I j ' - ,1 ,, r ' ! y , BUSINESS CARDS. MOWS k BROTHER, ...Wkoleiale toil Retail Dealer! in... irAfLt ton rm. 1 Dry Goods, Clothing, Hut, Caps, IJ00t, Miocs, iVC., OlilXiON CITY". W. 0. J0UN30W, ATTORXEY & Cul'XsELOIl AT LAW, jinuf Solid for in Chancery, WILL promptly oKotitl la any Luwiivav wliicli liny be committed to Ins profeseionel charge h-lurethe ll.stnct and Supra me Cowia. Olll. e iivi r Allium o'e Im tiuio, iiiiujecjialt ly o powte M mi Sireet House. Oregon C'Jjf, October I, IbiJ. JOHN IL M BRIDE, aTTOINir AXO COUKilLO IT lW, Lafaietle, Yamhill County, Oregon. WILL Willfully ilicml lo ill buaineai an Iru.led lo hi professional cera. I, c. ainswohtii. WM. DIEHDOUFF. .iihwouth Ac niriinonrr, WIIDI.K.U.i: AND RETAIL DEALERS IX GROCERIES, DRY - GOODS, CLOTHING, Hunt A Shun, and Crockery, In the mw t'iic-ro..f Hriik Maim eractr OKKOOM CITV. T. C II A It MA. A WiRNKR. Charman 6i Warner, CESERALC0MM1SSIOS MERCHANTS wnuLraai. atrtii. IliMilor In lrf CSuot-lo, Cloth lit", I lii rd ware. Crockery, Gin mien re, liuah, Short, J'aiiitt, Oili, Ac, lu lliair lire-proof Orick Maid inter, ORCUOM Clir, OlIFiuX. EUGENE LA FOREST General Dealer in Dry - Goods, LADIES' FANCY GOODS, Grocer)', .'rocliT)-, UltKi-wurc, BOOTS, SHOES, rye-, Al the old ttond of La l'orett1'itnch Store, OUKCOX CITV. OREGON HOSPITAL, PORT LAS I), OR EGOS. T. 0. Hawthorns, A. Zil. Xior7CS, AIMSWORTH&DIRDOP,FF. WE AUE N o W 0 ? E X 1 X 0 IN Till How Firo-rroof Prick, A LAnCH AND WKM.-A!SI(TPD HTWIt OP UEXERAL MEKCJIAXDISE. Feeling p- ifrelly memo agulnit lira, wo will now Offer Gri'itrr Inducrmmli than ever to tha public. Vt'i in constantly in receipt of GO OB 8 elected vil h Ihe gre alrat cure 'as to prices und quality), and tra cm, fulfill Hint our facilities w.ll enable us lo oiler ami tell giniiti AT PORTLAND PRICES! (freights on;, and would advise all llime visiting lliia eh In piitchae poo la, lo einrinne oar slock und pric-a before puii-hnsiiig elst-ulieie, Wo hare, and arejul rei.-t-i viitg, an invoice of eoiiaiallliK in parlnf lha rllowiii( arliclca t'orha. co, I'acili'', llndUy, t.''.ni-lf.'ii, Spfajiif, I'liilip All'ii, t all III vi f, M-rri.im.-, l i;;, imd iiiiinrr ana iiihrr choice I'KIN'IS, Mla'rttijlrt; V.w lih a'. Kri'lirih tnarinoa, L' oncr i loihi inuli.'ir and oihar PfhoH t hrai, wikiI, (l miitiii !a luiin-a, Ill icit, b'n, parpli-, ti. pink ni-riuini, y I'l.m!-, j iCuiii'l, bunk. aw,u, .V mull 111114I1I1, lu In ' iii'i. ai-l, culUra, lr!llf ii-kii ln, iIii m A: Imuni't tr 111. iniiiM, l rciirh ii tlmnfnf ;o ifitiliuma, Kcin h hiwua from lU'J lo tit, lilna, muti-d, ii g"')' 1 a mi, wool iV coilon jaiii, C'lilnnadi'. blca'li'd and brnwii uliraiini; ' w l,,lUi ai hltiichrd dull., ili'ii in", liii.kury alnrling; I.-m i, liiarinr, brown, olid liih lim n, nuiiki'nu, d n r, and cr'thh, u lurjfe lot of lineu and thread Jacca Hid nlilhl&, hoivry, ike. MF.X'S ir HOYS' CLOTH IX G : llluo, bluck, mid brown clulli cuil i 10 dm I. Ik clnih Vint", 5 dnz whila and hull ,M .irrilli! du., valval nml anthi do.; .'ID dm hiiIiii'iI puiia, dookin ml fancy eaiim ra do, .'In dm mcrimi und cnlloii lttidenliiilM, ifrcy, hlnp, &. blm-k cloth over coiiIr, with 1 J-ncnil aasortini'iit of jenta' furn:lilnif guod. BOOTS $ SHOES. Mn boys', and ymilha' boot; Indiea, rui, nnd childnn'a ,no roccu, font, kid, and cull I 'onria b'Hilj, Willi Si. witli'iul lirrix; l.idiiV kid a!;ici. i.n." Kc :rosaic Oil! THE SEW XOItK KEHOSESC OIL CO. (ITAUI.I. IIMI 1.', I) VNNOUXt'U III tl, liar'iu Hindu pri-al hn provi'iiif nu in du, iiMnulaciiiiv of KrnMiia, lh") lie now rnnliVd loi tl r It lo Ihu lrada.it A REDUCED PRICE. to ihf Mil,tjuiiii iah -, U if-M.I ot ii t'lit'ltiitifl'trjl rXuiiilit (lion, by Jhu U ?t. KCM, of Y PURIFY THE BLOOD. ? AT'l Life MOFFAT'S ctablc Life Pill a-)4i .-. Ii 1.. V "1 t ii is s : 'w 7.-1 . 