rats tw t..Hm All Fridtr nliflit. we r JH i. fco!ri" lelttr froni Blulog "T" Timakct. Aur. 80, 18C0 left t gplTOi A . Min9 re 'nCZTfrom thla'reirlon. T be SJta- Vbleh I writ.. (..Uoated on l ...r tin mouth of Kettle ii .od lnid I within t,,c re,n" Lion. Trade la wr brink ; nearlr ell of the lue who nr- Z There, bring ooJ mntvf L mti I tber are aomt articled, (aucti ' "u &e.HUet tlier ci itli ax can '(,(VWy carry on tin trip, which aaiU demand for thM and kin S tfUM Our party found the route :.nt la or tw0 ,l',cw, in i condition, and experienced no i.. .Monrinir rood irriiHa and water !T ? .!.!.: N.d If bowerer, loat , 0f bit bome. cauaed lj decrepitude Lskinr the trip, although It can be made t i. Ittii amp ennui nf It much qmtarr "" rrv whiikr and other procenci waa munificent, took oar time along the road. I have Ji been here long enough yet, to give you ur deinita iuformtttion ai to the pnyinK Ijitic of the dujffinjn although I Aw Mrs a large quantity of tlio ore here, and 1! of two Inatancea where minen are arewKinf $15 dM7' S)lne ,,0W9Ter. 1,0 ot M over one-third or that aura, and BWt ere not making expend The beet eliiwi re near the mouth of Rock Crk, the further op you go, the poorer the divine, N Prin. 1 lhink d0 mora to develop the auriferous reaourcee of thii ion than h P1" son, an minera do Mt like to branch out pwpectug at present, for liar of being caught by the jowii of winter, but many of my companion intend organixing for a prospecting tour ou a Urge Kale, daring tli coming ar.riiig. Iu order that you may have wmo Idt a of what it co.'ti to live in thi vicinity, I I nd ynn the price of a few or the leading uttplr in lhi community : Flour, 25c a lb.; baton lajrnr, "d offee, each 50c; bean, 3(tr and 'ome kind of Jire-water called R'k Creek lightning, 25c a swallow. Some purtie who came here from Wash ington Territory, stopped on the banks of the We-na-chce river, mid report paying diggings there, Euiorcis Ixret.LioE.vcE. GaribnMiha it lxl made a descent on the main land of Italy, and landed with n force of 13,000 men on the coast of Calabria. It is repor ted that he hnd been nt Xiipl) ? to con fer with the Revolutionary leader, Na ples had been pruclainiiMi in a stnto or icre. Report say thnt Austria will re nounce tho trenty of Villnfruncn, and oc tirrly oppose Ounbaldi in Xapli-a. The Pari rorrespondf nt of'tlie Lon don Morning Post uys: The uff.iiro or Italy re more than ever complicated. (Jarilialdi will not listen to the proposition of Emanuel's letter, dictated hy France, and callintr on tho General to abstain from in attack on the continental dominions. A telegram from Genoa, of the 30th of July, says: Naples i tranquil, but agita tion prevails tu the province. It is rum ertd that the royal troops are about to evacuate the citadel of Messina. In con tinence of the convention concluded be tween Garibaldi and Clay, there will bo n cessation of hostilities on tho island. Garibaldi still remain -d at Me s ua, where he was preparing his force for his contemplated descent on the main land. The Constantinople correspondent of the London Time write thut the English Consul at Damascn estimates the number of slain at from 2,000 to 2,500; but that the other foreign consuls at the scene of desolation place tho figures as high as 4,000. Advice from Boyroot to tho 16th July state that the majority of the Mus sulmans had sot taken part in the massa cres at Damascus. Dates from that place to the 17th announce that the massacres had ended. The Kurds and Bedonins hnd retired into th interior, but tho Christians were Btill concealing themselves. Sir Gardner Wilkinson writes to the London Time: " I am far from wishing to palliate the excesses and savage cruelties f the Druse; but it must ho remembered the Christian commenced these attacks, as they did on a previous occasion; and in Syria I was told by the Maronites of their intention to revenue the defeats they bad suffered from