en re- 1 1 lows. Fuw-The ext-ciitioii of .Mom, tifed Harper, la 1'olk comity, will lootlOtUfMarcl,. wlto tukv .Contract bave been mmlo to enrry U,, mill wrcei''" .MTillMnJ VnU. .v li f ntralls. Kn.. nff'iit ofTrncy 4 Co.' Vxprcn lo tliiscity, bai our tlmiiU ptntra In advance oi i . .... w Market. Wlicilt. 10 80 lit, 51; butter, Te; Iw--oh. 1 2al5c; ggg. 3 20c mala Republic-" f.veUe. i Rut Republican Convention will meet il IL fit oa TburwUy. I'Jili day of April uexl, 5 ifV Kitn! i ve in Congress, nd for Hi JJaiioB of wch olhr bu.iuea a may eom be a. ill convention. ThTlUpubli"'" of the vral count: and ill ' Lin ih urescnt administration, and tnU,nt to co-operate wiih Ihem in "porl ofths didat who n" ,nere n""l"",lt''' w,l ned to llio present reckleand pnsjrr ptite oftho elld Democracy of Orig.u, !! rTT.f.rof a l'acifia Railroad, and in lawrofa ill 11 . . . . I ..l- ... I....I...I Hid from each county lu wtiJ eoiivouliou di legulet "f1'!', n...V,.m,i.V Clutson l.Cons t. Cur , Celum'bii I, Dougla 0, Jackon6, Jo phue 7 1 !. I Lsn 7, Multnomuh 7, Miiriua l, Pulk 4, 4,,inn.i iil.l j IV... O Tb " rrrmwntalion I based upin the pop. alsrwleuf Ihe lout rloelion. allvwiiiff on delcgeie ; k..,mtv eulinir 150 vole or leas, aud one very additional 140 vol. Kr fractional port, HCeeillMg '"') "" n"J ' Hmhk.Ii wHiniy w on additional delegate. A full Wtltnlioa i requeued. Hv ardcr of ibe Slate Central Commitli-e, D) II. W. COKBE1T. Portland, March lit, lbO'O. Cbuiniun. .raubllcan I'.oamy l.ouveullna. . Tli.. Reoublicans of Marion county are requested It ntat llio court boux iiiAile n, on Saturday, ll7tK April, l II ookwk, ior uie pnrpim, ui aom atin eoumy ticket for officii of Million minlf, l" "I'l10'"' Hrlrjatoa to Ilia Slate eon Trntion lu be IipM ill Ku City, on llio lillli ol April, for lh pnrpnoo f uniintiiij( fimliilutv Ik lh ut Conre.-t ud lines I'rra ilt'iitiul Irctora. TIk tali) of rrprerntution la ons Orlrgite lo tnrj 1 50 roteaeajt ill tha luat elei'lion, ami one fortt ry fraction over eighty. M..riou comity ia plilletl lu D ne dolrijaUa. W. WAUUKX, Chairman County Ciiiiitlire. Silent, SfarchUt, 1HC0. T lae RrpubllraoaoC Yiutall County, Tlia un lerai'iic.l, wiili'u to prom le the liar monyinjiucccrtol'llle Iti-publicaii cause in Yam hill county, appointed al'oininillce iueucli precinct tocrtimltw.tli the Itepulilicana to vthul ciuiife alM.nlJ be puraueil pripnuMry tu the cotuinaf onn- Aci-or.liirgly a iiit'i'tinu w is held in Lifiiy ultoo Srtlurlay, ilia lllh iuatiint. reprvwiili d by rrfii pree ncu, and after duo deliberation it wua thought beat to mivt III tliu uaual ('nuuly Conven ln, by precinct delegnt onj ttiut llie poular vote b tikaii aa a buna of rrprvaeutiiti.ni, und tint the ritit be one delegate foraveiy twenty votra. The Kepublii'HU in the varinua prtcincta are eMrnea ly nqiwiiiii to Imld their primary nieolina on finlur dir, March 24ili, at Ijo'chwk M., and elect dele ptnto rrnet in County Convention, nt the Court lliHite in Lnfayette,on8aturd;iy, Mur. h 8nl,t I 'clock r. M. John V. Cowij, Ch'ii, Uko. Wooim, Sec'y, Yuinhill Co. Cum. DjprpU, Vever ad Ague, lnlsettnn. Sour Stomach, Heart Utii n, Wuier lirnh, Uil liownwi, Liver Cuiiipluini, Acidity, Klutuleucy, Jaundice, Change rf Climate, rick lleadiu lie, 1Mof Appeiite, Frnoilu Complain:, Cppres-ticii alter tat ug. General Debility. Alc, tire rupiilly, el' freiuilly un l mirely cured by ihe OWUIiX ATEL) UlTl'tlfS. California Etidcncr. Mukklvxnb IIm.i., Ca!., ) June Iti, IS.rR. Harinj uff, rod for fifteen yeara with Dyapepi'a la iu 'oi it form, and having conaultcd Willi the Ik it I'liyfli ian, and trie.l everything rucommendnl wilhnui relief, I waa induced to try tha OXYUK KATKI) HI TTKKS, mid beloro 1 had taken one boille. I found mynslf niwcli belter, an I continued Uk n ihem, until 1 wna entirely eureil, mid now mjuy u (f,,J health un ever I did in my l.fe. 1 tike great pleasure in recommending them lo all Khoaretimilarly iltlicted. Jamrs Lonuuiiork. The OXYOENATED BITTERS are rold in Uiamitby Re.linuliin ct Co., Henry Julinaonjc ''e,l'hrlea Morrill, San Froneiacu; K. II. Alt Innlt Si Co., .Sacrumoiito ; Kice, Collin &. Co., M'r)vill.; Smith &. Lluvia, I'ortliinJ.C.egorl. t Sais' araprna. Thia purely vegel.ihle idy nnniuiaei ia ileelf the prep, rtiei of an An tie, a mild catliartic, aud a louiu. It ijuick lymnovei from the blood, and othor Holds of the body, the impnritiea of unhealthy eoo.reiioue which ""tender and feed dieac, itiua alriking l the rilH llf tlie maladlV AllllfUl. rl, r(l,l o nffien iinityba taken at ilf time with perfect "ml itcontaina no Hiwerful diaado drug to rbilitate the yatem,r miucril poison to ruin Ihe coniiilution. 