mutta t.kerdo. Tbe present hour rep t npoo in trliig Echoes of Mini vague dream we have Dim veiet whisper balf-remembered things, Aa4 wheo w paw l ixun, imw eel. Forebodings eme, ere know not how nur whence, Hhadowmgr namelaaa far uihmi theeoul, And stir w.thin oar suuls a subtler aeuae Tluo light may road er wisdom may control. And who oaa tell hat aecret link of theuahl iJind heart to heart! Unspoken thing arc ueard, Ai If wl'.lun our deepest hIvm wm brought Tlia soul, ptrliain, of miiiio unutlersd word. fin, thoigh a rail of shadow hangs between That li.d-len life anil what wo ara aod hear, Lat us revere tlia power of the 1'naecii, Ltceure a world of myalary la bear. Maw in lacrrase a l.eae.reUe. TLa iureel way for a church la gain lorge congregation, I tu be fuiiliful to the ua it haa, however iinull. .Soiu persons, a mere handful, perhaps, who ara impeni tent, are ynl dmpopii lo visit ihe place wLara thechurcb incels far aorsliip. ilere, now, ia an opportunity not for th( minia ture, alano, nur fr him inpecel partner alnj) with Iks deacons, ami lboe Iwn or tbrea bri-tbrnn who "penk in meeting" but foriliacLarcb a whole, and in aver; one ef ill inambera, lo do ","!. A church ihnt does ila doty faithfully, prayerfully, earnestly, pe r-veriny lo a email cut: prrBjra lion, may reckon undraw ing ahtrjo oiia. Dm if ibe members, con clude thai those; persons once) drawn will) in lha a alia of tlienmcluary.arc aufliciuntly caroJ for, and that the iiiiuialrra must do lb f"t if tbey think that a fi.-w vague awl general prayers for the aulvaii'in ofain nora generally, fur a" bl'aingon the word prvaclii'd," for ' I lie building up of ihn church ia numbera aa well aa in grace'," and audi like, exlmiut tlii'ir duly and priv. ilfga of prayer, they will lima no tr.wn la wander if Ihey oiniiiiuo lo have a amall oosirra,'aiioii. They do not exhibit a fiincia la be entrusted with a larger one John Brown, of lluJ'Jinglon, aaiil lo a younjj minister who complained of iho arnallni'M of hi congregation, "It ia nt large one at you will want to jjivo nc count fur in the day of judguiKiil." The dmonili'iii ia appropriate, unJ uot to milt. ieUM alone. Examhitr. Tmk Sex The sun bV not nliioe for a Ireca and flowers, hut for tlia wide worhl'a jiy. The lonely pine oil the moun tain loi wnvfs ila aoiuliro branchi-a and ctiea: "Thou art my sun P Anil the Rrain in n ili'iiniinil lit ld rustics in ihn wind and trnkra niMwer, 'I'lion B'l niv sun I" S"o od ail in I Icavvu, in,( f,,r a fnvorurl few but fur tho univrrao of U, Tliero is no crrntiirn an low, llmt he uiy not luek up M t fi ild like coiiuJi nve 1111J ay " Aly fuilicr thou art iniau." . II'. JJttchir. A m'A.ICK IN TUB ClIIIISTlAN I.IFJ. It it tin liapoincaa nfa Chriatiim, iiniil he oh. lain pcrfi' lo ajmurinj towiird it; to be daily rcfinini! frmil aiu, and arowinu rioliur nnd aironi-r iu ihe gruoua thiil muki up a Cliriatiuu a new cri'iiture ; o reuob a higher ilrrcu of pHticuue and nici-kuesK, and huuiiliiy; to have the limrt moro Meanrd from earth, nnil lined on heuven. tiT All tho arrows that am ahol Hi a hriaiiun, alick in hi bticklur; thry never mach hit Miiscicnuc, his The myin wavra hut e.irdy ojn'nst Nonb'a ark, bin ihey touclkd nol him. jusli;ss CAKOS. w. o. JOHNSOW, ATTOUNEY & COI NSKI.DU AT LAW, '" Soficilor in Chancery, "T I I.I. promptly nllrn.l tu any liusiiieaa which t T niiiy l cnt,iiiinir, 0 ,i prfeaiuiial eliarifii bt fure the DiMiricI ami Supreme tWla. t dice ,vi r Milwah ' lin aluru, imiiirdialely uli. pwta the .Main Slrel ll(iue. iegun Cily, tVinber I, ls.',9. JOHN R M BRIDE, "" ASD rill'NIUOl T LW,, j tintittii