1) i. A WUlrjr Je rV.'ftiX. Tin followiuff pungent m l vary ti j rmiule. .tut of Ixei-niUr, in ") uMn 'm," I" ;, gtther loo refrealilng lo U Im. Botwithatandni III number of It eupli'.ilt-uljf-.!.cliv rbyim. II iru writuo long i'o know nol whom and i entitled I DECEMBER, AC, ETC. tlweet Buai Itrcwu! my pretty oim I I'm iui you must remember If nl ff r lux it leat fr fuu 'I'd li'lo in ). oml r When nil tii brlli olid all the beaut, III spite of lro-t w vul I Co forth, An I piei I ii nil the bal.'aloaa, Kucli otl.cr'ali.nla, A 4, II w b.yh.ly atre.imed tlit Northern light A bote Ida snowy ri.lf'e! Hew pluasaul ware tlx w nitr nightf Observed from country brnlg'i! Vlirii i.iil" u sought wi'li icli oddrt 'Mid laughter, fun ami llaitnyi And lovers fae beneath III pres, Kucli oilier' hcurta, tta. 'Tit very aiiigular and n,U'r, Of all the mad dev.ce, Lr'a Hum iliouid bum eo biiglil I I'd c!cr, in fuel formed of k.m; And Jul w knW Ha lla'i.e, in.J.ed, Mix! brilliantly w.il show f..rth, Whin flamed behind a dying ! I, J J id under fur, Ac. I'm aiirr? you mind Ilia vil!.ig inn, Tbeiipprnnd lh leirl; How in Ilia general dir and dill, J.oie shot hia a.rowa level ; And don't forget how Kfitiy K.ld Embraced yuu in Ilia buttery ; Yu kiae, hi 1 pa yuu know yu did And lie L W J yours, etc. And wIkii the forfeit nil were iid, lluw mi old lll'liil resale,!, I'util Ilia younger ladiia auid, A prude lh') all detrati.il. " Denial r' ad cried ilia auciml Ann JUr iiiodcaly In aliow firth, " I'll nrter yn Id to liny man My virgin li," io. Th wintry winds, tlie homeward way, lllaw chilly in bur Lota J Bui underneath the fun w lay, All snugly in ur place; One girl iijii the forward seat The pretty Nilly Sat'eihe Declare! Jack I met hi I p nched l.er cheek, Audi I ioji, c:c. ii"i'l.;r, uii'! rniath her robe, (The hiilliilora, nul her dteaar,) Fair I'aliatiec, with atteudatil dull 1 ctec! I in i'iii c. " Jjntii up i, nil nn;ry, b!iixli'li(( face, IT r iuiinri ncs tu uliow forth, J'ut ahnwid hroiirl wore tut of place, Jlcroullur g tie, &.u. And then III parting, it the dour I It t ndrr, iiiutunl bliasi! fin e.'l lim, from their nbiiudnlit store, (ive tu the poor in ki-ina ! The pining word -the long erubiaeo Cupid'a moat dm g'-roue witchery, Hrotihl lire to niiiny n lio)ili lore, And ruix d ttvtet bopoa, tin. De.ir Hunii) llr w g. nw yrni and I, Of all ill a I loud ill mm linin.t j Jio olhcr pdr tun h it to try Iovo'a liitt-att beat exicriiiit'il. And wlirn tha lUMiucni iwa ahull aprrad, Our m itu.il liojiea iliull glow lirlh, tiny Ilymrii bUna our iiii Ii.i bed, liieica'O our joys &o. AthimsM. " A lit; 1 t tiliilniiiliy inclin lh itKin'a inind .i ntln i'kiii, till iliti in philuipli v briiiu-i It itirn's ininiU a limit to rr-uii hi ; fur w In lo tliu mind of inun uk fill upon accniij iTiii-eit hefitlitrt'il, it m:iy MDiiiPiiinea trst in iliem on I on no ftrtlier, 'oil t V I a - -1 1 it hi'liol letli tin- tluiin of tlie thtn'o Confi JrralK nml linl.ed luotlior, il liltint ii"iily lit lWiileltce Ulld IMly." Lord VAk,1. JJL'SIM'SS CAIJl.y. : - ...... :-.m. vi. c. jourjacu, attoi:ni;v & coi nski.oii at r.Av, And SuHcitur in Chiiucirij, WII.I, pi'oinptly ulleiid in any hiiHiiiriw whirli m ty ho cnuiiiiitled to his profesaioniil barfH b lore the Oniric! ami .Supreme Court. ( tl'n e ovi r .Milwn n'a tin atom, iimiiidiuUlyop pneile Ihn Aluiii Slrurt Home. Oreifoii Cily, Oeloher I, IS'iD. joiin rm imiDB TTOaiiV A.VI) CUVXaKLIia. t iw, Lifiiyctlr, Yumiilt fonriy, Orron. WII.I. fuilhl'ully utlriid tu nil luiaiiiem en IniHled tu