The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, March 31, 1860, Image 2

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    ffil)c (Oregon dtgus.
, L. AIUM ,
Itnuiil Agrt,
The ' hurinonlous' are every dujr finding
lomo new bono to quarrel over. The
cracks or 'kiiI,!' In the old decayed Loiljr
of sectionalism arc liM'Ofiiing legion. They
have quum.-b.-d alout 1 private charocter,'
' MTWIIi:d Unlet,' tiirilT,' the ' intoning of
the Cincinnati 1'l.ilforin, ' the true Intent
of the Nebraska IJill,' and now they ire
going Into terr hle horning of each other
ujion the ' projM r im-iinlng of the Dnd
.&ott decision.' Douglas, In order to ex
tricate himself from the awkward predica
ment of holding to squatter sovereignty
and "bowing with rcverenco to the decis
loi. of the Supreme Court" an understood
by the Administration, linn taken our
ground that all that part of the ' decision'
which relates to the constitutionality of the
Ordinance of '87 ond the Minsonri Com
promise, is nothing more or lex than a
dictum of the Court a mere voluntary
opinion on a mutter cutirely foreign to the
issue before the Court, and of no binding
force whatever. This, whilo it relieve the
1 squatter sovereign' democracy from the
charge of holding to ono of the grossest
inconsistencies, affords a nice tsxtio for the
1 harmonious' to quarrel over. They buve
been quarreling since IH.IO over the mr clu
ing of tho Cincinnati riutforiii, and the
meaning of the Nebraska Hill, and now
they ore about to take a back hug over the
meaning of the ' I)rd Scott decision.'
Thin party, of all the societies that ever
xirited, Hceius to have tho dilHt-iiltics
over comtructioni. .They cuunot coiislruo
the Constitution, their own congressional
.acU, or parly platforms, and when nt
last the Supremo Court kindly volunteers
to blend the whole into one harmonious
hotchpotch pudding, good uliko for the
stomachs of Southern suluiii'indcrs uud
Northern loud cuter, no sooner does the
democratic family nit down to the fensl
than a ipuirrcl nrisei a to what the pud
ding Ih really mude of. Southern snhinmn
ders gulp it down snicking hot, an when
first ladled from the great boiling demo
. emtio culdron, and pronounce it nil that n
Southern Democrat ought to wish for a
iot of madu of genuine superfine
Southern flour, without a particle of 'squat-ter-sovcreign'
bran in it to scrulch the del
icato throat of tho most guiticl silk Block
ing Southern aristocrat a pudding that is
both sweet in tho mouth mid sweet in the
stomach, besides being dressed with a sauce
that makes it flip down Ihs throat as easily
as government money slips into the pocket
of a government official. Tho 'squatter
sovereigns arranged uloug tho opposite
lido of tho table, lit Ip themselves to it
sparingly at first, blow it a little to cool it,
and mince away at it daintily, casting un
occasional glance toward their 'Little ill
aut' leader, who sits for some time butting
with rrwiW toward his p, with a
very bland approving smile lighting up tlmt
side of his faco toward tho opposite side ol
the table, to show that ho coiddcrs the
smell of the pudding as indicative of real
democratic ingredients, mid with a sancti
monious pucker o.i the other side, to satisfy
his Northern friends that he is both u pious
mul discreet man, who scorns to eat till he
has said grace, and given his pudding a
littlo time to eool. After a great deal or
' reverential bowing,' a judicious and care
ful adjustment of li s napkin, and sundry
drawings of his handkerchief acrom his
Uioutli nnd nose, the ' Litllt (limit' inserts
a spoonful into his mouth, smacks his lips,
and swallows it with us much Apparent
gusto ns n gosling swallows n compound ol
garlic and meal. At this signal, the splat
ter sovereigns Tall to in good tuirmst, mi l
clear their plates, nnd everything seems to
indicate u settlement of pm.t differences
among the harmonious, ltut just lure Mr.
Buchanan, who sits at the head of the tu
lie, with Attorney-tleneral Black heiulin
(Im .., ..f ll I . . .. . . .
.. v... iii. iii ui iiii-cHicra on ms rignt, pjcs
Black a hunch and a wink. The Atlofirv
Generul, taking the hint, points Irsfingcr
icornfully ut the 'Little (liant,' nl jeers
linn with having eaten a compound which,
so fur from having a particle of sqiwtter
sovcreigu brun in it, was gotten up ex
pressly us on antidote for the squatter-sovereign
poison hitherto swallowed by the
unfortunate followers of the ' Little Giant.'
