The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, April 14, 1860, Image 2

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    l)c rcgcm Clrgus,
ojunaopr cztt:
CarlMnlt1 Arllrlr NUtrry.
We ihIiIm!ih1 lnt week tltc tMuclus'nn of
Mr. Cornwall's siTics of urtirlcn in defense
of uhtxilftte iWMTty in man a ilivino in
litiitiuN. J4r, C, u nil who have read hi
orticlea Imvc Ksluili(y rrotirvd, is a de
fender f (invert hi a who ilwut form
than Democratic diviiun have generally
Ikmhi to nnike tlio HiMii testify for. li
hits never before fallen to our Kit l rnl u
4licolngicul dissertation that made Jesus
Christ mJ tlw twelve A)et.ili wii. at a
'Kj'.stcm of shivery uid to hueu existed
wnong tlio Jtnli) fcitf Urians li:li rot
only wtocd t ftviint to a wo i-hutti4,
tt ripped liim of hi mnnlwoil, and ruhld
dim of hi wages, btft which, owwdinjr to
Mr. Cornwull, tlow'cd liim cva n soul, ly
(placing liim in a fiisiticii here lie was
tiling of Mito that Hum ever did that v.
re collect i..f wns t) t-Il hi brothers Hint lie
hud seen Iim futlut drunk ami nalod.
Noiili, nioii roniiag to himself, was told
whut hi noil Hum (l-)ii', iiml, filing
Into a pet, Instead of rebuking Hum fbr an
impropriety ns lio conceived i(, A II to curs
ing Caiman, Ham's youngest wn, kujing
tlmt lit) fCunimn) sliould lw a ervuiit of
Nm', thuv is no proof wholeier tliut
Nouli was inspired to niter this jrfd!c-tiju.
I'llt, gllppOK'.' lie WAV dJCS thai JirMO thai
the perron whom he served claimed him ns
a ilupe m ulwihilc nnifrlif 7 Might h
iwt have hern simply a hirnl servuut and
a wliimturily hired servant, nt tlmt f lint
ffiifusu li.s lireihrcii whom Ik: served did
claim him a property nd suppose tlmt
suh predicts 1 tliut he slwuH ho properly
-mid KUis! tlmt Nituh was inspired to
fliake tlio jifilictkiii tint Caiinuii should he
(.omo the property of his brethren simply
berawse liis father Ham Iiml seen Nouli
drunk i.W tk'tl jtttlij'y hit Irrllmn fur
rWior kin t U it iliil, diilii't Ihu pre
diulkiit in iVut. L'S: CS ("Ami tltc l-onl
counted t man, but let tt' a I'niT
H lnwt'f, lv after lniTiii'Moili'il i tl'io (the Jews) into I-.Vypt
for hin utcT 9.W kemiiiV i.euk, nriiint, an(' ,rr' !' M uulo your tn-
uml ahattiua wikIi his V.uiL, wimM la- "'' W w wic") jus.
Jknockml intkefcciwl hie musti r,d I 1,10 i--y'tiuii in oj..n ssiiif? tlic I.iimcI-
giitclicil nt 'f lh rond t ret in tin; bra.-li I 'I'1' nt tlm (iridirtion tlmt
' Jems (yhr.nt should lio tioli uml rnn:.iic(l
nikoj. To flw wu Imxo iwl
ixuiHTirpTosuntril tho Jiositinii of M ('.,
Yhicli to iiwvoiis jmJo nmy niptr lim
uioiiHtroiM to liocTclitnl, eiitHc fromliih
ifimt urti In fpif.Ving of the rlnvcry
lliat ex'ated aflii the O'cutih Mr. C.
"Ami tlw ma ter, had iidvr tho prolin
lion of the lawn coiMltg control of their
mlavos, holdini; th (o or of lifo and death
in their WR linrnk So that in tlio rye of
(he Inw iKo aluvin wore I'oinited ux no mm,
nr nt itrf mm nl ui brunt. Sow thix
Wus tlio trao enndition of shivery nt tlio
communceincnt of tho gospel em. When
't'ompurcd with Anicrieiin alurcry it was
Infinitely worse. J t is worthy of
particular remark tlmt in the midst of this
gloomy picture Clii'iht uml his apostles did
lioi leblulo llion I hi; Milijivt, or tiro) vnc
justify Jiidiis in knoekiii" him oil for thirty
dolhir.1, to he either worked to death, cru-
'f- I I M 1
emeu, or imii: nnu were not ii;s imiMer-
ers nl.-o jiisCIi ililo o:i tlio miiue grounds?
