i mi (MiV Our Liifaytltu niltl DuytOII A1"1- ... . .. , wbTilHTH n.II-.i to rweivo uiuir paper a mA on M"ly. tlirough u nilslukoof the rHOt, to wlioiii the piickns were entrust. !, in not dJivoriii litem on board gi0 Clinton-" Tlio Claikiiinii County A fjriciiltur- Sow' I'1'1'1 a ll,tt;li llt ll,u t',,lirt Jjouho on lit TluirJ.v, nJ without trim acting nny lmsinc.w wljoiinicil ovi-r to Sat urdiiy, I''" 2tW)' of V'1- Skwaiih' fi'KEfii. Mr. Win. Hulie, of San Friinc'r l-o, linn furnishd! 10,000 copica of Gov. Sewurd' latu Kpcirliiii tliuSi-iiutv, at liis own vxkum, for grutuitoua distri bution. Tnc r.i'pii!)Iiciiiii of .Mulliioiii ih, appoint rfJ S. M. Smith, H. A. Hogue, H. I'uilinj:, L. Cliitli'iidi'ii, J. M. IJIokoiii, T. J. Dryer, and C. llutchiiin, us dtlcgutca to tiio llcpulilieau Statu Convention. y W.C. Johnson, Esq., Delegate lo tl.o Re publican Stole Convention, is nutburizcj lo Ilium actnuy busiiiiw on account of Ihe A ri; u. OitEfios City Maiikix Wltcnt, $0 80 flour, pointoi, iuc; oat, ' '. .. - l ...... I I .)..1r.. OH,. 70c; uiiiur, u... uii, ....... v, .fc.-., ov.. 0BflO I'liooiai! in San Fiaxuiico lincon liaiinilli'-'lui ele-tr nidi'i l'mlT; ilixftlJeii l. Linl-ln U", l."K'. 0ik-ln barn-U, (-lr;ir,) l?-.'3uSJ.1. liiutrr No ut-miiliil. Appli'n lnl,'0"'l orihr, from I3ln Mo. r:iiic'kuii-i t 'liuice, g!ii$U jor dozen. jjui :i.u;;G kt dozen. Wultnamali Xiodgo TJo. 1, Af, tt A. M.. Iioldi iti Kinli'd oiiiiiniMiiicu- liuim in llio S""i of Ti'inpi'Miico Hall, on llm S;itinil-'y pii'o dliig llio l uil .Moon in eauh in.inlli. I'.ruilirc-ii ill (;! :.ml:iiif ur' invilrd li.li,.nl. A. U .0UOY, W. M. D. . Ciiai'i, Suc'y. 13 K.l.iUi U'mr.U.o I'.ouveuUnu. A S:alo Ki'iii'divan C'uiivetUion will moot nt Kiifni ' t' ly mi l'liiirs.liiy, l'Jtli day of April iu-xi, at 111 oVlo k a. 5i lor llio noiiiln ilion of u cnii.li alnie f r !;. ru-e.ilalivo ill ColigrtMi, and lor the lraiiMiciii.il ol'auoii oilier buiiiesa us may couiu Lo f.ire the eoiivvinioii. Tin Kepalilii'a'ii "f lb" evorul conntlei an.l all i'.ln'ra i.p,.u.i.'il to (hi.. pivi iit ailminiatrution, and willing to 10-0,.1'Mto willl thrill ill iiipporl of the eaiiili.ialt' km t-lmll tlu-io bt noiuiii'ilL-d, mid who are ,paed to tin1 pre ent ri'thlitmaii'l pn.aor pl.e jui cy of I ! c i!i, '.I Democracy of Oirg iii,mi. all in lavor oi' a i'acilic Kail: o:id, and in liivnr of a llo.M.TilcjJ '..r t!,u ucliial aellleri), lire invited to semi from c.ir.li Lo in'y to sai l convention dclejjiiiea anfollo.vi: Benton 4. riacliim Clalsop t,Cons I, Cur ry l,C'i.!u:a':a I. Uoi.'. a Ii, .la.-kon h, .Jo-pli no -)'. I.Tiin II. I.tao 7, ai.il.noiinli 7, Marion II, I'oikl, Ti.l.iin..k I, rni;';a I, '''a-il i iy on I, Vco 2, Vaailiill j. lllt-'Ji,.ei-.,rc eii'al!.i.i w iia-oj iijioll th PI1" ti.r v.iteof tw UiA elvcioa, allowing one Jcli-j,''' fureacli ci.in!y caitii;(( I .VI Votes or ItJ?, nnd in f.r every iil.luli.i.l lod vo'.ui J'..r a fraclioii.il purlion rnoHii linj el-hry vo'.ea in any n unity, enli i msihIi eouiry 10 mi u 'uiuml dligato. A full deleT itiun irireij ;e:,.cd. Jlj n. J.r of tlio Il;t. Centra! Conruitte?. Ii. W. COKIIOT, roitl.iuJ, M .r.li M, lob':l. t'luirnun. V.'Ixtiwis K.iV.aia if YVIU I'.hvrry. Tlie I'lily pine a ikI irt-iini:i liukun is, und for the Inst Iw. iity yean has In en, pp pared by Sctii W. Ki,wi.i Co., of l'o!oii; und their printed Inline, u Well us 111.) Wliltell h'lialllie of L. Built. :');.riir on the oilier ura.ipeiu As ou would amid the qitiiioiis mid Airs the genuine, take iw tttli -r! WisT.tt' I!.ijiv! nr Wii.ii Cin:isav. This in valuable rem. dy is llio best one extant fur tin- sale, lire, hpeenv. und perm inent cure of eniiehu, tihh, ure .'.Co.;.', lirunthUit, ii-iiltinii. i.'fiiv, fiieiimi:il:, crorii, it!io'ijii:t! cough, bleeding at tkfluiigi, p'lia in the lir.-r.st or tide, und iu liiel ever)' fnrr.i of lliinat, client, und lung cumiilainl, tu well as L'oNPUMrnn.N itself. This Inn holil rem,.ily slemld bo in the bunds of every f. in'ly und individual, us a timely nppli caliou of it to u hli'ht cnbl w ill c.inso iinmediatn rilief; while eases of buio Nluiidiu, tiliHtiuute, und apparently ii.curuble .