For Iki Argm. ' O tWIber, fray. 0 Mailer, pray for (hy eiisenl rhild ! 1 f cl Ufa dark, Ih lemct' wild I 'l a pa nful want, unknown before I Hiirhl lb broad Pee fio eho-, 'flit land f rnd tnowoov.-red bill oSrer.ruumv.inae; god paved rill. And fures'l filled wi.h giant tries, That raen wba thko bjr Ih (outliers omit. T'lrt tin art her, aud eftt ak'e, Th i Ilia unst paliiti Kith lialan dy J V' of ilia rli'lit and d.-epest hut, 1 "i -i.-rnnt aud saeel aa in fabled lamia grew) Oreeii files do led oei w Ih graiinj herds, .Millie il lln noiea i leu ihoi.and bifJaj V'h'la gulden ImrvaMa, broad aud wide, ('hah ill a r'cb IVifw aid. Bui, ah! ain lurlu in tli niaal brt'Hiful bnarar, A bd leave ila imprest on llie bran of Ih flower, 1 Ik ban's of Ilia tempter are alroiiger llian ail, AiMlirr. il ar Mother, O pray lor my tssl I Jn my . nely liourt of doubt and ear, 1 atill have failli la a mollier ' iravr And I feci wild raplurc where'er I roam la my mother heart I'ra alwayaa heme. Pianreavu.Mt, Aug. 98. Li Lriiin, n l. tin. i. i..i. .- jtiii.iii rsi.r. ti ncn uuv utkiiw to kq lit) to lie-avert it night, It Ioe not MirnaJ n ) lir Of winifll Hint Or aloft like a li r I. Jtjirt CMII'ia. HOllly up Oil ladder. It Kutl its' IMtl inmJul on th llirub YOU Iih IV.,1...,., I tKrn. .1.,,.. 1. t .l...l.l Iicribll Willi thirst; then it ti'l nn the tree WO 't UMili.r, Slid thenco to tliu rillse of tllO roof; from tllO roof to tllO Cll linov from tlio cliimnor to t)io tail elwj ..,,,1 I,.,..., ,i . it I i ' nii'l Irom the elm to tlio tull church mure: mid then to the thrcxliold Of liOJrcrj; anij mm you run ee it ro up ax tliouli it n autiu up red roc. Jrrtmy Taylor. tSf T..ii l.iv ru.e n . I. il.. ........ . u',.L..,.u. rt I. ... ...., i:r. it ..i " J i" ..,..m,,. ,n . e. ,. i;. v. ..uii.ttii awui iiio ui iiurir-si.r, ms iun man gem-rully become i, hut, ana me nn mnn leaner. tO One sinlo "thnnks bo to Godl" lit ti-nd in adrermtr, is of more avail than o tliounind tliauk'givinys in the day of jiro.'jieruy. C5T Xever tuke inoniinir bitters. Mom- Wi kttCCt, AS yoil lour your house, tire NliliMI lielUT, BIIU a KISS from vour Wifu .. I. . .1 . I . IllJhi.a lilt) IICHt. tMiss Alioa Yvll cowliiiled Mr. Lny. 1 , i . ': ..' I'.,, ,,,!,. f... .,..: :. . i '! ', Liiiii'li-n, for promisi nir to murrv her und not t:rrjriiiiiijr it. As he wouldu't niuke . . ' h .r Lny, she made him Veil. HUSINKSS CAItDS. DHOWS A imOTIFEIl, ... Whlttali and Krlail Dmitri in... mrtn ma an. Dry Good, Clutliiii", HaU, Cam, T?...i. L!l 0 ' 11 , UWW, OUOt'S, tV'C, OliKCON CI I'V. W. 0. '.OniVBON, ATl'OKNliY St roiN.Slil.Olt AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chancrru, WILL prompt ly ulteml to any biieinee. which m.iy be eniiiinlti.,1 t0 profceeional ii..e u.iureuie Liiainot ami FJupreuie Courle, i (ifli.'e i.vt r Milwain'e liii aiuro, iinmi'diaU lyop. P'Mt the .Muin Nlreet HoiHe. urrxnii diy, October I, 1853. JOHN R M BRIDE, ,,r... .nu sniaiiioi Law ' Utayettt, Yamhill County, Oregon. I I.I. raillifully attend to all buaineaa en iniicn lo ma proleeeioualeare. 1. C. AI.MSWOHTII. W.V. OIEIIUOKKK, .lISWO:iT!I A OIRRDORFF, MIIor.KSAr.R AND 11 F.T A 1 1, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, miY r GOODS, CLOTHING lionti it Short, ami Crockery, ...ui. uutr ire-prom nritk AUiN araiaT OHKGn.N CITr, , T. CltARMAN, A, WARNKR, Obanaan A Warner, GEXEItAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS W IIOLteALK A KKTAIL llvalcra la Wry tioiu, LMhtng, Hardwire, Crocktry. Glassware, jois, siloes, 'anils, Oils, dr.. Iu their lire-proof Biick ytm i aTHKlr, OIIRHIIM CITV, ORKOu.y. OliKGON HOSPITAL, PORTLAND, OREGOX. J. 0. XXawthorno, A. AX. lVoryoa, PuvaicHN. Ity tiuautoN. GEO. A. NOI?U; AM & M.D., , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. , OUlco NEXT DOOR TO MR. CAV- 1'IELD'S STORE, ' I RAH T II R B K R W B R Y. N. II. Family Medicine prepared In Ih most Currlnl inunniT, and ilivaya mi hand. , Oirgon C.y ,Marth -dl), 18j9in3 ' .EUGENE LA FOREST UtmemI Doalor m Dry - Goods, IiADIE3' FANCY O00D3, urotcrj, Ci,liry, Vlnm-wurr, livuis, SHOES, if-e,, At IS, old Mni if U l'orttt-Fmtk Start, OHKOOV CITV. BATHS !I5ATIIS ! ! . 