Mti- -.U. tMt. i tbrnt or wi . .lIiT.Im f Oeorifin, South I .. f . .i.lwlr 'anil Carol! ina, 13.. FI,rIdi' ,nd MiMiMl1 ronfedcTil T WOUltl pi, the embri 'nee ; m (m of 843.MI quro ro.lii and nop- Thtlr .utioi f l,Dl3.o'v """" P.""" .autd cwt t.O.OOO.t 000 in aeernniio d la maintain it. the white pojiq Ulioi would be coinp lied to lubiuit to an iritf t or iwenijuv uwwn TV n 7 do,lr- cac h.- . Sccmiiom'' i NiT-wutu The . .L.iii. Journal MTU! "MlwWUrl I ami I AI1U11IIV W" e - .... ffrnttickr. Virclnla and Murr jd uYprecata the dlmolution of the n..i Smith Carolina and Florldi Un- Is end toe. " " . r, i. ar that (lie Union ahull le dia- uceiK" " . ..I. Iff wired en ecconni or me eicap 01 mi rl'i, Kentucky', Virjrlnla'i and Maryl ' . i What diilntereati-d crcuturt-t hwou lund'i Flor JITtHi . ' Ida, South Carolina and Georgia iniwt Ims! C. JIOF.L it CO., i TTIIE 'UNION STORE' BUILDINGS, ...Dsnlla... ' DryQtois, Groceriti, Bitot; and Short; PROVISIONS f " k'nd.j wl,l and Oitti, fj Ctek paiJ for fOO, dead or alive. FINAL SETTLEMENT. yyoTICE 1 hereby prtren thai Eun'er Ana l :i.. .J.l.ialmlrlK of III eetat. of Paler im n - R. Wilson, dee'd, III of ('lirkamiia county, Oreeon, hM n'fl ner accoonia iw iiimii acinrineui, eih first Monday In February mil In m-pointed . (sreiaminatoej in iionse n ' OrrgoaCity l aid eounljr. Jiy order of ill Jade' of Probel. 1 - JAMES WINSTON, Clerk. 22.1860 38w. THESE POPULAR KITTER4 puss all the iiivigirating properties of PURE OLD liOUKIIOX WII.KKY, mid nr considered Ihe most eflicacleu. TONIC and 8TIMULA NT aswell aa Ilia moat sgrreablo STOMACHIC ever .In-red Hi public. Ai a tnniu for OLD PKOPI.E, del e ite ladle', convalescent invalid, and all srcakly people, they cannot be aurpaaard ; ia all case if wenkurss or dolu'li y, ilicy will (Ira iintnediat relief, and imp rl n strong hunt thy la.i In I ho system. A trial will ri-lal.l ali iKtf ni'fila over all other ton ire now iu un. For iaif CtmiiUinU, Bmnckiti; iyxi , JVer nar Dttttuti, tnd Liter etmpUinti, thiy arc i a inriiluahl remedy; and thi-y are a corta n artiiiva of rkilli nnd frrtr. Pal npin Quart IJatilea, in eaaei of one and tredotrn. and fur ftilr by dru-.'i;iaia, Rroreri. i, HMtDi, and liaiuir dealer everywhere., aud by (iKOKGK W. SNKLL. 8.. la A Kent fur the Pacific eoaat, 130 Wailiiiiftou at., San Franc wo. VBaker'a Tain Panacea! , 'DR. BAKER'S PAIN PANACEA, Fur the cur f pain, both externally . and internally the C.REATEST PAlN-CVItINO REMEDY ' Yet discovered, faia cannot exiat where lliia remedy i faithfully .. . naed. Give it a fair trial. FOB4AIX In the Stomtch, Duk or Bowed, iaraa, iruiiei, ' cult, willing: colic, diirrica, and rhcu nHltm,hfdtckc, toothache, and earache. It eurea, almost iuatantnneoualy, CHUONIO DISEASES, aucii at Djipeui, weak brent, liver ctmplaint, general iekility, f ever and ague, canker or tort " .threat, weak eye; tpine and kidney ,. dueaaef, aid mrtt, cough: Iu tfu above-mi ntionod diaearaa, it only needa to ' .' , be faithfully uacd, and f' !': ' CURB IS CERTAIN. Mtiy all dniggima and enunlry inerclianl. CEOHUE W. SNtLL, . Agent, Wwhiiiftoii at., San Krnncitco. Da. A. II. 6TEELE, ageut, Oregon City. TT- A Extern par Dr. WM. HALL'S BALSAM CURES all diaea of the LVNOS and throat For the eure of i-oniuinption. He din, asthma, bronohitia, wniting of flesh, night (aui, spitting nf blood, whooping cough, dilfi (ally 'of breathing, colds, coughs, influrnxa, phthiaic, pain in tho tide, auJ all diseuses of the tnjt,it v , . Is Unequaled ! ftr Lung Balaam, in all ease, give the est aauafactian; .. ' Ha wrought more cores since its introduction "a y other enugh medicine ! eudorted by ur hading physician aa the f'i and beat remedy nw before the public; "aafc teasa among chiMran, yet powerful ia J"I thMoie palmonary diae.iae; Brap in certirV ate almost da:ly at lUwouder- eartj in all parts of the country. Thera ia no uiedieine within our knowledge that Mired ao great and w de-epread pnpulnrily, " "short a .pore of lime, a DR. HALL'S '18AH FOR THE LVNOS. It bal and healing propertios are mai.