inniiy, ure'nn. Wll.l. f.iilhriillv altrnd In all hiuimei trulei lo ln pmleMiuual onre. T.llLOH A It AIATO.V, WIIOLKSILS AXU KTAir. HKAI.RKS IN GENERAL ME It CM A MUSK, Corner of Main and Fifth Slreelo, OIIKGOtf CtTV, OttKfiON. Demi above Hr.iwu ii V g Urtgon Ciy. TKRTH VTa'TKI) tlY HI.RrTRIl'ITV. a. u ro.K.T. 77 ,ltox; Ei;(ii:NKlAFomxsT Oonoral Dealers iu Dry . Oooils, LADIES' FANCY GOODS, Crorj, (rockfiy, Ulnvurr, HOOTS, SHOES, ft., At tht oU ttanj of Lo ForetFrrnch Store. OIJEGOX CITV. u iwoTU. w.M. UIEKODIIFF. AISVOKTIl"AIH:KIKllFr, WIIOI.BSAI.K AMD RKTtll, DEALKR8 I. VROCEIiJi'S DliV - (U)ODS, CLOTHING Booh ,( Short, ami Crockery, ' lo lha sew Fire proof llrkk mm ,T,tfT OHKOON CITV. T. CIUBJUN. A7tv7nNTKr Channan alt Warnor, CEXER AL l'OMMIs$io MCUCHASTS wiioireti.K a rriL Uoal. n Iu Dry CooN, Cloiliiiii;, litr,lie.irt. Crock fryAU$ttart, Jitvl, Shoes, J'aintf, j,h, ,f., lalh-ir lire-proof Brick M, aTatir, ORKUOM CirV, UilKiJoN. .s. aoatai-a. a. cwnut. a a. ttooaa iiuit::Ts & co., uueu.kt. tB4 nrir, MAR ISLE MAXTLKS, TABLES, Counter ToJlt, Fir, Finders, Grates. ILarOi ttoKes, and Slryt, ALSO . BUILDING STONE. OF ALL DE SCRIPTIONS, Bhepoa Fronl al., 1st, Uot alxvetks Bri.lra.' J, JAMS, Jreerved fruits, breamed fraiu, t Removal! Removal! Removal! IV. ihTowiy M1AKICH thla method of Informing Ilia fficoJa X and Ike public generally lhal ha HAS UK MOV ED 10 a house naarly Opj)tite las oM Stand, where be hu commenced business willl liia bro ther under Ilia el) le uf Drown fc Hrothcr, who w.'ll alwaya be happy lo wail on Oin'r ol.l fneud and customers iu Ilia way 0 allowing iheiu Goods of the Very IJust Quality, which, hav'ng Ixen bmiglil low In fan Frane'aeo, lliny art- ablu l aril ekrap ton In mill in I'tilland. We will alo emiiaiiily n-eeive Goods by Every Steamer. Their aloek eoii-i.ti of ALL KISDS OP Freni-li, Kntfli.b, American, furniture culicoa, giliilbaina of all colon, all wuol anil hlf wool de Uin-, French, Kii;lilii a Aincrit 111 mirinoa, alpacna, a Ik wnr-li d, all culura, all wool and lilf wool n.'ai.ln, aiik a woollrii lia l. ai gle or d'ble, i rr) ' ulylu of drcM gnoda, Ciii'limriea, vlvru, biix-ya, browu 4 blrat'lied heeling, janr, oil cloilia, I null linni, aillfa, rumbrica, SILK ASP VELVET IIOSSLTS, acarfa, aleevea. chemiwilea, edging, ribboua, h.lkli, glnn-a, bM ry, need nn, lioolm, a) , perluniery, huiroil. boola, uliiirii, rubbora, hala, cai, GENTLKM UX'S 9 OF EVERY DESCRll'TtOX, ten a aack 4 frH k cool", ruglana, liilinna, jacket, veali, panla, cravnta, iiuvahirla, rullara, drauer, 1111 leratiirla, eaulira, ovrrliaula, and all kind of India-rubber clothiiijr. uucordeoni, J 25 '3 J a Ui 21 , D It A V I ! L E T S , Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, bealilea a validly of ollir nrliclei loo nu'iionria lo mention iu un udveriieinoii( of reaoimble IrriKi h. Our main obj el by Ihia uolic-- m lo in foilil the public Hint wo are bound In fell guoila aa lowiia lliey cjn Ih- buU'-bt ill I'orllaud, and 110 mitake. If Ihia ia doubted, we huve only lo uy I call and lify youraclvea. Lid eaaud geuile- I m-n will nlwiiyabs wclcooio, find will be wjited on Willi proinplnex. Tutho I'lirmera we would any, Look tor the si'gn of DROWN 11ROTUER, and don't leave lawn till you give lie a call. ALL KISDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN in txekoHno Jor Coorft, Oregon Cily, Ocl. 2!l. Jcw Attraction! E. LA P OR EST "TTfOl'I.D iiifnrin Ihe ciiinena of Oregon Cily 1 V and A'ii inily ill il he iulenda keeiiiiu a ecu- erul aupply of ewr,l)iiii iu Ilia Dry - Goods. Grocery, Crockery, and Fancy lino, B"d w!ll be happy to rec hi oid