i ! i f f if i ' i i IUJSIMXS CARDS. W. 0. JOHNSON, ATTOHXIiV & COl'XSJXOIl AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chancery, "TTTILL promptly nllaml to any buaineaa which V nmy lis committed to his professional charge Union the Oiatrict and Supreme Couila. OnVe (vi r M ilwulu's tin aloru, immsdieUdy op posite tli Maiu Street Iluus. Oregon City, October I, IS5D. JOHN IL M BRIDE, "' COUNttLO 4T law, l,ifn;elte, Yamhill County, Oregon. TkT HA. failh'tilly attend lo all business eo trusted to hi professional care. IJI.OWX k VAWVllVAX, ...Whu'.eiale ami ftflail Dealers in... IT.trl.lt and luster Dry Good, Clothing, Nat., Caps, J.ooh, Miocs, Arc, oi;i:.o. city. S ' aa W 2 L a, "t S3 pal 2 S ' -155 2 S3 MM iM .2 Fja S w w !m in " M w -5 .2 D 515 4) 3 1 J W ' "5 ft cj o C3 art a 4 m - r. S- . V-i r CJ 5S IS S em AINSWORTH&DIERDORFF. WE ARE NOW OPENING IN Till New Tire-Proof Brick, A LAKUE AND WIJI.L-A.lsnRTKD STOCK OT Q EX ERA L MERCJIANDlSIi. Faelinf pHifeelly (ecura ujuliiil fiin, wa will now Ojfrr Greater Inducement than ever to Ilia public Wa ara conntunlly in receipt of GOODS aelcctfd wild the grrntent rare (a lo pric and quality), and ra confident Hint nurfjcililicaw.il cnuble u lo oiler and tell guuili AT PORTLAND PRICES (freijlili on), and would ndviaa a! ihone bailing ma vuy iu purciiuoe jroo i, lo exuimiie our flock and prion lirfore nun haaiiiir rlmnli.i. W'u havo, and ire jut reuoiving, an lnvo:ce of connialine in pHrtnf lha fullowing arliclea Coclie co, rarilic, liidluy, Ciuieateirn, Spragm-, Philip Allen, Kali Itivur, Mi-rriiimc. lliii'r'a.Hiid iiimiBr- oua other clmice TUINTS, all late nluln ; Knir- ill 1 rrnch mei inoj. , oiiia vlolli. muh:iir and oilier liebuzn j hruzo, wool, k uinlin da hiinra, black, blue, purplv, at pink im-rinoa, fuury i.luirlx. Juemiet, book, awiiw, it. mull niiialin, ladiiV rinli. la, volUra, li llifa Atakirla, drraa 6l boiinel trine miuKa, i'renili Jt domealic giiifliuuiM, Kieu.-h luwna from lo 35?, blue, mixed, & crcy a.iti. net, wo.il oolloii jeme, cnlloiiiidr.bleai lied and bl own aheeiiiiii from 3-4 to I ll- l wide, brown and hlniclied ilrilla, dru lie, hickory ahirling J S le.iu, innrnie, nrown, unU ln.li linen, nankeen, d uprr, and crnah, u hinre hit of linen and ilireud larea and edgmj;, huury, Ac. MEX'S ij- IJOVS' CLOTH IX (J : Dlue, b!nck, nnd brown cloth cimla: It) dm 1,1 k cloth Viats, 5 dm. while and bull' .Marseille do., velvet mm Rutin do.; .(II ,u ,imiI umila. dueokin and fancy ciiiiiu re do. 3il doz uieiino and cnllon uiideialiii la.jji ey, blue, Sl hl.u k cloili over coula, Willi a general aasurtiiii-nt of jeula' furuialiiu good. HOOTS , MIOES.-Men bojj', and ynulha' biioU; lu.lira", miaaea', nnd children1! mo. locco, gout, kid, and call (.'ongre.a boots, with A. wilhoiit lieelej ladiea' kid al'ppcra, Itio and Java ruffl e, hlnrk nnd green ten, N'. 0., uiiina, naiavia lunula, l a!, rrliued, and eruslied augar, H. Iliwlnn, Oil., augar.houae, it gulden ayr up. ault, j to -JOO lb alia; I III) ks nulla, iihmImz a; llill'a pale, chemical, it Kngln.li aaip, ao.ip poiv dera, powder, allot, it lead; yeuat powder, auleru tun, creum tartnr, aiuok n Il i.-hewjii tolmrco, green earn, peat, tomaloet, tlruie and lilackber. lien, in 2 Ih tina: r-pice, pepper, and caaain, penrl bailey, mareuroiii, veim cclli, corn aliuch, ulin. ouda, wulniiin, llia.il nula, rniaiua. Chili peachea, dried fruit; mackerel, in ijr k hit' bbla; aurdinea. A lino aiir:ment of CROCKERY .J- TABLE CUTLERY i 20 ri aloa naaortid ware, 4(1 doz ateel picka, U Duteh t. Ildla hoea. White Lend, Oil, and Window Ulnss; with a variety of ulher artiidea leimliv kent. tr Wo will nav tabu f.ir wheal. Ilnne I. .pk butter, eiujB, and ulmost evcrylliing the farmer bus lo Hell. Orerui C:iv. Areil 111, 8.