err, $0 80 0l,a e .(; NtBtti. 60c; oaU, ' ..pTwf" FeAoi.ol.uco.i ' "a"'1' a. 'til mi dozen. rrw-jj"" i sr, ,uiitv. ( r.-snlrlics 01 ,,.r AtiMty. by Rev.tiro.O. Chandler, ""m".' l Sanders, rrn.-rly fr..n, Indi.uu, lo tts.JollO .. .. e a.'...., V...L 0. Kwrnti"""' York. l , llrlkn i. o. o. r. . ij.out No. .1 mots iii tlulr Hull near 0" Olli.r.o., Monduy evening of lyWJ" 'J nreihren in g "d siending are Invited ,h;' 1,c.i:llAWHIIlU) Xfliiltaomah lodge No. 1, V A M- ''"I'1' I'1 coiiiimHiica A.tion.i.ili" Soni..f,lVmrHTi,i.ce 11,11. oh U" '7 1'i.t liren I l etumlin" ere '"v""l . A. L. LOVtJOY, W.M. i silent . Hlile KopnUllrun .. . ,,, is.pu'.l'. Tiii Couveulion will meet ill Vstre. CilV Tliund..y. l'Jll. "f April next. i u .Vihk -if'T ''' f cli ',. fViiwrenlulive in Congress, mid for llio . ',i.iii of such oilier business as way C"l be- r . i!fi.'.w"'" ' 11,0 wv,,r"1 " it. , -i,, ,;;-,,.,,;,. H,..l jK.ii ..!: HUM" l"'-"' ..1.1. il...m i.i mii.i.ii-l i.f ilia liliue k'io olttatl there be noiutiilrd, nnd who "-Ll I" li e I'""""" reckless und pr-sr pt ve I It (! art OIH"" ri in the T; '..f m called Peniocrnry or Oreg-n, mi I liofavorefe l'"c','c ltilr0;"J' i of a ;l in favor - - I biltlf.i. nr Itivileil In l:n-lrsl l"r "l . r Hai fi 0111 each COUUiy I" SalJ Cl cuoou uvirS.r. ' ".,'. ,Y riuck.un.ui j. Clatsop I, Com I. Cur- I ( junible I . I ong'a lli J M bull li. Joe. plrne 7 . :'.. i mr 7. Mmtinnnili 7, .M Hum . I'olk I, Tilbii" 1, I. Wiuhiiit'ioiM, W-ico a, y.ihliiil j. Tli ulto" r.'rM-uia1iu:i ibie.l iiMn llio pop- In Mr "I Hwwn r.tciioci.u ivmu, u. .rK... H I ;n ...... - 1. ..n.l ..n.t f..vrif I .'U voice. I'n I nortlon a.linir eliy voire .n any c .unly, eiili. imhivIi '"""'y 10 1111 uiMitloual dull g lie. A full jclrc ilimi wir j irilrd. Ki o.-.Ii r ui' In1 fi-i'i Cnrril Cniirinilii', II. W. l Ulll'.KTr. roill iu l, M r. Ii I ISfill. Chaiiinuii. V.UcUsniM T.n. Ki vulillrea f.navvnllnn. Tlir l!.'iali'i.uiu nf t'luf; ;iiMn county, nn.l ull (!irr ep;wl I" tlie prrm ill wnl onal Adiniu'e Ifjlien. d in f lV"r of MU' li a eynle.n of nieue. urr, Sbilr n l N ili"iml, will "u l l tdvniice I lie p:o f-nly of 1). e-ii und of llie whole foiin. Itv, ar- iuvi I I ! t lb eo'irt-liouw in ()r. rjmi City Sa:ur.l:.y. Airil 7, 1H', ht '2 o'clock rV. for'llir '-ir ' "f eliM lit live dek'gntee In IheSlelr cuiivriiiioii t Kni'iie l.'iiy. and nlo I.. mI1 cuii.liil.itrH, to l.o Mt iu.-trd and rlrc'.c I ill June n't, mil ilo null o lnr Liifinoe lie niny tcmif lirliire llir cnnv. i li ill. It i li-tpf I ill i' every i- inc! w'll te irirrfriit. nl, it in b ' ii'e I ill .1 e'l -Il arritn .rinriitu can I uuJe u ill wc-ti r llin lr irtij li of lirr iriiH'i .lr in tlii cwiiity. Ai'inv llnl.imooK, Clin r:ii;iu I a. Com. Or-ii:i Ciiy. Mure!) 13, I ;!. l.lnn Ho. lVi'i'll'-att I'.onvenllim. Til" It I' cum nf I. inn ci'in y me irq'irntc.l to itlf n iinii convt iilion ill Alii.-inv mi Mmnl.iv tlm 3.1 .!av f A il ifXl. nt I" o'c!"fk A. M , for the purp lif jf rlictiii; tii it- .!! iitf lo nllend tht. U, inlui:aii S:uU- ('mivriit o i lo b: liol.l at Enjour C.iy i n llie III. h of A.iKI. liy oiJt-n f llif i-oiinry r nini'lco. J .ui n ("u.vxkii, Cll'll. All.any, Ma c!i, lMi ). V.arlna Us. iV.'vulillran Cvuvcallnn. Til.' RiMiiib'.'cattn of'nn county are rrqurstnl loin rim llir cuiirl li.m-t" iuS.ilrni, on Salurdiiy. the Tilt A): il, nil I o'cluck, fur llie pursue ol nom iialinj a co nry ticki'l lir ofliws of Muvion rautily, also l.i a; ninl il- lufilri lo llio Stall1 ecu v ,ii!i.i'n l.ik In-I I at llii.tfiu1 City, mi llie I'J.h o! April, fur llir p'lr;" j "I n miiiatinj; tt ran iiilnli1 for lln; nri; Congm-n uu.l llrce I'rre dtiitiu! fli-C'.OiH. TI.eli isu nf rrpre ruin ioa i nc dvlrgite lo i ve.-y I. M) Vitus cavt at Ilia Inn! olvciinil, and l for iv ry i n hut richly. .Marion lonuty i ru:i;!cJ In ii'iir dclr't it. a. W.UIRKX, f hair. nan L'uun y C' .iiiui lire. Sa'ani.liaKh Isl, IH'o-J. lirntrin t'.n, Ri'vuhllcali Convrntlon. The llrpii'ilicuini ai d llie n; po-ition grnrrnlly te rriintn.r I tn inmt at ti c courl-houae in Corva -In (in, ilu- l lili of Apr'l, nt 13 o'nli ck u., lo clionf four dt' tu ienv.icnt llenton c inn Kin llie l;oinlii,uii Slulo cjiiVi niinll nl Kugri.e City mi llie IIIJi of April, mid to noininute county lirUt, iiml trauxai't hiicIi oilier bjsinesn a Hay come before llie mcelinj. A. U. IIiivkv. Ci'ii Co. Com. March I I, 1 i''). hyspi'vsln, vurr arn .stir, IniWRrsllon. Smir Siom.iili, U.