voiruB Coifii.xcg.-Saino three Tl f frU-od IUl.b Oct, Ks,, of Cn conn.;. mt mo a I-nt of , near tree, nccoinpuiticd, however, Caremark that It wouM benr .oopear., ! lo tl.o..gU I would not cat I a A t'lC (,l'l'r"re'1 thfn t0 ,J0 ! trift'r ami for the curiosity of the thin Blankditcnrefully. But lliotigh I dug .tout it "d (" h A,,l'il"t 3w It ouid not grow. TWrlg it Lalcd Led, bot 10 fwW tliut I concluded "to cut it down." I" doing so, I discovered Ihivbole trouble the renl reason wliy tl,e tiling would not grow it wai Hack d rolkn at the lart. X. Jt-sTicKS. Tiio following mimed gentle wcro elected Justices or the Peace in their respective precincts ot tho lato flec tion, to wit: Oregon City, J. H. Hurforil, J. K. Hals-ton- Jlilwnukie, It. Merrick; Young', j A. Bc-unctt; Harding's, Caleb Tracy, guringwoter, Win. Stricklin; Rock Creek, g p. Gilliland; Heaver Creek, C. F. Batie, Upper Jo!ulla, Jured Taylor; Lower do., Jesse Morelund; Jurrjmiin', Georgo V. Jaekson; Curry, James Harlow; Linn City, R. C. Crawford; Tualatin, J. A. Hobbins. Jaiuei L. Love and lUfus Bridges were elected Constables in this precinct, nml Thus. K. 1'ielJs in Linn City. San FitAsrisro Dramatiu Trdite. This company, consisting of Miifan. Tot ter, Jbrtimcr, Karl, Lunc, Sweet, and Harris, and Misses Hlecta and Lulu Swoet, snd Susan Karl, is posted to perform in this city to-night. Admirers of the "art his trionic" ffil do well to uvuil thelnsilves of this o)pcrtuniiy to witness a good perfor mance. MiM Lulu Sweet, familiarly known as " Sweet Lulu," though quite youngi has already earned a flattering rq ututiou as songstress and tluiiseiisp. IIojiiciue. We learn from jVoiintniucer that on Saturday last, John S. Smith, a farmer living on MM Creek, Wasco coun ty, killed a man named Orvillo C. Crnm, Whom ho had in his employ. Smith al leges that there was mi improper intimacy between his wife ami Crnm. Smith had a hearing before Justice Condon, and was discharged, it nppoaring that he had acted in, self-defense. Tmr Aciiosi tii k I'i.aix.s. We Ienrn that our fi llow-eitizens 1). I'. Thompson, F. S. Holland, J. Kiley, mid sonio others, intend to start for the Eastern States some time in August mukiiijj the trip overland. Here is a chunce for company for those who wish to go by that route. . For Sai.f.. C. A. H. Patterson oilers a bargain in cattle and stock. The attention of those interested is directed to an adver tisement in to-day's paper. Correction'. The vote in this county for Surveyor was incorrectly stated by us last week. It should have been, Fisher 417, Tompkins 398. IlKI.INqi'KST. K. M. Hall, llarrUiiirg (Thursto:i) P. 0., Linn county, owes this Office $14 for subscription. Kpet'lal Not lee. The Ladies of llie Sewing Circle propose hold ing Sax on Friday, the 2!Kh iiist., nt the sl.ro tnlonging lo Allan, McKinlay Si Co. They will offer u variety of articles of fieir n ninliiifdrtii'e, among which may bo found children's clothing, toilet caws for traveling, lump tnits, tiili-.s, dulls, nit 1 tinny other things alwavs found useful by eutli melt und Indies. No one ui be rryitetlal lo buy;, but every one i it liberty to examine the articles, whether wish ing to purchase or not. The pr'ce of envh will be marked, unit in no case deviated from. Ice creams, cake, nml each fruit as the season tAurus may be obtained, and we hope to enliven llie hours with a little music. Tlie ludes will be happy to receive calls from their friends and the public generally. The doors will be open between the hours of 1 1 A. . and 0 f. si. Terms of admission, adults, 23 cis. i children under 12 years of age, lmlf priee. Mahv II. Il liui'xik, Secretary. OtiBM Cm, June 1G, lcGO. 102 M A KAIES : At the residence of S. V. It. Jones, Murion wnly, on ihe ?th of June, 1861), Mr. U.K. Hnn "cr, of Martinez, Oil., lo Alias Susannah Jo.ies. PIEP: Of cruup, at the Dulles, May SI, 18ti(), Atirelia infant daughter of Charles U. nnd Luclnda Naples, ajed nearly two years. " Of sucli is tho ''1o of heaven." Oreoos Cirv JIarket. Wheat, $0 80 flour, $5 o6; potatoes, 23c; oats, wjoutter, 25c; bacon, 12al5c; eggs, 20c. Osioon Paooueg i.n Sa.i Francisco. Bucou Jw20aUof clew sides l.'