The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, February 18, 1860, Image 2

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    EI)c(Drcgou Slrgus.
Mr. Stewart, a sectional member of Con
iress, stated In t sjieech, Dec. 12, 1859,
that In caw the Republican elected Pres
ident fn I860, California and Oregon would
join the South In diking steps to diwolre
the Union. We presume Jo Iane told
Stewart io. Lane hat shown himself the
mint smile tool of the disunion laiuaii
dcri that miarejireirf'iiU anjr free State in
Congress. Ho packed a challenge for
Hull Ilrooks to Hurling he aiwiat 1
In Washington City, we are told, with none
lut Southera Democrat! and he told ua
at LafaycHo last spring with bit own mouth
that it bad auld out the Democracy of Or
rgon "or ten yari" to the South, on con
dition that the South should voto for the
admission of Oregon into the Union. Of
course, if the South goes out of the Union.
Oregon la boaml by Jo Lane's 4 bill of (tale'
to go with her, aud serve her fur Un yean,
Xow we haven't the least objection to Jo
Lanc'a giving a bill of vale of Ilibben, or
even of Delusion, but when disunion trai
tor come here claiming Oregon under
Lane'i bill of eale, we will turn them over
Debi'ion and Slater under the 'fugitive
alare law. If they don't leave then, we
will bang them higher than Old Drown.
Oar Paataatitr.
The 'medium of scirdefcnse' at Albany
und the ex organ at Salem are constantly
growling about their packages being laid
What a Pleural
Delusion, In t long article puffing Lane
aa a great and good man, a perfect gentle
man, and the oeutr of attraction In the
cabinet and lo tho camp, Ac, Ac, am) de
nouncing Du'b aa t mean, low-flung, un
couth boor, taye that during the csnvas of
1858 he traveled six wetka with JJuab
(packing him on b'a back and barking for
him), and that they arrrr tnlrrcJ and da
parted from (whet does he mean by enur
ing from !) the home of a aettler but that
IStuh denounced the outlier aa ' an illitmti
hit wife ' dirty,' and the children ' im
pudent and uncouth,' tho bed 'ebeetless'
or ' filthy,' and the food 'abioluUly horri
ble the country 'a ain't worth having,'
Vreeaaa's Catecbia (-naceralaa ibtlrra-
rtntkle CanaicU
Below wt give, from the Milwaukie Bun-
line, a mot excellent catecbUm for the
benefit of those who hare been gruutlug
about Seward'i "Irrepressible Conflict,
We hoi Delmlon and Crooki will both
commit it to memory :
Qneatlon Who lint promulgated the
aoclriuo or the Irrepressible coudiclf
Answer Thomas Jefferson.
Q. -When and how did ha promulgate
A. In letter written to friend In
Q. What did he lay?
A." Nothing la mora cortaiuly written
in the book of fate than that thtae people
(negro alavei) are to m free; nor la it lc
the farms miserably managed, and of no ctrUin two forme or society cen
account,' and finally that ' the d 1 coun
try wasn't woith living in, no bow.'
Now Delusion doesn't pretend to say that
Dush'a picture of the Democratic families I
they put up with wasn't a correct one and
we haven't the I'est doubt that at the time I
Delusion anenled to every word liuth ia!J,
and gave the 1 Tike picture additional col-
not be perjKtuaUd under the same (Jo rem
(j Who next promulgated it?
A. Henry Clay.
Wbeu aud bow did be promulgate
A. In speech delivered before the
American Colonization boeiety in 1827.
Q Whatd.d he say?
A. " Until universal darkness and dis-
oring by way of a stump-speech on the l'air !,a" I'rt'ruil " ln.joasible to
bed bugs We however do know that this
same I)eluion waa around neurly bursting
la buttons off to convluce the 1'ikcitcs that
this same Hush, who was every day slan
dering them, according to Deluiou now,
W81 a model democrat, a matin' Stent M.
ow, a great Union surer, and a gentleman
every vay worthy of their tujfraye, for a
Mute office. hen Deluition fulls out with
Lane, won't there be some rich develop
ments about the beds,' 4c, 4c. iu Well
ington CityT Isn't Oregon covered all
over with glory by having bad the honor
minims the sympathies aud the effort of
frceiueo in brluilf of the unhappy Krtionof
our race wiio are doomed to bondage."
(J. Who emlomed Mr. Clay's remark?
A. Lmuicl Webster.
J. Who suys so?
A Kdward I'vcrclt.
Q. Who next promulirated it?
A. The Kicbiuoud Euquirar, a Dctiio-
cruno newspaper.
Q. Wbeu did it promulgato it?
A. Ia the residential campaign iu
Q.-Wbat did It say?