-ttu Diirn, Water lirntli, Bil liousncm, I.ivrf Coiiipluitil, Aridity. l'lu!u!rncy, laund're, Clitiy,: rf Climate, Sick llraluclie, ).owof AiKtite, Kiiialo Ci.m)li:int, (Jpjiresa.m Jilir Kuliuif, General Dcbililv, &.c, are raiiillv, of fectnully .) mfl.y eurtd' the O.WGKX- atku nrntits. Ca'ifornfa Echkuct. i.'uKEI.lMMt IIiLl., Cal., - ( Juno 1, IS58. S llav.iig BiilV-rciI for fiftrrii yrnrs wiih Dynpepiia lu its womt form, and having consulud illi llie bit Pbjsi.iaiis, and ir'e I rvvrylhing roi'Oin mended itliout relief, I was injured lo try the OXYGE NATE!) UITTKIW, aii. b f.iir I hud tak.-n one Willie, I found niynolf much heller, and con'.iiiueJ I:dj ilmm, until I was en irrly cured, ami now "Jy an jriwd lienlth ns ever 1 did in my life. I lke great pleasure in rccuinuK n ling them to all who arc limilarly nfTiit tcd. James Lvnosiiori. The OXYGEN' ATED BITfF.US re!d in U ifcrnia by Be liiiijioii i. CV, Henry Johnson & '.Charles Murrill, Sun 1'rnnciscoj R. II. Mo IJoaald & Co., Sucr.imriito; Rice, Collin Si Co., '"rysvillr ; Smith & Duvis, Portland, Oregon. Haa: SarsaHirllltx.This purrly Vegetable remedy nonibinet in itself tlir prcprrtiea of an An lie, a mild cathartic, anJ a louiu. It quick y reqiovea from the blood, and.olli'W fluids of the Wy, the ircpaiitira of unhealthy "ecreMoin which enjender aad feed diieao, lliui etriking l the root nf the malady. Altliou.'h proeed aoeflira it may be taken at all times wild perfect fety, a itcoataina no powerful draatlo drug to debilitate Uu syntfio, sr mineral poieou to ruin lae eonaiitmion. Prepared and roM by A . B. t D. SAX DS, 1 00 "lion et , NeW York, l'riee 1 per bottle, or btittlea f0, 5. tP Re,l the adertienient in another column. by Da. STKELE, Oreren Cify, and by BATILS!BATIIS!! M VasL, and Be Clean!" T ,l'LD rr"fctfuly inform th gentlemen A of Oregon City that I bate recently filled up Bathing Rooms, MonecJon with my Baiber Shop, where both warm axd cold baths Cio be had on rcawu:.b!e term. cb21,i.:o. THOMAS WARD. C'Att;1;j u L.iSD WARRANTS, by ' HOLLAND (c DAV. ur.o. v.. oi.i:, (M.'trtoa to w. it. araM'ra ) Denkr in IROy, STF.F.I, AXUJS, SPMXOS, Wngotx Material, Meehanici'' Twit, Agricultural Jmtlt. in nil , una OEPiXZVAXi nAADWAIU, IWt eraKT I'OIITLA.M). ORDF.hS SOLICITED. 52 Wo tlC 8. State of Oregon. Cuuuly of Ciiirkainae, ' J it tiiuiilij Cmirt. qiO (JKO. SMITH i Von are hereby nolifi-.l X lliat writ f allauhiunit line been Imui J annual you, and your piojwrty attached, uieat.afy the driiiuml nf Win. Armprirat amouiiliiig to jlllil.iO. Ntr, milrta you hull apiear before llie Bounty court for said county ut llie court liouea on llie lint .Monday iu June, I Mill, judg. uieui will m, reiidrrnl ag.iiuai you, and your prop erly aid I to pay tlir debt. Uutril lliu bid day of April, 1 t-Cfl. S3t3 W.M. A UMI'lll K T, rialm ir. Slate of Orrgmi, I Cuuuly of Clucliamiia, i TO THOMAS CO It I'M i "r)U are hrrrhy notilird thai a trtll of attach X liirnt has been laued niriiiia vuo miu! mn, proH rtv atlaclird to aati.fy llie demand of Frank. no minimi, lo ntly-aeveii dollara null fifty crule, ami eoa'.a. Now, iiiileM vou liall ap pear before Chrialiau Oeardorll', a Jii.l ce of the I'eaee In and fur nuid roiiu'y, al liia ofiire.un tho I'Jlh daV of MllV. Ilill. iu lirmanl mi l Im . dend nainrt you, and your properly u!d lo pay; J'hImI lhi3lt day of March, IHIJ.I. I'.'wl FRANKLIN wXUFFIN, Pliff. Probato Wotlco. "V"OTICE i hrreliy ijiveii Hint Albirt Wright, i.1 a linini.liuior of Ilia relate of Anwu Wriijlil, line of Clarkuinaa county, drieiued, baa rendered hia accounts for final rlllrin nt.aud the lir.l Moll day iu .May nrtt is up uled lor the adjiiaimnit of Hie same ul llie court-huiim; iii(lrrgnn C'ity iu aidcouniy. ROl'KltT CAL'KlliLI), April 7, ISi'.U.j'.'ivl Couiily Judge. Notice. If R. I'OhT'S hcIumiI i mil going lostiipiu ihrre All. Wiiks. We ate retily lo r.Cihe pupils al any lime, and our cbui era will be aa low as anr olhrr J. , I'DST. ttieyon City, April C, ISM. 53 IVotice. "Tl'RINfi my alwenre from llie Sl.ile