Awartsa l lilt Clack ... . t... umrM and upwards ,ifWi. ltpr..nlum,$5,00. M.J. liar. B'"' MPln . dmi nil. a wo vrurm s. STuT W Pium. $2,00. Brood lrieari-M. K. I'errin. Ut pre - .300; Wm. H-How, 2ml fS.OO. pion, . , , n,.rinw. i.i iirciiiiiim. i.i tiiviniiiiii Fernn, '"r" .. ..!..-. .nn. Win. A In r 'a at no. Swim iiVi 'lories, and Sin h Lrirt'-A. Lovejoy, bi-st r..iin, r.-. c w Mom. beat nutldlu Iiorsa, XV, Mo, beat nuildlu liorsa, tiuu: o Wm Harlow. Dull, let premium. ... . n..n ,.lr i j .,!., i no.' S W. Mom. yenrlinjt lifif.r. I hi S& . !. .-I). 1). To,nP U South Down Diu-k, 1st premium eimV W AH-riieiliT,lot5ewrt, littprt-m FVnV 7),VU Products-L. D. C iUuVtte.' Duller, Ut iirrmlum $2,00 s..U Ctov-i. L. lWlotr, 1st premium ROOi do Oaf, $2.00; U.K. n.5 iSprri'oa. B.J. $2.00. 7, ihrt-C. B. Bnnni-I, SquualiM, 1st pro ,1. $1.00; W. AbTe.hy, Pot..,-, niiiloimi; "" ""r"Vi"--""i Un Nocrtiantl. nworlment wtiiliK ) no frii' J .T. II nimakcr, lot A ppK mW- Sumiiel Miller. IVors. $1,00; IV wWeiMi. reaclwu. $1,60; Peter Weiw, firm $1 00. Mnimfoetiires John W. wW Stubble Plow, $2,00. The Committee would state that Mr. II. CImm exhibited p' vMi rr ?xDfiit warkuiaiiKhi), mid "'tj r construction, decrff tlie consideration of the public. JIMf Farms and Orchatds Wm. Barlow, Farm. lt premium, $10.00; L. D C. Lntonrette, 2nd, $7,00; J. T. Hun Mker, Onbnrd. lft premium, $5,00; J. Wins'ton, 2nd, Diploma. Domestic Fabrics Miw Iir Burn, Bed quilt, $1,00; Mm. A. E. Wuit, Ornnmentul Needle Work, $1.00; Mm. Howland, Embroidery, $1,00; Mr. Wm. Harlow, unit of Clollien, Diploma; Minn Arumiiita lluiisnker, Or nimetitul picture paiutiujr. Diploma; Mi Mary Ann Hunsuker, Bread, Diplomn; 1ml upecimen 4 ack Flour, A.J. Clw DM, Diploma. Tlie Voiinjj America fWd Snwer U rKoraniemlfd to the consideration of the farmers of this county. A. L.LOVEJOV, Prcaidcut. Wm. AuKHymiv. Sec'y. Col. Bukcr spoke hero yesterday afternoon to a lure audience, and his re marks were received with the greatest en thusiasm by the crowd. He made an oM uwliioiicd Republican speech. Mr. Dryer followed in a few humorous ruuiuks. Col. Baker Rpcnks to-dny at Portland, at Ilillsboro on Monday, at Lafayette on Tuesday, and at Dallas on Wednesday next. 19 The following is a list of the officers of Oregon Division No. 8, S. of T. L. C. Richardson, XV. P.; II. L. Kelly. W. A.; D. C. Hatch, R. S.; O. Fisher, A. It.S.;W. P. Burns, Treas.; John W. Melilrum, F. S.; Clms. Wilson, C; . Fonts, A. C; UeorRe Smith, I. S.; D. P. Thompson, O. S.; J. O. Rnynor, Chaplain. Stoves asd Tis W Ann. We cull the at tention of our renders to the advertisement f Messrs. Seymour & Joynt in this week's paer. Their establishment is tlie lurjrest m Oregon, and comprises the best of wythimr in their line. Wo cordially rrcommi n I them to tho trade, aud others generally. Boots asd Shoes. John Mooney, Esq., has just returned from Sail Francisco with i Urge lot of desirable boots and shoes for fall and winter wear. J. M.'s business has increased to such nn extent that he hns liad to enlarge his store to accommodate his numerous customers. New Buildings. Cris Taylor, Esq., Is putting up a store building on the corner of his block near our office. Cris says he' Intends it for a lager-bcer saloon, but no one believes it. Mr. E. Laforest is also building a resi dence in that part of town near the Baptist College. 19 Wc learn that on Episcopal chapel is shout being erected in this city, on the bank overlooking tho river, near Mr. J. G. Campbell's residence. W The Jennie Clark, Capt. My rick, h resumed her daily trips between this and Portland, and tho Express has laid ip for the present. Tall Timothy. J. T. Hunsnker, Esq., near town, has left at our office some timothy grass, which reaches teven feet us height. J. W. Si'Lmvaw Ta on hand acrnin with bundle of favors. Sullivan's is the most eomplcte news establishment on the Pacific Coast. ICS. tl. ll- l " . i X- T) im ore oungeu 10 iupi. u. '"Ralls, Tracy & Co.'s agent in this city, r late papers' Deusotext. E. M. Hall. Harrisbursr (Thurston) P.O., Linn countv, owes this $14 for subscription. lair Lift rilta.