The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, September 15, 1860, Image 2

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    W. Zk Adams, Bditor.
m.:. .
Republican Ifomlnatioue.
"or Prtilitnt,
Aor Vict Pre tide t,
or mains.
for Prtudtntul EUcttrt,
T. J. I)va. B. J, riMii, W. II. Wati
Attack Ikt Httktiltl CaaTtrrac.
Tli rrtIiiD(l Xewi contains in attack
-upon the Oregon Conference recently hold
in that fit the object of which seem to
be to get st Kc. Mr. Pesrne, the editor
of tho 1'iciDe Christian Advocate. This
attack is baud upon the publication In that
paper of part of a pastoral address, in
which the preachers at the Conference
pledged themsolres to their religious du
ties, ind to know nothing among their
flocks "sare Jems Christ and him cruci
fied" and in laboring in their profession
to spread that glorious news of peace on
forth and good will to men, to war against
sin, and to labor to extirpate that curse of
our nation, Slavery. Such sentiments and
declarations seem to have raised the Ire of
a gentleman who appears to have come to
this const clothed with the ministerial dress,
whose principal object seems to be to bold
up the beauties of Slarcrjr, as mors!, re
ligious, and industrial Institution and, in
doing so, to electioneer for Krcckinridge
and Jo Lano.
Strange as it mar sound, there seems to
be an admitted understanding between the
Slavory missionary and the Southern
Disunion party, that, under certain circum
stances, this Union Is to be divided, and
that Oregon is to be hung on as a tail to
the Southern confederacy and this Stare
breeding preacher hero Is to bring about a
stato of foiling lliut will induce our people
to adopt the patriarchal institution. The
United States South are all to be Stare
States, aud Oregon as one of them must
also be a Slavo State. That ia the pro
gramme of the Breckinridge Disunion lead
ers, and this reverend slave-'propagnting'
missionary Is one of them. Occasionally
his articles, as lu the case under consider
ation, appear in the News.
The position of the Methodists of Or
egon on Slavery ia generally this: with
their Illustrious leader, Joirx Wasur, now
in Heaven, they believe " Slavery the sum
of all human villainies;" as such they oro
opposed to It; they are opposed to it in re
grd to themselves and their children; they
are opposed to it as unjust to humanity,
to Christianity; they regard all men as hu
man beings, as redeemed by the same Sa
vior, and bound to the same ultimate des
tiny as themselves and they desire for nil
the sumo privileges of learning their duty
to thciniclves, their fellow men, and to their
Ood, that they rejoice in enjoying. They
do not want Slavery planted iu Oregon;
and they are opposed to the insinuating
way in which the slave-Uririug missionary
Is laboring. But they do not desire to In
terfere with other States or other commu
nities In regard to Shivery. The citizons
of tho Sluvc Stules are responsible for their
slave Institutions. We are responsible for
our free institutions, aud for their continu
ance. Wo do not believe that tho attacks of
tho News npou tho members of the Meth
odist Conference will result to tho benefit
of tho Slavery party. Thoso men who en
joy tho Hible, the Sabbath, the institutions
of religion, who " can sit lu security under
their own vine aud fig-tree," are willing !
tlmt others, without distinction of shade.
or color, or nntion, shall enjoy tho sniue
glorious privileges.
- Tho slave-breeding parson to whom we
bare alluded has probably mistaken his
calling. " Follow mo, and I will make
you Fithert of men," uttered by tho di
vine founder of tho Christian religion, was
hardly intended to license the traffic ia tho
bodies and souls of human beings.
MJ Pelu.ion is defending Yancey, tho
Disuuiou scoundrel. This ia natural, and
was to bs expected. Yancey wautcd "to
precipitate the cotton Stales into a revolu
tion' and divido tho Uuioii about a year
ago, but now, expecting to bt whipped in
tno detent 0r Ins candidates, Breckinridge
and Lane, is crying ptecati. Just iu
proportion as the Republican party whips
out Brcckiuridge and Lane, just so much
will Yancey, Keitt, DreckinriiW Lane 4
Co. shrink from the carrying out of their
P.aunioii projects.
I2r The Corvallia Uuion has letters
from Washington as lute as July loth, I
loriuing the editor that Breckinridge and
i.ane were certain to be elected. Toor
Slater gravely publishes tho letter! Now
ho knows this is all gammon. There ia not
a acnsibU man In the uation who has aa
idea of the success of the Breckinridgo Die
uuion ticket.
