ilimui and ill roil c lbi. t-f ,, , , r i). ii. ,, I Mll.d"r b" w.ih wrong .l.sirvs ' "u, .veMuentbed " ""' fir' TO I.OA.1.-IXQUIHE AT !), Offloe. ' lte- 29- 8300 Sultnomab Lodye Mo. 1, . i i .i ...... I n i ii ti ton. Mu,ofl c "!' ,8"'",d,",r X....,Jln Hi Full Moon In each month. ' l . in sood alsndiitff am invited irialien.l. Ill"'"" iB 1 J. MY HICK, W. M. j.jl. PicoiSfCy. , 13 Orel Blviatoa. W a T ,,,, Harmony Hull very Friday availing, f 'fia,t Toolock. Mi.ihi'eu In joudstaudmg J,,Udu,....d. ILUKKLLyWPi P. I). STEPHENSON, 1 : ....... i,;. ... in )b City Bosk Stars, tVrt h " prepared lo 1)0 " wutl1 in "GUASllTiHAG! f. wFlde HFREIIY in'orms the puhlio tlinl ho linn con clude,! to remain iu OREGOs CITY, lit hi do' stand, which Ii ha lately fillrj up with .. convenience lor doing work iu Ilia lino. , tlt TBT ffS 9 of til kiwi, k' l'l on hand, aa P.illes, Shot-Cuita, Kens"", end I'owdrr, Fla.ka (not, wu lt,.pioof iienuasioii caps, io. Also, Guns of hit sisiiufaeiura throughout, well mounted, und bcauoCu'ly slocked wi'll Oregon maple. VYsrk by nny kiinl of small machinery per fcrmeJ in il "tost "PI1"1 moiiurr. 'Hie Udie( should not fail 10 give him n cull, ns there ore ineiiy Nltle article in household ar nuf. menl who h cil arrange for III. 111 u the. acilcst style. On accauut of the ml street improvements In (hop it up stairs, hut it can be easily found, jan j SCiHFWANTEi). T WILL SELL CATTLE, HORSES, an.l J. tttrm i loaucf, u im , LHrn anir, lo, imsa War Serin, at BO ti na the dollar. W.M. UAKI.OW. Oregon City, Jnu. S. 1SCI. S.itf Stoves and Tin-Ware! Tire-proof Building, Front SI , brtirren W'aih iiigton and Aldrr f., und first ttreet between Washington Alder,), OG, ' W'HOI.eaALK AM) ETA 1 1. Dealers in Stoves and Tin-Ware. MESSKS. SETMOL'll & JOY NT, having b.en in .the bueineM fur eight yenrs ill 1'ort JiiiH, fiel (lire that they can aell nil ai -lielea ill llirir lina nt pricea w liirh will iudiioo puicliam-ra locive them lh pre f,r;nce. Their exleimivu Hivk of TOW A E E ommr( every article usually kept by (iinllur ub!ilnnf ula in thia country; STEAMBOAT WORK,, and Guttering, and all work conuee'rd villi Ihf tradu, done by rxpeiiciHcd iflccSiiliiicii, Tlielr largo and well-selected noi Iineiit of CT "W JSi3 5J3 'iaconipriwj (in pari) of the following aiytua: Bm-stow's llai-p & Bay State, Buck's Patent, Black Knight, GJohe, Victor, Empire City, Superior, Pilot, IP art sole Agrnl for STEW ART'S AIR-TIGHT COOKIUa STOVE For the Stair, cf Oregon. We have aboard the Industry (now in the river) t Inrge invo'i: of t Ills celebrated (newly iiiveiiied ) cooliiij-stove, wliVh ia more eateemcd lliuii uuy oilier in use. Our atock of Office, Parlor, and Box Stoves, roa woon Ano coai., i larjr and well assorted, nnd ia enmpoeed of the most approved varieiiea of plain nnd uniaiueir.ul minul'at'ture. Iu addition, we keep Hydraulic Hams, Cauldrons, Furnact Boilers anil Furnaces, Force and Lift Pumps, . Lead Pipe, i Lanterns (a lartje variety), Tin Plat', Sheet Iron, Sheet Lead, Copper, Zinc, Brass and Copper, Brass and Iron Wires, AMVAT ON HAND. ' Country Orders Solicited, and Goodi packed to go safely to any part of the interior. Of Country merchant can make purchnaea wholesale of Mexara S. k .1. at pi ioet that .ill leave a margin for retailing. SKY MOCK & JOYNT. Tortland, Oct. 6, I860. 2Gm3 C. IIOF.L A CO., TTHE 'DSION STOKE ' BUILDINGS, n. , Kalvai, Oregon, ...Denl in... Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, and Shoes ALSO, . fROriSIONS of all k'nda; Wheat and Oats. IT Cask paid for HOO, dead or alive. . NOTICE. rPO A. Falconer. Marv .lane Falconer. Char!, X Coumg. Senior, the next of kin, and all other eraone iHieerned : You and each of yoo are keitbv nm rkd that J.mM OITii-i r. ruardiaii tit SMamond Ira Cutting, ruiuor children and heira . Anorew J. Cutting, deceaaed, hoe nieo. nia pt- "" ia the etnnlv rourt Clackamas cwniy, Oriroa, praying aa d eoorl for liccnae to ell ihe N. E.trrof sectiea iweln (I3l and the 8. K-q- aectioa one (1), in town-hip fivo south and ' range two (2) east, situsled and being in id . iaie and taontv; abo. lol nnmbered seen ami eight (7 and 8) io block nnmbtred eight (f) . 