-ln;r,vte.r, will nmely J itld lo it wonderful curative, powers und in treat adaptation lo tho wunls of man when al lleled. Fur uaK' in California by Iledinjtoii &. Co , Henry John, & Co., Charles Morr.ll, Sun Fran 'imo; It. II. McDonalds Co., Sucranieiilo ; lliee, Celllu fcCa., Murysville; amiih & Duvis, lurllaud, Or.gon. fcltyeow SanA' Sarainvun. This purely vegetable "nely winleni.j iu itself th.- properties of hu An j'!)' o, a mild catliavtic, and u Ionic. It quick y removes, rmm llie blood, and olb.ir fluids of the My, the impurities of unhealthy secrelions which "gender and feed disease, thus sinking at the 'M of the malady. Although proved so elliea twit may bd taken at ull times with perfect "!), as it contain no powerful d rustic drug to debilitate the system, or mineral poison to ruin tne constitution. lVparedand ,:, by A. II. 4. P. SAXDS, 100 rultotist.Nevv York. Trico Si per bottle, or u ktlles for 5. P"'ea, ihe advertisement in anol her column. lby Da. Sl Klif.E, Oier City, and by "'"Wist, generally. J liosl, jU Ex lltre a!lJ Salera a Pocket- r,0o3l, containing two notes, o .e tor 50 Mine other fr SldO-oue of them drawn by tiiaa rvnned XQm. A reward of $15 ' o- pa.d to the f.uder by h aving it at this of nw: ,w JfGL'STE CHKSNL'T. Notice. 31'' Kboid is not going to itop iu three ovr ' We " reiu')' 10 riciiie pupiliat oil,.. , ' an 1 0l,t cbui res will be ai low ai any JuCity, April 6,1 f60. 52 BATIISMJATIIS!! "Vt'a.,1, and Co Clean!" Ji?1I'D 'pectfu'.ly inform tin gentlemen . un tity that I have recently fitted up ( Bathing Rooms, '"nnecuVm wit!, u.y la,b,r Shop, where both "ARM AXD C0LD JATJIS eon be bad oa reasonable Unai. JSl.leta THOMAS WAED. J. H. PAIXTER, (-tc o'iiuu t rAinrii:) n, hnCrr in J.VI. Pivm. Piiiitiiig Material, Pqn-T, Cimh, n, A,i rr'"er' generally. 4jl o ' Ss FiKcisca 1A-.ii ;l U LiM) WARB.lXTS. . liOLLA.Ny A DA V . ' x. o. o. r. r . r i.i.riL n M IiikhIm nl llti'lf 1 full lint. 1 .Si U".d Oili o, on Monday evening of " !. i" f , '" " ''Tr ,U'Pl! , 7e'k. Urelbrea in g.Kid .Uii.ling nre invited J J . ' h ? ". ! , cltWVKOlil) N U anwi ho Iium Rtrengtli to endure it he ii light- T " rul, ' lit "ec-V ' 20 "''iril"l! l'i"i''l'ecome,l.r.li hi. eye., too. be- turn. Ciiakman. Kec. Nc. -0 oouao , lirer ,..' tl,. bit, , r'. j ' I can admini-lcr loa mind (and body) dw.-riM-tl And ulili n iu.hi ii,i:i. .1.1.. A ml with n iure ohlivieiis unt il ilu Cleuiiso Ilia foul Ht. HI uf iU erJuiis nun"," A Blessed & Divine llcmcdy SAXtlUJFEROUS NERVINE TOXIC! 1'cad my Theory of LIFE and DEATH, rpilAT moiit diii'iiMi prove fatal) tli.it curly X d.ulln occur; llinl jit'ojile tlva riryunim liv jt.g drnth, wiuk, inanimate, end exhaiisled-iiol hum ll,o liwu.ii Itself, but bom mi inubiliiy iu uature, and nature's strength lo withstand or mttllllllill life thloi.gll t MV4,g t.f uivo mem slrciigih, mi l i,;i,im B r,.jievn 1(r. islf, if stimulated. Mio hits rri v-t us herb' mid plui.la toellect nil tliit. purify t1(1 bj.,0,1, trniUf mo niiesums, u,i nnr, the heart, ,d imliirnl fmnjiiiiiH of man or w un active, nnd you have liuir conquered disease. J)r. J.U'llll v EMI I, It docs coiisc'iciiiioii.ly assure all who rru.i in.s, inai in rtuiifii.fivr or Invigorating Cor dial produces all llio rlU cl alsive described, lie bus seen llio old, tl.o tottering, llio palsied, the Uji.if, in,, inuii.ilu, Ihoibbau chee, und the invuli.l ruviva nudrr ill iullurnce at if now lila wr ro given iIkiii. Dr. Webber's Sanguificr , acta on tliu bliwd, heart, Lru:u, liilcKtinra, tlneivi, nrrrra, hid i:u.g, ail l tU'llll lluula, Ull.l I hi' wliolp pliyMiiie, and BENEFITS ALIKE I '" gloomy liyuocliKiidi'lao, the d),r,liu, P ii.-i.uim, utu iiuivu uii.i iiooie, I liu on r-uoiiiornl iliviillil, I lie biliuni und I 1 gourmaml, the ilvbaik-hoe. tho iulciii,iutt, aud I all who hiIUt ill lieulili. "oiuonnwLE.' on horrible! Moat Ilorrililc! IP When worn-out iiulnro hiiciiiii'ji to DHATIl, lei'UUKe .1ib hiia nui itienglli to reil. No, Dr. Jucub W'ebbir'i lnvi(;oriiiiii(r Cor.liil uuuwi Hrpii(lli -that ii Hi main quality. Tin; lint op erutiou, Tunic; the partaker fuels thru lh.it tuiiV ised or ejected, and hie blood thinned and nui i .tied. If he husn foul ttmimrh, this ncli us an uHrient, not otherwise. Aguin, it iinaiedialely reliev. belching, and privuls an nccuinulaiimi of wind in the stomach. Tie itnnia -h. the great receiver of dlseiue and its cure. 1 wdl now run insiutcn few of those d senses ivhero