The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, June 23, 1860, Image 1

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rEBM0F siiisciui'Tioy.
,. V,,,, ru7t JurnMtA at Thret DuUari
frr """"
- ti of th, rr.
L. DMtrneillltcyrgtdfofU mouth
J'J,ploM ""'
T -wr .'"'" unlit elt arrruragei
liTunU" ll" '''" FM"l"r'
HOtt.ealr 'IUll
o. ri' A"WI . .
j.r Jark li'll
A:iJ lli cl.mimr. rr,.
iluu Ihe !"" "lh of ort"fe "W,M"'
- ntrk tvrtwiisht inliio-froin m!o Ml
Tbl hii(wr now !
Bliek ) n"1 d""1 "l "
S'df r) 'n0"' l,I,M, 1,1 "''"'"a i
jlhck cwiumI noencut pin,
Hie Mm enqi m t r-uin j
Tl, b'ck b.k n lively li-nrt,
Whm w!l "l"! ,,rP,,rt I
Tli W D"r'1)''
That buriwn lif b-yotid a dy.
The b)ck my f.nlurM beat li.c!oo,
, n blue itiyf-linU" 1,11 "P0"' ,
Two lt w'1'"" eontrol.
Th llk '' n.lii'l-tli" b!uc all .nL
Tiik Couino Kci.irsK. The total eclipso
of Hit suit on the ISili of ""Xt July will
be very iniortuiit one to the seioiitllic
world. The Director or the Dormt 01)
scrviit'ory wns the first to remark that tit
the moment of obscuration four of the prin
cipal planets Venus, Mercury, Jnpitur,
iud Saturn will appear in the vicinity of
the eclipsed Rim li" a kind of rhomhoidiil
Hiiro n phenomenon of such extraordi
nary rarity that many efiiturii-a will elapse
beforo its repetition. Darkness will com
nuuco and terminate ou the laud, the local
ities Ijeiiig California and the Hhorcii oHhe
Red Sea. Between these cxtrema points,
ths eclipse will be visible in North Ameri
ca, from whence the moon's shadow will
pun across tho Atlantic, and tri versa
tinaia. The linn of totality will then cross
the Mediterranean and enter Africa.
Dilmariis I'ii.aii-Ai.i.Y Co.vbrnKiiKti.
n. . ll...fpnj .lAiiintl rliitu Gtki.ii1.'a nf
the piine of hillinrds:
. " Vw, ir, we can tell you oil about bill
iardj. It is a panic consisting of two men
in their shirt sleeves, punching balls ubout
on a table, and presenting the keeper with
twaty cents, o, as is most commonly the
case in this country, telling him to just mark
it down. This lust mentioned custom has
given them the titlo of billard markers.
If you have a decided genius for the game,
you will innka a superior player ut an ex
pense of about $5000. lilatksmitlis, carpen
ters, ic., play it for exercise. It was in
vented by o shrewd galoan keeper, who was
not satislied with the profit on whisky, und
was too much opposed to temperance to
water it."
YVoitsTMAX CiiiMKs. "It is not crimes
uehas murder uud robbery which des
troy (lie pcaeo of society," says n news
paper, "so much as the co:it nipt lilu gossip,
the family cpiarrcls, tho jealousies and bick
erings bet wet n neighbors, fho llefome
ties mid tattling, which are the canker
thit ents into all social happiness." And
mother paper ndds: " Better by far live in
neighborhood of theives than one of liars;
and all tattlers are liars, and what is vor.--e
than that both theives and murderers; they
stcul the good name of the innocent, nud
by Hasting the fair fumo pf the virtuous,
send to a prematura grave innuy tender
beings, who cannot rise beyond the reach
of their denioiiiuu shafts."
t"Tiie Metropolitan Record, the offi
cial organ of Archbishop Hughes, congrat
ulates its Catholic readers on tho fact that
" the church is steadily recovering her lost
ground, and tho effects of tho Reformation
nro gradually disapenring before her on
ward march." The Record adds: " Every
week wo read of numerous conversions a
luong the ministers of the Church of Eua-
laud, and the day may not be far distant
whet) the sacrifice of tho mass shall bo off
wed up in the grand old minsters and ca
thedrals which were wrested from tho faith
ful in the days of Henry the Eisrhth
the Victor Emmanuel of the sixteenth cen
Mathematical Prayer. At a revival
meeting held in a town near this city, a
w evenings since, nn agcr! German was
powcriully converted, when he immediately
, Offered, in substnnue. tlm fnllowintr nrnrnr!
