eel ttlween WaMngton ij- Alder,) WIIOI.EBALK AND RETAIL Dealers in Stoves and Tin-Ware. MESSRS. SKY MO UK & JOY NT, having brrn iii the buaiuraa for eight yrara in l'url ll, IkI auia thni llley can aell nil article! in ihtir Una ut pricre which will induce purchascrn pre them the prefvreuce. 'i'hrir exteuaivc tuck of TIX W A EE nmpriKi every article uaiiully kept by eimilar ntablithnrnia in tliia country. STEAMBOAT WORK, Ruing, and Guttering, and all work counected li the lrdc, doirc by Eiricurd KIrchniiics. Tlieir Urge and well-selected aesortment of acompriasd (in pnrt) of the following styles t Barstow's Harp & Bay State, Back's Patent, Black Knight, Globe, i Victor, - 1 : ; "' ' ,V 1 1 . ' Empire City, ; . Superior, "Vl ' Pilot. T ar tok Aftnl for STEWART'S nUTIQHT C00KINO STOVE . . For the Slate of Oregon. kie aboard the Induttry (now in the river) ""pkmiiceiif lh' eelebmk-d (uewly invented) ""itg-neve, which ia mura eaieemed thao auy Miaie. Our Hock of Office, Parlor, and Box Stoves, . roa wood ahd coal. "tjaand well aasorted, and ia composed of the n"" variance ot plain ana ornamental m aaaiuou, wo eep BfanKt Ram,t ' ' Cnldront, Furnticr. Boilers and Furnaces, Force anJ Lift Pumps, v " ' ' Lead Pipe, Lanterns (a large variety), Tin Plat, Sheet Iron, r Sheet Lead,' -. Copper, 1: "'uttni Copper, Brass td Iron Wires, llllli MN), ' Country Orders Solicited, T U packed I m amfeW to aav part of the ""or. ' fantnr mnehanta eia aaalu swells "Weaalo Mem B.4J. at arieea that - a , j,,, u MMhmg. . SKYMOLR it JOYNT. I71". Oct 6, 1860. 26o3 : C. JfOEL A CO.. AT THE 'USIOX STORE' BCILDISGS, h Good,, Groceries, Boots, ni SAom; f'0ritWrs rf n :,; Wheal and Oai pud fm HOG, dead or a!i-e. t)prp.U. Vrteralit Asne. t nalRr.llua. S.mr Kh.ni h, II. art llurii, Wa er Until, liii. .Hiuauraa, user Lwnplaiiil, Ai-ldiiy. V anirncy, ,.uiin.ee, I liniU" it lllni.le, Mi k He hu'lie, jkor Appeiiie. Kerri.ilf I '..snjitiaiU. l 'p,,ini.'U an. r i.ai ug. ueiirr.il Urliiiiiy, io. nr ru,.nlH . e fenlually mi l aurely cured by the O.WOEN ATliO BITTEKS. California Evidence. MuaiLuam iliLt.Cal., ) June 111. In'iH. I Having uiT rtd In fifteen yeara with t))speM'a lu ita woi at furm, and having iiisulti-d wiih the Deal I'liysliiaiia, and tr.e.l everyllhng riHOiimiemled withiHil rel f, I wua indm-e.l lo Iry ill OX Y(J K NATEI) lirn'I'.KS, and b Uw I Imd l.ik.-u na Ixillle, I found myiailf much heller, an I con luiie l luk ug them, uniil 1 wna enilr. ly euia.l, iiml now enjuy as giaai iiaulili na over I did iu my ,f. aaa great pieauiuis in r.c.'iiniMn lug lliem In all who are aim luily alll.cled, Jiiica LuMisiioac. Tho OXYr.E.VATEl) RITTEKS .,re.!,l Iu California by Ite.l nitlnn & l'n, Henry .lnlin.nor Co .l hirlea Murrill, Han Kraiiciaeu; It. II. .Mc- lionulil . l o., Hiioriinienlni Itice, Ccflin ot cu., M.iryiville Kiiiiih L Davis, I'orllnnil, Oregon. Notice to Tax-Pavers! rPIIE undergned will ricelve TAXES nt the A. Cheriir'a Offl In Oregon City lill l-el.nwry !, I Hu'l nfler Mhii h ha will e iii il. .l,Hi..,i ..... i-iiK.'la for llmt purpe ni ihv fullnwinir limes and pla.es: M Iwaiik e.on Mon 'av, Feb I l.al Kerua' l"rei Ruck I re. k. nt E. Pa'dl o.'a. I'rK 12 s Young a, l Philip Fiaj-or'i, Vtb Ills llurdins'e. al llnbl. Arlhur'a. Feb. M; 8prinewiiler, Samuel iiiKiiea , reo. 10 I Iti aver I reek, I Ima lle it e a. Feb. 211! I liner M.il.Mi, al W, F..I.. r.k Sj; Murqiinin's. nt .Inmea Long's. Mur. li 18: Lower Molallu. nt V inson's slnre. li,r. h III; Cur. ry'a.nl Win, Harlow's. Mnr.