4- 1 i- -1 n -1. - 1 i liilcn-iiy of l,i;ht. 11 ..Mi nf j.. Ill I fioin "11 "I" 'I I 11)1. .111 III 1 1 I. I'll. C lit lIlBllll ' p r '.ill'iii. ("el i.f nil i'j ainoiiiil ul Lv lli liubli- ordrra finiii lh- Ti.i.lc, by .Mail or Tel rrujih, lilli-d, on a pii '.ii in ' .W n..:. .111, '.) I I'm I St , iVr.v Vr'. K I'll! )SK. H i iiImi iii be ii'ilil li"d nl Hie .Mull iirin:tnrT pr.ca, i.f.dl Ilie ,. w V'k M'lioVmla l)rn fa, I IrnC' re. riuhpliene inrl Ituriiii.jr Muni M.lliul'iicllllrni tin. I lle.il 11. l;l lilllH. A'. II. A E It ) .V .' , V ' 1 j li.r trmlr mail; ofl.'ir Krr'inritf Oil Cr.,ninl n't p.i.a nit rmitinttd 0.7111 uaiitjr ftc Bind trmle iiituL J.ir itlhet oile )eeil,... 17 h I-1".'!. ri'linl IK y"i r I'limti.ii. My iSuuuk.un. GEO. A. N015LE, A.5I. & M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEQH. Offlco sext noon to c.w- ElELUH STOKE, N Ell TUB D II E W K K y. N. It. Fiimlly Mi d cine prepared intlienio.it rurefnl niuiiiii-r, and alwuya nn hum). Oregon Vity Muri-li '.., I " Wash, mid JIo Ck-nn!n TWi)!.'l.l) r"polfiiily in'orm Ilia (jenil. in n cf Oregon (My lb 11 I h.na re,eni!y lltlrd up iluihing lioomn, in conneciinn Willi my Ilurb r Sliup, lie:ahi)ih TIM AM JXI) COLD BATHS 0.111 ba had on reii.- oiinu'e lei inn. M ireh S-l, M,n. THOMAS WAIUl. The Slstrra nf the IIOI.Y SMUvi Vf JII.SUS AM) MA11V T ILL epeii it I:iy School nenr the V (lutliuho ehunli in VUEUOX CITY, on Monday, Apiil run Ma: I Minor 9 ft no Junior " ,s im denier in ill) Aoticc. 0 O L I) I Ii II S , TKAMSTKItM, SAlLollS, aJ (or llieir widow or oryi.Vni cnddrni.) who aerved in any w.nsor Lit I'm, eilller in Tali, firnia or rhnrherr, prior to Much 3,1, IK.V'i, or Ihrir rhiiiren 'A.i werj under ynixo tit Iml ine, or a.iilora who aerved on tha canal nf Cnlifur. Ilia in the ,. xit-nn w.ir, will d Well tu a.ldrew 11a. I'luinn Hint h.iva been leje.'le.l in tho hiin.'.. ol nlher nitcnia, hnvo lie. n aneciiMfnlly ohinined ' by in. A nla nciiiiK for ua, hbcriiily p;iii. I mi l ttiirrnnla lioni;lil 1111 1 anlil In order, and all h'm. inow re iiiriiid an iiirenl nt Valiiii;:an, nltvin'ed to. U. II. LLo:i A. CO., Allnriieva lor ('lamia, Pension., II nnry l.nnd, Ac. Kelereuco 1 inny uf the lieuiU of I Vvirtincnl, 4Hn U J. FLEMING, AT THE TOST.OI FICE IIEIl.UISC ) OREGON CITY, HAS on bun. mid for Kile, n vcll-o!cclcd at aiiitiiii nt uf Hooks and Slalioncry, coiiipriaiiij, in purl, Iho followinj: Family llibha and Tea. Cap, letter, and note tiillielltit, P'lper, Dowiiiim'a Fiuila and IVna IVn-holdera, rrint I'reca of Amer- Sund A aaml boee. Icii roviaril ed.liou, Tiwna unner, iKil'ontli d Now M.iaonic Troatlu Hoard, iMiimmio Manual, ( Md Kallowa' .Manual, 'Juinhy'i .Myanrien of llea-keepiuir, I.iviin.'loue'a TrawU in South Afii.M, Uuiiu'a I ut. Medieliie, Suiidi ia' Old and Ni w ISllim V lieadeia, Tiloul'iill'a Arillmn tea, Fulton i: KaMuian'a Hook kiejunj, tti.ll blank, K11I, blue. A Ink., a'l of whieli w ill be retail .v ilh the liniea. hoard iidraltin.T Jliti hell'a and Olin-y a (t'ogrnpliin md At- laeea, Mason 'a Farrier, liiidd'.Cmile A Horse Doctor, K ine'a Arctic Kvplra- liolla, Illaiik llouka A Dill kr, (ollopio'a A Paviea' Survcj in u, Slain and latipncila, lr. Iloibck'a Woika, Ac, Ac, i,l at piii ca corrci'pomliiij' I!io and Jovn i u!n e, hlai k mid green tea, N. , China, Ihituviu Island, Ca'. lel'med, nml 1 rn.li. il aui.ir, K. H'mIoii, ( nl., auardioii.e, 4 golden a)r up. .i!t, 5 lo J:IJ Ibaki; I mi k;: ii.ui-, ii.-iIm. a; ilill'a pale, clieiuical, 4 Mn'irh mip, m.:p pow di ra, powihr, ehot, L lead; yeait p iwder, ealera tue, cream lartur, auiuk.n L. chw.iii.' tob.ii'eo, germ enio.firat, tvmuloe,oftiiii und tiliirl.her f ief, in III tina: i-p:ee, popiir, und raenii,, pi-all barley, liiai ci.tnui, Venn celli, corn ainich, u hi- ouda, wnhir.ia, L'nn'il iiuur, rmaiii-i, Chili pencl.i-s, dri.d fruit; iiLd-. r I, in 'jr it hll'bbla: ai,i.nca. A line ae.Mirluieul uf CUOCKERY $ TABLE CUTLERY : SO cratea loaorlul ware, dll d ulccl p i k, '.'U ' Dutch II lldla linen. While Lend, OH, and Window d'luss; with 1 variety nf oilier nrticlea li-u iliy keil, Br We will p.iy CAail f .r wheal, llnur, baenii, hiiller, e:', and uhnni.l everylh.u' tho tanner hua lo rell. I ir. tfon Ciiv, April Ifi. :m SANDS' SARSAPARILLAj For Purifying tho Elo id, i and for tii r; ci-nn op j Si-rufiila, Merciiriul DUciisrs, lilicinimtis n, (NitniipoiM I'rupti "li, Siii' li irn ulcers, 1 l.ivcrc"niil,i'iii, livijiejisiii, i;rtri. lii'H, iull I.lii'uni, l.iiinbaoii, Wliiir Swell. il.ys, !il IliM'IlH', Jlllluiooin, ,( of I he lljiica aiij JiinlM, I'.iicr Sori, l'i,iulo Com I itai n t, lOrynijii'liiH, I.o.a uf Appi iiii", l'lllll!i'), 1'illoS, (.iciinriil I)i'lii. iiy, &:., Ai1. Il haalou" hern 11 m i iiiipurlanl de.