' "Oh, mine Gott, do good lo da Methodist
l-")ies in Jonesvillc dcy pi church, pig
.-uun-i, un iree nunarea pious people flare:
if ln Methodists peoples hero pray and de
.d ticked Tutchman converted, vat if de
wte hundred Methodist peoples in Jencs
T'ilea i,rav!" We think thpro would be
a much needed general reformation accom-
jiusneq. Jonenile Gazelle.
5The Hartford Times lets out the
following pent-up genius of a scholar of
,n city, who astonished his schoolmates
"J the foilowinircomDosition: 'Composition-
Once upon a time there was a profit named
Ei'sha, who was walkin-r out one da v.
wliensome small boys mode profane and fa
cshos remarks onto bis bawld head; where-
pon lie caused 2 she bears to devour the
"Mil boys. This was tho first time that
""an was known to bear children.
K?Wa. L. Yaxcet, of Alabama, the
wer of the seceisiouists, is a native of Troy
H Was Sent tn Witliomi' rnlloirn
W no college could hold him, and the fac
Bty were glad to get rid of him. Yancey,
U'U Carolina, shot his uncle dead, ard
imprisoned fifteen months for the t
"d then was sent to Congress, where he
m'i a bloodless duel with Mr. Ciingman.
bJr iti'oti:an miasionitry steamer Al-
UardiMir Las been captured ty the na-
aaj haajj MC(,It ow
Z5 t
A Weekly Xen-spnper, devoted
Vol. VI.
Vroro tbe apt r t.olumula.
Pes Ciiites, June 12, 18C0.
Ed. Allots: Sennit weeks ago. two
Chinamen hired horses of one John Dor
man at the Dalles, to ride to Wullu Walla.
, ""v" " "fm ",0
iifirinnii nPAtiiiifiii .ii v..: i
retiirncd to tho Dullea. Xo uotice irus 1
If.l'nn nf !. n.i ;.. . ii'..n.. liT.ii..
" 'I I' lu "u," "".
until tho Chinamen ut that placo missed
their brethren, whom they expected about
that time. It seems that this Dormau and
i ml il ill ii .. I
two or three others had been collecting to-
geiuer a uauii oi nurses during tno winter,
.i .... ..t
which they bad ached In some valley in
the Cascade mountains. The cache was
ft it . . .
uuauy loumi, anu most or tno horses re-
stored to their owuers. Suspicion trettins'nn Khir.1 il... nil. i...f . iorn
w w ,
pretty strong, two of the chaps left, Dor-
man being ono of them. One, a dnrkey,
was caught und confined. After Dormau I
Un, tho two Chinameu were found murder -
cd near John Day'i Uiver, thirty-Ove or
forty miles from the Dalles. They were
shot, and robbed of $G00 or $100. The
Sheriff of this county, Chas. Whito, pur
sued tho supposed murderers, Dormnn and
Davis, as fur south as Jacksonville, where
he arrested them, and brought them buck.
Vlii.-l;y is supposed to liuvo had its full
sharo in the commission of this awful
Ou election day, nt new Walla M'ullu,
two men, whose names I was not ublo to
learn, uccume a littlo ovcr-unlanceil witli ;
whisky-got into a quarrel and one beat
tho other's brains out with a club,
wha after the manner o the slayer o ,
A ii'l T in snrv.viip vrna lini-n.r Inn trml
Abel. The survivor was having his trial
at Walla Walla, but it was thought by
some of the knowing ones that he would
be cleared, as tho two men wero drunk
with rot-gut, und knew not what they were
On Saturday night, the Oth inst., a mnn
named John S. Smith shot uud killed a
man named Orvillu C. Crum, who was liv
ing nt his house. Tiiero are different re
ports as to the cunso of the homicide, one
of them being n suspected improper inti
macy between Crum and Smith's wife
another that il was owing to a dispute
about n ranch where they lived. Tho two
men used to live near Champocg, and the
deceased was always considered a very
harmless man. Both were said to have
have been a little unbalanced during the 1
day with .strychnine wh'bky.