A . " Two opposite and conflicting forms
of society caunut, among civilized men, co-
over a week or two at different postoffic
Tho intimation la thnt if the postmaster Imp
ipens to be a 'clique democrat,' be lays De
lusion's 1 medium' by to cool a week or two
"before be forwards it to Delusion's subscrl
Iters, under the Impression probably that
the thing is rather too hot to be trusted in
the mail-bugs. On the other hand, the
ex-organ complains that certain postmas
ters who belong to 'Stupid Juek'urc detc
mined its subscribers shall not have a Su
i .1.
inn jinjier un linn Kiieet nag un airing.
I hey nave both lost money sent by mail,
and the medium' is out of pocket several
nice little sums sent with names of ' new
subscribers.' Delusion thinks a 'secret
muil agent' would be of advantage.
Now this idea of having honest post-
niastrra under a Democratic dynasty, which
appoints men to office merely for dirty work
done for the party, and not with any refer
ence to qualifications, Is all a delusion. As
long as it ' pays why not expect Demo
cratic olhcinle to steal money? We advise
De'usion not to be In a hurry to InaVurate
a system or secret espionngc to detect Dom
ocrutie villuiny. The first Republican ad
.minihtrntion will cure the evil by turning
evrry driven nigyer out of pfice in Ore;on,
and putting honest men in their pluc 's.
We want uo office, but for the good of the
country we should like to be the Postal
Agent for a few weeks, just to show the
sectional fanatics whut might be dono by
putting a national Republican at the helni.
We assure Delusion tint t if we art appoint
ed, we will muko the contruetois and post
masters delirer all the mail in season, or cat
tho whole or it wrapping-paper, twine,
'bags, locks, chains, and Delusion's 'mo-
to be represented seventeen days iu the U. txUii "" t,,dur"- The one mast givo wuy
Senate Lr L i n I)ulumn .!... .i .!. lruBO " me ouicr uecome uni-
4 - , wmmtt m
real character according to bis own show
ing? Talk about the ' JJarubart Stutemcnf
degrading him!! His oim 'statemeut'
kinks bim much lower in the eyes of all
honorable men than any ' statement' Darn
hurt can mako.
Some Republicans fear that Delusion Is
culling on the Republican press for Infor-
" If free society be unnatural, Immoral
aud unchristian, it mut full and give way
to sluvu society a social system old us the
world, as universal as man."
Q. Who next restated the fact?
A. Wm. 11. Seward.
Q. When, where, and how?
lua speech delivered iu Rochester iu
Q What did he say?
A. W title refcrnnir to the collision
nmi.on witn a view or joining our parly. which had occurred between the two sjs-
v e assure tiicm tiiut Ins inquiries after our lcm" 01 uVor 111 1" L "lU'(1 s,uU's he said:
principles ore no evidence of that fact what- " 4" 'rr,,l,ri'"'il,'lf couUict between 0
VI,... k. , .... I,0,,ll euduriiiir forces; and it means
" """ "in ihnt 1 1 s i -,:n.
91 m . i ------ v U1UI-.0 uiu.iii niiu itilinwilt
.. . uur incnin may pui np the burs lm- or Inter, become either a aluveholdin
muuiately, as his tell intentions will be fully Hon, or entirely a free-labor tuition."
Bravo I The All.ui.y ' medium' lis be,
como so enraged at the Argus for exposing
lis rottenness on constitutional luw, as an-
jineii.pie io ine nigger qucston, that in its
desire for revenge on something bearing the
memo Republican, it jumps upon the Or
tgonlan and worries it fur having been box
dng the political compass for tho lust seven
jears now advocating tho ' Whig party'
then the No Tarty party,' tho M,ru;.
I,aw party,1 ' Know Nothing party,' ' JVo
yle's party,' ' Fusion porly,' ' Republican
party,' 4c, Ac., besides going for Fill
moro in 1S50 one week, Fremont the next
and the third week dropping both, and
seeming to go for Buchanan, Ac, Ac.
Without pointing out a singlo specimen,
Delusion talks about the 'unscrupulous
falsehoods' and ' base misrepresentations' of
the Argus, calling it a ' consistent' paiie
hut ,h.. :..!... i i .
un,,,,, uiiiuir, aim -uisingcn
uous. Delusion act- well the part of tho
iuuuer.y school-hoy, who, after getting a
sound thrashing from one of bis playmates
v "I'- u'wr'b', " 1 can't whip yon, Lut
ii who niouiiis at your sister!"
manifest. Ho never will bother his head
any more about our ' principles' than be
will about tho color of the pants we wear.