I have well llr. Webber's InvigoriilinjCordial uct most beau tifully : Nervousness, "Weakness, Languor, Fever nnd Ague, Cliills, Pains in the Limlis, Joints, IJoily, Delirium Tremens, Tre mors, Coiijtitiitioual Decline, (iVom any cause,) Debility in either sex or n'e, Torpor (;f the Liver, Bowels, HARITUAL CONSTIPATION!! This will purify the thick stagnant blood, cause u heal! by action on the bowels, heart, skin, and bruin, mid Ihcicby revolutionize the hole system, which lias become dormant and inaetive. Two thirds of human diseases aie c.iused from some of llio ub'jve orguus being disorganized. JJoctois may tt.!!yo" thut you hut. itioh and such a dis ease, but unt:lmcdieu! p:2?'iea bccomei a ijicn.c (nid It Is not vet), liiow t ett not be described lo a cerlunty. This sing.d.ir me.bcno slretiLrtheiis the system, cuter ut once the blood, which from sliiogisliue:! is rapid, courses through tl.o veins un I tho heart. AIuuv 1 have seen who assured inn ll.al, three days after using it, they L.vc felt a thrill of aMiiuatu.u, mentally and bod ily; their chest mid breast was before heavy; ull they ute seemed tusetile there; Ihoir rest was un quiet; their uj elitn pour; ai.d that this really blessed conlial mnoied all Mich symptoms; that strength of limbs, body, nppetito, and spirits was given them by it, and au eniii'e ivvoiu i m in their worn-out system occurred. The r.cv. Ilobert Scliujlcr, of Pctuluma, says; " F. ryeais both myself an I brullier li.ivo hlillei eil so from dspeis'a. w eakness of and sour stomach, indigestion and llatuleiice, thnt life nt times was a b.irdo... We have used your Cordial (Ur. Web ber' Jnriguiatii.g Xtuiguijier) four duys, and feel better than we have for years." Inebriates aiul D r u 11 k a r tl s ! HEAD!! The Appetite for Liqimr Destroyed! ON 12 of tho boauliful proposes k sussed by Vl. WKHUHIfS ianriQORLTiwG cdrdial is that it removes ull longing or lu.'tc for liquor. Many inebriules buvo found that after it has re newed und slieugll.ened them, quieted their nerves, it lias euu.-ed aversion tesjiirits. I have seen it cure some of the most frightful cases where delirium trcment bad netiiully occurred. CTSold by all respeclublo Drurgs'.i iu Oregon and California. Ilwarc uf Conntcrfcitu! See that the names of T. doNEs and d. Wkiiiieii, M. I)., are on the top of each outside wrapper, and blown in the glass of cueli botdo. Buy none other! BEl'ORE AND AFTER TAKINU DR. WEBBER'S SANGUIFIER, Or lnli:oraltug Cordial. The Three Prettiest Girls IN OJ12COIJ CZT7: Ella, Delia, and M.illie, you know them I am sure, With complexion! 10 lovely, so clear, aud so pure; Their hair dark and silky, while Ihe teelb of these girls Are so snowy you'd liiluk tliey bad moutlu full of pearls ; Yet every child of Creation, both ladies an I gents, Cau possess the same beauties fur 10U cents. Deenuse the price is reduced to 25 and 50 cents for the following superb compounds, a fn-sh supply of which, fresher and belter perfumed than ever, has just been received. Header, although advertised thus, these really fine articles are all represent them. The Soap (price reduced to 35 cents) sou in the most beau tiful manner in clarifying, whitening, sod clearing the meat discolored, eruptive, and disfizured skin; while for inputs or for shaving, it is umq'ialed, as healinif, softening, and mak:ng a fine lather. For cieea'ng, dressing, forcing the hair to grow, stopping it fallii g oil", curing Ihe dsndroff. Ate, the CU1UL HAIi: KKSTOUATIVE is the finest thing ma le. Trice r. duced to 25 em's. Teetb are made as white as snow, the breaib sweet, and the rnint bard and healthy, bv I.A KONTS JAMAICA SOAP TKETII HOOT It latlwra l-.ie soap, and is beautiful. I'rica W i ts. oU at lbs above pr.ces by aU druggists in Cal ifornia and I T-gou. WUVale by Past ii WniTf., 'sow ri x 4 Catr, uod I'.coiv.pjs & c. San i-faucisto. Inifi gs8&g!g5Lsr rr-- - ,rS i:o. i:. ton:, (wcccMaia to w. ii. (raxcra.) De.ihr in IRON, STEEL, AXLKS, SPRINGS, V ii'ou Material, Mtchanici' Tool, A;,rieullurul Imple ment!, und CENTRAL nA&BWA&S, Fokt Ktukt.. I'OUTLAM). ORDERS SOLICITED. 