JUI-'JJIIM1 "Z. w. publish th !' C . i r..l nan ktdvl 0 lalM I uvt oll P",nl,l !f' M childhood ! happy hom, u v parents, who with aiiiitua brow . Haa Merd m 'h ' The" ' "",l"" Their blsssiiig I shall ar. I king iw,k Ix'11'1 ,hy ,,l,a' W illi suner. brother, dear, ' " And when )' b uifhu b My heart wdi linger here i ' For ihauflli I ' ,h ,r"Jr """i P, n th thy arch slill dwell Tli kiudred form lo m allied, Wha'M lured Hit lon( md well. Of) as the twi'lht hour shall come, con but Ihiuk of thoM Viih whom m lt it tliiot w et hour Tli day "''I1 "n "m e!o'' I Thugh far wr bo ' y 'y, My b'uni' in hall ur mil, Tim humble gray md moss-grown roof 1 can frgl il iwL fcartpeaa laWtHieae. ' The uteaiDship " GIwrow," with dotes from Qucenstoww, Irulund, to the 8lh yoembcr,h arrived. Fifteen thouMind Neapolitan troops, .iik hone md field piece, were purwiod hj the Sardinians, and took refuse in the I'.ml Stutfi. where llier were arrcntea by the French troops there. Tli-y were to iltuirmed. HV " - After the full of Gactii, Garibaldi will Kills " Later. The ntcnmship Africa, with Liv erpool dates to November 10th, hns arrived. Victor Emanuel lias formully accepted the sovereignty of Naples. O.irilmldl has resigned the diclntorsliip tnd departed for his " Iluiid home." The diHftolutinn of the Pope's penernl army was pni'tive. He will have left only ..i i n nnn ....... PHIlOV -i ....... ' Eastkii.v Ei.f.ctions. In iVurylimil, nfficinl returns have been received from nearly every enmity, and the full vote will not viiry from the following results: Bell, 37,613;. Ilreckiuridje, 88.323; lloticlua 5,345. Majority (or Brerkittriilgo, 710; majority of Bell nnd Douglas combined our Bret-kiiiridjre, 4,635. Tho vote for Lincoln, so fir as assertniiicd in the State, is 3,200; in Baltimore city lie received 1, OSS. In New Jersey, the official void hns hern declared,-!. Tlip followinj arc the elected electors: Win C'k, Di'mocrnt ; Joel I'urker, Democrat; Theodore Rittiyan, Democrat; Joseph Iloiiblnwer, Ilepubli can; Charles E. Elmer, Hcpntiliciiii; Ed ward V. Jones, Heptililiciiti; Isnuc II. Seniler, R"piililicnn. The three Doiijrlim Democrats nre electxl by 3,000 to 4,000 ninjnrily. The straight Doii'.'l is ticket car ried just enough votes from Vrooin, Wurtz, lluudict iiinl Brewer, to diTi-nt them. Krpwr-r and Wurtz nre defeated by some 1,500, wh lo the other lose it by from 100 to 30(1. In some purls of the State people Tiild as though uews of tho fusion had new reached them. Take nil the votf to-(jeth'-r, there is a m ijorlly of from 3,000 to 4,01)0 against Lniolii. Sac. Union. P5 A very ill-nntured cynic observes, '! Must fern lies will forgive n liberty rather than a slight. If any woman were to have a nmn arrested for stealing her picture, al though it were set in polil, it would be n new case in law; but if he carried olT the setting Mini left tho portrait, he would re ceire no mercy. Psi.isqfENT. E. M. Hall, Harrisburjr (Tluirsion) P. O., Linn county, owes this Office $14 for subscription. Ormoh Crry Market. Wheat, 55 60c; Flour, $3,50a4; Oats 25u30c; But ter, 20a25c; Ejrgs, 30c. Multnomah lodge No. 1, A V. & A. M.. hold in iiuifd cnininnnleii- VVlimii ill Muwin'n Hull, ail lllll SlltlirduV neci diii( the Full Moon in each month. Brethren in good standing are invited In annul. A. L. LUVUOy, W. M. D. W. Csaio, Seo'y. 13 1" Tho next regular meeting will beheld en Saturday even'nif, Deo S3. The iimual elec tion if officcri will then take place, and other buiineteof iinpjrtaiK'e will be trammeled. Every number ia requested lo be present. x. o. o. r. J'i-r-. ' . . v UaeooM I.odos o. a meeia frrnt Harmony Unit on iWontliiy Ss.evenine ol each k. Breth- MAW'S ren iu eMd tan'ting are invited le atiend. U. A. l'EASK, N. U- A.J. Oiaman, P.eo. Sec'y- 3 Ore(a DtvUUn, Ko. B, H. of T., Meets at Harmony Hull every Friday evening, at half punt 7 o'cliick. Biethren in gnud alanding re invited to attend. U C. KICHARDSON, W.P. David C Hatch, K. 8. !) Sanaparttla. Tliie purtly vrgetnblo remedy nombinea in itself tile properties of an An--H e, a mild cathartic, and a Ionia. 