ox DxMociMcr. The .iprtaible conflict" an.onj tin Demo i.. (.dated many of tin mfinbtri ol ncJ nirty t ulter tll,,r 0l)In,onl (iult0 . Lcttsrs wu thick asb!ackbrrics, both liJ 0' "0 q"lon- lue . i. .n sitract from the letter of fol- ex . ' . Wilson Lumpkin, of Georgl It'll "7 true nJ wc" deflne(l ,kckb th, Democratic party, nieauwor, v American, clulmi to be, sajs bat knows him to be, to old-fun ?' i n.mnmt of the Jeffersonlan j jrkiooinn tchool, and wye tht the jutcounieofthe party acting under f the one he onco belonged to, the bni him that he la " out offaihion gkinj of thii modern, mongrel, piebald W j m -a. the Brit it 11 Olj aciiucniw ujmiiiu.i vuat do Ti.i. nim! that a larira portion of its Cent material if corrupt, selfish, and dis State of patriotiim, or fixed constitutional rlctoles. It l composed of sectional ffiking factions who follow tue camps f lb Democracy, for the sake alone of the lot'ti ana tunes 01 gmco. anu mnu r fwrious. it is obrious to me constitute large portion of the Democrat- le party or the present uay. MT Tht following is from the Washing MrresDOodence of the rhiladeliibi Prttf. It sl 'tMt I10' the way in which one of tb Democratic divisions talks about id Athc rt "The enemies of Judge Douglas at last .tale t6 realize the ruin they hare wrought, 'ad more than one would gladly retrace if that were possible. Ther sun- MJV " paied tbe Democratic party would submit a.- liAniAlal iHAiiot a fit to litit (0 OUing" uvnviui muiionwuo, uut the cup of forbearance has finally run over, snd. those who ba sowed the wind are terrified at tbe present and pnlpnble fact .r tii.m lira rendered desDerute. and. find if, bo ptrdoa for them in the future, re solve to advance on their record, and to nmerere in their proscriptions. This class LtVi in disunion is their only refuze from tbe wrath of the party they hare labored to destroy. 1 ociicvo inac we men iu mis category are bent upon breaking up this rwdrranr if the can. Ther haro arm- VV'nv- J of a pathizera not ouly in the South, but on the rinc coast, ana contemplate a division of the Republic, by which California and Oregon are to be assisted in setting up an independent government in return for their aid ia the establishment ol a Southern Con federacy. Jo Lane's telegraph to the Ore . goa delegates to go out of the Charleston Convention was a gooa indication ot ins sympathy with tins programme." 19 Wendell Phillips made u character istic speech before the Garrisoninn Aboli- lionists at . Xew York on Tuesday. We clip a paragraph from it: Everything is breaking, and at last the treat Democratic party was breaking (Applause and laughter.) She found out that slavery had a rijrht everywhere. It hated the Republican motto" Freedom national, slrcry sectional" and took as its motto" Slavery everywhere," aud tho counterpart is, the Democratic party no where. (Loud langliter and applause.) It reminds me of the story thut an Eastern traveler tells of a bear in Northern Asia that went into a woman's hut when sho hid just taken oft a boiling tea-kettle, and smelling around with his nose touched the hot iron. Indignant ot the offense offered to his nervous system, the bear clasped the kettle (Laughter), and the more it burnt d him the more he yelled, and the tighter he clasped it, until he died. (Renewed Laughter.) So the Democratic party clasped the motto, " Slarery everywhere," and the more it damaged it, the more it clasped it, the louder it yelled, (laughter,) and it will die with the hot doctrine in its armi. (Loud laughter and applause.) Ths Pbick of the N. Y. Herald.- It ii well remembered that the N. Y. Herald opposed Buchanan in his canvass, and ad vocated Fremont. It was so hard upon the old sinner that he wanted somebody to cut Bennett's ears off, to make him some soiiM. After the election, however, he changed his tactics. He wanted the Her old to help cover np the rascalities of his administration. The editor of tho Knox rille Whig, writing from Washington, says: "Forney testifies that Buchanan stipula ted with Bennett to give him ten thousand dollars per year for the four years of his administration, to support and defend him. Forney says the contract was made with Bennett by him, before himself and Buch anan fell out. It