JJUSLVESS CARDS. W. ft JOTXTt 00X7, AlTOIINI.i' A COCNaliKOIl AT LAW, And Solicitor In Chancery, WILL promptly attend to iay business which ( liny. be committed to lilt rnfe.ioul obarg bu.'or III Dietricl and Huprem ('own. C llii ovr,Milwu,u's tiu store, iiuiiied.ali l) op puxie M till Hired House1, Oicg.,11 L'.ly, October I, JS5.1. JOHN R M BRIDE, iTTor.i mo emmiiioi t law, .Lufm'tle, Yamhill County, Oregon. Wll.l. faithfully attend lo til bi.sineM.eu Iro.led In Iiii professional care. J. It. IMMTOt, WllnU:(ag AND KKTAIL UKALRi IN (J K N I- II A L' M E It C II A N I) I H F., Cam'r of Main "'A Street), OH KM ON CITf, OKKHOX. K. LA lJI,r. J. M. BACON. KIT! EN E LA FOUKST ficncial Dealers in Dry (loads, LADIES' FANCY GOODS, Urorvry, Oorltcry, lni.vHrr, .v oo7'.v, sunns, ., Al .f d iii . Foretl French Store, " OKKUO.N' CITY. wm. DiKitDoiirr. auswohtii a. in:ni)oitrr, VHiil.mi.K AND nr.TAII. DEALERS IN OUOCEHIES, . DIIY GOODS, CLOTHING Runts cC Shuea, and Crockery, Iu llis new Fire-proof llrirk Mali itreet ohf.uo:c citv. T. CHAHMA.N. A. WAHNBR. Caannan A Warner, GESERALCOMMISSIOS MERCHANTS WllOI.Mll.lt 4 RETAIL Dcnli r In Dry Uoo!, Vhlhinn, Hardware, Crockery. Glitsurore, linolt, Shiiti, Paints, Oil; At., lulhe.'r fire-proof ilrick " Main rrnrr.i, Qll T.liUM CITY, OKRiioN. .. -., v. nucii.tv, HOUSE, SHJS, ASD OHXAMEST.iL - a a a sal, !Ji if nemly oppmitt Ike Mctkadiil Ckiirck, o in: ioi tin-. April ic,ts:.!. nr SAMUEL R DUZAN, House Carpenter, Jobber nnd Turner. 1 SHOP orer IIOSSI 4 Co't IVUSDRY. J)ATRoNA(,l-.OF O KEG OX CITY AM) . "iioiglilKitliuod resieclfiilly solicited. Oreguu dry, Jm.U, -4 1 If (Vjio.XK'orL;"AuiiT . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Offlco J. n. HALS'roy, WHOLESALER RETAIL DEALER IS General 3JcrcIiiiudi.se, il now III receipt of HOW O009S elected with much caro lu San Franciaeo. Kerosene Oil! THE SEW YORK KVHOSESE OIL CO. (KaTAIILIaHltn IS14) t XNOL'NCE that, Uviig iiiada gn-al Im 1. pron-nieiile In Ilia manufacture of Kriue, tiny in now enabled lo oftr it l.i lliu Trade at A REDUCED PRICE. , , . . , .. v.i ...... ...I I " 1111101 Mil conn inr's u rp.( uny cuuco 1 7Jffui '"-'V ;in.bie. ..I;..o.oU,u. . ' i examiiuiHoii, by hu t .N. Ixkst, Im , of Xew AMKIIICA.X PI.IMH, j v0iht Chemist, and lute-J Feb. 3, ll.tf. bli arlie.l idee linfn and Ion" clolln. iJniii 4 barred ' iiiuiIiii, do io mull iniialiit, Vuloria lawn, brown i i Bl T J I" f lirri,n2 4 Mrlng, fi.e k'lry a4rie, deiiiina, drill ami aliia (luck. IRISH LISESS, linen cfnmk, nliil daniu.k, Ubl covera, Rut eiau tvwele, ami craali. Mi n U, L H, while, yellow, red, grey, 4 blue, plain and In-ill-i, pluin 4 figured anliileU, jmin, cn'.ioiiadee, will biiM-y briiutilul alylea bluiiktli-, while, red, blur, 4 gty. Iloili'rys lm!ie', mlaet', and cliiMri n brnirn, alule, and iiiiird but -gi ule' eml buy' wool and oollmi half li'Mj. lUmti mid Sliow: a larfii .it fiila' fine, medium, an I or bnou 4 kbue, IimIkV and iniwea' calf iUm, (aili-ri., 4 lier, Ik)h' Ueita 4 ibocti, cliildrena' alloea, uuJ il.iin. 11 a r d?c arc: Pocket knives, pruning ain.1 lmd ding knives, knives iiml forks, Kcinsoiy mid sliear.-, Imtt find a. ' : ! . : r ' - r. f til W '.. r. t. 't- ; li i .i it'r. I, V Iv Intensity cf L'jjbl. '(jiiiiniiiy uflJlit I from au vipm! I in-:niire 01 O.I, I'liie of ibeOil HT lijliuu. C."t of an i i'iiil amount of I.ijlit. Ileliuh! nrdcra from tlm TruJe, by Mail or Tel e'r.rili, lillcd, on u,'p'ii'i:li'Mi to AUSTh.NS,. Ax'r.tf, Hcrews, htrnj, hinges door locks, KKRos,.:xEi..utVXX. variety 01 btvle and lmttcrns, : ufactuierv urici, or.di ..w Y.irk wimVeai liand ,-aws, tenon saws, connia ! '!r'"-T!' oc," 'Un,pi,e,!0oi.i i:urm,,2 riuij .tl uiiijiih.kii nun irii.rni. li.tlitjiit saws, coinjiiKs heiicli lilanes, cliia-ls. mi- gers, auger Intts, axe-i, hammers, mioycIs. hoes. Dotato iV. II. K EROS ES E h t'.e U-,lt mmk nflht ll'ltcllct-J """" Oil t'i., and 11:1 pi-rtuui art rtt'iliontd I i auiiiimt mint Hif taii Irude mark itt athcr ai'.i. Di-cenihir t Ti ft. I -Ci!), rakes, lirads, taeks, finishing nail Jior.jC cut nails, wroii'dit nails nails, itc. Sugars, fofee, lea, ayrtip, suit, ipicen. fojp, roup pijiid-jn, eninllea, huliriiliK, jext powduii, cream Urtur, ao.la, hI aodii, in.l c1', cluiliea p'-nr, rci ub biunliie, piinl hruslua, bro him, (lust brnxlien, band bi'llowa, wooden piili, .