lint .suppose that Il.uii did coiumit a crime
and Hiipioso tlmt It was right tlmt Ham's
tun should siilf.r for what his (nlhrr did
mid siijijiosc that Xoiili, inteal of lieing
half drutil; when ,u e.iived Cuimaii, was
uher, ami was in-pired to predict that l'u
iiiiiiii thoiild lacoiiie the jiriipi-rltj of his
hretlirun does t!mt provo tlmt tlieimse
wns to cxleml to tho disc'iidant.s of Hani
forevir? mid, if so, arc those who enslave
the desci miauls of Canaan jti.-tTmMc?
liesides, oru weipiitusuro that the Africans
nrc the descendants of Ham? Then, njrain
n'fc nurit ry runrwnrun, iiiil tilt) Ml H I II ly arc (IC:T( IMlt'if IffHll 11:1111 Ili'lVl h'V
""YT. .' i , r liotliavesjaiiii from Cush, Mi.m
miumruiu iiiu ir.sii.i;iitu uiitius 01 masters
nnd shires, inul Irft the world in rennet to
thttrry us thrij found it."
Tin ro arc theological doctrines taught hy
tome men that seem repugnant, to tlio liner
scnsiliilities of hiiuian nature, contrary to
nil our nli'iis of justice, abhorrent to hu
niiuuity, ami which mnko tho llesh crawl
when first propoumled as rmnniiting from
Heaven. Men who hold to them, gencr
lly tell nit tlmt the aversion wo feel for
them is hut tho natural loathing the carnal
heart lias for tJod's law, nml that they Imvc
lircoine reconciled lo truth liy great self-
aljnseincut nml much agony of min i, which
Iioyo at length been attended with tlio
grace of implicit belief. Others coutuid
that tho Ilihle, properly interpreted, does
no violence to reason, ami inculcates no
precepts unit uro nliliorront to the liner
fwlingx, but tliut nil its teachings are nil
ciliated to devclopu and strengthen those
Phut, the oilier sons of Ham, who were
never cursed ut nil? Again: supposing Ihe
Africans to be the descendants of Cni.aun,
is tho geiidiiooy of our whito shivis in
America, who are tlio ofl'-pring of Anglo
Saxon planters, who aro whiter than Uro.
Cornwall, and who have less than n six
teenth of negro Hood in tin ir veins wc
nsk for information U the genealogy of
tin so slaves to be traced hack to Ham on
their wohm' xKc, to make tlio ' i' lit
Mew, and remove tho 'curse' pronoimc .d
upon tmm-sleuliiig, from their marten-?
Again: if Uro. Cornwall claims the ben
efit of tlio pred'cliou that "Caiman should
serve his brethren," who wen nl.-o the sons
of Hum, he iiiu-t prove th:'t l.e isnl. oa
descendant of Ham, nml. in uroviiiy that.
, rj 1
ho uuift be vi ry careful to trace his nidi-
grec back to eitin r Cush, Mraim. or Phut
in.-lcnd of Canimii; or some more bnkv
erlv, and liberty, and then covering tln-ir
bucks with mV'.-H from tho driver'v l.uli.
Jiut dous Jl". Cornwall supposu that as
(io.l periniltiil tlio Ilevil to oppress .loll,
and Ion knew tlmt ho would oppress him,
unci proouitlv foretold it, thu J'uvil wus
jtatijirrl In doing ml Hasn't the Devil
been roasting in hell for that uml similar
man actions, ever since? and Isn't it le
gitimate to nipponi that the children of the
Hi vil will kIiiiiu the fate of their father for
Following in the footsteps of their illuitrious
progenitor in ulllicting .lob's posterity?
lint, if tro. Cornwull can remove all
the v dillieulticK, uml, under the Mosaic
law, or the prediction of Noah, legitimately
eii.-lavo his fellow, having logically ulid
plainly established his right to do so, we
notify him tlmt instead of " imimigiug his
domestic institutions in his own way," we
shall reipiiru him to inanago them in tho
llilile way. J I' ho goes to tho Uiblo for a
hnv iuHtitutin't shivery, he must go there
for a law ym'i-riiim it. There is a law
which pro-slavery parsons nro very sure
never lo quote, which wo want tliem to
writ ! on their door posts, and then obni it.
They are ull advocates of steuling ami fell
ing men under uiruie law, and riiuilly
strenuous for catching runaway negroes
under a human fugitive slavo law. The
Uiblo fugitive slave law which wo Want
Uro. Cornwull to obey is this;
" Thim hiui.t not Jtifr unto hit mutter
lite frrant wh'uh it e.iruieil from hit mm
trr unto thee : Jn tliull dwrll with litre
eer.ii among yon in tlmt ),lm e, which hcxhitll
chnoin in one of thy i'itr.i nhert it lUrth
him best : thou ihult not him,"
Dcut. 2:J: 15, Hi.