A cook ut tho Umatilla House in the
town of Dalles attempted to commit sui
cide on the 1 1 1 It iust. Decerning tired of
life and disgusted with the bad whisky
they keep nt the Dalles, ho put u pistol to
his car nud fired away fell down lay a
few moments, then jumped up, ran out,
uud made an attempt to leap over into the
surging waters of the Columbia, but he
was prevented from executing his mad pur
pose. At last accounts, ho was thought
to bo beyond recovery. Ho attempted
cutting his throat scvcrul times before.
He was from the sunny lund of Italy, and
was named Josephi Wilsonini.
This is a delightful part of tho world to
live in. Tho newly-elected Coroner, Dr.
Hogg, is likely to have a good business in
his line. Worth stumping the wholo coun
ty for, even to the borders of Utuh. We
can't anticipate with confidence any change
for the better until some means con be de
vised whereby a stop can be put to the cir
culation of that execrable rot-gut and
strychnine mixture, which at the Dalles
they dignify with the nnme of ' whisky.'
Renowned as that place is for the rapid
consumption of this deadly article of drink,
yet the consumers arc carried off with such
fatal facility by it like unto fabled Saturn
devouring his own children that it is be
ginning to break over the limits in which
it lias hitherto been confined, and we fenr
that, permeating through the gorges of the
Cascade mountains, it may soon reach the
peaceful precincts of this little village.
May tliis woful calamity
be averted from
our doors! is the heartfelt prayer of your said he, 'cut your leashes, turn loose your 5 1 " -...
I JI Arrant Oh Whlkv! Whisky ! terriers and take in your rat killers, and if All tb. minds that ever thought, and all
humble secant. Oh,! M.isKyi i willter tbe tll0Ughu that Dliud ever made, would
how art thou fallen! to the miserable com-1 btforeyougct illto Texag you!DOtmaketUIUi bi8MyourlUt Minds,
pound at tl.eDa!Ies!-Rotgut!!-Faugh..:lnHy sll00t me jje hn(1 ,lig Brog on Ihej h r eJot ai Me th
I have traveled the world over, almost, ana
have imbibed all sorts of mixtures prepared
as beverages, dm never u.u i u...
the calabash of a Caflir such detestable
stuff os I have been compelled to put np
with in the mouutain gorges of the Colnm-
Dia. iwmiietiiLutiu-.-u
t ii i . i..imm m ha it wi.ii
mixed with the cool water rrora tue snowy
sources of our rushing river, of which there
. ..l...-.1AnnA maiV at til Tollp
- . .
i . . J
LilU ,UIUUJUll "l -
iu hiehest mark last year, the waters sub -
inenrin" all the lower part of the town
rninml.i. hf. L ir nn w 1 1 n two feet or
and penetrating np into the ' Mountaineer'
office and compiling its removal to dryer
dii'ngs-the inmate, not being able to
staid it in water kueenleep. I hear that
the water has got into the Umatilla Hotel,
.... t u. it l-M nnl tkate the re -
i f tniin
raOTDI oi iu uruui.cwif, -r
twn more rent emtnly
tner arc not easily found ia Oregon. Tbe
urn n
to tho Interests of tho Laboring Classes, atid advocating tho
front street In Dei Chutes Is navigable for
the steamer and the wholo fleet of sail
boats. .