-iR. BAKERY, AND FAMILY GROCERY PURIFY Ul BLOOD. MOFP AT'S Vegetable Life Pill in e,Tsini.5 If CIIAP.MAV wou'd leaneeifHPylnVm the people ol OREOOS CITY, and the p il,. lie generally, that ha ia a id carrying on hu nea at Ina old a:und, where ha will keep oil liaui Everything in liis Line, ...nd or... THE VERY DUST QUALITY. He k' e CMiatan'ly on hand n large lot of DESIRABLE FAMILY 1 wh'ch he ill ell in low ua ihev can he b iuirht at any O'.her houae in town. No piiina will be apare I to give enliro aaliaW lion to nil who may favor him with a enll. All or. dera will be fi'.'ed with oa inueh prumpuieaa and fairueaa na eriouul preaence will ecuie. PAR TIUS I'L'ltN'ISIIKn with everything in hia line on the ahurleat notice WEDBIHCi CAKES MADE TO ORDER. Oregon City J,m0 Ifi, lcr,0. No More Mills Burnt ! Mil HOOTIf Df: Sin : I hove now in our .Mill nun of your Centre I'eed F.n-pronf si.Mti'T MAUIIMiS, put up two weekango I em any that I eonaidcr il the gieuleht hnprovu. m. miu llii claa of miclrnery lh.it hiiacom me der my nnlice. The ilnn. r from lire by Irction ami ouai, common lo Ilia one in general uae, n completely obviated. The dual and dirt, hereto lore ao annoying lo me, U now i H'ecluallv rem. edieJ. 'J'hnt part of the mill before oix-uuied br the Smut .Miiehine ia now a clean aa any pirt ol Ihc mi:l. I ran any that it ia th bct aei.urer ol grain I oier a.iw. J he improvement in the quul- y of Hour will be tit once di covered : in lael. Ihe treat cIi.iiil'c produced in everv r, ai eel ia in. deed a very (-real one. I would any that j have bad in in II prevent lo thla a m leliine that cut the Kruin very much, b it lliia dura not cut n kernel, nun uoea i:oi reipuro Hair Hie power. Your m cli no will eerliiinly take lie; prefereiiee in thia btule, and I would aay on ihe 1'acitic eoaat. A. .1. CinrM.iN, lei.Axn Mii.i.8, Orgon City, Muy '.' I, IsUil. HM. MASTKIIS, Agent. Partl'iml, Itoman llyc Halsam, I'OR WEAK J. IXFLAMED EYES. MVIIS HAf.SAM was ureil for many lenraii L the private practiee of n ceh l.ralid ohai in ml. Kya ent, Parwtnd, Oregon. To tho lrliUer3 of this State : You will never regrrl trying ihm Smut .Mill. Vou can call and at e how thia e'e ina wheal, be fore piiichaain. I have the on!y one iu Ore-nn, at present, but Ihey can ao..n'be ohluined? 1 would aay that my Hour has h id n great repuia lion in tho last two y ir, and I nm aaliali, ,! by iiicuool Una aiiiui mill that it will at ill make un improvement in Ihe Hour, if any run be nude. A..J. CIIAI'.MAX Oregon Cilv, MaySG, Iffi:!. 7tf rpll V. high m l envied celebrity whieh lhee pre. X einnienl .Mnliciuea have aequireii lor their IMVarnlde elli aej in all I lis d aeaaea whieh they profe-a lo cuie, has rendered the usual pruelico of pulling not only none, e.iairy, but unworthy of I hem. They are known by lueir Iruita; Iheiruood works testify lor them, and ihey thrive not by ihe faiih of Ihe ere liiloiia. luallcaaesuf O'lhin i, acuta and ehrnn e rln te inuiiaiii, uinclini.i of ilia bladder und kidneys, bilioua fevers and liter eoinpUinn, in ihv South ami Weal, where theae dise irea prat ail, they w II be found inva'u .bio. I'laiilera, faruiera, an i nth era, who once ua these .Med.cima, will Meter af. i lnanla be wilhoat Ihelll. l))ap. ol.i.