-h lull', tiud Wai boar Ij. PMJTS OILS: Wliito lead, red Iwid, Veil, n d, l'fine.iu!i blue, cbrume vrllow. chrome cr.-i ii. burnt mi I rmv 11m. bei, yellnw 4 blink paint, Vandyke brown, T. D. ! Mrnue an I inwortcil colored mnaliii, JJoiled and Haw Linseed Oil, I'olnr oil. In ril oil, ll.li oil, lanuefa' oil, L'h'.Ui nut oil, Ac , 1V0. Y will ba rcct-iviiifr by every ilcuncr addi tiun to our present evk'iiuve aluuk, and PAItM. KHS and oiliera will find il lo Ibeir udvuulu;a lo call and examine our (moils and prine lieioie buy in; rltewlieru, Terms, CA37I. .1. 1:. it.vi.sru.v, Curnrr Main ij- I'jtlinl. Orein City, October I, l.")U. S5 .next non 11 m mh. cal- t'lELD'S STOKE, , N K A It T It K II It li W C K V. N. II Faintly Miiliciue prepared in die muni CJieful luaiiui'r, and aluava on bund. nrtiton Cly .'..dun h 2d, lHj9r.il ESTABLISHED 1753. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA, Tor Turifying tho Blood, A Nil Ton Till! (TUB or Kurufula, MuriMiriul f)ino(-9, lilifiumatiaiii, CuIhiiouUb KmptMi-i, SiuMorti iilcrrn, l.ivt-r o')niia;iil, )yspoin. llri'iK liiii, .S:il ItiiiMini, I.miibnn, White Sividl illl, DiePHtK, Klilllljrnilli.lit of ; (ho ljoiit'i hiiiI J.'iiiln, Kuvcr Sines, I'linulii t'nii). .!iiiiit., Kr)!.iirlim, i.-iit of A pjiciiii', l'illlr!l, llll.-S, liciicrnl !. Ill- It bn lou breu (I unt iiri .rtinil ili'nideraluin ' in ine pi.ii t.eo ol iiii Uiliui', lu oliimn remedy im lur in t'ii, aiiduiTiiiilincly u,i liml li remirli'.l oalmnl imivt-nully in all lli.M() lormcntttiir iji.. waaeanrihn din niiiyinif lo the pntienra, mid in iirimi tu I lie li.-.ill li. It U a tunio, npnicut, ami liinl'in.'lum. It ai'lit Miiinliaiieuiiiy upon tin. iTouni, tba rrai'ii.ATinN, mid tbu anw-Kia, and lliu three prneewee, wliii'b ure niilinaiily the ro nil of TiUKt dd'.'reut kindxuf' ineilicine.iireu.ir. ried uu at tlm umu lime ihniuli tiio iiiMrmni u alily of Tina o ivmediul (pnt. I la jrent inenl In that mreta and iieitWiVir the ai tive princip'o ol diwiwe ilwlf, and lieu tbul i Cone, llio eyiiiptiuii iiere.-marity dienpjie.ir. The ru pulily ariih which Hip nli,.iil reenvera health nud nrrnlh iimler Ihie Inple li.ll.i. nce In nuipii.in. REMARKABLE CURE. Ii v.N I'ni'vv, lnx"'i Tir., M.t.Ii ii, is:,:,. , Me.l. A. It. A 1). Sammi. Now York . ( llemeii, In llio epiinj ,.f ln0 on our ay from ludi.uu lo thia place, our eld.t buy wuii eiwd with aaweliiuir and aevore iLiiim in ii,el. ,r. which day by day jrrcw won, until Ins leC con- vivrv.r. i.onti.i.vuu. Snuff and Tobacco Manufac turer, 16 & IM CilAMI'.KIW ST., (Foruierly IJ ("hullnm iiiecl, New Vik.) V "" ""l""1'"' ""eiiiimi of (iro- 1 V cen ami Druiala lu Ilia iemuv;.l, uud n!o the urlidcaof liia iiiuiiuf.icture, vi. : UUUWN SMVV. Mnreidiuy, Uuii;j;roa, Fin liappne, I'uie Viiglu'n, Coarav llupih-e, .Nacliiloclio), Anuriciiiljeiilloiiiin, llopLMilmijen. Vl.l.l.UW HM w V. Si-otob, Freeh Sclrh, lliuh Tnnal Srotrh, Iri.h High Toant, Fruh lloniy I lew. Scotch, or l.uii lylool. TOM A (XI). MI)I.I.U. rif'K CfT C'llliHI.VU. BMOKINU. No. I, r. A. L., or plain, St. dnmi, .Nu.-.'i ('uvendi.sh,nrcel, Spauiali, u. I J.'