Let me direct your attention now to sub-
lectil of ft mnrn litiMiuntit. I'liiirnnt Tim
Oregon Steam Xuvignt
ion Comimi.y on '
.i i .. ' ......... j
- '
Chutes. She oiip. 20 feet wide
aud 0 feet deep, and is to be propelled by j
, pa!r of Jm cach ie ll,;he,,bore Dllj
0 f,t.t 6troko. Sll0 b nnined Teuino, an
Indian name, tho linldeation of uhlrh
near as I can find out, is a deep canyon
with water running through the nnuio ap
plied to the Dalle's chutes. She is calcu-
llted for the trade ou the turner Columbia.
vm - v.. auv - V . , mm lUIW I4T
w,ct. boat, about the same size aud power
the Tnino was lnnnnhe.1 nt ik i.
ca,leS by the same Cuinpanv. and is Intend-
cd to run between the Cascades and the
Dalles. Her name is Idaho-the Indian
signification is said to be anything that
goes qnick through the water, or ' Water
Nymph.' These significations I obtuincd
from a very Intelligent siouwnsh or tnn-an-ma
Charley WuLsah, aud he defies any oth
er siouwush to gainsay their correctness.
u,u ,u m:r ,wau,v rfHorui reacueu
here from the new mines on Hock Creek,
twenty-five miles cast of the Similkameen.
Informant writes that the diggings are
good, but not extensive, and inlimates that
..... r. 1. 1.. . i . .il
lu would rather hnv tho fact of their ex-
isece kept dark, as there tire now as
some-Lan. mcn ,lero flg w;n my. Cunt. P. II.
IIutch( 0f Ore-gon City, is there, and doing
n i.m .1 . 1 ..1
icii,uniuHauumi uu.iureu me,., t
who havo fair diinirs. Manv others
went thero with tho excitement, but left.
I see some persons are trying to keep up
tho excitement, but 1 am inclined to think
the effort is ono made by thoso who havo
flour, bacon, and bad whisky to sell. Sev
eral small trains have alreuily started with
the ' needful.'
Business is quite brisk on this route at
present. The English nud American boun
dary commissions are shipping their sup
plies und troops by this route. Soldat.
In addition to the letter of our corres
pondent above, we copy the following items
from the Mountaineer of June 13:
A good road for wagons has liecn
found by Capt. Frazcr, Oth Infantry, from
Whito Bluff'', on the Columbia, 22 miles
below Priest Rapids, to the Spokane Riv
er, iu a distance not exceeding 05 miles;
making the distance from White Bluffs to
Ilaruey Depot, tinder lfiO miles. The dis
tance trout Snake River Ferry to Spokane
FerrV is quite 05 miles, fiom which it will
appear what a saving of land travel will
bo secured by this discovery of a road to
White Bluff a point always accessible by
steam. Whito Bluff will, in a short time,
be an important point as an entrepot for
the upper country.
On the SOtli May the expedition un
der Capt. A. J. Smith, 1st Dragoons, was
encamped on Crooked River, 167 miles
from Fort Dalles. Capt. Smith will prob
ably await the arrivM of Mnj. Stcen ou
Harney Lake, and meanwhile, will explore
tho adjacent country. No accident, thus
far, has occurred, and the command is in
good health. The weather has generally
been favorable, but a snow storm befell
them on the 30th May, which caused the
command to halt for tho day in camp.
Maj. Steen's command, in good order and
health, were making good time.
Senator Wiofaix on a Bender The
editor of the Chatnuqna Democrat was in I
Washington when Senator Wigrnll, or
Texas, made his first great speech, and de
scribes tho scene as follows:
" It was quite evident that tho Senator
had been imbibing too freely of old ryo.
In plain English, tho Senator was drank,
which made him, as lie expressed it, ' iu a
happy humor for speukinir.'
He kept tho
Senate and callerics in a roar of laughter
, or some inree nours, nn in ,i spm.uu.. u.
Ilia UUUtUUin oukoiucu, niivu a."v
dried up. The chivalrous Southerner felt it Eet lM of lhen,?
to be hi duty to say that lie would be rec- ' Thoughts are what comes out of pco
reant to duty if he were not to ssy that he pie's minds,' he replied. 'Get hold of
did not believo that a Black Ii''P",,rican, them, indeed! Why, minds ain't nothing
could ever be inaugurated President, ow,' I . , , . . ...
