The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, April 28, 1860, Image 3

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    Faii-lbR- The nectloiiul fiinatlci
J; wuter-Laul of tlia "Old
nm r!l." A Httljwere1iuj!ljr
II J at Urowii'n conduct, a lliey thought
!,'". couU mka " enough fool In-Hurt tint
n. RppnWInurt wrw iniilkua in It to
MllrtXe'Vorkeh-ctlon" Filling.!.
Tu tby gflt "P 1,rowu ruiJ Inve"l,fc,a'
L' committee In Hie fcnoL, but were
Liewlmt fll)ltcrgnted to ace the Uepul).
fan. ot for Hi couiniitu-e. Tlio com
Lte bai now apeut aevorul month In rx-
nlaing ''tuC!WM Lrougllt lh,ul "ll P"1""
rfU "country, 1" not ilngle fact lius
))Wn dicittd from a pinlo witiii-M iinilica
ting singlo lllulHcun. This fuiluru
Komi to tl'ffoy tlio last liopo that the
roltcn dvimsly had for propping itWf up
for inotkr four yenw. Tin case is a ties
prate ono ond rwpiirM a uwticrnto Kino
jv We wonder why thoy don't briha
,ome Democrat with govor cut money to
war to what tiny wont to provo against
the Reputilicuns. Two hundred dollur
would buy any amount of evidence needed.
Wreck. A correspondent writca to us
from Tillamook that an unknown rl of
about seventy tons hurt lieu 1ms come usliorc
ot that place. 1' "a'1 'T, Humbler'
painted on it, and was laden with about a
liuiulrcd borrtln of wlmlo oil. It had ap
parently been long at sea, us its rijrging
.vus uuicli rolled. The body of a woman
vuiiccii to flout out of the cabin, and wns
carried off by the surf. For the want or a
boat, the bodywug not recovered. The
Rambler had a Hue large anchor on her
1, Witcnco the came, whither she was
bound, or what haa become of lux crew,
no one knows.
jaPThc I'alhs Mountaineer, In some
tiwld'e about DrytT, says tlicro was a
time when the very existence of the lli pub
tea party d'-pemb-d on the course the Or
wuiau would tak'-. Will that wiseacre
have the roodnecs to inform us when that
tiinewi.-? When he shall have have un
sivcrtd this (pn'stion, we would most rm
pceifully impiire how tlio existence of the
ilcpnlilicau party could depend upon the
course a certain paper would take, when
the cjisti'iice of tlmt very same paper itself
dejienuVd upon its iinniediutely coming into
the H'-puljlii-an ranks?
W. C. JuiiNsox. The Republican State
Co:iv:i'.t:c:i showed ft proper appreciation
of the tulriits of our young fellow-townsman,
W. C. Julmcon, Ksij., 1 y culling him to
preside owt it.s dlibtr..tio:. "Curvy"
mak.s a capital presiding officer, und ti.o
way kd'.pat.:!i"d bii.sin.-.-'S at tlio lute con
ventiou was astonishing to all old fog'es.
His excellence in this respect is doubtless
the result of the habits of good order he
acquired whilst " devil" in this office some
years ago. For business, always commend
us to one who knows how to handle type.
Soxs of Tkmi'mkaxck. Tho Grand Di
vision r.itt in scini-nuniial session in this
city this week. Cut little business w.'.s on
hand. We learn that three new Divisions
were established, in Josvphine a::d Doug
las coimtRs.
Ou Wtdni'sdiiy evening, 11 v. F. 1).
Hudson delivered a very good address ut
the Congregational Church, on the subject
of Temperance. Xol llm least interesting
part of the proceedings was a song by the
little girls of the Hand of Hope, led by
iliss Marion Htick, on the nielodeon.
A Tri e Rkithi.ic.vx. C. II. Davidson,
delegate to the Rppnblicnn State Conven
tion, being nimble, us we arc told, to cross
the Coast Range of mountains with his
horse, on account of the snow, started on
foot, and, after clambering over the snow
mid iee in the mountains, crawling through
tho brush and over logs, wading crerks
end swimming rivers, reached Kugene City
in time for the convention, full of hope and
in good spirits. Davidson is one of the
'publicans that will do to bet on.
Wsi. Locax. The Democratic paper at
the Dalles, in speaking of our candidate
fof State Senator from this county and
awo, says: "No better selection could
have been made, and it will require a uni
ted and determined effort on the part of
the Democracy if they would avoid the hu
miliation of a Republi can victory in this
Senatorial District."
A latiihill correspondent Writes to Coon
that bis Roseburg "Express is much sought
after in Yamhill" and he might have ad
ded tliat itjsjiever found there.
Lacsch. Hedges & Dement's new
boat is to he launched on Wednesday next.
TmxKs. We are iudebtcd to Tracy
0' Express for lute papers.
