tW Ynterdr rnviaje), to day a daalhl I hm move on I aii'iranm of Lif. Uul who hull aiay tint cavp in full or, wIik lit fl,(Wr In their hl"in J Not lb beautiful ot fr id nor y-t th Angela in baaven, for Outl aln order ; ndlht falrml anW kri)(h'tt th r.ilrml nod darketlcreaiiirPiif Hit creation, r but mad t ob. v ; o coma gru lh to pat away. Lib tli .caaont, each to lach In dun mid lnon, Hum Hi d ticli i of tliir licinir ; v. cum img the woild with weeping, douri-h iiti ilm ii.l. r inixiwi of miiialiina an I 1,'lu'iiii, ilien (!" out f I bo world joyfully ut orm fully. our if liiiiuulii u. C'ihik ! h -avcri a Ural Ink, ana w tut tUdow out in imC inaiian lli u'n tnd final rlin, when w try topi'-rcn in'o lli fuiiire. 'J'loiipht ndt in iiicijiiiiruli'-iiili!i,y, i f.clm ineltt in'o Im iio or fi'ur. n il Ik M i. rui. or tliiil, Ll your henrtt Imik lifiiily ujHjti mat jjreai cim', in. ail it Jar PKaaON R I.I.IV. A tlgilcnl III III Univrity of Virginia writing from thai iflilillnn,tRV I hit no" veaiioenlthp runr bio alali I hut deignal'd dm n h realing plae of lb author of ih I'TlnrnMnn tf IdilcpefiilciiiV reniRint to nurk lliu tt.nt Th) viilr lo hit l"inl, by chipping n(f fragment, ImV Cllipl' My rl, mot If l.i u it nd by iii'cni'nl tarried ii away. An uncouth granite pcili'tlul, prnmly iliVfi tired, hIuiio renriint to mark bin crave. Hi- beat tiling hVhiI girl i c'lff. fulnem. We ilon'l euro hunt ru.My her check may ln, or bow vrlvrly b"r ip, if ilia wear a mowi, hvpci nr fiund will c.ini,.T her ill looking J liilu tlio young Imly do illiliiiinnt..a Imr c'l.iiitnniiiice with amilp il lis regarded n. hnndaumw, n. though her completion in oar- enough In (rain nutimgt m. At i-ifiiinii ii lo '.lie rot, to ii gO'id nalur to lli lowly. Removal! Heniovaillallzr Gold JUncs! Removal ! iv. mlowiv rilAKMH lliii ni'lhd at liiranniii( lii fflfud A. aua lu puld o (tiirriilly 'hul lit JUS ItEUOVLD la bout nturly Opjjosito Li o1 Stand, trlit-r b bu cmnn'mcri bii!iirMi wild liii bro titer uii'lrr lb i; I vl Broun t'4T A nmn fall in Invn jus: h full down uliirn. Il it an ancirnf, rbati ad va'y pmbubln misfortune;'liinir wliuli he ncnhi'r ininl-il n-r npiriln njfil, Hut wlien bo runt in lov. 11 U licn Ii runt in ilclit ; it it dnm knou in.'lr uml in tpnlionnllv, arid very nfinn rn-bly and fool uiiiy, evi-n ir not ruiiculuuxly, iiiimthII aod ruinotiislv. it JJrothcr, liav.'ll a'wtib baiipy lo wail on lliir oil Int o la anil eiMioiiwr m Hit w.iy o! allowing ihin OooiIh of tlie Very Uest Quality, wliirli. h v'lia Ik pii bnnvhl law in San Franc urn, ilff are nbli. in oil thrap can In tali in ruiiann. win i& ruuaiaiiily ri'Ctit Goods by Every Steamer. Tlirir flock emi.iait of ALL KISDS OP I'rrn. Ii, Kiiulili. Ainrrican, a Turn lur culioua, H ii. haiii" ul a l t'olort, all wikjI mill h!f wuol da luiiicn,, Kii!wli,t nii-riuoa, alMi-n, ik wnr l i). all i'i.N.h, all K'fml mill li'l who pl.'l, ai.k 4 wuollrimliiiH k, iiiglf ord'ble, IV rr) ' il) Ir of ilrPMi Knoda, CllilllMfi, Vflvrln, inya, blown bleached licrting, jmii-ii, oil cNitlii, lnli Iiii. ii", ill:a. rttllihrira. SILK AXD VV.LYV.T UOSSLTS, mir!, rrr, chi-iiimi'tleii, .l(oi, riblioim, li.ll.l., tiuaii ry, iii-rillr, pina, bouka.eyea, pvrluiiD-ry, liniioil. bvoln, aliiM-n, rubUrn, liulu, rui, GEN T Li;.M EX'S r.nvy incn tsi.t in rtiirl proporiinn Willi lain. I ho mini (lint mnkea n tlmr aolcr rnka cm-inii't. A railimii i-niu CIU fin th awnrms f peevish, bitin'r utinir Iii2 lnLl, ju.t a l Iio