( To be rontinmtl.)
J.UKSO.v Col NTV. A ltepublicail Coll.
ventioii was held ut tin: town of Oasburg,
in Jackson county, ou the ;ilst of March,
for the purpose of ilecting delegates to the
Republican Statu Convention to bo held ut
Kiigenc City, on the tilth of April, and to
take init'utory measures for the pcrumiiont
organization of tho Republican party in the
Tlic Convcnlio.i was orgnnized by elect
; Win. C. Myer, President, and Chus.
K. Khun, Secretary. J. M. JIcCi.ll, H.
L. Ai.h'giite, Cluis. K. Khun, J. C. Da
venport, h. K. Anderson, iiud S. P. Tay
lor were elected delegates to the Stuto Coii
ventiou. J. M. McC-dl, K. Khun,
mid S. P. Taylor were nppo'uted u County
jiiTi-Aitv. The Piouwr and Ddiioirai
ones to in in mourning for tho death oi
Jamks W. W'ii.kv, Ksip, who c.'ired sud
denly ut Olynipia March 30, in the 40:!i
vcar of his nrc.
noble impulses that prompt acts of k:ml- li,i,t!l;iut tf irum imij c!niin A.'m j.roj
iicra iiinuni mir ICI10WS, Ullll mnko US
warmly approve of them in others, nml
which tho higher the culture thrv receive.
the nearer their possessor approximates to
ward tho character of the spiritual tenants
of tho bright world where nil is love, good
will, and uninterrupted peace. These men
contend that those who view the Uible as
teaching for justice wlmt wo know to be
injustice, are not schooled up to the love of
itheso doctrines by gracious intrveiitiou,
Unit that their acceptance of them is ut
tributablo to ignorance and a great deal of
natural depravity, commonly designated np
a Imil orpine i,Wln other words, that
tho reason why these devotees of falsehood
aro led to wrest the Scriptures to support
wrong is that they nro either very ignorant
men or naturally rather mean men, and
jierhaps a little of both. Now this is n
nlco theological point, which we shall not
tuko thu liberty of ih ciding and we shall
leave more experienced divines to settle the
question whether Mr. Cornwall's apt nivtit
love for n very daik featured sv.-tcm of
shivery is tho result of a bad organization
or a gracious application of the unction of
nu implicit faith in answer to much prnver,
with continued fasting, and much self-
If wc should lake it into our head that
"In the sweat of thy face shaft thou eat
lircnd," meant " in the sweat of Uro. (Vr:i
wall's faeo shall thou cat bread," and, uflfr
Jiavmg lured luiu to reap down our fields,
should cheat him out of his wages and
hon, if we hud the power, proceed to con
vert him into n chattel, sell him to a cotton
l.lunler, after havii.g knocked oft his wife
and diuighters ou the auction block, to be
fiopuratcd forever, and made the property
f brutal mrn- we have no doubt (hat
when, aftrr coolly ockcting the cash, we
should procvnl to justify our conduct ns in
liannoiiy wilh the ysteni of white servi
tude recognized by JJoscs ai:d sanctioned
by Christ, Uro. Cornwall would, if we fairly
made out our case from tho Uibh, not only
suddenly become disgusted with that Uok
nnd wish to bum it, but he would ulso con
clude that we were not o.dy a very oor
Christian, but r.ilhcr n mrua man anvwuv.
Jiut Mr. C, if wc understand him, is, like
most Northern Democratic parson., only
nn apologU for African or black slavery.
He appear to favor this kind of shivery
Lccanse lie thinki they are Ihe descendant's
of a ' wicked lUni.' What Ham's ' wick
fdness' consisted in, the good parson hasn't
yet probably fo:in. out himself Tho onlv
cd the
eny miner fio " liilile curso." U;;t if he
claims the benefit of the. prediction that
Caiman was to servo Shcm and J.iphelh,
hu must provo that he is n licsce-idant of
onn of these worthies, instead of htiviii"
descended IVi.m Hani throui'h Caiman, in
which ca.-o he is proven to be an Pint emit
in h thr , r.,r t!i;it is, if lie proves that
tho descendants of II
Now, Democratic nnrsons uli. ..i..r... ii...
it to enslave the dcscciid nils r,f Hn,
snail never lay Immls ou them wilii our
consent till tl.y prove several thine-. m.v
! 11 . O ' '
one oi which tiiey can no more nrmi. tl.nn
I lilt V O.lll .1 f ........ I. . .1 it
.... . . ,.,..ii.u,m. nun, v urnwaii c:irr:cs
iim Keys t!iat Iiii::l' to the nir.ll,. ,,r ..!,.,.