-.u peeon w'lh thia d'atreing uiaeaso should delay iuini llie.e medieillea inline diuiely. Krupii of the sl.iu, ertsiuelus, HjIu leuey, fover and ague ful this scourge of the ne.lern eounlry, lliee mediciiiei will be found il ale, apeedy, and certain remedy. Other ni-di lias leave theataiein auhjeet to a return of ihe disease a euie hy thee luedieinea is permanent. I ai Tile a. nr iimikii. axu sk ci ai:u. Mercurial llli-aar. ,eVer fiila to era Urate entirely all the ell'rcts of .Mercury infinitely siainer man ins most puwerlnl preparal onofeiaraipar II. Aigit Strulll. Sert'iui Debility, Serrnul fomilainH of all kind, Organic AJe liant, ruipilnlwn af the Heart, Painter I ehntic. rilr.Th,. orciuul proprietor of thme inedi. cliieswaa cured of I' leaof a i yeara aland ng by the use of tbeae I, fe .Medicines al uie. V orui'a of all kinds arueH'clunilt eii.elud by these me . leiina. 1'iireiila will do well lo iidiinneirr Ihein whenever their ejisli iki ia suspected. Belief will be cerlain. The Lift PHIt and Phanix Diltert Purify Ilia blood, and thus remove all dieae fio-n Ihe vaiern. A single trial wllnlarethe LIFE PILLS und PIKE MX BITTERS beyond tin' i each of compel lion in tlia clonal. on of every patient. IJJ" Prepared by Dl!. W 1 1.1,1 AM R. MOFFAT, 3.1 j Broadway, ear. Worth tt., Neie York. J. FLIi.MlXU, Ajjciit, at the Paul Offict. 3 X Oregon City. SIMILKAMKKX S 3 easat as mm Si S K s o P m S3 s- fl v 7 p 1 2 9 z s ; 3 & r"i &n mm a. l n - mm w tc e 3? Willi remarkable success, for disease of I. nnd Kvelide. Theie are ninny nervous who wm.l.l ,-.ii.... Sillier from hull! lllld diseusr, llir,,..l, ll' ,i credit or try the elli,.aey ofnnv new discovery all such ha I belter not read this, hut to all reuaona. b!e persona this preparation ia recommended aaa most sulo and i Hernial cure for inllaiiiui.ilion of the Kyo nnd llyel da, caused either by loo close upphculioa to minute objects, scrofulous habit, ex poauiu to cold, blows, contusions, or irritation from iiny extraneous body under tho eyelids. It is return kabhly soothing in iiseHecl.nird Ins cured thousands who would otherwise have lost me.r signi. . In cases the Ky. lijs are iiilained, or Hie ball of the Kye thickly covered will) blood, it ads al most i.kn mag e and re ves nil npp. ar.inees of nillaininiillon idler two or three applieationi. I here is a niiuieroiia elusa of nelsons ill ,i , haily exposed to ai'eidciils or difenses that weaken and iiilltiine ihe i; syht, who. Iron, ihe naluroof Ihe r euip'oynienls, -...woi.ci,e,i in ni.iR in a cloud ol dust and eril Such should never ho without this HALS A.M. nenieuiuer, "Secug is lirheving. ' Pr re 25 cents per jar. " Prepared and sold by A. 71. & I). S VND.S Druggist, Hill Kiilton-stresl, New York. ' For sale by II. douvsox ,t Co. and Kkiuxuton .';"S;'t" ''rjnc'-i HiComi, Murvsvil.e; (. II. McDo.VAi.n ii. Co, Sacramniiloi'iiiidby lriigi;ia:s generally. July S. nil) Mir HAVE TURNED OUT BUT THE " Eaglo Boot & Shoo Store " ir STUFF It pros- IS NO 1 1 CM BUG ! v KRK YOU CAN" FIND THE Ihnt will luml the tare and wear. pecis neu, lor I raise the color every pun, und if me nines were only a lutlo br slier, I ihink that it would piy very well; and if y,.ti don't believe u, juai co no ana buy u pan or l)i ) J ufier you try ihrin on, for I lliive Jtiat Knri'ivi-il A NKW ASSOR'niKXT OF BOOTS AND SHOES. O F llic Latest btj-Jo and Fasliion, ESTA3LISIIED 1751 pivri.li uoivu.i.vnu. SnufF and Tobacoj Manufac turer, 16 A 13 CilAMHKIW ST., (Formerly 43 (Hiath nil street, Xew York.) TirUULl) cull Ihe especial attention of Oro , ? rernau.i lyruei aia in ma rem iva I. and also tl.e articles of his manuf.iclure, 'u: M.icc.lhny, D, m gf,mi fine l.uppee, I'ure Virgin'n, Coarse Ifapp e, N'ncliiliiolies, Amcrleali enntleinnn, Copjuhagen E 1.1.0 W SM UV. Scotch, Fresh Sc.lcb. Ilih Tonal Scotch, lr.,1, n,g, Fnsli llon.y Oew Scotch, or Luudyfnol. ion f,c,o, IVIOKINO. riM CUT CIIElVI.Va, No. I, T. A. I,., or plain, o.j, Luveiuliali, or sweet, .Spomsh, Nos. I i-2 in Yd, Sweet-scenlrd Oronoeo, Camaler Kitefoot, Tin Foil Cavendiah, Pure Turkish. A Circular of prices will be sent on nimlio ition. A. .Note the new art rle of 'Ve.i S..,u..li Sniiir. wh'ch will be found a superior urlic'e for u piling puip'ises. mhlTnilldl J " I can administer tea mill I (and body) diseased, And Willi A sweat oMivious uuliUola Cleanse the foul system of its per.loua siufT." -XhU A I)lcsscd& Divine llcmcdy SAXGVIFEROVS XF.RYIXE TOXIC! 