v. - L column will le fouii.l call for Co.,. otnert"'" ,1,111,i. n,k. Zd Muriop hoM on tlie Itli of April ii .1. oi.i ami T.lnn Anril :..,l,ill on .iiuri.1 i . SoJ. -iuTIio Drtllwi pMr iy that tlu-re . I.. Will . ...nil. U..L . .. .,.;ilTllC'lll III HID nmim-no ir in rfifiinl to tlm SiiiiilkiiiiK'tu mines, ?. .nprclienJ th.it the fxeitcme.it lure J Lttt tl.s st the Dulla. We ore "ct ftsrful that the golJ utories will prove antra. . jg. Sti'iliens, oimthir of tho llnrpcr's - .:,( hun been tried and found jorry ii"i guilty. j-Kx-Seiintor Chune of Ohio, hu been ... i ,i m tho U. S. Secute. lie tukeg Jt-IClttu to place of !'" Ostooy Cirv Maiikkt. Wlii-nt, $0 80 i. (lour, pon'i" ,! butter, 37c; iMeoii, 1 q?K, DISS: . .l. ....i inure of . ... tr J. A. PoWnall, formerly ol Lou. X Ktn'u.ky, ettrd about 37 year. Ho died iet'i lingeiiiig dme- " month dunn., after csaianipiieu. Lecture la l.aAIrk Mb. Ad M. Who II lemur adics ,wn Ciiv. and vicinity, nt lit ounrrg.i iial Church, al 2 o'clock on .M afternoon, l.rh .9. The subject win be in h nil r. inter. sled. The I. fire w.ll be frc. ai,.LJiireiillr.l;lfullyfivi.eJtte prcul. . -r - filale RrpttbUraai l.aavratton A Suite Rcpu dean Coufeiilinn will meet a. Eoefiw City " uursuny. uu) "1 r' l! iii .'..Wli i H.. fur the nn 'i 't'uii of eaiidi. J.tefir Representative in Cuugre, and lor Ihe traiuaclion of such other business as limy ii.me u r.dild Mitivcllliiill. Tne Republican uf the several cnnnt'e nml nil 0lhriip,io,J lu the present a liiiiiiiliittiou, and will iifl" co-operate wtih them m auppoi'l uf lit eaiahlale who ehuil Ii'"'" le ii"in n iu-il, nml who (rtupjMW.I tii tlie te.eni rfCRi.muiiu ir.r ii tr pilicv of llie eu cjl.f.l Uainocrucy ol Oivg inin.l ill in !' I'nC'Uo Kiiiliiml. and in luvi.rol J,.m.f I f'T the iiclii.il ewlilerr. re invilnl te ienJfiomMelicotiii'ylixaU couveution dt icju e H.nimi 4. rtaciutin .". Cliitwp t.Coiw t, Cur. l C.liinibin I. Iloii'i'iiii 11, .lui k-oud. .lo'. pli lie 4, L nil 9. !.' MhiiihmhhIi 7, M irimi !t. Pulk4, TilLimmilt I, Inijiq'W Ii ueliingluii -I, ucu a, Yimliiilj. ''lieiarir'-in"t'iiiutiuii it bie l cpiin tnr p giirv.itnif tlir lum f !i-e!io. alluwinq; m de.rgu.e for ich coumv cut ii? lo.t viitce or lew, un.l urn rr mi. iilil.t "n il I'll) vote. J-'r frjclioii.il Mrii,.n fjcicJi'ii eiulnv vo:e in nny canity, end ileauk'heminiv lo mi mlilil.onul doliite. A full ddfjitio" in icq ielrd. Jly erJtr of llie Mali- Ti-nrr il Coiiniitn-c, ii. w. c:o;im:rr. foillind, M .r. h l.-t, ItM). Ch iinn 1:1. I'.lecktmas Co. IVrpulitlraa t'.naventltn. The lii-pubiii'Miie "f l lacknin m county, niid ell tlirra pMnKl to llie . rex in eenl onul Adiniiie UjI'OU, end in fnvnr o Klirli a hkIhi of nieus Bret, St Me end Nalinmil, will tinnl in eilvnurf the pr4pirii' (' (),en'iii iiud nf the whole conn. lry,iri invi l tiini' t'lnt llie o.irl-lioum' iitOr. egen Ciiv en Smunlny, April 7, I H(l, nt i o'clock r.M.. fur llio iMrpa-e f chuiui'ni! five ileli gmeii lo llie Sute coiivcii. ion hi Kniiie City, and nlo h telrd caiiil ilulea, lo be inii'Uorlrd end elecle I ill Juno net), an I do mich o hT buMiiena n may Ciime before the coiirt i ti n. It ihiiie l llnl every prruinct w'll he represent ed, it ii b- ieve.l lh:il n, Ii nr an ernenle ran beaiiileM will urcuie the tr u ii liof fiee prin.i p!in iliiacmnity. Amoiiv llni.naiinK, Clm r'li.in I o. l oin. Orepm City, March 12, IsfbM. Lttta t'.n. tVupnhllran l.onvrntlnn. The It p.ib lcum of Linn co in y are rerj irme.l to meet in uiawi cnnvclilio'l nt All ,'tny oil Mond.iv the SM dav of Ap il m-xi, nl II. o c 'K-k A. M , fur the nui of flrclinj niiK ile!eate to liIU'il I the itiiili'icau Mule f 'n:;vi'iit on to bj held ut EupMie C.tyi.n llie lilihof A;ir'. iiy older of llio coiiuly cumuli. te. Juiin C'u.VNKH, Cii'n. Albany, March, 1800. Republican I'.ounly t'.ouentloi. Till RriHih'icuu nf M.