was, no doubt, to meet these pay meuts that poor Fowler was drawn "po". What an unmitigated pack of .thieves!" Look at New York! If Mr. Seward aa not in favor at Chicago, his principles And even by his most derout per owl and political friends, his principles re more revered than the man. Let the Democracy, if they please, con titrate all their power upon New York. r. Seward's friends would be happy to "e their patriotism brought to such a t. The greater the pressure the greater weir power; and shall it bot be understood that their metal is to be tried in the way ladicated, tbe Republicans of the Union "U see auch a battle as has never been OTght upon this continent. Will the Uongh-Facea" please try us? Albany -fceeaiitg Journal. fow Minino Towx ih Souther Or-G0!'--"Dardanelles" is the name which been given the little town just sprong "P o the sonth side bank of Rogue river, a miles from Jacksonville. It ia rap A P08hin"f into importance. Some half aoze? buildings are now in the course of action, and as many contracted for, soon w be built. The steam quartx crashing is located there, and workmen are wily engaged ia patting up the machinery. ttge run regularly every day between "jWe and the Dardanelles. The rt mining operations on Rogue river ut a short distance above the town. If Douglas is the bead of the Dem r" T1?' th Prty fa dead-head con louitrille Journal. MV A Georgia paper calls attention to tho fact that the Charleston Convention forgot all about John Brown, his invasion not being referred to In the speeches or tbe platforms. But, says the paper, " tbe Republicans themselves In Chicago bare taken upon them the responsibility of de nouncing John Browuism and the Invasion of States. Verily, our squatters bad bet ter turn their faces toward ' Honest Abo, The Opposition party of Delaware hare determined to act iu harmony upon State mattcis, although there is a difference on the Prtsidental question. Two of the meov bers of the Stato Central Committee were chosen with the understanding that they were for Bull and Everett. The great majority of the party and oil of the oppo sition journals support Lincoln and Hamlin1 t&" Ar. Ohio correspondent of the New l ork Tribune says: " Set down Ohio for Llncolu and Hamlin, by 20,000 majority against any man nominated at Bultlmore Lincoln will get a rote which neither Seward nor Chose could hare secured mean the conservative rote of central and southern Ohio." tST A little Western editor, who Dre- tenria to be literary, attacks the literature oi Mr. hrerett. There Is as much d ft. crence between the literature of Mr. Ever ett and that of the scaibbler as between a bolt of lightning and a bolt of canvas. Louuville Journal. S&" The late General Conference of tho M. h. Church baa resolved. That the mar riage relation can only be dissolved by a violation oi tne seventh commandment, or by death, and a subsequent marriuce by euner party wnue ooiu are living, Is contra ry to tho teachings ol the Holy Scriptures. f& In one of his Illinois speeches Judge Douglas charged that Lincoln had " tended bar" in his youth. Lincoln ad mitted the fact, and remarked that Doug las was one of his rery best customers. The rery common plirsse " in the mtan limt, irusea twonty years hence, will be unirercnlly understood to mean this pres ent period of Locofoco sway. Louisville Journal. S&" At a regular meeting of Oregon Dirtsion No 8, S. of T., the following res olutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, The All-wise and graciousGod hns seen proper to remove from among us Bro. George Howe, a worthy member of this Division; therefore Resolved, Ihnt we have received with feelings of deep sensibility this dispensntion of Divine Troridcnce, and, whilst wo bow humility to the stroke, we mourn not for our departed Brother " as those who have no hope," and trust that this affliction may not be lost upon those he has left be hind. Resolved, That having fulfilled the last duty we owe to our Brother, in following his remains to the grave, and tliero deposit ing them with the appropriate ceremonies tho Order, we will endeavor to cherish his memory in our hearts; and that, as a mark of respect and affection, the Regalia of the Division be draped in mourning for thirty days. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to the daughter of our deceased Brother snd also a copy be furnished for publication. R. Gammili., W. P. Ueo. a. oheppard, u. a. ORKonx City Market. Wheat, $0 60 0.70: flour, $4a$6; potatoes, 75c; ont, 75c; butter, 15c; bncon, 12al5c; eggs, 25c. DISS: At Harding's Mill, Clckamiu county, Thnrt- ay niBhl, duly ZD, noneri, j-uujii emm i Thnimia and .lane Wattrbury, aged 8 mantua. 'Tia aweat to linger, look, and pna Upon thy little face so fair, And know so well thou'rt gone to Him Who loves ihee and has calltd thee home. Justice's Office, OREGON CITY. AM always en hand, and will attend to the COLLECTING OF ACCOUNTS, Drawing up of Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, lionds, rowers oi Attorney, Contracts, fec, and all other business committed to my care. Office directly eppottle the Mntome Building. June 16,1860. J. E. HURFORD. COFFINS. CM. KESTER, Undertaker, WOULD inform the people or Oregon Uly and vicinity that he will keep a supply f Ready-made Coffins, of all sizes, constantly on nana. He will also keep a and will be prepared to attend to all the necessary business of funernla connected with his Hue. Shop near the Seminary. rff Custom from the country is respectfully solicited. June 23, 1160. Notice IS hereby given that my wife Chailotts baa absconded from my residence, taking one child with her. All persons are hereby warned not to harbor or trust her en my account, aa 1 will pay no debts of her contracting;. July 7, 1SOU-MWJ JAMES CRIM. Hogs Wanted. (j aSO Bead of Bora, a wit iv it t ntv nim rnp Delivered at the ISLAXD MILLS IMMEDIATELY. ry Hog $ honght coMfaaty. A. J. CHAPMAN. Oregon City, March 84, I860. SO IHnal Settlement. "VfOTICEai hereby guea inai w. i. zipper lX son, administrator of the esUle of Jane O. Moore, decVL late of Clackamee co.. State of Or egon, has filed his accounts for anal settlement, im the fir Monday ia August neat ia appointed lor the examination of the same at tho couit-honse ia Oregoa City ia said county. . Juno 56, S0-12w4 County Judge. OREGON CITY mm mis 29K x mr m. m. FRANCIS D. HODC80N, A. M., PsiacifAi. Mas. Mast IIodoson, Teacher Ornamental Uranchte ; Miss Louisa HssriHN, Teacher Inetrumental Music Miss Asahinta HuxsAKsa, Auutant, Englith rpHE 2d quarter will commence May 14, I860 The facilities far instruction in this tchool ire superior, and the lei ms mors moderate than any viiwwi iu me country. An eipsrienced Music Teacher has been en gsged. Embroidery aud Fanoy Needle-work taught Scholars will be admitted at any time, and enarged only for the number or weeks in attend aee. April Sir, 1860-3 Corner Third anil Water itreete, appetite the Terry L,auUuig, OREGON CITY. THE traveling publio are respectfully lurilej to give me call. The Oregon House is the most pleas-, antly located hotel in the Stale, aud has been so arranged as to make it one of the most commod ous houses in the oouutry. THE TABLE will always be supplied with ine oesi inai ine market snores. Good accommodations for ladies and families. raioaai Board and lodgiiip, per week $6.00 Board, without lodging, per week S.0O Board per day, with lodging 1.50 Single meal JiO Night's lodging M J. BOKHM. May 1, 1859. Proprietor. Reduced Prices Goods Cheaper than Ever ! N. BROWN rpiAKES this method of Informing his friends JL ana tbe public generally that ha HAS REMOVED to a house Dearly Opposite Lis old Stand, where he hit commenced business with bis bro ther under the style of Brown & Brother, who will always be happy to wait on their old friends and customers iu the way of showing them Goods of the Very Best Quality, which, having been bought low in San Francisco, 'mm the largest importers in I alifomi, they are able to sell as cheap as CAN BE SOLD in Portland! They will also constantly receive Goods by Every Steamer. Their stock consists of ALL KINDS OF ill DD3 DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, d 3 'SET SB 3s 21 H 9 9 Our main object by this notice is to inform the public that we are bound to sell goods As low as they can be bought in rortland, and no mistake. If this is doubted, we have only to say, call and satisfy yourselves. Ladies and gentlemen will al ways be welcome, aud will be waited en with promptness. To the Farmers WE WOULD SAY Look for the sign of BROWN if BROTHER, and don't leave town till you give oa a calL ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN in emchange for Goade. Oregon City, June 33. GEO. E. COLE, (roccEssoa to w. h. srancsa,) Dealer in IRON, STEEL, AXLES, SPRINGS, Wagon Material, Mechanic' Tool,. Agricultural Imple- menli, and OSXffSKAL BAUIWAU, FaoNT Stmt PORTLAND. ORDERS SOLICITED. 