1'eail my Theory of I AVI) and DKATII. fVIAT most dl.ra a piove fatal t that early JL d. aiha o. run that Miiplo I v lor years a I v. iug death, weak, inaniinaie, and eshaieled nol fioin Ihe disease itself, but from all inabiliiy ill iialme, and natures slnuglh lo wulelnml ur maintain life through the lavages ef disease (iva iheui slreiigih, and nature Hid relieve her self, if stimulated. She bus git-u lis herbs olid plants lorlb'Cl nil Ibis. I'ur.ly the hloo.l, render Ilia iulesiim a, the liter, the heart, and all Ihe natural Iiiii uiiiiia of man or woman anno, m.d Vouhsve half conquered disease, Dr. J.VCOII VV llllllrJK d ea eouseieini.,iisly assure all who read III a, I ha I Irs Niiniiuficr or Invig aal ng Cor. dial pro-lures all the elf ct aleive dcscrilKil. He baa seen the old, the loiter ng. the palsied, the nervous, Ihe dvap piir, Ihe inebriate, Ihe alt bail ehee, ii lid Ihe invalid revive under its influence, as if new h e were given t. in, Dr. Webber's acts on III" o iskI, heart, bra n, iiilest nea, a.uawa, nerves, the llu.ils an I semi llu la, ami lliu whole pliuap.e, and R EXE FITS ALIKE Ihe gloomy litpochuudr'ac, the djspepllo, the nervous, ileb dialed nil I feeble, Ihe ov. r-doolorrd iiivul d, Ihe bilious and liverohsi ased sull'ercr, Ihe gourmand, the ilelrauelieo. the inieinpriate, and all tvho sutler ill lleullll. U. S. MAIL LINJL5 Orepon City and Porl!ut,j j... Will run daily, (Sun.laya,.crI,ifd'w' named trade, leaving Oregon C Itv i. 'U. cl..k, 4. Itaturning, will ; 3 mi., lourlmig at lliIurini.dill", ' 11,04 Furfroighiarpassag. ,,py ;aUgJ''- . r?a.llr jliiwrrn i Ot liailtl unit f). Sanguiflcr BMOKI.Vtl. St. dago, 011IIORRIISLE! Oil HORRIBLE! Most IIoiTiLli;!!!" When worn-out nature siirctiui'ia to DEATH, beeiiuse she has mil stieni'th to resist. Now. Dr. Jacob Wehb.r's Invigorating Cordial cuusea slrength -that isils main iiuality. The liral op- erallou, lonict the parluker feels then ill it 'il. tin a is caused his skill is damp, h a limbs supple and active, he feels a wish lor exercise, and knows he has strength lo endure it: ha ia liirht- pirileih his skin becomes clear: hia eves. loo. be. cause hit lifer it made a.-tire. the hilt neutral ized or eierted. and hit blood thinned and tiuri- Jied. II he b is a mil ttomn-h, th a nets na nil aperient, not otherwise. Again, it iiiiuirdnirly relieves b-lchiui, und pn v. ills an iiccu.iiulalioii of wind in the stoainch. Vie ttoinarh. Ihe great ric. iver of direase in I its cine. I iv II now enu merate a fear of those d seases where I have en Dr. Urb'jcrs InviL'iiratiuL- Cordial act most beau lifully : Xei'voinness, "Weak hp, Languor, Fever and Ague, ChilN, Pains in the Liinlis, Joiiit-i, Uody, . Delirium Tremens, Tre mor.s, Constitutional Decline, (from any cause,) Deliility in either sex or aije, Torpor of the Liver, Bowels, HABITUAL CONSTIPATION!! riUlK new sleru. wheel steaiuee X EXPRESS, rJ .Master, will run betw... 7 Cy laily (Sunday,,",' " ''i Ja, 8raxu and 1 1 rego ii ing POK I I CI IIH4M Jliba.u w. r Persons dnaii Time. H 10 II V I Ki n lr.ua of geiti,,, " K'V" "ie a can, aa my U. voted I. the repairing of CU,J I Duplex, ami Horizontal walcliea. ' ""( An assortment of fine Kmrli.'h n-sa- aaal-ojewelryonhand. ' " nATCllES, CMC AW, wiih weight, lotm Jewelry made In onh r, and repaired I rices lo suit the i,,,ei. , ,., ,, Jjr lo oted at Ihe old .i,. " " egmpl, Olliee, OREGON CITY V t - .as, 4, ix sa a ia vrr AND GENTLEMEN: IF YOU WANT AXY Fine Clot h i it f CALL AT P.ROWX & RROTIIER'S. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA, REMK.MIIF.lt, Tllld IS Tllli Original and (Jenuine Article! ACKM.wi.h:b(ir.u to dk 77ic- Rest Sar.ipariHn Ever Made ! nuns JL pniiit! recorded unr'vaied pn paralion has norformed some o ihe moat ustonisliimi. cnr, il.-.i .... (I in the h slorv of M.d eiio. 'rim ii- ty with hieh the patient rccovcra lli allli anil Km aii it under lla inlluence ia sin prising. Fnrh new case in vthirli ii is is plie I furnishea ill the result a new eertdieula of its eilicacy and excellence; nnd we .....ooioy io ui in in mo uecuiniilated testimony of nuihitudrs who have exper.rnced its hcnelirial elleets.to convincetbo most incredulous of its value. Do not forget to nsk for Sands' Sarsiparilla. iT For sal,, by II. Joiivson A Co an I Pen. iNo-niN it ( o., San Francisco: lin e r,,, II. McDomi.i, Co., Sarr.iuii-nto.' .Mai vsville; . and by Drugg'sta generally. J. Aivsivoitrii. WM. DIEUOiiHFF, nvsno.t rii a in:iio!iri', WlllH.ICS.U.K A.ND KKTAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, Ji;V COODS, CLOTIIIXG A'onf ,( S'ioi, and Crockery, intlie new hue proof Uriek XUiMratiT iiKKHOM CITV. F. UHli.MAN. x. WA RNb'R. Caruma h Warnor, GENERAL COM MISSION MERCHANTS wuoLrsL k airsiL Oca lor a In Iry Gool, ( iiim;, ILirdie tre, CnKlerv. Glassteart, Bos, S!ics, Painu, (jilt, rfv., Iu tJiir lire-proof Crick , XI mu srartr OREUIIN I'lTr, OREr.oN. ju'y -Jm3 dents' fine sewed French calf boots. ul, n.. I ealf boots and shoes of nil sorts :ind sizes j Ladles' kul, morocco, cn imel and chilli I'ailnrs. .k .t,.-. lie Conirres..i-lic, I gaiters, mines' gaiters and shoes of every kind, coarse and lino ; buys' shue.s of ev ery kind that is mentioned iu mv rhyme; chil dren's cull' und copper toed thnea ; iadies nnd children's IIOSK of all sizes, white, brown mi l fancy ; Miller s Water-Proof DLACK1XU, J. S. .Mason's lilackiug ; ' Miut'illilkfl-'s rillilin-a, Pegs, awls, hammers, thread, wax, uaila, and suoe-aiiivea. Tliankful for past patronage, I respectfully so. hcit a continuance of patronise from mvold'cus lomera and as many new ones as choose" to come '' """ ' Kcuuciiien, pve , vM vni.,i, old. great nnd small, brave und hold, lor wll be ready and happy to wait on ou all, and in partic ular the ladies ; 1 ,ka losoolhcni co.nj to nay men visit. I'.einenibei' Ih.-place YVo oor East of Broicn .( Brother, Jl!ilii.lr.-fi, . . Or. sou 'lij. i.u.uea nnu gentleman, I assure you that I cm sell you hoots and shoes as die ip as any house in '"' I' a hllle cheaiKr for cash ,l.. v n proKta and quick sale, thai is tile talk that t, s "" ''lB- my I J. MOOXKY. M Sent and Land. THAU, an excellent .M 1A. SK.4 T, snr. jl rou unen wtin excellent llMliliH, which would like to have improved. I will uive some uiillwrighl who wishes In invest in a saw mill or gnei mm, or both, a good oh inee. The location is one ot ihe very hest lor selling lumber level way to the null seat, no hills lo pull over no., o.inoj to neavy settlements. I wish, also tn s. II half u section of LAND ueai ny. I lie place is six miles west of Lufay rile, V iimhill county. . w- T.. ADAMS. ,ny. v.l, I Soil. 3l!lf Clackamas Couuty, Oregon. mills school ia situated mi a d li.-lilful cleva. J. Iiotiol land, jii .t thr a miles south of Ore. gon City, lis i,ri.r tei.n fr vilr Wl, ci uiciice us follows; sl term, on the lirst Mondiiy ol September; i., on the third .Monday of No. veuiher; afier which there will baa va.