W The Oregon Democrat copiei an
article from a California paper denouncing
tie Irian, because they are disposed to sup
port Douglas. The Irish would be good
fcllowi " inlirtlf if they would go lor
BreckiwrUlge aud le and the intM
nf alarer
Ula AirttIUralfttWi.
The annual meeting of the State Agri
cultural Society was held at Salem, com
mencing oo the 10th and continuing till
near noon of the 12th. We will briefly
state what we understand has been done at
the meeting. The constitution was so ar
ranged that hereafter elections are to be
held biennially after the present election, on
the third Wednesday of September com
mencing la 1802; that the officers then and
oew to be elected are to enter upon their
duties oa the first Monday of January af
ter they are elected, to hold their offices
for two years and until other officers are
elected and qualified. 0. C. Ilobblns,
Esq., was elected President the Coma
ponding and Recording Secretaries were
re-elected. Other officers were elected, a
list of which we will give next week.
It will be recollected that the State Fuir
was to be held the present year in Linn
connty, bot no preparations having been
made there fur the Fair, the meeting, by
resolution, determined to hold the Fair in
Clackamas county the present year. Sub
sequently, this resolution was re-considered,
onder the belief that there wss not timo
the present season to get up a Fuir credit
able to the State and the Society, and the
Society adopted a resolution expressing
their opinion that the Fair should be held
la Clackamas county next year, provided
the citizros of suid county would furnieh
convenient grouuds, with the necessary
fixtures, etc.
The new officers will go into office aud
hold a meeting in Sulem on the first Mon
day of January next, and it will bo neces
sary for our citizens to make arrangements
for the accommodation of the Society, so
that they can hold a Fair iu this city, and
present a guarantee to the President previ
ous to the laid January meeting.
We believe Hint the constitution as
amended ii in ample working order, and
that a Fair will be got up next year near
this city which will bring thousands of peo
ple here from California and every portion
of tho State, and which will do distin
guished honor to Oregon. There will be
on exhibition our best cattle, horses, hogs,
sheep, farm products, textilo fubrlcs, needle
work, aud other handiwork of the Indies,
collections of minerals, machinery of nil
kinds, agricultural Implements, and other
articles of mechanism, etc., etc.
Efforts will be mndo to render tho coin
ing Fair a great success, and to seenro for
it the confidenco and support of all tho in
dustrial iuterests of our St.ito.
We congratulate our cit'zens that the
first Onrcox State Fair is to bo held in
Clackumas county.
Gk. Hsnxmr to ns Thiko ! A dis
patch received at Ynka, and by mail nt
Sulem, announces that Qen. Harney is to
bo tried by Court Martial for his conduct in
relation to the San Juan Island occupation.
Tho fear is expressed that President Buch
anan and hia Democratic cabinet may ccdo
San Juan to the English, if not the whole
of Washington Territory. Buchanan, it
wnl be recollected was mainly instrumental
in ceding the territory from Int. 49 to 54
40' to the British.
I6T It is understood that poor Slater
of tho Corvullis Union will, after the elec
tion, return to bis first love. Whilo in II
i . i ....
mum, uuu liner, ii is Known mat no was
an ardent friend of the " nigger race."
And if he did not assist the negro, when
running nwuy from his master, ns ho hud
opportunity, woaregrcutly mistaken. Can
you lay your right hand on your heart, and
your left on " the book," and sny thai this
is not suf
The Democrat denies that its edi
tor 'ever contemplated voting for Lincoln.'
We ore glad to sen this denial. It will re
move the misgivings of many honest Dem-
wrnU who are disposed to voto for Lin-
coin, but who would not thus vote in com
pany with Delusion Smith. Thank you,
Mr. Smith, for relieving them from em
barrassment. I We bclicvi it was Humphrey
Marshall who said that if a Republican
were elected President, he would want no
better office than that or tollgatc keeper on
the bridge across the Potomac, to receive
toll from the Virginians who would come
up to get office under tho new administra
tion. 6rGn. Shields lately arrived in
California, having made the trip overland.
We should bo glad to welcome the gallant
Geuersl to Oregon, as he was our first
Governor under the Territorial organiza
tion, having held the appointment three
days. i
i ,. i j
Schools. Attention is called to the
advertisements of Pacific University and
Bethel Collegiate Institute, in another
column. These institutions are too well
known in Oregon to require an extended
notice at our hands.
IW Coon's Chronicle, under the sole
'conduction' of Coon, makes an apology
for Its 'wretched' condition last week.
What may we not expect next week oa
accouut of the state of its last issue?
