The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, May 26, 1860, Image 3

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II Tl' ll.
I? IIFR PE A iiv u-sis i.ivi
of L'nn 00"",y ,0 tu,0 "ti1'' tlmt
Cit 'e'r ii orinnte futher in a Hoii'm jklti, lins
'down l"'ro 10 u'" tImt 1,0 " U'",d
,nlI (or tnsto or roMtion, but Uie lo c.U.
Sin lii view Iwd a wrry lire, ir wit
rU'ion can we unfiling .relcr..llo in n
I-, of n.'g") aluvcry. Wo ln they will
l him nxt week wliftt lie in.tiinl Ly muti
?' ,m.h comparison. 1 fc inny Iju ko Inzy
Htunilly Umt he .rcf rgn idlu timer's
life will" MUt 10 s"l'I'ort 10 tU'
tient industry of the honest working mini.
or be tnny liw Lccn s"',,J0(l'i, l,ifc'Scr fi0
w that he likes It. Wo commend him
to tlio tender mercies or Id follow citizens,
who will ll0W u'ldi-rstund how ho esteems
,U(1 loves them, nnd ir they hnvo thu .nine
opinion that is entertained here nine-is hi
speech, we think the result in Linn will
iliow that hw neii'libors don't cure how
oou ho seek 80,110 t,l'a'"t llllislcr. if ,lu
... i.. t..i-n ii : iiiu..i I nivnr I mill inn r i.
h w. wi !
,o rates below nier.
Peix-sion's AiiuiTios. On Thursdiir,
Sioitk said in his Kpneeli, " Tint In had
ralhtr lie d'cml man't nigger at Hit
South. Ihm a poor while laborer al the
forth." Think of that, working men of
...... W, ,,'imii.niniii am ,,i,!c'..
your toU-s, s'iirns you, und tliinks the id- j
gcr's situation preferablo to yours, if you ;
re poor. ill you support mm even in- j
dircctlv lV voting for Kellv, Post, Oflicer, '
oinxu; s . i i
lid Foster, all 01 WIIOIIl Will IlinkC Illlll u i
s..tnP if caucus liomiiiate him. The i
M... 1. ...IkmiI In a nr.i.ul!iVfri'.it
Hies 19 iiiiim... " .. ...... v.j ....wv.uv,
that labor is deradiup;. kcwitor limn
iiiond CJlled the Northern laborers t' e mud
iHU of scciety, and Delazon Smith think
them beneath owl below ilrrrnt itmi ho'
iei't ni'i'jtn. We hope that tho:e who
live by honest labor will remember lit- Hie
polls that a vote for the candidates of the
Democracy may elivatu their rluidtrcr,
and that they will rebuke him most dis
tinctly. Let him bo Jo Lnne's or uny
body's nigger, but male him uiidcrMmid
that even if poor you are too independent
to he willing to change with him,
or to promote his polTcul advancement.
I.ixx Cocxtv. Wo have assurances
that Linn county has pritty much been
Miovatcd politically by the ranting of the
great 0'ierliii wool-grower. Wis hear that
the wool-grower himself Is giving it up, so
fur us his chances am concerned. A 11'!
)iililiciin was lately in the " Medium"
oilier, and whibt very busy looking nt the
types mid other nppnrnti:, In aid llJu.ion
tell a circle of Pike friends--" I tell you,
gfnlliiaen, I stand no rdimr none what-tvi-r.
I noticed in cimvassing tliis county
with Williams tlmt the populnr demonstra
tions nil seemed to bo for Williams and not
for me ns they used to be. My old friends
Iwvc many of them turned against me, and
I don't believe I have any show at all.''
We shouldn't be at nil surprised to see
Linn county wuko up from u terrible Delu
sion this spring.
TlIE On icni Diim-ive One nf fi.p I
Democratic candidates, J nines officer, got s
the whole figure, clear up to tlut handle.
Head the following resolution, which con
tains his theory. Can the Democracy of
Clackamas stand it? It was nnsed nt a
lirmarv meefimr in rl.ic ,., I, . lU ,..
'. ' o J 1
liinent or the party
Resolred, That the Con.sftution of fie j
t lilted States does recognize mgrocs ns
jiropcrty only, nnd to hold such property
is constitutional right, co-extensive mill
commensurate with national citizenship;
tlmt no legislature, whether Statu or Ter
ritorial, nor can Congress pass any law
wjiieh shall deprive a citizen of this 'right,
ithont violating the Federal Constitution.
FRrrr Destkoyeii. We hear a general
complaint that most of tlio apples were
Mled hy the heavy frosts iu the early part
of the spring. Wo have examined s m:
orchards in Yamhill nnd find nearly nil o!
apples destroyed, while In others there
to a tolerably fair crop. What the ex
'"t of the injury i?, we haven't learned,
''ears and plums appear to be generally
destroyed in this section.
.Map or Oiiwos.-S. P. D.izun, Esq.,
a'jont starting out on a trip tliron-h the
counties of Polk, Linu nndli-nton for the
Purpose of supping subscribers
rdiers with MC- j it,
-':ck & I'owuaH's map of Oregon,
aow who are uot subscribers can obtain
P'ts of this beautiful map of Mr. Duznn.
Ctt ScnooL. Tho Oregon City School
Wrtaiuly commence another quarter on
"y next, May 23. It will be under
S( of Mr. y. w. Randall, a competent
'wcher, who has had considerable exper!