fiiin-liiiiu awiikvns Ilia world nflliV. tV " IV mi. I a I, i il f,.w !l0 oil,,,, oay, " waan I Job nn cditur J" " Wby Siimrny ' Im'iiOmo llm ImI,!p Inbirma lit llmt be at a man of torrow nil the djyt of bis :r ii inc. CcaTMi-li'a liven .lioulil Im likii tliPilnv Wor krautiful iii ibpi'Vi'iiinu ! or lik llie aaanont, aglow with .rnitii., mul the hii Inrnn rii.b iih L'ohii-n nbravp, hr frno,l orktand dfoHa bnvn ripen-d on llie fiidd. f iT Voti win n wnnnin by app'alin to hi-r impulvt ynu win a nmn ,v 8,.n, ing lo bit iiiir'i.-t. Ii it nil tlm ililH-ri-noe 'bulwrcn cninpliiiionl and lirihn. " Willi pmifiu nop, thy C0llr,p o! uiy run i fJftl niilbing il.Ht, i.r Millm. 0 l. ,U,nr, Hul llion muiiM'hI ,! llivw!r,ciil.rl Hum hill I be end of all rv nil., at iv, II u i. , It r. UUSIXIXS GAUDS, w. c. jonNsou, ArrOKNIiV & COl NsKl.oii AT LAW, liicf Solicitor in Chuncmj, WII.I. pniniilly tiltfii.l louny IniMnrminhii'li liny Im ciiiii iiiii.. im pr,,,,,,,,,.! ahtrii bofuro lti Di.l, ,,., B,id Siipienii- roiiiln. ( Ilini r .Miiwii ; i,n Mnru. iniiiudiuU t on paml Ilia Main Slrri-l Hoihp, Orfjfi.n Cny, (Iriuber I, ls;,3. of i:vi:iiy iir.scuii'Tiox, IX'II tack a frm k rnntt, rji;Uu, iiilinim, j uk.i, vc!, puiiia, crovnl. liiivuliiilt, fiillart, diuxrra, mi Irrtliirla, .i-Iii-, iiverliuult, and nil kimlt of Iiidia-rubbi-rclmhiiiir. ai'conlcon, a 13 7 a 2, 3i , nit .r i: i, i: r s , Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, beVdi-t a variety of oilier arliuira Ino luiniamiia in on nilrer nf re.i-oiiuhlp lenifih. (lur inn ii oli'.cl by lln noiiiv ih to in. fiiim llie public Unit ho ure li.nin.l In ell low lit lliey ran he leillrllt ill I 'u r I III 1 1 il . uml mi hiKinke. l ih ia iliiiilited, wa Imve i.nli lo aav l ull and mii-fy yimrnelin. Lid. ea and ifenile. men will ii Im iiye bii ntLunio. mid will bo wuited on h ilh priiinpiiiea. lothu tnruieia wo would tay. Look lor t!ic .sin of nno wx ,j. nit other, and dun 'I bine timn lill ou five lit a rail. All. KISDS OF VliODiTE TAKES in rtrhungt far r.'iW. Or. umi Cny, O, t. ill. IM OKKfiO.V ClU. "Kngle Hoot anl Shoo Store." J. M o"oN E Y HAS jut relumed Califeriiia with a LAUGH STUCK 01' Boots and Hliocs, wlix-ll lit will tell CHEAP FOK CASH, WHOLESALE Oil JJETAIL Alio, a tmnllaitorlintntof Shatmuktrf fxndinf. II Hilicitt l!i limriin.iire 'if I lit p-...!t of lliia cilv nno: Hie pulilie in tf'iieral. linn enure ly ile. vo'e.l lo ilia hrml and elin biiaineMt, lit will keep eoiia'anlly on bund a line aaMirluieiil of ludktand geiil a neii't Hear, of all .r' and a lea.'iea, giva me a cull b -fura puribumuj any. when. eiMi. Iio n t fnrsel lb two doom below (jib- ton'a Saluon, in the new building 6'nnif "lie, cnine ull, holli great tnd em ill, i!v ma a cull, f.r I li.ive I oma and aliia In lit ion all. My iiiuiio i, Small pro.ii. an I qui.-k le'.non. I aUo kiep .Miller't and Mwou a lli.u tivi for a:. Jun.iJ. e.,3. CRS, G, A. & ADA M. WEED, Uxra-Hrdlcal (er Walrr-Care) JJAVIXG lociled at J S. V, BZ TtM. 9 Wf tlnill b litppy lo attend lo oalla, both lu lows and fniniiry. M IH. VI KRI) will b'i tpecial attention lo OIISTETKILH, aud duwutat Iv houihi anr! cln ilreii. IT tt'a rn.ika no na of drugt, but raly anllrc ly n"'ii kygiiin apylanct: Cilienta at a di-iain a vi.iled nn ret-on.ililt termt 'I'bey may lw vonaiilled (.trton.ily i.r by letter, Jret. May 7, lejJ, SADDLERY, AWD UARNE33-1IAKINO, 0 HUG OX CITY. AM row earning nn a Suildlei't and liar. ne- imilier'a .Imp in lint till, and bavu con- Hunt!) on hau l 111.' b el of weaily-inadc lmrno, .aaddles, bri dle.'', halters, martingnl-i, id everything in my line. I nin aim ready lo make to i.r.ler anything in my linn Ihut nmy be culled fur. nn a alnirl untie. .My mntio it, M.ike "mill arlirle. and eell il clieun. I aolicit patron- i at Imine and fr..m abrouL My e-liihhelinieiii it neaily npp.ti o Cliarinaii Wiirnei'a Uid Slund ou Main ttreel. J. m:iii!m. Aprils. H.