.alT: shoulders 12 . Lsrd-In tins, i;,aB. ro'k-1,, batrt.S) (cMrj 5 ,323. -hickens-C.hoice, S'.lailO pel dwell. -rp-S.laSf. per Ho,ru. Unite Xo demand. '-n good order, from i2lo He. Public Sale. rOTICE i. im jsj. u mm win sell at p.iblic sale to the liiirhest hid- fis" pVf 7U ' - A. II. l'tuV..n, ii, Marqusm's TaTv i"" milM Wo" Ge0- W- i'o"' tl'y vi" Clat,'am", coan,y ,he following 329 ACRES OF L.ISD, t iaprovements, and THREE FIXE AMERICAN MARES, mdirJMrt" " r'y cows M Aerts of land war Mnlalla Prairie, fcI,.M ,Uim- Th said clam has Toung ORCHARD, with olber improve- Ij'.vf CKn Th e-mmea.e at f -)NETS, L-ghora and straw I. is. AlNfM-OltTH DIEliDOBFF. BAKEM, AND FAMIEY GROCERY If CIIAUMAV would len-cifcily Inform tllfl . people or OrtWO.V CITY, and ll.e pub lie generally, that lie hfni!l currying on biis neu at Ins old staml, where lie will keep on band Everything in Lis Liuc, ...am or... Til H VERY BEST QUALITY. Ho keeps constantly on hand a Urge lot of DKSlllAM.F. FAMILY GllOCEsttlUS,, which he wilt sell as l.w n lley can be b night at any oilier limine in town. No pains will be spared lo give entile saliafi.c lion lo all who may favor him w-iili a call. All or ders will hi filled wiili as niui h promptness aud fairness as personal presence will te. uie. PARTIES ITUXISIIED Willi everything iu his line on llie shurtest notice. WSBBINQ cakes MADE TO ORDER. Oregon City Juno 1ft, lS-t;0. Notice lo Contractors. SKaLKI proposa's will be ree, ived nt the M iy or's (IIFicb (Cily l)na Hire) uti'il Mniidny, June Mill, at noon, lor cniwime: n a eulv. rt un liiglilll strei I, ermw'iig M tin sir. et, aixl fill n;; ro inueh of Muiii street lu the required grudo us lies o.Kxilu uid l'. ulilll street, and the lots ad jacent thereto. Aim pnijHa!a for a eulvert and lilting aero Main slteel, at the biidge below the Coiigrrgut'ounl chinch. Specifi aiioiis to be s en ul the Mayor's nfliee. t-SF" llids for Ihe stone-work or tilling will be reociv. d together or x p irat. ly. A. II. hTKKI.E, Mayor. Attest: J. K. IIokkobo, llrcnier. OreaonCily, May 3nth, Ifliil. No More Mills Burnt ! MR liOOTII Dkas Si : I have now in our Mill one of ymir Ctnlrt FrtJ trt-proof SML'T MAC'III.NKS, put tip two Weeks ago. I can say that I consider il llie greate-l improve nit nt in this chun of m ichiuery tiial ban can un der my notice. The danger from tiro by Irctiun and dust, coinmnn to the one in p'yeml use, is completely obviated. The d in mid ilirl, hereto fore so Hiinoyiiig lo me, is now 1 liilually re.n edie.l. That part of the mill before oeenpieil l.y the riiiat .Muehine is iiiwus ch-.m nt. any pirt ol Ihe mill. 1 can suy lliat it is llie lit-nt securer of gruin I ever teiw. The improvement in llie quiil iiy of Hour will be lit on di.-envered ; in let. ihe (treat chanu'e prodnej. d in twy respect is in deed a very ureal one. ,1 would av (tint I have had in in II previous to tlis a maehine that cut the (Train Very much, bat Uii does not ent n kernel, aud d"cs not lequire half Ihe power. '.Your ma chine will cerluiuly takd Ihn prefereiiee iu Ibis Slule, uud 1 would say oil the I'aeilie cot"!. ) A. .1. C'lkimAN. !hi,ajw Mills, Or.pon'City, May 'Jl. IMin. V M. MASTKKrf, Agent, Purtlun.i, Oregon. To the Millers of this State : You will never regret living this .Smut .Mill. You can cull uud se hoiv this cleans wheal, bo fore purcliasiti);. I have the only one in Oregon, ul present, but they can hi ii he ollaine.l. I would say lliat my Hour bus had n 'leat n puta lion hi the hist tnoyeirs, null n:n i-itliffi.tl by the uki uf this smut mill that it w ill s Jl make ail improvement in the ilotir, if nnv eau lie made. A.J. CIIAPMA.V. Oregon City, May 2C, XisM. 7tf SIMILKAMEEX GCLD MINES, HAVE TURXED OUT -JSV. 3T3t TU TOJI E8 "EtJ I BUT TI113 " Eagla Boot & Shoo Store " is xo HUM HUG ! nl-.UK YOU CAN' FIX D THE STUI'F tut will stand the tare uud wear, it pros peels well, for 1 ruise the colnr ev, ry pan, und if llie limes were only a litlle hr i-ker, I thii k tlml il would piy veiy well; und if you flou't believe il, jusi come nnd buy u p lir of li HJT'S, uf.er you try them on, for I Have Jnl C: t iv'il A NEW ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, 0 F The Latest Style ami Fashion. Gems' fine sewed French coif boots, also pegged calf hoots and rimes of all sons und sizes ; Ladies' kid, morocco, enamel and cloth gaiters, silk elaa. tic Cunizrew-hcel gaiters, misses' gaiters and shoes of every kind, coarse and lino ; boys' ehaes of ev ery kind that is mentioned iu my rhyme ; chil dren's calf and copper toed shoes; ladies and children's HOSE of ull sizen, while, brown, and fancy; Miller's Water-Froof SLACKING, J.S.Mason's Blacking; Shoemaker's I'lirlinss, Pegs, awls, hammers, thread, wax, nails, and shoe-knivt s. Thankful for past patronage, I respertfolly so licit a continuance of patronage from my old cus tomers and m many new ones as choose to come. Ladies aaJ gentlemen, give me a call, young aud old, great and small, brave and bold, for I will be ready and happy to wait on you all, and in partic ular Ihe ladies ; I like to see them come to pay me a visit. Remember the place 7Vo Eaort Eatt of Brown Jr Rrathrr, Main street, Orojfon Cilf . Ladies and gentleman, I assure you that I can sell you boots and shoes as cheap as any bouse in fovu, or a little cheaper for cash down. .Small broftis and quick sale, that is the talk thai tells the tale. mjl!) J. MOO.NEY. BOOKS! BOOKS! A T THE OREGON CITY BOOKSTORE, consisting of. .... Standard Religion?, Miscellan eous, and Poetical work?, Vaverly and Dickens's Novels, &c, &c, &c. : Stationery, of all kinds, etc. April 23 D. Li. STEPHEXSOX. Notice. THE partnership heretofore existing between X. Wolf and L. Shoen'.arg was dieaulred by mutual consent on the 2Sih of April last N. Wolf is authored to settle op the butnee of (lie lateHnrj. N. WOLF. L. SII'JEXBURG. Orcgea City. May 5, 15n. 4w2 c RACK ERi always oo ht.nl at F. CHAKMAX S- J. II RALSTON, WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL DEALER IS General Merchandise, is now In rereipt of Haw ooodi selected witlt much care iu San Francisco. Ihava just received m Noitherner and Hiolher Jonathan, J Yeiieli, Kiiyhsli, die AMERICAN t'P.INTS, bleached sheetings and long cloths, plain 4 barred muslin, do do snip muslin, Vieloria lawn, browu sheelings a. shirtings, h ekury slripe, denims, drills aud ship's duck. IRISH LIXESS, linen duiiia-k. whits danm.Ii. L.l.la iau towels, an I crash. V I. A X N V. 1, H, wliite, yellow, red. grey, 4 blue, plain and twill- i, piuni a. iijuteci sutincts, jaii.il, cotlouailes, .ol liusi-v beautiful st Jus blaukrli. uli red, blue, a icy. II o 1 1 c r I ladies', mlses', and chihlrrn's brown, slate, and mixed hose gents' and boys' wool aud cotton half Iiojo. Rook and Shoes: lurge it gents' line, melioni, nnd coarse boots shoes, h'diis' sil l mih.es' eulf mIiim'S. trNili.ra. j. sliiiers, Im,)s' boots 4. shoes, chilJieus' shoes, faney and plain. II a r dw a r c: Pocket knives, pruning and bud dinsr knives, knives and ft)iks. scissoi-s nnd tdiears, lmtts and screws, stni) Junges, door locks, variety ot styles am natter ns. hand saws, tenon saws, compass saws, bench planes, chisels, au gers, anger bitts, axes, hatchets, hammers, shovels, hoes, nottito akes. brads, tacks, finisliinie nulls. I I 7 ) J cut nails, wrought nails, horse nans, ivc. Sugars, co.Tee, lea. syrup, salt, spices, soap, soap pouuert, caunies, saieruius, yeusl ixiwdtrs, cream tartar, so Iu, sal soda, indigo, clolhes p us, scrub blushes. Iiailll llt'll.tles. tirn.tniM. .IiimI lirn.lin. hand bellows, wooden pails, wash tubs, and wash o jar us. 11IjVTS $ OILS: White leud, red lend, Vt-n. led, Prcisiali blue. chrome yellow, chnune green, burnt and raw um bel, yellow it hlaek paint, Vandyke brown, T. U. tSii nne mi l iissorled colored smalls, Roiled and Raw Linseed Oil, Polar oil. lard oil, Itsli oil. tanners' oil. China nut oil, &.c , iVo. Wi will be receiving by every steamer addi tions to our prereut extensive stock, and FAU.M FKS and others will find it to their udvuutago to call und examine oar pood' and prices belniv buy ing elsewhere. Scrras, CASH. J. U. KALST'oX, Corner Main ij- Fifth nit. Oregon City, Oetul.er 1, ltj.". 