-irion Cfimly ore requested tonin'tat the ciinrt Iioiimi iu Salem, on nlurduy, the Ttii April, nt 1 1 o chick, for the purpose nf Mora mtiiig a coun y licket lor oflio a of Aim ion eeunly, alo tu appjint d. lrj hbs to the Slate con i'tiii tube hf .) nt Ku.'ene CMv, on the lilili of AprH, fur the p'.irpns,' nf Humiliating a candidate for the noxl C'oujresa mil tliico I'res.di'lltinl electors. Tlie bntii of repro'enlation is one delegate to every Ijll vole ciwl lit llie lut elrciinn, and "lie forcvirv fme'.iiin over eijlitr. Murioti county i emitled tun uo deiejf itii. V. WARlUiV, Chairman County Cmiim Itee. St'em, Maich lei, To tut Ripubtlcanof YatuuiU Voa'.";! The un lersiftncd, willi ng In prora ite the liar many and nicneM of the lit.inihlin.in i.Mtiiui in Ynm. lull county, appointed u Committee iueacdi precinct to Consult w.ih the Ccpulilicana to whai cuui fe i.i.uiu do piimued prepi atiiry tn the coiiiiii? cm AceurJingly tt meeting w is held ill Lil'uv He en Siitunlny, the llih iiiainnt. reiiesctili d by eevtn prec.ncui, and after duo del beralion it was uiou'lit but lo meet in tlio usual llmiuly Conven J".by precinct delegation ; that the popular vnle be takenaiabwianf reprinentiitinn, and that the ne doleg ite fur evciy twenty voice. The mputilieaas in the v.-iriuus piccincte are e.irnea ly requeued to hold iheirpr mary meelin'enn Satur v,M:ireh8t!h, at 1 j o'clock M., and elect dele. SJ'Mto m et in County Couwuiinn. "I llie Court ''uem Lirayclle,on.Saiurd.iV, Mar h Hlet.ut 1 cUnkr.M, j,,,,, W.'Cowu. Ch'n. Gtu. L. WiKina, Seo'y, Vainliill Cu. Cum. iMam Balaam nf Wtlil t'.berry. The only pure and genuine llalsam is. and for the Inst iweniy ye, htt pr,parej bj. seTII W. rn i Co., of liojion; and their primed same, as well a the wrillen siifiiutuie of L. " ' "Plr on the outer wrappers. Ae jou ould r""' ll" spurious and have the genuine, no o,W.' '"' liUA of Wild Ciieaar.-Thi. in ble remidv ia the beat one extant for the aafe, 'Iv, and permanent cure of caught, "'. tore throat, ironchitit, atthma, pleurhy, Fxvmoma, croup, whooping cough, bleeding at ""ig, ptin in the breatt or tide, and in lacl "7 lurni of throat, eh. st, and lung complaint, "en a roxreMPTioa itself, l ha ho, hold remedy ahould be in the hands esiil,,ry n"ly""1 ''l''Jual,aa a timely appli w''7,.of ll,lu 'I'ght cold will cause immediate 1 c"e of long slanding, obstiuale, Tield i 'r""'y i,,cur"bl,! eln.ra.-ter, will su ely ire.i l"" Wuni,"'ful curative powers and ils 1J P!t'0a 10 ,he ""uU r 9i" r- Bnsl?1! in C,,if"niia by Rediogf.n A. Co, ii7 JSh7n 4 Cu- t'hHe. Morr II, S.u Fran Ri... V- .' Mdnald fe Ca., Sacrsmenta; rCb ,1 tCo - M0"'H; Smith 4 D.vi. "ad.Origon. frlrjyeow Notice. A YL!!M" ioJebt"1 he aubecriber by book e lSiktl'L"' ,Kl"t"i ta make aeulcmerrt by etbsr k. ? rUlh- l"6u r th earn, will pi into t& ' kl ""eetioa. tiT Hamh.e U Caae- I. . . JU!- BAKSTOW. T A r lo IhtWl . ""' "rapaiill.'I,1i, i,r.dr ,.i , I.U reme ly imiiibinea in ilolf h. projk rliee of an An. tiM-pt e, a mild cailimlic, and a Inuio. I. quick. y removea from llie blood, and oilmr rluida of the hody, Ilia iinpiitltn-a M unhealthy eenrelinne which engender uud fe, d disraw, Ihua a.rikiug al ilia ro.il iif.h m ilady. Alilionh proved aoefdra eloua it may be takeii at all lime will, perfect eafeiy, aa iloiiulaini no powerful dre.ilo druj lo u. u,i,iie ui p)iem, er riiiiiinii rtiou to ruin .lie cciiibi lulmn. I ri-pan-d mid en'd by A. II. eV D. BANDS, 100 Ful.on at , New York. I'rico 91 per bullla, or a ii' inca lor 0.1, tr Head ihc advertlnenienl In another column, r-ouoy ira. o i M,u,, Urrgon fify, and by x. o. o. r. 0rnn Lo.Hie Xo ninti a. Hi. ir l'il ly i.iHne .ha jn (till on Mondny evening of ..u uiemrrii 111 g.ioii aiau iliig ura inuled lonneni. ii. u. LltAMMJUU. S.li. Tuoa. CiuaitN, lieo. Hro'y. 30 Multnomah Lodge Wo. 1, A f . d: A. hold, ii .lated cmiiinmiica. j. av noil in ins Mi,a ur 'lViMier.,nce 1111, on lh Muturday (needing tho J.u .Moo,, j month. Jlrethren in jood Ximding an- invited in niieiio. A. L. LUY tdOV, W. M. 1). W. CaAiii, Hec'y. 13 ESTABLISHED 1760. PaiTKU l.UUtl.l.ARU, Snuff and Tobacco Manufar. turer, 10 & 18 CilAMUERS ST., (I'ormarly d3 Clialh.nn aueet, New York.) "rOULD call .h ennecuil attenlinn af (iro. 11 cerauud llruggiala lu lua removal, and alao mo aiiiuicaol Ii a maiiuUclura. mi UKtUVX KM I V. Mnccnlmy, U. in grna, l ine llui p-e, I'urv ViruMn a, Cuaiae Uuppce, Aacliitoolie. Ainer cuii Cieiitlruinn, loptiiUuten, YUI.1.0W MMVF. Scu'clt, 1 leh Sctch. II Tnaat Scotch, lr.ah ll.gli Tonat, Friah lloucy Jjew Scotch, or Luud) fool. Tonuxo. ailOKIdU. riMtClTCIIEUI.VO. aUOKINO. No-I, P. A li.orpl.ini, Si. Jog.i, No..', CaVDiidiBh.oraweet. hi.u.n.li. Roe. Uim Yd. Kwiel-cuiled Uionoco. I',,,.i.r ivihiiiui, tin r ell uvondi.li, 1'uru Turki.h. A Circular of Prce w ill be ecnl oil 0.dic.ilinn. V. II. Note the new ail.clt- of freA Scotch Suull. wlich w.ll be I ou ud a aujwrioi uriicte for u pp ng pu ica. m!il7iii.),lli Bale of R33I Estate. VyOTICt; i hereby g.vn that by virtue of a i.1 license lu me m.