19 The Corvallia Uuion has the can
dor to tay that " Josephine comity ia large
ly Republican." We ire looking for large
accession! in thai county.
Delusion ha regularly read Judge
Williana oat of the Democratic party
The Jadge tend Delation oat several
soothe s;wa,
Vrass Malta.
CorrpooJeno f lie Arg us.
Sauk, Sept. 12, 1800.
Our city has this wet k been the theater
of uuunuul InUrca. The session of tht
Legislature for the purjw of electing two
U. S. Scuatori aud transuding other bus!
ncss pertaining to the varied and pressing
necessities of the State, has bronght ns a
lurge crowd of visitors. Besides members
elect to the Legislature, govcruiueot offi
cials, editors, reporters, lobby members,
and Interested spectators of transpiring
events, we Lavi rather an unusual force
comprised in tho list of "candidates for the
U. S, Senate." The 'candidates' ere oil
marshaled under either the YuuccyiU', the
Douglas, or the Lincoln luniier. I have
not been able to nreertain the precise nun
Ler belonging to each cluss, but, - from the
best count I am able to make of this dodg.
ing, drumming, aud very patriotic host,
there must be about twenty-seven of them,
about equally divided between the three
great parties. I notice that tho great ma
Jority of them arc- " Old Orcgoniuns," and
offer this is a reason among sundry second1
ary ones why they should be sacrificed on
the Senatorial altar. But I have noticed
that while these aspirants arc professedly,
decidedly, and pos.tivcly for an " Old Or
egoniun," tho qualification loses all its
furce so soon as it is proposed to unite upon
a particular man. Each candidate is quite
sound upon the " old" quulificntion as lung
as the thing is used iu a general,
with a fuir prospect of a particular per
tonal application but the moment su
effective union ia proposed upon I ho
"old" ba.-is, and the particular " Old Or
egoniun" is proposed us the person to
be offered up upon the altar of his country,
it becomes apparent that the qmilificutiou
has no particular churm unless it designates
me. The fact is that among a majority of
the nopirants of all parties, I have thought
I discovered a stronger desiro to promote
self than to advance the interests of the
country. There may be a magnanimous
exception or two to this rulo, but I think
as a general tiling, that the aspirants for
high positions here, havo iu their late brief
io fiih camr bicn unfortunute in trying to
s.t t.'.euiselves up before our peoplu as
patriots to be promoted hereafter for qtiul
ificnti( os of a b'gh ordi r of any kind. We
have heretofore been cursed enough with
demagogues, and I should hope tlmt with
a change of administration we should ha
a purer mid healthier political,
What is in the future, I know not, but I
do know tlmt tho only radical cure for the
evils suggested, is in setting the prop'e rigl
upon the true relations tlmt exitt between
this nnd that man's advancement, and the
interests of the country,
Tho Horssj organized last Monday with
no difficulty. The fusion of Republicans
and Douglas men was complete tho vote
standing 15 Yanceyites to 21 Republicans
nnd Dnmrlas Democrats. Tho fullowin
officers were elected Speuker, B. F. Har
ding (Pern.); Chief Clerk, T. Me F. Pat
ton (Rep.); Ass't Clerk, II. W. Allen
(Dcin.); Enrolling Clerk, J. B. Tichcnor
(Dem.); Scrg't-ut-arms W. K. Leverage
(Dem.)j Door keeper J. U. Brown
Tho Senato met on Monday with 14
members present. A resolution wns passed
to go into an election for permanent officers,
with Mr. Llkins of Linn in the choir
The Donglus men nominated Copt. Tich
enor for President, nnd the Lnno men nom
inated Mr. Elkins who u a Douglas Dem
ocrat, but as it was the best they could do
to use him. The Senate balloted some
time with tho snme result for Tichenor T,
Elkins 1 when they adjourned till Tues
day morning. In tho meantime, tho Lnue
men seeing Hint the Senate would probably
organize, held a caucus and concluded to
br euk up the Senato by leaving it and des
troying the quorum. Tho following men
aro said to have gone home Tuesday night,
but the supposition is that they are lurking
around Suntium City woitimr for runners
to inform them of what ranv occur : Brown
of Linn, FitJ.ugh of Douglas, Florence and
Monroe of Lane, nnd Mclteny of Benton.