JThe County Agricultural Society
mwts to-day, at 1 o'clock p. m.
t- We arc indebted to Hons. Lansing
otont aud 1. 1. Stevens for favors.
S'lvertos "recixct. The Republicans
d tbis precinct in Marion county met in
ftiltertoa April 21, for the purpose of elect
't? ddejates to the Com.-'7 Convention,
t!d transacting such other business as
Jl'ght come before the meeting Panl
t-randall chairman, and Wo. L. Meaner
The following gentlemen were chosen as
Septet: P. Crandall, T. W. Davenport,
? 5bnf. W. L. Mescher, II. D. Mount,
Button, L. Darin, and J. II. Small,
iia instructions to go for a full ticket at
tr Tty ConTt-6ti'-
K- Dunbar, L Davia, and W. Crana
j?Vere chosen as a precinct committee
Th meeting" then adjourned, in good
TV1'. We hire received some accessiona w.p.
CoNdRFssinxAr.. Mr. Stout, of Oregon,
hits Introduced bill for a daily overturn!
mail between Sun Francisco and Puget
Sound via Portland. It ia cluimed that
(hi daily service can bo estubbshed for a
less mini than the ocean x rvico now costs.
If so, thu bill can hardly fuil to pass, and
the ocean service will be discontinued alto
gether. The louso Special committee on the l'a
cilio Railroad una been announced. It
consists uf Curtis of Iowa, Kellogof Mich-
inn, rein..., 01 ew jwy, Kiceor .Mass.,
Stout ol Oresron. Duvw of Ind.. I urns-!
worth of III., Hamilton of Texns, Aldrieh !
of Min., French of Muiuc, Scott of Culifor-1
... . .. 1
uia. Tuyior of Louisiana. I'hebw of Mis
souri, Ulair of Tenii., und Smith of Virginia.
( ma inirmiii. , ll hur, llm l.eurl, und nil Ilia
fciyTliO Lain1 fiu-I inn in Clackamas ""'""I fuiulioiinuf man or wuuimi ai.iivtf, mid
county, liuve invited the Democracy of '.''"'f c"'T",r"l Dr. JACOB
Wasco to meet then, In Joint convention i S'lK
tor tlio purpose of iiouiinuting a cauihdute , dial prelum. n u, eii; ct ab.,vo diniKd. ll
to represent tlio district ill the State Sen- ' liannaru llm i.M, id Iciu-rini;. tin-,. the
ate. They further propose that in the "". Hie dyp. piir, ih iibrii, ulv dib.m
conferenco thus culled Cluekuinns shall cat "u'r; ,",1!h ilivuli'' "l"J"r il '""'.
voles, and Wasco but , Xow, ; " 'f ''i! iv"? .
when it ia borne in mind that if a Demo-! Vt- WCDbers SangUlfler
erulie Senator Is to be elected lit all it must "In on llm b!i.od, heart, bruin, Inii-minm, aluewi,
be by tlio vote of Wasco county, itcer- "', Hie Hu;d and m-mi iluida, ud
talnly will bo admitted that the proposl- J w,'iul" P'w. d
tion is modest, very! JJauoemHc paper j liEXEFITS ALIKK
at tilt iJullrt. ' Ilia cloomy bvpochuiidriuc, ilia ily!ietlo, ilia
. iiervom, iKb htutrd und IVeUi-, Ihu ovrr-dvmurrd
JVT A n D T VI T) i ' '"vulld, IIip biliuim und livur-diatawd nulll-riT, Ilia
T (Tiinri i.l ll... .1..1 i. .1... :..i I
In Vim. lull, April -J, by lti-v. Junici (Jrrri.h,
Mr. Ilurucr J, .Miiit.o, uf H'ilrti(;li'U county, tu
.lia Ulleii Owhiiii, uf Yuui!iill eaiinlv.
' I -" ipm iimi iicii;iii iu rrmsi. now, vr.