Hereupon the 'Little Giant' takes another
.........inn., as ii io reassure himself, jtnd
proceeds to affirm his conviction that
Iv'eLiu-ka. J 5 .11 snd the Cmeiimnti riutform
aro not incorporated as ingredients into
that pudding, there is nothing in it that is
at till calculated to neutralize tho condi
ments already in the stomachs of Northern
Democrats. Ho avow his entire w illing
lies to swallow anything that a democratic
Supreme Court will set him, even to
erfect neulmlirer of squatter sovereign
ty, but he wishes it dearly understood that
juit note tin Supremo Court hasn't called
uon him to tuke such a dose. At this,
tho smoko issues out of the nostrils of sala- i
mandcrs, a deep frown settles iijhmi the face
of Buchanan, Attorney-General Black,
and other Northern office-holders, and th..
whole family go,-, iuto a genera quarrel I
over the " true intent and meaning of the I
vrva N-ott decision." The Illinois dele5
tion, headed by Logan, with a big toad
itrtiggling upward against a huge mouthful
cf pudding Lalf w.-.y down L: throat.
scream out their assent to the ' Littlo Gi
antV position in loud cries of " Amen!"
ond uliouta of ' Tim Democraey enn Jo no
."' HiiAln, I'orr.ey, and the grrot
majority of the Northtni friends of the
' Little Ohiiil,' now draw back a little from
the bible, look thoughtful, and by a rather
pallid ippciiranco Indicuto a slight nauwa
at the Etomiich. t
lUport tin it that they have held a cau
cus uud coneludid (hut there Uu't much use
in trying longer to cut what is set before
them on the democratic table, wl.ero the
dishes uro all gotten up by Southern cooks
who aro determined that Democrats shall
duie ou iiqualortis ami negro soup, or
slurvc. They linvo asked the Itcpublicans
to so srrnngo their table that they cmi all
sit down with them together, as they are
not willing to eut dirt much longer at a
democratic tnMc, merely for the sake of
dining alougxide.of the 'Little Giant,' who
has a slomurh tough enough to swullow
anything that 'pays.'
Irstnu aiil sit for nUnalea,
The Lcghdaturc of Virginia was In sen.
siou some days since. A proposition was
up in tho House of Delegates to cull a
Southern Convention. Mr. Haywurd, of
Marion, said:
" I think that I live in Virginia, nnd
hare an interest In common with members
from the West In this proposed conference
with South Curoliun. I understand that
the object of the proposed conference is to
com-iilt about disunion and secession. This
I learn from the Commissioner sent here
from South Carolina. Dissolution of the
Union and the formation of a Southern
Confederacy i.i the prime object of this mis
sion. I, Sir, represent o pmt of the State
in the same Congressional District
with tho J 'an I iiuc It-, us it is called here;
that part of the Slute of Virginia which, if
civil war ever comes, will buve to bear the
brunt of it. It Is useless to talk of disunion
nnd secr.-sion for the purpose of forming a
a Southern Confederacy without expecting
wur. Dio!utiou will bo war, uud
notlui el-o but Como wluu it
inny, the Ohio river and that part of the
Statu bordering upon the State of Pennsyl
vania, will be in a blazo r.f lire in thirty
days ufter tho Union shall be dissolved.
Tho Western people will buve the frontier
to defend for more than throe hundred
miles, and yet grnllctiK'u fecm to think we
have no interest in the prepuratoiy meas
ures to be taken in (his conference. I
tliii.k wo Western people buve un inter.-st
in this Committee, so much complained of
b cause it is not so organized us togivo the
control of its proceeding to the large slave
holding districts; Sir, I think that wo are
i.l much interested us gi nil men living fur
from what would Lo the seat of war. In
ca-c of separation, how would the louudn
riis between the two confedi nicies be set
tled? liy physical power, I suppose.
Which party would be willing to siitren-
.1-- ff .1.- rt t .
tier i ml- mitigation ui tue UluJ ail.i .US.-w-sippi
rivers? These- questions are weighty
ami should be considered. We had a
Hartford Convention, orcotA-ruicc, during
i he war ot 1S12, to consider ot disunion.
What become of tho men who went into
that awmbliige? Sir tl ey came out po
litically difgracid."
Western Virginia don't want to go with
Kastcrii Virginia in disunion. Western
Virginia bus few slaves; ami is only kept
Irom raising her voico against tlio disunion
heresy tllectiially from the appor
tionment ol representation in the Legisla
ture. esb rn irgima v;ll bo t:uo to
the Union.