Besides these, Berry of Jackson is said to
be in the city, but he hides himself and
cannot he found. On Tuesday, the Sen
ate mot with with nine members less than
n quorum and proceeded to a permane
organization by electing the following
cers: President, Luther Elkins JfJem.),
Chief Clerk, Peebles (Dem.), ATcitrk,
W. B. Daniels (Rep.), Enjsfling Clerk,
J. S. Ryncarson, ( Rep.srg't-at-anns,
Richard Barker, (Dcusjy Door Keeper,
J. Brown (Dem.) XThis mornini?
Kelly, of your connty, appeared nni
claimed his seat, which was granted him.
J. R. McBrido offered a memorial from
Wm. Lognu who contests, which was ta
bled. As matters now Btand, it is very
doubtful who gets the seat in fact, every
thing is in doubt. The Dongbis men have
just informed tho Ropublicaua that it is uo
longer in their power to do anything for
them, and that the Republicans are at lib
erty io loot out for any new alliance, if
they chooso. Tho fact is, neither the
Republicans nor Douglas men seem to
harmonize on a Senator. Nesmith and
Williams both urge their claims on their
rarty both are stulbom, and no com
promise seems likely to be affected. I think
a desr majority of the Republicans ere for
Baker, but present indications are that,
while Baker may be defeated on the ground
of hia being a m Oregonian, no old
Oregouian can combine strength enough to
elect him In canew If he or t no Col Ba
ker should get it in caucus, he has a gsunt-
let 10 run on joint bsllot, the result of
which is very uncertain, considering the
ndxed complexion of our legislators.
The Lane men may come back, and both
branches of tho Legislature may go to
woik. Hut I am certain they never will
come bsek till they see their way clear to
either prevent any election of Scnutors, or to
elect at least one of the Lone Society.
Difficulties an In the way of their doing
this, yet they tuny be overcome. Some
here pretend to say the Lane men ire
willing to give the Republicans both
Senators but this is merely a gull trap to
catch softs and defeat on election.
Some incendiary tried to Ore this city
Tmntlsy night lust. A quantity of dry
rubbhdi was placed in an old paint shop In
the southern part of the city, and fired.
Tho fljines were discovered at daylight
Tuesday morning, and extinguished after
they had burnt through the roof. A few
moments later and the whole block on the
cart side of Main Street would bare prob
ably been consumed.
The State Agricultural Fair has bctm
meeting in this city. Some important
amendments hare been made to the constitu
tion, one of which is a reduction of tho
initiation fre to one dollar. Mr. Robbins
of Portland was elected Presidcut, with a
vico president from each county. The only
ones I remember are Win. Dawson of Yam
hill, Amos Harvey of Polk, and Judge
Thornton of Benton. No Stute Fuir will
be held this year, it being thought to be loo
lute in the season. The Society recom
mended the board of mnnogcrs to hold the
fair next year at Oregou City. You will
no doubt get if, tinris some other plact
thould make a ttronger bid.
Yours In haste, 'Law.
CLeit, 8rpi. 18, 1RO.
Ilneis. Acronlinv Io lh iivifen of LrvinlnCvt
txxlum, Mr. C .N.Terry. Clntl Ct. k of Site hut
miiin, called the liou-e lu oidcr, unit on mol oa
of .Mr. Unity, uf Douglui, Mr. A. C. Oiblx win
choorn Fptnkcr pra-lrm.
On muiiun of Air. 1'orkrr of Murion, Mr. C.N.
Torry wm i-lioarn Chief Uoik pn-ttm.
On moiiun, the Irmporary r-paukcr appointed
Mean. 1'aikrr, (iinlv. llaidine. Mats, and
Iff nclnr.l coimnillen on eie.U n l h). Tlio llou-o
llirn adjourned until 2 o'clock r. Ji., at which lime
tho eunimiiu-o - rrqux ed lurrimrl numrt of
mrinlien enlii!d to vu. Tho rrport was
uiii!ii.nnuly a.'o,ilrd.
Mr. uuilar innv. d that Ilic hoaae proceed to a
perm inrnl organization.
Mr. lOi'lirana mur.d lhat Iho nalh of ufhVo
fhould bo iidniiiiUertil prrvloua to providing to
miauum. -jhe feocrrlary ursiale Ixing eull.-d in,
the omliofollioo o accor Jingly Ldmaiiaternl to
the mrmt'en.