25 Change of 11 u sin ess. riMlU uiiders'gaed calls alten'ion to the fuel that 1 ho has leluriied froui Portland to Yamhill county for the present, preparatory to leaving for the Atlantic St-itei. Those indebted to inc, eilh r by note or bo-.k aecoant, nrc rcijiiested to emiK- forward and settle immediately, Mr. J.J. HUFFMAN', of Port land, Oregon, is fully authorised to receive nnd re ceipt for monies for me, nllJ to settle nccouuts. lie will bo foumt at Logan iV Mialtneh a Law (11- Hce. 1 shall be found nt LA FA IK ITU, Yam hill county. Tho in that purt of tho couniry wha cut mure cnveiLentlv alien I to the business of a settlement there, will call upon me. Sly medicines are fir sale at I lr. entheriiird s Drug Store and nlcout .Smith & DavU's, Porilan I, Oregon ; uad ut Iho Drag Store of I lr. Sleele, Dr eg.. n City. W. D HUTCH INS. March i.'U, LMiO. 5U. BATHS! BATHS!! " Tuish, and Re Clean!" WOULD respeoifully inform Ihe gentlemen of Oregon City thut I have recently fitted up 1$ tithing Rooms, in connection with my Ilaiber Shop, where both WARM AND COLD VAT11S can be had on reasonable terms. March 31, 1800. THOMAS WA11D. ;r.o. K. cole, (tiUCCCSBOR TO W. 11. SPENCER,) Deakr in 1RO.Y, STEEL, A A' LAS, SPH1XGS, "Wagon Material, Mechanics' Tool, Agricultural Imple ments, and aEWEAI. HARDWARE, Fboxt Stkkt POUT LAX D. ORDERS SOLICITED. 52 NOTICE. IF II. 9. QUICK is in Oregon he will learn something to advantage by culling at the Argas office hummed lately. Oregon Uity, .May Ulll ISOU. i:wt Notice. 4 UOL'aE near tlio Fkmale Skmixjrv for rent. j. Knqniro at the OREGON CITY BOOKSTORE. Feb. 4, IStiO. 44 Notice. MR. POST S school is not going lo slop in throe weeks. We are ready to receive pupils at any time, and our charges will be as low as any other school. i. U. POST. Oregon City, April C, I860. 52 D. D. STEPHENSON, TvEVTIST. bus removed his office to the J City Hnok Store, whre he is prepared lodo all work in his line. If h,.a h1ji an bsFortment of Patent Medi- eine: which can be bad at Portland prices, and LemiJIir.r, inn. lie w... . ...j.... ...w teeth, but inake the breath sweet and kep the In a hnatfhV eonitilion. I'tlOSS wIlO deal io that liue are invited to call and examine for them selves. He will shortly bave Fanru Sutp ana Perfumery, and various other notions that are so much need ed here. Oregon City. Jm. 8 1 , 1 6U Notice. THE firm of La Forest &. Bacon having been di:lved by mutual consent. I hereliy inform my friends und customers that I wiil continue busi nee. at the old stand. E. LA FOI1EST. Oregm City. June 2j, 1S3. Island 3Iill Flour. milOSE whs w.sh to get tbe GF.XLIXE X ISLAM MILl. tlAJLli, wiu p.e- ii. .i . m ti .,ri..,,.. Warner's. Oregon City, oral A ilea & Uss'i, PortUnd, ss the se-.ood- funded Inland Mill sacks Iwts 0-ei otHi.ni P 07 certain iudividuals, and retild with iulenof floor. Ii:aadMni,Joly23,;5- " I can Jiiiinisler loa mind (and body) diseased, And with a sweet oblivious antidote Cleanse Ilia foul system of its perilous stuff." H hall. A Blessed & Divine Remedy SASULIFEROUS -SER VINE TONIC! l.caJ my Theory of LIFE and DEATH, rilHAT most diseases prove fatal thai early L deaths uecur; that MOile live foryesrsahr. Ing dentil, weak, innniiiiale, and exhausted not from Ihe disease Itself, but from an inability in nature, and nature's strength lo wilhstuud or maintain life through Ihe ruvuges ef disease. (iivs llieiii strength, and nslure will relieve her