. desk before mm, na (iratiK ana taike.i as
Extra Billy did with Ins e;rg nogg. muyy
;.(, 1-inH nfhrmrndn and drunken irasco-. color: they don't weigh onythine. Bill
, tht jg now where once the eo
i of clay aml Wcbster and Benton
,d cihoun and Wright resounded
From Clay to Wigfalll How great the
Rir.nui r rum fvnicu iv uiuiti ,
t - T!t n
it Hittjirr llf 1111,11 i IVIU vw
Tnm cho(m ,0 Chesnutt Tlils
, degeneracy for you, with a vengeance."
ii ...... tt,
I ubioix or . iu.h.u v,.m.-h..
! gular custom of wearing wedding ring, ap-
' peari to have taken iu rise among the Ro -
i main, lietort uie ce.eoravion oi u.eir nup- there was a meeting of friend, at the
house of th. Udy'. father, to settle article.
of the marriage contract, when it w.. a-
! greed that the dowry .honld be paid down
! on the weddin daf or won after, Oa this
1 occasion there w. commonly a feast,
the conclusion oi wuicn iub iuu e-
put on the forth pnger.
Wky t l.t(l tha U.
v SLiiiv aeaiirr.
I see It! You would ask me what I hare
to say for myself for dropping tho hammer
and taking up the quill, as a member of j
; your profession. I will be honest now, and
l t
' , r ' ' , , . . ,
tMM vaii tliA wKnU mi ftr I fruit IrnnRiwiai'il
' ' ' i
from the anvil to tho editor chair by the1.
trpniui or niuclniiiT limit lllllrt. fni'inl I
it is even so. I stood and looked for hours
J lioglstIeM iron intellect,
iron f"Kl'rcd1 uto.natoni, a
miirlif tut si linll rf ntln Ami turn
as t tier
caught up a ball of cotton, aud twirled It,
iu the twinkling of an eye, into a whirl
wind of whizzing shreds, and laid it at my
feet In folds of snow-white cloth, ready for
the uso of the most voluptuous antipodes.
They were wonderful things, those looms
and spindles; but they could not spilt
thoughts there was no attribute of Di
viuity iu them, and I admired thorn no
They were excessively curious, lull
I could estimate the whole compass of their
being and destiny in finger power; so I
wont away and left them spinning cotton j
One day I was turning my anvil beneath
a hot iron, aud busy with the Idea thut
there was as much iiitcllectunl philosophy
in my hammer as in any enginery a going
iu modern times, when a most unearthly
, - URJ , gt ,0
I n(j lhm R wa,he lron
hoKO Ym h ,iad 1(Jol fof u
U, worM ,;ko lhe t d w H d of
c,,rll,lu iartwlillPA ,a Uf liri..v
world, and just landed on the earth, where
he stood braying with surprise and indig-
L.el turn , MW th(J . tk ,)fJ 0(,
nution, at tho " base use" to which ho had
m with t)mt d fc
I tremble for miles. I saw tho army of hu
man beings gliding with the velocity of
wind over the iron truck, and droves of
cuttle traveling in their stables at the rute
of twenty miles an hour toward the city
slaughter-house. It was wonderful. The
little busy, bee-winged machinery of the
cotton factory dwindled Into insignificance
before it. Monstrous beast of passage nud
burden! It divorced the intervening dis
tance, and wedded the cities together! But
for its furnace, heat, and sinews, it was no
thing but a beast, an enormous aggregation
of horso power. And I went back to my
forge with unimpaired reverence for the
intellectual philosophy of my hauimcr.
Passing along the street one afternoon, I
heard a uoise iu an old building, as of some
ouo puffing a pair of bellows. So, without
more ado, I stepped in, and, in a corner of
the room, saw the chef d'ouvie of ail ma
chinery that had ever been invented since
the birth of Tubal Cain. In its construc
tion it is as simple us a cheese press. 1 1
went with a lever with a lever longer,
stronger than that with which Archimedes
promised to lift tho world.
'It is a printing press,' said a boy stand
ing by the ink trough, with a careless tur
ban of bowu paper on his head.
' A printing press!' I queried, musingly,
to myself. ' A printing press! What do
you print?' I asked.
'Print?' said the boy, staring at mo
doubtfully; ' why, we print thoughts.'