Mr. Holler's motiim, p-ovid'nj fer a permanent
organization, was theu called up an I paed
Mr. CocIimo nominated Mr. llmjnmin SLirk.
of Miihnnnuh, for Speaker. Mr. (Sutler nomina
ted Mr. U. K. Harding, of Marion, for the Mine
iffio.-. Mr. Siaik received IS 0Ue Mr. H.irdny
leeeired SI voiea. Mr. Hard no; was Ihen
dcelared du!y fleeted, and at once atenined the
rerpniuib'e pueilion of Speaker of the lluure of
Krpreat-mulivea of the Sute of Oregon, Chief
virin, i. iiicr. i-aiion; Aw eiant Cleik. II. W,
Alien; unrolling I lerK, J. II. I ichenor, Serjeant-
at-anm, W. Leverage j Door Keeper, Henry
Esiat!. The Senato failed to complete an
Moesre. Liilher F.ik iw, an t William Tichenor
wero lite eandtdatee for the Presidency oftha
annuls, j no vow win a lie. AUierluer.
lho standing committees in tho
House are as follows:
Judiciartj Gibbs, Ilolbrook, Crsndall,
uiiniingion, uuziey.
M'ujii and Means Stark, Cochran
Claima Butler, Tate, Bnihy.
Education Starkweather, Morton, Vi
Military JfutrtKedn, Crawford,
Iioads and WghicaysTatkcr, Walker.
Engrossed Dillt Bowlby.
Worth. J
Enrolled Bill Trenchnrd.
Indian Afuir.i'Sfvtv), Hill, Conycrs.
Printing Mays, White. Cram.
Corporation Cowles, McCullv, Miller.
CnimrrfeMorton, Stark, Trunchurd.
Countiet Eddy, Curl, Crum.
Election! Oilinorc, Tate, Butler.
Evening Mirror. This is the title of a
new daily paper lately started in San
Francisco by Dagget, Rutherford, &
Foard, late of the Golden Era. The
Mirror is issued in octavo form, and is well
Oiled with entertaining reading matter.
The daily is 25 cents a week, nnd tho
weeklyJiB yonr. Charles Barrett, of the
NewVvepot. Tortland. is nsrent for the
. . a
WiM Stages Have been rnnniu
daily tho past week between here and
Eugene City, and from hero to Portland.
To day they commence carrying tho mail
under the late act of Congress establishes
daily mail from Sacramento to Pttget
wr leurn mat 1'ror. eweif oas
eT4jsbed a musical school in Dortlnnd
for the purpose of teaching closes vocal
and instrumental music. Prof Jewell is
well known in Oregon as a ssfceessful teach
er, and we hope he will 6e amply patron
ized hy the citizens of Portland.
Seed Sower. Our furmers who want
a labor-saving machine, will certainly read
tho advertisement of a seed sower, in
another column. From what we have seen
of its operations, we feel inclined to recom
mend its nse. .
WThe mail steamer reached Portland
Thursday morning, with dates to the 98th
of Ang. from the East. We are indebted
to Tracy & Co., and Charles Barrett,
Portland, lor lata papers.
W Capt N. B. IngulU, the active and
obliging agent of Tracy A Co.'t Express
in tbut city, keep, u andcr continual oh-
ligation (er favejra
iewt fret
Tin RtrcBMcsK Stt Cohncktiom or
Nrw York. Syracuse, August 23-Tho
Ili-publicaii State Convention met In tlua
i-ily yesterday at noon, aim orKamxru, wim
Julio a Cook for President. The Hon, E.
I). Morgan and Robert Campbell, the pro-
sent lncumuti, were ny acciumation imin
luated for Governor and Lieutenant Gov
J. H. names was nominated for Canal
r,imm!s:onir. and James R. Hates for
Ktato Prison Inspector. William Cullen
IJryant andJunnfO. rutrmm were ap
IMlil .ted Electors at lurire. The resolutions
endorso the plotforio of the Chicago Con
vention, and rutity IU nomination mr i res
ident and Vice President j eulogize the
Administration of Gor. Morgan, and njK-1
the charge of corruption agalnat the Leg'
bdnture asscrtinir that not a measure
which has been characterized aa unjust aud
corrupt could have passed the Legislature,
without the unanimous vote of Democratic
members. The resolutions relate almost en
tirely to locul affairs.
The New Tork Herald lierine quit Dreck.
inridse hul week, and (otto back to Hell, It now
gt-ttmx tweet Upon Lincoln. II fill probauiy
mub gits h m a touch s it enppoil
The Natloual Intelligencer haa come ent in
one of the long, pondoroue fonr eoluina artlcleo
(r bich it i celebrated, ia which, by oikiiaiv
eitnicu Own tht eueeehes of i(reckiurid ora
lots, aud lh file of Ureck'mr ilje paper, II
faaieus the charge of Lluuniouieiu oa the sup-
pollen of geullemaa.
