BUSINESS CARDS. w. a. roHxrsoxr, ATTOItNKV A COUNSELOR AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chancery, WILL promptly attend to any business which may be eoimiiilled to his professional charge before l)itricl and Supreme Courts, Oflice over Milwain's (in loro, immediately op posite Hit Main HI reel llnuaa. Oregon City, October 1. 1829. JOHN R. M BRIDE, iTtoimr An ooumiiiii at uw, I.ofuyrlle, Yamhill County, Oregon, "V IT ILL fuillifiilly attend lo all business an trusted lo hi. professional cere. UKOWX k liHOTHL'It, ... Wlmlonh and Retail I) fieri in... T.n. ao rnwr Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Cap, Boot, Shoes, fcc., OKI-WON CITV. J. C. AI.N.IVVIinTII. W.M. DIEKDOIIFP. AmwoUTii & ii:rookff, WIOi,B,a.I.B AND tlRTAIt, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DliV - GOODS, CLOTHING, Ilooli A' oiwrt, ana Crockery, lutlia nuw Kif o-prfxif Uric k Maikstbbkt Oltr.iiON CITV. T. CIIAIIMAN. A. WAB.NKR. Caartnan tfc Warner, GENES A I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS WIIOI.r.SALK It BKTAIL Dciih-r In lry Clooda, Clothing, Hardwttrt, Crockery. Glatticart, Uoott, Aiom, J'ainli, Oil, dr., In their fire-proof Ilrick Maim stmbp, OIIF.UIIM CITY, riREOoK. GEO. A. NOBLE, A.M. fc M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office NEXT DOOR TO Mil. CAU FIELUS STORE, ft K A It TUB BREWER Y. N. II Family Mcdcine prepared iu Ilia most cirrful manner, an. I alwaya mi IihiiiI. Oregon City March 'Jl!, I8.".!)m1 j. it. I'tirrni, (LATC O'stKABA . f AINTKB) Dealer in Type, Presses, Printing' Material, Paper, Cards, Anil Printert' Slock generally, 1. It Clay sired, uear Saiuouie, 4"yl Ham KiANCiaca All Kinds of Produce TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOK GOOD S, AT UKOUW k IiKOTHKlTS. Land for Sale. rilWO iirllircu hind claims of Kill and 320 .L acres, twelves milts on a goo I road, no stream lu cross, in amiili past direction from Oregon City. The hiipiovciiiiiila costing nearly aa much us Ilia price u.kcd (or the land. The land i ndnpteil lo railing On t, grain, or grass, mid liaa aa good h range for slock us there in in Cliickiimns comity. HI be aold on ravornlila terms. Fu quire of N. W. IIANIJALL. Oregon City, Sept. U0, 18illlw5 It ALSTON Sl MVKKS, Whole mile and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise, nra now in receipt of NSW GOODS aelealed with much care iu Suit Francinco. X have just received ex Northerner ami X Urothcr liiluithau, Freinh, Kuuliali, i!c AMKIIICAN 'HINTS, blenched ahcelhtga and long clothe, plain Ii h tried mualiu, do do amp iiiualiii, Victoria lawn, brown , aheeliuga aliirliuga, hickory alripa, dcuiiua, drills n aud alnp'a duck, IRISH LINENS, liueu damask, while duinu.k, labia aovera, Itin aiau lowela, and crash, r 1, , X X V. Tu H, while, yellow, red, grey, 4 blue, plain and twill ad, plum 4 figured aulinrls, janes, cutlonndes, wi'ul liuaey-heautifiil atylva bluukvta,, red, blue, 4 grey. Iloaivryt Indies', niiea', and cliililrrn'a brown, alule, and mixed lna gviita' and boya' wool aud cotton nail nnia. l?ot)(.s and Shoos: a large Inl gcnla' fine, medium, and coarse bouts 4 aluwa, leili. a' an I' calf alhnsi, gaiters, 4 lipwra, boya' bo,. Is 4 allocs, cliildiena' shoes, fancy and plain. II a r d w a r c: IVkt't knives, pruning and bud ding knives, knives and forks, HcismiM and shears, lintts audi serews, strap hinges, door locks, variety of styles and patterns, hand saws, tenon saws, compass aws, bench planes, chisels, au-gei-s, auger bitts, axes, liatchets, hammers, shovels, hoes, notatu rakes, brads, tacks, finishing nails, cut nails, wronirht nails. hmsi nails, ,c. MjC HI 12H. Sugan, coil'ea, lea, syrup, aall, spices, soap, soap pollers, candles, salerulua, yeasl powdera, cieam, sola, ealsoda, lu.ligo, clothes pi na, scrub liius'iea, paint biushea, broouia, dust brushes, l.uud bellows, woudcu pails, wash tubs, and wash luHi'ls. ' . r. JLVTS 4$- OILS: Whit,. It-id. red ,sd, Vcn. red, Prussian blue, rhmme yellow, ch.