the Druse in a previous war. This idea or revenge has been the cause or the original attack which led to tue late outrage of their opponent." A force of 15,000 British I to be lan ded at Syria from tho fleet. WAt Waimea, Ilawaii, Sandwich Idaods, two churches have just been finish- td, it i cost of $4,000; and it is contcmpla- a build nine more. The work of Christian missionaries in fast islands has been unusually fruitful of V'odresalU. In less than forty years these 'demoted heralds of the Cross, in addition ''o f Wing them God'a free Gospel, have CtJjdlry tosjgbt this whole people to read, Ht, 'cipher aad sew. They hare given "m on alphabet, grammar and dictionary; preserved their langnaga from extinction, . nd translated into it the Bible and work science and entertainment. They have 'to reared optchool and native tcacners, f that to-dav ft is asserted, on irood author "J. that the;proportion of inhabitant who fc read and writ is equal to any other ""uraanuy in tat frortd New JSnglana excepted. . tiCT K carrmoa'dVnt writ n that on tho !'M!t, Mar LafcMt. Linn CMintv.Juk '"r.p4l8.,ottf W. C. GatUbr. had rwurm torn i tho ;Tknw, by tin eyl a thrashing; Machine. He ra ftrdiaf rwhia. and hi atteatkak keinj aiiractrd VTj" ark, biahaW rataDKht n til leath -t "r"B la. pr. Ballard ampourted tlx arm, un jMag ma doiaf m3tattnu. The Robinson Family hava been pnorning U Steilacoom recently to good iA?wo) P.O., Linn county, owes this U for subscription. D. D. 6TEPUEM30.X, I lCTn&T. has nmtW hi afiea to tht IIXB8& COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. eauaoa raa tiis visl8C0-Cli rpilE Coll jrareimmaeaa Hit flnl Monday jk oopianiorr, ana m airiaaa luia laur nun Tlia eaaiimnoainaiii ia held to Uia 4lb tf July, VoMr NtTlUNIIL UuillUM, A.M. Jouh IIUh TIBHI Of TUtTIKN M ftVaaTSSI Pilnwr DtMrlnwul a x M Jui.ior Omanphy, AmIiiu.. lio, Engliab Crainmar, auii lliatory 7 00 amaiiLirv A Ivaltra a n. . 1 ......,,, q w txuior LMiarinMol Aalural and InltlKe- luai rniioopny, lua reiBea, Rliaiurie aad Logio. Higher Malhaniailca, Lao. f uagi aud Scu gr Claa vf Normal Ut. ariineni Q I'arikular ailt ution paid la rtading and ajwll lug through (lit aiilira count of atudit and w i.ivcuiibii auu v.onipwiiwa m uia juaiur aud be ttiur lfiannicntak Cvnvaiiiaiil arranraiiirnUean ha ml r... at raaauaabla ralaa. lioolti und la the aclioul can b obtaiacd at Ilia loilee uuildingat eauli pneca. A Normal Ifeunrlini-iii hm ki. A..Bn:.AJ ... on Ilia plan nf lha N. York Hlala Normal School, wiiii particular rriorrnco 10 preparing young ladiM and gt uinman for teaching.' Thia dt parUuaat ia la practical and auceraaful nparaliun. V An axitnaive and ehvica pliilnanphical aud eliiml apparatua, abi a aclioul and a gi-nrral li braiy, hnvt bavu urderrd from lha Eaat. aud an tiprolrd on . 'ri .... . i .. n . i hi pairuna, irunrva, anil proitaaori at Ilia lah lega aru rewired that iwlliiug enaduciva lu Ida bval iulemala af the aclioal aiull ha naifla.ii.! arerluoki'd. Uelhel, folk ea., Aujuai 39, SCO. 2?U Pacific University, Furttt Grove, WuMngton Co., Orijon, Rev. S. II. ShnsH, A. M., Prtiidtnt. llev. II. Lthan, A.M., I'rof. Mulhtmatia. TUB eollrgiala year, emnaating of ana term af nine niontha, will i-ouuiieuce ua the first Wa,iiea.lny of Aoremlier. ll ia Hie draien f thia Iiiftiliillnn ta fumiah a thorough and complete eolliriata eiliiratwn. I hrra a Library of lUUU vvlumea for lha uaa af the atudenta. - Applieaiitafuradmiraiun to pollen mutt hava a knowledge of the common Knglirb brimliM, and hava studied lha ancient language to far aa to have read portioue of Cuar ana C'ioiru onJ the (ireek Reader. i he tuition fee ia $33 pr anuuni. Sliuleuta filling for eollree. aa well aaotliera w'lhing la puraue tollrgiulo fluiliea wiltiout an Irriog upnu the collage coume, will bo undor tho iililtuolion of lha cnllego lr. Inra. Tho full term of ) I werki in tha preparutory ilrparliiHiiit commenvea eu lha Sd WaJueaday of ScpuniUr. Tuiliou, $i per term. TUALATIN ACADEMY. Tunlaiin Acntltinr, for ti e eom'ng year, w:ll he under the direction and inairiieiioii of the Col lege rrufrmini, wilh uvh awialanl intlruciura as ilii'V may Hud newmtry lo carry il forward effi ciently and nucceadully. I lie full term Will coinni' nca on i edneadar, Sept. ID. to continue eleven weeke. I hiticin. ( (iininon braiirlii. S.i; Uith'r, 84. A Mimll adilnioiial charge will be made tor furl, ic. Iiutn.ot.ou in Puiul nj aiTaa, to ruch ua reciiv.