'a the Iowa of Canemah. ia eaid suto and eonn'y the aamo being the property of th a 4 Emma . and Ira. are therefore direet-d and mjuir. a Is appear before raid eoort on W udoeaday the dib a.b) day of Febnurr. A. D. 1861, at Ih court- kvas la said toinity, at IS o'tlor k a. of aiid , day, ta abw eaooe, if any you ha, why Mid aVtiiaa tn eel! said property el too. Id not o granted Z. 0. O. i Oiir.aHN I.odmi No. ,t nifia rifcji." 1 amiiiny null 011 .lunnn ,vM.iig 0. ik. Uimli- .I I WVs In f"l iu ling lire liiviitj lounm i. U. A. I'KAJlli, N.O. A. J. C'lMMAN, rtro. Kro'y- 30 Handal MartaparllU.Tliia ,,ur. ly regeiicbl Irtnrily ixniibiuea ill llwlflln r rlira of au An lieil o, iniM citiliarlic, and a Imiiu. It iiiiL'k I) iriiinvn fmili llir klnoil, mid olli"f l!u j ul Ilia bwly, Ilia iiiim ilira ul ititlieullliy wcrrliuiiH wliivli eiigrudi-r uu.J frn d diarav, iIiik aliikiiig hi ilia nail nf thr inaludy, AHIiou.'li provo l aurlliow cinua it may b lukeii at nil llinca l:li (irrfrol aufriy, aa it cuiilHiiii in, H,weifiil ilru:iu drug in di bililitie Ilia ayuioin, or miiur.d iuiou lo ruin lllF COIIHl'll III Kill. I'rrar d mid an!d by A. II. Si, I). 8 AN' US, lilO Fulton el , Ninv York, l' Ql per bottle, or i It II lea for IT" Head Mm ndvertitrmrnl in amillrr cii'iiiun Hold by I J a. H'l'KKI.K, Ortgvn City, and by iJruggiala gi'iivMlly. Wlmar'a UIuu or Witt! t'.Brrry... file only puis mid grimine liaUitm i, and mr the lnl twi nly )eura liaa been, prepuird hy rHTii W. Kuwi.i & Co., of Hmioii s and their piinied niiuie, aa w II aa His written aiiiiialur of L limit, ni ur oil Ilia outer Mra.ipeia. Aa oil would m oid the apucioua und hive Ilia genuine, lute no ellm! Wirrja'a IUijim or Wii.n CtiKntr. Thia in vuluuble rem, dy ia ihv bent one extant for tin- aafe, (lire, apeeiiy, and perinuneiil viire of eovlit, cold, ture throat, bronchitis, uiihmn. p'turity, lntumoniu, croup, whooping cough. Herding at tht lung: fiin in the bream or mlt, and in lavl etery foim ur llirmit, h, t, uud lung Cfiupluint, aa well ll CoxMiMrrinN ilx.'lf. Thia liinid bold remedy aliould be io the hauda of every an.l iu Iiv dual, aa a timely upuli cut ion of it to a lij.'lil cold will cnime relief; while eae uf long atundiui;, uliatniittf, and apjiaivntly inciirublv t hurn.'ler, will au.ily. yiild lo iia wonderful curulive p-mera mid iia great adapialiuu lo tin) wuiila of mull wlieii ar ticled. Vt buIu In California by Ui ilinirtim ii. Co , Henry .Inliiimin & Co.. Churlee Morr II, Sun I'ran euro; K. II. MoDonald it Co., Siioruiiieiiln ; Uii e. Coinu It Co., Maryavdla ; Siuiih x Uaua, I'urtliiiid, Uregoii, frldjeow rniiEsE roriJLui niiTErn po n'l X the iniig iruiiug prop rtiea uf PL'KK OLD liOUllliON VVIII.-KKY, nnd me eiiiiidered the moat . fcW.oua TONIC mid ST I M V I. A NT atwell a the immt ngieeuhlu KI'OMACIIIO i ver nfli-re.1 the public. Aa a tonic lor H.L) I'EOl'I.E, del oah! ludioa, convalereut, nnd all wi ukly people, they cannot beaurpaiwd ; in ull ciiMi nt weaLiiea or dehili y, lliey will L'ive iiiiuiediiito relief, and impirt n troug lu-nl-ihy tone to the evKleui. A trial will e-tnt lli Ihe r nierte mer nil oilier Ionic now in use. For Lung Complaints, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, tier cous Diseases, and Liver complaints, tiny are an invaluable remedy; und iluy are a eft la n pn vi imvo of chills and fercr. 