Hois a man that swallows just what is
handed out to bim by the leaders of the
pnrly he belongs to consequently there
will never bo the least difficulty in keeping
him struigl.t ou ' principles' if he should
cane over. The only difficulty would be to
bear np under tho weight of his bad morul
character, and repair the damages done us
by h!s wretched political policy. Ho has
no moro political sagacity than a goose
He is sure to break down any party he is
connected with, and we trust he will l.e
ept where ho is, for be is now doins more
to build up the Republican party thun any
man in it. Ha isn't a Republican, of
course, ns he doesn't advocate our princi-
ics, nut, as he is helping to build un the
Republican party, we don't know but De
lusion is entitled to the uumo of Mick
Q. Did lie intimate the iirorcss bv
which they will ultimately become so?
A. Ho did. He suid, " While I confi
dently believe and hope that my country
will yet become a hind of universal freedom,
I do not expect that it will be luado so
otherwise than through the action of the
several States co-operuting with the Feder
al Government, aud all acting in strict con
formity with their respective Constitutions."
Q. h there nnv treason in this?
A. Not unless Thomas Jefferson. Hen
ry Clny, Daniel Webster, and the cd.torol"
lh; Richmond Enquirer were traitors.
Free ibettoalh.
jACKsoKvn.i.r, Jan., 6th, 18C0
Ed. A si. i s: As I have been a careful
and constant reader of the Argus for lev
eral months past, and seeing no correspon
dence Irom the " Sunny South," I take
upon myself the responsibility of dropping
few items of truth and note, which are fully
worth the tn-rusul of your many reudcrs,
The nio4 glaring thing that presents
itself to my notice is the rich discoveries of
quartz mines in this vicinity within the last
three months, which are, no doubt, the
richest quartz specimens ever discovered on
the coast, and I might with truth say the
most siirpnuingly and extensively rich
ever discovered on the globe. Of these
discoveries, I will mention first one on the
left band fork of Jackson Creek, ucur Fur
mer's Flut, which was discovered by Clias,
Hicks, near two months since, aud bss
proven so fur as worked, to be vastly rich
Suid Hicks has tuken out about $3,000 by
the slow processor a bund-uiortnr, since he
made the first discovery, aud is now going
down on the lesd. He finds it to be good
paying quartz as he gets down, but not so
good as it wss on the surface.
There is an excitement In our midst at
this time, of a great quartz discovery on
Rogue river, near a place known as Big
Bar, ono mile above Col. T'Vault's farm,
the news of which spreads like fire to dry
grass, j-.vcry rutin who coula pos ibly
leave bis business bus gone to see mid get
few specimens. To-day the news came
into town that they bad found it much rich
er than ever.
By the way, I wilt snr that I have been
down on a propecting tour in that vicinity,
nd just returned yesterday. I was in coin
any with four brother miners. We vis
ited the above mentioned quartz lead, und
found it to be fully as good as represented,
and one of the most singular places ever
discovered since man enmo iuto cxistnnco.
ii is sitimieu near me summit or a very
high mountain, which runs np similar in
shape to a poorly put np liny cock. They
find a good many pieces of quartz, promis
cuously scuttcrcd along the side of a small
gulch, which are exceedingly rich. They
dig the surface of the earth to the depth of
rrcm two to four feet and Bud loose quartz
in abundance, which is extensively impreg
nated with gold
month of Okinagiu, ia vorlously estimated
at from 75, to 125 uiilca; thence to Sum!
kameen, 80 miles. The mines are near the
Northern boundary lino. In conclusion, if
I were unemployed, I should go to the
mines; but I would not advise any one to
leave a bird In baud, if it is worth holding
ou to, to chusa a bird in the bush. Thomp
son & Co. are going to build a new, and
lurger boat, for this route. I believe the
contract has been given. In baste, yours,
L. Whit.
Dei Chub i, Feb. 2nd, I860.
T rib ale af IUfct.
At a meeting of the students of Sautium
Academy, lie following proceedings veto
had. '
Whereas. Br a mvsterious rrovhlcnce
(Jod has removed from among us, J'avui
raelttf Rallreu Ch,,5
Tho Legislature of Wasblagto, TtBj
ry passed tho following resolution,
to a Convention to be held eooui
Whereas, The construction of .'v'
am Pacific Railroad Is a lob& i"
the people or Oregon and WasbinZ
directly Interested; and, wb,Sl
ta jjw como for action on thii J
Be it retnhrd ly the Leai,lattM .! '
b y of the Territory h42
tho State of Oregon be respectfuTLjn
to unite in Convention wiifT Z
or Washington in Vancouver oa thTS!!
of May next. " rot
Resolved, That thirty dele-rat., k.
pointed by this Assembly tomeet Zul
her of delegate! on the part of oZ!
the nliiee and tima .fn.u .T"
I. . i ' 7
considertion the best means to' be si
for the furtherance or tha
Coryell, aged twenty-one years and eleven and to make such rccommendutiea ijoJ
in luuir wiihiuiii 1111111 Bee nt.