." m .1, .Sn i et-M-ciitcd (Jrouooo, Cunialer Kiu fool, Tin Fiiil t'uvi'iiJiah, l'ii;Tuikh. A Cii'i'nlur of IVIcei i!l lie nent on applir itinn. N. II. Nolo tho new nrlii-le of 'Vea.i Si oti h Siiull". wb;i:h Will be louuj u aujiei ior nrliele fur d limi): piu-p we. lnlil7ii.ll 1 1 J 3(i:ml muu m m sire i mmmmm AINSWORTH&DIERDORFF, T K A It K X ( W O V K X I X U IN THIS Wow riro-rroof Uriclt, A UKOf. AND ttKI.I.'ASS(iUTKD STOCK Of GA-yHIUL XMCIIAXD1SE. Feeling perfectly aecur ajalmt fir, w will now Oifrr Greater Mutrmtnlt than ever It tli public. W ar eomUnily in receipt of GOOD S elected with lb Rieateel ear (a lo price and quality), and are comideut that our fauililira Will ciiublo lit lo oiler and it II U"'"1' AT PORTLAND PRICES ! (frelhta on), and would ailviw a' I Ihoa tiailinf Una city lo puiclie poo la, to exuiinueour alock and piici f before pur. linaiiiK elm-w her. Wo have, aud are jnl reueiving, ou Invoice of conwlini In part nf the following irticlea Coh. co, IV'ilie, Hndl.'Vi Coiii-alejo, Sprague, I'bllip Allen, Full fiiv.-r. Slerrlmac, llrigi;, mid niinier oil oiher choice MINTS, all Itletlylril I'.ng Mi i: French merino, I.yoneM cloih, nndiair and oilier Debole i braze, wool, li niuabn do lalnea, black, blue, nuridc, flt nlnk nierliirw, fancy l'UiJ jaconet, book, wi, & mull mualili, ladn a i llib. aete, collara. hdkfa Aakirti, dirn A: bonnet trim- uiiiia, I reucli ic domeeiio giiighdina, Fieiu.lt Iiiwna from K'J to 2'ic, blue, nin'd, ic grey iaii. uel, wool it cotton jeoiK, Cc'll'iiiaclo, bltailieJ and blown flieetlnj fruui 3-4 to 10-4 wide, bro'va aud bli nched rinlU, den m hickory aliirtin" ; Irun mariiie, liron u, and Iriah iineu, tianki eu, diaper, an I crash, a larjp !jt of liueu a nil llm-ad Ucri and edKnigi hoii''.y, ixo. MEy'i! ij- HOYS' CLOTIUXG Il!uc,b!uvk,nnd brown cloth Mat; lOdui lilk cloth Vctli, A dm while and bull .Murwille do. Velvet il ml Hat ill do.; .1(1 iloiantiuel ainta, duxrkiu and fancy caiim ra do, 'J'l doi merino and cotton tlluleialurie, ry,Lliie, & Hack dolli over onuta, with a g .ucrulunortiiit.'iit of gents lurmeltiii; B16(!:I. HOOTS SHOES. ha't. knjV, an.l youllw' buot; Indiea', iu'eaeA, nud children'! mo rocco, goal, kid, and calf Congreaa biota, witU It wiluout heels; luuir kid ppeia. llio and Java coffee, Hack mid rreeu tea, X. 0. China, Ualuvitt Ulaud, l'u'. leliiwl, and crimhed iiwir, I:. HoAton, Col., ensur-houiie, 4 oldnayr' up: nail, 5 to dilU Ibakx; 1UII ki nuiln, aiadaiaa; llillapale, ehemioiil, 4 I.ughah aoup, aoop poiv- u re, powder, allot, 4 lend; Yiuial pow.ler, anient tun, c re urn tmtnr, mnol.iu 4 chewing tobar.co, erren corn, ptaa. tuntnloct. ttrttit and Wachber' i n, iii 2 lb line; Vpice, pepper, ai'l cassia, 'url barley, iiiucnaroni, verm celh, cor alnrcli, ulm ouile, walniile, llraiil until, raialne. Chill peuchea, dried fruit; mackerel, iu rjr 4 Im b'So; aurdiuea. A iiue kMKirlMlelll of CROCKERY d TABLE CVTLERY : 0 cralra ninorled wurc, dll doz aleel picka, L'O Dutch 4 Ildla hoe. While Lend, Oil, and Wim'tie G'Ijss; with a variety of other art idea usually kept. Ij' We w ill pny cabii fr wheal, tlonr, bacon, butler, t?f, and ulinost evrrytbilig the furiner has to soil. Oregon City, April 1C, 13. asaaai-o'jfepa AND PHOTOGRAPHIC HOOMS, Opposite Ceo. Aherntthf J- C'o.' ifi'ci Stare, OREGON' CITV. Daily Xilne R'ti'tm I'urttand and Oitprnt Ci'ij, rpHK new elern-wbeil alrairer f.tTft I i: x i' R e s s , Ja.HraMI, M.nter, will run belween I'.illlall.I and Oregon City daily (riuiidii) ' epled), leov. in l'OUTI.AXI) at 10 A. ; d (M'.IH.oN t Try il 4 r. m, '! DOI, O In Notice. DM-. US. TKAMSTKIK SAILons. (or their in'duiM or oi riA'in ciUdieiiA who a'Tved iu any ware or tu'tllrt, eillter in CaH fin.ia or r.'arir.trre, 'li'nr to Mireh 3,, 1 S.Vi, oi Hirir ihildrrn w.U uere under L'l ieu nt tint! diitt, or sailora who s-n ed on the cii.nl f ('alitor leu iu the .Mexican war, will d i uvll tna Idren na. Cluimmh.iih.ivo been rejeolcl in the hau l of oilier iiiieuia, have been aii. ccvl'uily obtained bv na. Ajjenn aclin tor u, hbcraily iaid. Land Hiirrniiia bought mid ld lo order, uud ull b ixi nes ie,iiiriug an mrent at Wellington, atieudod lo. 1!. II. I.l.i )Yl &. CO., Attomeya f..r Cluiiiie, IViuions, ll.iuniy Land, Ac, Keleieiico to any of Ilia hcada of I lepariuioiita. 