1. " Tv'iisb, and Be Clennr T " Y.1 10 '""fetfully in erm th eentlemea X of Oreii Ciiy ihai 1 hue rev,utly (hied up . ISathuig liooms, III I'onnemioa with my Barber Shop, where both IKIA.U AND COLD BATHS nn be had en rvaaonable lerme. M.irch 31, l60. 1 HUM AS WARD Hogs Wanted. 'MSU WILL Bfc PAID FOR aso Bead ofHora, iicnvvrej ai the ISLAND MILLS I.MM EDIATELT ' IV "of ttafht ttnttantly. n A. J. CIIAPMAV. Oregon Cny , Murch 8 , 1 fcOO. ij. B. PAMTCR, (taTa.aa.aAaramTta) Type, Prvsaes, Priuting Material. - c ! Vj-Iif Printtri' StKi grntraltf, Uiftey air-. aear Saneoro. ' 4Syl - ' iU, Farr AINS.Y0RTHOIERDQP.FF. WB ARE NOW OPENING I TUB Xf w Tlre-Ttoof Orich, A MlfaC AND WKI.L-AMilHTKO kTut OF OENERAl MERCHANDISE. Feelinf pvrftelly aacur Ar, w will new Offer Greater Inducements than ever t III public Wa ar eoneiauily In rcipt it GOODS seleel. d villi tin greatest rare (aa I prlee and qualii)), aud ar contideul that our faoililiea w.ll en.lil ua to oj.rr ami mi g'xiiii AT PORTLAND PRICES (freighia n), and wuiill adv'se a'l ihoa visiting line m y la puicns-e to .a, lo exainm nur alock dliii pric. a liefur pun line i g !.- her. ttu have, and areju-l receiving, an Invoc ef consisting in pari of the fullowln article Cache. c" eeum, iiaon y co, Pacific, Hudlct', Cnlieeteiro, Spregue, Philip aii.ii. KmIi Hi..... ...a ........ ou other clinic PHI: NTS. all lale itiileit French mariixw. Lvoue t-loih, mohair and """ , mat, ex. ninatia fl lamea, !,l"ckl '. l-el.-. i pink, fai.oy i.l.ide, J "'. -- . "IMII MIU ....... ...... miuic, French II domeri'e ( nithaina, lawna from ll lo HSi, blue, niiaeil. i irey e.ll. ""'w'ddr,i'oilouj.aiisoltiiiidi-,bleailie.laiid "Z'I'a'V 'ru,"3",1, '"-4 " "f. '"" ! Wiclied drill., den m, hickory alnrtiii J len, .,!... i..... -j i.i.i. ' i-. a and, large lot of liuali and Ihre'ud Ucea "d '"t"t huuvry, do MEN'S d LOTS' CLOTUNO ' I"", hlaek, and hrownclolh cul i III doi hlk , cioin ieia, a mm wniie aim null .nameiue. .la, , , . . , . . . M ... . velvet nud euliu do i .'IU dox antiimt puula, doe.kiu and fancy cawiim re do, 3n dux merino and cotton undenhirle, (rey, blue, Il blink cloili over cou, with a (tueral aaaoriincut ef jeuta' furuiahiiijf goofia. HOOTS MtOES -Mtn't, hny,', an I ynutha' bnole; Inrliea', iiiiweii', and childreu'e mo roceo, (oat, kid, and calf (.'ongree bula, with Sl without lieele; ladira kid al.ppei. (tSOOlalSIIS'a Rio and Java ouffi-e, hl.u k and green (re, N. O , Llima, llaiuvi lelaiid, t al. relmeil, and i rnlu-d ....... V II....... l'l ....... i . l.i euirur, K. Iluelnn, Cel., eiiffur-linuw, k golden yr up; eelt, S lo teiJU lb eka; I UU kit imila, umI iz a; llill'a pale, cheiuicnl, a BngLd eoip, auip ow dire, iwwder, eliol, 4 lead; yeael powder, iwlera. .... ' ' . '.. . i iui liivoiu tii tar, miiuk iit m upirw.nLl iuiimccm. green torn, peai, tonmlaei, ttruu and tilackber- net, in 2 lb line: epice, pepier, and can, pearl hurley, maecuroni, verm.celli, curu atiirch, iiu- oihIh, wulnula, niita, raieiua, Chili peachea. driid fr.iil; uuickeri l, in qr 4 hit btiU; eardiuea. A line aemirtmenl of CROCKERY 4 TABLE CUTLERY t SO eratea aiuorled ware, 411 d'U aleel pick., SO Uiilell A lldla hoea. White Lead, OH, and Window Glats; with variety of other article, uaiiully kept. IT W will pay caii fur wheal, ilnur, bacon. butler, and utmost ever) thing Ih farmer hua lo aell. r..fmi C iv. Anril IK.'.H SANDS' SARSAPARILLA, For Purifying the Blood, AMD MR TIIR CURB OP Scrofula, Morcnriiil Discn.cs. Ulieumatism, Lutaneou r.niili 'li, Still-born ulcer, l.iver c'linpluiiit, nvspi'iiR, llrriiithiii", Salt UliiMini, l,unibii)ii, White Scl. iiix, 1 1 i I)mch", l'jiluijriiriHiit of the linnet Hiiii Joinis, Futor Siiree, I'Vumlo Cum. Jiliiinti, l')iirlii, of A j.pcllle, l'iiiiili-a, IIiImk, Gunerul D' IhI. iiy, S-.,i-o. It line lonir been a m-at Inuurlnnl denideratmn in Hie pnii'i ca ul medicine, io nbiuiu a remedv eim liir to t liu, und ueenriliii;ly w.i liud il reuned lo ahiUMl nn verilly in all lurmenliiig die-ean-enf the .kin eoliyini! to the iialieiice.imd in- juriuiia lo I he heiillh. It la a loliio, n p.