'Preoiirfd nnA I... a li . n cwna inn Fulton it , New York. Prico $1 per bottle, or CT Read the advertisement in another column. ly Da. STEELE, Oregon City, and by AWH generally. x. o. o. r. Divhau T nr.. i .1. fr..ii Muuun WOi tl hi oe lb bi meir iiau ntor- lyoppwitt ihe bind OlTice, on Mou.lny evening of -- -ma. uremren in good standing are invited Joitltnd. R. C. CUAWFOUU, N. 0. iuoaCuAanAX, Uee. Sec'y. 30 Multnomah Lodge No. 1, P. & A. M., hold ita atated communica At liona in the Son of Temperance Hull, on " Saturday preceding the Full Moon in each ooth. Brethren in good atandin" are invited Craio, Sec'y. 13 Notice. ft OLD IE RS, TEAMSTERS, SAILORS, v (or rketr aidox, or ernAan children,) jo ierred in any war or battle: either iu Cali. t?.'Utwhfr' prior toMnreh 3d, 1S55. or ""Mm Kko were under 21 year at thut la' V"lo,, ho,erveo on the coa.t n Cnlifor- ' ' the Mciican war, will do well toaddrea u. ' have been rejected in the handa of J" "Wat, have been auccesafully obtained by tvV ,c,in8 for u. liberally paid. Und bonght and told to order, and all buai ,, "J01""! "gent at Washington, atiended CUi D LLYi &. CO., Attorney for to,,,',Jn'IOI. Bounty Und, Reference headi uf Department. 48wl0 rTlonrJaii"" Hurlim hM bl 10 ... .1.. IT 8. Semite from VoTtr.PiaaI ttlement U'K.E at hereby (riven thit Clark Roger, lut"t ,he'""oof .1. B. Roger., lata kn iil i J' !0"l"y S,,e of Oregon, decaaeed, fa, , "ecoont foe final Mttlement, and the aiu 1 '1 April Dext PT-ointed for the e. atn l!L , ,'j,"n" of tha aauia at the " ' Ufajette in taid county. Notice. AJi"" io,'0,", Ihe mbKriber by book n vTVy wo.ow'ed u make aelilemenl by "berk. jL ls60 or In. me will r into Hm.. " U eohection. tlT A Humhur ia Va.b,r.b. 10,lfjo. 4jBl SANDS' SARSAPARILLA, Tor Purifying the Bloud, ANU FOR TIU CVRI OP RorofuU, Morrrnriul I)icei, Klieutnitinn, uutaneuui f.riiitiii, otuhlxira ulcra, Livreonijaiiit, Hvaptiia, llroncbitie, Sail Kheum, Lii'iibaon, Whit Sel. iti!, lli Iti.cmo, l'jilmjrvinciit of tha HuticaNtiii J linn, l'oor Surra, i'Vintlg Cum. liiillli, liryaiprlna, of A'pelllr, riitlplca, j,.a, Uuiietiil I, bi. Ilj',&i!.,itc. Il lino lung been a m.wt lni.rtanl de.iderilum In llieprocl.ee of medicine, lo obtain a remedy - vcuniingijr WJ r.ntl il rexirled louhinail un.vi-rMlly in all How, Uimeiiiiug dit. eawaof the kin to trying lu Ihv hulleocj.aod in jur ioui lo ihe lio.illh. h ui a tome, .ik .l.oi. ,l dioifeclant. i aula tiimilluneuuly Uu the -....., mm irati i.atiox, ami Ilia towKU, and thu. ,ree prnceaea, which are ordinarily the rc nil of mae dill'ervnt knoUuf inedici m-, are ear. nen on at Ihu aume lime through the in.lruimn tu lily of Tina onu remedial agent. It treat merit ia thai it merta and nmtralitet the active priucip'a of diKBae itwlf, and when that ia ffOIIA. the eyiiipt ueceMwrily diwpimir. Tli ra- piuuy Willi wnicli Ihe ,4liriit racovera health and alrenglli under Ihl Inple iulluciice it turpriaiug. REMARKABLE CURE. Lix Cii-r, Oregon Ter., J March II. IB..j. ( New Yolk: (ien lleiuen. lu the piing of B.,3, while ouuuraay from Indiuua lo thia place, our eld.-at bov waa aeixed with aawrlling aud arvera piiua in thelega noun raj I,, uuy grew won, until mat legu con Iracied. and became mi painful thai he could net Walk, and we had lu cur.y him about Ilka an in fant. We reached Alhuoy on Ihe 3d of October, completely worn out by faliuue. ty thia lime, ha waa reduced hi a perfect tke'rlon. Ilera we were maided lo consult a phyaiciau (Dr. Hill), who hoiienlly roufeued ha could lint erne him, al though he could givu li.m medicine Unit would re heve Ihe puiu. lu thia eiiniey wiiiethiug imwl be done, or death waa inevitable. Iteing recom mended to try )our hurMiparilla, I procured a bill. lie. After Inkii'i aume, be apiwured worw: but ierteermi; with it, 1 obtained a tecond buttle, which aeemed lo (.