Iim'V must prove.
I' nisr-- I mil Noah was iii:ier,.,l i .,,..1..
.... , .w muni.
picinciion unit (.'annau was to bo
si rvai.i.
Skcoxii That that si rvitude -, ..f il
iiivo'uukinj kind called 't,ieirn' ul.V
made the servant the pioi.crlv of his owner
wi iiiiiMcr,
Tiiiiin Tiiat the iirediclion iii
i Usui ciiicnr.
lA.i -That the de.seenJm.U of Ca
.....oi im i as iniiin mcimleil in the curse us
v. an. ma lunisei .
I' .... . ..
i V l-,,:"i I'l-opoM-il ns a mr me niooiiv haiilism of ,
IS n ilescelidant of Hani
O n
ri.rii i nut no is. .-si.en.1... r,o. ii
.1 1 . ' " '"..II
inroug.i (((h,i;i instead ol ('..J. M;,....l.
or Phut.
We Present thesj
ike so many swords lo guard the
humble: t of Cod's creation fi .ii.. il .....
of the covetous kidnapper, nnd wo warn
"' unless no removes tlio whole of
ineni in regular on er, befors
his fellow ns propcrtv. he will .t;.,,.! ;,.i;..i
ed under the law" , thtlxtfaU-tha rum
and,ll,lh hi,,, or if hf It found in hit
hand, he shaft tur,-!,, It put' lo death"
'... - i : i
Now, us to tho IICL'IW afler !....,. f...
mouth. of Democr il'e div'nes
to water, we denv t!eit I... I n .1... ).....
or (mann,niu! assert that Iums a iv-ular
ntsivtuliint of J,,h U. i . :
' i v niir i .s in 1 1 il
It .k v? .
I'llisr Job n l.l. L-
bluek in.on me." !.,l. !,i.'-,
Si:. ov Jl was t!iei,,... l. vi
tient, and most lorbcarhi.' man .I,,.!,, ,...''
sccnt.011 and milrageons wronin tint W
tory gives iinv account of. Hi .l. o..'r
ant, the African i,.v. ... i
.1 .... i 1 " linger
-;. rr man any other race the
lug cl;ar:;c!.-r tic of i',
immortal Job, n know u,o I . VII l, OllprCSS Jail Lr
Mr. W.l.y c.ii:i2 from
!()li;o to Oregon some eight yen
Jias been in public life most of the time ev
T . t
Ohio to Oregon some eight years ago, and
since, having held Severn o,'!iecs of ruiblic
rust m ashington Territory. He was a
rii;ler, nnd for several years edited the
Pioneer and Democrat. Tiio Pioneer saw:
Poor Wiley was tho hist of his race:
for years he has been alone, nil alone in the
world; no kindred in wiios? veins Hows the
jbloo 1 of Irs ancestry; no human erratum
allied to him by .tii s of consanguinity."
(,UfUw iwuturratte Tkkel.
Tho D.-mivracy of this county held their
convention on Inst Thursday, and after
disorderly ssiou of several hours, ratified,
with one or two exceptions, tho notion of
ihe mnniiscru In this city. The candidates
for ltMircsoiitiitivi nro James Officer,
Philiii Poster. (Hid J. D. Post. The Inst
will strike our readers with surprise, as Mr.
Post hss generally been supposed to be an
opponent of tho present Administration,
and when a candidate for County Judge
two yeurs ago he distinctly avowed his 0h
position, in a letter which we published at
the time. Wu think lit will have a hard
roud to travel, if he tries to carry Officer
on one Khoulder and Poster on thu other
during tho canvass.
T. J. McCarvcr wus nominated for Clerk,
John Thomas for Slnrilf, Thomas John
son for Treasurer, C. F. Hcatio for Assess
or, Dr. Steele for Coroner, s ml' Prune's D,
Ho.lg aui for School Sup't. Tim Fisher
wasn't nominated fur Surveyor, owing to
un oversight, but he wus promised the nom
inntion, and w ill bo supported by the party
generally. We notice on the ticket seven
or eight candidates, iwio two yea rs ago
were active Nationals, nnd fought with zeal
tho very men who now nro using them to
advance the interests of I.iuio and Smith;
.some of thesii must have eaten large quan
tities of dirt before they could have boen
allowed or consented to occupy their prtscut
The Lower Molulla precinct was dis
franchised, it appearing that tlio regular
delegation was strongly anti-Lane, uml, af
ter these were ejected, it was a little too
sharp, even for Democratic tactics, to od bolters from the caucus, though the
right ttrijio was on their backs. So neither
hud uny voice in the proceedings, though
it is not likdy that their absence made any
difference in tho result, as everything was
as distinctly and irrevocably fixed before
the convention met, us after its record was
finished. A. F. Hedges, J. Young, F. S.