-al. It ia Nbly eipectorant and toaie. It oonuins net F ef optom r morph no, the narcoiie and aa ""pat aropertie which hav created a much fli't against similar preparation. aalistve that a medicine poaaeamng real ill affect core whenever it ia need, at m abroad. Dr. Ilall'a BaUvim for ih P no paregoric preparation, but en which, V"d in aeaai, w II aave the five of thou. Th aaeat dianraaa'.og eoairh ia frequently f' ay a aiagla Hoae, and broken up in a few time. The all iH d.. nut have to Uke after belli before, they find whether thr will aaVd relief r Rot. 'Mr what nyawiatai aay af Dr. Hair Bal T : " , wiih eeoAdeax-a, roeom ) th Balaam as sapaeior U any pr. p iratioa." "w ja : I have aaed it with anherm soe and eaa confidently reeeewirxed h for all " esaiplainta lor wh eh it ia ffisrsjd a a rem 2' 8t.ll aaxher write : I hav no hsiu 7 T'at trval It tea safe, eenvwiieat, and Tj-" a." Mya Dntpo. GBoruk W. 8NELL, Aceat, 110 Waahingtoa sL, San Fraaesaea. ; A. H. STEELE, igaat, Orcgsa City. PMioaaai. ad aaowr far Dr WM. lvv kusAM roiCrre lv:os. MaaTalia Ufa ntta-Tha h gh and ..vied wlrbrliy whieh Ih a pre-em neul me.liein- ha ao u red for it invariable .ffic. y iu all Ihed aswi. which it pniMs to cur, ha rendered th pntclM'riiiialu purling sj nonly name UIH kail u a ... L. t .a 'I I . anry -M,iT i iiHpm. invy ar ai.wa I hair fruiisi ilivir good work It-wiiy fur llcin, by au mey mnv rwr oy in isitfi ar Hi cnduieoa, all OilSMI mi eA-IIITMIIMM. Jw.n.uU I. 1.... - I Iu h 'vr anulilia. nilaa. iliaumaiiMu. favmm -u-.uaia neao-K'nr. anq an general aemii.c mentaof beallh, the Pill have invariably proved a reruin and apawly reme ly. A airl Irial will place I h Life Pills beyond ihrachM eoiiipsliiiuu in ih aetimalNHi of i very p am, I'r. tlauT,! I'horo I II Uer will be found equal ly efficacious In all cane nf nervous ). b Illy, Jya. pu4a, hradaclie, Ih siikixas inc denl lu female in acaiaav nailh, and every k nd f w..knas of Ih digesliv argana. Fur aal hy Dr. W. H MOFFAT, Hi llradway, Ne Vik. and by Mtdiein lalar and Druggiel generally Ihrvughuut thr rauutry. jy. MaadH taaraarllla.This pun-ly vegembl leniedy oinnbin in itself the priy. ri; of au An liaepi e, a mild cathartic, and a Milo. Ii u,uick ly remove from the blooil, and oiln fluid of th body, th Impurities of unhealthy aecreiiona which engender and f d diseas-, thus striking at the root of ih. malady. Although proved auefliva ciuiu It may b lakan at all times with Berfeei safety, aa it contain no powerful drastic drug to debilitate the ytein, er uiiuerul poisoa to ruin me ciqiBinuiion. Prepared and sold bv A. It. Jr. D. SANDS. Itla Fulton st , New York. Pr e $1 psrboitl. r sis n ines lor fj.l. tT Head the adverliarmenl in annlher eolumn bold by Da. 8TKKLE, Oregon City, aud by irug;iBi g. nsrany. Dytaeptla. Vever aad Aiae. laat.ratlaa. Sour Stotnwh, Iturn. Water llrash. Itil liouaneas, IJver Complaint, Ai-iduy. Flatulency, jaunna-e, nango ri inmate. Met lleailnche, Appetite, Female tVmplainte, Oppression after Ueneml Debility, die, nra rupidlv, ef fectually and surely cured by ih OXYOEX- AlbU till lb 1(4. California Evidence. Hill. Cat., June 16. IH.18. ( Havinr sulT red for fifteen year with Dvanensia lu its ww st form, and having retiaulted with th neat I'liyaiciaii. and inwl evervtlnng roroiumended withoul relef, I was induced le try the OXYtiE- NATED UITTKIU, and b.-Ue I had tak.