frieiidaenll npnii Imil. and will prumine at alimna to aell lliein gol aa cheap na any oilier house iu town, in mono bfinir .Small Profits and Quick Ketums. We would also say to lha (Iho boncnud einew of Ihe land.) we inten.l keen. inir evi rylliing yon mnv reipiire in llie f.Voreri, (Vocieiy, Walking, Drij UmJi, Ihinttaml Skit line, etc , ull ell we uIKt ill audi iircee 11a will be autn-faclory lo you. We nlo ih lo 1 .vlimie our g.mla for produce, and will ijive you aa Hi'" li lor il na Ilia niurket nll'iink Co n an ,y let. )o nol forget Hi.- place, hill ..k for the ign of La Forest ,J- Huron, and ilien come iu. Wo would any lo llie Ladles (God Bless You!) When jou with n ii.rri,,r article of diem gomla or fancy arllclea, do not In, I lo call upon La ii IIacu.v, w here ynu will alwaya lin. I Ibeni, and will receive their grateful Miuiike lor your i.l ronage. Yo 11 11 rr 11 i 11 m m ( Future Hope of Oregon, ) lure ia lha pLiee lo supply ynureelvea willl a supe rior article of uloihiiu 111 which 10 Get .11 a r r i c (I! and. nler ynu are married, lo ! ET YOUR OUTFIT FOR IIOUSEKEEP1XG. COME AMI .SEE US! Come 0110 and all, both young and old And ece if we llie I r ill Ii liuvelold; ' Here ielhe place lo prnd yourciirh, And gel god goo. I. imiir.ul 0f trash. Oregon Cil), Jan. I, KS..9. ALL KINDS OF Black-smUhiuq Do.NE AS WELL AS WE KNOW TO in J IT. AT TIIK HOW OPPOSITE THE f.VO.V MEAT MR KET, OREUOM CITY. March 5, lSi!M7 K. X. WOKSIIAM. iiit.i.i:v .1 iu:i:s POIITLAXD. OREOOX, Hxai-rarTvataa axd laroaTKse or CALIFORXH. AMER1CAX ,j- EXGLISII SADDLES, Rnetf. Carnage, and Team llarne,,. Br, J!,, -U,l.a5. s. Ulp., Lua lUCeer. ' IS.tnkef, Curry-eomht, F.y-.Sett, Brothet, and Cirriagiea. SlILERY IIK!nVARE California Said'.,. Tree.. Stirrop., J tU i j, . , e baoJs kept at a Jiret.Ut, ettaklukmeat. I Work made to order. saJ rrc.'r.r. J..- ;.v care and aa reasonable tenrus. tT kop aa Froul slreel, between WsiJi nr'ea Al,ir- aep 4, 'ii VUTUIXU TO WEAR. ...I Haandw-if.:., OMEQOX CITY BOOK STORE. jVcw Gold IS OltKGO.V CITV. "En''lo lioot ami Shoo Store." J. M 0 O X K V II AS juat relumed from r.lifornia with a LARUE STUCK OF Boots and Shoes, which ha will m!I CHEAP FOll CASH. WHOLESALE Oil IIETML A7o, a imaUafoilmeiitnf S.'io'mi!.rri' finilwgt. lie mlicila Ihe pil ruling "f iho p.-nil of lin. cily nod llie public io if -nnl. IJemg eniirely ile. n;e.lo lha IkoiI and alioo l.uni", ha mil keei eoi.a'auily 011 hand a lin.- airtueiil of ludnaand griil'e urii'a Hear, of all M an I ' I-'- (.ai'iea. give ma a call b.f'ira pur. any where t'.tm. )o n . I fnrS' l Ihe doon b. low Gib on'a SalMiu, ill the iti-w building 6'oine one, roin all. IkjiIi great and amall, free ma a call, f r I liuve Smu and li'- In In ou all. My mono i. Small p-ntil mil q k returnc I alio kiep Miller'a and .Mimjii a lli.tcxi.tu for M:. Jan. v"J, K;!). AND HARNE3S-1MAKIITG, ontmox city. T AM now carrying mi a r'mlilVi'e and liar X nea iiniker'e liou in lb: cit; , and have con alantly uu hau l llie b l of lvcaly-inalc liaruo., si'ldlc"1, v (11cm, lialtci-s, martingiils, and everything iu my line. I nm abo ready lo inalia lo order iiiivilim in my line lUt moy be v illed for, ui a abort notice. .My moiio in, Make a L'lMid article, uml ell it cheup. I tolicil p.iiiuu age ul Imnie and from ubroid. My elublihuiHiil ia nearly nppiaiie Channan Si Wuruer'a Uld riuud ou .Main alreeL J. tiCIIIIAM. April 2, H:.0. 