of Ore. 1'gnu I" llio Atlantic Slati, JA.MCS K. KKI.LY, l, mill net as uiynuih.nizel Agent, and all ucla dune by him aasucli Ai it shall be as Vid.d and bil dil g i. it done hv nir in prirou. MILTON ELLIOTT. March 23d, 1 Mil). NEW GOODS JUST I'.KCKIVED.... AT BEOWN & BEOTHER'S, Mtirch 31. Oregon City. Change of llusincss. rnlllC un.h nigiie.l rails ntten ioa to the fart Ilia! J be bus lo in neil fruni I'oilliuid lo Yamhil couniy for the pnaciit, preparatory to leaving fur the Allaiilie Slalrt. Tlnee in leb:ed lo me, by note or bo..k Hi'couul, nro leipiestr.l lo come furward and Millie nnniediutely, Mr. J.J. lkl'T.M.X, of l'orl laii.l, Oivgiiu, ia fully uuthoi iied lo rrceirr nnd re ceipt for monies for me, and to eetlle iiecounts. lie wi.l lu found at Login ,V' Sliailnck's Law Of. lire. I ehali he found at LAFAYETTE, Y'uin hill comity. Those iu that part of the country who can ni.'te ciniven cully ultru I to the buHurss of a solllcmrut thrre, will rail up ui me. My mrdiviiipaaro fir sale at llr. Wralberford'a f)iii; Store and iikon! Smiili &. I'nvik', I'urllanil, t : and ut llio lnis Siorr of I r. Steele, Or egmt iiv. W.L. HUTCH INS. March' 30, ISfiO. 50 Hogs Van ted. CtASIl WILL CE PAID FOR 250 Head of Bop, Delivered ul the ISLAND MILLS IMMEDIATELY. J2 ling louolit conttanl'jf. A. J. CIIAPMAX. Oregon City, March 21, lr'GO. 50 ESTABLISHED 1760. PKTl! liOtll.I..R, Snuff and Tobacco Manufac turer, 16 & IS CilAMUERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham alrect, Xrw Y'ork.) 'TTT'OULD call the especial altrntioii of Ciro- V com mid Druggiala lo his removal, und also the articles of his manufacture, viz.: It ".OWN SMTP. Maccalmy, D1 m gros, l ine Uuppee, i'ure Virsinla, Cuarae Uapfhe, Xacllitnclies, American tirullemnn, Cop lihuycn. YELLOW SNVtYF. Scotch, Fresh Sontch, High Tont Scotch, Ir.Mi Itign toast, Fresh Honey Dow Scotch, or Lundyl'oot. Ton.w.i'.o. SIOKINQ. FIMtCl'TCIIEWIXO. SMOKIXO. No. I , P. A. L., or plain, St. J ago, No.2 Cavendish, or sect, . Spanish, Noa. U2mix'd, Sw. el-scented Uronoco. Cimisier Kitifuot, 'fin Foil Cavendish, Pure Turkish. A Circular of Prices will be sen! on application. v 11 Vol. the now article of Fresh Scotch Snuff", which will he found a superior article for dipping purposes. niunm-jui Sale of Real Estate. NOTICE is hereby givrn lliat by virtue of a license lo me iaucd by the county court of Yamhill county, Slate of Or.gai, 1 will oiler for sale to the highest bidder for cah iu hand, on I he 7th day of April, 1S6II, at ten o'clock a. m.. the real estate belonging to the minor heir of .Martha Ann Savage, the same bring the undivided half of the portion set apart by llie Laud Olhoe lo the wife of Albert Savage of the donation-1 of aaid ... - t ...i u.Mha A. Savaire bai wife. AiDen rnKt - -- " . . ymg in T. 3 aouth, U. 3 west, sec. SU, and con 1.... 1 Ail .errs. The sale will take place on the ' , ALUEUT SAV AGE, premises. , ,. Match ir, 180-49w3 c"iar'1"1'- Notice. ri OLDIERS. TEAMSTERS. SAILORS, O (or their ajidoif or orphin children.) who rved in any war. or Lille, either iu C.h fornia or elerahtre, prior to March 3d, 1 ' (Aeu- children trie a-er under ; 21 yeor of date or sailors who served on the coast of I .alitor. . -ill J ll lo.H.lreMOS nia in the .Mexican wr, - Claims Ihat h?v.been rejected the and. of oilier acenu, nave oriu " -i " . , m TAg-nta u,.g for ua. liberally pajd. Und warranta bought and aold to order, and all bus,. arraui u- ... . attended "o" "it! U LLO YD &. CO., Attorney, fo, Claims, Pensions, bounty Lano, to any of tho beads of lpartincnls. 4jlti OIJEGOX HOSPITAL, PORTLAND, OREUOX. J. C. Ha ur thorn o, rnn:eiA.'. I A. ZkZ. Loryc3 fiaoron. AINSWORTH&DIERDORFF, WE ARE X O W OPE N I X G IX THC How Tiro-Proof Sriok, A I.AUUK AM) ttKU'AiiifnilTKD TOCg Of UKSKllAL iWKCUANDlSK. Faeliug Di ifeclly secure agahut lire, we will now Offrr Grtntrr Imliicrmtultthan ever la the public. V aia con.lai.lly hi receipt of G O O 1) S arlreted with the grraleal cure (as to prices and quality), and trs cuulidrnl that our facihlirs will enable us lo oiler and sell gnuili AT PORTLAND PRICES! (freights on), and would adviso all Ihox visiting Una cily lo nncliu.e co la, lo examine our stock and jiricie before pun busing ! here. e have, and are ju.t receiving, an iuvo'cs of coneiailne In part nf llie following arllclea Coche co. Pacific, lladb y, C' lirateuo, Spragu.