-iilcratuni I in the pr.i'i eo uf iiiediclne, 10 nbiuiu a leme fv iinilar In I 1111, mid accordiiijr'y w i liml : reaorvd liialiiioM on vi rs illy in u I Hi. n,. Im in.'uliiii; ili.i eiifeaofllie Mn aoiryin In Ilie palieuea, mid ill jurioiia lo Ilie hcillh. 1 1 i. a tonic, .111 1 lent, and llli-iiilcclnlit. It lli'N hiniiiltiilieouslv utioil Ilie stomach, Ilie cruel i..tio.v, iiml ilie r.nwi:i.a, 1111J 1 1 1 11-. I Ii n-ei prneewea, which uie n:ili..;iii.'y tlie re- miIi of Ti 1 it e: k ih.l'orcul knnUoi' 1 Ii. inc, me c ,r- ried on at the ami,.' lime iIiijiiuIi the instiuni. 11 lahty of tiiih ova ieuic.li.il nrenl. Its re.,i ineiit ialhal it iiieetn und nnitrtitizr.1 the in-live princ pie ol ili-iciuo itnelf, mid when thai in g uie, Iho ) iu.l..iua iirneesiirily dinppear. Tlie 1.1 p.dily Willi which Ilie piliclll reenvera helillh and alrciitli under lliia triple iiillueiice is am jui.iiii. REMARKABLE CURE. I.ivs I'ocv'v, Orei'nn Ter., ) M.nch ll,l;i'..-i. i Meaah. A, I",. A 0. S.t.na. New Yuik: (leu llemcil, III the apiiug of Id.'.II, while ouuiirvvnv fin. II liuli.illa lo this p'nee, inn1 e:d at ,y M'ied willi iiawcliuij; uu.l acvcic piim in liiclctja which day by day grew wor .e. iinhl li i.-t Ic'a con Iracled. nml b .ciune mi paii.l-.il t! al ho could n t walk, and we ha I lo cm.-y him a1 out like :,n la fiint. W e lenclie.l Albany on the I'd of I 'etcher, completely Worn o til by fiili-nr. Lv ll.n liuie. j h waa re.lu.ed to n peii'cot kelclun, lien, we j wero enabled lo -till n plitaii-imi (Dr. Ilili). who honeally ronfeaard lie could II it clue Inn, ai I tbntioli lie could give him iucibcue that would re j lieve iha pain, lu Ilea evinen.-y mnnelliiii must j lie done, or tie itli was inev.lablo. llciiig rccoin. j mended lolry vour Saraapanilu, I pi oeured ub.it : lie. Allcr U.kun tome, lie appealed worse; hut peraeverniij wiih il, 1 obta iied a aecond b.itilo. w In, h act-in, il lo prupplc W illi the diaeaae, uu l ( auaed a marked niipiovcnieiii ; the awell ng uud pilill ill Ilie legs Mere redaced, Ilia liipeliie im proved, and bia color began In rclui u. Tims en-coortiR-c.1, 1 piircha.-cd a third liullln ; while uk iuii it lite awelliugs In In lei's broke, und aoine pieces of bono niie eighth of an inch long cuuie out, allcr which bia lega atruigbt, ned mid healed up. I lo ia now perfectly recovered has nn op pearnnce of being a cripple, and can p. norm most kinds of common labor, asull our no giibors call certify. Youra, respectfully, CALIil! D WIS Prepared and so'd by .1. II. .f. O .V.I.V'.V, Wholesale Drueg ata, 1U0 Fultuiulrcct, corner of W.hiunl, Xihv ork. Sold also hv II Jtll-ii A (",., ,Vin h'rmi. ri'-vro; Kli'H .V COI'FIN. Mirytrillt; Ii. II. McHONAI.I) & CO., A'j.-rujlo; and bv Hi u.g:l generally. Da. MT.KI.i;, Ag-nl. Oiveao f '. ji l.n't m .1 l. Hi V. A. s'n A f 1.1 ,vi.','f?- A It J-Tt'e'H 1 -a U - .-I ;- u . . : . . , 4 ,e,.k.. .'.! -.-.,.if...e'.-: MIIIK hlh in I cn c.l cel. brily which llie p .1. eminent .Medicines liava aeipmril lor Ibeir Invar nbla rffi aey in at lha daises hitli Ihey pr.'e-a to cms. ba renfVied Ilie u.iul pracliea uf p fflnj ma) ou.v uiiiic. eatiry, but uiionrthy of llo in." Tliey are known by Ibeir Iruitt; Itiair irooj H..rs tr.iifv lor lb. m. and ihey ihnve not by the f ii.h of Ilie ere iuloiis III all c.i.ea u( a.tbuit, acute in I cbron e ih. u in iti. in, air. ciioi.a of the Ii a I I. r and kidneys, bilious fevers mid liver l onipUiiils. in llio aotitli and weal, where these ,Iim pretad, lln'V w II befuuiid inva'u bl". I'binlers. firm is, mil nth. eis, who nuea uw lli -M MeJ.cinis, will peter if rwurda be wiihoot ihcin, lp. pla. 0 prrMiU w ill (Ills d ttre.aln liar.ise ehnllld delay tl tl f lliex Ill.itie.Ues mini". diiitely, Krupii..ii of lha akin, ervsipdua, Il ilu leii 'V, feter and ague foi Ibis seoi'ga of lha ne.it-rii co.ii.irv, lhe.e me licniea will lie found a safe, spee ly, and certain remedy. Other itiedi e lies I, ate lliFsVSem sidrj.el lo a ret ill ll of ibc i.a.