self, if stimulated. She has given us herbs and plants toelleot nil Ibis. Purify the blood, reader the intestines, the liver, the heart, and nil Ihe natural fiinatioita of limn or woman active, and you have half couipiered disejsv, Ilr. JACOII WF.IIIIF.lt does conscientiously assure all who read lbs, that his Sanguilb r or Invigorating Cor dial pro luces all thnefT ct above described. He has sen Ihe old, the toiler ng, the pul.ied, the nervous, Ihn ilynp piie, the inebriate, the debau chee, nnd the invalid revive under its influence, as if new li.'e were given them. Dr. Webber's Sanguificr acts on the blood, heart, bru'n, inlestines, s'news, nerve, the Hinds jn.l semi lluiils, and tliu whole physi'pie, and IJ EKE FITS ALIKE Ihe gloomy hyporboudrluc, the dyspeplia, the nervous, deb litaled uud feeble, the ovrr-dontorrd iuvuhd, the bilious and liver-dis, used sull'erer, the gourmand, Hie deliaiiehce, Ihe inteinperutc, and ull who su:'.er ill health. "Oil HORRIBLE! Oil HORRIBLE! Most Horrible !!!" When worn-out nuture sueciinibs to DEATH, because she bus not strength lo resi.t. Now, Dr. Jacob vbin-r's luvigorutiug Cordial causes strength thut is ils main ipiulity. The first op eration, Tome; Ihe partaker feels then that ado (ion is caused his skin is damp, his limbs supple aud active, he feels a wish for exercise, and knows be has strength to endure it; he is light spirited: his skin becomes clear; his eyes, loo, be cause kis lirer it m-itle adite, the bile neutral ized or ejected, and kit blood thinned and puri fied. If be bus a foul ttomntk, this nets as an aperient, not otherwise. Again, it immediately relieves belubing, aud prev-uls an accumulation of wind in the stomach. The ttomaek. the great receiver ut iliseane ami its care. 1 Will now enu merate a few of tlioio H souses where I have scon r. Ueb'jer's Invigorating Cordial uct moat beau tifally 1 Xeivonsness, "Weakness, Languor, Fever and Ague, Chills, Pains in the Limbs, Joiuts, Hody, Delirium Tremens, Tre mors, Constitutional Decline, (from any canse,j) Debility in either sex or age, Torpor of the Liver, Bowels, d- HABITUAL CONSTIPATION!! This will purify the thick stagnnat blood, cause a healthy action on the bowels, heart, skin, and bruin, and 1 hereby revolutionize the n hole system, which has become doriiiunl and inaelive. Two thirds of humau discuses are caused from some of tho alsivc organs being disorganized. Doctors muy tell you thut you huvo such and such a dis ease, but until medienl practice becomes a science (nnd it is not yel), disease cuonot be described te a certauty. This singular medic'ne gradually atrengtheiis tlio system, enters at onee the blood, which from sluggishness is rapid, csiirsos through the veins and the heart. Many I hove seen who assured me that, three days alter using it, Ihey have felt a thrill of animation, mentally and bod ily; their chest and breast was before heavy; all they ute seemed tusetlle there; their rest was un quiet; their appetite poor; and thut this really blessed cor. I in I removed ull such symptoms; that strength of liinln, body, appetite, and spirits was given them by il, and an eutiro rcvulutiou ill their worn-out system occui red. The T.ev. Hubert Schuyler, of Petulunia, says: " For years both myself und brother have snllered so from dyspepsiu. w eakness of and sour stomach, indigestion uud flatulence, thut life nt times was a burde.i. We have used your Cordial (Dr. Web ber't Imigaratiug Snnguificr) lour days, and feel better than we have for years." Inebriates and D rnnknr d s ! READ!! The Appetite for Liquor Destroyed! 