62 MTotico. hlate of Oregon, ( County of ClaekuiniK, "' la Cmi n tii Court. rpO Clio. SMITH: Voii ure hereby notified X Ibut a writ of attachment lias been issued againil you, and your proiwrt) attuched, to satisfy tho demand i,f Win. Armpriest oiiiouoling lo P HO.jo. Iow, unless you shall appear before the county con, I for said county ut the court bouse on the first .Monday in duue, iMill, judg ment win oo ren.lereil sganisl you, aud your prop erty suld to iy the debt. Dated Ibis (iih day of April. 18(10. Mw3 WM. AUMI'ltlKST. I'luiulllT. Slats of Oregon, ) Coiiulvof Cleckamas, TO THOMAS CttRVM: A Ti U are hereby notllied thut a writ of attach X ment lias been issued against you, and your pioK rtv alt.iclied lo satisfy tho demand of Frank lin Sllllftill. niliniiiilinir lo m'!e.BVfn iIlIIi.pm hJ filly cents, and onus. Now, unless you iluill ap pearoeinro (. iinalisn I'enr.torH, a Justice or Ihe Penes iu and for suid county, ut his office, on the IlllhdaV of .Mav. Isli I. i,lir,oa,.l will Iw. r.i. dered ntuiiist you, und your property sold to pay tor iivot. Dated Ibis 3 1st day of March, ISfi.l. Mw4 Fit A X KLIN NNUKFIX, riiff JVoticc. Dl'HING my alweiiee from the State of Ors. gon t" Iho Ailuulio Slate, d.VMES K. KELL.I , hrq , u ill act as my authorize I Agent, ani an acts (I.. ne by In in us inch Agent shall be as valid aud binding as it done by me in petsou. MILTON ELLIOTT. MarohSSd, IbilU, NEW GOODS ....JUST RECEIVED.... AT BSOWn & BROTHER'S, MitrcltS. Oregon City. 'aluable Property For Sale. THE CUAMVOEO FLOUR MILL. f PUIS MILL, situated about three fourths of a X mile from Chumpoeg in the midst of the grral grain-growing country in Oregon, is idl'ered fur sale. During high water iu winter, Hour, Ac., cuu be shipped direct from the Mill. Attached to the null is a granary for receiving and storing wheat, a dwelling house and cardeu fur the use of the person ill charge. The wholo property embraces ubont rive aciiks. The machinery of Ihe in II is of very superior quality, having been imported from llw lnsler, IN. 1. Jlu-re ure two runs of tho best t rench liurrs, and au extra patent run of smaller Hurra for chopped feed, Jte, The frume-woik, for stien .'III, eVc, cannot be surpassed iu Oregon, and the mill in all respects is the best in the Mate. fur particulars, npplieiilian should be made lo GEO. T. ALLAN, f n, A. M-KIXLAY, 'Pg or to AMOItY IlOLliROOK, C'liainpoeg, Jan. 10, li00-4l if Oregon City. Change of Business. rilll i uuderslgued culls utlenlio:i to the f.:ct that 1 he lias returned from I'ortlaud to Yamhill county fur the present, preparatory to leaving for tho A t l.i lit iu States. Those indebted to me, cither by note or book account, are requested to come forward aud settle immediately, Mr. J. d. HOFFMAN, of Port land, Oregon, is fully authorized to receive au 1 re ceipt for monies for me, nnd to settle accounts. J Iu will bo found at Logan & Sbuttuck's Law Of fice. I shall be found at LAFAYETTE, Yam hill county. Those iu thut part of the country who can more conveniently attend to the business of a settlement there, will cull upon me. My medicines arc forsalo at Dr. We.itherford's Drug Store aud alsoatSniiih & Davis's, Portland, Oregon ; aud at tho Drug Store of I )r. Sieole, Or egon City. W.D. 1IUTCIIINS. March 20, l.SflO. 50 Hogs Wanted. CASH WILL HE PAID FOU 250 Head of Hog's, Delivered ut the ISLAND MILI.S IMMEDIATELY. Jlogt bought continuity. A. J. CHAPMAN. Oregou Cily, March 31, 1SH0. 60 ESTABLISHED 1760. Vl.Tl.K 1.0 Ull.l. A IU, Snuff and Tobacco Manufac turer, 1G & 18 CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham street, New York,) WOULD call tho especial attention of Gro cers and Druggists to his removal, and also the articles of his manufacture, viz: ltlUIWlS HSVl'F. Maccabuy, Dcm'gria, Fine Happee, Puro Virginia, Coarsu Happee, Xachitoclies, AmcricuuGeiitlem.in, Copenhagen. YELLOW SXVl'V. Scotch, Fresh Scotch, High Tonst Scotch, Irish High Toast, Fresh Homy Dow Scotch, or LuudyfuoL I'UU.M.t.U. SMOKIKO. FIKK CUT rllEWINO. SHOIilNO. No.1, P. A. L., or plain, St. dago, No. 2, Cavendish, or sweet, Spanish, Nos. ltimii'd, Sweet-scented Oranovo, Canister Kitefoot, Tin Foil Cavendish, Puro Turkish. A Circular of Prices will be sent on application. N. B. Note the new article of Freeh Scotch Snuir. wlrch will be found a superior article for dipping purposes. mh 1 "mild 1 2 Sale of Heal Estate. "VfOTICE ii hereby given that by virtue of a i license to ma issued by the county curt of