The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, May 26, 1860, Image 2

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    Territories In the matter of Mavrry recilv
ed a solemn recognition In the p-issairo ol thu
Missouri Comprise, by overwhelming
majorities in butli branches of llio Nation
al Legislature,
1 9. That by n uniform series of KMii
tivo prcccilciilx this power was unt'l a lute
day supposed to bo sctth-el on k basis an
permanent ai ony otlii-r cxorciwil by Con
prow, nnd wim oci'onliiialy reaffirmed In
the Joint resolutions admitting Texas into
the Union.
20. Tint it win rcco;;iii -d 03 Into as
lUi l.y the net providing for tho govern
tinitol the Territories of Ofgon, in wheh
uct a prohibition was Inserted against slave
ry snd nrniti-t popular S'lvcrelcnty.
21. Tin- pi nery power of Conjr'n s over
tlio Tcrrliorim vii tint ili'iiie I with re-fcr-vr..-c
to the ti-rrliory acquired from Mexico
l.y tlii Irc.ily of Uiijihiliip'j lliilido.
22. 'flint tl.'s ili.-nl.-il was ntt-red in np
itit'o;i to the th-chii-cd position of many
S'oitlnru Rrpn-'fiitntivM mid f: (juniors
Who intvojulcil tlio Concessional pnhibi-1
ton of slavery in the whole of t!io new ro-
23. Taut in this division ofiifiitiiucnt be
tveen tint .North find the .South Congress
found it-eT for n time unablo to nprco upon
any h-tfishitinii for I lie orirniiixntion of the
. Territories dolim-d to be formed out of the
.Mi-x'cuii niiiiit!on.
21. Thut the principle of 11 non-intcrvi-n-lion
Ly ConvrfHi" mid the domain of " pop
ular oven:ij::ity in the Territories" were
iivi-iitn 11 1 im iimo or inc u r nose 01 re-' , , , . ,1 1 r .1
..... . , , 1 ,'. , ,, . ly uuurous of perpetuating the rule of t ho
licviiipr (.onurcm nom 11 duty wh cli it hid ' 11
prcvi..ii,ly, hut w hu li it H-rnv-d l",r,-v 1,f!rc J"st ,!,wnXU ,0 m'an t,l(;,r
no lonirer 11I1I1J to perform with the re-qui-ite : seats i" the L'. S. Senate for fix years.
liwrctinn nnd impartiality. That bclnj? accomplished, and, you may
:v That the expedient Mils devised and llmk our .on, IM.:t,ir 0f tl(lll .,;ve
a; p cd to the Icrr.iorits in 1 i50 was dif- i . , . . , ., . ... .
h rently Interpreted hv it. p.,t.-o,.s in (ho ! I"mw,f " furtlwr trouble al.ont tho fu
X..rth and in fie South-the former hohl- j tlir f linr,y Oregon. They know
lnjf tltut the iuhfibllni.U of the Territories j that the party is demoralized nnd broken
were authorized to il ci.lo the slavery pi-s- i,,0 fragments in every Northern Stale,
lion for tl,-Mi,.elves while in a Territorial thut () w;I, ,
-oiril.lion, and th latter hol-.ll -ij that liny .. ... , , . ,',
u, i. IMatlou, if hostile to slavery, t.houh'1 l"'Ul" "' " ra,lI"i of ,l",so Stated
ho dechired null and void by the Courts, that have repudiated .eet'oniilii'ni nnd fa-
Ifjcanse contrary, in tln.'ir jndi'ineiit, to tlm
Constitution of tho I'niHl States, which,
it was said, protected luvu property in tho
That the liinsas-Nebr:i'ka bill,
which repealed the Missouri Compromise
line, was, in iik'i manner, Kiuyeci 10 ino
Turinnl inierpreuuions in respect 10 inn ex-t-iit
of the legihhitive powers confi rred on
the iiilmhiliiiils of llic Territories wliile re
maining In their Terriioiial condition.
7. That the friends of tho bill agreed
1o leave the nrl.itr illoii of tluse d. IF -rones
1o the decision 0! the Siip.-.-me Court of llie
United States.
2 i. That s ieh n (!c -in'on has sineo been
supposed to bo ma lo by the Court In the
case of Dml Sent t, but thut, unfurl una to!y,
the friends of the Kausas-Neliraskn net are
110 ruoro areid with respect to tiic points
nettled by thosnid decision limn with re
spect to tho terms of the ambiguous incis
ure which tho Court was expected to make
precise and ii liuito in its meaning.
; 21). That, on the one haml, the Northern
adherents of liie Kansas-N'! bill ill;-li-rit:ii;d
thg Court to l.ave decided thnt
CouuT' s.i can inti-rn tie fur tiie protection
of slave properly under, the Constitution,
only so fur 11s liml pio,ierty ispiotcct'..d by
til" ehitl'e in relation to fuuitive slaves.
3D. Timt, 011 the oilier hind, its .South
ern ndlicrenis irive I lie decision a much
wider scop1, embracing the right of rotec
tlon for sloe propi r'.y in nil tlm Tirrl lo
ries of the Union and by sp'-eial leg's-lation
of Conpress.