-ti one bottle. I found myself much belter, and continued lak ng them, until I was emir, ly cured, and now enjoy as good health aa ever I did in my life. I take great pleasure in r cmnim n ling them to all who are similarly afflicted. Jixu Loxcsnoac The OXYGENATED BITfEKS are eol.1 in California by RedingtoB It Co., Henry Johnsondc Co., Charles Morrill, San Francisco; R. H. Mo- Donald at. Co., niicnimcntn ; Itice, ti fnn &. Co., MarysvillcJ Smith aV Oavia, Portland, Oregon. GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. HCOV ILL'S Blood &l Liver Syrup, OR SARSAPARILLA AND ST1LLINGA, FOR TIIK CIRK OP Scrofula, Syphilitic, and Mercu rial Diseases, Did sores, skm diseases, and all other diseases which are caused by an Impure itate of the Slood I THIS BLOOD ii LIVER SYRUP UTIS WARRANTED J3 To cure all ecrofulnus and other diseases that originate I ruin me ilkio on i.n aa. READ THE STATEMENT OK MR. M. McWILLIA.MS, Who ia Elder in Itev. Iloravo lliislinill's church, regarding the cure of hi ilaughtar, who wna to all appearance cr ppk-d for l.t'e with the ter rible diacuse, SCROFULA: CiKcia.viTi, Fib. 28, 1859. Mcoaa. A. L. Pcovill Se Co. J a ir Sirs: I teel it my duty lo write you, and let yuu know hat jonr il.oo.1 aud Liver Syrup hasduue fur my daughter, mid that by puuUhiug it otln rs wliu sutler wiih the aatne niseiise may know of it, aud hy it unr derive grvi.l benefit. Aly daughter bl.ta Ima been sorely attlict.d Willi SCROFULA, attended wi.h great pain, for more hull two yi ars. She hail some hve or six ruuuiug Ulcers on one of lurleet, one un her hp, and me nu her hick. They cuumJ voniiaciion of Ihs limba so thai alie could not walk. At Ih time, t'ruin the h gh rtcoiiiiiiendaiii ii of your Uluod uud Liver Syrup iu curing auoh ilMa a, I w.ia induced lo try it. She commenced using it. and ue the iiiedtciuo acted on tint blood, the Korea commenced to heal. Th Imi'ua are getting airaigiil she ia now gaining sirrugih. I have only used three bottle of lite medic lie, and she can now walk quit well. Your Klood and Liver Syrup has don wonders iu rrsloiing her health. With the gieatcat respect, I rema n your, II. MuWll.LUMl STATEMENT OF RfcV. HORACE UUdll- ELL. City Mitoianary d Potior of the Pretbylerian enure Cinci.snti, March 2d, 1859. Missa. A L. ScoVlLU a Co Dear Sii: M. Me ill. ami, Esq., i an elder iu th chuich ef wh cb I am pastor. I am ac quainted wi.h ihe circumstance W th c-a of his daughter, ant I iiav nonc.n iicv iu .io.j that I conaider the cure truly wonderful. HORACE IJUM1IM1.LL. Scovill' Blood a-b Live Svaur lor ai by all the princ pal Driii:gists everywhere. Dr. A. 11. STEELE. Afeut, Oregon City. GEO. W. SNELL. ncceii-or m Park ii Whit, Agent, San Francieco, I Jll Yt asluugtvn at., lmvo'lrr a4 Gcnrral Auent fr oil Patent Jledlrhtrdk FuMrf Good, which are offered I th Tra la ol JVei Vr price, toitkbul coot of Importation Commercial College. MR. C A. SEARS With continue his EVENING SCHOOL until March let. lHot) Instruction g ven n Writinr. Drawing, Book-keep ng, Ar.lhmetio, Navigation, eta. ... School daya ia Portlaud-Tsdy, Thursday, and Saturday. - School day in Oremn City Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday N.U. Marriaf ana Tisnins; oio Bank nf aeceuut Pted, and coinpliciied ac- eounu adjuwed. ' 2. ls6U-3dtf GENTLEMEN: I HAVE TAKEN THE MAIN MKr.r.i HOUSE, and will try to render satwtaction to all who may choose In honor me with a rail. A this ia my first ulkiiiin. please drop in and sea me. mini. oiiuii". Oregon City, Not. 16, I860. D. D. STEPHENSON, DENTIST, ha removed hi ffic to the Citf Book Store, when h is prepared to do all work ia hi line. m . i-iii. WatJasi. Tsr, OTICE ss Hereby give ihat srlie.a of ad u k.v. k -aa arnntMi Iu the an ler- gaed ay lb. eniy earn i rf Cla kama. county, o ih esjtal of FendJ C.Cya, Nideonaty- All pereon in lebid le a' ar rrauirad to make immediate paj m-nt. aa I all prw7haviBgli-nr" ' are re q. red - pfet the- t irMa al i y fr th ef a . m U necr, tr A.j,CkiOS, Dae. A 1 860-3Tw3 Kim aavnax. oo&Laoa. THE seweo erih,Crt,g, ysar CMnmrw-o. au Ih third Mrndiy uf Nvemb.r. Th. nMiiiueneruieiii ei.