-linul , and diHiileeiiuil. Ii aci. eimullaiieoiiKly iipnu the .tuhacii, hi. tract'LATMiie, uiiii lid. eownix, ami IIiiik Ihiee proceweii, which ula oidiuuriiy the re ull of riiHKK dillbrvut kimleuf iiiedioine.iin-cir-ried on at the anuiu t. me lhruui;h ilu- iiislrmn n lulny i.f tii in o.K reme.linl aireui. Ii. Kri.ii merit ie llinl it meela nii.l uettlniiixci the uilive ,ul"y "f !" 0Nlt r"",,,lal "if"1 piil.c'pla ol di .e ilM-lf, nil. I when thai i "ne. the Fyuiptiinie neceiwurily dinnpueiir. 'I'he ru- pidily Willi which Hie pilient recover, heallh uud atreugih under thin trip.e iiillm nce ia eiirpri.inj. REMARKABLE CURE. Linn I'ihi.ntv, Oregon Ter., ) M. irth II. I s;.5. ( Met. A. 11. & t), S.Mia. New Yi.rki (ien. tlenien, III the eurimr uf I8,i3. while omiurwuv ii "in iiiiiiuiiu io una uiuce, our e!il -et Imv w.i. i.ed with uewelliiig nil. I .eve re p.itu. in liie Irir. which day by duy girw wnnw, until hia legs cuu- uacieu. aim neciiiue mi paiulul tluit he onuld n t walk, and we hud lo curry him ulimii like an in faut. We reached Alli.inv on the .'Id of O, euin,lfl,.y wuril out by futi;ue. Ily tin. limr, lie wae redme.l In a perteel .keh lon. Ilrre ne Were enabled lo cmi.ult a nhvaiciau dir. Ililn who houe.tly ronfea-ed ha cul l nut erne linn, al though he could give hi in medicine Unit would re lieve Ih. pain. In i In. xi"en. v eometliiii mu.i bo dune, or dentil 'ua iuev. table. Ueing re win. mended to try your tiureuiianlla, I nrinured abut. lie. After lukieg nine, he apieitred wiir.; but pereetemiii with il. 1 obtained a aecoud bottle, wliivh eeenifd to crai.iilf willi the di.eane. au.l camieil a marked improvement : th awrllmg and pain in the leg. were rednned, hi. aiHieliie ilu- proved, and In. eoior In return. 'I'll in rll- couraged, I purvhasvd a third holile i while tak ing it the Mvelliugt iu h.a legs brnke, and mine pieces of bone mie eiglHh of an inch long came out, Hi-r which hie lege alraiglili ned und healed up. II is now perl'ecily rcuvered h.t no ap peared o being a cripple, ami can prrliirm nioal kimlaof ciuiimiiii luie.r, as all our tie ghb..r. cuu certify. Your., reapeclliillv, LKn DAVIS rrenared and ao!d by A. It. D SASDS. Whuleealo Druij.l., U0 Fultuu street, corner ol ll"H; . . ' i iiiiaiu, ,ew i or. SuldalM by II. JlUlNSOX A. Co.. San Fran. titeo; lilfli II COFFIN, MirinUU; II. . McDONALD A. CO., Sacraminti; aud b) Druirgisis gen.. rally. Da. S l LliLt:, Agent, Oregon C ty. jUm.1 GOODS Exchanged for W L, AT Brown & Brother's, OREGON CITY. w on lunwr.. C niKKAl, HOUSE, SIGN, AXD ORNAMENTAL Skin ew eimeilt ie 3lethmJ.i ORKI.ON CITY. Ape 16. !; M STOVKS, STOVES, At Portland Frlcci 1 B. KZLWAZN, WHOLESALE AND ULTAIL DEALER, Maiu Street. oppoii lb C.& Hotel, OREOOS k'ITY, I SI .'OUTER Of COOK, Parlor, aud lhs Hiovee. Tin. Fheet Iron, and Cinr, PlaiiMied aud dapauunl Mare, lloiia.-furu.ling llardwar. Foro and U l Pump Kuhiwr ll'W. Ilydruuh llama, Iad PiMi, M.eel me, ( aiil lr.iu K.Hlea. Ilroa. K I tie., hk llela ant liak Oven., l ow liella, ruc I'him. Ve , A a. A so, .MANirPACTL'REU of Tin, Copper and bheel Iroa U are. el every til. ainuoat aud Jobbing weik don al til low, eel rule. aploy No More Mills Burnt ! " T It BOOTH l)e sa Xia I I have now 'a ur 1?L .Mill one of your Cmlri Frtd F.ri-praaf 5.ULT JM ACIII.XP..'. pill up Iw i wekego I cm iy llinl I eoneidrr il llie g rate.l i.npn.n m ul in lhi ela of in ich in ry llml hc.iii un. dar my nniice. The deuir from fn by Ircliou and duet, C'-miiMni lo Ih on in general uee, ie euuipleiely obvwied. The dual and dirl, hereto lor ae auie.yiug lo me, b now Ueciuuliy rem (died. Thai perl of llie null b"lre eocupii d ly llie hmut .Ma. Inn ia now a clean ne any pirt 01 Iho nii.l. I eau aay llml it l th. be.l M.-uier ul grain I ever euw. 'ill impruvenieiil hi the qual ity of flour will lor ul mice di-eovrred; in laet. Ih ureal rhsiif pmluo. d iu (Very nepeci i in dnd e very ureal on. I would ey llial I hav h id in in II previnu lo this a mni'lime llml rut ih giant v.