-I, 20; Tn.ilni;n. al Kiiiifinan's, Murrh 21 ; Linn Ciiv. al Samuel Miller's, March 22. .InllN Tlli)lS, Jaii. 19, (etil. 4A,i Cladamat Co. NOTICE. WHEREAS, my wifa Eine'ine lias lefi my bed and board wiihoni cause or rovo- n. lion. Iherefore I riohenbe f.irbid all peis-.ns from h ir boring or Irnsi ng her nn lur account, as I -hall not pay any tills or expen-eof her rentrao ng litu n. Mct.t K.i. Astoria, Oregon, Jan. I, 1801. THESE I'OPIJI. ll .lU'l'EItS pn mn all thd invig iruting prnp. rlieii of PL'Kli OI.II liOl'ltltUN h ill.-KKi, mid lire cnn.idrred the moat flicac oua TON IC and STI l V I, A NT ai nrrll u the mnat agrreublc STONI ACIIIt'. evrr nffi-red the public. Aa a toiiiu for 01. D I bUl'l.b. del c ite ladiea, convuli-rcent inralula, mi'l ull wi'ttkly pi-oile, they cannnt he atirpus d , in ull cuM'i nt wnikueaa or ilelnh v. Ihi-v will tive iniiucdiulii relief, and impirl n trnuir heiil thy tone In the lyalein. A trial will ei-tall ah he r mrr.ta nirr nil other lomca now inure, rot Lung Complaint: Brnnchit 'tt, Dyptntia, Ner- rout Diteanet, and Liter complaint, they are in invuluahle remedy; and ihey are a cerla n pr veulive vf chilli ana Jeter. I'utupiu yuan lioniM, in casei or one and wo dozen, and for Rile bv ilriu eiir, iriorf ri,a, nuloeua, uud liqimr lirulere everywhere, all. I by UEOKUK W. S.NKI.I.. S'le A cent fur the I'acifie eomt, 1.10 Wnihinglcii at.. Sun Franc aco. Baker's Pain Panacea! DR. BAKER'S PAIN PANACEA, Fur the cure of pain, h it h externally and internally the GREATEST PAIN-CURING REMEDY Yet discovered. Pain cannot exist where this remedy is faithfully used. Give it a fair trial. FOR I'M In the Stomach, Back or Bnaelt, hurn;bruici, cute, tuctlingt, colic, iliarrnea, ana rneu matttm, headache, toothache, and earache. It cures, almost iustantniH OUsly, CHKONIC DISEASES, eucii Aa Dyiptfio, leeak breatt, liter complaint, general aeoutty, Jeter ana ague, cmwer ut sure throat, weak eyct, epine and kidney dieeatet, old eorei, cough: In tho above-mentioned dinees, it only needs to be faithfully used, nn.1 CURE IS CERTAIN. Sold by all druggisia and ouumry merchanta. . GEOUO'E W. 8NELU Aient. WuKhincinn St., Sun rrancisco. D. A. II. eTEELB, agent, Oreoii City. Dr. WM. "II ALL'S TULSAM ..,r.i-o u f ih,. lj;fif! and C1L IV L. O u,i ; tlinwt For Ihs cure of eiinaunipliou, de- , LI.:. M...u(lnM ..r n.l. n'nt.t cline.asllimi, un.n.:iiin. w.i. ... m.- ... weaw, spilling of bhsid, wlxaipiug enugh. diih cully of breailrng. Culds, coughs, iiiflueuni, phihiic, pain in the aide, and all diseaaea of the lungs, it Is Uneqnaled ! Ilalfe Lunt Baltam, in all eases, gieea the best satisfaction; Has wrought more curea aioca its intrixluclion th.m any other cough niedieino t IseudorMd hy our leaaiue; pnjici ... Rifest and beat remedy now belore the public; I. Mult. In lltfj aitionff children, yet uewerful in casea of chronic pulmonary dise ise; Br nga in cenimaiea aimon oa ij u. " ful curea in nil parte of the country. There is medicine within rnir knowledge that i A . .. nrl m de.snread DiiUllliiritV. in, sle.rt a riaiea iaf lime, aa DR. HI.L'fi BALSAM run inc. mjvv. " : 1 I...I...M HMn.ni.i mrm niaffi. a!. It SI aauno auu y - - 7 hiuhly expectorant and tonio. It unoiains not a grain of op sin or morpli ne, the narcoric and as triogeiit properties which hao creaied sa much prejudice against similar prejr.i.u.w. M o believe that a Diedicins p.aeaMn( real merits will effect cores whenever it ia used, at dome or al.road. lr. lian a Daia-im lor t : - ..n nrlmratinn. but AIM wll vll. 4 tared in eeaa s, w II aava tho hvea i.f tbous .., .. i;.,.. ..a, .Miirh ia IreauHillV dievod by a single He, sl broke, up in few iri IB . J A.. KaK-sB taa tal ksf bours' time. I He am - -- -r,..r hoitle befure they find whether this remedy will atTjed rene Ilea wiiau i uiaw, -r. j -mm. S.voDe: "I, w"h rwiBdeM. iwom- . J . aflAallvnriBiritlMLn mead tho W--r-S 'ft Auotber aaja: " 1 nave --- and c.a eoefidentl) renn.l n f. all Oil." PHI IS" -... - iJiiq yi.gth,l it eo. ' cnV-acMss men doe. Sold by all thwart. 