-.n. Jlmii stovi:s, STOVES At Portland Prices 1 s. XVSXLWAXN, WIIOI.ESAI-H AXD ItliT.UL DEALER, Maiu btreel, opposite the U. A Hotel, OREOOS CITY, I M .'OUTER OF COOK, Tarlor, and llm Hmyet, Tin, Sheet Iron, and ('upper, Clainelied and .lapanued V are, llnn-fiirii h ng Hardware, Koine and l.i I I'nmp llnli'ier IIcm.i, llydniullo Ihniit, Lead l ine, Siieet .mo, ( aiil.lrmi hetilrt, llrata Ki t Ilea, Sk'llela an I Data Uveua, Cow Ut-llf, Sauce Pant, An , A c. Alto, ,M IM'FACTL'RKR of Tin, Copper, ami Mieet run are, or every ueacnptnxi. htiamlHiul and Jobbing Hoik done at the low eal fHlea. aplliv JVcw '(traction! JOHW R 1.1 BRIDE, attornky nn co r ma k 1.0 tT law, rfiiiyrte, Xamhill Ctiunly, Orfgun. WII.I, failhliilly it,., , buuan en. truMed to hie priifeatiuim; ,.,. E. LA FOE EST rOl' iiifiinii the cilixenanf Oregon City and vi. iniiy Hi it he inicmla kc eniin a "en. eral ii ply of ru n linn,, in llio Dry - Goods. (Jrocory, Crot-kery, and Kaiii-v lint'. 'ul w II he hnppv I" tec hia o'd fi inula call upon him and will prmuie hi ull lime's 1 1 eell lln in gnmla as i heni iitany other liouw iu tonn, hi. Ilint O bejiij VII0LES4LK AXD lll;rll. HUALKR IX SEN ERA L MKRCUA NIMSi; Ctrntr of Main anil Fifth Streets, ' OltKlill.N CITV, OIIKliON. I, Lt jruanaT. J U. BAI.U.X. lXllEXK LA FOKKST General Doalors in Dry . (,oods, LADIES' FANCY O00D3 Crotorj, Vruvhv,, hoots, sii(i:s,c., At IS, ,!J ,tand of U Fo,e.Urltnc Store OKEUO.V CITV. Small 1'rolit.s and Quick Ileturns. W'ti ivoii'il u'mi tuv Iii the (the Imueninl ailletv ilf Ilia lun.l.) He mleinl keep. ''' filling vnii iin.v niiniie in Ihe Omnu W.(rry, Vialting, ,y .',,, Il,t, ,,n,i Sh .'e line, ele , h c. iv e a.fl r ill mu ll pr ce n will he nali-l'.n liiry In on. V aln wih In i xi h .mge "'" V I for y.iiir prndih-p, utul will uive nn Js iniu ii ..r it un Hie iniitket nlliinla. Co ne mi I try in. IIimiiiI I'm gut lint pl.iee, but ,Ki!i for the ti"ii of l,i t'arrnl ) Ii uo, and then cumo in. We w .ul.l a,iy to 1 1 1 an Ladies (God UlessYou!) it-1 . ... ii i on hi naiipermr am. Ip of ,hew2l.(or faney arl.clea. ,ln n,l U. , e.,ll ,, .A .-KKllr ,.,, nneie )i, h-,; H-vn tin.l them, i nil rctma their jruUliil H.unka f.,r ,01r . ,. rouu.. V m mmmmi vis AND PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, Ojipotite Geo. Auerncthy $ Ct.'t Urick Store, OREGON' CITY. rilllE undereiiriiej ore prepared I luka like J iietra, audi at Aiubrotypes, Melainotypcs, rho- toraphs, or PICTURES OS FATE ST LEATHER, mitalile for tending in letteri, ajl of which will be executed in llio LVrt'.HT tl MVVTEST HTYI.K, AXU OX SHtJltr NOTICE A?'D REASON ABLE TERMS. CROUPS and LOCKET PICTURES tnken very low. I all and examine our pictures, an J ju.lgu fur yoUMelvea. Itooiut oppotite Abi-rnpthv & Cn.'i brick tlore. IIOLl.AXl) &. UAV. .Tune II. H a 17. S. MAIL LINE. Oreion City ' J'ort'und Daily racket, jli Jonnlo OIrk, jtZ?CjzJ. e""" Mraica, MatUr, Vl'ill run ,1a ilv. tHuiiJaytftcipted,) lu lb above. named ira.le, leaving Ore gu t ill very day at 0 o'clock, . a. Italurning, will leav I