-, Philip Allen, Full Itiver. Meirioiue. Ilriifga, and numer ous other choice PRIM'S, all liil' tlylrt i Eng lish i: French merinos, Lyoueaeclolh, mohair and niher Drbaza hrue, wool, ic luualiil da lainra, black, blur, purple, Si pink merinos, funey plaids, j.iC'illel, book, swiaa, St. mull uiualin, ladies emu. wis, collars, h lkfa & skirts, drew Si bonnet trim iiiinga, Frrnih Si doiursiio giiighauia, French lawns frmu 13) lu !., blue, uiitrd, A: grey sati nel, wo.,1 ii eoilou jeans cnitiiimdc, bleached and blown aheriiug from 3-d to 10-4 wide, brown and blenched drills, denim., hickory shining; Silrsin. murine, brown, and It linen, uankeeu, ibapir, and crash, a large l"l of hueu aud thread laces and edging, hosiery, eVc. mex's j hors' CLOTH l XO: lllue, black, nnd brownclolh coals ; IU doi blk cloth v. sis, a do while and bull' Marseilles do., velvet and shIiii do.1, 'M don pauts, doeakin and fancy raaaiiuera do, ,'ltl dot merino and cntlun uudersliirls, eiey, blue, Av blaek cloth over coats, with n amurimcnt of gents' furnishing goods. UOOTS .J- A-MOKS.-Mcu'e, boy,', and youths' boots; Indies', mimes', and children's mo rocco, goal, kid. und calf Congress buols, with At wilhoul heels; ladus' kid slippers. Rio and Java cofTee, black nnd green tea, X. O., China, Hutu via Island, Cal. refined, and erunhed sugar, Iv Huslon, Cal., sugar-hoiiae, a gulden syr up; salt, j lo 3.1(1 lb sks; lilt) k;' nails, ussd sites; Hill's pule, cheurciil, L English soap, soap pow ders, powder, shot, L lead; yeasl powder, aalera tus, cieuiu tartar, smok na; clirwlnir. tubacco, green coin, fiat, tuimlurn, tlrnu and blackber riei, in 2 Hi tins; spice,, and cassia, pearl ti n try, iiiaecuruui, vennicrlli, corn slnrch, alm onds, wuluuis, Itnixil nuts, raisins, Chili peuches, dried fruit; umckeKl, iu ir 4 tilt' bbU; surdities. A line iisnirlment of CROCKERY . TABLE CUTLERY: 20 crnlrs ussorlid vvurc, 411 d il slec! picks, 20 Hutch I Hdla hoes. While Lend, Oil, and Window Glass; with a vurieiyof olher articles UMially kept. O We will pay cash for wheal, lluiir, baron, butter, e'.",'s, and ulmost everything Ilia farmer bus lo sell. Oregon Ciiy, April Hi, 18.".8. GROCERIES ! JL'ST RECEIVED, XEW SUPPLY OF Clioit'o Young Hyson Tea, llio CoPivo, Clifinicnl Olive Soap, CiiiulltM, &Q, For sale, CHEAP FOR CASH, nt C1IAS. POPE S, Feb. 4, JSG.1. Oregon City. JJoohs. A X ASSORTMENT OF SCHOOL AXD MISl.Ul.LANr.OV". HOOKS, Forsalont CHS. TOPE'S Orron Ci'J CHEAP FVli CASH. ITCall nnd cxiiiniuo llirui Feb. 4, 18C0. Transportation Line! P ...-tlf,; STEAMER ONWARD, SllU'ltlSH, ' RELIEF, ELK. "T7'HEX the stage of waler permits, one of VV il,..o h,i will leave CANEMAH for COUV'ALLIS TWICE A WEEK. For EUGENE CITY once a week. The public will be advised of llie regular days for slut ting. IT" Mure boats will be run if the businrss dr- niitmli it. Fieiirht and pasange nt usual rales. THEO. WYGAXT, On-gon Cily, Nov. 1 , JSo9-niO Agent. Kerosene Oil! THE KEW YORK KEROSENE OIL CO. (EsTAULISIIKD 1 S64) VNXOUXCE that, bavins made great im provements in the manufacture of Kerosene, they are now enabled to oiler it to llie trade al A REDUCED PRICE. ri e ...m iu r0unA..lfMllv l-ftllefl I lie lllieillioil Ol tinieuiiir-o ii ...-(...........j lo the subjoined tuble, the result of u pholoinetiical I... I.-..1.. V k' I.'n . ,f Nl examiuiiiion, ny iu v ... ........ .-i , - - Yotk, Cheiniet, aud dated Feb. 3, IS.'itl; c 'f- r r. r ; i r or. ? ? t., Z- - - 1 i t. o T- t.sIS' Intensity of L:ght. IT 10 Xl u i z. il ynantiiyof Light u y. j t. ;j u from an equal measure cf Oil- Price of the Oil per Gallon. Cost of an equal amount of Light. Reliable orders from the Trade, by Mail or Tel eerapb, filled, on appiicati-m to AUSTENS, Agent; 93 Petri St., New York. KEROSENE isalsoto beotitainedal the Man ufacturers' prices, of all the New York Wholesale Druggists, Orocers.Camphene and I'urning Fluid Manufacturers and Dealersin Lamps. .V. B. KEROSENE it the trade mark f the Kerosene Oil Co., und ull personi ure cautioned against uting tht said trade murk f rr other tUt. "December liih, l!i9. 