3II WsstMnftuS) at, Sa Frane.-eo. , Da. A. H. STEfcLE. Af. "?C,'?i ' TT B Bona-alai- ad esquire fr Dr "Al BALV8 SaISAM rOK THE LVXG8. &Z!tS. vii rrj ..r us ii,ailu..,mc.y n, ail i. d ae.a a wh eh ii prxLax-a ., cure, has rendered llie u.n.l pisci.ieolu.ir.ii.uaus .u.linj na..ul( uumee. try but uuaurihy v ilie u 'Jby Ki on by Iheir Iruiisi i-r g.J uiks .-iiiy Ut Ih-in, nud Ihey ve liol by J m eridulous. In all cases of co.titenem, ily.i.,i, biliail and lifer afleutiiiiu, piles, rlieuiualaui, fever and agua, olwiiuate liesd-a..hi-a, and all general deruuge liieiilsufheallli, Hies Puis have iuvuriiibly proved a cerlioii i.nd .e,ly rein It. , a u'ls trial will plaoe Ihs Life I', lis heyuud the reach 01 oompeliliuu iu llie rsiinisieu nf i very pt ful, lr. MolT.i's I'Immi U tiers will be found eq tal ly AVucuus in ah caaia nf uervoiw d b iny, dys. peua, h. nil.icl.e, llie all ki.es. incident In females III ileicate health, and i vary kind of we.ikneas of llie digest ve nrg iiis. Fur sale hy Dr. V. U Mi'KrAT, 3.1 j lliva lway, Na Vo.k. and by Altdiciua lialeis and Druiurisu iieuerully Ihruughout the country. 3y. Important to Housekeepers ! iVo Family ought to lis Without MEYER'S MIRACULOUS Vermin Destroyer. IT hits destroyed every deaeripiion of Vermin infesting prciin.es wlieru it has been ued. and pmvi d to the eul.ro aatifacilun of purchasers that ii is the una iliing ticed.ul lo urumoie thorough clrunl.ueaa. BXAS THIS ! omce af the t. H. Xavat taaperlar af rro- vlslnaa aad Clslhtag. Navr Yasd, N. Y., July iiG. 1958. This ia lo cert IV that Jiscuh Met er. Practical Chviii al, baa, hy the use of his i.r. par.iliutts, driv en all the mis Iroin Ouveriiinenl Mura .No. Ii of th.a lutpeccioii, winch was infested w.lh tlnaw du- strucl.ve au nials; and llmt 1 Witnessed an ex traordinary dreiructi.iu of cockroachea, by Mr. .never, hiiiiouuii, when he nimlnd his powder nbuiit their places ol rewirt, only a few were seen, soon alter, iu less Ihau filler u mniulca, llie lloor of ilia room was literally cor. red with thrin. some already daud, Mheie dying, and I fed assured that by a frw iipplicuiiuns of his Chemical Powder, (which is certainty to.j ein.scu.u,,) Mr. Meyer wuuld entirely rid a lmue of these nhiioxiuua in sects. - JMO. I). UlltStlN. Intpeclor of Pntiiioni and Clothing. Sole Agents, A. B. SAMIS ic CO, Whole- anlu UriiKgsls, HI William street, corner of Ful ton, .New York. For aula by II. Johns .N & Co., San Fruuc.scu, and by Druggists general y. iH CLOVE ANODYNE . Tootli-acJic Drops. Compluin no mine of Aching Teeth! THESE Dro have been extensively wed hy thousuii.ls whose ei,. rreltce hna proved lhat the Anodyne w.ll g ve iiuuieJial and .inaiiint rd ef alter llie failure of every other remedy. It ia pleasant to the taste and smell, and a lew appli cations will cutirely leniove the piii and soreness from a decayed luolh, si. llmt it limy be fiMcd and rendered as uselul us ever. When llie pai.i pro cecils from ilia faee, or from the gums around a IihiiIi appirnully