-iy much, b H tin. a , not cut a kernel. and d. not reunire hnlf h power. Your in china will Oi rieiuly take Ih pref. nm e in tins Slale, and I would say ou Ihe Pavilic roa-l. A. d. CiiArMAN, Island Mill, On gnu City, May 24. IbO'd. W.M. MAS rKIW, Ageiit. Fortlnnd, Oregon. To the Millers of this State : You w.ll in v, r regn t living ihia Mnul .Mill Yiiu can cjII and hn line e em. wheal, be for uiirciinainv. I have III only one iu Ureuou at prewul, hut they enu eo.n ho I would euy llml mv Hour haa li id u great r pma lion in Iho Ul two .re, nud I am d by the UMiof ihieeinui mill thai il will .till milk all improvement u Ih lluur, if any van b,- mad -. A.J. ClIAl'.M AX. Oregon City. May 20. IC X "if SIMILKAMEEN GOLD MI IVES, HAVE TURNED OUT A. JIH: BIT PMC JtO TBU Ct BUT THE " Eagle Boot & Shoo Store " IS XO HUMBUG ! TTEMK YOU CAN FIND THE STUFF 11. llml will .laud llie lure and weur. Il pro.- pi eiB well, tor 1 rune. in. color ev,ry pun, end if lie lime, were uiilyn little hr.tker, I think that il would piy very woll; uud if yon don't believe il, ju.i co ii.i uud buy n p lir uf li 10 1'o, afier you try in. in on, tor I lliivu Jiit Ri-cclvi'd A NEW ASSOIiTilKNT OF BOOTS AND SHOES) o r TLo Latest Style and Fasliion. Genu' fine sewed Freunli cnlf boot., alio pegged eiill'tinni. uu I slim snf all .on. mil .int.; Lidie.' k.d, morocco, i-nuuel and clolh gaiters, silk enti tle Ciinorem-heel gaium, iiiise.' uuitere an I shoes of every kin I, cnarm nud line ; bo).' elnwa of ev- ry kind ihut is nn'iition -d iu my rhyme ; clnl dren'a ca'f an I rup ,ier tuo I shoee ; la lies ull I children's MUSK of ad siies, white, brown, and fancy; ,M Her a Wiiter-Pioof ULACKINU, J.S. .Mu'jii'. liluckiug; Nlioriiitikfr'a Fiiirliiiga, Teg., awls, huiniuers, llireud, wax, nails, aud .hue-kiiivia. Tliai.kful for put patronage, I ripeefullv an. Ceil a couruiiuuee of pilrnuuje froni mvoal cm- liimers umI ua in my new ones n. choose In oome l.dtliiM un I geiiili'iiifii, give me a call, yumi and old. great an I small, brave and bid, for I w II lie ready mid happy lo w.iu on ou nil, and iu panic iiuir me luuna ; i line lo see lliem cum) lo pay in. a vi-mi. lit'ineiiioer uu piure- Tito Duort East of Uiown d Brother, Unlii lrrt!t, . Ori-uou Cll). La lies and g.-nlleman, I veil that I can .ell you bonis mid .hoe. as clieip as nn v lioum in lown.ur a linla tdieiper for c.odi down. S.uull proliu and quick ua!, that is the talk thill tt lls ihe lale. finvlll .1. MnON'KY. Valuable Property For Sale. THE CHAMPOEO FLOUR MILL. rpilIS MILL, situated admit ihree fourth, ofn X. mil ir.iin 'liaiiio jf in ihe miil.i of ihe j-reut gra ii.growing couiiiry in Oiegon, is oll'i-red fur le. Uui iiig hiL'h water in winter, flour. A-.... can he shipied direct from the Mill. Altiiehed I the mill i. a granary fur receiving and .luring . unr,-oiug huuw aim gaiueii lor the iim. oi in u-r.ou m charge. Tli whole proi embraces uuout rivx aches. 'I'he m icliinery of the in II ia of Vt-rv Slllwr'n. qnoliiy, having been imparled from lio. h.sler, i. in.-ru ar nvo runs of the best French au ni r.o. i.aieui run 01 .inn I, llorr. ler cimpixa leeil, cu; "Iho frame -work, for stir iiijih, Ac, c.innoi be .urpawed iu llregnii. and me uiiu ill an reKCi is llie h. sl in Ihe Sialo. For (.artiuii'ttn., npplnaiinii .hiiuld be mad to CEO. T. ALLAN,-. A. MiKINLAY, r"poeg, or to A Mill; V HOLliltOOK, Chan.p.rg,Jan 10, lOU 4lif Oregi,,, City. JVoticc. SO L I) I E R S , TEM.V'ERs, SAILOR: (r Iheir vidviea or riiit ckdil,, w io K-rved m auv wamur Lut'n .nh.r ... r.ii. i Mil ..r eoeicAere, prior to M irek 3d, or there children n-Aa icrre under 21 yean at thai d ite. or s., who served on ihe loaat ..f CiiflN.. n hi ine al. .ean war, will do well Inaddreee oi.i imi. oeen in Hie han.'s of iiior naeiiis. nave ue. n su, ceMU" ob aiued hv .... lur us. noeniiiy paid I. an I urrainaDoiigiiiaul lo order, an I ail b ui .U ring au agent at w a-hine oii. ationde.l ;". . ". ''l-"i' ru , Aitorneje l..r . I I ,.IM. . . " t mnn., i rn.ioo. u aunty Land, Ae. Rer.rence i... ov oi me neaas ul t.p.iniiii.its. 4ftw0 NEW SCHOOI.. The Sisters f th HOLY NAMW OF JESUS AXD M RT TILL open a Oaf rhl R..P th. Cath.dc ihunh iu OHMnv viri Monday, April 23.1. ' -Taa: ""W St . OA etraiar..., -. 8 on HI UO Notice. DURING aiy niwtM from Su. M ton I- lb. A II.. 1,., v....