-atinn of two weeks, when the third term will commence, t.uch term will contain eleven Weeks. FtCULTV. P.... I? n ... ..... ... , AuiwiimiiT, riiuoipat, and Professor of .Mu'licmuiicN und Aalurul Science. F.A. White, Teacher f Knglish primary classes This will purify Ihe Hi ck slairniinl Usui, ea.ee a healthy aci iui on the bowels, heart, skin, and bruin, and lliereliy revululioiii.e Ihe hole svslein, wii cii mis iieeouie iloriuaut and ina live. T0 llnrds of buinaii diseases aro caused fiom s..uie uf Ihe ubove organa being disnrgan'x d. Doctor may lellyon that you have such und sueli .. .1 ease, but until medical practice becomes a science (md .1 is not jet), disease cannot be described lo a rrrlauly. This singular med cine gradually streiyi..,s il,e system, PM'ers ul once the blood which r.-om slu-gis! -sis rapid, courses through' tho veins and Ihe heart. Mnuv I have sc. n who iisaurr.1 me uiai, three days u.ler ua'i.e it, the uate ie I a thrill ol an mil tun mental!.. I I. ,.i n: iteir chest und bie et win before heavy llley ule see lied tosettle there: Ihe r lest Was un, H'e.i .ueir up.ei,to poor; und that this rPulv I, SSK...I i..,lli..l I ..... . , " . ..... 1 i, i Mien symptoms; II "'y- "" no.;y, appetite, an I sp r la was J o.uim an enure rcvo:u,i.,u in the tvuru-oiii sysiem occurred. Tile Pu P..I...1 wi....i , n . . .. . .-.Tourer, m i ctiiinmo. aivs .... ir.ra u.llll lliysell and lirolller have sull'el e, ,ro, i,,,f,M weakness of an I sour atom . eh ... oKCSiiuu anil tlululelire, that hfe lit limes was u...u,.. e nave ii d your Cordial (Dr. Wei, uem limaorating S ig ijier) lour days, and man hi, u,4(Tiur yeuiu. PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, Oppotitt Geo. Abernethy ,J Co.; Bric, oi:f,gox cn v. rilllE undersigned Bre pr,ptrH , , X liessi'a, audi as M mbrotyi,es, MelaiiiotypeS) fl togi-aiths, or PICTURES ON PATENT t d.... imtuhlt for lending in ,. all of which will he executed in the I.ATKST AXU M-.,Ti.ST MTl,r AND O.V SHOUT NOTICE A ND Ii Ii A S 0 N A II T. k m ... Kooms opposite Abcrnelhv & Ca'a brirk n.s iioi i i v.. . June II, Ifl'3. O D S Exchanged for AT w row ii &, Broth OREGON CITY. CVS, OliEGOX HOSPITAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. T. 0. nawtbom, A. M. Loryea, rinteua. lay Sriato. IIos Wanted. CASH WILL Ul; rID FOIt 3S0 TTni.t r ase wa auga, Delivered at Ilia ISLAND .MILIjJ iMMPiit vrn v 0f" Ihgi bought conttantly. A. J. CIIAPMAX. Oregon City, March 2, ISuO. 50 EUGENE LA FOREST General Dealer iu Dry - Goods, LADIES" FANCY GOODS, Grocery, Oorkr-ry, Oliiaa-uarr, BOOTS, SHOES, 4c At the tlJ tttni tf La FtrtttFnnch Store OKECOX C1TT. Valuable Projwrty For Sale. THE ClIAMPOEn Frnrrt nirr -m-wje, ill aUeli. 'PUIS MILL, situated about three fourths of a X mils from Champocg in the midst f ihe great grain-growing country in Oregon, ia ollcrcd for ale. During high water in winter, Hour, Ac can he shipped direct from the Mill. Attached to the mill is n granary for receiving and sloriuir Wheat, a ,lu-..!li.... ... , . .. " --..... uuusc auu rariien lor tlie use of Ihe person ill charge. Th. whole properly embraces uhotit fivk aukes. The m ichinery of the in II is of very niieror rpiahiy, haviug been imported from ll.vh.ster, . .. a nere are two runs of the best French llurrs. and an extra patent run of smaller llurr, for chopped feed, ie. Th.. frame . v, t r. Iienlh, iic, cannot be surpaied m Orrgon'and "" "" a" resHci, i. B(Sl j ,le j,UIe ror (articu'ar.s, apjlieaiion should be inaJe to OKO. T. ALLX, I , A. .MiKI.NLAY, rh'"nP"g, ort.. A.MOI1V I1OL1JI5O0K, cnamrsa e. Jan 1(1, IMJD 4lif Oregon CiVy B.lTIISMJATlTSH 44 Wash, and Ee Clean!" Settlement most invariably ho made in advanct fur tuition, at the following rules: in 1st iiml -Si he i. lets, and Pr.inary Arith., ftl.00 . in ci aim niL.ier Arili.inetic, lingli,!, "aiuiiiir, i. eograpny, riling, .tc, 600 uoer aiainemaiics, ,lt. I'liiiosophy, and a-aiiu, ji.uu exira lor each brunch. DoAiimxa. tvtenstve arrangements have been made, du. J """liner, inr ihe entertainineiit of sin o.n.e, mine residence of Ihe Principal. Table v..,.,.