Holland, Jus. Ollicer, and Thos. Johnson
were sent to Kugene City, according to
previous I'.rrnngeuient, nud were also au
thorized, after conferring with tho Wasco
delegation, to noininato n riindidate for
joint Senator, Wnsco to have thrco votes
to their five. 'u resolutions were adopted,
and tl.c convention adjourned with faces as
long an a horse-collar.
la very
k r .....
( "n.nux" ro iicjoai:uo.l.ito those
w l;o desired to see Hamlet on tlio boards of
a.t Oregon theater, the Jennie Clark made
an extra trip to Portland on Thursday
mglit, going down n little before daik
nnd returning in the " wee sum' hour.
tuo next day. Some half a hundred or
more ol Oregon City s chivalry, with a
more sparing representation of beauty and
fashion, compose I the delegation, uml, so
fe.r us we huvj heard, all returned satisfied
with th) trip, nnd with tho theatrical treat
which was its object.
Tho theater was filled to ovcriiowin
hut the utmost good order prevailed, and
A.r.:. 1'orbcs, in tho character of 'Hamlet,
cave general sat'sfactio:).
t-j" ihe proceedings of tho Republican
County Convention held in this city last
iv'.ti'.ri'.uy will bo found in another column.
The utmost harmony nnd good feeiin,' pre
vailed ut the mi ctiug. Tin- t'eket nominated
is composed of some of the best men in the
county, and can bo elected if everr lover of
his country will do his duly during the can
lass. There seems to be a general impres
sion that tho Republicans of this county
ere girig to win at tho next election, and
it only remains for our friends to niaku
good that impression. Want of room pre
vents our saying more on this subject ut
Nkw Voi.imk. With this number, we
commence the sixth volume of the Argus.
To those who have given us their support
the last year we return our sincere thanks.
nud hope for a continuance of their fa-vo-s.
Our terms, it will be noticed, aro
slightly changed $:j 00, if paid in ad
vance, ft 00, if within six mouths, and
$' 00 nt the end of the year. We hope
all those who owe us for snbsenntim. n.l.
vertising, or work, will immediately settle
their accounts. We will send bills iu a
few days to all who are iu arrears to us to
amount of twenty-live cents.
U.irui A Co. Wo have received from
J. A. Applcgnte, Secretary, tho proceed
ings of n Republican meeting heKl at the
court-house in Umpipia county on tlw 2d
April. Wo mnko mi abstract of the pro
ceedings. Tho following county ticket wns nomi
nated: For Representative, J. W. P.
Huntington; Co. Clerk, S. Miser; Sheriff,
Sain'l Rich; Trcus., S. Wheeler; Assessor,
A. G. Lmigdon; School Sup't, P. P. Par
J. W. P. Huntington was chosen d. le
gato to the State Convention.
Among other resolutions the following
was adopted:
Resolved, That the lion. David Logan,
for his able canvass of this State in thoycar
1K50, de.ierves well of the Republican par
ty; and that our delegate bo nnd hois
hereby instructed to support his nomina
tion for Congress nt the Republican Con
vention to bo held ut Eugene City on the
'I U tllfff rnuf.
Ou Saturday, April "th, mine of Ihe
hardest old Democrats of Clackamas met
in cuueus, nud after organization, as a pre
liminary step to any rcnl business, a bond
for good behaviour was presented nnd the
unwashed, unterrilled, and independent
mien wero rcoiiired to afflx their signatures
to this i.roclous document. Conscious of
their own corruption, and of tlio just suspl
clou iu which they are held by the people,
a few of Lane's broken-dow n hacks, who
liuvo been In the habit of arranging among
thcinsolves ns to which should trot over the
course for tho pioplo's money, sought lo
bind tho hands of men who cull themselves
freemen, beloro they were allowed to vole.