1'ul up iu Quart lloiilea, in ewes of one and two dozen, uud for by drii:;Bil, proi 'iii (, ealoeua, and liiiuor ileulure evert wlirre, an I by CDOItUH V. SNICI.l,. Sole Agenl for the J'acifiV coaal, loO as)iingtcn at.,baii Frauc'aeo. Baker's Pain Panacea! ' DR. BAKER'S PAIN PANACEA, For the cure of pain, both extcrually and inierna'ly the GREATEST PAIS-CUR1NQ REMEDY Yet discovered. Tain cannot exist where tltie remedy ia faiihfully ucd. Give it a fair trial. TOR f MJi In the Stomach, H ick or Vmcels, hunt, Iruisef, cuts, swellings, colic, diarrhea, and rheu mot tun, headache, tootpuche, and earaihe. It cure, almost iuatniitnncoiu'ly, CHRONIC DISEASES, Bt'Cll AS Dysprp'in, rptak breast, liver comp'aint, general debility, feter and ague, canker or sore throat, treat eyes, spine and kidney diseases, old sores, cougns. Iu the above-iiu ntioned liee. it only needs to be fuiihlully unvd. an I cine IS CERTAIN. Sold by all druggisla and country inrchniits. ' 1.', til, ! C W hlVli'l 1. Agent, Waidiingion at., San Kninciaoo. Da. A. II- STlihLb, agent, uregon i.iy. Dr. WM. HALL'S BALSA3I CUItES t. all ilu-easis of the LUOS and For the cure of consumption, de- ... r A .i. -:l.. cliue.iialhm i, Lrun. liilta, wasting oi uesii, o;B sweiue, i.piiling bl.aal, wb.K'piue cough, dull euliv of breat!i;ng. Colds, coughs, influenza, phlhiaic, pin IU UK Slue, t,J an u.v... .... IU"eS,it -r T T l..f. . 13 unequuieu Hull's Lung Balsam, ia all cases, gives tho beal aaliefacliou; , . Ilus wrought more cures s nee lU inlroduclion than auv other cough medicine ; Iseuiiorsed by our leading physicians iaa th safeat and beat remedy now belore the public; laaate to use among cnii.iren, r" - Cases of CliroUIC pnine'im, Ur d in ceriifi aim almost oa iy oi !" r.A I.. ..11 ,.Hr,a f,r the COUIltrV- There is no medicine within .Kir knowledge that ho. acquired so Bre,.t and w de-spresd P"'''"".V. IIIPOMIon - -I"--". ,.-, ... ... , r i ir vt i u -ihk lcjuo. iw o' , . ....... ..a llnfTI,Hl. It IS suiiiiv iuiu iiT,."a r r . t ... ,.; .1.1., Hid tOIIIO. U COIOHloa no. . ,x,, . ... ,,. .,;. rf ., ... ;.. r .h, on, or inoruh lie, the narco'ic ana a. f.o,r,.. nroiH-rtiea which have create ! so uiu, Il a r--r . . prejudice ag.iiiwi simitar ' .. . il..t mrdiciue D,seSr,ng real , a urovvc- ' " - . . .n . whenever it w m1, ai merits win vii-w. .. ... u i - r... home or anrottn. i". - --- . . Lungs is no paregoric preparation, but en-. ,f used in scas..u. w II save th. live, of h , ande. The ml diaires. g -"Eh ia trequeiitly ,tl.eve,l by a atngl. dear, an I broken up iu a few iiieve oj . s tutake "leafier 'bottle before tl.ey find whether Una remedy will sff.rd relief or no. ii-... -I.. i Phvaiciens say of Dr. Bal- ' . 1 :.k ..anfidao-. re-eon aim. Saysone: , "'.,. mend th. Balsam aa super . r- -- Another y : - I have used ,t wub an. rm ic j 1 mnfiiientU reommnd It f'ST al ,he cou plainu for . b ch H - oftered a a rrm-3T- bill "her wri.e: "I hv r )tmt: .,alh.t it ia. .H effie-acioua nied cine." K25Efrw.Ws, Agent, Mnlfafa Life VllU.n,e , gl, ...Jemiel leMniiy aliu h lliapiv-em ueni me linn-ha u rl ri4 'le .Tlo,. y in all llu-da i( s wlrch Ii pr,:. a- t,, eure, Uu remhred the urnul pracl.i e uf wieii ut o.ia pu img n ,1 ,.uly un.ocea ary but unwoilhy of llie: They ul known by their fruusi Hit- r giaal oik t.iiiy for ih-in, mid lhy thrive not hy the laitli of lh endumua. Ill sll e.iava of cudivenru, iiy.WHia, biliout and livi-r ufleuliona, pilri, rlirinrniii.u, fever and ague, ohaiiuule hejd a. h.a. and all general ilernnte meiiiaui health, theae 1'uia have luvunnhly proved a eerlnili nnd awe.y reined), A a u.