-md by the countv curl of ii.iihi n countv.fctate of nr. e .n, I mil otter lor sj e la llie highest bidder for curb in h .ud, on llie iiiiuayu. April, .Con, nt tin o ciock A u , the real taliile belonging to ihe in. nor lie r of M.iriha Ann mii,, the mine being ihe undivided hulf of ihe onion t upuit by ilie l.uud OIILo 10 Ihe wife uf Albert 8uvL'e of llie di'imlioii nf a.iid Aibert r-nvnL' nnj ,M..riha A. .Saiaiia hia wife. lying iuT. 3ouih, U. J uvm, sec. 2S, and con. luiuinr lliijauiea. The a ile ill :a'e place nnthe preiniae. ALULItT SAV.UiU. Al nch 17, l8'J0-4!Jrt 3 G ardiao. jYoticc. DOLIII K R S , TEA SI ST ICRS. SAILORS, O ("r iheir tciihiri or ornliun chiltlrtn,) wlm aerved ill any wars or bnitlet, eiiher in Call fornia or rlirwhrre, prior to M uch 'id, IS5.1, or ihi'ir children vho irere under 21 year at thut date, or s.iilurs ho served on the cojb. nf Culifor n a in the Al, xic in war, will dn w ell to address us. Claims that have been reirctrd in the lieuda of iiiher neiits, have be II siiecesHfully obtained by Ag. ills nc.lMg tor us, libera ly paid. I .and wnrrains b night uu I sold lo order, on I oil b in. lies re U ring an ngeiit nl Washing on, ot ende I lo it. It. LLOYD & CI), At.orneya for Clnim", I'en-ioin. IJnuniy Land, Ac. Roi'errnce In nny of the heads nf l, p;ir.iii iit. 4 8 1 0 riaal Settlement. OTICIC is hereby tiveii lint I laik Refers, esecutor of the estate of .1. II. liuirer, late Ynuihiil coiintr, Maie nf Ui'egon, deceased, bus tiled hia iiccounts fur iln.il setilemeut, mid the dr.! M hi lv in Ap il next is appointed for the ex- nni iiuijitn ii nd adjusment of llie sane at the coml-htiUM) iu Lu u vcl.e in said coumv. , Jiy urdcr of the cmnt. March 7, Ihlifl. 4!lw4 AIHSW0R7I!BIEnD0RFF. WIJ ARE X O W OPENING IN THE Ifcw Firo-Froof Eric!:, LA II OR AND WKI.I.-AfSllKTKU STOCK OF UESERA I MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly secure aguin.t fire, we will now Offer Greater Imliicemcnta than ever lo the public. We are coustuutly in receipt of GOODS selected with the greatest care (as to price and quality), and re confident tlint nurfacililieaw.il liable us looller and tell guoilt AT PORTLAND PRICES! freights ou and would advise all those visiting this ciiy lo iiuchne coo ls, lo examine our slock unci price before pun busing elsewhere. VV have, oil I are ti'l reOC Vlligi s:l invo ce ot consistine in partnf the following articles Cnche co, Pacific, Dudley, Cmieate!.'!!, Spriigue, Philip Allen, Full River, Merriinae, drigga, and uumer oua nlher choice PRINT'rJ, all late tttjlet ; Eng lish French iiierinoa, Lvoiiese cloth, niohair and other Debazes bra.e, wool, ii muelin de lainea, black, blue, purple, Si pink merinos, fancy plaids, jaconet, book, swim. At mull mtisliti, ladies' em I), sets, collars, hdkfs Sc skirts, dress te bonnet trim iiiings, French Si doineslic giiighaius, French lawns from Idj lo 25'!, blue, mixed. & grey sati net, wool ife eolion jeans, Cuttoimdc, bleached and brown sheeting from 3-4 lo 10-4 wide, brown and blenched drills, den m, hickory shining j S.lesin, marine, brown, and Irish linen, nankeen, d aper, and crush, a large lot of linen and thread lace and edging, hosiery, Ac. MEN'S 4- BOYS' CLOTHING: Blue, black, and brown clolh cnats ; 10 doi blk cloth vests. 5 don white and bull" Marseilles do.; velvet and satin do.; 30 dox satinet pants, doeskin and fancy cassiim re do. 3 dox meriuo and cotton underahir.fi, grey, blue, 4. black cloth over coats, with a gcuerufasaorlinefU of geiils' furnishing goods. BOOTS $ SHO ES. Men's, boys, and youths' boots; ladies', misses', mid childreu' m rocco, goat, kid, and call Congress boots, Willi 4. without heels; ludies' kid slippers. Rio and Java coflee, blark and green tee, N. O., China, Baiavia Island, Ca!. refined, and crushed sugar, E, Bution, Cel., ugar-houe., a golden syr up salt. 5 to 2IIU lb ska; I HO ktfi nails, aasd six..; Hill's pale, chemical, fc English eoap, soap paw d. i, powder, shot, fc lead; yeast powder, aalera lus, cream tartar, amoking chewing tobacco, green corn, peat, tomatoet, ttraw and klmrkber riet, in 2 lb tins: spice, pepper, and cassia, pearl barley, maccuroni, vermicelli, corn starch, alm onds,' waluots, ISruxil nut, raisina. Chili peache, dried fruit; mackerel, in