0 N U of the benutifiil properties possessed by J)K. Wltlllll.lt S INVIGORATING CORDIAL is that il rem ix e all longing or taste for liquor. Many inebriates have found I hat after it has re newed nnd stiengtliened them, quieted their nerves, il bus cuiised m ention to spirits. I have seen it ern e some of the most frightful canes where delirium trunent hud actually occurred. IrSold by all respeciuble Drugyists ill Oregon mil California. Bricare of CnunterfeUt! See that the names of T. Joxks and J. Wkiiukr, M. 1)., are 011 Ihe top of oaeh outside wrupier, and blown in the glass of eaeh botlln. Buy none other! BEFORE AND AFTER TAXING DR. WEBBER'S SANGUIFIER, Or lavlRoratlag Cordial. The Three Prettiest Girls IN OXCEGOPr CITY: Klla, Delia, and Moliie, you know them I am sure, With complex ons so lovely, so clear, an ! so pure; Their hair dark aud siiky, while Ihe leetb of these g rls Are so snowy you'd th'nk Ihey bad mouths full of pearls ; Vet every child of Creation, b.lb ladies and gents, Can poea the same beauties for 100 cents. Recnnse the price is redueed to 23 and 50 cents for the following superb compounds, a fresh supply of which, fresher ond better perfumed than ever, has ju-t been receivVd. Header, although advertised thus, these really fine articles are all we represent them. The Soap (price reduced 10 2j cents; act in the most beau tiful manner in clarifying, whitening, and clearing the mcst diseoiored, eruptive, and disfigured akin; while for infanta or for shaving, it is nneqaaled, as healing, softening, and making a fine lather. For clean ng, dressing, forcing the hair to (row, stopping its falling off, curing Ihe dandruff, cVe the COKAL It All! RFSTORATIVE is the fioe-t thing made. Price reduced lo 25 eenie. Taetb are made as white as snow, Ihe breath sweet, and the gums hard and healihy. bv I.A Fovrs JAMAICA SOAFTKEIII KOoT It lathers like soap, and m beautiful. I'rice M ela. Sold at the above pneea by all dmggara in Cal ifornia sol Oregon. Wholesale by Paal St WaiTt, t'aosiiu. A Carz. and Hsntswro aV e., Han , Frarte'seo. lni a m a ai u 17 a AND PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, Oppotilt Get. Abtrntlhy Ct.'l Brick Start, OKEGON CITY. r nil E undersigned are prepared to take like A. nesses, such as Ambrotypes, Melainotypes, Pho tographs, or PICTURES ON PATENT LEATHER, tuitahlt for lending in littirt, all of which will be neculed ia the LVTt-.H-t AMD KVf KMT a)TYl.V, AND ON SHORT NOTICE AND REASON ABLE TERMS. GKOLTS and LOCKET 1'ICTUKKS taken very low. Call and examine our pictures, and judge for yourselves, Kooins opposite Abernethy II Co.'s brick store. ilOLI.AN'l) it DAY. June 11, 1P.'9. Yamhill Trade. The V. S. M. Steamer J.l.kCLI.TO.t, 6; Capt. Jamus I). M11.ua, makes n'ular trips to Duyton and Lafayette, three limes a week, leaf ing Cancmah every Monday, Wedniislay, and Friday niornings, al 8 o'clock returning neat dsy. NEW SCHOOL. The Maters f Ika HOLY NAMES OF JESUS AND MAHY WILL open a Day School near the Catholic church iu OREGON CITY, oo Monday, April 23d. Tisausi Minor $ 6 00 Junior 8 00 Senior 10 00 OREGON CITY 9m MS m :: imr m. mm. ' FRANCIS D. HODGSON, A. M., ramcirau Mas. Mt Huduson, Teacher Ornamental Brancket I Miss Loiiba IlntrHvN, Teacher Inttramental Mutie; Miss AnAMixTa HuNSAKta, Atittant, Englith Brancket. rpilE 2d quarter will commence Muy I I, 1860. The facilitiea for Instruction in this school are superior, and the terms mora moderate than any school iu Ihe oountry. An experienced Musio Teacher has been en gaged. Embroidery aud Fancy Needle-work taught gratis. Scholars will be admitted at any time, and charged only for ihe number of weeks in attend ance. April SI, lSliO-2 PURIFY Ul BLOOD. MOFFAT'S Vegetable Life Pills AND rplIE high and envied celebrity which these pre L eminent Medicines have acquired for llielr invariable eflieacy in all the d.seases which they profess to cure, has rendered Ihe usuul practice of puffing not only iinneeesaary, but unworthy of I hem. They are known by llieir fruits; their good works testify for them, aud Ihey thrive net by the fuith of the credulous. In all cases of aslhmti, acute and chronic rheu matism, affections of Ihe bladder and kidneys, bilious fevers and liver complaints, in the South sad west, where these discuses prevail, they will be found