-.ia, u cine by IbeMi medi. iues is p iinalieul, TsV Till U. IK avU-HKII. SMI SK t'l'SKU. Mercurial lil.ear. Nt verf.nl. to era licate eiitir-ly uh Ihe cllecrs of Mercury iidiuitely sisiiiir I Ii n ti the uio.1 piwcrful pi-epural ouol Strsipar ill. .Vig'if Sinuli. .Srrt'iun llfbililj, Srrroul rinni'liiiiiti of alt kindf, Org'tnic AJt-tion, I'iiIi tntimi uf the lit lit, I'jinter't ckulie. I'llei.'I'lie or L'lual propr elor uf llice meli. fines was cured of l'det..f .1 1 years' a and ng by Ihe os of Ihese I. fe .Medicine, al me. W arm of all kinds aro efj cluadv ev;.el.cil by llieae Died icill a. I'.irelits will do Weil o lldln liis'er Ihelll w henever their ciit ilea is suspected. Kelief will be certain. 7'rle Lift 1'iltt and I'Unix Bitlert Pur'fy the bl.Kid.aiid thus remove all di-eae fio n the .va'ein. A sinele iri il w II nla. e the J.I IE I'll.LS mi l I'IKE.MX HITTERS l.evuiid III" le ach uf i-niiija-t lion lu Ihe esliiu.il. on of every path lit. I T Prewired by Dll WILLIAM ft. MOFFAT, .1.1.1 Bronlirntj. cor. Worth ol., S'le York. J. KLKAII.NU, 4:n,at tht I'utt OJice. Il y Oregon Vitt. jtst i:i;ci:ivF.o, 4 XF.W SLTrLY Of ! A Clioicrs Youniy Hysou Tea, ! Kio Coll'ue, I Clu'inical Olive ?onj, I Caiulk's, ifce, For a tie, CHEAP 10R CASH, at CI1AS. poi'irs. I'ch. I, l'O. Oiri'oM fi'fy. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. Sally X.lne frtteeca Vurthmd und Qrt.jon Ci'lJ, rililK new sieru-wliecl .1 turner f JI"i I L X I' H E 8 . -"'" Jta 8tho, Master, will run between l. rilaiil ,d Oiagonl'lty daily iHuiideysetcrpled), Ir.v. Iiil' I'DUI LAXU il 10 A. a)., end OliLI.O.N tl rV mi r. u. "" XJ. S. IAIL LINE. Oreion Citg forth ml Daily raclitf, n-!, st Jennie Clark, iryj ' lA Joauil Miaul, Muslir, Will run daily. (8i.iulo)i t pled,) in Ihe lUte ,mmeiirad.,ivilil"i''K"' -,""'' sVlsark, . . ItetuiniiiK. will Iran ('..riland al J Ml., toui-hiiif it alliiili'incdiiilc)i FnnriiKhl or parage apply tin bond. Time WK. IMOIIFIKLn, WATCH-MAKER IVrxma de.irous of Ming good woik dona a ill in well to give liie i call, n my whole lime ia dc filled lo lh repaiting f Chronoineler, Lever, Duplet, and lion tal watchea. An aMoriiiienl nf fine l.ngl.'ll H Al CIII.S, as a'-oJcwcliv on b ind. CLOCKS, with weights lo ihcni. Jewelrv made loorih r, ami repaired. IVireai il ihetiiuei. I am thankful for past f.ivoia.and Imp.-lo give sallafuclinii in fiiluie. ( f Located al Ihe old aland, opposite the Tel e,.r.,ph OlH OREtlOS CITY I ft. 3 ISTOVKS, STOVES A 1v4l.J Vt . ' sun a vi iiiuiu A T1CC8 J XJ. MIIiWAIK, WHOLES A LK AXD IIETAIL DEAjr. Maiu Blrecl, oppmlla J, & ,, ' t OREUOS CITY, IMPORTER OP COOK, Parlor, md li. Stufee. Tia el lion, and ('..pp.,. Pl.,.,,.a uj'J am, lluiiaa-furinali ng Hardware V " Liil Pomp liublior ,,o. IHd.iiii,e,!,rM' Pipe, Hheel ,o, Cauldrun Kel.l BftuLl lies, Mkdleia an.) Uuko Ovena, Cow 11.il i"" Palis, Au. An. "'"Sao,, Also. MA.M'FAOTl'UEU of Tia c ml Sheet liou Ware, of every descriuiL bh amUul and Jubbiug woik done al ,a u. est ralea. .J, el5r A. MUISI. "I'aUf. WILLAMST IRON WOItlfls OTIEGOX CITY. 1 JY. beg In iuhirin Ihe public of Ore. rti.r.vtun rna tub vkib I c'.l-KO : ill II College year nun -ncea the lir.l .Muli.l iV four qaar- ... ...!-.... - ..- v ;V1 ri -....T.,V ' v".S i-.a ' ti fj 'T I'. ' !":!( Sfl B. -..J frj I t'ja i A hi Jsepletuuer. mid is uivUt-U lulu S a is 4 ff m art r, u t : : V teal& A "v " .. . U.'yC(. ! ""' ncciiie.it i held on the 4th of July, fev-''' u'-'i i vl"'M !" yeaily Vacation cuaiies. .y j f&'l tijififl ! ti-ihuopti-iti.'N ri:n QiMtiTKa: , i a'Vet ' 'lf .- fv".- ?:I,T..;--..'.;-;: .'-J.'.'.--y 1 , I'limrilllll Kllgliall lillllcdies J 5 CO V..T i'-!i r'.'A--'-. ' ' r Tn ',v:i!iJ l I'M MAIIIS j.. .L dialillc. COlls'y ih'diir! Ill iliill iO'eli liiinnie and n:n!l nr l.u whic'l w hen le MII.IM lllll fel l !,-. ;. I j'li'.e nf llill I'll Mil' in ih itcil ui.b IVruti-.M II , J ii li i; cr lu .'