Nor So. Our friend of tho Democratic
Herald, ut l-ltigeiie City, publishes the fol-
lowlier pnrairraiili us haviie' been uttered
by Gov. Denison of Ohio, whilst canvass
ing that State lust year:
"If I n m elected Governor of Ohio
and I expect to Ix I will not let any fu
gitive slave be returned to Kentucky or
any other slave State; and if I cannot pro
veut it in any other way, as 'Commandcr-in-t'hiel
of thi military of tho State, will
employ the bayonet, so help me God!"
This is u vile forgery, started by the De
mocracy or Ohio during tho canvass, nnd
is exactly the contrary of what be did say.
1 lie Sditiinent lie expressed was this in sub
stance That while the fugitive slave law,
us it ut present exists, was distasteful to
him, yi t as long as it remained ou the
statute book, is Governor ho would exc-
. V
cjfle It Willi Ul the force ut Ins ennmYnl
hKiriu ti-AN Natiosai. Convk.vtiov.-
liy the latest news from tlio Atlantic we
learn that the time Tor holding the Uepub
licuu Convention nt Chicago 1ms been
changed to the lt'.th of May nearly a
month earlier than was ut first decided
upon. This will cause inconvenience to
some of the delegates appointed to repre
sent this State, and we learn that Leamler
Holmes, Ksq., In consequence of his inabil
ity to attend, has empowered Horace
Greely to act in his stead and cast his vote
Idward Bates.
Ml Arnaict.
Tin Democracy of Cluckumaa county
Inn been summoned to meet in precinct
conventions on the 7th of A pr'.l to select
delegates to tlio county convention to be
held In this city April 12. Now, as these
two meetings w ill Involve a lo of two duyi
foeueli tnn ii otteiiding them, besides a con
siderable outlay for grub, borse feed, ferri
age, Ac, to say nothing of Democratic
" rot gut," we think It would bo advisable
for tho Democratic denizens of the country
to stay ot home, and attend to putting In
their spring crops, uud leave the business
of iiominatioug a county ticket to tho
ollice-boliler.) In town, who have nothing
else to do these times. The only object in
drawing you uway from your farms and
business is merely to "W upon a
ticket which bus been prepared by the U.
S. Mursbal, nnd which you will bo expect
ed to go through the form of " nominating"
ou the 1 2th. The tickets, no doubt, uro
clretidy printed, and securely stowed owny,
mid- r lock and key, in Dolfa bed room
from which they will bo Issued Just before
election to Rome " sound and reliable Dem
ocrat" in each precinct. This has been the
" Democratic" custom heretofore in this
county. Lost spring, just prmous to the
city election here, ll.ij Democratic city tick
ets (us is well known) were printed in Port
land on Friday, yet the convention to nom
imite wus not held till the Saturday follow
ing! This fact leaking out so disgusted somo
of tho party that they utterly refused to
vote the ticket, and some even who were
nominated on it, refused to support it.
What bavo such independent ficc-Stute
Democrnts as W. A. Starkweather, G. W
Jackson, and others, to sity to such i
But here Is tho " ticket" that the Demo
crats of Cliii kamus co.mly are expected to
vote ut the ensuing June election a pretty
fair one, in its wny: Tor Ileprcsentutivcs,
A. V. Hedges, Philip Foster, Win. Mo
Cowu; Sheriff, John Thomas; Clerk, A,
Holland; Treasurer, Tlio. Johnson; Sur
veyor, Tim Fisher. This is the programme
now decided upon by the iminugers, but it
may bo changed to suit whatever exigen
cies may arise and it is not unlikely that
this disclosure may create such an ul.irm as
to cause the wholo order of proceedings to
be re-arranged, nnd a new ticket prepared
for " nomination."
Tho " plutforiu" upon which thtso men
uro to stand will be composed t-f rough
slabs, hewu out uftcr the following fash'o:,:
Uesolut.ons endorsing Jo Lime, De!u.-io:i
Smith, and James Buchanan.
Ito'olutiotts condemning Helper and the
" Impending Crisis."
A resolution charging tho Old Brown
foray upon tho Black Itepublicuns.
A resolution endorsing tlio declarations
of Southern Disunion Democrats cf their
intention to dissolve the Union .if n uir.jor
ity of tho American people elect a Black
Republican President.