Resolved, That the deleitM ,).,.,
ritory be appointed from each ceoit, ?
cording to tho number of Reprenouiil
each county elects to the Legl,,u u
scmbly. , '
Resolved, That tbe gcntiemea. U
names ore I'Wto annexed, be, and thtC
hereby declared delegates on thew-uf
r -
months, a hijrhly esteemed memlier or our
school, and yomiir man or amiuhle di-no-
sltion, virtuous habits, nud pure moral char
acter, and has culled Imn to try tuo reali
ties of another world, therefore be it
Resolved, That we, the studc nt of the
Santiom Academy, do hereby express our
deep sorrow iu view or our loss, while we
bow with silent submission and reverence
to tho will or Him whose wisdom and good
n:'ss are infinite
Resolved. That wo hereby tender our
sincere sympathies to the alllicted relatives
of the deceased, who mourn the loss of a
dutiful son and offictionatc brother.
Resolved, That we will wear the usual
heth-'e or mourning fifteen davs in token of
our friendship for the deceased.
Resolved, Ihut these resolutions be sent
to the Oregon A reus. Oreeon
and Pacific Christian Advocutc,
canon. viui, u. ..iwi.n-.;, r ranw Jf.nii
ti a 1 M i a .1 I mm. I ilnn.1 T 'P rfl n. . ,a
uesoiveii, inai s copy oi rcsoiu- , -wu, o. i. turner; Kitsan. Wn
.. . . . .1 - . m .. . I a-nlLrtt TI K If.. I T a. . . - . v.
ions ne presented mo parents oi ine de
the Territory of Washinfftoa.
nana una, J. A. Sinimsj
O n . v
...... v, ii. oiunns; BkuBiBU
Pauiel Bradford; Cowlitz, Setb Gun?
Sm.; Wnhkiukum, Wm. Strenc- ffc
H. J. U. Maxon, P. Ahem, S. B Cmk
A. Simmons, Wm. Proebstel; Umu?
B. Dclfinbaugh, T. R. Winto; fij'
H. K. Stevens; Chel.alis, T. J S7
Thurston, Edward Furste, J.utt LW
myre. Wm. AV. Miner. Oliver fik-7T
!, forpubli- Itavia Shelton; Pierce J. S. Jaqnitrp'
Clark. S. McChw; King, FrankH, Wl
J. Craptkee,
E. J. CnAwroRn,
Lebanon, Linn Co. Feb. 8, 18(50.
ft3T An indignant widower, in the Port
land Daily News of the loth instant, tiius
" lets himself out"
T- T ! 1.1. t .
?i . '"'y0"' proociiing cataaa, the Republicans oir
paper that W ic Y intcrnrreen's" doom, fairly challenge public faiih and fn:
" " "luiiiy, imf miii iuiiiieui organization witn
paruiiiiy avenea oy your correspondent oi l
"oalemitc." ow,
miuut, u. j. meiirs: jenrtnn t n
Van Velsah; Claim, Elliot Cliae'-Wu.'
com. J. G. llvat. ' w
Thk Repi-bi.ican Cai.i The v.- V.J.
Times, in a lending article on the Rnik.
limn rail, says:
We consider this an cntioentlT
conservative niul comprehensive doctmwt'
and if it may be regarded as .ffn;..!
correct and trnstworthy indicatJon of H
platform and policy of the party iD tb tc
prooching catai, tho Rcpublicsns mr
sir. permit me to ob-
i.Tve t'int this foolish talk about "justice
tampered with mercy," is, to use a common
expression, "nil gammon." She attacked
I saw thorn take out on !n 'lfr 8rtit'e enrT widower and Brighnm
which tlcy seek only thronsh th aJ2
1 ol a legitimate partisait wartm."
Stats AuKkTUTiuL Socim.-Thodel
egaies apiwiited at the Acricirltnml t....,
ing last spring to represent this county in
.... nice ung ut Sim for the for
mutlon or a State Agricultural Society I . ... .
nuuce mai next Wednesday Feb
11 ! il. ,l. A..: i. i
- : "'6nmi. e Iipjio none
. .u. ai iegatts will fail to attend. Tho
gentlemen appointed are A. Holbrook,
Samuel Miller, Jamrs Offiocr, Wm. R.r!
ow, M. Aberucthy. aud the chairman,
-ovejoy, (,d tho secretary. J. S
lunrarson. The Lut-named gentleman, of
vuur-, m unu l0 g0. Tbf gU,amfr Sup.
prwa will start up on Tuesday afternoon, iu
oruer to accommodate the delegates and
0,nc" whomsywuh to attend the meeting.