-.e dial will pidCelhe I, le I' lla t.yo,n i,a reueholcouipeliiiun in ilia eaiiniaiioii ul , vr'v nil eat, I'r. llull'.i'a J'liu-ui II Una will Im found equal ly flirae u in all c.m-a of nervous d b Illy, dya. eM,i, In Hiliii he, the kueaa iiicidrtii to leuialra in lit Kale health, and every kind of wv.ikii' M of ihe digeal ve iirg iua. l or anle by Dr. W. II AMFFAT, .'Ma lliou lway, Nev Ym k. ami by AKdiciiie l.ii aleia and ' UruF'gKls genrrnlly throuuh'iul the louniiy. Jy. Iiupoi'tunt to Housekeepers ! iVn Familij oujiht to he H'i'n)u MhVEU'S MIRACULOUS Vermin Destroyer. IT bus destroyed every deaeripi'on of Vermin iufruting preuue wliero it haabeeu u-eil, mid proVi d Iu the entile aati-fuctioii ul pur, huaers ill ,1 il is the one tiling nred.ul Iu prumole Ihoruuh chaul.iieas. HZalD TZXI3! OIJcs t tbe V. h. al laapertor of Pro Msluua and l.loiuiau. iV aw Yau, N. Y., July 2(1, Kirt. Thia ia lo thai Jiavpli Me)er, I'raciical Cheiu at, hue, hy the uae uf hie pr ptriitiou, driv en all Ihe rats Irolu Coveriimrul ejiurn No. Ii uf this liirpeoiioii, wlnih wu in li-ale.l wub ihuev ilu struct, ve an mala; and Hint 1 wiiuiiwed an ix trauidiiiury deatruiiinii uf coikraaehea, by Mr, Aleym aithoiili, when be anpliid Ilia powder about their plucea nf teatirt, only u few were aeen, soon uller, in lea ihau liileeu mumlcs, the floor ul lite room was literally covered with Ihein, aume airea ly dead, nlheia dying, an 1 1 le, l aasun d that by a lew npplicaiioiia of hia Clieiuicul I'owder, (wliieh ia certainly very etH.-aoioua.) Mr. .Meyer would entirely riJ n li"ii-c 01 theae obnoxioua in- SevlS. J.l. I). UIIIS(l. Inspector of I'rvcisions and Clothing. Sole Ag'iit, A. II. SANDS & CO, NNhula. a ile I Irni! :. 1 1 1 William slreel, comer uf I'ul tun, New York. For aula hy II. Juiins in &. Co., Sua, uu I by Drugiaia general y. i!l CLOVJj'aVNODY.NE Tooth-ache Drops. Complain no mure of Arliing Teeth! T!!ESE I")iO have beeu exleusivcly mad hy lliouaaii-la whoae exp rienee liaa proved that tliei Anodyne w.ll g ve uuiue list" and pe.iiium lit rel el the luilure ol every oilier remedy. Il is p euaaiu tu the laaieaiid aiuel!, and a lew appli cations will uii.iely remove the pun and sor.-iieas from a decayed looth, si. that it nuiy be tided uud reii.lered ua iiaeiul aa ever. Wln-u tli imia pru- cecda fpiluthe fare, ur from Ihe gums aiound a tiailh ai'piirul y aojud, llna Analtne will giro ap. .ly icliel hy rub :i'g a lew drops un the part all ctvd. II lias only lo hecoiiie ueui-rul y Known lo be- aa h glily appreciated hy the t'ubiiu as il ia by Hernials. , roraaiehy II. Johnson co , ana kidington & co , Suit I rancii'io ; Kick Sl CoI'im, .Marys vile; It. II. .MuDonald oc co., isauiuimnlo nu I by Ui uv'ia g. uer.illy j.r 0 11 K A T MEDICAL DISCOVERY. Sl..Oll.lS Dlood & Liver Syrup, on SARSAPAR1LLA AXD STILLISOA, nut TitK ci'nu of Scrofula, Syphilitic, and Mercu rial Diseases, Old sores, skin diseases, and all other diseases which are caused hy an Xinpuro state of tiio Blood I THIS BLOOD k LIVER SYUUP CT IS WAltKANl'ED XII Tu cure nil scrofulous an, I other disease's that uriginato lioiu the blood un. liver. READ THE STATEMENT OK MR. M. itlctMI.I.IA.MS, Who is Kldni ill llev. ll.uucu Busliil.-H's church, regarding'the cure of Ins daughter, who was tu ml up.eurin.Ces er ;;! il lor i,ie wnn uie ter rible d,scue, SC'i:tJi-L'I.: Cicinnati, Feb, 83, 1809. AIltsSHS. A. L. FCUVILL CU. Dear Sirs: 1 feel it my duly lo write you, and let you know what yenr Hiuud an, I Uvcr Syrup has done funny il.iugiuer, un I ipai uy puousmug it olh, rs whu aullcr wiili Ihe same itiaeiisn muy kno.v of it, and hy Its uae great brncfu. Alv dtiiirliler El.iu has been sonly allticied Willi SCKuFULA, alien ie.l wi.h great pain, lor more lh , il two vt ara. Sh had some live or six runniiiK L cere on one nt her leel, une uu ner n P. nun one on her u.tnit. iney cauatu fnuuii , ihe hiiiLa so thai she could not walk. At III a time, I'niin Ihe h gh lecuiiuiieuduiioii of your II... l niel l.ivor Svruu ill cunuu ail -Ii diseases, 1 w.,a induced tu tiv it. She coni uenced using it and us Ihe utedici'ie ae-le.i on tho bloud, the suree commenced to heal. The lunba nru gelling siraigM she ia uow gaining aireiiKth. I have inly used three lioiiica oi uie meuic ue, ana ,no can no walk quite well. Your lllood and I.iver