4H !0 ill ill Scat and Lnnd. TII AVICnn eelleti MH.f, SK.T, enr. roiiinhd with excellent TIMI1KK, which I Would like to have improve,! I u ill rocld, nud became au iiaiulul Ihut he could m i I iniNwriL'ht who uiahea hi inv. si ., .., . walk, and we had lo cany him huoiii like an in ni. e readied Albany oil the 3d of October, iiui.leloly worn out by I'nlujue. Ily thla lime, he wna reduced In a perfect ahuMon. Here ue were cnalded lo con, all a phjaiciau (Dr. Hill), who honeally eonfeanedhe cool I not cine him, al- liiougli be could give Inm mrdioiue lliat would re Jiete the pain, lu III a exigency eon.elhin- muni ou done, or death aa iuev.tablo. lcinxr wm. lucnded lotrv our Snraaparillu, I procured a bot tle. After lakiog tome, he apieared wor.; but IK-raeterint; with it. I ol.taii.ed . aecoud botlle. Which areiued ta jjrapplo ,, A-auaed a Ina.ked .mprove.nent : the awelluiK and pain ill the leg. were reduced, In. avpel,iu mi. proved, and In. color began lo n tum. Thus eu oournged, I pim hd , ilitril bottle ) whiln lak mjit Ihe awell.ngsin lea Irifaj broke, and some pieces of bone one eighth of alt inch kuig came til, all.r which Ids leta alraigl.letted and lira I, u ! He now wrfecily ncovered lia.no so. pearain.o' being a crip;.le, . ml can p. rtorm rnoat kind of cmoiiiou lale.r, as ull our tie I'l.bora eaocoitiiy. Your., rr.jcliullv, CAl.,n DAVIS Trepiired and ..'.l by A. R. ,y I). SAXDS, ...... ie.ic i-rneg.is, tu t ullou atieet, enter of " dliain, New u.k. Sold .dao bv II JOHNSON' A ra .v.,. . '.; ISICK Si COIH, .W.,ryr.i:e; R. II. A.I'ONAM) A CO., AV,.,w,. nj ,,y gill null, nr b .lb, a tjond cli.iiice. The location I one of the very hcxt for aelling luiiiher :t level way to the mill sent, no hills lo pull over, and handy to heavy settlements. I wi.li also to sell half a Miction of LAND near by. The place is aix inilia weal of Lufay die, Yamhill county. W. I. ADAMS. Nov. J."., 1S.-.3. ;,;!;f Notice I'rtti; sts retierullv. a. yl UKt.K, Afoul, Or,., (,,, jllm3 MTII8JJJATIIS!! " 'ash, andl'e'Clean:'' . . T Yol LP 'lyy tit gemleou. X of Oregon Lily lli.t ha Mv,n fiMtJ , naming Uooms, incoonectioo with my Barb-, Shop, h.r.botb !l"IJf.V AXD COLD BATHS eo U had i reasonable t.rms. L-ef. 3;, !' :ifon n AIip TS hereby given lo all Iboae who wmh to have their Ai't'OI'XTS COLI.ECTEH, mid are willim; lo palronixe me, that I am coiisianlly on bund, and will devote my entire lime and en ergy in attending In the same for them. I pledge myelf lodoaa good hard dunuiiijas can be doae by any one, and il that w .11 not bring the nerd tnl, I will Mid my friend l'Ai-rnov una visning tour (Willi 'coine-aitd.ee iiie-(uiikly'). Ueu;, tie your shoiti mine are al your service. Mv ler.ns are in. derate. HT Ojlir. en M,,j itrret, immtdiattli, eipo. ilr Unboit t uric agon-t!mp. . v J- M I'.ACO.V. J. I'. I OnonCiiy Sept. SJtt(i Notic VUOl'Si; near tho Fttt St.vur for rent, hiiqtnra al th OREUOS CITY BOOKSTORE Feb 4, lSiiO. 44 To (l:o Afllirlcil. R. IH'TCIUN.s' CF.I.KHKATF.I) II VI- aaut of Wild Ch.rrv. with a vanetv of l,i. other popular lUuitictl .Vrdii-iar. ar new lor sal al CM RI.ES !OrKS, Orrf C.,,IM1 IJOSKFU ll.VUSrOWS, Crmk. 47, A'otico. THE firm of I. Foreat A Bjoou baiioglcea diseclved by mutual consent, hi-re'ay ..norm uy frvrut aad Caaieeoer that.I cualniu. bo... rillllS i simply the fer.netitej juice uud the 1. di.-til!cd juica uf the California gr ipe, judi ciouly n.ulieuted wiih 1'eruvi.in Jiurk, Hiikcy ihub.irh, jiiuijiti bellies, and utln r vcgclahlo re medial ugciiis, skil.u'ly comhineil, uud ill Mich niiuiiie and exact Humilities lis to cou.