31. Thut the Court, ncconling lo its
showing, must be uduiittcd to have left this
whole matter in much obscurity.
32. That, whatever m iy be the purport
and extent of its decision, tlic advocates of
the Kansas Xibra.-k 1 bill rro solemtdy
pleilged by their d iihiriitlons, cotemp(HM
iiunus with its pn'saiT'1, nirninst any revival
of tho slavery njritafou in Congress.
l)c (Drcgcrn Clrgu
VT. It. Adam?,
onxaoi'j C.TTTT:
S.UlMuTAV,TlTr2(!, IStiO. .
A Wnvil to Voi'n,
In common wllii tiie great onus uf Uc
pu'dicun Journals, we never make any
stioiig Appeals to the prejudice of voters
just uu the eve of chction, 11s is always
done by Democratic organs. Wu never
lilt ciilumti ufler column with buldl'uccd im
portunily, immviiuitig bluster, and villn'n
ous fi.Isi l.uod, done up in fliiulii capitals
to urrcit the iiltiiitlei: of the ignorant, and
stir ii t'ic Iwr pass'oiH of men, iu older
to excite theiu to oU' n tieki't they would
lie nsiiamed of if tiny understood the real
issms pending In the contest, mid which
they wo ihl be far from voting if by enndid
impilry they had arrived at the real conse
quences to themselves nnd to the commu
nity of supporting the prineiphs rrprescl.t
cd by the men tin y support. It is our
business as u jouruuliht to prrscut iu an
honest and candid way all tho year round
the many weighty reasons which induce ns,
n n which we think ought !o inlliience ( th
vrs. to support a given line of political pol
icy. Our own iuli rest as a permanent ict
thT iu Oregon, and the welfare of every
other human bring in the State, have ever
been the objects for which we have labored
during the in :ny long, d uk years of hard
lighting thiuMgh which we have pnssul
Our highest ambit '0-1 ever l-cen to see
11 wise, judicious, n ml honorable ndmiiiintra
t"on of povi 1 urn-nt inaugurated, one wh ch
siidll n'eurv' the greatest good to the great
t iiimiber. We desire to see all of our
clt'cus invti ucted 4 to tl; reul issues tlut
divide the community, the manner in which
the triumph or dowufull of this or the oiher
party wrll affect the country, financially
and morally, and then, after seeing the true
policy, we should be p'oased to set all vo
ters hourst and frank enough to do their
doty lo thenisilrej and tUir posterity by
iipjiorting it.
v At this Ijte hour, wa hardly suppose
tlut it weald be possible for ns to couviace
man that it is hij i;itr---t snl di'yto
vole tho Republican tieket, who hnn hith
crto failed, among ull tho argument we
have offered, to iee lulDclent reason for his
o doing. There uro ninny Democrats,
however, who have become 10 disgusted
with tho hollow hypocrh?y of tho clf-n-pointed
leaden of the party here, with the
Klurinj frauds and corruptions of the party
eUewluf, ns well as tho sectional, out f
democrntic, and )ro-hivcry character it
Inn assumed generally, thnt they avow
tliu'r determination to stand aloof fur
uwhile nnd have nothing to do In excrchi
lug their rights as American cltizeno.
Such ft course may Appear riht in thtlr
own eyes, but to us it seems childish, and
unworthy tho chnructer of him who Is in
terested in Maintaining the best possible
government, and hi securing to himself the
benefit-) dependent on a Judicious ex rcise
of the elective franchise. Uy staying away
fiom the 1 oils you indirectly strengthen the
one-horse pro-shivery faction which Jo
Lane has inaugurated here, and which De
lusion is set to defend, in order to pcrpetu
lite the ofliee of the former, and set the
latter on Ills legs Again. These demu
goguee, whoearo for nothing but slf, uud
who ore both sold to tho disunion slave
breeders of the extreme South, arc strong-
j nat'eism. and arc now c.irrvin? out a 1 oli-
cy 111 harmony with the wishrj of the
founders uf tho (Jovernment, with th?
spirit of the Constitution and the meaning of
the Pechirution ol Independence, and
v. Ii.cli i.-i calculated to promote the inter-
ests of ciinimercc, niiiiiufuciures, nrls, in
ternal iiiijirovements, nnd uild to our uu
liouid prosperity gem rally by strengthen
ing the .sinewy unit of wee t.noR. Th' v
know that tho Iiepublican party is s ire to
win the race in a competition with the dis
organized, demoralized, and ah. v. -ridden
Denioi racy. The obj.-et Hug have iu view
is to carry this lb ct;on by u desperate
struggle, place themselves where they can
fill their own pockets and disgrace Oregon,
and then leave their dupes Ikro to take
care of themselves.
I,i t it bo rememl crcd, that every man
who votes for Shell, or for the county Dem
ocratic tickets, votes to put Delusion into
thu Semite, where he m-iy be used by tho
Disunion snlainanders to defeat the Pacific
lUilroad, the Home.sleud Dill, and other
niensun-s thut are allied to tho prosperity
of Oregon.