On Unite era k, Muri, n county. April 7, Jllcob Wehkr-. InviuorutiiiK Cur.liiil cuu.ei
1SCII, Aimui.lut.iiriWt, w.fv ofU.c H.liarrett, .traiietli -lliul Ia ila muiii .juulity. The firrt oit
aad ISjaiirn, 3 iiiuiitlm ond 8:1 dura. bh ; rruliuu, 7ir; the purtuker fcela then tuda
leavc nn lu'utit fnur wraka old, and a lurcei-irola tion ia vaiiat-d-liia .kin ia damp, h: lin,M auiiple
orfrlemla and rvlalivra to mourn tier uiitiinely aud active, lie frela a with for i-xt-rc!), and
di'Utli. Li'aa than one year hn cluw,l ainca Hie kimwa tin liua atrenmli to endure il j Its ia lii'lit
Aiaepiihhliel li.r tn irrinst... Il.m aa lthe fe- I npititrd; h'ahkin becomt-a ilnu; bia rvea, too. be
lute, )il bow painfully true to lifo. I'ou. cuuau i irer it unite acticr, the biU vtulrat-
In Clucliauiiia cnuiiiy, n ilia Olii iuat., l.ewia ttd or ejtetnl, and hit Lluod thinned and puri
A. I-M ey, Jr., aj?fd it yrura. tfi'd. If be liuan font tlumnrh, Ihia nets as uu
In L'lai kriinnKcouiiiy, on the SDlli nil., Mury, 1 aperii-nl, not otherwise. A;uiu, il iinmidiately
oldest eh IJ of J. A. and l A. liunutt, agi d 17 "'lii-vrs be.'obini;, and pr v-ula mi ncciimuliiliun
niolitha. i of wind in the alouiuidi. Tke tlumnrh. the great
ii . lis nc'iiveref dihcnre und its cure 1 w ll imw eun-
r...... m . v . f-n ! """'Iu few of tliiMo d seasea where I have area
Olt . ION- C ITV M.IUKI.T.-V, limit, $0 80 1)r. x lu,iBOfttUiigCordial act n.nat beuu-
a?l; Hour, ju$b; potatin.-. oOc; oats, tifully :
i oc; butler, Uic; biieon, lialoc; eggs, L'Oc.
, loc. :
n,1Pn j
OiiBiio.m roue,i! ix Sax Kaxi:i"ro
humt I'Ua'JIo; cli'.ir sides l.'iul; sh'iuiilem I I
1. urn In mis, I. mill.
IVk-ln barrels, clear,) 2.i:.1.
I!u:ter No demand.
AppVa lagood order, from 12 1 Me.
t.'hicki'in -1 liuicc. $;iaIU pel dozen.
Kyj(4 3')a"6 per dozen.
Kuml' Sftrsniinrllla. This punly vegetable
rrine ly onmhiucs in itself the properties of an An
tiseptic, u nidd cut Ii hi t ir;, and a tunio. It iiiick
ly lemovce from the blood, and oilmr lluids of the
body, the impuiilies of uiiheullhy secretions nhieli
rnpriider mi l feid disease, llius triklii; at the
to il of the m.iludy. Altlunlli proved so t-H'u'il
cions il may ba luken ut ull limes wild perfect
m a y, as u omitama no piiwonui urasiie ui nS to
di bihlute tho sylem
pomou lo lu u
the cotist.luttoii.
i'rcpuri'd and iwld by A. II. A. T). SANDS, 100
Fulton si , New York. I'rcu $1 per buttle, or
sin b. tiles for $H.
irr lteud the advertisement in another column.
Sold by Da. STKKLU, Ofg'in Cilij, aud by
Drngpsla j. nerully.
Life Pills
riIIli Irgli unl en vlvrl celebrity wliK li tliesepre
X eminent .Medicines have acquired for their
invurliible ethvuey in all the d.scnsva which they
prnlrss to cure, bus rendered Ihe usual practice of
... . I . . . .. L -t
pulling no oniy unnecessary, oai uui vorii.y
I h. m. '1 hey are known by iheir ru,U; ll.eir uad
,....' luui.Ti' !m i lii. iii mill thev tlirii'M nor bv tha i
laiin oi tue croi.uuiiia.
lli ull of usthmi, ncute and chron e rln ii, auctions of the bladder aud kidneys,
bilious (even nnd liver complaints. in Ihe south
and west, here these diseases prevail, they will
be found invaluable. I'lanlew, Isruicrs, nnd oth
ers, who once use thi so Medicines, will never uf
Urvviirds he without them.
liepsla.o person with this distressing
disease should delny using these medicliiea imme
diately. Eruptions of the skin, erjsipelas, tlatu
leney, fever und ague foi this scourge of the
western country, these medicines will be found a
safe, anevdv. and certain remedy. Other inedi-
clnsa have the syatem aubject to a return of the i
d sense a cure by these medicines la perinuiietit.
Tur Tin M, ik mtishkii, and df. ci rku.
Mercurial Ulseates.Never fails to eradicate
entirely all Ihe erl'ecta of Mercury infinitely sooner
Ihnn the most powerful prepurut on of Sais iparilla.
Night Sieratt, Krrrout Debility, Arron
nmpLaintt nf all kinds, Organic Affection,
Palpitation uf the Heart, Painter chatie.
Pllcs.'riio original proprietor of these inedi
ciues wus cured of P.les of 35 years' atonding by
the use of these Life Medicines alone. W'orma
of all kinds are effectually expelled by these med
icinca. 1'iirents will do well to administer them
whenever their existui.e is suspected. Ilelief will
be certain.
The Life mil and Phanix Bitter
Purify the blood, and thus remove all disease from
the svstem. A single trial will place the LIFE
the reach of competition in the estimation of every
patient ITT Prepared by
335 Broaduay, cor. Worth t., Kea York.
J. FLEMING, Agent, at the Putt Office,
3 y Oregon City.
consisting of. ....