Yamhill county.Slate of Oregon, I will offer for sale lo the highest bidder fur cash iu hand, on Ihe 7lbdayuf April, I860, at ten o'clock a. m., the real estate belonging lo the minor heir of Martha Ann Savage, the same being the undivided half uf the portion set apart by Ilia Laud Olfice to Ihe wife of Albert Savage of the donation of aaid Albert Savage and Martha A. Savage bis wife, lying in T. 3 aoulh, K. 3 west, sec. 2S, and con taining 1110 acres. The sale w ill take place on the premises. ALUKIIT SAVAGE. March 17, lS(W-4nw3 Guardian. JVoticc. fi O I V I E US . TEAMSTEUS. SAILORS, ,J (or llieir icidoics or orphnn children,) who served in any wars or Liltlri. either iu Cali fornia or e'.tctdtere, prior lo Mirrh 3d, 1 K55, or their children rho icere under 21 years at that date, or sailors who served on tha coast of Culifor nia in the Mexican war, will do well lo address us. Claims that have beeu rejected in the ban Is of other agents, bsve been sueeewfutly obtained by ua. Agents acting far us. lik-mily paid. Land aarranis b-nght aud sold lo order, an I all b.isi arsa requiring an sgut at Wa-hiuglon, atimided lo. H. U. LLOYD ii CO., Attorneys fur Claiirr-, IVnsions, H .un-y Land, Ae. K-;eirnce to any of the htads it I i jirtu..&ts. c !) AINSWORTH&DIERDORFF. WT n A It E NOW 0 r E N I X c vV ixTiia New Tire-Proof Brick, A I.AUGK AND WKU.-AMnilT KU STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling petfeclly secure agnliut fire, we will uow Offer Greater htducemriitt than ever to (be public. We are constantly in receipt of GOODS selected wilb tbe grenlesl care (as to prices and quality), and ire confident that ourfacililiriw.il enable us lo oiler an.l e( gmilt AT PORTLAND PRICES! (freights on), and would advise all (hone- visiting Ibis city lo purcliuse gods, la examine our slock and pric i before pureh.iili.g elsewhere. Mo huve, and urejii'l receiving, au invoice of consisting iu iisrtof Ihe following article Coolie- CO, Pacific, Hudb y, Culieslego, Sprngile, Philip Allen, rail Kiver, .Merronac, llriggs, and iiiiiner eus other choice I'ltlNTS. all late tlulett Eng. lish i: French merinos, Lyonese cloth, mohair and oilier Debate; braze, wool, Si muslin de luines, black, blue, purple, ii pink niemina, fancy plaids, jaconet, book, awlss, ii mull muslin, Indies einb. sets, collars, h.lkfa ii skirls, dress It bonnet trim mings, French ii domestic; giiigbums, French lawns from 12j to 25c, blue, mixed, A' grey sati uet, wool Si iHjIlon jeuns, oitouilde, blenched and brown sheeting from 3-4 to 10-4 wide, brow n and blenched drills, denims, hickory shirting ; S.lesia, marine, brown, and Irish linen, nankeen, d uih t. and crush, a largo lot of linen and threud luces ami eilging, hosiery, Vc. MEN'S kJ- 'BOYS' CLOTHING: Itliie, black, nnd brown cloili cats; 0 doz 1,1 k cloth vests, 5 doz white and bull' Marseilles do., velvet nnd satin do.; 30 doz witiunt pants, doeskin and fancy eassiinere da, 30 doz merino und cotton undershirts, grey, blue, fi black cloth over coats, willl s general assortment of gents' furnishing goods. BOOTS .j- SHOES. Men'e, boy end youths' boots; Indies', misses', nnd children's me rocco, goat, kid, and calf Congress boats, with & without heels; ladies' kid ilip,eia. llio and Java coffee, black and green ten, N. O., China, Hutavia Island, Cu!. refined, und crushed sugar, E. Ilosloii, Cub, augur-house, k golden syr up, salt, 5 to 2sJ0 Ibsks; 100 kgs nails, assdsiz s; Hill's pale, cbemicnl, a English soap, soap pow ders, powder, shol, 4 lead; yeast powder, sulcra tus, cream tartar, smoking a chewing tobarco, green corn, peat, tomatoet, ilrau aud blaekber rim, in 2 lb tins; spice, pepper, and cassia, pearl barley, maccuroiii, vermicelli, cum starch, alm onds, waliiuli, Brazil nuts, raisins, Chili peaches, driid fruil; mackerel, in qr a. hlf bbls; sardiuea. A line assortment of CROCKERY $ TABLE CUTLERY, SO crutcs assorted ware, 40 doz steel picks, 20 Dutch t Hdla hoes. White Lead, Oil, and Window UUm; with a variety of oilier articles usually kept. IT We will pay ctsu fur wlieut, Hour, bacon, butter, eggs, and almost everything the farmer hus lo sell. Oregon City, April 1G, 1858. GEIOCERIES ! JUST RECEIVED, NEW SUPPLY OF Choice Young Ilysou Tea, liio Coltee, Chemical Olive Soap, Candles, e. I'ot snle, CHEAP