-rapplo with the di.ease, aud tttu.ed a uiurked iliipruveiiieul : the awelbug and pain in Ihe leg were reduced, lib appotitu im proved, aud In color lieg iu lo return. Thua en courage,!, 1 purcliancd a third bottle t while tak ill!! it the awelhnga iu Ilia leg broke, and tome piece of bone one eighth ot nu inch lung came out, alter which hi leg tlruiglitnird and healed up. He ia now perfectly ncovered haa no ap pearance ol being a cripple, ami call perform luoal kiuda uf coiiiiiiuii lalair, aa all our ue irhbora can certify. Your, rwpecll'ully, I'ALEH DAVIS. Prepared and wild by A. li. & O. SANDS. Wholesale Drufgtla, IUU Fulluuttrect, corner of William, New Yoik. Sold uU by II. JOHNSON' h Co.. San Fran. eiocat HICK tc COrr'IN, MtryniHn It. II. ,Mi:l)U..LI it CO., Sacramento and by lli iiiigiel gener.illy. Uk. hi LELK, Ag 111, Otrgon C.ly. jl4ui3 A!NSWORTH&DIERDORFFi XX J E A R E NOW OPENING M IN Til Slew Fira-rroof Brick, A I.AKGF. AND WKI.L-ASSOKTKD STOCK OF G USER A L MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly tec u re agaimt fire, w will now Offer Greater Inducements lhin ever to the public. We are conntanlly in receipt of GOODS selecled wilh the greateal rare (as to price and quality), and are confident that our fucilitie will enable ua to o.l'er and tell guodt AT PORTLAND PMCES ! (freight on), and would advise nil those visiting thia city In purchase coo !, to examine our ttock and price before purch.itiiig elsewhere. s have, and are jul receiving, an invoice of TT'I ,B -1 cnnsialing in pnrtof Ihe following arliclea Coche co, Pacific, Dudley, Couesteiro, Sprnguc, Philip Allen, I' nil Kiver, Merrinme, IJriggs.niid liiimcr- out oilier choice PRINTS, all Inlettijlet; Eng lish i: French merinos. Lvonese clolh, mohair and oilier Debute; bia.e, wool, ii. muslin do luinea, black, blue, nuriile, & pink incriiine, fancy pluids, j.icuiiel, book, awitw, & mull muslin, ludica ctnb. acts, collars, hilkfa &. skirls, dress ,V bonnet trim mings, I' reach it domeslio gingliuum, riench luwna from ll!J to 3.1?, blue, mixed, & grey sati net, wool & coilon jeans, cottoiuide, bleached and brown sheeting from 3-4 to 111-4 wide, brown and blenched drills, denim, hickory shining; Silesia, marine, brown, and Irish linen, nunkeeu, diaper, audi cru!i 'uri-,! 'ul ''"c" ""cud luces ;d eilomg, hosiery, &. MEN'S 4- BOYS' CLOTHING: Illue, black, and brntvu cloth coats ; 10 do ulk cloth vests, b dux while and bull' Marseilles do., velvet and lutia do.; 30 doz satinet pauls, doeskin and fancy casaimcre do, 3(1 doz merino and cotton undershirts, grey, blue, 4, black cloth over coat, with a gcueral assortment of gents' furuishiug good. BOOTS d SHOES. Men', boys', aud youth' boots; ladie', misses', and ehildreu' mo rocco, goat, kid, and calf Congress boots, with & without heels; ladies' kid slipper. so'OiaaaniESj Rio and Juva coffee, black and green tea, N. O., China, Batuvia Islund, Cal. refined, and crushed sugar, E. Buston, Cal., sugar-house, a. golden syr up, salt, 5 to 300 lb sks; 1 00 kg nails, usmI sizes; Hill's pale, chemical, t English soap, aoap pow ders, powder, shot, lead; yeast wwder, nulera tus, cream tartur, siiiok nu; t chewing tobacco, green earn, pea, tomaloet, ttraa and llaekber riet, in 2 lb tin; spice, pepper, and cassia, pearl barley, maccaroui, vermicelli, corn starch, alm oude, walnuts, liruzil nuts, raisins. Chili peaches, dried fruit; mackerel, iu qr k hlf bbls; sardine. A fine assorlment of CROCKERY 4- TABLE CUTLERY : SO crates assorted ware, 40 doz steel picks, 20 Dutch a Hdla hoea. White Lend, Oil, and Window Glass; with a variety of other arliclea usually kept. CT We w'ill pay CAeii for wheal, flour, bacon, butter, esgs, aud almost everything the farmer hua to sell. Oregon City, April 1C, 1858. GROCERIES ! ' JCST RECEIVED, NEW SUPPLY OF Clioice Young Ilyson Tea, Rio CofiW, Chemical Olive Soap, Candles, itc. Form!, CHEAP IOR CASH, at CHAS. POPE'S, Feb. 4. lfiCfl. Oregon City. Books. A N ASSORTMENT OF SCHOOL AND For.aleat CHS. POPE'S Orrgoa Cify CHEAP FOR. CASH. ETCall and examine them Feb. 4. 