rT, -ill p"oni In tl.!i county ow oTI . ' the. current year, are ...Toliy ll,1;,. tht mmo o to mo within ''H. Xn tlw, of November. VTm. Pikbdorfp, Co. Trendurcr. ntlIvoi-i.-E. M. Hull, HnrrUburi? ,S'on)l'.0, LI"" county, owe. thm n rr nubscrlDtion. QBice i " r,rv Maiikkt. Wlii-nt, CO Flour $3,504; OuH 2ju30c; Hut- 'n..O! Kl'iM. 25c. 5c: ter. 025ci xaT. ..u,iv. Oct 18. by Amos S (ileason p Chirk Abrahi.ui, of Murion, lo Mi Mury .fiii.it lfIM" D. D. STEPHENSON -utibT hit removed III! ollieo 10 lllf -'.. u ..rH lo do ill work ill III lint. UK im ri Multnomah lodge Pfo. 1. . v A. .M.. holds it stated enmmunica. J,riiin Mon!e Hull, on lli Saturday Vieccding lli I""'' Moou in rich month ii,.,hr.n in good a'andinfr invilrd lo attend A. L. LOVEJOY, W. M. D.W.Ciaiu, 6ec'y. 13 x. o. o. r. A-vi-mv'y- ' - WHKWl'f. I " I'" ' . i . v la rM..u F n rw. ,Vm 9 m..l. at llimiony I lull on Monday -l evening ol each week. Hreih 17 ren in rod slanting ore invited 7.T H-.VV. ., . f.f,.i . i . Miinni. . ' ... giiitl HeraeparHla.This (iiir.-iy vegetable irmt ly aumbine in ilseir the properties of in An mil.! cathartic, ind luniu. Il quick k removes fmm bloo,,i ,nd ol,l"r "'V"1" of ,'" sadv (lie impurities of uiilieullhy creliii wlik-ll tnpixlrr and fo-d diseaw, thus striking m Mil Millie malady. Alibough proved soeffica cieusit may bt taken at nil limei wi;li perfect Bfety, isileniitaini no powerful drastio ding to dtbililate in system, vt ii.ii.i-.ni pwipwu iu ru.u the eotiililulinn. Preper-dnnd sold by A. It. &. D. SANDS, 100 Fulton rt , New York. Trice $1 jierbullle.tr k ules for $. rr Read llie advertisement in another column (.old by Da. STEELE, Origin Citu, and by llriiRuii generally. MtVall't l lf 1MIU. The high an I nivitil libritv wlik'h lliii pre-eminent iiirdcine haste- ouiieJ for in invariable iTu-jtcy in all (lie diseam . . .. . . . I I J .1- I wbicll II p'Otesecs locurc, uas icnucrta ine usual prrctn'e uf olentiitioni pulling not only uniiei'ei Hiy but iiiiwnrlliy of Iliem. They ire kwmn by llirir fruila; their pKxi wurki ttilify for llirm' nd ill) lli.ivu not by the fuilh of the crrdulmi'. In nil " of coMivi'iiiw, dyapepiin, bilioui nnd liter affi-clium, pilei, rlieuiuul.ini, tevrra an i ague, loiinK head-achm, ami nil gra rnl di-runci'-iMiiiaof hfulih.tln) I'illa have invariably provrd acrt:iin ind ipreily remoly. A lingle tiial will pl ihe I. ill' I'illa ht'yond I lie reneh uf coniiiliuu ioilKwliiniliuii'if evi'ry pulient. Dr. Moiru'i I'licrnix It.ltcm will be fnund equal ly tlHcii'iiiun in ill cnxeanf ncrvour ilehility, dya prp.il. hrudacht1, the lii kueai incidi-nl to friilulfn in iK Tcile health, and evi ry kind uf wwiknrKi nf the (Pfelive uifuiw. lor tale bv Dr. W. II. MOKKAT. .lit 5 liruidwuy, Kew Vuik, and by MtJicine Dealen ami f.'ruggll gem-mlly Ihrougliuut the country. .'I y Wllr" BaUim of Wild C.brrry. The only pure and frnuiue Hulraui ia, and iur Ihe liml Iwriity yrari hoa been, prrpnrrd l) Situ W. FuWI.I & Co., of lioalonj and their printed time, u Will ai the wrilten aii'iialiue of fielK, iipfn ir on the ouler H-rapera, Ah you (laid ireirf the ipuriuua end have the genuine, hit m oMrr.' Wimi'i Uaijx ur Wn.n Cnrnnr. Thin in nlnable remidy ia ihe bent one extant fur ill.- af,'. aire, peeiv, unl ierinaiieiit cure of eovAa, ttlit, tore ihiont, kronchilit, atlhma. pVniiy. fiitmonw, rroup, whooping cough, blerding at tht hng. Mi'n in the hrratt or io7, ind in m.