anuud, tins Au alyne will give sedy relief liv rublung a few drupe on llie pari air cled. It Inm only in became eeurrel y known tu boas h ghly appreciated by the Puhliu as it ia by Dentists. For sale by II. Johnson & co , and Rkoinoton & co , Sun I raucisou I ilieu St Cumin, .Murya ville; It. 11. McDonald e& cu.. bauiumenni j nud by Druggists generally. j 5 GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. SLOV ILL'S Blood & Liver Syrup, OR SARSAPARILLA AND ST1LLIKGA, FOR TIIK Cl'RE Of Scrofula, Syphilitic, and Mercu rial Diseases, OKI sores, skin diseases, and all other diseases which are . . caused by an Impure state of the Blood I THIS BLOOD k LIVER SYRUP ET IS WARRANTED xt . To cure nil scrofulous niirl oilier disenscs, thut originate Iroin llie sluoo ok Livta. , READ THE STATEMENT OK MR. M. McWILLlAMS, Who is Eldei iu Uev. liorucu Uushnell's church, regiirdiiig the cure of Ins daughter, who wua to ull appearances or pplcd for hie with the tcr rible discuse, SCIiOr V L : , Cincinnati, Feb. 28, 1859. Memhs. A. L. Scovill OC CO Dear Sirs: I feel it my duty to write you, and let yuu kii.'W what your iiluud ami Liver Syrup bus done for my daughter, uii'l that by publisliiug it others who sutler with the sunie ilisciisn may kuow of it, ami by its uu der.ve grent bcnelil mt d.iniiliter bl.ia hue been or,ly attlicicd Willi SCK'JFULA, allcn.e. wiih great pain, fur mure th-.u twu y ara. Mie hud some five or six ruiiumjr UKers on one uf her leel, one on Her n p. and one on her back. They cuustd ci.ntractiuu ot the limbs so that she could uot wulk. At Ih s lime, from the b gh recoinmeudaiii.il of yuur Uiuod and Liver Syrup tat curing such diseases, I w.i. induced to try it. She com menced using it. and us the tueiltuiue auied on llm blood, the rurra cut eucrd to heal. The limbs are getting siratir'it she is ttow gaining siretigih. I have only used ihree Iwttles oi lite medic lie, an I he can no walk quite well. Your I Hood and Liver Syrup has dune wouders iu resloltug ner neaiiii. With Ihcgieatest re.ipeul, l rema n yours, . - II, McWiiliaMs. STATEMENT OF RfcV IIOIUCB BUslI- . k-LL. City Mittionary d P.mtor of the Pretbyterian .' enure ' ' Cincinnati. March 2J, 18i9. Mkssss A L. Sihvill l ci bear Su: M. McW.ll.ams, Eso-, ia an eliler iu the chuich of wh ch I am pastor. I am ac quainted ai-h the e reumaianres uf the eaee of Ins daughter, ami 1 it-ivo nobe-K.ncv in aiyinj that I Cousider the cure truly Wonderful. HUKAl r. liUMltLL.. . Sc.till's Bia.o ao Livaa Svsnr lor sais by all the prmc pat Driyfeisis everywhere. Dr. A. II. SI EfcXK, Agent, Oregon City. GKO. W. SNKLL. sucees or tu Park i White, Agent, San Pruncuco, I3H vt aaliingn.u si., Impo-ler wi'i Genera! A'ent r ull PaU'ttl nediriimsY Fmiic ida, which are offered lo the Trade at New York price, with but cut of Importation Commercial College. MR. C. A. SEARS . TTTILL eontinoe hi. EVENING SCHOOL W ontd March 1st, IBIW InsiruWisu f ven n Writing. Drawing, Buuk-keep i.g , AMhroelic, Narigat.a. aui. Scliuol dat a in Portland Toesdays, Tharsdaya, aud baiur.laya. ' School days ia Oregon Chy Moodaya, Wcd eadaya, and Fridaya . B- Marr.eje and viling cards marked Bs-ika aT aecouot pasted, an l ewnpticiied se evoots adjusted. Jio. H, l60-JJtf GENTLEMEN: I HAVE TAKEN THE MAIM Sir.r.n liOLsE. asd will try to rendsr ssunactioa is all who easy cburl bsnor aaa man s su. As lbs) siv first sjartiaiaai. pleas- dmp a aad ara Baa. ttOBT. BilOalTt-. Ortfm dry, Vaf. Ii, !W0. ' . It6di jieiHll'itfnil aOannenbaam tk Aokermsn, Opposite the Nut 