No matter how faithfully they may have
fought, nor how hardly earned the name
of Dcinocrut, this dishonorable test
must now bo given, und menlo prove them
selves Democrats must become tlm tt. The
party leaders having turned their bucks ou
the great principles which once gave them
almost unlimited influence over the public
mind, every artifice is now rtsortid to for
the purposo of yet longer holding the reins
of power yet longer fattening nt the pub
lic expense. Knowing that a powerful op
position to their iniquitous practices has
grown up, tho command has gouo forth to
corral all tho Democratic stock and newly
brand them ull, small and great, in order
that they may be recognized and reclaimed
if any shoulJ evince n disposition to assert
the prerogative of manhood to think nnd
voto according to personal judgment nnd
discretion. Rind yourself to support tho
entire party ticket, aud you may bless your
self with the name of Democrat. Glorious
privilrgot Don't ull run to be branded at
On tho same day, and in the same build
the Republicans held a muss County
Convention. There no pledges were rc-1
quired, no promises extorted. Consisting
mostly of hard-fisted ami lioiU'.-t hoirte 1
farmers and working men, all their actions
were by u manly frankness
und an hottest regard for tho rights of oth
ers. Thu position of tho two purtl a ns
numifiMed iu tho county meetings is s'guiti
cimt, nnd I hero can ) no doubt cs to 'ihich
side will be finally victorious. " Iu union
is strength," nnd tho Republican r arty is
us one man. " A house divided against
nueii cannot statin," una there ts Uisoigftii
ization nnd dismay in the cowxi! of Lunc
fcin. Tho faction who endorse- and cry to tho present Administration,
consisting almost entirely of holders
and their parasites, is iu array rg.iiiiit the
people, who have n risen iu their majesty
and declared that tho patronage and influ
ence of the American Gsverument shall no
more bo prostituted for the int.'r s' mil
extension of slavery to tho prtjud'co of
freemen. The people have trmted long
enough to politician. and been badly
enough swindled by them. Let ihein here
after choose men as office-holders of them
selves, looking ut fitness for ollioe more
than party names. v.,. lUpubtl,,, tt
I'lirsiiunt to the fun of tloC W,u,i
mitice, tho Republic,,,,,, of C',tI"";C
in Mass Convention at tho C"
Oregon City ou Saturday after,, J""'
7, at 2 o'clock, and org
tion or Maxwell Rainsby as Ct,i
J. D. Loc,.ys Secretary.
Tho Chairman stated the 0t,Jct rf ,
meeting to be to appoint j!
Republican Statu Convention,
inute a county ticket to L W1
thu June election. lVm
On motion, tho Chairman ai,,i0illW
Committee consisting of one Irwa J '
cinct to draft resolutions. The y
gentlemen wero appointed: A
J.S. Vinson, W. A. SturkwwtwT
Wade, I. T. Muulsby, Albert W ?
W. T. Matlock, R.C. CrawfJ
Durlow, and Isaue Cuppj.
Tho Coiiuuilto reported tl,0 yw.
resolutions, which afterwards, 0i, jj
were road separately, nd 'unmJ'
udoptcd: '
Resolved Tlmt we as Rcpuhfcu, j.
iiounce ns fulso tlio charge mude lid
gognes that our party U be-elioJ!t
sires fu any ninuuer to disturb tl,,'.,l.
or the institutions of any Stu, J .,
I'Jlli inst.
Wasiiinctos Co. The Republicans of
iisningtou county held a Coveiition at
Hillsboro, March 31, of which Milton Tut
tlu wns chairman ami W. X. J. Johnson
secretory. T. U. Cornelius, W. S. Cald
well, W. H. Ueunctt, and Wilson Uowlby
were elected delegates to the State Con
vention, and W. D. llniv, W. V. J. John
son, M. J uttle, and lm. Geiger nltern
ntes. The County Committco was instruct
ed to confer with committees from other
counties relative to the nomination of Joint
Representative and State Senator.
U.ixn of Hope. The following is a list
of the officers or the U.indof Hopo lately
instituted in this city: President, Peter Uar-
Iay;ice Presidents, Willard A. Hol-
brook, Ainsworth DierdoriT- S,-..r..t,.r
Jacob S. Johnson: Treasurer Oini-,m IF
Atkinson, jr.; Finance Committee, Miss
Annie llobb, Miss Tom White, Miss Al
lies Wuldron, Miss Evelino Pope, and
Miss Annie Ifolbrouk.
The Rand or Hopo meets nt Harmony
Hall on the first and third Fridays in every
month, at 3 o'clock p. m.