Tea, sod it was no doubt dUtastelul' to
i aca io occupy so muoh rpscV on his U
bl. wiih c.ttuh; but w..urpo(e,oa m
bott to be aiciued oo the ground that you
ghttSt hut joaJUrr.
Toon Fellow I Tim editor or the Cor
vullis Union, who is color blind to every
thing but bluck who thinks ho sees a wig
ger In every fcneo corner and who iina"-
incs he hears the Union cracking open ev
ery timo a cart passes his office crying for
grease has found an Ararat in the Old
Brown deluge, on which he can squat and
cry, "The Uniou's a-gvine!-tlic Union is
a-gwinct!" He trembles in bis boots over
the fact tiiut the negroes held a prayer
meeting for Old llrown, somewhere in York
State just as though a nigger hadn't a
right to pray for Brown or Slater, or any
oincr immtio. 1 he sight of this trembling Accident. One evening during the lut-
.cu.i.ius us oi me truth of the tcr part of last week, a man named Duly
couplet- employed on the Snn.ri fi.ll Anxmn uir
i no icv,i irtml,:,, h. n h fees or ut least thirty foot, on a bed of boulders
Ai.u.nWr..ihl.kiifM." i.inw x,r n t . "oumcrs
"'low. Mr. Cyrus Locey, mate of the Jcn-
Statisticai.. From the Statesman, wo nI c,arI 'jing near, hearing his groans,
Krn that the total valuation of nronertv proceeded nt some risk. owin.r ih. ,l-'
1. ft .. ' - -O !
wiegon ior ine year 1850, is $24,184.- mss. to I" assistance.
Shamkfi'l Theft. The Corvullis Union
complains that a brother Black who edits
the Bellows Fulls ( Vermont Ar ih I ins
n "
stolen no less than " two editorials" from
the Union, and with "slight variations''
bus sold them iu the Argus us his own,
without saying ' boo' about Sluter being the
author of them. The Union thinks it's in
' good keeping with the practices of the
rascals who sell ' woodou nutmegs.' Wo
think, with tho Union, tbut tho theft can
not be too severely condemned. The vil
luiii that would steal one or Slater's edito
rinls, would steal a covered button from the
worn-out cout-Qaji of a blind nigger. The
crime is aggra voted by the tale of these ed
itorials ufter the theft. Slater is right in
snying that the act is in good keeping with
the selliug of ' wooden nutmegs.' The only
palliutiou we can see to such au act as
stealing and selling editorials from the Un
ion, or Delusion's ' medium,' is the nccora
panying the papers containing them with
wooden nutmegs.' It gives tho stulo fa
nnt'eism some little claim to being spicy.
hist Thursday two pieces, one weighing 40
pounds and the other 30. Thoso who took
them out vulued the two at $2,000. I ex
umined them closjly and put thein at the
lowest notch which I thought was $1,000.
There are several more concerned us owners
in the lead one an emigrant, who luckily
got n share by discovery, sold out yesterday
to Col. Ross for $5,000. Ho owned u
fifth interest. I took my pick and shovel
i .t. i i i . .i .... . . ...
mm ucitcu mio me inn side as if 1 w ere
going to make my "pile" in a short time,
out the others had staked off their claims
little too largo, though I found $0 to$7 in
smull specimens. There is a town growing
up very r.ipidly at the foot of the hill. Oi.e
tavern, two groceries, and ono store now
up and doing a good business. The town
will go by the name or Gold Hill. Three
coaches run from Jacksonville hero every
day. The above stutemcut is ns d ar the
truth as I cun gather from observation.
mere has been but very little ruin and
snow here this winter. The miners who
own placer mines are hard up An " grub
money." Merchants looking very straight
down their noses. Farmers plowing and
sowing their grain all winter. The wenth
er is airy, worm aud pleasant politics-,
Bo win, who killed a Chinaman,
ftaf Accordimr to The
Coiwiiliition, President Baehanan, fo b
letur oT acceptance in 1855, made a y
which would do credit tcotit ofhitrem,;
constituents from the Green Isle. The Con
stitution says that when Mr. Buchanan aid
thut the people r a territory, like those of
ite in the country. She harrowed un. sir.