-rcje. h. I.I mi lb dib ef -j, nen in yaaiiy vaentiou eimues. , , ,, rmfesMr ef Ih. "'" t-anuuofo, Moral and lute I kciawl PhiloM.phy, llheLnic, ami .f,o. Joliu II. Hall, PrufesMir uf Latin, Chemistry -7i minera ofy, luaauy, and lluilnry, K.1L....1 11. 1 . . . ........... iiiwmi, rrwrsMr er, natural riitlusupli), Aativuuuiy, aud Politic. ..IHWyilJ. Tb- i-.ura nf aruHie pursued will b nu n lie llwlar f.asisrn Collides 'I'd. Carman, n.iicii, ami rjpain.n w 11 D tuuuhl by uomurlenl piimra, wn en. won iu Hi brew, will b at 1I11 Nilioa or in.- aliMleut. Studeiil p')ing fur a Iniiwni will l required Iu hav a ihoiiHigli knowledge ,.f ih Engiieh brandies, Eltntemary A'g-bra, t', Virgil's X. wid, I Iceio'a Orationa, Ui Creek Header, and in I. ur oo'pcl. A ebuce i'hiluiihical and Chemical anoara tie) has keen rewnily received fiem lli E si also, a sl.-t library ef nuscsilaiieou aad aiandara Class eal work. College tuition $12 par annum. Th Hoard id Trustee ha also mad ar. mngeirani for th-d llvriii ol Theulnaucal lea. luiufor ths benelil of studeo In that depart- mailt m BETHEL ACADEMY. Bethel Acad my is under Ih in-lriictien of Ih IMleg rrefexnrs, ats . by eprinced teach, era '1 he Academical year counn -nc on Ih I st Mond iy at Sepi. nber. and la divided into fuur or eleven week emh. Tuaas er TuirioR ran Qvaaraai Piimary Drpartnienl S 00 .luuior - Gaography, Arithme tic, bngl sh Grammar, ami llislnr 7 00 Sl.diJI U-pai-tinenl Higher Arilhirrlie, Eemsnlary Algebra, Enalish Aualvss, an l botany g 00 Senior Uepanmenl Natural and Inlell e tual Philo-ophy, Chfinl-l y, Geology, M nemloiy, Khetorie and Logic, Higher Maihamatic. Lauguagi, nud Sen or Cla-sof Noimal Depanmenl 10 00 Particular attent on pail I reeling aud spell ing through the enlire court of slu.lies, and lo I.Iocuiioii and Louipotilitn iu Ihv Muid. aud Se nior liipariimn. A Normal Pepirinvnl ha been nruanited, up on the plan of the N. Yurb Slat Normal S liool. Willi particular reforrnee lo preparing young la Ilea and (euuemeu lor leaching. This d parliueut is in practical and aucceaalul operaliou. blud.-nts of iho Aeauemy will have the advan tage of the I ollee l.brary, apparaiua, and lec tures. Slu lent prepar'ng for College, also tho desi rous ef pursuiuff culler inle Mud ee without desien- lug a full eeiirae, will b under th Instruction of th College Proftaaor. Coiivenieni arrangementa can be made fur beard at renewable rale. Hunks used in the school can b obtained at Ih Collet build ng at caah price. V order of the Board. Bethel, Polk eo.. Sept. S3, I SCO. 2it( Pacific University, Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon. Rev. S. II. Mar. A. M., Prtn'dent. Rcr. II. Lyuax, A.M., Prof. Mathematics. pilE collrgiate year. couisting of one term ef -I nine months, will com.ueuc on the first We.lues lay of November. It i Hi. desiKii 01 tins Institution tn furnish a thorough and complete collegiate education. I here is a Library uf 1000 volume for the use of the students. Appl cants for admission lo col!eire must have a knowledge of the cuminun Engli'li branches, and have studied the ancient languages ao far aa to have read portion of C'ajiar aim Ciocroand llie Greek Reader. I he tu.liun fee 1 9.12 per annum. fitlld.