' Print thoughts!' I repeated after him,
and we stood for a moment looking nt each
other in mutual admiration ho iu the ab
sence of an idea, I in pursuit of ouc. But
I looked at him tho hardest, and he left
another ink-spot ou his forehead, from a
sympathetic motion of his left hand to
quicken my apprehension of his meaning.
' Why, yes,' he continued, in a tone of
forced confidence, as if pressing an idea,
which, though having peen current a hun
dred years, might still be counterfeit, for
aught he could show on the spot, ' we
print thoughts, to be sure.'
' But, my boy,' I asked in an honest so-
, fc , b t Rre t flDd L
, - - -
D g
' mucb whcn the mind ig gone out 0f him
flg be did before. No, ulr; all the mioda
11.. KwnA tvjuMnt mm.a',rt an filltinat
lUB vTCi ItlCU numuu i tiju tit vum.v
. v. v
'Then how do yoa print tlionghu? If
mindn are thin as air. and thought.? are
tlimnof af ill oml tnoVo no no:s. anil have
, , - -
It t 1 J 11
no substance, shape or color, aud are
, wind,, are anywhere m a moment-some-
- -
bow can yoa see them when caught, or
. .how them to othersr
Ek,el'. eye. grew luminous with a ew
idea, and, pushing the mk roller proudly
acros. the meUll.c of the newspaper,
'Thought, work and walk in thingt that
i tgin them oa mdct. or iron. wood. ttoo.
t . .
hide of Truth iu every issue
Xo. 11.
or what not. This is the way we print
thoughts. Don't you undci-Ktuiidi"
The prcsstnnu let go tho lever and looked
interrogatively at Ezikivl, beginuing at tho
patch on his stringiest brognus and follow
H "I ' cy to the lop or tlie uoy'n
brown oaner uutr cat). hM'kiel comnrc-
,,,, r,.;,.:,- nf i.; .m,Mt ra(!lin .,,
i i. .
null v assumed un attitudo of earnest exno-
ii f ivava lilm nn Aiii.A.ipnirt.tfV;
and so ho went on
' Thoughts iimke truck ,' ho continued,
impressively, as if involving a new phase of
the idea by repeating It slowly. Swing
wo assented to thle proposition inquiringly,
he stepped to the typo case, with his eyes
fixed admouihhiugly upon us. ' Thoughts
muko tracks,' he repeated, arranging Iu his
hand a score or two of metal slips, ' and
with theso 'ere letters we can tnko tho ex
t lmprMsions of mfaJ tll0lI,r,lt tlmt cvcr
went out of tho human man; and we can
print it, loo, givo ns paper and ink enough,
ti, th grcat mmi ,
around with a coverlid of thoughts, as
much like the patterns ns two pins.'
Ezekiel seemed lo grow an inch at ev
ery word, aud the brawny prcsmnn looked
liot at him and then at mo with evident
' Talk about tho mind's living forever!'
exclaimed tho boy, pointing patronizingly
at the ground, as if minds were lying there
incapable of immortality until the printer
reached them a helping hand. Why, the
world is brimful of life, bright, Industrious
i thoughts, which would have been dead as
stone if it hadn't been for boys like me,
who mil the ink rollers. Immortality, In
deed ! Why, people's minds,' he continued,
with his imagination climbing into the pro
fanely sublime, 1 people's minds would not
bo immortal if It wasn't for tho printers
nt any rate, In this planetary burying-
! ground. We nrc the chnps thnt manufac
ture immortality for dead men,' he subjoin
ed, slapping the pressman gracefully on the
The lutter took it as if dubbed a knight
of the legion of liouor; for tho boy had put
tho mysteries of his professiou in an apoca
lypse. ' Give us one good healthy mind," resum
ed Ezekiel, " to think for us, and we will
furnish a dozen worlds such as this with
thoughts to order. Give us such a man,
and we will insure his lifo; we will keep
him olive forever among the living. Ho
can't die, no way you can fix it, when once
we have touched him with these bits of
inky pewter. He shnn't (lio nor sleep. Wo
will keep his mind nt work on ull the minds
thut come to livo here as long ns tho world
stands.' 'Ezekiel,' I asked, in a subdued
tono of reverence, ' will you print my
thoughts ton?'