hi ri,ljiniml ,.ure. .1. It. It tI.aiTO., WII.II.KSU.K AMI Itmil. IMiAI.KH IN li.NE K AL MMItCHA N 1 1 8 V., Curuii Minai,it ViA Slirrti, OIIKUii.X CI1V, 0!li:t;oN. r. L roNDHT. J. U. DACON. j:u(u:x1':Ta romxr Wcnoral IKmK-i'.s in Dry - (JooiIh, LADIES' FANCY GOODS, Ormcrj, 'iUiii), ;iHM.wur, noors, suons, ,jf., Atlht oJ,Ul of I.t rirfl'rfnch Stort, oi;i:t;ox urv. 1. C, AI.NStVdIITII, W.U. blKKUilKFF. ai ,su o:; j oi & Dir.uDourr, ll.il.l:s.vi.ri AND IIKVAI. DKALKKH IS U HOC Kit IKS DKY - (iOODS, CL()TlIL(f j.io. ( .S'or-.e, and Crockynj, ' la the hew l ire-proof I'.tick M jin iTIKt I'tll'titiN tITV. T. ciunMAx. A. VA II.NKR Ciarman Warner. SEK.iLC0XMISStoXltinUST8' ..;:r;:;o.;'., OKI i, (I V ( irv, tlEIKlloN, 'II IIII IV, no i si: V, ASP OKS A VESTAL 5i-yi rui.' op,$;u tht M tkjJitt Ciurra, ORKuMN t in-. April fi, IS"!). 1 If a- aoai: n. w rsi,r. a. u. Mooaa KKst:::Tft a o., Dtjlrr in Tomb.toara, ObettsVa, anil Molrev MAK11LK MAXTLKS. T A MM Cvunltr Top,, Fir, Fir. .'.-r., (?.-!(, I Iltilrth ttuiir', and .y ,, ' I A Lso Bl'lI.DINfl STON op SCUIPTIOXS. s.s , c,r ' ALL roTi,in. mi,. i a-no a i r roni a ... ...... , , Ul.la.ir almraih "'I.-' (-', YorillXii TO WEAIi IA.ua, preserve.! rru,, bra....' ,l i,u,i., ,tc . 11 t it u . si . s.s., a. " ia lUH.X.S M.I.IN.'VtV'S Rumova! ! Kunoval! Removal! ft. S5IN)Wi fpAKliS tliia meiliod of Infuiin'iig hit friend I, and lb p ilil'o ceurrally iliil Ii JUS JMUOVJW la i home nearly Opposite 1)U oltl StUIld, whtr b hua eoinrienerd ktiaiiiM with liia bro ther under Ilia lt I of IJrown iV. Hrotlicr, who will alwaya he happy lo wait nn their ol I Iruuda and euaiomera hi ilia W iyo, ihowing them GootU of tlio Very I'est Quality, which, li'iif In eii twuglil low in Kan Fraiw aeo, Ihey are old.! In fell chmp tan In mid laj i'til'.tui. W will al-o Rou.iaiilly n ceit Goods by Every Steamer. Their ilork roii-Ma of All. AVM OP Kmc Ii, F.ii.'lidi, AmeiK uii, t fuiu lure talicoe, gji'hum ol a;l eolnra, all wool and fa If wool do Ijinoe, 1'Vllell, l.llilall, t, Auiene.in merino, alpac.ia, a .Ii wor-li d, all iil..ra, II m kiI and ll f woo pla.da, ai.li k wool.'eiiahawla.aig'aord'ble, l'i rr) 'a al) le of dieaa if"Oil, CuhmeieM, velvet, boat), biowu 1, hleaelird iheeling, jime., oil eloiha, I ri-ll hllelia, a. Ilia, emnhrlra. SILK ASI) VV.LYr.T I10S.M.TS, K'arl'a, aleevea. chernm-Ueii, cdill, rililioua, h ILTa, glowa, boaii ry. needlea, pin, hooka,eyei, perfumery, luiiroil. buota, aliiM'a, rubWra, liuijt, rup, CBNTLUM UN'S iaa'a- c a a -is." era 9 or i:vi:hy nv.scnii'Tios, luck a. froi k routa, Mgtana, llduiiia, j ieket, Veil, puiila. ciav.it", fiiiu'htita, Pnl'aiK, diatveta, mi Irrahirla, en .lira, overhauls. und ulikiiuli of ludia-ru'jberclotliinir. uceordeoni, a is 3 ui , n ii a v ; , v.ts, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, ira'di'a n Variety of otlrr :irlti:!e.4 loo iimiieroti'i lo meiiiiou hi an ailver.iwunetil of rraoinilil length. Our inn n ohjict by tliia nntice ia lo in furiii the itili.'ia Hint we ure bound In fell (ruo.la n lowita Ihey run le h.oulit ,11 I'orlhiiid, and no mialuda. II th a ia doiililed, w lime only to any eall and autiufy yniirnelvei. I.i lraaud gentle. men will nlwiivauK uek'uine, und will be waited on w ilh proiiiptueMi. Tu the turiiiera wa would any, Look for the sign of nno 'x nno run it, and don't Uvr Iii.vii lill jou fiir u a cull. All. A'.v ;. or riioiwct: taki:s in tJti kmijt fur (IiiiiIa. On con Ciiy, Oi l. 'J'J. I NE W 1 Mid Attraction! E. LA rOSEST TOl'M) inf.. nn Ihe riti.eiia of ()ie ;ou Cily nun vu lllliv III it lie IHIeiHlj kenilll'' I erul aupply of ev.