5 1 mil 'PIUS ia Miuply llie fermented juice and llie JL dMilled juice of tbe Ciili.ornia drupe, judi ciously neilicaled Willi I'eruvi.ui liuik, turkey rliub.irli, juniper beniea, nifl oilier vegi-tiible re m. diul agenia, kkd idly enuiliined, and in aueh uiiiiuie uml exact Miiautitics its to coitituto a mull or liuuieij).rhio il've of en h rrue ily ; U1iel1 when comb lied form uu innocent, liiirui less, el uelive, louie, ulei;ilive, knli-.lipeilic, uiurriie, iinii-ieur le, an I sell li ve oeivr.ig-, iileaa- u 11 1 In the tiislir. The inventor, iu cullin? die attenlioii of the publin (epeeiully llie CiiliLirni iiH who know llie ec. I'ence of llie California trope) lo lliese prep arations, does m Willi pride and confidence ; pride in provuiK the excellence uf our unlive Urnpn, and co'ilidencu in Ibeir reined ul virtue, ad.ipted for llie I'nlloiviug di.euse: Dypepoin, lihl'grotion, Lntt of Appetite., IU 01111 Cumtipiiliun, Aeitlili o, or Suur Sttimnch, internet of the Kidney, Cincrl, Dimrdereof the I'riimiy Orgnm, Remittent and Inter mittent Ftrert, Freer Ague, Xrrromiierii, Weak net. Vsliitity, Drii nr.M of t,'ie Skin, or leinl of Perspiration, Paint in the Stum UjweU, CkoUc, Ditenteru. (-.. .tc. arA ( The roirielor does not pretend llmt hi Medi caled Ciilil'oniia Wine un.l lir.iudv i a " wonder oruoiii ucie 111 nii iiie.u wieuce, hut appea a In uie com. 11011 m-ii.hc 01 llio pu ilio, un.l be iloni not livxliie to nvuw that he knows fruiu ixpiri.nce that llie ined.cinea iu thin, llimigh mih!I iu ipiiin lily, will ul'icii ell'cct a cure in uniue of Urn di. e.iaea ennmeruled, when mine violent and power fill reined en have In le.l iu their ii'iieel. ir those ilrinkin- Iquor oulv ill the morning or hefoie hreukl'.ial, would find lha llraudy am deliliilullv ou lha nerves mid atoinach, keening the bowela regu'ar, tVc. iS An a general beverage, il in pi, asunt lo the tale, slightly. xiilitrnliiig.perfeoil htinuleKi.and gives the weak and feeble a feeling of Ik ull II mi l strength. Ibis eerlificate of nnalvai made by X. Ucul, Auu'ytieal and Muiiufaclur iiuCbemisi, lionton: I do hereby cei-ufy ,, uf r ,, ,, cireful anallie:il cvainiuatiou of lite Calif.irn.n nie und IiiuiiiH, u.uniif .cluied by Dr. James L rar.iiur, iu older to uaceiiaiii ii eniiip.a.iii.111 und quality, I Ii 1 ve, after vurioua cxpeiimeuM. l J i me lo.iowmg re.-ull: J lie wine is of very j aireeiihle iate, liifhl color, and "I ureeuble annua, I l.l. volatile od 'Mil, i uu 1 CvinsisM 01 rap . 1 . ir U 3 loiiieucl .,.,, c-oloruig maiur ulc diol 9 bl. water 73-III, bi-lurli lie of ptasia 0-U7, sul puaie 11 pe.iassia U-I.i, salt U-M ' , , , T. X. HEAL. It can be taken by ihe mnel ihhcale of either se. and iu inuderaiMi by clii.drcu. ir Sold by all reapeetahk- Dmcgista an.llim cers iu the l'mi. Siaies, fall 'oriiu. 011. 1 Oregou. Pait-a Si per buile; ii iiil.a for iD l'criox TO TIIK I't BLIC. jf,, , nu, , ,t. .inii, of the nL.iiaiure 01 James !. Faiuar, M. D., is paste l .round the ueek of tbe baile U..,.i, Aeeuis-cKiiWHI.L A- CIMNF. r.VI.U i WllllK. sol l;viiiv,:-'r..v" . ia Fron.'tMro lltivmr.l a'... 1 nVCLOPKDlA of ..lern r.rel..d ttlr"". ,fhr'' ,YMN' l!"ve on IbeXorih " al coast for a.ile at lha CI I V BOOK STORE wmm mm Imam f" . -,1: ay-'V,-- t . .--. v..:. ' fmmm iiiiijiiiii BIHiM Tbo riscat TUKNCII e.nfeel.o,w, wh lm . X riolMlsqs, molto. roam. .... ,.. .. roeke.a.S,Ac..t . "w i'ev.Jt, VliAJTUX d aXXXEV. JIiues!m Gi Ai A3A M, Vlttu, - - a ..,aPk H)iiriMrtrel (or Waier-I.arej IF AVINU loc.iiedat Mm. aTaaTa We ahull be happy lo attend lo call, bulb in town ,l f.MiiirfV. .WIN WF.KD will tfive apee'al alleiilion to Oil V TE TR IC S, and diaeaae peoui ar 10 omen aie! cliiiilreii JjT We m.iko no oo f diuga, but rely eiiliro. tv utMii kuiftin anoliitnett. I'm. 'ii.4t a di.iaiM-0 n-Hed on reaaon.ible lerini 'i'li.