Syrup has done wonders iu resloting Iter neoini. Willi Uiu gtcatcsl respect, i rcina.u yuu,, II. McWllLIAMt STATEMENT OF RF.V. 110KACE UUS1I- v LLL, City Missionary if P.ftor of the Presbyterian cnurca. Cinci.nati, March 3d, 18j0. AUssns. A 1. SimviLL t co Dear Sirs: AI. AlcW .ll.ams, tHJ., is an ewer iu the chuich of wh eh 1 am pssior. I sm sc- qiiaiiued wi h the c rci.nisiance-t of the cane of Ins daughter, an I I h ue nu be-ituiicv in nyuig that I consider the cure truly wonderful. IIUK.M B liUlll.ilJ. Sct ViLL liLOon AM) l-lvE Svai'f lor se.e by all tin- pnnc pal Uru.siaiaeveryw ie.e. Dr. A. 11. SI EhLK, .geiit, uregon nry. GEO. W. SNKI.I., succea-ur lo rata n une, Agent, San trancuc: I J " aaniugion at., o,nn..r aid Giiieml A'tetil 1r ull Patent .UV!H-Hi"& Fniioy Ouirda, whi.-h are ortVre, to the Trade at New York price, with but cost of Importation Commercial College. MR. C. A. SEARS TTTir.L continue hia EVENING SCHOOL V until M irch 1st. IStid Insirudion f veo n Writing. Drawing, Book keep ng, Ar.thmetic, Navig-tlma. ecu. Sett.Hl days in Portland 1 ueadays, Thursdays, Slid Saturdays. bcnool days in Oregon City Moudays, W.d nesilavB, 'end Friday N.U. Marr aje and Tisiling cards marked Books of accouut paMed, au l co.npltciled ac counts adiusied. Nov. 24. lB6d-3Jif GENTLEMEN: T HAVE TAKES THE M AIN STREET J. l;OL"SE, and will try I render satiafselioo a ... . k,- honor me with a call. As thia first olki'aiion. please drop a and R. ro. ROBT. auuKrtvjs. C)resOh,yir..,l3!!. Uead! Head! Head! Sannoobaani & AcUorman, Opposite the Muin St.IIouss, TJK8PKCTFUM.V Inform the pnblio thai J V ihy hava reociveJ per aieauiera Cortes and I'acjie A WELL SELECTED STOCK or Dry - Goo (I So (UiCTOeian, Boots nnd Shoes, Hats and Bonnets, AND GROCERIES! Iii aJJiiiun, they will receive NEW C90DS Ur i:trf Ktciiuicri whkh they will offer at all limes at lh Iiowcst Prices ! Lower tban can he purchased iu Portland 1! We only ask one an.l all lo give us a e ,11, aud exrirniiie ur stock, an I you will liud the largest and ni"l select atenli uf g.nds lint ever cams t lliegon City. Ili fore purchasing elaewhcre, Ihe Lad es of this city ami the suriouuding coualiy w.ll paxae call and their stuck uf SHAWLS AS D CLOAKS, IN Ice t Suit. Oiegon City, Sept. 91, lSiilt. Km Dannciibamu & Ackerinan, Oppuails the Alain St. House, TI AVE ON HAND WJSTER COATS, of all descriptions, ai.d the riin-at lol ever brviighl to 111 mailot; Fine 1'uaiinere Coata, liluuk frock cloth io., Kuylans, Caaimerr I'anla, Saiinel do., Fill Vests, of nil darcriplious, bile Shirts, Woollen and Merino under do., Iluis & Cups, Boots i Shoes, While and blue blankets, ami many other ariicl, s too numerous to mention, which will be offered at the lowest cash prices. Jill killJs nf. matin, "denims, hickory jeuns, twiiied and plain i.r Ilia fill jaaa I irn (Ih. Brow n mualin, blenched air. ne, saliiiela, Keniin ky ir llano, Is. calicos, tiuuiliire pr ills, nil calico, ue laiuea,cuahmcres all wool, trench merinos, and a New style of Pujilius, Bonnet, uud a large lol of desirable trim- m.ngs. urcuoii iiiy, aepu , icuu. NEW OTOIHE, AND New Goods! B. A. HUGHES TTTOl. LD RESPKCTI 1'I.I.Y IM'tJI V tho pnblio the: he Imi just opened a atere .1ST CEIHGOt CITY, in Ihe house lately occupied by Chattel Pope, Jr. His stock consisls of the ai lides tieually feunJ in such estublislimcuis, und embraces Dry Goods, Groceries, Fancy Articles, &c, &c, which will be soid LOW FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. j-y- Pureliosers nre invited tn call and exam ine inv slack before litivini! e'sewh, re. Mv es nbl shinent is nu Ala n Street, near Ihe Catholio church, at tho foot of the road con, lug down the h,U. U. A. lILtslli'.a. Nov. 17, ISliO. 