-l.lutu a email or homiopathiu iiu.se of each remedy ; which when combined form mi innocent, harm less, et notice, tonic, alterative, hnii-il,epeptu. uiurriic, uiiu-icor.u', an J s dative bovu. .L'aa ui.t to the tuMe. The inventor, In calling the attention of the pabli ; (especially the Cuhloniiain who know Hie cac I'euce of tlic California amp-) In these prep. im. no, uuf. ki wi-.ii prwo uud conli ieuce ; priil ill proving the rxci llciico uf our native gwpe, mid roulidcncu iu their reined ul virtue, adapted fr.r tlio fulluwinj discuses i 0;,' yi.-yw.'rr. l:id':-;i-.slicii, Lam nf Anpclitf., Ih- liiliinl L.jhsIi pnlmii; Acidity u ur S.iur St-imurh, Vinmsei uf )!ie Kidunj, C'vuv.', Dhnnln t of tfir Ciii.m ij Organ, Remittent and lutn -iti.'.'eil I'tvrx, F.-rcr J- A 'fitr, .Y' It....' f;r.-.c, ll"i'...vni-..-., I). uii,!y, Dry. u.:n ..' the Sin, or ir.inl of Prrtynthn, I'jim in the .V(V. ack nr lluiee!), Cio.'v, Dysentery, .c., .-. The proprietor docs not pretend that liia .Medi cated I uliloiu u . me and Uranily is u " wonder or n mil aclo" in uicilieal science, but appea's to the coin. nun ncuse of the pubiie, and he doe not hesitate to avow that he knows from (Xpcrimce that the medicines in thin, tliouh tin ill in rpian t ty, will often ell'cct a cure iu somo of the dis eases enumeialed, wlien more v.olenl au.i power fill reniod.ei have failed iu their object. Q l Those driuLin liijttor only iu the morning or be ."ore breakfast, v.ou.d find the lliundy ur" dciuhl'iilly on the nerves and stomach, keeping .ur u, eiB irirai, CvC. llJ As a general beverug", it is pi, asitnl to the taste, laohllycxliiluratiiio. perfectly hainiless, und gives too weak and feeble a feeling of health uud strength. Head this cert.'i'.cule of uualvsia ma.lo by 'I hcnphilua X. Krai, Analytical and Muutifuclur iit' Chemist, Huston: I do hereby certify thai, after a m'tiule and . catelul analyticil evamiiiation of the California ivine aud btaudy, ii.unuf.iclured by Dr. Jamea L. rar,ii.ir, iu order In asccilain its coinuositi.ui and j ipitimy, I have, after various experiment, urr.ve.l I at the following result : The wine is of a very j a :rec,ihle tusie, lijlit color, and u.-reeuble uroniu, j an I cjiisisk of grape suir 9 3d, volatile oil j.;l, : tonic acid 1-73, coloiing muiier 1.&4, alcohol 9 ti). waier 73-111, bi-lurtutt of (..taii;i l)-'J7, 8U puaie i poiuu U-4J, salt U S I. t x unit. I: can be taken by the most dehcato of either e, and Iu niodcrajnu by clualren. I i' Sold by ail respectable Dniggnt and (int. j cers in Ihe I'niied Slates, CahfoniM I Orcgou. I 1'k-k 1 p .-bottle; six bottle for j IT)' ClI'TION TO THE rt'BLIC. .fj I 111 pnrciiasiug, always are thai a foe simile of the s:fuature of James K Fai.iiar, M. D., is 1 liru arouuo me luva of the b-uilo. Whohs.ile Ajenr (,'KOWELI. CUXE PAI!K i WIIIIK, and KEDIMiTo.V i ( O , S.in Frtnntn. 1 1 .ill.' iiniTc i-iivjncj are jir. pure l t U;!.J lihe JL nessea, such u Ambrotypes, Melainotypes, Pho tugmjilis, or PICTURES OS PATES T USATllZR, stiila'dt for trading in Ictlem, u!l of which will be executed ill llio LVVKST AXU XKATI'.ST HTY1.R, AXD O.V SHOUT NOTICE AXD HE ASO X ABLE TERMS. C HOLM'S mid LOCKET 1'ICTURES taken very low. Call and examine our pictures, and judge for mil oei 110. liuuins opposite Abcruethv eV Co. 'a brmk store. HOLLAND i DAY. June U, 16.",9. U. & MAIL LINE. Ore fn City and rorttai.d JJaihj Paehlt -i Jcnnl OUrk, TU'CiJ. Josiaii Ahaick, MasUr, Will run dally, (Kutiday. ec. plrd,) in lit alv named trade, Laving Ureg.-n lit) every day al o'clock, 4, m. Iteliiriiiiig. will leave Forllaud ul J r.N., touching 1 alliiilcnnediiili ooiiila. Fur freight or passage apply i-u b.ejul. Time. T K. II 1 0 II F I K t. D, fi V . WATCH-MAKER. $M I'efMiis de.lrou or g llllig goial wora uon in do well to give me call, a my whole lime I do. vuled to Ihe repairing of Chronometer, Leri r, Duplex, and I loiilotital walche. ' An aaaortnient nf fine English WATCULS, as alo Jewelry on hand. CLOCKS, wi'.h weights to llu m. Jewelry made lo order, and repaired. Prices to suit lh limes. I am thankful for pa. I favors, and iom to "satisfaction in fuliite. Jj Loi id at lboldlnnd,oiioa'.le the Tel etirapl, OHto, ORKUOS CITY Feb. 2 STOVES, STOVES At Portland Price8 j ' W1I0LESAI.K AXD II ETA It itME, Mom tiliei l, sppo.il lli U u i, . 