'My skin is
rcuowucd nnd
robbing hi,,, 0f ;is f,m.;;v ,m, -y
and l.ien covering him all ov,r with sores,
so that in his unexamplcl patience and for
bearance the Jew s should have a living ex
ample worthy v imitation; nn 1 He ha
permitted th, r-?n!;irdisiviidaii! or "chi!
dren of the DeviP to oi pres Job's pt,.r-
ny i y r,.' t.;,7 ,hl, o ,v;r r.,.,:;-( j,,.,,,,. j
Ai l. IlIci.t. Our friend of the News
says; " The error that was made last week
in print about the communicated urtiele in
the Argus, was corrected the next day. It
was written "opposed." We have no de
sire to misrepresent the Argm, und ore
sorry it occurred, but we cannot always be
Rniov.ii.. Messrs. Johnson A Iagalls
have removed their large furniture cstub
liM.meiit to the store-room iu tiie Masonic
building, where they art now prepared to
do business under the 'square.' The express
oTkv of Tracy J; Co. is removed to the
same building.
The MiN-F..-Jolin Noheru has returned
am! reports the Simiik imoeu
.:i'V"d !..;i'dii-
i mine nn nn-
Yamiiim. Dkmocbatic Nominations
The Denioerocy of Yamhill held a meeting
.T .. ...
ui L,aiayette on tlio 10th of April. Al.
Zicbcr was chosen chairman. Charles O
Fendall and Thos. Jucksou were nominated
lor lieprrsentatives, and Andy Snuek for
Senator. For Sheriff, J. 0. Raker; Clerk
Smith; Assessor, Win. A. Culbert-
son; Treasurer, A. 15. Westcrfield. This
is a complete Lane ticket.
fcS-Any of our readers having bad
health arc referred to the advertisement in
our paper of Dr. Webber's Sanguifier or
Invigorating Cordial. The well known
names given or persons who certify and
even make affidavit to its fine remedial
qualities should, wc think, induce the sick
to try it. A fresh supply wo learn has
just been received.
From the East. The Urother
Jonathan arrived nt Portland oa Wednes
day n.ght, with several days later news from
the East.
i no i.epui.Ia-ar.s have carried
Hampshire I y a large majority
Dt aiaeraUc Mtilittg al HuIU v WW.
Eii. Anws: Tho harmoi.ious Democra
cy had ii very inhunnouious meeting rt
Uuttevillo to-day, for the purpose of nomi
nating delegates to the Countv Convention
They organized by culling S. Clark to the
chair, and electing H. C. Cooley secretary.
An ex-sijuire introduced u resolution re
quiring those who participated in thu can
eus to support tho candidates nominated
nt tho County Convention, olso those nom
inated at the Eugene Convention, and to
support tho nominee of the Charleston
Convention. This was more than the nnti-
Lane wing could swallow. A State Sena
tor who was present mado a most eloquent
appeal to the meeting not to udopt theres-
o.ution. Au ex-Constable made n great
speech against it, nnd sat down with a com
placent twinkle of the eye, as though he
hud done something uncommon. The cx
Squiro then undertook to enlighten their
dark minds on the resolution, but said
nothing, and then withdrew the resolution
They then proceeded to ballot for delegates
amidst the greatest confusion and cr'es
that it was un-Democratic, yells of " order i''
from the crowd, and appeals from the Chair
Tor gentlemen to take their scats. After
order was restored, and the votes counted,
the first clause of the resolution was passed,
with but three dissenting votes.
Take it altogether, it was one or the
richest times that I have seen lately. Or
course we Republicans stood back and en
joyed it finely. Yours, in haste,
April 7, 18G0.
A UIALI.KXGK. Mr. Kmrnn- T crn !.
io Arirus that Mr. Cornwall ! n..t in ,i.
nsc of slavery. I shall leave nil
plies to yourself; but I nronosi lo ii..
Ir. Cornwall, or any other pro-slavery
ui.m-i, ui urai ueuuic ai any proper time
iu convenient place. DIIU prove that A mnr.
... I.- - ' . !
ui smvery so lurirom being sanctioned bv
e liime is a vio ation of tho Tn rnm
landments, and abhorrent to every luwi
'" w cer gave io man.
. , . AARON 1'ATXE,
a Pino ul ev. Anril lr infin
lUsolvcd, That woiiisU that Harcrr.
local, nud not national; and wedtntL,
Congress has any right to IcgUiiteLl
protection iu thu Territories, w
mit that it ia just und competent fur(v
gress to dcleguto to tho people of tbe T
rilorics the power to regulate all tLcir local
iust'tutioiis iu their own way.