3;-'"' ' LEGAL NOTICE, A.F. Hedges, I'UmulI, Tlavhl MeLouffhlin. DefendanL fltO DAVID Mcl.OL'GIILIN, a non-risident I drienduiit: You are hereby not, Red that un I a von aonear in thccircint courl of the Slate of Oreiraufur the county of Clackamas, lo beheld ill llioL-oii C'.ivon ihe lirsl Aland iv in .Match, a. d. 1801, and theii and there answer Ihe complaint of the plaintiff bled in theulKivc-enlitU a cuse u?u lial von. lor lb,-recovery of the sum of nineteen hun dred dollars end interest thereon fto n the 1st of heutcmlier. IH.VJ, nt ihe rale of two per cent, per moir.h, upon a promis-oi y note g veil by vnu to said niaiiiiifT on the sa d l-t Sep.unhar, 1S.19, the same wdl be taken for confessed, aud the prayer thereof granted by the court., 18fi0m3 Att'y f,.r rilT. Corner Third and Water s'reets, opposite tne . , retry Landing, OREGON CITT. THE traveling public are respectfully iuviled in give me a call. The Oreuon House te the most pleas antly located hotel in the Slaie, and has been so arrauueil aa to make it one ol tne mean couunoui (la hollaed ill the eountrv. THE TABLE will alwava be eupplied with the beet that the iiiuikel affards. . dasi acconun, lalions for ladies an t families, men: Hoard aud lodgiuu', per week Board, without lodging, per week Hoard per day, with kalging.. Sinifie meal Nnrht's lodging: -$C00 .. 5.ui ... 1.50 -ill SO I May 7, 1 839. BuEIIAI, Proprietor. FINAL SETTLEMENT. ATOTICE is nerebi iriten that Eun'ce Anu j3l W ila. n. a.lniinis'.rair'l of ihe (stale of Peier It. Wilson, deed, lale uf Clarkam ,a county, On f n, baa fi ed h r secooota for eetlleineiil, and the first Monday in February next isapponied for examinat on of the Mine at Ihe Us.url House Orrroo Ciiv a said couuiy. liy or.Ur of th. Jades ul PeobsU'. J AM1V, WLVdTO-Vj Chrk. Do. ZS, 13CJ Reduced Prices Goods Cheaper than Ever ! N. BROWN 'HAKES tlila method of Informing hit frijuds X and Ih public generally that he J I AS REMOVED t a house ueurly Opposite his old Stand, where k ha commenced business with bis bro ther under the style uf Brown & Drothcr, who will always be happy lo wait nn their old fneU'la and oustomers ill tlia way of showing them Goods of the Very Best Quality, which, hue 'ug b-en bought low iu San Francisco, from the laigesl importers iu Cuhfuiui, they su able luaell as cheap as CA.Y BS SOLD in Portland! They will also constantly reoeivo Goods by E?ory Stoaater. Their stock coasiits of ALL HXDS OF DPESS GOODS, 0 E X T L E M K N ' S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Boots and Shoes, I lata and Caps, 3 22 3 a, 31 Y , arC!a Our main ohj ct by this italic is to inforsa the pnblio thai we ins bound tu Sell goods As low AS they Can l0 bought Portland, and no mistake. ' rut m If this ia doubted, we have only to aay, sail and satisfy yauraelves. Ladies and getith'iiirn will al- waa li welcome, and w.ll be wauea en promptness. To the Farmers WE WOULD SAY Look for tho sign of BTIO If'iV a BROTHER, ind don't leave town till you give us a call. ALL KINDS Of PRODUCE TAKEN in exchange for Goods, Oregon City, June i'i. fTMl E eesnon of the College year commences X on the third Monday of November. The commencement exercisea lire held un the 4 1 ll .1 July, when the yearly vucutioti ensues. FACULTY. L. L. Rnwlanil. President, Pnifesser .f the Creek and Hebrew Languages, Moral and Intel Iccluul I'liiloentiliy, Khetoric, aud Logic. John II. Hull, Professor of Latin, Chemistry, Gt'oocv. Mineralogy, Hoiuiiy, Mini Illslnry. Niilliuiinel lliiiUin, rroleaser of Jlalhematics, Niiiurul Philosophy, Asliuiiumy, uud lulilicnl I'hilos. nhv. The course nf studies pursued will be equiva lent lo that ol' Eastern Colleges The Centum, French, nnd Spanish w II bo tauohi by caiiipel. nl proleifors, wh cli, Willi the Hi Drew, will Ue at tile ontioii uf Ihe student. tSlurti'iita nuplyiug lur aumiMon w ill ne rcqutrrn lo have a thonauih knou ledL'e of the Lug iah britiiches, Eli memory Algebra, Caisiir, Virgil's jlvo id, Cicero's Oraliuits, the Creek