'tRi OREIJON CITY, IMI'OIXTEIl OP pOOK.I'ailor and IJ... fNore., Ti, yj Iron, and Copper, l'l.ui.l,4 aj ' , , BM War, lloiiw furnisliiiii Hurdwar. u fMH Uil I'nmp Rubber u, llydiu. I'.pe.hbeel Zine, rukl,. K, j""1 H He., tikilleta al Hake Ovena, fow illT! Fans, Ac, An. ' w ,,fM. m AK MANITACTUnER of Tin r and Wheel Iron War., of eery deK,iwL?W rileainboul and Jobbinjf work don ii.' , est rale. "J, Pl n a, ar',T't RKMOY AL. gi:or(.i: c. ali:i.., IX b'.tsluee iu Vn at. for lh fi'l Iwenty lwo yeura, has removed to . 115 l!rllil l'tlj', one des-r oelos Cutiul . , where he tin ju-l ojwned a new stock uf Watches and Jcwcdry of entirely new nnd beautiful styU-s; U, SILVER ASO PLATED WARE. U i constantly receiving lh luteal styles of watches uud jewely by every Bleaiu.i direct fruui the umiiufucliirers in Kuro.. Watches elrunrd al repiiired in the best man ner Ly lh tiul Loudon nnd (ieneva Workmen. liKOllCU C. ALLEN, Importer ti Watches nad Jewelry, nnd inaaiifnetiirer of Jewelry, w atch cose, and iilvsr ware, w hob sale uad rili.il, -ll llroudway, one door below Ciiual litiet, SEW YORK. ni'lby A. lorsi. NEW STORii!, AND New Goods! n CHARLES POPJ; Jr., AS opened a new nt.ire ou Maji street, A'eur fi o5 or tke hill, Sorth of the little linidt. list friends nnd the tiublio nre kavitsd lo call anil examine Ins stock of goods, cnsi.-lii.g uf a COOD ASSORTMEXT OF Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, lUeilicines, .Arc., tve, .1.7 uf le'i'uh are offered cheap fnr etuh. Oregon City, August 20, ItijO. Utiui WILLAMOXtB IROi WORKg' ORECOX CITY. ' WJi beg In iufonn II,. public of Oreg,, u W a.biugtoii that wo have ceinphu, hJ BOILER. PATTERN, OLACKSXlTu AXD MACHIXE SHOP, " and are preporrd lo build boikra, Engiaea firi. mills, Sawmill", nnd all otln-r ki.uls uf mttT Our biisinesa cuuecliiat with tb Stiles tlm great eweui.nc f cur lh superiority and auinb. r i: ear aBatliiaJLiiT iim of wnter paver instead ofalaam, ' f.l kanwlc.lg of all branch. af our kiaiuVa." will enuble us te rouiprte with Cadiforasa, Itaviting Hie public lo give ua a call, aeJ whw, u with their patronage, w promis y t,JZ tli.ir nr.t.1-. ll.. .I...W. mt . ""VIS - uwiio.., aiiu At tni FraiirlMo Prirf. A. ROSSI & CO June 19, 18.-8. FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD! McCOIlMICK k I'OW.VALL ;2fOV TUE MT.VTC OF fWlEUOXjH TS NOW READY FOP. DELIVERY TO X subscribers and ether. Trice Fi-e Dollars. CS Suh4cril.cn. hh I ..I hers in Cl.ickams .. ly can be suppl ed by the Poaluiuster al Owe. (.'ily. ' Ploics and IVaons! i -.T.11 "-I lilavksmithing of all Kiuils done to order. KSKP nlwayson hand STEEL PLOWS. Al umrmilcd to ror and do ua gaud work a. any others iu lh Slate. 1 can also furnish ynu with WAt.lOSS. I cannlwuya lie found ut 'my shop, up)Kk.ite .MoKinhiy's, leady to elinc your horses, or do uiiyihing iu llio line of mv business. Call anil see. J. W. LEWIS. Oregon City, April Ifi, lt?j!). ltf Notice. DC RING my absence fnnn the Slal. of Ore goti I- tho Alluuiiv Slau-s, JAMES Ki KELLY, Iq . w ill net ua my nuthoriiej Anal,. ii n. I ull ucta done by him us such Agent thill ft as val.d and bind 113 n if done by n.e in pawn. .MILTON ELLIOTT. .Mutuh 2il..l&00. New " Eagle .7. TASjlu Boots Gnhl Jiflntia t . v w,a.avoK IX OUEGOX CITV. Uoot and Shoo Store." yi O 0 N E Y I returned frmn California a ilk LARGE STOCX OP and Shoes, 123 tiiiKotiic fAlrcct SAN FRANCISCO. 123 3 n 5? n e z, COLLI-G IATE 'iXSTITUTE. IIIK College yeareoiimi.oices the first Monday in September, and is divided into four ijtiur. 