1 1 quick -lj removes from the blood, and ollmr fluids of tho dy. the impurities of unhealthy secretions which "tender and feed disease, thus striking at Iho " of the nvilady. Although proved aoeffica cwus it may bo taken at all times with perfect "fety, u it contains no powerful drastic drug lo debilitate the system, or mineral poiaou to ruiu iik constitution. Prepared nod sold by A. H. A. D. SANDS, IU0 i ora iTico bi uer PUIIIW, l sii Iwiilu r. CT Read the advertisement In another column. Bold by Da. STEELE, Origin City, and by Druggist, generally. laraUasor W IM CHerry. Tlio '' Pure and genuine ISalsam is. and tut tho tout weaty years has been, prepared by Situ W. tuaot A. Co., of Boston; and their printed me, aa well aa tho written aiznature of L. "". appear on the outer wrappers. Aa you oold tnid ih siurious end kati tho geuuiuo, "'' M tthtr! wira Balsam or Wild Chshrt. Thi -valoable remedy is the boat one extant for the safe, '"eeoy, and pernMnem core of eougki, ", owe roa, tmch'tii, pieurity. TllV"'"' "? "Imping cvvgk, bleeding eeiongf, pain fa ereM, ,-e ; lBL.t erj froi ,f ihrnat, chnrt, aud long complaint, " Cossmrrioii ilwlf. Tbaj household remedy should bo i the hands every family and individual, aa timely appli "''a of it to a slight cold will canoe immeiat "'ft; while case of long standing, oostioolo, Tretly incurable htra.-ter. w,ll ely ykWio aa wmoWuI eoraliva powera a ad its P adsptatiosi to Uie wauls of man wbeo af- Fur ak ! California by Redington II Co , ""7 Johnao. Co, Charles Morr II, 8aa Frao i?' H. MeUonald Co, Sacraiwnio; f-tbtad, Ofrgofc WByeew .VVWI Commcrcinl College. MR. C. A. SEARS WILL continue his EVfcNt.VO SCHOOL until Manli 1st, 181.0 liittructien g via a Writing, Drawing, Duok kp ng, AMhiusiiu, Navigiiin. Ami. Heliuol days in Portland Tuetdaye, Thursdays, no oaiur.iuys. bchuol days la Oregon City Mondays, W.d nesilaya, and Fridays. N. B. M.irriare -and visiting cnr.ls maik,l. llouKs n aceouut puled, aul eoiniilic.itrd no euu djusted. Nov. IM, lbU 3Jtf Special Notice, TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN T vVIKH ill Hum who tire indebted lo Hie 'E.i. X gle Idiot and Hhno Bloio' lo uloaM come fur- ward and artile ids r nccounls beforo Hie Aral nf Janunrv. IHtil, or I will put tho b lis in tho hands of au officer fir collection. J. MwO.NEY. Oregon City, Dee. 8, 18C0. GENTLEMEN: I HAVE TAKEN THE MAIN STREET HOUtiE, and will try to render eaiial'uclioa to all who mny chouse In honor m with a ea.ll. As this ia my first utk-iitin, please drop in and see mo, UOBT. oliOltl KSS. Orevon City, Nov. 10, 1 SOU ni J D. D. bTEPHENstON, DENTIST, has removed It a office to the Cily Dutk Start, where ho Is prepared tu do all woik in hia line. In tht Circuit Conrl of Ihi State of Oiegan for Ikt County of Ctaciamai. Tliilip Foster, I'Liintiir, ts. Crego and Kmersoii, defend ants, unw or biteeoparliierf, diing bu sineaa under the fiim, miine, mid tho stylo of Crego A Kmerauu, in Oregon TO CKr.Uej & EMKHSOVt Kirs: You will plea lake imlieo lhat there is now pending a suit iu tho circuit court of tho Stale of Or. gou for the county of Clnckainae, in whivll rii.liu Foster is p'aiunff and vou are defend- ants, and lhat the plniiitilTe eonipla til now on file iusaiil Cutirt charges you with being indebted lo him in Iho sum nf $'j7i6 t)5 (two Ihun-and seveu hnndred und seventy -six dollars