Let it bo remembered, that Lane voted
against taking up the lloni"stend Dill, and
thnt Delusion, for fear of offending his
Southern masters or damaging his pros
at home, ran out of the Senate, and dodged
the vote.
Li t it be remembered, thai this In sotted,
debauched, nnd hindering di ni.igngne,
while in the Senate, forgot the interests of
his coiislitur uls and fawned like a spaniel
til the feet ff his Southern niasbrs.
L t it Lr renumbered, that such were
his praclices at Washington that even
Lane was compelled to Raj that the pcor
or. aturo " wani't in his right m'nu" '!':."
ileal ol the time.
Let it be remembered, thnt before going
to ns.iington, he swaggered around here,
telling ns what he would do in gelling the
wunlciit paid, nnd, nttcr reaching tin r
such wns his nppearnnco before the com
m'ttru having the matter in charge, that,
mtiMiis 'lengthy speech' before it, the
sumo committee reported In favor of cut
tmg the delit down from six millions to
about a million mid a hnlf, nnd then re
ported ugiiiiist the payment of u dullar of
it by that Congress.
Let it be ivtiKiubiivd, that these nrrant
humbugs have made n hobby of the war
ilei.t, on wliteh to ri.lo into oilier that
they ulways want to be elected, to get the
war debt und just ns long as they can use
this and our other demands as a hobl v,
they never will get the debt paid, or our
other interests attended to; therefore,
Let it be remembered, that the interests
of Joseph and Delusion ure not our inter
ests, but tho contrary.
Let it be remembered, thnt we were dis
graced in the Senate for seventeen days, bv
creature who was the langhiug stotk of
everybody in Washington, nnd who was
ridiculed openly by such hailing papers of
his ow n parly as the New York Herald and
the New Yoik New s a man who wroto his
own 'biography,' furnished his own por
trait to Swaekhaim r, and paid him a l.e ivy
fee for printing it in his one-horse pamphlet,
so us to be thought a 'big lug' by his Santi
am Forks constituents.
Lit ull these tilings be remembered by
tho respectable Democracy who have "no
idea that Delusion ought ever to have an
other cilice," and we pledge ourselves that
neither he nor any of his ilk ever shall.
Silver Minks. We hear thst there is
considerable stir among the people in Ma
rion relative to the P-ported Santiuni silver
mines. From gentleman who has just-
relumed from there, We learn that about
seventy-five claims have been taken, and
that people ere going in and out constantly.
ITo thiuki thnt In a short ticnj th ru!i
m'.II roil i.t to ihTVssbo ra'nc?
f.eaoly itisiditro.
Do thu people of Cluekumns wish Smith
and Lano elected Seimtorf If so, then
they will votofor Officer, Foster, and Post,
who were nonilnuted because they will do
what Lano wants to have done. Officer Is
a niobt ultra pro-slavery propnn(r;
ho thinks the Constitution carries shivery
not merely into tho Territories, but niso
Into every State, nnd In our Judgment the
old fellow is not 10 far out of the way, If
tho Constitution carries slavery anywhere.
Democrats like Kelly, who say it is thus
carried, huvo never yet explained how the
Constitution cruses to operuto when a State
is organised, or how what wus constitution
al in Oregon two years ago can now be
olhenv'so by the action of tho people in or
ganizing a State. No ono pretends that
the people of any State, new or old, can
modify the Constitution, or chnnge its ope
rative force; so wc thlnk'uld Jimmy Ofliccr
is only following n fuLc doctrine to its nat
ural conclusion, while the rest start with
the sumo notion but luck courage to go its
full length. Any one, then, who votes fur
Officer votes for tho extension of shivery,
and nothing else, for he knows und cures
nothing about any other question.
As to our K. N. friend, Philip I-'o-ter, he
is everything by turns utnl imthi.ig long
he is u Deiuoeiul this vear b. Ciiue ho is 0:1
thnt ticket. Next y.-nr h.j will I e a re
publican if that is tiie strong side, and his
first question is " Will it pay?-' Principle
is something he don't unilerstuud, so he
makes n good cuudidnte for his party, as he
can easily suit everybody. II is want of
popularity, however, makes him very weak,
an 1 tho general opinion seems to be that
l.e might us well stay at home and tjk'i his
defeat calmly.
Then wo have Kev. Mr. Post, tho
strangest thing of nil, as, till a month ngo,
he was universally irganli d ns one of the
most ultra abolitionists iu tlm county.
What new light ho lm, or what motive
has made him occupy his present position,
we Know not. 11, consistently w.tli Ins
Christian professions, he believes it hisduty
to strive for the elect Inn of Lane and Smith,
und for thec.vb'usiiinof sl ivcry, hcihocrvis
p'ly. Jft k.irins LU'r. II'i is not iv:or
mit like Ofliccr, re hope not unprincipled
like Foster, r.i.d if his consul, uc: does not
sting him for his ncgi. ct of duty, we have
been greatly deceived in him. Wo hope,
for his own sake, thut the ptople will stop
him in his wandering', and by defeating
him, 8ivc him fi 0111 wasting his time end
talents iu nn unholy eru.-ii.L' ag unit liberty.