1 of eleven weeks each. CAI.RXUAR roa TUB YEAR 18j9-C0 nMiE .1. ters The commencement is held on the 4ih of .Tolv when the yearly vacatiun ensiica. Pmfenurt '.Wi!1ami:l Huuso.v, A..M Levi L. Uunuxii, A. M. tkhji or TrirroN rr.11 uciRrrri: Coimnon JJ.iglish liraitehes j (() Eu-li-h Analysis, Higher Arillunctie, Huok keeping, llhdorr, and Elementary Algebra g ou Nalural Philosophy, Dotany, Geology, and Chemistry, Intellectual and Muru'l Phi- losopliy, lilielonc un I Logic 8 00 Elementary Oeoinelrf.Survcying.Algehru, lliglur .Mathematics, Latin, Greek, and Clench Language, and Seuior Class of -Nur-lJl,P- 10 00 Convenient arrun jenicnls can be made for board til reasonable rotes. Hooks used iu the school can be obtained ut tho Cullesie building at cah prices. A Normal Dep.irtincni I,,, been organized, up. on Ihe plan of Ihe N. Yol k Stale Normal School. .iii particular reiureiice to preparing vouiif lu.lirs and gentlemen for teaching. This department is 111 practical and successful operation. Prof. Newell baa been engaged, and is ivm., Irssons ou the Piano uud Melodcon. IT Au extensive and choice nlul, sch.x.1 apparatus, also . ,,.10o Ul,d , gmn . brary, have been ordered from the East, aud are expected on sen. Tho patrons, trustees, and professor of ihe Co. lege arc resolved that nothing conducive to tho best niteresta of the school .hall be ne:.eclej or vtriHHPKi (I. llelhel, Polk co., Dec. 24, ISjJ, -f?On SALE 12,000 iTHiinl'UlNTIXC. X pup, r : .".fix IS S ix IS 3'.'xlli L'llx 13-JSxI-J iTxdl ai!x3s JilxIlC 23x3J and i'ils K FINE axii SUPER Newn. i'jOOO rean)s Fine nnd suporrms Book Paper. 21x33 1 lbs., 44 lbs., 4d lbs., and 5G lbs. XUV AXU VIXK BOOK INKS. Liirhtlmlifi ceUhtHled Neics and Omt lull, lu kes uud tine, Trum 1 to HVIb. packuges. Viiuler' Card ami Card Boiwa. Cohen's nnd Snriih dt IVIcim' carjs und card boards of every ax viae- and quality. Straw SHaramUa Wrappiay ?apcr. '(time v..rown i-aiiii straw in bulea of li reams- do 2;, reams.' .Manilla Papers. lax2U IS.i7 OidU 2I. 3i ,.'b'x3S und 3Ux4U, a-.ijK.riuT article. Medium, Demy, Flat Caps, Folio Post nnd Letter Papers. A large assortment of tLirnie pi....... i. Smith's Lcd-er und Writing Pnprrs, by the cae or ream. UEO. J. liliOOXS Si. CO. July 16, 1353. M,n3 which la wail sell Clll-Ar I)ir CASH, WHOLESALE OH JiETAlL A'm, a 'mull fifsoi Inient of Shotmaleri fiiti. lie solicits the patronage uf Ihe people of lli city nud Ihe public in irncnil. lleing eutirely di voied 10 the b.sit uud shoe business, lia will let? I uoiuc.tintly on bund u fine assortment of ladiciml get,l,e:iicu a wear, of all sorts and sues. Ludii-s, give me a cull before purchaaiuj uy wherv elee. Do 11.. I forgoi ihe p ice two dnon bJot Gib sou's Saloon, in the new building. Conic one. cimie ull, bolh great rnd email, fire me 11 call, fnr I have I mils nud shoes to fit you ill. iMy mono is, Small prolils und quick returns, 1 11U0 kicp .Miller's uud .Mason's Uuclitiofcr sale. Jan. 29, ISM. AUDLERT, AND HARjSS-MAKlKaa 0 REG OX CTJr . T AM now cnirying on n Suddler'a and" JL lie.ss Clackamas County, Oregon. rpiIIS scluml is aitualed ou a d lightful elova X turn of land, just three mi!. south of Ore gon City. Ii, t,rce terlll, for ,e yvtr wi, coin n.ence as follows: 1st term, on ihe rjrst Monday of hepteinber; id, 011 (he third .Monday of No vember ; after which there will be ti va-atiouof two weeks, when Ihe third term will commence t-aeh term will coutaiu eleveu wvekj. FACl'LTT. id" Ifari lie.ss inaki-r's shou in thia city, and hsree- sluntly on hau.l thu best uf Heady-made harness, saddles, bri dles, halters, martingnw, , and everything in my line. I am also readyl make to order anything in my Une that uiivl ealled fur, 011 a short notice. My motto is. a good article, und sell it cheap. 