-oine green, burnt and raw um bel, yellow 4 black paint, Vandyke browu, T. i. Sunns and assorted colored smalls, Boiled ami Kaw Linseed Oil, Polar oil, lard oil, oil. taliuera ail. diiua nut Oil, it., tiO. W will be receiving by every steamer addi tion to our present exleuaiva stock, and FAKM KitS and others will find it lo their advantage to ea.i ana eiawiuo our coons and irira naiore bov ing eiaewner. Terms, OASR. Oregon City, October I, IPbt). 35 CKACKERS-alwaye on hand at F (JH A R.MAN'S- J. AINSWORTH& DIERDORFF. Yl f BARK NOW OPENING, IN Till Ww rire-Vroof Srick, A LA ROB AND KI.L-AiiKTKD UTOCK OF 0 EN ERA L MERC HA NDSE. Feeling perfectly secure ageluit lira, we will now Offer Grtutrr Inducement than tvtr Is Ilia public. are constantly In receipt of M O O D S selected wild ll.e greatest rare (aa to prices and qualify), and ra conlidrnl Hint our facilities w.ll rnabla us to oiler and tell goodt AT PORTLAND PRICES! (freights on), and would advise all those visiting Una city lo purchu.e ioo-la, lo etaniiii our tlotk and piici a befure puri liiiaing !. hrr. Wo liave, and arejiwl reci-itriug, an Invoice ef conniating in parlnf the following article Che. co, I'acllii-, lludli'V, CoiiealeL'o, Hpraguv, I'hllip Allen, Full ltiiT, Mnrriinau, lliigga.aiid uniner oua nllier climca I'KINTS, all luiflylei ; Kng liuli i: Ff-ni li merinoa, l.vone cloili, inolmlr and niher Debaza; braze, wool, ii luunlin da lainni, bl.ick, blue, purplr, & pink merinoa, fancy pleid', jncuiiet, book, awiaa, tt. mull inunhii, ladii a null, aeia, collar, Ii lkf eVakirta, dre i; bouiiet lr!m miuge, French & doiueal e ginghaiiia, Fiem h luwna from U'J lo '!'-., blue, linirrf, tt grey aali net, wool (c cotton jeans onlloiiAilc, bleached and brown heeling from 3-4 to ltl-4 wido, brown and blenched dnlln, den in, hickory ehirting ; Mileaiu, marine, hrowu, and Iriah liin-n, aaiikeau, d i; r, ami craxli, a large lot of liueu aud Ihreud lacta and edging, honicry, life, MEN'S if- HOYS" CLOTH I NO: niuc, black, and brown cloth cnate ; ID dot blk cloth Tenia, A do white ami butf Muraeillea do., velvet and autiu do ; .'ID dm antinal piiiila, doeakin and fancy vaMiiim ra do, 3n dot merino and otton uiiilrnhirla, grey, blue, Sl bluck cloth over coala, with a gcueral aaaorliiicul of jeuta' furuiahiiig gooila. VOOTS d SIIOES.-Men't. boyt", anl youlha' bnote; Indira', iiiiwi', and children' mo rocco, goat, kid, and call l.'ougreaa buota, with Ii without heela; ludica kid al:piera. liio and Java colTre, bl.u k and grreii ti o, N. 0., China, llutavia lluud, C'ul. refined , and enndird augnr, K. Iloelou, ('!., augiir-hnuM, a golden ayr. up. mt,i lo VHU lb eke; I 'in kg nulla, iibmIbii a; lliil'a hale, chetnicnl, Kugliah aoin, eonp pow di ia, powder, ahot, I, lead; yraal ww li r, aulera tua, cream turlur, amokilu av chew.n lubacou, green corn, pea; tumnloet, ttrme and bloelber. net, in 'i Hi Ii lie; epice, pepper, ami caaaia, pearl biirley, maccurnni, veim.celli, com alarch, alm ond', wulnuia, I tmil ntila, raiaina, Chili peachea, dried fruit ; mucki ri I, iu it k hlf bbli; aardinea. A line aaanrlineiitor CROCKERY d TAIILE CUTLERY t 'JO crulea ntaurtcd ti arc, 40 dm ateel pick, S!( Uulih k lldla lioea. White Lend, OH, ami Window Ulats; with a vnriety nf other arliclea utnally kepi. Hi' We will pay cabii for wheal, Hour, bacon. butter, egrge, and almost everything the fanner hue to nail. Oregon ("ily. April Ifi. 1 H.'.a. Konian Ityc iialsain, FOR WEAK J- INFLAMED EYES. rii:ii.i d.i,5a.m was used lor ninny year 111 X the private practice of a celelruted Oculist, with remarkable success, for dneaws of llie Kve mid Kyelidi. There are mnny perona wlm wouM rnther suffer fnnu pain and disease through li:'c, than creilit or try the ellicacy of unv new discovery: all such had belter not read litis, but to all reaiona b!e persona this preparation is recommended aaa most amle and illcclual cure fur iutlaiintiat;on of tlio Kye and Kyelds, caused either by to., close appliculina to minute ol.jecls, scrofulous habit, ex. puio lu cold, blows, conliisinus, or irritatinn from any extnineoua Imily under the eyelids. It ia reuuiikablily Kwlhlug ill ilsefTcct, and h is cured tbousunda who would otherwise have lust their sight. In cases the Kyelids nro inlamed, or llie ball of the Fye thickly covered with blood, it acta al inosl i ke niiigic ami remnves nil uppearaiicca nf iiillanmiutloii after two or Ihree kpplieuliena. There ia it numerous class of person thai are iecu liai ly exposed In accidents or discuTs that weaken and Inlliiin'" the Fycs, and perhaps destroy tlio i'hl, w ho, from the nature of the r emp'ovmenis, are compelled tnwork Ilia cloud ofdin.1 atid grit. Siieh should never bo wilhout this IIALSAM. Iteirtenibcr, "Seeing ia llelirviug." I'r . 