qr hlf bbU; sardine. A fine frtment of CROCKERY $ TABLE CUTLERY: 20 crate assorted ware, 40 dux steel pick. 20 Dutch Hdla hoe. ITA'k Zriff, OH, ai Window Glati; with a variety of other article aeaally kept. IJ- VV w'ill pay cam for wheat, fioor, bacaa. butter, esga, and almost everything iba lanuer ba to selL Oregon City, April 16, 188. s JL'ST It ICC K IV ED, NEW SUPrLV OP Choico Young Hyson Tea, llio Coftee, CLemical Olive Soap, Caiicilcs, ifcc. loraala, Cll HA P FOR CASH, al CIIAS. IDPE'S. reh.4. I SCO. Orefen Cify. Hook. A ASSORTMENT OK SCHOOL AND at. MlHl.KLLAXV.Otet nOOWH, rnraaltat CHS. TUI'IC'S Oiejfon Ciy VIIEAP FOR CASH. JTCallaiid examine lliem Feb I, ISCO, WmK WILLAIHIITTS 1 ransportation Line! STEAM ICPi ONWARD, Kl'KPKISK, " IIKL1ICK, " 1CLK. XTHICN the itage of water permits, one ef ? llue Uiais wll leave CAN KM All f..r lOKVALLIS TWICE A WEF.K. For l.l(j..M. ( I1Y mice a week. The pubic will be mlv srd of the regular day furalarliug. IjT More boat Will be ruu if Ihe buaiiien do miindi it. Pi eight and passage at usual rales. TII ICO. WYUANT, Otegon City, Nov. 1, l..!).iiu ilrnf. Kerosene Oil! THE XEW YORK KEROSEXE OIL CO. (ICsTAULISIIKU I SS I) A NNOUNCH thai, liav'ni made (rreat hn- 1. provemeiils in ihe manufacture of Keroaeue, Ihe) are now enabled to idler it t Ihu Trude al A REDUCED PRICE. I henllrution of consumers ia resprctfully called 10 iiiesuDjoinea lame, the resuil ol n pliotonielncul exuiiiinaiiiiii, by r.u o N. Kk.t, ICsq, of New Yoik, Chemist, and duled Feb. 3, l&6. " C 2 ; 2 I Jr. z. ii : 5 z- 5- ii j3 H 3 5 . : : : sr i is tn t ojts ir. ll ldttjef Light. Qumililyof 1. 1;; lit from an equal measure of Oil. . . . r Pile of the Oil per Gallon. omcissa: Cost of an equal amount ot Light. C s ! 3 ac " i c ; Reliable orders from the Trade, bv Ma!! or Tel egraph, tilled, ou a plicniion to Al'STr.NS, Ag,t,, 9.1 Pearl St., New York. KEROSENE i almoin heohtmned at tlio Man- n'acturera' pricte, nf nil the New York Wholesale l)ru!gls, Oroci r,t untpliPiie and Ilurning rluid ,Miiiifacluier and Dealersin LimM. N. U.K EROS EX E it the trade marl of the Kcroiene Oil Co., and all ncrmni are cautioned against ueiug the raid trade mark fir other oilt. uecenmer I in, N.9. 3B:m:i 1). D. STEPHENSON, DENTIST, lias removed hia office to the Cirw Umk Store, where he ia prepared to do all work in hia line. He has also uu assortment of Patent Medi- rinct, which can be had at Purl land prices, and Dentifrice, that he will warrant not to injure the teem, but make tic) hrealli sweet und keep Ihe gums in a healihy condition. Those who deal in that line are invited In call and examine fur them selves, lie will shortly have Fancy Soapt and Perfumery, and aarious other notions llnil are so much need ed here. Oregon City, Jan. 21, IbUII. 3. II. I A I X TIC II, (LATH o'fO.ARA Ii FAINTER) Dealer in Typo, Fresses, Pi-luting Material, Paper, Cards, And Printen' Stock generally, 132 Clay street, ncur Sunsomo, 43yl Pan Francisco. Final Settlement. "VTOTICE is hereby given ilia, .loseph Church, .Ll administrator ul Ihe estate of N. J. Louili, late of Cluckuinae nounly, Slate of Orcgnii, de ceased, has filed his accounts for final settlement, and Ihe first .Monday ill April next is appointed for the examination and iidjiistmept nf the same at llie ceitrt-houeo in Oregon City in said county. ROIiEItT fUUI'TELI), March 3, 18C0-47w4 County Juiie- WW. FAl'MiMIKK & SOU, Dealers in TV PI.. V Rl'.SS V. H, AMD PRIXTIXU ll;lerlal tieorratly, 123 Sansoin- street, corner of Merchant, Sen Francisco. IT IYntera are invited In make our acquaint ance. 4anl6 SAMUEL P. DUZAN, House C arpente r, Joller and Turner. SHOP over ROSSI J- Co.' FOUNDRY. 1) ATRONAGE OF OREGOV CITY AND neighliorhood respectfully solicited. Oreg.m City, Jan. 21, ISbO. 41tf Smut in Wheat. TO THE FARMERS OF OREGON i TOV that have SMUT in wheat, will find i X much lo your advantage In thresh you wheal beforeor after it hat gone through a ttccut as a greul deal of the smut will be prevented f,in fretting on Ihe graiu. A. J. CHAPMAN. Msnd Mill, July 23, 1809. I5lf Notice. A HOUSE near the Female Sem.xaet for rent. Kfiiaire et Ihe OREGON CITY BOOKSTORE. Feb. 4, HsOU. 44 GEO. A. NOBLE, A.M. & M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office NEXT DOOR TO MR. CAU FIELD S STORE, X Kit IHU BtSWEI T. N. R Family MeoTeine prepared ia Ihe moat careful manner, and alway