- i.uc-, KELLY. Em , ill sel a .uik 1 1 ' 1 -f a as a. Ull esT. . it .. . . r MILTON KLUorr. M.eoh n If W. PURIFY THE BLOOD MOFFAT'S Vegetable Life Pilh rPIIE high an I envied eel, brliy whl h the pre X. nniHnl .Medicine hav aequired lee Iheir invar nlilaeftl aoy mall Ih d wises win. a lliey prnie- ie em, has rudeiil th usual praeiie biifliner net mlv nnue eM.ry, but unwmlhy Ilu in. Thev are knewu by iheir lruili their o-ood work e.nfj lor lln hi, aud they thriv ox by Ihe fai h of lb ir iulu In all e we of lhm i, scut au I ehron e rh. u maiism, alT'ioij of ihe b.a l.l.r and knney.. kilioua fevers aud liver eooipl.ini. in the anil u I West, where thee duo-we prevail, they w II he found Inva'u ble. Planter, larin re. an I olh rs, who one ux ih.. McJ.ciik, will nersr af- rw.rd' h. wiihiHil idem. U)peaU..e perwo w'lh at is d .Hewing aliould delay win Ihex mnlic ne mime diai!y. Erupnonenf ih akin. rip-laa, flaiu luey. fever and ague fu litis scoi'ge of Hi eeivru tunlry, lhe nie licin. will be found eafe, .needy, and certain remely. O.her medi e lies hav th sta tin aubjeet to a return at ihe disease a t-ur by lhe medicine la pennuntul. TaVTii.M an e.Ti.riin. aiu ar. ci'ukd. MerrarUI Ulsease. Never fail. In era Ileal entirely all Hi eU'eet of M.r. ury infiuiiely eisinvr than ih niol wweriul prepsrsl on of riarvipsr Li. A'igaf A' !. A'erro Debility, Serf I tamiilaintt if ill kindt, Orgnnie AJJi tion; fulp Inlton uf Hi Hurl, Fainter i ehtlit. files. 'I'd or uioal iMor elor ef Iheee med ciiM wa euecl of P Ie. of 3 year' aland og by llie us.- of lliee I, fe Medicine, al mv. Vra ef all kiuda rir'iuallt ei,l.rd by the med icin A I nreiile w ill do well lo adm nisier them whenever their eiisli u. u sutiwclad. Kelief will be certain. The Life Title ind I'ktnig Bitten Purify th blood, and thus remove all di'ease fio Hie .v.iem. A eiiifle iriid wllnluith LIFE FILLS huI PIUES IX BITTERS b,u.,d Ih - reach of i-ampe! lion iu Ihe e.Hinal oil of every pain III. 3T rre,sirrd liV llt. WILLI Al . MOFFAT. 3.1.1 Brnnilitay. tor. Worlk it , Sen York J. FI.KM.NO. iu,ultht Fuel Office. 3 y Oregon City. ESTABLISHED 1759. PETV.a LOUILLVIXD, Snuff and Tobaccj Manufac tmer, 16 & 18 CilAMilEILS ST.. (Formerly 4'i t'haih un slreel, New York.) TTfUULD cad ih wpeeial aiteiitioii uf tiro v T cemind llrugj sis in Ins rein ival, aud also In arlieleauf h a uiaiiiif..ciiire, vix j UftUWX HXVFV. Mucoiileiy, D m groe, Fine Ituppee, Pure Virglirn, Coarse linpp e, Naclnloc'ies, Auu r c ili eniitleinnn, Cop.-ubaen EI-LOV SMVy, Scotch, Fresh Scotch, lliuh Tonst Scotch, lr .fi High Taut, Honey iJew Scotch, or Luudyl'uot. Tun.vv.c.o. MOKINO. riMtcuTcimviso. SUOXINO. No. I, P. A. L. or ,l ioi, Sl. daifo. No. 2, t.'uveiirli.h.or.'.vcet, Siiunuli, Nob. liOmid, ntedOroiioco, Cniilaier Kitefnot, Tli Foil 1'uvendi.h, t'urej Turk .li. A Circular of I'ru-e. will he sent on annlication. . U. Not the ne artele of Freeh S. okh SiiiiIF. wli ch will bs fauuJ a auperioi nrticl fur il ppmg nii p wa in'i I Tin 1 1 1 i GENTLEMEN: IF YOU WANT ANY Fine Clothing, CALL AT BROWN & BROTHER'S. 3Iill Seat and Land. HAVE nn excellent .MILL SKAT, snr . round, d with excellent 'i l which I Wou'd like lo huve impruved. I will uive some inillwriglil who wishea to iuvtst iu n saw mill or griel inll, or b nil, n uo-nl clnn.-e. The Incatimi i one of Ihe very heel lor eellinir lumber a level way lo th mill m-at, nn hills to pull evor, and hamly to In uvv settlements. I wi.h also lo avll half a section of LAND near by. The place is six mile, west of Lafny. t-lle, Yiimhill county. W. L. ADAMS. Nov. S3, 1859. 3;if a a a 2) a sa 'j, Clackamas 0001117, Oregon. rpillS school ia ailiialel on a d lighifnl eleva- -- "I laun.jusi Hir e miles eoiilb of Ore gall Ciiy. ia ihr. e terms fur the y, ar will cum nience as fe.loiva: Js Utiii, on the first Ionian of Sopti iulH-r i 'ill, 011 Hie third Monday or No. vemher; afie- which there will ben Vueiiiinn of two week., when ihe th rd t-rin will eoiiiiiieuw. cacu lenu will contain eleven Week.. FACULTY. Rev. E. rA.TwniniiT. Principal, and Professor of Mmhemaliiis and Natural .Sch-npe F.A. Wiiitx, Teacher of Eiigl.ehprimarj- classes Tl'ITIn.l. Settlement mn.l iuvurialily he made iu advance for tiiiiimi, al Hie following rules; In ltundihMe.iileia,und I'r murv Ariih., ftd.00 I rruei caiiinu Higher Arilhuieiic, Eugli.h i.ramm.r, Ijeography, riliiiif, Ac , 600 4 Higher Alalheiiiauc., A'ut. I'liiio-ophy, and m.o.1, 91.00 extra lor eucu uruueu. aoARiiiina, Extensive arrangements have been made, du ring Ihe summer, lor Ih. e11U.rtai111n.11l of stu 0 ins, al Hie of Hie Principal. Tubli expriiM-tuud rooms, per week. g.'I.UU. ATTKMUNCK. o siudenl will he a, owed a .eat far. I.,. inuii ua.i a lerm. Any one having paid, wialiu g "i...