Senator Ilrigtit hte returned from a 'it'i tt
Indiana, and reporie UrecSiuil Ige gaming atreugth
in that (Stale, bol Irut lis elecloul vote will uo
doubiedly ho given fer Lincoln. On I h ether
liuud.lien (' re.orli Ohio and M ob'gan all
nu fire with ontbuaiajin tor Douglas.
Quite a number of roetmaatera, ihroot-hout
the L ilian, aro utideralood lu bs beliiiiilhnnd with
Ih.-ir acoouuia. The Dcpinmcnt haaneolvwl,
if they fail to pay on demand, to m.tilute ciiiiuuul
proceeding) aganiot (hem.
A despatch frem Arkansas rave thai Rector,
Ilia Independent can tidal for Governor, waa
lecled by 3,000 majority.
Pepeyater Ogden (American) decline! being
a i-iiid dato on the Douglas electoral I ckel of
New York, unlet with the dist'net undemanding
that lie uiy vol for Hell aud bvetott.
The Filibusters la nomSaraol
N'ew Orlenna, August Si). The sch'oner Ara
minion, from Ruutan the 9th of Auguet, briugo
lho crew of the schooner L'hfion, reeenily cap.
tuied from Walker by tho Britieb. (-u. Wa ll
er lumled at Trinillo on lho iih, and tok poa
tn'.na of the town. Only on cvu was find by
the inope, by which two of WelUr'e were
woui.Jid. Ureal iciteinent pteva.leit.
K U'ethincton detpateh anye Ihnt the Cor
ernment iailelenn nel Io concentrate etiouf oa
vul force at tome point on th Gull of .Mexico.
Tl frigate SuUehanua edila lo-i'iy. Hie Tow
haian w ll lenv J'hilaiielphia aoonj aed apt cial or
dri hive been tent the frigate Sabine nl Atpin
wall, and the St. Louie at 1'eutaeola, to meet it a
The ileatiiialion of the Suwpelianna had been
Hied for Ihe Melilerranean, but h ie t en sudden
ly changed for Gulf of Men co. Walker ami fili
butt, ri-m are euppoaed to bo the moving oawe of
all lli.sniusieriiig in the Gulf.
Xew Goons! Dannciibuutu ti Aeker
man, of this city, have just received a lurge
stock of Dry Goods, of all kinds, and also
a lot of Groceries, all of which they pro
pose to sell at Portland prices. They
particularly desire the ladies to cull on
them, and sec their new stock of Gne dress
19" We learn that a man by the name
of Linn wes arrested in Portland the other
evening on a chnrgo of horso stealing
brought against him by some one in the
neighborhood of the Dalles.
82T J.W. Sullivan, tho celebrated News
Agent at San Francisco, is on hand again
with a large supply of the best and latest
magazines, pictorials, papers, &c
JsS- Where is W. L. Ilurper! Tho P.
M. at McMinville writes us tlmt he has
left that vicinity. Mr. Harper owes ns
$7 for subscription.
tSrThe census marshal of Douglas
county estimates the population of tlmt
comity to be 3,200.
BSf Oregon City this week suffers a
loss of one of its fuirest jewels.
JST Coon's Express nt Rostburg has
' winked out.'
From ictoria. We are under obli
gations to Capt. James Strang for a copy
of tho British Colonist of Sept. 5, from
which wo take the following:
Capt. Jamison, well known throughout
Oregon ns a successful stesmbontroan,
has just laid the keel for a new side-wheel
steamer, to run between Victoria and Port
Douglas. The vessel will be 120 feet Ion?.
20 feet beam, and 5J feet-hold. She is
being built in the neighborhood of the
Songish village, and is tho fourth steamer
in process of construction in our harbor.
Tho Pacific left for San Francisco yes
..i -, i . ... .
ay wiin auoui 4U passengers. Wells,
& Co. shipped by her $34,803 in
The stesmer Wilson G. Hunt left for
the river at eight o'clock last eveninrr. hav-
ing on board about forty passengers one
Jmlf of whom were bound for the Rock
Creek mines.
The steamer Caledonia Ic to be nlaperl
on vne route between this point and .New
r cscminsier.
bhockino Accident. We learn from
the Vancouver Chronicle thnt a shockiug
accident occmed in that vicinity on the
29th ult. It appears that a Mrs. Grey had
set fire to a large tree in close proximity
to the house in the morning, and during
tne coming night, after she had retired
with her child, she was startled by the
eracking of tl tree, whenseiaieg the child
she attempted to escepe. Tie tree fell
npoo the boose, croshiug it to atoms, kill
ing the child, and severely injuring the
woman. The neighbors kindly rendered
all necessary assistance.