ucutler, and the O ur Coiih Is, A choce I hil,,i,.phiciil nnd Chemical nppnra tus bus been reoenily received from the kust ulso, a selecl iilirury of iiiiscelluneous uudsluudurd cliirscnl norka. I'olieoe tuiiioti $13 per annum. The linanl ul' Trustees hu'0 nlso ni ide nr- rniigeinenis hir the d, licring ol Tlicologii ul len Hues for the beiiel'it of slntlenis in lint depart nionl. BETHEL ACADEMY. Tielhrl Acad mvis un-h-rllio iiislruction of Ihe College Professors, assisied by ex,erienoed leach era The Academical year couun -nces nn the 1st .Monday of September, nnd is divided into four quarters nf eleven weeks e.'n h. THKMS 0 TUITION l-K QUASTF.n ! Primary Department $ 5 00 Junior " Geography, Arithme tic, English Grammar, aud History 7 00 Alidtllu Department Higher Arithmetic), E'einaiitary Algebra, English Analyse, ami ll'iiany 8 09 Senior Department Natural and Intellec tual rlulo-ophy, CliemiHl y, Ueoiogy, M ner.ilojy, Khetnric and Logic Higher Madioma ics, Laiifriiair,, und Sen. or Cla-aof Normal Depanmeut 10 00 Particular attention Imi I te realm'; and spell ing through Ihe entire courte nf studies, slid to .-.locution snd i,oiiisition iu lliv a.aiu.s auu rsc ul. r I it parliiu nte. A Normal llep trlmcnt has been organnten, up- on the plan of the N. York Stale ISormal School, Willi particular rerorence to preparing young lames and g- linemen for leaching. This d pil liuent is Iu practical and succeaslul operation. Mudoiils or llto Ai a iemy win nave uie nnvan ts"e of the I 'ulle-'e library, itrparutus, and lee.- lures. rtiu leiits prepar ng for College, also those rleat- mm of ptirauiug Cola g al slud es wititoul design. ing a full cetirse, will bu under the instincliou of Ihe Coll- g,' 1'iolessors. Convenient srrangemeiita can be made for board at reasonable rales. Itiaika need in the school can be obtained at the College build. ug at cash pricea. liy orucr ol the jionni. Rethel, Polk co., Sept. r.l, IMiJ. 22lf Ladies: F TOU WISH ....AT A LOW PRICE.... BK SURE TO CALL AT THE STORE Of BROWN 4 BROTHER. C1 RACK Wft-a!wsye oa ajrel K.M.STO.V Sl MYF.IIS, Wliolesals and Retail DeuUrt tn General Merchandise, ars now In receipt f ND W,0 O O 9 S . elsctetl with much care In San Francisco. . WIC have just received ex Northerner fliirl liiother Juiiuthsn, 1', tiuglish, ti AMERICAN PRINTS, blcnuherl sheetings and long rlolhs, plain a barrsd mualin, du do snip muslin, Wloriu lawn, brotvrt sheeting l sliirliuga, h.ckury stripe, diuinn, 'lulls and ship's duck. IRISH LINENS, Intra damask, white iluiuiuk, Ul'.t anion, Rus siuu tuwsls, an I crash, I h 's while, ys'.low, red, grey, k blue, plain and twill ed, plain At retired mtinels, janes, co.Ioiiuil i, wool Inisey beautiful (t)!o -buiukus, while, red, blus, 4 grey. II os I cry i Isdiea', nilsaes', and children's brown, slate, si ,1 mixd hoa g.uls' and btys' wool mi collou half busa. Boots and Shoes: a large U gents' line, nieliuin, mil coarae boo s 4 shoes, ledi.V and inlaws' ca'f eh at, gaile", 4 slippers, Isiva' Unots o, shiK-s, liiildieus' slices, I'uuuy aud piaiu. 11 a v d tc arc : Pocket knives, pruning and ding knives, knives and forks, .scissor ami shears, butts ami screws, strap hinges, door locki, variety of stylos and patterns, hand 8.W3, tenon naw, coinpas3 saws, hench planes, chisels, au gers, auger bitt, aiC3, hatchets, hainiuers, shovels, hoe, potato' rakes, brads, tacks, fiuiihing iiailn, cut nails, Avrouht nails, hoim nails, itc. as BitVlSC2jrC E3S .BilaXIMBj Sugura, co.Tne, lea, syrup, sail, spices, soap, sotp powders, candles, sulcrutus, ycaat powders, cream lurlar, o,la, sul soda, iudmo, ciotlies pins, acrub blushes, paint bin-lies, brooms, dust brushes, huu I hollows, wooden pails, wash tubs, and wa,U boar'U. PJ1IJVT8 OILS: Wlito lead, red lend, Veil, red, 1'i'uaaiau blue, chrome yellow, chrome green, burnt and raw um bel, yellow 4 black