FOR CASH, nl VllAS. POPE'S. Feb. 4, 1SG0. Oregon City. Hooks. A X ASSORTMENT OF SCHOOL AND MISC.r.l.LW I'.OV S HOOKS, Foraale at CILS. POPE'S Oregon City CHEAP FOR CASH. OTCall nnd examine ibem Feb. 4, 1SC0. TOPER WILLA.MZJTXE Transportation Line! KsJaCaVa1VI STEAMER ONWARD, ' SliKPItlSK, ' RELIEF, " ELK. WHEN tbe stage of wuler iermits, one of theso bouts will leave CANKMAII for COItVALLIS TWICE A WEEK. For EUGENE CITY once a week. The public will be ndvised of lh regular dnya for atiirliiis;. ID Mure boats will bo run if the business de mands it. Freight aud passage nt usual rules. . TIIEO. WYUANT, Oregon City, Nov. 1, 1859-mO Agent. Kerosene Oil! THE A'EIV YORK KEROSENE OIL CO. (EsTAULisiiKn 1S54) ANNOUNCE thut, having made great im provements in the manufacture of Kerosene, they are now enabled lo olfer it to the Trade at A REDUCED PRICE. The attention of consumers is respectfully called to the subjoined lunie, tile result oi u puuiouieiiiciii examination, by En'n N. Kk.it, I'lsq , of Now York, Chemist, and dated Feb. 3, IS.'iU. V ttl Is b r -r li i- - ,w 't. U Z ti. Intensity of Light. Quantity of Ligbt ia x x s i- from an equal measure of Oil. Piiee of the Oil per Gallon. Cost of an equal amouiil of lght- Reliable orders from Ihe Trade, by Mall or Tel egraph, filled, on aj.plionli'.n to At'STEXS, Agent; 111 Vevl St., New York. KEROSENE isal-oto lie obtained at the Mail uracturera' pries, uf all Ihe New York Wholesale Druggists, Grocers, Caiiiphene and Horning Fluid Manufacturers and Dralerain Lnmn. Af. II. A EROS EN E is the trade mark of the Krroiene Oil Co., and all prrwiit are raiitioned agnin't uning the said trade mark fur other oils. December I7ih, 1B5U. 3li.in3 Notice. V HOUSE near llio Fki.k Situmar for rot. Enquire at the OHHCOX CITY BOOKSTORE. Fsb. 4. Ij-v0 -II KELLY'S TEMPERANCE HOUSE, Jtfeia '., opposite fi. Abernethy Co.'i, OKEUON CITY. riODU ROOMS FITTED UPwIili IT CI I.' AN anil roxiforliilila ItEDS. f. fur Ihe esMcial aecoiimiodution of the JUL traveling public. Our DINING HALL la ihe fine! in Oregon, our fare gotsd, and charges reasonable. Single meals, oyster suppers, and suppers for purlin got upon short notice, in the ueulest man ner. riicim Hoard per week, without lodging, (LI 00 " by tho day, and Iodine;, 1 AO Single meals, 50 Nighl'i lodging, 50 Ocl.22, IU.-,!). E. D. KELLY, Proprietor. Corner Third and Water s'reein, oppotitt the Ferry Landing, OREGON CIT7. rilllE travollng public nr respectfully I invited Iu viva me a call. fsr The Oreuou House ia Ihe most t '.-as-JUL anlly located hotel in the Sln'e, aud has been so urrauncd as to iiiuka it one of tlie must commodi ous houses in the country. THE TAIILE will alwayi bo supplied with Ilia best lliat the inaiket allurila. Guoi nceuiiiiii.Klatioiis fur ladies and fniniliei. rsices: Hoard and lodging, per week $G.A0 Hoard, without lodg.ug. p. r week 5.00 llourd per day, with lodging 1.50 Single uieul '.0 Night's lodging 50 J. 1IOEI1.M, May 7, 1859. Proprietor. J. Pt. II ALSTON, WHOLESALER RETAIL DEALER IN General Merchandise, is now in receipt of un w ooooi selected with much care iu Sau Franciaxo. I have just received ct Northerner nnd Urother Jonathan, French, English, cv AMERICAN PRINTS, blenched sheetings and long cloths, plain it barred liiushn, do do snip muslin, Victor iu luwn, brown sheetings k shirtings, hickory stripe, denims, drills aud ship's duck. IRISH LINENS, linen duninsk, n bite damask, table covers, Has- liuu towels, uu.l crash, v t. y n k l h white, yellow, red, grey, I blue, plain and twill ed, plain a, figured satinets, juiica, cotloundes, wool liusey beautiful styles blankets, white, red, blue, i grey. Ilonlcryt Indies', misses', and children's brown, slale, and mixed Imssb geiita' and boys' wool and Coltou liulf In.so. Boots and Shoes; a large lot gents' fine, medium, and coarse boots . shoes, leutce an I misses calf shoes, gaiters, 1 slipers, boya' Ins. la a shoes, childreus' abues, fancy mid plain. II a r d to arc; Pocket knives, i)runin? ami bikl- din-r knives, knives and forks, scissors and shears, butts and screws, strap hinges, door locks, variety or styles and patterns, hand saws, tenoa saws, compass saws, bench , planes, chisels, au gers, anger bitts, axes, hatchet hammers, shovels, houSj potato rakes, brads, tacks, iinishing nails, cut nails, wrought nails, horse nails, Ac. Ti ECfUTsTLH-C: BCVBSM; Sugars, noll'ee, lea, syrup, salt, spices, soap, soup powders, candles, siilerutus, yeast powders, c ream tartar, soda, sal sodu, indigo, clothes pins, scrub brushes, paint brushes, brooms, dust brushes, band bellows, wooden pails, wash tuh, and wash boards. PMjYTS fy OILS. White lead, red lend, Veil, red, Prussian blue, chrome yellow, chrome green, burnt mid ruw um bel, yellow k black puint, Vandyke brown,!'