no hand. Oregon City March 26, 18:9m3 JL'ST received, ihe latut tiyl of eiux a sat a BU.NNETS, Leghora nd otiaw lit. AIVaWORTIi ft DTERDOBFP. J. It. Pi ALSTON, WHOLESALE $ RETAIL DEALER IX General Merchandise, ia now In receipt of now ooosi Mlfcle.l will. iiiiicIi caro iu Suu Francisco. I have just received Uiothur Jniia.han, ei Northerner and French, English, & AMERICAN PRINTS, bleached .heelings and long cloths, plain k barred muslin, do do snip muslin, Victoria lawii, brown heelings L shirliugs, hnkoiy atrip, dsunus, drill and ship' duck. LINENS, lineu damak, while damask, table cover, Rue aian towels, and crash. V b A i K I', I H, white, yellow, red, grey, 4 blue, plain and twill ed, plam a figured talinels, juiics, ooltouadr, wiol liusey beautiful sijlca bluuk.ts, whic, red, blue, a grey. HoaiiTf 1 ladies', misses', and children' brown, slate, and mixed bote- gluts' aud buys' wool and cot inn half boJD. Boots and Shoes : a large lot genla' tine, medium, and coarse boote l a.iora, lauic Bu i nuases calf l.n, gaiters, slippers, boys' boils 4 shoes, child 1 ens' shoes. fancy and plum. Ha r die a r c: Pocket knives, pruning and lnid- uing knives, knives und forks. It a a scissors ami siu-ars, butts ami screws, strap hinges, door locks, variety 01 styles aim patterns,- nand saws, tenon saws, compass saws, hench lanes. chisels, an gers, auger Litts, axes, hatchets, hammers, shovels, hoes, potato rakes, brads, tacks, finishing nails, cut nails, wrought nails, hoi-se nails, vc. Sugars, coflee, tea, syrup, fall, spices, soap, soup piwuers, cuni.ies, suleralus, yeas. iowdcrs, cieam Inrtar, ao,la, sal soda, indigo, clothes p lis, scrub brushes, pauit brushes, brooms, diisi brushes, Ham. bellows, wooden pails, wash tubs, and wash boards. 11IJVTS OILS: White lead, red lend, Ven. red. Prussian blue. chrome yellow, chrome green, burnt mi l raw um bel , yellow 4 black paint, Vandyke brown, T. D Sieune and assorted colored smalls, Boiled and Haw Linseed Oil, Polar oil, lard oil, fiah oil, taniiera' oil. Chiua nut on, etc., cto. We will be receiving by every aleamcr ildi linns lo our present etleusive stock, and FARM. ERS and other will find il lo ilieir advunlaire to call anil examine our roods and prices lieioie buy ing elsewhere. Torn3, CASH. J. It. RAlJSTON, Corner Main dj. Fifth ill. Oregon City, October 1, 1B59. S3 NJ'JW STOltE, AND New Goods! CHARLES POPE, Jr., HAS opened a new store on Main street, AW Me foot of the kill, North of the Unit Bridge. His friend nml the public arc invited lo call aud examine his stuck of goods, consisting of a GOOD ASSORTMENT OF Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Medicines, tfcc, ttc, All of which are offered cheap for cath. Oregon City, August 20, ItCS. SHERIFFS SALE. PURSL'ANT In three executions issued to me fioin the office of the clerk of tho chcuil court of Ilia Slate of Oregon lor the county of aslmitoii,iluieil .Junuury V.I, IrjOU, in luvor ol R. C. Cruwford et alt. ngu iist Aiulirose Fields, fur waul of personal properly, I have levied upou Ihe following described real eslulc of Hi said Am brose Fields, to wit, two acres uf loud in the coun ty of Clucknmus, originally purchased by said Fields of Robert Moore, deceased, ill lc!47, the nunc being above Ihe H'illainello Kalis, 011 the west side of Ihe river, aud being bounded on Ihe norih by a spring brunch, and nil Ihu east by Ihe Willamette r.ver, forty feet being reserved be tween said two acres and said river lor n road being the laud 011 which is situated the dwelling house and improvements of said Fields; ami 1 shall sell all Ihe inlerestof said Fields lu the said land, with Ihe buildings thereon, a. public aucliou lo the highest h dder f ir cash, on Iv einrsioi, Me 2lsl day of March, If tit. Sale lo luku place oil the premises lit two o'clock r M. LEWIS DAY, Sheriff of Clackamas to, J!y M. Patterson, bis Hepuly. Feb. 18, 18G0. 