1SC0. rt'dT received, the fal fy' of IL a T I im BONNETS, UehorF and straw lli'i. AINSW'C'RTH oi DIERDORFF. Third & Last Appeal. WE hereby gir notice thai all accounts iu our book not aeiiltd by ean or not by !. I, INOO, will In, rn ia aa officer hand fur cohVeiion. CIIAItMA.N WARNER. Oregon Cily, Jan. 7,loti0, 3U Oil EG ON CITY ia m m--rm. mv -w. FUAXCIH I). IIODUHON, A. M, I'inuiml, aaaitUd by competent teacher. 'JIIE 2d quarter II commence No. 21, 18J9. 'Illia llitllluliun nit. t.n r. il.. ...... . i .... uu 1 1 n superior lo any tclnad In the vicinity. It is sup- on, wiui urn u u maM, pliiua,phicl and chein ;.il apinratua. It ia Uo furirtshed wilh a good ibiio nd a w. l!-eleuled Library. Hlud" nit ill b advanced a fail a their vucitie will diiin, and no faster. No student will be admit fd fur m (Mfiibl ili.ii k.ir . ......... j - , . ...... . h.ii, niim IK duotnr.1 i no U madv for aUeuces, eaeept in case of extreme illueaa, Yuunv Itli-n fl.ain.IM nt I.....II ... ll.....u.... - . ..... - - -i ... i u i . i k ,it iiin-i,r. can b aocoimnudaled with rooina iu the Seminary VUIIU,II, N II V.,.II : :o i.. ., - -j--i ,icu "ii win ue pii una quarUr to Penmanship. This deparlmeut will be under Ihe direction of superior penman. In .miction will be given grant lo ihe memhorauf Ihe school. Nov. S, I8M.ii3 TIPPER Wir.TiATVn.TTIl Transportation Line! alHS STEAMER ONWARD, " KIR PRISE, " RELIEF. " ELK. 'TTTIIEN tha ataga of wuter permit, one of II lliiiB) rl will leave CANr.MAU for (OltV.M.LIS TWICE A WEEK. For hCf.E.NK VTY once a week. Tha publie will be advised uf Hie regular daye for tiarting. ST More boat will be run if the busiuea de mands it. Freight and panatiga at naual rale. Til El). WYUANT, Oregon City, Nov. 1, loVdJ-nrS Agent. Kerosene Oil! THE A'EXV YORK KEllOSESE OIL CO. (Established 18.14) B WOITVCK thsl. liNv'ni tiinilii i.mI Im. A prnvcmentB in the manufacture of Keroseue, they are now enabled lo offer it In Ihu Trade at A REDUCED PRICE. Theutlenlion of cnnsimiers is respectfully called to Ihe unjoined table, ihe result of a photometricul examiiHitioii, by Eu'n N. Kknt, of New 1 oik, Chemist, and duted reu. 3, lij.iti. ? ' r ? : nr?. o. : ; . . : s 5L ". 3: : i 2 5 U-MOiU It bsos Ct 10 . t 13 X Ii tti.thcf Light. i .1 (Quantity of Light from an equal measure of Oil. Pile or Ihe Oil per Gallon. to UIMIl9f S f 5 ri S r? iti a - -o oi -j O -I 3 T - e t 5 ; ;i c Cost of an equal amount of Li''hL Reliable order from the Trade, by Mall or Tel egrujdi, tilled, ou application lo AUSTKXS, A gent t, 93 Petri St., New York. KEROSENE is also to be obtained at the Man lecturers' prices, of nil the New York Wholesale Drugg sls, Grocers, Camphciie and Burning Fluid Manufacturers and Dealers in Umpa. JV. IS. K EROS EN E it the trade mark tftht Kcrotent Oil Co., ami all pcreunt art cautioned agnintt using the taid trade mark for other oilt. Ucceuiiier 17th, IHM. 3b:in3 D. D. STEPHENSON, DENTIST, has removed his office to the City Book Store, where he is prepared lo do all work in his line. He has also an assorlment of Patent Medi- cinet, which can be had at Portland prices, and uenitjrue, that ha will warrant not to injure Ilia leeih, but make tho breath sweet and keep the gums in a healthy condition. Those who deal in thai hue are invited to cull and examine for them selves. He will shortly have Fancy Soapt and Perfumery, and a rious oilier notions that are so much need ed fcf.rA. Oregon CtVw. Jan. SI. 1SG0. I, Pt.lMI.ITEll, (UTI o'llMIA 11 fAINTER) Dealer in Type, Tresses, Printing Material, Taper, Cards, jind Printer'1 Stock generally, 133 Clay street, near Sausome, 45yl San Fsa.nciico. Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby given thai Joseph Church, administrator of Ihe estate of N. J. Lamb, late of Clackamas couuty, State of Oregon, de ceased, ha filed hia accouula for final aelllement, and the first Monday in April next is appointed for the examination and adjustment of the samo at the court-house in Oregon City in taid county. ROBERT CAUKIELD, March .1, 1860-4Tw4 County Judge. W!l. FAIXKXEK V SOX, Dealer in TYPE, PREHHES, AXD PIUST130. Material tteaeratly, 123 Saneome street, corner of Merchant, San Francisco. O Printers are invited lo make eur acquaint ance. 43rn6 SAMUEL T. DUZAN, House C arpente r, JoLber and Turner. SHOP orer ROSSI d Co.' FOUNDRY. P ATRONAGE OF OREGON CITY AND neighborhood respectfully solicited. Oregon City, Jan.2i, 1800. 