-l cfry form of throat, iln l, uud lung ci'inpl.iiul, uvelUiCoNauMrTinM itwlf. Tliit hoimhold remedy tli'iuld be iit Ihe linrl tf every family and individual, ai a timely npuli ration of il to flight cold will caiiae ininird ale relief; while iaaea nf long ataudinir, ubatinatu. nd i;niYilly incurable iliuni.-ter. w II fii cly yk Idle in wuudei'ful curulive powers mid iis (real iilaplation lo thu waula of mull wheu ill- Cur wle in California by Rrdingtnn &. Co , Henry Julinnon At Co., Charlea Mnrr.ll, Sun Krmi cko; It. tl. McDoli'ild & Co., Sunruineulo ; llirt, Ciiffin i Co., Murytville; Smilli & Duvia, PurtUind, Orrfon. felctyeow GENUINE Lawton Blackberry Plants, FROM Till GLEN RUN NURSERY. I WILT, have a'ter the let of Nv. I.aivlon Blarkbi'rry and arveral variel et of lla.-pberry plmti lor sale at the following ptacei : Oref iu City. Forert Grnve, McMinville, Dayton, nd tl nny other pn'nt in Oieiron. I warrant all Dlackberry plants lo live that nre set befoie the Islof Jan.. nnd all genuine, an I have Mixed the Hnu fmrn ihe need. There arc ciillus ai-eHline in thuSi.te and Califurnia. I'Kik nut fur litem! I'll I LI I' ItlTZ. Gle Hun Nurarry, S pt. 29, 1cG0-29w4 COFFINS. CM. KESTER, Undertaker, VL'LD inform Ihe people of Orejrnn City ' ind vicinity that hi will keep a eupply uf Ready-made Coffiri9, of all sizes, constantly on hand. "will also keep. 3H3 A. Mft. mm JE3 will be pr, p,red u, attend lo ill the neciisary " of funeralt cunuecteil with bit line. Shop rr the Seminary. irCustom from tlie country ia respectfully XELLY'S TEMPERANCE HOUSE, rt., eppteite Ceo. Abrraethy 4 Co.', OREGOiN CITY. Q.0()ri i rooms FITTED UP wiih . . fcr ik. tui eomfrtible 1IEDS, fitt 'e,!,, accommod.t.on tf J? UIN'XG "ALL tl,e Oregea, Kin. ,Dd chre renable. Urtief j"'"' 05"" "PP'ri, and mpperi for ft ip n ahort notice, in Ibe seateat m.o- riicit: SarleiJLu d'r' MS"S' I 5 J9- E-D. KELLY, rroprielor. JVotice. A IwT"" 'dk, D. HUTCHIN3 A ii OTt, art requenwl mJ . 8NOV,,' WJtMf. Ori... .Dd i J"?"' T arent to tranetel all XZZ?t', W",'ir Temtory. and ty,Jily2!,18. XnfbrmatioB Wanted, OF JOHN J. CLEUY. ,t Mli I, Iphii. pfc II w.i$ Ion beard Iroen in lli imniixr of Ihil, iu Wiuliintrl ,n, D,C. iithallarby tradij urved on board lln kr( I'erry, dunuf the Mi. i il Wir, uiitl. r lln name of John J. Wilamt lao on Ihe llriiidywiin und-rth mm nam. Any liifoimalion will b tliankfully received by nddreesiuK hi brother, K. 1). CLEKV, 32 Walnnl Hi., Pl.ila.lelpln.. Pi. Yamhill Trade. Tht Ftiil runniiiy Steamer J.H. CLITOt, Capt. J.Mia D. Mii.li. make r.fol.ir irliM u uyiin una iiuyayriie, u,rt lunei a wee, kaf . lijK Ciinim.ili ivery .Mon.lay, Wvlnceday, and Fr day niormng, it tl oVIihk reluruiuj n. at day. Notice T8 IIKREBY GIVEN, to all timet win. irt Jl liidrb eil lo me. In anv ahaue. In nam fnm A nd wit! thi'ir occounu with me. la I am vr niui h in need uf money ai Die pneeni lime, which tuy out can see, win, hm half an v. hv pMsinir ilnng in fn,m uf my place. I ihink of tcnuiij Una illy auuu. Tlioso who h ive iwount ir.vnl me will era. wnl Ihum lu me fur pnynienl. AI er mret weeks, my act-oiinU will b. pluced n in officer 'a lianda for colUctltm. F. W ILDE, Gun.mi h. Onnn City, Oil. 13, IS60. 