-nihin,' in tlu r y -Good (irocery, CYorkcry, and Fniiry line, and w'll he hnppv I eu hia u d f, i. nils eu'l ii;- ll him and will p i.e ul all lime ti Kfll them gooila on , In ,ip im uny o.her lionne in town, u mot'o lar-Miie Small lVi)fit.i and Quick Ketnrn-i. U'e itnu'd !sn env In tho "ll leinew lifllu. :,n,.) u,' illle.ld l.erll- Hill ey. rMhliii; nil may ii .pn,. j , , r;,rei y, Cioi-Mio, VMiiht. l.'ei,.. II ..:,!..! .vi.'.J line, rln , h rli H o oil' r ut kiii-Ii pr ee iim will he ultf.ielory In Jon. We u!n H i-h to i x, huiore oni g..N lor y.nir pmdt , mi l ill UiVl. y, s miieh for it im l!n iinnki-l iiI'muiIk. (' r uu I try in. I In mil Ioi'kki the jil.iei., hut I Hk for lhei"ii ol' In forrnl llim i, uli I then come in. We wntild Kiy In tho Ladies ((iod HIcss You!) When yen wVli n vn; eri..r nrt . le of die- g,KiiN nr fun ' un cle. ,!o nt . ,, ,,,, A .KKll.p A IVirov, wheie y u wi.l nKviiya tin l them, and will receue i,eir gralrlul l!:uiil.i ft jour put- Y o n ii T.r i ii M i i iiuiro i lono of OlV'Mll, ) here lathe pl.ue In anpp'y vnumdvi with a aitpe nor nrltele of cl.iliiiu in which to ct .11(1 r r i c d! and. nit. r ton ive ni irried, lo f7 : 7 YOl'R OL TI IT 'OA' llOl'SEKHEl'iXV. CD.MK Wll SKK us: Come one und all, both young und o!d, And .t it we Ihe tint h have l., 1,1 ; Hi re ia the plure lo eM-inl vonr eiihh, And eel gn,,d Ku, i,i,,ij f Ullu Oregon C.n, J4. j, j.a. AU' KlXDS Black - milting vrrusiTE Tin: rsmx vkit MAR- RET. VKEtiUS CITV , March 5, l.x i). 7 ,; .. WoUsiiam J. C. aisai-i ft. a T. atra. m'i.i:v v i:ri:, POKTLASD. OltEGOS. mwncuaaM am, meoarr.!. or I.I.MIK V I, AVI'RICAS J- ESOLISII : SADDLES, I ffl.'r V. rrr.utfe. oJ 7'.. Hume,.. Beijt,. I SID!.KUV I1KIVA!IK. . r;i, it s s ,,.,, ,m4 ai, killlU Qj (.aoJa kept al . r.r. r.uKU.kmr,!. ( W,,rk made lo order. "..r ma.ie loor.ler. m, ;.,.J :.i a - - - - UUIIfJ III! and ou reaaou ible term. rjh0i 0U Kr"" ""',' ,H"'"in "M- as , eei.t. aol Xtliag to S,v: ! Oea - be,,, Husband ver.na ,(-. , I V VSEUOX CJTY HOOK STORE Yew Gold Uiucs ! ix o!ti:;o.v cnv. luiLflo IJoot aii'l Slioo iStore." J. MO 0 X K Y II A3 jolt relmiieil from fVifnflli Willi l.AHliu STUCK ur Hoots and Shoe.?, W !iil ll h will aril CtlliAP Toll C., WIIOM'.SALE on i;i;rui,. Aim, tmnHaim, tmnil f S'o'iiudtri finJii'f. Ho eolieita lha p;itlonne i f the p itAm of Ihla fit y and Hie p ihlic in u "iieinl. Ileiin enniely ,lr. vn'rdio ll, IhhiI ami al,i Inr.lin-., he will keep eooa'aiitly ou haod a I'.n- av o -t'iienl of ludoiai.d gent'e hi i, 'a aear, of all .r ai I ai4. l-ic'ie., git ui a cillb'f'ia pur. -tiaaing any where r m. lo n 4 forget the pl.ee-iw doora b low Gib- aoll'a S.llonil. Ill ihe liear liu. ii"g f.'ollte one, rolile ul', Ihi.Ii gleat and am ill, give ine n r i, II. f it I ll.ive l-oola imd 'liM-a to il vim all. ,'ly inolio ia, iim:I p oi'a mil q ii. k let on, a. t al-o k.ej. .Millrr'a and .Mu-o:i a lli.traiMi fur mil. Jan. i'.i, N3, AND nAHN233 MAKINa, ORL'UOX ClTl". I AM l.ow earning on n Sti 'dler'a stid liar lieea inuker'a ho, hi lh a cil i and have (on tluolly on loin I the b.-t of IiWlllv-Illluli; llJil'IiCSSIIililli.'-l, lll'i- dies, li.iltcrs, martiiig.il.