' Yes, that I will," he replied, " if you
will th'nk some of the right kind."
And I went homo and thought, and
Ezekiel has printed my ' thought trucks'
ever since.
Tuklaif Ibis l'.Bsu.
Our Marshals aro already busy looking
up the census. Their duties lend to some
queer littlo scenes. We give one which
came off the other day.
" Who is tho head of this family?"
" That depinds on circumstances. If its
beforo eleven o'clock its me husband; if after
eleven, its mesilf."
" Why this division?"
" Because after that hour he's as drunk
as a piper, und unuble to take cure of liim
silf, h t olono his family."
" What is his age?"
" Comine next Michaelmas bo will luck
a month of being as owld as Finuegaii.
Yon know Finnegan?"
" No, I don't know Finnegan, and if I
did, it would not help matters. Is your
husband an alien?'
" Och, thin, he's niiin' intirely. He has
rheumatics worse than owld Donnelly; he
was tied double with them."
" How many mule members hare you in
tho family!"
" Niver a one."
' What, no boys at all?"
" Boys, is it? Ah, murther, go homo!
We have boys enough to whip four loaves
before breakfast."
" When wero you mnrried?"
" The day Pat Doyle left Tippcrary for
Amenkr. Ah. well iio I know it. A
sun-shinier duy niver gilded the sky of
swate owld Ireland."
" What was the condition of your hus
band before marriage?"
" Divil a man more miserable. He said
that if I did not give him a promise within
two or three wet ks, he'd blow his brains
out wid a crowbar."
" What was he at the time of your mar
riage a widower or bachelor?"
" A which? A widower, did yoa soy?
Ah, now go way wid your nonsense. Is
it the likes of me that would take up wid
a second-hand hnsbund? Do I look like the
wife of a widower? A poor devil, all legs
and consumption, like a tick turkey. A
widower, iudade! May I never be blessed,
if I'd not rather live an owld maid and
bring cp my family ou buttermilk and
"Oiccliso." Bulwer Lytton says,
"There ' nearly alw.y. something of nature
: own gentility in all young wouwn, except,
a ait'i'inf.
Oat Mimie (larolt. lio.t, t la, bitirn'furf)
on inwriiun ft
I'nfh uUuut inwriiuu 1 ,,u
llunioata one yrr 8" u0
A lilwrul tlti.lucliou will bo wiado lo tliow) who
fcltoriiMj by Ibi c.
Hf T)i niiiiibor of lurliu UuM ho noltil
oo Ilia linrjia of tin oilvrrtlirniriil, othrl it
will bo publulifd lilt fuibUilon, aud clmrjf d ae
llf - Obituary notice ttill bo (liorged UH lb
tbmo mlr uf ddinljilij.
$;" Jut I'lixmu recull wild iientiiviM auJ
i'liimrnl fur J l' I'rinlinj mutt U muJt on
drlirrry if lli vvrk.
Ik M)lctlou t Ubl.
Slowly and dimly the light t!uwn upon
tho lute heroic encounter between Demo
cratic members of tho Semite o( the UmV 1
Stales. Thus we find iu a Wellington
letter In tho Evening Fo.-.t the following
mild and unexcited history of this great
and hicmorublo event:
"Tho fight In caucus some days ngo, be
tween two Southern Senators, would seem
to Indicate that Douglas has friends in tho
South. It is auid that Cliugimin was fight
iug the battle of Dun-las when he got 60
si'verely handled by Air. Clay, of Alabama.
Ever since Mr. ('limrmau has worn gog
gles, so that the condition of his ryes can
not be ascertained. Clay has a v ry deci
ded fueling oguiust Mr. Douglas consider
ing him, doubtless, to ho a demagogue of
the first wuler, uud ready nt any moment
tocheut either North or South If he cjh
thereby advance hi personal fortunes."