-Tbs high and envieJ elibrilir Which tljil nr.-omin.-nt tnrdioinr h:tmo for j;, iuvaru.ltle . fficucy in all tlie diM "m" P'oiee to cure, hai renilrred tha uui Cuiiea of wlenlatioui nnffinir not onlv uiiiiccn- jarjr but ouworthy of lliem. They are kn.iwn 'Pbeir frniU; their jomt worka Iretify for them. Jo4 Ihej th.-ive not by III faith of the creduloui. a all run of eoMivcnrin, ))prni, bil.oua and "H bewl-uhu. anil nil rrn.Tal d. TBMire- an r health, then Pille have mvarieblv proved a eeruiB tod epredy A eingle Uial will rf 'he Life fills beyow! Ihe reach of competition r u W"H '"try patient. Ur. MofTat'a Phsnii li.tten will be found eon al nicitiuua m all earn of Dervou debility, dya f j?' 'dache, the akkneai iiwid.nt to feinalea ;iicai health, aod err kind of weaikneai of uT.Tr-1 u,f- yr ! bv lr. W 2"T.33i Bndw.y, Xew Vork. and by """a Dealers and DtvggUu jrenrrally lifjlhe country. 3, I). D. STEPHENSON, I .""ST, hat removed his office to the . Cit, Bk Sfrt. Trt U prepared to do all work ia bio tine. W UUVa UaUaai af V tU l.krrrv.- 11.. only purs and (nuuiua IIsImiu is, aud i..r lli lul Iwiuly years has breu, prrparrd by tiaru W. I'..M.. u M. - i I. . . . ... . tuw,.a sa .o., oi jjusioii sim ineir priuiei nniue, a w.ll as lli Kriilen sinalur of L, IS tin, Hr on Ilia ouirr Hrais. As ou uld sroij the epuiious and kan lli Keuuiue, ';a mo other w tut W imi'i IUiu nr Wii.o Cur.aav. This lu- vain lunula reiiitdy laihv best oiitsii fur III.' tut.; 'A. SliaPllV. ailll IVtinill.Hl nt mnunk urs culdl, &orr throttf, lininchlllt, mlkmtl, plmmy, piirumonm, erottp, tehoomng conek, kltnling at r lung: Jim n in iui urraii or Hue, anu ill lai t rry fi.rin of Ihrnal, i h. l, and lun ciiiiiUiiil, hII u I'ox'UNrrioa iiai-lf. This hoii hohl remedy should be lit I lie hands VetV f.llllllv Slid ill llVi.llial.aa limalu ,.n,.t,. Tl cation of il lu a li(lit nuld will c.iiimi lieis Willi caws ul long tlmidiux, olwliualv, d antiareullv ihcuriibltf .-l.i.ri..ip ui.ll ... ..tu Id is il wuudoiful ouniiivs pnwen uiiil lis (real adaplaliuu lo tho wauls ol limn whu uf- UicieJ. Fur salo in Califurnis by Drdinirtim St Co , eury Jiihliaun Sc Co.. Charles Murr.ll. Sun Kri.... Cisco II. II. Alcllmuld A Co., Suiirumenio t Kit', iiiiuu Oi l o., Marytmll j ymilli it Duvis, Portl.ind, iir, g MHveow SIIEMFF'S SALE. WIIEItliAS, au tircutimi has been ilireclrd tu ni issurd under Ihe teal of the rircuil coun of the Hlute of Orriron. da.ed Ihe L'J.h duv of Mrpiembi-r, a. 0. I Slid, cmniiiuiidiiif nid lo well Ih Itilluwnif drscribrd re'il etlala, lo wi ; Tli avuih half oi hit No. on (0 in b:ock No. three (il), lying and being In Uregou C'iiy, Cluckaiiias coumy, Uregou, laig'ihrr w.ih all Ihe build ngs, uiiiniriiiruia, apiurirliaiices, ate , llierriiulu be lunging, for Ihe purwe uf enforcing a decree of Ibrrcluture uf mortgage uuiile hv wid court on the Oih day of bi ilrniLer. lrGII, in fnr of William C. Demeiit nul aeiutl Willi, in un aud M. A. I C. llulmes, fr Ihe uin of fourteen hun. dred and ri;lily-i ilulinrs aud luriy-one cents ($UtMI), lugHher w Ih nlinat and toia uf mil, no: ice is ln-rrby 0 vrn ihut bv vimie i f siid e. eculioll I will olfer llic abuve-ileK'hbed pioiierly lor aula lo the hi"heM bidder fur vaah ml W. dura. day, the Till day of Xuveuilier, 3 o'vln k pin, at the' door uf the cniiri-huiiMi u Oie-nn Cly. JOHN THOMAS, OcL 6, 18C0-W4 Sluriff Clackamat Ca. SIIEUU'flS HALE. WIIKftKAS, unexiculiuu ha b en directed lo me, issued uuder lb aeal of iht) c reiiil ouurt of lh Slate of Un iruii fur the county of fluckaimui, dated Oct. 'J, lill, eumniaii'linj me liiaell Ihe following d,-r.b-d ri al ealule, louil Urg iiniiiiratauouil ten cliuius uud sevenlv-aevrii l.nkawesl and eulilti'iichuins imrih of the iiurtli eul curlier of tho south-euat quurter of srcliuti iweuty-oue ('.'!), lowimliip Ihrtu (.')) auuth, ruue llliee (il) eaat, llietice four (4 1 cliniua. tlirlK'C north uiueteen (I'Jj cliniua. thence south til di'tr. weat .evenly-live (7'iJ chains, aud Willi David Cult nj'a suulli line, thence auulh twruly-tuo (2'.') chains lo Momer'a line, thc'icv cast five (") rliami, thfiu.