'Mi Prepared 11 ml sold liy A. n. i I). SANDS, Druggists, lilt) Fulton slrest, New York. Fur aula by Jl. .loiiveoN V Co. and IIkiiixoto.v A" Co. San Frane sco; liien JtCorriN, Maiysvil e; K. II. McDojiai.d &, Co, SuCiumeuto;iinlby Druggists generally. July S.;t SANDS' SARSAPARILLA, It KM KM UKH, TIU3 IS THE Original nnd Genuine Article! ACKNUWLKUUKD TO Tht Best Sartttpnrilltt Ever Made ! flMUS mir'valed pr. para'ion has performed L soma nfihe most unuuiidiiug cures that me recorded ill Ihe history of Med cine. The rapidi ty with which die patient rccuvcrs lli altlt and Stu iislh under its inlhtrnce is surprising. Fach new ense in which it is n; plied furnishes iu the reMilt a new ecrlilieale of its ellicacy and excellence; aud we h 111 only to pu nt In the accumulated testimony if multitudes who have experienced its beneficial eHeets.tu convineethe must incredulous of iis vulue. l)o n.,1 forget lo usk lorSanda' Saiaiparilla. CH1" For sale by II. Johnson Sl (V an I Hkd ivuc.n 5t to., Sun Francisco; Kus &. I'urrix Miirysville: It. II. McDomli) i fV. Sacruineni,.,' "" ") gg generally, July 'JlniS Exchanged for W jL, AT Brown & Brothers, OREGON CITY. -...11... , ...... ... . .. . . .vi Justice's Office, OREGON CITY. I'W'w'JT" Tn h",, "n l !'"' lothe COLLECTING OF ACCOUNTS, Draw ing uj of Deeds, Mortg..ces, I'ases, IJonds, Powers Oof ' Attorney, Contracts, itc, and all other business rommitted le my car. OjHre directly oppoeile the Ma-nie lUiUinr Juue 16, lfitid. J. K. Ill RFOKD. OKKCtON HOSPITAL PORTLAND, OREGON. 0. Hawthorne, PntaH-UM. 9y JL M. Loryea, Sviuiu.1. IBAKER Y, ' AND FAMILY GEOCEEY F. CIIArtMAV would reatav-ifutly In'orm tlio tieoplo of OREUOS CITY, and the pul. Ilo geiierotly, 1 tint ha ia and carrying on bua naaa at h a old eland, where ha Will keep on baud Everything in liU Line, ...AMD Of.,. WE VERY BEST QUALITY, lie keepa comian'ly oil band a large lot of DESIRABLE FAMILY GROCERIES, which lie will aell aa kw aa they can be b Might at any oilier inula in town. Ne paiue will bo apare l lo giva entire lion lo all who may favor bun with a call. All or. dera will bv filled with aa niu. li prnmpineaa and fairueaa na penonal preaenca will aeciira. PARI'IKS KfUNlSIIKO with everything in liii hue on the ahorteat notice WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER. Oregon Cily Juno I A, IrtrtO. No More Mills Burnt! A fit BOOTH Dmb Sia : I have now In our iiL Mill one of your Centri Feed Firt-proof MAILT Al AUIII.Xr.. put up tw.i weeka ago I can any 1 consoler it Hie greatest ImpruVu ment iu this clou of machinery that has cum.' un. der my notice. The danger from fire by Ir clion and dust, conimun 10 the one in general use, ia completely obviated. The dual and dirl, hereto, lore ao annoying to inc, ia now , irectuully rem. ediej. Thai purl of Ihe mill before eccupicd by the Smut .Machine ia now as clean 11s any part of I ho mill. I can say thai It ia the best erurer of gram I ever euw. be improvement 111 llio qual ily nf Hour will be ut once di-covered ; in tact. Ihe ureal change pnaluc d 111 every napecl ia in dei d a very great one. I would say Ihul I have bad iu ill II previous to this a niaidiiuu III it cut ihe gram rety much, b it Una does not cul a kernel, aud does not require half the power. Your ma chine will certainly lake tlio preference iu Ibis Mute, and I would say ou Ihe I'acific roast. A. J. ClIAMItX. Isi.aiu Mii.u, Oregon City, May 'J I, s6u. W.M. MASTKIIS, Agent. Portland, Oregon. To the Millers of this State : You will never regret trying this Smut .Mill. You can cull aud see how this cleans wheal, be fore purrliaaiiig. I huvolhe oiilyaone iu Oregon, at present, but they can V0.111 be obtuiiied. I would say ihul my Hour hue had a grrut reputa tion in tho last two years, an l I am satisfied by the use of this ainul null that it will still iiiuko au improvement in the flour, if any can be made. A. J. CHAPMAN. Oregon Cily, May Sfi, If 6U "if SIMILKAMEEN GOLD MIIVES, HAVE TURNED OUT .iv Jkm ms &m mm xs BUT THE " Eagle Boot & Shoo Store " IS NO HUMBUG! TTF.UK YOU CAN FIND THK STUFF 1 L that will stand the tare and wear. It pros peels well, for I raise the color every pan, und if the tunes were only 11 little br.sktir, I think that il would piy veiy uvll; ami if yon don't believo it, jun co. no and buy a pair of lii )0 l'S, you iry 111 011, tor 1 llavo Jiiot Itt'cclviNl A NEW ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, O F Inc Latest Stylo and Fashion Cents' line sewed French calf boots, also oeirired can iioois aim lus ol all sorts an. I sues; Uidie. kul, morocco, en ililel and cloth gaiters, silk elus ne iourem-iicci gaiters, mioses e'ltiters aul shoes of every kind, course and line ; boys' shoes of ev ry kind that ia mentioneil iu my rhyme ; clnl urriia can anl copper loe.l shoes; ludtes on ehilJien's IIOSIC of all sizes, while, brown, an fancy ; Mdler'a Water-Proof SLACKING, J.o. iilusotis lilacklug; MiiM-itiulu'r' I'liiilinira, Pegs, awls, hummers, thread, wax, nails, and suoe-Kiiivea. Thankful for past putronoge, I respectfully so. nun 11 oouiiuiiaiice in patronage Ironi my old cus loinera and na many new ones us choose tu come. l.uilicsau l gentlemen, give me a call, young and old, great and small, brave and bold, for I w.ll be reuilv 11 nil nappy to wait on you nil, and ill partic ular the ladies ; I like Inseelhrm dime lo pay a iiciucniuer inc piure Tiro Doom Eatt of Brown j- Brother, ,11 11 1 11 krfl, - . Or'Kii Cily. Ladies and gentleman, I assure von Hint I can sen joii uoois ami sttoes us cheap as any bouse .. ... 1. ... . . - town, or a tune cheaper for cash down. Small pmlits nnd quick sale, that is llie talk thai telle the talc. myi:i .1. MOON FY. JYotict. SO 1. 1) I F. K S , TKAMSTEUS, SAILORS (or Iheir ipiuWj or ornhan chilJrenA wan served in any wars or battln ntlo.r i r.ll. fornia r ehewherc, prior loMirch 3d, I8S.1. or aeir ranuren una teen under 21 yean at Ihul dale, or sailors who served on the coast of Cnlifor n a in the Mexican war, will do well to address us. Claims that have been rejected in the huu.'s of otner inienla, nave been successfully obtuiiied bv us. Agents acting for us. liberally paid. Land warrants baiglu anl sold lo order, and all busi ness requiring au agent at Washington, attended to. It. H. LLOYD CO., Attorneys for Claims, Pensions, Bounty Land, Ate. Ket'erence to any of ll.e heads of Department,, 4)vl0 JVoticc. VI.L persons indebted to W. D. IIUTCIIINS by Uote or book account. ra r.n...i.,i , call 011 II. II. SNOW. Lata aettle the same, as he is my agent to transact all business iu I hi fttata, Washington Territory, and Vancouver's Island. W, D. HUU'IIINS. vreon .iiy. juty i, iMiti. niit BATHS !BATI1S ! ! " Wiush, and Be Clean!" IWOL'LD Mpectfully inform thi gentlemen of Clregon City that I have reveiuly fitted up Hat It ing Rooms, in connection with my Barber Shop, where l-oih H'ARM AND COLD BATHS cm be bJ on reasonable terms. vMrel.l.l.Kn THOMAS W4RD. RALSTON & MY Fits, 7,Wr,"LS.!L" AND rTKL WAIRHS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner of Main and Fifth Street; 0RU0X CITT, Olgios. PURIFY THE BLOOD MOFFAT'S Vegetable Life Pills Am Mill K high an I envied celebrity which these pre X eminent Medicines hate acquired lor Iheir elfl aey III all llie d senses which they profewiocuie, has raudeied Ihe usual practice of pulling not only nunc, es.ry, but uii.vnithy of them, 'I'hey are kuuwu by ilteir Iruil-; their unod works testify lor ihein, and they thrive not by tho faith of Ihe ere liilmia. In all eases of astlnn i, acute and chrnn'c rheu matism, elf ctioue