nnd ninety- live cents) uml inlrriTt ; aud the prayer of suid complaint ia thai judgment bo hud against you fir that umuunt and illleleal, bsaidea cila of suit. Auw, therefore, unless you annrar at the next term nf the circuit murt nf the Slate nf Oregon fur the county of Clackamas, tu be held in Oregou Cily in aaid count yi.u the firat .Momlnv iu Muruli, A. D. 1461, and answer muku In said eimp!aiiil,lha same w.ll bo taken as confeOM) I aud the prayer thereof w.ll bo grmteil hy said courL Ami whereas, it appenriiig to lite satufaetmn uf said court fiotn afhiiav.t that neillier of ynu ate tmw residents In this blale, it ia tlierefma ordered by said curt that Ill's untice be publ h d in sinue uewrpeper iu sa:d county ones a week for three month. In witneea whereof, I have hereunto set my L S.J k.m I and plarcd lite nfficinl seal nf said court this the tjljt duy of December, a. O IHlit). Js. wijKiiiii. Hern. Fasiar & Cueaev, Atl'yn f.r Plaiu.ifT. N I : W STORE, AND New Goods! 13. A. HUGHES WOULD RI-SPKCTFWXY IX FORM the putilio lhat he has jual opened a sure ft OREGOX CITY, in the house lately occupied by Chaites Pope, Jr. Ilia stock eotiMsts of the articles usually foil n J in such estublishmeuts, unci etubruces Dry Goods, Groceries, Fancy Articles, Ac, Ac, wh'ch will be so!d LOW FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PR,ODl&. tV Purchasers nre invited tn call and exam ine my stork before buying e'sen hero. My ea ab! aliment la on Ma n Stieel, nenr the Cnlholie church, at the fuot of the road eon.ing down the hill. B. A. HUGHES. Nov. 17, 1660. 33if New Arrangement. TI1F. attention nf the piihlm is called tn the fact lhat fmiii and after the I3lh day of Novem ber, IHb'0. Iho Island Mills at Orejon City will be entirely under iho control nf Charman II Werner hIoo that the services nf Mr. A. J. Chap mnn as miller have been secured. A stitinlv of FLOUR will always bo found at Meesrs. Allen & Lewis' and at II. Law's, 1'nrt land : aim at the store ol Charman it Warner, Oregon City. rar All Flour branded ' Charman . Warner.' is warranted No I. CII VRMAN & WARNER. Nov. 13, ieC0. 32tf ASTHMA. For the INSTANT RE- I.IKF nH PKIIM NENT CURE of this distressing complaint uso rasrsx's BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by C. B. SEYMOUR Sl CO., 458 Broad way, ni i uutv. Pries. 4 Dcr box: sent free bv post, $1 3 per doxen boxes, fiee by Eip ess. FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS Information Wanted, OF JOHN J. CLERY. ft Philadelphia. Pa. He was last heard Irom ia the summer of : u . I fl. n kMitp hu IruHn. IOll,iU t jii,iu(i..W( v, v., ....... -j -t served on board tho brig Terry, during the Mexi- ... . t ii it.... ean vt ar, under me name w .loin, . ',, also en the Hrandywino und-rlhe same name. Any informntioti will bo thankfully received by addirfriug ha brotner, K. D. CLEliY, 323 Walnut St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Yamhill Trade. The Fast-running Steamer J.4S. CLI1TO, Capt. JmBa D. MitLxa. makeo regular trips to Doers ajo! Lafayette, three limeo a week, leav ing Caneiawh every Monday, Wednesday, and Fr.doy morning, at 8 'eUxk returning Belt day. Land for Sale. TWO or three load claim of 160 and 320 aetes, twelve maleeew a gool ruad.no stream k en", i southeast dH-eeiiofr..m Oregns) Cn V The improveiwiito et ng near, y as much a lh pm- -k-d le h laal. The. lend adapted to rig fr" t, r-" ?!'m " gd a range it sloek Uier in t htekamHS county. Or. p. City, See , sxstbbii ooiiuaa, nHB eeMioti of Ihe College year eommen-os X tho third Md.iy of Koveiuber. The ruiumeueeineiii sxereiaaa an held on tho 4 lb of ouiy, ouen tu yearly vaeaiiou euaues. VACWI.TV. L. L. r.owUml, I'reeideut, Pmfsssor of Ihe Greek and Hebrew