-y may be eon.ull'd panwn iliy r uy leiier, ' .May 7, 1 "ill. STOVKS, STOVES, At Portland Prices ! S. MILWAIN, WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DKALEB, Main Hlreel, oppwilo llie U.8. Hotel, ORECOS CITY, I M POUT Ell OF at 100K, Parlor, and !! Kiove, Tin. r-heel ion, an I ('npH-r, 1'lam.lieJ uml .lapannro Ware, llouae-fiirii th ng llardwnre. hone ami Li t I'ump Kubber ll'e. Ilydruiibo Kama, l-ad I'me. Slieel Ziuo, Caul. Iron helllea, llruaa Kel le, Sk lie! an I lUke Uveim, Cow Delia, Sauce Tan., ii.o., Ac. A:, MANl'FACTL'BKR of Tin, Copper, and Sine! Irou Ware, of every decnplinn. Mi amboat and Jobbing work done at Die low en raiea. ailfiy asaaao'jf'arara AMU PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, O'ioife 6'ro. Alicrnethy Co.'t Uriels Store, OKEGOX CITV. rilllE uiideniiiriie.1 are prepare. I ta hike like. L neae, audi aa Amljrotypw, Mclalnotypes, Tho- torujjlis, or PICTURES O.Y PAT EST LEATHER, Mailable for lending in lettert, all of which will he executed in tho LATV.ST AND M' HTYI.l' AXU ON SHOUT NOTICE AND IttJ A SOX ABLE TERMS. RO ITS and LOCKET I'lCTUKES Uken very low. Cull and examine our picture, nnj judgo fur youreelve. K00111 opmoile Abernethy & Co.'a brick 'tore. IJOLLAiMJ Si OAV. June II. IA.',!). BOOT AND SHOE STORE. OH EG OX CITY. jr. 11. n Ij x vi E d TITOU I.I refpectfully inform his old friend v T and llie pub; 10 generally that lie ia uy hiuitelf ouce more, and liaa now on hand A LAIIGK A.D WfcLL-SKLKCTKD .STUCK Of IJOOTS AND SHOES, , wlrch hu will sell on Iho inoet reanonablo term. MAKIXG AXD REPAIRING- will alill ba done lo order, on I ou Iherhortest no tice. Wtter-proaf Pnle D'a'ling kcpl un hand. On-unii Cnv, Nov. 6. s.",s. JOIIX W. CULLEX, Front ttrrtt. foot of Commercial Wharf PORTLAND. OREdOX, MAXl'FAlTl'KKIt und WHOLESALE lt ltetuil C'o:nniiKf iuli Deuler ill all kinds of Saddles, 15riillcs, Trunks, California ami Oregon Saddles, Vtilisos, nnd every dcaeripliou of and Saddler's Hardware. A?eut for the sale of Aduma's California Sad-dle-Tne. All kiml of Trunk and Vulisca made to order. Repairing done with ncntnese and di,-pu!cli. Coneignmtnti of Goods SoiicileJ. N. B. I am selling off my old stock at reduc ed rates, und will lake iu e.idian--e either eash inrrcb. nimble produce. JOHN W. Cl'LLKN. lulv 2, ja-.'-.'m BOOKS! BOOKS! J CST HECEIVKD. nl Ihe CITY ROOK- UiE, a large aiasirlinent of B O O K d, COXSISTIXO OF Standard Ueligious, Miscellan eous, and Poetieal works, "Waverly and Dickens's Nove! tve, &c, &c. Stationery, of all kinds, etc. Oregon City, Apl 30 1. A. POST MUSIC! yE have on hand a largo assortment of MUSICAL IBISSRUPJIIllVXS OP ALL KINDS, embracing Ihe following! khuts ittclo&cons a large iissorlmenl, of the following kinds; Nine 5 octave, piano-eased, To 5 do. do. double-reeded, One 5 da do. double bauk. One 6 do. do. Two 5 do. portable. T. (ilLISK flT ifc CU.'S CELEDRATED besides a large assortmeut of Gltitai' M Aceordeons. Clarionets, Flutes, a axzm J. A. POST, Oregon Cily. Apl 9. At th. City D,k Store. SIAGIAG BOOKS! Xcid utc of 2ion: J 1ST received, 100 of ll.a X,w Lu of ZlOO. 8l- JOHX A. POST. .Notice. TIIEondrined beg respectfully lo inform ,11 part indebted to th, m in Iheii Hcron Cite 1 looks, ihal. -a l tna.lhey h.iTeauihonie.1 Aaoar llotsai Km 01 Oregoa C ity, to eWc, J ,irt 1 1 ALLAN. Mr KIN t AT 4 Ca. "'i ssmer nisnm. ,n iw TJ. S. MAIL LINS. Ort'ion Cil'j mid J'orltuud Dmhj Porta, ""Li - Jennlo 0rk, pKizl. 