of Ihe bladder and ki'lneys, bilious fevers ami liter complainls, ill the south and Wrsl, where these diseases pre ail, they w.ll be found iut alu .ble. Planters, farmers, au l oth ers, who once use these .Mcdiciuee, will never af rrwnrds be without llleln. lpepl.o person with litis d'sirrssing disease should delay using lbee medicates imme diately. Kruptioiia.if Ihe skin, rnaipelae, llalu leu. y, fever and ague foi this scourge of the western country, the.e medicines will be found a aufe, speedy, ami certain remedy. Oilier inedi e lies h ave the system subject to a return of the disease a pure by these mrdicinee la pcrinulieilt. Tar Tins. ar. satispikii. aku bk cusko. Herrurlat llear. .Never fails lo eradicate entirely all Ihe oll'rcte of Mercury infinitely Soulier than Ihe moat powerful prcpuru! on of Sars ipardla. Night Sirratl, Nrrruul Debility, Nereoul eomilainli of all kindt, Organic Affc:tion, I'dlutahon of the Heart, I'aniter't ehnlie. llle.The oririnul proprietor of Ihcse cines was cured of P. lea of d 1 yearn" alu tiding by the use of these I. fo .Me.licines alone. Wui ina of all kinda are eir climlly expelled by these tned iniilia. I'urenls will do well lo ndinaiiier them whenever Iheir eiisU uce ia susjievted. Kellef will be certain. The Life Villi and I'hanix Bitten Purify the blood, and thus remove all dieac from Ihe system. A single Irial w II place llie LIFE FILLS and PHUiNIX BITTERS beyond ihe reach of competition in the esliiiiat.on of every IT Prewired liy )l(. WILLIAM n. MOFFAT, S.l.'i Itroailieay, cor. Worth tt., Neu York. J. FI. F.MING, Agcut, at the I'oit Office, 3 y Oregon City. ESTABLISHED 1760. PF.TKR l.tlVll.l.nD, Snuff and Tobaccj Manufac turer, 16 4 14 CHAMBERS ST., (Formeily i'2 Cliatli.iiu slreet, New York.) "TroUI.D call lh especial attention of Ciro T cersnii.1 Druggists to Ilia reinoVkl, and also the articles of lis niaiiuf..ciiire, viz: UKOWX HMt't', . Macciiboy, Diingnsi, Fine liuppee, 1'uru Virgin'n, Coarse I'upp e, Naclntoc!ies, Amcr'c.iU eiiiitleninn, Cup:ulugcn 'l'.l.l.UV riMKF. Scotch, Fresh Scotch, llich Tonst Scotch, Irish High Toast, Friah Honey I lew Snatch, or Lutidyl'ool. TOB.W.l'.tt. BHOKIXa. VIM! CUT CllUWI.Va. SIIOKI.VO. No. I, I'. A. L. or plain, St. Jago, No. 'J, Cavendish, orawcel, Suamsli, Nob. IkO in'x'd, Siveet-scculcd Oronoco, Cnliister Ktlefoot, fin roil Cavendish, 'tire lurkiali. A Ciroulur of Trices will be sent 011 applic ation. N. B. Note the new urliclv of Fresh Si olell Sunt', which will be found a superior article for u ppuig pin p eies. lull 1 1 in LI 1 3 GENTLEMEN: IF YOU WANT ANY Fine Cloth i n CALL AT BROWN k KUOTHER'S. Mill Seat and Land. I II. WE nit excellent MILL Sli.iT, aur rounded with excellent TIMBER, which I Would like lo have improved. 1 will i;ive wjuie millwright who wishea In invest iu 11 saw null or grift null, or both, a good chance. The location is one of Ihe very best for selling lumber a level way to Ihe mill seat, no hills to pull over, and handy In heavy settlements. I wish also to Bell half a section nf LAND near by. The place ia six miles west of Lafay ette, Yamhill county. W. L. ADAMS. Nov. S.l, ISj9. 3;iif Clackamas Count7, Oregon. rilHIS school ia situate. 1 un a d lighlfiil eleva L lion of laud, just III r. 0 miles south of Ore- gouv.iiy. na inree lernia lor tne year will com ineiice us follows: 1st term, on the first Mon.luy 01 oepiemner; jn, on llie itiiril .Monday ol i vember; after wlneli there will be a vacation of two weeks, when the third term will commence, f.ucli term will contaiu eleven weeks. FACULTY, Rev. E. CATWRintiT, Principal, and Professor of Alutliemullcs allil Natural Science F. A. W iti i'ii, Teacher tif Kuirlish urimurv classes ' TUITION. Settlement must inruriuhly be made iuadvunes tor tuition, at the lollowiug rates: 11 1st ana tiemleis, and I'r.iuurv Arith.. .41 00 ' Practical and Higher Arithmetic, English (imiiimnr, Geography, Writing, See., 600 Higher Mathematics, jSut. I'liilosophy, and iuuu, jii.uu exira lor eucn brunch. oAXDINO. Extensive arratigeinenta have been made. du. ring inn summer, lor the entertainment of stu tits, at the residence of llie Priticiual. Table xjieiuieaand rooms, per week, .1.00. ATTL.IDASCa. o atuilent will be allowed a seat for l.ii than Half a term. Any one huvintr naid. wishiue . .nemo seui ine tasi; nan or me term, will nave one nan tne money refunded. Profanity und Ihe use of tobacco positively for uiuocn ou ine premises. MUSIC. Gratuitous instruction will be riven lo a class in vocal music. Au. 27. ISj'l. Notice. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP rnilE linn of Alluti, McKinlay & Co., hereto A fore currying ou business under that tills at j- regon Lily, Cliumpoeg, aud Lower ScoUsburg "lqa. ia hereby dnsoke by mutual conseul All indebted to aanl firm, or having claims tin.... k ,. - , . -ei, Minn, are ucrcoy requesleil to send iu their aecounla or inuke payment of the same lo Geo. a. .iiiau or Areiiioutd .McKinlay at Champoeg r Amory Holbrook al Orrrro IMr. -1.. .. Ihoriied to settle all am ounts connect, d with Ihe m-in. ALUS, McMNLAY A Ca ChaniHieg, Dej. 31, ltNy 4j,f, rirst Premium, 181, '40, '44, '8X CHARLES J. HOLDER, GRAND ACTI0W PIANO FORTES. THF.SE PIANOS are made of the beat ma teriala, and warranted lo stand ia any cli mate. Tuning and repairing 0-nmplly executed G. P. NEWELL A poer July 30 IS59. j A font; Oregon CHy. . I . , J.. .,!. I And wilh a seel olihvioas anlul.iie Cleanse the foul ayalem uf ila perdoua BlnfT. 6AuA. A Blessed & Divine Remedy SANGUIFEROUS NERVINE TONIC! Head wy Theory of MFH and DEATH flMI T moat diwasia prove filial t that aurly 1 d.alhe occur; that people fur yearaa liy. i..m BaVOiall. illHIliirifltl'. and exhausted -not from the disease ilself, but from au inability iu n.1,1,. and nature's sireiit!th to Wlllllaini iiiaiulain life through the ruvaaee ef disease 1:..,. .1 r..,,m I, and nature will relieve Iter self, if slimiilnled. She has giv u IU herbs und plants loell'ect nil this. Purify the blood, render Ihe iiitestin.s, the liver, the heurl, uml nil im Minimi fiin.'iiuusnf man or woman aclive, nr.d em, have half coiinuered disease. Dr. JACOII WF.HHEIt d,?s eoiiscieutioiisly assure all who ....,1 ii, a. his Sumruifier or InvigoruiHig 1 or dial pnsluces all tho ell' ol above dcserilied. He has seen Ihe old, the loitering, I he palsied, the Hno. iha dvsu ntie. l ie inebriate, the (UD.IU ehee. und ihe invulid revive under ita iullueiice. as if new li.e were given them. Dr. Webber's Sanguifier acts 011 lh bliaid, heart, bra'n, inlest neB, aiuewa. nerves, the fluids and semi-llu ls, ami the whole physique, and .BENEFITS ALIKE Iha gloomy htponhnudriuc, the dyspeptic, Ihe nervous, deb lilaled und feeble, tho over-donlored invalid, llie bilious and liver-dun used sull'urer, the gourmand, the dobuu. lice, the iulemperute, aud uil who auller ill lieultli. -'Oil HORRIBLE! Oil HORRIBLE! Most Horrible!!!" When worn-out nature siiecitm'ia lo DEATH, because aha has not slienglh lo resist. Now, Dr, Jucob !,b,.r liiv.L'oruting tenlial cauaea strength -that tails mam quality. The first op eralion, Tonic) Ihe purtuker feels then that in tiun ia calmed li s skill la damn, h e limbs suppl and aclive, he feels a wish for exercise, and knows he has strength to endure it ; he ia light spirited: his skin becomes clear; his eyes, too. be cause hie lifer it made actire, the bite neutral ised or ejected, and hit blood thinned and puri fied. If he has 11 foul ttomnch, this nets us 1111 aperient, not otherwise. Aguiu, it immediately relieves belching, and prcv ul 1111 accumulation of wind in Ihe stomach. The ttomuch. the greut rccuver of disease mid lis cure. 1 Will now run ineratea few of lhoel senses when I luvo seen Dr. H eb'jcr's Invigorating Cordial act most beau lifully Nervousness, "Weakness, Languor, l ever and Ague, Chills, rains in th.e Limlis, Joints, Body, Delirium Tremens, Tie mors, Constitutional Decline, (from any " cause,) Debility in either sex or ago, Torpor of tho Liver, Bowels, d- HABITUAL CONSTIPATION!! T 1 1 N will purify the thick stagnnnt blood, cause a healthy action on the bowels, heart, skjii, uml Drain, uuu I hereby rcvoliiliool.e