-e uuith W d'g. e.isl eii-lity f so) chuiiia to the plucu of beginning, coiituiuiug one hundred uud sixty anrs, toeiher Willi nil the improvements, buildiuna, upuilru oicfa. Ac., I thereunto belubg n.', for Ihe purose of enforcing a di vreenf foreclosure uf niurlyage made by and court uu Ihe ti ll day vf September, ltib'0. in f.i vor of Harney Urioly aud aif iiinl Ixelcr M. (joir for the nun of line liuudied and n uety -seven dollnra, togri-lln-r with iuteieal aud coals of suit nolle is benbv g Veil that by virtue of the mi id etecut on I uillnlVe. the iili.ileeribed properly fur sale lo Ihe liiirln at bid ler fur vui-li on 'I'huts. diy, lite Sthduy uf Nuvember, Iblil), at 2 o'clock p. in., al Ihe court-house ioir iu Oregnu t ity. JtUI.N THOMAS, OC. G, I.S50-W4 Sim iff C'.aekuinas Co. SHERIFF S SALE. AN EXECUTION having been dinned l me, iaaued under III- ce-il of the ciruuil cutirt uf Ihe Mate uf Oregon for Ihe enmity of t'lncka niaa,datid Sep'cniber Ihe Slal, IMiil, coiiiiiiuiid iuj me lu make Kile uf fhn fulluwing ilet-cribed Mil eilute, lu wit : (No. I.) A pirt of land cla ui No. Ih. as known and dex'gnuti d up m p'o'a uf ihe I niled Mlales sui vi-s in the oflice of Ihe Sur veyor Otiieral ofOreg ui, of town two r3) ton i It of range two (2) eut. In loiiffing lu or claimed by i.liuin and .M A L. C. lloliins. more uarticu- liirly diserilie I Mid bmndrd aa follows : licgin ning fuur hundred ai.d liliy f etsuinh of the foul h- ol corner of a bloek of In lid siliiateil oil said claim owned by J. K. Itnlsion, numbfrrd bioik tlitrtieu (Ij) according lo a plot of Mucks s-r-vej ed by L. F. Car ee, llience ruliil 'ng w i st nlung the sou'.li line of aaid lust mentioned tract of lund tliirteen hundred ( 1 301 1 J feel, thence running OJih 42 7-100 feet, thence runutiig east thir teen hundiej (Id(IU) feel, thence running north nloug ihe Terrlloriul road leading Horn 010.1111 Cily tu M0U1IU 43 T-lDU feet lo the p'uee of be ginning, continuing one and one linn ncres more ur lefs; (No. 2. ) ul 0, the following pnreel of j liiml.a purl ul the ulurcra d cluun -111. 10 wit: lit ginning at 11 pnat thirty f. et aouih of the su heast cornel uf a block of lund owned by.l.R. Kulson, numhi'red block th rtern (13), aeconliue to a plan ul blocks on sunt cla 111 surveyed by L. K. Cuitce, thence runiiiiig west along the sniiili Into ol and block thirteen (13) Ih ricru htindted (13 HI) feet, llience south four lima (red and twenty (42") b et, Ihruce euxt ill rteeti hundred (I3i'll) feel, tlieueu north four hundred and twenty (420) feet to the place of beginning, ennta 11 ng thirteen acres more or U ; (No. 3.) al-o one hundred and 42-IDO nuteaun Ihe lund claim of II. II. Koger ill Clackamus county, Oregon, described aa fol lows : lieg nning ut a pout on I ho ri);ht hunk of Ihe Willamette river. Ilia a.mie being the roulh weal corner ofvia'm Nn 37, iu town Iwo (3) south, range one (I) ", llience north 34 cleg, west eloiigaaid bank 10 75-100 chains to a poat, thence non It 57 ieg 45 mia earn 63 4H-IH0 clm iis to a post in Ihe east bouiiditry of claim No. 41 in town two (2) south, hinge (2) eiiat, thence south 43 deg. 45 min. eaat IH b0-IH0 eh lina to the south fnt corner of a d cluim numbireil 41, theme Kutb 114 deg. 15 mill, wea; ulnuglhe south line of said claims No. 41 und 37. 67 22-100 chain to the place of begiuuino; j (No. 4.) al-o, the lota of ground numbered on (I), twn (i), llir.e (3). fuur (4), five (5), six (fi), seven (7), and eight (), 11 block numbered eleven, In that pnrt 01 uregnn City as claimed and laid out by the county uf Clackamas together uiih all the improvements, buildings, nppiirien.inces. Are., thereunto belong ing lor tlie purpose of enfo cing a decree uf foreclosure uf mortgage un mid premiaea made by said court on the fi ll day of September. It-liU. in fdvoruf AbelKuley uud iignint John Ev.ina. for the sum of twenty -one hundied nnd ihiny-ibree dollars and fifly-iwo ceuu (?2I33,."2), together wllh interest aud costs of suit not ce is hereby given Ihut by virtue of said execution I shall oH'-r lor rale the above described