52 GENTLEMEN: IF YOU WANT ANY Fine Clothing, CALL AT BROWN & BROTHER'S. Notice. AHOCSB near the Faaata gammer for rent Enquire at tho OREGON V1TJ BUUAOiunz.. Feb. 4, 1860. 44 Notice. MR. POSTS school ia not going to stop la throe weeks. Wo are ready receive popisi at any time, and ear ebargeo will bo ao law ae any .ther school J.D.P08T. OragM City, Aaeil I, leW. 52 Roman Eye Balsam FOR WEAK 4 INFLAMED EYES. npiIIS BALSAM was used for many years ia s the privsta practice of a celebrated Ucuiist, Willi rsmarkubie success, for diseases of Ilia r.yi and Eyslids. Thsre are many persona who would rathsr sutler from pain and dissaso through life, than credit or try the elllcacy ef any new discovery) all such bad better not read this, but to all reasona ble persons this preparstion Is recommended as a mast safe aud effectual cur for luflimmalioD of the Kyo and Eyelids, caused either by loo clow l:..r. - ; ... .!.!--. L..I.!., ppiioauua to minuieoojecis, scroiuieua naoit, es posure to oolj, blsws, contusions, or irritation from any extraneous body under the eyelids. It ia reniarksbbly soothing In llsetTeot, aud hiia cured thousands who would otherwise have lost their sleht. In cases the Kyellds are Inflamed, er tho ball ef the Eye thickly covered wilh blood, It ecu al most iiks nmgic and removes all appearanocs of innammatien alter two or In res applications. There is a numerous olass of persons that are pecu liarly exposed to accidents or diseases that weaken and inflame the Eyes, and perhaps destroy the sight, who, from tlis nature uf their employments, are compelled to work in a cloud at dust and grit, ouch thtuld never be without this BALSAM Remember, "Seeing is Belisving." Price SS cents per jar. Prepared and sold by A. B. It. D. SANDS, Druggists, 100 Fulton-strest, New York. For sale by II. Juhnsom&Co. and Rkdinoton at Co. San Francisco; Uicx Jt-Oorrw, Marysvillsi It. H. McDonald It Co., Sacramento t and by uruggrsts generally. JulySl-mS SANDS' SARSAPARILLA, REMEMBER, THIS IS TIIK Original and Genuine Article! AcnNowLxuoso to sa The Beit Sanaparilla Ever Mad I THIS unrivaled prt-paralien has performed some of tho most anioiii.hing euree that are recorded In the history of Medicine. 1 ho rapid!' ty with which the patient recovers llrnliti nud Sfreitslls under Its Influence is surprising. Each new case in which it is applied furnishes in the result a new ceilifioale of iu eAicscy and excsllence; and we have only to point to the accumulated testimony of multitudes who have experienced its beneficial enacts, to convince the most incredulous orils value. Do not forget to ask for bands' Ssraaparilla. tW For sale by H. Johnson Sl Co. and Rao- inotun dr. Co., San Francisco; Rica It CorriN, Msrvsvi lie: K. H. McDonald Sl Co.. Sanrnmento: and by lirurgists geusrally. July Hlmli J. R. RALSTON, WHOLESALE $ RETAIL DEALER IN General Merchandise, ia now in receipt of zrsw aoosi selected with much care in San Francisco. have just received ex Northerner and Brother Jonathan, French, English, ds AMERICAN PRINTS, bleached sheetings and long cloths, plain a barred muslin, do do snip muslin, Victoria lawn, brown sheetings a shirtings, hickory stripe, denims, drills and ships duck. IRISH LINENS, linen damask, white damask, table covers, Rus sian towels, and crash. (liSjHtlil, white, yellow, red, grey, a blue, plain and twill ed, plain a figured satinets, janes, eottoiiades, wwl hussy bcuutiml styles blankets, white, red, blue, grey. Hosier ladies', misses', and children's brown, slate, and mixed hore gents' and boys' wool aud cotton half hose. Boots and Shoes: a large lot gents' fine, medium, and coarse boots shoes, Iodic' and misses' calf ahoes, gaiters, a lippers, beys' boots a shoos, childrens shoes, fancy and plain. Ha r die a r c: p. ocket knives, pruning and bud