-i, ami everything in my line. I am alan reudy lo in ikn to order am ilitn In my hint lh.il in a v Ik culled fur, mi a aluul notice. My motto ia, M.ike a urliele, and aril it chrup. I aohcil p.ittuii age at hmne and frmn aluuid. ,My fuluhlirhnieiit ia neatly nprmei'e Cliannaii Si .irtier'a Oi l Siatid oil Main meet. J. m: 1 1 SAM. Apid 2. I-'!). Jltiiti mm mmsMm iiiii r;-v Bimi t pillS i idnijy ihe ferniented juke und 1. di'ti.'lrd ji.ieo of tho C.,li ornu crape, j the lilt- eion.ly in, ihctrd with IVruvi -u Hark. In: key riiiili.ir.i, juniper lH-rnea, an I oth r vrgi-t.ibh) re in diul ll'en H, ill, !y i ninli'md, Ulld ill Vueh minute und e.vicl . n 1 11 1 1 1 j. x an t met tule n ama I or l.ini.cya h: ,,, , ra-rn. l y ; uliieli when cuinhiied loiiii uu ii ., or. h.-inn. ten., let a l;ve, loin,., ul.'rnit.vo, aiiti-dyvpeptie tliur- ti,., uuii lVhr e, an cdj:.ve beverage, plc.ia mil to the titte. I ho inyenlor, in imIIiii.' t. al'ention of the l,;l,, l,! ("N uiliv Ihe 1'ulii'omiain ivlio ktinw Ihe rxu. I'rnce of Iho Ciiliiorniu raiie) lullie.e pren- uiuti.iiiH, doei m with pride und r.inii,li!n,.e j pi'iieiu priivi.ii! mo e.x .itence of our nniiie tupi, mill chiliilrnee in their reined ul virtue, ad i pled for Ihe fnll,i.vin!j ili-enc: .-i-;n,'.l, .(,r..r...,,.,, , f Apprlitf., Ill bit mil '.tiithpiilimi, A-iilil'i ul, nr Snur A'foowrA, Oi'riiei uf ilit kidney, til nr,'!, Vi firJer if Vri.iuy Oi gnus, llrmiilrul iiiii! Inter mittent 'Vr-rn, t'trrr ij. .111,-, .Yn iviif .i.-.rxjf, Wrnkur.i. l)-!,i:itij, V,. mj of I. 'it .N.'.jii, or irn.i of Vmipir-tthii, I'uini in the sLuf a -har J .-,.'., ('ij;,., l)i,,irn!rni. .(c . .f.. The proprietor d,,,. lK,( proleiiil that l.ia Modi cuii'd Culiloi ii:u W me uu I llr.iuily ia a " wonder or a iiii.uclo" in iiKihc.il seirnee, hut nppeii a to the com m il arm.- of Hie p,i:,;lc!. nm , , hi.iHle lo mow lliut he know. fi oin ixpcivnca lh.it tlie nit-il cine in thw. i!oi;i;-Ii -in.!! in fi,,.,,,. My, Will ,f en fj,-c: M yare in mmiio ol the ,ii. im'. etiiini, rated, wo. ii mute v'oln.l an I ivnvrr lul r.-iiteil es have In led in Hirir o'ee t. 1 f 'I Inoe iliinkiu ; ipmr only in innriiin.r ni h..r..,u i.h ...l. . .. ... , . ' . .. ile.lulll ll U on I let ervea und nlouueh, keeping Hie li iHeMeu jr. ,Vc. ILl" Aa ii g.-iierul hevetuire. It i ol. h .i i i, rMioal:iting,,.t,.l.v ,,B, ar 'v'-"'euk..,dlcrb:ea.eehugo1,,u,i; ll, 1 ciniiw..,,,i uilll illlull.y. I , ,ve, alter Vur.uua e,,.,i,Ki. ,rr nt loe tojou-o. .....!.. i . i,ir. in ,ir, ,.r lit H...w,f , , . -uiii i or wuu- ia l a very ire.-.,l..e la.:,, ,.. clor. au.i ...ree.ble aroma.. j" ' ' K'Ji'' f'ar K Jil. volalilcoil C I:! ionic ac.l rolono,; ,i,, r ..l.t,..) y' M. water . .1.1(1, b,-...,.,.,,,,,, pi .uia U.'J7, ,u phate of Mt.isM4 II-I.i, 0.5,1. 11. r- N KEAI. II can he taken by ll,e m.l delicate of either ex, and 111 moderation by rlnalnn. tr Sold h, ail ..sjK-. ia!,!,. Dmegai, ,,(;r. eer ,., ll.r I ,;, Si.,-rs, Cut -..riiM. stul t I nus-jjl N.r K,tir. HJ ,.,, for . it. . . ncs Til TIIK rraLIC i. inire.ns ui;. ativai. il (t 1 f..c snniJe of ill.I ll r ll Im - I L . ... t a. --.t,x-e 11. : I.III.ir. II II "'j?' -ale Aire.... .-(. !,. El.l. A- CRAXE troe,tca. 17 . . .... . a . . . .t ': T'ca.', 1;." r'nhMr M i:' odi:os A can h.ie h,m al , , riim j. M r.iriei a v n. f 1 it .. . ' .i Iii, b...,!,, . w ' ." ""V r'euil. the a, iwiirm l. .... i.M'1 OJ f . ' P" U . .in-, itr.it.ia. o.r,. 