81. House, RESPECTFULLY Inform the public thai Ihey have reovivaj per steamers Cortes slid Pacific A WELL SELECTED STOCK . or Dry' Goods. Boots aud Shoes, - Hats and Bonnets, AND GBtOCERlES! In aJJItlon, they will rcceivs NEW C90DS Uf Lvery Nlcumrrl which Ihey will offer at all limes at tho Lowest Prices ! Lower than can lie purchased in Portland!! We only ask ne and all Is five us a c ill, and sxnmiue ui stock, and yuu will find lha largest and in.ati select slock of g als ih it ever csiue ts Oregou City. ISclor Hir. ha.ing elsewhere, the Lid es of this city and Ills surtouuding country Will please call and exaill lle their slock of SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, lrlci I Snll. Oregon Cily, Sept. 21, 1R(!0. 6m i Dannenbaum & Ackernian, Opiiosits the Muiu St. House, II AVE ON HAND WINTER COATS, ot all descriptions, and the Hud lot ever bruught lo lu s tiiaiket; ' Fine Casl nere I'oaia, ' Black friatk nloth do., ' . ltaglatts, Caaimere Paula, Satinet do., Fine Veals, of all defcriptioiia, While Shirts, Woullin and Merino under da, Hals & Cupt, II. wis & Shoes, While and blue l.lenkrts, an.) many other aniclea too uumernua le mention, which will be uttered at the lowest cosh prices. jll kinds nt. lirown muslin, blench, d muslin, denims, hickory sir.pe, satinets, Kentucky jeaua, twilled and plain flannels, clicos, furniture prnls, nil cnlico, de luiues, cashmeres all wool, French meriuoe, and a jYci style of Poplin, Bonnet Ribbons, and a Inrge lot of desirable trim m.iigs. Oregon Cily, 6'ept. !!'.', 18tiU. NEW STORE, AND New Goods! B. A. HUGHES WOULD' RESPECTFULLY INFORM the publio that he has just opened a stare I OREGOX CITV, in the house lately occupied by Charles Pope, Jr. His stock counists of Ihs articles usually found in such establishments, aud embraces Dry Goods, Groceries,' Fancy Articles, Ac , Ac, which will be sold LOW FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. jy Purchasers are inviied to call and exam ine mv stock before buying e'seat here. My es ub! shmrnt is on Ms n Street, near the Catholio church, at tho foot of the road coining down the hill. B. A. HL'UIIES. Nov. 17, 16G0. 3itf LEGAL NOTICE. A.F. Hedges, Plaitiliti, r....:i ti..f ...t.i:.. rt-r-..aLn, im.ii. ,.ii-wi;ii v j mo DAVID McLOL'OIII.IN, a non-resident X de einliim: luu are noreDy noi.nea mat uu- 1-. ...... .....,. .,. tliu..ir(,il t Ao.irt .if tha Slate llf Oregu for the county of 6'lnckamaa, to be held in Oreirun Cty on lite lirst Mondiy in March, a. d. 1861. and then and there answer lha cnmplaiul of the plaint iff filed ill thcabove-cnlith d case ags.nat you. for the recovery of the sum uf nineteen hun dred dLara aud interest thcremt from the 1st sf hepti-mher, IB39, al I he rale of Iwo per cent, per L . . . nH,i,ii..u unl ..u he vr.ii IA lliunill, 1.JF...I m . a - J said piainiitT on the sad 1-4 -S,p:,m'.er, I8A9, llie sinus will be taken lor voniitsaeu, una ine prayer Ihereof granted by the catrl. JAMES K. KELLY, Nov. 24, 1 8fiim3 A tt'y for Pitt Corner Third and Water I'reeti, oppoeite the Ferry Landing, . OREOON CITY. rtlllE traveling publio are respectfully X invited lo give me a call. The Oregon I louse ia the most pleas antly located hotel o the Sure, aud baa been so arramied as to make it one of the most oommodi- mm Ivan m llie eouutry. THE TABLE will always be supplied with the best that the market affords. Uiaii accommodations for ladies snj families. raicas: Board snd lodginir, per week (6 00 Board, without ludg ng. per weak i.m. Hoard p-r