41tf Smut in Wheat. TO THE FARMERS OP OREGON i YOU that have SMUT in wheat, will find i much to your advantage lo thresh you wheat teor or after it kat gone through a neett a a great deal of ihe smut will be prevented from getting ou the grsin. A. J. CHAPMAN, bland Mill, July 23, 18i9. I -if Notice. 1 HOUSE neartheFaALiSi.iAaTfurreat. j Enquire at tha OREGON CITY BOOKSTORE. Feb. 4,1800. 44 OREGON HOSPITAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. J. C. Hawthorne, A. K. Loryes, Phtsicmx. ly Euaoeon. J. R. R ALSTON, WHOLESALE 4- RETAIL DEALER IN General Merchandise, is now In receipt of now oooss elected wilh much care lu Ban Francisco, T have jual received t Northerner and X Vroihvr Jonathan, riench, Lngluu, A AMERICAN PRINTS, bleaclxJ sheetings and long cloths, plain a barred muslin, do do snip muslin, Victoria lawn, brown t heelings a shining", h ekory stripe, dtiiimi, drills aud ship duck. IRISH LINENS, linen damask, while damask, table covers, Rue. tian towels, aud crash. 9 1. K X X E L H, white, yellow, red, grey, blue, pluiu and twill ed, plain 4 figured satinet, jane, eollonade, wool husey beautiful styles bluuktts, while, red, blue, 4 grey. Iloalcrji ladies', misses', aud children's brown, tlale, and mixed ho.-geut' aud boy' wool aud oolton half boa. Boots and Shoes: a large lot gent' fine, medium, and coarse boots a shoe, Isdic' aud misses' calf alines, gaiters, 4 tlipfajra, buy' bout 4 shoos, ehildreus' shoe, fancy and pluiu. Ha r dw arc: Tockct knives, pruning and bud ding knives, knives and forks, scissors and shears, butts and screws, strap hinges, door locks, variety of styles and patterns, hand saws, tenon saws, compass saws, bench planes, chisels, au gers, auger bitts, axes, hatchets, hammers, shovels, hoes, potato rakes, brads, tacks, finishing nails, cut nails, wrought nails, hoi-se nails, itc. ra- mmmMtama bcvkm; Sugar, coffee, lea, syrup, (all, (pice, soap, soap powder, caudlea, suleralus, yeast powder, cream tartar, soda, sal soda, indigo, clothes p ns, scrub brushes, paint brinhet, broom, dost brushes, hand bellows, woodeu puils, wush tubs, and wash boards. PJ1WTS OILS: White lead, red lead, Ven. red, Prussian blue, chrome yellow, chrome green, burnt and raw um bel, yellow 4 black paint, Vandyke brown, T. D. Sieuue and aasorled colored smalts, Roiled and Raw Linseed Oil, Tolar oil, lard oil, fish oil, tanners' oil, China nut oil, eVc, &.O. We will be receiving by every steamer addi tions to our present extensive stock, and FARM ERS and other will find it to their advantage lo call and examiue our poodi and prices before buy. ing elaewhero. TcmiS, CASH. J. li. KAIJ5TON, . Corner Main dj- Fifth ttt. Oregon Cily, October 1, 18S9. 35 NEW STORE, A. NO New Goods! CHARLES POPE, Jr., HAS opened a new store on Main etreet, A'ear the foot of the hill, North of the little Bridge. Hia friends nnd the piiblio aro Invited to call and examine his stock of goods, consisting of a GOOD ASSORTMENT OF Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Medicines, ifcc, tc., All of which art offered cheap for cash. Oregon Cily, August 20, 1859. SHERIFFS SALE. PURSUANT In three executions issued to me from the office of the clerk of the circuit court of the State of Oregon lor Ihe county of Washington, dated January 1800, in favor of R.C. Crawford ef alt. against Ambrose Fields, for want of personal properly, 1 have levied upon the following described reul eslute of the suid Am brose Fields, to wit, l ivo acres of land in the coun ty of Clackamas, originally purchased by said Fields of Robert Moore, deceased, in 1847, the same being above Ilia Willamette Fulls, on tha west side of the river, and being bounded on the north by a spring branch, and ou thu east by Ihe Willamette river, forty feel being rcsemd be tween said two acres and suid river for a road being the land on which is situated the dwelling house and improvements uf suid Fields; and I ah:!l sell all the interest of said Fields in the said land rYilb. Ih litliH'"! thereon, at public auction to the higheat bidder for cash, oil Wednetday, the Si ll day of March, it-00. ba'.o lo take place on the premises at two o'clock r. M. LEWIS DAY, Sheriff of Clackamas Co , By M. Patterson, his Deputy. Feb. 18, 1SC0. 