'u,l" '" Maali'f, Will run daily. (Kuinlayscccpled,) In ' aUvi-. named trade, leaving OHgon C.t, ev.r, day at 0'cl.k, .. Itelurm.iK. will leave l orllaud at 3 r.N., muching at all inlciimdioU-pom a. fur freight or passage apply iw b.mid. Daily Xiine Between Portland und Oreyon Cily. mil E new slern-wheel slealiier I EXPRESS, SiAjel-s 1 . u.... II ,.i,r. will run betwaeu I'urtlond und D.egonCily daily tuinlaja ewiled). leae. U,3 I'OU I'LAXU at IU a. at., and "''''J' CITY at 4 r.11. Jul' U. S. MAIL LINE. Porllnnd mitl Aalorla. The Snb ndl.1 Hieomer TZZU.l Multnomah ivrr-.a-ii TTTILL eonlinue lo run regularly between 1 un V land and Astoria, rio Vuncouver, TWit a a witKa.leoviug I'urlland oil Monday awl Thursdny f .uch week fur Asloria s and Astoria fur I'crlland on Tuesday and Friday mornings, touching Vsacmvaa.ST. liittr. ns, i;iira,i..Tii LJlT.T,i)CO..eacll way. rorireigniu. K"-"B anply lo It. IIOYT, Master, jelU Oral Iloyt'a Whiiif-bont, I'orlland. Titno. WF. IMOIIHELD, X WATCH-MAKER. li Person desirous of g. Iliug giMal work done will do well to give 1110 a cull, as my whole lime i dc d lo llie repulriug of Clirouomeler, Lever, Dupb x, and llorimntal wuiclies. An assortment of fine Lnghsh WATCHES, nt also Jewelry oil baud. CLOCKS, wiib weights lo lliem. ma. Is tuord. r. mid reniiired. Pricea In suil the times. I am thankful for past r iVfiffH. h ii fl Imikio ifiveautikfaciinii iu fuliire. JJ- Loi'Uled al Ihe old aland, opposite llie Tel Office, PRECOX CITY. fro f aaeifsrLn iAal OrilaVJ It F, M 0 V A L . g 1:011 (.-1: c. ali.i:h, TX busnesa in Will l. for the pu-l Iwrnly two I veui-a. has remove. I 10 .. I ! IsrulKI wiiv. one door nelow Canal al , u lieio be hu just opened a new slock of Watches and Jewelry of entirely new and beautiful styles; aln, SILVER AXD PLATED WARE. He ia constantly receiving Ihe luteal style of n und jewelry by every aieamer direct fioin Ihe mauuiuctuier iu Europe. Watches cleaned un 1 repaired in the best man ner hv Ihe finest London nnd Ueueva workmen. ;i::OKOE C. ALLKX, Importer of Watches nnd Jewelry, mid munuliicliirer uf Jewelry, walch else, and silver ware, wholesale nnd retail, 415 llroadway, 0110 dour below Cuuul strict, At' IV YORK. P"'y For Sal9atth9 Cli'Y ECOK STCEE rpllE following w orks L Magic StulV. hy A. J. Davis; lirenl Iron Wheel, hy J. P.. Jruves vol.i., by Harriot Ucecher Stowe ; The Home Cyclopedias, of the World'a Progress, Useful Arts, " Europe, " tieornphy, '' I'iue Arts and Literature, " Iliograpby.Ae. Oel3. Baptist Book3. TT JT. EXPECT by nextmuilsleameraqnan W tity of llie Amercun llupiisl Publication S..-ietv'e ll.s.ks, consisting of Fuller' Uoiks, Dtiuvau'e do., The Piilmist, pocket, pew, und pul pit aes, an. 1 11 variety of oilier works. ttewillautte Hint we intend lo keep n coin- lete aworluient of the S.s'iely'a bis.k. Orders for single hooka, or hy the ipiuuliiy, will be promptly Klled Churches und librur'.ea furnished al the lowest pricu. JUH.N A. rosr. Oregon Cily. Aug. ?l. lS.i1. PIoics and Wagons! Blacksniitlun of all Kiudd done to order. KEEP always on hand STEEL PLOWS, warranted to iconr and do as rood work as I any 01 here in the St.ile. I eun also furnish ynu with H'.16'0.S. I can always be found at'inv shop, opposite MeKniluy's, ready lo aline your borsea, or lo unytbuig lu- llie line of mv hnsiaeas. Coll oud see. J. W. LEWIS. Oregon Cily, April 16, 18,'i9. ltf Great Inducements mm lafosest's. "tTTE hike Ihia mctrrnd of infojirting Ihe pob f T he that we believe it best fur min-haser and eeller that A'O CREDIT be gircni we therefore commence nil entirely new system. W. will nol evil our goods on uny other terms than for 1 Cash or Country Produce. 