Ihe hole system which hue become dormant mi l inactive. Two thirds of human dixcuses ure cursed finin some of the above organs being disorean d. Due 01 s muy lell you that yon have such uud such a ilia ease, bill mild medicul practice becomes u se'ence (and il ia nut yet), d sente cannot be described In cerluuty. litis nied cue gialuuUt atetiu"heiis Ihe syMeiu, enlers al once Ihe bhsul, which from slugishne B is rapid, courses througli ths ve ils ami the heart. .Many I have sei 11 who assured me (hut, three days u'lei' us'ng it, they have let 11 limit ol an illation, mentally mid bid ily; Iheir chest nnd bienst was before heavy; i l Ihey ate see ue,l lost-tile there; their rest was uu quiet; Iheir appetite poor; and that lhi really b esse I cordial n inuved u l such yniptuim: that airrng:h of limbs, body, appetite, an I spr.ta was liiveti them by il, und un entire rcvoiu.i.ui in their worn-out system occurred. The Key. Robert Schuyler. of Pclalumo, says: For yeura both myself an I brother have sull'eied so from dyspeps'u. weakness of and sour stout ich, in.ligealioii uml llaliilenee, that life nt tunes was a harden. We have used vnur,1 (Dr Wet,. ber't Intigoratinif Sjnguifier) lour duys, uud feel belter than we have for years." Inebriates and Drunkards! P. S ADM The Appetite for Liquor Destroyed! ' ONE of the beaulif il pnpert'es nosseescd by DR. WEUIIER'S IlffVIGORATIWO CORDIAL is that it removes all longing nr Insle for liitior. Many inebriates have found that alter it has re newed uud atiengllieiied Ihein, quieted their nerves, it has paused aversion o spirits. I have seen it cure some of the most frightful cases where delirium Irement had actually oicttried. OTSohl by ull resppciuble Unuzisti iu Oregon and Culifornia. Btieareof etmnterfeitit'S ea lluil lh .., of T..Iom;b and J Wkboer, M. O.. are on tho tp of each nulside wrapper, uud blown iu the giasaoi cacti bottle. Uuy none other! BEFORE AND AFTER TAIil.VQ DR. WEBBER'S SANGUIFIER, Or lavlgnratlBg Cardial. The Three Prettiest Girls IP OXUSaoZH CITY: Klla, Bella, and Mollie, you know them r an, ... 1111 coiooiex ous so lovetv. ao clear. nn. ui n,.... Their hair dark aud silky," while the teeth of then g;rls Are ou snowy you'd think they haj mouth, full of pearui , Yet every child of Creation, both Iodic. Can posses, the same beauties for 100 cents. ' Because the price is reduced to i 5 and SO cem. r. the following superb compounds, a freah supply of winch, fresher und belter perfumed than aver I,.. just been received. Leader, although advertised thus, these really fine articles ure alt w represent them. The Soap (price reduced to i: cents) acta in Ihe most beau I1I11I manner in clarifyine. whilemmr. and r' the most discolored, eruptive, and disfigured skin ; while for infants or for sliavimr. it ia unenn.l. H aa healin,', softening, and muk.nga fine lather. F or clean ng, dressing, forcing the hair to emir. stopping its (ailing or, curing Ihe dandruff, iu-, the Colt A L ItAlU HESTOKATIVE ia the finest thing niade. Price reduced to 25 eenta. I I eelb are made aa white aa suow, the Wratk sweet, and the m hard and healtk k I . fonts Jamaica soap tkeiu root lathers like s.sp. anJ ia be a a if ja. Pr,. 30 ,,. Sold at the above prcea Uv ajrdru?snra in r.l. rniaao,! Oreiron. WhaaWfr bv Piar U ..... Cbowill k Cami, wd,Kt,oi.tQTO!i 4 co, Saa Iraneerav i-c I can adiuitiiJler lo a ninin tann oooy; uiacuaeo U. B. MAIL UNE Orrpon City and J'orlund Daily p , nnio Clark, H -toaaSa. Josiaii ftUamj, W ill mil daily, (Sundays ncepied ) h. ,1 ' mimed trade, leaving Oregon City im T ,le o'cluck, A.M. Uelurning, will ,.,, j7 3 P.M., touching sl allinterinedialeiioiiiu ' " Furfrulght or passage apply uu 1,,4 ' sally nt Jjilwcrn I'ortlund und Qrtm ''Un CiiSi fllllE new sleril-wbeel atea,,,.. 