1 ..... J IT. ! A LBS. G, A. & ADA M. WEED, U)l'-alr'trl (r Vl'M'.rr) TTAVINO loeuled at ti bt b3m:9 W ahull be happy lo attend lo calla, bulb ip lotvtt and eouiinv Mil -I NVKKI) will irlve afe-eiul allenlion lo OfV'.Tft'anddiaeaaeapeeiil ar lo wouieii am! rln ilren. JT W iii ik liu n of dt uga, but rely enllri ly ii"n avg'i tpptuw'tli I' ili. Hi at dfiam a illed on reaaon ilde term Th. y may b ioiiulted iraou d'y r by Inter, ,. May 7.11), STOVIvS, STOVI5S, At Portland Prices ! B. XtXXLWAXtf, WIIOI.KSAI.H AM) UIXML DKALKR, .Main Hired, 0ipnilr the U.rj. Hotel, OHI'MOS CITY, I M JUUTKIt Ol-' C10nK, Parlor, and I!" Smvea, Tin. Plieel 1 1 on. an I Co'-r, l'i,iiiilird und dapamied Mare, llonM-furn all ng Hardware, Force and Li t I'uinp liuhlier lloae. Iljdiaulic l!.nn, Lead l'i, Sheet inc. Cauldron Kettlea, llraaa Ke. Ilea, Sk Una nil Ua!.a Oveua, Cow Delia, Sauce I'ana, Ae , A e. Aia, MAM'KACTUIlKIl of Tin, dipper, and Sheet Iron Ware, of every deacriplioii. Mi am'aial and Johl.lug Wuik don al Ihe low- eat rt'ea, npltiv aVD PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS Oijniilt (It: Al'rntthy ij. C'o.' lltiit Stmt OKKCiON CU V. fllllB iindeenijiied ate pr pure I la lake lik ,L neuea, nu ll u Amljrotyoes, MulniuotyiieH, Pho- torajilis, or 1'ICTLRIuS OS I'ATEST LEATHER, luitutift pit trading in Utttrt, a!l of which wi.l be executed in tlis L.VTV.NT .M XV.ATKST HtVl.U, Axu o.v win utr xoticb AND UK A SOX ADLK TERMS, CHOlT.i and LOCKKT WCTUUES token very low. Cull und uuiiiine our picluroa, and judgu for tourarlvea. Itooiua eppoiite Aberuethy Sc f'n.'a briok elore. HULI.A.ND &. DAY. June II. IS.'.!). BOOT AND SHOE STORE uniiGox crrr. J. IS. IJ I. A I I V. I "I TTOf M I rrepeel fully inform hia old frind I ? ami the puhliu teuerally that ha by liuiiAeir once more, nit. I has now on huiul A LAIKii: AND WELL-SELF.CTKD STnCK (IF LOOTS AND SHOES, wh'cli liu wili aell on liu inmt reuKonulde teruu. MAKING A XII nKl'AUUXG- will as: ill be done In ordt r, an I on the ahorlrat no lice. Wat.-r-primf I'mle R'.iicliu" kept on hand. Or. nnii (,'nv, Nov. Ii. I s.",et. J01IX CULLEX, leant ttrert, fmt of Cummtrrial Wliarf PORTIAS I). OREdOX, ArAM'F.MTt'KI-I! and WHOLESALE aiL & Keiuil Cu.iiiiiioj-igii Deuler iii ull kind uf Sail. lies, Liidk-.-i, Tnmkt.,' Vvanioi'iii'.i aim uri'ijon Saddles, Vali-scs, tiad every ileier p: i n of SABllt)lLEB8 nntl Saddler's Hardware. Aent for the sale of Aduiiia'a California Sad dle-T'ri e. All kindi of Truiiha and Valiaea ma le to order. I.i p.urinir ilunr wuh iii nine,- mi l di-pa cli. Coitiniiien of Gm-Jt Solicited. X. II. I nut aelliiti oir my nld nloek nt redttc ed rut. , und ivilllike in exclun'e either cuah or liierclian:ub.e pro.iuce, JOHN W. CL'I.LKN. .Inly 2. I -.VI. io-J'Jiii!! BOOKS! BOOKS! n TUT r.K('EIVi;i). at the CITY I100K fj STORE, a lnie URimrluient of COOKS, C0SSIST1SG OF standard lieliious. Miseellan- eous, and l'ootienl works, Waverly and Diekens's Novels, &C, &.C., Stationery, of all kinds, etc. Oregon City, Apl 31) J. J. POST V 7"E I'ave on LiU u areo assortment of 01' ALL KINDS, embracing Ihe lollmvini; : kmc 5 ittclobcmis a l irin'aanorlmenl.nf lh. flln,.:,. i T 5 do"' 'd. J hi &it iuie o octave, piano-tu.ed, Two 5 do. d.,. tnKI......i.j bank, :klerkated besides a largo assorlment of - ., 'Ultai'S, Aeeordeons, Clarionets, Flutes. 09 M-:9Zm J A. POST, At th fit f U, al Start. Oregon Cily. Apl 9. Mill Soiitand Lund. T HAVE an excellent MiLL SE.4T, aur- u" """eiiein IlllHKK. which I j would like to have unproved. 1 w, Kjv, Mmr "llwrig it wl.o ,.), , v,. iM , ' gnat mill, or b,.th. a .d cl, The location I one of Ihe very heal for -llinC l0,ber I nvel way lo Ihe null ,, no ,lllu t0 and handy ! heavy lelilemeiit, I I wi.h also to t' h,f , ,eeli(11 uf , v XD near by. 1 he pWt ,jx (mc, WNl f L ' Hl, -nilnll couBly. W. L. Xnv 9i. ts:,9. ADAMS. 