4."iw4 ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. rpHIC millers gned bus been duly nppoimed ad I ui.oiistratur of Ihe estule of thrisl an E. Sweilzer, lat of Claekama rouuly, deceased. All persons owing laid estult) are required lo make paviiient lo him, und those haviil cluiun must present the same verified by law lo h ina! bisria idcuce in ('ancniuh, or at the office of A. Hoi brook in Oregon Ciiv, wiihiu one year 1,0111 date. OKOIlGE A PEASE, Feb. 11, 18fi0-44w:t Adminitlialor. GOOD PKOPEItTY for SALE! I WILL SELL FIVE DWELLING . houaes, one large and commodious ..til STORE-HOUSK, and one large t.aN.JOJ. all handsomely situated IN CANEMAH, and in good repair. All the dwellings but one have two tola well fenced. I think it unnecessary lo further describe the properly, as no one would buy without seeing the same. Any one having the cash, and wishing 10 specula. e. can have a bargain to suit himself, as I have made up my iiiiml .0 sell. SAMUEL K. JJAKLOW. Caneinah, Dee. 3, I8."9. 34 BOSTON FAMILY Jaat Received, At lb. CITY BOOKSTORE. OllEGON HOSPITAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. J. C. Hawthorne, A. M. Xraryea, Phtsicisk. lfiy SlBOEeM. Notice. THE firm of La Forest eV. Bacon having been dissolved by mulual consent. I hereby inform my frN-odaand euatomera that I will continue bust. arss al the aid eland. E. LA FOR EST. Oregon City, J una 25, 185U. School Books. 4 LARGE quantity of GOOD SCHOOL lY IiOOKS (. ami al less lhaa art sold for in Oregon. Prudun Ukn ., ihf ip. CITT UOOZ BTO'P.B KELLY'S TEMPERANCE HOUSE, M-iin It., tppttiti Uu. Abernethy dj- Co.'l, OUUUON CITV. r oon rooms fi ited upiih IT CI.HAN and comfortabla ItEDS f.. fur Ih fecl acculiiiuodaliou of thsilj. Iruveliiig pulitio. Our lil.MMl H ALL I lhsne fn Oregon, out far go. a), and charge reasonable. Singla iiiaals, oyster supM-r, and supper for parlir got up on short notice, in Ih nejiss. man. uer. raicEst Hoard par week, without lodging, 1.1 00 " by Ih day, and ledgiu.', 1 fiO Ming') meals, .',0 Night' lolling, ' SO Oct.2a, I .,!. E. D. KELLY, Pmprlelor. Corner Third and Water freer, oppotiti the Ferry Landing, OREGON CITY. rilllE traveling pubiio ore respectfully 1 invited lo give me a rail. f, I J h lireifon House is llie most pleas 'L.I, at, atilly located hotel in the Stale, ami hat been so an Sliced as lo make it one of the most commodi ous houses 111 ihe country. THE TABLE will alway be supplied with Ih best (ha. Ihe unlike, allurd. Coo j uccoinin.'dationa forludiet and families, rale: Hoard and ludgiuir, per week $G00 lloatd, without Indg ng. per Week S.UU Hoard per day, with lodging l.JI) King! uu nl 'il) igbt lodging 51) J. UvJlCllM. May 7, 159. I'.oprlelor. BETHEL COLLEG I ATE I XSTITUTli cai.enuai re Tin year I859-G0: rpllE College year comincuces the first Monday I in Bcpteiiiiirr, and ia divided into four iuar ler of eleven weeks each. The romineiicemeiit ia held o III 4lh of July, nen in yuriy vacation ensue, Pioftttort Nathaniel Huuson, A.M.; Lev. L. Rowland, A. M. terms or tuition rra quartee: Cnminon English limnetic $ 5 00 Eiiulish Analysis, Higher Arilh.ne.ic, Rook, keeping, History, and Elementary Algebra ( 00 Natural Philosophy, llulauy, Geology, and Chemistry, luielleciiial and Moral Phi losophy, Rhe.unc and Logic 8 09 Elementary Geometry, Surveying, Algebra, Higher Mathematics, Latin, Greek, and French Languages, and Senior Class of Nor. Dep., 10 00 Convenient arrangements cau be mad for beard at reasnnable rates. Honks used ill Ihe school ran be obtained at the College build ng al cash prices. A Aoriual I 'cpiriineiii has been nriianized. 11 li on .he plan nf the N. York Stale Normal School, Willi particular reference lo preparing young ladies and gentlemen for teaching. This dipanmenl ia in practical and successful operation. Prof. Nkwei.l has been engaged, and ia giving lessons on ihe 1'iuno and M clod. on. JJ An extensive and choice philosophical and school apparatus, also a school and a general li brary, have been ordered from the East, and are expected on tavn. 1 he patrons, trustees, and professors of the Col lege are resolved thai nothing conducive U tho best interests of tho achool ahall be ue 'lclJ r overlook, d. Uelhel, Polk co., Dec. 24, lSa9. 