ding knives, knives and forks, scissors and shears, butts and screws, strap hinges, door locks, variety ot styles and patterns, hand saws, tenon saws, compass t i i saws, Dencn planes, ciiisels, au gers, anger bitts, axes, hatchets, hammers, shovels, hoes, potato rakes, brads, tacks, finishing nails, cut nails, wrought nails, horse nails, ifcc. XJE2SS: Sugars, coffee, tea, syrup, salt, spices, soap, soap powders, candles, saleratus, yeast powdi-re, cresm artar, soda, sal soda, indigo, clothes pins, scrub brushes, paint brushes, brooms, dust brushes, hand bellows, wooden pails, wash tuba, and wash boards. . PJ1IJYTS 4- OILS: White lead, red lead, Ven. red, Prussian blue, chrome yellow, chrome green, burnt and raw um ber, yellow a black paint, Vandyke brown, I . It. Sienna and assorted colored smalts, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil, Polar oil, lard oil, fish oil, tanners' oil, China nut oil, eVe., Sec. We will be receiving by every ateamer addi tions to our present extensive stock, and FARM ERS and others will find it to their advantage to eall and examine our goods and prices before buy- ng elsewhere. TertM, CASK. J. R. RALSTON, Cernrr Main dj- Fifth eta. Oregon City, October 1, 1859. 83 Ladies: F TOU WISH aaQ3 .011393 aQErsDS, ....AT A LOW PRICE.... BE SURE TO CALL AT THE STORE OF BOWiV 4 BROTHER. i. B. PAINTER (uts o'nr.iXA a rsiNTaa) Dealer in Type, Presses, Printing Material, raper, tiaras, And Printeri' Stock generally, 1S2 Clay street, near Ssneeme, tSjl Pan FaANCieoo. Island Mill Flour. THOSE who wish to ret the GENUINE ISLAND MILL FLOUR, will oleosa eaU at lb Mill, at Channaa Jr. Warner, Oregoa City, or at A I Ira ek Lower's, Portland, a tho second- handed Island Mill seeks have be boaght sp by eartaia isdividoalo, and refilled with inferior Boar. A. . vHArMAJi. Island MIH,Jirly93,18o9. lfcif JUST reeimd, tho llaet etyie at mi sat es BONNETS, Leghosa sad etre laaa. AIVI WORTH 4t MERpOtFJ., " I oaa aJmiuiater to a mind (and body) duxased, And wilh a sweet oblivious antidote Cleans Ilia foul system of Its perilous stuff." . r -6aW: A Blessed ii Divine Remedy SANGUIFEROUS NERVINE TONICI Read my Theory of LIFE and DEATH, THAT most diseases prav fatal ; that early deaths occur; that people live for years a liv ing death, weak, Inaniinslo, and exhausted not from Ih disease itself, but from an inability In nature, and nature's strength to withstand ar maintain life through the ravages ef disease. Give them strength, and nature will relieve her self, If stimulated, hhe has givea us herbs aud plants loaded all this. Purify the blood, render tho intestine-, the liver, tho heart, and all the natural functions of man or women aclivo, and you hare half conquered disease. Dr. J A COD WEBBER does consolsntiously assur all who read this, thst his SanguiAer or Invigorating Cor dial produces all tho shv-ct above described. II has seen III old, tlis loitering, the palsied, the nervous, the dyspeptic, the Inebriate, the dsbsu chee, and the invalid, revive under it iuflueavo, as if asw life were givea them. Dr. Webber's Sangulfler act on the blood, heart, brain, Intestines, siusws, nerves, the fluids and semi-fluids, aud the whole physique, aud BENEFITS ALIKE the gloomy hrpochoudriae, the dyspeptic, the nervous, debilitated and feeble, the over-doctored invalid, the bilioua and liver-diseessd sufferer, tlis gourmand, the debauchee, the Intemperate, aud all who auflsr 111 health. "OH HORRIBLE! Oil HORRID. E! Most Horrible! IT When worn-out nature succumbs to DEATH, because she has uot strength to resist Now, Dr. Jacob sobers invigorating Cordial causes strength -that is it main quality. The first op eration, Vsaic; lite partaker feels then thnttara- lie la caused hi skin is damp, hia limbs supple and active, bs reels a wish for exercise, aud knows he has strength to endure it ; he la light- spirited: his skin becomes clear: hi eyes, loo. be cause hie liver it made active, the tile neutral ised or ejected, and hie blood thinned and pari- fiea. II lie has a Joal elomarn, tins acta aa nn aperient, net othcrwwe. Agam, it immediately relieves bslcbmg, and prevents an accumulation of wind in the stomach. The etomach. the great receiver of disease and its cure. I will now sou merate