-. 10. last naii 01 me term, hate one lisif Hi. moiiev rel'iiuded. Profanity and Hie ueot' loUucco nii:i r .. ..A ,. .1 r- 1 wm oviiiisre. at'.ic. iiraiiiuous inslrucliou will be given to a els Voc .l lllll. c. Aug. ill, Isj'J. A'otice. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP 'pilr. firm of Allan, McKiulsy & Co., herelo X eiirrymg ou bnsiuees miller thai title at Oregou City, ChuuiM.1f, aud LuWer Scmuburg, . -e,roj ui.sw'. ny niiilnal cousrui All Uarl.M i.,.l.hi..l ... m. I e , r - - nu. or naviiig via ma upon Iheiii, are hereby reque.le.1 Ie seud m iheir counts or llisse oavioeoi nl il.- .- - T. Allan or Aft h.bald Mi-Kiulay al Chain,if or Ao.ory lloibrouk al Oi-g. C.ty. who .,.- loseuie an ac-ouiu. a . i. ... ad firm. ALLAN. McKIXLtV JL t . Cliaiu,ai2, De.-. 31, I p.i'J 4 1 ,f. rirst Pre mi am, 'ia, '44, 5x CHARLES J. HOLDER. GRAND ACTION PIAi0 FORTES. THESE PIANOS ar. mid, . ih. Ism m. lerwks, sad wsrrauled io ia asv elf mai. Taoiog tad repa ring pewrrptt executed. 1 . M NEWKLL POST, ' I can a liiiini.ier In mind (and b.oly) dis-.ascd, An I with 4 sseei e ilinoas auiiiMe l hui ih f'.ul sytrw of it pr luu a'liff " shall. A Blessed & Divine Ilcmedy SANGUIFEROUS NERVINE TONJCt Read my Theory of LIFE and DEATH, TH AT most prov fatal 1 that early deaths o curi lhal piople I lor years a I . li.g dentil, weak, .uauimiilv, and exhaualed nol fioinlha dieeaisfiteelf, but from au inability in uaiuie. end n.itures siniiglh lo wnlHaiel nisinlaiu Iif Ihrough Ih rf dieaee. liiva I hem alrenrth. and Ui.lufe wi.l fliev her eelf, if sliiiiiiluled. tn haa giv-u us herb, and loelleui all tin. I'ur.fy Ih bUnfl, render Ih iuiestim. Ih liver. Ihe lirl, and all Ih minimi fun Hums of man ar womau active, m.d too have half conquered disease. Ir. J.U.OU WLHIIEIt d sr i-ouwieuii..iwlv saur all who read III e, lhat h a Saiiifinfl. r or Invg .rat ng Cor- dial nro luce all the elf 01 above dfecr.l.'d. II liaaseeiilh old. Ih toiler ug. the paNied, Hi uervoii'. ih dt'.u Die. th Inrbiiile, llidib.iu. t-hee, ud ih invali I revue under it iullueue, a if ew li were giveu ill 111. Dr. Webber's Sanguifler act en the y.'tui, heart, bra'n, intesl lies, uwa, nerve., Hie nu n. an 1 semi mi .is, ami ill whole phyekpi, and BENEFITS ALIKE Ihe gloomy litpoclioudr e, the dispeplio, iti nervous, il b hl.iied un I f. eble. ihe ov r-dueiurrd inral.d, Ihe niiioos and liver-diAaaed suirerer. Ihe gouriiiiiu I, Ihe deosu .lies. Ihe iuleineite, aud all who euller HI lleallll. "OH HORRIBLE! Oil HORRIBLE! Most Horrible 1!!" When worn-out nature nicciiiu'is lo DEATH, hevaune she has mil slieiigth to ie.i.l. Now, Dr. Jacob Weldvr' liiv.Koraliiig I'urliol causes strength -that is il mam qiiaiiiy. The lira! op eraiiuu, Tome! llirparmker feels iheu fiu fie vauai'd li .km ai damp, li iimbs sui pV an I active, he fee, a wi.h for tx. ie ae, au.l ku-wshe ha sireiioili to eiuhueit; ha is light. pulled, h .kni hecniies t'lenr; Ilu eye., loo lie- can.. nil liver ti Midi aetiti. lie Hit neutral ized or ejected, und hii blood thinned and puri fied. If h has a foul itoimick. uci u mi iiericiil, not oilurwise. Again, it im.mdiaiely irhev. b'.cliiug, and pre, ills uu iiccu.iiiilalinii of wind iu the sioaianh. Ti itomach. Ihe great n c. iver of di.eae au I its cur. I w II now enu merate a few of tliOHi d seises where I have a. en Dr. l ebaer's Invigorating act most beau- lifully : Nervousness, Weakness, Languor, Fever and Ague, Chills, Pains in the Limits, Joints, 1'ody, Delirium rremetis, Tre mors, Constitutional Deeline, (from any cause, Debility in cither sex or age, Torpor