the reeiimrs or a " bereft and stricken hus
band," who was courting around anions
the the pirls for another wife. If the arti
cle of " Winnie" is permitted to nnss with-1" State, should determine the nrestim r
out a "ftern retinke." nnrl L.r rAmniiAi.i I themselves whetherthrv vnnLI h... oi.
con'Iemnnt.o!! is pn.s--d orer with indiffer- r not he meant wlicn the Territory fsrata
1 .:n . I :i c...... n . ... n.. . . .
enci, i wm, sir, iii onco proceed to carry
out a design I hare Ion;; had in view.
namely, the formula or a " Widower's f State.
lights Association," which will include in
its aim the olijecrs herein stated. 1st. to
csnunisn the principle that "csperiencn
givetii wisdom," or, in other words, widow
ers know more about connubial doinirs than
widower's I
thnt of bachelors.
110 K urn I iin.'lilnl.n. n'l.-l !. fe
people or a Territory are a peoule tf s
Focxn Bail. Mr. E.S.Cox.
of the lad killed by the spring gonapoatst
premises of Mr. A. S. Kiehtlineer. nub
complaint against Kighllinger, npon thick
. This lends to 2d, tho ripht of I l'e ,wn ,ak,!" belore Mr- Sliannon, Caooty
to marry seruin to be snperior to Jull' n M"d"T- Kighllinger tsitca
3d. ir any irirl reiects
scorn the hand or any widower, whose
wife has been dead six we- k. s'ib kIi.iII h
doomed to "eternal tnfumv." 4th
there shall be nn nnxiliury called '" The
widower's- mntrimoniiil- interests- and-nntl.
yoiinff-lmehelor-nssoeiiition." If I Uow
irryself, and I think I do these two socie
ties will fully enrry out my purrog'S.
i am, witn iiigh respect,
SEnrors Accident. Mr. f! w r.,t,-h.
ell, of Amity, Yamhill county, hud his leg
broken on the 3d of February flvn m?L.j
.U.. II. II.. mi.. .
iaiii-s. jiib c.rcnmsurees. as nenr
as we can learn them, wore as follows: Mr.
ucicueii was riding to Daires, in company
with several others, aurl uhir0 ntlAn A lilnnn
nil! side covered with nr.,. .?
. . .... ui,,.
an examination and proffered surm'ei for
f his nppenmnee t the next term of the O
cuit Court; the sunt was fixed at $1,500,
and bond entered into, Statetmm.
Iii this lity, Feb 4. 18C0. Ennui
on of I.ewi and ,Mahul l)y, fl 9 jan,
iii'iiiiii., ana ii aayn.
Lovely boy, I A Brief tfiy stay !
t'liort nnil hy wi Ity dnJFj
KnJiiiK nmn ihy wjuurn liwr .
l'.iia or grief no in re lo bet.
rillnweJ on a Savior's breasr.
Sweetly alrep an I aol'lly rut;
VV btu the joyful aummona come,
Rise, nml n.iar io hi-av'u your home! nsl
Slimmnnlnn ntlini.
309 15, against $23,824,118 in 1858; the "e,P. Mr- was properly cared for and
wo ocueve tie is in a fair way to recover.
Accident. On Wednesday cveninn-h,
at the lower steamboat landing in this city'
Mr. r. II. Hatch lost a valuable borso by
the wagon, to which it was attached, being
backed off into the river. There were two
horses to the wagon, one or which became
oalky, thus causing the accident. 15y
some menus, the balky horse got loose and
was sued. ii,e wagon and harness were
luxnuoii upon tbis amount in 1859 48
308 18, against $22,824 10 in 185s. The
amount or taxes collected fiom Chinamen
for mining license is given as follows; Jack-
on, $3,234; Josephiue. A5.203; Ton.
312; Curry, 229 25; total, $8,978 25, of
which the State received $1,340 14 This
ailucd to the Stnto tax abore eives a rnt..l
ftf.ttj 51, as State revenue from all
sources for tho fiscal rear, commencing
oepi. izin, isou. Multnomah shows the
mghest VHluatiou-$3.f54,590, and Tilla
mook the lowest $29,774 75.
nacon. Esi
hung on the 10th inst., unless reprieved,
There is a great deal or bad whisky in
this part or the country, and I am suro
most of it is being drunk, Old T. drinks
more, for a man of his age, than any one I
ever saw. There is no dnnht hut ii.ot n,
uuv til ia. llJU
whiskey that is drauk in this country dur
ing oue winter would, ir properly conducted
in a water ditch, make a good ground
sluice-head for a considerable length or time.
As I am a hard luboring miner, and am
not versed in letter writing, I will close.
You can uso this ns you think propef.