. D. Sieiiue und assorted colored suiulls, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil, Polar oil, bird oil, fish oil, lanubrs' oil China nut oil, etc., A.c. AVe will be receiving by every Steamer addi tions lo our present extensive stock, and FARM ERS and others will find it lo llieir ad van I ago to cull and cxaiuiuo our troods and prices helore buy ing elsewhere. Terms, CA3H. d. R. It ALSTON, Corner Alain ij- Fifth era-. Oregon Cily, October 1,1851). 25 Probate Notice. NOTICE is hereby uivell thut Albert Wright, administrator of thcestaleof Anson Wright, late of Chickamas county, deceased, has rendered his accounts lor final settlement, nnd the first Mon day in May next is appointed for Ilia adjustment of the same at the court-house iu Oregon Cily iu said county. KODEKT CAE FIELD, April 7, lSl'.0-5Jw t Coumy Judge. Vrt. FAl I-UiMllSl A SO, Dealers in TYIU' VnV.HHKH, AXO VUlVMell. Material tiencrally, 123 Suusoinn ilrn.'l, comer of Merchant, Sail Francisco. ILT Printers are invited to make our acquaint ance. 4.'mG GEO. A. NOBLE, A.M. it M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office next noon to mr. cav- F1EL1J S STORE, X EAR TIIR BKEWER Y. N.H. Family Medicine prepared in the most careful manner, and always on baud. Oreran City March 2i, H.",9m3 Mill Seat and Land. I HAVE nn excellent MILL SKAT, sur rounded with excellent TIMHER, which I would like to have improved. I will give some millwright who wishes to invest in saw mill or grlsl mill, or both, a n""d ch mee. 1 be location is one of the very best for selling lumber a ievel way lo the mill seat, no hills Iu pull over, un handy Iu heavy setllemenla. 1 wish also tu sell half a section of LAND near by. The place ia six mil. a west uf Lafay ette, Yamhill county. W.I-ADAMS. Nov. 25, K,0. 3.1tf Notice. rilllK firm of La Forest &. Ibwipn having been L disseised by mutual consent. I h'rrl.y inform my frieuds slid cuitoiiKrs tlwl I sill roniHine busi ness al tbe old stand. E J-A FlIUKST. Oregon Cily, June 2.',. I.VJ. TLST rereivd, 111! Jes s(y,V of ail.S k aT J iBNKIM, 1,-r'io-r s. I straw flats AI.'oW,Jl;l iI i DIEHIXjiaF SANDS' SARSAPARILLA, For Purifying the Blood, AMD FOR TUB CURB OF Scrofula, Murcuriul Disonsen, lieumatiim( Ciitaneuti Krnti.in, Stubborn uleerf, I.ivar compluint, I7yapc,aia, llroncliilisf Salt llbeuiii, Lunibago, White Swell. ing, lli l)i0Be, Kuluicsmaiit of the Htittci mid J.iilttsFsvof Sores, Female Corri. jiluiuU, Hryeiprlns Lisa of A j,pntilf I'itnplcs, lilies (lunornl IVbit jty, Sir., ito. It bus long been a ui.wt important desiderstuu in ihe praelme uf iiiedieiue, lo obuin a remedy similar tu t'lia, and accordingly w. find it re-,ne. tu almost Ull Versdly iu all Howe loi iii-nting dis- eases of the skin so trying tu Ihe putieuca.und in jurious lo ilia lieulili. i is a tunic, sperimrt, anil disinfecluiil. It acts siiiiulluiieously ukiii tha sTostsciii the CrHiTi.tTioN, and the auwaiji, ami thus three processes, whicli are ordinarily Ilia ro-' suit of tiihkk ibU'erem kinds of niedici no, are Car ried on al Iho sumo lime through the instrumen tality of this omk remediiil agent, lis gresl merit Is thai it meets uud neutralizes lh active' principle ot disease itself, and when that is guY the symptoms necessarily disnpivar. Tlie ra pidity With which the pilieiit remote rs tteullh aif4 atreuglli Uu.ler ibis triIe influence is surrrtsing REMARKABLE C7il2. Li Couxtv, Oregon Ter., March ll.ll.i.'.. ( MessK. Ai 11. A- D. Sani.s. New York) Gen tlemen, 111 the spring uf 1853, while on our way from Indiana lo llns pluce, uur eld.