Standard Religions, Miscellan
eous, and Poetical works,
Waverly and Dicker's Novels,
&c, &c., &c.
Stationery, of all kinds, etc.
April 123 D. D. STEPHENSON.
Special Notice.
ALL those indebted to me are requested W
ettle their accounts before lha 10th day of
May, 1S60, or I will b oblitied to place Uia earn
in an officer's handa for collection.
Oregoa City. April 23, IBG0. 3w3
The Staler af lk
Wlf T ooaa m DaT JM-MOOI near ma
1cmZ church il OREGON CITY.
oa Monday, April 23d.
Minor - '
- ;
Pes. '
" I can IiniuUter lot niin.l (aud oJy; &a4,
AnJ Willi miii-t olillvioua
C'baiiM III foul )'( m uf iu ierlnui ilufr."
A Blessed & Divine Remedy
Komi my Theory of
LIFI3 and I) 13 ATI I,
. riill.1 niMl (Iim-mm-i irnvii fulnli llml ourly
d,.H.. Mlh u,.. ,01,iB i. ,, ;...,..
inff dtntli. HTult. itiniiiiiii.ii. Mini j.ii.iiirfiH(i n.ii
Jiwiut Im-lf, but fiom mm iimbilhyia
,u,,"r",,,"d """' "Miaili to wiilminnd or I.Tm il. ....... 1. il. .
(,lv inning,, io ruvaL't'a L'l uikfaMi.-
(iiva I hem itviigth, mi.l uuiurn Hill nlium her
'lf, if tliinululril. Mm liua ((ivvii lia licib mid
I plm.1) loillfci nil ll,i. I'urlfy bl..o.l, rnd.r
all w ho autl'cr ill bi'ullli.
I '"V MV.IWU.-IIBU. IIIO lllil'IIIIH'rUlV, uuu
..II ...I . ! I . . ' '
un nonniBLE!
Most Horrible ! ! P
i Wlian worn-out nutmo iiiciiin'j to DEATH.
' . .... . .
Kervousness, Weakness, Li..iuor,
Fever anil Ague, Chills, i'mus
in the Limbs, Joints, Dotty,
Delirium Tremens, Tre
mors, Constitutional
Decline, (from any
cause,) Debility
in either sex
or a?e,
Torpor of the Liver, Dowels,
This will purify (lie thick stofiinnl lluod. cause
a Imultliy action on the bowols, henrt, skin, und
brujl. Iln j ,,,,,. rcvoli.tioi,ie the v hole nvstem.
w,ich lma become dormant un I inuelive.' Two
Ihirda uf limnail diseases are caused from anuie of
Ibo above organs beinj; ditorgauizid. lloclois
may tell you Ihut you baicsuch und such a dis
casa, but iiuld medieal pruutiee becomes u science
(aud il ia not yet), disene cannot be described to
a cerlaniv. This singular lilcdicJia (rittililallj
slrentlieiia the syrtein, outers ut onea the blood,
which from slu.'cislineis is rapid, enures through
Ilia veins and the heart. Many I have seen who
assured me thai, tin re days u ler using il, limy
have fe't a thrill of an'inatinn, mentally und bod
ily; their chest nnd breast was before, heuvy; all
they ute seemed to settle llu.-f; their rc.U was un
quiet; their Ui.cU poor; and that this really
blessed cordial removed all such symptoms; that
blrcnglh of limbs, body, uppetite, an 1 fp' wus
given llieni by it, und un cn.lrc revoluiinu ill llielt
worn-out svs'cui 09(!i: i'e.,
Tlio Tiov. Rnbert Schuyler, of Pclolunia, aays :
" Knr yeurs both myself and brnthrr have sull'eied
so friun d)pepi'ii. weakness of and sour stomach,
indigestion and tlaluleuce, that Me nt time wus a
harden. We have used your Cur dial (Dr. (Wi
irr-, Hr,Vla4, Ha,iKuil!fr) lour days, and
f, u tu, w0 ,ave foi. yf ilr(...
Inebriates anil Drunkards!
The Appetite for Li'wr Destroyed!
Nli of the beautiful properties possessed bv
Jilt. WEllUllll'S
isllial il removes ull longimr or luste for liquor.
Many inebi'lutes have found that after il bus re
newed und aliengtheiied them, quieted their
nerves, it bus caueed aversion to spirits. I have
seen tl cure some ol the most Iri.'Mlul cases
n-here delirium tiemtnt hud actually oecuricd.
QLTSold bv all retpectitblo Uruggiati in Oregon
an I Culiforuia.
Beani e of Counterfeit! See that the names
of T. Junks und J. Wkhiiek, M. I)., are on the
top of each outside wrapper, and blown in the
glsn of each bottle. Buy none other!
Or lnvlKoraUns Cordial.