of the Liver, Uowels, C HABITUAL CONSTIPATION!! Thl. will purify Ihe th ck stuenriiit blood, cause a healthy act nil on the la.wel., heart, skill, and brain, uud thereiiy revoluiioni.e the holeay.tem, wli ch bus become dormant nil I iniicliva. Two thirds of hummi are Caused finm amne uf the nhove organ he ug di.orguui. il. Ilocois may lell toil lhal you hate .noil and such a .1 s. ease, bill iiulil meiln-ul pr inlicc hecouirs a lic ence (.lid .1 is nut yei). dse.i.e canlinl he ilew-ribed to cerlunty. I'lii .iug.ilar nied cine iru I mil I V airenih. ii. the sy.teui, eirer ul om His IiIihhI, which f nin slui-gishiie.-a . rapid, cnurres tlirourh th virus and the heart. Many I huve a.s n who assured me that, three dn)a a ler us'og it, ihey uve ie i a niriii oi an malinn, iiieiiially mid bid v: iiiir cue.l mid Drea.t was In-lure hcavv: a lliey ateaee ne.l loseitle there: the r rest wa. nu qiueti llii'ir un, el Ie ioarj and Clint ihi. reully e.wc l cor ltal n nimed a I such .vinotoin: thai strength nf limb. bn.!v, appetite, an I sp r.ia was t'iven them by ii, and un entire nvuiuiiuu in tho.r worn-out svstem occurred. The Rev. Robert Sclim ler. of Potalnma. ovs: If, it yeaia buth myself uud hrolherh avo sulK-led en from d. peps a ue, knew of and .niirelomii'h, ui iiResuuu aim nuiuleiice, Hiui life nt lime, was a ide , w e huve used ynnr lairdinl (Dr It'e'o en Invigorating Suueuiller) ci uvuer iiiuu we nave tor yurav neonates and D r n n t n r A t READ!! The Appetite fur Liquor Destroyed! :Ji ol ihe beautiful prnvri es poue.sed by v-r MJI. .i s IIVTVIGaRATIIVTG C:RDIAL llinl l ..... ... ..II I .... " on loiiEiiiir or or liminr ny im br ales have found that a'ter it has re newed mil siiengtheiie.l them, quieted llnir uertra, u nas eau-ed aversuu lo spirits. Ilia seen u eiire smne of the most frightful cases wnere aeiinuin tiemeni had aclually occur ied. iu .-"o.u ny an re.prcnhle Dnyg s.a in Oregon au I California lf'"ireoj Loiinterfe:t,!-$fr, il,ttt the names of T. diiM-a and d Wkhbrr, M. I)., are on the P oi eacii outside wra per, and blotvu in the .i men Ltuy none other! BEFORE AND AFTER TaK.1 .0 DR. WEBBER'S SANGUIFIER, Or lavlgorallag Cardial. The Three Prettiest Girls IN O&SOON CZT7: E la, Pel., and A..i,ie, vou know ilu in I n. U'i.s, i . t..,rir no. mi loTeiv, so c.ear, au ( so pure- i ue.r nair ilurk au.l, wlii.e il.e keih 01 these g rls Are u snowy you'd llrnk they had niuntha full uf 00.11 1. , Yet ev. ry child of Creation, b .th UX.t ...I ,. Can Hse ih sain beauiies f.o- Iimj .-ema. ' llemuse llie price b redu.ed toij an 1 .111 r lb f.Jlowiiu superb compound.. supply of w.ik-h, freier end belter oerfuined Hl.h .... k.. J'sst been rece ved. ' Leader, although advertise,! thua, these really on. arucies are ah We rt-prearui litem. The Soap j'iIh M 1 1 . ... r L?J?Z?t. 1 "cu ,h " " luinuinn, in elar.fting.wh.lemng. .ale earing Ih must diored, ,'mp;iv. and d'fi.aire.1 sku wniio lor uitanls ar for sliavirw, it i un.flu.hd. healing, eolleuing. sl iruk ug a hue laiher. tue clean ng, dr.ssmg. .o..g ihe la grow, e,.ping ua tallinr eonnr list rl.n.lmrT AV. th C'URAL HAIR RK.srilRAT.VK i. .k. fiisM thing made. Price redox-.! su 8i eeut. Ielk are ma.1 as while as snow. Ih breath an I th rasm hard and svalihv. k. 1 1. FuN T JAMAICA m tPTKKlH RfauT. I lailier hk p. aa I ia beaati'ut. i'nes Su rls. eel at Uie oliote pr ce be all Inimm O. ivi. . i mm 1 m-ooi. v una, ay rsaa 4 Waira, Ctowtu. dk Cat.1, and Rxoncroa ft c, Ssn , ; u. s. mail isnra. 3 City uud I'ortlunj Lailyp. Oreijon Tentile pk, Alvaits.'u iblUSUi JusUU rt ill ruu daily, (Suud.jsncrpted ) is .i uomed trad, leaving Oregon C ier ifc a.,' "n caving oreeon I li. . "T "sa. u'cluia, . m. Hslumiug, wi i.., J " at . kv., m. n.imiiiug, will (tl. af 71 Sl 8 mi, tuuehlug at lliui.niidUt.lair,4,! rurtriiglil erpaaaag. apply , Daily l,jn Silvern I'ortland and Oreyo ft, THE new aleru. wheel aleanier EXFRESS, JUa jA.STao. Master, will run belweeaa and Oregon City daily tSuudei..,w,r crTvNU'1 ' Hti Tiae. - WF. IMOIIFIELD, . WATCH.MAKBi 1 Persons deslrou or geliipg tuu w.. 1?4 do well to give i, a call, u m whel. tiZZl'l voted ie Ih repairing