-sl boy was ei.ed with asitelling and severe pains in ilieb-ge which day by day gicit wofse, until his legs Con' traded, and became so painful Unit he Could nl walk, and we had tu carry him ahum like an iu' faut. We reached Alhuiiy on the 3d of Octuier( completely worn nut by fuligue. Ily Ibis liina ha was reduced tu a perfect skeleton. Hera we were cnaUrd to consult a physiciuu (Dr. Ililb), who honestly conl'cs.ied he could not cure bilii, al' though he could give him iiiedidiue lllut would re' lieve ihe ruin. Iu Ihie exigency sonlethiilg must be dune, ur death was inevitable. Heing reooial mended tu try your Sursuparilld, I procured but tle. After taking auuie, ho appeared worse; bui persevering with it, 1 obtained a second bolllej which seemed to grupplu with the disease, and euitsed a marked iiiijirovemont : the swelling ami pain ill the legs woro reduced, bis niqietila inis proved, aud his color began Iu return. Thill ats cour.iged, 1 piirehttsed a third bottle ; while tak ing it. Iho swellings in his lege broke, and some pieces of bone one eighth of nn inch long caiuej out, after which bis legs straightened and healed up. He is now perfectly recovered haa no ap pearance oi being a e.ipple, and can uorfurm most kinds of common labor, as ull our ne glib ra cau certify. Your, respectfully, CALKR D WIS. Prepared aud sold by A. II; f O. SANDS') Wli.di'sale Drugg stsj 100 Fultod street, corner of William, New York. Sold also Ily II. J( ilINSOV Co-.. San ?rm dura I RICE & COFFIN, Mirymiltei XL Hi MoDONALI) & CO., Sacramento j and by Druggists gen-rally; Da. siUbLrj, Agent, vregon v.ty. J141111 J. FLEMING, (.11 tHB POST-OFFICE BVILD1XO) OREGON CITY, II AS on bund and for aula, a well-selected as' Boftlllcllt Of DUUKS UUU OUlUUlICIi comprising, in part) tllo following! Family Hiblcs and Tea- Cap, letter, aud noli tuiiioiiti. Puner. Downing'! Fi uili and Pens Ac Pcn-ltolders) Fruit Trcis of Amer- Sand ft. sauj boxes, lea revised edition, Tissue pa lie r, pvrfor.tlej New M 118011 io Treatle- boar I .drallingpauat Hoard, Mitchell'i and Olimy'e Masonic Maaual, ' Geographic! and At Odd Fellows' Munuulj lusel, , . Quinby'a Mysteries ef Maatin't Farrier, Hue-keeping. I Mild auullle 01 llorsa Livingstone's TWvcts In Dtaitor, South Africa, Kune'a Arctia Exrtlra- Gil 11 it's Dum. Medicine, lions, Sandeis' Old and New liluuk Hooks & Udl Pa Spellers & Iteadera, per, Thomson's Arithmetics, Cillespio'a Sc Darlel' Fulton Sa Eustmaira Surveying, liook-kcepiug, willl Slules and slale psncilsj blanks, Dr. Hollick'a Worka, lt. -l.blue. &.blk Iuki. &.O.. &.O.. . all of which will ba rctuiled at price! odrrrepotldirij with the tunes. IT Don't forgot lbs plilce ! il it OPPOSITE LA FOREST 4 B-icWit lien vnu si f.R' Dr. Mofllitt's Pills and i5hdeuix Bittci-s, and tha Graefcubirg Medicines'. which era recoiniuendeil lo liioso wiui wlsil ia iivd till they die. MayU, IS59. Great Excitement I France and Austria At Waf 1 1 riMIE undersigned wishes tn inforirl the people L of Oregou Lily, and Ilia puiitic in general, Ihut bo is ut paaoa with all the world, aud kseasj constantly on band A FINE ASSORTMENT F Boots and Shoes, of all sorts and sizes, which lio will sell Cheap for Cash! Ludiei and gentlemen, you will do wall la give mo a cull before buying anywhere else, b ecu us I have tlie hkst and ciiEAPEst hoots and shoes in this market; because I get my tssals nnd shoes l)iret from San Francisew, and call n fiord to sell cheaper than th sw that buy ih Portland a,, that I defy competition. If yoaj will but give ine your patronage, 1 will guaranty that you can buy hunts and shaft of ute thtapt than of any ether house iu Idwil. Remember the place, and make no mistake) " P.AGLE HOOT AND SI10K STORK.' J. MOONKT. Oregon dry, July IS, 1859. jyiW Adminlatratrix' Notice. NOTICE is hereby n;iveu thai laiters of ad ministration havu beeu granted lo Ihe under signed by the county court of Clackamas county, on the estate of A. D. Foster d erased, lata af said county. All persons indebted Ui said est ata are required to make hmnediula payment, and all persona having claims against said ratal ara re quired lo present them 10 in at my re-ideno within 01m vesr from the dale of Ibis svrtice,, ZERILI) A E ME It INK FUST HI . March 3, hiH.7w.1 A'lxt'n. FOR EVERY IIOUSKHOLD! MtCOKMlCK k li)WX ALL'S IWalLaV r-OV TUt'. HTVTV. OV OaU.bOMjB) 18 NOW HEADY FOR DELIVERY TC sutm-ribers and ethers. Price Five Dollar, tf Subs, libers an.l others ia f larkamae osstv ty 1 111 Le snSl e I by lb l'..tnisef at OfgOH City