A f"R. POST'S school is not going to stop in three
A.vL weeks. We are ready to receive pupils at
any lime, aud our chaiges will be as low as any
oilier school. J. 1). i'OST.
Oregon City, April 0,1860. 5i
" Wash, and De Clean!"
If unt'T n reanectfnllv in'orm Ihfl ffentlemen
JL of Oregon City that I have recently fitted op
Bathing Ilooms,
in connection with my Barber Shop, where both
can ba bad on reasonable terms.
March 31, 1660. THOMAS WARD.
(lati o'ariu a rAUTia) '
Dealer in
Type, Presses, Printing Material,
Paper, Cards,
And Printer' Stack generally.
132 Clay street, near Saneotne,
JTak FaaseiKO.
uv.o. n. oi.l
(spccKssoi to w. ii. trtxci,)
Dealer in
Wagon Material,
Mechanics' Tools, Agricultural Imple
ments, und
FaoNr pitiikt PORTLAND.
State of Oregon, I
County of Cluckaniua,
In Lituntij Court.
TIM) GEO. KM I I'll : i on are hereby notified
L thai a writ nf attachment has been issued
airuiusl you, and your prowrty alluched, toaulisfy
lha demand of Win, Armpriesl amounting to
6 11 li. 6. Now, nolens you shall appear before
Ilia county court for aaid county ut the) court
house on I lie first Monday in June, I Mil), judg
ment will bu tendered against yon, aud your prop
erly toH to pay tlio debt.
ll ited Ihia tills day of April, It-GO.
.Wttll WM. A It l I'll IKS I'. I'lainllir
DIT.ING my absence from the Slat of Ore
gon to thu Atluiitio Stales, JAMES K.
IvHI.I.V, lq , III act aa my until irize I Agent,
and all acts done by him as such Agent slnll be
as valid aud binding lis if done by me in perron.
.March 2 d, ISI'.O.
Valuable Property For Sale.
mills MILL, situated about three fourths of a
JL mile from Chunipocg in the midst nf Ihe great
grain-growing country iu Oregon, ia ollered for
sale. During high water ill winter, Hour, Ac,
can be shipped direct from the Mill. Attached
to the mill ia n gruuury fur receiving and storing
wheal, a dwelling-house and garden fur the Use
uf the person iu charge. The wbolo pmperty
embraces about ma ai sks.
The machinery of the mill ia of very superior
quality, having been iiuorted from Rochester,
N. V. Tlicro are two runs of the beat French
I Inns, and ail extra patent run of smaller Uurrs
fer chopped feed, ifce. The frame-work, for
strength, &r., cannot be surpassed in Oregon, aud
Ihe mill ill all respects ia tlio best in the titute.
For particulars, application should be made to
GEO. T. AI.HN, lrk,..
Cliampucg, Jan 10, ISliO 4ltf Oregon City.
Change of 11 u sin ess.
THE undersigned calls attrn'.ion to the fact that
he bus reiurncd from Puitlaud to Yamhill
county for Ihe present, preparatory lo leaving for
the Atlantic, Males.
Those imlebied to me, cither by note or book
account, nre requested to come forward and settle
immediately, Mr. J.J. HOFFMAN, of Port
land, Oretron, is fully authorized tn receive and re
ceipt for monies for me, and to settle accounts.
I to will be fouml at Logan A: hhattuck a Law Of.
lice. 1 shall be found ut LAFAYETTE, Ynm-
hill county. Those in that part of tho country
who can more conveniently attend lo the business
of a settlement there, will call upon me.
My medicines oro for sale at J)r. Weatherford a
Drug Store and olsout Smith & Davis's, Portland,
Oregon ; aud at the Drug Store of Dr. Steele, Or
egon City. W.D. HUTCH INS.
Alurcli L'U, I Mill. JU
Mns. Marv lloouio.v, Teacher Ornamental
Miss Lueis.1 JkEVMAN, Teacher Instrumental
Miss Araminta HexsAKra, Assistant, English
rpiIE 2d iitiarler will commence May 11, I860.
The facilities for instruction in this school are
superior, nud the terms more moderate than any
school iu the country.
Au experienced Music leather haa been en
bmbroidrry aud iuncy .eoille-wo:k taught
&cho.ara will be mlimtted at any tune, aud
charged only for tho number of weeks iu attend
ance. April 2I.ISUU-3
Sheriff's Sale.