1 EXPRESS, J4te, Jab. Stbako, Muster, will run beiweea I?" and Oregon Cily daily (Suudutsexcpw.Il'T1'' ing PORTLAND al lu a. u., "X It," CITY at 4 mi. July i51 ' Time! ' txr F. II 1 0 11 k 1 k r. n V WA T C It . M A K Pa, Persons desirous of g, liinir ouH 1 6 do well to give mo call, aa ui, wl10. , voted lo the repairing of Chronometer V' Duplex, und Horizontal watchra. ' An nssorlment ot fin, English WATCIIti as also Jewelry on hand. V"J, CLOCKS, with weights lo them. Jewelry made to order, und repaired Price, to suit the lime. I am tl,a)1k'fufot. favors.attd hope to m vo autiafuction in futura IT Located at Ihe old .land, oppo,;,, .7: , . egmph Ollice, OREGON CITY feb J PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, Opposite Get. Alter nethy d Co.'t Brick Sttr, OUKGON CITY. ' rpil E undersigned are prepared to kkt hi.. X neesea, such a. Ambrotypes, Melainotypes, Pho tographs, or PICTURES ON PATENT LEATHEt luitahlt for tending in Itlttri, ' all of which will be executed in the I, A TEST AXn SB.VTKHT HTYLE, AND ON SHOUT NOTICE AND REASONABLE TERMS. CROUPS and LOCKET PICTURES uk very low. Call aud examine our picture., and jo,!., yotitselve.. Rooms opposite Abcmelhv Sl Co.'. brick ( HOLLAND 4. Day, ' June II. lfl.,9. New Gold Mines! IN ORUOOX CITV. Boot and Shoe Store." " Eagle J. MOON EY"'. HAS just returned from California with I LARGE STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, wh'cli he will sell CHEAP FOK CASH, WHOLESALE OR KETAIL A .'so, a small iimmitnieiit of Shoemakeri' frnJugt. lie rnlicils ihe patronage of the ocuiile nf Ilia cite nod the public iu g-nrrnl. Uriu.; puiirely de vole i 10 the limit und shoe busmen, lie will coiiBluiilly ou hund a line ussortuienl of ladhissil genlleuicn's wrur, of ull sorts audsiies. Ladies, give me a call b. lore ptirvliafln, any where else. Do lint furgel Ihe id ice-two doon b, low Gib son's .Saloon, in the new building. Come one, come all, Iwth great md small, girt me a cull, for 1 have boots uud shoes lo lit ton all. My motto is. Small proiiu un I quick leatriA I 11U0 keep Miller's und Mason's Ui.uiimj fur .ale. Jan. 29. ItW). SADDLERY, AND HARNESS-MAKING, OREGON CITY. AM now carrying mi a Saddler's ami Hir. new milker's shop in ihia cily , and hare can tlantiy oil hund the beat of Keady-inade harness?, saddles, bri dles, halters, niartuigals, and everything in my line. I 11m also ready te make to order uiiythiug in my line that niayba called fur. on a .him notice. My nintloia, Make a gaud article, and sell il cheup. I solicit patrsa- age ut Inline and from ubroid. illy establishment ia neatly opposite Illinois & uruer's Old Stand ou Main street. J. SlilllUJI. April S, 18."i9. il'"6 a aossi. a. biii. WILL AlttBTTXJ IRON WORKS, OREGON CITY. WE beg to inform the public of Oregon ins Washington that we have couipk'ted r BOILER, PATTERN, BLACKSMITH, AND MACHINE SHOP, and are prepared to build boilers, Engines, 6" mills, Sawmills, mid all other kinds ef auchiaery. Our business connection with the EV,rt Stales this great convenience of our ,!' the superiority and number of our machines use of water wwer instead of steam, sod ht per fect knowledge of all branches of our ImsWk"i will enable us to compete with California. Iiivitiug Ihe public to give us a call, and te ua wilh their patronage, we promise le awe,"" their orders ou the shortest uotice, and At Sun Fraud Prire. A. ROSSI CO. Juue 19. 1858. ir Plows and Wagons t Blacksinithing of all Kinds done to order. ' ' I KEEP always on hand STEEL ff warranted to tcour aud do as good werl m any others in the State. I can also feraa J" with WAGONS. I can alwaya be fooad al mj ahop, opposite McKmlay's, ready to .?. horse., or du anyibiug in the line of W J Call aud e. J.V.LEW- Oregon City, April 16, 1859. if Extra Notice. TO Air. rrunv it may CONCE'"' ON the first day of September. 1860, lh. b of CHARMAN Sl WARNKIt ,Z closed, and all note, and aoeouots aaost aa sei PSSW. firm prior to the abo date will be Ktuea j A. Wusl,. , The bAisiaeaa w.11 sat eorrisd ant as TucskCiMsau. He hop- U offer such 1." Uk-bAa Ha asi.l tnmr'u oM,r aalsoaalSP, beist" w do Uiat the ere,lit ssisine. is alike TT both merchant audH-onaumer. ,' Da aafcrp aw'a-tried fUrnJs. Our lerros are asn m p due;. CHARMAN f I Oregon City, Aug. IS, 1 1 160 Jl'ST rere"rrd. the Inlfil ttytt f "u VJ u bonnets, l (iion and " f AiNswoRTii, pI0o",,