day, with bilging 1.50 Single meal J Night's lodging 50 J. BuEHM. May 7, 1859. Proprietor. FINAL SETTLEMENT. VfOTlCE is hereby given that Eun'ce Ann 1.1 WiUn, Silmrnistrairx of ihe estate of Peter K. Wissm. dec d. Isle uf Cleckamae county, Oregon, has fi.ed h raceoonis for final settlement, snd Ihe first M'lfidaV in hrsrosry Belt ra atao nted far examinat so 4 the aarne al the Court lluuas in Oregoa Csy -a said county. By order sf the Jsdgs of Probate. JAMEfl WUaTOJI, Clsfk. . , Dte.R, 19W It educed Prices Goods Cheaper than Ever ! N. BROWN rpAKHS this method of luformiiig his filcnils X aud Ihs publio generally lhal ha HAS REMOVED la t heuta nesrly Opposito his old Stand, where bs bus commenced business with bis bro ther under the sty Is vf Brown & Brother, whs will always be happy la wait nn their old friends aud customers tu llie wnyof showiitglliein Goods of the Very Best Quality, which, hsv'ng been bought low in Sao Francisco, from lbs largest importers iu Cal.foiui, ihey aie able to sell as cheap as ' CAN BE SOLD in Portland! They will also constantly receits Goods by Every Steamer. Their stock consists of ALL KINDS OF DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, 3 IB 3 & & eC3s)a a(T3s Our main olii.-cl bv litis notice ia to inform llie nnblio thut we ure bound to sell goods , . As low as they can be bought in .Portland, and no mistake. If Ihis is doubted, we have only to ray, call an I satisfy yourselves. Ladies mid gentlemen will al ways bs welcome, and wdl bs waited en with pruuiptness. To the Farmers WE WOULD SAY Look for tho sign of BROWN 4- BROTHER, and don't leave town lill you give us a call. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN in exchange for Ooode. Oregon City, June ill. BSTBBL OOLX.BOS. rilHE sewioi) of the College year commences X on the third Monday of November. The rummeticemeiil exercises are held uu the 4th af July, heu the yearly vacation ensues. rscui.Tr. L. L. Rnwliiml, President, Professor of Ihe Greek and Hebrew Languages, Moral and Intel lectual Plnlimiphy, Kheloriu, ami l.gic. John II. Hall, Professor of I-atin, Chemistry, Geo'ogy, Mineralogy, Botany, and History. Nnlltanael IliidMiti, PmfeMer of Mnlhrmatlas, Niiiurul Pliilusuphy, Aelioiiomy, aud Political Philusopliy. The ii'iurse uf .Indies pursued will be equiva lent lo lhal of East em I'ollegca The German, French, and Spanish w II be tiitiuht by competent profcssoi-H, wh.ch, with luu Htbrcw, will be ut Ihe option of the student. Students S plying fui admissinn will he required lo have a thorough knowledge uf Ihe English limit-lies, Elementary Alg'-hru, I'OMir, Virgil's X. n id, Cicero's Orations, the Greek Render, and the f.-ur Go.p. Is. A cho c 1 hilosi.phiciil and Chemical appara lua hue been recently received from the Ensl nlro. a select library of miscellaueuua and imndurd clnss eul works. College tuiliun fl)2 per aunilin. Ths Board of Trustees ha'o nlro muds ar rungetnenta for the d. livering id Thenlogicul ten lines fur the benefit of sliiilen'.s in lhat depart ment. BETHEL ACADEMY. Belhel Aeud my is un l.