A resolution endorsing Lnnsiug Stent,
and commending his Democratic consisten
cy in voting for a Know Nothing lor
Tho above ugly-looking slabs all nst
upon tho following Democratic "mud-sill":
The celebrated Molalla resolutions de
claring niggers property under the Consti
tution, uud therefore bound to be protected
in every Stuto in tho Union.
The convention will also probably nomi
nate James Officer, the author of the fore
going resolution relative to " ncrgcrs," for
tho State Senate, nnd issue instructions to
tho Wasco Democrats to swallow him.
An adjournment will theu take place.
The Jas. Clinton. This favorite steam
er, under the command of Copt. J. D. Mil
ler, leaves Caiicmah exactly nt 8 o'clock
on Monday mornings. This is done in con
sequence of the Clinton's carrying the mail
to llmmpocg tho schedule time for leav
ing Oregon City being 8 o'clock.
Fiiom tiik Atlantic Status. Tho mail
reached Portland on Saturday evening lust.
The latest dates by overland ua to Feb.
-'. e are under obligations to the pub
lishers of tho Portland Dailv News for
acopy of their extra containing a compila
tion of tue latest news.
I torn our rclaat l.vfepa4''ai.
ponri Axn, March 29, H'10.
Dpr Aw;ts: Since the sovereigns re
moved the worchouw building from the
levee, erected by Vaughn, we have had
tolerably quiet times here. There are sotno
indications, however, that tho (flort to ob
tain the uso of tho public property, to tho
injury of the city ond of Individuals, has
not been relinquished. Shrewd politicians
are endeavoring to carry a measure by
stealth that cannot be accomplished by
osn liuiided deiding. The Democracy (I
suppose it Is called so) had n meeting a few
nights ugo, nnd so arranged ns to defeat
the nomination of McConnh-k for Mayor,
nominating an Individual for that office
who is supposed to bo favorublo to the
claims of Vaughn. There is a good deal
of opposition to this nomination among nil
parties, nnd I am not disappointed to see
G. C. Itobbius n candidate, with fair pros
pects for lis election.
Mors. Kuue nnd Morr'-wi arrived from
the Siinill'iimoen mines s vend days ngo.
They caution miners not to bo in n hurry
to get thero to stay ot least tlino weeks
I" fore they move that way und, by tlmt
tin: , theso gentlemen believe they will ob
i.jii such information from tho mines as to
prevent them from going there at all.
Von see that the time for the meeting of
the Republican National Convention has
been changed n month earlier. This will
keep at homo some of tho delegates for this
State. Who will be Presidential candi
dates, is a mere matter of speculation.
Tho Republican Convention will nominate
a ticket to win. Tho Tribuno thinks that
Douglas will bo nomlnntcd at Charleston.
Many of his friends think that will not be
the case. Most of Douglas' support will
come from States where he cannot hope to
obtain an electoral voto.
We hear less of the Disunion projects of
the Southern Democracy sinco tho election
of Speaker. They have probubly learned
that the gnmo of " threats" is played out,
nnd that tho Republican party will claim
nil their rights under the Constitution; ond,
further, tlmt they will sro to it tlmt tho
" Union shall bn preserved."
The opinion seems to bo common that Jo
Lane has no strength based upon his tal
ents or his public usefulness in the position
ho occupies. Ho is nn old fossil, that
should be laid upon tho shelf. Ho has
never done anything good for our people,
und ho never will. Tho lie he uttered when
ho snid tiiis Territory contained n white
prnulat'on of over ninety thousand, will
stick to him like the shirt of Nessus.
Lansing Stout wus one of tho ninety
Democrats who were swallowed by the
tiveiity throo Know Nothings. Stout was
perfectly willing to put the Know Nothings
in a position in Congress to carry out their
prescriptive views in regard to foreigners.
I oreign-lorn eltlzrn! should tuke a note of
tiiis fact.
However, it is renMv of very hi lie impor
tance what tho people are permitted to
think of Stout. His own n.irtv hnTe made
up their minds that he is atftwt; nnd not
n single public man or Lane press hispers
a word in hit behalf.
Business is dull here very dull, I should
think. Tho steamer that ' brought the last
mail from San Francisco was not the mail
steamer. She is expected to leave Sun
Francisco for this place on Sunday next.
Clackamas Rkitiii.icax Convention.