! i. s, a;, in le r v 'ii.-'a'JaiJ und 1'ie a, a!,'t II y eon. .'lie exucl iiu.ii;'i,i.'S tit ,1 cop. I I. e ,!.i.e of ,., c.tiib ned loim im inu ipe. jiuli k, In" key iilile ro il ml to in su.-h con.-l Idle ti Ii remedy; ul, harm- cr.it. ve. t,i,;,.,i ..!.!.. vc liev.i,,. f'ctte. ' 1 1-' I I-, At.Sl), Kt SALE, Dr. Motlatts Tills and I'lioi'iiix p't i it. .i ,. i i'.ui'i.t, iiiiii iiivj 1 1 nioien oer? i iMfdiiiiU's, wh rh are reconiineiided to those w ho wish to! rc " May 14, l.t. SJxecntor'i otica! T I I III is heieliy givsn lhal Ihe mi Jer-igned ... ,'nu ut "I'i""""-' X'c.n.ruf Hie ea Uyt J..h Rop,d.v'd,. of Cl.,..n...c., huia ,- Ore,..,,. All p,rwM ,,,,,,, ,.el K 'y i"",'J ,0n,"U ''. "J persoaa hating claims aeaitvsl lb. ...A .1 i 2LrT",',,h"n "" "d"ll t hi. real, dsnce.i, .aid county wnhin on. flom ,uiJ v, uir win ua inieser barred , A HEXJAMIX RO(.ip Junegii. 1SCQ-I;w3 I' I'r G O O 1) g Exchanged fo) AT et II live, ton loar-tie, aii:i-f, lir le, ul;l lo tile ta-le. 'I be inventor, in ciliin . il.n i..,.,.ii..,, ,.r ,t.u public (capeeciliv the Cillilnrili.llia who know Ihe exc, l'ei.ce if the Calileru.a ur.ie. lo llie.-c prep itint ons, does to wiih prido uil conli lence ; prid.' in provitig the ex, i llcuce of o ,r Halite i:i.i.e, nil co i..ene.. hi their rciiiid u irtaes, oiLptcil for Ilie I lilii.iiug di-eaaes: iV i ..v i, ,i.-,Vea,'0, .g t.f .1 ope.'rVe., Ill- ItiUi.il C.imlii,,:!:.,,,, .,-,i,, ,. ,.,. W .-i.o ',, ).:, f l, ,,,,,,-y, tirniel, Visnrder of Hie f'(i-.-i' -i ii ."i r i'i .-i,-.', li'.v,, .-..,. ! ;;, vv- .( I.f r'a ,- ,;,, f ', !.,) ,V.: .-i. I',: in i t!ir Sim- Ii or Wc.'., C'iiiHr, fiyteneri, if-r. The proprielor d ies not preieml lhal his Mcli- I . .nr. i n.ii.n iini ii uie ,iu. I III-,, inly is a woiuier j or a iniiic-'e" in in, ihe ,1 ae.enee, hut apnea a to Ihe common s.-iw ul Hit- pi,'..ii. un, he ,io,-s nut I licsil ile to avow l..al lie know.t fstmi ivp.tiuice l!' I ''itiet in tins, thieigli .,1, , n, ,i,,. tity, wi'l ofieii t :l- ct n euro in roum ,. (lie ,li Cisc.s eiiutii, lati ,1. w !i, u m. ce violent all I pawcr li.l rciiu-il ea ii.i-.e :a in tlinr o'.jc. t. ilj' Thoao ilrickiiio I'lpmr oulv in the morning of before h:'c.i!tf..at, wnu.d tind ilie Hi an, ly ,.,:'! deiuhtaiily on ihe nervca mid slo.nuch, kccp.ug Ihe buvvels rcu'ar, cVo. " tl J Aa li genciai brveriige, it is p, gnu til U , lasie.aiigliilj . .h;i.iiating,.'ecilv ,, ml. aa, i gives Iho weak and licble u feeling of luullh and strength. P.. ad ihit eerlilleate nf nnnh a's ma le by '1 hcopliilua X. ;,., Ana'yiicul mid Maiiuiaclur ill:; I'hemial, lioalun : I cltl hercl.y Cei-lify thai, after It lllil.llle mi l c iicltil mu'viiei! rxuiniiiitiiiiii of tlie Cnlif.irui.i wine nml bmiiih . n.:iiiiil'..etiir..l I... 1 1. I l . ,.' ' " i i .ii, .n n-. in onier to u-ccii i,n i;N ei.iiipo.iti ., ,,, ; j i.t.i.i., I hi v, ,ll li - v.iruiiis enpeiiiueuls, air.vy.l j at Ilie f..;!owi:,g ...,!,. Un, ,V,K, u w,ry i '"H'i,!, "!':. '''-''I! cob'.-, and aretuble aroma, j an.. coiiMstti f grape Mi..,t !) jM, volal.lc oil I.!, j ' '"' c....i:ng n,.t:t,r .A, ic..!i.. 9 I lit. water T.'1-IH, h.'-t irtite f p. ).,;, ,ui j phalc i f j.ol.i.ina U-i.'i, sail O-M. I . , , t.x. r.nw. , II can l e la,;, n !,e mv , iCut0 0,- l;,et M't. mul in modi ra;; .a ;,y clnidr.-u. j 1 ' Sold In all i ,-vci t.,M. Diu.-jlsla ;,,t (;,.. ceia in liie I i:e. Si it,-,, Colia ruia. mi l I),, , I an E !s I h rb-.t:le; i I otil, a f.,t Sj I 1j' I tr rtosi ro tii:: P. in purchasing, always ace I It . t fie .iiotuie of James I,. ). a'o l an.und tl.e n.vk of 1'ie bi.,e. I W hoi. sale A g s-CU"WKLL A-(T.IXE jPAUK MIIIK. . KliOlM; IMS CO.. .V.,.., Cm -a. Most Lu tli.li Anaiyaia. Higher Ariilnuelic, Ltiuli -keeping, lliitiu-y, and Lleiiictitury Al.'ebni C III) .Viiliinil I'liiluaophy, llotaiiy, (,'eol.ioy and Ch. iiii.trv, lutcliec'ii il mi l .Moru'l Plii. hi-opliv, Kh.