' his line both here and in the Easl
ffa States.
Kocced. The Pacific Mail Steamship
Aim lactiic .Man mcnmstiiii
PJ hag reduced the price of freight ;
m ea"ied from Portland to Victoria, j
""'e ao.Urper ton.
Iirraeri nl n,-.u.. . . ... j
i Caff ,v-"a"ls 10 comPelc 110 !
1,'or"l ihippcrs of tills nrtidc. I
Delosoin n his Slteech Thursday i
"jad for tlir. ei. 1 1 .t
lUC Cltei S.on fil slrr nn hi.
. . " ' "" 1 o.u,
Would lew fil the ninner i
Tea. ,
? out a abolition graduate of Oberlin
kare tUagbt of that ? How these
-Tattc "trs do love the darkey!
! ved s can this
-.-TiB U v ron r., t.t, . !i.
' T ..I I ... ..r l...l. ..
-v mo tutcin ut v III! annuls pr-
",t'",lH'r t,lllt l,'ostlr. OlIiaT Ulnl lli'V. J. 1).
Punt wiro j.r.wiit to licur Hclus-'on iiimI
lf"'"'1 nl"' ''o!l"w''(, ,vitl' n1 w,,t-'li I'9
! f f(i. . .
I.ixx I'ni.STV Aiiuii.t i.rt k w. Sociitv.
1 lie iitiiiiiul iin t'ilii); of tin- Mini County
Agrii-iilim-ul fjdcieiy wu lull nt Albany
May ttii. I'iio fullowiuj' olliciTi were
elected lor t!w coming year:
ProKhli'iit A. Huiiiinn.
VliO PrrKldellt-J. P. 1 l)-w.
Secretury John Imirows.
TituMiivr S. I). Ilulev.
Kxcciitivt- Committee Iwnc Miller. A
Colver, D. V. Cr.tljlr"e, II. A. McCurlnev,
I. I'.. J I ii tttioii. I. Koljiuct.
The Fair (i rounds Were located oii.Tuilf.
S. 1). Ilidey' tluini, three mile from Al
bo nv
A Kpeciul coiuniittfo of three Mews,
A. llniinan, A. llni kliMimii. ami .1. Me.
Coy were (leelnl to solicit suliscr!itioii
for fencing uud iiiiirovin Fuir Ground.
John l!,tmiowp Sec'y.
Laikik IIkvkm'k. Tlie tnlnl reeeint of
... 'i' t ..'..
fc:atl,c fisci"
Al llic ii'i.i iii o nl Ir.i l'ultiMiiii.!i Vmicoiivrr.
v 'I'. ... .1 ..... . '
... iuu uie 1 1 ini.,iiy ,j. ij. num, imi. Mr,
diilni AiIuiih lii M m Null' y J. Il.oivii.
Almi ou lliv IHUi, nt Hi.' rcni'lMinr of I,. Jolum.
" Vancouver, w
I . Iiv .1. I). I:i. Mr. I'l.iliii
.....-.......,...,,. u, uauii
Ai Vuiuomrr. w. 'j ., on H r i;,i!i him., i inm.ii.
KA"- ? 'e"M "" . 1;i a"y- '''
w,ik nui.vr ul IIhiiiIiui, (..riiiiiiiv, mi l fur nv
mil v.un n rnn.lriil uf Vuiii'onver. Hi- li-uvc. ii
""d. !' ,f '""lirtJ lii.n l- lu
liHmrii Inn lom. t'ujl
.1 I .. 1. f . .
.ivun mi 1 .-.mi r iiiiii'iHrii puj'orf p ruKO cniv
Oiikuon Citv Makkkt. Wheat, $Q 80
n?I; Hour, tf;$u: iioiuto;-, 2oc: oats,
T.'ic; butter, 25c; bacon, 12a 13c; t-jrgs, 20c
OiiKiiOX rimnevK in Sax Fii.-ico Huron
iibiiih JU.i'JIp; rV:ir i(!ci 1 .".al 7; liuu,lui Ij
i.iin in inn. i. ii Hi.
l'..ik -In b.r t, (i.-lr nr.) S-ja.-iS !3.
( lii':ke;n t lmicc, Ju Jl U ibi dot.n.
1'' S-'iiloG p.T ili..rll.
lJn;li'r--No drill tint.
A pVH - I n goml end ,r, from 1 3 Id 1 Ir.
No More Mills Burnt!
i 3 li niioi ii iii .n Mn : I Imvr now n our
-itL Mill oar f vntir Vtntrt l'eed F.rt-proof
..'..if I ill .IV II 1.1 1.., Jill! up iwil Uffkll IIJJO.-
I o.i'i mv 1 ciiiikiiicr il llir girutn t impriiv
nil nt in lli clan "f ui'ichiii'. rv Hut Iiuh c in.- u:
i.rr :i:y imiicr. The,-. r (rum liir liy Irctimi
and mis-, ri.rininn to llic our in p'ii iul une
r.uinpli-tn'y olr.ia rl. Tlir dust unit ilirl, herrio-
'o.(. ti-j iiiiiinviii lo nir, in no'.v rlt.cltia'y rr.n
nlii'.l. 'J liit jut rt uf llio mil! Ii. fmi) oo.-npi 'H hy
llic ."'mi I M:n liinr i iii.w ui c'imii lis uny pirt o:
tiiu mill. 1 mn miv thai it i t !- brut nunuu-r a'
(;;:. in I c er nuv. 'l'lie iinprnrciiii'iit in llic qual
i;y of ll.iiir will I r nt nur dii-covoroJ ; in lad
ilio ureal ( li iii.e pio inn d in en ry n-pec: in in- inrv L'trat mir. I wnuU nuv dial I liuve