BY VIRTUE of Jin execution issued out of Ihe
Circuit Court of the fourth Judicial District
uf the Slate uf Oregon, in and fur the
county of Clackamas, and to mo u reeled, iu laver
of .l. F. Truelt and others, against J, S. llridges,
for the sum of twenty-five hundred and lilty-nine
dollars and eighty-one ceuK with interest from
the Kth day of Septomber, 18'ii), together with
cuslaand accruing costs, and fur want of sufficient
peisounl property to satisfy said execution, 1
have levied upon nnd shall proceed to sell to the
highest bidder for cash, on the twenty-third day of
May, IhUII, all thu right, tillo, nnd interest which
h nil Ihe said J. S. Bridges now has. or which be
had on the Glh duy of September, 1S53. in and to
all that cerluin tract and parcel of land situated in
Oregon City, comity of Clackamas, and Slate of
Oregon, known and designated on the plat of Ore
gon Ciiy as lots 3 and 6 iu block -16, together with
the improvements thereunto belonging. Sule to
take place ou the premises between Ihe hours of
VI o'clock M. and 2 o'clock r. M., on the said 2.1d
day of May, 18GU. Each of said lota will be aold
separately. LEWIS DAY,
Sheriff Clackamas Couuty.
Oregon City, Aprl2l, 1800. 2:w4
PV.TV.R 1.0tUt.L.ARn,
Snuff and Tobacco Manufac
turer, 16 & 18 CHAMBERS ST.,
(Formerly -12 Chatham street, New York.)
WOULD call lha especial attention ef Gro
cers nud Uruggists to his removal, and also
the articles of Ilia manufacture, viz:
Macciiboy, Demigroe,
Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia,
Coarse. Rappee, Nachilochea, , Copenhagen.
Scotch, Fresh Scutch,
High Tons! Scotch, Irish High Toast,
Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, or Lundyfoot.
tuh, t'.i.u.
No. I, P. A. L., or plain, St. Jugu,
No. 2, Cavendish, ursweet, Spanish,
Nos. It2mil'd, Kwi et -scented Oronoce, Canister
Kitifuot, Tin Foil Cavendish, PureTurk sb.
A Circular of Prices will be sent on application.
N. B. Note the new article of Fretk Scotch
Snuff, wbicb will be fouud a superior article for
d pping purposes. nihl7m3JI2
(or their Kiddies or orphan children.)
wbo aerved in any wars or Unlet, either ia Cali.
fornia or eltetehere, prior to March 3d, 1855, er
their children who were under 21 yetrt at thut
date, or sailors who served on the coast of Califor
nia in the Mexican war, will do Well to addreaa oa.
Claims that have been rejected in the hands of
other agenla, have been euceeaafully obtained by
us. Agenla acting for aa, liberally paid. Land
warranta bought and aold to order, and all boai
aeaa requiring an agent at Washington, attended
to. H. B. LLOYD CO., Attorneys for
Claime, Penaiona, Buanty Land, It. Reference
to any of the heads of Departments, 48wI0
JUST received, the lateit ttylt ( hlc e sat
a BONNETi. tgbora and atra taw.
ix ma
If ew riro-Yroof Brick,
i thtat AND Wtr.L-AftSORTED KTOcit 0
Keeling perfectly secure agaitul Are, ere will new
Offer Greater Iiulutement than ever
lo the public. We are con.laully in receipt of
selected with the greatest rare (as to price and
qualily), and are confidant Hint our facilitiea w.ll
enable ua lo oiler and sell goods
(freighla on), nnd would advise all those visllln
Ihia city le purchase gno Is, to etamine our slo6k
and price before ptirclmaing alsewlirre.
a have, anj are ju-l receiving, nn Invoice of
caiuistiug in pari of ihe following article Coclie.
Co, Pacific, lladlev, Colieslet'o, Sprugue, Philip
Allen, Full Riwr. Merriinao, llriggs.and uiiiner
ous other choice PRINTS, all lair ttyleti Eng.
lish ', French merino, l.yonese cloth, tnolinlr and
other Debate; brute, wool, eY muslin de lainea,
black, blue, purple, & pink merlins), fancy plaids,
jaconet, book, awia, K mull mualiii, ladiia cinb.
sels, colls ra, hdkfs & skirls, dreaa A; bonnet Iriin
miiiga, French &. domraiio giughum, French
lawns from l"J to 25c, blue, mixed, & grey ami
net, wool iV votlon jeans, Collolinile, bleached aud
brown .heeling from 3-4 to 104 wide, brown and
blenched drills, denims, hickory shirting ( MJesiu,
marine, brown, aud Irish linen, nankeen, diaper,
and crash, a large lot of linen and thread lacea
and edging, hoeicry, eta.
Blue, black, and brown cloth coal ; 10 dux blk
clolh rest, 5 dm while nud buff Marseilles Jo.,
velvet and satin do.; 30 do satinet pants, doeskin
and fancy cassimere do, 30 dox merino and cotton
undershirt, grey, blue, St. black cloth over routs,
with a g assortment of gent' furui.hiug
BOOTS 4- SHOES. Men1., boys', and
youth' boots; Indie', misses', ond children's mo
rocco, goat, kid, and calf Congress boot, with tk
without heels; ladies' kid dipper.