Resolved, That Oregon has LadenoH
of Ueii. Lnne, us nu agent in Congm, ,JJ
that his effort lo build up a tnonal n'artr
and his devotion to the extension of shUr,'
while neglecting the interests and wtf
or this State, plainly prove him uultbtr
to represent frtciiieu. e
Resoivcd, Tliut this county ouglit to be
redeemed from the dictation and control ot
the petty clique that liuto ruled it for jt
own benefit; uml that it cu. be dune bin
earnest nml united e lfurt en tUc part of
uu'SD wu." u- v.ei.ry oi me selUsltiiiiim
inci.t of those who control tho IwiuiV
inocracy of C'laikasnis.
On motion, the Couvtntioc chose IV, for.
lowing gentlemen us delegates to the Ke
puMieuo Stnto Coiivontioii, nuiuily: IV,
C. JoIiiisoh, R. C. Crawford, Win. Harlow,
W. T. Matlock, and J. S, Vinson.
On motion, tho Convention nominate
Win, Logan, of V.'aseo county, to rtprc.
sent thu Scuutoviiil district composed oftU
comities of Clackamas and Wasco, whit
a rcepicst that the Republicans of lYascn
county concur in the nomination.
On motion, the following county ticket
For! ves. W. A. Slut
weather, of Upper Mole.lla; A. llolbrook,
of Oregw City; and II. W. Kddy, of B
For Co. Clerk James Winston;
" Slu'riir Owen Wade;
" Assessor John Meldrum;
" Trea.siu-.-r Win. Dierdorlf;
" Count Co liur.-siouei-s Charles F.
Royntoii, Abel Muttumi;
J'or Conmir V, Rare-lav:
" Co. Buivevor Jo.ephusTomnkius;
" School Eup't N. W. Randall.
The Convention referred the nomination
oftt caiidiihito for Prosecuting Attorney
for this district to tlic delegates at the State
Convention. On motion, tho delegr.tcs to the Stat
Convention we-ro instructed to appoint sub
stitutes, if minbltf to attend.
On motion, a Republican County Com
mittco for tho ensuing year was elected, is
follows: W. C. Johnson, I). W. Craig, R.
C. Crawford, W. P. Rums, and James
It wns voted that hereafter County Con
ventions be composed of delegates froia
each precinct, elected according to the pop
ular vote.
On motion the Convention adjourned.
M. RAMSCY, Ch'n.
J. D. Locey, Sec'y.
Tracy & Co.'s Express. This popular
company has established an office at Ln
faycttc, which will be a great benefit to
those transacting business in that section,
in these days of weekly mails, and nnrrr-
ttarlnn County lU'.iuulk-aa Coavrallta.
Pursuant to previous call the Republi
cans of Marion county met at the Court
IIoiiso iu Salrm, April 7th, 18fi0,audwe
called to order at 11 o'clock by the Chair
man of tho Central Committee.
Tho Convention orgnnized by choosinj
Juo. D. Crawford, of Clin mpoeg, Chairaias,
and J. S. Reynolds, of Salem, Secretary.
Dr. Warren, of Salem, moved that a
Committee of seven be appointed by tb
Chair to report delegates to represent tho
couuty in the Eugene. City Convention.
The motiou, after, much debate, was lost,
when tho Convention adjourned till 1J.
After.voov. The Convention bcinf
ld to order it was agreed that the coufr
be divieled uito nine districts and a dele-
b-tc elected from each prcciuct, with pow-
to appoint proxies.
The delegates elected were as follows:
io. D. Crawford, Samuel Rrooks, Mj.
agone, Fones Wilbur, Win. Greenwood,
, Cranston, C. 1. Rowlaud, Sani'l Clark,
nd Juo. Cart wright.
Motion wus mado and carried to elect
Central Committee of three, ond a Commit
tee of one from each precinct.
- The Central Committee was then chosea
consisting of E. X. Cook, W. IL Rector,
and Pratt.
Precinct Committee. Ruttcville, M- p
Rees; Champooir, J no. D. Crawford; Fair
field, I). M. keene; Parkcrsville, Sml
Rrown: Abanua, Mai Mairoue; Silvertoo,
P. Crandall; Howell Prairie. Wm. Green-.
lam ones ot that. The office is at the
store ot Morris Wolfe, Esq., who is thcwooJ; Sublimity, Wm. Porter; Southern
agent. I J- "son: fcantinra, Sam I Look:
Salem, Jno. Keiscr; Salem, C. A. Recd-
Uxtrie. The report published some' -vrtf"r a sp'ch br Col. Baker, the Co,
weeks since of the death of U. F. Lin.l.-r I Tt'",":, ;V,nJrtl- ,.
'i j.mi. i. ii;.in rum';
'xrevt- i S. Rkvxoi : s. Sec.
of Iiiinois, turns out to bo i:u