h.iil ii in II piwioii lo llils ii in i hint' lint cut I In
If.ain v. iy 1 1 1 1 i i 1 , b it t'liH d ' nut cut a kernel,
ami dim not irijuno Imif Hie powrr. 1 our in
china will ci rttittily tnl; tlio prrfrrcnro in this
Mulr, ii ii 'J 1 would .iy oa llm 1 ucin-
A. J. Chapman.
Ih.ami .Mn i.s, Or ;'on Cily, May 24, W)).
W.M. MASl'KKS, Ajrnt.' l':,rt:nml, Oregon.
Co too Cldlcrs cf this Stato :
You will luvii' nfr I liiiij ilii Sinut Mil!.
1 mi run call u;id in lio.r llils tvoaus v.liwit, be-
, foir iiisiii'. 1 liavc Ilio only o;ir in Urr,mn,
a: mhiii, i, nt iiiry can fo e nliliinuil. I
j houI.I :iy 1I1..I n:y Hour lis hail n grrut r. putn-
lion in I he lust Inoyotrs, iinl I mil nut sfi 'it Iiv
",0 "f ihm mnut mill ilmt it will mill ninke n
; iiiipruvriiiriu 111 nil- Hour, 11 any can be mill .
A.J. CllAl'.MAX
Oregon City, May 2fi, Ifli). ?if
JL iiml iiiyxell' uio no lonper lin.-hiiii ami wlti',
""" "'"-"l ",reari. o mini iittDOi.iiT
. 1 1 1. ...... ... I, .. I.
1 hereby lortiu'arii ail per.
or Inula:;; her ou my ucuouul.
or trust. hit lierou lit v UvCouut.
(i. P. GOODAI.L.
Claeliainas county, Orego.i, May 24, ISliO.
pome hini; to Ills advuli't) -u by calliii" ut the
Aigua ottieo iinininciliiilely.
Oirjjon Cily, May liiih J SOI. T:l
GUM miwes,
E TZS Jif n tSCJT H3 1
" Eagle Boot & Shoe Store "
that will stand the line and wear. It proj
ects well, for I raise the color rvay pan, and if
''io lime, were onlya litllo brinhrr, i think
just come anj buy a pair of iiOO'i'rf, after you
try llitin on, for
I Have Jii1 Roci-ivcJ
The Latest Style and Fashion.
Genu' fine ewed French calf bonis, also pegged
calf bootf ami thue of all tons ind sites; Iidiea'
k il, morocco, emmel and cloth jaitrrs, silk e!os
tio Ciai;ress-heel g .liters, misses' gaiters anl sbues
of every km I, course and fine ; bovs' shoes of ev-
ery kind that is mciitiimcd iu my rhyme; chil-
itr"' c'f nl ""P1" lucJ hl'M'' ui"r nd
- .
fill,cv . M.llrra
J.ti.'MaWs Mm
a ., Iun m f ki ni u ii siivaa a lilli hrAWrt nml
Waler-Proof JJLACKl.NU,
iilackinj ;
Feg, awls, Lainmers, li.icad, trai, nails, and
riloe - kDivef.
Tliankful for past patrouaga, I re"lrtfully ao-
licit a cuiil nuauce of patrouaje from my old cus-
oniera aud at many new ours as cIioom to come.
Ladies anJ grutlemeu, jiva mr a call, younj and
. . . , . . J 1 lu r'i n l-
great anj oiau, orave au.i i,u, iw w.u tm
ready and happy to Wait ou on all, and iu partic
ular uie laait-s ; I in.e w see luem cuuw w pay
me a Uiu Kenicmber Ihe piare
Tito boon Last of Drown dj- Bnlker,
Main trfc-l, Oregon C ily.
La.lies aud fnilleinia, I aaaure joa that 1 can
rell you boots and h'e as cheap as any beose in
Mo,r a lit.W tbwpar for ch dna. Small
P".C:j a:.3 q ili m e, ti tt is the talk that tiT.
-it .! 'f .'.i j. ?!vo;:ev.
Yamhill Trade.
Tin '. S. M. Shunter
J i. ti.ivro.i,
Cam. Jisn II M..... ...I... . . . I
.... vnycni, ii, re nines a weoK, Irav
ililfluii.lil.ill eiaiy Monlay. Wi-IiumIuv. ami
Fmlay iiioiiini;-
S, ui x o', o.k--reluruin u.i day.
General iI,
ii n.itr lu raeelpl of
X7SW U00S8
telrctr.) with uiucli core iu Suu FrunvlKO.
I nave ju.t received s Noilherm r and
Ilrvlher .iiiimiiIiuii, French, &
, , , , , . .
ui.iiru .neeiiiif, ano lonjf clollis. plain 4 barred
"" 110 00 81111 muaiiii. tle ona lawn, blown
Iirrliiiir.l. .liiriiiii!., hickory stripe, deui.ns,diilUj;
and ship's duck.
linen iljinnk. white ilainu.k, lable covers, tin.-
iau towels, ami crash.
f I. A X C L U,
wliile, yellow, red. orrv. s, blue, bldin and Iwlll.
ed, plain 4 loured suliuets, jan-s, cotlouuilra.
wiol hniey-beuulilul at) Irs blank. I, white,
rrd, blue, j; ey.
litclieis, misses', and cliililri u'a brown, slale, and
uiivrd hie g.nla' ami boys' wool aud cotton
half lone.