uriiaua Ml 9 m., liuirhiiig at alluiurui.iliuU Mjiiita. For freight or paege apply uU board. Dalljr tine JJetateu Portland and Ortyon CHy. fnllE new atern.wliei l iteamer . a;t 1 EXPRESS, t! .a J.a KTttMU, M. later, will run bet w tea Pouleii I and Oregon City daily (eiuudaja epted), leav. in PORTLAND al IU a. ., aud DltEt.uN ClTVaHr.a. July S5. U. S. MAIL LINE. Portlnntl mid A l r in. Tha Sub n lid Siramcr TlCrX. MnltnoniBh Lioaad "1 T T I L I. com inue in run regularly between Port. V laud uml A.toiia. tin Vancouver, twii k t wrr, leaving Portland ou Monday and Thiuwlny in iruingt f rach week for Aaloriat and Atloria for I'crlland mi Tueailay and Friday moriiiuga, tou. hing V.coi'via,ciT. IlKLKNt. Utitira.tATU. LtMET, ice., each way. For freight or paaaagt, apply lo II. HOT T, .tlaaier, jelf' Oral lluyl't Whiiif-buiil. Portland. I!I3 PAPER WAREHOUSE Nniiaemo Rlrroi, SAN TRANCISCO. V0tt 8AI.K ia,oTreilrot p l in. it.-r i :uiiiH uj.iu .... ,l,nnirn vpii-!74i-wiit.is4,:ioJuY-u1rss!0' IJ HVI .... ki'i.L-n . 4Jli Aial la. -at M HNKa.o 8UPLR aawa. Li, 2,000 reams Fi,)0 and 8perfine I5ook Paper. 2438-40 lb. lb(,naSk SEW AXD VWV. BOOK I.,. ightUdy'i celebrated A'eiea ana1 Li , . lu ktK. aud tint, from u foB. pu&gS rrlaler'a t araTaTa Cart Bear. Cohen' ami Smith V Peter.' ..i . 7 bonrdt of vi ry atyla and rjuably. H Straw 4l Manilla Wrapplaf Tu. Double C'ruwii Palm Straw lu bale. r .r' Sumle do A .."I A. I ...Ill- n av n.. 4'ltla. ..lei.Mia ia,ien.. unvil l8t27JUl3ft-T" 3u-.'U38 and 3i;40, tuperio, a!el. Medium, Demy, Flat Cap8, Foil, Tost and letter Van. A large a.eorlmcnt of Carew and pi,,, a, Smith a Ledger ..nd Writing Pp,r,, iit.O. J. BROOKS Co" Una or ream July Hi, 1 "'!. Timo. WF. IIIGIIrTKLIl, J , WATCH-MAKER. V.4 Penuim detiroui of g. lling uoiA work done Hill do well tn give me a call, aa my whole time ia dv voted lo III repairing of Chronometer, Lever, Ouplei.aiid llorimiilul watel et. An aaaoniiieut of fine EngUh WATCHES, at nl-o Jewelry on hand. CLOCKS, wiih weighltlo them. Jewelry mmle to ord. r, and repaired. I'ricea In anil the timet. I am thankful for part fi.voia, and hope to giveaiilitfafliiiu ill fiilnra. mence aa folloua: Jul tf nil, on the tirttMenaT, ! p,i. inner, an, on llie third Moidav el M ' Clackamas County, Orcfon. ' rpillS tchool it titii.tPil n , i ij ,llf . X li-uiof land. jiM Ihr a niihaj ulh son l.'iiv. Iia il,,, . i.n,. r... .i V. J7 (.m ated at Ih old aland, nppotite the Tel ifmph DlRep, OREGOS CITY. Feb. 8. vemberi afte' wliirh'thera Moidav tl V. ill be a v.e.n- j BOOT AND SHOE STORE, OREGON CITV. J. piiilli a j -j r.i i ki m , v i w r i a m i i . m w m .m tmmmmmm iiftiHII iiiiiili iiiiii, II. It I. A X I I i: D WOULD reapectfully inform hit old friendt and Ihe public generally that he ia by iiiniseii mice more, nn. I iiaanow ou hand A LAItBK AND WELL SKI.ECTKD STOCK OF BOOTS AXD SHOES, which ho will tell on Ilia most rcaaonabla term. MAKING AND REl'AIRING- will Hill be done lu order, arel on the shortest no tice. Water-proof 1'a.tte Blarking kept on hand. On ifiiu 6'uy, Nay. (i, IS.1H. JOHN V. CULLEX, Front street, foot of Commercial Wharf PORTLAS D. OR EG OS, r.WUFAC'rUIIKR and WHOLESALE lL Si Kctuil Coiuiuimimi Dealer in all kinds of Saddles, Bridle, Trunks California and Oregon Saddles, Valises, nd every ileavrptiun of i, f. AI.NSH'UKTH. V,M. DIKKlliilifK. Aisuo:iTn nit:!: on i r,. M liat.ESAr.K AMI KFTAIL DEALERS IN GROCER IKS DUY- GOODS, CLOTIIIXG Booh ,( Simet, a,i Croch ry, in me new I iie-proof liiii k ... OKKUON rtTV V o ii n 1 1 t in i ti re ii ope of II Oregon, ) ... .e ia in pi.,,. mppiy vmirtely,, with a supe rior iirnele (,f eloihinj in Hi,cli lo Oct Married! ...M ts irtKtT r'"4KNA'N- A. war kr, Charraan b Warner, ItSERAI. COVMISSIOS MERCIUXTS a ttriiu l'llli l hi Di , Caooita. 