27 w J Stoves and Tin-Ware! SEYMOUR A JOTXTT, Fire-proof Building. Front St , between Waih- tnglon and Alder ete , and firet etreet between Washington ij- Alder,) ."OltTMNIf, OCX, WIIOI.enLC ND 1KTIL Dealers in Stoves and Tin-"Ware. MESSRS. SKY.MOL'U & JOY NT, bavinj been in the business for eight yean in I'urL liml, fil sine that they can sell nil arm lea In their line at pricei which will induce putchixin lo cive them Ilia preference. Their exienaive tui-k uf TINWARE ompriaci every article usually kepi by similar slalilinliinen's in lliisceunlrv. STEAMBOAT WORK, Rnofing, and Guilerinjr, and all wurk connected with the Iraile, done by EiprrU'sU-t-d .Tlrrhmilri. Their lar-e and wcll-selrcleil assortment tf Sai r.H.- W JU2 M it coinprined (iu purl) of the following styles : Jarstow's Harp fc Bay State, liuck's Patent, Black Knight, Globe, Victor, Empire City, Superior, Pilot. - iris arc tole Agrntt for STEW A R T'S AIR-TIGHT C00KIPJO STOVE For the Stair of Oregon. Wo have aboard the Induetry (now iu the river) t lurgu iiivo ce of III celebmird (newly iiiveii ed) wki'ifr-siove, which is inure ea.eemtd than any her in uae. Uur stock or Olh'ce, Parlor, and Box Stoves, roa wood aiid coal, is large and well assorted, and is composed of thi' must approved varieties of pl till nnd ornamental maniiluciure. Iu addition, we ki ep Hydraulic Hum, Cattdi mm, Furnace. ISoilers ant Furnaccx, Farce and Lift Pumps, Lead Pipe, Lanterns (a large variety), Tin Plat', Sheet Iron, Sheet Lead, Copper, Zinc, Brass and Copp'r, Brats and Iron Wires, ALWATl OX HAND. Country Orders Solicited, and Goods packed lo go safely to any part of the interior. fT Country merchants enn make purchase nt wholesale of Messrs S. &l. at prion that will Irave i margin fur retailing. SEYMOUR. A JOY NT. ToiTijixn, Oct. 6, I8G0. 2fini3 SHERIFF S SALE. WIIEUEAS, in execution haa been directed to me issued under Ihe seal of the circuit court of the Suite of Oregon, daied ihe 29ih day of riepirmber, A. D. ISlil), commanding mo to sell the tullowing described real estate, lo wit : The south half ol lot No. one (I) in block No. three (.1), lying and being in Oregon Cily, Clackamas county, Oregon, together Wiih all the build tigs, improvements, appurtenances, 4.C , thereunto be longing, for the purpose of eulbrcing 1 decree of foreclosure uf mortgage nuidu by said court on the 6th day of September. 1660, in furor nf William C. Dement and against Willi.im Holmes and M. A. L. C. Holmes, for the sum of fourteen hun dred and eighty-six dollar and lorty-one cenli ($1 410,41), together w th interest ind cosis uf suit, no: ice is hereby giveu that by virtue of mid ex ecution I will offer the shove-described property for sale to the highest bidder for cash oil Wednes day, the 7lh diy of November, I BOH, at 2 o'clock p. m , on the premises in Oregon Guy. JOHN THOMAS, Oct. 6, 1860-w4 Sheriff Clackamas Co. SHERIFF'S SALE. WHEREAS, an execution has b en directed to me, issued under the seal of the circuit court of the Stale of Oregon for the comity of Clackamas, dated Oct 2, 1800, commanding ine tnaell the following-dcscr.bed real esiile, to wit Beginning at a point ten cliaim nnd leveniy-ieveu links west and eighteen chains north of the north east corner of the south-east quarter of tectkm tweuty-one (21), township three (3) south, range three (3) east, thence west four (4) chains, thence north nineteen (19) chains, thence sou ill 64 deg. west seventy-five (75) chains, and with David Cutting'! south line, thence south twenty -two (22) chain! to Moaier'a line, thence east five (5) chains, thence north 64 deg. east eighty (811) cliaim to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and sixty icrei, together with all the improvements, buildings, appurtenance!, tie., thereunto bekmg ng, for the purpose uf enforcing a decree of foreclosure of monpage made by laid eonrt on Ihe 6th dav of Sep!emler, 1860. in fa vor of Barney Briody and against Letter M. Goff for the sum of three hundred and n neiy-ieven dollar, together with inienitand eoiw of anil notice it hereby given lhat by virtue of the laid eieeut.on I will offer the above-described property for sale lo Ihe highest bidder fuf eash on Thurs day, the Stbdiy of November, lfc60, at 2 o'clock n. m- at the court-boon iioor iu Oregon City. r JOHN THOMAS, Oct. 6, 1960-w4 Sheriff Cackimai Co. CEO. E. COLE, (SCCCIBSOl TO W. B. aTEtaCta,) Dealer in 1ROX, STEEL, AXLES, SPRINGS, Wagon Material, Mechanics' Tools, Agrktltaral Imple ments, and QEMXXA1 BAJLSWAXX, Fiorr Stmt....... PORTLAND- OJt&ERS SOLICITED. J BBTSSL OOtiBOa, THE soasioq tf ll,t C'Hlers year eomnieiwtt to Hit Kurd .Mundiy tf Ntvrmbrr, The runimeiieeiiwnl exri-.tee art h Id uaj iht ilo tf iiif, euen Hit )early Vaestiou siuuss, racui.TT. L L. rinwUn.l. 1'reud.ui. Pr..r. -J ,k firk ind Hrbrew Unguagei, Moral and Inlel keiual Cl.ilt.ouhv. KIihib. and ..m Julm II. Hall. 1'iofnaiof tf Una. Chemistry, Ceoogy, Mmera'ogy, llmauy, and llisiorv. Aallisnael ludM., Vf Ur of .Mjlheinslics, .iviai ruiiusupiiy, Astiuuomy, and I'elilical I'IhIi pliy. i he MMirst nf studies pursued will bt enuivi lent it thai of EsUsru Collreea Th. i:.,..... French, and MiuniUi w II be uiuiilil bv coninel.nl piofe-o,., whu h, i,h Hit ilibr. w, will bt it Hie u)ii'.o ia ine Sliuleul. hliidrnl! i plying fur i Iruiwnn will lit requiml loliin a iliomugli knowledge of Ihe Kugiuh bmiKlies, Kkmeiniry A'fbra, '.ar, Virgil- .x.ueiu, i iceio Uralluus, Hie Oieek lUadrr, tud me i.'ur uoMieia. A chocs I liilot pliical ind Chemical appara lisi has been reoenily received fioin Iht E.nt a l.o. a select library of luiacellansuus and mndard clusa eil worka. Col'ege tuition 8 U per annum. The lluird uf Trustee! hive list made ar rangeirnnta for ihe d livtring u Tlivolngn al Wet tuits fur Iht benefit of aiudeai In that depart, meiil. BETHEL ACADEMY. rtelhel Aeadi my il sndt-r the intruetitn of Iht College rrofetaora. iniitt I by eiritnavd lch ere 1 lie Academical vear eexmn -neea na the 1st Mond iy of ptepttinber. and is dir.ded Intt four quarters of tleieu weekt t u b. T!m or tuition r qvaitkii rumary jJeiairtnient 0 S 00 Junior Groersnhv. Arithme tic, Engl'sli Grammar, and llisiorv 7 00 Middle Drparlmeul II gher Arilhmelic, Elemeiil.iry A'cebra, Eiiglisli Aualyee, nnd llulsnv 8 0(1 Senior Depanment Natural and Intrll -e- tual l'llilw pity, tlienil.t y, Geology, M nerukvy, Hlieiurni and Legie, Higher Matheniatici, I.aiigusgi-s, uud bvuor C'Isi ih Nermal Depimneiil 10 00 1'arti.ulir attention raiJ to reeling audsnell. Ing through Iht tulire cnorre nf nu.lies, and to hlocutiou and Loiiipisiilion lu Ihe S.uJd.t md Sv uit.r 1'i't'irliiit'iiia. A Normal HrpJirimriit has been orsaniied, up on the plan of I he N. York Klale Normal Si houl, wiih particular reforenre lo preparing young luliei nd gt'iinemen for leaching. Thai