I.tcatASixe Coxecxmox or Cotton.
It is estimated that the additional number
of eotioa) spindles which will be pnt in
operation In England and the United
States, in 1861, compared with the present
year, wiil consume 80,00fl bal-s of cotton.
Douciai U. OaoMuThe iJL
Confederacy I the leadiug Doeg
In Georgia
It labors with ..... . V
advance bis IntereaU aud to occurs kin iu
- a'-atlfsju
v oiaif, 4everuitltss,
tor U doubtful of the result. Hi fee,T'
election of Lincoln Is Inevitable; j
that eveut be la for disuuioa! v
him i .tv
But if the worst docs come: IfLi.
ia elected, let Hi with on heart nJ T.
forget the pan, ako oo oit or tiii
" - . inuuii ma blieki i,
come Into power, and allew them UMr.
us, tiny will, In four short years, ijjj?
mortal sting upon Slave7 fromtbicTI
will never recover. We must betpemdt it.
Ukiom CiTr.-Thia la the name ofia
bryo eity at the bead of Hood's Csasl
cently laid oat and mapd. It ltr
boasts a well stocked store and termi
dwellings, with others in contempliti,.
The principal advantage claimed for tL
new town is the extreme fertility of tht
on all aides adjacent to it, said t be
large in extent and easily cultivated. At.
other advantsire ia its accessibiin fa
Steilacoorn, Olympia, Orey'a IUrlw
being from eighteen to thirty miles fm .l!
points named, with good roads. ilf
Hound Herald.
On Wedni-eday evening, 8ept. ", (,su, u .
reaulrnc 01 the Oriilee rather, L'harlta P
E., by Hev. 1). Itu.lede, Dr. Ittc, i'
Umoalk, of (iimcoo, W T.. I Mits it...
I'ors. of this city.
13T Camp iineuts of Ihe partite reeeircd. ' '
AetwbHcaa Naileaat tatstttu,,,
The following era th Dames of lb ReatUcti
National Commilte fur the next four reirt,
Ihe poet office eJJrcae of each niojubert
E. D. Morgan, Albany, N.
C. J. Oilman, Uiunawick, Me t
lieo. G. Fogg, Concord, N. 11 ;
U llrainard.Hl. jtlbam, Vu
J. Z. Goodrich, Slovkhriilge, Mam)
Gideon Wella, llurtfonl, l'onn. '
lCdw'd Mcl'lieraon, Cbamberabarg, Ten 1
X . 11. Slnithcrt, l).ier, Del.!
Alfr-d Caldwell, Wheeling, Va,
8. Men dilh, Cenlereille, lnd.
Awim Bioir, Jackwn, Mich.;
A.J. i'uvent, lk Aloiiim, lowaf
it. S. Jonet, St. Louie, Mt j
I). W. C'liecaenian, Oroville, Cat
T'hoe.G. 'I'urtier. Providence, R. I.;
iJowuing Uuer, New Jerwey, N. V.eilyj
J. K. Wafff'tier. Uultiiooiv, Md.
'Jin, hpooner, Head nir, Huron cojOhiti
N. D Jod.l, Chicago. Ill
t'nrlSliun, Milwaiikie, Wit)
John MeCneick, A'lillwater, lilinn ;
C. M. Clay, Whitelmll, .Miuliaon e. Ky.(
W. C. Johiuwn, Oregon City, Orctvaj
Win. A. riiil!ia, Ijiwrence, Kanut
O. II Nebraska City, Nebratka)
J. Gerdard, Wathington, I). C.
tl. W. rnaar.rr, Chairman Ttxlbtl
V. C Joiinbiin OreentCilr.
Varwers of t.lna t'.aaaly.
The annual Fuir will be held at Alkttj e
Tueeduy and Widneaday, Sept. IS and 19. Tat
addreta will be by Mr. II. N. George, ea the ISls.
J. Bstaowt, Sk'j.
Rev. C. U Fisitea, Ule acme the tliiu
from MinnreoU, will preach in the Baptist ami.
tip; houso in this plac lo-niorraw, at ktlf l
ten o'clock, a. M.
Suturday, Sept 15, 1 6C0.