3.tif Ij oterraliug wtika. t..r,it lt le d - cVi CITY r.miv cta other I U CITY fcOOK STOP.E. I U. S.MAIL hUH 2, Orrtjun City mid J'vrtluud lJtiihj rtcltlt Jcnni Cfark, Juau .Mvkii'k, .Matter, Will run daily, (Sunday i-c. pled,) in tlio above, named trade, leaving Oirgoi. City .v. ry day at 9 o'cliark, .. M, Keturniiig, will leav I'urlwid it 3 T.H., muchiiig al all iiiuniiedmtr point. Fur freight or paaaaie apply nn bmird. Dally Xiine DUtiftn I'uitlund und Orfjon Cily. rnllK newateril-wlieelalettllter f .,.f?a i. Ii A' ' R U S S , a-J.-i-"a Ja 8thu. M.ialer. will run between iWund d OieiroiiCity doily iHuinlayaoxi rpteil), leav I,,., r-OUTL.VND at 1U A. M and '' tITV aid r.n. Juiyis. U. S. MAIL LINE. Port la nil and Alorla. Th 8iil.-n.il I Steamer Z?JuK i ZVXnltnomab bvaar& T T fl Ll. continue to run regulurly betweoli Tort. V laud und Aaloria, via Vancouver, twic A wkbk, leaving 1'oriluiid on Monday and Tlinraduy in iriiing f each week for Aaloriat and Astoria for I'crllaud ou Tueadny and Friday morning, IOU'llillg VANCUI'VKK,ST.IlKLK.liAIKIt.tVrll- tvMKT.ic.eacli way. For fri ifhtor paavaya, apply lo K. IIOYT, Munler, jelO Orut Hoyt' Wliirf-bont, I'oilluud. Time. v 1 it m ti e i li i n trx t . ' W ATCII-Ma'k ER. P..,....,. .Ion,,, nl ir tliu r L-ood U Otk llolie w ill do well tu (five me a cull, an my whole lime ia do. Voted lo the repairing of Chronometer, Levir, !i...J..v ,.il llnrivoiiiiil wutehea. An naaoriinent of fin Knglii.li H'.l TCUES, nt al'o Jewelry ou liutid. CLOCKS, with weight lo them. Jewelry iiitido liiord T, und rrpairrd. I'ncea I" anil Ihe lime. I am ihankful for pat f.ivnra.and hope to giveauliefueliun ill futtir. O" l.ooutvd at Ihe old aland, opponile tho Tel-e-mph OlUee. OKEtlOS CITY. l eb jjL. XT ftaaritYVfieit (id UL ii R H M 0 V A L . ccoitcii: c. i.m:.t, IX buiineaa iu Wall at. for iho pul Iwenly-two yeiira, hua reinuved lo Mtt. I ii Ul'oJItl ntiy, one dour uelowal'uual at, whet It lia jll-l opened a new atork of Watches ami Jewelry of entirely new and hoaiitiful styles; !.., SILVER ASO PLATED WARE. Ilo ia coni-lunlly n reiving Ihe lalesl klylea of iviileltea und jewelry by every atramer direct from the iii itiii'm tnrrre iu Europe. Wutchee cleaned and repaired in the beat milli ner hy Ihe Pun-t Loudon mid (iciieva workmen. OEOltliE C. ALI.EX, Imporierof Watclire ii lid Jewelry, und luunu'iirlurer uf Jewelry, wulch c:ie. and nlver wure, n hoh sale und nluil, -ll'i llrmidwuy, one dour t?!ow Cauul airier At'lV YORK. "I'l'iy For Sib at tha CIfY B33.I tTJRS rililE following works X Magic Stud', by A. J. Puvie j (Jrenl Iron Wheel, by J. II. Oruvcsj Ored.iu JvoIj., hy Harriet licecher Stowo ; lh Mould yrlop. ,liaa, of Iho Woild's I'loijrcss, " " t'si ful Arts, ' Eliinpe. lieooritphy, " I' ine Aria und Literature, " lliogrtip'iy, An. Oct 3. Baptist Hooks. WK E.M'EC'l' by next mail steamer n quan tity of the A liter call liuptist I'ublicatioii N.irutya liie.ks, roneiMing ul fuller a Uoika, liilnyuil a do., I he ruliuiel. pucK t, pew, ulld pul pit a 70s, Uli'l it vanely ol oilier works. e will state that we iiilrnd to keep n com plete amorliuent of the Smiely's books. Orders for :ingl hooka, ur by ihe ipiuutiiy, will be promptly tilled Churches und hbraiirslnrnislird al the lowest price. joiix a. rosr. Oregon City. Aug. il . l,i-. Plo ics and T J agon s ! Claeksmitliinir of nil Kinds done to order. KEEP alwujson bund STEEL PLOWS, iciiiraiitctl tu neour and do as iroud work us uny others in tlie Mate. I run ulso funiMi vnu wiih WACOSS. I can nlnuis bo found at 'niv shiip, opKisite .MeKiiiluy's, ready to shoe your horses, or do unyih ug iu Ihe line of my husiinng. Call und see. J.W.LEWIS. Oregon Cily, April 1C, 1PJ9. uf G rc at In duccmentu AT EUGENE LAFC?iE3T'S, TTTE lake tliia method of informing the pub T T ho thul We helievo it best fur nurclmser and seller that A'O CIIEDIT he given; we therefore commence uu entirely new system. We ni uui sen our goons ou any oilier terms than for Cask or Country Produce. We have a lar.