Uiignug-s, Moral and liilel Uciusl Phikxipliy, ItheUiflc, ami .g,o. Jnhu II. Il.ll. I'fnfraaor of Lalm, Chemiatry. Geo of y, Mineralogy, lluiaiiy, au. llietory. Nalhanael IIihImh., I'r..fraser uf Mathematics, Natural I'tiilueuphy, Aslruuouiy, aud I'olilicai Pliiliapliy, 'J he i-iura nf elodies pursuej will be equ'va lent to that M EasKrn Colleges The German, Fteiicli, and Hpani.li w II be luughl by vtnelenl prefe-or., wh ell, wnh III Ihbri w, (till be at Ihe oplinn uf Ihe atmleul. bindeiila B plying fur t lniiaeion will he required tu hav Ihornugli knowledgo uf Ihe fcngltoh hr.n. hes, Eknieiitary Alg'bra, I'ariar, Virgil'. A', it id, L ieeio'a Orulious. Ihe Greek Header, and ihe f. ur Go'in la. A clio ce I liih phical anr Cbemival appart Ins baa bean recenilv reoeivrd from III E.St also, t aele.-l liurary of Uiucellaneuua and siaodard cluaa eal norka. College tuition $ )2 per annum. Tli Hoard uf Triisirrs ha aleo mad ar- rnngeinonis for the d livoring.d Thenlogieal Ire- tuioefur the beinlit of Mudeu: in that depart- mem. BETHEL ACADEMY. Rethel Acad my is under Ihe inlruction of th College ProfeaMrs, ai.is'ed by experieuoeil teach ere l he Aoadeuncal vesr coiuin -ncea on Iho 1st Mond iy ol -September, and t div.ded into four quarters of eleven week e n h. TKBMS or TUITlii r QUASTItl Ptiinary iJeparinienl fi i 00 Junior " Geography, Arithme tic, Kiigl'ah Grammar, and distort 7 00 Mill. lie Department Higher Arilhmeliu. tlernenl.iiy Algebra, Lugliah Analyse, nnd Itolany 00 Senior Uenartment Natural and lulelleo- lual rhilOTophy, Chemi.l-y, Geology, M neralngy, Khelnrie aud Logic, Higher Matheinaiics, Language, und Ken or Cla-auf Normal Oeparimeul 10 00 rartieular alieut on paid I realing and spell ing through the entire course nf studieo, and to ".locution aud Conip.uiou in the a.iuU aud Se nior l'i'iariineiiia. A Normal Depirlmenl has been organixed, up on th plan nf Ihe N. Vurk Stale Normal Sehonl, with particular reforenc lo preparing ynung la lies and getiiiemeti tor teaching. This department if iu prariical nnd suceeselul nperalinii. hi udeii t of Ihe Aeaaemy will have Iho advan tage of th ullege library, apparatus, and lec tures. Slu lent prepar'ng for College, t'm thnso desi rous of pursuing collegat'e stud es without deign ing a full cetirso, will bo uuder lb iiutrncliou of Ihe tollego I'lofeaaora. t oiiveuienl arrangements eau be made fur board at rrMentiuhlo rules. limka uaed ill Ihe school can be obtained at iho College builj.lig at caah prices. uy order or the IJo.ir.1. Delhel, Polk Co., Pep). U9, IH60. Silt Pacific L'nitcrsihL Forest Grove, Wuihhigton Co., Oregon. Uev. S. II. MAnmi. A. M., President. Uev. II. Lyman, A.M., Vrof. Mathtmnlies. ffMIE collegiate year, eouiiallng of on term of jl tune momiis, win eoiu.iieiice un uie nrat Wediieala) uf November. It is the design ni Una limitation to furnish a Ihornugli and complete collegiate education. 1 here is a Library uf 1UUU vulumes for the us of the .tudeuts. A ppl cauU for adrn'mion lo college must hare a knowledge of the common Eugli'h hranehes, and have aludied Ihe ancient languages so fur as to have read portions of Cater auu Ciceru anJ lh Greek Reader. Xuotu.tiuu fee is $32 per annum. PtnoVnis fitting for college, a well ns others w siting lo pursue collegiate stud ea without en tering upnti Ihe college course, will be uuder the instruction of the college leaehers. I he full term nf 1 1 weeks in the preparatory ilepVrinieiil commences ou the 2d Waduesduy ol tjjiietcniljer. Tuition, pjjf term. ' tualatiITacXdemy. Tualaiiu Academy, for tltv com ng year, will be umlerthe tlirect.on aud inelriiction of Ihe Col lege I'rofrsaurs, with nieh aiislanl iuatructura as they may find neiHwary lo curry il forward effi