property lo the h ghed bidder for cash ou Tuesday, the o0 h day uf Oc tober, 1860, al 2 o'clock p". m., at the dour uf the court-house iu Oregon City. iiiii.iiai'i Sept. 29, 1SG0-W4 Sheiiff Clackamat Co. SHERIFF'S SALE. k N EXECUTION having b.ea directed to 1. me, issued uuder the seal of the circuit court Ihe Slate of Oregon for the county 01 i.iacna- is. datea nepi. i, jouw, wiimiuiiB ... . ike Mile uf the following deci-ibed real estate, a ..f il. knnii and desVnnled the plol and surveya nf the L'uited Slate a j.51. in tirwn three (3, eoulh. ra ge two (2) east, bounded aa follows: Keninnuig at the southwest comer of said claim No. 51, th-nce nunh II oe?. 30 ni 0 we.t twenty (20) chuua nnd h.ty (nu) links, thence aoulb 4fi d.g 45 min. east lb rty reven (37) chains and teu(l") hnks, Ihem-e .uth 43 g. I j nun west eleven (i ijcii4ins.ini um.oij I...I . ,l,ne nnrlh 4li dee, l.l lll'n Vet 19' ... iO.ii l,o, and filv l.')H link to the twe ' - . . . ,C IIWI -. place of Ix g uning couiain ng us i togelher wnh all the buildings, improvements, appurtenances. 4c, thereunto belonging, for ihe purpose of enforcing a decree uf foreclosure of .-.,.. An mid nrcrniMS msde by said court oo - s. . . . ,e. :-f. f f. II the i 6lh dav or Sep einoer. sai". " "f Latoure'u and at'ainat Jonah Howell nl C. M. irv V. Howell, for tlie som or seven iini ' . . - . i I r.. iii I a and I eiiitity-four aonan n - HX), Xtft with inleret and costs of - liirn tlut bv rino of aai I suit I -k.ii .11.. (nr lute lIii- ihna deacrit propeny toihe hul.est b..!d-r for essb so W ejlne- nay I H.9 lilatS t4 "CWirr, i- 7 a J : I I aTW p. m , . at the court-Dwi ot m wit" " t .11 V Til. a VI A Sept. : J, 1 6C0-W4 SherJ :tj" C . z. o. o. r. Oaamia Ijiihii So. 3 mia ul llaiiiHiiiy Hull on Monduy ' vV """"a 01 "la . Ilieili. 7ii l ten ill f ml ataiHiiie are Inviie.l laaneu.1. K. A. COU.AItlK X. (i. A.J.l'luratx, Ites. Nro'y. ai) Multnomah Ziodro Wo. 1, VK. dt A. .M . Iiulds lis aiaid cniuinuiilca. lions ill the new Mason e Hall, on I naiuiuay iieu. Ulllg III rull AHwu IU each nmiuii. Dieinieii in gnul a'andiug are invited lu uiiend. A. L. I.OVKJUV, W. M. I). V. l'aiu, Sec'y. 13 HeaoV Hr.avaitlla.-', uuri.j. gib', remedy emiibiiiea in ilrlf Hi. rnu. ri ea of au An-ii-eH o, a nuld cmlmilio, and a liiiu. Il quick. ly reuuivea (rum ihe Wood, and olhur lluiiU of the body, Ihe impuiiliea nl uiihcullhyaetireiiuiiawhudi engender uud ferd diaeaat-, Ihua sinking H Hie rimt i.f ihe iimlady. Aliliuiuh proved surinca ciuna it may be laden at all limes wi ll perfect eafeiy, as ilcunlaiu nu powerful draaiiu drug in drbihlut Ih )slein, or inimnil poinou lu ruiu Ihe constitution. 1'repardnnd sold by A. It. tt I). 8 AN I HO Fulton at , New York, l'riu $1 per bullle, r an h tiles for $'. SJ" Head Ihe advert iiu-nienl in annihereoluinn. hold by Da. tTKKI.l, Ongvit Cily, aud by I Iri'iraiels g. neruliy. Information Wanted, OF.IOII.NJ.CI.ERV. of FhilaJe'phis. Pa. He w.islaal heal d from iu Ih summer f Ifjl, iu Wiiliiiit ,n, U, -.( is a haller by trade) served oo board ihe br g I'erry, during Ihe Men van War, uiiih r Ih nuuia of dohii J. Wilson; alao an llu. Itriimlem'iue uiul-r iI.m .., nnm. Any information will no thankfully received by mldiesiiig he brolner, K. O. C'LEUY, 23 m unit m.. rnita'leiplim. I'a. OSTHSL COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. cai.ekpas roa tii vaa 1 BC0-C I : rpiIE College year commences Ihe first Monduy 1 iu September, and is divided into four quar ters uf eleven weeks each. The commencement is held on the 4th of July, hen the yearly vacation eiiaues. I'rofeuori Nathaniel Huusu.n, A.M.; John II. Hall. tksiis or TtiTioN r QUAarxa: I'liin iry Deparlmeul 5 00 duniur ' Geography, Arithme tic, Knglsli Crumiuur, aud llistury 7 00 Eleiiieuiiiry Algehra 6 00 Senior Department Natural aud Intellec tual I'lnlo-opliy, the hcirncea, Klietoric and Logic, Higher Malheiualics, l.nn giuigee, uud Seu. or Clun uf Normal De partment 10 00 Particular attention paid to reading and spell ing through Ih entire cuiine of studies, and to Kluciiliou und Cumposilioii iu I lie Junior and Se nior l