Rio and Java coffee, black nnd green tea, N. O.,
China, Butuvia Island, Cal. refined, and crushed
sugar, E. Boston, Cal., sugar-house, a golden syr
up: salt, S to )0 lb ska; 100 kg nails, aaadsixc;
Hill's pale, chemical, j, Kngliidi soap, aonp pow
ders, iowder, shot, It lead; yeusl powder, aulera
lus, cream turlur, smoking fc chewing tobacco,
green corn, peat, tomntoet, tru and blackber
ries, in 2 lb liua; spice, pepper, and cassia, pearl
barley, maecuruni, vermicelli, corn starch, alm
onds, walnuts, lirnzil nut, raisins. Chili peaches,
dried fruit; mackerel, in or hit' bbls; surd i lies.
A line assortment of
i!fj crutes nmorti d Ware,
40 dux steel picks,
'.'0 Dutch A Hdlt hoeS.
White Lead, Oil, and Window Glas
with a variety of other article usuully kepi.
IT We will pay c.ieii fur wheal, llour, bacoli,
butter, egge, and almost everything the farmer
hu lo sell.
Oregon Ciiy, April 16, 1H."8.
Choice Young Hyson Tefy
Rio Coft'ee,
Chemical Olive Soap,
Candles, &c.
For Kile, CHEAP FOR CASH, at
Feb. 4, 1860. Oregon City.
Foraule at CHS. POPE'S Oregon City
iLTCullnnd examine them Feb. 4, 1860.
Transportation Line!
r i
" ELK.
WHEN Ihe stage of water permits, one ef
these bottta will leave CAN KM. VI I for
EUGKNH CITY once a week. 'Ihe publie
will ba advised of the rcgulurday for starling.
IT 'More bout will be run if the business de
mands it.
Freight and puneage. at usual rates.
Oregon City, Nov. 1, IdiS-inO Agent.
Kerosene Oil!
(Kstaumsiiku lSi'ld)
A NNOUNCU that, having made great lm-
XL provement ill the msnufauture of Kerosene,
Ihey are now enabled to offer it to Ills Trade at
The attention of consumers is respectfully called
to the subjoined luble, the result ef photoinetiical
examination, by Eo'o N. Knit, Esi, of New
York, Chemist, and dated Feb. 3, IH.'iU.
tr; I t.
::: a
-: : : s
8 !
r ; ; ; I
r 9 2 X fP Intensity of Light.
ITi Wuantilyof IJghl
id x '-i y ; j f- from an equal
j " -j t-. meaaureefOil.
s - - - PiH of the Oil
"5 1 S - g P" G"ou-
te Si Z Z Crsrl of nn equal
St.,oi. amount of Light.
Reliable order from the Trade, by Mail er Tel
egraph, filled, on application to
AUSTKNS, Agentt,
93 Petri St., New York.
KEROSENE 1 also to be obtained al th Matt
ofaetnrar' price, of all the New York Wholesale
Druggist, Grocers, Camphene and Burning Fluid
Manufacture! and Dealers in Lamps.
N. B. KEROSENE i th trad mark of the
Kerooen Oil Co., and all persons an cautioned
tgaimt siting th laid trad mark for Other oils.
December 17th, 1859. 36:m3
A HOUSE near the FiatAba EaanaAar be rent
Enquire at th
Feb. 4,190 44
Mnin St., opposite Oi. Abrrtetky dj- Ct.'s,
CLF.AN and eomforlabl HEDH, ...
for the e.paolul ef llieJiLLaV
Iruveling public.
Our DINING II A I.l, I ,finett in Oregon,
our fur good, and charge reasonable,
Hint I mauls, oy.tsr suppers, and stiprs far
parlies gut up on ahull noll , iu tha uealsst man.
Hoard per weak, wiibeul lodging, Qtl
" by lb day, and lodging, Jij
Blng'e msuls, jo
Night' la.L-ing, jd
Oct.e-J, m:.. r. ft. vv.u.y, Pr..piiit.
Corner Thiid tad Water frtttt, dppdtltt the
Ftriy Landing,
ftillk Iratellng puti,. are rkspetlfuPy a .a.
.a- niviiiu 10 giv me a rail. ""I
Th Oremui ou ia Ilia iirurf H as- JLJLUL
antly located lintel in the Hiaie. and lrfa been so'
arranged a. to make it one uf the mot colninodl-
ous hoiie, in i,e rouuliy.
THE TABLE will alway bo supplied wllh1
lh bast that l. market afford.
Gced ac-oiinii Hlations for ladled arid fa (Milts'.
Hoard and lodgiuir.per eek ; $C00
Iloaid. without Iwlg ng. p. r week S.Ull
Hoard per day, with Wging .5fJ
Singla meal
Night' lodging , ,5(j
May 1, I'roprieiur.