45w4 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. THE undersigned has been duly appointed ad miaistrator of tha estate ef Christian E. Sweitzer, lute of Clackamas county, deceased. All persona owing aaid estate are required to make IKiyineut lo him, and those having claims must present Ihe same verified by law lo him at his res idence in Cancmah, or at the office of A. Hid brook in Oregon City, within one year from dale. GEORGE A. PEASE, Feb. 11, 1860-44w3 Administrator. FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE is hereby given that John R. Mc Bride, executor of the estate of Tho. Mc Bride, deceased, has this duy rendered his ac count lo the county court of Yamhill county, State of Oregon, for final settlement of his admin islrstsm, and the first Monday of March, 1800, is appointed for the hearing of the same, when and where all per.wns interested in aid estate can ap pear, if they desire. By order of the county court, Feb. G, I860. J. W. COWLS, Feb. II, lGMIw4 County Clerk. Notice. AT a meeting of Ihe city council of Oregon City, held Feb. 7lb, I8G0. li was toted, That the city council deem it ex ped.eul lo improve that part of Main Street lying ween 6lb and 7tti street, and that notice 'hereof be given by publication in the Argu. A. IIOLBROOK, Miyor. J. M. Bacon, Recorder Oregon Cily, Feb. 1 1, 1860. 44 BOSTON FAMILY (Tost deceived, Atlh CITY BOOKSTORE. Notice. THE firm of U Forest At Bacon having beeo dissolved by mutual consent, I hereby inform my friend and customers that I will continue bnsi est al Ihe old stand. F, LA FOREST. Oregon City. June 25, 159. School Books. V LARGE quantity of GOOD SCHOOL BOOKS fHT sale al lea thaa ar sold far in Uregoo. Produce taken fnt them. CITY LOOK STORE KELLY'S TEMPERANCE HOUSE. ' JVui'si it., opposite Qtt. Aberntthy j- Co.'s, UUEGO.N CITY. iiOor ROOMS FITTED UP with VJ CLEAN aud comfortable BEDS, f... I J,.. : .. I .........nn.LI ... .r I,.. AW lot tllV vn-v; M. .uiiiimvu.,'WH vi tu traveling public. Our DINING HAM, I llianesf fa Oregon, our far good, and charge reasonable. Single meals, oyster supper, and suppers fer parties got up en short notie, iu Ihe ueattsl man ntr. rate: Board per week, without lodging, $5 00 " by Ihe day, aud lodgiug, I 50 Single meals, 50 Night' lodging, 50 Oct. 29, 18.-.9. E D. KELLY, Proprietor. Corner Third and Water s'reete, opfositt tht Ferry Landing, OREGON CITY. rpilE traveling public ar rectfully JL Invited to live me a call. The Oregon House i Hi most pleas-Jl sntly located hotel in the Slate, aud has been so arranged a to make it one of llie moat commodi ous houses hi ih country. I tin TABLE will always b supplied with the best that Ihe market alforda. Good accommodations for ladie and families. raiCB-s: Board and lodging, per week $600 Board, without lodging, per week 5.00 Board per day, with lodging .0 Single meal 'i0 Night' lodging 50 J. BOEIIM, May 7, 18.19. Proprietor. BETHEL COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. CALBNPA pea Tin viar 1859-60: THE College year commence the first Monday in September, and i divided into four quar ter uf tleveu week sseh. The commencement ia held on th 4ih of July, when the yearly vacation ensues. Professors Natuanikl Huubon. A.M.: Livi L. Rowland, A. M. tikm or tuition ria quastxb: Common English Branches $ 5 08 r.imlWi Anulysis, Higher Arilhinstic, Book keeping, History, and Elementary Alirebrn 00 Natural Philosophy, Botany, Geology, and Ihcimslrv, Intellectual and Mural Phi losophy, Rhetoric and Logio I 00 Elemeiilury lie. nnelry, Surveying, Algebra, Higher .tliilhcmatics, Latin, Greek, and French Languages, and Senior Class of Nor. Dep., 10 00 Convenient arrangements can be made fur beard at reasonable rules. Books used in the school can be obtained at the College building at cash prices. A Normal Department has been organized, uti. ou the plan of Ihe N. York Stale Normal School, wilh particular reference to preparing young ladies and gentlemen for teaching. This deparlmeut is iu practical und successlul operation. 1 ruf. c kwki.l has been cnsuirad, and is irivine lessons ou Ihe Piano and Melvdeun. U An extensive and choice philosophical and school apptiratua, also a school and a general li brary, have tteeu ordered from the r.ost, aud are expected on soon. J lie pulroiis, trustees, and professors of Ihe Col lege arc resolved that nothing conducive to Ihu best interests of tin) school shall be uejtuled or overlooks d. Delhel, Polk co., Dec. 24, 1859. 