ciently and auccesefully. The fait term w II eomm nee on Wednesday, Sept. 19, to.eonlinue eleven weeks. Ti itiiiN t'omuion branches. $.1; higher, 9. A .mull aHililiefutl charge will le mail lor fuel, eX'O. Instruct 'ou in Paiutiug ixtxa, to such as receive it N. B. Th enllrglale ami the collegiate pre paratory depart menu will commence ou Wednes day, Ihe3latnf Ociuher at the commencement of ihe last half of the academical term, at which time Pres. Murh is expected, with competent aa riei.iiil teachers from Ihe FJast, to be ready to lake his place in Ihe Institution. Prof. Lyman, with the assistance of Mra. C E. Adams, will carry fnrwunl Ihe academical da pan me ut till ihe return of Pres. Mursh. . Sept. I, I86il. g 1 tf Young- America Broad-east Sccd-Spiver! Simplicity, Utility, Durability, and Cheapness (Jorubiued ! R.S. RICKETS IMPROVED BB.OXD . I'.AHT HEED MOWER, Patented, March 29, 1859. FIMilS machine is well adapted to sowing all JL kiuHs uf gra n and gran aeed, hemp seed, iVo. Il sows more regularly than can piawibly be sown by hand, or any other machine ever intro duced. It is perleetly simple in its conntructiou, and nut liab o In gel out nf order) it is easily un iterttooil, and does away with Ihe hard manual lalw of sowing graiu doing ihe eatne amount of labor in Iwu hours thai could be dune in one day by the onlinaty method of sow ng. The mach Pe can be carr ed while being used, as it we'ghs but five poiiud, or, by a s.mule frame, il can he at tached lo a wagou. When it ia carr ed, il ia strapped on the bidy of tho operator, a strap lo go across the right shoulder and under the leu arm, also a strap buckled around Ihe boly.and elrap from Ihe Inpof the sack, around the neck Should lha Machine by accident g I broken, auy i nner can repair it although by proper car ihe Ma. hine will last a life nine. But tu be appreciated, il must be seen. It will sw ilia various grains an l seeda the following diaienees: V heal, 5" fvi al a coat, or 100 ft. at a round Oats X6 " 72 Hempserd,4'l 80" H.O.eeed,3S " Ti T.mnthyed.85- " 5U- " Other gre ns and aeeds in the same proportion. It will all ww waiand limed grain preeily well. Comity Rights far Sale on Gnod Terms. Address. 8.8.NtW, Portland. Thiaw wishing I" procure maeh ilea, can pp!v to I he (hove.nr u 11. M. Huinihrey, Portland, or C. W. Bryant, i lewegu, Oregon, ! urdere will be punctually fill. d. Kent. 8, IHiH'm4 Just Ileceived, A LARUE LOT Of Dry - Goodd and Groceries, W hen WllbesoH l.w for Oatb or Coontry Trodae. We would eay Iu Iho Fannera, B'lOfe yoo go Portland 10 buy Cod, call ooua.se w will tak Favar. Bacon. Boiler, Egg", Ve, nd gi eiehai.ge Good as lew a cm b awughl iu PrUl,,DANNENBAOW At3CMA!. Orf) Oty, . I. 1. Read! iieadrilcad! Dannenbanm A Ackerman, Opfoiilt iki Main St, llon, RESPECTFULLY Inform th publit that they hav reo.ived per ateamera Cortes aud A WELL SELECTED STOCK or Dry "Goo d s; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Bonnets, AND GROCERIES ! Iu addition, they will rcceiv NEW GOODS By Every Micttinerl which they will offer at all times al th Lowest Prices ! Lower than can be purchased iu Portland!! We enly ask on ami ell to giro us a enll, and amin ur stock, an l you will find lha largest aud linen select slock uf godo that ever came lo Oregon Cily. Ilefore purehaaing rlaewher, th Lad ra nf this cily and the suriounditig country will pleat eall and examine their stock of SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, Prices I Hull. Oregon Cily, Srpt SI, 1AG0. ' Dm Dannenbaum & Ackerman, Opposite lit Muiu Sl. House, H AVE ON HAND WINTER COATS, of all descriptions, and the tiueet lol ever brought lo III: uiaiketj Fin Cuaiiuere Coats, Black flock cloth do., . ' Raglans, Canimerr