-tile Altiliir fnr nolUrra mm trl a1i..m w'ahing le pursue collegiate Hud ee without en tering upon the collage course, will be under thu in-liuction of the college tea. hers. Tho foil term nf I I weeks ill Ilia nrenartilArv department commences ou the 2d Wednesday ol September. Tuition, $i per term. TUALATIN ACADEMY. Tu.ilHiin Aondeiny, for the com'nir year, w II tie under the direct on and instriictisu of IheCel lege I'mfessnni, wild iK'h ansistuiit instructor a tin V may Hnd neeiaxary lo carry it fur ward effi ciently and successfully. The full term w II cornm nee on Wednesday, Sept. 19, lo continue eleven weeks. Tuition Common branches, 95; hieher. $3. A small additional charts will be mad lor fuel, tVe. Instruct 011 in PaiuUig kit, to such aa receive it N B. Th colleg'at and lite collegiate pre paratory departmonta Will coinineiicu 011 Wednes day, the 3lal of October at I he commencement ot the last half ef the academical term, at which time Pree. Marh i expected, with competent as sisting leachera from Ih Last, to be ready to take his place the Inslitutinn. Prof, l.vman, with the assistance ef Mra. C E. Ad M, will carry forward the ncadem eul d. par.ment till ihe reluru of Pres. Marsh, Sept. I, I860. Sltf Toonr America Sroad-cast Seed-Sower! Simplicity, Utility, Durability, and Cheapness Oombiued ! It. 8. RICKEY'S IMPROVED BROAD I'.AHT HEED HO YV ER, Patrntrd, March 29, 1859. fllHIS machine ie well adapted lo (owing all JL kinds of gra n and grass seed, hemp seed, iic. Il sons morn regularly than can ptawibly be sown by hand, or any other machine ever intio duced. It is prrirelly simple in its couMruciun, and not liab:o to get out of order, it ia easily un deratnoH, and does away with th. hard manual lalior of sowing grain doing ihe ennie amount el labor iu iwu hour that could b don in on. day by the ordinary met hnd of sow ug. The much nu can be earr ed while being need, as it we glia but five pound, nr. by a ample frame, il can b at tached lo a wagon. W hen it ia earr.ed, il ia trapped on the body of the operator, a strap to go acrusa the riifht shoulder and nuderlhe leil arm, also a strap buck. ed around the boly.and a alrap from thr topof the sack, around Ihe neck. Shou.d Ih Machine by accident g I broken, any t.riocr can repair II although by proper care the Ma. hine will last a life urn. Hut to b appreciated, it rausl be seen. Il will w th various grain and ed Ihe following dwianee: W heat, S fct a cst, er 100 ft. at a rnnd Oat. 6 - 72 llempseed,') - - M - II. a..- - M . " Timothy, d. 25- - 50- Other gra n and eeede in th same prop-.niim. It will else sew wel aad limed graia per.eeily well. Corin'j Right for Sale on Gmd Terms. Addreaa. 8. 8. SNOW, P.mland. Those wiahing le procure oiach.oea. can applv I the ahoTr.or to H. M- Hamphny, Ponland. or t: W. Bryani, I reweo, Oregon, aad order, will be punctually fill, d 8e 8. 180 m4 Just Received, A LARGE LOT or Dry - Goods and Groceries, Wa eh w II be sold hw for Oaab at Country afredoe. Wa would say lo lite Farm-rs. Brforo yoe g lo Ponlaed I buy Case, ee e as, a we wrll Uka F-or. Bacon. Butter, Eggs, tc. d i ia .whanp Good ae lew aa caa be eeoght aa P.eUiU I DA55ENBAU.V1 Nfc AClCFaUIAJl. Read! Read! Read! Danaenbaam A dickennin, Oppetit Ike Miin St. Ilouu, RESPECTFULLY Inform Ih publo Ihsl Ihey hav received per steamers Vorleo aud rjtjtt A WELL SELECTED STOCK or Dry - Good 8, Boots aud Shoes, Hats and Bonnets, AND GROCERIES! Ia addition, Ih.y will receive NEW G)0D9 Of Every tfieituierl which Ihey will offer at all timai at th Lowest Prices ! Lower than can he purchased in Portland ! ! W.only ask one and all I give o a e.ill, and emmiua 1 Ur dock, aad yoe will find ihs largest and isitaat seleol sleek uf gl that ever caw I Oregou Cily. Itrfur purchasing elsewhere, the Uid ra of this cily and th aurreuuding ceuairy will piaa call aud eiaimue Ihelralock uf SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, lrlccal Rnll. Oiegon City, Sept Jl, 1R0O. Im Dannenbaum & Ackerman, Opposite the Maiu St. flous, H AVE ON HAND WINTER COATS, at all descriptions, and Ihe hues! lot ever brought to thisiuaiael; Fin Casiiuere Costa, Black frock cloth do., lUglaiu, Casimre Pant, Satiuat