- it N. I). Tha collegiala and the eollrgiule pro- Kiratory drp.ir.m -uit will ciHuinouce ou Wtduw day. Ilia 3lat of October, al tha commencement of lh laat half t lli academical term, at which time Tree. Mun-h ia expected, wi.h oompch ut a aimaiit teaclien fruin Hie Kaal, to be ready to lake hie place in Hie liniiiulinu. l rof. l.yman, ftilli the nwiiianea of Mra.C. E. Annua, will ciery forward lha ncademieal de- iarimeiit till (he return of Proa. Marah. .-epi. i, icuu-. . iiitr Young America Broad-cast Sc cd-$ower! Simplicity, Utility, Durability, and Cheapness Combined ! It. S. RICKEY'S IMPROVED BROAD CAST SEED SOWER, Patented, March 29, 1859. f PHIS midline ia well adupted to aowing all X kinds of grain and gma aeed, hemp aerd, dec. 1 1 aowa mora regularly Ilinn can poibly be aown by hand, or any other machine ever intro duced, ll ia perfectly timple in ila coiutriiciion, n,l uotliab!o In get out of order, it ia eaiily un del-stood, and doea awav with the hard manual lalxir of wwing grain doing Iho mme amount af labor in two lioura that ciuld ba done iu one day by tha orJiuuiy method of aowiug. The much uc can ba eurr.ed while being ueed.ae il we'ghe but Ova pmiuda, or, by a a tuple frame, it can ba at tached la a wagon. When it ia carried, il b atmpped on tha body of lha operntor, a strap lo go acroaa the right almulder and under lha leu arm, aim a etrau buckled around the bely.and a atrap from tha lopof theaack, around the neck. Should the Machine by accideut g't broken, any linnor can repair it although by proper care ihe Machine will laat a lifetime. But ta ba appreciated, it must ba teen. It will tow the variuua grains anl aaeda tha following diatanceai Wheat, u I"! ai a caei, or iuu u. ai a ronna Otla, KG " 72 Hempaecd,40 80" " II. 0. aead, 36 " 72 " " Timothy a'd, 25" " 50- Other grain and aeeaa in ma tame proportion. It will alo ow wet and limed grain perfectly well. County Righltfor Sale on Good Termt. Addreee, 8. S. SNOW, Portland, n., -ii.lno in nrocure machine, can apply to Ihe above, or to It. M. Humphrey, Portland, or f! W. Drvaul. Osweiro, Oregon, and orders will be punctually mica. "P'- i '"" '.. ... u . a iuahi Notice. IS HEREBY given that on Saturday, the 22d of September, 186(1, 1 will aiteud at the office of tha Clerll or Claeaemae county, ana aid clerk will public Iv ex amine lha aeKtsment roll, and correct all errors : i ,ltt.riniioo.or oualitieaof land, lota. nr olher property, and it shall ba the duly af per- I . . -a Ihaei S Itviak tA nlaaM ont mteretiea 10 aPPe .. .... appointed. - ", ilaaeaaor of Clackamas Co. Aog. 24, 1 660. 8l3 BUPUIPP'S SALE. tv cibtiii' ..r an aicution to ma directed X5 by lha circuit court of Clackamae eounty, Oieg.Hi, ia favar of A. Caha & Co., and againat John Briebine, I have Mud upon all Uia right, title, and interest of aaid John Briebine ia and .1.. ..Il.:.. Arrihm real efUtO. tO Wit Oueloiiu Mnltnoinah City, and tha boikhnjjs thereoa, eooaiaiing of a ana atory frame dwell iug, aiiualed ia the rear ef tha property owned by O. C. Pratt, which I will aall ta Uia higheet !.. !.! . r. .r ttmrnh an tha Oram iaea aa Tueaday Ibe 2d day af October, i860, between tha hour af 10 i. . and J r. -, to aatiafy aaid axacntaa and casta aad aeereiog eeaU. JOII! THOMAS, Sheriff Clackamae Ca. Sept. 1.1 860-wl oivir KPTTt.F.MKNT. VTOTICE hereby given that M. M. Owen, XI admioiatrator el uw ewaie ma. a- vuj. dee d lal of Clackamaa Bounty, Oregon, haa