4Slothi,,g, l,,rd:,rf, (V,v:, r. Gl.Mtean, lliMh, Shoe, J'uinlt, Oilt, ,f ,.., Ia their nre-proof R, k M m ,',!.. OKtll.HM ITY, IIHKlioN. ami, itT yon are married, in GI'T YOl'll OL TFIT FUR HOVSEKEEPiXU. COME AXlTsEE L'S! Come one and all, both young aud o!d And aiv il we Ihe Inn Ii h.,ve told ; ' 1 1, re in ihe place In -ieul your caeli, Anil get go. , (paila of liaslj. Orepou C.n, Jan. , s: J. '. '11111(11, HOISE, SIGS, ASD ORSAMFXTIL aeaiy eiKiiitr Ike Methdttt CAurc.t, OKIiiiOM CUT. April Hi, ISC9. Ilf a a. lutitTt. wa. rtaatnv. a o. Moott. ltOlli:iT A to., n h w b i s Koibrs:;??, Taatfeiaae., ctlVt. ..4 mm,, JIARISLE MANTLES, TABLES, Counter T.,, Fir Vernier.,, Gmtet, lltarth-ttonei, and Steyt, ALSO "ULDug siu.N OF ALL M' SCRIPTIOXS, rURTLVMl. n -. ... ltatajFrAll.,ltldiaUvUi.'Uriji.'( i ALL KINDS OF ilfacf; - smilhitifj DOK AS WKI.I. AS H'K KNOW llW ID Do I P, A I' THE TV U,V' 6iaa5B- OPPOSITK TDK r.Vn.V MFiT VIR hEI OREGOX Cli y Ma.l,iy,a.47 ,. N VV((,SI v M t- c. ti.Mi-i.iir. . . a. T. atct. KIM.I.V A ri, POIITI.ASD OREGOX, mvrrirri arta wa ir...rr.. ... CALIFORSIA, AMERICAX .t tve, .... J 'wt.lOl SADDLES, r-7- "J Teaa, II ,. ,,,;,, riMIIS ia kimp'y llie feriiiented juiee ami llio 1 di-liHoil ji.ire nf ihe ( nrnu grape, judi. """t "' uieu nun eruvi.n ink. in k.v rhubarb, juniper lieriiea, uml nth, r vegetable re. m dial ngeira, t.k.1 nlly i nmliaii-d. uml in Ku.-li i in ti i ir f ti i i.l e.v.iet un ininiea us in n Kina.l ur hoiiieopa hie iloe of ea, h reni ily; uhii'li when ruiub lied form uu'n. v, let ll. live, ton.,., nlier.'ltivp.,. Imr. Ii ... niiti-fehr le, mi I t.datve bevcrajip, ant to llie u..ii. The inventor, in r.ilh'n.. i,e iil:euli.,n of the pnbli.! (eap...ially ihe C.ilifonii.iiM who know the IV wp i f ihe Culifnrnia urapc) lo these prep, iiiatinns, i!et to w-iih p,i,p and ci'lilllane ; m proving ihe ex . Hence nf our unlive urupp, nn.l cn-ilid, nee in their renied ul virtue., - -...ii . :iv i i;i v uj ease; Vy-r-epv.l. M&glutn, ,,, Appetite., Ha titn.ll i .mn,pt,u,,l Acidity of, or Sour oi,n,,M, u,,ce of the Kidney, (inrrl, Unorders of Ihe L'riuaiy Urgtiiit, Remittent and Inter m:ttenl Ferris, Fern ,J. Aftit, XertoHmess, Wtline.l,ni,i.jiy,Uiy. " nf ihe .VWh, ,' ,r,'l( f Perspiration. Pain, in the Slam- a, a or tuirels, Iho.ic, Uytcnlery, ,Jc., I lie proprietor d i. not nreieml il,..i I ;. i.i:. rated I'alilurnia Wine and llr.iudy ia u " wonder r u miracle" ill mil .ei..,,,... I, '-f IbP pil nic. iiudhe .ioea not o. -ii lie hi avow l ull he kn.o... f,,,. mill me meil cmea m ihi, ,, l.ty, will ..(leu etl. ci a cure and Saddler's Hardware. A jent for the sale of Adama't California SaJ. dle-'lVi-ea. All kind of Triinhsand Valisee ma.lelo order. Repairing done with n. utnpaa and dispuicli. Consignments of Goods Solicited. N. D. am telling off my old ttoek at reduc ed ratm, and will I. ike in exchange eiihercuth or merchantable produce. JOHN W. CULLEX. S. I3!- ja-.-Jinil JJOOKS! BOOKS! of nnulvtia ma !e bv Ana'ytical and Manufactur. Calitsrnu SidJ'.e.Tieet .Vi.'... m .... . oj Good, ley! at a Jr,t-cla,t e.iail.skme.t llmthee, and l'i,, siit:.i:i;v ii uivark w. rk nude to order, and r, i,r; A .v care and ou reaa.iu.ible (eriut. B f Mi.m an !'