-e stock of C 0CD3 cMsUlm of GROCEKIBS, LADIES' FAXCV GOODS, BOOTS $ SHOES, Crockery, Glassware, Hardware. Now listen to us for a moment or livo W Inle we ue our elK.rts in convincing you I hat paying cash down for wliaieveryou get Is better than buying cooda on a cred,t. Von will f by readinconradv.'rtisemcnt """" purn-wc selling tor ut least ten per cent I lie iper for cash than we could on time This i certainly belter, the buyer will liud. Ilereluilieacan liud all Ihey may require, 1- rom hue a.lk dresses lo p uiii bomiei wire 1 I he eeiitlemen also can lure be ri(;Lrfd out ith hue doe pant, vest, shirt, aud a coat. The farmera also should here come and see If we have not cot o0,ul ualr and eod'ee, lea, rice, !arch. tobacco,.., It, and simp, Wails, cups uiidsuucers, aalaralus, and rope. Corne fanners, try tu. and then you will sea If we do not do just a we ajree ; " i- pisuiiise lo sell I. :. ., W..I, r-i-i.. .1- . 7 T u,'ow. V m"f ". whiclna right you know. toi lrir y,,,, nere we r,si j uive. 'it" 'k Slore "n ; Our nio,Io,.1allprotit,bui.,,lt.k return? '!h t!Ti"'Sd"" 'op for Ihe weather. ' Ml lu.lebted tou. too ..i 1 neeaah we are I.....I;.,- . ,. -- - g. uurcimoru atao. U,",i0"t'" May.l,5t9l8 SLGLG BOOKS! Xcuj Cute of Zion : Tt'T received. 100 , r .... v. I of Zu. ' "-.sew Feb. Si. A. POST- ' PAPER WAIxEHOUSE 4 V23 Kuiixohio Kirvt-i, SAN TRANCISCO. IOIt 8 ALU 12,000 r,..iiii, Pr,,vT,v 3i l INliANu bli'EK NKwi. ud 25, 2,000 ream. The and siipe9 juook i'uper. 2dx38-10 IU, 44 lb,., 4 lb... ,d 5g ,u XI.W M VWV. Hl,0u. lSkH. . LlifhtMy't rrtfbratrd JVeu-, and Book I i la kra and tin, from 1 to lOUJb. pack.d, 1 Printer-. I'.am ami t:4 0 Cohen's und Smith Si I'eter.' curd ,j board of every tylo and rjuulily. Ba r Straw tttnSanilla Wrapping pan" Double Crown Fnlin Straw in bale of to . Sino-le do do 0. w",l Manilla Tuper. I;Q0I8273iu',o,, 30 C.3S und 3bx -to, .upcrior ailicl., , l Medium, Demy, Flat Caps, Folm Post and letter Pair', A large aaanrlment of Cnrevr and ft ',. . Smiil.'a Ledger uud Wiitim, Haoer, ka " 0r.er;e,.-n J- BROOKS 4 pft" July I fi, 18.13. Clackamas County, Oregon. rrim school is situated ,n a AMiiM .i,-, ) J. lion of luml.juel thri o niih-a toulh of u go :itv. Its time term Tor the year will eoLi' n.enr-'e us follow s: 1st term, ni the tiralJj " of September: 2d, on the third AIoiday r N veuibers after wliieli there will be a ta'atiinlr iwo weeks, when lh th rd trm will cotauiaa r.ucli term will coiituiu eleveu weeks. ACCLTT. Hev. E. C'ABTwnmiiT, IVincipiil, and ProfeiMrrf .Matheinulie and Miiltnul jjnience. ..... F.A. WitiTB,Teuclierof English nriinarelai., TUITIOM, Settlement innst iuvariul.ly be tnadeluadidtM for tuition, at tho following rates: In l"t und i'd Header, and, I'nuurv Aritll., 4(r ' lWt.i-al and Higher Arilhinelic, EnglUh liruiiiiiiar, Irtioarauiliy, Writing, Ac, (Oft IIi.;h.r Miillirrnuiina, Sat. I'liiloaophy, tud Liiliu, $1.UU extra for each braucji.. niArtni.iu. ' Extensive arrangement have been made, tg rinif Hi" suiiinirr, for the t-iitcrtuiimu.ut of tin. di tils, at Iho reei.lciice of the Principal. Tll exirnsrauud rooms, per week, ig't.UO. A1TH.l)..CIS. Xo stiidenl will be allowed a seut for a leniim iIiuji Imlf a term. Any one liuviuar paid, washiia tu vacate