I'srliueiit. Convenient arrangements call be mude fur beard at reasonable rules. Hooka used ill the school cull be obtained at Ih Colleue build ng at cash prices. A Normal Department has been organized, up on the plunof the N. York Slule Normal School, with particular reference to preparing young ladies and geiMieineu for teaching. This department is iu practical mid successful operation. O Au extensive aud choice philosophical and reload apptiutus, also a schuul and a gcuerul li brniy, hecu ordered fiom the Eust, and are expecled uu noon. 1 he patrons, Iruati ea, aud prnfessora of Ihe Col lege are reaulved ihut nothing conducive tu tho best interests uf the schuul shall be ueglected or overlooked. lielhel, I'ulk Co., August SI), 1860. 2-tf Pacific University, t'vrtst Grove, Wathington Co., Oregon. Rev. S. II. Marsh, A. M., Prtsidrnt. Uev. II. Lyman, A.M., Prof. Mathematics. fPUE collegiate year, conaiallng of one term of X nine nionihn, will commence ou the first Wednesday uf November. It is the design ul this Institution to furnish a thorough nnd complete collegiate education. There ia a Library uf 10U0 volumes for Ihe use of the students. Appl cants for adnrsaion to college must have a knowledge of the cununnn Engli'h branches, and hnve studied the ancient languages so far as tu have read porlioua of Cwar auu Ciceru und Ihe Greek Render. The tuitiou fee ia $32 per nullum. Students filling for college, aa well na others w alling to pursue collegiule sludles without so le r ill g iixn the culuge course, will bo under tho instruction of the college leaeher. The full term uf 1 1 weeks in the preparatory department commences ou lb 2d Wednesday ol September. Tuition, 9i per term. TUALATIN ACADEMY. Tuuluiin Academy, fur the coni ng year, will be utiilerihe direction and iimlriiction of Ihe Col leue Professors, with such uwibtanl instructors as they may find nemwary to carry it forward effi ciently and aucceaafully. The full term w.ll comm nee on Wednesday, Sept. 19, to continue eleven weeks. Tuition. Common brunches, tf.'i; higher, $3. A small additional charge will be made for fuel, iSco. liiatruct.oa iu Painting mtsa, to such ns receive it. N. B. The collegiate and the collegiate pre paratory depnrlmeiits will commence on Wednes day, the 31st of October, al the commencement of the last half of the academical term, at which time l'rra. Muri-h is expected, wiih competent as. sialuut teachers from the l-.ud, tu be ready to take his place iu the Institution. l'rof. Lyman, wilii the nsaiaiance of Mrs. C- K. A dams, will curry forward the ncadem.cul da parirneiit till the return of Pres. Mursh. Sept. 1, IfjOil. 2ltf Voung America Broad-cast Se ed-Sower! Simplicity, Utility, Duralility, and Clieapness Combiued ! It. 6. RICKEY'S IMPROVED BROAD -t'.AHT BEEI - HOWER, Patented, March 29, 1839. rpiUS machine is well adapted to sowing all X kind of grain and grnsa seed, hemp seed, Ac. It sows more regularly th in can rxaeubly be sown by hand, or any oilier machine ever inlio riuccd. It is perleetly simple in il conatrnction, nn J not liab o to get out of order; il is easily un derstnol, and does away with the hard manual la'air of aowing grain do ng ihe aunia amount of bibor in iwo hours thai c mid be done in one day I by the ordinal)' method of sow iig. The mach lie I can be carr.ed while being used, as it we glir but I (l.e riunds, or, by a simple frame, it can b at I ladled lo a wagon. When it is carried, it is I strapped on the body of the operator, a strap lo I go across the right sh'iulder and under the leit arm, also a strap buck'e I around the boly.and a i strap from ihe U.p of the sack, around Ihe neck. Should the Machine by accident ( t or..aen, any t um r can repair it although by proper care the Machine will last a life Uine. liut W bo appreciated, it must be seen. It will sow the various grains anl teed the I following distances I i Wheat, 5 ket al a cast, or 100 ft at a round Oats. S " -72-emp.