de Fin Vests, of all descriptions, tl bile Shirts, Woollen and Merino under do., Hale dc Caps Boot it Shoes, Whit and Hu hlaiikels, and many other article to uuinerous le msnlion, which will be offered al the lowest cash prices. Jill kinds nf. Brown muslin, bleached muslin, denim, hickory sir pe, satin!, Kentucky jeans, twilled and plain flaaiieb). caliciai, filruilurc pr Ills, oil calico, do laiuea, cashmere all wuel, French merino', and a JVrtfi style of Poplin, Bonnet Ribbon, and a large lot of desirable trim- in ug. Oregon city, sept, w, icuu. NEW STORE, AND New Goods! B. A. HUGHES WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the publio that he ha just opeued altera I J OREGOM CI TV in the bouse lately occupied by Chat lei Pope, Jr. Ilia Hock consist! of ill article usually found in sucli eitabliahmeuta, aud embraces Dry Goods, Groceries, Fancy Articles, he., 4c, wh!oh will be ie!d LOW FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. tW Purchaser are .nvited to call and exam ine my stock before buying e'sewhi re. Mv es 11b! shmrnt l on Man Street, nenr Ihe Catholic church, at thu font of the road coming down ihe hut. B. A. HUGHES. Nov. 17, If CO. 3dif LEGAL NOTICE. A. F. Hedges, Plaiutirl, niit l,.f.Atiffhlin. Defendant rilO DAVIO iMcLOUGIII.IN, a nen-resident I dr emlaut: You are hereby notified that un- lew you appear m theuin.'Uit Court uf the Stale of Oregon for the county ef Clackamas, 10 be held in Oregon C'.tyou Ihe first Monday in March, a. D. IH6I. and then and there atiaacr the complaint of ihe plsiunff filed in thcabove-rntilled caae aca.ust you, for the recovery of the sum of nineteen hun dred dollar! and iuterest thereon from the 1st ef .-eptcmber, (859, at th rat nf two per cent, per month, upon a proiniawy not g'v.u by you t said piaiulilTon Ihs sad lt September, 1859, th sain will be taken for confitsaed, and Ih prayer hereof granted by the court. JAMES K. KELLY, Nov. 24, 1 860m3 A tt'y fr Pllt Land for JSale. TWO or three land claim of 160 and 320 acres, twelve miles u a goo I road, uo at ream in cnaai, in a south east direction from Oregon City. The improvement cost ng neur y ae much a Ih pric -ked lor the land. Th land is idanUd le raiting fru t, graia. or f rasa, awl haa aa ood a raug for sic k aa there i. in Clackamas county. V III be sold on favorable term. En quire ef N. W. RANDALL. Oregon City, Sept 30, ltMI)w5 Special 'Notice, TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I WISH all those who are indebted to Ihe 'Ea gle Boot aud Shoe Store' le please com for ward and eeiiks Ihe r account bef.ire the fir of Janutrv. 1461, or I will put the b lie in Ihe bands ef an officer fc-r col.eeiioa. J. MOONEY. Oregon CHy, Def S. I860. HOTICE. TO Renld C Cr.-W ef the Eieenter of ike last will ef Koben Moore, late of Clack aiiuu county, Orei-on. decdi Ye r hereby notfi-d that I will apply lath lloaurablr Robert Caufield, County J u-lge efaaol eoouty, oa th first Muuday ef Ftbrnnry, Inlil, e bavr yo tt OMved fnan your plaoe a eiacnti aioresa d. ( oaae sat Uth .a eemplaiM and affidavit aj.wee fihr ia the county enart ef ea.d ,,.. D. J- SCHNEBLY, CtniMr Third and Water o'rtets, opposite Ike terry Msaiif, OREGON CITT, rTHIE Iraveling publio ar isapeclfully j. invited 10 giv in a can. 