Hoots nnd Shoes:
a lurifr I'd j.'iiis' fiiu', inr.ilnin, nil J coarse bon'a
4 shoes, ledi.V au l misers' calf sIi'Mv. vuilern. a.
Uppers, boys' boils , .hoes, childreiu' shoes,
tuncy ninl plain.
Ha r d w a r c:
Pocket knives, pruniW ami LuJ-
Jing knives, knives and forks,
SClrf.SOrS nild shears, lintt mill
d,,,,.. .i,,.,, l.:., 1 1 I I
StieWS, Stl .tp IlingeS, door locks, i
WUIUIV OI tsIVK'9 nntl lUltteriN.
Ii.iti.1 ...iivj ;...
........ .-.... iiiiou imM, cumpilSS
saws, beneli pla-nes, cuisels au-,'
n.. 1 '.it 1 j. i i i
gOlS, atlgei- blttS, aXOS, hatchet, I
liaUinilTS, SllOVdS, llOCS. DottltO
i'..l-o l.-nL ....1.
...v.-, "uni.j. uinw. llllllllll'' uillls. 1
cut nails, wrou-rhr. tmil. 1,M
nails, ttc.
X3 nceXJtaC2 asU3 ES.mXL2W;
Sujars, coHVe, tea, syrup, aall, spices, soap, soap
Kittders, candles, salerntiis, yeal cream
tartar,, sul audit, iii.ligd, clolhes pins, scrub
biusli'ii, punt b.'uhs, brooms, dust brushes,
liuiiil bellows, woadcu pails, wusli tub", nnd wah
1$LVT$ $ OILS:
While lead, red lend, Veil. rd. Prusiun blue.
chrome yellow, chrome green, burnt an I raw inn.
bn, yellow it black paini, Vamljke brown, T. 1).
Mrliuo und iissorleil colored smalls,
Lolled and IJaw Linseed Oil,
folur oil, lard oil, fish oil, lutnirrs' oil, Chlua uut
oil, oVc , Vc.
We will bo rrcrivinj by cwry sieniner aJill-
lioni lonur prrscnt evlemive atock, and KAlt.M-
tKH and others will flud it to Iheir udvuntaire to
call and examine, our imncls and prices hel'nio buy-
;ei.ewiiere. TennS, CaaSST.
Corner Main tj- fifth m.
Oregon Cily, Oclo'arr 1, I8j!). ' S5
ttahh Life Pills
TTW. hig'i mi l envleil eeh brily wliieli these pre
.L eniiiient .Medicines have acquired lor their
invariable rliii:uey in all Ihe d.scasea which they
pni!c.-a lo euro, bos reiidoied Ihe usual practice of
pnfiiug not only unnc ess uy, but unworthy of
llii ui. T hey lire known by llicir IruiU; Iheirgood
wnrlis teilify lor tlicin, ami ihey thrive not by ihe
ai II o! Uie ere lulnus.
In nil cases of asllinfi, ncute and chron'c rheu
matism, nflecliouH uf Ihu bludder and kidneys,
bilious fevom nnd liver complaint, in tho smith
and wesl, where those diseases prevail, they will
louiiil invuiu ble. rlaiilrrs, larmers, ninl oth
ers, who once iio lli'-se Medicines, will uever uf
li rwiinU be willmut lliein.
nyKprptn..o person with this distressinc
liseusu should delay using these medicines imme
diately. Eruptions of Ihe akin, erjsipelus, Hutu
leiify, fever aud ague for this scourge of Ihe
western country, these medicines will he found n
safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other maili
ngs leave the system subject lo a return of the
sense a cure by these medicines is pcrmuncnt.
TllV TIIKII. tr. PATIsriRIt, AMU be i:unF.r.
Mercurial IMseases. .cver fails to eradicate
entirely ull Ihe ofl'ecis of Mercury infinitely sooner
man uie most powerttii prepanit on or Sarenparilla.
Siiht aireors, fiertiiui Oebihlu, Arrreus
rnmiitniiitt of all , 'Organic Affections,
ulpitation nf toe Heart, fainter I cbnhc.
imc.s. i u.. original proprietor of these inedi-
einos was cured of I'.les of X"i years' standing by
the use of these Life Medicines hI.iiic. W ai ms
of nil kinds arc elKuluully expelled by Iheso meil-
'ni s. rnrculs mil do well lo ndm. mster them
henever their cxistt live is suspected. Relief will
bn certuin.
The Life ri'tU and I'hanix Rilttrt
Purify the blood, and thus remove nil disease from
e system. A single Inul will nine the Lil t
PILLS ami PlllEXlX BITTERS beyoud
the rcuch of competition in the estimation of every
itn lit. (TJ I repawn by
335 Uiocilicaij, cor. H'orM it., Xea York.
FLIi.Mi-NOi Agent, at tin Poit Office,
3 y Oregon L'itij.
consisting of. ....
Standard Religious, Miscellan
eous, and Poetical works,
Waverly and Dickens's Novel",
&c., &c, &c.
Stationery, of all kinds, etc.