On the other hand, we find in the Lend
er a description of the combat which does
bettor justice to the distinguished nud elu
gant Senator from North Carolina :
" As somo misstatements have been mudo
in connection with tho recent scrimnnge'
iu tho Senate caucus, tho fol'owing facts
tuny as well bo sluted: When the Territo
rial resolutions reported by Mr. Green
were under discussion, Mr. (liy observed,
iu tho course of the debute, thut no South
ern Senator would vote ngaiiist them w ho
cither did not disbclitvo in the principles of
them, or who was not ufraid to express hit
convictions. Mr. Clingmon retorted bursty
to Mr. Clny, ' That is a lie,' to which the
latter responded with a blow. Tin r.Mipo.i
Mr. Ciingman knocked him down. Siui
tors Toombs and Davis sci."d Mr. Cling
niiin, mid while holding him Mr. (.'lay g ive
him a black cyo. These ure tho factj of
the case."
Qceen Victoma's Crow x. The crown
worn by the Queen of Ureal Britain nt
the opening ol l'nrlimeut is composed of
hoops of silver, which are completely cov
ered and concealed by precious ston.s,
having a Maltese cross of diamonds ou tho
top of it. In the centre of this cro:H is n
magnificent sapphire. Iu front of the crow u
ubovo tho rim, is another Malkse cross, iu
the middle of which is tho largo unpolished
ruby wli'ch once graced the coronet of tho
chivulroiis Blnck Prince, und uiiil.rncath
this, iu the circular rim, is another immense
sapphire. The arches inclose a cup of deep
purple, or rather blue velvet; mid tho rim
of the crown, ut its base, is clustered with
brilliants, oruumeiitcd with cur dr-lia and
Maltese crosses equally rich. Thero uiu
many other precious gems emeralds and
rubies, sapphires und small clusters of drop
pearls of great price. The crown is alto
gether valued ut over half u million of dol
lars. Indeed, were it possible to re collect
uud again bring together such precious
stones, this cstmute would full much bdow
their intrinsic vulue. Tho old crown of
England, made for Ucorgo III., weighed
upwards of seven pounds, but, notwithstan
ding this gorgeous display of jewelry, iudoi
pendent of tho gold cap, tho present crown
weighs only tiiuoteecn ounces uud ten penny
weights. Jt measures seven inches in hight
from the gold circle to the upper cross, aud
its diameter at the rim is fivo inches.
Tim KaiT.Ksa Kcuknik. A letter from
Paris thus describes her us sha appeared at
a Court Ball:
"The Kmpress is beautiful in the truest
senso of the term more beautiful on near
view than nt ft distance, inure beautiful iu
tho cvuiing than in carriage luiUlle. Her
features are beautiful in detail, mid beauti
ful ememllc; beautiful iu repose, nud beau
tiful in expression. Beautiful is the only
word thut can express tho charms of her
person. So easy, so child like, so elegant
in her manner every movement, every at
titude, is the perfection of grace. She nev
nr seems conscious of her diamonds. Her
Majesty wore n robe of white lulr, trimmed
on the conago uud tlw jup' to the knees
Willi green leaves, and over this was thrown
a tunic ur argentine. Ilcr swan-like neck
rose out of a bed of diamonds, und her soli
niihurn hair lay buck iiudiru diiuleiu of
the most exquisite fti,',on. She wore dia
mond bracelets; but so well does she know
what to do witli her hands that one scarcely
notices them. She was a beuutiful picturo
encircled in a soft, ethereal atmosphere
on atmosphere of bounty and soul, of deli
cacy and refinement."
Skiivf.d IimiiT. Tho friends of (Jover
nor Stewart, of Missouri, (iud much fault
with his conduct, but attribute all his wan
derings to confirmed drunkenness. Ho
replies that they have no right to find fault
with his intoxication, for ho was drunk
when they nominated hint, drunk tt hen they
elected him, drunk when they inaugurated
him, and drunk he mtutis to be till the end
of his term,
tey The publisher of the Knickerbocker
Magazine gays he would rutin r sit up all
night to enter the names of new prepaid
subscribers than tu write dunning letters
two hours a day. H hat a strunge prvtr
kion of taste!
tg- Lord Hrougrham is engaged on a
history of the British Constitution. His
own constitution in net be irou to allow kirn
to woik as he does at bis advanced age, Hi.
The Stamford Mercury in England ha.
been published without interruption one
hundred and sixty-four years.
ISr Oerrlt Smith has entirely recovered
Lis health.