Tant, e i.t- Ssiinel do., Fia Vests. f all deecriptioua, Whit Shirts, Woollen and Merino under da, Hate Jc Caps, Uixiia A. Shoes, While and blue blanket, and many oilier articli-a loo numerous lo mention, which will be uff:red at the lowest caah prices. .all kinds af. Rrownmu.lin, blenched muslin, dentma, hickory stripe, satinets, Kentucky jraus, twilled aud pluiu flannels, calici, furniture pr uts, nil calico, de laines, cuahmeres all wool, French merinos, and a Kris style of Poplin, Donnet Ribbons, and large lol of desirable trim mnga. Oregon City, 6'rpt.iW, 1W60. J. FLEMING, (.IT THE POST-OFFICE BUILDING,) OREGON CITY, HAS on bund and for sale, well-selected as sortment of Books and Stationery, comprising, in part, the following: Family Hibles and Tea- Cap, letter, aud noie laments, paper, Downing 's Fruits and Pens & Pen-holders, Fruit Trees of Amer- Sand & eattil boxes, lea revised edition, Tissue paper, perforated Neiv Masonic Tresll- boar.1 kdraitiug paper Hoard, Mitchell's and Oluey'a Maaonio Manual, Geographies and At- Odd Fellows' Manual, lases, Quiuhy's Mysicrie. f Muaon's Farrier, Bee-keeping. Padd'aCaUle 04 Horse Livingnloue' Travels in Doctor, South Africa, Kane's Arctic Explra- Gunn's lotn. Medicine, lions, Sanders' Old and New Blank Books & Bill Pa- Se!lere & Readers, per, Thomson's A'ith.net cs, Gillepie's k. Daviee' Fulton & Eaxtnun's Surveying, Book-keeping, with Slates aud alate pencils, blanks, Ur. Hollick's Works, Red, blue, Aiblklnke, Vc, &c, all of which will be retailed at prices correapotidiug with the times. ALSO, FOR SALR, Dr. Moffatt's Pills and Phoenix Bitters, and tha Graefenberg Medicines, wh'ch ar reeonimeudcd to thos who wish lolivc till they d e. May 14, IB.S9. GENUINE Lawton Blackberry Plants, riwM tiii GLEN RUN NURSERY. I WILL have after the 1st of Nov. Lawton Blaekberry and several varieties of Raspberry plants for sale at the following places : Oregon City, Forest Grovo. McMinvllle, Dayton, and at any other point in Oregon. I warrant all Blacklist ry plants tu liv that ar set belo: Ihe 1st Jan.. &. all genuine, a I hav never raised the plants from Ihe seed. There are cullus seedling' in lliw Stale and California. Lnok nut f.r them ! PHILIP ItlTZ. Glen Run Nuraery.Sep!. 29, Ik6U-29w4 Valuable Property For Sale. THE CH AMP O EG FLOUR MILL. rnHIS MILL, situated about three fourths of a X mile irom Champ g in the midatnf Ihe great graiii-growmg eouutry iu Jregon, te otiereo mr sale. During high water in winter, flour, Ac, eau he shipped direct fmm lh Mill. Attached lo th mill i granary fur receiving and storing wheal, a dwelling house and garden forth ua of th peraou iu charge. Th whole property mliraces iMut rivx ACace. The machinery of lh m II is of very superior quality, having been imported from U hester, N. V. There ar two runs of the best French Burrs, and an exim peieut run of ecnaller Burrs fer choppi d feed, In; The frame-work, for atreugih, Arc, e.ujiiot bw urpaed in Ofegf, aud the niiH ns nil rerpvets i the a-st in lh Mai. Fer particular., apulieonoo should be mad lo OBO. T. ALLAN, I r. A. McKINLAV, rkP"l. or to AUUKV lloLBnOOK, Chrmg,J 10, !60 4lif Oregon City. V. nUKHAV, 01717. SIGN. AND ORNAMENTAL Shop nearly eppeeite Ike Mttkodiet Ckurtk,- OHEGO C1TT. A prill. I.'i9. I If CiRAOKivft-wlweywM kand ' ' at J. OH ARM. A r- Corner Tkiri nnd Water I'reeta, oppeeite Ike rerry Landing, OREGON CXTT. THE traveling publio ar respectfully luvifeJ to iv ni a eall. Tht Oreiiou lious it lh mo pleas-iL anily loo.ited hotel tu lh ttlat, aud ha been so erreugod as lo man It on oi in moil oommoat ous Iioiims in lh country. 