3C.m3 IVotice. i HOUSE near the FtasLt Sanixsar for tint. f Enquire 1 the OREGON CITY BOOKSTORE. f.b 4. JW. 44 J. 11. KALSTOX, WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALER IS General Merchandise, it now In receipt of NOW OOOSS selected with much caru in Sau Francisco. I have just received ex Northerner and Uioilur J. .million, French, English, ii AMERICAN PRINTS, bleached sheetings and long cloths, plain I burred muslin, do do smp iiiiislin, Victoria lawn, brown ahrrliiigs . shirliuga, hickuiy stripe, denims, drills and ship's duck. IRISH LISESS, linen (lain.u-k, while damask, table covers, It us. aiau towels, and crash. VLMXLLH, white, yellow, red, grey, s blue, plain and twill ed, plain s I'uureil suliuels, jiiues, collonsilea, wuol llliaey beautiful styles blankels, vihle, red, blur, a grey. Iloticrjrt Indies', misses', aud children's brown, stale, and mixed luee.-geuls' ami boys' wool aud oultun half hose. Hoots ami Shoes: a large 1.4 gents' line, medium, and coarse boots a shoes, ladies' and misses' calf shoes, gaiters, 4 alipiers, beys' a. shoes, ohildieus' shoes, fancy ami plain. II a r die a r c: Pocket knives, pnHiing unci luul iling knives, knives and fork, scissors iiml shears, butts und screws, strap hinges, door locks, variety of styles nnd patterns, hand saws, tenon saws, compass saws, bench planes, chisels, au gers, auger bitts, axes, hatchets, hammers, shovels, hoes, potato rakes, brads, tacks, finishing nails, cut nails, wrought nails, horse nails, ifcc. Sugars, cofl'ee, tea, syrup, salt, spices, soap, soap HiVdrra, cuudles, suleriilus, yeasl powders, cream tartar, soda, sul sodn, in.Hiro, clothes p ns, scrub brushes, paint brushes, brooms, dust brushes, hand bellows, wooden pails, wash tub", and wash boards. I1IJYTS SfOILS: While lead, red lend, Veil, rid, Prussian blue, chrome yellow, chrome green, burnt an I raw um bel, yellow It black paint, Vandyke brown, T. D. Siruiia and assorted colored smiilts, Uoiled and Haw Linseed Oil, Polar oil, lurd oil, full oil, laliuera' oil, China nut oil, Sit , &.o. We will be receiving by every steamer addi tions lo our present extensive stock, und FARM ERS and others will find it to their advanlnge to call and examine our iroods and prices before buy ing elsewhere. Terms, CASH. J. It. RAIJSTtlX, Curner Main dj- Fifth si. Oregon Cily, October 1, lboU. 25 NEW STORE, AM) New Goods! CHARLES POPE, Jr., HAS opened a new store on Main street, Kear the foot of the hill, North of the little Bridge. ' Hia friends and the public arc invited to call and examine his slock of goods, consisting of a GOOD ASSORTMENT OF Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Medicines, Ac., Arc, All of which are offered cheap fur caeh. Oregon City, Augn-t 20, 18.'i9. D. D. STEPHENSON, DENTIST, baa removed his ollice to tin City li iok Store, where he is prepared tu do all work in his line, lie has also an uworlmeiit of Patent Medi cinee. which can bo had ut Portland prices, ami Dentifrice, thai he will warrant not lo injure the teeth, but make llie breath sweet and keep the gums in a healthy condition. Those w ho deal in lliat hue ure invited to call nnd examine lor tliom selves. Ho will shortly have Fancy Soapt and Perfumery, and various other notiom that arc so much need ed here. Oregon C7y. J'in. 21, ItiGO, SAMUEL P. DUZAN, House C a rpente r, Jobber and Turner. SHOP orer ROSSI if- Co ' FOUNDRY. IJATRONAGE OF OREGON CITY AXD neighborhood respectfully solicited. Oreijon Cily, Jan.ill, 18(ii). 41lf J. R. PAHTEI!, (late o'mkaiu tt tainteb) Dealer in Type, Presses, Printing- Material, Paper, Cards, i4m Pi inlert' Stuck generally, 132 Clay street, ueur Sausonie, 45yl Sn FaAxciHco, Final Settlement. VTO'ITM is hereby (riven Hint Clark Rogers, lM executor of the estate of . I. II. Rogers, Into of Yamhill couniy, State of Oregon, deeeased, has filed hia accounts for final settlement, und the first Monday in April next is appointed for the ex amination and adjustment of the anme at the courtdiuuse in Lafayette in eaid county. Ry order of the court. March 7, 1860. 