a few of those diseases where I have seen Pr. Webber' Invigorating Cordial act moat beau tifully i Nervousness, Weakness, Languor, Fever and Ague, Chills, Pains in the Limbs, Joints, Body, Delirium Tremens, Tre mors, Constitutional Decline, (from any causo,) Debility in either sex or age, Torpor of the Liver, Bowels, HABITUAL C ONSTIPA TIONU This will purify the thick stagnaut blood, cause a healthy action on the bowels, heart, skin, and brain, aud thereby revoliitiunue the hole system, which has become dormant and inautiva. Two thirds of humau diseases are caused from some of the above organs being disorganisvd. Doctors may tellyeu that you have such and such a d ia- ease, but until medical practice becoinee a science (slid it is not yet), disease cannot be described to a certantv. This siniriilur medicine rradns It strengthens the system, enters at once the blood, htch from sluirgishners is rapid, courses through the veins and the heart. Many 1 hare seen who sssured me that, three days alter using it, they have felt a thrill ef animation, mentally and bod ily; their chest and breast was before heavy; all they ate seemed to settle there; their rest was un quiet; their appelit poor; and that this really blessed cordial removed all such symptoms; that strength of limbs, body, appstite, and spirits was givsn them by it, and an entire revolution in their worn-out system occurred. The Rev. Robert Scliuylor, of Petalnma, says: ' For ysars bsth myself and brother have suffered so from dyspepsia, weakness of and sour stomach, indigestion and flatulence, that life nt tunes was a burden. We have used ysur Cordial (Dr. Wtk her' Invigorating Sanguifier) four days, and feel better than we have for years." nebriates and Drunkardsl KB AS It The Appetite for Liquor Destroyed! ONE of the beautiful properties possessed by UR. WKDDKR S INVIGORATING CORDIAL Is that it removes all lenging or taste for liquor. Many inebriates have found that after it has ro- ewed and strengthened them, quieted their nerves, It has eaueed areraiun to stunts. I have seen It cure some of the most frightful cases where delirium trement had actually occurred. ITSold by all respectable Druggists in Oregon and California. Beware of Count erfeit! See that the names of T. J on and J. Wr.som, M. are en the top of eaoh outside wrapper, and blown in the ;lax ef each battle. uy none other! BEFORE AND AFTER 1-AXisa DR. WEBBER'S SANGUIFIER, Or ivliratlei Cardial. The Three Prettiest Girls xxr o&sooxr oztti Ella, Bella, and Mollis, you knew Ihem I am euro, With complexions so lovely, so clear, and eo pure; Their hair dark and ailky, while the teeth ef thess girl Ar eo snowy you'd think they had months full of pearls ; Tst every child of Creation, both ladies and gents, Caa possess the same beauties for 100 cents, Beeaoee the price is reduced to 25 and 50 cents for the following superb compound, a fresh supply of which, fresher and bettor perfumed lhaa ever, baa just be a received. Reader, although advertised thus, thee really fin article are all wo represent tliem. The Soap (prieo reJaeed to 25 cents) acta ia the most beau tiful manner in clarifying, whitening, and clearing the neat discolored, eruptive, and disfigured skin ; while for infanta or for shaving, H i nnequsled, as healing, softening, and making a fine lather. For cleaning, dressing, forcing the heir t grow, stopping iu felling off, earing Iho dandruff, Aa, tho CORAL I1AIR RESTORATIVE ia Ih finest thing mad. Price reduced to 25 cents. Teeth ar mad a whit aa snow, the breath sweat, and tho gome hard and healthy, by LA FONTS JAMAICA SOAP TEETH ROOT. It lathers lik soap, and is asaeuful. Prio SO etc. geld at the abov prices by all druggist in Cat ifmue aad Oregoa- Wholes! by Pass it Wnrrs, fst-iail It Csakx, aad Raataorow e cm., tan Franeeoeo. - ,-. ..'