MR. POST'S school is not going to stop in three
weeks. We are ready lo reeciie pupils at
any lime, and our charges w.ll be as low a any
other school. J. U. POST.
(re:;on Cily, April S, 1SC0. 5J
Dealers in
Material tieaeralty.
123 fausorn street, corner of Jlcfchant,
Baa rrancisco.
trPrlatan are inv'ted to make our acotia'nt
anc. i,n6
JC3T rwlrn). the latttt ity'A at nut T
is B''NNETr5, ly ghorr arvt l.a In.
aixs' . UErroRfr.
j " I can a.Imiuiilrr la i miml (uud but)) dl.uscJ,
t A I.J tM II I steel Mil-loud Utllldnl.
i Ussus. ilit foul system of lu ur luut iu(7."
- -Shall.
; A Messed & Divine Remedy
KenJ my Tlieory of
rpll.r liinat diwaxa piov f..u! ilmt surly
otatns iKrur; mat piojiic I v ar a l.v.
I il. e death, weak, inaniiiiiiti', and ehiu.iij ik.i
from Ilia dieas llelf, bul fiom an inability in
I nature, anil nulure'a alreiijlli lo wiih.lnii.l or
I maintain l.l'a ihrouiill the ravaea if di.eae.
. i.iva litem atrt'iiL'th. au.l n.ilura wi.l relieve her.
, !f, If slimiilaleil. Mia lias given ua lieibs and
' plants lottlecl all Ibis. 1'ur.iy Ihe bluod, render
i intrslun a, Ihe liver, the heart, and nil the
1 nlur"1 fuiuiiunaof man or wmiiuu aclivo, mid
I l-iuu-n" ewMWrJ ,'fu'w- l" JAHWJU
! n KullLIt dors i-ouciriiiiiiuly aware all who
read Ill s, Unit his MaiiL-uifier or Innrf .raliiiu Cor
' a,,. I .vl.... .11 i...iir., .i.... .1 .:i.,.i n.
liaawemhe i.ld, the lotlerlnir, lh pnUie.t. the
nervous, me tiynp pile, Die Inebrlite, ilirrlib.iu
t'hrr, nnd Ihe invalid revive under its iiilluenir
as if aew li: were given idem.
Dr. Webber's Sanguiflcr
acts on lh blood, heart, bruin, Intestines, sinews,
nerves, ihe flu d and mum Huoia, and
tlio whole phy.iijiie, and
the gloomy liypocliuudrlac, the dysjirptie, the
nervous, debilitated uud f.eble, the ovrr-dorlored
invalid, Ilia bilious and lirrr-iliemvd sult'erer, the
gnuriuuii'l, Ihe debiuehce. the intemperate, and
all who sutler ill health.
Most Ilorribl.!!!!"
When worn-out nutuie tucciiniU lo DEATH,
brcaune she has not atrrnitli to resi.t. Now, tr.
Jacob Webber's Invigorating Con 1 in I causes
slreuglli -thai is Ha main quality. Tho lirsl op
rratiou, Tonic; Ihe purlukrr feel's thru n.'u.
lion is caused his skin is dump. Ilia Iiml supple
and active, he feels a wish for exercise, ami
knows ho has strength lo endure it ; be is llht
spirited: his skin becomes ileur: bis eves, loo. be
cattso nil lirer is mnut arrirc. the bile ntulrai
Uedir ejected, und hiibluud Ihiune J and pin-
i."fa - 11 ir, una nets iis mi
nprrieiil, not ollurwise. Again, il iiiiin.ilialcly
relieves belching, and priv uia an nccu.nulaliou
'"" lo,li"c"- 7 the great
receiver oi disease aim lie cure. I w.ll noiv enu-
meralea few of where I buveecru
1 r "b'jera luvigomlingCordiuluctiuostbeuu
X" 1 T
l.r uusu " C!lKncss. ingnor,
Fever and Ague, Chills, Pains
in the Limbs, Joints, J'ody,
Delirium Tremens, Tre
mors, Constitutional
Decline, (from any
cause,) Debility
iu either sex
or age,
Torpor of the Liver, Bowels,
This will jollify the ih'ck stagnant Llooil. cause
a healthy action on Ihe bowels, heart, akin, und
bruin, nnd thereby rovolulionie Ihe hole system,
which has become dormant nnd ilia -tive. Two
thirds of liumau diseases am caused from inc of
tb ulwte organs being disurganlti H. llocloi.
limy tell you that yon hate such aud such a dis
ease, bul until medical practice become, a scirtice
(aud il is not yet), due.i'c ca- noi be described In
a cerianty. This ' nied'c'ne grn luallj
alrengtlieiis Ihe system, enters nt otuo Ihe blood,
which fiom sliii,-gisluie.s is rapid, coiiites through
the veins and the heart. Many I have seen who
assured me llinl, three days alter us'og it, Ihey
have felt a thrill of animation, mentally nnd bod
ily; their chest nnd breast was before heavy; all
they ale scented lo settle there; their real was un
quiet; their appetite poor; and that this really
blessed conliul runovej e l such symptoms; that
strength of limbs, body, appe tile, un l spirits was
given them by it, and an entire revolution in their
worn-out system occurred.