...... .1 . L ep 4, "is. a Alder. 1 Xeru nee '.i Mil ill III ipuill. ill Koine nf Ihe .ha. r.-.-. euiiiii, .uieu, when more v.uleul ami power lilt n nied ea have la led m lhelr ,.',je. t. ir rii.a.e iliinkin.- I ,p,or only , the morniiw or lie ,e hr. ukl i.t, woual find the Hrmuly acl de.1,1,1 u ly 011 ihe nervea mid ttomacli. keeping iur ooweia regu'ur, ,vc. IIJ- As a general beverage, it ia p, aaanl to the ta.te, , ,sl,.ly i xlnl,,,,,,,,,,.,, ,.,,,.,1, !,,,,,. and . ,e eo unu ueoiealeelmgol h.alth aud sirenih. Lead thia certificate I heophllu, ,. ;a lUC Clieuusl, Koalou l .lo hereby ce. that, after a m'rnl and C.llelu an. .Ill, e. I ... .. .. '" 01 uie v aiiloriu.i iue ami ii.anuf ctured by r. J.unee I. l ar iuar in onle, . a-Piia, ,,,,, and qmiliiy I, after variou, e.vieriiiieiils. urr.ved al ll.e f.nlowing re..ilt: The nine it of verv a.-re,.,! up, ,2 color, an I agreeable aroma, ail I c.iiimm, ,. (.rap.. ,... ,j ;),, lt,t. u(, , I ...... v .,,...-,., riuormg maii.r l-M. alcohol ) I ti. water ,..l, bi.tarlr.iip ,.f .v iassia U.H7, u pliato i.f ioiasMa ll-lj, tall U-SI. i, . , . t. x. i: eal It can lie taken by the m.val d.l,e..t.. ..( ... ex. ai.d in ni.vlera ioii ,v eluldr, . ilr Sold by all reai-iuMe D,ggit anlCJr... cer, in ihe I e I ti,.,ea, falr'orm.,. , tih.., 1 tic-NI ,vr b.t:le; air. LoiiKt f.,r .V iJ' t'ti .-riii to ma Pi ilic ,.........,,, aiway. m.a ,h. , ,c (. of j h. .n:u.lU,r, , j,mM K h- , l'a.te. .round Ihe l,.vk of ,l,.,,le ""l.-lle .gel.-fK,,w KLI. Ai-niVf I PVUK A. Will IK ,.. ... '.: St t Minna,-, Tl'ST RECEIVED, at Ihe CITY BOOK. 'J S 10 lib, a lame assortment of JJ o 0 KS, COXSISTIXG OF Standard Beliious, JIiseellan- eons, and Poetical works, Waverly aud Dickens's Novels, tec., &c, Slc. Stationery, of all kinds, etc. Oregon City, A pi .10 j, .4 POST. Muici'liljsic. TE have on hanj a largo assortment of IHU3XCAL IiVSTa.UlVtEIJT3 OF ALL KINDS, embracing the fallowing: iJnncc 0 ittcinDcon R F. MOV AL. cinofUtC c. ti.i nv, TS buain in W ill tl. for the pal iwenly-lwo Jl yeart, bat ri moved 10 .10. l 13 llroml- Wni'i one door ueloa. Canal at., where be hat jutt opviie.l a new tmrk of Watches and Jewelry of entirely new ami beautiful styles; SILVER AXD PLATED WARE. lie i coiialuuily reee iving the luteal tylet of Htchre aud jewelry by every tteuiner direct fiom the mauiiiucliirpra in hurope. Watchea cleaned an I rep. red in the bft man ner by Hip nupat Lnndmi mid (ii-upva wnrkmrii. i KOIltJ E C. ALLEN, Importer of Walnhet and Jewelry, and 1111.n11lnct.1rer uf Jewelry, Hatch c ipa, and ailyer warp, n huh tale and Mail, 4 IS Itroadway, one duor below C'uuul air. pi, A t il' YORK. aplliv For Sala at tha CIt7 B33i STORE rplIE following workt X Magic Sturt'. by A. J. Davitt Ureal lion Wheel, by J. It. Urn vet Dred.iu tjvoli., hy Harriet Ueetdier Stent ; III Ilome 1 VClopr.llaa, f the Wnrld't Pmgrcta, " ' I'm ful Artt, Europe, ' (.cnurophy. Fine Arte and Literature, " lliogrnphy, A-n. Oct.1. Baptist Eooks. TTTE EXPECT by nextmailaieamernqniin. I V lityif the A mer cull liuntiat Publication S.iciety'i lliaikt, cnnsialing of Fuller'a Woikt, Uuuyaii t do., Ihe I -ulinifl. nock. I. pew.and mil. pit let, and a variety of other works. We will ttale lliat we intend tu keep a com plete a.wuiiiient of the Sia ieiy'a hooka. Ordert for single bonkt, or hy the ipiuntily, will be prompDy filled Churcbea and I, branca furnished al the luwcat JOHN A. POST. Oregon City. Aug. 51 . l.SiW. Imn