A Minir
, is to be pany pushed his forwnrJ to keep him
lion fiiHitiir: this horse
. . - - ..i ..uiu.-it r, W-....M- ... ..........
iUi . uctc nil S knoeked him from his Teet. "mil"' fhinn, and mu.ic, if they chaw.
(IllH 111 it .h..l. I i ' I LfuL t Li 1 . mm.-
tST A Saeinl Guilirring of Iba Old FW
Oregon will kike place ut llie old Mais Sniif
Hoi ae, in On gon Cily, on (he Sid iaat, tfciv
I lie ynuncr onei can rnllvm ih mratinf alib
and his whole weisrht cmn ifnm m Ar.
Gctchell, fmcturrng his lift leg below the
knee. After the berso cat frra fi
rider he made several nttemjits to rise, and
Mr. Gctchell having slipped down against
him, he repeatedly fell unon him uvt;.,..
him severely. Mr. Gctchell rede to
Dulles on nnothcr and snfcr horo tn-..p!n
n, ..... ... .. :..""
... ,..,i ui-uio punts. At Ualles he had
i'eh. 18, lb60.
To the nepubllciwrYaaajIICaaM!'
Tha UAJaiaiyued, wiah nglo praaaota ts w
mony and aucceea of the Kepublicao caoaaia !'
Iiiil-caonty, appointed i Coiniuittee io each pnaitrl
loccmult w,Ui tha Repoblicana aa ta wbal eaaiw
(!uld be purauadprepuiatorytotbacamiofeu
vaaa. Aa'urdingly a meeting mi hM ia Uhy
ana on Sotarduy, the 11 ih inatant. repraaiat4a
ai'ven precinct., and after duo deliberate it via
l.ii U .Mir ii .v ., " "U . P'wj'b, anu atter duo delioeranaa ii
n.S leg Skillully get by Dr. Hoge, (be army thought beet tomeet io the usual Bounty Cew
surgeons being present and coiucidin" with "" Pre,ine tlMttbe popalarwi'
Dr. Hoge's treatment of the fracture "From l.k" "lof reprewoiatioa, sad uiatif
r..n.- i . . :
incs ne was Brought to Portland night
twtio ba one delegate fur areiy twenty vatea. TW
h..r- ; " '"Pawnaaa ia the variuua preawela ait aarfrsif
-'..u.v iii.iL. aim vmiprn.. n ..-... . a. i .. i . . . . . .
r i- '"y I'uipwwu 10 '"e'leuwi nuiu meir
or Oiikcox Citt. J M
. s
q , uecorder. has In.r f!;.i.,i
"king me census of our city, ami I,.. r,.
nished us with the result:
hole number of inli.l.;tnni.
No. of males
Whole nnmlier of children
No. over 4 years and under 2i."
under 4 vears
dumber of males children .
females "
.... 99
.... 101
Foi'HD. A COiinla nt k.n. ..
. : , . - r '! iinuunrr
ch.efs, just pua-hased, oo doubt, whirr, ik.
Old folka and VAntitf f..lL-.l T...1
tbe card o Mr. J4m ia a sot her column.
FT. .
niETiJo It. Delusion, in urging the
uiscks to suhscntie for bis 'medium or self-
.i .e. .. .
ue.i-usv, soys-- vo not ttand up on the
onler, or manner, or medium of your sub-
senuing.- Ueknow a good many who
.-"wiiiiihe-- nny Mm. n, ..i
"mi i no iiiing mat tney Aare 'stootl on'
the 'medium with both Ut
sun-iepsra on it, notwithstanding Ddu-
iou a oeggine fliem not to do it.
IlRDUN's Ball. There will l a KnII
i oaiem on W eilnesday eveninp, Feb. 22,
111 I Hit lxAaafta . C .I a a mm - '
der Company. We are obhVe.1 th.
managera for an invitation to attend.
For Corvalm Th. ....
Cant CSr ! .'m ' "rl'"r,
fr Corvalhs tb;s afternoon at 3 o'clock.
iJ?vtS,Bk,t0Tr,C'C0 f0r
Newt from the Morlkrra lllaes.
By permission, wo copy tho followm
portions or a letter, received by Jos. D Lc-
AAH t". . W .
-V "om topi. Lcn. White: "Friend Jos,
in answer to your inquiries about the m'ues
i recently saw a man, just from Similko
mcen, whose word can be depended on
His account, is not so extravagant as
some have given, but ho deems the induce
ment sutliccnt to justify him in returning in
the spring. The present digging, are con-
unea to the bars, wh eh nrfl p's'li hnf t:...ra
win extent, and if no other diggings are
discovered, not too many, should go on sus
picion, till neighboring localities are pros
pected. There are about sixty men now at
ork or rather watching their claims,
which bv the rnh. tl... k i . .
r,.r..: m ' "",0 "uopwa, arJ
j iae weather continues too cold
jo work to advantage, but when it is possi
ble to work, they make ten dollars, .nrl
more. From what I can learn. I think tin.