d. parlineiit ia lu pracncal una lurcrssiul operitiun. Mudniie nf llio Aii'iemy will have th advan tage of Ihe College library, ajparulus, and lec ture. Sni tenia prepar'ng for College, a'so lhaw desi rous tf pursuing odlvg ule stud ei williout design ing a full ci-urse, will be under tht instruction of the t.,iilleg.' I'lofessori. Cuiiveiiienl arrangetm-nta can be mad fur board t reaaniablt rales. liunks used ill Ihe school cm bt obtained tl tht College building at cash pricei. llv order of Iht Eo.ir.1. Bethel, Pulk co., Fept. 29, I860. 22tf Pacific ITnitcrsity, Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon. Re. S. H. Marsh. A. U., President. lUv. II. Lyuax, A.M., Prof. Mathematics. JIUI E collegiate year, consisting nf tnt term tf X nine mouths, ai.l commence on llie first Wednesday of November. It ii Ihe design ol this Institution In furnish i thorough and complete collegiate education. There ia a Library uf 100U volumes for the use of the students. Applicants for admission to eoKege must hare a knowledge of the common Englnli branches, and huve studied the ancient language so far s to hive read portions of Cesar auu Ciciroiind the Orrek Reader. The tuition fee ie $."2 per annum. Students filling fur college, as well ne others w suing lo pursue collegiate nud es without en ler.ttg upon the cnlljge comae, will be under the instruction of the college teachers. The. full term of 1 1 weeks in the preparatory department commences ou the 2d Weduesduy ol September. Tuition, 63 per term. TUALATIN ACADEMY. Tunhnin Academy, for the coming year, w'll be under the directum and instruction of Ih Col lege Professors, willi such awialant inatructon as they may find necessary lo carry it forward effi ciently and successfully. 1 lie fall term w.ll eomm' nee on Hedueadiy, Sept. 19, to continue eleven weeks. I ijition Common bronchos, S.i: higher, S3. A small additional charge will be made for fuel, 4o. Iiistruct.on in Painting extra, lo such ns receive it. N. B. Th colleg'ote and the collegiate pre paratory department will commence on Wednes day, the 3 1 at of October, at the commencement of Ihe last half of Ihu academical lrrm.il which time I'm. Alureh ia expected, with competent as sistant teachers from the lOast, to bt ready to take his place in Ihe Inatituliun. l'rof. Lyman, wiih the aasiaimci of Mrs. C E. Adams, will curry forward the nvidem.rul de panment lill ihe return of Pres. Marsh. Ypl. I. I8GH. 5ltf Vounu America Sroad-eait Seed-Soiver Simplicity, Utility, Durability, and Cheapness Combined : R.S.RICKEY'S IMPROVED DUO AD C.AHT SEED . HOW Ett, Patented, March 29, 1859. MMUS machine ia well adapted lo sowing all JL kindi of grain and grass seed, hemp seed, ore. Il sows more regularly than can possibly be sown by hand, or any other machine ever intro duced. It ia perfectly simple in itt construction, and notlisbio in get out uf order, it ia easily mi ilerstood, and does away with the hard manual lalior of sowing grain doing ihe same amount of labor iu two hours that could be dune in one day by the ordinary method of sow ng. The machine can be carr.ed while being used, as it we'gha but five pounds, or, by a ample fume, it can ha at tached to a wagon. When it ia carried, it is trapped on the body of the operator, a strap lo go acroaa ths right shoulder and under the left arm, also a strap buckled