'I'lia IIm-iam IIihis. im lha moat nleas antly located hotel ia the Stale, aud has beeu ae arranged aa 10 maae 11 on el in mosi eunuaoai una ki.M 11. iIm auu.ilrtf. THE TABLE wdl alwav b supplied with Ilia best ihat th market aHurd. Giai i aovommiaJaliona for ladies 111J families. f aici Board and lodginir, per wk $600 Boaid, wilhoul lodging, per weak i.tll) Hoard per day, Willi lodging 1.50 Singl. meal t0 Night's lodging 50 J. DoE 11 M, May 7, 1059. Proprietor. Reduced Prices Goods Cheaper than Ever ! IS. BROWN ryiAKES this method of Informing hi fricaJs A. aud Ih publio generally ihat h JIAS REMOVED I a hous arerly Opposito his old Stand, where be bn commenced busines wilb hi ero ther under th style uf Brown &. Brother, wh will always b hippy le wait on thir ld friend nud cutoinr iu th way of showing them Goods of tho Very Best Quality, which, ha ng been bought low in San Francisco, from the Ingest importer ia Califernl, they are ab; to sail as cheap as CA.V BK SOLD in P ortland! They will also constantly reooiv Goods by Every Steamer. Their stock eoasisli of ALL BINDS OF ILieD3el.a' DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Soots and Shoes. I lata and Caps, a a sr a a & 7 . aMz. '9 Our main object by this notice i to infori lb public that ' ar bound to aril goods As low as they can be bought in rortland, and no mistake. If this ii doubted, wa have only to say, call and satisfy yotinttlvei. Ludie and gentlemen will al ways be welcome, and wdl b waited tn with prompt nes. To the Farmers WE WOULD SAY Look for the sign of BROWN d BROTHER, and don't leave town till you give us a call. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN in etchaitge for Good: Oregou Cily, June 33. BOOKS! BOOKS! AT THE OREGOU CITY BOOK STORE, consisting of. .... Standard Religious, Miscellan eous, and Poetical works, Waverly and Dickens's Novels, &c, &c, &c. Stationery, of all kinds, etc. April 28 D. D. STEPHENSON. GENUINE Lawton Blackberry Plants, MOM Till GLEN RUN NURSERY. I WILL hive after the lit of Nov. Lawton Blackberry and seversl Variel! of Raspberry pl.iul. lor sal at th following pi ice 1 Oregon Cily. Forest Grove, MoMinville, Dayton, and at any other point In Orifon. I warrant all Blackberry plants lu live that are art before the 1st Jan.. aVall genuine, as I have m-ver raised the plant from Ihe wd. There are eullua acedhngs in Una State and Californi. Look nut for them ! PHILIP RITZ. Glen Ron Nurery,8ept. 29, Io60-29w4 Ladies . F YOU WISH nasa 3nsso qo$;d3, ....AT A LOW PRICE.... BE SURE TO CALL AT THE STORE OF BROWN BROTHER. OREGON HOSPITAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 9. 0. Rawthra, AX. M. Zory Phtsicu. Illy Muse aa. Tovs, Toys. nif.I. RUPPLT FOR CHRISTMAS ..d New Y - Jd jt 5 I- vawr?D. m., 1 u RALSTON 4 MYER3, WiW and Retail Dtalart la General Merchandise. at bow la receipt ef vaw aeoBi tet4 with much ear la 8a Fraaai. I ban jusl received i Nertherasr aad Broth.r Jonathan, Fraiuih, Eugliah, dl AMERICAN P1UNTS, bleached, shotting and long cloths, plaia fc barred niushu, da do snip muslin, Victoria lawn, brow a sheetings a shirtings, h.ckory strip, duasldiiile and ebip'i duck. IRISH LINENS, linen damask, while damask, tabl aevera, tlua. siau tuwls, and crash. eTtsA!l!l III, while, yellow, reJ, (ry, 4 bin, plaia aad twill ., plaia figured aJlusls, Jsuea, aattenadiH, wiil husey beautiful at) Is blaakaU, wh U, rd, bluer, gry. naleryi lidie', mlass.', and children' browa, slat, and niiied hut gcut' aud boy' wol end eallviw half boa. Boots and Shoes: a targe lot genu' fine, medium, and coara boot a shoos, l.die' and misses' calf fhoee, gaiters, a sliMwra, boy' bout a (boa, ehildr' bo fauuy and plain. II a r dtc are: Pnolcot l-nlvco. nrimilKr nnd blld dine knives, knives aud forks. o 1 f scissors aud shears, butts aud screws, strap lunges, door locks, variety of styles and patterns, linnd saws, tenoa saws, comoass 9HTVS. bench Dlanes. chisels, au gers, auger bitts, axes, hitchets, uammers, sboveis, Locs potato rakes, brads, tacks, fluiahing nails, cut nails, wrought nails, hon nails, tfcc Ka.ar3JKr: sffavarjir:) 8ugara, ceflee, tea, ayrup, aalt, spice, seep, sp mi.iI.m. hsiuIIm. li.rMiita. v.aat aoaaaV'S. cream. tartar, oda, sal soda, indigo, aloth piu. scrub bruehi1, paint brushc. broom, dust brnshsa, hand bslluws, weodeu pail, waall