-..a,.,UU rooms, perweclt, gi.l.UU, ATTEXO.VMCS. X . .. xsusmorni will Oe a.lowed a seat for a less time ...... . iei in. Any one having paid, wishing lo vacate a seat the last l.l. t .i.. 7, have one half the money refunded. ' Profanity and the use of tobacco positively fur biddeu ou the prem.ses. SH'SIC. t.rnluitous instruction will be given lo a class in An,. . 1839. IiieLiiitcs and D r u nkards S.23 AD!.' The Appetite nr Litnor Destmued.' ONE of Ihe be.i,iiif,, proprrfes possessed bv DU. WKIHIICICS IIH7IG0R4TI3JG C3RDIAT. "'moves un longing r taste for honor .(l.'lllV ..... K... .. . na I....... C- ..I... .. .' .' "".inn iiuvi! iu .1 in... n , , ...! .... I -.. . V " "a" " ' m , soeiincneii i,m. ,.,.) ,., u oas ruusea aversion lo soirii. Il seen it cure sonm nr .i.u V . ...i.,.. ir- . ...niiiii cases n '""" had aeiiuilly occurred. ItrMild hy all reshecn,l,l !.... :.. r,- an I California. ' "s'" '" wr'"" Bwartof Counterfeit,!- lhat th(1 n,m 1. Jll.XKS and .1 V e,o,r 11 1. .. ,. , .. tf., aro go me "I eaell OlltSlill irn.,.n,.r ...! I l ., , . . - -i r- oenvii in t ie a-s ol each bottle. Biiu none ntl,r! of BEFORE AND AFTER T WOULD respectfully in orm. the gentlemen of I'res.'vn Cny ilial I ba,, recently filled up Bathing Rooms, 'a connection wl.h my Barker Shop, where la,,h ! AND COLD IiATIIS can be had on reasonable term,. THOMAS W ;r. Aoticc. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP .HIE linn of Allan, Melvmlay & Co., hereto X lore carrying on business under lhat tiie t J regon ti.y Champ,.,,-, d Luwer Scmisburg L'nuapia, hereby di.-ohe hy mutual con.,. u part es iudebled In said firm, or having da upon , lieu,, are hereby reipie-ted lo send u be r aec .. or make payment of t,e ,, , " .. ....... --.n nm ato .ileNuilay at Chain,a.ee r Amory ll! ,,oek .1 Oreg;j c.ty.who areaJl ..... "ieu .OR. all ao-ouiit, connect, d will. U i i . fKIXLAY & Co. - i-n-K, ,C... J, jVcw Gold Mines! IN' OltliGON CITV. "Eagle Loot and Shoo Store." J. M 0 0N E Y HAS just returned front California with s LARGE STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, which he will sell CHEAP FOll CASH. WIIfUL-suif Oil KF.TaIL I .'o, a tmall atnortinent of Shotmnieri fnii,(k lie solicits the niilronaire of the n.s.al. f u.- city and Ihe public in g Mieral. Ileiug entirely dr. filled to the biait and shoe business, lis trill 'k. constantly on hand a line assortment ofladinud gentlemen's wear, of all .rls and siies. Ladies, give me a call Mure purelnsio- int. where else. ' Ilo not fuigci the pice-iwo doors lalot Gib son s Saloon, in the new building Come one, come all, hoih great tnd small, firs me n call, fur I have l oots and shoes in fit mull. .My iniitio is, Small prolits and quick returns. I also kicp .Miller's aud .Mason's UuciueC' "'" Jan. 2!l, SADDLERY," AND HARNESS-MAKING, OREGON CITY. AM hniV ntirreinir .... n finlta.. anil ITar. X nexa maker's shoii in this citt, and have cos- slanti'y on linn. I the best of llcady-madc harnes?, saddles, bri dles, halters, martingals, and everything in my line. I nm also reidy h) mike lo order .inviliniir iu my line thai niavl") called fur. on a short notice. iMy motlo is, Make a coed article, and sell it cheap. I solicit patron- age at home und from uhroid. .My establishment is neatly nppoaita Chimin Warner's