iveeka .! il.. . ... . - t 1 . . , o iii.iu lenn Each term will eoutiiin eleven Week. rtctriTT. Rev. E. CAaTWaimiT. Priiiclpal, and Pto(,L,j iMaiheumtiea and Natural Scu ne. .A. Wimg, Teacher. .f Englith prima7eltB(, Tvrrnin. Seltlenu nt mmt iuvariablv ba mad.;..j for tuition, at Ihe following ralea: In lt and id lieadeia, and Primary Arilh., I40 ' Practical mid Higher Arithmetic, Entail, ' Cramuiar, Geography, Writing, .te. (m iliglnr Muiheiuatici., Nt. Pt,joop,. Latin, $I.UU extra for each brauoli. anARnmo, Exlentive arrangement, have been made, V riuir Ih tiimmrr, for Ih entertainment of Ma. dents, al the ntidenco of the Principal. Ttlk! vAvim-aui.M luvi.ia, por Wl'ea, QM.UU. A1TK.XUA.VCa. Xo ttiidenl ill be allowed a teat for a lentine than half a lei in. Any one having paid, wiabinr to vacate a teat the mat hall nf the iern) jjj have one half the money refunded. ' Profanity and llie ue or tobacco potitiyely far. bidden uu the prciinbet. llt'MC. Cruluitout instruction will be given lo iclit, vocal IIHIH.C. Aug 27i 1M, Plotcs and Wagons ! Blacksmithing of all Kinds done to order. T KEEP alwayaon hand STEEL PT.OWS X wnrranled to scour and do at goinj work aa any o'hertin the jSt,,t. ruriiiah yu with WAGOXS. I can nlwaya be found ut mv thnp, oppoitt .McKiiilay'i, ready to alme your ..oree, or an 111 (lie Hue or my hueineat Call and tee. J. W. LEWIS. Oregon nty, April 16, 1S39. KQm- . iioiiir. WILL AIVIETTB IRON WORKS, OREGON CITY. "YV X" m'onn ,,le Pllhli(! of Oregoa aaa T Washington thai w0 have cainpleted tar BOILER, PATTERS, BLACKSMITH. ASD MACHINE SHOP, and are prepared to build boiler. Engine, Critt milk Siiwiiiills, mid all other of nuichieerv. Our liuaiueFt cuiinectioii with th Kattrra Stiitea thu great cunveiiienee of our locality the enperiority and numb, r nf our machinea-the of water power inaiead ofaieam, and the per. hct knowledge of all branch. of our buiinut, will enable ut tn compete with California. Inyiiing the public in give us a call, aud to fiver ut with Iheir patronage, we promise 10 axecul their ordeit on the thorlitt notice, and Al Sin I'luiiuiM'ii Price.. June I!), 18..8. ROSSI It cot. 0ji ltf large at-orlmenl, of Ihe following kinda: Ame 5 octave, piano-cased, ! : ! d0- dl' bauk, ...ID U Two 5 do. do. double-reeded. oo. do. portable. T. ii'ILHRRT t CO.'S CELEBRATED A M B 8. Ore at Inducements EUGENE LAJOBEST'S. TTTE take lliis tnctho.I of informing the pub v T he that we believ it heat lor purchaser nd teller llmt A'O CREDIT be given; we therefore cominenoe ntl entirely neweyttem. We will not tclluur goods 011 any other termt than for Cash or Country Produce. W have a large slock of GOODS consisting of GROCERIES, LADIES' FANCY GOODS, J.aK.Y . zai BOOTS . SHOES, Crockery, Glassware, Hardware. Mr. Post's School. I HAVE concluded nut to build this teaten.-' I "hull npe'i the tchool in WASHINGTOJf II A LL, on MoNiwy, SKiTBMny.a 12, ISj9. e "hall endeavor toudvunce nt rapidly at ft-' able on Im. who will use proper eH'orl to acquire knowledge, at weileuhe that every ppravn f tin eclmol ahull receive an equivalent foroll paid o. Price of tun on iicei.riluig t the ttudiet punufrJ. Every . linn poseiblewill be made lo furni.b anni tn thote fi mn iibriuid at vpry reasoi6 ntet, t we wish to hold out tood imluci mciil lo all wkt 'tiny wisii to avail themsclyet of our instruction. JOHN D. POST, Oregon City, August 2", 1839. J2mi Now liaten tn ut for a moment While we use otirefforl or two That paying easli duwu for wh ' 111 convincing yon never you get Guitars, betides a large ataortmcut of Accordeons. Claijonets, Flutes, J A. Post, At the City Bt store. Oregon City. Apl9. Scat and Land I II tan 1 Ml lolodrons. '1.II..N,. HhOHi.hl, A. MKI.ODEOXS Diirofl wataa rujt I, axe ihrni ri u, Mt lpii Clr.l.l.ll,. ,.,.! ., , . aa.eil ,4, if . j v .M-. .0 oi, " ' J0 - m-wn'm-JwurPM I oWf.,cy,jau, ,.,,. J J st. excellenl Mil r etiT .... Mund.d iih excellent lllincti'' . .' w..