around the body, end a trap from ihe topof the sack, around Ihe neck. Should the Machine by accident g -t broken, ny tinner cin repair it although by proper care the Machine will last a life tune, nut to be appreciated, it must be leen. It will tow the various grain anl seeds Ihe following distances: Wheat, 50 fi'et it cast, or 100 ft. ita round Oil., K M " "- 1 Hempiecd,40 " 80" H.G.ed,36 " 72" Timothy . d. 25" " 50" Other gri ns ind eeds in the same proportion. It will aUosow wet and limed grain perfectly well. County Rights for Safe on Good Terms. Address. 8. 8. SXuW, P.a-tlind. Those wishing lo procure machines, can apply It the thove.or lo H. M. Humphrey. Portland, or C W. Bryant, f)awego, Oregon, and order will be punctually (ilk d. Sept. 8, 186(m4 C. IT11RRAT, HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL Shop nearly opposite the Methodist Chmrck, OREGO CUT. April 16, 1lj!. ltf OU EG ON HOSPITAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. J. 0. Hawtlwno, A. VL Xioryos, Psm:n!. Hv gciacoai. Head! Head! Head! Danaonbanm 4k Aekennaa, Opposite lis Main St. House, RESPECTFULLY Inform Hit publie ihtl ihi-y but received per Meamere I'sriss and i'or A WELL SELECTED STOCK or Dry - Goo ds, (Q&OTeQaatn, Booti and Shoe, IlaUund BoimeU, AND GROCERIES! Iu iJditlun, they will receive NEW GOODS Df Kverj learner I ....vthich they will u.Tor at all times at Ihe Lowest Prices ! Lower than can be purchased in Portland 1 1 We only ask tnt and all It give ns a call, and examine tui slock, and you will fiud Ihe largest and nuart select stock til goods thai ever tame I Oregou City, lirfurt purchasing elsewhere, the Lnd re ol Una city and llie surioundtng country will pies call and examine their atock uf SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, Price let Snll. Oiegon City, Sept 31, lflCO. Cm Dauneubauni & Ackcrman, Opiwsils Iht Maiu St. House, J.JAVE ON HAND WINTER COATS, of all descriptions, and the find lot ever brought to tli.i muketj Fine Casiuiere ('oats. Black frock cloth do., Itaglsus, Cosimere Panto, Satinet do Fine Vest!, of all descriptions, n hue Shirts, Woollen ind Merino under do., Hiti fc Caps, UNti V Shoes, While and blue blanket!, ami many other srticlcs loo numerous to mention, which will be off. red at llie lowest cash prices. .all kind of. Drown muslin, bleached muslin, daiiimi. hickory stripe, satinets, Kentucky jeans, twilled ami plain llanncls, calico, furniture prinla, nil calico, de laines, cuslinicres all wool, French meriuoa. and a New style of Poplins, Bonnet Ribbons, and a large lot of desirable trim mings, urc-gou uny, orpu icuu. IMPORTANT TO SHIPPERS! ...THE SPLENDID NEW STEAMER... EIVAL Has Commenced JIrr Regular Trips DKTTfEEM OilRUOX CITY AXD r'ORTI.AND, At XLcdaced lUtes, vis : Freight, each way, per Ion $1.00 Passage 50 Hhll owneri would suggest la shippen ami the public generally the importance uf p it- rouiiini the RIVAL, is in so dong ihey will in sure a unifoim and reasonable rate of fn-ighis and passagL in future. The KIVAL was not pui on una iraue wun a w to having her bought or run off. We ire therefore willing to enter into contracts for one or more yean with any party ur paniri at the above rule. F'or further particular!, or bus nesa, p'ease call on the following agents: W.C. HL.VILN 1 otto., Oregon City, II. LAW, I'orUaua, or on lioam, where llio