ef ChreiianujJn I Duplex, and lloriioiilal waicliea. An HMorimeiit of flue Engli.h irjTriie. asaUiJowelryonheud. CLUCKS, wuh aeighble ihera. Jewelry mad tuord. r, and repaired Price, lo suit the ii,e. I mtln,'f1fWfc favors, and hoie In give salisfaelioa in fatarT m Ujr l ated at Ihe old aland, luiuu, ,l egraph Olllee. OREGON CITY yX. a sa sj a o u1 7 yj" PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS Oppoiiti Get. Abernelhy d Ci.'i Brits Sue OKEUON CITY. rpllE uinlendgne.l are prepared ta uk fl. X nesv, such as Ambrotypes, Melainotypeg, Pho. tographs, or PICTURES ON PATBST LBATHEI 1'iitable for lending in lellert, ' all of which wi.l lie (teemed in Ih LVTKST AXO XEATKHT Tl,e, AND ON SHORT XoriCE AND REASONABLE TEMiS CROUPS and LOCKET PlCTUUU ui,. very low. Call and examine our pictures, aud lode. L, yourselves, Koome opposite Abernethr A Co.' brirk Man. HOLLAND A DAY June II. IM-fJ. Jcic Gold Mimt IN OltlidON CITY. "Eagle Coot and Shoe Store. J. M o6"n e y HAS just returned from California hk t LARGE STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, wlixh h will tell CHEAP FOR CASH, WHOLESALE Oil RETAIL Alio, I email amor tmcnt of Shoemalere' Jiniitfi. He solicits the nalronnee uf Hi Bowl af lb. city und Ilu- public in g'lieral. Being emirelr ss. voted to ih boot and shoe busineas, he will ins. coustuiilly ou hund a fine assortiuenlefladieiui' geiilleiuen' n ear, of all sons and tile. Ladies, give me a cull bofur purchaiirjj saj. where eise. Do not forget the pi ice-two door below GuV son's Saloon, iu Ihe new building. Come one, come ull, both greul end mall, give in n cull, for I huve loots aud .hoes tu fit vestlL My motto is, Small prelim and quick ratam I ulso kiep .Miller', aud .Musou'e Uuciiseler aie. Jan. Su, 1859. SADDLERY, AND HARNESS-MAKING, OREGON CITY. I AM now carrying on a Saddler't and Htt. ness maker's .hup in tltis citt. aud hav cel. elunliy on hand tin- best of Ready-made harness, saddles, bri dles, baltera, martingals, and everything in my line. I am also ready I make 10 order nnvthiiiv iu my line lhal msyh colled for. on a short untie. My mot 10 is, Make a ?inhI article, and sell il cheap. I solicit pain- age at home and from abroid. Mv e.tnhli.hnieut ia uearlv ontxni' Chirmil & l uruer's Old Stand ou Main slreel. J. SCII RAM. April 2, 18.19. 5lio6 A. ROSSI. . Iiutlll. WZL&AZeXSSTB IRON WORKS, OREGON CITY. -1 WE heg to in'orm the public of Oregon and Wellington tlmt we hav eetnpleled W s"XJTJJE3.'aW."') BOILER, PATTERN. BLACKSMITH, AND MACHINE SHOP, and are prepared lo build boilers. Engine. Grot- mills. Sawmill., und all 01 In r kind ol nwehium. Our business connection with th Ksstiro Stales tlio ureal convenience of our localey the euperiuritv and numb r l our mucliines k use of water power instead of steam, d the p'" feet kimwie.lg of all hrauelic of our busini will enable us to comp- le w th California. Inviiinir the-Dtiblie lor ve us a call, and lofsvur ns with iheir patronnee. we promise ie exeeatt their orders 011 the .hurtcst notice, and . At &nn FinnclM Prlrr. A. ROSSI A CO- June 19. 18.18. Plows and Yagi h as Blacksmith ins: of all Kinds o - to order. I KEEP always 00 hand STEEL FLO unrranted lo ecour and do as good work any o heroin the I can also furnish ). wuh WAGONS. I can always be foand at hop, opposite MuKiulay'a, ready I she y, or do iu th line of my buwne Call and see. J.W.LEWIS. Oregon City, April IS, 1859. Change o f li usincss. THE un lers gned calls alteorieai t th tnei th o. us. reiurueu irom I uruswu - - niy the prreent, preparatory te haiii Ihe Allantks State. Thoe iatlebted to me, eilbet by at e a-eounl,jire requested to come terwerd and B, Mr. J. J. HUFFMAN. J", land, Oregoo, ia fully authoersed la receiv and n for moo es (or in, sod to settle aeeo"-" He will be Moind at Logan Shattoek a Ijw W hee. 1 shall bs found et LAFAYETTE, T hill eooatv. Thoee ia lhal pert ef to eouT wh csa more attend to to b' of a spiilemeut there. wiB call apna m. Mr ovdicne ar t ' at !rr WthfcV Dneg Stoe d asw at Smiih Sl Das s, fseoe"- On gisj; and at lb Droa Star of Dr Steele. Or- ep- ity. W. V UV li-". it. j-rsjic see. Imf M'roh 50, ieW