paint, Vandjko biewn, T. D. Siruiie aul ussorted colored , nulls, Boiled and Baw Linseed Oil, IVar oil, lord i!, fi.U il, luuuers' e l, Cbiua nut Oil, Ovt., iiO. We will k reoeiviug by every elsaer otlji- lious to our present extensive stuck, and I'AIIM ERS and stliera will fin, I it to their advantage te cull and examine our toods aud prices bfoie buy ing elsewhere. ZOUUS, CA3IS. Ore,-ou City, Oclo'.mr I, lb'u'J. J5 (CW1IS. CM. KESTER, Under taker. "IITOI'I.D inform lbs pr eple er Oregon i lly V and viciuily Unit he wiil keep a supply ul Beady-inado Collins, of all sizes, constantly on hand. lie will nlsn keep a 31 M .1313 jSk. TI3. eil JBT2 and will be pn pre,l tu attend lo all the neciry business uf I'uiu-r.ils eoniie :ie.l will hie line. Shop war the As.vmiary. t3T Cus'.oiii from ihe cuuuli y Is respectfully sol cited. June la, lsuO. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oi 'gen for Hie County of ClacLamat, rtiilip Foster, 1'lainlift', rs. Crego nnd Fmeraoti, defen,! mils, iimv or late copartners, doing bu siness under Ihe linn, mine, mid the stylo of Ciei;o A- Kinnrauii, ill Oregon. J riVJ -CREGO At EMERSON : L Sirs: Yuu will please taku noti thai Ihers is now p, tiding a suit iu llio circuit court of tho State of Oregon for thu county of Clackamas, in which Philip hotter is p'nini ill' un,l you re defend mils, uud that the pluiiitiU 's complaint now i n lilo in said court charge ynu with being in lcbl'sl lo him in the sum oftiiitiUo (two Ihoiisinid seven hundred iiml rcveiity-eix dollarsnud iiiueiy live cents) an, I itnerest ; anil the praer of t,d eoiitplaiiit is thai judgment Im had aouiiist jou ,.r tint iiniuiilil and interest, besides of suit.--Now, thprefoie, unless you iiipesr at the next term of llie circuit ennrt uf Uie State nf Oregon for ihe county uf Clackamas, In he held In Oregon Gil) in said count yun the fttst .Mnn l.iy iu M ircli, A. n. I ill I, and answer initio to sstu e anpiunn, uio sumo will bo taken as confessed ami tho prayer ilieicol' Will be granted by sa d court. Aud whereas, it appearing to llio satisfaction nf fu'al court fiom utliduvd, that tieillier of you uto t w resid, tits il) ibis Stale, it la thercfoio ord red by sai l court that this noiice he publ'eh' d in ro ne now-paper iu said county once a week for three months, In witness whereof, I huvo herninlo sel my t. (.1 hand and nlaccd llieollieial r.ealol said conn this the Cth day uf December, a. d I Sill). JAM. nlAMIIH, 1,IC1U. FAAa & Cushrv, AU'ys for Pluitiiitl'. .lust Heceivcd, A LARGE LOT OF Dry. Goods and Groceries, V.'h'ch w II he sold low for Cash or Country rroduco. We would say to Ihe l-'anin-rs, Rerore yon fi to Porllaud in buy Goods, call on us, ni we wi.l take Flour, llacnn, Duller, Egg", Ac, nnJ -y,e, in exchange GooJs as low as can b bought ia Portland. DANNENR XU.M & ACKERMAN. Oregon City, Nur. 10, I S0. Yamhill Trade. The Fast runninj SUamer jas. ci,irov iXt-sLii ('apt. .Tanks P. Mn.i.r.R, makes regular trips to Dayton and Lajayetlr, thtee tunes a wees, w-.-u ing Caiieinah every .Monday, Wednesday, ru.,1 morning, utS o'eluek returning next da). .Tustice! .Tusticc! OLD AJE ia bound to ba the n-xt rresijnt oT the United Siatcs, and W. P. UUh ,1 has b. en appointed of lite I'esce for Or. ecm C.ty precinct, io order lo pre. cut a coli.ip ot the Colon. All olPiciul b. ne.s eulrost"! lo his care will be promptly alieu ie I tu. Ofliea ..; Ilepabllcan headquarters, first d, or north of A llolbrook's Isw ofTice, where he wdl be fo .u i when not employed ill better business at his IVagon Shop, one deal s.e'h ef tho Post Office, whsre he wo -I be glad is do just'eo lo yrnir old wagons, orsiipley you wiih new noes, as good aa th. beat, and as cheap as l he cheapest. Cash taken in efhangr. for work. . .W.r. BURNS. OMyou ly, Adj. II, I3'0. . y said coon, lij ardor ol U ewin. "V.,19yf. . jA.Vrron, CltA.