" are quite extensive. Tt -o. i... .-.
- ..ii, worn tliey were discovered. .,!
consequently miners had not time to pros
pect extensively. Tieccs of 0,h.
u.,,s gom, Dav, foun(j 0( baRi
"u.caDff a yuartx lead somewher, .1
About the fit ovU-Dercnt Indian n0iM
are worth from $20 to 30-rv,...
9 to $15 each. As to distances, from
nead of navigation, I'
stirt for ln's
home in Yamhill county
nriiufv mnatilMfa'aa SaU'
i; March 34th, at 12 o'clock ., and elects
lilel!! Tortland be was profess'onnllv fttnto County Conwntioa, a Iba Cai
nJed bp Dr. Wilson and Ld every J. Slittla-,
ion paid ms hy his friends.,Vcf,. cS t
: YainbillCo.Ca
The Pni tr Td... 4 i it. li.
" vuu luiALO.-a LI1C H I. IT. I ... .
murder of Mountain Ro.Sn, Wilson, pros- tweniv rear. h.. h. a hr 8in
ec-urr ott,,,,. .. J V P...,. r, . .. r r . --.
- 6 "wiiicy, priRsecuiing, a..' ieainiin I ". . o., at neeton; ana ineir
defendinc. .!o lnull,n L.,nA ..Ui. nt name, aa well aa lha written aienatara af i.
' witn iviiiiu uiiill. I ii..,.- . t-mm.
murder in the first decree Tl, . -irln. '.' "PP." 0D ,h oul" wiappara. Af"
-as an circnmstantiul. but nf th.
strongest character. He was prosecuted by
JV ilsou and .Vsmith, and dcrended by
..uun. i ue jury were out but f
F. S. Lnnircn waa mnrli.j . .
in th. . a 3. . " i muruer
... ... nviuuu ui-Krce. and sentpn t- .1..
nan ;tt;.,.- t i r - IC
v " " 7 J10ss wa sentenced
to be bung-time not f.ied.-Stalttma7
Tag Biblr Arccmevt nv s,
Tom Corwin, iu his recent speech, in X.w
lork, took the followine view of th. .u.
tionship between white folks and black-ththi"-'0.'"!
Ti. 1. . . " oar '"'her and
..w.u nam ua nnTh f TT .
. "i vuuw nams
WiaTxa'." Bw or Wild Chssiv. Tta
valuable rtrmdr n 004 M'"' foe a
ore, apeedy. -.nd" p,fIn;;t 2?
eold,, tor tAmt, V.ci7u, atl""'
pneumonia, croup, u looping cough, tUeo.1 -Me
lunirt, pain , tho breatt or Uc, aod ia a
every urm af threat, cheat, and laog aaaas4
". 1 aa CoiaauMmwi ilaelt
1 hie bouaehold remedy ahatild ha 1 the aea
erary family aod indiridnaL aa a tiowlr &
.ion oi ii i a .light eold will eaaaa
-is our cousin, and he did not think those
Southerners treatal th.u im..
tleman." '" "M '
Apples. From tbe most reliable source
: lVh Columbia
uowo vesterda. snn . . . "
Fraudsco. rL ? &V
. 1
1"' .ropiaanout exhsn-ted
a ine nnaliti.a h;nni l... .. '
tne averatre. m., , ...... .
' .- J -mw iw ar Of
rener: whii. r j:
and apparently incurable chtrartar, wifl awa
ynld U ua wonderful curatira powrsi sad
C'eal adaptation .. ,k. i wka ar
For aale in California by lUdiagM J.
Henry Johoaoo II Co.. Charlea Momll. Saafa
eo; R. H. Mcf)o..ld 4 Co., Sanaal
Rice, Coffin Co., Maryeville ; Smith D"
Portland, Orejoo. feleyaa
HewUf circle.
Tha ladiea connected with tha Fin Cenfl
t"al Church in Otogim City, uka tha ofmtm
ly to infurm tha public that they bare raaaadr
argauiied a Sowing Circla, for lha awpoal af a
a alinr in defnrini. l.. . . -t ,k. .ktfft"
They an now ready ! rrceira warfc ftoai f
wwn or ladiea. which h. mHi and aa
fiecuted an reaaaoabl terma. Aay
wtereated in lha object may aecoaM aaa
nHrohera by paying an aanaal tuimrfO
fiUO. Any donabona win ha mtrfntly ajeara