invaluable, l'lanters, farmers, und oth ers, who once use these Medicines, will never ef erwards be without them. Uyaiiepsla. Ko person with this distressing disease should delay using these medicines imme diately. Eruptions of Ihe skin, erysipelas, flatu lency, fever and ague for this scourge of the western country, these medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other medi cines leave the system subject to a return of the disease a cure by these medicines is permanent. TaV TIIKM. BK SATISKIRII, AND SR CI1SKU. Mercurial IMseascs, Never fails to eradicate entirely all llie ellects of Mercury infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparuiion of Sarsaparilla. iVigAi Sweatt, Nermut Debility, Nervtut complainti of all kindt, Organic Affectiont, Patiiilution of the Heart, Painter't rkolic. rile. 'fho original proprietor of these inedi eiuos was oured of Tiles of 3 j years' standing by the use of these Life Medicines alone. W oi m of all kinds arc effectually expelled by these med icines. I'arenla will do well lo administer them whenever their exisUneeis suspected. Kolief will be certain. The Lift Pillt and Pkanit Bitten Purify the blood, and thus remove all disease from the system. A single Irial will place the LIFE PILLS and PHIENIX BITTERS beyond the reach of comietition in the eslimatioa of every patient. IT Prepared by DII. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 3.15 Broadway, cor. Wortk it., New York. 3. FLEM1NU, Agent, at tke Pott Office, 3 y Oregon City. J. B. KAMTOX, WHOLESALE AND KRTAII. DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner of Main and Fifth Street!, OREGON CITY, OREGON. Hooks. Aj y ASSORTMENT OF SCHOOL AND Hitt(.V.l.t.AXEOVtt BOOkS, Foraaleat CHS. POPE'S Oregon City CHEAP FOR CASH. CTCall and examiue them Feb. 4, 18C0. Final Settlement XOTICE is hereby given that Frances II. Wil liams, administratrix of Ihe estate of Jemea S. Williams, dee d., late of Clackamas co.. State of Oregon, per r . a. Holland, her agent, nss hied her accounts for final settlement, and ihe first Mon day in June next is appviuted for Ihe examination of the same at the court-house in Oregon City in said county. KOISEUT CAL'FIKLD, May I'i, )8o0-5wi County Judge. Mill Seat and Land. I HAVE an excellent MILL BEAT, sur rounded wilh excellent TIMBER, which I would like to have improved. 1 will give some millwright who wishes lo invest io a saw mill or grist mill, or both, a good chance. The location is one of the terjr best for selling lumber a level way lo the mill seat, no hills to pull over, and handy to heavy settlements. I wish also to sell half a section of LAND near by. The place is six miles West of La fay etle, Yamhill county. W. L. ADAMS. No.23, mO. 33tf . J. B. PAMTEB, (latc o'ssa a riurrta) Dialer i Type, Presses, Printing Material, 1'aper, uiras, tad Printtrt' Stack gtruraUy, 132 Clsy street, aeer Fansoena, Can Fa'nfr. KELLY'S TEMPERANCE HOUSE, Main it,, appatite Git. Abirntthy f Ca'i, OKEGON CITY. GOOD ROOM FITTED UP whh CLEAN aud comfortable liEDS, for the especial accommodation of Ihojfiiaieas traveling publie. Our lil.NISU HALL is Ihsaesf in Origin, our fare good, and charges reasonable. Single meals, oyster suppers, and suppers far partise got up en short notice, iu lbs neatest maa ncr. Piioiat Beard per week, without lodging, . 00 " by the day, aud ledgiug, I St) Single meals, iO Night's lodging, i9 Oct. 53, ltt:.9. E.D. KELLY, Proprietor. Cirntr Third and Water I'rrett, oppttiti thi Firry Landing, OREGON CITY. THE (raveling publio lira respectfully luvited to give me a call. flfl The Oregon House is Ihe most pleas- jLUL antly located hotel Iu the rilate, and has been at arranged as to make it one of the Bloat commodi ous houses hi the country, THE TABLE will always be supplied wilh the beat that Ihe market attbrda. (jooi accommodations for ladies and families. raids; Hoard and lodgitig, per week C.O0 Board, without lodging, per week 5.00 Hoard per