filed hi account for final settlement, aad lha first Monday ia October at ia appointed fcr aa aminalina af tha me at tha mA- mOt ego. City ia aaid eaanty. By order af tha i Jadga f rrobata. "" - rVnr. i-lA Kxtra Notice. TO ALL WHOM IT HAY COSCERN, ON lha tret day af September, I860, Ilia books CHAR MAN WARNKK will k. eiaaed. and all note and Mcouula muat ba sallied T'lnhwiih by eaab or produta. All outness of lha 8rm prior ta lha above data will be tallied by A. Waaaia. Tha kuailiaaa hi. 1 1 I.. . , i . Tejo. CaatMaa. He bout I oflir euch laduca- --" win um your paironage, uelieviug at wa da thai lha artilil buaiuaa ia alike ruiuaue la both merchant and aoneuiner. Urn not forget your kllK.lried flirada. Hue l.im. u due. CHARHAS A VlAkWR Oregon City, Aug. ID, IBtiO. IDtf Justice! Justice! OLD A HE it bouud to be tha u xl Preaidml af Ilia Cuilad Mlalaa an.l IV P ni.'UKW haa b.-en apfioinlrd Juet ce of ilia Peace Ut Ur ttfon C.lr Driiuel. In la iwmiii ..llMnu of lha Uniou. All affinal buaiuea eulroatd I hiacar wijlba promptly anended lo. Ollice al Kepublienn lieaduiianera, first door north of A. Holbrooke law ollico, where ba will be fouoj wbca nut employed ia belter buaiuea at b a Wagon Shop, an door tooth of tho Poal Office, where he would be glad I de justice lo your old wagons, or eutip'y you wilh new nuee, aa iwl as lha beat, anil as cheap aa the clieapcet. Car fi in utUnr, fortcork. W. 1'. BURNS. Oregon Cily, Aug. II, I860. IMPORTANT TO SHIPPERS! ...THE SPLENDID NEW STEAMER... EI V A L. Hut Comaunced Her Regular 7Vf; DETWIKM OVAECOM CITY AND fORTLAMD, At Aedaced &atea. viz: Freight, each way, per Ion ( 1.00 g - .50 HER owners would niggett lo shipper and lha public caerally the importance of mi- romiiig ih RIVAL, as in a lie.nn- ihey will in sure a uniform and reaaonab!a rata of freighu aud pusang in luiurs. 't lha RIVAL waa not puidn iota trade wilh a view lo havine liar bought or raa off V ar Ihrrefora willing lo enter into cnnlraela for'nnevor more year wun any party or parnea at.Uie above rate., j. For further particulars, er bus'neK. p!ens c.iU en ihe following uuenls: W.C. DEMENT 4t Co., Urtgm t;iy, ll. LAW, tmllaHd, uroubuaid, where thu Captain will be htipi.y lo see you, and transact any business on Ihe lerma hemin men tioned. GEORGE A. PEASE. Oregon City, July H, IfcCU-U Cipttin. . CHARLES BARRETT, (old msT orricx.) PORTLAND, OO BUYS nil Hnd, nf FRUITS,. STRAWBERRIES, Chtrriit, Applet, j-c, de., sells all kinds of JVuit, Ortngtl, Figl, Raiiiru, Candit; Stationery, Newspapers, Periodi cals, .Novels, etc. j Airtnt for Iht San Francitca Bulletin nnd Alia Cult ftr tit. tht bttt paocr iiulilitlitd on tht I'trtfic (. , JT Alt kindt of Product bought and tofcf ea cemmi'atien. June 30m6 Notice. ALL persons indebted to W. D. IIUTCIIINS by uote or bnek account, are requested lo call on ll. II. SNOW, Lafoyttte, Oregon, and settle the same, aa he ia niv agent In transact all btMineta in this Mate, aahmgion lerrilnry, and Vancouver a Island. W. U. HUlLIHa. Oreiron Cily. July 21, 1860. in 3 KELLY'S TEMPERANCE HOUSE, Jlfuin at., tppotitt Gto. Abnntthy j- Co.'l, ORliGON CITY. n oon rooms fitted up wiih VJT CLEAN aud comfortable IIEDS, IBB' for lha erHcinl acconiiuodalion of thoa traveling public. Our UhMU II ALL ia the finttt in Orcein, our fare good, and charges reasonable. Mngle meals, ovater eupoers, aud tupnera far parties got upon ahort notice, in tha neatest man ner. raieatt , Board per week, without lodging, fjj 00 1 by the day, and lodgiuc, 1 SO Single meals, 0 flight lodging, 50 Oct. i, 1 8;)9. K. U. K ELLY, Trnprielor. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of an execution to ma d reeled by tha county court of Clncknmaa county, Oregon, in favor of John Morlrynnd against John wilhoit, and for want or personal property to sat Ufy suid execution, I have levied upon all the right, title, and interest of the said Wilhoit il and lo tha following real estate, lo wit: Tha east half or the aoutlienst quarter of secliou thirty-one (.11 ), and Ihe west ball' of the southwest quarter of sec tion lhirty-tw (112), in township five (5) south, rangu two (S) east j and tha northeast quarter ef III northeast quarter id erclioa ttx (6), townahip eix (n; south, range two ) east ; also the eaal half or thu touthwtst quarter of sect on thirty-one (31), township five (5) auuth, range two (3) sa.l, or the n illamette meridian, containing two hun dred aod eighty (380 52-100) acres, together wilh all tha buildings, improvements, dec, thereunto belonging, which I will tell al auction on the prem. i lo the highest bidder for cash ou i uesday me 25th day of September, I860, between tha hours of 10 a. m. aud J p m., I satisfy said execution and eorta and accruing cost. JOll.M 1 HUM A3, Aug. 25, I860-w4 Sheriff Claekamat Ct. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE af an execution to me directed bv Ihe circuit Court of Clackamaa county, Oregon, in favor of Charles Swegle and agamal Ceorgo W.Jackson, aud lor wantoi personal prop erty lo eniiafy aaid execution, I have levied upeu all lha right, title, and interest of the a.iid George W. JackwMi in and to the following- described real estate, to wit: The north half of claim Ho. 3H, as dea.gnaied in the surveys and plats of tha Uni ted b tales, being pari ol eeeuona iwaniy-inree f-i3) aud twenty-four t'U), townahip five (b) south, ranee one (I) east, eouuiuing three hundred and iweuly (32U) acn. together wilh all Ihe buildinca, unuery improvements, Jtc, thereunto be.oogi, whk h I will ofler for sale at auction lo Ih highest bidder for cash on Wedneaduy the 2Mh day of September, I06U, between Uia hours of 10 a. m. and 3 p. m , to aati-fy said execuliea and coals and accruing coats. Tb al will take place on the JOHN THoMAsi, Aug. 35, 1860-wt Sheriff Claekamat Ct. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTCK of an eieeutiaa In m directed by tha eoooiy eourt ef Clackamaa coamy, Oregon, ia laver of Cbarle Swegl and agaiaal George W. Jackaon, and for want of personal property to atafy aaid aeeotiaa, I faav levied upon all th right, title, abd iulereat tf Ih said l.eorg W. Jackson ia and la lb following de scribed real aatal, to wh: Thiulh half Of elaim Ihirty-eighl, lying in lowoeliip 6va (5) aooth, rang aae (I) eaa. in aeetioos Iwenty-lhre (33) , twemy fbor (34), twenty-nva (25). and twty-i (26), uniaining three handrad and twenty (33U) aerea, uignher with all Ui bu ldinga, improvemenU, ate, UuHMtHa kalorigiBg. wh ch 1 will aall at aneuoa I Ih highest bidder W fc h. tb a-emiaea, eel Wddly tha Skh fcy of Seateinoer, ISM, between th bean of 10 - m. aod I p. as, lo talaafT aud mti"'1" and eeM aad aoera-ag mmm; JOH.V TUOAJ. Aaf tt, I0-w4 Ct. Ctmtr Third tnJ Wttir t'rttti, tppttitt tht terry tending, OREGON CITY. THE traveling public ar respectfully jfX luviled to give me a cell f" The Oregon Jloua I Ih most pleas-allLUL sully loealed bold iu ih Klsie, aud liaa been to rrauged as la mek It on sf Ui muat ooumiodi ous home in the euuulry. THE TAULE will always b supplied with the best that the market i(Iia-ds. Uud acvuinmodalioii for ladies aaJ families. raieatt Hoard and lodging, ir week C 00 lloard, without lodging, per week 6 01) Hoard per day, wilh lodging 1.50 Knigla meal M Nighl't lodging 50 J. 0UEII.M, May 7, 1059. Proprietor. Reduced Prices Goods Cheaper than Ever ! N. BROWJY TAKES Ihis method of informing his friends aud lha public generally thai ha HAS 11EMOVED I a house nearly Opposite his old Stand, where b ba commenced businea with hi bro ther under the style of . Brown & Brother,''. who will always he- happy lo wait on their old ftieuJsaud customers in the way of allowing I hem Goods of tlie Very Best Quality, which, having oceu bought low in San Franc sco, fnun tli largest importer ia Cal.foiul, they are able to sell 4 . as cheap as 5 . CAN BE. SOLD i m IP.o ft land! '"'"' : '" - : ? t' -- Tlisy will alt eonsUntty raceiv . v Goods kby ETery Steamer, t Their stock consist of - ' . ' S ALL KINDS OF ; J : ' 11 OCDCj . DRESS GOODS, gentl'embn'S o. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ' Boots andShocs Hats ADlCap3, q aa b Ui si v aJXma) t aSfLJ Our main obi. ct hv thia notice It to iuform lire public that we lire bouud to tell good As low as they can be bought in Portland and no mistake. If this is doubted, we have only to ray, eall on 1 aatiafy youmelvea. Ludies and gentlemen will al ways be welcome, and will b waited oa with proniptaes. '.' To the Farmers, wi vtoVLD SAY Look for the sign of , v BRO BRO THER, and don't leave tpwa (ill you give ua a call. ALL KINDS 0F PRODUCE TAKEN in txehangt fufiQotdr. Oregon City, June 'IS. aCO". JE. COLE, (aBccaaso to w. n. iraNcaa,) ... Dealer in IRON, STEEL, AXLES, SPRINGS, Wagon Material, Mechanics' Tools, Ayricultural Implt I vieiit, ami FaoaT Stt .'. PUKTLAND. ORDERS SOLICITED. 62 AND FAMILY OEOCEEY JM33m FCUAttMAN wonld reepeet fully inform tho a peophtaf OREGON CITY, and tha pub lic generally, that ba is atill carrying on business at his old stand, where ha will keep on hand 1 Everything in his Line, ' , .ao or..i ymne vrov nrfiT aVAT.iTV II keeps constantly on ham! a large lot of DESIRABLE FAMILY GROCERIES, which h will tell at iu a they can ba bought at any ether h'.oaaj in town. Ne pain will be .ared t gir entire saliafae ll . .a fmnr him with a eall. All or ders will bt filled, with as mu- h promptness aud rairaesa aa persaBaJ presence win xcairo. PARTIES FURNISHED with evtrythtag ia hie line on the ahorteet atic WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER. Orrgoa Oty-...-.. ....... - Jan 1. 1560. PAlLKtEH air. sO., ......Dealer (n V Wattrtal Oenerally, 123 flange mi ttaet, cwvar at llerehsol, Ca rrsscisco. tTPrlaltfjar ItWit! to atalnt ma c nt ' aaa t ' Roman Eye Balsam, FOR WEAK f INFLAMED EYES. THIS BALSAM wa used" for many years in Ih privet predict of a celebrated Oculiet, with raiiMrkubl eucoces, fur diataaet ef Ih Ky and tyeh.ls. Ther ar many proii who would rather suffer from pain aad disras through li.'a, than credit or try Ih ellicaey of any mw d.acovaryt all such bad belter not read this, but lo all reaaona. ble persona Ihis preparation ia recominendtd aaa mot safe aud i fluclual cur for iulUmuialion of Ih K aud Kyel da, caused either by ton clue spplicalioe to minute object, scrofulous habit, ! P"ur lu cold, blows, contusion, or irritation fruin any eitruneoua bndy under the eyelids, ll i remaikabUly soothing In ItserTeci.and h i cured thousand ho would slharwi hav lost the ri((lil. lu cuaea ih KyeliiUar Influmed, or III ball af lha Eye thickly covered with blood, it ecu l aioat .k mug c and reimiv.-s all appeir.iiiuc nf iiillammalian alter two er three application. There is a uuinerou chits of persona that are pecu liarly iHand to aii idents or diseases that weaken and iiillaine III Kyea, and peihaps destroy the trlit. who, from th nature nf their enp'oynisnts, are cmnelled tuweik in a cloud afdua and aril. Such should never bs without this liALSAM. Keiiiaiiiber, ''foeing it Dilieving." l'r ce 85 cents per jar. Prepared anJ sold by A. It. et D. SANDS, Druggists, 100 Kulton stret, New York. K..rsl by II. Johnson 4iC. and Keninoroa k Ok rinn Kranc aeo; Idea A (lorria, Marysvillet R. II. .McDonald X Co , Suorameutoi and by Uruggiaia genenilly. JulySI-mJ SANDS' SARSAPARILLA, BEMEMllEK, THIS IS TUB Original and Genuino Article! ACtNOWLIDOID TO aa Tht Bfit Sariaparilla Ever JW Tr . THIS unr'vuled pnparallon ha perfnrmed torn if Ih most atonihing euros that are reoorded In th hielory of Med ciu. Tb rapidi ty with which th pat ent recovers Iloullli find SlrtnsOi under its influence iasurpriaing. Kach new raw in which il ia at plied furuiahea in the rosull a new eeil.lieaie of ila flicucy and excellence; and w have only to point lo Ilia accumulated testimony nf multitude who hnva eierieticel it bfnofici.il eH'ccta, lu convince the most incred ulous of its value. Do n d fnrg.'t to ask for Hands' Sarwiparllla. 