. MurS. ; No More Mills Burnt I - MR. POOTII Dssa Hiai I bar law Mill one of your Centra Feed Fire proof SMUT MACHINES, pul up two week ago I can esy Dial I consider il (lis greatest Improve ment In this class of machinery thai has com un der my notice. The danger from Hie by friction and dust, common to Ilia one ia general Ms, I eumplslsly obviated. The dust and dirt, hereto fore so annoying to me, is new effectually rem edied. That part uf ilis mill befur ewupied by lh Smut Machin is new as clean as any port of Ih mill. 1 can say that il is tlis best swuier uf frraln I srsr saw. Th improvement in the quel ty of flour will be at once discovered j Iu tart, III great ehang produced In evory ruepect I In deed a very great on. I would say that I have had In mill previous to this a machine thai cut Ih grain vary much, bul this dues not out a kernel, and does uol rouuiie half iho power. Your ma chin will certainly lake Iho ursr. ien-e iu Ihi Slsts, and I would esy eu the PeohV coast. A. J. Cmania. Island Mill, Or. gou City, May "4, IbCu. WM. MASTERS, Agon!, Portland, Oregon. To tho Millers of tbls itato i You will never regret trying Ihi Smut Mill. You can call aud see how tin cleans wheal, be fore purchasing. I haveth only on In Oregon, at preaenl, but they ean soon bo obtained. I weuld say that my flour has hod a great re puta tion in the last two years, and I am satisfk-d by the use of this smul mill thai il will sull msks an improvement in th Hour, If any can be madei A.J. CHAPMAN. Oregon City, May 2C, IHUU. "If SLMILKAMEEN GOLD MINES, HAVE TURXED OUT fW MJ UK "KJ i BUT THE "Eagle Boot & Shoe Store1 IS NO HUMBUG t HF.RE YOU CAN KIND THE STUFF that will stanJ the tare and wear. It pros pects well, for I rals the color every pan, aud if ihe times were only a little brisksr, I lliiuk that il would pay very Wvll; and if you don 'I believe it, just come and buy a pair of ll OTd, after you try them en, for ' 1 lluvc Jail Kfcelvcd A NEW ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, or The Latest Stylo ami Fashion. Gents' tins sewed French calf boots, also pegged oalf boots and shoes uf all sorts and siiee ; Ladies' kid, morocco, enamel aud cloth gaiters, silk alas tio Congress-liet-l gaiters, misses' gaitors sni shoes of every kind, oosrse and tine : bays' shoes of ev ery kind thai ia mentioned iu my rhyme ; chil dren's calf and opier toed shove j ladies and children's IIOSK of all sites, while, brown, and fancy; Miller's Water-Proof JIIACKINU, J. a. Alasou s Ulacking j Mioeintikcr'a rinding, Pegs, awls, hammers, thread, wax, nails, and shoe-knives. Thankful for past patronage, I respectfully so licit a continuance of patronage from my old cus tomers and aa many new ones as choose to Dome. Ladies and gentluiiieu, give me a call, young and old, great and small, brave and bold, for I Will be ready and happy to wait on you all, and iu partic ular the ladies t I like to see them come I pay me a visit. Remember the place Tire Doors EaU of Broun if- Brother, iTInlii street, Orcitou Cllf. Ladies and gentleman, I aasure you that I can sell you boots and shoes as cheap as any house in town, er a little cheaper for cash down. Small profits and quick sale, that is the talk that tells the tale. myl9 J. MOONEY. & sa sj si ip n s? si AND PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS. Oppotite Geo. Abernethy cj- Co.' I Brick Store, , OUKG0N C1TV. TUG undersigned are prepared to Ink like nesses, such at Arabrotypes, Melainotypcs, Pho tographs, or PICTURES ON PATENT LEATHER, eiiitable for eemling in letteri, all of which will be executed in tho LTc'.HT AMD KKATHHT HTM.E, AND ON SIIOIiT NOTICE AND REASONABLE TERMS. GROUPS and J.OCKKf PICTURES taken very low. Cull and examine our pictures, and lu.lao for yourselves, Rooms opposite Abcrnelliy St Co. s brick stare. HOLLAND It DAY. June 11, 18.-9. BAKERY, AND FAMILY GROCERY If CIlARMAN would respectfully Inform tho . o people of OREGON CITY, and Ihe pub lic generally, that he is still carrying en business at hie old stand, whsre he will keep on hand Everything in his Line, . ...and or... THE VERY BEST QUALITY. II keeps constantly on hand a large lot of DESIRABLE FAMILY GROCERIES, which he will sell as low aa they caa be bought at any other house in town. No pains will bo spared to give entire satisfac tion to all whe may favor him wilh a call. All or ders will be filled with as much promptness aud fairneaa aa personal presence will secure. PARTIES FURNISHED with everything in his hue on the shortest notice. WEDDING GARBS MADE TO ORDER. Oregoa City June IB, 1850. AH Kinds of Produce TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOE GOODS, IT BROWN & BROTHER'S.