Captain will be happy to lee you, end transact any business on the terms herein men tioned. J.T. AITER.SON, Oregon City, July 14, 1860-14 Captain. Justice! Justice! OLD A HE is bound lo he the next President ol the United Stales, in.i W.I'. BURNS has been appointed Justice of the Peace fur Or egon C ly precinct, in order lo prevent a collapse of the Union. All official business entrusted to his cir will be promptly attended to. Office at Republican headquarter, first dir north of A. Holbruok'i law office, where he will be founJ when nut employed in better business at his JVagon Shop, one door south of Ihe Post Office, where he would be glad to do justice lo your old wagons, or supply voii with new ones, is good as Ihe best, ind cheap as the cheapest. Cats takenin exchange for work. W.I'. BURNS. Oregon Oily, Aug. n, icon. CHARLES BARRETT, (old mT orrici.) PORTLAND, OON., BUYS iH ini of FRUITS, STRAWBERRIES, Cherrie; Apples, J-c, ej-c, sells ill kinds of Nuts, Oranges, Figs, Raisins, Candies, Stationery, Newspapers, Periodi cals, JNovels, etc. Agent for the San Francisco Bulletin and Alia California, the beet papers published on the t'acific etiatt. CT All kinds of Product bought and told on commission. June 3tlm6 Wn. FAULK ER tfc SOX, Dealer in TYPE. F RRBHEH, ASD FaUMTlMS Material lieaeratly, 123 Sinaonw itres-t, corner of Merchant, Ban rranciieo. tT Printers are iuvited to make our acqna:nt anca 45mC lixtra Notice. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ON the first day of September. I860, the books of I'll ARMAN it WARNER will be closed, and all note ind iccount most be settled forthwith by eb or produce. All bus seas of th firm prior to the above date will be Milled by A. Wisaea. The bueineaa will be carried on a usoal by Tno. Cms dam. He hop to oner such indoee- nvnie a will merit year palronsge, believing w do that the credit bunue i alike rnineus to both merchant and cenaumcr. Do not forget yoor loi.g-tned fuends. rar term ar eaavi or nee da. CHARM AN 4 WARNER. Oregea Trty, Aog. !, 1W. lf Center Third and Water streets, ipptttts Ik f irry wanting, OREGON CITY. THE traveling publie ar rtsptetfuily l...il..l ia mimm mm a eatl. Tht Orao lloust it iht most picas-.!! anllv located holsl in iht Slate, an J has beou to amuged as lo mikt il one of Iht must euminodi uu luMists hi III eouulry, THE TABLE will alwayi be lupplied with Ih LeM dial Ihe msrkel alfurds. Guoi iccommodalions for ladies an J fumiliee. raieiii Itoird ind lodging, per wesk $6 00 Board, without lodging, per week i.00 Hoard per day, with lodging , 1.&0 Mingle mt-il JiO A ighli lodging SO i. BuKIIM, May 7, 1659. J'ropriilor. Reduced Prices Goods Cheaper than Ever ! N. BROWN rflAKES this method of Informing bit friends X md Ihe pubhe generally thai he HAS REMOVED It a house neirly Opposite his old Stand, where lit ha commenced buiinsa with bis bro ther under Hit it) It uf Brown & Brother, who will ilwsys he hippy to wiil on their el.l friends aud customers in Ihe way of showing them Goods of the Very Best Quality, which, hiving been bought low in Sin Frine'sco, from Ihe Ingest imjiortrri in Ciliforui, Ihey en able losell as cheap as CAN DA' SOLD in Portland They will also constantly receive Goods by Every Steamer. Their slock conits of ALL KINDS OF ma mnb n.