-lonc mil Logic 8 00 I'.leiuenl.iry I lei.iiieiry.Sinw) ii.g.A'gehni, Higher .M.itliein tlica, Latin, lireek.mid I'iclicli Liiiijiiuoes, ut;d truiur Clate uf -or. Dcp 0 00 Coinenieul uriiiiigeuii nt.scuu be made fur hour at reuauiiuiile rales. Hooka uaed in the school can he obtuincj at tlie I oUi'L'e build iignl ca-h pricea. .t .siiriiiai t icpirinieni naa ncen or -uinteil, up. on liie plan ..f Hie X. Vt.ili Slate Noiauul S.-IumiI wiih p.iriiimlur roliucnco lo preparing young In lies nn, i g. nneiiieii tor leaoliing, Una d.-pai tmciit is in practical nttu sacc i-stM operaliuti. Prof, Xkwki.i. has been t-ug.ig.-d, and isgivin, . sa uis on liie I'imiii ami Melod uti. 1T An evtensive mid choice pliilosoph'cnl und acii.au app iratiis, man it school mid n general li b-i.ry, h ive be. n oidcied fioin tho LVl, und aro c;iec;cij on aooti. The palrmia, Iriialcea, und prof, ssiirs of Ihe Col lege are resolved that uiiiliiiig conducive In the Ii at micros: ot the school be neglected overlook. t. licthel, Polk co., Dec. 21, l$;,rj. 37,f R !. M 0 V A L . . or. ::iue . .ti.i.Hof, TX basineas ill Will si. for the pa-l Iwnity two 1 year., has n moved lo .111. -II.) UrtilKI- VH )', one iIimic neliitr Canal si , where he lias jiit opeiie I a new slock of Watches and Jewelry of entirely new ami lieaiitiful styles; !.., SILVER ASD PLATED WARE. lie is constantly receiving Ihe luteal styles uf welches and jewelry b) every iteanier direct from Ihe iiiitnu'oelilien. nl F.uiope. Watches cleaned and repaired in lite best man lier bv the fine. ( l.on lou mid (iciievu workmen. OliolitiE t:. A LLKX, Importer of W alches mid JcWclry.uiid iiiiiiiulaelurer of Ji weliy. wuleli cise.. and tilver wure, w hob sale and r. U, il, dl.1 ISriMilway, ouu dour briovr Cuuul strict, SEW YORK. nplb'y NEW KTOllE,. AND New Good, CIIAHLES TOPE, Jr., n.S opened a neve store nn Ma n street, .Year ti.e foot uf the hill, Sui t., oj the Utile Bridge. His friends nutl the public arc invited In cull and examine Ins stock of golds, c..li,si-liti(j of u (.001) ASSORTMEST OF Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, .Medicines, S:c, etc., A 7 of ir.'ii'f h are offered rheap fur cath. Oregon City, August 50, ISSD. W i-hii.gtou lhal we have eoniiJ.1-1 . ' e s- ecj una BOILER, PATTERS. BLACKSMITH AS I) MACHINE SHOP " and are prepared to build boil, ra, F.iigin,, q . mills, Sawmills, mid all olh.-r kimlaol naieluaer,' KssUnj biiaiiiesa csiiinection with ib( Our Sl.iies Ihu great convenience of our U.ii. Ihe aupeiiuiiiy and b. r "f our niacliiaes-iil use of water power instead of aieam, snd-ll,, J, f.cl knowledge of all braiielii of our bikiuna will fiiuble us lo compel th Ciliforui,. llivinng the public log ve ua i call, ami to f,lor us wiih their palrouiige, we promiieio tcu their orders on the shortest notice, and Al iiu Fruiit.li- I'rii'ra, A. K0SSI A CO lllyl June 19, )S.".8. : ti f Ploics and II ago ut t F0II EVERY JIOUSEII0LDI Mccormick & rowxiLL'g I2'-V TUB ST AT E OF OREUOS Tri XOW READY FOIt DELIVERY Jq JL tubstliheis und ethers. Price Five Dollars. Subscribers nn.l others in Cl ickirouent,. ly can be auppl.ed by the Postumtier al Orsn, Notice. BIT. I. NO my absence from ihe Stale nf Ors. gon i" Ihu Atlantic Slntce, JAMES K. KELLY, Esq. willanl aa my nulhoriuil Arentj and uli acts done by him us audi Agent shall ba as. valid und bind. tig ua if done by me in prnoa. MILTOX ELLIOTT. .March SJil.li-OO. .Li i..c .nnif? of 'i'iir, M. p.. I, iVotico. JUrown fc IJ rot hers, 0HEG0X CITY. M. f.iM), g, , K . (J K at, I.OI5i:T. A O., Dealero in ) " s- -a , sv r tali.ivicta i.) Valuable Pj-operty For Sale. THE CII.IMPOEU IIOUR MILL. Ilill'a .MILL, siltia'ed ul I throe fntirlha i.fn mile Irom Cliampi). g in the midst uf I lie great t.ra u-rriiwiug coniuiy ;u Oieg a tillered I'm sale. Dm ing h.gli w.iler in winter, (lour, Ac, c-ni uc s.npi u.rei l trom the .Mill. Atluoh-il In the mill is a granary for receiving mid storing neai, u uwvuiug house and garden f.,r the use ol the perm,, in charge. T, whole property iiii'naccs ii;onl t-ivK aciiks. 