37lf Dr. II. Adolphus, Offlco--109 tjt 161 Montgomery it, Four Doors from Washington, SAN FRAN0IS00. FOR THE CURE OP Chro n i c Diseases. DR. ADOLPHUS hua devoted the laat teu yeara of his practice to the care of Chronic Viseasct, auch a Rheumatism, Gout, Private Diseases of very description, no matter from what cause, or of Low lony; aland iiijt, in both Hexes, WeiiktifNa in the Back, and all other Diseases of llie Kidneys, DUO PS V, D Y S 1 K P S I A , Liver Compluints, Scrofula, Paralysis, SliffJointi, NERVOUS AFFECTION, oon'crjucncTs of youiliful fulltua, and all other complaint of long atanding that th human system is subject lo. Ladiessullermg with diseases peculiar to their sex will be treated with the utmost care and secrecy. They may most confidentially uply for medical aid, either by let ter or personally ; they will he sure to find speedy ud permanent relief from auflbring. Through Ihe enormous success the Dr. has had, especially in the treatment of the above diseases, he it enabled to promise a speedy and permanent cure, where medical skill van possibly ell'eel a cure. Although the Dr. was always averse to advertising, he had at lust to submit to th many requests of his numerous patient throughout Ihe Stale, who consider it as justice to tha suffering who cuu be benefited by his treatment and advice. Thousands of pi'icnts in California huve been saved by his mode of treatment, ami will certify its inferiority to any other they have ever been treated by. I he Dr. ucver us-t mercurial or min eral poisons; he has more efficient substitute of the vegetable kingdom. He Will never expect pay where he doe not effect a complete cure. Medicine and medical advice sent loall part of the Stales and Terriloriea on the Pacific coast, af ter receiving description of the disease and its symptoms, either iu English, German, Freu h, or Spanish. Consultation, hy letter, or personally, FREE. Valuable Property For Sale. THE CHAMPOEO FLOUR MILL. rrilUS MILL, situated about three fourths of a X mile from Champoeg in the midst of the great grain-growing country iu Oregon, is offered for sale. During high water iu winter, Hour, Ac, can be shipped direct from the Mill. Attached to the mill is a granary for receiving and storing wheat, a dwelling house and garden for the use of Ihe person iu charge. The whole preperty emhrncee about riva scars. The machinery of the m II is of very superior quality, having been imported from Rochester, N. Y. Theru are two runs of the best French Burn, and au exira patent run of smaller Burrs fer chopped feed, Sw. The frame-work, for strength, dec, cannot be surpassed in Oregou.and llie mill in all respect is the best in the Male. For (.srliculars, application should be made lo GEO. T. ALLAN, ) A. McKINLAY, rk"mP"g' or to A MOItY IIOLBROOK, Champoeg, Jan 10, 1800 41 if Oregon Cily. Notice. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP rplIE firm of Allau, McKiulay Co., hereto L fore carrying on business under that title at Oregna City, Champeeg, and Lower Scot tsburg, L'mpqua, i hereby dissol'e by mutual consent. AU prtta indebted to sai ', firm, or having claim apon tbem, are hereby requested to send ia their account or make payment of ihe same to Geo. T. Allan or Archibald McKiulay at Champoeg, or Amory Ilolbrook al Oregon City, Who are au thorized lo sctlie all s ouois connect 4 wilh tho tad 6rr. ALLAN, MeKINLAY At Co. Champoej, !. 