Tho Hov. Robert Schuyler, of IVtaluuin, says :
" For years both myself an. I brother have auHere.1
so from dyspepa a. weakness of on. I sour stmnaeh,
indigcaliun and tbitulciirc, Ilmt life nl limes was a
burden. Wo have used your Cunlinl (Dr. Web
ber'i Inciiiornling Sanpiifier) lour duys, and
feel better lliau we have for years."
Inebriates and Drunkards!
The Appetite for Liquor Dtntroyrd!
ONE of the beautiful properties puj-eucd bv
is that il removes all longing or lusle for liquor.
Many inebriutcs have found that after il hue re
newed nnd strengthened I hem, quieted their
nerves, it has caued aversion lo spirits. I have
seen it cure some of tho most frightful cases
where delirium ti tinem hud n. tilally occurred.
Cirsoid by all respectnble Orudis:, in Oregon
and California.
Rrutartof Counterfeit! Set that the names
of T. Jonhs and J. Wi:nnKa, M. 1).. are on Ihe
top of each outside wrapper, and blown ill the
glua of each bottle. Ruy none other!
Or Invigorating l.ttrdUl.
The Three Prettiest Girls
Ella, Delia, and Mollie, you know lliein I am sure,
With complexions so lovely, so clear, au l so pnre;
Their hair dark und, while the uelh of these
g rls
Are ao snowy you'd think they ha 1 inoullis full of
pearls ;
Yet every child nf Creation, both b liss an. gents,
Can pomess the aame beauties for 100 rents,
because the price is reduced lo 23 and 50 cents for
Ihe following superb compounds, a Ir.-sh supply uf
wiii.-h, fresher snd bvtier perfumed than ever, has
just been receivtd.
Header, although advertised thus, th'.a really
fine articles are all we represent lliem. The Soap
(price re.luced U S3 renls) acts in Ihe most beau
tiful manm r in clarifying, whitening, and clearing
the most discolored, eruptive, aod disfigured skin ;
while for infants or for sharing, it ia ur.iqualtd,
as healing, solieim.g. snd nukmg n fine lather.
For cleaning, dn aatng, forcing the hair lo grow,
sW ping its fnlling of, curing Hie dandruff, A.C.,
the C(;R.L li Alii RESTORATIVE is the
finet thing ma le. Price reduced lo S3 cents.
Taelb are made as w hile ae snow, the breath
sweet, ant Ilia gums hard and healthy, bv IA
It lathers like sp, and is beautiful. Price fill cts.
rVoid at the above or cea by all Hnigg re in Cal.
iforouaod Orim. Wholesale by Paaa tl Wnirc,
Ct9ru. iCiuii i ll Heoiriw i r-e , Pal
TUe His lent f the
Wit. I, ops n Da)' rliil near lls
Catlniho ehuroli ill OREGOX CITY,
on Mouduy, April 2Jd.
Miimr $ 6 00
Junior 8 "0
K.ulor 1" I'O
Change of litis incss.
rpilE t u K ro'grv il rails attention lo Ihe f.iet llinl
JL he has leiurued frniu I'orlluu l lo Yamhill
county for Die present, preparatory lo leaving fur
the Atlantic Mates.
Toms indeblrd to me, fi'.h-r by note or bk
ai count, are leqiii strd lo came forward and settle
Imme.lialely, !lr. J.J. HtJr r .tl AN, or Fort
laud, Oregon, is fully authorised to receive nnd re
ceipt for monies for in., au I to settle accounts.
Ilu will bo found al Ligaii A' Minttuck'a l.uw (If
lice. I shall be found al I.AFA YEITE. Yam
hill county. Those in thul part of the country
who can more emeu enlly attend to the business
of a settlement there, will call upon me.
.My medicines are fur sale al Or. Wealherfoid'a
Drug Sloie uudnlsoat Smith ic I'av it's, I'onland,
firigon; and at tho Drug Store of Dr. Sieele, Or
egon Cily. W. D. IIVTCIIINS.
March '.'0, 1SCX iU
gi;o. i:. com:,
(scccasaoa to w, ii. sraxcua.)
Denier in
"Wagon Material,
Mahanici' Tools, Ajriculturul Imple
ments, and
Fao.T Stiikt PORTLAND.
Stale of Oregon, (
Cuutily uf Cluckamas, '
In Liiiiiitt tmirt.
TO CEO. SMITH: You are hereby notifi-.l
Ihal a writ nf attachment baa been issued
aguiusl you, and your properly attuched, U satisfy
uie demand nl vt in. Armpr.rst amouiilrng to
SJ IIj..")U. Now, unless you shall aiiiiear beiure
Ihe county court for said couiily ut the court
house ou Ihe lirt .Mouduy in June, ISliO, judg
ment will lie rendered against you, and your prop
erly ani l In pay Ihe debt.
1'uled this bill day or April. IrtbO.
5.'3 W.M. AKMl'RIUST, riuint IT.
ea TIC ?3W C .TV QS. "TS.-
FRANCIS D. HODGSON, A. M., rniNciru.
Mas. M vRY lioDusox, Teacher Ornamental
Miss Lmist IiaKVMtx, Teacher Imti u mental
Mueic i
Miss Ahavinta llivs.uicn, Astiitnnt, English
rpiIE 2d imuiter will comm. lice M i)-11, 1SC0.
The faclliiien for Inslruelion in this school are
superior, and the terms more moderate Ihun any
B'.liiiul in the country.