'I'. I.; .... . no mac. niiciy oi me in ii is of vcrv superior qniiliiy, having been imparled fioin flu, Ii, tcr, mere uro two runs ol Ihe beat French Hurts, und an t .x'ra p-tlent run of smaller I!,,... ler chopped feed, Ae. The fnime work, lor strength, iVc, ciniml he sufpnwed in Oregon, und the null in all respect., is the , ,,0 ulK For lariicu'ura, npplieiition almuld be made to HLO. P. AI.L-VX, ) , A. MrK INLAY. rh'""l"fSi or In AMvlllY IIOLIiliOOK, Chump .eg, Jan 10. 1-00 4llf Oregon City. Mill Seat and Land. THAVKan excellent MILL SEAT, stir. MiiniKd with excellent TLMBllll, which I w.ui'd like to have improved. I will give some millwright who wishes to invest in n saw mill or ! gri-t mill, or both, it good ch im-e. The location I is one of Ilie very best for selling lumber a I I. vet way lo Ihe mill seal, no loll. i.. .,,.11 and handy to heavy settlement!. I wish uisa to s II half a section of LAND near by. The place is six mil,, wcal f Luf . file, ianthdlcouiity. x. . , W. L, ADAMS. x v-a-M.i. aiiir Change of Business.' flMli- nnUr.. gned t-alla attention to the fact that I JL he has reiuimsl f,,,,,, Portland to Yamhill i county far Ilie nra. t i g"U- .i . . . - r-f "iuii vo leaving or : Hie Ail.iinie Suites. 5 Tlio,0 . L b ed to me, i;,. r by note or bo,,k account, are rci'iosted to com forward and retile immediately, Mr. J. .1. lloFFMAX. of Pori- ' " s'"a, 's iui.j- authoi i!cd lo receive and ri ce pt tor uioti.cs fr ,e ;,nl , ,,. lie will be found at Login A Shntluek's I aw Of. h e. I shall be found at LAFA V KITE, Yum li.d county. Ihoso in thai i.., r .k.. Ihickuitliing of all Kinds done to order. I KEEP iiUvnysou lua tad STEEL PLOWS, ir iirnnted lo tcour uud do na good woik lis any n hersin the Sl.-ite. 1 can ulso funiisli von I enn nlwuYs ho found ut 'my oppn-ile .Melt iiilny's, ready lo aline your nr lo mi th ii in the line of my liiisoitss. wiih WACIOXS. shop hors. Cull mill see, Orejui City, April 1G J. W. LEWIS. S3!). lu' PAPER WAREHOUSE 123 &:t:omc Jtrct-t SAN FRANCISCO. J IOIt SALE 12,000 it niiia PI!1NTIN(J pup. r : oG.x IS 11 1 x M S-.'x-H! S.v 1.1 xlj -.'Txll 'Jllx.'IS S4t;lfi -J.Mi uud Hx 33 FIXE a.xu SlTL'li kkws. 2,000 reams Fine and superfine Book Paper. 24x33-10 lbs., 4-1 lbs., -IS lbs., and 56 lbs. xr.v VIM-, Biu iMiu. Lighlhathft celebrated Aries und llnnk ll;. in Kegs und lins, rrom 1 to lOOib. packugea. rvlnlei'ig C'.ariU unit t'.avil V.oavtl. Cohen's mid Smith A Pelers' cards n.l .. boards of every style and quality. Straw 5i r.Ianilla WrappJuff Tapor. Double Crown Palm Straw in bales of U reams- Single do ,hi )-. Manilla Papers. 1.1x90 ISV27--'J k:iii i'v 3li lix.'IS uud 3lix 10. suticriur uriicle Medium, Demy, Flat Caps, Folio Post and Letter Papers. A largo assortment of Cureiv un.l Pl .i.,.. A, Smith's Ledger und Writing 'n,.r,, by Hie case orreani. (JP.O. J. RiiODks X- fit July Ifi, lis;)!). Um3 Wao Gold Mines! IS OREGON" CUT. "Eagle Loot and Shoe Store." J. MOONEY HAS just returned from California aitk t LARGE STOCK OP Boots and Shoes, wh'ch he will sell criLwr for cash, wholesale OR IiDTAlL. A'.tu, a urnaU assortment of Shoemaker i' Jindinft. Ih- rolicils (lie putronngo of the people of tha city mid Ihe public in giirrul. Ueing entire ly df voted lo the hoot and shoe business, lie will keep constantly on hand u fin- assortment of ladka and oeiiileim u'a wear, of all sorts and sizes. Ludies, give trie u cull befuro purchasing aoj where elso. Do n it fnrgcl Ihe pi ice two doors Wow Gib son's Saloon, in flte new building- . 1 Come one, come all, both greul end email, gin me ii call, for I have hoots mid shoes to fit ton all. My inulio ia, Small pi-ol'tts nn I quick returns. I u'lso keep Miller's and Muson's Iktcuso ft sale. Jmi.2'J,lSii9. AND H A RNES3-M AKINff, OREG0X CITY, Clackamas County, Oregon. nilll.S school is situated nn a d lighlful eleva X tnuinf lund, just thr.e niilca south of Ore gou City. Im ibree terms for the venr will com. meiice us follows: 1st term, on the Ht xui... or Si .t,niher; id, on ihe third Monday of Xo. vember; ufier whieli ihere will ben vu.