The RcpulHpns or this county should not
Torgct that next Saturday, April T, is the
day on which the County Convi-utio i is to
meet. We hope that every part of tho
county will be fully represented in the
'Kit nd I.KTuiKii. Somo ofthe
1. ..w. ... . . .. . . .
ciioiccs cxiracis in me nciicr boKara
from the speeches of Gov. Letchcrf Vir
ginia. It is fair to say, however.thnt nt
that time Gov. Letcher held to the doc
trims in regard to slavery avowed by
Washington, Jefferson, Madison, (.'lay, anil
other distinguished Southern statesmen.
What would become of these men if thev
were now living in Virginia and Kentucky?
Would they not have to move over the
lines to save their lives?
Kxti'iTKn. Moss, the murderer of Har
per, w as hung iu Polk county on the 20th
hist. Ho confessed his guilt on the scaf
fold. We understand ho has made a con
fession stating that he also murdered a man
in Keutuekr some vears since.
Tiuxks. We are indebted to Hon. I
I. Stevens for a copy of the correspondence
between Generul.- Scott nnd ll.irnev and
Governor Douglas, relative to the occupa
tion of the island of San Juan, nnd also to
Hon. Lansing Stout for public documents.
Biionruii-K. The House ou Feb. 13,
adjourned out of respect to the memory of
Hon. D. C. Broderick. Speeclus were
made, highly eulogizing the deceased, by
.Messrs. Lurch, Ila.-kiii, Stout, Burlin-rame
Morris, and Sickles.
Dalles Correspandi-ace, City, March 2-i, lSfiO,
En. Amirs: Times are improving in this
place quite business-like merchants and
trnd-.-rs beginning to do well. AVc see peo
ple trom all parts of the Willamette Val
ley, most of them bound for the mines.
A great many get their outfits in thi? nlaco
I icniy injm ponies nt reasonable prices
anil Titles to some are good. Trade
' cut-throat' is quite llvelv.
Speaking of ' cut-throat reminds me that
last Saturday a young man cnifiisc-d at
wood-yard fifteen miles below Des Chutes
by tho name of Charles Ci' I
-ritual iuffuence cut his throat from ear to
e r. He was alone in tho cabin at the
time ho cut his throat. By tho "iuner
sight' he saw 'thn were stili after him, so
he took to the woods no one knows how
lon-r he wus cone. TTia
Gen. Pulmer is lu re, with fifty or sixty
I...., ..r merchandise for the Similkmiiccn
and Ouesnclle mines. H intendi shipping
t.v to Priest's Hal-Id, and Irom
thence by wngous and puck traln. I see
'-I, Titv'nr nf vuur cilV U utollir. Cri
thinks this country looks rather barren, but
!. U n.iw.b i.lcascd with the clluuile, nnd
wishes those good luck who may choose to
make their home lien-.
A few weeks ago there was considerable
excitement in this place, occasioned by the
jumping ff tho military reserve ground
ul.u li was thrown oh to Dalle City.
Houses und fences were built ut all tune
of the nx'ht. all in defiance of the orders
Ar tf .14 i'tv
The cattle-raiser complain of the U. S,
mull x. Thcv sav the mules turn kiotn like,
Ifitiiiee und eutimr voiinir calve. This is
Bi.n... 1 1. in.' new to me. but It is said to be a
fact and if Uncle Sam docs not keep his
mules ui), tlmt kiota medicine will be nit
I notice scvcrul parties on their way to
the mines in small bouts. I leiir im-y win
have a hard times- of it before they p-t
f1.m:i!'V I bear that Cii I it. Si. Smith ol
I.inu Citv is on his wny wiih miiuII bouts
If nnv oiie cuu make the ' rilf,' Si. can.
Thcstci r Col. Wright bus been hauled
out und thoroughly repaired, nnd will com
uieiice lux reiruhir trips to W.illa-Wulln
snake River, und PrieU's Rapids, next
we- !x.
I nv n what I can leurn, I inn inclined lo
thi. U tinit tho Columbia iniL'bl lie navigat
ed to the Okiiingnn, a distance of l.MI
miles above Priest's Rapids, and within "5
mih-s of the Simi!knuietD irohl mines.
To those w ho must uud will go to the
minis, I would say, !o upon the south side
of the Columbia, 'till us late as June or
Julv. The south side is some further, but
n much better road early m the
As ever, Lux.
radilknc llUrr Traafcparuiloa ana . I
gnllot l.ampauy.