Au rxporienced .Musio lcaohcr has been en
Einbroid.'ry nud Fancy Needle-wotk taught
bchoiara will bo mlinilted at nny time, nnd
chnrged only fur thu number of weeks in intend-
me. April il,ISbO-3
ShcriH'1 Salo.
BY VlttTUE of nn execulioti bsuid out of llic
Circuit Court uf the fourth Judicial District
of the Stale v( Oregon, in and for the
county of Cluckuinus, and to mc il reeled, iu favor
of ,M. F. True It and others, against J. S. Ilrii.'ges,
for Ihe sum of twenty-live bun Ired una
dollars and righly-otto cents, w ill inter-sl from
the lilh day of M-ptcmher, IS.iti, lom llicr with
cos's and accruing costs, and for want of raitiiuieut
pcibouul property to satisty said execution, I
have levied upon mid shall proceed In sell to the
Irgliest tud.ler fur dish, on the twenty-third day of
May, lSbU, all I liu riuhl, title, nnd interust which
wh ch Ihe suid .1. S. Ilrid res now has. or which ho
hu t onlhelilh day of September, Ifiai), in and to
all that certain Irani and parcel of laud situated in
Oregon City, county of Clackumus, nud Slate nl
Oregon, known nnd designnled on Ihu plat of Ore
gon Ciiy us lots 3 uud bl in block 4li, together with
Iho iiiipiovenienis llieieunlo lieluuing. nulo lo
liiko place ou the pieiuires belweeu Ihe hours of
IV. o cloek ji. ami S o elotk r. M , ou Ihe sulil vJtl
iluy of May, 18GJ. Each of sni I Iota will be sold
separately. I.EHTS DAY,
MtoriilUackumas t ounly.
Oregon Cily, April 21 , IHIiO. Siw I
Choice Young ITysou Tea,
Kio donee,
Chemical Olive Soap,
Candles, &c.
For sale, CHEAP 1'OR CASH, nl
Feb. 4, 1SG0. Oregon City.
For Sale.
CIPt i lii.lm nn a.I ..k in m
,lvnnil.a'. v.n.t,tj, "I. mn.. i
I e .. ,' .1.. I...I.-
Clackamas emiuly, mi Stnle road p i
leiioim; iioiii vigi'n .uy 10 ni'i i m.. "i, i
C 1 hlUllieue, nn.l IU llllien snuin oi wiegou
i..ii . -r i....j en -r. :..
V. liy Oll'aill l'J( uoies vi loin.. ,w .ir l.f in
cultivation, and under good fence un nrehnr.l of
almiil 130 bearing Ireca with a good dwelling
house, and common log stnb'es. There la a good
tnnvnril nil llin nrt'in'st-s uf IT vats, ahon anil bark
milt tilu.. n n.iml liuihliinr sniliilitn M s'nm in
1 go
od settlement. The above properly will be
on reasonable terms the whole, or ill part rls
i t purchasers. For terms, inquire lit Ihe Ar-
I .
S. There ia a good creek of living water
.... I 11 ... f I Li'ft ..rt
Ihe y
ear rounii. inay a, inuuniii
Island Mill Flour.
1MIOSE who Will lo get ll.e G F.N LINK
. IsLkNI) MILL FLOUR, will please call
at the Mill, atChaniiali A Warner's, Oregon City,
or at Allen It Lewis's, Portland, as the second
handed Island Mill sucks have been bought np by
certain individuals, and lefilled with inferior Hour.
Island Mill, July 23, 1S39. l-'tf
rpilh partnership heretofore existing between
J. N. Wolf and L. Shoenl.urg was dissolved bv
iniitual consent on the 28th of April hist. N.
Wolf is hUthoriud lo settle np Ihe biisineat of III
late firm. . N. WOLF.
Oregon City, May 5, li)0O. Ami
Assortment of school and
HKt.Ei,t.Akr.ovs nooKs,
For sale at CHS. POPE'S Oregon City
rrCstland examine them Feb. 4, lSCO.
final Settlement
"VOTICE is heiehy giveu Ihul t-iancca H. Wil;
il l ams, adralnisiratrix of the estate nf Jam. B
S. Williams, dee'd., lale nf Clackainss co., fibile of
Oreg'.n, per F. S. H'dlsnJ, her agent, has filed
her acrosin'tfor final sellleintnt.aoj the first .M"U
day 'a June Bxt ia aprs'lntel for lb. e xsmlust.en
of th. same at tbn c.un-housc in Oreg..n Cliy la
a'deuon-y. ROB EFT CACFIELD,
.Voi'n it., appuiiti Ota. Abtrnttht Ci.'i,
IT CLEAN and comfortable ItEDS, ...Vl
for Ihe espeoial accommodation of J'ilirV
traveling pnhllo.
Our DINING HALL Is ihtfinert tit Origin,
our far. good, and churgna reasonable.
(iiigl. meals, oyster suppers, anal .uppers for
parties got up on short nolle, in the neulesl man.
Doard per w eek, without lodging, $3 (Vt
' by Iho day, and lodging, 60
Single meals, to
N'tghl's le-lging, M)
Ocl.i't, IS39. E. D. KELLY, Pr. prlelnr.
Corner Third and H'iYr s-'ecs, opputilt III
Ferry Landing,
rpilE I ravelin',' public ure respnclfully
.1. invited lu uive me a call.
The Oreuou House ia I lis must pi--
antly located hotel in the Slu e. nit-l bus been mt
sriuiied aa In mall it one of III. lie si I cmilliHli.
ous houses hi th country.