-ation of two weeks, when the ih.rd te,, wi commence. r-ucn term nil contain e even w. -lc. FlCl'LTV. Rev E. CAitTwmmiT. Principal, and Professor of -Mathematics an I Xatursl Si-i..,,. F. A. Wiiitk, Teacher of English primary classes TllTlli.V. Settlement must invariably be maJu in advance for tuition, at ihe following rates: In lt and lid Uea.leis, and i'rinarv Arilh., SI 00 ' Practical and Higher Alill, luetic, Engli.h i (irammar. Oeogrnphy, Writing. ic , 600 Hig.it-r .Mathematics, Xat. Philosophy, md Laliu, $1.1)1.1 extra for each brauch I AM now corn ing on a Smldler'a anil Ba' Hess maker's shop in this city, and haw CW lunlly on haul the best of Ready-made harness, saddles, bri dles, halters, martinguls, and everything in my line. I rim also ready!! make to order anything in my nlJ, v called for, on a abort nolice. My nnllo is. " a gnod article, mid sell it cheap. I solicit pal1, age ut hnme and from ahroid. My eatahluslimeiit ia nearly opposite Cln'"" & W umer'a Old Stund on Main street J. SCIir.AM. April 2, 5lm6 Exte a i.tnnisa. tv ho c.in mo; HOCSE nertheFtitl.?t4iNa UtrW. tl Kih). nre al the 0;d.V CITY BOOKSTORE. Tab. i, I Jul). 44 - Hooks. X ASSor.TMEXT OF SCHOOL .VXD Hr.tri.r.ov roous, Foraai.au. ...CI IS. roPKIS Orego, Ct.'f CHSAP tvtt cAslr. iTCalUnd eiatniae them fV 4, UfO. iiles, , ' u Usui ess of a seiilenient there, will call up-n me. My niej,c e, ,re fr ,le al lr. W'eatherford's Vrvt Store and aleoat Smith A Oa,i.-,. porI,n,i Ongon; and al the Drug Streof Or Si.tIc Ur- 'KV ?n , ' i I1LTCI1INS. M arch 00, ltlO. 50 -.. awl wneii,v. ana Spire, UMlULi: MASTLES, TABLES. lnv.i.'.r 7..,.-, Urt .,',-,,, It. iiiiii-t).i:oiiM, it i 5 Is, I RL'ILMXu' SI'oNK. UT ALL M- UU' I IDN-J, vviuinxn. DirLtti I .' sjop ouK.Oul f , , ', ar .boee-b. . !!-, 1 r.v, I V'-v,s-,vt.tiS-a!waT. en han l J. it. K U.ro, WltoLEStLS AND RKTAIL rEALES ensive arrangements have been m,l A.. n::g the aliinin-r. fur Ihe ...,i. ,i .;.,....., e .... , , . , . , ........ ni-,,, y p,U. d tils, at ihe residence of Ihe Principal. Table expeuaes and rooms, per week, 3.00. atteNdanci. Xo Undent will be allowed a seat for a lesi time ban half a term. Any one baring paid, wishing to vacate a seal the last half of the term, will have one half the money refunded. Profanity and the use of tobacco poaitivcly . b.dden on ihe premise. atisic. Gratuitous instruction, w ill be given to a class in voctl mu,c. Aug. 27, ls09. For Sale. 1 FA HAL situated on Rock creek, ia ii. Clackamas county, on Stale renl yj Ic.ollllT fiom Oieir.iii C. Iv to ihe Forks ofaui ' the W illametto, und 16 miles anulh of Onvf City con'iitn ng 320 acres of land 70 or i5'" cultivolion. and under good fence an ""'".J about 1 ju bearing trees wiih a g house, and comuioii log slub'es. There ""'. timyaid on the prenf s.a n. 17 vnU, ahnpin ir m II ulao a jood building suitable for ,'rr " a good settlement. Iho above pmprny wl" sold on reasonable terms the whole, or id paieei to au I paichoseia. For terms, inquire al ih gttaOtiice. GEOUGE W. JACKsOM- P. S There ia a good creek of Hinr the year rounJ. May 5, lMOnui First Premium, 1 8 41, '42, 'Bt CHARLES J. HO LID EE. GSAriD ACTION PIAiXO FOllTES- qillESE TIAXOS are made of tlie T A. terials, and warranted lo itand ia luuie. Tuning and repairing promptly executed. r g. p. xkwlll & wajs July 30, 1S5D. y AgenU, Oreg Cr IX- iV.'l. F.ULK,.R & so, ....Dealer in C. EXE R A L MERCHANDISE "Pen v. "s r. Corner of .Vaia eaa Fifth Streelt, OUTMilt CITT. PHEnox. t F. CHARMAXS- .D PRIXTIXti nateriai beaeratly. 123 Siusomr street, corner of Merchint, San Francisco. tr rrintera are invited to ouke our icquilnt a" am5 Notice. . DISSOLUTION OF COPARTSBXSK" rTUIE firm of Allan, McKinliy & Co, JJ' X fore carry ing on business uuder lhal W Orejsin Ci!v,"Cbainpoee', lud Lower 0'Jl. I'mjKjui, is hereby dissolve by niuliud eofT. All names indrhu-d 10 Mid finn. or hitrit ' npou them, are hereby requested loieud ieJ ' aicounta or make payment of the am T. Allan or Archibald McKmlay It -2T or Amorv Ilolbrook it Oregoa City.wbeir thonzed io scUle all iixeuuia eonrJei1 ' nd linn. ALIN, McKINLA I'l . k VI . .