F.n. Amies: It may bo quito interesting
to many of your readers to learn that tho
Pudding River Transportation nnd Navi
gation Company, created by an act of the
Legislature of Oregon Territory, In Janu
nry, lSoS, have recently duly organized
according to law, by the election of tin fol
lowing olliccrs: Geo. F.White prc.ident,
John White trcusurcr, und J, W. White
s cre'.arv,
The navigation of tho Pudding river, for
a long time, was thought to be hardly pos
sible, owing to the huge piles or drifts of
logs in its chniiuel, forming complete block
udes at many points ou the wny, from the
Willamette towards its source.
The company, since its organization, has
Imnilsouu-ly succeeded iu removing the most
imposing of these barriers, remliriii'' the
navigut'on of the stream cutirely pr.icticn-
hie us fur as Irving's bridge, a dUauce of
ten miles from the Willamette.
Having sufliciently cleared this part of
the river, the splendid ai.d well known
steamer Mooss was chart .-red and placed
iu tho hands of Capt. John Kruso und
other experienced and trusty officers. The
trial trip was made on the IStth of Febru
ary lust, and was regarded us a complete
fu :ce?3, meeting every expectlou, and set
tllcg tlu queittan that Pudding river cu
be navigulfil. During the coming scasou
the river is to be opened to Purkesvdio, a
distance of about sixty miles from the
mouth of ruddiur river.
dTTlie Jennie Clark, Capt Mvrick,
will resume her regular trips between here
aud Portlsnd tci Moudav moninr
tO" A correspondent of the Portland
Daily Nt-Bs, writing from Walla Walla.
snra !... 4 e 1 1 .
...... .- ...... iui j.v.iii, men nas aiwavs been
claimed to be iu Wasliimrton Terri torv.
has been found by the survevors to be in
Oregon by some two miles or more.
fc-S- We have received from the Fanner
Office, and al-o from a friend at S dem, a
copy of the constitution of the State Agri
cultural SocHty. and tho proceediiiLtT of
couv-.Ti'.ioa that formal the ja-ne.
gone, ms partners comimr
. - "
nome, ana seeing blood all over the floor,
had nn idea of what was up; 10 they, with
the assistance of some Imliaus, commenced
tracking him by the blood, ond finnllv
found him nearly exhausted and quite ra
tional, nr. Jlogg was sent for. who fixed
him up, and entertains hopes of his recov
ery, as the cut was not deep enough to
prove inst.intlv fatal.
We can't complain as do the Portland
dailies, for we have nil sorts of fights, even
dog tights. Too much trouble to attempt
to describe or purticularize the skinned
noses, bruised heads, ' square-toed measles,'
Ac, Ac.
- lew uays ngo, a man came from the
mines. His report is not very encourag
ing. He says there is gold in the Similka
meen ni.d over a large exttnt of countrv
that a few spots pay well, probublv as well
u..- 1.... .
una oecn reported. As vet tl. l.r..
paying claims are few in number and ou!v
moderate wages can be made over a lar
extent of country say $3 to (10 per duv;
cost about i-2 or $3 per dav to live, 'i
mnik a great many who go with large es
pootatioris will be jrrievouslv disappointed
there is no doubt of the existence of .'old
there m moderate quantities. It is report
ed that gold-bearing quartz has been found
in that conutry. Au acquaintance, an ex
pericnced quartz prospecUr, left here a few
weeks ago in companr with R. N Wlrte
forthepmppscof pro-ecting the quartz
thTO. lis re-tort can h- d.-ix-mh-d v.von
Then, every fa
cility necessary for tho transportation of
freight aud the conveyance of passengi vs
to the cities nnd markets below, will be
ottered to one of tho most thickly .settli-d,
fertile, and productive sections of our State.
No people of Oregon 1ms been more em
barrassed than tho fiiriiu'rs of Barlows',
French and Mohillu prairies, Hoik creik
country, Waldo Hills, and vicinities of
Purkersville und Silverton, toollof whom,
wo trust, the great desideratum will soon
bo supplied.
T. W. White, Sec.
News Sim-jam. A telegraph bill has
beeu introduced into the Semite roviding
for the construction of a line of wires from
tho Western portion of Iowa to Portland
Orego!'. '
HaJet has been convicted of murder in
the first degree, nt Charleston, Vu., for his
participation in tho Harper's Ferry ufl'iiir.
lie nnd Stevens were sentenced to I
on the 16th of March a
n -lie 10th Feb., Lord Lyons the
pioi'i'.-ition of tho British Govermnpnl In
regard to San Juan before the Secretin-- of
it u uireaiiy rnmorcu tlmt it will
be rejected, as our Government is deter.
mined not to back down from the position
it has assumed.