THE TABLE will alwava be supplied with
the best thul ihe inaikel affiriia.
Gisi acconiiii' dulions for ladies and families.
ra I c aa:
l'.onid and Indgiui.', per week ...
Hoard, wiihnul lotlg ug. per week
Hoard per day, with lielgiug ,
Mingle meal
N'iglil's lodging
3. un
J. HOllll.M,
May 7, 1833.
IT.Tl'.tV l.OHll.l.VHD.
Snuif and Tobacco Manufac
turer, 16 A 13 CilAMUEHS ST.,
(Fortneily 4'J Chaihnin street, New York,)
WOULD cull lb especial attention f Gro
cers nnd Druggists to his removal, aud also
tho nr titles of his manufacture, 'u:
Maccnlioy, D.m'grns,
Fine Kuppee, 1'uro V lrgiulai
Cuamc Kupp e, N'schiiovhea,
Amcricaiil ieuilem tu, Copciihugea.
v.i.i.uv Mxvvr.
Scntel:, Fresh Sctch,
High Tmist Scotch, Irish High Toast,
Fnsh Honey DnwSrotch, or Luii.tyfuoL
Ton. ecu.
smokinu, ct'T rnrwiMi.
No. I, P. A. I... or plain, Nl. Jugo,
Nn.'.', Cuveiiilish.or swi si, Spuuish,
N'os. Is.'?uilx'd, .Swiet-sceniud Orouoco, Canister
Kilelool, l,n toil I uveudisli, Pure Turkish.
A Circular of Prices will be scut on application.
N II. -Note the new article of Filth .S-ouh
Sniiir. which Will be found a superior article for
d pping putpwea. tritt I Ttn'IU li!
n.VS ou bund uud for aula, a woll-seirctrd as.
snrlmeiit ol
Hooks and Stationery,
comprising, lu part, the following;
Family tlibha and Tcb- Cap, teller, ami nolo
laments, pap r,
Downing's Fruits nud Pens .V P.-n-h iljnrs,
1 mil Decs of A titer- Sand .V sand tsixas,
lea revised edition,
Tissue paper, p-rferalnl
New. Masonic Irustlo-
uoarj nsimr
Masonic Manual,
Odd Fellows' Manual,
Mitchell's and Olm y's
Gcogruphi.s au I Al
' lasus,
Mason's Furrier,
I Juinhy's Mysteries of
Ilea. keeping.
Dadd sCutila .V. Horse
Livingstone's Travels in
.South Africa,
Kane's Arctic Expia
G unu's Doin. Medicine,
Sundeis' Old and New
Elnnk Hooks .V Dill Pa.
Spoilers Sl Readers,
Tliomsoii's Ariihmetica, Gillosp'g's Sl
Fulton ic Easlmuna Surveying,
llnnk-kieping, with Slal.-s and slale p- neils,
hluiihs, Dr. Ilullick'a Winks,
(!iil, bins, .Vhlk Inks, &.C., Ac,
nil of which will b reluileil al prices corresponding
Willi Ihe limes.
JIJ" Dou'l forget liter place ! il is
ALSO, m SAl.R,
Dr. Moflatt's Pills nnd Phoenix
Piitters, and tho Graefenbnrg
which are recommended lo those who wish In live
till they die. May It, IB.'.!!.
O (r their anluwi nr ornhvn children.)
w ho served in any wars or laltlei, either in Cali
fornia nr ctiewlierc, prior to M n ek 3d, 1X33. er
Mrir children who iceri under 21 year. l( that
dale, or sailors who served on Ihe coast uf Califor
nia in Ihe .M' war, Will do well lu address us.
Claims that huve been rejected in tho kanda of
other ngents, huve been successfully oblained by
us. Ag' tils acting for us, liberally paid. I. an I
warrants bought nn 1 sold la order, and all busi
ness requiring an agent nt Washington, attended
to. It. It. Ll. iVD .V CO , Attorneys lor
Claims, Pensions, llounty Land, Ac. Refarrnc.
tu nny nf tlio heads of Departmeula, 4Sw 10
Transportation Line!
an a sssi.
" ELK.
WHEN the atuge of Water Bennils, one of
111. boats will leave CAN EM All for
EUGENE CITY once a week. The public
will be advised of llic regular diya for starling.
ST More boats Will be run if Ihe busincsa dc
mnnds it.
Fi eight and pa-s.-igs nl ti'ital rales.
Oregon City, Nov. 1, IS39-mi) Agent.
Hogs Wanted.
I a)S0 Bead of Boca,
Delivered ut the
f2P Ihgi Iniight contVintly. t
Oregon Cily, March 2, IS'iO. .
J. B. I.H.Tlik
(latc o'iA a .vi,T,s'
Dealer in,
Tyjie, PitHst-Sj ri'iatfnsf M.iteiiat,
Ppor, Cwft-,
i4tut 1'rintorj Stoelc gencratlys
132 Clay street, near Sjaw,,.,
y,t Pal I SBJl'MWO,
Special IVotice.
VLL lli smi biaVbted ta. use ar. rsqi tested U
settle their aacounls hefurc lb 10th day af
May, Mr0, or I will be oUgeJ to place lb. sen
b aa oCi-er's heads for collection.
Cr y at it;. Ajnl 8 , li i-3
' Flr''.ej.
M.y It;, e-- sr t.o-jti,r J C-