37lf Dr. II. Adolj)lius, Offlce--139 ii 161 Montgomery tt, Four Doortfrom Wathington, SAN FRANCISCO. FOR THE CURE OF Chronic Diseases. DR. ADOI.I'HUS haa devoted llie Inst I en yeuraof hia practice to llie cms of Ciuonic Diteatet, such ue Uliftmiutisin, Clout, Private) Djsensei f every description, no niuiler from wliHt ciitHr", or of liw loiigstniul iiio, in b"llicxfR, Weitkncsa in the Hack, ami nil oilier DiscBsf of llio Kidneys, I II O I' S Y , 1) Y S P U P S I A , Liver Cu.niluiii, Surnfula, Paralysis, Stiff Joinla, N E 11 VOUS AFFECTI ON. Cfini'iii'.tcTR of youthful fulliea, and all other complaini of long slsiuling Unit llie huiiiuil ayslem is auoject 10. LailiessiiH'eriug Willi diseases peculiar Inlheirtex will he treated with the utmost care and secrecy. They may most coiifiileiiiuillv ap ly for medical aid, either by let ter or personally ; they will hn sue to find speedy aud permanent relief from suH'ei ing. lln oi'irli ihe enormous success the Or. has had, especially in the treatment nf the above diseases, he ia enabled lo prom so a speedy and permanent cure, where medical skill can possibly ell'ecl cure. Although the Dr. was always nverso 10 advertising, ho had at lust to submit lo Ihe iniiiiv requests of his numerous patients llironjliocl Ihe State, who consider it ns justice to the siilli ring who call be benefited by his treatment ami advice. 1 huiisuuds nf palieiils 111 (.alilnruia have been saved by his mode nf .naliiien., and will certify ils supciioiiiy lo any other they have ever beau ireuiedhy. I he I)r. never us-s mercurial or min eral po sous; he has more ellicieut substitutes of he veeialde kingdom. Uu wdl never expect p V where he does not effect a complete cure. Med' cine uud medical advice sent to all purls of til S.ales and Territories on the Pacific coast, al ter lecemiiff description of the disease and its symptoms, enhor in English, German, Freu Ii, or l man. Contultation, ly letter, or pertinally, FREE. Valuable Property For Sale. THE CHAMPOEO FLOUR MILL. rpH'S MILL, situated shout three four! In of a JL mile IromChainpocg in the midst of Ihe gieat grain-growing country iu Oregon, ia offered for sale. During high water in wio.er, flour, Ac, can be shipped direct fiom the Mill. Attached 10 the mill is a granary fur receiving and storing wheat, a dwelling house end gulden fur the use of Ihe person iu charge. The whole propeily embiHces about five aches. The machinery of Ihe lull ia of very superior quality, having been imported from Pis hosier, .. V. lh. ru are two runs of llie best r reiicti Hurra, and an ex'ra pa.eut run of smaller Burrs fer chopped feed, ou-. The frame, work, for sneiifih, die, cannot be surpassed in Oregon, and Ihe mill in all respect ia ihe le st in the Male. For particulars, anplieation should be made to GEO. T. ALLAN, , A. M. KINLAY, j"'""". or to AMOKY IIOLLROOK, Champneg, Jan 10, IbMJ 4lif Oregon City. Notice. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP rpiiEfirmof Allan, McKiul.y A Co., hereto X fore carrying on bnsiues under that title at Oiegna City, Champeeit, and Lower MeMisbu'g, L'mpqua, is hereby dwsol'e by mutual eoosrul. All parties indebted te said firm, or having cleans upon ibein, are hereby requested lo tend ia ihoir accounts er make payment of ihe earn to Gee. T. Allan or Archibald McKiulay al Chsmpoeg, or Amory Holbrook al Oregon City, who aroau tl.oriied IoslUIc all i. eounl. comiestid Willi lb a lfirra. ALLAN, McMKLA Y A Co. Cbaroroeg, D j. 1 1 , 1 3. 4 1 it SANDS' SARSAPARILLAj For Purifying the Blood, and run the cum or Scrofula, Mvrcuriul DicRKfii, Rlieumatism, Cutaneoni Kriipll.'n-i, Stuhborn ulcer, I.ivr coniilunil, )VHpeiin, llroncbiiia, Sail Khputn, Luniliapn, Vhitr Swell, ing", lli DisCHio, Kiilunement of llio Honrs ami Jiiinls, K-vor . Sorts, i'linala Con.. Jilni.il, KrysipeUs, I of A I'pptite, l'i..lile, lilies, Ociicrnl I)clji. Uy,ii:.,&e. It has long been a most iniMiriaiil desideratum it. the practice of medio. ne. iu ulnaiii a remedy simdar 10 I lis, and aecnrdlngly w.i Dud it retried toulinoat uu vviaally in all llinae to, menting dl eases of llie .kin so trying lo the paticuci, and iu jurious lu the health. Il ia a ionic, ap.-rieul, and disinfectant. Il act simultaneously upon lb stomach, llio craci i.atiov. and .he boiveij, and thus Hire processes, which aie onlmarily Ills re sult of three different kinds of niedi. me, are car ried on at llio same I me through ihe in-lrutiKli-ta lit y of Till u.E remedial u;ent. lis threat menl Is .ha. it meets ami nealiulitri Ihe active princ p'e of discus itself, and wheii Ihal is goue, Ihe symptnui necessarily disappear. The ra pidity wuh which Ihe patient recover health aud alfeuglli under .his trip! iulliieiice is surprising. REMARKABLE CURB. Linn Courr, O.egon Ter., ) March II, I8.M. ( Messts. A. 11. & I). Sns.ua. New Yoiki Geu llemen, In the spiing of IH. .1, while on our way fiom Indiana lu ibis place, our eM si boy wa seized with a swelling and severe pains in the leg which day by day