' Orris DlvlaUa, K. , It. of T
Meets at Harmony Hull every Friday entiif,
at hnlf putt 7 o'clock. Brethren in fwndsSaadkig
are Invited to nliend. It. GAMMI1X, W.f.
Gaa. A.Snirraao, K.S.
z. o. o. r.
Obioon Loess N. 3 aw
'rrnl Harmony Hull en MneJif
'&lilnx& "a iu good ttawling art iniilrJ
to nliend. F. A. COLLAKD, N u.
A. J. Cuansa.i, Iteo. Sec'y. . U .
Multnomah Xtodge IVo. 1,
t F. & A. M., bold it elated eoaimasiet
lions in the new Maaoai UaO,
lho Snlurduy plea ding tlio Full- Moo ia net
mouth, llrethren in good (landing are iarari
to nliend. A. L. LOVEJOY, W.M.
1). W. Csaio, Sec'y. 11
Haadal Karwapartlla Tlii purely vsgsUtt)
remedy uombinea in itself tlicpropcrtieaof asAa-list-it
c, mild cathartio, and a tie. Itaaicl
ly removes from Ihe blood, and atkor 8aidt of Ikt
body, Ihe iinpurilire of unhealthy etertlieaeeaict
engender and feed dieeaoe, thus tlrikiafMlbe
root of the malady. Although proved totSoa
cion it may bo taken at all time witb ptiKd
aafety, aa it contain no powerful droaiie drsf tt
debilitate th ayulem, or miaenl peieea at rait
the conslilulioD.
Prepared nnd sold by A. B. & D. SANDS, IN
Fultou at , New York. Fiie SI Pr koNbi
is twlllee for $5.
ST Bead tho advertisement ia another ol
Sold by D. STEELE, Oregon Ci'lV, aad
Druggist generally.
Moffamt Lire Pills. Ths hiirh and a"'
celebrity which this pre-eminent medicine ks to
quired lor its invariable efficacy i all the J"4
which it profesae to cure, ha rendered llie "
practice of oatenlatious potting not only iieeef
ary but unworthy of them. They are ""
by their fruilie their rood works testify for tor
and they th.ive not by th faith of th eredak
in all cases or coetmnrt, dyspepMO, mum a
liver affections, pile, rhenmatiam. fevers sad
elatiiialt head-ache, and all geaeral eVswr;
menu or heallh. these Tilla hav riJHr
a certain and speedy remedy. A aingl Ufi
place Ihe Life Fills beyowj in reah of eoaP"1K
in lho rotimalion of every ptiit .
Dr. M orl'at's FliOMkix Biltera will be BaraJeos'i
ly tflicauioM ia nit ewss( aa-nous deUlity.'."
pepsi, headache, lbsk.noeo irundcnl t'"
hi d. I calt betkub, aad even aia of weaiw-
t he digest iro vrgarj. Fr ! T l,r-
MOFFAT. 333 Uroodw.y, K.w York. djr
Medici Deal era and DrugglM P"""'
thraughpat the country. .
W ktr
, Balsam at WIU carrry.-Te
d e-enuin Balaam ia, aod o "f
oaly pure and genu
' year haa bee, prepared by SsT
i 4, Co., of Boatoa; and tkeir rj
u .l. iiam aiirnaliire " se
name, aa well a lh wrilton aiimalart
Butf. appear ea th enter wrapper.
As .
wiHil4 mcoii tho spurious and hm to geoM
late e ler.' .
Wwtas's Bauaw o Wit Casav.-Ta
vtluab rraatdr i ihe heat oa ata he"r
sure, apeeov, md perisaoonl ear f "
nldt, mart Uront, kmc kilia, v,k"
pseimaaia, croup, mhping nrngk,
e Umg: ptiu in lie htt sw fUt, "7
erery torat of throat, cheat, and long csr",
wi LoiatoavTioa ilscn.
Thia housrhoU 1
sfekoU rraiody abissild he
i taily aad iaditWaal. a a tilf
l to a aiighl eU will eaoa -.
of aeory taatil
Mtifla il I.
relief; while case of loaa taSng.
aad aanarealry
inaarahh ehararter. w
yarld la Ka wuaoWful earainr aowrei
rreat adaatauea la Um wwats af sea wwaa
leteU. . -
For aaJ
hi Califorai hy Be""
eat Caw. Charioa MarrJ,
Henry Job
e-scei; R. H. McDoaaid C.
Rie. Cofia it C, MarrtvrS ; Sawlh
fjnUad. On-goa. t,itt