4'Jw4 n. iMii.Kru & soy, Dealers in TYPE, PRKHH K H, AXI TIHYTIXU Material iienerally, 123 Sansome street, coiner of Merchant, Ban Francisco. IT Printers are iuvilrd to make our acquaint ance. 4:"u6 GEO. A. NOBLE, A.M. fc M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office A'EA'r DOOR TO MR. C AC- FIELD S STORE, EAR 7 HT. BKETVEH T. N.B. Family Medicine prepared in the most careful manner, and always on hand. Oregon Cily Mareb 21'., I:,9m3 BOSTON FAMILY sTmt Keceived, At the CITY BOOKSTORE. School Sookf . 4 LARGE qoanmy of OtjOD SCIHJOL X BOOKS for aale at leas than are told for in I Oregon. Pr-Awt talco for ihens. CITY LOOK STOP.E K E I LY'H TEMPERANCE HOUSE, Mji It., opposite Oi. Alieruethy Cu.'t, ) OKlXiON CITY. I GOOD ROOMS FITTED I P Uh aa CLEAN and comfortable HEDS, f . 1 for the tapecial aecomiiiodalion vf ihaauJLIL 1 traveling piiblie. I Our DINING I! ALL la Ihs finest in Oregon, our fare good, aud charges reasonable. pingle meals, ov.ler supMrs, ami supers ler tier. raioasi Hoard per week, without lodging, On by the day, and lodglm;, 1 .Ml Single meals, 50 Niflu's lo-lging, !v Oct. 23, ln..!l. F..D. KELLY, Proprietor. Comer Third and Water s'reels, oppoiile ihs Ferry Landing, OREGON CITY. MlllE traveling piblio are respectfully f,r a. iiivuey ii, irc uif. a can. i" . The Orecou llon-e ia the most pl.-.J 1. i sully located hotel in the Klate, aud has been so ariuuied as to make it olio of the iimst Ooinmodi- oils houses hi the country. I lib I Mll.L will always be supplied Willi llie oral tliut the lliulHet altunls. Gooi accoiiiiii.Hlntiuus for Isdles aud families. raicrsi Hoard and lodging, per week (COO lluard, wilhoul lulgiug, p r week 5.V0 llnur.1 per day, with lodging L.'.O Single meul -i0 Night's lodging 50 i. 110EIIM, May 7, tf5!. Proprietor. BETKUL COLLEGIATE LNSTITUTE. oi.Kxuiaioa.Tuie vieia 1659-COi fpllK College year commences the first Monday L in September, and ia divided into four quar ters of rlrveu weeks each. The roiumeiirvmru! ia held en the 4th of July, when Hie yearly vucatiun emurs. 1'iofeuori Xhtiianii:!. IIliisoi, A.M.; Levi L RuULtxu, A. M. TKaui or tuition rK quth: Cnitimon English llranehra S 5 00 English Analysis, llijlier Arilhiuetic, Hook keeping, lli.tuiy, and Elementary Algebra '. S Ol) Nuliirul Philosophy, llotauy, (irnlogy, und Chemistry, lnlellrdual an I Maral Phi losnphy, Rhetoric and Logic 8 00 Elementary ( ieomelry.Suivrying.Aigrhra, Higher Malliemitica, l.alill, Greek, and French Languages, and Senior Class of N or. Di p., 10 00 Convenient arrangements call be inudo for heard at renamiuhle rates. Hooks used in llir school can be obtained at llio College building nt cash prices. A Xonuul iJepirlim iit has been organized, up on the plan of the N. York Stale Normal School, wilh particular reference to preparing young ladies and gentlemen I'orlracbiiig. This department ia in prarlical mid surcrssl'ul operutiolt. Prof. Nkwki.l has been rngngrd, and ia jinug Irssons on tho Piniiouud .Melod.ou. ITJ" All extensive and choice philosophical and schisil npp'iruliis, nl! a school und n general li brary, have hreii ordered from the Eusl, and uro expected on The patrons, tmdi es, and prnfissnm of the Col lege ure resolved I hut nothing cniiduclve lo llio best interests of the school shall be neglected or overlooked. liethel, Polk co., Dec. 24, 1859. 37lf Dr. II. Adolplius, Offico-155 & 161 Montgomery st, Four Doors from Washington, SAM FRANCISCO. FOR THE CURE OF C h r o n i c Diseases, DR. ADOI.P11US has devoted llio lust ten years of his pruclice lo the ont o of IVironic Diseases, such us liliiumiatism, Gmil, Private Diseiiscs of every ilocrituii. no niallur from what c.iiiho, or of lunv Imi slnltiJ inir, in b ull at'xos, Wenkncsi in llie Hack, and nil other Discuses of ilm liJueys, I) UO V 8 Y , D Y S 1' R 1" S I A , Liver Complaint, Scrofula, Paralysis, Stiff Join Is, N E II V O U S AFFECTION, conapq nonces of youili ful follies, nd .ill olher cmiiplaiuts of long slntnlini; that the human system is subject lo. LmliessiiU'eriilg w ilh discuses peculinr to Iheir spx will ho treated wilh the utmost cure and secrecy. They may most confidentially np ly for medical aid, cither by let ter or personally ; they will be suro to Hud speedy and iieruiniieiit relief from snllel'lli '. Tbi'ouoli the cuorilimiA sucers. tlm Dr hnshud, especially in the treatment of llio above dis-asea, he is enabled to prom