gtvw worse, until his legs cou traded, and became so painful Hint he could n-1 walk, and we had lo cany him about like an in f u (it. We reached Albany uu Ihe 3d ol October, completely worn out by luiigue. Ity Ibis liiut, he was reduced lu a perfect ske'clon. Here w were enabled lo consult a physician (Dr. Hill), who honestly confessed he could not em him, al though he could give him nied c ne thut would re. lieve the pain, lu this exigency some.hiug must bu done, or death wua iuev. table. Doing reootn mended lo.ry your Sursapaiilla, I procured abol. tie. Alter ukn'g anuie, he upieaird worse; but perseieriug Willi it, 1 olila lied a second bollle, which seeaied lo grupplu (villi the disease, aul caused a uiurked iinpruvenieiit : the swelling ami pain iu the leg weie reduced, bis aqielii im proved, aud hi color began lo return. Thus en. couraged, I purchased a third holilef while tak ing il Ihe swellings in li s legs bioke, and aome piece of bone mm eighh ol nil inch long cam out, alter which his legs stru glitciied and healed up. He ia now perlccily recovered haauuap. peuruuee ot being a ciipple, and cull perform most kinds of common lalsir, nsull our ueghbor cau certify. Yours, resiiecliullv, CALEB DAVIS. Prepared and (old by A. II. ,f D. SANDS, Wlmlesale Drupg sls, 1UU Fullou street, corner of William, New Yoik. Sold also by II. JOHNSON V Co., San Fran, citco; RICE Ac. COFFIN, Miryniltet R. IL McDONALI) tt CO., Sacramento; uud by Ditlitgiais (fen, rally. Da, STEELE, Agent, Oregon City. jl4m3 J. FLEMING, (.4T THE POST -OFFICE BUILDlXOj OREGON CITY, nAS on hand and fur sale, a wall-selected a, ortini nl uf Books Jind Stationery, comprising, in part, the following: Family Bible and Tea- Cap, letter, and not Laments, puper, Uowuing's Fruit and Pcns.V Pes holders, Fruit Tret of Amer- Sutid Si sand boxes, lea revised edition, Tissue paper, perforated New M.isotiio Trestle- boar.l atdra-tinir papof Hoard, Mitchells and Olnoy Masonic Mannul, Geographic aud At limes, Odd Fellows' Manual, Cjuinhy'a Mysicries of Musiiii' Farrier, D.idd'sl'attl Sl Horse Uee-keepiuir, Livingstone' Travel in DiKtlnr, South Africa, Kane' Vrcti Expira Gunn'a Horn. Medicine, tions, Sunders' Old and New Blank Books II Bill Pa Snellen At Keadors, per, Thuinwiii's Anlhmctica, Gillespie' Sc Davie' Fulton A Eastman's Surveying, Hook-keeping, with Sluice and slate p-uciU, blanks, Dr. Ilollick' Work, Red, blue, ft blk Inks, ie., eVc, all of which will be retails, al price corrapoudio with the limes. IJJ" Don't forgel Ihe place ! il ia OPPOSITE LA FOREST tj- BACON'S. At.SO, FOH SALE, Dr. Moffrttt's Pills and Phoenix Bitters, and tha Graofuiibrj; Medicines, wh eh are riicoiiiiue tided to thou who wish In livo till they die. May 14, I8..9. Great Hxcitcmcnti Franco and Austria At War 1 ! rpllE undorsiirned wishes In inform Ih pph A. at Oregon City, and the public in general, Ihu. he is at peace with all the world, and kuep constantly on hand A F1NF. ASSORTMENT or Boots and Shoe;?, of all tortt and titet, which ha will sell Cheap for Cash Ludies and gentlemen, you will do well t giv me a call bel'oru buying anywhere else, becaus I have the best ami cu rapes boots and shoes in this market because I .ret my boot and shoe Direct from San Franciscff, and can afford to aril cheaper than thane that brry ill Pari land so that I defy competition. IT yon will but if i vu me vnur natrniintre, I will foaranly that you cull buy bunt l and timet of llie cheaper Ihan of any other house in lown. Remember Ihe place, and make nomistaa! " RAGLE HOOT AND SHOE STURE,'' J. MOONKT. Oregon City, July 1G, 18.'i9. jy39 Administratrix' Notice, NOTlCh is hereby given lli.it loner of ti' ininistralioii have been nranled lo llie under signed by ih county court of Cluckainns coiirttjr, ou Iheesiaie of A. D. Foster d. ceased, lata tsf aaid couuiy. AH persons in denied lo said cfat re requited lo make immediate payment, arid alt Dersona bavinir cluims uirainst said tstalb are re quired lo present them lo me at my r-idenc within one year Irom tne naie i in noucr. ZERILDA KM tlll.N K I-OSlKIt, March 3, Iiji)-47w3 Adm'M. FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD! McCORMICK & POWXALL'S! ff-OV TUC HT ATE OV OatGOSjgJ IS NOW READY FOR DELIVERY TC eubscrlben and ether. Price Five Dollars. tT Subscriber and other in Clackamas eoao. ty oaa b uppl 1 by tho Potmatr at Oeejoej Ciljr.