Old Stand ou Muin street. J. SCIIRAM. Aprils, 18.",!). ShaS A, ROSSI. i. iiusLir. WZXiXiAIVZBXTZl IRON WORKS, OREGON CITY. TT7'K beg tn inform Ihe publio of Oregon ii V Washington that tvu have complvttd TAKI.su DR. WEBBER'S SANGUIFIER, Or lnvtgnrallng Cordial. BOILER, PATTERN, BLACKSMITH, AND MACHINE SHOP, and are prepared to build bailers, Engines, Crut mills, Suwuiills. and all other kinds of nucliiurrr. Our business connection with the Kailrn Stales tho great convenience of our locality the superiority and number of our machines ll use of water power instead of steam, and thepH" feet knowledge of all branches of our bushis",, will enable us to compete with California. Inviting the public lo give ua a call, md to f us with their palronnge, we promise 10 aiec their orders on the shortest notice, and At San Fraiiciaro Price. A. ROSSI . CO. June 19, I8.18. 1'' 41 if. w. Mirrh .H. l-iCrt rirst Premiiun, 1811, '42, '44, '5a. CHARLES J. HOLDER, GRAND ACTION PIANO FORTES. HALM-OX A- MVEiy, - WHOLES Lt A.D KKTAIL DEALF.RS u t . t li .H MtKCHA NDISt Career , .Vj, tnj Fijtk StTMh e Hteos cut, onjtoi. j miJESE WAXOS are mide of ,h. W m.. ,; i X, lerials, and warranted lo ainrf Tuning and repa'riug prompily ejee uled JulyMlv. T A(ex,.tOr.fCUu. The Three Prettiest Girls XIV OBXCrOlV CITV? Kill, Delia, and Moliie, you know them I am sure, un complex: one so ovrlv. an .-!..,.. .... i . Their hair dark and siiky.'whiie the'tcelh of tiiew I1" Are iu snowy you'd think they had mouths full of Yet every child of Creation, b .th ladies and genu Can possess the same beauties fur 10U cents. ' Rreause the price is reduced tn-V. ...I sn ,. the following superb compounds, a Insii supply f winch, fresher and better perfumed than ever, has just beeu rcce ved. ' Header, although advertised thus, these really fine articles are all w. represent liiem. The Soap (puce reduced lo .. cents) acta in the most beau iiiul manner iu clarifying, white S,B, c'earlm? the lonst Hl.n'..l .. .. . . s. .. ..... ....,rlll r,UpUve, ana nisti.'ured skin; while for inlants or for shaving, it ia unequakd, as liealui' so:ieninir no, I .n ,k .. i...t ror dealing, dressing. frcii,g the hair to grow, itoppmg , f:iijg 0;l'. curing ihe dandruff ie, the CUUAL HAIU RKSTORATIVE i. th finest thing made. Price reduced to S3 ce n'a. I eelh are made as white as sno-.v. ih. hr..tk sweet, an I Ihe irnmi h:.r.l ,.,! h....,i... .... , . mviM .... ... y '-'- , ,. u w A RL. I TKE I'll RfXiT. It latliers like s..ao. and h, ,.:..: i. . Sld at Ihe abo.e Dr ees hr ll :L i'omia and Or.-on. Wh.l..,i. k P. " C.owr..LiC,M, and Rt mwr Ploics and Wagons I as f Blaeksmitliing of all Kinds done to order. I KEEP alwayaon hand STEEL PLOWS, irnrranted to tcour and do aa good work J any others in lha Stole. 1 can also furnish ya wuh WAGONS. I can always be found at ay shop, opposite McKinlay'a, rendy lo ahoe Jf ' horses, or do anyihlng iu the line of my bos'BeHi Call and see, J. W. LEWIS. Oregon Cily, April 1C, 1859. I Joticc. O O L V I E U S , TEAMSTERS, SAILOWi O (or their icidoietor orphan children.) who served in any wars or battles, eilher i'" fornia or tUetthrrt, prior to M.vek 2d, 1'' (Aer children vka were under 21 ett t Ml oWe, or sail.irs olio served on the coaat f Calif" n a in the M. nam war, will do well to adJeeai aa. Claima lhat have been rejecled in the ban" uthcr njenta, have been auecessfully obtained f ua. Agents acting for ua, liberally pasi U1 warranta bought an I sold lo order, and allb- neaii reonirinw mn .m,.t , IVashitirtaul. Itleedea I lo. R. II. LLuYO 4. CO , Au.ne I Claims. Prrtsions. U-ajnlv Land. ir. Befereec t any of the heads of Drpamm-nti. 4e)i CRACKER-alwiyaoB hsaH .i y. cuvty