81, 411 J. FLEMING, r T"E 1,0ST FF,CE building advi rs. n ht n Tf v HAS on bind and for sale, wll-sleoed aa orimvul of Books and Stationery, comprising, in part, th following! Family Riblc aud Tea- Cap, letter, aud nolo- tnmenta, fPti Downing'! Fruit aud Pcuadt Pca-holdurt, Fruil Trn of Ainer- Hand V sand box, lea revised edition, Tissue paper, perforated New Miuouio 'l rc.it I. board 4 drafting paper Hoard, Mitchell's and Oluey's Masoulu Manual, Gcographk aud At- Odd Fallows' Manual, lose, Quiuby' Mysteries f Mason's Farrier, Bee-keeping, Dndd'sCallle A. Uors Livingsloti' Travels in Doctor, South Africa, K.iue'a Arcli Kxplra- Gunn'i Dom. Medicine, Hoim, Sanders' Old and New Blank Books & Bill Pa. hpellcraet Readers, per, Thomson's Arithmetic, Gilleepie'a &. Davles' Fuknn i Eastman's Surveying, Book-keeping, with Slate and slat pencils, blanks, Dr. Ilolhck' Works, Red, blue, (V blk luks, Ate, Ate, all of which will b relaileJ al price aorrrspeudJaf wilh Ihe timea. IT Dou'l forget llie place ! It If OPPOSITE LA FOREST d BACON'S. ALSO, FOR SALR, Dr. MotTatt's Pills and Phoenix Hitters, and tha Graefouberg Medicines, which are recoinmeuded to those who wish In Hva till Ihsy d e. May 14, 1859. Great Excitement! France and Austria At War ! t THE undersigned wishes lo Inform the people of Oregon Cily, and the publie iu general, that he is at peace with all Ihe world, sad kve coustuutly on hand A FINB ASS0RT.MRMT Of Boots and Shoes, of all torts and sixes, which he will sell Cheap for Cash! Ladies and gentlemen, you will do woll lo givo me a call bel'er buying anywhere else, because I have the best and chrapest boots and shoes in this market ; because I get my boots and shoes Direct from San Francisco, and can afford to sell cheaper than Ih ie that buy in Portland so thut I defy conielilion. If you will but give me your patronage, I will guaranty thai you can buy ioolt and shoes of in cheaper than of any other house in town. Remember the place, and muk no mlstaksi " RAGLE BOOT AND 8I10R STORR.'' J. MOONKT. Oregon City, July 16, 18.19. jy29 Hoots and Shoes! J. li. BLANPIED, Opposite to Schram'a Saddler shop, Muia street, OREGON CITY, WOULD say to the public that lie is ia th vonstaut reoeipt uf Roots and Shoes of the latest pat terns aud styles, which h will sell aa cheap as any other establishment in town, if not cheaper! A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LAMBS' WEAR ALWAYS ON HAND. Making- tk Repairing; dona to order AND IN Bll'rJKlUK ailbb. April 30, 1859. if McMINNVILLE COLLEGE. rpilE FALL quarter will commence Angnwt JL 17, and the winter session of two quarters, November 9. Terms ar Ijfi, 8, or $ 10 per quarter, aeoord ing to studies. Rooina can ba had in College building, if tWf are taken soon i from 95 to $1 per quarter. Preaideiit, (ir.o. (!. Ciianui.sk. Professor, John II. Hall. Other teachers secured us the school demand. All books for the achuul will be kept for anle in the college build n or in town. Mc.Minville, July 9, ISoO. 13nVi Administratrix' Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration have been granted to the under signed by Ihe county court of Clackamas county, on the estate of A. D. F'osler deceased, late of said county. All persons indebted to said calatu are required lo make immediate payment, and all person i having claims against said estate are re quired lo present them lo me at my residence within one year from the date of (hi, notice. ZERILDA EM E It INK FOSTER, March 3, 1800-173 Adm'x. FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD I McCOKMICK & roWX ALL'S Iff'ftV TUB T.TK OV OHKliOMjtJ, IS NOW READY FOR DELIVERY TO subscribers and ethers. Price Five Dollars. f Subscribers and others in Clackamas court ly can be tuppl e.l by the Pusttnaater at Orego City. llemotul. Ir. Wt D. llt)TCIII.fl HAS removed hi office to the city of PORT LA ND, on First street, between Yamhill and Taj lor street, east side, one d' or south of Dr. Hawthorne's former office, an I oilers his profes sional services lo all who favor him with a call. I will aay to my agenta in Ihe Statu of Oregon, that I still continue to manufacture mV medi. ciuea, and will fill orders for ihem ou sliorl notice. DR. E. POPPLETON Will remain at LAFAYETTE, aiiil caa b found al Ihe old stand of lluTt nim II PorrkfTON, one door north of Abbott's Hotel, day ornighl when not professionally engaged. All those knowinirthenis. lv.' indebted to era requested lo coma forward and s- tile wilk Dr. Popptelon at Lafayette, or with ma in Peru land, imme.ialely. W. D. HUTl IIINS. Portland, Sept. 10, 1859. 31 GEO. A. NOBLE, A.M. .t M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Office NEXT DOOR TO MR. CAU FIELD S STORE, ft EAR THE lilt II T. N.R Family Medicine prepared in th most. eareful manner, and alway oa band. Oregon City March 2S, lPiJir-l C ASHpaid for LAND WARRANTS, af IIOLLAMP tX VAX,