It is now understood in nn'it;,.,,! ,.ir,.i..3
. IV I
tlmt .Mr. Don-las, fuilini: to secure the num.
mutiou at Charhston, from tho united op
position of the South Itim tvlM
transfer all the strength be can command
in favor of Alexander 11. Stephens, of Ga.
LoNsouniTtox of the Stkaushii- Lives
A dispatch of tho 21st Feb. snvsr 'I'i.P
contract between Commodore Vunderbilt
IV...: i r ri. . .
....u i.. i in-iiic .nan -steamship Coimmnv
for the consolidation of their California
team.-lr.p lines, and the cessation of tl.
present opposition has beeu actually signed
though both lines dispatched te
t.iP.l .i- Tl, r . . 7
"v. xuc luu-soi iure nave been ad
vanced, however, for this Aim linn
.!.. II. . . . ' "Ul.
u.-ru a,m uuj, one uunured, nnd seventy
Ove dollars. J
February thus ixprew, lu ffc
the mail to lie nominated for prw J
the Kepublicun Coiivtntloi,. '
"We hold that if the R..!,,,!..:....
is strong enough to elect as next pL1
whomsoever it will, them ... .
who, ubove ull others, are entitle h
sldcratiou at Chicago. TiZ .
f two
vv iiiiuiii ii. newarfj ofXcw . Zr
rd of
nion P. Chase of Ohio,
the Federal Senate when Mr IZi
trodueid, rttiiodeled aud ure-uu-.l tl
his Nebraska J...?1?
posed It with a promptness, tm.
uud resolution, which have rird, f
eqnnled. Others did nolil.. but if .
eminently duo to these two that th.
try ni early and ptrully ap,,
real character and purpos 0f tlmt iT
tons measure uud tlmt the hollow art
sy of lis i biims to Justification on tb?L
of " Popular Sovereignty" Wt.r, b(.,7
Hie liidignaiit gnze of all who art mi,
rully blind. A. Mr. Douglas UJJv
to be t!ie candiilato of the Sbatn DeW
cy, thcro would l.-e ciniiu-nt bUm
ting ngainst him one ofhij twocIiW,.,
oiiisls in the memorable htn.ggle t?
s. ,ved old i.rgnni.utloin and cidlid tlie 1L
publican party into being. Kiichof!U
is, l.y original character, by trui i!
experience, emphatically . ulta"', unsullied UJ
broad nntiomil views end feelinei J
thoroughly Kcpublican (irineiph ,SJJ?
n.tious. No sune Auiericnn, no nmttflf
what section, would have any ft-ar that tLs
Niilloiml iuteresU or honor would af
nmh r tho sway of Seward or Clisse,
tiio noisy swash of disunion would'be,
linked uml exploded by tho election aid
administration of cither of them, and stacd
exposed to ull the world as the liol!out.v
it really is. No earnest Republics!!
could rcfuso to work as well as tote for
eitlu r Chase or Sewurd, or to do ctctt
honoiiible thing within his power to stcarj
the election of whichever is roiuiuiiM
to eh
Is the Kcpublican pnrtv sir.,n..j
sh-ct Chase or Seward? f'oiil,? U...L
i roiuiuatci
strons ft-on-
Sewurd? CouliliuL
cither of thim, c.rry Pennsylvania, jjw
Jcrs y, mul Illinois, or ull the free Sulci
except Peunsylvaiiiii? If yes, tLca tin
only practical question is, Which of tits
two for. most lb-publicans tlwll ix w
standnnl bean r in IS 00?
We propose to h evo both of thrie qne
tiens to the Chicago Convention. Wt
have o-.:r opinions in nspect to tlicm; Ut
wo do not des' re that the Convention 1I.00I1I
be governed or influenced by them. Wi
only ui-ge that nil the Stales, bnterwi;y
the pivotal Stale.! above-nnracd, ibi
s n l able, candid, inqartial dc Irgatt to
Chicago thero to state exaet'y what the
doubtl'ul States can nnd cannot do, if
tlmt tho Convention shall give eariintheid
to those stutctu'.'iits and tsk? actioa accordj.
Mistake. John Rickard, of Corvallis
sends us $2 50, with a request that our pa
per to his address be stopped. Mr. Rick
ard is mistaken, nis name is not on our
books, and never has been that we know
of. He probably meant Delusion's paper.