1 mve a large stock of GOOZJo conslstitlg f GKOCEIIIES, LADIES' FANCY GOODS, 3Lax.Tfcr . txufxstm-asst BOOTS .J. SHOES, Crockery, Glassware, Hardware. Now listen to us for a moment or two While we use otirclForlain convincing you I'liat paying cash down for whatever ou get In better Ihau buying goods ou a credit. You will find hy reading our aHeeiam.,.,i That we purp-we soiling fur .at least ten per cent t heaner for cash thnti u A..u .: This is certainly better, the buyer will liurj. Here ledire can ud all Ihey may require, r rom fine s:!k drcssei lo plain bonnet wire ; I he eentlemeu also can here be rigged out W 11b Hue doe pants, treat, shirt, and a coat. Tha farmers also should here come and see If we have not got eood sugar audeo.fee, Tea. rice, starch, lobacco.aalt, and soap, iNails, cup andnaucera, salaralua, and rope. Come farmers, try ua. and then you will see It we do not do just as we airree : M e promise lo sellgoo.le at prices below ith freight only added, which i. rurhlv'oi ..'III vouknow. r"f'VT.?afor'tjnat where we reside, -I A. W hue-, lick Store on ,(,. ea ri3, . La toml Si Bacon ti,u ..,.. c ' Our mono, small urofii. k, . ..; L r uie, loiuru. u. i..e on your cash, your eg,. .nJ yo, butter, And 1111 Mreiaine-don't r. .1.. l 1 All m..ebtd too., you comealoni, too, I he eash we are nwtm OaauoaCrrr Mai M ibi rra.iL- . I ll'r'nerli p heretofore eilsling bet.een ,, ,"' Albrif lit and John Kppimrer. in th. du clier biuuu. WM diss,ed thai day by mu tual consent. The subscriber Will settle up ,h, business of the late firro V CHARLES ALBRIGHT. Oregon Qiy, Julr as, IS.S9. )fiir J I" ST received, the tie ,tsl, ,( . , 4, . BONNETS. Lcehor. in.) "."fl" ALNSWOBTil St DIERDCRFf! PAPER WAHEHOui; I'M NnnaoHie kircti, m . SAN rRANCISCO. IOR 8ALK 19,000 rt-uiite Printih,, 1 pap, r 1 3li l- 3 lxdH-3a4 09 '?8 2,000 reams Finn and superfine 1'ook Pupcr. 84x38-10 lb, 44 lb., 4d lb., and 50 lbs, yv.w Axn vixv. noon. iuH, LigktUdy'l celebrated Xeits and Rook Ul, Ju kega and tins, from 1 to lUulb. packapa , prloler'a Card aa '.ar HtH. Cohen's ami Hmllli St, Petera' cards and'.. 1 boards of every style and quality. traw A Manilla Wrapping rper Double Crown Palm Straw iu bale of 13 ream Single do do aSfceroJ Manilla Taiier. 15x20 18x27 3ux3oJaj. ii'.oi;iii,i.'ii:jii .,.,... ...:.i. MVa HV .. - - ' - , -wjnnvi H.tlVIV. Medium, Demy, Flat Caps, Folio Post nnd Letter Papers. A large assortment of drew and Plalaar 4 Smith's Ledger and Writing Papers, by lbs tum or ream. GEO. J. BROOKS 4 CO My 'M 14m3 Clackamas County, Oregon. . HIS school la situuled un a delightful ltn lion of land, just lime mih aouib W Or City, lialhree lernis for the year will too,, nee aa followa: lat term, on the first Monday rcptciuher ; l, on Ihe third Monday of N, Vliuber ; after which there w ill be a vaeaiisa af two weeks, when llie third term will comrutaM, Each lenu will oouluiu eloveu weeks. tACVVTt. lev. E. Castwrioiit, Principal, and Profciaarsf Matlieinalie un I Niitunil .Science. . A. White, 'I'eucber of English primary ilaaifj Tl'ITIoM. cletlleineut must invuriubly be mado iu adraae fur tuition, at the following rales: Iu 1st and -Jii Iteiulera, and I'r.mary Arilh., f00 ' Praelieul mid Higher Arithmetic, English (iruniniiir. (.eogruphy, Writing, ito., (Of ' Higher .Miillifinulics, iut. Pliilosophy, llu ljitiu, JI.UU extra for euch branch. ai.utnitm. Extensive arrangements have been made. it'. riliK Ihn summer, for llie cuterlaiuineut of alg. dents, at the resilience of the Princiuul. Tabu expenses mid rooms, per week, rJII.UU,'Kca. No sludent will be allowed a seat for a lessiiiu than half a term. Any one haviuir paid, wisliiar lo vacate a sent Ihe luat hull of th term, ailk have one hulf the money refunded. I rofanuy und the use of tobacco ansitivelv fsr. bidden ou the premises uusm. Gniliiitoiia inslriictioii will be riven to aclsMia. vociil mus e, Auir. 27. 