-d,d'l - 0'' !I.Oed,36 - " 72- " 'T.m,tl.y.d.2J -50-' Inhrt gra ns and seeds in tli same pvn.ns. It wi.l aUo sow wet aad limed grain perieedy well I Comity Right for Suit on CW Tcrmi. I uj. H StW. Portland. .ii" - - . Th-ss ibi:ig to procure ma. h ore. can apply to Ihe anove.. to H M Humphrey, Por.lsod. or C W B.unt, t iswego, Orego. aod order will be punctaaily fi:ki fpt 9, M l .vVi'l'-i VsxUii Notice. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY COSCEltSi OS th first day of Heptember, INC0, lb books of (II.VHMAN it W A UN Kit will b. oloaod, and all note and accounts must be settled fonlmilb by Cub or produce. All business of th firm priur lo lli nbov data will L seltlsj by A. Wsaata. Th busnies will b t arried on a uaual by Tiios. CluaMAa. II hopes lo offer such induce llielil as will merit your patronage, believing as w do that th oredit buainess is alike ruinous lo both merchant aud consumer. Do nul forget your long tried ftulida. tlur lerma nr ra.h oi pro. due. CHARM AM .J- WAKKR. Oregon Cily, Aug. 18, lod'l. 1'Jtf Justice! Justice! OLD AI'.C Is bound lo b the next nt of Ih l'uited Stales, and 11.'. UUKSS lius b.en apHiinlrd Justice uf th Peace fur Or. egon C'.ly precinct, in order lo preveut a colluM of lb L'liiou. All ollicial hus iies eutruated lo his car w ill be promptly alleuded to. Ollic al Itepiiblican headitiarlers, first duor north uf A. Ilulbruok's law cilice, when he w.ll be fuuuJ wheu not employed iu bettor buwures al hi IVagon Shop, one door south of tho Post Officii, whereli would b glad to do justice lo your old wagon, or aupp'y you with new ones, as good as th best, and as cheap as the cheapest. Cask tnkm in txrkangt for work. V. I. UUUNS. Oregon Cily, Aug. II, 1800. IMPORTANT TO SHIPPERS! .THE SPLENDID NEW STKAMEK.. 11 I Y A L Hat Commenced llrr Knjular Trips nETWEEN O&F.UUN 1.ITV AND PU11TI.ANU, At Reduced Ratca, viz : Freight, each way, per lou $1 00 Passug 50 HER owner would suggest to shipper aud the public generally the importance uf p it rouuiug the KIVAL, as in so they will in sure a uniform and ruusouuble rule uf freights and passage in future. The I'.IVAL, was not put on lliia trade with a view lu having her boiiujit ur run olF. We ar therefore willing tu enter into contracts fur ou or inoro years with any party ur parliea al the above rute. For further particulars, or lua'neM. plense call on the following agents: W.'C. DEMENT A. Co., Oregon City, II. LAW, Portland, or on bouiil, where the Cuptiiin will lie happy to see you, aud transact any business on Ilia terms herein men tioned. J.T. APPEItSON, Oregon City. July 14, ISCO-14 Captain. CHARLES BARRETT, (uld rosT urnca,) PORTLAND, OGX., BUYS all Hind of FRUITS, STRAWBERRIES, Ckerrie; Applet, dj-c, tj-c, ells all kinds uf jYufs, Orange; Figt, Rainint, Candiet, Stationery, Newspapers, Periodi cals, Novels, etc. Agent for the San Francitco Bulletin and Alia California, the but papert puhliihed on tlie Paeifie cuatt. ST AU kindt of Produce bought and told on commission. June .SliinG JVoticc. ALL persons indebted to W. D. I1UTCIIINS by note or book account, are requested lu call un II. II. SNOW, Lafayette, Oregon, aud settle the same, as lis is my agent In transact all business in this Slate. Washiitglon Territory, and Vancouver's hluud. W. 1). HUTCIIINS. Oreuon Cily, July 21 , ISfiO. mil KELLY'S TEMPERANCE HOUSE, 3iiin it,, opposite Gio. Abrrnethy t Co.'t, OliliGON CITY. il OOD ROOMS FITTED L P with J CLEAN und comfortable UF.DS, lis. for the eapecml accommodation of the traveling public. Our DINING HALL is tliefinett in Oregon, our far good, and charges reasonable. Mingle meals, oyster suppers, and suppers far parlies got upon short notice, in the ueuteat man ner. raiccs: Board per week, without lodging, " 00 ' by Ihe day, und lodging, Till Single meal, 0 Nighl'a lolgiug, SO Oct. "2. Iron. E.D. KF.LLY, Proprietor. COFFINS. CM. KESTER, Undertaker, WOULD inform the people of Oregon Cily and vicinity thai he will keep a supply uf Keady-i made ( olhus, of all sizes, constantly on hand. He will also keep a M B O TV. IsVNlSa and will be prepared to attend lo all the neciaiary business of funerals connected with his line. Shop near the seminary. VJT Custom from the country is respectfully sol. cited. June S3, it