Wc are sure tho time will tome when
will r pent in sackcloth and ashes for his
present wicked folly in allying himself with
corrupt politicians, who, while they m;iy
love treason, v.-Ill despise the traitor. Th y
may be phased licit he fools nw;;y hi; prln
c'plcs and integrity, but they never can re
store him to the position he once occupied
ns a teacher and u preacher of ri."hlto'.is-
Such nro the men nominated by the De
mocracy as Koprescntytivcs. Not one of
them has tho full confidence of his own
pnrly. Port's uboiitiou tendencies ill's ex
pected lo carry Officer's proslav. ry no
tions, 1:11 1 vice emu, while Foster hopes
to win by the name of Democracy nnd his
own stupidity; all, however, e;;r.e to do
what tlm people of this county are deter-miu'-il
shall not he done vote for Lane
and Smith and therefore we exi ect that
all will meet with a just and overwhelming
iKf.ut, if the people are true to themselves.
Tin; ruOTtcr. We nre glad to learn
from nearly every 'ccinct that our friends
in this county nro active" nnd earnest in
their efforts to bring out a vole against
the iiro-sluvery ticket. Wo reioiiv a!.,
thct many who are Douglas Democrats,
and who do not believe that real Dimoera-
cy means shivery extension, will assist ns
in defeating Jo Lane, bi cause they feel
that Douglas was overcome tit Charles
ton by the influence of slavery, nnd that
Lane i s d nil his strength lo defeat the
lillU giuitl, Tln-y utv, therefore, deter
mined no longer to support those w ho have
no polities but shivery; who, 1 ke Lane,
sacrifice everything for its extension, nnd
have proved themselves the most bitter foes
to Douglas. His adherents, then, ccn pun
ish his enemies most successfully in Oresron
by defeating Lnnc und n buk ng his office
holders and lackeys; and this they will do
so far as the Legislature is concerned.
We urge our friends to bo zealous and
unremitting. Let no vote be lost orhfi
at home. See that all who are opposed to
Lano come lo the polls. We want a (;ood
handsome majority, sufficient to show our
.Vcry An that the people of Clackamas
are beginning to think aud act for them
selves, and not any longer according to his
rnuic Si'e.ikim:. The candidates of
both parties for county ollicers in this coun
ty will speak the coming weik i.t the fol
lowing places:
Lower Molalla, on Saturdi.v. Mav 2t,th
at Nobletl's school-house.
Upper Molalla, on Mondav. the 2th
at Swede's school-bouse.
Mmtoon's, ou Tuesday, tho 2S)th.
Uo.-k Creek, oil Wednesday, the 30th.
Orrgon City, on Thursday,' Uie 31-t.
Milwaukie, on Friday, June 1st.
Tualatin, on Saturday, June 2J.
The time of speaking will be I o'clock
r. .
ti- Lord John Russell hJ stated in
the House of Commons that the S in Juan
Island questioa wu? sppncli-g a j. ttle-aient.
TU A soar.
Delusion, who, hk his kitiiiueii Clcrrit
and Jo Smllh, has nlwnys hud a dlseuse
bordering on Insuulty, seems to be
come so much excited since he has bet-u j
scribbling for the weak sheet at Albany ;
that he has lost pretty touch nil control of.
himself. He plainly sei-s thut it Is now or
never with him, and In his great anxiety to
get Into tho Senate he has overdono the
thing, In trying to carry the election by
coaxing, bulluug, blackguarding and lying.
After all this, he is not suliGd that Dem
ocrats uro willing to vote Just as ho wants
them to. Iu fact, he knows that hundreds
of them are In-coming so disgusted with the
seuseless rant of such ilimagogiics ns he, as
well as being rather doubtful nboiit the
policy of longer supporting a m iss of cor
ruption now culled Democracy, thai they
uro talking about not going to the polls
uny more. The last " time-honored u.-ugu"
thut Delusion begs tho D iiiocmts lo re
vive Is tho Appointment of " vigilance com
mittees consi.-.! ing of three, five, or seven,
fur each lirccillCt, to attend to Such DdllO-
i-ruts as do not choose to go ami vote, i
Whether he Intends to have these "vigi-'
lance commitlees" nnmd with r.nvliiih s or
utta pereha canes, he ihx-su't s.iy, but wo !
presume they will be require! to appear on !
lection day, tinned und eqirpped neenrding
to Kansas Democratic law. If Del isi u
hasn't appointed his committer for th's pre-.
ciuct, we would suggest Dolf, Let, mid P. '
0., as suitable persons for that office. L' t '
them ho appointed by nil menus, and let
tijein run every Den10er.1t eitlur to the
nulls or into tho " ferriu." Wu Miir-rst
it 1. - i . . -. . .1 ..