so a speedy and permanent cure, where medical skill cull possibly ell'ect a cure. Although tho Dr. was ulwuya averse lo advertisiiiL'. he had ut Inst to su'imit lo the ninny remieslH of his numerous patients lliroughinil the Slute, whucousidor it us justice to the su Hi ring w ho cull he brurfitrdby Ins trratmeilt and advice. ThoiiFumls of patients iu C.ililiiriua huve b- eu saved by Ins mode of Ireutinent, nml will entity its superiority to any oilier they have ever been treated by. The Dr. never us-s rcuriul or min eral po sous; he lias more rlli .ieiit sulisliliif s of the vegetable kingdom. lie w.ll never expect piy where he does not effect n complete cure. Medicine and medical advico sent In ull parts of lbs Slates and Territories on the Pacific coast, af. lor receiving description of the disease and its symptoms, either in English, Herman, Frrii.h, or r-pauisli. Consultation, liy teller, or personally, r km.. Valuable Property For Sale. THE CHAMPOEO FLOCK MILL. rpiIIS MILL, situated about three fourths of a X mile from Champo'-g in the midst of the gieul grain-growing country in Oregon, is uttered for sale. During high water iu winter, flour, A:e., can be shinned direi I from the Mill. Attached to tho mill is n granary for receiving and storing wheat, a dwelling bouie and garden for the use of the person in charge. The whole property embraces aMiit rivx acsks. T'he machinery of llie in II is of very superior quality, baring been imported from Rin hesler, N. Y. There are two runs of Hie bst French liurrs, and ail extra patent run of smaller Hurrs fer chopped feed, Ac. llie frame-work, for strength, o.c., cannot be surpassed in Oregon, and lbs mill in all respects is the best in the Mate. For t-arlicu'arH, ap;,liealion should be made to (.E). T. ALLAN, I A.M.KINLAY, '(r-W. or to AMOHY IIOLhilOOK, Cbainpoeg, Jan. 10, IrOIJ 4lif Oregon Cily. Notice. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP milE firm of Allan, MeKiulay ii Co., herelo JL f.,re carrying on business under that title at Oregon City, CTiampee', and Lower Scotlshurg, Unip-ua, is hereby diend'e by mutual consent. All parties inlebted lo sai l firm, r having claims upon tbem, are hereby requested lo send ia their (scounta or make payment of the same to Geo. T. Allan or Ar. hibald MeKiulay at Champoeg, ..r Amory lloll.ror.k at Oregoo who areau thortzed tosettl ' all ir.-oo.nM eooneet-d with tha u d 6ra. ALLAN. McKl.M.A Y Jr. Co., Dev TI, I'.TJ 4!tf SANDS' SARSAPARILLA, For Purifying tho Blood, AND POR Til K CUlf Of Scrofula, Murcurittl DiieHses, Klinmliim, Ciitmieom Iupti 'lis, Stubborn ulcere, 1 .lvrciiiiiUinl, Dyapepiin, Hronoliiiiv Salt Itl.euni, l.uiiibaia, White Swell inga, Hip )i.onio, Kiildig'mvtil of llie liuncsaiid Joints, Fvar Suri-s, l rinalo Coin. itillls, Kryaipi'lus, of Appelilr, l'illl!eS, Itllea, Uctierill Ielli. ty, itit., tie. It lias long been a ill il lliirs.rsut de.iderslnnf III lliepraelce of medic ne, lo olusiu a rsuisdy similar lu I ns, and aecrliug y w.i find .1 re,rlsd tosliiMst mi vcrailly iu ail Uf-o tonuriiiiug dis eases of Ilia skill so lr) iug lo llir palisuca, and iu. jiirious to llie lie dill. Il is a Ionic, sperieut, and di.mfw.lunl. Il nets simutlaiiroualy lini the stomach, Hie i rn i utiiiv, ami lie sow is. and thus three pr.'ei', whirh aie o.di.ioniy the M suit of tusk K d d'errut k.ildjof llieili. llie, areoar r ed on at the s imu l ine through llir inali union, lality of this u.ik remedial agent, lis ureal merit is that il un eta and urutr.iliies llie active princVa of di. e itself, nil I when Iha Is goiie, the ryinptoius necewarily dinpeiir. T'he ra pidily wall win Ii the p iliriil recovers health aud slirugili miller lira lnp e hill ieiice is surprising. REMAHKABLB CUs.1E. l.ixx Coi'srv, Oregon Ter., ) Man h ll.IH.