GO. Justice's Office, OREGON CITY, X AM nlwsvs on hand, and will attend to the L COLLECTlSa OF ACCOUXTS, Drawing up of Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, lionds, rowers oi Attorney, Contracts, fcc., and all other business committed lo my care. Oic directly oppoiile Ike Mue mic Building. Juue 16, IBbU. J. c laaruuu BOOKS! BOOKS! AT THE OREGOX CITY BOOKSTORE, .... consisting uf. .... Standard Religious, JliBcellan eous, and Poetical works, Waverly and Dickens's Novels, fcc, xc., fcc. Stationery, of all kinds, etc. April 28 D. D. STEPHENSON. Island Mill Flour. rpHOsE who to pet the GENUINE L 1-LVVD MILL FLOUR, will pleas call at ihe Mdl. atCharitian Sc Warner's, Oregon Cily, nr at Allea ot lewis's, Portland, as th second hBd. d I. land Mill sacks has b.i boucht p by cenaia individuals, and refilled with iufrrwir flour. A. J. CHAPMAN. Island Mill, Julv S3. Ih.'.O. lMf JUST meere-d. Ihe Utttt ityU mi siui a aT ia BON N ETrt, L ghor and straw Data. AIX3WOBTH DIERDOSFF. Luanda sisuaaa Corner Third and Water I'retli, opposite the a. . . - rtrry tsunuing, OREGON CITY. rpilE Irsvsling publio are rencl fully Tho Oregon llou.e ia th most pb as. ,w - - 1 . amly loc.iled hotel in III blat, aud lias been so arraueed aa to make il ouo of III Dual ouminodi- uus hi.uaes tu ihe country. THE TA II Lli will always I supplied Willi Ih best that the uiarksl a fibrils. Uuo i accoinmodalioiii fur ladies and families, raictai Hoard and ludgiug, per week $C fl0 Hoard, without lodging, per week fi.PO Hoard per day, with lodging l.fill Single meal M Night's lodging 61) J, HOKUM, May 7, 18i9. Proprietor. Reduced Prices Goods Clicuper (hun Ever ! N. BROWN ftlAKKS Ibis nirlhnd of Informing his friuuds 1 aud Ihe public geuerally h HAS REMOVED la house uearly Opposite his old Stand, where lie ho eoui'hienced business with his bro ther under III style uf Brown & Brother, wdio will always he happy lo wait nn their old friends aud customers iu Ihe way of showing them Goods of the Very IJest Quality, which, having been bought low in San Francisco, from the largest importers ill Califorui, they ate able to sell as cheap as CAN BE SOLD in Portland! They w ill also coustanily receive Goods by Every Steamer. Their slock couili of ALL KIXDS OF DKESS GOODS, GENTLE M EX'S OF EVERY DESCRIl'TlOX, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, a a iti as a. a7 , '9 a.mrZet Our main object by this uutice is to inform the publio that we are bound tu sell goods As low as they can be bought iu Portland, and no mistake. Ir tlo Im niil.t.ol u-h Iinva nulv In sat', call and satisfy yourselves. Ladies uud gentlemen will al ways ue welcome, ana w.u u uiuteu un wnn prumplnesa. To the Fanners WE WOULD SAY Look for tlie sign of DROWN 4- BROTHER, and don't leave town liil you give us a call. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN in exchange for Goodt. Oregon City, June Sir . vi:o. i:. coli:, (succitasoa to w. It. srrNCEtt,) Deahr in IRON, STEEL, AXLES, SPRINGS, Wagon Material, Melhanics, Tools, Agricultural Imjile tnenlt, und OXUrailAX. HARDWARE, FaoNT Stbkt PORTLAND. ORDERS SOLICITED. 52 BAKERY, AND FAMILY GROCERY I CHATiMAN would res-tfully iuform tho ' people of OREGON CITY, and th pub lic generally, that he is still carrying on business at his uld stand, where he will keep on hand Everything in his Line, ...aho or... THE VERY BEST QUALITY. lit keeps constantly on hand a large lot of DESIRABLE FAMILY GROCERIES, which be will sell a low aa they can be bought at any other house in town. No pain will be pred to give entire entisfne lion lo all who may favor him with a call. All or ders will be filled with as mu h promptness aud fairuesa aa personal presence will secure. PARTIES FURNISHED with everything in hi hu on the shortest ntic. WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER. Oregon City Jane 1. 1600. V.I. litlLUli;!! 4c fcO.t, Dealers in nrcr.r.HHCtk " rUMTlStt Material Craerally. 133 Sansenv lr.