tube, and wash bosr-ls. PjIIJYTS St OILS: Wlolo lead, red lead. Tea. red. Fruaaiaa blue. chrome yellow, chrome green, burnt aad raw um bel, vallow a black oainl. Vandk brown, T. D. Sienn and assorted colored (malt, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil, Plr ail. lard ell. fish il. laur ail, Cbia aa) il, eta, cVe. W. :il L. UA.I1HA !. ---mm . .ill. r m win mm fouci viug .mi; - lions teeur present leusiv eteok, and FARM EW and ether will find il le their dstg M call and caamia ear foods and iwice hanr bay mm m mmU igdiownere. avuruia, vaaaasassu Orga City, October 1, 1 860. SS C4WFFINS. CM. KESTEI, Undertaker, WOULD Inform Ih people ef foa Cily and vicinity ihat h will kep a supply uf Readjvmade Coffins, of all sizes, constantly on hand. II will also keep a nd will ha nrrnarad In attend la all the neeeasarf business of funeral connected with hi line). Shop near the seminary. 1T Custom from the eouulry i ripetrully sol cited. jun iwi. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Ihe County of Clackamao. Fhilip Foster, Plain lifl", Crego and Fmerson, dnfend nnli, now or lute copartner, doing bu linesa under the firm, mime, and th stvl of CretrncV Emerson. In Oreron. TO CRKOO at EMERSON ! Sir: You will pleas take notice lhal ther is now pending a suit iu III circuit Court of Ih State of Oregon for Ihe reuiily nf Clackamas, ia which Philip Foster ia p'aiutilf and yu ai defend ants, and Ihat th plaintiff" complaint now on filo in said court charge yau ilh being indebted lo him in Ih sum uf $2776 tl.'i (two thettaand seven hnndred and seventy -six dollars and ninety five center and interest : and Ihe prayer ef (aid complaint ia thai judgment be hid again yeu for that amount and interest, beside coal at auit. Now, therefore, utiles you appear at the neil term of lha circuit court uf lli Slat of Oregon fur the ccunty f Clackamas, lu he held in Oregon City in said county on the fitat Maday in Maruh, A. D. 1661, andsiiswar make to said Complaint, til sumo will be taken aa eonfeesed and th praysr thereof wiM be granted hy eaid court. Ami whercua, it' appearing to the satisfaction of laid court from affidavit thut neither of you are now resident in this Hlate, It II therefore ordered hy said court Ihat this notice be published in soni newrpupar iu (aid county one a week for Ihrr months. In wilnesa whereof, I have hereunto set my l 1.1 hnnd and planed the officinl eenl of said court thu tli Cth day of December, 4. n. 18K0. JAS. WINrlTON, Clerk. Fama cV Cuv, Atl'yi for Plaintiff. A CPU HI A For ' INSTANT RE lO I Ilitiii LIEF and PERMANENT CURE of this distressing ecmplnint us miriTi BRONCHIAL CIOARCTTES, Mad by C B. SEYMOUR k CO., 458 Bread way, NEW YORK. Trie, 1 1, SO per bet 1 lent frc by pst,$l per dozen boies, free by Eipres. FOR BALK AT ALL DRUGGISTS' Yamhill Trade. Th Full-running Steamer JTA. CLIITO.t, Cpt. Jam D. MiLLia, make regular tripe I Dayton and Lafayette, Hire lime a week, leav ing Ciinemnh every Monday, Wednesday, and morning, at 8 'elock returning neat day. Justice! Justice! OLD ABE is bound I be the nejtl President ef the United Stale., and W.P. BURNS ha been appointed Jurna of the Pae fur Or. egen C.ty precinct, in order I prevent a aollapae of the Union. All official buemese entrusted le hieeare will be promptly attended to. Office at Republican hcadoiiartar, first doer north of A. Holbroek'e lew eftice, where ho will be foaad -when nut employed ia betlar buaioe el hi Wagon Shop, y en doer sooth ef th Peel Office, where he weeldi b glad I de justic le year old wagene, rupply you with new on, aa good aa tb beet, aad a hep a th cheapest. Cook taken in eackanrt for mark. W. f. BURNS. Oregon Cty. Ang 1 1. 1860, JUtT received, the Utaet style at mvu ear at BON NETS. Leghera aad eVaw it. AiyyroRTrf u vtt Mitrr