&m.i.a' DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Boots and Shoes, IIat3 and Caps, 3 3 'u7 IE 2 31 , '9 Our main object bv this notice il to inform llio public that we are bound to sell goods As low as they can be bought in rortland, and no mistake. If this is doubted, we have only In say, call ind satisfy yourselves. Ladies Slid gentlemen will il wsys be welcome, and will bo waited on with promptness. To the Farmers WE WOULD SAY Look for the sign of BROWN d BROTHER, nd don't leave town lill you give us a call. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN in exchange for Coed's. Oregon City, June 23. Land for Sale. TWO or three land claims of 160 and 320 acrei, twelves miles on goo I road, no si ream tu cross, in I south eisl direction fmm Oregon City. The improvement costing nearly much as ihe price eked for the land. The land ia adapted lo railing fruit, grain, or gnas, nnd has as good a range for stock as there is in Clackamas county. Will be sold on favorable terms. En quire of N. W. RANDALL. Uregon City, Sept. 2, iBtiUwa Notice. DURING my absence from the State nf Ore gon to Ihe Alleutio Slates, JAMES K. KELLY, Esq , will act as mynuthorized Agent, and all acta done by him assucli Agent shall be as valid md binding as if done by me in person. Sfll, Tl VT L't I l,.T'r miLtivr- buuiui ii March 22d, IfiOO. Island Mill Flour. milOSE who wish to get the GENUINE ,L ISLVXU MI LI, MAIUK, will please can at the Mill, itChanuaii Warner's, Oregon Cily, or at Allen fc Lewis's, Portland, as Hie second handed Island Mill sacks hive been bought up by certain individuals, and refilled with inferior Hour. A. J. CHAPMAN. Island Milt, July 23, 1859. IMf BOOKS! BOOKS! A T THE OREGON CITY BOOK STORE, consisting of. .... Standard Religious, Miscellan eous, and Poetical works, Waverly and Dickens's Novels, &-C., &c. Stationery, of all kinds, etc. April 28 D. D. STEPHENSON. Justice's Office. OREGON CITY. I AM ilwivs on bind. nd will altend la tht COLLECTING OF ACCOUNTS, Drawing up of Deeds, Mortgf.cres, Leases, Bonds, Powers of Attorney, Contracts, fcc-, and all ether banneaaj committed to my ear. ' OSot directly -motile th HoStnie. Bttdlng. JonelJ.lSW 3 E. HOtFORI). Ladies: JF YOU WISH Beta. 3)113203 Q&.D3, ....AT A LOW PRICE.... BK SI RE TO CALL AT THE STORE OP BROWN d BROTHER. GEO. A. NOBLE, A.M. & MJ)., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office NEXT DOOR TO MR. CAU FIELD S STORE, M IAI TUB Hkkwkk V. N.O. Family Medicine prepared in the hunt careful manner, and always on hand. Oregon Vity Mar. n un, n..ymi 9 eta i f 2 B-S" P 2 J'r-W5 n htfl O asa a a a aaaaa P P IMt f3 O K '5 saal w M .5 ffOrS S3 S3 2 a-0 B at rm 1 hS o 2 ft s e5.2ag a- 3 a o .1 S C-! a v cf W 6 4- 4- fijS o a g - b 2. ts-.s ft 2 a w Z m H . a O O V cv- o g S p P a ft "-3 a O ft V ft P 3 ttft 2.. ft CIS , (salt wmmt W9 2o o ft P p s rr"5 s r-E s 3 a-3 Z ft M M . ST" zi mmm V fi t s?eii.2Si',, w r"a O S S I aaalt ssK- S 'to s ZP p to 3 3 a- 5 S-atft- th W rvi mm. 3 P lane &2 3 d ft J. U. PAMTIill, (LATt O'UIAIA S rAI!TK) Dealer in Type, Presses, Printing Material, Paper, Cards, And Printers' Stork generally, 132 Cliy street, neir 8ansome, 45y Hasj Fiacisco. All Kinds of Proiluce TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS, AT BROWN' k BROTHER'S. L'ST received, tbe seissr Style of si LI a sat la BoN.NET.1, lchor aod atriw flat. AiyWORTii sV PIKRiKKfr. a i, 5 n B. fe . , s a u-3 mi