-i3. Mrssts. A. 1'.. & !. Sam. New Yolk I (sell' tlemeii, III the apiiug of lei.i.'l, while on our way from Indians In liu. plure, our eld at boy waa seized wilh a swelling aud severe piius in the legs which day by day givw worm., until his legs eon traded, and became so painful Hull he could n I wulk, and we had lo cnr.y him about like an iu fuut. We reached Albany on the 3d of October, completely W'.rn out by faligne. Ily Ibis lime, he mis reduced to a pcifecl skeMon. Here we were iiialilrd tu consult a physician (Dr. Hill), who honestly confessed ho c.ul.l mil rule him. al though ha could give him medicine Hint would re. line the pain. In this el-oney something must bo done, or ilrtth was iurv labia. Ilring reroin mended to try your SaranpanlU, I procured a bot tle. After liikn g some, he upiearrd worae; bat IMTaneriug with .1, I ohta nrd a second bottle, which seemed lu grapple wilh the disease, and caused a mat bed improvement! the swelling and puiu iu the legs weie reducrd, his epprlila im proved, and his color beg in lu reliiru. Thus eu coiiriigrd, I pur. a Ihiid lioltle ( while tak ing it the swellings in h.a legs broke, and aoinf pieces of bne one nghtli ol an Inch king came out, alter which bis legs sira'ghleiied and healed up. He ia now prrfeoily r. covered hasnoap. pcuiauee o' b- iiig a unp;ie, ami can p.riri most kinds of commou luoor, us all our lie glibors call cerlify. Yours, respeclliilly. I .M.I. II li.i in. ririiared and enM bv A. B. if D. SANDS, Wliolcsulo Dtuig'sis, 1U0 Fullou street, comer of William, Ne Yoik. Hold also be II. JOIINSOX Sl Co.. .Via fiaa- ci'srof RlCli A. COI F1N, Miryntlle; IL IL McDONALD & CO., Sacramento; nud 0 Driiirgisls generally. Ua. M ril.LK, Agent, uiegon vny. ji iins J. FLEMING, (AT THE POST-OFFICE BUlLDlNOi OREGON CITY, -J T AS on bund and for sule, a well-selecteU aas J 1 sortim nt af Books and Stationery, comprising, ill part, the following! Family llibles and TVs- Cup, loiter, aud note laments, pape', Downing's Fruits and Pens it Pra-holdert, I ruil Trees ol Ainer- Minn ol sami ooxrs, Ira revised edition, Tissue paper, perforated New Masonic Trcsllo- boar.Udra'tingpuMi Jurd. Milchulrs and Oliiuy a Masouiu Manual. licographiea aaJ At' Odd Fellows' Manual, l.uirs, Quiiihy'a Mysteries of Masons farrier, lire-keeping. Dadd'aCutlle St Horse Livingstone's Travels in Doi'lor, South Africa. Kane'a Arclie Expires fl linn's Dam. Medieilie, tiuns, Sundeis' Old und New Blunk Hooks a. If ill fa SH'!lers & Reuders, per, Thomson's A'illiiiiel rs, Gillespie's Ax. DaviiV Fulton & Eastman a Murvoymg, liook-kreping, with Slate's aud slale psncilsj hhinks, Dr. Ilollick's Wuiks, I, I l.l,. t 1.11 Inks Ac. AO.. all of which w ill be reluiled at prices edrrrapondinj- with the tunes. JJ- Dou'l forget Hie pluce ! il is OPPOSITE LA FOREST j BACON'S. also, rort SAi-K, t)r. Monatt's Pills and Phoenix Bitters, and tho GraefenUrf Medicines, which are recommended to those w ho wish lolivo till ihoy die. May 14, 1839. Great Excitement! Franco and Austria At War ! I fpIlE uiidersiiued wishes to inform Ilia people i ol urcgon iiiy, una um puunu n. Knlre..., I Ii ii t ho is ut peace with all llie wurld, uud koept cousluutly on baud A FINP. ASSnllTMKNT tlf Boots JiM Sljoes, of all sorts and tiles, which be will sell Cheap for Gush! Ladies and gentlemen, you will do well lo give me a call before buying anywhere else, because I have the rest ami cheapest boots and shoes in this market; because I get my boots add shoes )irect from San Francisco, ami can afford losell cheaper than th e that bny in Portland so that I defy competition. If yoa will but givo mo your patronuge, I will guaranty that you cun buy hoots and shiiet of me eheaplt than of any other house in town. Remember the place, and make no mistake : " F.AOI.E HOOT AMD SII01'. STORH." J. MOONKT. Oregon City, July 10, 13.19. j)29 Administratris' lVotico. NOTICE is hereby given lh it leilers of ad ministration have been grunted to the under signed hy the county court of Clackamas county, on llio estate Of A. D. Foster deceased, lata of said county. AH persons in leblid to said eslatu, are required to m ike immediate p ivinenl, and al, persona havin,' claims against said rafale a', quired lo present Iheui lo me al my rwide,nye, within one year from the dale of lhi rviiiur. ZK 111 I.I i. EMEIIINE FOSTER,, March 3, lotl-47w3 jblinx. a a a a ia a a tj FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD! McCORMICK k I'OW.V ALL'S. 3- t-OF TUC HT VTt OF UKI.UOI JJf 13 NOW READY FOR DELIVERY TCli subscribers aud ethers. Price Five Dollars. t'JT Subscribers and others in Clackamas epon 1 tv can be fiippl e.l I; tie P't master at Oregon , 1