11. so. that ttlfi-P tlirsn enruni Iti-eA t'er tl.n
Democrats to tho polls, they bo i.istni.-tcl
to brand them nil on some sir table place,
so ns to know them whin ih-y com I them
next yenr. P,y wushing llu-m the brand
will show until next spring, nu.l save the
committee a great ileal of trouble in herd
ing time. Let the brand be a D, ns It will
embrace the wholu thing intended in one
letter standing for Delusion, Diuuiiyerat,
Djnce, Dough face, Dirt enter, nnd Driv
Joint Skxat.hi. During thu week a
dd gallon has been hero fio.n Wusco, of
fering to withdraw Loughiin if Col. Kelly
v. o.lld iiho subside, nnd then proposing ui
other cunJld.ite fiom this county. Uut th--Lane
foekty would not do it, uud tin n fore
Longhlin is still a candidate mid will bo
supported by the DauoiiMiy of Wasco.
It is none of our business, but wc do uut
see how Wasco strongly Douglas in sen
timent, and opposed to Lane could be ex
pected to support Kelly, with whone no- j
lions they do l.ot sympathise. lie is note, J
yen; a bold, unmitigated 1
Democrat, sustaining the Administration
11 ull its wicked schemes for extending
.lavcry. II knows better, and will be lie-
scrvedly beaten: indeed wc think lie will .
run behind his ticket, as his previous crrat-'
ic course makes some ol'h's pnrly al"ra'd ol";
h's want of courage, whilu wo have heard ,
many Douglas Democrats declare that they
would c.s soon vote for D; lesion, even, as
' '
- ,---
Is rii.iT Conr.ECT? A w riter in the Far-1
mer attempts to show that thirty thousand !
loaars can be made iu six years by the j
wool-grower who invests one thousand do!-1
lars in ono of Rockwell's imparted 1111 rlno j
s.nep. lie makes out Ins wso bv assuming
as the bus's of his culcuhtions "that money ;
is not worth more than (il'recu cr cent, in I
any legitimate business," nucl tho writer as- j
srrts that " this mte is nil that money is '
rtv!ll worth, hero or elsewhere, except to I
save men from the clutches of the law." I
Now it looks to most any ninn up a tic'
that in r.sjuming money to bo worth nn '
mere than fifteen per cent, in carrying on
any " legii'i.'uate business," except to save I
one's self " from ?hc dutches of the law,'"
in order to prove that injury is worth five '
hundred per cent, when invcd in thou-1
sand dollar bucks, is making the 11, vino ' u,w:nj5 ticket: For Representative, li. D
buck speculation nn iUfgilimatt bnsi.ncs, hatlii. ; Clerk, D. W. Lichtentl.ahr
nnd also suggests an addition to the 'exeep-; Tr:.asu:-nr. S. 0. Reed; Assessor, Thounu
lion,' of tins character-" except to save a ' Fl,,z T. Co. CniuiwienK-rs, John . White
man from the clutches of the law," or to tllrl Cllkb Ritjl!(. School gnji't, Josinl.
hn'-' ,,",n"" Ml- j Failing; Coroner, A.'CJEV.-lford. The
No Tkottixc at Au.! Tiic owners of -oavent ion unaniiiionsly rvC5i)imcnd..'.'! W.
the imported horso at ronland iid.eitis-
through the Farmer thnt " Paul Jones"
can trot " a hundred miles a day vUh rase."' j
That may be fast trotting in the Eastern '
States, but here its no trnitimr n !
" - O MV ' .
We printed " horse-bills" in this office three
ytars ago iu which the owner of a e.rtaiu !
wse, which was nothing but a natural ,
serub, declared that the horso could trot j
Urmlij mlhi in tiftu-scrfi scconJs." As :
it was not stated that he could do it "with
ease, however, wc were left to infer that
tho operation might strain h'm a little.
He could, however, according to the print
ed bills, making all due allowances for
Laurel Hill, and other slight obstructions
trot from Portland to St. Louis iu a day,
in'.'.'i the greatest eaxf.
Tiik Homestead Dili.. This measure j t"m,orsc their doctrines or be broken np.
has passed one step safely in the sc-uate'. I Jo Line and ilher asriranht, who were
though Jo Lane, truo to his Southern ma;. ' jru,o:,s l,f t!' popularity of Douglas, and
ters, nnd false to the welfare and interests un'U'd w;,a ,,ie Administration and the
of Oregon, voted against it. The vote ' !nvcr.T interest, for the sako or crushing
stood 20 to 2-1. Douglas was out when llini thlt Ir'ia,,t r;s9 "Pon rnin.
his name was called, but hurried iu and re-' Thc rans,'l his defeat, and they will
corded his vote in its favor. Wigfull of'0'1 "S'" in July, and just ns often nnd
Texas, denourced it as 'a trick of the Black as '0,,8 as tl" democracy will permit itself
Republicans, deviscil for the purpose of to e ll,e t0i an machine of slavery pro
filling op the country with free labor, and raSn"tIist.
defeating the Democratic party.' We sin-1 Tors iYoi a 0y mvcr -Let
cerel, here the next nail w.U kr2 tics i each voU-r remcmher that fr Cour.y 0fS
of it- final ps ge. fcrSj lt cjQ ycte pnIr ;i t s n
Republican Nominations.
lr UCLTl..tlilll.
for I'rttiJrntiil lUieton,
T. J. Psvks, II l 'J:
i.lnrbftllU i.lilialj.
, for ,SflJ SmahrW Im.. uf lv-.