1 solicit atm age ut home and from abroad. My establishment i nearly opposite Charon' it Warner's Old Stund ou Main streeL J. SCUBAM. Aprils, le",9. i'"" D. D. STEPHENSON, DENTIST, has removed hi office to the City Book Store, . where he is prepared lo do all work in hia In lie has also an assortment or r n';ie. which cull be had at Portland priti ami 37tf i a.. aosKara. . casseut. a. o. bioore. j nom:iM & co., j ToOAia,e, Obelisk. a4 S.BlreV MAKLLE AfAXTLES, TABLES, I Ci Ull!, r Tv. Fire r.mler. 1: lliui tl,.,!0it,i, a J Slept, ' al-o ni.ll.Ul.Mj SID.Xr. OK LL aMilPITONs, ' l i- Valuable Proi)crty For Sale. ITin n ..... . "c v 11 A M v 0 EG FLOUR MILL. 1 1 mis MILL, aituated abotil three fourths of a . ""Ie ffo,u Clittinpocg iu ihe midst of Ihe great Sruiii-jrowing country in Oregon, i. offered for r,.,g n,g w.pr , flour &c can be slopped direct fn.1,1 the .Mill. Attached to the mill w a granary for receiving and storing wheat, a flu...!.';.... k... , . 3 . ii-nouse auu garden lor Ihe use or he person iu charge. The whole propertv einbrace a!,it riv r r The machinery of th. m: is of rcrv superior quality, having been imporled f.om iliH-hKer, 1. ih.-rc are two runs of th best French liarm, and au extra patent run of smaller Burr fcr chi.pp.-d feed, Ac. The frame-work. for rent... ., Ac. caanot be surp(ued in Oregnn.and lb 'mill in all respect, is !h. k'.l i, th, f,,,... ror laniculan.. ap.,.iK.-aiion should be mad. 10 GEO. T. ALLAN, i-, A. McKIXLAY, 5ramiwe'. "to. A.MOItY IIOLUROOK. Cnampurg, Jan 10, ! aj -Jtf Ore?t City. 6 K EGO N II oipiTA l, POB.TLi.SD, OREGOS. '.ev Ij. CARTwainiiT, Principal, and Profeseor of .ilalheinalics aud Natural Science. I I' a v ... . . .. .. . ......u, leacuerol English primary- c.'asse. TUITION. Settlement must invariably be made in advance for tuition, at the follow-big rate: In 1st and id P.eaders, and Pr.marv Ariih , 1 00 lracticalaud Higher Arithmetic, Emdisl,' ' Grammar, Geography, Writiii. Ac , 00 litglur Mathematiea, at Philosophy, ad Latin, $1.00 extra for each bruueh. B0ARDI.N0, Extensive arrangements have been made, du ring the rammer, for the entertainment of ... dent, at the residence of the Principal. Table expenses and rooms, per week, $3.00. ATTEX DANCE. No student will be .ilnirl ... r . 1 .: lhan half a term. Any one having paid, wishing to vacate a seal tl ,t half of the term, w.ll M.rmi. nati me motisv n.rioi...l Dentifrice, liml he will warrant not te inje" 'J leeih, but inuke the breath sweet nd Vf "T gums in a beulihy coudilion. Those wliel that line are invited to call and exaniiu for W selves. lie will shortly have Fancy Soapt and Perfumery, and various other notions that are so mock h ed here. Oregon City, Jo. 21, Tirst rremium, 1841,'4a,,44,' CHARLES J. HOLEEB., GRAND ACTION PIANO FORTE& THESE PLVN'as are mad ef the kt" terittla, aud warranted to atand i J n.aie. Tuning and repairing promptly M,e8'fi G. P. NEWELL 4 In jury 30, 1859. y Agemt$, Orego Cor bidden ou the premise. nunc. Or.ttiitous iustructiou will be e-iver. in rl ;n vocal muaie. Aur ST. in.vi Notice. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTXEsl,,r mue c... -t . ,w :i-- AV Ca. r' rrolamty and the use of tobacco positively for- -L fore currying on busineea aadr thai wy1 ".'regi.n Lity, Chaiupeeg. anil cr Cniieiua, is henbv dienol'e by wol1 All parties iudebted to said firm, or '""""J, upoa tbem, are hereby reqneated t ai-connu or make pavrm-M of lit eaa "V T. Allan or An bibal'd MeKmlay at or Arnory Ilolbrook at Oreg) City. thorized 10 actlk- all account. eo.ae aa d 6nu. ALLAN, McKlM- Jr Champoe;, Vti. 31, lsi9. TCST reeeixvii iWt tjU 4 . jO.T, nn. FAl LKlliK A. ....Ueaiers in TPr- PRE SHES. AD TMNTlNti Ualerlal beaeraiu, 123 SauMtw. street, comer of .Merchant, San Francisco. ea. at la 14 aiaaal. F- L A 1'OKFST Or,-, n C tj. J, re : rOETl.VXD, o.uox. J. C. BawtHrs, P.-x.?. UI ra:en ir. :Ur.!i.d c cxijir ..ua ct.1 iaw- ' 4is. ' Aixf vosrn rititL"---