77 iS TABLE will always b supplied with Ihe beat lhat the market affords. Guj accoinin.adaliona for ladies tnj fomlliss. r a t exs: Hoard and lodging, per week $600 Biwtd, without lodging, per week....i. 6.V0 Hoard per day, with lodging 1.51) Single meal JiO Night's lodging 50 May 7, 18j9. Proprislor. Reduced Prices Goods Cheaper than Ever ! IV. BROWN TAKES this method of Informing hit friends aud th pnbhs generally that h HAS REMOVED to a hous nearly Opposite his old Stand, where he has commenced busines with hit bro ther under th sly I uf Brown & Brother, who will always ht happy to wait on their ehl fricuds and customers in th wayof showingthem Goods of the Very Best Quality, which, hav'ng been bought low in San Francisco, Ir an th largest importer in Califorui, they are bit to sell as cheap as CAN BE SOLD in Portland! They will also constantly rcceiv Goods by Every Steamer. Their stock consist of ALL KINDS OF DRESS GOODS, (ENTLEM UN'S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, 3 as as & a ir , '9 m&3 Our main object by this notice is to inform the public lhat we are bound to sell goads As low ns they can be bought in Portland, and no mistake. If this is doubled, we have only to say, call and satiafy yourselves. Ladies and gentlemen will al ways be welcome, aud w.ll be wailed on with promptness. To the Farmers WE WOULD SAY Look for the sign of DROWN $ BROTHER, and don't leave town till you give us a call. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN in exchange for Good: Oregon Cily, June 43. BOOKS! BOOKS! AT THE OREGON CITY BOOK STORE, consisting of. .... Standard Religious, Miscellan eous, and Poetical works, Waverly and Dickens's Novels, &C., &C., OeLC. Stationery, of all kinds, etc. April SB D. D. STEPHENSON. LEGAL NOTICE. A.F. Hedges, Plaililitf, tf. riaviil M..l.aiiedilin. Defendant. rpo OAVIU McLOUGHLIN, a nen-resident I jlMfaiiftuiiti Yuu are herebv notified that un let ynu appear in the circuit court of Ihe Stat nf Oregon for lh county or flnckamus, to be held in flew..t.n n.tvntt Ihe firat Minirl. iv in March. A. 0. 1861, and then and there auawcr Ihe complaint of the pleitiiiff hied: in Ihe nbove-ctilith n ease against ynu, fur Iho recovery of the sum of nineteen hun dred dnlnrs and Internal thereon from the 1st tf (September, . Itt59, at th rale nf Iwo per cent, per month, upon a proaiisfory not given by you lo said plaintiff on the sa d l-t Septemhar, 1459, ihe same w.ll be taken fur confessed, and III prayer thereof granted by th court. JAMES K. KELLY, Not. 24, 1 8finm3 A tl'y for Plff IN JUSTICE'S COUKT. State af Oregon, County of Clackamoa. TO ALLE SMITH : YOU are hereby notified that awrit of attach ment has been wired (gainst you, and your proia rty etiached lo sal'afy the demand of John F. Mi.lrr, amounting te fifty -five dollar, and interest from Ihe S7th iif rteptrrrrtier, 1660) jnw, onlea yo ahall appear befoi W. P. Burns, a Jnstic uf lh Pel- iu and forsn'd county, at hi ofGas, un the 22d day of December, IS6II, judgment will be realeied against jouj and your piopeity Sold to pay lh debt. Dated thi 8'h dat of N"emher, IRfiO. JOHN F. MILL Kit, Plaint. AdmlnUtrator'i XVoUee. NOTICE hereby given lhat leuer of d minieirattu have b n granted In lh nnler iiaed ov th eoonly eonrt of Cla kama county, oa lh etat of Oi.ver P. Ptt doad, lt oT sa d eouuly. All persona inlebtod t aid eefate art required In make immediate payment, and all nervn having claim gm ami aalai are re aii re I laprewent them lo m t my re dene wiihm on ) r frm lh dai of th nt e. JAM 1 iAVE, De. I,lW-Srt Kim'i. RALSTON k MYERS, Wkalesali nnd Retail Dealer in General Merchandise. tr flow IK receipt at xrnw aooni ttlecled with much car I Ban FmtliM. I hart Just rclvd at Northerner aid Brother Jonathan, French, Eugllsh, A AMER1CAN PltlNTS, bleached sheetings and long cloths, plain si barred