1819. ROl-SI. a. HVILIT.. WILL ART 23TTB IHON WORKS, OREGON CITV. TTT beg to inform Ihe public of Oregon anal T Washington that we huve completed ear :nTsU:m-a:jaei--ejri) BOILER, PATTERX, BLACKSMITH, AXD MACHIXE SHOP, and are prepared to build boilers, Knpinrs, Grill' mills. Sawmills, and ull other kinds of machinery Our bnninesa- connection with the Kailrra Slates tho great convenience of our locality Ihe auperiority and iniiiib. r nf our inuohinea titer use of wnirr power instead of sieum, and the per' fict knowledge of ull branches of our bushiest, will enable ua 10 compete with California. Inviting Iho public to give us a call, and lo fiver ua with their palrcnnitre, we promise 10 execute Iheir orders ou Ihe shortest notice, and At Jraii FrauciM'o Price, A. ROSSI & CO. Jim 19, 15..8. 0yl Machine-mado Horse Shoes rpilETUOY IKON AXD XAILFACTORV, -L nt Trey, N. Y. bore Henry Burden's Im proved Horse-Shoe Machinery now in successful operation nnd are prepared to execute orders for HORSE and MULE SHOES of auy weight and pattern, at a n iee but little above tbe price of Mm so shoe iron. The quality of the imn usei! in these shoes ia warranted iu every respect. These shoe have been approved of, and un now used by Ihe V. 8. Government, exclusively, aa also by niauyofth principal stage and omnibus companies and Inn ehoers in the country. These shoes can be pur elafsed through the principal Hardware and Irsa) storei in llie United States. Orders nddresse'l to the subscriber at Troy, fl Y. will receive prompt attention. WM. F. BURDK, Agtnf. Oct. 9, f$5fi-y. Protcctitro Vniotv DIV. o,53, N. K, P.UMellllcoufi'iiiWJr' oration in SALEM, 'f hoae fuydfb4 U the objects of (he " Union,'' living within tradiof range in Polk, Linn, and Marion counties, will please make kuown the same, by lellcr W other wise, though they feol unprepared lo Invest Wck now. Payment of stock hereafter engaged aiay ka made condiiiPUHl that ten Ihousnnd dollar oj11" cribed the coming year, in all, mahinj nfleea thousand. " Hard times" are upon ua, but ihia ia C"' additional reason for freeing labor from the flMfls less ln of epeculutiun. Wu. I' Plum i p'nnn i.i . Pohtek, JDirectara.' W tl,LI HuNAUAM, J Salem, June 4, 1859. lea "Island Mill Flour. f pHOSE who wish to (ret the GENUINE ISLAND MILL FLOUR, wit! pleaee call at the Mill, at Channan & Warner a, Oregon City, or at Allen & Lewis'a, Portland, aa lha oceaeV handed Islaud Mill aacka have been bought ap hf certain iudividuala, and refilled with inferior floaft A. J. CHAPMAN. Island Mill, July 23, 185!). Jitf JYotice IS hereby given to all those who wish lo havw their AVCOUXTS COLLECTED, aa4 are willing lo patronize me, that I am constantly oa hand, and will devote my entire time and ea ergy in attendiug lo the same for them. I pledge myself to do as good bard dunning a can be deae by any one. and il tint will nm hrinr the aeed. fnl, I will send my friend Pirraaao.i on a visuia tour (wiih a ' come-an.l-e me-quickly ). GeBtt tare your shoes mine are at your service. ........ ,re mocrate. If .Vlia atfatttl i am am J in 11 aHJ eil Dubois; new teagoa-tko'p. - J. M. BACU.v. r. Oregoo City, Sept 17, 1S59. S3w6 Smnt ia Wheat. TO THE FARMERS OP OREGON I ?OV that have SMUT ia wheat, will fiaalit 0 -- much to your advaotae ta thresh year wheat before or after it kmt gom t irewgi a ease", a a grct deal of ihe amut will be prevenled trm getting 00 the graia. A. J. CHAPMAX, Wand.Vl'ljJuly 13, T 9-5?. I5tf