' For A.,
fur VUrk-iwv U'
far MirrlffU Wsok.
For Airtijr-.lniH Mki.iisvm.
Fur Titi'tirrr Wn.i.u )rrr.
For C. CVmmiMiod'rf-CiiASi. -. Dutktos,
Asm. Mi r..u.
For CutonrrV. i:iieur.
Fur i'liteym Jikhic 'i'uHmit
For Sduol SuptiiiileiitleiitX. V. KM)Lt.
l.aac t'.ftiialy.
For Slult Stnotorl. It. Moor.
For IitpitunViliett . A.Suitii,(. II.Mcneii,
Jimm .Mc--'ai.imi.
For Hhtrif-MiMt-t DriiRTU.
Fir ('Ink '. t IIhattain.
Fur Tremurrt 4. L. lfneMl.iv.
Fur AjiriiurJntit ,oo.i.
For CfiimiiiiSnW S. McL'i.i iib, S. II. Sm
Fur Si !.o-il Sup I V.unnu JneKi.-n.
Vmkllt l.tiunly.
Fur Stotr Sriialur John li. MTtniui;.
F.r lienrrtenft-M. fuwn. S. M. Oil-MOR
- l',. :r It...... IV ....... u
For SitriTUkH Wmii:s.
For Trrimtirrr Asms II. IIkskt.
Fur Clnli-.. fowit.
For Silioul Sujitriiileiteiil-. A. fuisaia.
For .'rmr Laioiiliv.
For Stii rryiirT. It. Hsiikiun.
C.tiilxip C.uunty.
For K.-yrHfiilulirf -Jnrt Tiri.oK.
Fur Cirri W. II. TwiliiiiiT.
For Shrri 1. i. r.niKHtt.
Fur TrriiMurtrWa.
For Amt'ivr ij- Surrtinr1. W. liSAiuisttT.
For Hili iot Siii'lW V, (.'ii.i.errK.
For Coroner -Vr.o. I!. UleKivcv.
For Cn,m',t-iit.o. I.vinw,s, I.vmas I'. Hall.
; p;i, 4-.nuiy.
i For i7.-i s.-uuimr Sasnuip W.itwim.
For lUprt:riil ilirrt II. Ili-iruan, M. i)ouuN,
For S.'iciiJA. W. I.lcas.
rnr Cirri ).
For Trniurcr'a I!"W.
For .l.for J. Diiv.stii.
For Sihtml Snnriiiitenileiitilr.i'KiiK Bki.L.
Fur Sttrrryorlvo n.r.
I'miniuii t'.miuly.
For RrlVrttUlut'Tt J. W. I'. IJCNTIMiTUS.
Fur ('Ink H. ,M 1sc.1t.
For S'h'riJF -Samcki. Itieu.
Fur TirwuivrH. Wiikklkr.
For A iimmirS.C: I.amoihn.
For School Siiprrinti-iitltnt I". 1'. I'mnur.
V aiIhIiio I'.ntinly.
Fr.r Slutt Sn.iie, T. It 1'i.iiM i iei. Rrjimtulutirr !-;ocn C'ovi;ri.
UeprtreiitHtirr Wilson Ju liiv.
C; Ctr.-i-W. P. II.U1B.
Hhrr-ffK. W. Div.x.
TnawirerW. II. llEwerr.
.l.f D. .M..11R.
Surreunr . ( i EiGeit.
&;1iul Siprrinlcutlriit IIkniiv .Scwki.l.
(Vo.-ir Iuun .M.lll.ll.
For Joint Sc:iito:' V.'ji, I.mja.v.
Fir R.'irrrt.tttlirt J. fi. Sni!K.i.
Fur Sh.-riJ'li.m Diuraii.
Far Clerl, (it.i. K. (Ilavkh.
'..T 7V.-f.i'ir-r Otik S. Nava.k.
Fjr&tkoul Siii'fri.itrr.ilint li. I'. 1-1 riiKHALP.
Fui ( 'orotar '. U iiiiirLnv.
II. W. C'l BllLTV, ('ll.iilllKtM rmitiiid
E. I. llATrlcK "
W. C in Ori-;in) Cly.
Tiihlic SpcnLLns".
Mewv ,n.,A an, I S11c.11.. c ieil .l.itrvt fur Cull-
grew, liuve niacin tlic r.iiluwiiig iiimrn nieiils lor
it'iare'smg Die tpn u ()ie;;oa, 11! I 1, clv.-k mi
111" iluvmii'-ii l uicl, in ihr ill-mill of M iy;
Iltuo ,!.i;!e..
T-.icsJay', tiie Sllih
Wwlnivil',)-, llm :in,h
Thuffildy, llio Him
"1'liui.ili.y i.irM. :il-.
Salin-.'ae, June 2
: Alimay ....
; Oi.-B.-ia t i:y
I Voi-llanJ
i J)a:irs......
l.lna !'. nnly Tleki-l.
For Itepreseiitativw-l5Ar.Ti.FT (Vr.-r., Jo-
si-i'ii P. Tati:, As'i'unsox Dkckaup,
Asa McCn.i.-.-.
" ii-iicriU'-DAVis Lavto.v. .