musliu, do do snip muslin, Victoria lawn, brtwn sheetings 4 tbinings, hickory strip, denim, drill and ship's duck. irish Linens, linen damask, whitt damask, lablf tovsr, Rut' situ luwl, tud orashi VLANftfcLft whit, yellow, red, grey, ft blot, plain and twill' td, plain ft figured satinets, jane, cottooadw, wool linsey beautiful style bfaoketsi wh.Uj red, blue, ft grsy. Hot irr ladies', misses', and children' brown, elalf, and mined hoe geute' and boys' wol tad tlu half hoao. Boots and Shoes! a large lot gents' fine, medium, and coars boots ft slioss, ledte and missel' can tnve, ganem, alipper, hoy' booU ft about, hildras' ahMr fauoy and plain. Ha r die ar c: Pocket knives, pruning and bud ding knives, knives and forks, scissors and shears, butts and screws, strap hinges, door locks, variety of styles and patterns, hand saws, tenon saws, compass saws, bench planes, chisels, au gers, auger bitts, axes, hatchets, hammers, shovels, hoeSj potato rakes, brads, tacks, finishing nails, cut nails, wrought nails, horse nails, tfce. n.XEasB Sugar, coffee, tea, tyrup, nit, spices, tp, p powder, candles, saleratus, yeast powders, eraam tartar, soja, aal soda, ludigo, clothe pint, terab brushes, paint brushes, brooms, dust bruehee, hand bellows, woodsn pails, wash tubs, and wash boards. PJ1IJYTS $ OILS: White lead, red lead, Von. red, Prusaiaa blue, chrome yellow, ohroms green, burul and raw um bel, yellow ft black paint, Vandyke brown, T. D, Siemit and assorted oolared smtlU, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil, Polar oil. lard oil, Ash til. tanntrt til, China nut oil, dec , aVo. nr. -:it .. K r ateamiif addi lions lo our present txleutivt sleek, and FARM ftj ...A ii,.M III UnA II la their advantaM to J l.-J " ' m call aud eamiu our goods and price before buy m a Al ing elsewhere. xtnni, w sen i Oregon Cily, October 1, 1800. 5 KELLY'S TEMPERANCE HOUSE, itfuin St., oppotite Gto. Abernetky 4 Ca.'i, OREGON CITY. Cl OOD ROOM3 FI'lTED Uf with ja T CLEAN and comforlablt ItEDS, falaal fur tht especial accummodatitn af theJUUL traveling publio. Our D1NIMU llAl.li is tneineei ij vregwn, uur fare good, ana cnarge reusuuauio. tiinvle meals, oyster supper, and aupper for parties got upon shurt notice, in tht neatest mat tier. raiciti Board per week, without lodging, fS 00 by Ilia day, and lodging, i aw Single meals, Night's lodging. .. , Ucl.'ja, IHM. G. V. rvr.l.L.1 , rropneier.j COFFINS. CM. KESTER, Undertaker WOULD Inform Ihi fieopl of Oregon City and vicinity that he will keep a supply uf Itcady-made Coffins, of all sizes, constantly on hand. He will also keep a a m. mm.mmM339 and will be prepared tu attend to all lh necessary business of funerals connected with hi liu. Shop near Ike Seminary. ry Custom from tli oountry 1 respectfully sol.ctted. Jun 93, leJCO. CHARLES BARRETT, (old rmT orrict,) PORTLAND, OGN., BUTS all Undl of FRUITS, STRAWBERRIES, Ckerrite, Apples, 4e., J-e., sells all kind of Nats, Oranges, Figs, Raitins, Candies, Stationery, Newspapers, Periodi cals, Novels, etc. Agent for the San Francisco Bulletin nnd Alia California, the test papers publisked an tks Pacific rod'!. IT All kinds of Produce keugkt and sold an commieiion. June 3Umt Itadies: F TOU WISH ana 3)133 &$&3, ....AT A LOW PRICE..,. DE SURE TO CALL AT THE STORE OK BROWN it BROTH BR. OEO. C. COLE, (successoa to w. a. srancaa,) Dealer in IRON, STEEL, AXLES, SPRINGS, Wagon Material, Meeltaniet' Tools, Agricultural Imple ments, and Tsoni Unit POKTLAND. ORDERS SOLICITED. it W.4. FAULKMCR dk OM, Dealer ia Ttrt, 9 Vtl!ITl?l Material beweratly, J23 Santom ttraet, ewraar af Mtrebaat, rrmacliM. IT Printer art iuviled to mak amt atytjas nc S OREGON H08P1TAL, PORTLAND, QREGOX T.C.mwttawM, l.wXSt7M PWTWA. vMlt.