Dorr.i.A3. Horace Greely, who 1ms
lately been making a tour through the
Northwestern States, writes a letter to the
Tribune, giving it as his opinion th;.; Doug
las will be nominated by the Charleston
tJ- We are indebted to Hon. Jos -pb
Lane for a copy of the Pateut OUk-e Re.
porton Acr'cu!t-irefi,r ISoS.
And 't i!o -s?m (ou- tliouglmclolj
this view subject to the rrprcsfiitationi of
th-; dclegntis to Chicago fiom the dookiful
Stubs that, if we cm. not J rot-ably eket
Seward or Chas", it will bs vain to not i-
lute instead either Hai.ks, or Fewm!,
or Dayton, or Cameron, or Liiuoln. Gmtl
m.'ii nn 1 true aro they nil: but tih.-rtnv
on wlmt ground can we rutioiiiillj hope t
obtain for either ot ttcm any cif-Meral!e
iipport wUii.-li will not le accerdtd l or ocward? All of tin se are oiniplr
and thurongWy 1-1 ulilicai.s, ha fouj-Lt
with a 111 the good light ofl Sou, aid tar
the seers of that well fought and gloiions.
thoii'.'li unsuccessful, strui'irle. o or
will seriously contend that cither of them ii
ibler moro eimncut, more -(.'serving, tint
they who led the forlorn- hpe ugaiitfl
Dunglat anil hi.i iniquity in 1851. Oa
what plausible !rr,imil could we hope lo se
cure for them the votes denied us 1S5G?
If, then, our Convention ahull decide tbil
it cannot silli ly iiotiiinnto Seward or Chatr,
we hold, w ith duo submission, that the man
for the hour is Kdwurd lhit.sof Missouri.
Mr. Ifutcs is tomineiidi'd to our ioitlirmeot,
beenose, while essentially a Republican, be
us not hitherto been ulentiucd wim toe
party, anil is not expo-cd to tliennjlp
jiidicf.) which inccsisant inifrijircscnWiM
has excited ngnnwt our veteran iwuen.
Born, reared, and always residing in
slave' State, it will be morally iatj-ofa-ble
to make anybody believe tlimt be inedi
tutes d'siiiiion as a means of getting rid rf
s';vtry, or that his election wonlil resniii
d'sunioii. pTucV.cnl Emnncipstitmirt, d
would be hard work to inako him odiooa
to suno abolitionists, while we might WJ
count, iu bis bobniV, on the noisy, wUf
nant, untiring ilcmuiclatio.':? of 1110 T
handful ol disunion abolitionists vtJ 'f
to vote eveti for Seward cr Chase, yet in
sist on damaging these statesmen bysptl
ing well of tlicm. This little coterie of
common scolds, who never emancipated
slave and probably never will, will bo cer
tain to aid by their opposition the rj
practical emancipationist ever notttimlW
tor l'resident, whether ho be Uutesomn
one else. 1 The Old Line Whigs' snd oth
er supporters of Fillmore and DooelsMW
';')0 would be compelled either to supFrt
Bates, or to virtually confess that theyoij
pose him simply because he is averse to toe
extension of slavery. The Tariff m eta
not object to him, for he is fully with them.
The River and Harbor men will be gM
to bail as n candidate the President of tM
Chicago River and Harbor Convcnti
As to the Pacific Railroad, the word Si
Louis tells all that need be said o
The gallant Emancipationists of M'-
ri, who havo borne the free-soil flag
in the darkest days, are nnanimous
earnest in urging Mr. Bates's nomiMt101
They say that he can carry their Sute,
which we greatly doubt; but he woo!dI
least thoroughly contest it, and theitoj
hasten tho dav of the consecration of W
soil of that no'blc State to free labor ii"
So throughout the border line ef
States: we do not say that Bat's
carry one of them, though we believe
would stand a good chance for Msrv"
and Delaware; but he would have an
toral Ticket in teery one of those S"'
and a resnerfciMe ennnnrt in each, W
Mich men as John Bell, II. Winter D"
John J. Crittenden (we trust) and tm
others who are not Republicans. '
Aud it would be to u3 a verv pungen' rec
ommendation of such a choice that it i1 '
l, 1.. .1 ... .... .'..UlnntO
"c sine-He 10 me eyes 01 iue 1.11.0 j- .
wortera in , U hard sold eat w
remains of the A mcrican party to the Sb
Democracv. and would find them!
terly nnu'de to deliver the goods in C-
hates were our candidate
But cnouirh fcr the d.iv.