-l, corner of Merchant, mUa TrancUco. CT Friater ar iavitd lo msk ur acquaint anca imS Read! Read! Read! Bannenbaum A Aekennan, Oppotite the Main St. Home, RESPECTFULLY Inform III publio that liny bav rsctivsd par steamer Carle aud Paeifit A WELL SELECTED STOCK or Dry -Goo ds, Roots nnd Shoes, Nats and Ronnets, ISO CilRGCEUIES ! In addition, they wdl receive N KV COODS II y i:vcrjf Kloauier I which they will oiler at all lime at ill Lowest Prices ! Lower than cnu be purchased in Portland I ! We only ask ne and all lo give na a call, and exumine cur slock, aud you will Hud th largest and niiail seleot slock of goods Ihut over cams lo Oregon City. Before purchasing elsewhere, the Lndie of this oily and thu surrounding country will please call aud euiiniuo their stuck of SHAWLS AXD CLOAKS, I'rU ea to Knll. Oregon City, Sept. 21, 1 SOU. Cm Danneiibnuni Si Ackenuan, Opimsila the Muiu Si. House, II AVE ON HANI) WINTER COATS, of all deacriplioiia, and Ihe finest lot ever brought to thia niaiket; Fiue Caaimere Cunts, Black frock clulh do., liulana, Caaimere Pants, Suliuet do., Fiue Veals, of all descripliuus, While Shirts, Woollen and Merino under do., Hale Tups, llouls & Mines, n.t.l hi... l.l.Lal. nnd inuiiy other arlielea loo numerous to mention, which will be ollcreu at tlie luwestoasii prices., IBUV . 9BBNj all kinds of. Ilrowu mu.liii, Ideached iniialin, dsuiins. hickory stripe, suliusts, Kentucky jtuna, twilled uud pla n flunikls, calicua, fniiiiliiru prims, nil culicu, de laines, cmdimcrcs ull wool, French merinos, and a Nrtc slile of Pojilius, Doniiel r.ibbulis, and a large lot uf desirable trim, mings. Oregon Oily, .S'epl. Uii, ItitiO. SHERIFFS SALE. . VN execution having been dirvulrd I me, is sued under thu seal of the circuit court i f the Slule uf Oregon for tho county nf Clackn maa, dated tho Mill dny uf September, IS(it), commanding ma to inuke aula of the following real estate, to nit : Part uf hit two (ill, in block three (.'!), lying aud being in Oregnu Cily, Cluck -annus county aud Stale of Oregon, nnd described in a deed issued from the Land lilliee in Oregon City as fullowa: Beginning ut Ih southeast cur lier or soul lut, llience uortliurty luriy-mi.o icev aud seven inches, llience westerly one hundred feet, thence northerly Iweuty feel, thence wester ly five feet, thence southerly suty-nine feel nnd seven inches, llience easterly one hundred and live feet to the place of beginning also, lot eiohl (8), in block ihrro (3), lying and being in Claeknmuacoimly, Oregon, together with all tho buildings, appurtenances, Improvements, iVc , thereunto belonging fur the purpose of enforcing a decree of foreclosure of mortgag on said prem ises made by said court on the .'nil day of Sep tember, lHO'l, in favor of John W. Thessiug and against John U. Oila.011 fur the sum of thirty-four hundred and twenty-nine dollura and twenty eight cents (8dd2D,an), together with Inlaroi-l and costs of suit notice is horehy given that by virtue of said execution I shall oiler for sule tho above described projairty to Ihe highest bidder fur nakh on Wednesday the '.Mill diy uf Octeber, ISiiO, between the hours of 10 . u. and 2 r. u. 'l'ho sule tu be on the premises. JOHN TIIoM.VH, Sept. 3), Sii()w4 Sheriff ClacknmittCn Land for Sale. rilWO or three land claims uf 1C0 and 3'23 1 acres, twelve miles on a good road, no stream In cross, in a southeast direction front Orem City. The improvements coating ueurly as much, as Ihe price asked for thu land. The laud ia ' adapted to railing fruit, grain, or grass, and baa n: good a mug for stock as there ia in Claeknni u county. Will be sold vn fnvurnble terms. F.u qniruuf N. W. KVNOALL. Oregon City, Sept. 30, ISiiUwS Ladies: jF rou wish ....AT A LOW PRICE.... BE SURE TO CALL AT THU STOP.E Oi' BROWN t BROTHER. JOHN R M BRIDE, tTToaan and couasELoa at law, Lafayette, Yamhill County, Oregon. WILL faithfully attend to all businesa en trusted to his professional care. J. C. AINSWOHTH. WM. DIEIlDor.FF. ai.suoiitii a Dii:nDourr, WIIOt.ESAI.K AMD RKTAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots tt Shoes, and Crockery, IuthenewFir-proofIirick Main eTsirr OKF.OO.t CITV. All Kinds of Produce TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS, AT MOWN & BKOTUER'S