day, with lodging 1..10 Single meal .50 Night's lodging .50 J. DOEIIM, Msy 7, 1859. Proprietor. ESTABLISHED 1760. VKTV.R I.OHIIXAKD, Snuff and Tobacco Manufac turer, 16 & 18 CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 43 Chatham street, New York,) WOULD call the especial attention ef Gro cers and Druggists to his removal, aud also the articles of his manufacture, vixt wnowM HNVH Mucoahoy, Dcm:gros, Fine ICappee, l'ure Virginia, Coarse liappee, Nachitoches, AiiierioaOeiinllemin, Copcnbagta. YELLOW MXV'F. Scotch, Fresh Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Irish High Toast, Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, er Luadyfoot. TOHVt.t.O. SMOIttNd. rtfRCllTOIIKWINa. SMOKINa, No. I, P. A. L., or plain, SL Jugo, ao.'J, Caveudisli.orawrel, cipauiah, Nos. Ia2 mix'd, Swi-et-scented Orenoca, Canister hilcfoot, Tin roil Cavendish, Pure Turkish. A Circular of Trices will be sent on application. N. 11. Note the new article of trtin Suetak Suutf. which will be fouud a superior article fur dipping purposes. Inhl7m3dl!l J. FLEMING, (AT THE POST-OFFICE BUILDING,) OREGON CITY, HAS ou hand and for sale, a well-selected as sortment of Books and Stationery, comprising, in part, Iho following: Family Bibles and Tes Cap, letter, and Bote laments, paper, Downing's Fruits and reus fc Pon-holders,'' Fruit Trees or Amer- fond ot lajiri poxes, lea revised cdiliou. Tissue neuer, perforated New Masouio Trestle- board a. dralting paper Hoard. Mitchell s and Oluoy a Mason io Manual. Googrunhlee and At- OiM .'sllo' Manual. losea. Quinby'a Mysluriesef Mason's Farrier, Dee- keepi ng. 1 udd a uauie uerse Livingstone'e Travels in Dootor, South Africa, Kane's Arctie Expire- n.x.n'a I Inn, tilinlllA. llollS. Sanders' Old and New Wank Books & Bill Pa- Siellcrs St lteadere, per, Thomson's Arithmetics, Gillespie's It Davlee' Fulton & Kaslnmn's Hurveying, liook-kceping, with Slalcs and slate pencils, blanks. Dr. Ilollick's Works, Rl.l,ln. A. 1,1k Inks. 4.0.. &.O.. all of which will be retailed at prices correspoading with Hie limes. IJ" Dou't forget the place I il if OPPOSITE LA FOREST BACON'S. ALSO, FOR SAI.B, Dr. roiTatt's Pills and Pkoemx Bittei-M, anil tho Graefcnberj; Medicines, which are recommended lo those who wish to live (ill Ihey die. May M, 1H55. JYoticc. SOL U1KUS, TEAMSTERS, SAILORS, (or their wdouis or orpkan ckildrtn,) who served in any wars or oaniet, enner in -an- . i u t J ianr. lorma or unewnere, prior iu mrcn an, icwtf,n tkeir ckildren who were tinder 21 years at that aute, or uuuors wnoserveo on in c .u.i nia in the Alexicuu war, will do well to address us. Claims that hove been rejected In the hands of other ngents, have been sueceasfally obtained by us, Atfenta acting for us, liberally paid. Land wnrrania oiugiu ami soiu i w.i, "' nesa reiulring an agent at Washington, attended lo. II. li. LLOVI) It CO., Atlorneya for Iliinntv Land. Slc. Keferencs lo any of the heads uf Oepnrtineuls. 4BwlO UrrSK WZLLAMETTB Transportation Line STEAMER ONWARD, SURPRISE, RELIEF, " ELK. WHEN the stage of water permits, one ef the boats wdl leave CANF.MAII for COUVALLIS TWICE A WEEK. For ECO EN K CITY ouce a week. Tho publie will be advised of Ihe regular days for starting. IT More boats will be run if the business de mands it. Freight and passage at usual ralea. THKO. WYOANT, Oregon City, Nor. 1, ISiD-mO Agent. Hogs Wanted. CASH WILL BE PAID FOR 250 Bead of Bofi, Delivered at Ihe ISLAND MILLS IMMEDIATELY. fir Hogt bought conttantly. A. J. CHAPMAN. Oregon City, March 21, 1860. 50 Special Notice. ALL those indebted to me are requested to settle their accounts before Ihe 10th day ef May, 100, or 1 will be obliged In place the same, in so officer's hands for collection. CHARLES ALRIGHT, Oregon City, April SS, I s60. )w3 W.n. FAULKNER SO, Dealers in TTrCrKCaHt. AXB THTISO Material fieaeralty, 123 Sansome street, corner of Merchant, Su rranciMe, 17 Printers are irrrlted tn make eur acqbaint- anr.e 5mfl