9' Kor sal by II. Johnson St ('. anJ Rid iNOTun dt, I o , Bun Kraiwiaco; Rica 4c Corrm, .Murysvilte: U. II. McUoxald as. Co., Sncrnmeiitoj and by Drugg'sts generally. July it I m:i All Kinds of; Produce TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOB QOODS. AT BROWN & ISROTIIKll'S. j. r. ii Alston, WHOLESALE j- RETAIL DEALER IN General "'Merchandise, 'i uuw In receipt of ' ? NSW GOODS selected wilh much care in Sua Francisco. I hava just received ex Northerner and lltoihcr .luiirithaii, French, English, A AMERICAN PRINTS, lleacliej sheetings and long cloths, plain hatred muslin, do do snip muslin, Victoria lawn, browu sheetings fc shirtings, hickory stripe, denims, drills and ahip a duck. IRISH LINENS, linen damask, white damask, labia covers, Rus sian towela, and crash. ' F la H S B t( white, vellow, red, rry, fc blue, plain and twill ed, pluin fc figured aatiul, jauca, cottonades, weol liuaey beautiful tt) lea blankets, whitu, red, blue, grey. II oaloryi Indies', misses', and cliildrrn'e brown, slate, and mixed hura geuls' aud boys' wool aud cotton talf bote. Boots and Shoes: a large lot gents' fine, medium, and coarse boots 4 shoes, Indies' and misses' calf ahnct, gaiters, fc dippers, boys' bout shoes, children' ahoea, fuuey ami plain. Ha rdwarc : Pocket knives, pruning and bud ding knives, knives and forks, scissors and shears, butts and screws, strap hinges, door locks, variety ol styJe3 ana patterns, hand saws, tenon saws, compass saws, bench planes, chisels, au- ers, anger bitts, axes, liatcliets, ammers, shovels, hoes, potato rakes, brads, tacks, finishing nails cut nails, wrought nails, horse nails, &c. Sugars, coffee, lea, eyrnp, suit, splcea, soap, soap powders, caudles, salcralus, yeast Kwdera, cream tartar, aod, aal aoda, iinlifn, clothe pins, scrub hrushea, paint brushes, brooms, (lust brushes, hand bellows, wooden pails, wash tub.-, aud wash board. PAIJYTS $ OILS: White lead, red lead, Ven. red, Pruexian blue, chrome yellow, chrome green, biirnl aud raw urn- Del, yellow a, uiuca paini, vannyae orown, . u. Sienue and assorted oolored smalls, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil, rolar oil. Isrd oil, fish oil, tanlier' il, China nut oil, &.C , k.e. We will b receivinirby vcrv tamer ddi- linns to our ireartt esleilslve stock, and FAItM- EltS and otlier will find il lo their advantage to call and eaamiua our poods and prirna before buy ing elsewhere. Termt, OJUB. J. It. RAIXTUN, Corner Main d Fifth f. Oregon Cily, October !, 18j3. Si littdics : TV TOU WISH ....AT A LOW.PRICE..tt BE 61RE TO CALL AT TUB STORE OF BROWN BROTHER. i. ft, BAUTO.I, wnoLEtan " amit biaui is GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Center Vain Fifth SlrUt, Otnolt CITT, rMW. STOVES, STOVES, At Portland Prices t II. MILWAIDT, WIIOLESALK AND RETAIL DEALER, Malu Street, opposite Ilia V. 9. Hotel, OREGON CITY, IMPORTER OK COOK, Parlor aud Boa Stove, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Coppar, Planished aod Japanned War, Hoiise-furn shing llsrdwsre, Foro aad Lilt Tump Mubbac llue, llydrauho Rama, Lead Pipe, Wheel Zinc, Cauldron Kettles, Braat Ket Ilea, Sk.lleta and Bake Oveus, Caw Us Us, Sauce Pane, dtc, dre. Also, MANUFACTURER of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, of every dencriplion. Steamboat aud Jobbing work dona al Ilia low, eel rale. aplGy -No More Mills Burnt f MR. BOOTH Dt-aa Si 1 1 have now la our Mill oo of your Ctntrt Fttd Firt-prtof SMUT MACHINES, put up twn wek ago. I ean y that I consider It Ih greatest Improve ment in this ola of machinery that hasouinc an der my notice. Tho danger from fir by fr.ctiod aud duel, common to the on in general use, ia completely obviated. T he dual aud dirt, hereto fore to annoying lo me, ia now effectually rem edieJ. That part of tha mill before occupied