" Co. Clerl; -Jons llAr.r.ors.
" " Assessor-TntOTiiv A. Itmcs.
" " Treas. D.tvi.-, FnotiAv.
" "I School Sup't Hi-en N. Gkcme.
" " Surveyor LniiKii White.
" Coroner IliiiAjt X. Smk.ii. .
iy The ticket us prinl.'d above, was
sent I0 us headed " Linn County Ticket."
It is not a Republican ticket, nnd was not
printed by ns It is, strictly speak
ing, a union tieket composed of inen who
nre opposed to tho longer rule or Lane and
Delusion in that county.
Mri.TXojiAiT The Krjuiblicans of Mult
nomah comity met in convention iu Port
land lust Saturdiiv. nnd nominated tlm U.
'I1'-,,;n 'or Prosecuting Attorney,
I''hl Powell for Hprescntntive, n-id A.
tUn or sherifl.
'l0 I-niocrnts also met on the same
day, and nominated A. C. Gibbs nnd Teni
St"rli 'or licpresentativcs, S. Norris for
-'lcr'K ',n- Collins for Sheriff, W. P. Do
!a"J for Treasurer, A. K. Riddles for Af-
S1SH)1' S- T'-'nnoyer for School Sup't, Dr.
1''lrtcrt 'or Coroner, and E. Walker and
W. S. Ladd for Commissioners.
Who Dekeatki) Doroi.AS ? J,tmrs
Buchanan, who used all his immense power
and patronage against h'm because he
dared to think and act for in the
Lecompton matter.
Southern yrfl.v.irrry lealrrt, who sre
determined thr.t the Democratic pari v shall
I lllirsi 111 V linfliriltlin. In !. .
stated thut tho democracy nrvtr jrct' , '
that thu people of th0 U.rrituri;, "
right to legislate on tho nutijict of ,ut ' '
tried to show thut Wushinton, Jt'
Madison and Put rick Henry wers not
posed to thu extension and perpetiittjj
shivery; asserted that the constitution J
rles tho peculiar institution Into '
rltorics nnd the people could not lithptl)
selves; and wound up his speech, whitl
all about the nigger, with th? assertion ffcl!
n dinkey at (ho outh was betk-r tl0,
poor white in New England, '
We pity poor Cnrry too sinccrefy t,.
anything of his five nilnuto break down
In response to the vociferous culls of it,
uudience, which wns inoro than half
licau, A. Ilolbroolt, Ksq., cutno forward iB
vindication of while men and their rinli
and inndo a most scnthing and elwne(t'
though entirely cxteinpornneou.1 rcfuutio.'
of Delusion's specious twaddle, Jn lfM
iinirtt rs ofnn hour, during which be read
from tho cclebrntcd 'Mnnchniisen trumpff
resolutions to show thut Dclnzon bimsetf
four years ago, wus a most bhitont squat!
ter sovcrcigrrtyite, Mr. Jtolhrook stripped
from the champion his stolen lion's skin uA
showed Mm before tho people as the vwr
long cared pro-slavery donkey that he h
nndclw.d with a bitter denunciation
sonthem ilemocartic disunion schemes, uj
defied the production of a single dimnion
sentiment from uny republican, howertrfi,
ulted, however humbfe.
i-iT The Ilepublicans of Clark county
W. T., held a convention at Yauconw
lately, und noiuiiuitud tho following for tin
Legislature: J. K. C. Dnrgnn, Lcnndcr
llohnes, Mr. Fairchild, Mr. Cochrane, and
Mr. Go. Ida rd.
Rr.T:"i::."Ei). -Cap.t. Archibald Jnmieson,
the popular comumnder of thu Onward, re
turned by the last Steamer, iu fine hi-alth,
from visit to his "native heather" in Scot
laud. He has resumed his old pod nnd sill
be warmly welcomed by a host of trot
To Siii;-n:ns. The Upper Willamette
Tran'i ortufnn Company has reduced tiie
price of freight or, itx stcnuicrs tofoordol
lars from Linn City to Salem, and tociglit
dollars from Linn City lo Corvallis, niidntl
points between Corvallis and Salem.
r-i'- Mi ss-rs. Logan uud Slieil, eniali.
dates for Congress, will nddivssthecit-ns
of Clackamas 011 Thursday next, in thiscilj.
II uxn. Win. Ciisterlin wus hung at
J.i' ksonvillo on the 1 1 th of May. lie died
fi'-m but penitent.' 1 1 : . .1
Vvrn. Sypicrt
Is nil in end, nl c.iiidi.nite for tliir ltc of
Ai-esxnr of M.-uinn Co-oiy,
at lilt niMUnnr 1I1 ulion in Juno. May
Prosecuting' Attorney. ;
V.'M. 1,. McEW.VN olleni himself an an inde-p-lidi-nl
c.n.ili.lnii fur llie i.Sier nI'Dislri-t Altur
a y for llie 'till Juil.c'al JJiMriet uf Oirgou.