-rllie instruction nf Ihe College Profe-wirs. arnisied by experienced leach era The Academical year coinin -rices on the I al Monday of September, nnd is divided into four quarters of eleven weeks each. Taxis or tuition rxa quatki: Primary Department 1$ 5 00 Junior (Jeoiraphy, Arithme tic, Eiigl sh Grammar, aud Distort 7 00 Middlu Department Higher Arithmetic, E'eriienLii v Aleebra, tnzlish Analysis, and Boisny 8 00 Senior Depsnment Natural snd Inlell-c- tuul Philo-ophy, Chemist-,' Geohigy, M ner.ilotry, Khetnrin and Legio, Higher Maihemaiirs. Lsiitusri-s. nud buinor Cla-s of Normal Denerumnt 10 00 Particular attention pai I Is reeling and spell ing through the entire course nf Hm lies, and to Klocuttou and Lonip.ition iu llie jt.tuais ami ne-ui-.r liepartmeiits. A Normal Department has been organised, up on Ihe plan of Hie N. Yurk Slate Normal School, with particular reference to preparing young la lies and geiiuemen far teaching. This d. pertinent is in practical mid suceeaslul operalioti. Students of the Aca iamy will have Ihs ndvsn lage of the t ullege library, apparatus, and leu- lures, Students prepar'ng for College, also Ihose desi row of pursuing cdlegmts stud se without de'eign- lug s full eettrw, will be uuder the instruction of the Calleee l'lotessors. Convenient arrangements can be made fur board at reasonable rales. Books used in the school esn bs obtained at Ihs College building at cash prices. By order of the Board. Bethel, Polk ce., ep. 29, l60. , 2'Jtf Ladies: jr you wish aaD3 2)11233 I.0DD3 ...AT A LOW PRICE.... BE 8CBE TO CALL AT THE STORE OF BROWN 4 BROTHER. - ' ' RACKtBS-sWsys oa hand - . at f. CUARMANS. NOTICF.. rpo A. Fnlconer, Mary .lone Falconer, Cbarlas JL Culiii.g.aVniur, ihe next of km, and all sther perM.tiB.-o msli Yuu anl each of you nr h-r. by iHitlti d llmt Jumes Oflicer, guardian id En, ins and Ira fulling, minor children and heirs nf Andrew J, Culling, deaeased, has filed his ps lition in llie oaiinly nourt of Clackamas oouuty, On gon, praying sa d court for liounss to sell Ihs N, qr uf wciien twelve (12) and the 8. K. qr of seat ion one (I), In lownbip five south aud rsngs two (2) east, situated aud being in said &.ute and county also, lots numbered seveti aud eight (7 and 8) in bkek uumberrd sight (h), n Ihv luwu of Carierusli, in said slate snd couuiy, Ihe wiins being llio proarty of tl.s ia d F.niina and Ira. You are Iherefore directed and requires lo appear before said court uti Wednesday ihe Dili (si i.h) day of Febiuary, A- u. lotil, at the court house Iu said coilulv. nt IU o'clock A. M. of atid day, lo show cause, if any you have, why said Ii. ruse In sell said properly should nut bs granted by Slid cmrt. By older of Ihs court. ilSn. 14, IO0I. use. It l..iw.., HHm RALSTON St MYERS, Wholetali and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise, are now In receipt of NSW a O O 9 8 ' selected with much cam iu Sun Francisco. WE hats just received ex Northerner oud Brother Jonathan, French, English, Si AMERICAN PRINTS, bleached sheetings and long cloths, plain A, burred muslin, do do snip muslin, Victoria luwn, brown eheeliugs 4 shirtings, h.ckury stripe, denims, drills aud ship'a duck. IRISH LINENS, linen damask, whits damask, table severs, Rus tiau towels, aud crash. rbAJHtle, while, yellow, red, grey, a blue, plain and twill ed, plain figured suliuels, juues, cottouades, w.-ul linsey beuutuui styles uiuuaeia, wnite, red, blue, a grey, Iloiloryi ladies', misses', and children's brown, stale, and mixed hues geuls' aud boys' wsul aud sultun half bos. Boots and Shoos : a targe tot gents' line, medium, nil J coarse boots a shoes, ledies' and misses' calf shoes, gaiters, e slippers, hoys' boots s ahous, ehilJrsus' shoes, fancy aud pluiu. liar die arc: Pocket kuive3, pruning and bud ding knives, knives and forks, scissors nnd shears, butts und screws, strap hinges, door locks, I'anctv of styles and patterns. hand saws, tenon saws, compass saws, bench planes, chisels, au- rrers. auircr