by lha Smul Machine ia now a clean a any pari of th mill. 1 can tay that it i th beet uurar of grain I ever taw. Th improvement ia Ih qual ity of flour will be ut one discovered J in tact, Ih great chaug produced in (very reaped i In deed a very great one. I would aay that I have had iu mill previous to thia a machiue that cut the grain very much, but thia doe not cut a kernel, and dnea not remiire hnlf lb power. Your ua cliio will oertainly take Ilia preference ia thi Slat, aud I would aay ou the Pacific coast A. J. Chamum. IaLND Mill, Oregon City, May !4, I860. WM. MASTERS, Agent, Prond, Orrfa. So the SsXUlors of this State 1 You will never regret trying Ihis Smut Mill.- Yeu can eall and sea how thi clean wheal, be fore purchasing. I have the only one in Oregon, at present, but they , can sonn ba obtained. I would eay that my flour haa haj a great rcputa lion ia Ih laat two years, aud I am euliefied by lha use of this smut mill thai il will atill make aa improvement iu ih Dour, If any can be nudei A.J. CHAPMAN. Oregoa City, May 20. 18G0. 7tf SIMILKAMEEN GOLD MINES, HAVE TURNED OUT SX. JEK 1LJ MB MLJ 0X3 I BUT TUB " Eaglo Boot & Shoo Store " IS NO UUMIiUU I HEKE YOU CAN FIND THE STUFF that will aland the tare aud wear. It pros pools well, for I raise the color awry pan, and if the limes were only a little brisker, I lliiuk that it would pty very well; and if you don't boliov il, juel camo and buy a p ilr of U OTS, after you try them oa, for I llavo Jhiat Received A NEW ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, or The Latest Stylo aud Fashions nni.' flu aewed French cnlf hoots, also nmrped culf hoots and shoes nf all sorts and aixea ; Indies' kid, murocoo, enamel and cloth gaiters, eilk elui tic Cuiiaress-liccl gaiter, misaes' guilcl and ahoea of every Hunt, coarse nua nua j noya anoes ui ev ery kind that ia mentioned iu my rhyme; chil- ..If ...1 nnimar bind alloiai ! iadie Bil l children IIOS15 of all iws, while, brown, and fancy Miller Walef-rrodf UUAt-lviUi J. S.'Masuu's lllackingi Kliocuinker' FliltlinzS Pegs, awls, hammcrSf thrcnJ, wa, naila, and shoe-knives. Thankful for put patronage, I respectfully so Unit a ennliniiaiica of Datrouat'e fruin niv old cus tomers and a many new ones a choose to nome. Ladies and gentlemen, give me a call, young ana old, great and small, brave and bold, for I will h ready und happy lo Wail on you all, and in partic ular th ladu I like lo see thorn come to pay mi a visit. Itcmemuer Iho pluee Two Doart Eatt tf Brown 0 Brother, fulii street, OrcROii Clljrt Ladies and eVntlemail, I assure you that I can sell yuu boots and shoes as Cheap as any house i it ..... . i ,i luwn, ar a Hill cheaper lor cam aowu. omen prnlit and quiok sale, that is the talk that telle the tale. tnylD J. MOON El. COFFINS CM. KESTER, Undertaker, WOULD inform Ih people or Oregon City and viciuily that tit will keep a supply of Heady-made Coffins, of all sizes, constantly on hand' it will ulna keep a nd will be prepared to attend ta all the necesiary .. .i i .. .... i ui. it... business 01 llltierais oonneoieu wun uia iimv. Shop near the seminary. tW Custom from the country it respectfully aolxiicd. Jun.23,U60. Justice's Office, OREGON CITY. AM always on hand, and will attend to tha COLLECTINO OF ACCOUNTS, Drawing tip of Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Bonds, Powers ot Attorney, Contracts, fcc, and all other business committed lo my care. Office directly eppotilt the Mannte Uuilding. June 16, 18(iuf J. . Ul'UFORD. BOOKS! BOOKS! A T TUB OREGON CITY BOOK STORE, anniiftlnf of. .. Standard Religious, Miscellan. - . . s J eous, and l'oetical works, Waverly and Dickens's Novels, fec, &c. Stationery, of all lcind. etc. April 88 D. D. STEPII ENSON. J. D. FA INTER, (ute o'nrsai a, mxTte) Type, Presses, Printing Material, l aper, vaius, And Print Stack gtnamtty, 133 CUy ttiaot, w fcatwma, 4J.! Baa tnAnevou, Ctf, M Sim: m ffmi to 49 ,n rofb, is h'n Hat.