Oii'nn t tstnn, An. K, S. or T.. ,
Jleolriil 1 1 urnioiii- ll:i!l every Kritluy evuiinj;
at half j '.iKt 7 o'uloclt. Iiieiliitni in piudiiUiiiliiif
a.-r inviieil Iu allci d. I). Ul'TI.I-.DUE, WJ".
D. W. l-Aiii, U S.
' 7 . 0 . 6 ' - - ' ,
Outo i.N bnucs No. moetn at llnirlhill neU1
ty I'jip'isiH' itip Lntiil OfTu-e, on Alonl.-iy evrniiij l
each wink. lii riliren in flini lii gnrpinviiri
tunllrn-l. it. C. CltAM'FOKI), K.O.
Tuus. CmiiJi.i.N, i!ec. Uro'y. 30
I.Iu'.tHDmr.h Lodgo Wo. 1,
Ar A. M.. Iiuliln its ilutrd cninmunio-
l:n::s in llio Sous f 'iYniprnincs Hull, on
the Saturday ntrc.-ding Hie l-'nll Moon in mch
month, lireiliifii in good minding are io'ilfd
losllfii.!. ,. A. i LOVKJOy, W. M. ;
0. W.CV..UO, Stc-y. ... 1 ,
The next regular mwllrj mill U
tin; ay evening, Jniie !J, IHliO.
MolIir Ljre Pllls.--Tio hij;li and (ntied
erli bri' v which thin pre-einineul medicine li.nw
iiuiied for i s invaii. hie iBi in all llie dUf
which fl ynfwCT loeore, Inn rruJeri-d llir oid
iirprliceof osttiintio-i nnflin? not riljr iwneeej-
nry btH iniwui ihy uf llieiu. They are kwma
ny then treitu; their gil win ksli-mfy forlnntv
nnd Ihrv th.ivc not by llie faith of llie thnjuluw-
In ml cares of eostivciuiw, ilrniirnsui, bilioua a
liver nrfrci inns, piles, rlirnniat sni, ferenmnd pie
o'.slinaie lieiid-aclit-.s, nu.l nil groiral dtmup-
mciiia ol lienltli, llicso filler have iinnnublypnw
a certain and up e ly lem.-ily. A single liil ill
p!aee I li t Life 1 'li U U one! I U reiioh of coroin;il"
inlhe is:imi!i. not every patient..
Vr. AI Phirnis llnters will be llraiwrrfiti-
ly flieaji.irw in all cases of nervous debiHtv.dri
prjiia, hendaclie, the eiekness incident to-fewl;
in d.l.cale health, aud every k nd of wenkneaief
llie d'i;riive ntjaiu. l-'or tale hv Dr. W. Bi
5IOKKAT. 3:!" nmailway.-Keir 'York, iid
Mt.-'icine Pealcrs and lmgglsli
sLrouglio 't the country.
Df pppsU, l-'eTer o Ague, ladltll'
Sour Stomach, H.-nrt JliiW, Water Brn. Bil'
liniisnrs-s, Liver Comjilalnt, Aeif'ily, flttsltsey
J.tundw, t'hnne rf Climate, Sick iIeadcMi
Lose of Appeiile, Kcmiilo Complaints, Otpf
nfn-i lat:ii;, General Ilcbilily, Ite, are rH'J'?;
fpciually nu.l mnt-ly cured by the OXYCW"
California Evidence.
JIuKELI lIM Hltt, Cat, )
Jane 16, 1858. S .
Hav'nj snrT. rod fur fifleen yean wilk Diapep
in ils worst form, and having ctnsulk-d wah lk
b.-st Physicians, and tried evcrjiliinf roeemaiendei
wiih. nt relief, I -ae induced ta trv the OXYGE
NATKI) l;iTTKi:s,d before' 1 had taL-aena
bottle. I (jtmi myself much better, and eoatiaoei
tak ng theiti, uaiil I was entirely eared, and ae
enjoy as g iud lieallli ns ever I did ia my W
take great ut-uie in rceomrm Vng Ihem t ai
who arc :nilarly afH.cted. Jiea LososiioH-
California by Hcl 'ton &. Co., Henry Jo asoa
Cn.Charlen Morrill, San Francisco; R. H. Me
Donakl Ic Ca, Sncrnmrntn; Rice, Coffin
Marysvillc ; Su iih Sl Davis, ronljad, Orepm.
Saailx Harsaparllla. Xhb purely
renwdy croinbliies in itself the proptrrtiee of
liwpt'e, a nil.l e.iih.rlie, and a Ubm. h I"
ly removes from llie blood, and olhoi flaida rf
body, the impiiilie rf uubcallhy aecrelioas
encen.ler and fe. d disease, lhas elrikiaf el
to..t , f the milady. AIiIkhiI proeed 'fV
cious it may be talseii at ail liaiea with perfect
wfeiy, as ilcnolaina no powerful drastic dmf
d- b lilate llie system, oe mmenl paisea "
the const, Intioa. M
I'rrpar d and eo'd hy A.B. h. 7). SAND'.
Fulton t, N-r Vork- rriea ft peia-jttl"
i brtilea far
XT EeaJ ihc adrerteemeat ia aafcerc,1,
sc d It Uu STfXf.E, Cfr V:fr- " 1