bitts. axes, hatchew, htimtners, shovels, hoes, potato rakes, brads, tacks, hmslung nails, cut nails, wrought nails, horsa nails, itc. Tai nt-acr!a-a faiJiCfi Smriirs. cofl'ee. lea. syrup, sail, spices, soap, soap powders, cundlrs, snlerntus, yeast powders, cream tartar, su.lu, sal soda, iuilign, clothes pins, scrub brushes, paint brushes, brooms, dust brushes, hand bellows, wooden pails, wash tuba, and wash buurds. PMJYT8 $ OILS: White lead, red lend. Ven. red, Prussian blue, chrome yellow, chrome green, burnt mist raw urn- ' bet, yellow a black paint, Viunlyke brown, l. u. Sietiue anJ ussorled colored smulls, Boiled ami Raw Linseod Oil, Polar oil, lard oil, fik oil, lauuera' oil, Cbiua nut oil, &.C, &. W. will ta r.e.ivliiff Ii avevv aleainur addi lions leour present extensive stock, and FARM ERS and others will find it to their advantage to cull aud examine our tfoods and prices before buy ng elsewhere. aVOrmS, IsABtt. Oregon Cily, Octulier I, IcttiO. 25 C. M. K ESTER, U n d crtake r, "1T7"0L'LD inform Ihs pesple sr Oregon City VV and vicinity thai he will keep a supply uf Iicatly-miulo Coflius, of all sizes, constantly on hand. lie will li Ixo keep a :a so .. aia. tm aflj and will be prepared tu ntletid lo all the nectsiary businrsa of luueraln connected with his line. Shop near the Seminary. lT Custom from tho country is respectfully ml citi d. June til, ltriljO. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the Counly of tlnckanmt. Philip Foster, Plaintiff, -lis. Crrgo and Kincrsutl, defend- aula, now or Inle copartners, doing bit- sinens tiniler the Arm, name, nud the si vie of C'rrL'o A Kinereuti. in Oregon. rnu CKEOO At E.MKlWONt X Sires You will please take notice) that there te now pending a suit iu Ihe circuit court or tits State of Ori gnn for tho comity nf Clackamas, ill which Philip Foster is p'sintilf und you are defend ants, and that the plaintiff's complaint now un lilu in said curt charges you with being indebted lo him in the sum nf $2776 95 (two thousand seven hnndred and seventy-six dollars nnd ninety five cents) nnd interest ; snd the prayer of said cumplulut is thai judgment bo had against you for that amuunt and interest, besides coats of suit.- Now, therefore, unless yuu appear at the next term nf the circuit court uf the State of Oregon for ihe county of Clackamas, In be held in Oregon City in said countyiiu tho first Mon lay Jn March, A. D. llGI, aud ausnsr mtiko lo said oumplaint, the suitiu will be tnken as confessed aud the prayer iheieof w.ll bo granted hy said court And whereas, it appearing to Ihe satisfaction nf said court from affidavit that neither of yon are m.w resid. uts in th s Kittle, it is therefore ordered by said court that Ihia notice be published in some new-paper iu aaid county once a week for three mon the, - In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my l s.) hrrn-l snd placed the official seal of said court this the Cth day of December, a. d INGO. JAS. WINSTON, Clerk. FAaaxa & Cusaer, Att'ys for PIsiniifF. Just Received, A LARGE LOT OF , Dry Goods and Groceries, .Wb'eh will be sold low fur Cash or Country Produce. , . We would say Iu lha Farmers, Before yofl go 0 Portland to buy Goods, call ou us, as ws will take Flour, Hscon, Butter, F.ggs, ace., and gits in exchange Gooda aa low aa can bs bought in Portland. DANNENBAUM it ACKF.RMAN. Oregon City, Nov. 10, 18G0. C. Itll'ItRAY, HOUSE, SION, AND ORNAMENTAL Shop nearly eppoiite Ike MctkodiM Churchy ; oteooir cut. - il " April 16.1959- . M