a seal the l.iat hull of the ttm, ( have one liulf lite money refunded. Profanity mid the nse of tobacco positively fr. btdiieu ou the proiiiises. MUSIC. Kruluitotis instructiou will be given to a ohm ro; vocal music. Aug. S7, lBju. I- utiiSLtr. TV Z T, 2i A IVX 3 S T B 8, OKKGOX CITY TTTE Iieg to inform Ihe public of Oregon and IT Washington that wo have coaipkted our IiOllEIl, PATTERS, BLACKSMITH ASD MACIUSE SHOP, ; and are prepared to build boilers, Eiiu'ilies, Crinl. mills, Saiviuills, und ull oth. r kinds of ns,chiiifrj. Our lnisiiie.s cniinecliou with the Eastern States ill. i great convenience of our locality the superiority und niiiiib, r of our inucliiiies th use of wutnr power iusieud of sletim, uiid the per. feci knowle.ljre of ull bruiiehi s of our busiuiin. will eiiuble us to compete with California. Inviting llie p ihlic log've usu cull, and to favor us with their patronnoe, wo promise 10 oxecult their orders on Iho shorti si notice, and At fraii ;a:i s I'llresv U06SI &, CO. lOyl June 1!), 18;,S. Mr. host's School. Ill A VIC conchideil lint lo build ill's tteaso.--I hull i.icu ihe sclii.or in WASIIINUTON llALL.un .lo.)Av, Skitejiiiki !, IS.",!). We shall endeavor lo udv.iuce us rapidly 11 r s.hlcull those w'lu will use proper eil'ot ts loaco,Din' knowledge, us wedesile that every person of tlr school shall receive nn equivalent for all paid ill. Price of mil 011 according tn the studies pursued. Every etl'uri possible will bo made to furnish board tu those from ahi'oa,! nt very reasonable ,rate, a we wi.-htoliold out tood induct incuts to all who inuywishto uvail themselves of our intlruelio. JOIIX D. POST, Oregon Cily, Atijrusi 27, 1859. 12ml , 4 First Premium, IS 41, '42, '44, , CHAHL33 J. II OLDER, GRAND A0TI3N PIANO FOIITE9. ( milESE ri.VXOs nre mt.da of lit best -L teriuls, and warranted to stand ia oy ek lll!, Tuning otid rrpa'rlii" promptly eitSaleA (J. P. XEWE1.L & POJT, July 30, 1S59. y Agents, Oregon City. Final Settlement. AJOTICE is hereby (,-iven that wlnrea Ceorgl ' .Merrill, a limnistrator of tho estate of Aahi bcl Mortil, deceased, litis made application lo th lomitycutirtof Clackamas county, in the Stlof Oregon, for a final settlement of said eslui. Th is to notify all persons interesled that the hearing of the said matter will take place on Monday the Stilt day of February, at the court-house iu Ov. egonCity. Uy order of llie county court. F. S. HOLLAND, Clerk, Oregon City, Jan. 3, lSb'U. 39w4 Notice IS hereby given to all those who wish tohae liter ACC'OL'XTS COLLECTED, and are willing to patronize ine. thai I ronitantlr on hand, and will device my emir, time and ea ergy iu attending to the same for them. I pledp myself loiio as iriwd hard dnnniniraa nan hedoo by any oue, aud il that will not brine Ihe need tul, 1 will (end my friend I'att.ssom on 1 ieiti lour (wiiha'coiiie-iiii.leo.nje-qnickly'). Geal " are your shooj mine are at your service. My term are moderate. t7 pJfi" Alain ttreel, immediately iff lite Vubau i new wngon-J,op. i. M. BACON. J. t. Oregon Cily. Sept, 1 7, 1 s 59. 23m6 "IsTand Mill Flour. 'rH.E whn w'1' cet th GEXUIXH xl" 1 U M,LL t'WL'R. will pleas eI l the .Mill, atCharmau & Warner . Oregon Citi ' or at Allen Lewa'a, Poriland. as the eeeood hand.,! M,d M ,n Mckl ,,,, ,p bf certain individuals, and refilled with inlers , . . A. J. CHAPMAX. Wand Mill.July 23, mv. litf Clark's Commentaries, I -r. x.oi'1. vrnle ml FLE.MIXG S FOOK f-TORE, at the Pom C'tHre. OrrfM City. . TIST rseiv.d. the hue,t . r,,' rf jl UT' i AIXSWORTII & PIEKPORff- n