Ji 11 llAIaSTON,
General Merchandise
is now In receipt at
If B W O O O S
selected willi much caro Iu Sun Francisco;
I have Jifst received ex Northerner sni
llrolher Jonathan; French, English, il
bleached sheeting and long cloilis, pluin a barradl
muslin, do do amp nliislin, Tu iori lawu, browrl
ahreliiigs a ahirlilfgs, hickory strips, deiiirrta, drilW
and ship's duck.
Irish Linens,
linen damask, while diimask, tuble coven, Kin.
sian towels, aud crash,
V I. N H t Hi
white, yellow, red, grey, a blue, plain and twill
ed, plain t figured auliuela, juii., coltonad;
wiol liusey beuuliful styles blankeU, rhil,
red, blue, a grey.
Ilonlrtry i
laities', niiiaiea', and children' brown, slate, and1
mixed huee Icul and boys' wool aud cotton1
hair Hou.
Poo'ts ami Slide's i
a Idrg'e lot gents' line, medium, add codra toot
a lioea, ledie' and niiasea' calf shoes, jailers, A
elipier, lioya' boot a shoe, ohildreus' ahoes;
fancy and plain.
Ha i4 d6 a r ci
Pocket knives, pruning niul hud3
ding knives, knives and forksj
scissors and shear butts and
screws, strap liinges, dooi locksi
variety of Btyles aud patterns, 3
hand saws, tenou saws, coinpasd
saws, bench planes, chisels, au
ffew, auger bitts, axes, liatehets,
iiiinmer.', shdvels,- hoesj potato
rakes, brads, tacks, tlnishiilgllaili
cut nails, wrought nails, horso
nails, tc.
r2-.xC2K.'2 v.jHiacdnfij
Sugar, aofl'ee, tea, ayrup, salt, spices, soap, aoap
powder, candle, sulcmliis, yeust, creerii
tartar, aoda, sal aoda, liidigu, clothes pus, acrdb
brushes, paint brushes, brooms, dust brushed;
hand bellows, wooden pails, wosli tub.', and WKll
White lead, red lend, Veil, red, Priiaiian blue,
chrome yellow, cli.-olhe (freeti, burnt and raw, urn.
bei, yellow i black paint, Vandyke brown, T. l).
Sienna and assorted colored smalls,
Boiled and llnw Linseed Oil,
Polar oil, lard oil, Ash oil, tan lie ra' oil, Cliida nut
oil, A-c, 1V0.
W will be receiving by every tiemnvr adiii
tion to our present extensive Hook, nnd FARM
ERS and other will find It to their advantage Id
call and examine our crouds and prices before buy'
ing elsewhere. Verm, CASH.
Corner Main dj- Fifth tit;
Oregon City, October 1, 1859. !5
The three Prettiest Girls
Ella, Delia, and Mollie, you knew llieni I am ur
With complexions so lovely, tc clear, sil.j at) pure;
Their hair durk uild ailky,' while the teetii of llisso
Are ao snowy you'd think tliey had mouths full of
pearls ;
Yet every child of Creation, both Indiia and gents,
Can poaseei the same beauties for 100 cents.
Because the price is reduced to 25 Ultd 50 tents toi
Ihe following superb compounds, a freh supply df
Which, fresher and better perfumed tttuh ever, had
just bean received.
Render, although advertised llius, these really
fin article are all represent llicHl. THe Heap
(price reduced to 35 cents) ant in Ihe most beau
tiful manner in clarifying, whitening, and e'earing
ilia moat discolored, eruptive, and disfigured akin;
while fur Infants or fdr shsviug, It is ttnrqualed,
as healing, softening, and makiug n line lather.
For cleaning, dressing, forcing th hair to grow,
stopping ite fulling off, curing the dandruff, lm.,
finest thing made. Price reduced In 35 eerit.
Tee lb are made aa whit snow, th breath
sweat, and the gum hard did lienji lie. by LA
It lather like aoap, and Is beautiful. I'nc 50 els. .
Hold at the abova prices by all druggira in Cal'
iforniaand Oregon. Whois.sle by Pa a a A Wiiitk,
Caowri.L ft. Crank, nnd I'.tDHCTM d to , Hen
Francisco. I m6 ,
?robate Notice.
NOTICE is herehy a'eu Ihut Albert Wtlght,
a lininislrator of the eatateof Anson Wright,
late of Clackamaa county, deaed, haa rendered
hi account for final aattleinenl. and ihe firal Mon
day in May next ia appointed for th adjustment
of th eame al th oourt-houae in Oregon City in
aid county. ROBERT CAUFIKLD,
April 7, 18C0-52wl Counir Judge. FAl'LKCR V flOM,
Dealers in
TYfE, nisllll, A mo t(lX
Material tieralx,
133 Snnaom atreet, eorner of Mcrcbant(
aa TraAtlaM,
CT Printer are invited to make ear aeqaaint
anca. amt
ASHtaid for LAND WARRANT, bf