-Fd l.k. h. I .HI .i" ... '- c" '" The ioc, - "'J lor .elling lumber a and handy l heavy tplll.,,,,,,,. Tl'' Ptr by. Ihe Dlaee uiaiv n,l... . . ... weal ui,.. IV. ' I VDTHIXU TO WEAR, and 1 ... Mawaniii Tepiiw H fe ell, Yamhill coualy. Nn 5".. i;:,9. w. L. ADAMS. 3:(if ,,,1Iai,e'" AreUc Expedition dce PITY BOOK STOr.E. L. k...t .1. . 1 ouciur mail DUVIIirr onoH- n.. . .A . a 9 ti-- - " You will find by reading our advertiaement r .atwe purpose telling fr , ,,lt n , he iper furcaa 1 il..,. u,. ,..u ' " , - . - tuuiu ,,.i mile t line ,1 certainly belter, tl.. h.., .. .:. 1 - - -"V r w,ll IIUO. Herel.die. can f.,,,1 , lhey may require, rrom fine It .. . . ' , F ,,et wire : I he gentlemei, u CBI1 ,r. , (j rf o ilh fine doe pantt, vet, ,hir,, arld , coau Th, farmer. ,w ,hould here come and tea If we have not K0t COod tu.,r .ud eorlee. 11. rice, Marcli.tohaceo,.,!,, Vli ' ftail. cup. andaaucer. talaratut, and rope. Come farmer., try ut. ,d ,h,n . we do no. ,o ja. ,, u.e afr, M V e pr,.n,i , , h ' '"'f'" ou,y "1i', right you know, fr'Till"'''"'" htn retide, La Kare.1 t '7 m-east aide; i-aroreat& liaen.. at th - . ' Our ,.., .mall pitbrn' Bring on ea.h - . i. rKir. ann your butter. . .1.1 :,rr,ii",t ht.iher. Tl V " '"" J" comeahmg too. I heeath We are I...J; ' , "'Si.i.uitiana iw. rirst Premium, 1841, '42, '41, 'IX CHARLES J. HOLDER, GRAND ACTDM VIA1SO FOJtTES. THESE PIANOS are mad 01 lb M"? teriult, and wurrautod lu Hand la t1 f" mate. Tuning and repairing promptly executed, t . n G- K JEWELL & POST, July oO, 1859. y Agents, Oregon City. ' Oatuosi Citv... .May .1.5f918 SLGLG BOOKS! TfJT . . , .1 ,-'TOr'"0i ' eP' f th Ne Joticc IS hereby giren to all those who with le hiT Iheir ACCOUNTS COLLECTED, tai are willing to patronize ma. that I am eonattntlr on hand, and will devote my entire lime and eta crgy m attending tu the tame for them. I pledge, niyself to.loas good hard dunning at can be dta by any one, and it that will n. in ih. aaaal I'd, I will tend my friend PtrrcatoN on a waaitiat ' loiir(wiiha'coiiie-iiiid-see me-ouicklv'). Geatt live your ehoetniine are at your eervica. ..... .riua are moderate. t-JS Office on Main Hr,ml S,,J;Ia1 aetaw tile Dubois' t new aagon-shop. n J. M. BACO. J. r. Oregon City, Sept. 1 7, 1 S59. 23wS hVnd Mill FJour. rHOSE who wth to get the GENUINE IL VXD MILL H.III'R .ill eal! the Mill, atCharman ,r Warner . llrevnnCilT. l-PwuV Portland, at Ih eecoad- Handed Island Mill aackt have been boocht P T certain tudividuala, and refilled with inferior . Wand Mill, July 23, ISo9. litf To ihe Afflirled. HUTCIIIXS' CELEBRATED BAL- aam of W,d Cherry. w.het ml bia oilirr popular Botanical Medicine; art now at JOSEPH UAimuwS,'ca.e,.A. 47y 0 Clark'i Commentaries, XE COI'Y. fie . FLEMING'S BOOK STORE, l 'he Pott Office, Oregon Cny. Die Jl'ST rpceiTed. the latest style af atLI w BONNETS, L.rhora and ttraw Urn. AIXSWORTH AD1EKDORFF. id Zionu ivcr.npt.'iiii .r im-j.JLt , i S"''' Three Y-earMU:denUlXr JOH.f A. POST. veai ewatw foratila at th cixy max stork.